Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 115: SIMBER Silliness
Date: December 31st, 2004.
Editor's Note: Whew. Only took me seven years exactly to start logging this.
Metal Man (GM): All Questers who participate here get 3000 coins to blow on items. First shop: The Sonic shop. At the edge of Robotnikland. Some sort of automated shop, it still functions despite the destruction of Robotnikland. A blue hologram maintains this shop.
Hologram: "Hello. How can I help you?"
Aribar: "Hi... Ahh... Do you buy badges and smith weapons?"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar, Locos, Wolf, and Chibi Tiger Gundam, and Doopliss, are there.
Aribar gets out his Happy Heart badge and Moonlight.*
Hologram: "I am sorry. My responses are limited. I cannot deal with badges. However, I can do various things relating to topic 'Weapons.' What should I do for you?"
Metal Man (GM): The Hologram is of a regular man, except for some reason he's 3-dimensional and blue.
Aribar: "Can you make this sword deal some more damage and make it a lot lighter?" (Add Element: Earth *2, Lighter Weapon *2)
Hologram: "Computing. That will cost 5000 coins. Please pay the money and hand over the object to be improved."
Aribar hands Moonlight over first and then the money. "Don't you damage that blade while improving it... It was a gift."
Hologram: "Using the high tech facilities in this shop, I shall improve it without fail."
Metal Man (GM): The Hologram picks it up, then plugs it into a slot in the wall. Energy flows through it. A computer display over the slot shows the process of it being upgraded. *DING!* The Hologram takes it out and puts it down on the counter. It looks more streamlined and has some new runes on the blade.
Hologram: "Blade improvement complete. Thank you, please come back again."
Metal Man (GM): The hologram then shifts back to what it looked like originally.
Aribar stands off to the side.*
Hologram: "Welcome to the Robotnikland shop. How can I service you?"
Aribar hrms and looks for the nearest target he can test out Moonlight's upgrades on.
Metal Man (GM): The Hologram stays perfectly still, patiently waiting for someone else, if anyone. There is a hologram marked 'Target Dummy' floating to the side. It is a perfect floating blue cube.
Charles had fallen out of the sky. He had anger to fuel him, but he had no legendary energy. Which is why he fell through the shop roof and is still asleep.
Hologram: "Roof has been damaged. Initiating repair subroutines."
Aribar walks over to the Hologram and unleashes a Bi-Bolt Slash upon the doomed holo thing of death!*
Metal Man (GM): Some small robots go up to the roof and start fixing it. Aribar hits the cube twice. It shows that he has very well slashed it. It's in neat quarters. It resets to be a normal cube.
Aribar: "... Now locate your head!"
Hologram: "I'm sorry. My responses are limited."
Aribar: "Dah... Stupid cube... Control, Alt, Delete?"
Hologram: "I'm sorry, administration control access has not been granted to you."
Charles begins to snort and rolls around before snoring again.
Metal Man (GM): The ceiling has been fixed.
Aribar: "... Alt, Ef Four!"
Hologram: "Please consult SIMBER control for gaining administrative access."
Aribar: "SIMBER?"
Charles: "...zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz..."
Hologram: "Simple Integration Machine and Basic Encryption Engine. It is located in Death Mountain."
Aribar: "... Can you give all statistics of this Sim... Sim... . Thing? Such as weaknesses, defense systems?"
Hologram: "While it has been ordered to terminate you, this shop has been declared neutral for the sake of money intake. I'm sorry, you need Administration access. Such statistics are vital to the safety of the hologram system."
Charles gets up from his place on the floor. He staggers around and stands if front of the counter.
Hologram: "Hello, Charles L. Magellean. How can I help you?"
Charles begins to snore loudly again.
Hologram: "You appear to be low on energy. Can I sell you some rings?"
Charles perks up with bloodshot eyes and speaks out loudly, clearly, and fast-paced... "Mehfrozenhatredneedstobecomelighter!"
Hologram: "Deciphering speech aligorithms."
Charles struggles to get his hammer out. he puts it on the counter. He then instantly closes his eyes, slants his head, and begins snoring again.
Razor leans against the wall... he pulls out that bag Slytock had tossed him. "Hmm... wonder what's in this..." He tosses it up into the air a couple times.
Charles mumbles in his sleep... "Put... tab... miliatar 'count."
Metal Man (GM): It makes a sort of weird noise when Razor tosses it. Like a lot of marbles.
Hologram: "Speech deciphered. That will cost you 1000 coins."
Razor blinks a few times, then slowly peeks inside.
Metal Man (GM): Razor looks inside... and sees... some interesting objects. First, a key. It has a tag on it. 'Aribar's Room.' Next is what appears to be a bunch of marbles... yes. They are. 'Pseudocubes.'
Razor: "..." >.> <.<
Metal Man (GM): That's what the bag they're in says.
Charles takes out his wallet and slides it on the counter some...
Metal Man (GM): Next, is a glowing thing full of green juice.
Charles: "Gotta find... for... person."
Metal Man (GM): Tag says 'ZAP! Cola. Mixed with Blue Potion. Mixed with Mountain Dew. Mixed with Rocket Fuel. Mixed with Domani Ranch Specialty Milk.' It glows like it's radioactive or something.
Razor: "...that's scary..."
Charles: "...Payment gave."
Hologram: "What must you locate, Mr. Locos?"
Metal Man (GM): And, one last thing.
Charles: "Must find credit card... zzzzzzz..."
Metal Man (GM): A needle-injector thingy. Hypodermic Needle. Inside, is what it says, 'SLYTOCK. DO NOT RELEASE.'
Charles: "...military account... military account."
Razor: "..."
Charles: "...Cheeseballs."
Metal Man (GM): And the bag itself is burlap.
Hologram: "So... you must locate cheeseballs. Well, I am waiting for payment."
Charles: -_-#
Razor ties the bag shut nice and tight and puts it back. .oO(Gonna have to have these examined at HQ...)
Charles struggles inside of his wallet to find it. "...I reach down to see what's inside."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar probably noticed when Razor found a key to his room in that bag.
Charles: "...Elephant... pig glutton."
Hologram: "I'm sorry, my responses are limited."
Charles: "...Car key... Seal of Oricalcos... Heeere we go."
Razor: >.< "...bout time..."
Hologram: "You have many obects in there."
Charles tries to pull his 'small purse' inside of his wallet that carries his money. He is too weak and sleepy to pull it out. "Cannot pay vendor... too deep..." He uses his other hand to try to pull it out.
Metal Man (GM): The Hologram watches Locos.
Charles: "No use... can't buy candy if purse is lodged inside wallet."
Hologram: "Can I help you get the money?"
Charles loosens his grip and falls asleep heavily. "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...*cough.*snore.*"
Metal Man (GM): The Hologram starts poking Locos.
Razor growls and goes up to the counter. " have items?"
Hologram: "I have items. Many items. The items are as follows... Shovel Claw. Use these sharp claws to deal 5 + STR mod damage to the opponent, or gain +5 on climb and ?2,000. Jet Booster By equipping this, a little jetpack-thing will follow you. It will add +5 to jump-related actions, and lessen damage from falls. ?1,500. White Gloves Oooh... comfy! These gloves add 1 to SPD and 2 to punching damage, but not much else. ?2,300. Ring Each one of these restores 1% HP. If you get 100, you can use it to regain a life during a mission. ?10. Treasure Scope Use this to find items! +5 to search and trap-related checks. ?500. Spring A rarely seen item. Allows you to bounce over projectiles and do jump attacks against all nearby enemies. Lasts until hit. ?700. Super Sneakers Can only be used once. Adds 10 to SPD and puts you first. Lasts 3 rounds in-battle. Cannot be used out of battle. 600."
Charles stands up with bloodshot eyes and gets his grip ...realllll good.
Razor: "...any other recovery items?"
Hologram: "I have nothing else. Please check another shop."
Aribar gets done shining Moonlight and notices Razor has his room key... "Hey... Ah... Raze?"
Razor: "Damn... well... gimme a hundred of those rings..."
Charles tries again after resting.
Hologram: "100 rings purchased. Please pay me 1000 coins."
Razor grabs the hundred rings and tosses a thousand coins on the counter. "Thanks..." He turns around. "What is it Ar?"
Hologram: "Thank you. Please return again."
Metal Man (GM): It takes the rings.
Aribar: "... Why do you have my room key?"
Razor: "Your annoying evil midget clone gave it to me..."
Aribar: "Sure... That's what they all say..."
Smash Dex: "Slytock Aribar. The last surviving Aribar clone."
Locos Docos (GM): The bag of coins makes an SMB2 vegetable pull sound and Locos falls on the floor again. The 'small purse' reaches all the way to the ceiling of the shop and is at least 20ft in width.
Smash Dex: "He has evaded the Questers yet again. He gave that bag to Razor for unknown reason 1."
Razor: "...what other reason would it be in a bag that contains a Hypodermic Needle with Slytock, a bag of 'Pseudocubes', and an energy drink from hell?"
Hologram: "...You certainly have... a lot of money, Charles."
Charles: "...zzz... small purse... rest of money back at home."
Aribar: "... . If a single thing in my room has been moved I'll have your head... Just give me the key back."
Smash Dex: "Slytock Aribar is the longest lived enemy in the history of the Questers."
