Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 106: Tower of Terror



Date: November 27th, 2004.
Yurie (GM): Last Time on SSQ - The heroes had finally collected the Spell and Time Tarots, and were taking a well earned break from the fighting. However, Garrick was interrupted by the mysterious Zozma. Who is Zozma, and what plans do the team have for their next Lord... find out today...
Yurie (GM): Episode 106: Saga Series - The Man from Wakatu.
Yurie (GM): The day dawns in the Kingdom of Magic. The team, having said their good byes to the Prime Adept and making their way down the odd 'staircase' inside the tower itself, find themselves on the main street...
Yurie: "So guys... you want to go on to the next lord, or do some shopping here..."
Metal Man: "Well, let's see how much money I have."
Aribar: "Shopping would be good if I had money, but I don't... Don't need to shop either, really."
Metal Man: "...5000 coins? Amazing." .oO(Heh heh heh...) "Well, I could do with some shopping."
Deloth: "That depends on what they have." *looks around for interesting shops.*
Metal Man: "Yeah. What do they sell here?"
Yurie (GM): There's currently 4 shops open at this time of day: The Potions shop, the Arcane Shop, then Rune Store, and the Talen Store.
Deloth heads into the potions shop.
Metal Man goes into the Talen store because he likes the funny name.
Aribar heads into the Arcane store... Nothing like magic spells!
Metal Man goes into the Talen store and takes a look at what they have.
Yurie (GM): The Talen store is quite large, its shelves filled with all sorts of items and bricabrak: rings, amulets, coins, boxes, crystals, charms, various vials and items of interest... the man behind the counter sits there, looking rather bored in his red robe.
Metal Man: "This place is fantastic! Look at all of the random items!"
Shopkeep: "Hmm? Oh, yes, thank you... is there anything I can get you?"
Metal Man: "Uhhh... what kind of items can improve one's agility?"
Shopkeep: "...We don't have any of those."
Metal Man: "What types of things do these objects do?"
Shopkeep: "They're all offensive items. Toss'em at a monster, and they go off like that." *He snaps his fingers.*
Metal Man: "Ahhh... sounds fun. Let's see... then what types of stun devices do you have?"
Shopkeep: "Well,..."
Metal Man waits while the storekeeper probably rummages through various wares.
Yurie (GM): He walks off, then returns with what appears to be a handful of long, pencil-sized nettles, each one ending in a pin-like point, and a slender length of silk rope, marked with multiple, magic-looking symbols...
Metal Man: "Oooh... those look good. How much for each?"
Shopkeep: "Let's see. These nettles are from a cactuar. They're designed to damage a target and stun them from the pain... And this here is a mystic snare. Toss it, and you'll entrap the target and might keep him ensnared. The nettles are 2000, and the snare is 3000."
Metal Man: "Hmmm... an expensive proposition. I'll take the Cactuar nettles." *puts down the cash.*
Yurie (GM): *Metal receives Stun Nettles.*
Metal Man: "Okay... now to check out the rune store, and I'm off." *He walks to the Rune store.*
Yurie (GM): Ari walks into the large, circular store room. The walls are lined with stacks of what appears to be cards. The faint smell of paper hangs in the air. A young woman sits behind a desk in the center of the room...
Aribar: "Hrm... 'allo there. Could you tell me exactly what this shop deals with?"
Shopkeep: "Hmm? Oh, heh... you must not be an Arcane user. You see, arcane magic is based on the use of magical cards. Most people usually go looking for the gift, but some don't want to take the trouble. Go ahead and look around, see what you like."
Aribar: "Ah... I am skilled in magic but I never used cards. Mainly spellbooks." *He looks about the shop for some electrically-aligned spells.*
Shopkeep: "Well, you probably won't find any here. The spell book store is closed for the time being, due to the owner having gone on a trip. It should re-open sooner or later."
Aribar: "Ah... Well, have you got any thunder cards? Or anything related to thunder magic?"
Shopkeep: "Nah... Arcane magic is all non-elemental. That's why a lot of people use it."
Aribar: "Hrm... I see. Then what about protection magic?"
Shopkeep: "Oh yes! Arcane magic has plenty of that! All depends on how much you wanna spend."
Aribar: "I don't have much... In fact, what is the currency in this place? Coins?" *He holds out a couple coins to show her.*
Shopkeep: "Those'll be fine..."
Aribar: "Hrm... On second thought, I think I should just keep to my own magic. Sorry for taking up your time." *The elf says goodbye and leaves.*
Yurie (GM): Deloth and Yurie are in the potions shop, which is filled, all the walls and shelves, with potions and medicines of all types..
Deloth: "Wow..."
Yurie is already shopping around, picking up things from the shelves.
Deloth looks around for healing potions. He purchases a Spirit Mist. "This looks promising."
Metal Man heads on down the path w/Aribar and Deloth and Yurie.
Yurie follows Deloth back down to the Port, where everyone reboards the Trident..
Metal Man: "Well, now that we're ready, hopefully we can go get the next tarot."
Yurie: "Right... Hey! Captain Prower! Take us to Scrap!"
Aribar: "Ooh... I take it this is our ship?" *The elf says while boarding the Trident.*
Deloth: "Nice."
Metal Man: "Yeah... well, not really. We just pay for it to take us places."
Yurie (GM): The small fox leans over the railing above the main seating area and shouts "Alright!" before leaning back over. The airlock closes as a soft humming is heard. The walls and floor glow, the screens activating as the Trident lifts off... Time passes..until the ship gives a sharp lurch...
Yurie: "Gah!"
Metal Man: "Ack!"
Deloth: "What was that all about?"
Aribar: "Gak! What is happening?"
James Prower: "Grrrrr... we're experiencing some kind of turbulence... hold on everyone!"
Metal Man holds on to a railing.
Aribar: "I never did like flying..." *Looks for something sturdy to hold onto...*
Yurie (GM): The ship swerves off, the view turning sharply as the ship does. A tall, tower like structure, floating in mid air, comes into view...
Yurie is also holding onto her chair, her seatbelt in place...
Deloth is hanging on to his chair also. "What in the world is that?"
Aribar: "No idea..."
James Prower: "I don't know, but we're being pulled toward it... hang on, I'm going to try to land..."
Metal Man prepares for landing.
Aribar mumbles, "If we don't die I promise not to annoy Gibby so much... "
Yurie (GM): The ship slowly comes to a halt on a balcony on the tower, the airlock hisses open, allowing the group out.
Aribar: "Hrm... This place looks slightly familiar..."
Yurie: "Ugh..well... we might as well go look around..."
Aribar (GM): The group walks out onto the balcony. They get the feeling of dread and as if something doesn't feel right. This place just seems to emit an aura of evil.
Yurie walks out, her hand resting on her sword hilt as she walks out..
Metal Man: "Oh great... we've been trapped somewhere demoniac."
Deloth: "This place creeps me out..."
Aribar (GM): The tower has a gothic look and feel to it. There are no windows or openings at all. In fact the only way in seems to be an large old door in front of the Questers.
Metal Man walks up to the door, and knocks on it. "There better not be any ghouls..."
Aribar (GM): No answer. There is a door handle for pulling it open with.
Yurie follows Metal, looking around quietly as she slowly draws her sword.
Metal Man: "...Or teleboxes."
Deloth walks up and opens the door.
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Metal Man is beaten to opening the door by Deloth.
