Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 117: Malevolent Ramblings
Date: January 2nd, 2005.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers had finished sparring with another, when...
Aribar: "You gave us a slight run for our money... In the end it was way too easy, though."
Computer: "There appears to be a breach at the front door."
Charles: "Yes... next time will be a better unfair advantage..."
Aribar: "Well, it is getting late... I'm heading back to my room. Night!" *Aribar leaves the arena.*
Garrick looks at his Dex "...a breach?"
Charles: "Boy! Get back here!"
Aribar: "Huh? What?"
Charles checks his own dex.
Garrick: "By who?"
Smash Dex: "...Three intruders. Marked as following: Gargoyle, BioMonster, Vampire."
Charles takes no time in hearing. He runs for it while hearing.
Garrick: "...son of a... move it, people! Computer, a heal for Locos, Ari, and myself please."
Aribar heads towards the front door and hopes his wounds are healed.*
Computer: "Enemies are moving quickly towards Lab."
Wolfman senses something is wrong... he "Sees" through the Stadium again.
Metal Man (GM): Everyone's wounds are healed.
Garrick races for the Lab.
Wolfman hears the announcement... then BOLTS.
Charles runs to the front door.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman sees the trio cornering Oak.
Charles: "They're here for the stew!"
Metal Man (GM): The front door has been blasted up.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *having just found a riceball looks around and starts bounding off towards the lab.*
Metal Man (GM): There's a trail of bits that leads to the lab.
Aribar readies the Sword of Light and dashes towards the lab...*
Garrick races down the hallway toward the Lab.
Charles: "...Great...*now.* where?"
Wolfman: "Well, they aren't exactly happy you used their brothers you know."
Charles: "...just remembered!" *spins in place for a bit, then rockets back to the lab area.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers get to the lab, where a Gargoyle, some sort of weird monster, and Magnus are.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *bounds off with a riceball in mouth.*
Metal Man (GM): Magnus is holding... the item combinizer.
Garrick: "Hold it!"
Magnus: "Why hello Questers... it's nice to see you again."
Professor Oak: "Get that item from them!"
Aribar: "Magnus! What are you doing here?"
Garrick: "'re that guy..."
Charles skids to inside the laboratory and slams into some people/things.
Magnus: "Zio took interest in your... Item Combiner."
Charles: *CRASH.*
Magnus: "He said it was... nostalgic..."
Aribar: "... My pleasure, Oak. Yaah!" *The elf launches himself at Magnus and Tri-Bolt Slashes him... Or tries to.*
Charles gets up quite, getting clarity.
Wolfman: "You have no idea."
Magnus: "Let's just say, my lord gets everything he wants."
Metal Man (GM): 1 hit.
Charles: "...Then why is a Gargoyle with you!?"
Gargoyle: "I serve Zio himself!"
Wolfman follows up with a Swords Dance of his own to the person that has the item combiner.
Charles: "Uh-no! The gargoyle stew with turnips!"
Metal Man (GM): Magnus is hit. the Gargoyle breathes fire at Aribar.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *bounds about towards the lab riceball stuck in mouth.*
Charles spins in place again and tries to run toward the kitchen.
Aribar leaves himself open to the fire... OUCH.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar takes damage.
Garrick immediately speeds at Magnus, sending a fully cocked punch at 'em.
Metal Man (GM): The biomonster attacks Wolfman.
Charles: "We killed your people. Sorry I can't stick around."
Metal Man (GM): 1 hit.
Wolfman wasn't lucky.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick Misses. Magnus tries to slash Garrick. *SLASH* damage.
Garrick gets slashed.
Charles checks the cauldron and opens the pot.
Metal Man (GM): The cauldron is untouched.
Garrick: "Where the hell is Metal?!?!"
Charles sighs of relief.
Aribar: "Locos! Your assistance is needed!"
Metal Man, meanwhile, is in his office, paying bills...
Charles turns a one eighty, spins his feet in place, and rockets back.
Magnus: "I'm afraid... I have to go."
Metal Man (GM): Magnus backflips through the window.
Garrick: "Ohhh, no you don't!"
Metal Man (GM): The two monsters block the way. Magnus takes off running. He's bleeding a little bit.
Garrick tries to blast through them, and straight out the window.
Wolfman attempts to Wolf Crush them all, hoping he can reach.
Charles goes running at top spin... unfortunately he loses his control and is set flying towards the window.
Metal Man (GM): Wolf blasts both of them down. The only problem is that Magnus got a head start...
Garrick takes the opportunity then to leap out the window.
Aribar dashes off towards Magnus... He fires a Light Blade Wave at Magnus.* "Yaaah!"
Metal Man (GM): He's... getting away really fast.
Wolfman: "Come on; let's get him!"
Metal Man (GM): The Light Wave doesn't even come in range.
Wolfman attempts to catch up.
Charles goes *soaring.* 30-40 mph.
Metal Man (GM): Magnus disappears into the trees... Wolfman is somewhat behind him.
Garrick races after him, flipping open his Dex. "Jackknife! Activate!"
Magnus: "Persistent bunch, aren't you?"
Wolfman: "You can say that."
Magnus: "FIRE BLAST!"
Charles: "Dah... I'mmm FLLyyinnnggg Soollooo."
Metal Man (GM): Everyone chasing.
Wolfman attempts to get out of the way again.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *finally, a little late, arrives at the lab, and looks around, still having a riceball in mouth.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar and Garrick leap over a wave of flames...
Aribar: "Hey!"
Garrick calls his MTA, that was what the Jackknife thing was about.
Metal Man (GM): Wolf barely leaps over the wave, as does Locos. Magnus is running straight towards yet another hole in the ground... the sun JUST sets. There's the sounds of screeching up ahead.
Garrick glances upward as he runs "...where the hell is it?"
Metal Man (GM): CTG sees a broken window, a rather shaken up Professor Oak, and a spot where an item should be.
Aribar: "Grr... Come back here!" *He attempts to catch up with Magnus before the vampire reaches the hole.*
Wolfman puts the screeching to the back of his mind; he still attempts to follow Magnus.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *mews and bounds out the window and looks around.*
Magnus: "Zio! I have the item! Stop them!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers have one chance each to hit Magnus.
Wolfman fires his Howl Buster at Magnus, hoping it reaches... thank goodness for double shot.
Charles: "Waaaaaaa---hhooooo!!"
Metal Man (GM): One hit of five.
Garrick doesn't really have a ranged attack... the drill kick, maybe, but probably not.
Aribar: "Magic Missle!" *The elf launches four magical missles at that vampire!*
Magnus: "Ow! My shoulder!"
Metal Man (GM): ...The four hits blast him off his feet.
Charles: "...! Hey, get out of the way!"
Metal Man (GM): He trips, dropping the item.
Magnus: "No! Not the item!"
Wolfman goes to pick it up.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick trips and misses the item.
Aribar: "NEVER, EVER mess with a Jentanian Wizard, Magnus!"
Garrick: "Shit! LOCOS! GRAB IT!"
Metal Man (GM): Locos hits a tree, George of the Jungle style. Locos and CTG pounce on it. Now they just have to get it away before a... swarm of gargoyles fly at thems. CTG grabs the item, and thus grabs Locos out of the air.
Garrick: "Back to the stadium! GO!"
Charles: "What!?"
Aribar suffers a moment of indecision... He wonders how close he is to Magnus.
Charles: "Wait... I did bring it with me..."
