Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 124: Castle Maneuvers



Date: January 20th, 2005.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP.* The Questers arrive, out in front of the Void's castle. The drawbridge has lowered...
Deloth: "Ohhhkay..."
Metal Man (GM): The 7 Exors have sunk into the ground... And the Force Field is down. The Questers are all healed.
Pat: "Yay!"
Metal Man (GM): They are all free to enter.
Deloth takes a deep sigh and enters the castle.
Yurie is already waiting beside the drawbridge for the others... then follows them inside.
Pat enters the thing.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers enter the castle, and see a dark spectacle in it.
Aribar follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): The halls... dark. The ceiling... black. A dark mist moves along the ground.
Charles unveils his cape so it suspends only to his back. It flows through the gentle breeze. He walks onto the drawbridge and inside to see the mist.
Deloth: "This place is very, very creepy..."
Pat: "And dark. Very dark."
Yurie: "'s the castle of The Void... what do you expect?"
Deloth unsheathes his katana.
Yurie draws her sword, Phantomile's blade glowing gently as she walks...
Aribar: "Uhh... Aren't we forgetting something? Namely... The artifacts?"
Deloth: "I thought you had them."
Charles: "Aribar has a very good point. Besides, I thought we had only come for the last artifact and stop the seven stars, not defeat him here and now."
Metal Man (GM): The road goes straight... and the Questers meet a set of strange scribbles.
Aribar: "Umm... Nope... To the best of my knowledge they're at base... ."
Metal Man (GM): On the floor, they see this: 'Peril comes to the lead-footed.'
Yurie: "...guys? Run."
Aribar looks about.*
Metal Man (GM): On the left wall, they see 'Doom to the naysayers!'
Deloth starts flying just above the ground.
Aribar: "..."
Charles: "Say not another word!"
Metal Man (GM): On the right, they see 'E = MC^2.'
Pat wanders backward.
Metal Man (GM): Locos is hit by a bolt of lightning for damage.
Deloth: "I can go a lot faster this way... I hope..."
Metal Man (GM): The top says... 'Please come again.'
Deloth: "Real helpful."
Charles: "...ow."
Metal Man (GM): Pat and Deloth are going ahead, without a problem.
Charles: "Say a negative word, and be shocked."
Yurie crouches, then DASHES forwards, leaving behind a faint trail of light...
Metal Man (GM): Yurie runs through the passageway with Pat n' Deloth.
Charles carries onward.
Aribar chases after the others.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar runs ahead, and reaches a lit room.
Deloth: "Ah, light!"
Metal Man (GM): There's a variety of stained glass windows. And... a huge amount of treasure.
Yurie: "Stop and something bad will happen!!" *keeps running.*
Deloth: "Ohhhh, no. I'm not falling for it."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie hits an invisible barrier.
Yurie: "OOF!"
Charles skids to a halt.
Pat continues to wander backward.
Deloth keeps hovering just above the ground.
Yurie is knocked back and lands on her rear, then stands up...
Aribar blinks and stops so he doesn't hit whatever Yurie hits...
Charles growls with prejudice.
Metal Man (GM): There's another saying. Right above the treasure. 'To continue, you must find the key.'
Yurie reads it, then groans. "Great..."
Deloth looks at the windows. "Maybe there's a clue in one of these."
Metal Man (GM): The windows depict two things. The one on the left depicts Zio...
Charles makes a swift thrust motion with his hand. "I am not playing these games anymore."
Metal Man (GM): And the one on the right depicts Alys.
Yurie: "...I don't think we have a choice Locos..."
Deloth: "Good night..."
Metal Man (GM): The treasure is as follows: A torch, lots of coins, a bejewled sword, and a key.
Deloth: "Can't be that easy..."
Metal Man (GM): The treasure is in the center of the room.
Aribar walks over to pick up the key.*
Deloth flies back to the treasure pile.
Aribar: "Not eveything's a trap."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar grab the key.
Charles: "Now break open the barrier with it."
Yurie: "... To continue, you must find the key..."
Aribar walks over to the barrier and pokes it with the key.*
Metal Man (GM): The key explodes. No effect.
Yurie: "..."
Deloth: "Told ya."
Metal Man (GM): However, another line materializes above each of the windows.
Deloth looks at the writing.
Metal Man (GM): 'The ability related to these locations is your way to success.'
