Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 161: Lynk's Revenge
Date: 4:37:51 PM, March 6th; 4:37:40 PM, March 10th, 2005.
Aribar fires another two Jolts at the Destroyer Bot who just blinded Digi. 15% Electric each.
Garrick Fy`aar unloads on the robot thingy. Sticking with the same as last time, flaming regular rounds.
Metal Man (GM): Damage? Only 29?
Gibby shoots the robot that Garrick attacked.
Wolfman swaps to the hammer, and then attempts to knock its lights out.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit There's only one, Digi. *DEATH* You gained 165 EXP!
Wolfman: *LEVEL 18!*
Digifanatic can barely make out anything, but is somehow fortunate to see this fight was over. "I take it no one has a stat-effect curing item..."
Garrick Fy`aar snaps his fingers in front of Digi's eyes, trying to cure him of the blindness.
Digifanatic: "I can hear that, but... dah!"
Azure: *Level 6*
Metal Man (GM): The door to room 3 opens.
Garrick Fy`aar heads onward then.
King Demon isn't sure if he's here yet... oh well.
Metal Man (GM): The next room is 'Power Room I'
Digifanatic: "Can someone take my hand or something?" *He tries reaching for others' clothes and stuff to try and make out their path, into the next room.*
Computer: "Intruder is breaching backup defenses on floor 1."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Just shake you head a bit."
Digifanatic tries shaking his head... "It is probably just gonna take time..."
Metal Man (GM): This room has four terminals. Atop each one is a lightbulb.
Aribar grabs Digi's hand and heads to the next room.
Metal Man (GM): They each have color coded handles. They're all turned on, of course.
Gibby: "Oooo... pretty."
Azure: *Heads into the next room.*
Metal Man (GM): The colors are: Red, blue, green, and yellow.
Digifanatic: "Thanks, Ari."
King Demon heads in as well.
Metal Man (GM): A sign says 'Pull all levers in secret order to deactivate power to floors 1 and 2.'
Gibby: "Hmm... secret order..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Dex, any clues?"
King Demon reads the sign "Great, what's the order?"
Gibby: "It's a secret!" ^_^
Digifanatic: "I dunno. But I'm pretty sure someone's gonna get shocked if they do it wrong."
Smash Dex: "Unable to find clues."
Aribar: "...I've an idea."
King Demon: "no kidding... what happens if we do it on the WRONG order?"|
Digifanatic: "What is it?" *He lets go of Ari's arm for now.*
Aribar: "Perhaps it is in the order that the colors appear in the rainbow. Red, Yellow, Green, then Blue."
Digifanatic: "Maybe..."
Aribar goes to do this combination, stopping if anyone tells him to.
Gibby: "Nah... it has to be something related to this place."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Go ahead, Ari. Might as well."
Gibby: "--or you could just go ahead and do that..."
Azure: *Thinks on a guess for the color combo.*
Metal Man (GM): You go to do that...
Azure: *Int checkage (come on come on you!)*
King Demon: "Go ahead and try it Ari!"
Metal Man (GM): The stuff burns Aribar with a flamethrower for 20 damage.
Gibby: "...thought so."
Metal Man (GM): Then they reset with a 'BUZZ' noise. Azure: Think for yerself!
Gibby looks around the room for any more clues. "There must be something in this room to help us."
Aribar: "...Ow."
Digifanatic: "Well, there are 24 different combinations, and we just eliminated one..."
King Demon checks the room for hints.
Azure: *Looks around the room.*
Metal Man (GM): The sign is all you can see.
Garrick Fy`aar tries Red, then Blue, then Green, then Yellow.
Metal Man (GM): There's the four switches... Garrick takes 20 fire damage as he does the same thing. King Demon: You find nothing.
Gibby: "Ok everyone, lets thi---nice going, Garrick."
Digifanatic: "Hey Demon. That flamethrower shouldn't hurt you. If that's true, you can get us out of here without us being hurt..."
King Demon: "Yeah, but I'm not pressing the RED one first..." *He goes to the green one and presses it.*
Azure: *Looks at the sign once again but carefully this time.*
Gibby: "Ok... red, yellow, green, and blue... there must be a relation... wait a minute..." *He makes the gears in his brain crank.* "I GOT IT!"
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Gibby: "Try Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I did that, Gibby."
Aribar: "I'm thinking we all push down the levers at once."
King Demon shrugs and presses the green lever.
Metal Man (GM): Demon is zapped by electricity for 20 damage.
Digifanatic: "Hmm... not red nor green."
King Demon: "On second thought, I WILL take the red one."
Aribar presses the Green level down.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar takes 20 fire damage.
Gibby: "How about yellow, green, blue, and red."
Aribar: "GAH! Okay, that idea doesn't work."
Digifanatic: "Best to might as well try..." *He presses the yellow switch... Guardian Acorn will help here if he screws up.*
Metal Man (GM): The yellow switch hits Digi for 20% damage as well... non-elemental.
Garrick Fy`aar walks over to the blue switch then and presses it.
King Demon steps up next to the red lever and presses it.
Metal Man (GM): The blue switch goes down and lights up. Demon is shocked for 20% damage and the blue switch goes back up and unlights.
Garrick Fy`aar presses the blue switch, then walks over to the green switch and presses it.
Digifanatic: "I just thought yellow would work because yellow is such an overlooked color and that no one would expect it..."
Azure: "Ok... that narrows it down... blue is first. Anyone want me to take over?"
King Demon: "Gah, that didn't work well... try blue then green?"
Digifanatic: "Well... no matter what, something should be found out in this next pull."
Azure: *Goes and pulls down blue.*
Metal Man (GM): Blue and green light up as they are pressed in order
Digifanatic tries blue-green-yellow-red... only 5% if buzzed.
Metal Man (GM): BZAP. 5% for Digi.
Garrick Fy`aar gets it now.
Digifanatic: "Well, we know what works."
Garrick Fy`aar presses blue, green, red, and then yellow.
Metal Man (GM): DINGDING!
Digifanatic: "Nice job Garrick."
Metal Man (GM): The lights go out, leaving a dim light from the outside. The door ahead opens. Room 4 is open!
Garrick Fy`aar: "Let's keep moving."
Digifanatic: "Alright."
Garrick Fy`aar walks onward.
Digifanatic walks along the walls, still blinded as normal into R4.
King Demon goes through.
Azure: *Heads to room #4.*
Aribar heads to the next room.
Metal Man (GM): In this room, there is a large wheel. *SMASH* Klungo falls in through the ceiling.
Digifanatic: "Oh great..."
Klungo: "Beeeeefore you passsssssss, each one of yooooooou must spin... the Wheeel of DOOOOOOM!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...are you kidding me?"
Azure: "Wheel of doom... that doesn't sound to good. How come you don't have to roll?"
Digifanatic: "He's evil, that's why..."
Klungo: "Beeecause I aaaaam not dooooooomed."
Aribar: "Why do we have to spin the Wheel of Doom (+1)?"
Klungo: "Beeeecause I won't let you passsss otherwise!"