Deloth: "See, the door's open. It's a friendly place. HAH!"
Metal Man: "I wouldn't be so cocky about it..."
Aribar (GM): The door barely opens for the Questers. Its hinges creek as the door opens outwards and a musty and moldy smell exits from the room within.
Yurie: "Ugh... looks like no one's been here for a while... anyone got a light or something?"
Metal Man: "Uhhh... yeah."
Aribar (GM): The light enters the forsaken room within. The only details anyone can tell at the moment is that there is a rotten carpet covering the floor.
Metal Man takes out the stun baton and turns it on. The electricity blitzing from it makes the light of a single candle. "It's not much, but it works. Hellooooo? Anyone in there?"
Deloth: "Don't do that."
Aribar (GM): No one answers Metal's greeting... Looks like the Questers will have to go in to find out what is there.
Metal Man walks deeper inside.
Yurie sighs, then walks inside...
Aribar follows the group for now. He seems to be deep in thought.
Metal Man: "This place is just like home..."
Yurie: "Yeah, but whose home?"
Aribar (GM): As the Questers enter they feel more evil being emitted by this place. This stone room has four doors: the one they came through, one of the east and west walls, and one on the north wall... The north wall kind of looks like a semi-circle. On the floor in the middle of the room is a black scythe just laying there...
Deloth: "That's not a good omen."
Metal Man walks up to the scythe and pokes it with the electrified baton.
Yurie: "...lets shed some light into this... STARLIGHT RONDO!"
Metal Man: "Let's see if it's alive."
Yurie creates a disc of light in her palm, then swings her hand forth and launches it at the sickle.
Aribar (GM): A blood-chilling screech fills the room as Yurie and Metal both provoke the scythe. A wraith emerges from the weapon and while picking up the scythe glides to the back of the room.
Deloth: "We're sorry, we're sorry!"
Metal Man: "Hey, you, screeching person! Come back here!"
Yurie: "Yup, bad sign alright..."
Aribar: "Gah! Now I remember! No time for talking. That thing is dangerous!"
Deloth: "They didn't mean it!"
Yurie smirks, then levels yet another Starlight Rondo at the spirit, then LAUNCHES it.
Aribar (GM): The wraith screeches in pain as the Starlight Rondo pierces its ragged form.
Yurie follows that up, by rushing the thing and leaping upwards, performing a swift right-left kick attack. CRIT!
Aribar (GM): The Death Scythe shakes off the first attack but then gets NAILED by that kick!
Yurie uses the second kick to bounce upwards, then comes back down with a powerful SLICE. CRIT!
Aribar (GM): The slice cuts this ghost in half and ends its pitiful existence.
Deloth: "That was waaaaay too easy."
Metal Man: "Well, so much for that."
Aribar: "... Well, I now know where we're at."
Metal Man: "Where's that?"
Aribar: "I came across this place in my travels once... The Temple of Doom. This demonic temple is a place of worship to any and all dark gods."
Yurie: "...must not be very tough gods..." *sheathes her sword as she lands...*
Aribar: "How it ended up here is a mystery... It is sure to host many more creatures, though."
Metal Man: "Must be hordes of them, then."
Yurie: "Well... let's try one of these doors..." *heads over to the door on the left and tries to open it.*
Metal Man goes to the Western door. Yee haw!
Deloth goes to the northern door.
Aribar (GM): The east and west doors both have regular door knobs... The third doesn't visibly have anything on it to pull or push it open. Just some indentations in the rotten wood.
Metal Man pushes the door in if Yurie hasn't already.
Aribar (GM): Yurie would see that that door appears to be locked. That least the Western door as the only choice.
Yurie shrugs, then jogs over to the western door..
Aribar (GM): The western room is quite plain. the south corner of the room and blanketed in shadows while the northern portion has two candle stands surrounded a slanted altar. There are also piles of bones littered about the room.
Metal Man: "Hmmmm..."
Aribar: "If I remember correctly the key to the next room should be on that altar..."
Yurie: "Um... guys? I think I just saw something move..."
Metal Man pokes the bones with the baton. "We won't find out until we poke everything in this room."
Aribar (GM): A few bones clunk against each other on the north side of the room. When Metal pokes the bones nothing happens.
Metal Man goes to the north side of the room, and starts swinging his weapon wildly. "Come out, come out, wherever you are?"
Aribar (GM): Metal kills the air... No skeletons or anything appearing.
Metal Man: "Hmmm... let's continue." *goes to the altar.* "Let's see what's here..."
Yurie walks over to the altar as well.
Aribar (GM): Yup... A rusty old key is on the altar. Looks like it could open the door.
Metal Man pokes it with the baton to see if it is trapped.
Aribar (GM): Nope. Nothing.
Metal Man grabs the key and heads to the exit.
Aribar walks up to the others. "Hrm... Maybe this place isn't trapped." As Metal grabs the key the door locks and several skeletons sprout out of the piles of bones.
Metal Man: "Yeah... I should have triggered a thousand trap--Whoops."
Aribar (GM): These skeletons are wearing very primitive armor and wielding crossbows.
Yurie: "Oh look at the bone heads... time to bust them up..."
Metal Man: "Club the scarecrows!"
Yurie grins, then rushes Archer A and slashes at him.
Aribar (GM): Hit!
Yurie follows up with a quick upwards slash.
Aribar (GM): It only takes a little damage... Apparently slashing weapons have little effect on these guys.
Yurie then follows up with a point blank Starlight Rondo.
Aribar (GM): It doesn't have many bones left... These things don't like light!
Yurie then turns and leaps towards another skellie, planting her feet on its cranium.
Aribar (GM): Another hit.
Yurie bounces off, flips in mid air, then flings another starlight rondo at it from above.
Aribar (GM): Well, another one bits the dust. Two dead.
Yurie lands, rolls, then hops to her feet.
Aribar (GM): Bone Archer C loads up its crossbow and fires a shot at Yurie.
Yurie ducks under the shot. Miss.
Aribar (GM): The other Bone Archer's arrow glows and fires another shoot for revenge at Yurie. It enchanted the arrow with Metal Cut! Yurie is slowed down.
Yurie is hit!
Aribar (GM): Yurie takes sooo much damage... Oh, she can't POSSIBLY survive... *Cough barely any cough.*
Aribar: "I hate archers... Bolt!" *Aribar aims a shocking spell at Bone Archer C.* Hit!
Metal Man bows, then gets into a karate stance. "KI-YAAAAAA!!!!" He hurls his baton like a boomerang at Bone Archer C.
Aribar (GM): Hi--Nope... The baton goes in between the thing's ribs.
Yurie sighs, then blasts another Starlight Rondo at Archer C.
Aribar (GM): Another super effective hit! It is still kickin', though.
Yurie then follows up with a leaping kickity-kick at its head. Missity miss.
Aribar (GM): Yay! Yurie misses! Err... I mean... Those skeletons look mad. The first shoots an arrow at Yurie's feet... Which then explodes with the Boom spell!
Yurie leaps up and OVER the explosion.
Metal Man: "Don't worry... I'll tear this thing into miniature pieces!"
Aribar (GM): The second tries another Metal Cut.
Yurie: Hit.
Aribar (GM): The undead horror then follows up with a Boom spell. Miss...
Aribar rushes up to Archer C and slashes it.
Aribar (GM): ... I hit for once?!