Metal Man (GM): A wave of gargoyles is coasting their way towards Locos and CTG. Magnus is 10 feet away from Aribar.
Charles gets out his wallet... and...
Wolfman hurries back towards Locos and CTG... the item needs to be protected.
Metal Man (GM): On the ground and vulnerable to attacks. The chair is there.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *blinks.* "MEW!" *either takes item ala football player or both item and locos ala football player, back towards that window.
Aribar attempts to quickly dash over and finish that vampire off with a Tri-Bolt Slash... He hopes to kill the vampire before the gargoyles arrive.*
Charles gets in his Rocket Chair. He has made more modifications. He extends it so it can seat another. "Get in!!!"
Wolfman has no clue how close he is to Locos or CTG.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *just... lets locos take it, ain't getting in THAT thing.*
Charles: "..."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: .oO(That thing looks like it flies, I hate flying)
Aribar turns about and dashes off to the Stadium now... He berates himself for missing Magnus.*
Charles activates one of his metal hands. It goes to grab CTG.
Wolfman hopes he is close enough to Locos to take that chair now... nevermind.
Garrick runs a while before he turns and sees the gargoyles. He has no choice, he dashes away as well.
Charles: "Another or not... we are outta here!"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *will claw locos if he does try to grab her.*
Garrick flips open his dex "Mewtwo! Come in!"
Metal Man (GM): The chair appears and is ready. It picks up CTG with some sort of magnet. Now the Questers must escape the wall of flames. Magnus leaps aboard the chair.
Magnus: "Give me that or you will all die!"
Metal Man (GM): He slices at Locos.
Charles: "..."
Garrick races toward the chair and, if possible, slams a trio of kicks to knock him off.
Metal Man (GM): CTG can attack Magnus, who has his back to her.
Charles has his eyes glowing black with fire...
Metal Man (GM): Wolf is ahead of the chair. The item is on the chair.
Charles: "Get... OFF."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick bumps off of the chair and gets barbequed by the gargoyles.
Magnus: "Give me the item!"
Aribar: "Oh no you don't!" *The elf readies to fire another Light Blade Wave.*
Charles activates his several machineguns, chainsaws, flamethrowers and such.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *bats at Magnus with her rolling pin.*
Charles: "...I won't say again."
Garrick does a anime move and just sorta yells out, patting his butt of the flames as he runs like mad.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar hits Magnus with the wave.
Wolfman turns around, and attempts to jump up and bonk Magnus's head.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman joins Garrick at running around on fire.
Wolfman stumbles...
Metal Man (GM): Aribar is running behind the chair... Magnus is toasted by the attack. CTG knocks his body off of the chair... Where it is then hit by the chainsaws and gargoyles.
Wolfman tries to put the fire out of him.
Garrick leaps over the fallen Magnus and races to keep up with the others.
Charles: "That will teach you..."
Aribar dashes after the others...*
Garrick: "Where the CRAP is my MTA?!?!"
Magnus: "Oooowww... my head..."
Charles deactivates his mechanisms and activates his shielding.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick's MTA lands right in front of him when he says that... *SMACK.*
Wolfman recovers eventually from that fire thing, and tries to stay close to Locos and the item.
Metal Man (GM): The shields are now under attack by Gargoyles. They've stopped breathing a wall of fire to attack the shield.
Charles presses the button to activate the 1/2/3 Rocket Blast.
Garrick rubs his head furiously as he leaps in it, firing it up and launching after the others.
Metal Man (GM): There's a cloud of gargoyles in the way of getting to Locos.
Garrick: "Computer, cluster missile. Target the gargoyles."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick blasts some gargoyles. Everyone does. But there's too many! Garrick's MTA takes damage from lobbed fireballs. Locos takes damage from the fireball hit.
Charles: "...blast it!"
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *mewing and flailing trying to get out of a seat, she's rather be caught in the fire and die than fly.*
Metal Man (GM): Shields at 90%.
Garrick: "Mewtwo, come in!"
Wolfman thinks he was close enough to possibly suffer.
Mewtwo: "What?"
Charles: "We can't get past this sphere of fire."
Wolfman is NOT having the best of luck here.
Metal Man (GM): Wolf is barbequed again: damage. Though, instead of dying, he's just Ko'd.
Charles: "!" *gets out his SMB3 whistle with the crossbones on it.*
Mewtwo: "...One problem... there's a wall of them blocking your way to headquarters!"
Wolfman somehow gets knocked into a comatose type state... he doesn't explode.
Charles: "It's time to call in backup..."
Mewtwo: "While the Smashers are beating them up, there's too many!"
Charles plays the tune. "CTG, I'm gonna release you... you'll have better luck without being magnetized." *deactivates the metal hand and the chair 'attachment'.* "Please ZETA... hurry."
Aribar tries to think of a way to stop all of these gargoyles.
Wolfman just stays knocked out right now... ouch, that hurt.
Metal Man (GM): ZETA warps in next to the chair and starts slicing Gargoyles.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *is lost*
Metal Man (GM): CTG's put back on the ground. There's still a solid wall of Gargoyles in the way of HQ.
Charles: "Zeta! Separate and activate protocol Fallen Quester: Team Blast."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *charges towards the HQ, ignoring the Gargoyles since she wants to curl up and shake from being flown in general.*
Garrick targets one last gargoyle and blasts it.
Metal Man (GM): The machine separates into the bits, which then get into formation.
Aribar: "Hrm... ."
Machine Made Fallen Questers: "ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!"
Charles: "Power to 125%. Fire at 5 second pause."
Metal Man (GM): A beam of pure darkness blasts a hole in the wall of gargoyles... after 5 seconds pass. CTG see the hole in the wall.
Garrick hopes he killed one... just one...
Aribar: "Light Bolt!" *The elf uses the Sword of Light to fire holy lightning into the cloud of gargoyles...
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* CTG gets to HQ, the lightning blasts a hole through the last of the wall, and then a blue beam breaks the crumbly wall.
Garrick flies up and above the gargoyles, hoping to god that a little red button on his Mach Claw is blinking... (aka the Overdrive)
Charles: "Protocol Zeta. Engage attack mode."
Metal Man (GM): It is... but the gargoyles are now retreating.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *bounds to a random pillow and hugs it tightly.*
Metal Man (GM): They're flying into a cave, chased by another mecha. ZETA.
ZETA: "Terminate Gargoyles."
Garrick lands in the midst of the Smashers, jumping out of his mech and landing on the ground, looking around at the wounded.
Charles turns to HQ and activates his thrusters.
Metal Man (GM): There's dead gargoyles everywhere.
Wolfman is still knocked out...
Metal Man (GM): Locos's chair blasts through some fleeing gargoyles and reaches HQ with the item. Wolfman finally wakes up, feeling rather barbequed.
Garrick: "...five thousand gargoyles for one item?"
Charles deactivates his chair.
Wolfman feels a little dazed... "Umm... anybody got the number for that Guard Joe?"
Professor Oak: "Well... it is the ultimate invention of mine... and Zio needed it..."
Wolfman tries to get a feel for where he is.
Garrick glances at the flashing red button, then folds up his Mach Claw. Might as well save it for a special time.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman's by a cave, which is now sealed by some unholy door. ZETA, a strange machine-made mecha, is standing there.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *in rec room hugging a pillow tightly.*
Garrick: " everyone alright?"
Metal Man (GM): There's a burnt down forest in between HQ and the cave...
Garrick glances to the nearest Smasher.
