Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 163: Chaotic Clashes
Date: 6:31:04 PM, March 11th; 8:56:34 PM, March 11th; 11:15:33 AM, March 12th, 2005.
Metal Man (GM): Okay... everybody's back at HQ for the moment. You can choose what to do next.
Garrick Fy`aar is currently looking for some place where he can find plans, parts, anything that can be used to build a ship... He scans through the Stadium computers for such a place...
Metal Man (GM): You pull up: 'Grunty's Great Junkyard' It's located just outta Eisnaught, capital city of Nintopia.
Garrick Fy`aar: "What's the status of it with Grunty out of business?"
Computer: "Open for business."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Hmmm... well, better than nothing. Nova, come in."
Nova: "Yes, Garrick?"
Spyke leans back in his semi-parabolic chair, sliding back form his work desk, his equipment lying on the aforementioned desk. He stretches, head leaned back and yawning. "I can't sit in here much longer... Too cramped..." Slowly, he stands up, leaving everything in the room as he exits and heads down the corridors. His aim is to go to the Bog Room, or whatever the name of that room Mewtwo hangs out in is called.
Editor's Note: *Gets mental image of Mewtwo hanging out in a bog*
Garrick Fy`aar: "How much money do we have in the account... the base... anywhere? Do we have anything left from the Dex creation fund?"
Metal Man (GM): You walk on in. You see SIMBER sitting around in there.
Nova: "We have 0.5 coins in the base."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...well, maybe I can barter for something... Be ready for a few large warps soon."
Spyke: "Ummm... Hey... Umm... SIMBER was it?"
SIMBER: "Yes?"
Garrick Fy`aar turns and heads for the warp room, programming it to take him to this Junk Yard.
SIMBER: "It's been a long time since anybody talked to me."
Spyke: "Oh? Why is that?" *He looks for a place to sit.*
SIMBER: "I don't know."
Azure again resides in the Library. He's been sitting there for hours just reading through books. With the aid of SIMBER he continues to gain more and more knowledge of this world. He closes his latest book on the Zora society and rests in arm chair. "An entire race of land-aquatic... creatures. How amazing. I guess that will be all for today."
Spyke: "Well, I'll talk with you, then... Anything you want to talk about?"
SIMBER: "There is an epic battle between Lynk and Zio."
Azure: "Wait... that's right how could I forget..."
Spyke: "Oh? Why?"
Azure: *he calls SIMBER to his aid again to call up the almanac and scans through the pages.* "I want to know just who that guy was..." *He goes under the Ls searching for the name Lynk.*
SIMBER: "Lynk stole Valhalla Fortress from Yurie and sent it to destroy Zio. ...Lynk... bringing up file."
Metal Man (GM):
SIMBER: "An old Quester from the past."
Azure: "That's all....."
SIMBER: "He is... insane... crazy... psychopathic..."
Garrick Fy`aar steps into the warp, now that he's back from trying to get a glass of water, andwarps to this place...
SIMBER: "He possesses the original moves of the old Questers. He is highly dangerous."
Azure: "I see..." *He finishes reading the rest of the information on Lynk and closes the book.*
Spyke: "So... He stole... Valhalla Fortress from Yurie... What is Valhalla?"
Azure: "I need to restock on rings. Thanks SIMBER." *He walks out of the library, casually making his way to G&W's shop.*
Mr. Game and Watch: "All items half price! Limited time only!"
Azure: "WHOA! Hey. You still have rings and red essences in stock?"
Mr. Game and Watch: "Yes."
Garrick Fy`aar is currently trying to warp to that junk yard.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: There's no problem doing that. You open a warp pipe to it. Do you enter?
Garrick Fy`aar hops on in.
Metal Man (GM): *WARPWARPWARP* Garrick: you pop out, facing a huge junkyard... junk of everything you can think of see 'Doopliss' painted over 'Grunty' on the 'Grunty's Junkyard' sign.
Garrick Fy`aar: " THIS is what I'm talking about. Dex, scan for anything out of the ordinary... anything we can use that's special for a ship..." *He starts moving inside.*
Smash Dex: "...There's a ruined Space Pirate ship right here."
Garrick Fy`aar: "There IS?!"
Metal Man (GM): The Dex makes a arrow in your vision which points to a semi-large wreck.
Garrick Fy`aar heads for it...