Aribar follows up with a Bolt on the same monster which just happens to have almost no life left...
Aribar (GM): Wow... Aribar actually kills something! He then goes for a Bi-Bolt Slash on the next monster... Why is Roll being so lucky? I'm scared!
Aribar: "Metal, finish him!"
Metal Man: "I shall." *walks up to the monster, picking up his baton in the process. He throws it at the thing's Ribs.*
Aribar: *THROWINAT'D!*
Metal Man (GM): *BZAP* Also... 'DAZE'D'
Aribar (GM): Err... *OVERKILLED!*
Metal Man stands over the pile of bones in triumph.
Aribar (GM): Their crossbows are there, but they're weak.
Metal Man pockets a crossbow for later.
Aribar (GM): Crossbow: Piercing weapon that deals a tiny bit of damage.
Yurie picks up one as well.
Aribar: "The door is probably unlocked now that we killed them... I suggest we take our leave before more rise."
Metal Man: "Yeah..."
Deloth heads into the western door with the others.
Yurie: "I think so too..." *swallows a mushroom.*
Aribar: "Welcome, Deloth! You missed the fun... We're off to the other door."
Deloth: *sigh.* "Hey, what's this?" *takes a crossbow.*
Aribar: "Eeeh... A crossbow some undead was using."
Deloth: "Could be useful." *heads out to the hall.*
Aribar (GM): Well, with that key the Eastern door can be opened. But how would anyone open the northern door?
Metal Man goes to the Eastern door.
Yurie follows.
Deloth follows Metal.
Aribar follows... Yay! A parade!
Metal Man unlocks it with the key. He then wanders inside with the parade.
Aribar (GM): The Questers find... they find... they find... A room!
Metal Man looks around the room.
Yurie looks around as well, her sword still out.
Aribar (GM): It is quite similar to the other one. Alter on the north side surrounded by candles... EXTREMELY oppressive darkness that seems to dim the entire room to near blackness... No bones, though.
Deloth heads up to the altar.
Aribar (GM): *Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!*
Metal Man watches Deloth.
Aribar (GM): Four forms leap out of the darkness...
Yurie: "Gah!"
Metal Man gets into defensive stance.
Deloth unsheathes his katana and battle stances.
Aribar (GM): They're shapeless balls of shadow with claws separate from their bodies and a transparent tail behind them... They kinda look like Haunters (The pokemon). As you all rush to battle another one appears and slams the door shut behind the Questers.
Yurie: "Oh greeeat..."
Aribar (GM): "This is where things start to get tough..."
Yurie: "You call this tough?" *She sighs, opening up with, you guessed it, a starlight rondo thrown at elemental A.*
Aribar (GM): Hit! Yet again light moves seem super-effective against everything in this temple.
Yurie follows up by leaping towards the thing and slashing at it with her sword.
Aribar (GM): Yup. It hits.
Yurie follows with another short-range light blast.
Aribar (GM): Hits. Still living.
Yurie follows with a powerful SLICE AND DICE.
Aribar (GM): *SLASHINATED!* It is dead.
Yurie turns and levels another Starlight rondo at the next elemental.
Aribar (GM): Another hit.
Yurie then leaps, flipping in mid air, then Headwinds the elemental.
Aribar (GM): Yay! A miss! It uses a crowd favorite... The evil elemental uses Metal Cut on Yurie for a counterattack! Miss...
Deloth uses a Bomb Kick on the Elemental that attacked Yurie.
Metal Man wonders if they cursed Deloth.
Aribar (GM): Critical miss... You know what that means? Counterattack! This one's claws glow with unholy might and strikes out at Deloth! Bah!
Aribar rushes up to the one everyone has been fighting and slashes it. Hit. He follows up with a Bi-bolt slash. One hit...
Metal Man stomps the ground, causing a fissure in the ground that attempts to engulf the dark one who targeted Deloth earlier. He follows it up with a speedy SMACK to the head with the baton at another monster.
Aribar (GM): Metal's first attack killed the first monster he attacked.
Aribar: "Oh, I forgot to mention... Physical attacks may pass through these things."
Metal Man thinks for a second... then punches it with a blindingly bright electric shield.
Aribar (GM): Hit! Maybe I should have made their AC higher...
Metal Man finishes off his combo with another Earthquake. Then he attacks yet again, using a punch of metal.
Aribar (GM): Errr... Err... D'oh... Due to its ghost-like nature the attack phases right through it. First Evil Element tries a Metal Cut on Yurie, who seems the most dangerous at the moment.
Yurie: Hit! Crit!
Aribar (GM): *CRIT!*
Yurie: "Gaaah!"
Aribar (GM): It follows up with a piercing claw stab. And misses... Next one's claws are sheathed in darkness and strikes out with an Evil Slash at Yurie.
Yurie parries the attack.
Aribar (GM): The final one lashes out at Aribar with a Metal Cut. Hit!
Aribar: "Yah!"
Yurie growls, then retaliates on the one that damaged her with a Starlight Rondo!
Aribar (GM): That one is OVERKILLED!
Yurie then steps through it as it vaporizes and thrusts her sword at the next one. CRIT!
Aribar (GM): Ouch...
Yurie nails it with another starlight rondo.
Evil Element: .oO(Evil nightlight of anti-doom!)
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Aribar (GM): It is still kickin'... But it definitely can't survive this barrage much longer.
Yurie then follows with a powerful Slice and Dice!
Aribar (GM): Yet another hit.
Yurie: *slicesliceslice!*
Aribar: *OVERKILL!*
Aribar (GM): One left.
Deloth attacks the remaining elemental with a Flare Swipe.
Aribar (GM): Hit!
Deloth follows up with a Bomb Kick.
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Aribar tries to run up and grab the spectral being. He grabs air.
Metal Man stomps his foot, summoning another Earth Quake at the one Aribar missed. One hit. One miss.
Aribar (GM): Metal gets cut by Metal Cut.
Metal Man is actually hit by the Metal-themed attack. "Hey, you! I'm the only Metal-attacking person here!"
Aribar (GM): The evil elemental hovers towards Deloth and strikes out with Evil Slash... And Deloth gets a counter attack as the thing forgot what it was doing!
Deloth: *UBERMISS!* *drives a flaming katana in a Flare Swipe into the elemental.*
Aribar (GM): Hit!
Aribar: "It looks almost dead. Yurie, you know what to do!"
Yurie grins, steps back, then flings one final Starlight round at the elemental.
Aribar (GM): *OVERKILL!* Questers win!
Aribar: "Whew... Now, if I remember correctly that Altar should hold a special item..."
Yurie nods, approaching the altar.
Deloth follows Yurie up to the altar.
Aribar (GM): A stone doughnut is on the altar!
Yurie: "..." *picks up the stone doughnut...
Aribar (GM): Actually, it is a stone circle with a hole in the middle... Impressions form weird patterns all about it.
Deloth: "Looks like some sort of rune."
Aribar: "That little item is a Seal... We can use it to go to the northern room if I recall correctly."
Deloth: "Awesome!" *heads back to the hall.*
Metal Man: "Ok." *follows.*
Yurie: "Nice..." *follows, carrying the doughnut.
Aribar: "Be wary... The hardest part is surely to be coming up. Whoever warped this place here must still be in the highest part of this tower." *follows the others.*
Yurie nods, walking over to the northern door.