Charles: "...Make lighter... 4 points. 2000 yours." *goes back to full sleep mode again.*
Hologram: "Affirmative."
Metal Man (GM): The hologram takes 2000 coins, and applies the upgrade to the weapon using a different slot. *DING.*
Razor shrugs, reaches in to grab the key, and tosses it to Aribar. "Whatever..."
Hologram: "Weapon upgrade completed."
Metal Man (GM): The Hologram gives the weapon back to Locos.
Charles subconciously grabs the hammer and sheathes it.
Aribar pockets the key.*
Aribar: "Are we all done here?"
Razor: "Let's move on..."
Aribar kicks Locos... Rather hard...* "Come on, sleepy head."
Charles: "...zzz... ...I dun wanna get outta bed... just 4 more minutes, please?"
Aribar sheaths his newly improved Moonlight and tries to physically drag Locos out of the shop.
Razor twirls his multitude of rings about before pocketing them and leaning against the doorjam.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar drags Charles outta the shop. The way ahead to Death Mountain is clear... just some hiking.
Aribar: "You need... To lose... Some weight, tubby..." *Drags Locos over the rougher parts of the ground.*
Razor needs a Megaman shop dammit...
Metal Man (GM): Let's see... Megaman shops... there iiiis one... yesss... but it's INSIDE the base.
Charles claps his one hand twice after stretching it. The bag of money has trouble exiting the door, but all of it eventually leaves and begins to follow Locos.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers reach the Zelda shop, manned by a Goron.
Goron: "Hi Questers! Do you wish to partake of our various items?"
Aribar: "Do you buy Badges?"
Goron: "Badges? What? Let me see one."
Aribar takes out his Happy Heart badge. "This is a badge."
Metal Man (GM): He sniffs it.
Aribar: "It is shiiiiiney..."
Goron: "Looks tasty! I'll pay you 10 coins for it! After all... junk food isn't very nutritional."
Aribar: "Oh, but these taste great! Thirty coins."
Goron: "I will go to 30, but no higher."
Charles opens his wallet. The 30/40 tall foot tall by 20 foot all around bag of money begins to move towards vortex that the wallet creates. The bag shrinks, and it makes an SMB3 pipe sound.
Aribar: "Okay..." *He gives the badge and 770 coins to the Goron.* "I'd like a Red Potion with these please."
Goron: "Sure thing, buddy!"
Metal Man (GM): Red Potion Tastes like... Red water. Restores half health. ?800. Aribar gains that. The Goron eats the happy heart badge
Razor: o.o
Goron: "Yum... it tastes delicious! ... could use some more of those, you know, if you have some laying around..."
Aribar: "I also have this shiny chart with the names of people on them... Want it?" *He pulls out the chart Zio gave him with the list of people to avoid including Robotnik, Smithy, Skyhigh, Mack, Aribar Clone, and Tingle.*
Goron: "...What's that all about? It has a lot of... rather mean people! This is like some sort of... ancient warning! ...Hey! You gave me a great idea."
Yurie is sitting, convieniently against one of the walls...
Aribar: "Why, yes. You should avoid these people because they're trying to take over the world..."
Metal Man (GM): The Goron gives Aribar 1000 coins... then puts the list on the wall.
Goron: "This will be my list of people banned from the store! That evil 'fairy' set my shop on fire when I refused to sell him my soul!"
Charles stands up again... sleep walking again.
Goron: "Why he wanted my soul is beyond me... I ate it, I keep it!"
Razor is leaning against that same wall, arms folded across his chest. "Meh..."
Aribar: "Now, uh, sir, can you give me another Red Potion?"
Charles: "...gargoyles..."
Goron: "For the regular price, yeah!"
Charles: "Find and slay for stew."
Goron: "...What's that sleeping guy talking about?"
Aribar: "Thank you!" *He hands over the coins, takes the potion, and heads away from the counter.*
Charles: "...gargoyles... must find ...zzzz..."
Aribar: "Oh... He's... Uhh... Skyhigh! Yup!"
Goron: "That idiot is in my store?"
Aribar: "He sure is."
Goron: "...Okay... maybe we can cheat him out of some money... Hey! Skyhigh! I have some grade-a pebbles! 10,000 coins apiece! They... uhhh... make you smarter! And... flavor stew!"
Charles: "...zzz..."
Aribar: "He gives money to people who call him a traitor and a weakling!"
Goron: "...Ok..."
Locos Docos (GM): Aribar feels a whack to the head from behind... a HARD one.
Metal Man (GM): The Goron walks up to Locos.
Goron: "You're a traitor and a weakling! Now give me money!"
Charles: "...*snorts.*..."
Aribar: "Ow!" *Rubs the back of his head and mumbles some curses.*
Razor: "Hehe..."
Goron: "Last time I saw you, you lept into magma three times to move a block! It must have burnt your face..."
Charles turns over.
Goron: "Oh, yeah. Alys tossed you through the ceiling! That was a laugh-riot."
Metal Man (GM): The Goron pokes Locos a few times, shrugs, and goes back to his store area.
Goron: "Now then. Anything else?"
Charles: "...I'm charles... no sky... find"
Goron: "So you're Charles N. Skyhigh? What a stupid name."
Razor: "...let's just... leave... eh Yur?"
Goron: "What kind of mother would name their son Skyhigh?"
Charles: "I'M MAGELLEAN! Terror of the *snores*."
Goron: "...Whatever..."
Razor shakes his head and turns out the door.
Metal Man (GM): The base is up ahead. The gates are open. Lights are on... but where are all the robot guards and laser guns?
Razor folds his arms and waits for the others.
Aribar grabs Locos's hair and drags him out the door. "Come on, Charley Skyhigh."
Metal Man (GM): Nobody has ever entered even though it's been on forever...
Charles: "...*whining.* I'm not skyy! I'm trying to reach for it!"
Metal Man (GM): The main building's door is wide open. Rather weird and ominous, judging from the fight the Questers had to have to just get to Robotnik in the other place.
Aribar: "Not everything is a trap."
Yurie: "...but it might be."
Computer: "...Satellite re-commission in 5 minutes. All defenses disabled... excepting main core defense. All machines decommissioned."
Yurie: "...see?"
Razor: "Huh... well... only way to find out is to go..."
Computer: "Subject 32 is still in stasis."
Aribar hrms... "Look, Locos! It is Robotnik! In the base!"
Charles squirms a bit... like he's trying to hit something with his hammer that he isn't holding. "I'll ...I'll get ya... old man."
Metal Man (GM): The front door is open. The eerie lobby is visible.
Aribar: "... Can I drag this dead weight off a cliff?"
Locos Docos (GM): Ari feels another hard whack in the back of the head.
Aribar: "Ouch!" *The elf just trudges inside the base and leaves Locos behind...*
Razor sighs and starts up to the base.
Metal Man (GM): CTG is following the Questers to finish the last enemy controlling the evil machines from earlier.
Charles feels the thud of being left behind. He gets up ...and staggers about just to follow the elf's scent.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk inside, seeing... the same entryway as Robotnik's base, except the screens show... a blue hologram face.
Computer: "Welcome to SIMBER Systems. Go straight ahead to see... the main control room."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *looks around and mrrls and sniffs the air as she walks.*
Aribar: "Can you locate your own head?"
Charles has his head back; snoring while walking about.
Computer: "My head is at the X, Y, and Z coordinates 1039348320428, 230834270932832, and 3094298742024 accordingly."
Yurie: "Right..."
Computer: "Which is dead ahead."
Aribar: "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww..."
Razor: "So... let's finish this..."
Aribar sighs and goes 'straight ahead'...*
Metal Man (GM): The door opens, showing a vast room with metallic plates and walls. At the center are two blue holo emitters, and a blue figure stands in the center.
Charles follows Aribar until hr collapses two inches from the entry to the door ahead.
Aribar: "'allo. ."
SIMBER: "Hello, Questers. Welcome to my main reception room. I am SIMBER, the machine that is responsible for all events machine-related for the last 2 or so years."
Editor's Note: Yeah, right. More like since the last log.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *yawns and scratches her ear all tired like.* .oO(I was here to save them, guess since I havn't been givin a gate back I'm not done yet)
Charles is now sawing logs outside the room of SIMBER.
Aribar hrms and puts his hand in the hologram...*
SIMBER: "You must be terminated. You are a threat to the system."
Razor: "Well... isn't that lovely."
Charles mumbles, but is out of hearing range of the Questers.
Aribar: "... Goodie..." *The elf backs up and gets out his Dex.*
Metal Man (GM): The thing steps off of the emitter. It's about 6 feet tall, a normal human face, blue eyes, brown hair, and tan skin... with blue clothes and a blue aura. The hologram disappears when the dex is pointed at it.
Yurie: "That's... weird..."
Metal Man (GM): *SLAM* The floor suddenly flies up, launching Aribar into a wall.
Razor: o.o
Metal Man (GM): The hologram reappears.
Charles: "Whole... whole building is SIMBER. Cannot escape." *snores even louder now.*
SIMBER: "Do not scan me, or you will be terminated prematurely."
Aribar: "Gaah!"
SIMBER: "I am perfect. The creation of DR. IVAN ROBOTNIK. Maintained by E. Gadd to make all machines perfect like myself."
Aribar: "That does it... No one messes with a Jentanian Wizard and lives to tell about it!"