Garrick Fy`aar looks at this Wheel of Doom.
Aribar looks to see if there is a door or something on the other side of him.
Metal Man (GM): It's a large wheel with many symbols. There's a blank wall without a door behind it.
Azure: "Yeah but you just fell from the ceiling. If we do pass the spin. Then you will run. Which means you're going into then next room which means you have to roll as well." *Attempting to persuade Klungo into rolling himself.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...well, might as well give it a go."
Metal Man (GM): Klungo punches Azure.
Garrick Fy`aar: "If it's the only way forward, then we have no choice."
Aribar: "...You going first or will I, Garrick?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'll take it first."
King Demon: "Ok, I'll spin it... I think..." *He looks at the symbols... wondering what they mean.*
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH* His fist misses Azure.
Azure: *Sidesteps.*
Klungo: "Dooooo not try to trick the Kluuuuungo!"
Metal Man (GM): First person to roll: Do a d10.
Garrick Fy`aar walks up, shrugs, then spins the big wheel "Price Is Right, I suppose..."
Azure: "OK OK..." .oO(Guess he's so dumb he knows he's being tricked.) *Azure sighs*
Metal Man (GM): Garrick gets: Lead Boot! He loses one action for the next three floors! (Floors 3, 4, and 5)
King Demon shrugs and rolls.
Garrick Fy`aar: "What the... whoawhoaWHOA!" *He falls over at the weight in his shoes now.*
Metal Man (GM): Garrick is then put into the 'Warp to next room' side. Demon: What items do you have? List them all.
Digifanatic takes a moment to disable his Lucky Start... in case he actually does get an item, as negative of an effect it may be.
Metal Man (GM): Okay... while Demon lags forever, somebody else can roll.
Digifanatic decides to takes his roll.
Metal Man (GM): And Digi, you can't just disable an item. Even an unused badge counts as an item.
Aribar stands in line behind Digi.
Metal Man (GM): Digi gets: The mirror treatment! His HP is halved! Then he's thrown next to Garrick.
Aribar spins the wheel.
King Demon: *Fire Bomb, 2 maxshrooms, rock candy, 2 honey syrups, insanity potion.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: Do you have any badges? Aribar: You get the 'Badge Killer' roll! But since you have no badges... nothing happens! Demon gets the Black Hole roll, and loses his insanity potion! !King_Demon! PING 45.578 second(s)
Aribar: "Hey! Alright!"
Metal Man (GM): Azure: Your time to roll, I guess.
Azure: *Takes a deep breath and spins the wheel.*
Metal Man (GM): Azure gets the mute button! A green 'Mute' word appears over his head, and he cannot speak, or do melee moves for the next three floors( Floor 3, 4, and 5) Anyone else? VG? Wolfman? Not melee range. Melee move. Special. Move. DAMN. It. REMEMBER THAT. Okay... now then... *SMASH.*
Editor's Note: Probably got really annoyed at somebody confusing the types of moves... kept that weird segue in here in the interest of preserving my insanity. XP
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* You're all now in... room five... the staircase.
King Demon: "Sweet, stairs!"
Azure: *Points his hand upward and looks to everyone motioning to move forward.*
King Demon goes up them cautiously.
Aribar heads up them.
Azure: *Turns walks upward.* .oO(WHO THE HELL MAKES A MUTE BUTTON!)
Editor's Note: Apparently, whoever made the wheel did.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman instantly loses a life from the 'DOOM' option. VG: List off all your badges.
VG: *Lucky Day, Double Dip, Refund, Zora Breather* (that order)
Metal Man (GM): Well... say good bye to Zora Breather. It's destructed by the Badge Killer slot. Klungo, naturally, laughs and then disappears. You all now get up to level 3. Room 1 of level 3: Security. Demon: You already spun the wheel. And you lost the Insanity Potion. Now then... you're at the beginning of the room labeled 'Security'. You see an empty room full of monitors and consoles. Do you walk inside?
Azure: *Can do nothing but show a pissed expression on his face. He opens his mouth out of reflex but no words come out which basically add wood to the fire.*
Aribar walks through the door.
Wolfman and VG arrive at the security thing... both of them looking pretty angry.
Metal Man (GM): Walking through triggers yet more alarms. Furthermore, all the consoles and TVs are covered by blast shields.
Wolfman never said he went through the super security... drat; he and mushroom are in it now.
Computer: "Unknown Intruder has gained access to level 2."
Aribar: "...Someone is following us."
King Demon hasn't gone through either....
Metal Man (GM): You can also hear explosions from behind you, as you have ever since the mysterious message that another intruder was behind you.
VG wonders if there is a way out of here... he feels like he wants to go on a rampage or something again.
King Demon turns around and looks back down the stairs.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...let's just keep moving."
Metal Man (GM): King: You see smoke, darkness, and flames.
Aribar: "Should we wai--Okay."
???: "I must infiltrate this base." *Only Demon hears this.*
Aribar hrms...
Metal Man (GM): You can just walk right through the security room.
Aribar walks over to a monitor to see if any are on.
Metal Man (GM): They're covered by thick steel blast shields.
King Demon: "Err..." *He gets curious and begins going toward the smoke.*
Garrick Fy`aar keeps walking, his gun drawn, looking for something... anything... that might be out of the ordinary as he goes to the next door. He's still searching for the key center to place the bomb...
Aribar heads to the next room. "Not everything's a trap I guess!"
Digifanatic follows (I guess).
Wolfman and VG also follow if possible... (still recovering from away-ness)
Metal Man (GM): You enter the next room... room 2, Floor 3.
King Demon runs back up to the group "Hey guys, I think we're being followed..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "We know that much..."
Aribar: "The question is... By friend or foe?"
Metal Man (GM): The next room is interesting... it's got letters everywhere. It's the post office. It's still running, too.
King Demon: "Not sure, think we should find out?"
Wolfman: "Wow... these guys actually get fan mail."
Aribar walks over and picks up a random letter.
Metal Man (GM): 'To Grunty: You suck and I hate you.'
King Demon picks up a letter.
Metal Man (GM): 'To Klungo: I am going to attack you with a pickaxe.'
King Demon: "Hey, I think this is the electric bill!"
VG tries to find any letters/envelopes that look out of place (INT?)
Metal Man (GM): INT it is.
Aribar looks to see where any out-going chutes are... Or something that would take mail to the base of the tower.
Metal Man (GM): Well, VG, you discover a rather blaring looking holographic letter.
VG goes to the... holo letter?
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: You discover that all the mail is being rerouted from a higher floor to one that says 'Emergency Evacuation' The holo letter is mysterious, and unmarked.
VG reads it.
Metal Man (GM): You open it up... BOOM! LETTERBOMB! 20% damage.
King Demon searches for a switch or something.
VG gets smoked... he shakes it off.
Metal Man (GM): Demon: You find a red switch that says 'STOP'
Aribar: "Hrm... . Garrick?"
King Demon presses it.
Garrick Fy`aar is looking around "...hmmm?"