Aribar (GM): On that northern rotten door there is a circle in the middle of it... Looks like the 'doughnut' should fit in and activate tons of tra--Errr... Should open it.
Yurie grunts, hefting the stone doughnut up and sliding it in.
Metal Man shields his head in case rocks rain from the ceiling.
Aribar: *Chink...* The temple begins to rumble...
Deloth: "It's falling down!"
Aribar (GM): The semi-circle stone wall does indeed start to fall down! But the Questers have gotten plenty of warning to get out of the way.
Yurie acks, backpedaling away from the debris.
Deloth runs away from the wall.
Metal Man runs from the wall.
Aribar (GM): The Questers all easily avoid it... Although everything else in this tower must know they're here now. As the dust clears a large circular room with a spiral staircase in the middle of it appears.
Aribar: "... Not much longer. We should reach the roof with this staircase I think..."
Deloth starts heading up the staircase.
Metal Man walks to the staircase, following Deloth.
Aribar follow Deloth and Metal...
Aribar (GM): The staircase is a little slippy from moss but the Questers manage. The stairs look like they continue far above the light emitting from Metal's stun baton. They've been climbing stairs for at least a minute by now.
Metal Man: "Man... does it ever end?"
Aribar: "Not before you feel like you're going to drop... Trust me, it'll take several more mi--Hey! Look! I see a door up there!"
Metal Man: "A door?" *He looks up and continues.*
Deloth sighs with relief.
Aribar (GM): Yup... Sure enough there is a door into the wall not even fifty steps up now.
Deloth keeps heading up the stairs.
Aribar (GM): A platform heads over to it with the steps continuing to head up. The Questers are level with that platform and door by now.
Deloth heads to the door and opens it.
Metal Man walks onto the platform.
Deloth: "Haha, take that, loony mixed-up staircase!"
Aribar (GM): Deloth finds... A lavatory! Even evil clerics who worship evil gods must use the little worshipper's room sometimes.
Deloth: "Good grief." *slams the door shut.*
Metal Man: "...?" *Pauses for a moment.* "Oooookay..."
Aribar: "... Yay! More stair climbing..." *Continues up the steps.*
Deloth keeps heading up the stairs.
Metal Man continues up the stairs of doom.
Deloth: "I'm gonna kill someone soon if these stairs don't end..."
Aribar: "Yeah... My feet ar--Another door!"
Yurie continues to run up the stairs like Mrs. Sonic... catching up to the group.
Deloth heads over to that door and opens it.
Metal Man: "Hey. Welcome back."
Aribar (GM): Why, it is a Walmart! Err... I mean the Questers are back outside on another balcony.
Deloth: "Fresh air..." *takes a deep breath.*
Yurie: "Whew... fresh air never smelt so good..."
Aribar: "We've got company... Look!" *Aribar points to two Death Scythes floating in reach, but off the edge of the ruined balcony. Stairs go up the side of the tower to the close top but a knight in tarnished silver armor blocks the way... A key on string is tied around the knight's neck.* "... We're in biiiig trouble."
Metal Man: "Oh no... more bad guys..."
Aribar (GM): The armored Key Knight unsheathes a huge, shining black sword... Daaaamn that thing looks sharp.
Deloth unsheathes his katana again.
Aribar (GM): Yurie, Key Knight, Death Scythes, Deloth, Aribar, Metal.
Deloth: "I gotta get a Light elemental move..."
Metal Man: "Unfortunately, I have a dark elemental move."
Yurie: "Guys, go for the sickle people, I got the knight!"
Metal Man: "I'll stun the knight."
Deloth: "Roger!"
Yurie pitches one of those light discs of doom at the Knight for an opener.
Aribar (GM): Good news: Yurie hit. Bad news: His armor absorbs the holy energy.
Yurie: "Bleh..." *charges the knight and slashes at him.
Aribar (GM): The Key Knight tries to parry but fails. Hit!
Yurie follows up with a powerful Slice and Dice! Hit. She follows with another sword slash. Hit. She thrusts at the Knight with her blade. Hit.
Deloth: "Keep it up!"
Aribar (GM): ... *Sigh.* Yurie kills it. Two Death Scythes remain.
Yurie turns and blasts a scythe with a Starlight Rondo. CRIT.
Aribar (GM): Hrm... It is still kicking.
Yurie then leaps up and gives it the old double BOOT TO THE HEAD.
Aribar (GM): Still kicking...
Yurie finishes with a Headwind.
Aribar (GM): I mean... Errr... Darn. Yurie misses. That DS looks pissed off... Squall Hit!
Yurie (GM): Miss.
Aribar (GM): ... And the second one tries the same move.
Yurie (GM): Miss.
Deloth attacks the first Dark Scythe with a Flare Blade.
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Deloth follows up with a Bomb Kick.
Aribar (GM): The Flare Blade killed that DS... And the bomb kick missed.
Aribar tries to Bolt the last enemy. Hit. He slashes him! Hit. Bi-bolt slash! One hit.
Metal Man goes after that one with a super-crazy backflip-smashing baton assault! Hit. He continues with a powerful kick.
Aribar (GM): Another hit.
Metal Man then throws his baton at it.
Aribar (GM): It doesn't look so good... Miss!
Aribar: "Lets end this! Yurie, strike that thing down!"
Yurie: "One smite, coming right up!" *raises her hand above her head, summons another Starlight Rondo, then pitches it at the scythe.*
Aribar (GM): *Ova Kill! Waaah!*
Deloth: *victory pose.*
Aribar (GM): The only thing left on the field of battle is the Key Knight's sword.
Yurie poses as well, then downs a High Potion and a mushroom, then picks up the sword and inspects it.
Deloth walks over and looks at the sword also. "Fine craftsmanship, I'll give it that much."
Metal Man looks at the scythes, if there's anything left.
Aribar (GM): The scythes dissipate when the creatures die. The sword is a bit too heavy for Yurie to lift...
Aribar opens his Dex and scans it.
Yurie: "Nnnngh... hey... Metal..think you can lift this?"
Metal Man has almost, but not enough, strength for it. He stupidly tries to pick it up and fails.
Dex: "Onyx Sword. 20+STR Mod Dark damage. Requires a very strong person to lift (20 STR)."
Deloth: "Hmm, I want this thing, but it's too heavy..."
Metal Man: "Okay... I guess nobody can take it home..."
Deloth grabs the handle and tries to drag it.
Metal Man: "Wait... two of us can lift it!"
Yurie: "Yeah..."
Metal Man carefully picks up the sword end while Deloth holds the handle.
Deloth: "Sounds good... oof..."
Metal Man (GM): "Okay... we can run at the enemy with this like some sort of weird slicer..."
Aribar (GM): Metal and Deloth manage to do that. They won't be able to fight this way, though.
Metal Man: "Hmmm... we'll have to put it down during battle."
Yurie looks at the other door and tries to open it.
Deloth: "Correct."
Aribar (GM): There are no doors... But there are steps extending from the tower heading up to the top.
Yurie: "...let's head on up..."
Aribar: "I don't like this... I feel mass amounts of magical energy coming from the top..." *Follows the others.*
Metal Man carefully carries the sword with Deloth up the steps.
Deloth starts walking up the stairs. "Metal, walk out of step with me."
Yurie follows as well...
Metal Man does so.
Deloth: "Good. That makes it a little easier."
Aribar (GM): Once the Questers reach the top they see a familiar foe...