Charles: "That's it. I'm outta here."
Yurie walks over and picks up the torch... then walks around the room, holding the torch ahead of her so that the light shines..
Metal Man (GM): The torch shines on the barrier, which then disappears, as does the light. However, the Questers now have a torch... which is useful.
Deloth: "Nice going."
Metal Man (GM): The way ahead is dark. Yurie receives: Mystic Torch.
Deloth flies up next to Yurie.
Yurie: "...guys, stick close to me..."
Charles: "Fine... but one more joke by this crackpot... and I'm leaving."
Yurie raises the torch upwards and begins walking forwards.
Deloth stays next to Yurie as they progress forwards.
Aribar stays on the edge of the light.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers begin walking, and reach an intersection.
Charles stays near the source of lighting.
Metal Man (GM): They can go right, or you can go left.
Yurie looks around for any more writing.
Aribar: "I wish I had a bit more elven blood in me... Then I night have been able to see in these conditions."
Metal Man (GM): No writing.
Yurie: "I doubt you could see anything... this darkness isn't... welcoming."
Pat: "Hmm."
Yurie: "Ideas, gents?"
Pat: "Go Left."
Deloth: "Go right."
Yurie: "Okay... why?"
Pat: "I'm right-handed. My handwriting sucks. Therefore, whatever is Right is bad."
Metal Man (GM): A sort of light appears in the left passageway. A white light.
Yurie: "..."
Charles: "He can play very good mind games, that much I can say."
Yurie: "...this way..." *heads Right.*
Deloth follows right behind Yurie.
Pat follows.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie, and the torch, disappears. Along with Deloth and Pat.
Yurie: *poof.* *poof poof.*
Metal Man (GM): Leaving Locke, Aribar, and Locos alone. In the dark. Those three hear a rather sinister laugh.
Charles: "...You two, go now."
Metal Man (GM): So now, they're gonna have to GUESS which way is right or left. Depending upon where they want to go, of course.
Aribar unsheathes Moonlight... "Uhh... I don't think we should go into the light."
Metal Man (GM): As Aribar said that, the light went out.
Charles: "I believe they went this way... to a right."
Aribar: "Now we can go into the unlit area..." *Heads in the direction of where the light used to be...*
Charles: "...There is where I say good-bye..." *He attempts to turn 180 and move in the direction of where they came.*
Metal Man (GM): Locos manages to get away without a problem. But now poor Aribar and Deloth are stuck in the dark.
Deloth: "Guys, I'm scared..." *He grips his katana tightly.* "Which way... I'll try left." *heads left.*
Metal Man (GM): That leaves Aribar. He and Deloth walk into the light.
Charles begins to leave for the previous areas of the castle.
Metal Man (GM): Now, we rejoin all of the groups, as they reach the other side. The people who went right, or the side where Alys' picture was earlier, come through unhurt. The people who went on the left side... let's just say they got exploded by dark magic. And then reappears with the rest, minus 1 life.
Deloth: "Ow..."
Metal Man (GM): They're all, besides Locos, inside a much larger cave than the fortress appeared to be.
Yurie blinks, looking around, her torch still raised.
Metal Man (GM): There's a building a bit far away, blocked by tombstones, pools of black sludge, and geysers of dark magic. The path winds through the huge mess, but looks awfully dangerous.
Yurie: "...ugh..the place smells like brimstone..." *looks for any more writing.*
Deloth looks around for hidden traps.
Metal Man (GM): A single pillar of light comes from the top of the building far away, and dimly illuminates the area. There is no writing... just a dilapidated road.
Yurie: "...looks like we need to head along the road. Let's move quickly people..." *takes off down the road, torch in hand.*
Metal Man (GM): The road leads down, into a cemetary, which is the first obstacle. Dark, evil looking ghosts prowl the cemetary, moaning and mumbling.
Deloth wields his katana.
Metal Man (GM): There's no way around it, unless the Questers like stepping into a deadly sort of quicksand.
Yurie: "...let's try not to attract attention... everyone, stick close to me..."
Deloth does so.
Yurie's waiting for everyone to gather around her.
Pat follows Yurie.
Locke follows.
Yurie begins to carefully walk through the cemetary, trying to avoid the ghosts.
Metal Man (GM): Okay... The Questers begin to walk through the cemetary. It appears the torch is annoying the ghosts.