Metal Man (GM): You walk to it... *THUNK* Doopliss emerges out from behind the wreck. *Doopliss's theme... a shame nobody made a midi of it... it's similar to the Shadow Sprite Theme.*
Doopliss: "Hello, slick. What brings yah to my junkyard?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Doopliss... long time no see..."
Doopliss: "I could use some business... people started running after they saw the tower suddenly explode. This place wasn't open when Grunty had it. I don't know why. Now then. What can I do for you, Slick?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, it's FULL of stuff I would just love to get my tools on... ah, right, I'm looking for ship parts."
Doopliss: "You came to the right place. What type of parts? I've even got Smithy's old garbage somewhere in here..."
Charles Magellean does a bit of chatting with Mister Gee and Double U.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Something space worthy, but something I could run in the atmosphere as well. I'm interested in... that..." *He points at the Space Pirate ship...*
Azure buys 100 rings and a red essence and hand overs the necessary funds. SALE: 2400 total. (wow that really is a sale combined with resourceful.) "G&W do you have speed capsules in stock?"
Doopliss: "The whole thing? That'll run you 50,000 coins."
Mr. Game and Watch: "Do you have enough money?"
Metal Man (GM): Theme of the junkyard:
Azure: "With this half off thing I do. More than enough."
Mr. Game and Watch: "Okay... I'll have to limit you to one, but I have some in stock."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...jeez... might be better to just buy a whole bunch of scrap and sell it... is there anyway I can trade or work for it? I've got some junk that I might be able to trade for you..."
Doopliss: "Work for it, eh?" *Starts rubbing his hands together... or... things... yeah.*
Azure: "That's ok with me." *He hands over the necessary funds 3840 coins.*
Metal Man: "Oh. Hi Locos. How's it going?"
Metal Man (GM): Azure gains: Speed Capsule!
Charles Magellean: "It is unfortunate that I must say that I am leaving the Questers."
Metal Man: *Shrugs* "Nothing I can do about it."
Charles Magellean: "However, I feel I owe one more service before I leave."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm good with tools."
Azure: *Thanks a lot.* *Upon getting it he uses it on himself (speed +1 ^^)*
Charles Magellean: "First, I would like to be lended a dex."
Doopliss: "Well... I have a simple request. The easiest thing you can do! I want a normal Smash Dex."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Whoa whoa whoa, back up there buddy."
Doopliss: "Get one... and I'll give you this entire ship."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Why do you want a Dex?"
Azure: "Now to go for a little exploration." *He uses the dex to find his way out of Quester headquarters. He floats up in the air above the headquarters and takes a gander at his surroundings.*
Doopliss: "I just... want one. Yeah. To help the Questers."
Charles Magellean: "...Will you do it?"
Garrick Fy`aar gives him a -_- sorta look "Do I look stupid?"
Metal Man (GM): Azure: You see a glowing, radioactive tower set into a mountain, a recently erupted volcano, a castle far off... a large technological city...
Metal Man: "Only if you don't smash it, Locos."
Charles Magellean: "Hmm... you have some ...'upgrades' to it?"
Doopliss: "Occasionally."
Garrick Fy`aar grumbles.
Metal Man: "Hand you my Super Dex? You'd have to swear not even to damage it accidentally!"
Charles Magellean: "I could test any for on the field while I'm out doing the service. ...Super dex? Sounds... super."
Metal Man: "It does many more things than a normal dex. It also has a cheese grater."
Azure: "That tower looks interesting enough." *He floats there just wondering.*
Doopliss: "Now then, Garrick. If you don't want to give me the dex..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...well... is there anything else I could do?"
Doopliss: "You could give me... Mario's hat! Yes. Mario's hat."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...why do you want Mario's hat?"
Doopliss: "...Because... uhhh..."
Metal Man (GM): He scratches behind his head.
Doopliss: "Mario stole my own hat. And I want it back."
Charles Magellean: "...Can it tran;port to dark world?"
Metal Man: "Yes and no. It can transport OUT of the dark world..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...can't I just fix something?"
Charles Magellean: "Just not in."
Metal Man (GM): *Whispers* "And can be reverse-engineered... to transport in..."
Charles Magellean: "...?"
Doopliss: "Fix something? Kuja and Gerald have got you beaten there."
Metal Man (GM): *whispers* "So it can go in the dark world."