Metal Man (GM): The conveyor belts stop. The door ahead is open, too.
King Demon hmm.........
Aribar: "Do you think that your bomb would be good if you... Well, never mind now."
King Demon looks through the door.
Azure: *Sighs.*
Aribar heads through the next door.
VG and Wolf follow...
Digifanatic walks through the next door--only wanting to walk if needed to.
Azure: "Heads to the next door and enters...."
King Demon leads Digi through.
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm going to wait till the middle room of the next floor."
Metal Man (GM): Into the next door... room 3, floor 3. This is the computer server room. You can have free reign here.
Wolfman: "Ah... one of the hearts of the place."
Metal Man (GM): Blow stuff up, turn stuff off, you name it.
Digifanatic: "Ah, computer room..."
Wolfman: "Before anyone asks, DO NOT destroy... yet."
King Demon unplugs some of the computers.
Wolfman: "Who here is good at reprogramming?"
Digifanatic: "Not really." (INT is 16)
King Demon tries to hack into one.
Aribar: "I don't know a thing about computers." (INT 24!)
Wolfman: " are smart though Ari; I'll try to help. Get to the main terminal and I'll see if I can guide you."
Aribar: "...Okay." *He walks over to the main terminal.*
Wolfman is close by.
Azure: *Stands and watches now, constantly tapping his foot.*
VG just waits patiently for the others.
Digifanatic does the same...
King Demon plays Doom 3 on one of the computers... who knew.
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Locos is warped in and appears in room 5 of floor 2, where the Questers were last warped.
Digifanatic: .oO(I am definitely buying a status-effect healing item after the mission is over with...)
Computer: "Another intruder, in floor 2 room 5. Intruder 1 is destroying room 3. Intruder 3, a group of people, is in the computer room."
Metal Man (GM): There's enough alarms going on to drive you mad.
Aribar: "Great..."
Digifanatic: "Oh, let's just get outta here if we can..."
Metal Man (GM): It sounds like the security of the Tower has been compromised.
Aribar: "Well, Wolf, what would I have to do to turn off the alarms?"
Charles Magellean: "...These aren't where the other Questers were last warped... were they?"
Wolfman: "Generally, a shutdown command would work."
Charles Magellean observes his surroundings.
Wolfman: "Try 'shutdown alarm' or something."
King Demon: "Can someone please shut of that FRIGGIN' ALARM!?!?!?"
Metal Man (GM): Locos: The way back is burnt and hidden by smoke.
Aribar does so...
Metal Man (GM): There's a concrete staircase that will take you to the lit up third floor.
Charles Magellean: "...Questers came by here alright?"
Digifanatic: "Ari, try something like 'open door to Room 4'."
Charles Magellean follows the fire. He ...follows the opposite way of the fire . He gets out his dex. "Hmm... pinpoint where questys are."
Smash Dex: "Floor 3, room 3."
Metal Man (GM): Your check... let's see. You deactivate all the alarms for floor 3.
Charles Magellean follows the direction of this room 3."
Metal Man (GM): Since Floor 1 and 2 have no power, they have no alarms.
Wolfman: "Alright, nice going. Now... I'm going to help with this. There has to be a way to basically make these computers work for us."
Metal Man (GM): Locos: You walk through an armored room and a post office that's been shut down until you meet the Questers in a computer room.
Charles Magellean: "...Miss me?" *He puts away his dex.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Heh."
VG: "You sure love taking your time to get here."
Aribar unsheaths Moonlight when he hears Locos, but quickly sheaths it, mumbles a greeting, and gets back to Wolf. "What about using the security to our advantage?"
Wolfman: "Interesting timing Locos. ...that too could work Ari."
Aribar attempts to do so.
Wolfman: "Locos, we're going to try to get the mainframe to work with us. Think you can help?"
Azure: *Looks at Locos and just stares at him he would say something if he could talk to him.*
King Demon: "Hey, there you are!"
Charles Magellean: "I'm good with computers. I'm not good with security systems."
Wolfman: "It's a computer we're messing with."
Charles Magellean: "...What's wrong with Azure?"
Wolfman: "...he got muted."
Charles Magellean: "Oh, in that case..."
Azure: *Eyes roll and he sighs.*
Charles Magellean: "Dang... now lemme at; excuse me!"
Wolfman: "...VG lost his Zora Breather."
King Demon goes back into the mailroom to get paper for Azure to write on.
Charles Magellean goes to the computer and begins to think...
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: You gain control over 15/22 floors of security. There's plenty of paper and pens in there.
King Demon grabs some paper and pens and gives them to Azure "Now you can write what you want to say!"
Azure: *Takes the paper and the pen and nods to Demon with a thankful expression.*
King Demon: "Your welcome."
Metal Man (GM): Erm... he has control over 8 floors, then. With all the controls, however, is a variety of problems. Floors 1 and 2 are cut off, dead. Floor 3 is partially disabled security, partially lockdown.
Charles Magellean: "Wow... we need to become better."
Metal Man (GM): Floors 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are okay, but no security has been authorized for floors above 5.
Wolfman: " you think you can do better Locos?"
Charles Magellean: "No, I'm just saying that we can become better."
Aribar attempts to command all the security measures he can to fire at all targets for about a 10 seconds.
Wolfman: "...Ari, you aren't typing what I think you are... are you?"
Aribar: "Err..." *He attempts to quickly make it for just Floor 4.* "I don't know... What are you thinking? Eheheheh?"
Metal Man (GM): You manage to do so for Floor 4. You hear a lot of explosions.
Wolfman: "...that's better. When you were going for all targets, that could have included us."
Computer: "Floor 4 has been completely destroyed. Contact to floors 5,6,7, and 8 has been severed."
Aribar: "...I hope I did something good. Anyone want me to do anything else?"
Wolfman: "Hmm..."
Azure: *kneels to the floor and puts the paper down a scribbles on it* "What are they doing with those contraptions exactly?" *He raises it up to whoever is looking*
VG: "How about just setting the whole factory to explode, and we just hightail it out of here?"
King Demon: "Beats me Azure... I think they're trying to make the journey easier for us."
Aribar attempts to see if there are any self-destruct commands... He'd make the time 20 minutes.
Computer: "Unable to comply. Contact to all floors but floor 3 has been severed. No self-destruct devices are on this floor."
Wolfman: "...guess we should have done that first."
Charles Magellean: "We'll need to continue to the final floor."
King Demon: "Uh... is that a good thing?"
Wolfman: "See if the computer can get us a map."
Aribar: "Ah well!" *He does so.*
King Demon goes into room 4
Metal Man (GM): You get a map. It shows all of... level 3. And the other 11 levels as being 'Destroyed' 'Disabled' or 'Connection Reset by Peer'. Demon wanders into room 4, which is also known as the lunchroom.
Wolfman tries to find the fastest way to the staircase then.
Aribar: "...Bleh." *Heads to the next room.*
Metal Man (GM): You may heal here and 'Save' so to speak, if you want to pause.
King Demon looks for food, especially health restoring food.