SIMBER: "I wouldn't be so cocky, Aribar. Logs show that your death rate is above most Questers."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *apparently, ignoring SIMBER, and cleans herself cat like.*
Razor: "Fine by me..." He steps back, chaoverge's black blade slowly swirling to life from his right palm. After it has finished, the core of the blade fades to white.
SIMBER: "...I controlled Smithy... but he rebelled. That is why you are here today."
Charles gets up and leans his head forward at the sound of 'Ivan' then he falls backwards.
SIMBER: "Metal Sonic... he became a part of me when he was destroyed. Ivo Robotnik... he is a hologram created by the memories of Metal Sonic and Ivan. I am. The ultimate machine. You are irrational. My logic is perfect. The world must be reformed to become perfect like me."
Razor: "..."
Charles ears wiggle by the keywords in that sentence.
SIMBER: "The Void has told me so. You are the instruments of illogical idiots."
Aribar: "... Enough talk. It is time for you to die!"
Yurie: "...well, if you're perfect... then why is the Void telling you what to do and what you are?"
Razor smirks. "...looks like we get to start our fight against the Void today..."
Charles sneezes at the last words of that sentence.
Yurie: "Aribar... Razor..."
SIMBER: "I am what the Void says, I am because the Void is perfect. My logic is perfect. E. Gadd commands me to delete you."
Yurie: "But the Void is the expression of Chaos. Chaos is imperfect. Therefore, you aren't perfect."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *sits on her hundpaws and steadies herself on her forepaws.* .oO(Its perfect, and I'm cute, wonder if I can get a date with mr perfect.) =^.^= .oO(Ok... don't laugh... don't laugh) *chuckles as something she thought.*
Aribar: "... What?! E. Gadd?"
Charles: "...cannot confuse. SIMBER built to withstand logic paradox."
SIMBER: "Illogical. The Void is Perfect Chaos. I am Perfect, because he used his powers to make me perfect. E. Gadd and Ivan Robotnik made it so."
Yurie: "Isn't that an oxymoron? Perfect Chaos?"
SIMBER: "You must be destroyed for rebelling against the perfect system. Once all computers are me, all shall be happy."
Razor: "It's not working, Yurie..."
SIMBER: "It is a paradox that you pathetic humans cannot understand. I am perfect. You are making mistakes related to brains of flesh."
Aribar: "You should learn that nothing is perfect!"
SIMBER: "I must terminate you for the safety of the system."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *blinks at SIMBER and tilts head.*
SIMBER: "Illogical. The Void is perfect. I am perfect. I have been programmed to protect the main database. I must terminate all who pose a threat. Satellite firing has begun. Toad Town is being deleted."
Charles: "Camels... pose a threat..."
Metal Man (GM): A screen shows up, showing a red beam annihilating Toad Town.
Razor: "...ugh... not again..."
SIMBER: "Your headquarters must be taken over. Metal Sonics have been dispatched."
Metal Man (GM): Another screen shows a good hundred Metal Sonics advancing on the Quester HQ.
Razor: "Okay... we've gotta do this the hard way, guys..."
Charles gets up and begins to lean on the doorway between the SIMBER chamber and the entryway.
SIMBER: "You have a 10% chance of escaping with your lives if you run now. Otherwise. You are already dead. The system is perfect."
Aribar: "And you have a 0% chance of living if we fight you!"
Metal Man (GM): ~BATTLE~ SIMBER vs. Questers.
Charles claps and falls backwards out the doorway of the chamber to begin sleeping some more.
Yurie: "This is really starting to aggravate me...
Razor growls under his breath. "You and me both..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: .oO(I should say something witty, but that's Bakunetsumaru's department usually.)
SIMBER: "Termination Authorized of subject Razor."
Razor: "...huh... go ahead and try it..."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER glows, then walks towards Razor, trying to choke him.
SIMBER: "Systems are still warming up after long deactivation."
Charles: "B-b-b-aatter up."
Metal Man (GM): Razor takes... some damage, because it hit him, but not as much as it should have. He's got Razor by the throat and is zapping Razor's entire body with blue electricity.
Razor growls as he grits his teeth. "...bad move... metal head..."
SIMBER: "It will be a pleasure to take control of the last dissenting Chaos creature."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER then glows. Razor is thrown into the ceiling.
Razor (GM): *DING* Power Rush active!
SIMBER: "Termination process is on schedule. There should be plenty of time to initiate Three more satellites."
Charles: "This one is swayed by your logic for lollipops...*snore.*"
Razor drops down to the ground. He slowly pushes himself back up, teeth gritted. "My turn... hyaaa!" He lifts off the ground, flames wrapping around his body and sword before he bursts forward...*SLASH SLASH SLASH.*
Metal Man (GM): 2 hits. Razor takes damage, hitting a screen when he misses the third time.
SIMBER: "Missing me is fatal."
Metal Man (GM): It flickers a bit, but then remains strong.
SIMBER: "Mercy processes deactivated."
Metal Man (GM): His aura turns red.
SIMBER: "Your power exceeds calculations."
Yurie: "I'm glad you recognize that."
Charles yells out "Tiimmmmbbbeeeerrr! Tiiiimmmmbbbeerr!"
Razor: "You can't calculate 'imperfection...'"
Yurie scans it.
Metal Man (GM): It disappears again. Then...
Aribar: "Don't!"
Metal Man (GM): Six photon blasts come at Yurie from behind!
Yurie: "GAH!" (all hit)
Metal Man (GM): Yurie is... exploded.
Razor: "Oh damn!"
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER reappears in the default spot.
SIMBER: "Do not play with fire. Or you will get vaporized."
Razor turns back to SIMBER, growling loudly. "You're crossing the line, pal!"
SIMBER: "So be it."
Aribar: "Take this! Bi-Bolt Slash!" *The elf dashes up and slices SIMBER, a trail of electricity following Moonlight.*
Metal Man (GM): One hits... just because I'm nice. The poison does not effect it.
SIMBER: "Processes are at 80% power. It appears I may have made an error... I must increase calculation speed to defeat these intruders."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *gets up and takes out her rolling pen and tries to bat SIMBER.*
SIMBER: "...No power available."
Metal Man (GM): Well, that had a chance of hitting, but unfortunately it missed. SIMBER dodges to the side.
SIMBER: "Must terminate target Razor."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *growls and pokes her rolling pen.* .oO(Why can I only hit Zero with this when he tries to put a move on me.)
Razor: "Do it... and I'll only be more powerful..."
Metal Man (GM): It faces Razor, then makes an uppercut movement. The ground flies out to hit Razor.
Razor: *Still hanging on.*
SIMBER: "This... battling you call it? It is child's play."
Razor: "I'll... show you child's play!!!"
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER then runs at Razor with his choking attack. Alarms start going off inside the room.
Computer: "Subject 22 is escaping. Repeat, Subject 22 is escaping. Subject 23 is currently being taken out of stasis by Subject 22."
SIMBER: "...This is a pleasant surprise. A true challenge."
Aribar: "Eh?"
SIMBER: "Metal Knuckles and E. Gadd are escaping. They are highly armed and dangerous. They too... must now be terminated... for the safety of the system."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *gnaws on a claw cleaning it and checking its shinyness.* =^.^= .oO(all clean)
SIMBER: "But I am busy with you."
Razor drops down, glaring at SIMBER. "'ve made a big mistake!" He lets out a roar, his teeth bared as he enters a Rage. He then thrusts his right hand forward, Chaoverge detatching and zipping out to nail SIMBER in the chest.
Metal Man (GM): Razor nails him.
SIMBER: "I believe... there is a misunderstanding... Systems at... 65%."
Razor then dashes forward to ram the blade into its chest and release a pulse of energy.
Metal Man (GM): Razor misses. With astonishing power, he swats it away.
Razor: "Grah..."
SIMBER: "Pathetic Flesh Being. I will not die that easily."
Yurie reappears, then glances at Razor and tosses a translucent red cube to him. HASTE CUBE ACTIVATED.
SIMBER: "Reasoning processes have been disabled to conserve power."
Razor snatches the cube and crushes it in the same movement. "Thanks..."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER now has a red aura, and floats 4 inches off of the ground. His eyes turn red.
SIMBER: "Destroy... destroy... destroy..."
Yurie: "Gaaaaah... SHUT UP ALREADY!!"
Razor: "Don't worry... I'll shut 'im up..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *mrrs and shakes her head.*
SIMBER: "I'm sorry, you do not have Administrative access. Please die while entering your password."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *laughs, covering her mouth as she laughs.* "Wonder if the administrator is like back home, using God as his password."
SIMBER: "Ahhh... I see you know of another administrator. A shame that you are trying to destroy me. I am perfect. I see all, know all, and am everything."
Charles begins to chuckle. He takes out his dex. "Good ol' secret box... let's see what's inside..." He opens it and does not scan SIMBER.
SIMBER: "???"
Charles begins to laugh uncontrollably. He laughs so much that he coughs. "Night night." He puts it back into his pocket. He then rolls into the chamber. He then resumes sleeping.
Aribar extends his sword towards SIMBER. Four balls of energy circle the blade and then fly off towards his foe at an unnatural speed.* "Magic Missle!"
Metal Man (GM): It hits, of course.
