Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 113: Bitter Bickering Battles



Date: December 27th, 2004.
Trivia: Many of the advertised events in this log never happened--that is, going to get the Soul Cube and Raziel's weapon. This was sort of a fake Season Finale... it gets superseded later.
Yurie (GM): *Last time, on Super Smash Quest...* *sparks spill down from high above in the Blade Chamber as two shapes quickly land. One is Trance-Yurie, while the other...* *The Man From Wakatu, Part 2.*
Gen: "...a robot??"
Metal Man: "...?"
Razor: "...Yurie!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero stands and faces off with Yurie, pointing his triangular, crystalline saber blade at her.
Metal Man: "What's that robot thing?" *seems strangely ignorant of who Zero is, despite half being a robot himself.*
Zero: "Thought you'd waste these people, huh? Sorry, but I can't let you do that."
Deloth: "Guys, we had better back off..."
Razor: "No, stop!"
Zero: "Please Yurie, stop IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise I'm gonna need to beat some sense back into you!"
Yurie: "..."
Spyke watches carefully.
Yurie (GM): The Trance yurie screeches, floating slightly above the ground, then rushes towards Zero, her blade shrieking as it scrapes along the ground.
Metal Man: "...Is it really possible for that robot to defeat Yurie while she's like that? I mean, she defeated Metal Sonic! And that guy... he was shooting lightning bolts the size of busses at people!"
Zero: "... !!" He dashes off to the side, evading her attack. "... So, that's how it's gonna be, is it?"
Razor: " stop it Yurie!" He steps forward.
Metal Man: "Hmmm... it's a shame there isn't an intelligent answer to such a simple problem."
Zero: "If that's your decision... PREPARE YOURSELF!"
Yurie flies up into the air, then quickly turns, pointing her blade down at Zero...
Razor slowly steps back. "...why's it have to come to this?"
Metal Man: "I dunno."
Yurie swoops down, heading directly towards Zero, her sword blazing as she swings at him.
Razor: "...Yur..."
Yurie (GM): SLASH!
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero is taken by the first slash. Feels like that bastard Harpuia all over again.
Yurie quickly turns in mid air, her blade whirling at him rapidly (Divider) CRIT MISS!
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero dashes underneath her blade, turning and slashing her with a spin attack.
Razor looks quite worried about the whole thing... but stays out of it, unsure of exactly what to do.
Metal Man, meanwhile, idly shines his armor.
Yurie (GM): HIT!
Nick Caligo (GM): He continues his assault with another slash across her midsection.
Spyke checks his gun while he watches. "..."
Yurie (GM): Miss.
Garrick ambles up next to the others watching the battle between the swordsman and the swordswoman. He leans over to Metal and asks "...who's the red guy?"
Metal Man: "...Hell if I know."
Deloth: "Should I do a scan?"
Metal Man: "Some friend of Wolf's, maybe."
Garrick: "Meh, it doesn't matter."
Razor seems more intent on the fight than anything.
Metal Man: "What's the point of scanning? They obviously are in a duel... I think it'd be breaking the rules to do that."
Yurie hisses angrily, then swings her sword, releasing a pair of light streams at Zero...
Nick Caligo (GM): He takes one to the shoulder, but manages to jump the other one. Zero whips his saber over, crossing his arms, then executes a doubleslash to try and deflect the light rays.
Yurie (GM): Zero's sword, however, manages to connect with one of the light blasts, reflecting it right back towards Yurie. Zero: 19%. Yurie: 50%.
Garrick: "...Yurie seems to be losing..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero clasps his hand over his shoulder for a second, then growls, dashing and stabbing at her.
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): He continues by morphing his saber into a strange weapon and launching a long chain bound together by energy at her.
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): She's caught in the chain rod and pulled into a grab. He pulls it out and rams it into her, now a saber again. *CRITICAL HIT.*
Yurie (GM): CRIT!
Nick Caligo (GM): He then charges, using one attack to do so, and executes a level 2 saber slash; she's IMMEDIATELY caught in the first one, and then...
Yurie is promptly cut in half, falling apart... then vanishing in a flash of light and glowing feathers...
Razor blinks a few times. "...what the... Yu-Yurie!"
Garrick: "Calm down, Razor..."
Spyke: "..."
Zero: "... That was a fake."
Azure: "..."
Zero: "It's the only explanation for why that was so easy."
Metal Man: "...How'd that happen?"
Digifanatic: "That is what you call odd..."
Razor closes his eyes and looks down. "...I thought we'd found her..."
Azure: "Utsumi... but a lot more flashy..."
Spyke: "Well, apparently, we didn't."
Yurie (GM): A soft clink is heard as something lands amidst the glowing feathers and such...
Deloth runs over and looks at it.
Yurie (GM): it's a small, glowing crystal of some kind... it's pale green, and quite translucent, about the size of a fingernail.
Deloth picks it up.
Digifanatic: "What the...?"
Deloth drops it and looks around.
Metal Man: "...Hey Deloth... that crystal might be bad for your health."
Yurie (GM): A loud scream is heard as Yurie falls from the ceiling, and lands on the ground at Razor's feet with a loud thud... "...ow..."
Deloth: "Way to throw a guy into cardiac arrest..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero quickly turns in the direction of the screamage/thuddage.
Garrick: "...that had to hurt."
Deloth walks over to Yurie.
Razor blinks a few time, then quickly kneels down beside Yurie. "...Yurie... are you alright?"
Metal Man snatches the crystal.
Azure: *pulls off his hood off his upper body tunic, blinking.* "Is she okay?"
Yurie (GM): Metal receives: Mysterious Jewel..
Digifanatic follows the others.
Yurie groans, slowly sitting up and rubbing her head.
Metal Man (GM): .oO(Mine! Mine! Mine!) *Like the twisted flavor gum commercial.*
Yurie: "Eugh... wait..where the heck am I? Last I remember I was getting my butt kicked byt hat robotic headgehog, and then..."
Spyke: "Hm."
Zero: "... Well, welcome back to the land of the rational, Yurie."
Garrick walks up behind the others, looking at Yurie with his arms folded across his chest.
Razor: " tranced, Yur... but you're back to normal again... thank God..."
Zero: "I was afraid I'd have to kill you."
Yurie: "Tranced? What? Okay..why am I in this place, and who's the robot with the green katana... and why is Gen here!?"
Spyke shrugs.
Garrick: "Why else? We went looking for the next tarot."
Razor: "...we came here... the Blade Temple..."
Deloth: "Metal, perhaps you should scan that crystal before something happens."
Metal Man: "You defeated Metal Sonic! ...What crystal?" *whistles innocently.
Aribar catches up with the group now...
Razor: "...but afterwards... you flew off... me and Deloth tried to follow, but you blasted him and escaped... we thought you might come here..."
Yurie (GM): Gen waves, yet again... Yurie looks at him, then groans.
Yurie: "...I woulda remembered something like that..."
Metal Man: "Oh. Hi Aribar."
Digifanatic: "Hey Ari..."
Razor: "...obviously not... trances are unpredictable... you must've been possessed or something..."
Yurie (GM): A loud crackling noise is heard as a portal of energy forms high above the teams' heads...
Digifanatic: "Whoa..."
Metal Man: "What's dat?" *Backs off.*
Razor looks up. "...what the..."
Garrick: "...well, that doesn't look too appealing..."
Aribar: "'allo... Sorry for lagging beh--What is that?"
Spyke: "..."
Digifanatic slowly walks back a couple steps and glances up.
Zero: "What? You don't find dubious portals of energy inviting?"
Deloth takes a couple steps back.
Garrick also steps back a bit.
Spyke: "No... Do you?"
Zero: "Not particularly." *gulp!*
Spyke takes two steps back, just to be different.
Yurie: "Oh great... now what... and where the hell is my sword??"
Aribar unsheathes Moonlight.* "I bet whatever comes out isn't friendly..."
Razor pushes up to his feet and reaches his hand out to Yurie to help her up.
Metal Man (GM): *A bunch of people fall out of the warp.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero gets out from beneath the thing. The last thing he needs is for a ... linux or something... to drop on him.
Yurie quickly gets to her feet as Gen draws his sword...
Digifanatic steps back a few to avoid being toppled upon.
Deloth unsheathes his katana and prepares for a fight.
Metal Man (GM): Charles, Ivan Robotnik, Meta Knight, Ricky, Bowser, and Nehi fall out of the portal.
Azure takes a few steps back.
Yurie: "...hold up... LOCOS???"
Garrick: "...yep, that's Locos alright."
Azure: o.O
Spyke draws his pistol and holds it by his head, pointed up.
Razor: "...oh boy oh boy... party time..."
Digifanatic: "Oh boy..."
Aribar: "... Doopliss! Locos!" *He gets into a battle stance...*
Nehi: "...We found them! Yay!"
Ricky: "...What am I doing here?"
Azure: *fists go up in a boxer position.*
Deloth: "Okay..."
Spyke: "..."
Zero: "Well, now that all the lunatics are here in one convenient spot, I've got some things to tell you all."
Gen: "You know these guys?"
Charles shakes his fist in the air.
Digifanatic turns his head to Ari, then to Locos, and then back again. "This could be fun."
Charles: "That is the last time I allow E Li Three to transport!"
Zero: "Some loser named Robotnik has reactivated all the laser satellites over Nintendus."
Charles: "!! I came here to report something about that as well..."
Ivan Robotnik: "It wasn't me..."
Yurie: "...say what?? HIM again?? Bloody hells..."
Deloth: "Locos, how about some introductions here?"
Zero: "We have to return and stop them immediately; after he's done with the Quester Hunters, he's sure to turn it on Nintendus."
Ivan Robotnik: "My Nephew is responsible..."
Charles looks to his groups.
Azure: "Ummmm... how about we just settle things peacefully?" he looks around "I'll just stay out of this." he puts his tunic's hood back over his head.
Razor: "...ugh... Ari and I nearly got blasted the LAST time..."
Spyke holsters his pistol. "..."
Charles: "Ah yes... everyone shut up!"
Nick Caligo (GM): "..." He looks at the weird old man.
Ivan Robotnik: "...But... I bring yet more news, even unknown to the merry group of mine..."