Ghost1: "Get that infernal light out of here!"
Ghost2: "You are intruders... you are intruders... you are intruders..."
Ghost3: "D... i...e..."
Yurie: (w) "Don't answer them... odn't react to them." *continues to walk, torch held up.*
Metal Man (GM): They stay within a short radius of the torch, looking angry.
Deloth keeps following Yurie.
Metal Man (GM): But repelled by the torch.
Yurie's breath quickens as she walks through the cemetery to the other side, making sure the group stays within the radius of the light.
Ghost1: "Stop! You are violating sacred ground!"
Locke keeps within the range of the torch.
Deloth stays within the light.
Ghost2: "You are intruders... you are intruders... you are intruders..."
Yurie continues to walk...
Ghost3: "S... u...f... f...o... c...a... t.e..."
Yurie: (w) "Almost there..."
Metal Man (GM): Ghost3 shoots a beam of dark energy, which is reflected by the field surrounding the torch.
Ghost3: "...P... u.t... d...o... w...n... t...h... e...t... o...r... c...h..."
Ghost2: "You are intruders..."
Deloth: *muttering.* "Like fun we will..."
Ghost1: "This is your last chance to save yourselves!"
Deloth stays within the light.
Yurie continues to walk, ignoring the ghosts.
Ghost3: "C... o...w... a...r... d...s..."
Ghost2: "You are intruders! INTRUDERS!!!"
Yurie: (w) "Shhh..."
Ghost1: "Stinking Ganondorf lovers! Won't even fight some miserably weak ghosts like us!"
Metal Man (GM): Ghost3 seems to counteract that statement as he angrily blasts a tombstone with the same beam.
Deloth frowns, but keeps walking within the light.
Yurie keeps walking...
Metal Man (GM): Said tombstone flashes once, twice, then disintegrates. The Questers are 10 steps away from the exit.
Yurie: ~9... 8...7... 6...5...
Metal Man (GM): One of the Ghosts, Ghost 3, steps in front of the gate.
Ghost3: "I... wiiiiiil... not tolerate... this."
Deloth stays within the light.
Yurie snorts, still walking towards him, the light getting closer.
Metal Man (GM): Ghost3 shields his eyes as the light hits him. It melts the ghost-like appearance, and reveals something far more familiar... Why, if it isn't Phantom Ganon!
Pat gasps.
Deloth: "You!"
Yurie continues advancing on him intently, not saying a word.
Phantom Ganon: "Stop now... or you will become like us... I will destroy you all!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie walks right through him. Phantom Ganon charges up a lightning-ball, and throws it at Deloth.
Deloth stays next to Yurie and the torch. He reflexively throws up his arms.
Metal Man (GM): ...It flies right through Deloth, making him feel a little toasty, but nothing else.
Phantom Ganond: "C... u...r... s...e... s..."
Yurie: "And the light did shine... and the darkness comprehended not."
Metal Man (GM): The ghost disappears, and the Questers walk out of the cemetary.
Deloth: "Phew. Talk about your battles of wits."
Metal Man (GM): The next obstacle is a vile creek of blackness.
Yurie: "More like wills. Lets keep going..."
Metal Man (GM): There's no bridge. The creek appears to be full of evil...
Deloth: "Great. Now we're facing Styx."
Pat: "Let's draw straws. One of us needs to be a raft."
Metal Man (GM): The ghosts, meanwhile, are still yelling at the Questers. They're angry that the Questers got through.
Deloth: "Pat, shut it."
Ghost2: "You cheated!!!!! YoucheatedYoucheatedYoucheeeaaaated you CHEATERS!"
Yurie: "..." *leans down, holding the torch over the water.*
Metal Man (GM): The water reflexively starts morphing a bit, it tries to grab the torch outta Yurie's hand. ...And misses.
Yurie acks and pulls back.
Metal Man (GM): It makes a sort of angry grumbling noise.
Yurie: "...crap... water's not supposed to do that."
Deloth starts humming Bridge Over Troubled Waters for no apparent reason.
Pat: "Nope. I do believe that is evil water. Reminds me of a certain couch..."
Metal Man (GM): ...Then some of it starts materializing into soldiers of evil water. 15 of them step out, drawing their swords.
Deloth: "Hoo, boy."