Yurie: "...oh no, not you..."
Metal Man: "???"
Aribar (GM): All of the Questers remember this figure by his skinny frame and purple outfit...
Aribar mumbles... "Orlando Florida..."
Metal Man: "Hey! It's the guy whose wand I stole and transformed into a baton!" *points his baton, and presses a button, revealing it is the Wand of Wonder with electronic additions.*
Deloth drops the sword, making sure his feet are out of the way.
Metal Man: "I wonder why I kept it in stealth mode all the time... it's much cooler this way."
Orlando Florida: "Muahahah! Welcome to your doom! I'm so glad I could see you all... Especially you, Mr. Hunter..."
Metal Man: "It's time to beat you down with your own weapon!"
Yurie: "What are you doing on MY planet!"
Metal Man: "I wonder if you're still weak against it..."
Deloth: "Hello, mister sunshine. Shall we rumble?"
Orlando Florida extends his hand and a large, golden staff appears... This staff is encrusted with gems and glows with magic.
Metal Man: "Wha? You have a staff now?"
Deloth: "Goody, more for us to steal."
Metal Man: "I don't need a staff... yet..." .oO(I'd prefer the legendary sword of Ghahrahah...)
Yurie: "Lemme guess, the 'Staff of Wonder,' right?"
Orlando Florida: "Oh, I just happened to hear that these legendary Questers were here... I remember hearing about them once as well as remembering my informants telling me Aribar Hunter was in their ranks... Yeah, the Staff of Wonder. This staff holds such deadly spells that you cannot imagine them! ... And it cannot be broken! Don't even try!"
Yurie: "Trust me bubby, I can imagine a whole lot of horrible things..."
Metal Man: "Heh... let's see how long you last against this baton!"
Deloth: "Good. Would you like to hand it over now, or should we get it the hard way?"
Yurie: "Most of which I'm going to do to you!" *draws her sword.*
Orlando Florida: "Hmp? Are you that sure? Now, tell me... Are all of you weaklings here?"
Metal Man: "The... Baton of Wonder!"
Deloth unsheathes his katana and smirks.
Metal Man: "Well... no... your lackeys helped us grow stronger."
Aribar: "Grr... Damn you to the Abyss... We have to stop him! Surely he'll help the Quester Hunters if we don't!"
Metal Man: "That'll be easy. I have a secret weapon."
Yurie takes the time to scan him while he yammers...
Deloth notices Yurie and scans the staff.
Dex: *DING!* "Orlando Florida. Traitor to the Protectors of Whaller. Arch Mage specializing in water spells. Fighting Style: Specializes in Arcane magic. Orlando mainly deals with Evocation spells that summon up water and ice-aligned energy. Known to cast Mega Magic in tight situations. Health Percentage: 0/200%. STR: 5. SPD: 11. INT: 30. AC: 15. Defense: 6/2. Spells known: Big Bang: A large explosion of energy. 20% Fire and Earth damage. Mega Magic: The ultimate spell. Known to deal well over White Air: Huge blast of frigid air for 15% to all. Spirit: Unknown. Known Weaknesses: Fire moves. Orlando is also healed by Ice moves. For more information on Orlando's weapon please scan the Staff of Wonder. *End.* *DING!* Staff of Wonder. A weak weapon. Orlando has no skill in using it as a weapon. Holds many spell charges including Mage Armor, Surge, Vivify, and Be Dragon. Mage Armor: Improves Defense dramatically. Surge: Cures all status ailments. ALL. Vivify: 50% chance of reviving a target at half health. Be Dragon:... Turns Orlando into the gravy fairy... Err... A dragon. End of Entry."
Deloth grinds his teeth at the mention of Be Dragon.
Yurie: "Gentlemen, lets go right ahead and smite him painfully..."
Deloth: "You? A dragon? Ha."
Metal Man: *Mock British Accent.* "Geeet 'em, boys!"
Orlando Florida: "And now... Animatus!" *Three altars with orbs on them surge out of the ground and begin zapping Orlando and grant him strength.* "Prepare to meet your doom!"
Yurie: "I don't think so. Guys! Go for those orbs!"
Yurie smirks, then bumrushes one of those orbs and opens up with a slash! Hit!
Orlando Florida: "Gah! You'll pay for that."
Yurie continues with another slash! HIT! She continues her combo with a Slice and Dice!
Metal Man (GM): Hitz.
Orlando Florida: "Damn you, woman! Go back to your kitchens and housework."
Yurie: "...what did you just say?" *Her eye flares as she hits the orb with another slash!*
Orlando Florida: "I said go back to your kitchens!"
Yurie (GM): HIT!
Aribar (GM): It is cracked... But not destroyed.
Yurie continues to nail the orb with her blade. Another Slice and Dice. 42!
Aribar (GM): *CRACK! SHATTER! ... MAGIC EFFECT!* A blast of magic surrounds Yurie. Yurie is paralyzed for a moment... But breaks out of it.
Yurie turns towards Orlandu, gritting her teeth, her eye flaring as she leaps at him and slashes!
Orlando Florida: "Gah!" *Slashinated.*
Yurie then follows by grabbing him with Interpose!
Metal Man (GM): *MISS.*
Orlando Florida dodges! MUAHAHAHAH!
Yurie lands as she dives by him... "Deloth! Metal! Aribar! go for the orbs!"
Deloth charges at the leftmost orb and slams it with a Flare Blade. Hit. Hr follows up with a One-Two Stab on the orb. "Scan those orbs!"
Aribar (GM): *Zzzzap!* Deloth trips and is zapped by the orb.
Dex: "Additional scanning on the Staff of Wonder done. Staff of Wonder has 10 AC and 50% HP. If destroyed a blast of magic has a 79.6% chance of engulfing Orlando and severely hurting him."
Deloth: "Nice new target."
Aribar: "You die now! Bolt!" *Aribar sends a blast of his own magic at Orlando.*
Orlando Florida: "Grr... Damned elf!"
Aribar follows up by trying to grab Orlando.
Aribar (GM): And misses!
Metal Man: "I'll show you the power of... your old weapon!" *runs up to Orlando and bashes him with the wand.*
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK.*
Orlando Florida: "Ouch! Blasted metallic man!"
Metal Man continues bashing him with it. And bashes him again. SMASH. SMASH.
Orlando Florida: *DEFENSE ACTIVATED!*
Metal Man is worn out from the constant attacking. End turn.
Orlando Florida tries to see if he goes or not... *
Metal Man did a whopping amount of damage while beating Orlando with his old wand!
Orlando Florida: "Now I shall show you all the true meaning of pain! White Air!" *A blizzard forms at Orlando's fingertips and blasts everyone.*
Yurie: "GAH!!"
Metal Man is teh hit!
Deloth: "Augh!"
Orlando Florida: "Now then... Surge!" *Orlando is magically healed... And is no longer dazed!*
Yurie cringes back, her body covered in frost... She growls, then charges at Orlando and slashes at him.
Orlando Florida: "Oof!"
Yurie follows up with another slash from her sword. "Kitchen my foot..."
Orlando Florida: "Grr... Curse you, woman..."
Yurie then grabs him.
Orlando Florida: "Wha--?!"
Yurie: "Curse this." *She begins shaking him, HARD! Shakedown.*
Orlando Florida drops his staff.
Yurie drops him and picks up... the staff of wonder. "Now, who's your momma..."