Aribar hesitates while listening to Zero... Moonlight crackles with electricity and Aribar looks at Nehi with pure hatred...
Yurie: "...more bad news?"
Ivan Robotnik: "...There is something worse at work... beyond all of our hatred... even Metal Sonic cannot see it!"
Razor: "..."
Ivan Robotnik: "A force... trying to tear the world apart!"
Yurie: "...yep, more bad news..."
Deloth: "Metal Sonic's dead, sir."
Garrick: "Stop beating around the bush. Who or what is it?"
Ivan Robotnik: "...A great evil... named... The Void..."
Razor: "Well isn't that just fine and grand! Why the hell not?"
Digifanatic: "The Void?"
Yurie: "...The Void."
Zero: "..." .oO(This better be that "Nothing" thing from that movie I saw... oh good, it's not.)
Charles: "Another of my 'friends' that wants me dead..."
Gen: "The Void?"
Digifanatic: "Do you know anything else?"
Charles: "As well as 20 other people and there nephew."
Ivan Robotnik: "It is sending in evil to tear this world apart!"
Charles: "Ivan... your job is done."
Deloth: "Like what?"
Ivan Robotnik: "The fighting will cause a great black hole... all universes will collapse on us!"
Azure: "The Void..." .oO(Is there a world... that's NOT being engulfed by an evil with a name that stands for nothingness?)
Charles approaches the Questers a bit in his chair.
Ivan Robotnik: "We must collect all the tools of power to destroy the evil... and then, the Void!"
Razor: " of joys..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Ever since the beginning of your adventures, the Void has been at work, and I have been watching carefully... Entire dimensions have collided and fused together, resulting in this chaotic reality that you know. And I've recently discovered... that within a few days... all realities will become as one."
Razor: "...and that's bad, right?"
Deloth: "Duh."
Ivan Robotnik: "There will be a deluge of new foes pouring down on Nintendus from all sides."
Spyke: "Sounds... not good."
Garrick: "It looks like we have a war on our hands..."
Ivan Robotnik: "With everything from all universes centered around one world, it will create a singularity that will engulf the universe in chaos and mayhem, and after that... nothingness."
Deloth: "Nothingness?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Everything will cease to be."
Digifanatic: "That's almost impossible to believe..."
Razor: "...I assume you have some way to stop this, or you wouldn't be telling us all this..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Only because you've never seen nothingness."
Digifanatic: "True..."
Ivan Robotnik: "... Despite having an abundance of it within that pitifully dim skull of yours..." ¬¬
Aribar: "..."
Deloth stifles a loud laugh.
Metal Man coughs a bit, lets out a small chuckle, then continues greedily hiding the gem.
Azure puts his left arm over his mouth, his tunic muffling his laughter.
Garrick snorts softly, but pipes right up "Like Razor said, do you have some sort of plan to stop this or not?"
Deloth nudges Metal with his elbow. "Maybe you should show him that."
Ivan Robotnik: "There's a way to stop it."
Garrick: "And that would be?"
Yurie: "So... we're heading for a 'big crunch,' so to speak? So, how do we stop it?"
Spyke: "Very carefully?"
Ivan Robotnik: "No, I'm afraid not, my friend."
Metal Man: "...So we're all doomed?"
Deloth: "Didn't you say something about tools earlier?"
Metal Man (GM): .oO(I sure hope that mass-inter dimensional teleportation I used to escape my planet's destruction didn't cause this...)
Charles: "Ivan, wrap this up. I have my own agenda to conduct."
Ivan Robotnik: "You must destroy them all before they ever reach Nintendus."
Azure: "Is The Void alive or is it some kind of dangerous anomaly?"
Razor: "...sounds simple enough..."
Garrick: "...just how many of these villains are going to show up? "
Metal Man: "Ok... now all we need is several weapons of mass destruction... give or take... 50?"
Yurie: "Hold up... how do we do that? Even with the combined forces of the Lords, the Questers and the Smashers, that's not an easy task!"
Deloth: "Razor, nothing is ever simple."
Ivan Robotnik: "... Hundreds... each one as powerful, if not more so, than the one you call Kuja."
Garrick: " about him. Pretty powerful, that one."
Razor: " a hundred Kerngs... alright... forget what I said... not simple..."
Digifanatic: "Name doesn't ring a bell but I believe you."
Charles: "Ivan, your information is appreciated as usual... Now it is my turn."
Ivan Robotnik: "Fine..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan begins to head up the stairs. "When you wish to hear how to stop this force, I'll be waiting back at headquarters on Nintendus."
Deloth: "Can't you tell us now?"
Aribar mumbles, "Can I kill Doopliss yet?"
Charles: "Ivan, I request you stay here... this part cannot be done without your help."
Ivan Robotnik: "Then get it over with, Locos!! Thus far, you've only helped the Void's plot."
Yurie: "WHAT part? You're not making any sense Locos... as usual."
Charles: "Erwin, King Koopa, Sir Meta Knight, Ricky, and Ivan... assume battle stances if the Questers do not comply... You people have something I want..."
Garrick just sorta... stares at Locos...
Digifanatic looks at Metal. "Ahem... I believe he wants that stone..."
Gen: "Now hold up... you can't just come barging in to the Blade chamber and start threatening my friends! ...stone?"
Aribar: "What makes you think we'll give you anything, traitor?"
Razor: "..."
Ricky: "Aye aye!"
Bowser: "Sure."
Erwin: "I'm more than ready!"
Meta Knight: "As you command."
Ivan Robotnik: "I'm afraid I can't comply with that order, Locos. I've my own agenda, and they're ESSENTIAL to it."
Charles: "...I want your emerald shard."
Yurie looks at Metal... hold up... didn't Yurie have an eye patch?
Digifanatic: (to Metal) "Yeah. When he picked it up, that's when you came crashing down..."
Metal Man: "Hey Yurie, what happened to your eye patch?"
Razor blinkblinks... "...that crystal..."
Charles: "I believe Yurie had it infused with her eye while in the X-Zone... and now I've come to claim the final shards."
Garrick: "...I can't BELIEVE YOU, Locos! This guy comes along and tells us that there's going to be a battle to end ALL battles, one that holds the fate of Nintendus, Saga, and every other planet every created, and you want that damn JEWEL?!?!"
Razor: "...shut up Garrick..."
Metal Man (GM): "...Oh, you want the shards?"
Yurie: "..." *blinkblink.* "I thought this was weird, I can see again!"
Azure: "What's so important about this... jewel?"
Yurie: "'s a shard of the Master Emerald."
Charles activates one of his metal hands and holds Garrick's head high.
Azure: "Master Emerald?"
Razor shakes his head and looks to Yurie. " must've happened when you transformed..."
Charles: "You will do well to learn your place, Garrick."
Ivan Robotnik: "Aha..."
Deloth: "Why do you want that shard anyways?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Good man, Locos!"
Yurie: "Long story... It must have..."
Charles throws Garrick down on the ground.
Metal Man pulls it out. "What do you need it for?"
Garrick hits the ground with a thud, getting to his feet and bushing off his jacket.
Charles notices the shard.
Gen: "Alright... if you're going to just start being violent, then I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."
Charles: "Nehi, grab it!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan grins. "Yes, very good. Very clever indeed..."
Gen shrugs, then steps in front of Metal...
Ivan Robotnik: "Please, my friends, give him what he desires."
Metal Man (GM): Nehi rushes towards it... then knocks into Gen.
Deloth: "Locos, answer the question. Why do you want the shard?"
Metal Man: "...I just want one little favor."
Razor: "...then... you're healed... that's great..." He looks towards the others. "If it could help us beat this Void, then do it... but only when we have assurances..."
Charles: "SHUT UP!"
Metal Man: "Could you, by chance, get Locos to stop threatening us with force?"
Gen: "I wouldn't try it. So far, I've only been using only a fraction of my powers. I don't want to beat you up to bad."
Azure: "Can't we settle this peacefully?"
Gen: "Can't we settle this over some sake or something?" ^.^0.
Charles activates several lasers from his chair and some chainsaws.
Deloth shoots Gen a look, then turns back to Locos.
Metal Man: "...Okay there... you want it that bad, eh?"
Zero: "... I'm NEVER going to understand some of you humans."
Razor glares at Locos. "Oh hell no... don't start now..."
Charles breathes heavily.
Metal Man: "I'll EAT THIS if you all don't shut up!"
Charles calms down slowly... and retracts the weapons.
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man sticks the shard in his mouth and looks at everyone with a rather bemused expression.
Azure: "...Shutting up now..." he sighs "This isn't going anywhere.. they're either gonna blow each other up or... shout back and forth all day."
Deloth: "Locos, for the third time, why do you want the shard?"
Charles: "Forgive's just that being killed by 20+ people can cause pressure... I require the shard to complete the Master Emerald and return it to the Angel Island."
Razor: "...maybe... we should... step out, Yurie?"
Aribar: "I die all the time and you don't see me complaining, traitor."
Charles: "..."
Deloth mutters "Like fun you do" under his breath.
Metal Man spits it out and then points to Ivan. "Now then. You need this shard, right? What are you going to use it for?"
Ivan Robotnik: "I'm afraid my friend Locos won't be returning it to Angel Island any time soon. It's essential to my plan. As are all of you."
Yurie: "...ah."
Charles: "Ivan... remember our deal."
Ivan Robotnik: "You must forgive Locos. He's a very forceful person, but he gets the job done... yes, yes, Locos, I know, but we need to, ah, borrow it for a bit, okay?"
Charles: "I return the emerald to the real island, and I get the white Super Emerald."
Ivan Robotnik: "Hm... interesting thought."
Deloth: "Why can't WE return it?"
Ivan Robotnik: "All of you, hush for a moment."
Charles: "Because you are busy here." *turns his chair a bit so he can see his comrades and the Questers at the same time.*
Ivan Robotnik: "I think it's best that I reveal my plan to stop The Void."
Razor sighs, shakes his head, and turns away, leaning against a nearby wall if there is one...
Yurie: "That would help..."
Digifanatic: "Yes..."
Charles: "Do it... before I become angry..."
Ivan Robotnik: "You all must become powerful enough to stop entire fleets."
Metal Man sits down on a rock to listen, tired of having to threaten everyone with having to dig dirty gems outta his stomach if they attack each other.