Doopliss: "Kuja heals dead people back to life, and Gerald turns a bunch of rock into a deathray."
Metal Man (GM): *whispers* "Reverse the red and black wires."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Okay, jeez... alright, can you give me something more? You DO owe me, you know."
Azure "Hmm..." *He raises the dex to the glowing tower.* * "Dex what is that area?"
Charles Magellean: "I shall test your super cheese grater then."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Another task?"
Doopliss: "Find me the jade monkey before midnight--- ...I mean, get me GW's secret object... of doom!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Oh, shut up. You owe me. Give me something not so... stealing... ish..."
Doopliss: "I want the head of Mario. Or is that stealing too?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I ought to just kick your ass and TAKE the damn thing."
Doopliss: "I'd love to see you try. Now then... you could give me some Phazon."
Charles Magellean silently handles Metal's dex. He nods off and heads off to out of the stadium.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Phazon?" *He looks to him.*
Doopliss: "Yes... also to help the Questers."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Why do I not believe that."
Doopliss: "Don't believe me. Just get me the stuff."
Garrick Fy`aar: " much?"
Charles Magellean uses his rocket chair mach 3 and jets off towards Nintopia.
Doopliss: "Here." *He hands Garrick a capsule, sealable, the size of a semi-large coffee cup.*
Garrick Fy`aar: ", you'd just get it some other way..."
Azure: "Oh well no information I guess. I'll find out what the place is about myself." *He begins to float slightly in its direction before gaining speed now flying with his arms folded toward the glowing tower within the mountain while traveling there he looks downward at the sights (grass, trees, forest, lakes) whatever they may be as he passes over them.*
Charles Magellean heads towards the video store.
Garrick Fy`aar: "And if you do something stupid with it, we'd just stop you again."
Doopliss: "Yes. You would."
Garrick Fy`aar: "But you owe me. I want something on top of the ship... something useful..." *He scans the area for something...*
Metal Man (GM): Locos: You head into the video store. Garrick: You see that the ship has a bunch of engines, guns, controls, and a computer. The video store is a normal one.. ..Except for a demonic looking tape that's been stuck in a translucent safe.
Charles Magellean: "Matek. I am here for a discussion I would like to have."
Garrick Fy`aar: " know, I just had a thought."
Metal Man (GM): The safe opens, and Matek flies out... the people of the video store flee.
Charles Magellean: "...What am I doing. He can't hear me."
Matek: "Are you so sure, Mr. Charles? Why do you summon me here?"
Charles Magellean: "I am sure that I am wrong. Despite wondering how you are sealed in a video store that's under the watch of Ivan..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Why do I need a ship? I'd much rather be on the battlefront with Lynk, beating the hell out of whatever I could find... I'm sure you heard about that. Well, I've changed my mind. Later." *He hits a button on his Dex and immediately warps out He warps back into the stadium* "SIMBER, you there?"
SIMBER: "Affirmative."
Matek: "Yeeees?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Can you tell me where Samus is?"
SIMBER: "In the Stadium Lobby."
Azure spins in the sky just enjoying himself as he gets closer and closer to the mountain he can only wonder what is there.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right, thanks." *He heads off in that direction.*
Metal Man (GM): The mountain is intriguing....
Charles Magellean: "I am wondering what ties you have with Zio. I am doing one final service before I head back to my home realm."
Metal Man (GM): There's a ruined and blackened place. And a magma-oozing volcano. And nearby, the radioactive tower.
Matek: "Zio? I do not bother with him. I am my own agent, thank you very much!"
Garrick Fy`aar steps into the lobby... he spots Samus... now, he himself have never got a look of Samus helmetless, but he knew she was a girl at that much. He also knew that she would kick his ass if he tried anything... so he might as well play the nice guy card again... he walked up to her, nodding his head in greeting.
Matek: "If I had the triforce of power, I would crush you into a small cube!"
Azure: *He stops midair looking around for a moment at the tower. He looks all the way down to its base looking for a place he can attempt to enter it on foot.*
Samus: "...Hello. What do you want?"
Charles Magellean: "I'm not here to fight. I'm here to ask for your help."
Garrick Fy`aar hesitates.
Azure's Dex: "Danger! Radiation! Turn back or risk mutation!"
Azure: *Floats back quickly.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...hey, what did I do? I just came up to say hi..."