Metal Man (GM): Okay. Everyone gains back 1 life, lose all status effects, gain back all HP, and gain back all MP.
Charles Magellean: *'cept me.*
Metal Man (GM): Part one of 'The Great Grunty ...(G word for battle)' Complete. ...Continuation of the Grunty's tower mission. Now, for a little background explanation for those just joining in. The Questers took a boat out to Grunty's tower. They bombed their way inside, onto the first floor. Then they wandered through 1... two... and now floor three. On floor three, they went through a security room, a mail room, and a computer room. They're being followed... which is where I leave off. You're all in the Fourth room, which is... empty, save for a few boxes, The door ahead is locked. You see a simple 'Door unlock' button next to the door.
Computer: "Error; Intruder has breached critical systems."
Garrick Fy`aar grumbles, then searches through some of the boxes before moving onward
Metal Man (GM): They contain nothing but empty papers.
Aribar presses the unlock door button and heads through it.
Garrick Fy`aar shrugs and follows.
Metal Man (GM): Digi, Locos: You're with the group in a blank room, full of empty boxes.
Azure: "I'll never make fun of those silenced mages again...."
Metal Man (GM): You open the door... an unknown man is standing in the doorway.
???: "Finally... we meet again!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...uh huh. Who are you?"
???: "Aribar... Locos... Digi... reunited at last..."
Aribar: "Eh?"
???: "I am... LYNK!"
Aribar: "...Lynk... Lynk... Lynk... Hrm."
Digifanatic: "What?"
Azure: "Lynk? How many people do you guys know?"
Lynk: "...Starsteel may have died... but my hatred for you will persevere."
Digifanatic: "Enough, Azure..."
Lynk: "I am... a Quester."
Charles Magellean: "That answers your question, Aribar."
Aribar: "...Ah! You were Star Steel's transformer partner... Right."
Garrick Fy`aar instantly draws his gun and puts it against his gut.
Lynk: "My soul, sent to Saga, had to possess a dead man's body, and then steal enough money to board a ship to this planet... I have been chasing you for a long time."
Aribar: "...Why?"
Lynk: "You left me to die! You let Star Steel die... you ignored your roots, abandoning your fighter moves! You let Kuja kill me!"
Azure: *A dumbfounded look of confusion rings about his face.*
Charles Magellean: "Let... Kuja... kill."
Lynk: "And even worse... you let that alien, Star Steel, steal my body and then get it killed by Kuja!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright, alright, alright... are we gonna fight you or what? We need to, you know, keep moving?"
Lynk: "I must... have my revenge!"
Charles Magellean: "Garrick, show some respect."
Lynk: "You... ignorant fool." *He points at Garrick* "Who are you? You are no Quester!"
Aribar: "Errr... You're jumping to conclusions..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm new."
Digifanatic quickly disables his Quake Smash, not being worth it if fighting.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Or at least new to you."
Lynk: "These people may be lost from the true path, but you are merely an imbecile."
Charles Magellean: "I understand all too well."
Lynk: "I present you two choices... all of you."
Aribar: "We had to retreat and regroup after that scuffle with Kuja..."
Lynk: "Become true Questers... or die! I have... the true fighter remote... the one which still works..."
Aribar: "What? How do you have that?"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk pulls out what appears to be the original, untouched fighter remote.
Digifanatic: "And HOW, dude?!"
Lynk: "I took it and swapped it out with a plastic duplicate..."
Charles Magellean shifts his legs to the right and unsheathes his Onyx Sword, letting it set in the sheath but having both hands on the ready.
Lynk: "They were going to destroy it! That Professor Oak... Wolfman... they were trying to kill you! The only path is to join me, and destroy those heretics!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Except for me. I can die, right?"
Aribar: "...I'm sorry, but I don't believe you."
Lynk: "You can accept salvation, just not as a Quester, imbecile."
Digifanatic: "How dare you call them heretics!"
Lynk: "You... don't believe me? Betrayer! Fallen Quester! Fool! ...My verdict has been passed."
Aribar: "...You're not worth our time."
Lynk: "The taint of the imbecile and Aribar has made you doomed to destruction. I shall defeat you in battle!"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk pulls out a doubler.
Digifanatic: "Hmm..."
Charles Magellean begins to cringe.
Lynk: "And I shall use the TRUE powers of the old!"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk glows, and suddenly, there's two of him. They both put on... Gerudo Knuckles.
Digifanatic: .oO(To Quake or not to Quake? Might as well) *He puts his Smash badge back on (fight-time decision).*
Metal Man (GM): They crack their fingers at the same time.
Aribar: "...Hmp... It looks like we're in for a battle after all." *The elf takes out the Wand of Wonder.*
Lynk: "DIE!"
Azure: "I guess where about to fight?"
Metal Man (GM): SPDs, everybody?
Garrick Fy`aar: "...let's just get this over with." *He cocks the M150*
Metal Man (GM): Battle Theme: Digi: You discover that he is sitting underneath a rather large doorframe. Perhaps if you broke it, it might do something.
Lynk: "Take this, imbecile!"
Metal Man (GM): *Lynk runs up to Garrick, punches at him twice, gives him a smash to the head, then kicks him once, before finishing with a Meta Glide.* Hits?
Charles Magellean: "Reminiscing. Brings many memories of the good times. Good times."
Garrick Fy`aar dodges like a mad man, his body twisting and moving like water as he dodges every last one.
Metal Man (GM): Even the 26? Very well.
Lynk: "Hmph. Coward. You shall watch as your friends die."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You're just slow."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk 2 turns to Aribar.
Lynk: "You are a far more worthy opponent!"
Aribar: "..." *He prepares for the worst from Lynk.*
Metal Man (GM): *Lynk 2 jumps on Aribar's head five times, then punches him in the face, then tries to grab Aribar before attacking him with a Geno Beam.*
Garrick Fy`aar: (I'm finding this guy to REALLY by an ass.)
Editor's Note: That's rare. An enemy who still damages a player's morale despite missing.
Aribar: "Gah--! Hey!" (5 hits...)
Metal Man (GM): Let's see... 42 damage from the jumping hits. 28 damage from the smash punch. And 25 more damage from being grabbed and then hit by a Geno beam.
Lynk: "Hah! Try to beat that, fallen one!"
Aribar: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): Targets are: Lynks 1 and 2.
Aribar: "...No... Problem!"
Metal Man (GM): Yes... if you want to attack that.
Aribar aims at the Lynk who attacked him and fires off not one, but two Electric Elemental blasts at that vile being! (70% Electric times two)
Lynk 2: "Argh!"
Garrick Fy`aar speeds straight up to Lynk 1, growling from the insults he's been pelted with. He swings his gun up and unloads a whole clip of flaming dumdum rounds into him.
Metal Man (GM): Lynk 1 teleports around wildly, but is hit once, twice, three times total.
Lynk1: "Curse you, imbecile!"
Charles Magellean: "What's the verdict on me?"
Lynks: "You have a choice. Join me or die!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Not much of a imbecile if I just blew a chunk out of you're arm..."