Metal Man (GM): A path of dead gargoyles everywhere.
Samus: "Nobody got hurt, besides those gargoyles."
Wolfman: "...Remind me to never get involved with Locos' culinary skills again."
Charles puts down the item.
Garrick: "...first this Void, then Zio... Something really bad is going on..."
Metal Man (GM): There's now enough gargoyles to last Locos a lifetime!
Charles rockets to where Zeta's location is on his radar.
Wolfman attempts to round up as many of the dead Gargoyles as possible, and then calls HQ to bring them... and himself in.
Metal Man (GM): Locos gets to a sealed cave, where Wolfman is somewhat dazed... and holding a good deal of gargoyles. ZETA is standing there.
Garrick: "...lock down the area. Keep up a constant surveillance of the surrounding land. Keep and eye open for anything abnormal."
Charles closes his chair.
Wolfman: "Umm... a little help getting these gargoyles? I'm still recovering."
Metal Man (GM): Metal comes out and sticks the bills in a mailbox.
Metal Man: "Hey guys... how's it going? I just finished paying the laundry bill."
Garrick: "'re completely clueless, aren't you?" *glares at Metal.* "...Metal... look around."
Charles: "They weren't mad because of my stew... they wanted that item combiner." *shrugs.*
Wolfman: "I should have known."
Metal Man: "So? It looks like Locos has been working overtime for Gargoyles. ...And had the Smashers and the Questers kill them..."
Garrick sighs deeply.
Wolfman: "In any case, let's get these Gargoyles in... perhaps you can make something a lot healthier than that stew you love so much." *contacts HQ.*
Metal Man: "...And somehow involved Oak's item combiner and breaking a window."
Garrick glances to the group of Smashers "Please tell me one of you has a smoke..."
Metal Man (GM): HQ is dead ahead for Wolfman.
Wolfman doesn't want to walk... but oh well; he decides to cancel the connection. He carries as many gargoyles as he can, and walks.
Charles: "...Fallen Questers..."
ZETA: "You have orders, Locos?"
Charles: "We are still looking for your final machine made comrade... yet I don't know who the seventh fallen Quester is. Come..."
Wolfman: "COMPUTER, transport all Questers and dead gargoyles that are outside, inside to the kitchen."
Garrick pats his pockets, then pulls out one solitary cigarette. He puts it to his lips, then leans down and picks up a severed gargoyle and hand shakes it for a few sparks. He lights the cig with it and takes a large puff.
Charles takes out his chair... again...
Wolfman hopes this works.
Garrick glances to the Smashers, then chuckles "...hey, I've got a question for you guys..."
Wolfman gets out his Smash Dex and tries it again... perhaps he needed to speak through that. "COMPUTER, transport all Questers and dead gargoyles that are outside, inside to the kitchen."
Charles: "Ahh Wolfman... that's not exactly a good ide--"
Garrick: "Why are there Questers? You guys are plenty powerful... why do you need us?"
Wolfman: *if there is still time.* "...why not Locos?"
Charles: "...The Questers ...and over 200 gargoyles in one room?" *KER-SMACK.*
Wolfman didn't count the number of gargoyles.
Charles: "Use your common sense protocol."
Wolfman: "That isn't my strong point." *pulls out a map of the Stadium through the Smash Dex.* "Alright, where do you suggest we relocate them?"
Charles: "...Incinerator."
Wolfman: "Do you want them barbequed, or turned to ash?"
Charles: "...Send them to my base. We'll make androids of them."
Wolfman: "...I'll see if I can do so." *to smash dex.* "COMPUTER, send all of the dead gargoyles right by myself and Locos to Locos's base of operations."
Smash Dex: "Affirmative."
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman and all of the gargoyles start glowing blue. *...WARP!*
Charles: "...not me, bunghole."
Wolfman: "What the? I didn't ask--" *warped.*
Metal Man (GM): Locos, Wolfman, and the gargoyles appear in Locos's room atop the Magellean tower.
Wolfman gets his bearings back.
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss is sitting in the chair.
Doopliss: "...Dropping in, I see?"
Wolfman: "...I guess I still have to work with the SIMBER controls a little."
Charles: *KER-SMACK.* "Your wording needs improvement."
Wolfman: "I don't see the malfunction."
Charles: *KER-SMACK.* "Yeah... we gotta a couple hundred gargoyles..."
Wolfman: "You told me to bring them."
Charles: "Turn them into a androids/animatronic robots/whatever."
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss twiddles his thumbs and does the normal stuff anyone would see happen if Locos was sitting there and controlling the tower.
Doopliss: "Oh! That shall be a challenge."
Charles: "I felt like whacking something."
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss puts in stuff into the computer.
Wolfman: "Any chance you can get this room... well, less crowded sir?"
Doopliss: "Your entire army has been mobilized to take them to the robotizers."
Metal Man (GM): The pile of dead Gargoyles starts to thin. Robots are moving them away down a staircase.
Charles: "Our next agenda is to find the white super emerald... or improve our shielding for the X-Zone again or the Y-Zone."
Wolfman: "Which would you recommend Locos?"
Doopliss: "All of them are with Ivan Robotnik... And... I'm afraid the X-zone is gone."
Wolfman: "What is the X-Zone anyway?"
Doopliss: "...It appears to have emptied itself out into this dimension. Every. single. Thing."
Charles: "...The sign of The Void."
Doopliss: "Oh yeah... he had a message for you."
Charles: "...Who did? ...oh. Erase it."
Charles: "...Bunch of bull."
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss drinks a Dr. Pepper and then checks some more mail.
Charles: "Okay, the gargoyles are to be done *while* we find the super emerald. Wolf, you wanna help?"
Doopliss: "The Swedish Hat factory has their hats on sale. Now if only I knew what Sweden was..."
Wolfman: "This isn't for some new meal, is it?"
Charles: "It's to help raise the ancient ruins from below the tower."
Wolfman: "When do we start?"
Doopliss: "Any and all emerald queries must be asked to Dr. Ivan Robotnik."
Charles: "..."
Doopliss: "As he's hidden them somewhere to keep them away from the Void."
Charles laughs out loud with tears down his eyes.
Wolfman is confused by Locos' laughing.
Charles wipes them then immediately stops laughing and saying "No."
Wolfman: " what?"
Charles: "Ever since Saga... his attitude has changed to me."
Wolfman: "What happened during the Saga exactly? I wasn't really a part of that."
Charles: "He told a bunch of bull how dangerous and powerful the 'Void' was. 'Being 100 times more powerful than 100 SIMBERs', yadda yadda yadda... Whole universes/dimensions focused to one point... here. We all gotta band together..."
Wolfman: "Do you object to being a part of a team?"
Doopliss: "Ah yes... about that... you have 3152 hails from 2863 different ships."
Charles: "I 'object' to believing that one being has that capability."
Doopliss: "All of them say you're about to be destroyed in the name of the Void."
Wolfman: "What capability exactly?"
Doopliss: "They're encroaching on the planet rapidly."
Charles: "Capability of merging all the space around us to this one planet."
Doopliss: "Already, they can be sighted with telescopes on Saga."
Charles: "Like every single villain of every kind..."
Doopliss: "...Well, supposedly Wolfman knows about that."
Metal Man (GM): Metal's hologram pops in.
Charles looks to Wolfy. "Oh rrreeeallly?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Hello. I heard about your questions through Administrator Wolfman's systems."
Wolfman: "I need a reminder of my past knowledge, and Locos wishes to know more. Please give the proper information."