Razor: " do you plan to do that?"
Azure: "How can one gather such power?"
Ivan Robotnik: "And therefore, you must gather every artifact of power that you can find... ones of legendary status."
Digifanatic: "It's gotta be the Emeralds..."
Aribar taps his foot while just waiting for Doopliss to do something wrong... He doesn't really listen to Ivan.
Ivan Robotnik: "The Super Emeralds are the tip of the iceberg."
Razor: " the three stones from my realm..."
Spyke sits there, letting this all soak in.
Charles: "No. I am sick of being attacked your nephew..."
Yurie: "And the Triforce, and the Master Sword, and the Kusanagi, and the Atma Weapon..."
Ivan Robotnik: "You need the whole Triforce, the Seven Stars, the Super Star, you need the legendary Chaos Breaker..."
Digifanatic: "Alright..."
Charles: "...I am sick of the Quester Hunters... Metal Sonic... AND I AM SICK OF GATHERING CRAP FOR NO REASON." *points to Ivan.* "I might've helped you."
Deloth: "Cool it, Locos."
Razor: "...shut up Locos..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Locos, there IS a reason."
Charles: "But I will not tolerate any more distractions."
Ivan Robotnik: "You call saving the entire universe from falling into nothingness a distraction!?"
Charles: "I will get the white emerald, and use it to raise Magellean Tower to the Realm of the Heavens! VALHALLA FORTRESS WILL RAISE!"
Razor: "...someone knock him out... please..."
Deloth: "Locos, SHUT UP and LET IVAN TALK."
Metal Man (GM): Meta Knight smacks Nehi on the head.
Charles: "The villains are attacking me because of the damn military I have."
Meta Knight: "Not even I knew about this... Vahalla Fortress being more important than the safety of the world."
Ivan Robotnik: "No, Locos, they aren't!"
Charles: "Regardless, I will have either the X-Zone shielding back online..."
Aribar: "... Knock him out? Sure! Wood Blast Barrage!" *He gestures to knock Locos out with a nice barrage of wood!*
Bowser: "Well, you know, while we argue, Locos, all those fleets of bad guys are probably getting ready to kill Nintendus."
Charles: "Or attempt the Y-Zone!"
Ivan Robotnik: "..."
Charles: "That's it..." *turns to the Questers.* "You people sick of me!?"
Digifanatic: "No..."
Deloth: "For the moment, yes."
Charles: "Yurie is right..." *blushes a bit...* "Ivan... do." *nods his head a few times.*
Aribar: "..." *Aribar lowers his sword but still keeps it out...*
Ivan Robotnik: "... Locos, you've become corrupt with power. Listen to yourself! You're becoming as much an agent of The Void as the Quester Hunters!"
Charles calms down. "Forgive me... I'm just homesick. Continue Ivan."
Ivan Robotnik: "As I was saying... before being so RUDELY interrupted..."
Razor shakes his head and closes his eyes...
Charles looks the other way when Ivan says 'rudely.'
Ivan Robotnik: "We need all these artifacts and more, all at once. They can give you the power you need to fight them."
Charles: "That includes the Swords of Darkness, Light, and the Chaosverge, right?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Yes. But there's one thing you must do above all others..."
Aribar: "... No one is going to take the Sword of Darkness from me..."
Razor: "What's that?"
Ivan Robotnik: "If you don't UNITE against this threat, the Void will bring you all into its legions; the fight you put up will only be in its favor, no matter who against!"
Aribar mumbles, "I shall never unite with Locos or his minions."
Razor: "Makes sense to me..."
Garrick: "...hmm..." Garrick has been sitting there, against the wall where Locos threw him, ever since.
Ivan Robotnik: "But if your hearts are united against this terror, you can even stand up against total oblivion. Even if you find yourself floating in an endless abyss, you'll still be able to press on and defeat the Void."
Digifanatic: "Yeah... but about those two..." He says as he looks at Locos and Ari.
Ivan Robotnik: "Do you all understand? Your petty bickering can wait; EVERY universe is at stake!"
Charles: "Aribar has had a vendetta against ever since I found Doopliss at Glower Tower and he transformed."
Razor: "...I think you're being pretty petty... when there's a greater cause, you have to look beyond the past and to the future. When I fought Kerng in my realm, I didn't do it alone... I had help. We united and won... and we have to do it here too."
Deloth: "Ivan and Razor are right. Either we work together or cease to exist."
Yurie: "Um..guys? Can we save the squabbling and the 'traitor traitor stuff until after we've saved the universe?"
Charles: "I've heard enough." *turns his chair towards the exit.*
Aribar doesn't answer... He's just going to stick to hating Locos and Doopliss.*
Charles: "Like the planets have more to deal with than just the Thirteen Gentlemen..."
Metal Man (GM): Locos's goons are staying, though.
Garrick: "'ll be going against your dream if you don't help, Locos."
Bowser: "He'll come back once he realizes we're not going to let the universe explode."
Ivan Robotnik: "IMPLODE, Bowser. But that's aside the point."
Razor folds his arms across his chest and lowers his head. "...look at this... the voice of reason for once... some lord of Chaos I am, eh? Listen guys... if we can't work together and actually put aside our squabbling... I mean REALLY ignore our past fighting... then we'd have as much a chance as if we were doing it each alone..."
Zero: "..."
Charles: "The Void is indeed powerful when me, Nehi, and you engaged him, ivan..."
Nehi: "That was because we were fighting internally with what should be our allies!"
Charles: "But this is just ridiculous talking. I'm sorry, Doopliss, but I can no longer handle these matters."
Meta Knight: "I should add, there's no possibility of surviving Ivo's siege if we divide ourselves."
Razor: "Here's how it works... we can either work together, or die together... either way, we're going to be doing SOMETHING together... Frankly... I'd rather not die yet..."
Ivan Robotnik: "I'm growing sick of this. It's time for you all to stop talking and start making decisions."
Deloth: "Agreed."
Bowser: "Now... how are we going to get to Nintendus in time again?"
Razor: "...I'm in."
Deloth: "So am I."
Digifanatic: "Same here."
Metal Man: "Well, it beats fighting with Locos."
Charles: "Same here... yet..."
Yurie: "I'm in."
Charles goes over to whoever has the emerald shard.
Garrick is still against the wall, silent.
Gen: "I'll go talk to the lords. But we're all pretty much in on this one."
Zero: "... Count me in."
Charles: "First thing's first... the emerald shard to help complete the master emerald."
Aribar: "..."
Azure: "I'm in for whatever as long as it helps everyone."
Nehi: "Speaking for all of the people besides Locos and the Questers, we're in."
Charles: "Metal... the shard if you will..."
Razor pushes off the wall and walks over to Yurie. "...hey..." He fishes behind him and pulls out the sword hilt he'd taken from the statue. "...if you can't find your sword, then maybe you can figure out what to do with this?"
Charles puts his hand out.
Yurie: "Hmm..." *takes the hilt, then looks it over and hands it to Gen, who takes it calmly..*
Gen: "I'll see what I can do with this..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal hands the shard to Ivan Robotnik just to end the squabbling.
Charles: "Void or not, I still have issues to take care of."
Ivan Robotnik: "Thank you, Metal."
Garrick scratches the back of his neck.
Razor nods. "...good... I know it can't replace your old sword... but at least it's something..."
Aribar taps his foot impatiently and wonders what will happen next.*
Charles: "Then this discussion has ended. We return to Nintendus, the artifacts are collected, the master emerald is restored, and the biggest thing to happen to the Realm of the Heavens since Vaati's Wind Palace will appear."
Azure: "Sounds like a lot."
Deloth: "Your ego?"
Charles: "Under normal circumstances, I'd be with the Questers again..." *droops his head.* "But since that whole mako incident..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Locos, you can't change who you are; a Quester."
Charles: "True, but the QH had a point."
Aribar: .oO(At this rate I'll never get a chance to attack Doopliss and have a reason for it...)
Charles: "I drained the planet's energy."
Ivan Robotnik: "Time to redeem yourself for it, then."
Aribar: "You almost destroyed the planet."
Charles points to Ari. "And as long as Aribar can't get over his own damn vendetta against my commander, then I can't really unite again."
Aribar: "Unless drastic measures are taken I will never forgive Doopliss for taking my form and King Erwin's name."
Azure: "Deep struggles always tie down the bonds in the future." *he says to himself.*
Deloth: "Ari, do you need a mind wipe? THE UNIVERSE IS IN DANGER."
Ivan Robotnik: "Be still, Deloth."
Garrick chuckles to himself.
Aribar: "... Deloth, do you think I'm stupid? I know the universe's end is near if we do not act!"
Ivan Robotnik: "Doopliss..." He turns to the copy form of Aribar.
Deloth: "Then let go of your kuso grudge and help."
Charles returns back to his own group.
Aribar: "No... I shall never let go of it of my own free will, Deloth."
Charles turns to Aribar. "Then may the lords help you get yourself out of your ass."
Ivan Robotnik: "... We'll have to deal with this in the future, when it is time."
Nehi: "Yes?"
Ivan Robotnik: "... That time is soon... But not now."
Digifanatic: "Do you have an estimate?"
Ivan Robotnik: "... Sooner than you think..."
Yurie: -.-0
Charles: "For now..."
Ivan Robotnik: "We can get along with a single grudge for now."
Charles: "Anything else you'd like to add, Ivan?"
Razor: "...what's wrong Yur?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Unless there is more important business at hand here on Saga, I think it best that we begin immediately."
Charles: "..." *drops a tear from his eye.*
Garrick gets up from his good sitting spot and heads toward whatever exit there is in this Blade Temple.
Charles: .oO(Perhaps she is pissed about something... if at me... then I can't blame her.)
Digifanatic: "Yeah, that's the best thing to do..."
Charles: "Ricky, Sir Meta Knight, Doopliss, King Bowser Koopa, Ivan... we are heading back. Open the portal, Erwin."
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan nods. "When the rest of the Questers are ready, we shall be waiting at the Stadium."
Nehi: "Aye!" *He whips out... the Doorman's staff.
Charles shakes his head.
Aribar: .oO(Damnit... This looks like another missed chance to kill Doopliss...)