Lynk1: "Hmph."
Charles Magellean: O_O
Lynks: "I am the true savior. Only I can destroy Kuja!"
Charles Magellean sheathes his sword completely, tilts his head, eyes wide open, does not blink, stares on ahead, mouth open, and the rest when he is given a choice of destroy or die.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Aren't there two of you?"
Lynks: "You must not know what a doubler is."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I do indeed, just thought I'd make a joke... I see it wasn't that good..."
Lynks: "You're just like Wolfman. Blinded by horrible humor."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Not too blind if I blew a chunk outta your arm, slick."
Editor's Note: Lynk is just savagely roasting Garrick now. Forget the battle, his true enemy is Garrick's ego.
Digifanatic growls a bit, uses an X Accuracy (first one), and then does something no one has seen yet. He runs up to the Lynks, and sticks out his fist like a Fire Punch, but into the ground, tremors emitting towards the targets. QUAKE SMASH FIRE PUNCH.
Metal Man (GM): Both hit.
Digifanatic: "The plan worked."
Azure dashes toward Lynk one and arches his shoulder in front of him going for a straight forward bozen smash!
Metal Man (GM): You barely hit him before he teleports again.
Lynk1: "You're exceptionally fast. I must take note of this."
Azure: Huh... .oO(teleportation...) *He skids and spins to a stop.*
Metal Man (GM): Next round. Lynk1 loses his turn.
Lynk2: "You monster... TAKE THIS!"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk2 charges up a massive looking Geno beam. He then fires the large white beam at Azure. 75 damage if that hits.
Garrick Fy`aar continues to blast Lynk 1 with flaming regular rounds this time.
Charles Magellean: ". . ."
Metal Man (GM): One... two... three... four hits on Lynk 1.
Lynk1: "You cannot win, imbecile!"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk 1 glows, as a tiny portion of the damage goes to Lynk 2.
Lynk1: "I will not... let you beat me!"
Charles Magellean comes back to normal reality. "Sorry, Lynk. I'm not able to decide right now. All I'm getting is an 'Aeox07c' error." *He writes down his journal he needs to go the moon and get a checkup.* "For right now, all I can do is help my allies. Take this not on a personal level... just... for self-defense."
Lynks: "Do your worst!"
Charles Magellean reaches for his auto guns... then takes out his Onyx Sword. He goes to slash Lynk1... *...targets the doorframe instead!*
Metal Man (GM): Damage to the doorframe?
Charles Magellean: *how many actions can I do it towards?*
Metal Man (GM): You can attack it as many times as you have actions. With the guns.
Charles Magellean: *45% dark.*
Metal Man (GM): Erm, yeah, with the sword too. The doorframe is almost broken!
Charles Magellean hops around a bit back and forth to back off a bit from them.
Digifanatic uses that Quake Smash to his advantage again... this time, with a pair of Super Mario Punches (the coins will be transferred to me by the tremors if hit).
Metal Man (GM): Yup. Indeed.
Lynk2: "I will crush you, petty thief!"
Metal Man (GM): Okay, do next action.
Digifanatic tries the Golf Club strictly on Lynk 1.
Metal Man (GM): Lynk 1 snaps outta the stun and attacks you with his Gerudo Knuckles! 23 damage per hit.
Lynk1: "Take that!"
Digifanatic scoffs a bit, but thanks to the Guardian Acorn, only takes half of that.
Azure: "Geez you really know how to lay it on... a guy. Well here goes. POWER QUAKE!" *He smashes his fist into the ground send a wave toward Lynk 1 and 2. Speed check beat 24 strength*
Metal Man (GM): One miss, one hit.
Lynk1: "Eat my feet!"
Metal Man (GM): *Lynk 1 stomps on Locos, then Garrick, then Azure, then Digifanatic, then Garrick again. The rolls are in that order.*
Garrick Fy`aar dodges both of those.
Charles Magellean uses his arms to block.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: That was a crit. you're hit by one for 14 damage. 14 damage per hit.
Azure: *Sidesteps and jumps back a bit.*
Metal Man (GM): *Lynk 1 then runs up to Azure and goes crazy with punches... four punches!*
Digifanatic sees it coming and ducks.
Metal Man (GM): Ouch. 23 damage per hit, 46 for that crit. *Loud pummeling noises SMACK WHIFF SMACK SMASH* Lynk1 finishes his turn by throwing a Power Saw... which deviously attacks everyone!
Azure: *Blacks out on the 3rd attack his body still stand and then falls out on the ground. - 1 life.*
Metal Man (GM): Well, that misses, thankfully.
Aribar actually dodges an attack.
Charles Magellean jumps that.
Metal Man (GM): Lynk 2 then goes over to Digi, punches him four times, then tries to grab Aribar, and then tries to INHALE Aribar!
Aribar isn't grabbed... But is inhaled.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar is still inhaled, despite avoiding a grab... if his AC is not above 22, Lynk spits him out, gaining an Aribar hat and Terrorbolt! Aribar takes 10 damage. 23 damage per punch, too, Digi. So you took 69 damage from all those punches.
Aribar dies.
Metal Man (GM): Minus one action, since Aribar died.
Aribar comes back, mad...
Lynks: "See the power I have alone? Imagine if there were more on my side!"
Aribar: "You want my spells? Fine! TERRORBOLT!" *He unleashes the raw power of Terrorbolt on Lynk 2.*
Lynk2: "Gack!"
Metal Man (GM): They both are electrocuted simultaneously. They both fall over, dead... *music stop* Then two more come from revival platforms! *music speed up.*
Digifanatic: "Wow Ari... nice sho--aww man!"
Aribar: "...They've lives too."
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Lynks: "Hah hah! We are Questers, too!"
Charles Magellean: "I've always wondered what would happen if opponents were able to have that too."
Digifanatic: "I think we do not want to know..."
Charles Magellean: "Wait... ...Lynk, how many lives do you have left?"
Lynk: "Two! But you must realize... if I kill all of the lives of any of you... you are permanently dead! Hahaha!"
Digifanatic: .oO(Probably telling the truth, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's bluffing, either...)
Garrick Fy`aar growls and unleashes a spreadshot of dumdum rounds.
Metal Man (GM): Miss miss hit, and hit miss hit.
Lynk: "You fools do not know what other surprises I have. I am only beginning to show off the powers you forgot!"
Charles Magellean: "How I long for the original powers... sadly, it has been years since we've last used one. ...Slash of the Night!" *He jumps high to hit Lynk2...* *But then hits the door again!*
Lynk2: "Stop that! It's annoying!"
Charles Magellean: *15% more dark* "My curiousity has gotten the better of me."
Metal Man (GM): Okay, take your second action.
Charles Magellean hits the doorframe again!
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK* 15% more dark. You smash it... the doorframe is almost dead.
Digifanatic uses another Quake Fire Punch on the Lynks... and also uses one on the door. (This should only be two rolls.)
Metal Man (GM): Take your -third- action then.
Charles Magellean hits the doorframe again!