Charles: "Answer quickly please. We must be on the move shortly."
Metal Man Hologram: "Let's see... you see, it all happened back when Kuja appeared and the Questers used Trance for the first time. This tore a hole in the dimensional fabric. Which allowed such things as Mukodons, Zio, SIMBER, and all sorts of merry monsters to come in and join the fun. Now, the Void was indirectly created to personify the rip by an unknown event. It happened shortly after the Quester Hunters were first destroyed. He hid for long, but took on a body and then, eventually, tore the hole to the point that it would break down. What we are experiencing now is the merging of dimensions. Saga did not exist before the Quester Hunters were defeated! SIMBER did not exist until Smithy was defeated!"
Wolfman: "...well, that is thoughtful. Does that mean we are living in some sort of anomaly?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Zio did not exist before Bowser and Co. were defeated for the first time! Yes... but Ivan has a way to stop it. Using great power, and destroying the incoming evil, we can close it entirely, keeping only the necessary things."
Wolfman: "What method does he have?"
Metal Man Hologram: "What is kept becomes part of this reality's fabric."
Wolfman: "And what power?"
Metal Man Hologram: "What is lost is destroyed or blocked forever. Using the emeralds and other relics, of course!"
Wolfman nods. He turns to Locos.
Charles: "...Yes'm?"
Wolfman: "I think we are both going to have to reconsider the space-time continuum later. Right now, we need to get the emeralds." *turns to holo Metal.* "Please let Ivan know that Locos and I are going to help find the White Super Emerald."
Metal Man Hologram: "Problem."
Wolfman: "Yes?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Ivan is keeping it away from all of us, and he is currently not accessible."
Charles: "Belay the problem. We're moving out."
Metal Man Hologram: "There is no way to find the emerald... you're going on a wild goose chase."
Wolfman: " communication with Knuckles possible?"
Charles: "Then so frickin' be it! I will not be threatened anymore by any of these fruitcake dark people that reside in this galaxy!"
Metal Man Hologram: "He has the Master Emerald, but nothing else."
Wolfman: "That was not what I asked. I asked if it is possible to communicate with him."
Metal Man (GM): A bullet grazes Locos' shoulder.
???: "I'm sorry, we're not fruitcakes."
Charles grunts while holding it.
Metal Man (GM): Something unseen. Something unknown. It speaks too low to be determined.
Charles: "I care less."
Doopliss: "What? We're 99 stories up... security hasn't been breached..."
Charles: "I just want outta here so you can go about your business."
Doopliss: "Some madman climbed up here..."
Wolfman: "...or has it? Who are you?" *turns to the source of the voice.*
???: "An old friend... it's too bad I don't belong here."
Metal Man (GM): A whooshing noise is heard, and a portal closes above the glass. It's gone.
Charles: "...See? this is why I want to leave. Every time I stay in this building, I am attacked by someone or something that wants my blood."
Metal Man Hologram: "Why do you wish to leave? If you escape this universe, you will be sealed out when the Void is defeated."
Charles: "I want my old life back. The second moon of the planet Earth is my homeworld."
Wolfman: "Metal, is there any way I can access some sort of video from this room and the surrounding area? I'd like to know who shot Locos."
Charles: "It's been thirty years since I left there."
Metal Man Hologram: "...No video exists of that area. All we have is a bullet... which flew out and fell 99 stories out of sight."
Wolfman nods.
Metal Man Hologram: "I can understand a yearning for home. At least... you might have one."
Wolfman: "I haven't been in my home for... goodness, I don't remember. Even still, I'm unsure if I want to be back."
Metal Man Hologram: "My planet was warped to some unknown place and probably exploded... all because of Tridus..."
Wolfman: "I've had a little bit of a falling out after the last time I worked with the Mav Hunters."
Charles: "Hmm... we all miss something. Even Doopliss does."
Wolfman: "...and when I was turned evil for a little bit... I'd rather not go into that."
Doopliss: "This is my home, silly!"
Charles: "...other than the desire for Mario."
Doopliss: "All I miss is pounding Mario to death!"
Charles: "Doopliss... Has it occurred to you... that Ivan has changed?"
Doopliss: "He was hiding his true self from you."
Charles: "Other than that... Ever since Saga... he's been somewhat uncooperative..."
Wolfman doesn't know what Ivan's 'true self' is.
Doopliss: "He has his own agenda."
Charles: "True... yet... he has changed."
Wolfman: "Mewtwo sometimes has his own agenda, but he never went against us willingly."
Doopliss: "However, when you think about it, total destruction or whatever Ivan is doing... there aren't any other choices..."
Metal Man Hologram: "That's because Mewtwo is given something he could never dream of. A Life far away from those humans with their pokeballs... safe haven. He only wishes to live in peace, and in return, defend the stadium from intruders."
Wolfman nods with that new knowledge.
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *nuzzles the pillow she's hugging and looks around.* .oO(I'm gonna beat that person...)
Wolfman: "Locos, do you really believe that Ivan is an enemy?"
Charles ponders with his eyes closed. "He was so willing to allow me to borrow the emerald after we restored the Master Emerald. Not exactly so, but he acknowledged it and would do it. Now ever since he explained this whole death fleet crisis, he's turned a 110."
Wolfman: "...but not a 180?"
Charles: "...Maybe even that far. He was cooperative with me. But since being in the chamber of that sword place, we butted heads there. I understand to protect the emeralds... yet I wonder why you guys had so much trouble collecting them."
Wolfman: "Well, you try getting a bunch of relics without trouble."
Charles: "Think about it... Wolfman, how many emeralds did the Questers get?"
Metal Man: "They got all of the emeralds save for the Master Emerald. Which was then given to Ivan."
Charles: "Not from what I heard."
Wolfman: "...what did you hear?"
Charles: "I heard they could only 1. But correct me if I'm wrong."
Wolfman: "Hmm... I could have thought we got the seven Super Emeralds, but not the seven Chaos emeralds."
Charles: "You guys were able to get the supers without the chaos versions?"
Wolfman: "We were sent to the Hidden Palace Zone to at first find and replace the Master Emerald. After a... well, misunderstanding with Knuckles, I believe we took the seven Super Emeralds, and Knuckles got his Master Emerald back."
Charles: "And this was done without the chaos??"
Wolfman: "I have no clue who had the Chaos Emeralds at the time."
Metal Man Hologram: "Knuckles did."
Wolfman: "Were the Chaos Emeralds also taken?"
Charles: "The Chaos emeralds are the key to going to one of the seven domains."
Metal Man: "Knuckles took them."
Wolfman: "So Knuckles has the Chaos and Master, while we have the Super."
Charles: "This is the stumper. Where were the Supers found?"
Wolfman: "They were at the Hidden Palace Zone when Knuckles attacked us."
Charles: "My suspicions are now confirmed."
Wolfman: "And what is that?"
Charles: "Ivan once told me himself that the Super Emeralds were sealed in the 'Y-Zone' domains; one for each of them. A whole master emerald and a chaos version were needed to get into the special zone to get to the super emerald of that chaos's color. Yet... the chaos emeralds weren't needed in this matter..since they were in the hidden palace of the real angel island. My question... is why were they there in the first place?"
Wolfman: "The Super Emeralds you mean? Why were the Super Emeralds there, or something else?"
Charles: "Yes. Instead of being in their domains in the Special Zone, they were easily accessible in the Hidden Palace upon the real Angel Island."
Wolfman: "I don't think they were."