Nehi: "Why take the long and lame way? We stole the Doorman's staff... oh yeah... forgot to tell you that. Sorry, Ivan."
Charles: "Actually... there's another use for Valhalla fortress than just a symbol of pride and power..."
Digifanatic takes a deep breath. "Well... let's do this."
Charles: "But that's after it rises that I will announce my global news."
Deloth: "No turning back."
Metal Man (GM): Nehi taps the staff, causing a green door to open.
Nehi: "This goes straight to Nintendus. Though it's used all the energy in the staff to make this door."
Digifanatic walks to and into the door.
Ivan Robotnik: "... Locos, there is no better place than Quester headquarters from which to conduct this."
Yurie: "Go ahead... we have our own way out."
Charles: "Yurie... and other comrades... are any of you angry at me? Besides Ari..."
Aribar mumbles, "Great. A group of traitors right in the Stadium. That'll sure help this fight to save the universe."
Garrick just brushes by Locos and walks through the door.
Yurie: "Not really angry... just irritated."
Digifanatic: (with his body partially in and partially out) "I'm ready if you all are..."
Razor: "...angry, no... slightly annoyed, perhaps."
Deloth steps up to the door, looks back at the others, then heads inside the door.
Ivan Robotnik: "It is, after all, the center of the Void's attention. With a few modifications to the warp room, it can be made to bring us anywhere in the multiverse."
Digifanatic completes walking through the door...
Yurie: "And I know just what to modify it with..."
Charles plays sadness from SOM in his head.
Yurie pulls out the crystal Key of Space...
Razor blinks a few times at Yurie. "...what's that?"
Nehi: "...I'll take my own door, thank you very much." Nehi walks in... Locos's people walk through it as well.
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan heads through the door.
Yurie: "Something we got from Kylin..."
Charles: "Let's enter and get this over with."
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero too.
Yurie: "Anyway... we're not leaving just yet..."
Editor's Note: Way to desperately try to salvage Saga when it's too late, Yurie.
Razor: "...guess that should do the trick..."
Digifanatic steps back...
Razor: " to finish here?"
Gen: "Indeed... I could probably upgrade your weapons here..."
Razor raises an eyebrow. " that's talking my language... even Chaoverge?"
Garrick gives Gen a look.
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan looks back to Locos's bunch. "... Go with them. Upgrade your things. You'll need it for what's to come. You too, Zero."
Gen: "My friend... you're in the center of the greatest weaponsmithy in all of Saga."
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero returns. "We'll need all the power we can get for this."
Aribar sighs...* "When we get back to the stadium I'm really going to have to vent some steam on dummies in the Holoroom..."
Razor: " weapon isn't exactly normal..."
Yurie: "None of these are..."
Deloth turns around and heads out of the door. "Upgrades, you say?"
Yurie (GM): waves a hand to all the swords lining the walls of the Chamber...
Garrick just shrugs and goes over and leans against a wall, waiting for the others to go ahead and upgrade their stuff. He's a Quester, might as well stay with the other Questers.
Razor: "Hrm... if you can temper a spirit blade, then by all means, let's do so."
Metal Man (GM): "I'd love some upgrades." Locos can go in the door or follow the Questers. Either way, it'll disappear once everyone leaves it.
Yurie: "Indeed... for a price."
Charles: "...My tasks here are done."
Razor: " it."
Aribar: "Both of my blades need no improvement..."
Charles: "Doopliss, if you are staying, I request the doorman's staff. I will return it when done."
Metal Man (GM): Nehi pops out of the door. "But it's out of batteries!"
Deloth rolls his eyes.
Gen: "Money. Hey, I have to pay for my drinks somehow... but first... I need to make my... proteges... new sword..."
Charles: "I will repower it."
Deloth: "How much money?"
Metal Man (GM): Nehi tosses Charles the staff, then shuts the door.
Charles heads through the portal to Ivan. He grabs the staff.
Metal Man (GM): Erm... then they come out of the warp, confused.
Razor: "Indeed... shall we leave then?"
Nehi: "What's this about weapons again? Sorry... sound doesn't travel well in here."
Bowser: "I don't care where we're going, but I sure am hungry..."
Deloth: "Once again, how much money does it take to upgrade a weapon?"
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero brings forward 1000 coins.
Metal Man (GM): Bowser, Nehi aka Doopliss, Meta Knight, and Ricky the Koopa have temporarily joined your party! *Corny party join music.*
Deloth ponys up the 1000 coin fee.
Deloth: *Added Status Effect: Blindness.*
Digifanatic also pays 1000 coins for an upgrade.
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero exits through le door. Line's too long.
Metal Man (GM): Of course, everyone can upgrade their weapons at HQ anyway!
Garrick also exits through the door. He doesn't have a weapon to smith.
Metal Man (GM): *Metal, and Locos's mob (except Ivan and Locos) go back in the door.*
Razor stays there with Yurie and Gen. Ha. *Chaoverge gains: 5 Quirks and Status Effect: Haywire.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan Robotnik has finished the adjustments on the warp circuits in the Warp Room. The Questers are all in the Big Room. Including the newbies.
Garrick has got his feet kicked up on the table, once again silent as ever.
Aribar looks about the good ol' Big Room and wonders what is up this time.
Mewtwo: "I've left Ivan in charge of this operation... he knows more than even I..."
Metal Man crosses his arms, looking as ready as he'll ever be.
Ivan Robotnik: "My friends, I know it's a bit soon after the calamity on Saga, but we have to do this now."
Metal Man: "Better now than never."
Azure: "If quick action is taken, it doesn't have to get worse."
Ivan Robotnik: "The warp room is adjusted, and the computer is using it to track the coordinates of everything you'll need."
Aribar: "So... We are going where again?"
Garrick: "Just how many items are we looking at collecting here?"
Metal Man: "Ah..."
Wolfman arrives a little late at the Big Room... even though he recovered from the evil badge incident, he still needed lots of rest.
Ivan Robotnik: "Let me give you a briefing..."
Wolfman: "Sorry I'm late... remind me to only get badges prescribed to me."
Ivan Robotnik: "Oh, but I'm sorry. How rude of me. I forgot to introduce these people. Ragamuffin, Kaelas, and... what was your name again?"
Azure: "Name's Azure Oran. Sorry I haven't introduced myself." *he rubs the back of his head.*
Ivan Robotnik: "Ah yes, Azure. These three have recently joined the Questers and will be joining you on this mission."
Aribar: "Ah... We have a tradition around here..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Mrrr?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Now onto the briefing."
Aribar: "New guys get to check for traps... Heh."
Yurie: "Aribar..."
Aribar: "Bah... Just kidding."
Garrick is busy staring at the... Chibi Tigress Gundam, sorta confused..
Metal Man: "Don't make me tell them about how you used to die all the time."
Nick Caligo (GM): A picture of the Hidden Palace Zone appears, with giant grey emeralds sitting around an empty pedestal.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *sits on her butt with her forepaws between her legs watching and listening.*
Wolfman sees the grey emeralds... strange...
Ivan Robotnik: "First, you'll go here; the Hidden Palace of Angel Island."
Wolfman: "Excuse me, but aren't the emeralds supposed to be... well, more colorful?"
Ivan Robotnik: "You'll deliver the Master Emerald to the empty pedestal and awaken the power of the Super Emeralds, already in place, but requiring a bit of a... charge. The emeralds will be brought back here thereafter, and we'll warp you next to..."
Nick Caligo (GM): There's now a shot of a tower that appears to have been beaten literally into the ground.
Ivan Robotnik: "This is Ganon's Tower; it has sunk beneath the earth... it's halfway into a world of Darkness."
Aribar: "W-what?!"
Ivan Robotnik: "Defeat Heartless Ganondorf and get the Triforce back!"
Metal Man: "...Whew. For a minute there, I though Locos and all of his buddies had died."
Wolfman: "I know Ganondorf is heartless, but are you saying he IS a heartless?"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *scratches her ear.*
Ivan Robotnik: "Yes, I am."
Metal Man: "Oh yeah... well, he befriended them, then disappeared... this would explain it."
Ivan Robotnik: "Next..."
Garrick is still kinda staring at that... Chibi Tigress Gundam...
Wolfman just nods his head.
Ragamuffin just stares intently at the tower.
Nick Caligo (GM): The next thing that appears is... another tower. This one looks more elaborate and... cybernetic in nature. At the top there's a bright gold glow.
Azure just listens.
Yurie: "And this is?"
Metal Man: "...Yet another tower? Wow... those things are popular."
Aribar: "Great... What tower is THIS?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Sigma's Fortress. You'll be deposited directly at the top. Beat Sigma and get the Mother Elf. Zero knows what I'm speaking of."
Ragamuffin: "Why do the bad guys always live in high places...?"
Garrick: "The higher you are, the closer to God..."
Aribar: "... Elf? What about elves?"
Zero nods. "I'll be glad to fight that ugly bastard again. After Neo Arcadia and Omega, he'll be a cinch."
Ivan Robotnik: "Next..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *tilts head to side, just taking in this rather odd briefing.*
Nick Caligo (GM): On the screen NOW is what appears to be at least five Exors *Super Mario RPG reference.* arranged in a circle. They all have red eyes. There's thunder and lightning in the background.... That doesn't look friendly at ALL.
Yurie: "Oh great..."
Wolfman: "Oh great; more clones."
Aribar: "Oh, piffle... How are we suppose to defeat THEM?!"
Garrick: "I take it at the point we go there we'll already have some of these legendary items, making it easier to fight enemies like... those Exors."
Ivan Robotnik: "We don't know what's here. But the Exors here are acting as a barrier. You'll be warped into the center and must retrieve the Seven Stars."
Ragamuffin: "Giant swords AND lightning... just wonderful..."
Azure: "..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Next..."
Wolfman: "So we have emeralds, triforces, stars, and elves. What is next; red coins?"
Aribar: "I just hope there aren't five Smithies..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Peach's castle is on the screen now.
Metal Man: "Six, if the real one didn't defect."
Ivan Robotnik: "I thought you'd like a breather; the Super Star isn't being guarded by anything severe. Peach will give it to you."
Garrick: "I doubt that."
Ivan Robotnik: "You'll have a chance to relax and replenish your powers."