Orlando Florida: "Hmp! You cannot cast any of those spells!"
Metal Man: "Hey! Maybe the wand and staff can combine to form a superweapon?"
Deloth attacks Orlando with a One-Two Stab.
Metal Man (GM): *ONE-TWO-MISS.*
Aribar rushes over to Bi-Bolt slash Orlando. Hit, miss!
Metal Man attacks an orb with the Stun Baton of BEATDOWN!
Metal Man (GM): *CRIT.* *INSTANT DAZE.*
Orlando Florida: "Damn you!!"
Metal Man (GM): Damn you, indeed. There goes his turn.
Orlando Florida: "You better not touch my staff, woman!"
Metal Man: "Your wand makes an excellent weapon against you."
Deloth: *leans over to Yurie.* "I'll buy that thing off you after we kill him."
Yurie: "What's the matter Orlando? Are you so weak that you're letting a -girl- beat on you?"
Orlando Florida weakly steps back behind the two remaining orbs... And quickly says a word of magic activating a barrier. "Toss it here, woman, and I won't have to kill you all! You've seen my Mega Magic spell before, haven't you?"
Yurie: "Oh, I'm soooo scared..."
Deloth: "Kill him so we can go home and I can buy that thing off you..."
Yurie smirks, then stows it away in subspace.
Metal Man: "Last time, it let Yurie come in and beat on you."
Aribar: "Face it... You're doomed. Give up now and we may let you live! ... Or not!"
Yurie: "I'm tired of this... STARLIGHT RONDO!" *pitches the blast at one of the orbs. She charges after her blast, then nails it with a sword slash.*
Orlando Florida: Damage to the already damaged orb... *SHINK!* Yurie's sword doesn't do a think to the orb... Bad aiming.
Deloth attacks the orb that Yurie was targeting with a One-Two Stab.
Metal Man (GM): *El Miss.*
Orlando Florida: "Muahahahah!"
Metal Man: "Alright... I'll bash what's left of that orb into bits and pieces."
Aribar (GM): *Aribar blinks... And decides to unleash his unfinished move, Terrorbolt, on the undamaged Orb.*
Metal Man shakes his head at all the missing, then runs up to the damaged orb.
Orlando Florida: "Muahahahah! You can't harm me at all with your weak magic, Aribar!"
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Darn. Some damage to the damaged orb.
Orlando Florida: "Now... Prepare for your doom!" *He begins glowing as well as floating a bit off of the ground... A small bead of energy forms level with the scrawny mage's chest. And thus, Mega Magic begins.*
Metal Man: "Hey Yurie! Why don't you cast a spell at him?"
Deloth: "Good idea."
Aribar: "Or destroy it! The Dex said it'd damage him. May even cripple him... We wouldn't want that. Hah!"
Yurie: "Nah..." *smirks, then smashes the damaged orb.*
Aribar (GM): It is a little over half-way shattered.
Yurie continues her smashing fest.
Aribar (GM): Almost destroyed...
Yurie then follows up by leaping upwards and bringing her sword down on it, Hard! (Smash attack) Crit-Miss.
Aribar (GM): *The orb zaps Yurie!*
Orlando Florida: "Hah! Weakling! I bet you couldn't even wash the floors of this temple correctly!"
Deloth hits the cracked orb with a Bomb Kick.
Yurie grits her teeth in aggravation. She was starting to get a bit mad now...
Orlando Florida: *CRA-SHATTER!*
Deloth brings his sword around and Flare Swipes the other orb.
Aribar (GM): ... The barrier wavers slightly but still keeps Orlando protected.
Deloth slams the orb with a One-Two Stab. *Combo Plus Activated!*
Metal Man (GM): That means the next attack insta-hits.
Deloth gives the orb a good solid kick.
Aribar (GM): *SHATTER!*
Deloth: "Yes!"
Orlando Florida: "N-no!"
Aribar: "Hmp. Look at you now... Err... Guys, now that I look at him his Mega Magic spell is nearly charged... Bolt!"
Aribar (GM): *CRIT!*
Metal Man: "Don't worry. I'll sock it to him."
Aribar follows up with a sword swing.
Orlando Florida: "Grrr... Back off, Hunter... "
Aribar: "Heh... Perhaps we should leave the last attacks for Yurie?"
Metal Man: "Okay, but I want to wail on him some more first. Police brutality!"
Deloth: "Let's."
Metal Man beats Orlando with the deadly Baton of Wonder.
Orlando Florida falls to the ground... "Arrgh... You... Shall not... Defeat me!"
Yurie: "I think we will. And guess what. You're about to beaten by a GIRL!"
Deloth: "I dunno, looks like we're doing pretty well so far!"
Metal Man: "And your old, obsolete weapon seems to be dealing plenty of damage to you."
Yurie leaps upwards, into the air, then plummets down on him, her sword going into its Slice and Dice mode... "Say goodnight!!"
Orlando Florida is dazed... And the Mega Magic charge vanishes... But he isn't done yet. "Hmp... Do you think I would have confronted you without a backup plan? I shall NOT be beaten by the Questers... Because I have an ace up my sleeve. I encountered a robot on my way to the tower..." *Orlando's breathing grows more shallow by the second...* "Metal Sonic, would you please come out?"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic walks out, with an evil smirk on his face.
Metal Sonic: "Hello, Questers." *Lightning is heard outside.*
Yurie: "...what in blazes!?" *lands back where she was..*
Metal Sonic: "It is about time I exacted my revenge..."
Orlando Florida: "That woman there... Stole something from me... Could you get it back?"
Metal Sonic: "I shall!"
Yurie: "You'll try!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic raises his hand, and he and Yurie are surrounded by a barrier of electricity.
Aribar (GM): At this time Razor would make it up from the ship and ready to fight...
Yurie: "The heck?"
Metal Sonic: "Bring it on, Quester!"
Yurie: "...alright metal head, you asked for it..."
Metal Sonic: "I shall kill you and take that weapon!"
Yurie: *Auto-scan!*
Razor: " THIS is where you guys were... that's the last time -I- try taking a shortcut..."
Dex: "...DING! Metal Sonic - B Model. HP: 0/200%. STR: 25. SPD: 30. INT: 18. AC: 25 (Electric Attacks autohit) Defense: 1 | 3. Attacks:"
Yurie growls, then rushes Metal Sonic, slashing at him. Miss!
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic parries with his bare hand.
Yurie: "What the..."
Metal Sonic: "You call that an attack? Pathetic mortal... I summon the power of lightning!"
Orlando Florida blinks and uses this opportunity to crawl away from the other Questers...
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic points at Yurie, who is attacked by a lightning bolt.
Yurie: *Hit.* "GAAH!"
Metal Sonic: "KNEEL!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic follows it up with a powerful kick. *CRIT!*
Yurie is booted, knocked backwards, her sword floating backwards.
Metal Sonic: "You shall die!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic's fist is covered in electricity.
Yurie: "No... I...won't..."
Metal Man (GM): He then attacks with one last Captain-Falcon-esque superpunch.
Metal Sonic: "ULTIMATE... PUNCH!"
Orlando Florida: "Don't damage her too much! You may destroy my Staff..."
Metal Man (GM): It misses, blasting a hole in the wall. The size of a school bus.
Yurie coughs, trying to stand up, picking up her sword... "Try this! STARLIGHT RONDO!"