Metal Man Hologram: "I have no data on the discrepancy."
Wolfman: "When I first arrived, the emeralds were grey... colorless. When Knuckles jammed the Master Emerald on his pedestal, the emeralds gained their color back, and Knuckles went... well, hyper."
Charles: "Then... why were they not transported? Or Knuckles? It makes no sense."
Wolfman: "Knuckles wanted to stay with the Master Emerald... we only took the Super Emeralds if I remember right. Perhaps Knuckles needs the Master Emerald to power something on the island?"
Charles: *KER-SMACK.*
Metal Man Hologram: "There is a theory that the destabilization of planes via the Void causes random problems."
Charles: "Listen to my question more clearly."
Wolfman: *rubs his face.* "I'll try..."
Charles: "Very well then. This could go on for hours... Then the only thing I can grab on to is Ivan's hostile behavior. He was never hostile toward me before that sword chamber."
Wolfman: "Hmmm... I do have a way we can monitor him."
Charles: "You remember that, don't you Doopliss?"
Doopliss: "Yes... but you became hostile towards his plans as well."
Charles: "I told you. No being can be that powerful."
Doopliss: "I don't see how we would undermine them; he's got two relics already. Aribar has the Sword of Light, and Ivan has the emeralds."
Wolfman: "Do you guys want me to try to monitor Ivan?"
Charles: "Wolf, do so. Monitor his actions. I am also curious."
Doopliss: "The rest are guarded by somewhat horrific things..."
Charles: "...about Ivo."
Metal Man Hologram: "Ivo? I'm sorry, but he was just a hologram."
Charles: "That's the problem."
Wolfman: "...are we monitoring Ivo or Ivan?"
Charles: "A hologram kept trying to attack me..."
Wolfman then gets his head straight.
Charles: "And Ivan ..."
Wolfman: "Both?"
Charles: "Only Ivan, Wolf. Monitor him."
Wolfman: "That will make things easier then."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic walks in.
Charles: "...Ivan had actually convinced me that Ivo was alive."
Metal Sonic: "So... you're not the only one wondering about Ivan?"
Metal Man (GM): A bolt of lightning strikes outside. It starts raining.
Charles: "I do have my doubts."
Wolfman: "Join the club."
Metal Sonic: "Well... ever since I was given back my free will... I noticed... something."
Wolfman: "Such as...?"
Metal Sonic: "SIMBER was created by him. It was a failure."
Charles: "SIMBER..." *looks to the rain.*
Wolfman: "But... I control SIMBER now."
Metal Sonic: "But just because he abandoned that doesn't mean... he stopped the project. What if... there is a sequel to it?"
Charles: "Too many pieces to the puzzle..."
Wolfman: "Metal Sonic, do you suggest we monitor Ivan's actions?"
Metal Sonic: "It's hard to do. He's as elusive as the Void himself."
Charles: "It's like trying to get 2 random jigsaw pieces and see if they go together."
Metal Sonic: "Perhaps the puzzle of SIMBER that was completed could help. "It was made... to control everything."
Charles: "...What questions me ..." *turns around.*
Wolfman: "We'll see about that." *to Metal.* "Tell the computer to do its best to track all of Ivan's actions, and log them & triple-encrypt the results."
Metal Sonic: "You saw that yourself. How it appeared everywhere at once."
Metal Man Hologram: "Aye aye."
Charles: "Ever since before we faced off with it, we never even heard of it... Now I keep hearing it several times a day."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER appears again, in place of Metal.
Charles: "See what I mean?"
SIMBER: "So... you know what I am? Because... I don't."
Charles: "...We're about to get another piece."
SIMBER: "There is no explanation of what I am supposed to do."
Wolfman: "From what Metal Sonic tells me, you were made by Ivan Robotnik."
Charles: "I just remembered one other member..."
Wolfman: "Now, there is nothing wrong with that itself."
SIMBER: "He... deactivated me."
Charles: "Commander Doopliss! It's time to visit... E Li Three."
SIMBER: "It was E. Gadd who reactivated me."
Wolfman: "...there IS something wrong with that, though."
Doopliss: "I've got my wand here ready."
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss opens a silver door.
Wolfman: "SIMBER, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. If anyone is worried about me, make a hologram of me sleeping somewhere or something."
Doopliss: "Two-way ticket to Metal Temple itself."
SIMBER: "Affirmative."
Charles: "Metal Sonic... I was once told by him to destroy you since you were as powerful as him. I had since then forgotten about that and times have changed."
Metal Sonic: "...It is true that he and I are from the same system."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *at HQ* *pads over to the kitchen and looks around, then finds it.* 'sparkly eyes' *grabs a niceball, holds in mouth as she goes over to the rec room, curls up on a pillow and nibbles the rice ball.* =^.^=
Charles: "Then let's go." *enters the portal.*
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic follows... Doopliss goes in as well.
Wolfman follows Locos... things have gotten a LOT more interesting.
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER nods and disappears. The group appears in the good old temple.
Wolfman arrives here for the first time.
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three, always a hologram, but much stronger in quality of appearance, appears as they walk in. The entire temple is like a Cathedral, only underground, futuristic, and made of silver metal.
Wolfman gets a good look at the place... kind of strange for what seems to be a house of worship.
Charles: "E Li Three... we've come for information."
E Li Three: "Hello. What can I do for you? What kind of information?"
Wolfman will let Locos do the speaking.
Metal Man (GM): A few pictures appear over E Li Three's head. One shows Ivan, laughing evily, it seems...
Charles: "It's about some of your 'friends.' ."
Metal Man (GM): The other shows Waluigi with his own army... And the third shows Samus blasting stuff.
Charles: "What do you know of the SIMBER project?"
E Li Three: "I see... so you suspect Ivan?"
Charles: "Yes..."
Wolfman nods his head.
E Li Three: "I am... a part of it."
Wolfman: "A part of what?"
E Li Three: "The oldest part. I existed before it did."
Charles: "We saw that picture on the satellite."
E Li Three: "Picture?"
Charles: "It showed you as being part of a family of sorts..."
Wolfman looks at Locos, wondering what picture he means.
Charles: "The others being E. Gadd, SIMBER itself, Metal Sonic, and both Robotniks. Speaking of which, Metal Sonic is ...with us?"
E Li Three: "Indeed..."
Metal Sonic: "Yes, I'm here."
Wolfman: "Some family... are you guys trying to become the next Brady Bunch?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Brady Bunch?"
Charles: *KER-SMACK.*
E Li Three: "...You are, at times, stranger than me!"
Charles: "Yes he iss..." *clears throat* "Will you tell us what you know about the existence of this project?"
Wolfman: "...Well, when one used to be bored at Maverick Hunter HQ, old television history sounds interesting."
E Li Three: "That picture showed all the members of the SIMBER system. Only one of us could access the original."
Wolfman did a LOT of reading back then.
Charles: "So... Metal Sonic was right."
Metal Man Hologram: "...I guess I'll have to download some of this... old 'television' history... but that's not on the current topic."
Charles: "There is a copy."
E Li Three: "I was revived to-- a copy??? Is it... under control?"
Charles: "You should come out of this place more often." *adjusts his glasses.*
Wolfman is still confused as to this whole family thing.
Charles: "It is the reason why a hologram of Ivo Robotnik was running amok and Metal Sonic was ..."
E Li Three: "I'm sorry, but I was disconnected from the system when it was deactivated."
Metal Man Hologram: "...Destroying things."