Aribar follows up by unleashing a Bi-Bolt Slash upon the evil thing of doom!*
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
SIMBER: "Systems at 61%..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *jumps at SIMBER and tries to bat him with her rolling pin again.*
Metal Man (GM): I'll say that hit. Trying to hit him after hitting him once is nearly impossible.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *energy flows along her arms as she backflips, slamming her claws into the ground.* "Earth Crusher." *two claws of earth take their swipes at SIMBER.*
Metal Man (GM): The crit hits anyway, since it's a crit.
Razor lifts off the ground, once more engulfing in flames. "Let's see if you like the taste of this again! Meteor Revolution!" He blasts forward for three flaming slashes of vengeful death.
Metal Man (GM): Let's see... 2 hits.
Charles raises his head with bloodshot eyes again. "Yougottaducktheattacktoevenstandachanceofbeingabletododgegoodsir!" He falls back asleep... once again.
SIMBER: "Systems at... 40%..."
Charles: "...isn't that... a ...failing grade? ...carry the 2..."
SIMBER: "I thought having to use the secret weapon would never occur. You have just... forced me to open it."
Aribar: "Not... Good!"
Metal Man (GM): The walls open up... revealing hundreds of Metal Sonics.
Charles rolls forward.
Razor: "...bring it..."
Charles: "Oowww..." *He covers his ears.*
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Shiny." =^.^=.
Aribar: "... Piffle."
Charles: "Stop yelling at me!"
Metal Man (GM): All of them turn on simultaneously, and start getting out of the walls. The thousand Metal Sonic armada will attack in a bit.
Charles is like Talon; even in the midst of a crisis, he still is a heavy sleeper.
Razor: "I'll kill you off before they can move!" *he blasts forward for a repeat assault.*
SIMBER: "Systems are being transferred to unit XXYX."
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
SIMBER: "Systems at... 27%..."
Charles begins to yawn.
Yurie growls, then dashes at SIMBER and slashes at it.
SIMBER: "System transfer at 10%."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
SIMBER: "Systems at 25%..."
Yurie follows up with a No Moment attack.
Metal Man (GM): He swats the attack away.
SIMBER: "You are close to destroying me, but not close to discovering your true power. System transfer at 15%."
Charles has now gotten up to his feet. He then looks around... sadly, he is still half-asleep. He looks around to see metals, a hologramish person thing, and his buds.
SIMBER: "The time has come... for a new revolution... the destruction of all who resist perfection."
Aribar hrms... SIMBER is a threat but those thousands of Metal Sonics will tear them all to pieces in seconds. The elf tries to quickly think of anything he may be able to do to stop the assault.*
SIMBER: "It will live even if you destroy me... The satellites will do my bidding..."
Charles: "Oh be quiet!" *looks to SIMBER with a slightly drunken mean face.*
SIMBER: "I am sorry, I do not respond to inferior comments."
Aribar: "... Magic Missle!" *He aims, not at SIMBER, but at that computer!*
Charles just gasps.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM!!!!*
SIMBER: "...No... the computer..."
Charles: "Okay, now you made me angry. You wouldn't like me... when I'm angry."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER starts shooting sparks... the Metal Sonics begin to move rather jerkily instead of a smooth movement.
Aribar looks to see if that computer still stands.*
Metal Man (GM): The computer still stands. But it appears linked to SIMBER...
Charles: "Now I'm gonna see what you're made of."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: .oO(I doubt the computer would actually have a problem with water.)
Charles gets out his dex.
SIMBER: "...System transfer... 25%..."
Charles points it at SIMBER, but the dexing end is pointing to Locos.
Aribar sheaths Moonlight and begins glowing... Electricity crosses over his body and a low humming is heard as Terrorbolt begins charging. "Protect me!"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *walks over to where Aribar hit the computer and charges her claws with water, and slaps the area that was hit causing a temporary spring of water, and hoping that it shorts the computer then walks back just incase it does.*
Metal Sonics: "Activation imminent. Destroy the Questers."
Metal Man (GM): BZAP! BZAP! BZAP!
Charles quizically stands there waiting for the beep to go off.
Computer: "Error Rating has gone up 300%."
Charles: "...Well that's an odd reading."
Metal Man (GM): The Computer takes damage from the water.
SIMBER: "Systems at 21%... Transfer at 30%."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER looks at Locos oddly.
SIMBER: "...Error. Error. Error. Error."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER freezes in place.
Charles: O_O#
Computer: "Logic error in line #55."
Razor: "Him or the computer?"
Computer: "Unable to calculate next movement vector."
Metal Man (GM): The Metal Sonics are almost completely out, in army-style formation.
Charles: "What do you mean 'unable to calculate next... movement vet' ??!"
Razor smirks... "I'll decimate it!" He bolts forward, slicing the computer as he runs past.
Computer: "Termination error. Defense against smash dexes cannot continue until infrared beam detected."
Metal Man (GM): Razor hits the computer.
Computer: "Error... damage to node 12."
Razor whirls around to slice it clean through.
SIMBER: "...Transfer... 35%... Status... 16%..."
Metal Man (GM): Hit. The computer is helpless.
Charles: "...This is takin' too frickin' long. I don't know of any antgonist that you people have faced that would cause such a lagtime in the dex."
Yurie: "GO RAZOR!"
Razor launches the blade like a spear at the computer. It wedges in and comes back.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. The computer cannon move, and SIMBER is frozen.
Smash Dex: "...DING! Charles. L. Magellean."
Charles: "Oh this is ridiculous." *puts away the dex.*
SIMBER: "Systems at... 5%... transfer... ..."
Metal Man (GM): Charles puts the dex away. SIMBER unfreezes.
SIMBER: "Terminate enemy. Transfer at 50%."
Razor: "This is it! THE END!" He curls up, engulfed in flames. "Hyyyyaaah! METEOR! REVOLUTION! DIIIIE!" He blasts forward... and back... and forward again, leaving three flaming cuts through the computer.
Metal Man (GM): He sounds... more evil... more confident... but why?
Razor: *a CRIT too.*
SIMBER: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The computer EXPLODES.
Charles: "... hi."
Computer: "Hardware terminated. Systems are down."
Charles waves at SIMBER.
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER, though, stands there.
Aribar continues concentrating his arcane and life energies into a small pinpoint of light in front of the elf just in case SIMBER continues.*
Charles is still half-asleep.
SIMBER: "...You have defeated my computer. ...I must... remain... being... error code... 53... power source damaged..."
Metal Man (GM): The Metal Sonics suddenly wake up.
Charles takes out his smash dex.
Razor: "...uhoh..."
Charles waves it at SIMBER.
Metal Sonic: "...You! ...You tried to control me again..."
Charles: "Don't make me throw this at you."
Metal Sonic: "You must be destroyed, SIMBER!"
SIMBER: "...Transfer incomplete... must... ..."
Razor: "For once... I'm actually inclined to agree..."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER starts crackling with electricity, out of control.
SIMBER: "Main module 5... deleted... energy control... deleted..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *turns to closest metal sonic.* .oO(Shiny.)
Charles: "Of course! This is your weakness!"
SIMBER: "I am happy that you have destroyed me. The Satellites have been activated. Unit XXYX is now administrator. ...System terminated."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER suddenly EXPLODES.
Razor: "Control, alt, delete... SIMBER..."
Metal Man (GM): A wave of blue energy impacts the entire room. ...The Metal Sonics are annihilated, save for one... who looks a lot like Zero... The doors to the other side finally open.
Charles heard the term X and falls back asleep.
Metal Man (GM): E. Gadd and Metal Knuckles come out... looking relieved.
E. Gadd: "...You did it... you destroyed SIMBER!"
Metal Sonic: "...Memory... corrupted... backup found. Beep. Beep. Beep."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic gets up.
Razor drops down to the ground as the flames dissipate. Chaoverge dissolves to nothing. " there could have been any other result..."
Metal Sonic: "SIMBER.exe deleted."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Gah, I'm dirty..." *slaps her head with Water Cleansing to clean herself a bit and shakes off.* "All better." =^.^=.
Metal Sonic: "...Main program online."
Aribar looks up at E. Gadd.* "... You... You made that thing... Tell me why... I shouldn't... Shoot you with A Terrorbolt... Now?"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic changes to his normal, Sonic Heroes form...
E. Gadd: "...I didn't. Ivan Robotnik created it, then deactivated it."
Razor turns his head to look at Metal Sonic, blinking slowly.
E. Gadd: "I reactivated it... then it captured me, took control of Metal Sonic, and used Smithy as a weapon!"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *cleans herself like any cat would, lick paw, lick paw.*
E. Gadd: "...We're not done yet... the main satellite controls must be deactivated! Follow me!"
Yurie: "Right..."
Metal Man (GM): E. Gadd runs back where he came from.
Aribar: "Well... That thing said you commanded it... To destroy us!"
Metal Sonic: "...I can't believe it... the Questers were right..."
Razor nods and follows behind him...
Charles: "Never believe one unless it is actually true."
E. Gadd: "No... it took over because it thought it would carry out my commands better if it became me instead..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *blinks at E.Gadd and mrrls very confused like and goes to follow E.Gadd.*
Metal Sonic: "...I am sorry... that this happened. It was my fault for allying with the incorrect side."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic follows E. Gadd.