Metal Man (GM): The Doorframe is still there, though. Miss hit. You miss Lynk and NAIL that doorframe. The Doorframe is still up, though. Oh. Then you hit one Lynk. Roll it.
Digifanatic then tries a Quake Thunderstorm.
Metal Man (GM): Miss and hit. What was the damage, again? New round.
Lynk1: "Take this, Aribar!"
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk1 runs up to Aribar, does Four more punches, then attacks Locos with Terrorbolt! Ouch... a crit in there. 23 per hit, 46 for the crit.
Aribar: "Grr..."
Metal Man (GM): Locos instantly takes 80% electric damage.
Charles Magellean: "AIIEEEYYIYYYAYYAY----*Yeaow! KER-SMACK to a wall!*."
Lynk2: "Take this, Digi!"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk2 attacks Digi with a smash attack, five jumping stomps, and finally a headbutt. 28 damage from that. 28 and 14 damage from that... The headbutt, thankfully, misses.
Aribar drinks down a Maple Syrup and fires off an Earth Elemental Blast at Lynk! 70% Earth "Yah!"
Lynk: "Gah!"
Digifanatic: "Phew... that badge came in at the right time..."
Charles Magellean: "That's it." *He revolves his onyx sword and takes out his auto miniguns.*
Lynk: "Try me, amateur!"
Charles Magellean fires 6 shots from his right gun at the doorframe. *17% damage each.*
Metal Man (GM): The door crumbles... his transformer clone instantly is disabled. Lynk is looking ANGRY...
Lynk: "...How dare you? That's IT!"
Digifanatic: "Oh, that was beautiful, Locos..."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk is now surrounded with blood red energy. *FLASH.*
Charles Magellean: "The door was frickin' annoying me."
Digifanatic: .oO(Even though my Quake Smash is no good anymore.)
Trance Lynk: "You're going down!"
Charles Magellean: "..." *He goes to Digi.*
Aribar: "Gah!"
Digifanatic: "Yes, Locos?"
Aribar: "You fool! By Trancing you're only making Kuja stronger... I thought you wanted him DEAD!"
Trance Lynk: "Lies! All lies!"
Charles Magellean was about to say something then turns to Lynk.
Trance Lynk: "I want you dead now!"
Digifanatic: "I KNEW he was gonna bluff about SOMETHING sometime..."
Charles Magellean: "It has been shown that each time some uses a trance, Kuja becomes exponentially stronger."
Digifanatic: "Oh great..."
Charles Magellean: "I've calculated the power of before and after... and it is accurate."
Trance Lynk: "It is too late for that, now."
Charles Magellean: "True, it cannot be undone... but in case we survive..."
Trance Lynk: "I will kill you, and the experience gain will make me the mightiest Quester in existence!"
Charles Magellean turns back to Digi.
Metal Man (GM): Locos: Tell me when yer turn is over.
Charles Magellean: "Gimme that damn badge. Ever since you've been using it, it's caused us more bad luck than good."
Digifanatic: "I was gonna sell it."
Charles Magellean: "Just don't use again, okay?"
Digifanatic: "Not a problem."
Charles Magellean goes back to battle mode.
Digifanatic: "It's probably cursed or something if that's what's going on..."
Charles Magellean: "I have fury!"
Trance Lynk: "I have the real Melee Moves!"
Charles Magellean fires six shots at Tranced-il-vania Lynk."
Metal Man (GM): Miss miss hit miss miss miss. He teleports around them.
Charles Magellean turns is over.
Digifanatic is angry at almost himself and his badge..."Why must if fail us..." and then uses a pair of Fire Punches
Metal Man (GM): Trance Mode Song: Miss hit. Miss crit Azure: You reappear, to see a crazy, angry, floating magical version of the foe you saw before. Your turn.
Lynk: "Hmph! I will not let you live..."
Azure: "Geez... you have to be joking me...."
Trance Lynk: "I do not kid. I kill."
Azure: "Why... if you went though death already why force others to go through with it... by your own hands..."
Trance Lynk: "Why not join me and stop the death, then? You refused the power I offered, right? Join me, and become a true Quester... or continue to die."
Azure: "If I joined you then I would just be killing as well. I prefer to gain power by my own two hands. I want them from nowhere else."
Trance Lynk: "Then fight me!"
Charles Magellean shakes his head to get out of that tranced state of thoroughly deciding. Oohhh boy..."
Azure: *sighs* "The will of the warrior can be twisted into so many sad shapes." *He uses red essence while trying to regroup a for battle plan*
Trance Lynk: "It is time to destroy yet more of you! A special present for you, Locos!"
Metal Man (GM): Trance Lynk flies over to Locos and gives him a lot of punches. 69 damage per hit.
Charles Magellean uses his life force to hyper accelerate himself to avoid the punches and heal himself... at the cost of a life. "As you can see, a Quester uses a revival platform at the cost of each 'life'."
Metal Man (GM): Next, he flings a POWERFUL Power Saw which affects everyone.
Charles Magellean: "I don't."
Trance Lynk: "Well, that is rather strange. But it cannot save you now!"
Charles Magellean is done shifting through his eyes and recollecting through the logs.
Aribar dies.
Charles Magellean: "...Who are you?"
Trance Lynk: "I am Lynk, using the ultimate power of TRANCE!"
Aribar comes back to life, Wand of Wonder in hand... He only gets a single action, right?
Charles Magellean: "I believe that your statement is inaccurate."
Aribar: "...Die now! Star Storm!" *A storm of stars collide with Lynk.*
Metal Man (GM): He's hit hard, but still standing.
Trance Lynk: "Grrr... your determination galls me!"
Charles Magellean: "In accordance to the SSQ Archives, shortly after the Quester Hunters were defeated, Kuja had killed the following Questers: " *He says each name with a short pause in-between. * "Star Steel, Kinnin, Tempest, Green, Linkbot, Positron, Roybert, Supamushroom, Spike, Swordblade, and Dahl Mallos. But no record of you being killed by his hands."
Trance Lynk: "Well then, next time your body, while being possessed by another person, is killed, I won't take pity on you."
Charles Magellean: "I apologize. I have been under... decision stress. Zio and Kuja want my services... and it is harder and harder to say no."
Trance Lynk: "Join me, and we shall destroy them with the superior Melee Moves!"
Charles Magellean shakes his head! "I said I'm not able to decide right now!" *He fires a full barrage of bullets at the tranced guy.*
Trance Lynk: "There is no decision!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit hit miss miss miss miss miss miss hit miss hit miss miss miss miss miss. 6 hits in total.
Charles Magellean: *17% each.*
Metal Man (GM): Wowza! He's at exactly 599/600 HP! He's looking weak now, but the malice in his face still could melt glass.
Trance Lynk: "You... cannot... beat... me!"
Azure "Maybe not. BUT THAT'S FOR MY OWN FISTS TO DECIDE!" *He rushes at the Tranced Lynk and slams his arms at him great force into him going for it all with one powerful attack.* "IMPACT BOUNDER!"