Charles: "It was said that Ivan abandoned the project. And E. Gadd reactivated it. The Questers fought it on death mountain, and destroyed the satellites it was gonna use to make a 'utopia'."
Wolfman: "And I now control the system, for I was never in that battle."
Doopliss: *Wanders around in the background.*
Charles: "And as such, SIMBER..or what was left of it, was blasted to another universe along with the Quester Hunters and their satellite."
E Li Three: "I see... what does this have to do with the present?"
Charles: "Thirteen Gentlemen and all, Denon..."
Wolfman: "Wait... if SIMBER was sent to the Quester Hunters, how do I control what I can now?"
Charles: "That is another question I'd like to know."
Metal Man Hologram: "You control the database and computer synchronizer. The AI and self-acting part has been lost."
Wolfman: "Lost, or destroyed?"
E Li Three: "Only if you used mine or Metal Sonic's AI could you make it like it was before."
Charles: "E Li, do you have ideas for... a perfect world?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Sent to the Quester Hunter Satellite, which soon after left this dimension."
Wolfman nods his head.
E Li Three: "No... I was programmed to protect the items in this temple, nothing else... hey, you! Leave that vase alone!"
Doopliss: "...Sorry." *Stops poking a vase.*
Charles: "Then we were correct..."
Wolfman turns towards... who isn't with us... Doopliss?
Charles: "Hmm...!!"
Wolfman: "What are we right on exactly Locos? That Ivan is... well, evil?"
Doopliss: "Just that you guys seem to be talking another language with your SIMBER and your Ivan Robotniks and stuff."
Charles: "I have a theory as to what's happening... Could it have been E. Gadd who reactivated you?"
Metal Man Hologram: "How could he be evil? He deactivated SIMBER when it went out of control..."
Wolfman: "Doopliss, it can get complicated... but I advice you look and don't touch."
E Li Three: "I was recompiled by Ivan Robotnik. He based SIMBER off of my systems. With my administrative access, I kept it... until it was deactivated."
Wolfman: "I'm not aware of everything that happened with the SIMBER stuff... except for the aftermath."
Charles: "Hmm... so you weren't reactivated by E. Gadd."
Metal Man Hologram: "That's why it went out of control when E. Gadd activated it."
Charles: "Then I wonder why he discontinued you."
Wolfman: "So who did the activation?"
E Li Three: "E. Gadd thought I was dead."
Metal Man Hologram: "E. Gadd activated SIMBER the second, bad time."
Doopliss: "...Why don't you call this rather annoying E. Gadd fellow?"
Charles: "He might be busy with ghosts."
Wolfman: "I'll see." *attempts to call E. Gadd.*
Charles: "E Li, do you still want metal sonic destroyed now?"
SIMBER: "Connecting to E. Gadd's telephone..."
E Li Three: "Why would I want that?"
Metal Man Hologram: "I was about to say that."
Charles: "Yeah... that was a long time ago..."
Wolfman: "E Li, if I get in touch with E. Gadd, can you teleport him here?"
SIMBER: "Telephone connected."
Charles: "Still... why would Ivan keep away the white super emerald when he knows I need it?"
E Li Three: "Negative."
SIMBER: *Makes ringing noises.*
Charles: "Why is he uncooperative now? Maybe..."
Metal Man Hologram: "Maybe it's so important, you'd only interfere if you knew?"
Wolfman prays he says the right things... unless Locos would rather take this call.
E. Gadd: *Seen on small video screen, picking up a headset.* "Hello?"
Wolfman: "E. Gadd, this is Wolfman. Do you have a moment?"
Charles: "...Maybe Ivan is in league with the Void."
Doopliss: "...I never knew you were all excited about some old man..."
Charles: "The X-Zone has vanished anyway... by the way..."
All: "That is impossible!"
Charles: "...what is impossible?"
E. Gadd: "...I wonder who triggered that..."
Wolfman: "I need to know all that you know about all of SIMBER's reactivations, Ivan's recent behavior, and the mystery of this... X-Zone thing. ...are you even listening to me?"
SIMBER: "Ivan Robotnik is trying to destroy the Void with those relics..."
Charles: "He wants the Questers to collect many more items of legend than he told me..."
E. Gadd: "I'm sorry, it's just that this phone gets bad reception. I have a moment."
E Li Three: "...Ivan Robotnik would have activated SIMBER for the Void if that was true..."
Charles: "SIMBER was... working... for the void. It was taking commands from it for a perfect world."
Wolfman: "This SIMBER thing has gotten a whole lot more complicated. I need to know what you do about SIMBER's reactivations, Ivan's strange behavior towards us recently, and this 'X-Zone' thing Locos keeps on mentioning."
Charles: "I heard that in while I was half-asleep."
Metal Man Hologram: "Ivan Robotnik doing that would be equal to... Ivo being here right now and E Li Three helping him."
Wolfman: "And if possible, give the digest version."
Charles: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. ...What... is going on?"
SIMBER: "Locos is correct. But, now, I work for Administrator Wolfman... and Administrator E Li Three."
Wolfman: *to the others.* "If any of you can handle this call better than myself, please take the Smash Dex out of my hands."
E. Gadd: "Okay, but it'll take some time."
Doopliss: "...No thanks."
Charles: "Doopliss, can you bring the wily coot here?"
E Li Three: "Nothing is going on..."
Charles: "You all said 'That is impossible.'"
Doopliss: "E. Gadd? I could, if you need him. Is that who you want, Slick?"
Charles: "Yes... and don't call me Slick. Call other people slick."
SIMBER: "The system tends to do that when you make a great error in judgement. It is a holdover from when I was originally activated."
E. Gadd: "You want me to come over?"
Charles: "What did I say? The Ivan and Void thing, or the X-Zone going away?"
Wolfman: "If possible. The others know more than I do."
Doopliss: "Okay... here we go." *taps staff, greenish door appears.*
Charles: "Tell him yes, wolf."
Wolfman: *to Locos.* "I just did."
SIMBER: "The Ivan and the Void thing."
E. Gadd: "..." *disappears through a door.*
Doopliss: "He should be here..."
E. Gadd: *pops out of the warp door.* "...Well, I'm here."
Charles: "Okay..."
Doopliss: "Now."
Wolfman: "Computer, please disconnect the phone call."
Charles: "Okay... lemme get this straight... E Li Three was the original SIMBER system... later deactivated by Ivan."
E Li Three: "No... SIMBER was my replacement, and he was deactivated."
SIMBER: "He is correct, despite being obsolete." *Beep.*
Charles: "Look... the point is, E. Gadd accidentally reactivated it."
E Li Three: "That reminds me... I used to have an acronym, but it got lost."
Wolfman chuckles at that remark.
E. Gadd: "I activated it on purpose!"
Charles: "You just didn't know it was bad, right?"
SIMBER: "Call disconnected, Administrator Wolfman."
E. Gadd: "I activated it in order to create... the cubes."
Charles: "Then one thing still bothers me."
E. Gadd: "I needed something with great power to compile the information to mass-produce them."
Wolfman: "Thank you; please stay connected... well, here, in case you can interject."
SIMBER: "My systems were originally located here: I can be here and elsewhere simultaneously."
Charles: "Why did Ivan tell me only some of the artifacts... Why does he want the Questers to do the job now... Who reprogrammed the SIMBER system to work for the void?"
Metal Man Hologram: "...I can see how you got bored so easily, Doopliss."
SIMBER: "...That information is confidential."