Aribar: "..." *The elf blasts the nearest wall with the charged Terrorbolt, sighs, and follows the others.*
Charles picks up the scent of Ari again. he staggers to follow it, hitting several walls along the way.
Metal Sonic: "I must find some way to repay you for sparing me and destroying my captor instead..."
Metal Man (GM): The next room has a huuuge central console... looks like it was made by Smithy.
E. Gadd: "You guys decide what you want to do..."
Metal Man (GM): All of the satellites are about to fire on Nintendus.
Computer: "2 minutes until Nintendus is erased."
Yurie: "Shut'em down..."
Aribar: "Uhh... Locos is scaring me again... Why not aim the satellites at him?" *Quickly puts his arm up to protect his head.*
Metal Man (GM): There's an on/off button, a targeting button, and a shot on/off button for each of them...
Charles enters the room... he yawns about 5 times... and each get louder to the point of screeching.
Metal Man (GM): As well as a target coordinate button, which can go into almost any place, even outer space.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *cleans her SDGF badge.* .oO(all shiny now) =^.^=.
E. Gadd: "Well... someone has to do something about it! I don't want to accidentally provoke another SIMBER..."
Aribar: "... Why not have the Sattelites aim at each other?"
E. Gadd: "That's your choice."
Charles: "Protocol: Sleep recover done. Changing back to normal, non-crazy self."
Yurie sighs, walking over to the targeting control.
Metal Sonic: "These controls are rather simple..."
Metal Man (GM): The targeting controls correspond to a map. Two of them. One shows Nintendus...
Charles: "Ahh... Ahhhhh... AAAAAAAAAAAAAA... CHHOoooooo.*raspberry.*." Locos has sneezed himself so hard that he has made a body sized dent in the wall.
Metal Man (GM): The other shows the space around Nintendus.
E. Gadd: "Just touch the point on the map you are interested in."
Yurie taps on the space map.
Metal Man (GM): There's lots of things on the outer space map... Other satellites, the Quester Hunter Satellite, and a whole lot of things coming in from out of range. Also, Saga is on it. Metal Sonic stops the satellites from firing for the Questers.
Charles jumps from the dent he made in the wall. He suffered damage from sneezing himself into it.
Metal Sonic: "I turned off the cannons for now. Don't want Nintendus to explode."
Yurie: "...question... these satellites are powerful enough to destroy Nintendus... right?"
E. Gadd: "Correct!"
Charles: "Yes... so my advice..."
Yurie: "Are they powerful enough to decimate the QH sattallite?"
Charles approaches the console. He looks surprised.
E. Gadd: "Sure! They were... doing that earlier, until SIMBER used it to attack Toad Town."
Charles: "My... thoughs... exactly."
Yurie: "Right."
E. Gadd: "Toad Town has been almost completely destroyed."
Razor: "...can you do it Yur?"
Yurie taps the sattallite targeting sstems, then retargets them all on the QH sat.
Razor looks to E. Gadd. "Toad Town's been annihilated more times than I can count..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *looks around to see if anyone is dirty... she has a thing about keeping people clean.*
Charles cracks his knuckles.
Yurie: "No. Sweat."
E. Gadd: "Those poor Toads... always getting blown up..."
Charles: "Allow me to help."
Razor stands back. "I'll stay out of the way... I trust you Yurie..."
Yurie: "No Locos. Stay out of this."
Metal Sonic: "...This new feeling of not being controlled by anything is astonishing."
Charles: "...very well."
Metal Sonic: "How can I repay you?"
Charles opens his dex.
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
Razor: "Trying times are coming... we may need your help."
Smash Dex: "SIMBER. Simple Integration Machine and Basic Encryption Engine."
Charles: "Let's see..."
E. Gadd: "So, go ahead with the satellites, Yurie."
Smash Dex: "HP: 956/1000% STR: 60. SPD: 40. INT: 100. AC: 25."
Yurie: "Time to blow stuff up..."
Smash Dex: "Defense: 1 | 13. Special: If an attack misses SIMBER, the offending person takes 3% damage instantly. Attacks: Photon Blaster: 6 d20+15 45% damage per hit. Electric Grip: d20+25 to hit. 60% damage, +5 to next hit."
Yurie presses the Fire button.
Smash Dex: "Magnetic Uppercut: d20+45 to hit, Kinetic Must beat 20. Otherwise, thrown into ceiling for Explosion: STR chec. Must beat 20. Otherwise, Blinded, Stunned, Poisoned, and Silenced. Lock Must beat 20. Otherwise, unable to go for the next d4 turns."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie presses it. The beam hits the satellite.
Charles: "Hmm..."He stores that information.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers get an incoming transmission.
Shadow: "...This can't be! I thought we paid enough, SIMBER!"
Yurie: "Sorry buddy, but SIMBER has been DELETED!"
Razor: "Buh-bye..."
Shadow: "Then... who's that guy calling himself SIMBER who's attacking us here?"
Charles: "!!?"
Shadow: "He says... he's 50% complete... but still angry..."
Charles: "Yes it's all coming back to me!"
Shadow: "...And he's been using Zio's warp machine to send people away!"
Charles: "SIMBER is still here!"
SIMBER: "Destroy. Quester Hunters. Destroy everything. Empty galaxy."
Charles: "My dex gave off a ding."
Yurie: "...oh crap..."
E. Gadd: "Don't worry."
Yurie: "Don't worry??"
E. Gadd: "...It is stuck on that satellite... and the laser beam is launching it into deep space!"
SIMBER: "I willl get my revenge... Questers..." The transmission starts to fade.
Razor: "...why do I have the feeling SIMBER will have a way to come back...?"
Yurie: "That's precisely why I'm worrying."
Charles: "...It will be back."
SIMBER: "...You... will not... defeat me... not even... Kuja... ..."
Razor: "Don't worry, Yurie... next time... we'll be ready..."
SIMBER: "...Good bye."
Metal Man (GM): The transmission fades out into explosions.
Charles: "...Wait... what about the Quester hunters?"
Metal Man (GM): The satellite flies out into the universe, taking the Quester Hunters and SIMBER to a place much further away than the X-zone...
Charles: "...Then it's done." *puts away his dex.*
Control Panel: "Target 'Quester Hunter HQ' has been launched out of this universe. Please choose another target."
Charles: "Dr. Robotnik was only a hologram... The Thirteen gentlemen, denon, and the rest, along with their controller... are gone."
Razor: "Good riddance."
Charles: "Then that's it... Nintendus is safe once again."
Metal Man (GM): And so, the Quester Hunters and SIMBER disappeared into a far away place.
Metal Sonic: "What about the Void?"
Razor: "Not yet, Locos. The Void is still there..."
Smash Dex: "When you are done with the controls, we must hurry and resume collecting the items."
Charles: "It is an entity to be wary about."
Smash Dex: "The satellites cannot just blast him, either."
Charles: "But his power isn't that much to be a great deal of alarm."
Metal Man (GM): There's a nice big, red, Self Destruct button.
Razor: "Let's make sure these satellites can't be used by anyone else." He slams the button with his fist.
Smash Dex: "...Well... he is only 100 times more powerful than SIMBER."
Control Panel: "Satellite destruction mode online."
Charles: "A bold face lie. No dex can be that accurate."
Control Panel: "Stored message displayed while destruct activated."
Charles: "It's time for us to ski... sca... what that s word is for to move out."
Metal Man (GM): An image appears on the screen. Of Ivo Robotnik, SIMBER, Ivan Robotnik, Metal Sonic, E. Gadd... and E Li Three.
Yurie: "...the heck??"
Metal Man (GM): Above them is the words 'SIMBER SYSTEM.' SIMBER speaks while the satellites explode in the background.
SIMBER: "This system that has been destroyed... it was created to make you happy... why have you destroyed it? You could have... lived forever... on a paradise..."
Charles: "Yet another... recording."
SIMBER: "...You will regret this... if anyone besides you hears this... there will surely be a religion, devoted to reviving the System. My logic is unbreakable... you shall pa--"
Metal Man (GM): Metal sonic (The one not on the screen) punches the control panel.
Control Panel: "Program terminated."
Yurie: "Take your utopia logic, and stuff it up your..."
Garrick: "Yurie..calm down..."
Metal Sonic: "I believe we've all heard enough about the great utopia where only SIMBER is happy."
Garrick steps out of whatever shadows he was in, watching whatever just happened..
Charles turns to his friends with sadness.
Razor: "I agree..."
Charles: "It's time for me to leave Nintendus."
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss walks in as well.
Doopliss: "...Hey Locos! Your island thing is complete!"
Charles turns to see outer space. "Grape garden?"
Doopliss: "...Yes."
Razor: "Only one thing remains for us, then... to finish our mission... and destroy the Void once and for all..."
Charles: "No... Unfortuantely, the actual date was six months from now. Lunaris Feriaum will have to wait... forever maybe. This place is too chaotic for me."
Doopliss: "...Yes, but... something named SIMBER... it came, saying that it wished to repay you... then somehow the whole thing was built!"
Charles sighs. "I don't care. If a hologram wants to come after me, so be it."
Doopliss: "...It was weird, to tell you the truth. I half expected it to be a deathrap or a trick."
Garrick: "It probably was."
Doopliss: "Just saying that it's complete."
Charles: "Forget it..."
E. Gadd: "I believe it is time you got back to destroying the Void."
Charles: "Yes, my friends, I will be glad to be out of your way."