Garrick: "I also doubt that."
Ragamuffin: "Never look a gift horse in the mouth..."
Wolfman: "Where there is a Peach, there is a kidnapper..."
Metal Man: "Bowser is on Locos's side, why would he defect?"
Ragamuffin: "That too..."
Metal Man: "After all the beatings he's had..."
Garrick: "Doesn't matter. Something will happen, always does."
Metal Man: "Short of being as persistent as Robotnik."
Wolfman: "What about Tatanga? He might be tired of trying to chase Daisy."
Metal Man: "...Good point. Tatanga would be most bothersome."
Yurie: "What's the next one?"
Nick Caligo (GM): The next thing on the screen is... why, that's most assuredly a cathedral.
Garrick leans forward slightly.
Metal Man: "...I hope we aren't attacking a bunch of religious fanatics."
Aribar: "Dracula's place?"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *looks confused as to what's going on.*
Nick Caligo (GM): A really dark looking one... some creepy dead looking thing with sinewy strands of flesh clinging to almost baer bones and glowing green eyes--with some sort of shroud over his mouth--leans over, watching from above the rafters.
Yurie: "Ew..."
Ivan Robotnik: "You might consider this the worst of all your fights on this mission. He's called Raziel. He may or may not cooperate, depending on how you approach him."
Wolfman tries to remember that name... but can't seem to.
Ivan Robotnik: "One way or another, we must borrow his weapon."
Aribar: "You know what? I hate the undead..."
Ragamuffin takes notes...
Yurie: "I heard about him..."
Metal Man: "...I'll need a better weapon at this rate..."
Garrick: "...well, there is one thing I know about this. We won't be going anywhere near my world. Earth is far from legendary."
Ragamuffin: "Yep... undead suck..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *looks around at the others, confused as to what the heck were doing.*
Ivan Robotnik: "He's a bit more than Undead... He can devour souls."
Aribar: "... THE Earth, Garrick?"
Wolfman: "That's seven if I counted correctly. I have a feeling there is one more... what is it?"
Metal Man: "Earth... didn't that place explode?"
Garrick: "...yes, THE Earth, Ari. I'm from Earth. Regular, plain old, everyday Earth."
Ivan Robotnik: "There are more yet..."
Garrick: "And no, Metal. It was at war when I was there, but nothing so grandiose as to blow it up..."
Nick Caligo (GM): The next picture... Is that HELL!? It sure looks like it. It's like the whole planet is engulfed in flames and magma..
Ivan Robotnik: "Hell. Or at least, a Hell."
Azure: "..."
Aribar: "Ooh... In school we learned that Earth was destro--... Why the hell are we going to... Hell?"
Garrick just... sorta... stares.
Ivan Robotnik: "There's an artifact called the Soulcube here."
Ragamuffin: "How much evil can be packed into a mission?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Quite a lot."
Garrick: "I assume we're going to fight Satan?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Nope."
Garrick: "...Hitler?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Just a powerful demon. The Soulcube's Guardian."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *mews and cleans her paws all kawaii like.*
Ragamuffin: "Right... Guardian..."
Wolfman slaps Garrick in a "Don't-push-it, don't go too far" way.
Garrick: "Close enough..."
Aribar: "You want us dead, huh?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Kill it, retrieve the cube, and then I'll warp you on to the next destination. Something a bit more light-hearted."
Garrick ducks the slap, giving Wolf a look before glancing back at the screen.
Wolfman: "Are these missions to be done in the order given, or is there a pick-and-choose thing?"
Metal Man: "...I sure hope we don't wind up being attacked by martians next..."
Yurie glances at the robo kitty and pets it...
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *gets petted.* -.-;
Ivan Robotnik: "My nephew's kingdom: Robotnikland. You're being sent straight into the heart of it to retrieve some things that were stolen from this Stadium long ago."
Wolfman: "...the Max Ups?"
Yurie nods, holding her new weapon in one hand...
Aribar: "Couldn't we stop him while we're there?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Well, that's the problem; he ISN'T there. At least, where you're going. Yes, Wolfman. Max Ups."
Yurie: "Max Ups?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Or rather, the LAST Max Up."
Azure: "Max up?"
Ragamuffin: "Ah. Max-up SINGULAR."
Wolfman: "If I remember right, the Max Ups allowed for extra damage to be delivered."
Aribar: "... Geeze... How did he get his grubby hands on it? That thing used to make Smashers like Samus and DK unbeatable..."
Yurie: "And this is all for Nintendus?"
Ivan Robotnik: "As well as the Melee Necklace, the Pseudocubezooka, and Metal's lost Deathmachine."
Yurie: "...Deathmachine??"
Aribar: "Oak has the Bazooka I believe..."
Wolfman: "The Melee Necklace was never with us."
Garrick hesitates, then raises a hand.
Ragamuffin: "...deathmachine?"
Wolfman: "That, I believe, was made by one of the Koopa Kids."
Ivan Robotnik: "The point stands. We're getting it."
Metal Man: "He probably stole those things while we were gone."
Wolfman: "Fair enough."
Garrick: "I have a question."
Ivan Robotnik: "After that, you'll make your final stop. We can't get a picture of it. We don't know what's there."
Ragamuffin: "Garrick has a question."
Ivan Robotnik: "... Yes?"
Garrick: "It's alright. Continue, Ivan. Didn't know you weren't done."
Aribar: "I have a feeling we should not do all of these missions head on..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *still totally confused on what's going on, sure someone will tell her where to go.*
Ivan Robotnik: "Oh, wait, ONE more. You're going to make a brief return to Saga, actually."
Yurie: "What for?"
Nick Caligo (GM): The screen depicts a large chunk of glowy white stuff and a sword of some sort.
Ivan Robotnik: "Excalibur and Holy, the ultimate Materia."
Garrick whistles.
Ivan Robotnik: "They're together. You'll have to deal with whatever's guarding it, of course..."
Wolfman: "So pray it's not one of those Weapon creatures basically?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Yes."
Aribar: "I think we should go there before going to Hell."
Ragamuffin: "Good idea."
Ivan Robotnik: "... You might have a point there."
Wolfman: "Is there an order in which these must be done actually?"
Metal Man: "Yeah... we could use those holy weapons against the demons! ...And threaten Raziel with it if we had to."
Ragamuffin: "'course, holy stuff could be partially suppressed in hell..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Right then. The final stop is the Shining Path... We can't get a picture of it. It's a world within a world."
Wolfman: "A pocket dimension?"
Ivan Robotnik: "But we can get you there. Once you are... you'll have to locate a stone sword."
Yurie: "...and what's there? ...a Stone Sword?"
Metal Man: "I hope they have popcorn."
Aribar: "... . What is special about this sword?"
Wolfman: "Who uses a stone sword? Or is it a sword in a stone?"
Ivan Robotnik: "To its sides, you'll find two places where you must put the Swords of Darkness and Light... and complete the Chaos Breaker."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *still as confused as ever.*
Yurie: "...the Chaos Breaker..."
Ivan Robotnik: "This sword alone may be the ultimate weapon against the Void."
Azure: "So, getting all these items are vital."
Ivan Robotnik: "But beware; we can't get its exact location. You might have to scour the whole pocket dimension."
Wolfman: "Ivan, should we face your Nephew... do you know if the Move Stealer would remove his Melee capabilities?"
Aribar raises his hand.
Ragamuffin: "Pocket dimension... is that kinda like a snow globe?"
Ivan Robotnik: "I don't know. Yes, Aribar?"
Aribar: "Now... Will the Swords of Light and Darkness combine to make the Chaos Breaker or in the end will we have all three swords?"
Ivan Robotnik: "You'll lose the two other swords."
Garrick: "...and what about those of us who don't USE swords. Seems to me that most of these items are swords."
Ivan Robotnik: "You could retrieve them later, but the Chaos Breaker requires that you give them up."
Metal Man: "Good riddance. No more Zios or Aribars or crazy nuts wielding super powers..."
Aribar: "Hey!"
Ivan Robotnik: "Now... to do this, I'm going to give you a few things. First, Aribar..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *stands and stretches.* .oO(I have no clue what the hell is going on.)
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan draws the Sword of Light and gives it to him. It's got a golden hilt, and its blade glows with a bright aura.
Ivan Robotnik: "This is the Sword of Light. Discard that cheap copy I made of the Sword of Darkness and take this."
Ragamuffin: "Ooooooh... aaaaahhh..."
Aribar: "... What? This thing that I've been carrying on my back... This Sword of Darkness... It is a fake?!"
Wolfman: "You've been in the Dark too long." *chuckles.*
Ivan Robotnik: "It's a fake. Yes."
Aribar: *Twitch, twitch.*
Metal Man: "Though it still works... I doubt you'd want to use it much."
Aribar: "..." *Blinks and takes the Sword of Light...*
Nick Caligo (GM): Its special abilities are as follows: Light Blade Wave: Make a ranged attack with the Sword of Light. Break the Darkness: The Sword of Light emits a bright light that can make dark things shy away and illuminate dark areas.
Metal Man: "What should we do... with that other sword? It's still evil, even though it's weak."'
Razor finally makes it to the Big Room after taking a good amount of time focusing and strengthening his blade.
Ivan Robotnik: "Bah. It's nothing but a placebo."
Yurie: "And where's the real one?"
Ivan Robotnik: "The real one will be given to you when the time comes. It's difficult to control the powers of darkness..."
Aribar: "... I think I'll just store the fake Sword of Darkness in my room later..."
Ragamuffin glances at his rapier and sighs.
Nick Caligo (GM): Light(ning) bolt: The Sword of Light can emit Holy Lightning that can stun Dark enemies.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *looks for a way to leave besides clawing her brain out.* "I just don't get it."
Aribar: "But are you SURE it is wise for me to hold the Sword of Light? I mean, I'm tempted a little too easily by Darkness... It is probably just as bad with light."
Metal Man: "It'll fit together eventually..."
Ivan Robotnik: "It will protect you from corruption."
Garrick glances to the Chibi Gundam, seeing as that was the first words outta her mouth "We've got to get stuff. We're going to go fight bad people to get those things."
Ragamuffin: "Nice explanation."
Yurie: "Otherwise, the world goes kerboom."