Metal Man (GM): The one in front of them wears a rather phunkadelic helmet.
Deloth battle stances.
Metal Man (GM): He's the leader.
Pat: "Oh joy."
Yurie: "Deloth, stand down... what do you want?"
General: "I am... the general. And I shall not let you cross!"
Pat: "Why?"
Yurie: "Why not?"
General: "I want your spirits to be forever trapped as my army."
Pat: "Why? We're not evil, we'd be lazy and useless."
General: "So that I can commit war on those vile ghosts and their cemetary!"
Deloth gets out of his battle stance, eyeing the General.
General: "They ruined my sand... pit... They and their corpses..."
Deloth glances at Yurie.
Yurie: "...ah-hah..."
General: "I was also instructed by The Void to not let anyone cross."
Yurie glances back at the ghosts.
Ghost1: "You will... reeeegret this!"
Yurie: " about this. we help you get rid of the ghosts, and in exchange, you let us cross."
Metal Man (GM): The General scratches his chin of black water.
General: "Hmmm... very well. That torch will come in handy."
Yurie: "You get their spirits for... whatever. They are taken care of, you get your sand pit back, everyone's happy."
General: "You distract them with the torch while we destroy them!"
Yurie: "Alright."
General: "They HATE light... Of all kinds."
Yurie: "I can tell... and they're powerless in it. Now gentlemen..shall we do a bit of ghost busting? ...I do have your word on our deal, do I not?"
Metal Man (GM): The small army of water people nod in unison.
General: "Anything to get rid of those pathetic, lunatic, moronic ghosts!"
Yurie: "Alright then." ^.^ *turns, then begins walking back to the cemetary, still holding the torch.*
Pat hurriedly follows Yurie.
Deloth follows Yurie, staying within the light.
Ghost1: "Excellent... you come... to die..."
Yurie: "Actually, no." *smiles and brandishes the torch at them, still holding it up.*
Ghost4: "I don't like bones. Or flesh."
Metal Man (GM): They cover their eyes, and start backing off.
Ghost1: "My eyes! What are you carrying, the sun itself?"
Ghost2: "CHEATERS!!!!"
Ghost4: "I don't want to become like number 3 did..." *Points to the exploded gravestone.*
Yurie: "Wah wah... I'd ask you to cry me a river, but it looks like the river wants to give you something to cry about instead."
Metal Man (GM): They back off a bit, still surrounding the Questers.
Deloth: "Now if we only had the Gun Del Sol, we'd be set."
Metal Man (GM): The men made of water start coming in and breaking things.
General: "Destroy all those graves!"
Ghost2: "Nooooooo! You let those OTHER cheaters in! WHY of all times did Number 3 get melted?"
Ghost1: "I'll show those softies what real fighting is!"
Yurie steps closer to Ghost 1.
Metal Man (GM): Ghost1 moves towards the water-people, until you blind him.
Ghost1: "Agh! It burns!"
Deloth steps along with Yurie to stay in the light.
Yurie: "It burns, it burns, we know, we know."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers hear a general commotion as the evil water people destroy the rest of the cemetary.
General: "Okay! Retreat, as the sand pit eats the rest for us!"
Ghost1: "...SAND PIT!!!?!?!?! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
Ghost4: "...Why did I have to move in with the stupid ones..."
Yurie: "Alright gents, time to leave. *heads out of the sand pit."
Pat follows the torch.
Deloth follows Yurie closely.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers leave the cemetary, which, amongst random wailing, sinks under the sand. The way back is now a huge quick-sand pit.
General: "Thanks. Now, I'll give you a bridge."
Yurie: "Well... that's that. Thanks for your assistance."
Metal Man (GM): He snaps his fingers, and a bunch of rubble that was laying around, turns into a nice stone bridge--of white, algae-covered stones.
Yurie: "Thank you." ^.^
Deloth: "Thanks."
Yurie walks across the bridge.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk across, the water looking a lot less vicious around where they are. The final obstacle is the entrance to the main building. The door looks sealed shut.
Deloth walks across with Yurie.
Metal Man (GM): There's an inscription on it.
Yurie: "...great... a locked door, after all that..." *inspects the enscription.*
Deloth reads it.
Metal Man (GM): 'Only once you have seen the light, throw it into the darkness.'
Pat: "Well, go on. Throw away the torch."
Deloth: "Hold up. This could be a trick."