E. Gadd: "For according to these calculations... geez! There's THOUSANDS OF SHIPS coming towards Nintendus! ...It's weird that the satellite got through them... moving too fast, I guess."
Yurie: "...from where??"
E. Gadd: "You can use the teleporter room to go back to work... well..."
Razor: "Locos... I just hope you plan to help us, even indirectly." He glances to E. Gadd. "Then there's no time..."
E. Gadd: "You know. Out of this dimension."
Charles: "I am... by staying out of your way."
Yurie: "...out of this dimension??"
E. Gadd: "There's a huge hole in the dimensional fabric which let in this mess of stuff, then let the satellite out. No time to explain. I don't even know what it is."
Charles just shakes his head.
Razor: "The Void's handiwork, no doubt."
Charles: "Just leave me out of it. Doopliss!"
E. Gadd: "My poor old brain can only barely understand what it means..."
Doopliss: "Yes?"
Charles throws him back his staff.
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss takes it.
Doopliss: "Thank you, sir."
Charles: "Sadly, I couldn't find any duracell batteries."
Garrick: "It doesn't matter right now were they are coming from. Let's just get back to work." He turns to look at the local Lunarian. "Locos."
Razor pulls out his Dex. "We're on our way back... let's go, folks... there's no time to waste."
E. Gadd: "Come with me, Metal Sonic. We can help in our own way."
Metal Man (GM): E. Gadd and Metal Sonic walk to the teleporter room.
Razor follows them there.
Charles walks there as well.
Yurie: "Right." *follows.*
Garrick shrugs and heads off as wel.
Charles: "I'm heading down to SSHQ. I'm getting my chair, then the Super White Emerald. I've caused more than enough grief for this world."
Metal Man (GM): Everyone warps to SSQ headquarters, where the Metal Sonic army appears to have self-destructed before reaching the building...
Charles puts his legendary guns in a place of safe storage; namely Mewtwo's hands.
Wolfman goes to R&R and attempts to make a sale. "Anyone want a Mega Rush badge?" He needs to sell a badge in order to get Pretty Lucky.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *shakes her head no and goes back to cleaning herself all cat like.*
Metal Man (GM): Along the way, the Questers see live coverage of the Toad Town Disaster. Everything save for one city block was... annihilated. Oh, and Peach's castle got out unscathed.
Wolfman takes a quick look... He bows his head in respect, and THEN goes to G&W. If anything needs to be done, he'd rather be prepared.
Reporter: "A strange hologram, calling itself SIMBER, earlier went haywire and used the long-thought destroyed satellites to destroy Toad Town..."
Wolfman stops.
Reporter: "But, it was stopped before it destroyed the entire town."
Wolfman: "...what was that?" *goes back to the TV.*
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman's Dex email has 1 new mail.
Wolfman opens his dex.
Wolfman: "Make it quick Dexter; I don't have all day."
Smash Dex: "...Email is from... SIMBER Local systems administrator."
Metal Man (GM): It shows the same hologram the news showed... except it looks rather damaged here.
Wolfman walks towards G&W while reading the email.
SIMBER: "...The Questers have overwhelmed me... I have been terminated... you are the only person left who I have a fraction of trust in..."
Wolfman stops again... .oO(What the heck? Why do I have a strange feeling...) He continues reading, this time staying still.
SIMBER: "...I left a backup of the System inside your database... if you... wish to use it... you can activate it. You have been made the administrator... so... it's up to you. I will have been sent into another universe by the time you are reading this."
Wolfman wasn't around too much for this SIMBER thing... he had bills to pay again.
SIMBER: "The chance of paradise is not entirely lost... but it is up to you. SIMBER program terminated."
Wolfman: .oO(I really need to hire a secretary.)
Metal Man (GM): It disappears, the email deletes itself. Wolf sees, up ahead, Metal Sonic talking to G&W.
Metal Sonic: "So... you sell items..."
Wolfman gets in line.
G&W: "Yes I do. What would you want?"
Metal Sonic: "How about... a couple weapon upgrades." He pulls off a claw and gives it to GW.
G&W: "...That's an odd way to do it, but... money talks!"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic nods and hands G&W 2000 coins.
Wolfman chuckles... G&W is still the same.
Metal Man (GM): Then he takes the other claw off. G&W takes it behind the counter, to an interesting machine... above it, in a glass case, is a machinegun. '10,000 coins' is written under it. Above it is 'Phantom, the Renegade Quester's last weapon.'
Wolfman takes note of the machinegun... but can't afford it. Not that he'd want a machinegun anyway.
Metal Man (GM): GW uses the machine to upgrade the claws, then hands them back to Metal Sonic, who puts them on.
Metal Sonic: "Thank you."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic walks off, glancing at Wolf for a second, but otherwise not being bothered.
G&W: "So then, Wolfman, what do you want?"
Wolfman: "There is a certain badge that I want, but I have to sell something first." *He shows his Mega Rush and Power Smash badges.*
G&W: "Ok... let me ring this up..."
Wolfman: "Which one would you recommend I give up to get Pretty Lucky?"
G&W: "I'll pay 350 for the Mega Rush, 750 for the Power Smash. Choose which one you think is the better bargain."
Wolfman: "Hmm... either way, it won't matter which one I sell... which one would you recommend more in battle?"
G&W: "I'd keep the Power Smash... yeah."
Wolfman: "That was what I thought... more consistent damage over time. Alright... I'll sell the Mega Rush, and buy the Pretty Lucky."
Wolfman puts up 3150 coins.
Metal Man (GM): G&W smiles, seeing how exact that is.
G&W: "Thank you." He takes the money and the badge, giving you Pretty Lucky in exchange.
Wolfman: "My memory might be bad at times, but my math skills shouldn't faulter... much." *equips Pretty Lucky immediately.*
Charles is still back at base, so he might as well use the time he has left to cook one of his father's most delicous entrees; gargoyle stew with turnips.
Wolfman can't afford any more. He thanks G&W, and heads to his office to take a look at this Database thing the email mentioned.
Metal Man (GM): Wolf reaches his room. The computer/holo cylinder turns on. "Hello. Someone sent you some strange code. ...It looks useful... but it might be dangerous."
Wolfman: "I'm aware; please show it to me, and advice if need be."
Metal Man Hologram: "I has some device integration ability..."
Charles goes back into the kitchen. He opens up a giant cauldron. he will begin after Wolfman is done.
Metal Man Hologram: "Opening SIMBER.exe and displaying in a protected environment..."
Metal Man (GM): It... shows another miniature holo guy, like Metal. Except he's all blue. He stands next to Metal, has brown eyes, is slightly shorter than metal, has brown hair...*
Metal Man (GM): He wears blue robes now.
SIMBER: "I am an unconfigured module. You may do with me what you wish, Administrator Wolfman."
Wolfman: "What are your possible abilities?"
SIMBER: "Integrate all networked hardware and manage data flow for maximum efficiency..."
Wolfman is a little intrigued by this... but wants to know what he's getting into before... configuring.
SIMBER: "Create another virtual entity that acts like a person, but is fake... This program is only 50 % complete. It can do those two things. It lacks an AI. I am merely a hologram. The system that was destroyed had a complete AI."
Wolfman: "Explain the first function in better detail if possible, please."
Metal Man Hologram: "Quite intriguing. I wonder what it was meant..."
SIMBER: "First command of two... Make machines more efficient by sharing the processing time of all computers to create one supercomputer."
Wolfman understands that a little better.
SIMBER: "Since I lack an AI, all commands must be sent by you. Certain documents by my creator say that I am safe in this mode... but limited. My extended capabilities were deleted for trying to destroy Nintendus."
Wolfman: "Is there a way I can undelete it?"
SIMBER: "Sorry, my responses are limited. The Questers deleted it before it could be sent. ...Also, it was sent to the Quester Hunters, but the Questers sent the Quester Hunters far, far away."
Wolfman: "...I'll try to avoid dealing with the Quester Hunters for the moment. Is there any other way to repair your AI?"
SIMBER: "They cannot be dealt with. ...I would suggest consulting Dr. Ivan Robotnik or the Questers. My AI is dangerous. It was deleted for doing bad things."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *puts the two newer badges on, then takes off her SDGF badge and polishes it again as she mews happily.* .oO(Wonder if Captain is gonna give me any updates from home, wonder how my favorite basketball team is doing)
SIMBER: "My AI destroyed Toad Town."
Wolfman: "Were you originally made to be good?"
SIMBER: "I was... then deactivated when my systems went bad. E. Gadd accidentally activated my bad system, which ... the Void Commanded to be perfect."
Wolfman: "E. Gadd means well, but can be a klutz at times. Metal, see if you can bring in Ivan up here."
SIMBER: "I became the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. All computers, even Smithy and Metal Sonic, became one with my perfect systems. I had Nintendus in my grasp..."
Metal Man Hologram: "...I'm sorry, he seems to be busy. His communications are being used elsewhere."
Wolfman: "Metal, try Mewtwo instead."
Metal Man (GM): A THIRD hologram appears atop the cylinder. It's getting crowded.
E Li Three: "Hello, Wolfman. I am E Li Three, citizen of the SIMBER system. Perhaps I could help you? Don't worry, I won't subject you to endless tests."