Wolfman remembers his time in the darkness... if he was a non-robotic creature, he'd shed a tear... .oO(I'll avenge you guys... somehow.)
Razor: " when do we head out?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Next..."
Nick Caligo (GM): He goes to Raggy, Chibi Gundam, and Azure. Raggy receive a really elaborate looking Rapier. It's silvery, with green trim.
Ragamuffin: "Woo-Hoo!"
Ivan Robotnik: "That's the Soul Calibur. Or at least... a really good carbon copy of it..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan gives Azure a badge. It's in the shape of a clenched iron fist.
Azure: "What's this, exactly? It kinda like the Cesti I use to use back home."
Ivan Robotnik: "This is the Badge of the Iron Fist. I made it especially for fist fighters. Garrick, you get one too."
Garrick takes the badge "...what's it do?"
Ivan Robotnik: "It increases the power of your bare hands and gives you a special attack."
Nick Caligo (GM): It gives more strength, improves damage, and grants the power quake attack, which threatens all enemies.
Garrick pops off the Chill Out badge on the inside of his jacket and clips the Iron Fist badge on instead... and then shudders big time. "Son of a..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan goes to Yurie next.
Ivan Robotnik: "Yurie, you will receive Excalibur when you find it."
Nick Caligo (GM): He goes to Zero, passes him by. He goes to Metal.
Ivan Robotnik: "Metal... When you retrieve Deathmachine, equip it immediately."
Yurie: "...Excalibur." o.o
Razor: "...should suit you well, Yur..."
Ivan Robotnik: "The other things, though, like the Melee Necklace, will be distributed later."
Metal Man: "Ok."
Azure: "So let's get to work then."
Nick Caligo (GM): Ivan goes to Razor now.
Ivan Robotnik: "Raziel's weapon shall be yours, Razor."
Razor nods.
Ivan Robotnik: "It should suit you very well..." he grins a little.
Razor: "Heh..."
Ivan Robotnik: "I'm sorry to those of you to whom I couldn't give things immediately. But I've only got so many legendary artifacts to go around."
Wolfman: "Do not worry... as long as I succeed, I'll feel better."
Spyke yawns and looks around.
Ragamuffin: "That makes sense."
Aribar looks about the room. "Hrm... Who gets Chaos Breaker? Wolfman?"
Wolfman: .oO(Tifa, if I fail, I'm sorry.)
Ragamuffin: "Probably you, since you'll be losing the sword o' light."
Ivan Robotnik: "No. Zero will."
Ragamuffin: "Ah. "
Zero: "... Me?"
Aribar: "Oh. Good... I'd like to stick to Moonlight after this."
Ivan Robotnik: "Yes. You. Aribar will be compensated."
Razor smirks.
Ivan Robotnik: "Okay, now, to the warp room, everyone!"
Metal Man: "Aye."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *wishes she knew why we were doing this, or more exactly what we were doing.*
Razor nods. "Alright..."
Wolfman: "Yes sir." *He heads off to the Warp Room.*
Ivan Robotnik: "And Wolfman, the Melee Necklace is yours when you find it."
Azure follows after Wolfman.
Wolfman: "Thank you." *He now goes on to the warp room.*
Ragamuffin walks to the warp room.
Garrick stands up and heads for the warp room as well.
Aribar heads off to his own room first to deposit the fake Sword of Darkness. He shoves the Sword of Light into a sheath and heads to the warproom.
Razor heads to the door and waits for Yurie. "...guess it's time..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *just follows some random person.*
Yurie: "Um, could we do a bit of shopping first?"
Wolfman: "I'd agree, but what can 280 coins get you these days?"
Ivan Robotnik: "If you wish, but hurry!"
Yurie quickly rushes off...
Wolfman tries to find SOMETHING in one of the stores for 280 coins or less...
Ragamuffin buys a last stand badge
Wolfman gives up, curses Wario's name in binary, and just goes to the warp room.
Nick Caligo (GM): The warp room is weird...
Metal Man looks at the new, weirder warp room.
Nick Caligo (GM): There's a purple pinpoint of light in the center of it.
Razor: "Huh..."
Wolfman: "What the heck happened here? Did Mack decorate in here again?"
Metal Man: "What's that pinpoint do?"
Yurie rushes back in and skids to a halt...
Aribar: "That looks... . Different."
Nick Caligo (GM): *FLASH.*
Azure: *blinks.*
Nick Caligo (GM): The Questers are already in the middle of the Hidden Palace Zone. With the Master Emerald at Metal's side, no less!
Wolfman blinks a few times... then figures out where he is.
Garrick: "...that was simple."
Yurie: "Gah!! Someone WARN me before we warp..."
Spyke: "... Hmm..."
Wolfman suspects something isn't right... "Metal, how did you get the Master Emerald so fast?"
Ivan Robotnik: (Telepathy???) "I warped it there."
Yurie: "Robotnik must have warped it here when we... nevermind..."
???: "A-HA!"
Aribar hrms and looks about... He jumps a couple of feet into the air when Ivan speaks.* "GAAH! Don't do that!"
Metal Man: "Huh?"
Yurie: "Alright... who wants to carry... ah-hah what??"
Wolfman turns to the voice.
???: "So YOU'RE the ones who stole the Master Emerald. Probably put it in a CAGE, too!"
Ragamuffin draws soul calibur.
Razor: "...say wha?"
Nick Caligo (GM): That voice...
Spyke: "A cage? Um..."
Wolfman: "What are you talking about?" *gets a good look at the creature.*
Nick Caligo (GM): It's rife with such idiocy... such... such... irrationality...
Yurie: "...Knuckles..."
Nick Caligo (GM): It could only be...
Yurie: "...Knuckles..."
Knuckles: "I've got you now... EMERALD THIEVES!!"
Garrick: "...a red chipmunk?"
Yurie: "...actually, we're returning it."
Razor: "...yeah, what she said."
Aribar: "... How dare you declare me a thief?"
Metal Man: "...You've got it all wrong! We're... yeah... returning it."
Nick Caligo (GM): He rushes over, grabs the Master Emerald, LEAPS up to the center platform, and JAMS it in amongst the crystals. *SHEEEEEEEEEEEEM!!*
Ragamuffin: "Heheh... you got the wrong guy... heheh."
Azure: "I don't think he's gonna let us get that..."
Aribar: "My job is to kill all thieves..."
Nick Caligo (GM): All the Super Emeralds emit a blinding rainbow glow, gaining their color back.
Wolfman: "You look more like an Echidna than a chipmunk to me."
Nick Caligo (GM): And as for Knuckles...
Wolfman glares at Garrick.
Yurie blinks, covering her eyes... then looks up.
Garrick: "What the crap is an Echidna?"
Nick Caligo (GM): He too is glowing, bright red-white.
Razor: "...oh boy..."
Yurie: " guys? I don't think we should be discussing what he is... other than mad..."
Spyke shrugs.
Razor: "...I agree..."
Nick Caligo (GM): *ahem.* HYPER Knuckles jumps off the Master Emerald, looking rather pissed off.
Metal Man: "...This isn't gonna turn out good."
Wolfman: "Why would he be mad if we returned the emerald?"
Nick Caligo (GM): DAMN. So fast and the Questers have already gotten into this sort of mess.
Aribar: "... Uhh... Look! A distraction!"
Razor: "...because he's irrational..."
Azure: "Can't we just talk about this?"
Yurie: "Now..listen... we're not here to fight, we just need to borrow the Super Emeralds... we'll return them..."
Knuckles: "Nothing's gonna distract me from POUNDING YOU!!"
Yurie: "...greeeeeeeat..."
Metal Man: "...Dr. Eggman is behind you!"
Spyke: "Nothing? Nothing at all?"
Aribar lies...* "Not even the person stealing the emeralds right now?"
Wolfman: "Guys, I suggest you get ready for a battle... Knuckles does NOT look like he wants to actually talk!" *Gets his Beam Saber equipped.*
Yurie: "Right..."
Metal Man: "Well then, Wolfman, we'll have to pound him using our mob-like numbers."
Nick Caligo (GM): That's why he's Hyper Knuckles and not just Knuckles.
Spyke: "Roger."
Aribar unsheathes the Sword of Light.*
Spyke draws his gun and holds it next to his head, pointed up, ready.
Aribar: "Let's see what this thing can do..."
Metal Man: "Let's show that confused guy the power of mob mentality!"
Yurie reaches down, then draws her blade. A trail of light follows the blade as she brings it to the ready, glowing kanji running along the flat of the blade...
Razor snaps his arm to the side, black and green energy swirling about to form the chaos blade. "Hmph... alright... if you want to fight us for no reason, then fine." A white, sword-shaped badge glows faintly, and the Chaoverge's core shifts from black to white!
Metal Man (GM): .oO(Next time, we say we rescued the emerald from Eggman...)
Garrick slowly drops into his Ali style stutter step. He looks a LOT more loose than he normally does, and his guns do look a tad bigger.
Wolfman gets his Smash Dex out... considering it's the deluxe model, he hopes he can gain extra information from the creature.
Smash Dex: *DING!* "Hyper Knuckles. STR: 30. SPD: 30. INT: 6. AC: 20. Known Attacks: Punch, Glide, Spin Dash, Ground Pound, Maximum Heat Attack."
Aribar blinks and switches to Moonlight... The Sword of Light will be useless in this battle...*
Smash Dex: "HP probably don't want to know. Element: None. Or... HP: Bigger than his INT, I can tell you THAT much."
Nick Caligo (GM): The sword of Light will be useful.
Wolfman: .oO(Of course I want to know, you portable encyclopedia!)
Azure: "If we must resort to violence, then let's do this."
Spyke: "What Azure said... Yeah."
Yurie: "..." *draws her Dex and scans one of the Super Emeralds...*
Smash Dex: "Knuckles is drawing his power from these."
Yurie: "...duh. Everyone, scatter and get to those emeralds!"
Razor: "Roger that, Yur."
Nick Caligo (GM): Knuckles starts by charging up, drawing in flecks of red energy.
Ragamuffin: "Got it."
Nick Caligo (GM): *Shhhhhhhh--ding!*
Knuckles: "Are you READY!? Here... I... GO!!" *WHOOOSHOOSHOOSHOOOSHOOSH.*
Nick Caligo (GM): HIT for Raggy. HIT for Yurie.