Metal Man (GM): The seal on the temple is a yin-yang symbol.
Yurie: "Well... where's the light?"
Metal Man (GM): The white part is flashing.
Deloth touches the white part.
Metal Man (GM): Deloth feels the strongest light energy he's ever touched flow through the seal to him.
Deloth: "Whaaaaaaa!"
Metal Man (GM): ...It's overwhelming. Hd eventually forces himself to stop touching it, to prevent from exploding. Deloth has gained Status Effect: Invincible.
Yurie: "..." *reaches up and touchs the Light...
Pat: "Now THAT's interesting..."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth is now glowing with a white aura, the white part of the seal now looking a bit dimmer... The torch Yurie is holding becomes unbearably bright. As in, the entire huuuge cave is turned white with the light.
Yurie: "Gaaaah!"
Deloth shades his eyes and winces.
Pat: "Perhaps now we are meant to throw the torch away...?"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie also hears a voice in her mind say 'The inscription means that the torch is the light.'
Yurie quickly hurls the torch away. If that ain't the light, then she's betty crocker.
Metal Man (GM): The torch is tossed, right into the river. It disappears... and the seal starts to open.
Pat: "Well, there you go."
Metal Man (GM): The Yin-Yang seal starts to blend, creating one huge portal of gray lights. It then alternates black and white flashes for 3 seconds, then disappears, and the doors open. Inside... is the 7 Stars. They're glowing rather richly.
Yurie: "...I do believe we've hit jackpot. Deloth... do the honors."
Deloth: "Amazing..." *walks forwards, towards the stars.*
Charles has finally exited... the place.
Metal Man (GM): The stars, Deloth could just reach out and touch them. They're in a platform, unguarded.
Deloth slowly touches one of the stars.
Metal Man (GM): It blinks with light. All of the 7 stars float up, and start spinning. A portal opens up, in the middle of the spinning stars.
Pat: "Aha! I knew it was too easy."
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* Culex, knight of Vanda, appears, surrounded by them.
Yurie: "Oh for the love of..."
Culex: "The stars belong to me, and me alone!"
Deloth unsheathes his katana.
Culex: "What business do you have, grabbing them?"
Deloth: "What business do you have taking them?!"
Yurie: *sigh.* "Look... we need them to stop an extremely powerful overgod from completely destroying existence itself. Is that a good reason?"
Culex: "Fools! You have been tricked!"
Yurie: "...say what?"
Pat: "Dangit, I did NOT break out of prison for this... "
Culex: "The stars are being used to save the world!"
Yurie: "...from the Void?"
Culex: "From destruction, which includes you AND the Void! Every enemy you've defeated has only added to the chaos!"
Yurie: "Which The Void controls."
Culex: "To destroy me would lead to the true terror of who you call... 'The Void...' Go home. Your job has been done."
Deloth: "We've been tricked? Prove it."
Culex: "The VOID HIMSELF gave you the relics! He wants you... to destroy everything. Already, you've caused chaos and destruction, even in the dark abyss that is this temple. Turn back, or I will destroy you all, for the safety of the world!"
Yurie: "...hold on hold on... you mean that if we gather all those artifacts together, we'll end up doing the Void's job FOR him?"
Culex: "Mario may have destroyed my elemental crystals... but the stars will serve their place... Yes! Their combined power will destroy everything! They cannot be controlled. Together, you risk existence itself with those things."
Yurie: "...Deloth... who sent us on this little escapade to start with."
Pat: "I somehow understand this situation less than I did when I first arrived..."
Culex: "Who would think of using them to destroy the world you cherish and love?"
Yurie: "Along with everything else. I think we've been dealing with the Void from the very start..."
Culex: "Why... I have been using this great set of stars to seal the Void beneath here. If you defeated me, he would unleash destruction upon you all... and I would pity whoever lived to see him destroy existence. Turn back, before it's too late! I beg you! This seal was not meant to be broken..."
Yurie: "..." *pulls out her Dex.*
Culex: "I was not meant to be here! Anything you do wrong could destroy us all..."
Yurie: "Mewtwo, we need a warp out of here."
Mewtwo: "...What? But you're close to destroying the Void!"
Yurie: "Mewtwo, we've been had."
Mewtwo: "...How could this be?"
Yurie: "The Void's been playing use like a violin ever since the start."