Metal Sonic: "I laugh at your pathetic attack!"
Yurie's light disk hits him..but shatters against the armor. "No..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic walks towards Yurie, and headbutts her.
Yurie: "GAH!" *Hit.*
Metal Sonic: "Now! I shall take the staff from you!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic tries to snatch it from subspace.
Yurie skids back, landing on her knees as she coughs again, a bit of blood dribbling from her lip and nose...
Razor: "Yurie! Hang in there!"
Metal Man (GM): He misses, barely.
Yurie: "Grrr... no... you... won't!" *jumps up, nailing him in the face with a double kick.* *PANGPANG!* *lands on her feet... nothing making a dent in this guy..*
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic laughs, then throws a hail of exploding yellow orbs. One hit.
Yurie: "GAAAH!"
Metal Sonic: "You may give me the staff now... or die. Or... both! Your choice."
Aribar: "Come on, Yurie! Beat that machine up! You can do it!"
Yurie: "Go... to... hell..."
Metal Man: "Use the staff against him!"
Yurie growls, then throws another Rondo at him.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic laughs and avoids that as well.
Yurie: .oO(Why..why won't anything work against him?!)
Razor: "You can do it! Yurie!"
Metal Sonic: "It's time... to finish this!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic glows, and then fires FOUR lightning bolts at Yurie. *NUKE.* *OVERKILL.*
Yurie's eye goes wide as she's promptly fried by all four blasts, sending her flying across the sphere to land in a crumpled heap.
Razor: "YURIIIE!"
Metal Man (GM): The barrier is disabled... Metal Sonic picks up the staff from where she's knocked out.
Metal Sonic: "Thank you for the staff, Orlando..."
Orlando Florida: "Wait... Huh?! No! Give it here!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic makes a macabre laugh.
Orlando Florida: "I need it to cast my final spell!"
Razor lets out a deep snarl as he snaps his arm back, forming his blade from his palm. ""
Metal Sonic: "You do? Well then... you charge it. I will protect you."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic laughs... gives the staff to Orlando... and surrounds him in an electric barrier.
Metal Sonic: "Now! Start the spell!"
Yurie still lays there... why hadn't she revived yet?
Razor grits his teeth, his chest heaving as he slowly stalks towards Metal Sonic, sword arm hanging down at his side.
Orlando Florida: "Muahahahahahah!" *He begins charging Mega Magic once more.*
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic takes his turn to show off his power. He blasts the ceiling to pieces, letting the rain in.
Metal Sonic: "Now... bow down to me, mortals... or die!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic throws some exploding orbs at the walls, blasting holes in them and the floor.
Aribar: "Grr... Never! Pray for mercy!"
Razor: "...I bow to no-one... it's time for you to die." He continues to walk straight towards Metal Sonic.
Yurie: "...stop..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic turns to Yurie.
Metal Sonic: "You haven't had enough? What a fool."
Aribar looks at Yurie. "You're... You're alive?!"
Yurie's eye is still closed as she slowly pushes herself up... first one arm, then the other... then slowly stands...
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic holds his hand up, and is hit by a lightning bolt, instantly recharging him... though he wasn't damaged in the first place.
Yurie: " really think you could kill me? I destroyed you once, Metal... and I can destroy you again..."
Razor blinks and glances to Yurie. "...Yurie..." He smirks slightly. "...I should've known you wouldn't go down so easily."
Metal Sonic: "This is different. I am near the peak of my evolution."
Orlando Florida doesn't even realize what is happening in his surroundings anymore... He continues charging up possibly the most powerful spell on Whaller.*
Metal Sonic: "I will come back stronger every time you defeat me!"
Yurie slowly reaches up and pulls off her eye patch. Inside her wounded eye is a spot of blazing light... it's irregularly shaped.., like a stone fragment... " do I..."
Metal Sonic: "The rest of the Master Emerald! Yes... that is just what I need!"
Yurie: "..." *grits her teeth, seeming to curl inwards, then shrieks as a pillar of light consumes her body...* *TRANCE!*
Razor slowly takes one step back... then another. "'s all over now..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic steps back, but then laughs.
Aribar: "Well, this looks like a pretty evenly matched battle... But hurry, Yurie! If Orlando finished charging that spell then we're all dead!"
Metal Sonic: "You cannot stop both of us... If you destroy him, I will use his wand to INCREASE my power!"
Yurie the light flares, coiling rapidly and expanding. A pair of wings slowly slide out... white wings, before the pillar explodes, revealing a rather nude, glowing person, with thick white hair, enourmous white wings, and no mouth, nose or ears...
Metal Sonic: "Just try to hit me!"
Razor blinks a few times. ""
Yurie-Tranced simply raises a hand, a huge circle of light expanding from her palm before she blasts it at Metal sonic. It looks like a Starlight Rondo... on steroids.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic laughs and avoids that easily. Oh, yeah.
Metal Sonic: "Behold! Your death!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic launches lightning at Yurie. *BZAP.* Metal Sonic attacks Aribar with a super-powerful punch. It misses. Badly.
Aribar: "Hah! Is that the best you can do, tin can?"
Metal Sonic: "I was just toying with you!"
Razor glares at Metal Sonic as he crouches down. "...ohhh... how I've waited for this... hyah!" He rushes forward, slashing at him as he passes by.
Metal Man (GM): Wow... so close... I'll be nice and say that hit. Metal Sonic lets Razor hit him, rather than jerk his neck outta the way at the last second.
Metal Sonic: "Just try to hit me again!"
Razor crouches as he grinds to a stop on the other side of him and turns around. "...I think I will... Meteor Rush!" He blasts forward, leaving a trail of flame as he performs a similar maneuver.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Metal Sonic: "You dare damage the God of Machines?"
Razor: "...just an artifice... a fraud!" He twists around, his blade crackling with energy as he rams it into Metal Sonic (Soulburn).
Metal Man (GM): Hit again... crit!
Metal Sonic: "This is impossible! You cannot defeat me!"
Razor yanks out the blade and charges it again before whirling around to deliver a powerful slash to the midsection that would knock him back and end the combo (because... just because... Soulcharge).
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Metal Sonic leaps above it.
Razor leaps away, landing in a crouch.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic looks badly damaged... and angry.
Metal Sonic: "However... you cannot kill me! I am immortal!"
Deloth runs towards Metal Sonic and hits him with a One-Two Stab.
Razor: " a computer virus that just won't go away... but hardly a God."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic stops Deloth with one finger.
Aribar: "Eat this! TERRORBOLT!"
Metal Man (GM): The lightning attack instantly hits.
Metal Sonic: "ARGH!"
Aribar follows up the attack with a Bi-Bolt slash.
Metal Man tries to hit Metal Sonic with the baton.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Dex: "Metal Sonic: 158%. Metal: 33%. Barrier: 0%."
Orlando Florida continues charging the Mega Magic... 2/3 charge. After the next turn he shall unleash a world of pain on one single person...
Yurie-Tranced flies towards Metal sonic, a blade of light appearing in her hand as she slashes at him.
Metal Sonic: "I will not... be defeated!"
Yurie-Tranced: HIT! *she continues to slash him.*
Metal Man (GM): He's really messed up now. He's sliced in two... *BZZT.* The barrier begins to glow. Electricity flows into the two pieces.