Yurie: "Gah!!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Azure: HIT. Wolf HIT. Garrick actually evaded.
Aribar: "Gah!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Razor: HIT.
Razor: "Ungh..."
Azure puts up an x guard, being pushed back by the force.
Wolfman suffers some damage... he didn't like how Knuckles moved... fast.
Metal Man (GM): *HIT*
Nick Caligo (GM): Knuckles bolts around the room leaving a blazing red trail, striking pretty much everybody.
Garrick ...SOMEHOW... is able to Matrix style dodge that.
Aribar: "What... Are you?!"
Spyke: "He is an animal that someone put on some steroid-thing."
Yurie: "Metal! Try to stun Knuckles with that baton of yours!"
Metal Man: "Sure!"
Razor smirks. "Alright... my turn! Flare!" He thrusts his hand forward and Chaoverge, almost seems to explode with energy, emitting a wave of light over Knuckles.
Nick Caligo (GM): Knuckles bolts off to the side faster almost than Razor can see. He rushes in and tries to uppercut Razor.
Razor: *HIT.*
Nick Caligo (GM): *DOOSH* Yurie.
Yurie quickly dashes off to the side, then crouches and wire-leaps up to the top of the pillar holding the Blue Super emerald, then begins to try and pry it off...
Razor stumbles back, growling. "...okay... touche, ya damn little rat..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Yurie is shocked.
Yurie: "Gaaaaah!!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Yurie falls off the Emerald, having failed to pry it off. Knuckles then glides over and BASHES Yurie. Or tries to.
Yurie is bashed.
Nick Caligo (GM): *DOOSH!!*
Yurie: "ARGH!! Everyone, go for the emeralds dammit!"
Ragamuffin uses his dueling skills on knuckles.
Nick Caligo (GM): HIT!
Aribar: "Looks like the new guy has some skill!"
Ragamuffin uses shank.
Nick Caligo (GM): Miss. Zero dashes in and tries to stab Knuckles before he can counterattack Raggy. Hit! He continues with an upward slash. Miss.
Yurie: " no one listening to me?"
Metal Man: "I am, but I can't act yet!"
Garrick is on Knuckles' left side, spinning into a trio of kicks.
Yurie: "Garrick! Go for the emeralds!"
Nick Caligo (GM): *BAM!* one hit.
Yurie: "..." -.-
Wolfman: *to Azure.* "Should we try lifting an emerald together?"
Azure: "I'm not that strong. You sure you wanna try it?"
Garrick spins outta that trio and fires off a pair of punches.
Wolfman nods his head.
Metal Man: "I could help lift the emerald with my strength."
Nick Caligo (GM): Whiff.
Aribar: "Bah! If we all focus on the Emeralds then we'll be sitting ducks!"
Azure: "Okay then, how about... one of us holds his general attention?"
Wolfman: "Hold his; I'll go."
Azure: "Like this. I'll make an opening, hopefully..."
Garrick: "You don't need to yell..."
Wolfman goes for the Red Emerald while Azure distracts...
Azure runs at Knuckles and spins with his left foot, going for Knuckles' face.
Nick Caligo (GM): Miss.
Wolfman goes to lift the red emerald and avoid the shock. He seems to be having problems.
Nick Caligo (GM): Knuckles dives for Garrick's feet, trying to grab him. Garrick is GRABBED. His energy BURNS!! He then THROWS Garrick at Wolfman, seeing him go for the Emeralds.
Garrick: "...WOLFY! WATCH YOUR SIX!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Aaaand hits the side of the Emerald, making it slant a little.
Wolfman tries to lift that red emerald now.
Nick Caligo (GM): Failure. No shocky for Wolfman.
Garrick so very slowly begins to fall... but tries, if possible, to hold on to the emerald for later yanking.
Nick Caligo (GM): Not possible.
Aribar ignores Yurie and dashes towards Knuckles with his sword glowing white. Moonlight slices through the Echidna's skin with ease. Normal move: True Strike. Earth damage. Poison status effect.
Metal Man: "...Now that I think of it, I should have kept my part of the Master Emerald."
Garrick will then be subject to toss, shock, and faceplant into the mystical emerald. Bow to the audience.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit! No poison, though.
Wolfman really needs to work on his strength for some reason...
Aribar follows up by extending his sword towards Knuckles. Three glowing balls of energy dart like quicksilver towards his foe and strike him for four damage each (Twelve total)... These Magic Missles automatically hit their target. He then follows up and ends his combo with another True Strike.*
Nick Caligo (GM): He's struck with all of them. Aaaaand then Ari's true strike doesn't hold so true. Nice run there, though, Ari.
Spyke aims his pistol and fires at Knuckles.
Nick Caligo (GM): Unlucky 13. Spyke misses. I'm not counting Spyke's miss towards what I've been counting misses towards.
Metal Man takes his baton, then hurls it like a boomerang at Knuckles' silly old head.
Nick Caligo (GM): *missmiss!*
Baton: *Whizzes past Knuckles' head and does nothing more but make a lot of flying noises.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Knuckles jumps up and slams Aribar with his fists clasped together.
Aribar: "Gaah!"
Nick Caligo (GM): *SMACK!!* Aribar is pounded.
Aribar: "Is that... The best you've got?"
Knuckles: "HyaaaAAAAH!!"
Nick Caligo (GM): He punches Aribar in the face. *BAM!!* He then seems to charge up a bit before dashing forward surrounded by rings of energy.
Aribar: .oO(PLEASE let my plan work!)
Nick Caligo (GM): He's also going for...
Aribar is hit! Again.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Azure, who is also hit. Aribar is at 100%... Knuckles then jumps, spinning around, and SLAMS into the ground. Threatens everyone.
Aribar ... SOMEHOW survives all of this punishment.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Those who were fast enough jump the earthquake entirely. Everyone who was up on the Emeralds is safe. Aribar doesn't die.
Aribar: "Now it is time for you to go, 'Boom'!" *The elf says as he hands from his jump.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar's badges: Le Activated.
Nick Caligo (GM): Knuckles has thoroughly beaten the crap out of two people.
Razor rushes at Knuckles. "Better look this way! BURN!" He lunges forward, thrusting the blade straight at Knuckles, releasing a powerful burst of energy upon impact. (Soulburn)
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit!
Razor: Grabbed! ...not... paralyzed...
Nick Caligo (GM): No status effect.
Razor then lets out a cry as the blade emits a bright flash and expands to engulf Knuckles (Flare)
Nick Caligo (GM): DAMN that's a nice crit.
Razor: Confusion check. Fail... Blindness check.
Metal Man: "Man... I sure hope I get that deathmachine soon... haven't hit a thing yet."
Knuckles: "Gaaaah!!"
Razor leaps back and holds the blade behind him. It bursts into flames. "...Meteor... REVOLUTION!" He floats off the ground before bursting forward and slicing at Knuckles one, two, three times.
Nick Caligo (GM): *BAMBAMBAM.*
Razor: Hit hit hit.
Razor snaps his wraithblade to the side, wings flaring out. His heartrate quickens, his muscles bulge, and his movements become more fluid. His wounds slowly begin to close up as well. (Rush to end the combo)
Knuckles: "Big mistake, THIEF!!" He spins around a few times before unloading a punch that throws an energy ball at Razor.
Nick Caligo (GM): *BAM!* He's sent flying backwards. *SADISTIC grin.*
Razor is up to slightly healed by his Rush badge! owned ^_^
Yurie grrs, then leaps up to the top of the Blue Super Emerald pillar, then tries to pry the emerald away again, using her sword as leverage.
Nick Caligo (GM): Kerfail. ZAP!
Wolfman: .oO(How is Yurie getting shocked and I'm not? Goodness knows that she's smarter than me.)
Razor drops down, breathing heavily. "Okay... now... you've gone and done it..." He pushes back up to his feat, a badge glowing red. "...I'm starting to get pissed..."
Ragamuffin charges at knuckles, pointing both foot and blade at him in an attempt to pummel him.
Nick Caligo (GM): Critical miss! He tries to grab Raggy. AND HE'S GRABBED! to Raggy from his Hyper energy. He throws Raggy at Raze. Aaaand misses.
Razor dodges... by a lot...
Nick Caligo (GM): Raggy flies past him.
Metal Man: "Alright... this has gone on just long enough..." *cracks his knuckles.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Nope. Zero charges his buster up and unloads a fully charged shot. Cross your fingers, kids, he hasn't hit ONCE. ... And it's a hit! o.o.
Garrick: "...damn, I miss that thing."
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero continues by shooting them little pellets at him, seeming almost afraid to get in closer. Hithithit! Sheesh. He then slashes, unleashing a blade wave at him. Hit! @_@ He dashes in and stabs Knuckles next. Hit!! @_@
Wolfman: *to Azure.* "Let's lift this emerald together, alright?"
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero then executes an upward slash, trying to knock Knux into the air. Hit! o.o
Wolfman glances at Zero... yep; that's the Maverick Hunter I know and respect.
Nick Caligo (GM): *SHWEEEEM!!* *Kingdom Hearts slow motion thing...*
Spyke: "... Wow... Remind me to -never- get on his bad side."
Azure: "Okay... you sure? I was gonna go for the distraction again."
Garrick: "...*whistle.* He got 'em."
Ragamuffin watches knuckles get juggled by Zero.
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero SLAMS Knuckles back down, then lands and morphs his weapon back into the buster, charging it up. Knuckles flashes, losing Hyper mode.
Wolfman: *to Azure.* "I think we already got the distraction needed. Even if it doesn't last... he can't hit both of us at once."
Nick Caligo (GM): He's BADLY bruised at this point.
Zero: "Sorry, but we need these Emeralds. The world's fate depends on it. Thanks for getting them charged up for us, though."
Yurie just kinda sits there... looking rather... crispy.
Aribar: "Finish him off! He'll only attack us again when we come back."
Garrick: "No, Ari. He did nothing wrong."
Razor is breathing rather heavily. "...unnecessary... you're beaten."
Garrick: "It was all a misunderstanding."
Knuckles: "Well... *cough.* Why didn't you SAY so?! Go ahead and take them."