Mewtwo: "...Who said this again?"
Yurie: "Culex."
Mewtwo: "Everything I've seen says... Culex? How strange..."
Metal Man (GM): Mario suddenly appears on the screen.
Pat covers his eyes.
Mario: "Culex? Are you-a insane? He's-a evil! He-a has-a more power than Smithy! How could you trust-a him?"
Culex: "Disregard Mario. He only challenged me to a battle. I did not attack him."
Yurie: "Because what he's saying makes a -lot- of sense."
Culex: "He was the one who searched out and found me."
Charles gets out his chair. He has had enough of Nintendus and begins by gearing towards HQ. He'll leave this place before the artifacts are used against Void.
Yurie: "One: We've been tearing around Nintendus for these artifacts, ripping up everything in our path."
Metal Man (GM): Locos get an urgent message from Ivo.
Charles: "?"
Yurie: "Two: We've been elminating major threats, the only other people aside from us who could pose a threat to the Void."
Mewtwo: "...Even the musings of a villain ring true..."
Yurie: "Three: We have the Super Emeralds, the Triforce, and a whole mess of other artifacts that are powerful enough on their own... what happens if we combine them together."
Mewtwo: "Immense power... right... but... there's still endless armadas of ships en route to here! How can we get rid of them without helping The Void?"
Yurie: "Mewtwo, who in the great wide cosmos has an armada of ships."
Mewtwo: "Well, the Cornerians do..."
Yurie: "You're the most intelligent Pokemon in existence, use that brain for chrissakes."
Culex: "...What's this? Something going wrong..."
Metal Man (GM): The ground shakes.
Yurie: "Stop acting like a chicken with its head lopped off, and start acting like a Mon... uh oh..."
Metal Man (GM): The ceiling starts caving in...
Deloth looks around.
Pat looks at the stars.
Deloth: "Oh, *bleep.*..."
Yurie: "Double *Bleep.*"
Culex: "...There's no way out of here, I'm afraid."
Metal Man (GM): *Picture from outside.* The massive castle is caving in, edges and top first.
Deloth: "Can't we do ANYTHING?!"
Culex: "It appears... I may be too late... or too effective... either way, this castle is crashing down."
Aribar is... with the Questers.
Mewtwo: "Okay! Okay... I'm trying..."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie hears Mewtwo pressing some buttons. *BEEP BEEP BEEP.*
Mewtwo: "I can warp you out of the castle. I'm doing that..."
Deloth: "HURRY!"
Metal Man (GM): The ceiling is about to hit all of you, inside the castle!
Yurie: "That would be perferable to being CRUSHED!!"
Aribar ducks down in the nearest corner... "I dun wanna die again!"
Mewtwo: "Oh no! The warp room has broken!"
Metal Man (GM): *WARP.* ...Despite what Mewtwo said, the Questers appear, perfectly alive... in the bridge of Smithy's satellite... Just as they remember it... Ivan is at the controls.
Deloth: "AAAHHHHwait a minute..."
Yurie: "...YOU!"
Ivan Robotnik: "...WHAT???? How did you get here? Someone... Bob the Lord of Electric Death... warped you up here..."
Culex: "Drop the relics, before it's too late!"
Pat: "Well. well."
Ivan Robotnik: "What? What gibberish are you spouting? The Void is about to attack!"
Yurie: "...we don't have them... they're at the base..."
Ivan Robotnik: "I have the relics. ...Could you, by any chance, be needing them?"
Yurie: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Several alarms start going off.
Aribar: "... . You fooled us, didn't you?"
Yurie slowly draws her sword, advancing on him.
Computer: "Incoming enemy fleets. Incoming enemy fleets."
Aribar: "You're working for the Void, huh?"
Ivan Robotnik: "NO! I want to destroy the Void... he's escaping!"
Deloth unsheathes his katana and growls.
Ivan Robotnik: "You let him go by breaking that seal!"
Metal Man (GM): Ivan, unarmed, backs off into the glass wall of the bridge.
Ivan Robotnik: "Please, be reasonable! He's trying to get us all killed!"
Deloth: "Well, well. I heard the Void's been fooling us."
Yurie: "Exactly how much energy will be released by the combining of the arifacts."
Aribar: "... We must scatter the artifacts..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Enough to seal the Void away... and all of the other evils he introduced!"