Deloth: "Annnnd he's dead, I hope."
Metal Man (GM): Which then go back together.
Orlando Florida: "... "
Yurie-Tranced then seems to split into three angels, all of which swoop down on Metal Sonic.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Metal Sonic is hit... but he doesn't die. He simply walks towards Orlando.
Yurie-Tranced flares her wings, hovering there, the light blade still clutched in one slender hand...
Orlando Florida concentrates on that large Mega Magic sphere he's charging but spares a glance at Metal Sonic.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic goes and touches Orlando's charge on mega magic... fusing with it and protecting Orlando with an invinci-shield.
Metal Sonic: "Fire your attack at Yurie!" He says that before disappearing into the Mega Magic.
Metal Man (GM): Mega Magic is charged 2x. There is no way to get through the invinci-shield.
Orlando Florida: "Heheheh... No, I don't think so, Metal Sonic... Now, Aribar... I have a personal score to settle with him... "
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic seems to have disappeared into the Mega Magic.
Orlando Florida points the ball of magic at Aribar... The elf is the only one he could possibly hit... As the arch mage says the trigger word the spell slowly passes through the shield before gaining insane amounts of speed and completely destroying Aribar...
Metal Man (GM): The attack goes off incorrectly. Badly. Orlando explodes himself. I mean... PILLAR OF IMMOLATION.
Deloth: "Can you say major backfire?"
Metal Man (GM): The attack cripples the entire temple, blowing off the walls and ceilings of everything.
Razor: "Oh geez!"
Deloth: "This isn't good..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic briefly appears, then disappears after being hit by a lightning bolt. A smoking crater is left behind. The temple is crumbling around everyone.
Deloth lets out a low whistle. "Time to book it!"
Razor: "...running time!"
Aribar: "Ummm... I suggest we leave this place now... We've gotta get to the bottom before this place collapses or sinks into the sea!"
Metal Man: "Yeah..."
Deloth: "So let's GO!"
Metal Man (GM): The staff is on the ground. Undamaged, despite the immolation.
Deloth grabs the staff.
Metal Man (GM): It shocks Deloth. I don't think it was meant for him.
Deloth: "I'll OW!"
Aribar: "Yurie, take the staff as symbol of victory again that vile foe."
Deloth: "I'd recommend a heal for us." *takes out his Spirit Mist and opens the bottle.*
Yurie-Tranced is still floating there, in trance mode. She looks around, as though wondering what was going on, then clutches her face as though she had been struck, then flares her wings as a rather..inhuman shriek comes from her body before she flies upwards, through the roof...
Orlando Florida: "Uhh... Is Yurie okay?" *He walks over to the Staff...*
Deloth: "I'm going to see." *jumps and starts flying upwards.*
Metal Man facepalms and looks at the hole where Orlando stood.
Razor: "Yurie?" He crouches and follows after.
Metal Man: "Well... I think he's dead..."
Aribar walks over to the staff and tries to lift it up.
Deloth looks around in the sky for Yurie.
Aribar sheaths Moonlight and pokes the Staff of Wonder.
Metal Man (GM): BZAP. Electrical damage... err... healing.
Yurie (GM): She continues to fly, seemingly unmindful of Deloth speaking to her...
Aribar: "... Ouch! I think... Well... I'll hold onto this until Yurie gets back... Come on, Deloth, Metal, lets head back to the ship... "
Deloth: "What's wrong with her..."
Metal Man: "Okay."
Deloth attempts to catch up with Yurie.
Metal Man heads to the ship as the ground shakes and crumbles slowly.
Aribar sighs and heads to the ship with Metal. "All of those fliers think they're sooo cool. 'Look at me! I'm flying after the tranced Yurie!'..."
Metal Man: "Whadaya bet heaven hits him with death."
Razor flies up beside Deloth. "...we don't both need to be up here, Deloth."
Deloth: "I'm not going to leave Yurie."
Aribar (GM): Metal and Aribar make it safely to the ship...
Yurie (GM): of course, since Deloth isn't looking at her, the Tranced Yurie throws another one of those super-powered Starlight Rondos at Deloth.
Deloth: "HOLY..."
Razor: "...gah! Apparently she doesn't want us following..."
Deloth gets slammed in the head and starts plummeting.
Metal Man: "I wonder what they're doing up there... it was hard enough fighting off the Machine God and that nut with the staff."
Yurie (GM): the Trident shoots off, away from the Temple as it crumbles. Yurie gives another one of those odd cries, then flashes off, leaving behind a stream of light that slowly fades out...
Razor: "Awww... dammit! Yurie!!!" He dives down after Deloth to catch him before he splats.
Deloth keeps falling, knocked unconscious by the Rondo.
Aribar: "I'm glad Orlando is gone for good... I don't want... To talk about what he did to me and my friends..." *Aribar turns his head from Metal and stares at the ground.*
Metal Man: "I've had worse... Tridus, as you might remember... He warped my planet to its doom! Everyone from my home world must be dead by now... Or worse, depending upon where the planet went."
Aribar: "I'm sorry about your loss... "
Razor comes to a halt once he has caught Deloth. He looks up towards where Yurie vanished. "...Yur..." He closes his eyes before slowly turning and making his way back towards the ship. "Awww... dammit! Yurie!!!" He dives down after Deloth to catch him before he splats.
Metal Man: "It is okay. If I can find Tridus, the Technomian sword, and the telebox... But... where on this system would you hide a telephone-booth sized dimensional matter transporter? The one the Questers have is too weak for the purpose I have mentioned."
James Prower: "Alright... what the heck just flew out of that tower?"
Razor lands aboard the ship and lays Deloth down once he gets in. " should go on a diet."
Metal Man: "Yurie... or... Yurie the angel..."
Yurie (GM): James Prower opens the airlock for Razor and Deloth, the ship hovering there...
James Prower: "That didn't look much like like that lady Yurie..."
Aribar: "Well, Mr... Ahh... Cute fuzzy fox creature... You should be able to fly away from here now."
Metal Man: "Yeah... that idiot there blew it to pieces after his ultimate attack was ready."
James Prower: "We already have... right now, we're still heading toward Scrap..."
Razor makes his way over towards the fox. "...that was most definitely her... but now... we need her back. We're lost on this planet without her."
Metal Man (GM): Digi was sleeping on the Region Ship while they were doing that mission.
Deloth suddenly groans and opens his eyes. "Uhhhhnn... what happened..."
Razor simply stares out the window, looking towards where Yurie vanished, silent.
James Prower: "If it's any consolation, we'll probably end up finding her..." *the three-tailed fox flutters there beside Razor...*
Metal Man: "Yeah... she probably didn't leave for good."
Razor sighs. "...she attacked Deloth... why? I'm worried..."
James Prower: "Meh... don't worry about it. We'll be arriving in Scrap pretty soon. I think I know the guy Yurie was lookin' for." *the fox flutters back up to his bridge, overlooking the seating area...*
Razor continues to stare out the window. "...who?"
James Prower: "Who else, her teacher."
Deloth: "Yurie had a teacher?"
Razor: "...I see... yes Deloth, she did."
James Prower: "Where do you think she learned how to fight, dummy?"
Deloth tries to get up, but falls back.
James Prower: "Bleh... go to the med bay and get yourself patched up... you look like someone who's been roasted over an open flame."
Deloth slowly stands up and walks weakly to the medical bay.