Charles Magellean: "Lynk... Your dogged perseverance has given me new insight on the futility of our evil ways and you leave us alone for a few months of quiet contemplation we will likely return to the path of righteousness."
Metal Man (GM): He's hit. He's blasted back onto the ground. He kneels, beaten up... and out of Trance mode. All of you: How many times were you killed by Lynk? Lynk has gained four levels!
Lynk: "Hah... hahahahahaha... fools! This fight has made me stronger... alas. I cannot waste more of my time on you... you were right. I must kill Kuja. Sayanora, Suckers!"
Metal Man (GM): He suddenly teleports away.
Aribar: "Good luck on your death wish!"
Metal Man (GM): Everyone left: 1000 EXP!
Charles Magellean: "Good riddance to bad rubbish." *He clasps his hands.*
Aribar slumps down to his knees. "That was hard..."
Azure: *LEVELUP* *Level 7 EXTRA ACTION ^^*
Charles Magellean: "Indeed it was."
Metal Man (GM): The staircase to level 4 is open.
Azure: *The power of the red essence fades away.*
Charles Magellean: "'bout time."
Metal Man (GM): It's also a terrible wreck. You can still walk up it, but obviously Lynk blasted through the wall. The staircase is burnt, but functional... it squeaks as you walk up it.
Azure: "Well that's wonderful... anyone need a lift if this thing cracks open?"
Metal Man eats the x key.
Aribar starts up the steps.
Charles Magellean: *the first is definitely more useful.*
Azure: *Follows behind Aribar up the stairs.*
Charles Magellean does so as well.
Metal Man (GM): Up you go, into the next room. It's a greenhouse... there's a clear path in between two greenhouses. The door ahead is unlocked... but the doors to the two greenhouses are locked.
Aribar: "Hrm... Let's just head to the next room."
Metal Man (GM):
Aribar heads towards the unlocked door.
Metal Man (GM): The way is unblocked. You catch a glimpse of a gold plant, but reach the door. It's got a doorknob. The next room is labeled 'Storage'
Aribar ignores the plant and steps into the storage room. "We may find something useful here."
Charles Magellean: "...I dun like that gold plant."
Metal Man (GM): In you go... there's a huge pile of boxes everywhere in this room. The door ahead is also unlocked.
Charles Magellean: "...Maybe we should check some of these boxes first?"
Aribar: "Yeah." *He checks some boxes for anything useful.*
Charles Magellean: "...I'm gonna deal with that new pain in my back." *He goes back to the gold plant and inspects it.*
Metal Man (GM): Locos: Looking through the glass, you see a tree... with coins growing on it! Aribar: You discover and open an empty box.
Charles Magellean: "Coins!?"
Azure: *Checks another box close to him within the room.*
Charles Magellean tiptoes... and carefully inspects said plant... if he can reach it, from a safe distance of 3 ft away.
Metal Man (GM): You find a box which explodes in your face for 5% damage.
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Azure: *Coughs.*
Metal Man (GM): Locos: You'd have to get inside the greenhouse or break glass to reach it. It's in a pot.
Aribar checks the side of the box to see if it is one of the Grunty boxes.
Metal Man (GM): It is a normal crate... all of these are crates. Not Grunty boxes.
Charles Magellean goes back into the other room. He does his own checking.
Metal Man (GM): Locos discovers three Grunty cubes of doom!
Aribar: "No use, Locos..."
Metal Man (GM): All of which unused and in mint condition for taking.
Aribar: "I've searched this place... Nothing here."
Charles Magellean smiles.
Azure: "That reminds me..." *He holds out a ring they begin to swirl around him and then glow in light. He gives a happy sigh of relief as he just follows Locos and Aribar now.* "Find something?"
Charles Magellean then puts them in his pocket.
Metal Man (GM): Aye.
Aribar heads into the next room.
Metal Man (GM): Next room... it's interesting.
Azure: *A bit annoying with the whole exploding box enters the next room.*
Metal Man (GM): 'Room 3 of Level 4' is on the walls.. ..And there's a whole lot of machines in here, all of which are making Grunty boxes and sending them around conveyor belts. There's a console in the center of the room.
Azure: "So we have to destroy or stop this as well right?"
Charles Magellean: "Yep."
Metal Man (GM): It has the button 'Self Destruct' on it.
Azure: "Another on of those contraptions is over there." *He points.*
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Charles Magellean: "Aribar. Console."
Aribar goes over to the button.
Metal Man (GM): It's nice and red.
Charles Magellean: ". . ."
Aribar: "...I press the self destruct button, right? I'm not good with computers..."
Charles Magellean: "I'd expect Gibby to press it, but not you."
Metal Man (GM): There's a lot of buttons, but that's the only one that catches your eye.
Charles Magellean has the know-how. He'll press the button that comes to his impulsive mind.
Aribar backs away.
Metal Man (GM): Self Destruct it is!
Charles Magellean: "Hell, might as well do a stupid thing." *He presses the button.*
Metal Man (GM): Locos is suddenly electrocuted to death by the button. Locos: -1 life.
Aribar: "...I knew that would happen."
Azure: "Ouch......"
Charles Magellean has only a little life force.
Metal Man (GM): The thing laughs, playing a prerecorded sound.
Console: "Well, you pressed self destruct. Looks like your self destructed!"
Charles Magellean mockingly makes a chuckle.
Metal Man (GM): There's a lot of other buttons. Like 'Turn off' 'shipment rate' 'maintenance' 'debug'
Aribar: "...Jolt!" *He fires off a pitiful bolt of electricity at the console... 15%.*
Metal Man (GM): ...The Jolt is instantly annihilated by the electrical current the console shoots at it.
Aribar: "..." *He goes over to the console and hits the 'shipment rate' button.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar is shocked to death by the console.
Console: "Coming back for more death, eh? This is too easy!"
Metal Man (GM): Oh, yeah.
Aribar dies... Permanent--Err...
Metal Man (GM): Aribar is healed... a lot. Then pushed back.
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): You can't do anything while that much energy is healing you, though. The console still said what it said, though.
Charles Magellean: "...Slash the console. I mean belt. The conveyor belt."
Metal Man (GM): There's five conveyor belts.
Aribar: "...Why not you? I'm a bit... Paralyzed in this spot... At the moment."
Charles Magellean: "...I already took a bullet."
Aribar: "...Sides, your sword's bigger."
Azure: "Let's just each take on out?"
Metal Man (GM): FYI, Aribar: You gain the status effect, Hyper. I guess touching dangerous electrocuting consoles is good for you...
Azure: "Or two considering there five..."
Charles Magellean: "Azure... if there's that much energy flowing through the console, I don't wanna be near one of those belts."
Azure: "Ok... good point. Should I just blow em up? I can't believe I just said that... Iv been around... these people to long..."
Aribar unsheaths Moonlight and goes up to the nearest console to slash it up twice.
Metal Man (GM): You slash it twice without fail. It breaks. Alarms go off.... Boxes go flying at you!
Azure: "All hell..."
Aribar: "Damn! I thought I got rid of the alarms!"
