
This is the website of Super Smash Quest (And its MANY campaigns), which were all Science-fiction-esque IRC pen-and-paper RPGs hosted in #supersmashrpg.

Contained on these pages are the data of the current game and its predecessors.


June 20th, 2003

The truth has been unveiled... a new dimension... a new system... coming up after Kairn has been destroyed.

June 11th, 2003

Blaugh. Well, here's your REAL update today. NFS4 took up my time yesterday. X_X

June 10th, 2003

Updated character sheets, and a new chapter. Give a hearty welcome to a new face, Metalmallow!

June 8th, 2003

Cleaned up the character page a bit. Should be another mission today. Oh, also inserted my name into the Constitution. Moved old updates to another page.

June 7th, 2003

All the Character Pages are up and running, and another Chapter is due in the Story.

June 6th, 2003

My FIRST EVER UPDATE! Today, I shall bring this site back up to date, but soon, it will be all up to date for season 3. For now, major construction.

April 17th, 2003 (Wolfman)

My major projects have ended, so I can focus on this again. I gave a GM a chance to host a mission, but apparently he can't, so I'm trying to get this one started. However, I can tell that the end is coming...unless something drastic happens, there might not be many missions left.

March 28th, 2003 (Wolfman)

Got some chapters up, and a custom level up taken care of.

March 27th, 2003 (Wolfman)

After a cursed Spring Break and too much homework, I finally took care of unfinished business from a Monstro Town mission. Chapters are next, along with other things.

March 9th, 2003 (Wolfman)

Surprised? Yes, I can update too. Now that I was able to download the proper files, I managed to put up a few updated pages from the previous mission that took place a few days ago. The specific chapter that takes place with that mission isn't up yet, but it will.

March 5th, 2003 (Nick)

WOAH! Someone's actually UPDATING! Guess what? We got a foot of snow over here in the armpit of the universe... and yet those IDIOTS are keeping school open. Not that anyone cares or anything. Just figured I'd point out how STUPID the administration is because WE CAN'T EVEN SEE THE ROAD. Anyway, let's get to the important stuff. First, I fixed a bunch of crap in the weapons pages. Second, most of the characters are updated. Except for the moves you earned, because only Wolfman knows how to do that, and he hasn't told me a dang thing. Third, though the chapters themselves are not finished, I've added the places for each one on the story page. Fourth, and finally, Zio and the Quester Hunters have been removed, but in Zio's place, a new, even WORSE villain has risen. Check it out for more info.

January 25th, 2003 (Nick)

Added a chapter, updated several characters yesterday... the usual crap.

January 24th, 2003 (Wolfman)

Still have no school today, so that means makeup work is emminent (BOO!). I at least took care of the stats from the Mack mission and uploaded the appropriate chapter. Game & Watch has some new items at the store, along with reduced prices. I still wish to have a few more voluntary emails from you Questers before I put up the contact page: I only have about 2, not counting myself. In other news: Zelda Classic is finally getting rid of the beta bugs...just has a few more to fix; the reality TV shows are going to bomb; and my birthday is in 5 days.

January 23rd, 2003 (Wolfman)

It's snowing like crazy in my town today: that means no school! So, I figured I'd toss in a few character bios and do some cleaning up. Remember, I'm not putting up my contact page until I have some people who are willing to be contacted by forms. The contact page is setup so that you Questers can chat with each other, plan to trade items, or ask me to fight someone. However, I require your consent first.

January 22nd, 2003 (Wolfman)

I took care of the missing chapters and updated a few character pages. There is also a Yahoo group for message board and minor chat purposes if you want: it's here. The Smash Dex Entries...I might handle that a bit differently at this point, I don't know; as for the contact page, I wish for everyone who is willing to be emailed for questions, trades, and the like to email me so that I can set it up properly. At this point, I don't think it's possible to make it a passworded site, for I haven't read every single line of topcities's ToS. But other than that, Melee Stadium is back in business!
Late update: Since stronger enemies are wanted, the Questers need an edge. Here come the weapons!

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