Zero: "..." -_-#
Wolfman: *facefaults.*
Yurie: "...We -did- tell you..."
Ragamuffin: "..."
Azure: "Looks like we don't need to!" *he laughs to Wolfman.*
Spyke holsters his pistol "Feh."
Razor: "...why... am I not surprised... alright, let's get these things out of here..."
Wolfman recovers, and chuckles a little to show no hard feelings.
Zero: "Doc! Warp the Emeralds now."
Ragamuffin stows his soul calibur.
Nick Caligo (GM): There's another flash. The Emeralds are gone.
Garrick: "...doesn't matter. We got to test out our new stuff, although it was in a very... interesting... way."
Zero: "Okay. Next place!"
Wolfman contacts the Doc. "Why didn't you do that sooner?"
Ivan Robotnik: "It's rather hard to do when someone's using them..."
Metal Man: "...I sure hope I get to ACTUALLY HIT the next idiot who attacks us like that..."
Wolfman: "Fair enough."
Nick Caligo (GM): *FLASH.* The Questers disappear.
Aribar: "Gaah!"
Knuckles: "... Those guys were TOUGH. ... Hey! The Master Emerald! It's back!" He jumps up to the central platform and hugs it. "Awwww!!"
Nick Caligo (GM): The Questers appear outside Ganon's Tower. Or rather, Ganon's sunken tower. The top of it is all that is visible. Literally, the very top. It's a set of stairs leading up to the roof... which is essentially a circle of stone set into the ground. With a giant heartless symbol on it.
Aribar: "... This does not look good."
Nick Caligo (GM): The ground seems almost... hollow.
Metal Man heads down the stairs, possibly causing any traps to be set off and kill him. "La la la... deadly steps of doom..."
Garrick shrugs and heads down the stairs as well.
Razor: "Well... this should be... enjoyable...
Ragamuffin equips all his badges and heads downstairs.
Yurie shrugs, then walks down the stairs...
Aribar exchanges weapons for the Sword of Light... It may be dark down there.
Wolfman follows Metal... carefully. He doesn't want to get caught in a trap or anything.
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal's fine. Garrick is crispified by a flame trap. Razor heads towards the stairs and heads down. Down here is a large, plain, square room.
Razor: " exciting..."
Nick Caligo (GM): The ground in here has a thin coat of water over it.
Metal Man continues down the steps, whistling the dirge of death... what was that one? The one that went dun... dun... dundun... dun dun dun... dun dun... dun dun...
Metal Man: "Ewww! Water!"
Wolfman: "This is nothing."
Razor unfurls his wings and flaps off the watery ground.
Metal Man: "My nice and shiny armor is gonna rust..."
Aribar: "... I take it you guys would kill me if I used my electric magic here?"
Spyke slowly follows.
Yurie: "...I suddenly have the feeling that we're going to meat something with lightning... yeah..."
Wolfman: "You should have had to face Launch Octopus."
Nick Caligo (GM): *Shweeweeweewee.*
Ragamuffin pokes the water and makes ripples.
Metal Man: "...If you used electric magic down here, I'd become the brightest person in here."
Yurie jumps!
Nick Caligo (GM): Portals of darkness open... and some sick cross between Heartless Soldiers and Stalfos rise up, carrying pitch black swords. There's five of them.
Aribar looks about for the Shwee-ing sound. "Oh, piffle... Hrm..."
Metal Man: "...Welll... you know the drill. Stab the bad guys with deathly things."
Garrick: "Meh, not as hard as it'll look."
Razor scans them quickly.
Wolfman scans the creature type Razor doesn't...
Ragamuffin: "Why are the undead so plentiful...?"
Metal Man scans Wolfman for the sake of old times. "Hmmm... I wonder if Smash Dexes still break if you scan Wolfman..."
Smash Dex: *Ding!* "Heartless Stalfos: HP: 200. STR: 30. SPD: 20. INT: 1. AC: 15."
Metal Man: "...I still think those monsters are smarter than Knuckles."
Smash Dex: "Attacks: They just slash you, dave. Though in different ways."
Razor: "Huh... this should be too easy..."
Smash Dex: "Element: Dark."
Yurie: "Yay ^^."
Azure: "An unusual darkness sits in the air, with these creatures..."
Razor darts in and cleaves through three of them.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit x3!
Razor: Dark/Light damage.
Razor yanks his arm back and thrusts it forward, jamming the blade into one of them and releasing a pulse of energy.
Nick Caligo (GM): *Hit!*
Razor: Grabbed, Dark/Light/Soul damage. No status.
Razor quickly zips forward and past that Stalfos, lunging at it.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit!
Razor: Dark/Light.
Razor whirls about, having once more put a bit of distance between the stalfos and himself and thrusts his arm out, unleashing a bright wave of energy from his blade.
Nick Caligo (GM): ALL are hit.
Razor: Dark/Light. None are confused. Two are BLIND.
Nick Caligo (GM): Blind status does nothing to them.
Razor activates Rush to end his combo.
Nick Caligo (GM): Until Defense kicks in... One of the Heartless shakes its head and tries to chop Razor good. *CHOP!*
Razor: "Ungh..."
Nick Caligo (GM): It makes a horizontal slash at his midsection. *CHOP!!*
Razor jerks back at the onslaught.
Nick Caligo (GM): It then jumps forward and makes a heavy slash of some sort.
Razor: *DODGE!*
Yurie quickly swings her sword, releasing a pair of light rings at one Stalfos.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit-HIT!
Yurie follows up with a rushing slash from her sword.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit!
Yurie follows with a super-accurate Divider. CRIT.
Nick Caligo (GM): DIVIDED!! That is enough to kill it. *FLASH!* The Heartless is destroyed.
Yurie quickly turns and releases another pair of light rings at another stalfos.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit-HIT!
Yurie then follows by leaping up and STOMPING on the htings head.
Nick Caligo (GM): Yurie BARELY land her foot on its shoulder.
Yurie leaps off, flipping in mid-air and firing another pair of rings down at it from above. Hit-CRIT.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit-CRIT! There's a flash and the Heartless dissolves. TWO ENEMIES KILLED. TURN OVA. WAH.
Yurie lands in a crouch, her sword glowing... "Sup skellies?"
Ragamuffin charges headlong at one of the stalfos, both hands guiding soul calibur to it's mark...
Nick Caligo (GM): Miss. The next Heartless executes a really FAST dash et stab at Yurie. *Bamf!*
Spyke: "Owww... that hurt."
Nick Caligo (GM): It follows up with a slash. *SLASH!* It slashes again. *SLASH!* Another It then executes an uppercut slash to loft Yurie into the air. *SLASH!* and she's in the air. The other Heartless jump up and execute that dash slash simeltaneously. *BAMFBAMF!!*
Yurie: "Oh sh-"
Razor: "Damn! Yur!"
Nick Caligo (GM): *VReeeEEEEEE!!* The Heartless that lofted her up there charges up, gathering orange energy, jumps, and executes a SUPERSLASH of some kind on her.
Yurie (GM): safe!
Nick Caligo (GM): *CRITICAL HIT!!*
Yurie (GM): ...le fook.
Wolfman does not understand how Yurie can handle that much punishment... but really doubts that one.
Nick Caligo (GM): She's slammed into the wall, her HP reset, one life lost.
Razor glares at the Stalfos. "...oh... you've done it now..."
Azure: *yawns at the back of the line.*
Wolfman: "Yurie!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Zero dashes in, charging for one attack and then unleashing a doubleslash at it. It takes right off the bat, and...
Aribar: "We're in over our heads..."
Yurie falls over and goes le-thud.
Nick Caligo (GM): BARELY a hit. Zero uses a spin attack to try and hit all three at once. Hithithit! All three take damage and are scattered. Zero dashes at the one that hit Yurie again, this time trying to stab it. *STAB!* He fires three buster shots at it. HITHITHIT! It takes two hits, and the final hit catches it in the chest and pushes it to death. It dissolves. He glares to the next one, charging up for two attacks again and letting loose a charged buster shot. Hit! He then leaps in and slashes it with his saber. Hit! He follows with another spin attack. Hit!! Both take damage again.
Azure: *just roots for Zero.*
Spyke: "Go Zero! Go Zero! You are number One! I ... I mean Zero!"
Nick Caligo (GM): He then lets loose his chain rod for a grab attack. Unlucky thirteen. Miss. The next Heartless shakes its head and tries to slash Zero. Hit! It slashes a second time. Hit! It slashes a THIRD time.
Spyke probably fell asleep, having not been attacked or having attacked himself.
Nick Caligo (GM): It then does that uppercut slash on HIM... he's lofted into the air! His comrade dashslashes him... And the other one charges up and SUPERSLASHES!! *SMASH!!* .. Aaand Zero loses a life and lands next to Yurie.
Garrick just runs up and sends a fully cocked punch into the mouth of one of them.
Nick Caligo (GM): Garrick's fully cocked punch is sent through the air. The Heartless go after Spyke now since he's so quick to fall asleep.
Spyke: Hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): It continues its assault by executing a spin attack, going for Spyke, Ragamuffin, and Azure.
Spyke: Hit.
Oceanblaze: Hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): Damage to all three of them. It then simply stops.
Spyke draws his pistol and spins it on his finger for a second before aiming at the one who attacked him. He fires a regular shot.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit!!
Spyke fires again, with an added extra burst of wind around the shot. (Air Splitter)
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit!
Spyke holds his palms together as a ball of ice forms with a crispy lighting core. He flings it at the enemy. (Chilled Shock)
Nick Caligo (GM): Not such a good hit, but a hit anyway. A frosty collision puts it close to the edge...
Spyke runs up to his target and crouches as fire engulfs his fist. He slams it at his target. (Fire)
Nick Caligo (GM): ... *pushes that up by 1.* ... >.> .. *cough.* *Burninate.* It's dead.
Spyke just looks at it funny "...Woah... I actually hurt something! Yay!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal, sorry, but no turn for him. The last one looks left, looks right, and sinks into the ground. *VICTORY!* Sorry about that, but this was getting tedious.
Azure sighs. "Am I here for any particular reason?"
Spyke: "Not sure..."
Metal Man: "I should have slept through that battle..."
Wolfman: .oO(I need to regain my quickness and strength... but will I do that in time?)