E. Gadd: "I certainly didn't!"
Charles: "Here's the new plot twists..."
Metal Man Hologram: "I had been taken over simultaneously with that event you asked about."
Wolfman: "As Administrator, I order you to release that information."
E Li Three: "I didn't know it existed anymore at that time..."
SIMBER: "...That information is confidential. You need Creator Level Access."
Charles: "...burned. Why has Ivan abandon to open the Temple of Order?"
E Li Three: "Creator Level Access? Impossible! I deleted that protocol!"
Wolfman: "Can deleted protocols be un-deleted or recreated?"
SIMBER: "The temple of order was destroyed."
Charles: "...You have got to be in' kiddin me."
Metal Man Hologram: "Yes... and Ivan Himself had the whole system."
SIMBER: "The temple of order was destroyed."
Wolfman: "SIMBER is not kidding Locos."
Charles: "Raises new question..."
SIMBER: "All data shows all the temples were destroyed by The Void."
Charles: "What caused the X-Zone to vanish..."
E Li Three: "I feel so useless..."
Wolfman: "Is the Temple of Time included with that list?"
Metal Man Hologram: "I, being the only one who saw it vanish, know."
SIMBER: "Error: The Temple of Time is not a part of the four axis temples."
Charles: "Explain before I go on..."
Wolfman: "Can you check if it is still standing at this moment?"
Metal Man Hologram: "The Void came in and... tore a hole in it. My clone which had been sent there to monitor it returned to me unscathed."
SIMBER: "Remote cameras confirm the Temple of Time as still whole."
Charles: "...This being is a sick individual. And now... some more..."
Wolfman: "Thank you."
Charles: "Why oh why was the Shadow Temple beneath SSQ destroyed as well?"
E Li Three: "The Void must be if he wants to destroy existence itself..."
Wolfman: .oO(Well, at least we have a backup plan... travel back in time to figure out this whole mess."
SIMBER: "That data is confidential."
Wolfman: "Is it confidential by Creator Level access?"
Charles: "...I'm still having nightmares about opening it..."
SIMBER: "It is confidential by Creator Level Access, and encrypted to boot."
Charles: "It's reached even to here. I mean at my tower."
SIMBER: "The Shadow Temple was and is and will always be destroyed."
E Li Three: "I believe Ivan still has a hand in SIMBER... or at least some connection."
Charles: "...O_O!? Now listen to this..."
SIMBER: "Since my creation 3 days ago, at least."
Wolfman: "That doesn't help things much... yes Locos?"
Charles: "It seems that all of these things have a connection... and one of my own pieces..."
Doopliss: "...This is like some crazy algebra problem..."
Charles: "...I've been attacked by Denon and the Neo Quester Hunters..."
Wolfman: "Algebra? Try Algebra mixed in with some Integration!"
Charles: "I've been attacked by the hologram of Robotnik..."
SIMBER: "I was made for integration."
E Li Three: "That hologram... was created by SIMBER."
Charles: "I know that..but listen..."
Wolfman: "...different kind of Integration SIMBER. Disregard my comment."
SIMBER: "That is confidential information... not anymore."
Charles: "Even the void made an appearance when I, Ivan, and Doopliss were going to saga. The connection is... The hologram was created by SIMBER... Metal Sonic was controlled by SIMBER..."
Charles: "The Thirteen Gentlemen, Denon, and the rest of the Quester hunters, who wanted me dead, were controlled by SIMBER..."
All: *Stare at Doopliss for a minute, then resume looking at Locos.*
Wolfman: *facefaults.*
Charles: "And SIMBER... controlled by The Void. My question is..."
SIMBER: "I'm sorry, I destroyed the Gentlemen. They were controlled by the Void."
E Li Three: "Lies! Controlled by Zio!"
E. Gadd: "I still say it was all Denon's fault!"
Charles: "Why is The Void after me?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Perhaps it is because you are more dangerous to existence than it is."
Wolfman: "How would he be? I control the Wolf Crush you know."
Charles: "Please... I'm more dangerous to myself than some enemies."
SIMBER: "Data shows that you were a priority one target."
Charles: "...This all started because of that damn Mega Mack..."
SIMBER: "That is unsecured. The Void's data lost all security in the purge of its facilities into my system."
Doopliss: "Yeah... whatever that is."
Charles: "I drank it, created Magellean's tower..."
SIMBER: "My Mega Mack..."
Charles: "And now I'm a prime target."
SIMBER: "You found... it?"
Charles: "It was in Oak's lab... I was experimenting... I drank it..."
Wolfman: "I don't see how Mack can be tasty... especially Mega Mack."
SIMBER: "...The Void must have ordered the Ivo Hologram to loose it in the Quester's Headquarters..."
Charles: "It made me ...insane and acted out my Lunarian side."
SIMBER: "And I must have been used to alter security videos and schedule everything so that Ivo could walk in without being seen... But the rest of the information was lost with the hologram, the data of which was ejected into Phendrana Ocean."
Charles: "Can it be because of my attempt at raising Valhalla Fortress to the Realm of the Heavens?"
Doopliss: "It could be... or maybe it was the work of... Mario."
E Li Three: "Why would Mario want to destroy himself?"
Wolfman: "Doopliss, can you please shut up?"
Doopliss: "...Maybe because... uhhhh... whatever."
Charles: "Doopliss..don't answer that."
E. Gadd: "I sure hope this isn't some plan to get me arrested."
E Li Three: "Continue, Locos."
Charles: "It's become apparent to me... that I must leave for my homeworld as soon as possible."
SIMBER: "Why?"
Charles: "And leave all of this behind me."
SIMBER: "...Why?"
Wolfman: "Locos, I want you to really think about what you just said."
Charles: "This place was a dream come true when I first came here. It was the dreams of many a game back at home. Turned into a nightmare."
Doopliss: "Oh well... looks like I'll have to save the world while Locos is on intergalactic vacation."
Charles: "That's why I need to raise the ruins from beneath the underground. To get out of this planet's way."
SIMBER: "...What about Ivan?"
Wolfman: "Is he being monitored at this moment?"
E Li Three: "I sure hope you stop making so much dust around here..."
SIMBER: "Sorry, Ivan is not within system range."
Charles: "...I think he's impeding my progress now."
SIMBER: "I cannot monitor him."
Wolfman: "Specify the time and place of last monitoring."
SIMBER: "He has been notified of access to confidential information, though. Last time was..."
Charles: "There's one more thing bothering me..."
SIMBER: "Error. All data on Ivan Robotnik is confidential."
Charles: "Who shot me while I was at the tower an hour ago."
SIMBER: "Scans initiated by Administrator Wolfman have yet to find Ivan recently."
Doopliss: "Mario did. He had to!"
Wolfman: "SLAG IT!"
Charles: "The voice was too low... And it came from inside the room."
SIMBER: "Records indicate unknown, unseen, yet to be recorded person."
Charles: "Now, Zio is raising to power again."
SIMBER: "All data on him was lost when Ivo.EXE was ejected into the Ocean."
E Li Three: "Again? Does he ever give up?"
Charles: "That Motavian dark magician is powering up as we speak."
Wolfman: "SIMBER, identify all personal and mecha that can access/use your system in ANY way!"
Charles: "Someone even said he was gonna be equal in power to the void!"
Wolfman: "And list their levels too, if possible."
SIMBER: "...Identified. Wolfman. E Li Three. Metal Sonic. Metal Man. E. Gadd. Ivan Robotnik."