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* Another person appears, aboard the satellite. It's Ivo Robotnik.
Deloth: "Hello, Eggman."
Dr. Robotnik: "I am afraid I need the White Super Emerald. Questers! Defeat Ivan!"
Metal Man (GM): Ivo Robotnik then runs off towards the storage bay.
Yurie: "...Hold up, hold up, HOLD UP!!!"
Ivan Robotnik: "Stop him! He'll kill us all!"
Yurie runs after him.
Deloth chases Robotnik.
SIMBER: "Ship coordinates changed. Defenses set to maximum."
Pat points his sword at Ivan. "I'd hold still if I were you."
SIMBER: "Ship set to--The Sun."
Deloth: "Should I try a running tackle?"
Ivan Robotnik: "...No... this is madness!"
Yurie: "DO IT! ...wait... the SUN???"
Aribar blinks and just stands there, confused.*
SIMBER: "Master unit VOID has mandated destruction of Ivan Robotnik."
Yurie: "...oh no... oh HELL no, SIMBER has gone HAL 2000 on us!"
Deloth speeds up, charges a Flare Blade, and tosses his katana at Robotnik.
Metal Man (GM): Ivo deflects it, and runs into the bay, grabbing the emerald.
Yurie: "SWALLOW SWING!" *fires!*
Metal Man (GM): Ivan starts attacking the controls, while Culex turns... and glows evily.
Culex: "Now it is time! To destroy the relics!"
Deloth grabs his katana as he runs, then screeches to a halt. "Culex! No!"
Yurie: "...oh for the love of god..."
Dr. Robotnik: "Stop! I'm the only sane person here! Let me fix this. I escaped the Void's clutches!"
Aribar: "... I say we listen to Ivo... Just because. "
Yurie arches her sword, the blasts arcng away.
Ivan Robotnik: "I am also telling the truth! ...But am helpless."
Metal Man (GM): Ivo warps the emerald.
Yurie: "Okay... now what..."
Deloth looks for SIMBER's main computer.
SIMBER: "My main computer is in your headquarters, foolish Quester!"
Yurie looks around, then pulls out her Dex. "Mewtwo, prep a warp for the following coordinates!"
Metal Man (GM): Culex starts floating towards the relics bay, all the stars glowing around him. The computer starts yelling.
Deloth runs after Culex.
Computer: "Temperature is out of control. We are under attack by the enemy fleets."
Deloth: "Culex, FREEZE!"
Culex: "I must destroy them to save you. Do not be afraid."
Metal Man (GM): Culex turns to Deloth, and blasts him with a red beam.
Yurie flings her sword out wide...
Metal Man (GM): Deloth is encased in red ice.
Yurie: "SWALLOW SWING!" *shing shing!*
Metal Man (GM): Yurie's sword hits Culex in the back.
Metal Man (GM): He turns to Yurie, a gash on his back.
Culex: "SIMBER. Bring power to maximum. Destroy this little girl!"
Deloth tries to melt the ice with his fire breath.
SIMBER: "Affirmative. Defense systems set to maximum. Orders of... The Void."
Yurie: "I can't believe I let you TRICK me!"
Aribar blinks and guesses he should be attacking Culex... He begins to charge up Terrorbolt... Up to level four, which should take about 24 seconds...
Yurie: "You ARE the Void!"
Culex: "You are a fool. You all are. I am the only true one. I shall destroy the sun with these relics."
Computer: "Error: Structure is in the way."
Yurie: "Not if I can't say anything about it you won't!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers see... outside the window... Magellean Tower...
Yurie leaps towards Culex...
Metal Man (GM): ...Floating...
Culex: "It can't be! You... let him get away with it!"
Metal Man (GM): The ice cracks.
Pat turns around to see what's going on.
Deloth keeps blowing fire.
Yurie shouts as she swings her sword at Culex.
Ivan Robotnik: "Grab the relics, Questers! Use them on the Void!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar's terrorbolt is charged.
SIMBER: "Error: Structure is in the way. Power set to 100% to main beam ray."
Pat runs to the relics bay.
Metal Man (GM): *Imperial March.* Culex looks dumbfounded.
Deloth tries desperately to break the ice.
Aribar continues charging Terrorbolt... He pours his life energy into it and finally a pin point of light emerges in front of Aribar... The elf cries out, "TERRORBOLT!" as an enormous blast of electric energy incinerates Culex.