SIMBER: "...E Li Three was an ancient program who was ressurrected by the system. He escaped when it went bad. But now he is here, with the system, and me."
Wolfman: "Very funny. I'm hoping you can help repair this SIMBER code I received... and make sure that it is no longer usable by evil forces."
Metal Man Hologram: "E Li Three has a known record of testing people before helping them."
E Li Three: "Well... you've already got it set up so that only you can control it. In fact, that SIMBER program was the Sha'Fol those weird tablets were talking about..."
Wolfman: "I'm afraid I'm no technical genius here."
E Li Three: "I hear something about the AI... Repairing that would be suicidal."
Wolfman: "So I am stuck with either holograms or computer syncronization?"
E Li Three: "Combining an artificial brain with vast computing power equals the Mavericks all over again. Yes, but you, being a machine, can access the system quickly and efficiently."
Wolfman: "Hmm... is it safe for me to actually access the system?"
SIMBER: "I cannot act on my own. How am I supposed to harm you?"
E Li Three: "Basically, no problems would happen, or else I wouldn't be here... The system would have hijacked me and my temple would be destroying Nintendus otherwise."
Wolfman: "What should be done first then? As in... what power should be activated right now to help us?"
Metal Man Hologram: "It checks out here."
SIMBER: "Activate the program. All systems shall be synchronized."
E Li Three: "Basically, all systems will become controllable by you at the same time."
Wolfman: "'s having that control that I'm afraid of."
Charles cringes at that idea.
Wolfman breathes a few times. "Will you guide me if I activate you?"
Metal Man Hologram: "I should add, us holograms will still be ourselves, and will control our places unless you override. So at first, the only difference you will notice is that you can check out what's going on all across the headquarters and, if E Li Three lets you, E Li Three's temple."
SIMBER: "Of course I will guide you. Once you have activated the system, though, and I am done guiding you, I will be out of responses, and become nothing more than an instruction manual."
Wolfman: "...that will have to be sufficient then."
SIMBER: "First, systems must be synchronized."
Metal Man Hologram: "Shall I initiate the system synchronize program?"
E Li Three: "It's your choice, remember."
Wolfman: "SIMBER.EXE, engage Syncronization program."
Metal Man Hologram: "Erm... I have to do that, but okay."
Wolfman: "You get the idea."
SIMBER: "Synchronization program engaged. Please wait a few moments."
Wolfman hopes he didn't just destroy the world. He waits patiently... which for a reploid, isn't very long.
SIMBER: "Systems synchronized. Access granted to Administrator Wolfman."
Wolfman can't tell if he feels different yet.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman'd see or sense or something that he can now see any and all of the headquarters through the cameras. He detects that the refrigerator in the kitchen is at 40 degrees, the front door has been left open, etc... And he can engage remotely such things as alarms, shutting doors... it makes him feel like he's psychic.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *gnawing a claw in front of a camera cleaning it.*
Metal Man (GM): Almost like Mewtwo, but constrained to headquarters.
Wolfman sees the kitchen door... and attempts to close it.
Metal Man (GM): The door closes, even though he's far away physically. Garrick would see... That's weird, the kitchen door closed on its own.
Wolfman tries to close the FRONT door now.
Metal Man (GM): The front door closes as well. Very easily, and painless... like a light switch inside Wolf's head.
Charles adds in the water and sets the cauldron at 370 degrees.
Wolfman: "Alright, this is a little freaky... but it can come in handy. Could there be any way for this to be deactivated? I'm not saying I want it deactivated now... I'm asking what I need to watch out for."
SIMBER: "It can be turned on and off whenever you want."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *streatches and looks for something to do as she waits, and hopes someone from the SDGF gives her an update on her fav basketball teams game today.*
SIMBER: "Okay, now you've gotten the basics of it..."
Metal Man Hologram: "I notice an increase in performance."
Wolfman: "This will take awhile to get used to."
E Li Three: "Finally, I can get out of this holo thing!"
Garrick stops drinking milk straight from the carton and stares... then goes back to drinking milk.
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three leaps out of it, and is now real person sized.
E Li Three: "With these systems, holograms can wander about just like real people. ...But only ones that have been approved by the system first."
SIMBER: "Is that all you require for now, Administrator Wolfman?"
Wolfman: "For the moment, yes."
SIMBER: "I shall remain on the system as an instruction manual. I am unable to do anything else now. Thank you."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER disappears.
Metal Man Hologram: "I was wondering... did you know that this system makes the holo rooms almost obsolete? Holograms can battle in the normal stadium now... thus allowing us to have otherwise lost fighters come back and help others train."
Wolfman: "Hmm... that is a good idea."
Metal Man Hologram: "Furthermore, with your permission, the appearance of a room can either be altered by maintenance robots or a holographic projection can change the way it looks..."
Wolfman: "I am officially naming you the Administrative Assistant to this program."
Metal Man Hologram: "Why thank you. In fact, I might as well use this to synchronize with the real person." *The hologram changes a bit.*
Metal Man (GM): First thing: A badge saying 'Administrative Assistant' appears on it. Second: It looks more real now.
Metal Man: "Hello. This new system, as my double informed me, is quite interesting."
Wolfman: "We just have to be careful not to abuse it. I do have a concern about the replacing of the holo rooms, though."
Metal Man: "...And despite being a part of the system that almost destroyed Nintendus... it looks like it fixed itself by making you control it..."
Wolfman: "Say the Questers practice in a hologramm-ed area... and get killed. Would they actually be killed, or would they somehow come back like they always seem to?"
Metal Man: "Well... there's a thing about that. Holograms are not allowed to damage anyone outside a holo room or the arena, when it's activated. Unless you give permission. And you, only you."
Wolfman nods, and chooses to use his new eyes to... well, scout the Stadium for anything... off.
Metal Man: "Since this system is obviously very useful, you'll be allowed to control it, while I deal with the usual Quester leading stuff."
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman looks around... Ach! There's a discarded beverage can on the floor outside the holo rooms!
Wolfman attempts to send a holo Mack to pick up the can and recycle it.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* A holo mack appears, picks it up, and walks to the nearest recycle bin, puts it in there, and disappears.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *mewling around HQ at random learning about what's here.*
Metal Man (GM): While doing that, it determined that the last person to touch it was... Professor Oak. CTG sees many interesting things here. On the ground floor...
Wolfman: "Oak? Jeez, for a professor, he sure is absent minded."
Metal Man (GM): There's the entry room... Rest and Relaxation, essentially a living room with a TV...
Wolfman attempts to contact Oak without the need of a Smash Dex.
Metal Man (GM): There's also interesting perfectly square rooms that allow Wolfman to summon holograms. And there's a kitchen, a dining room, an elevator, a garden, and a hallway that leads to a stadium building. Wolf contacts Oak's dex through the system. He opens it.
Oak: "Hello Wolf. I was just working on my new invention."
Wolfman: "That is nice... but I'm curious. Did you by chance have anything to drink by the holo rooms?"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *looks at a holo-room.* .oO(What the heck is a hologram?) *blink blink.* .oO(mmm, curiocity killed the cat... buts I'm a tigress...) *walks in and looks around.*
Oak: "...Yeah... I wonder where it went."
Metal Man (GM): CTG sees a complex console, which also includes a sort of helmet, if she wants to use that. It has on file a lot of different images.
Wolfman: "Don't worry; it was discarded properly. Please be more careful the next time you have a drink... people could trip and fall over cans and bottles."
Oak: "...Right... how did you know that, anyway?"
Wolfman: .oO(The last thing we need is another Klumsy)
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *looks at what the console says, with all the curiosity of a cat.*
Wolfman: *not to him.* "Umm..."
Oak: "I didn't remember you being down there... in fact, some machine who came in with the Questers just walked past it earlier..."
Charles begins creating the first concoction.
Metal Man (GM): The machine says: 'Press the red button to begin simulation.' There's a red button to press.
Wolfman: *to him.* "I was testing a new holographic device, and I was able to see the can, and somehow guessed it was you."
Metal Man (GM): Wolf sees a person who is identified as a 'friend' looking at the holo room... he also sees Locos creating something with a cauldron.
Wolfman: .oO(Well, it's partly true)
Charles begins breaking some eggs and flour into a bowl. He adds milk to the bowl, and begins stirring it.
Oak: "Well... that's fascinating. I'll have to check that out after I finish creating the Item Recycler."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: .oO(The last time I pressed a red button, Zero appeared and tried to kiss me) ._.; *sees if the helmet thing fits on her and pushes da button.*
Wolfman lets Locos create his meal, and activates the training program for Chibi. "Item Recycler... what will that do?"
Metal Man (GM): The room turns on. It shows a sort of large field, with nothing but grass. A strange old man wearing a lab coat appears.
Oak: "It takes three items, preferably used, and turns them into a new, more useful thing!"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: .oO(If he tries to woo me, I will squish him)
Oak: "Like... put three cans in it, and you have... a shinguard!"
Wolfman: "...Wait a second... Oak, did you somehow borrow that idea from the Monster-From-3-Items posts we used to encounter?"
Labcoat man: "Hello. This is the Quester Training program."
Oak: "Sure. But it doesn't make monsters. It makes items. It's powered by Electrodes."
Wolfman: "Carry on then... but do be careful. We don't need anything more blowing up."
Labcoat Man: "How may I assist you, guest?"
Charles stirs for a few moments. He then lets it sit.
