
This is the website of Super Smash Quest (And its MANY campaigns), which were all Science-fiction-esque IRC pen-and-paper RPGs hosted in #supersmashrpg.

Contained on these pages are the data of the current game and its predecessors.


March 28th, 2015

New Data: Chapter 219: ELECTRIFIED SALTWATER (SSQ 1 Logs)

March 26th, 2015

Updated the story and cast pages so they wouldn't freak out at the addition of a new Season.

Hope to do some more work on this site itself, now that I've got my logging caught up a bit.

March 25th, 2015

New Data: Chapter 218: Continual Crustacean Combat (SSQ 1 Logs)

New Data: Chapter 217: Mental Illness Theater (SSQ 1 Logs)

March 23rd, 2015

New Data: Chapter 216: Danger Canyon (SSQ 1 Logs)

March 22nd, 2015

New Data: Chapter 215: Interminable Intermission (SSQ 1 Logs)

March 21st, 2015

New Data: Chapter 214: Ruinous Sins (SSQ 1 Logs)

New Data: Chapter 213: Monotonous Monster Melee (SSQ 1 Logs)

New Data: Chapter 212: Dangerous Ruins (SSQ 1 Logs)

New Data: Chapter 211: Of Puppets and Lizardmen (SSQ 1 Logs)

January 17th, 2015

I'm working on the log system again, nearing completion, I also have some updates for the system waiting and ready to put up soon. Revelation has been in full swing for a bit now, and eventually I want to settle the problem with the site having all kinds of separate CSS themes without really making it convenient to control which one is displayed.

December 25th, 2014

New favicon! I suggest you load it directly if your browser is acting aggravating about it. Click here and ctrl-f5 if needed, it's a Q again as it used to be...

Only of course it isn't a blurry mess because with the help of Darkdata's old icon and my experience in sprite work, this time it's a proper sprited out version of the Q.

November 21st, 2014

Still alive (duh), working on system conversion things. Having a job now of course slows me down a bit, but it sure beats the alternative.

I may also contemplate some more interactivity on this website beyond charsheets. At least, it'd be useful to make this place not so un-updated when I'm busy.

October 23rd, 2014

Still working on the system, some real life annoyances have made my work slower, but I'm still going.

August 23rd, 2014

New Data: Chapter 266: Ruby Friday at Death Mountain (SSQ 1 Logs)

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