Yurie: *...SLASH!*
Metal Man (GM): Culex is hit repeatedly, but he's staring at the tower.
Culex: "You fools... "
Metal Man (GM): *CRACK.* The appearance of Culex cracks.
Yurie lands, then slowly turns..
SIMBER: "...Main beam power charged! Prepare to fire!"
Yurie: ""
Deloth blows another cloud of fire to melt the ice.
Pat grabs the relics from the bay.
Metal Man (GM): The comms turn on, showing Locos.
SIMBER: "Prepare for blast."
Metal Man (GM): Ivan is busy trying to hack the controls, but it seems broken.
Pat runs to Ivan. "What do I have to do?"
Charles: "At last! With the power of the White Super Emerald, I have raised the ruins beneath my tower, and caused Valhalla Fortress to raise! Behold this mammoth; the many flickering lights on the surrounding radius of this big place. The ruins along make up more than 1,000."
Aribar: "... Yaaah! Thordain!" *He sends a storm of electricity at the main computer.*
Ivan Robotnik: "The main computer for SIMBER is down on the surface..."
Charles: "...of my tower."
Ivan Robotnik: "Destroying these computers is hopeless."
Metal Man (GM): The computers are destroyed.
SIMBER: "Taking over for broken systems..."
Pat: "The relics, man! What do I do with them?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Take them! Get on the escape pod!"
Pat dashes off.
Metal Man (GM): Culex snaps out of the trance, and the now strangely mutated figure runs after Pat.
Deloth starts rocking the ice.
Culex: "Halt! The Void orders you!"
SIMBER: "5 seconds until laser beam."
Pat hurls himself into an escape pod and activates it.
Deloth: "Yurie, help!"
Metal Man (GM): Pat escapes, carrying the relics.
Charles: "..."
Yurie: "SCREW YOU!"
Metal Man (GM): His pod heads towards Locos' great tower. Ivan gets on the comms.
Yurie glances, running over to the only relic box left over..
Ivan Robotnik: "Locos! The relics are coming towards you! We're going to crash!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers see the Chaos Breaker, laying on its side. The Void, who's revealed himself to be an unruly walking monster of black darkness, is walking towards Ivan.
Yurie picks up the Chaos Breaker, then growls. "HEY! TALL BLACK AND UGLY!"
Ivan Robotnik: "...Getting the Void away from the engine controls would be appreciated..."
The Void: "...You shall all die for fighting me."
Aribar attempts to dash towards the Void and provide a distraction by Tri-Bolt Slashing it.
Metal Man (GM): He speaks in like, 10 voices at once. He turns to Yurie, getting a glancing shot from Aribar.
Aribar: "Yaaah!"
The Void: "Attack me with your power. I shall show you my own."
Yurie swings the large blade down, the black and white blade glowing, then flaring into a wide, blazing ray of power.
Metal Man (GM): The void seemed to shrug off that attack, though it irritated him.
Charles: "Now rerouting Valhalla Fortress and it's 100,000 sq. units to the top of the Realm of the Heavens."
SIMBER: "Beam fired."
Metal Man (GM): The Smithysat fires a huge red beam at Valhalla Fortress.
Yurie: "Not my power bub... You've succeeded in REALLY pissing me off. It's time to show you precisely how good I am. Prepare to taste the power of the ultimate blade, the sword that can cut through the souls of GODS!"
The Void: "I am an anti-God." The Void fires a corresponding beam of darkness at the sword.
Yurie dashes towards Void and leaps, bringing the hugs blazing sword down towards its head. "CHAOS BREAKER!"
Metal Man (GM): A blinding flash envelops the SmithySat. *PAUSE* on the group.
Locos Docos (GM): The fortress's power sources of generators gear towards the skies above Hyrule.
Charles: "Activating Chaotic Defense."
Metal Man (GM): The beam is about to hit.
Charles uses the gears and many more in his tower to move the hulking fortress and at the same time a white glow surrounds the *ENTIRE* eyesore.
Metal Man (GM): *Yet another white flash.* And so, we pause here. The entire 'Screen', as you'd call it, is enveloped in a white flash.
Yurie (GM): *Is it over? Not very likely. Tune in next time, for the thrilling conclusion of SSQ: Super Smash Quest. To Be Continued...