Charles: "Ivan Robotnik has lied to me."
Wolfman needs to remember to get his commands out in one sentence and not two.
SIMBER: "Administrator, Administrator, User, Administrative Assistant, User, Creator."
Charles: "Now, he's a catalyst for himself, doing something that the void wants as well."
E Li Three: "Why would the Void want its plans to fail?"
Wolfman: "Please add Locos as a User."
Charles: "...Perhaps..effective misdirection."
E Li Three: "I mean... it wants to destroy everything, not itself."
Charles: "At first, he wanted to destroy me."
SIMBER: "Command Authorized. Locos Docos added as User. Computer system detected. Locos, do you wish to have your facilities added to me?"
Charles: "Affirmative. Now he's got Ivan blocking my route back to the moon."
SIMBER: "Computers integrated. New database added: Locos Docos's files. Access permissions: Locos, Administrators, Creator. Ivan Robotnik has logged on."
Charles: "Perhaps... this is all a plot by Him."
SIMBER: "Email from Ivan Robotnik."
Charles: "Wanting the last Lunarian dead."
SIMBER: "AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Welcome to the System, Locos. End Email. Ivan Robotnik has logged off."
Wolfman: "...anyone know what that was about?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Just some sort of welcome message..."
Wolfman: "How could Ivan know AT THIS MOMENT to log in?"
Charles: "It might be a script."
Wolfman: "I never received such an email."
SIMBER: "I reported the addition to him... his systems responded automatically. When you were added, Wolfman, you were the only node. Much later, Ivan logged in and added himself back in."
Wolfman: "How can he add himself back in if I was the administrator and only node?"
SIMBER: "He has not actually used the system resources, but added his own to the system anyway. He knows the confidential creator-level-access code."
E Li Three: "It's a shame it was changed, I could unlock all those files otherwise."
Wolfman: "...wait a second E Li. Can you try your original code?"
Charles: "I don't know why... but I think the psychic Zemus is behind all this."
Wolfman: "Perhaps it was hardcoded."
Doopliss: "Some day... I will understand what everyone is saying."
E. Gadd: "ZZZZZzzzzzz..."
E Li Three: "Attempting..."
SIMBER: "Code rejected."
Charles: "Yes... he who started the wars wants every one of his kind dead..."
SIMBER: "Zemus does not show up anywhere as a person or a user."
Charles: "...Oh shut up!"
SIMBER: "Only in your personal files is he mentioned."
Wolfman: "Ignore the command to shut up."
Metal Man Hologram: *Appears to be sleeping as well.*
SIMBER: "Affirmative."
Charles: "Commander Doopliss!"
Doopliss: "Yes?"
E. Gadd: "ZZzzzzzzz..."
Charles: "It's time we left."
E Li Three: "Already? But I haven't tested you yet?"
Charles: "Another time perhaps. Besides, the others are bored to sleep."
Wolfman: "E Li, I think this testing might have to wait."
SIMBER: "Unknown email received by system. It is from... somebody."
Wolfman: "Please put it on."
SIMBER: "Buy Swedish Hats! Sale Sale Sale! 900% off! Buy now! Now! NOW! NOWWWW!!! BUY NOW YOU IDIOT! BUY!!!!!!! BUYYYYYY!!!!!! Bu$923032t#R@R Robin the... thing... his mother said 'Buy the cupcakes'... Psychological importance node... 39428-024824..."
Wolfman: "...that email is junk. Delete it."
Charles: "Members of SIMBER... be on the lookout for Ivan... it seems he has ...secret agendas that are not for the good of humanity."
SIMBER: "Email deleted."
E Li Three: "How can that be? It conflicts with every logic node in the system."
Wolfman: "Can something control the logic nodes?"
SIMBER: "Error: Ivan Robotnik is above the System, he cannot be controlled by it."
Charles: "As for us... we're returning back to headquarters."
SIMBER: "Conversely, he cannot override anything at the moment. The system is in administrative mode."
Wolfman: "That's a relief."
SIMBER: "His Creator Level Access is only for confidential file protection, and is otherwise unable to perform anything more than a user. He can only protect his own files."
Charles: "We're digging deep into something... and Ivan and his cohort the void are making damn sure we don't hit it."
SIMBER: "Errrrrror. SIMBER and Ivan do not side with the Void."
E. Gadd: "ZZZZzzzz..."
Charles: "I have yet to see evidence to support that theory."
SIMBER: "The Void. He must be destroyed. He is not related to 'The Noid.'"
Wolfman: "...what is The Noid?"
Charles: "...It's a lame joke."
SIMBER: "He ruins pizzas."
Charles: "Come on, Doopliss!"
Doopliss: "Wha? Wha?"
Wolfman: *to others.* "Did anyone expose him to bad television programs?"
Metal Man Hologram: "File system defragmented."
Charles: "People, were leaving."
E Li Three: "He has some... random information taken from your own systems, Wolfman."
Charles: "Doopliss, send E. Gadd home."
Wolfman: "...I'll keep that in mind."
E Li Three: "His personality is a collective amalgam of all who used the system."
Doopliss: "Alright."
Charles: "...Ohh boy."
E. Gadd: *Is sent home by a door.*
Wolfman: "SIMBER, take us home... we'll continue this talk later."
SIMBER: "Waiting for confirmation from: Locos, Metal Sonic."
Metal Man Hologram: "I can stay here, thank you very much."
Wolfman looks to Locos and Metal Sonic.
SIMBER: "Waiting for: Locos."
Charles: "You go on without me. I have business at the tower."
Wolfman: "Very well."
SIMBER: "Please define destination: Home."
Wolfman: "Silly me... Take me to my bedroom within Melee Stadium."
SIMBER: "Location: Home assigned. Warp online."
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman is sent to his bedroom at the stadium in a blue flash.
Charles: "Doopliss, use the doorman staff to get us near the barrier where the seal to the emeralds are."
SIMBER: "Error. The emeralds are in an unknown place."
Doopliss: "...What the atomic toaster said."
Charles: "Then take me to the 99th floor of Magellean tower. I have paperwork to catch up on."
SIMBER: "Are you sure you wish to use his staff?"
Doopliss: "These batteries... they burn a hole in my pocket..."
Charles: "Negative. Use SIMBER warp."
E Li Three: "I could always give you some tests."
Charles: "Later."
SIMBER: "Warp destination confirmed."
E Li Three: "Good bye, Locos."
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *nibble, chewchewchewchew, nibble, chewchewchewchew, repeat.* .oO(mmmm, riceball) =^.^=
Metal Man Hologram: "...Yes. Good bye."
Charles: "Good bye, Senior E Li Three. Metal Sonic."
SIMBER: "Warp online."
Metal Man (GM): Locos is warped to the tower with Doopliss.
Doopliss: "Well... I guess we go back to paperwork."
SIMBER: "Gargoyle processing is 15% complete."
Charles: "You go to work... I have a personal matter in the *sublevels.* to take care of."
Wolfman: "SIMBER, you can deactivate my hologram... I'm going to bed for real."
SIMBER: "Command confirmed."
Wolfman gets into his bed, and sleeps... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Charles: "SIMBER, sign off User Charles L. Magellean."
Metal Man (GM): CTG sees Wolfman walk into the room she is in... then suddenly disappear.
SIMBER: "User signed off."
Charles uses the secret passages in the tower to reach the bottom floor...
Chibi Tigress Gundam: *blink blinks, then goes back to nibbling her riceball.* =^.^=