This is the website of Super Smash Quest (And its MANY campaigns), which were all Science-fiction-esque IRC pen-and-paper RPGs hosted in #supersmashrpg.
Contained on these pages are the data of the current game and its predecessors.
January 29th, 2017
I got the System updated again. It takes a lot out of me to update the system since that's not usually my forte, but it's a new thing I've been doing in an attempt to make this upcoming game more fun to play, at least with regards to the hack-n-slash and such. More work is pending too, since well, it's just slowly reaching a state where people can look at it and try it, it's not there yet for being used in full on sessions. But progress is progress.
January 26th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 150: Malicious Machines (SSQ 1 Logs)
January 24th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 26: Welcome to Crazy Town (SSQ Infinity Logs)
January 19th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 149: Absurdity Mountain (SSQ 1 Logs)
January 18th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 25: Empty Bodies (SSQ Infinity Logs)
January 17th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 148: Kuja's Conspiracies (SSQ 1 Logs)
January 16th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 147: Dark Faith (SSQ 1 Logs)
New Data: Chapter 24: Leaderless Lurching (SSQ Infinity Logs)
January 15th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 23: Books & Beatings (SSQ Infinity Logs)
January 6th, 2017
New Data: Chapter 22: The World That Saved Itself (SSQ Infinity Logs)
New Data: Chapter 21: The Incredible Crash Test QBs (SSQ Infinity Logs)
December 25th, 2016
I worked on the system some more... both the one that's for the present, and the one way back there in the Past, if you're feeling brave enough to go there. Merry Christmas!
December 15th, 2016
Still working on the CSS. Still working on the system. But at least there's some progress for you. The new layout shouldn't mess up the cast page or the story non-chapter related things so much anymore. I'll probably continue squashing bugs as time goes on... like the fact I realized I don't have any sub-title things saying where you are atop each page. Whoops!
November 26th, 2016
Hi there. I've begun work on the new system and campaign. And an all new site layout. It's the beginning of the REVOLUTION campaign. System is not done yet, and the site is gonna have some quirks going on while I change stuff, but otherwise, enjoy the new look, and look at the system while you're at it.
November 10th, 2016
New Data: Chapter 20: The Invisible Dictator (SSQ Infinity Logs)