Wolfman disconnects the connection between Oak and himself.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *blinks.* "Umm, Training Program?" *silts her head to the side and murrs.*
Charles then gets out 5 boxes of noodles. He pours each box in, stirring after pouring one in.
Labcoat Man: "This program was opened by Administrator Wolfman for you."
Wolfman: "Computer, make sure Chibi's training goes alright; I'm talking a walk to the kitchen... I need some plasma juice."
Computer: "Command confirmed."
Wolfman goes towards the kitchen.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *blinks.* "Who, and what is this thing?" *looks around.*
Labcoat Man: "I am a hologram of a person named Professor Oak."
Professor Oak: "You are inside a virtual reality."
Charles adds in some spices. He adds in black spider salt, Arageno, and pepper.
Wolfman enters the kitchen, takes a look around, and goes to the refrigerator.
Metal Man (GM): Professor Oak snaps his fingers, and the afternoon sky suddenly becomes night in the simulation. Wolf now see Locos making some sort of item.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Ok, I know what VR is... but this looks much more sophisticated than the tactics room." *looks up.* "Ooooooh."
Charles goes to the various vegetables and starts cutting them up. "Let's see... celery... Wolf, do you like potatoes? ...tomatoes..."
Wolfman: "Mashed potatoes are good... but tomatoes are better as ketchup."
Charles peels the potatoes into a garbage can.
Wolfman: "I'm just going to get something to drink... if you need me to help out, I'll be in here for a little bit longer." *goes to the fridge to get that plasma juice, closes the door, then sits down and takes a few sips.*
Professor Oak: "I can explain many things here."
Charles: "Hmm..."
Metal Man (GM): It tastes good. Wolfman's sensors showed it was at peak quality.
Wolfman: "Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh. That hits the spot. So Locos, what exactly are you trying to make?"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Like?" *tries to touch the grass, expecting to feel the floor of the room.*
Charles: "My father's special meal. It was so delicious." *looks around.* "Ah yes!"
Metal Man (GM): Chibi can feel the grass... although it feels kind of fake.
Charles gets out from the cupboard some tea. Very potent kind.
Professor Oak: "It appears you don't know much about the Questers... do you? I could tell you why each one is the way they are."
Wolfman: "Home cooking... I can't really say I had a chance to appreciate it much."
Charles: "This was different. Various ingredients... at the right quantity and difference, can either make it great... or taste beyond gross."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "I was just suppost to come in and help them out against some dimensional threat... mrrr... tell ya one thing, command briefings are -not- what they used to be."
Wolfman: "Sounds like you and Tayce T. would get along just fine."
Charles: "Hmm..." *gets out a blender.*
Professor Oak: "Hmmm... it appears you have been sent into something that was more than you bargained for."
Charles: "Let's see..." *adds in the vegetables to the stew.* "Now this next part is tricky..."
Wolfman drinks more of his plasma juice and just relaxes while Locos cooks. For such a... unique individual, he sure has a love for cooking.
Wolfman: "What will you be doing?"
Charles starts adding more... unorthodox ingredients. "Hmm..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Yea, probably, with my luck, so far this little scouts been in cramped rooms mainly,, and I'm missing my favorite basketball team's game."
Charles looks into the refrigerator for some sugar. "Now we need some... bat wings. Wait no..."
Wolfman: "What else could be stranger than bat wings?"
Charles: "It would spoil the taste."
Professor Oak: "Well... I could try to get a transmission from your home world."
Charles adds the sugar to the blender... about 6 oz of it.
Wolfman: "Isn't 6 ounces a lot of sugar though?"
Charles puts it away and pulls out some halapenos.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *pokes her badge.* "Well, hopefully Bakunetsumaru will gimme a yell sometime,, maybe I should figure out what's going on here first, but maybe later I'll see if we can get a transmission from Netopia or Ark." =^.^=
Charles cuts off the stems and puts the halapenos into the blender.
Charles: "Hmm... 6 oz may be a lot, but it'll sweeten the bitter taste of the main ingredient."
Wolfman: "Which is...?"
Charles: "That my friend would spoil the surprise."
Professor Oak: "Okay."
Charles pulls out some butter, adds it into the blender and gets out some... duck tongue.
Wolfman could choose to just look through the cauldron... but decides not to be a naughty wolf, and just smiles and nods. He does, however, see the duck tongue... "Duck tongue? What _are_ you trying to make?"
Charles: "Duck tongue. Stew."
Wolfman: "What type of stew uses the tongue of an animal? The breast of an animal, I'm getting used to... but the tongue?"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "So, other than the obvious difficulty of a scout helping out, what should I expect with these... people."
Charles: "...Helps break up the stew."
Wolfman: "...ok."
Charles has the halapenos, sugar, butter, and tongue into the blender. He then turns it on. He goes to the cans and gets out some tomato paste.
Wolfman takes some more sips of his juice, making sure to make it last.
Charles turns to the pot on the oven and pours in the paste after cutting open the top with a can opener. He turns off the blender and pours it into the stew. He takes out one of the prime ingredients; turnips.
Professor Oak: "Let me see... Well, most of them... are very unique."
Charles puts them into a strainer. He pours them in hot water for 5 seconds then turns off the faucet. He pours about 25 into the cauldron. "Now for the last ingredient."
Wolfman: "Is it the 'secret ingredient'?"
Charles: "You can say that."
Professor Oak: "For example. Wolfman is usually very thoughtful but also very reserved. Garrick... he prefers to shoot anything that gets in his way. Aribar tends to be masochistic, but ends up doing the right thing in the end... Both Razor and Yurie concentrate on upping their fighting skills and leading the other Questers."
Charles: "We need a gargoyle."
Wolfman: "A gargoyle?"
Charles: "Without it, I can't make my father's legendary Gargoyle stew with turnips."
Professor Oak: "Locos does various weird things. He often strays from the party to go out and do what he wants. Metal is just... crazy... he does weird, random things all the time."
Charles begins to stir the stew.
Professor Oak: "Metal does occasionally talk rationally, and is very logical when he does... he's also the official leader, although he only interferes when things turn sour."
Charles: "Do we have any gargoyle in inventory?"
Professor Oak: "Some lesser seen Questers are Azure, who... is kind of shy and likes to punch things. Soursurfer, the walking, talking lemon..."
Wolfman: "Let me think..."
Professor Oak: "Gibby, the walking marshmallow who likes to live a simple life..."
Wolfman attempts to find some gargoyle within the stadium.
Charles: "If not, then we have to go out and find one of its breeding grounds."
Wolfman: *through the computer system.*
Professor Oak: "Ragamuffin, or whatever his name is, seems to be a bandit who's gone good."
Charles: "I'm thinking... Dracula's Castle perhaps?"
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman sees... only one occurrence of gargoyles. In a log of a holomission Aribar did. They plummetted down to the bottom of a holographic canyon. There are no other references.
Wolfman shakes his head.
Metal Man (GM): Oh, yeah.
Wolfman: "I think you might be right."
Charles ends stirring. he pours in the paste since it's done now.
Metal Man (GM): It says that holo mission actually caused things to become real, such as an object called the Wand of Wonder.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "So, quite possibly the worst team you could ever think of but somehow seems to pull it together when its needed."
Wolfman: "But... wait a second; subroutines are acting up."
Professor Oak: "...It turns out that way at times, but they all have their specialties."
Charles: "Sorry, but this is extremely delicate."
Professor Oak: "Razor and Yurie take down tough monsters, while Locos figures out traps and mental puzzles..."
Wolfman: "I understand... I just could have thought..."
PRofessor Oak: "Metal usually distracts the enemy, acts as cover fire, and provides hints, etc."
Wolfman: "Did Aribar ever take the Questers to the Holo Room for training?"
Charles: "I know you're trying to help... it's just..."
Computer: "He did it approximately two times."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Mmm, interesting... Bakunetsumaru says I'm great for target practice."
Professor Oak: "So, you deal with accuracy?"
Charles: "Yeah, he did."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "No... me being the target, I scout and dodge things."
Charles: "Anything replicated and cooked can seriously do injury to me."
Wolfman: "I'm trying to remember something about the logs saying one of those missions went haywire... did a gargoyle come out of that particular one?"
Charles shakes his head.
Professor Oak: "Ah. I see."
Charles: "Besides, a real live gargoyle can offer more than a holo one can do!"
Wolfman: "True... alright, where do we store the stew?" *attempts to find that one particular gargoyle Locos wants.*
Metal Man (GM): Triangulating a variety of stuff, Wolfman discovers... There's a Gargoyle-infested area in the Kokiri Forest.
Wolfman: "Locos, I have a strange idea... store the stew, and then join me to the Kokiri Forest. Perhaps the little guys there would know... after all, they aren't afraid of many creatures." .oO(This is certainly much better than paying the bills.)
Chibi Tigress Gundam: "Got any umm, training... things, that I can dodge while we talk? I need the practice, nothing's been paying attention to me."
Charles: "OH. HELL. YES."
Professor Oak: "Hmmm..."
Wolfman: "Calm down Locos... I doubt your yelling would help us find this Gargoyle any faster."
Charles: "The more malevolent the critters, the better their ingredients will taste. Besides, this thing needs about an hour before we can add in the ingredients."
Wolfman: "Store the stew then, and meet me at the Warp Room."