Metal Man (GM): Three boxes hit Aribar for 25% before the conveyor belt breaks.
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): This does not apply to anyone else... 1/5 conveyor belts destroyed.
Aribar goes over to the console and stabs it with Moonlight...
Charles Magellean: "Just walk to the console and heal yourself."
Console: "You'll die before you disable all the belts!"
Metal Man (GM): *BZZZT* Aribar is healed!
Aribar goes back over to the next belt... Two more slashes!
Metal Man (GM): It explodes, too... more boxes fly at Aribar.
Charles Magellean will just sit and enjoy the show.
Azure: "Well he seems like the one to do it its not like he can get hurt...."
Metal Man (GM): 25% more damage from boxes hitting Aribar.
Console: "Hey! Stop that!"
Aribar: "Gah... Hrm." *He goes to the next one and slashes.*
Metal Man (GM): Another SPD check. 3/5 belts broken.
Charles Magellean: "You need to heal first, then slash."
Azure: "Yeah...."
Aribar: "I can take it..."
Metal Man (GM): You dodge the boxes this time.
Aribar goes to the... What is this? Fourth belt? Slash!
Metal Man (GM): Slash! Another SPD check.
Console: "Gah! All the profits!"
Charles Magellean: "Be careful on the final one."
Metal Man (GM): 25% damage from the boxes.
Aribar: "Bleh." *He slashes the last belt.*
Charles Magellean: "Get shocked first in case you can't get healed after destroying all of the belts!"
Metal Man (GM): It is destroyed... two SPD checks! You avoid boxes... and an explosion.
Console: "Gaaaaaah!"
Metal Man (GM): The console explodes. The door ahead opens.
Aribar: "..."
Charles Magellean: "I told you." *He gets up.*
Aribar sighs, casts Minor Healing twice, and heads to the next room.
Metal Man (GM): Room 4, level 4...
Charles Magellean walks into other room.
Metal Man (GM): The door ahead is blocked by guards, who are behind a barrier. They're all robotic.
Charles Magellean: "Back to the greenhouses."
Aribar: "Damn... All that hacking for nothing I guess."
Metal Man (GM): The barrier is low-tech. Like... a hunk of metal which can be hidden behind. You could jump over it. It's 3 feet tall.
Charles Magellean hides behind the door. He can smell Ari doing something rash.
Aribar: "..." *He begins to charge Terrorbolt up to level 7.*
Azure walks in seeing Locos hiding behind the door he just stands next to Locos "So am I missing something?"
Charles Magellean: "...Aribar's unleashing terrorbolt."
Azure: "Oh............"
Metal Man (GM): You quickly charge up.
Aribar: "...Bye-bye!" *KA-GRAVY! ... Err... BOOM!*
Azure: *Ducks.*
Metal Man (GM): The explosion kills one of the five robots. The other four duck... you hear radio noises.
Robo1: "Intruders in room 4, floor 4."
Robo2: "Send backup."
Aribar: "...A bit wasteful..."
Azure: "I've heard those before... around here... is that bad?"
Aribar: "Yes."
Robo3: "Seal off exit."
Charles Magellean is glad he is in the next room.
Metal Man (GM): More alarms go off. You hear more robots coming. Three robots arrive. Two of them begin to cross the room. They have laser rifles.
Azure: "Looks like another fight..." *He smirks to locos.*
Aribar: "...This is gonna be tough."
Metal Man (GM): Do you engage them? You could flee or try to hide.
Aribar engages and commits suicide by doing so!
Metal Man (GM): Anyone else following Aribar blindly into battle? Okay....
Robots: "Surrender, intruder."
Azure: "I guess he's gonna need help... but look at those things..." *enters as well*
Aribar: "...Jolt!" *He fires a Jolt at each robot. 15% electric, 50% stun.*
Metal Man (GM): They both are hit and stunned.
Azure: *Stuned robo 1 with a powerful impact bounder grab attempt.*
Metal Man (GM): CRIT the robot explodes.
Azure: *He turns to the other robo and rushes it with a bozen smash.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Azure: *Stun but doesn't matter.*
Metal Man (GM): The other robots are about to leap in when... BOOM! A series of explosions can be heard. The lights explode. The tower shakes. The wall in the next room explodes. Metal Sonic himself appears. The robots attack him... But he defeats them. Luigi comes in after him.
Azure: "Whoa... I read about him in my readings..."
Metal Man (GM): Several others come in and begin bashing Grunty stuff.
Azure: "His name is Metal Sonic... mechanical counter part to, well, the normal one..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic walks over to you guys.
Aribar: "What the?!"
Metal Sonic: "Hello. Locos ordered us to destroy this building."
Aribar: "... How much did he pay you?"
Metal Sonic: "We are doing so. You may wish to rest in the next room... you have a while to go before you reach the top. Well... he paid Wario 10,000 coins. The rest came merely through hatred of Gruntilda or promise of explosions."
Aribar: "...He didn't pay enough."
Azure: *facepalms.*
Aribar heads towards the next room... He attempts to avoid the mayhem in the room.
Metal Man (GM): The next room is being smashed, broken, and looted. One part is the mess hall... wow... there's a lot of them. The other, the one being smashed, is a storage area that's jammed with goods.
Ness: "Take this, evil witch box!" *SMASH.*
Waluigi: "I smash-a-you!" *Kicks a box into a wall.*
Aribar heads towards the mess hall ignoring the storage.
Metal Man (GM): The mess hall half gives you back 1 life and fully heals you.
Azure: *Just follows Aribar and sighs.*
Metal Man (GM): The next room is the stairway. Up to... level 5!
Azure: "Don't really need to rest. You ready?"
Aribar: "...I guess."
Metal Man (GM): Ze stairs are in perfect condition. This tower seems to make you weary psychologically.
Aribar heads to the next level...
Metal Man (GM): It's some much repetitive madness! Even with Waluigi kicking boxes over. Up on the next level is a large room. Do you walk inside it? It's empty, save for the checkerboard tile.
Azure: "Well there's not much left is there..."
Aribar heads into the room.
Metal Man (GM): ...The minute you enter the room, Aribar, alone.. ..A force field traps you inside! Azure and others are powerless to help you. On the other side... is Doopliss!
Aribar: "...Piffle. ...So we meet again, my rival."
Doopliss: "Heh heh heh. I borrowed this trap from one of my favorite games."
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss is safe on the other side of the force field.
Aribar holds out the Wand of Wonder.
Metal Man (GM): He works some controls, and a large laser gun appears out of the ceiling.
Azure: *Kinda is stopped dead as the field hits him pushing him back.*
Doopliss: "Fry the hedgehog... with a twist!"
Azure: "Where the hell did that come from....."
Doopliss: "You're not even a hedgehog!"
Aribar: "Hmp." *The elf attempts to cast Magic Teleport to escape the field.*
Metal Man (GM): He test fires it, blowing a huge crater in the floor. Aribar: INT check. You warp... then hit the wall and are bounced in.
Aribar: "Gah..."
Doopliss: "Take this!"