Samus: "Well, your escapades make for amusing lunch break material."
Azure doesn't really as why until he's a decent distance away from the mountain. "Dex? What's radiation? Is there something about that mountain I should know?"
Charles Magellean: "The service I am doing is to kick out Dark Force and its puppet Zio from Nintendus. Right now, Lynk is doing what he can. I am hoping that you want to be more noticed than him."
Azure's Dex: "It's like poison, except permanent. Very bad for you."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Hey, it's not OUR idea to take on those missions. We're do what we're ordered. It's the life of a soldier. Not like I can go off and smash into whatever gigant Metroid or whatever like you can..."
Azure: "I see..."
Matek: "I must have the Triforce of Power and be broken from my prison first."
Charles Magellean: "...You would help tip the balance of Nintendus from Zio to someone like you?"
Samus: "Soldier? Ah, right... some of you think that. Now then, I repeat my question. Tell me what you want."
Matek: "Why not? I'm a great guy."
Garrick Fy`aar grumbles. Great, now the Quester name was mud, even more than usual.
Azure: "Well... guess that crosses out that little adventure. I don't really care for tons and tons of this new technology I'm not yet ready for. Hmmmm that mansion..." *He floats in that direction before taking off now just looking at the landscape as he travels.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "I've come to ask you about your suit. Where'd you get it?"
Charles Magellean: "It would be hard to convince the current owner, Ganondorf."
Samus: "The ancient Chozo made it for me. They're mostly dead. The only suits still made are pathetic, and for federation troopers."
Azure looks to his dex while hanging overhead. "How did that happen to that area?"
Samus: "Metal Man has a spare suit, but hear that technology does bad things to you."
Azure's Dex: "Well... Lynk blasted it with a Phazon bomb. Phazon is radioactive."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You seem to take that risk."
Samus: "I meant that this suit is fine for me, but Metal's causes insanity. His technology is different... and bizarre."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...heh, makes sense..."
Azure: "Phazon bomb." *Memory flash.* "Wait... is that the tower from our most recent mission?" *He spins in the air now off in the direction to the mansion he could see barely from HQ.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, that's all I need. Thanks, Samus... good luck in the fights, alright?"
Matek: "If you brought me within range of Ganondorf, I could fight him for it..."
Garrick Fy`aar motions to the arena before turning on his heel and walking away...
Samus: "Same luck to you."
Azure's Dex: "Yes."
Garrick Fy`aar decides to grab a bite, and why not go to the stadium cafeteria? The Smashers hung out there... might be interesting to hear just WHAT they said about the Questers. He walked inside, grabbed the nearest drink he could find, a bottle of lemonaide, and proceeded to sit at an empty table and drink it.
Metal Man (GM): You hear them talking about the Questers.
Azure "I guess that's why I didn't remember it. I thought we went over water to get there... just how far did we travel..." *He ponders to himself.* "Do you have any information on this mansion I'm going to check out?"
Garrick Fy`aar opens up his ears...
Charles Magellean: "...You know the coordinates to where I can travel to Dark World to find Ganondorf?"
Garrick Fy`aar opens up his ears...
Metal Man (GM): Okay, now then...
Matek: "I know the coordinates, but will you pay for them?"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: You hear a mixed deal. Some people say 'It's a good thing the Questers save the stadium from... uhhhh... something?'
Charles Magellean: "Better yet, you able to travel freely in the Dark World so I can meet you there and get him to join you?"
Metal Man (GM): Others say 'We should start doing it ourselves!' And yet more talk of other things.
Matek: "Nein! You must free me entirely! Or pay me."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...heh..."
Matek: "I have you right where I want you."
Azure: *Waits for his dex to give a response as he points it to the castle.*
Garrick Fy`aar drinks some of his lemonade and continues to just sit there. He keeps his ears open for anything that might stand out...
Charles Magellean: "On the contrary, I have you right where I want you."
Matek: "No! I have you more where I want you than you have I where I want you!"
Smash Dex: "Hyrule Castle town. A place of low-technology soldiers, lords, and feasts."
Charles Magellean: "The question is, do you want me where you want me more than where I have you where you want?"
Azure: "Hyrule... Hyrule... oh right Hyrule. I remember reading about this place. Hmmm might just give me the home feeling I'm looking for."
Matek: "Yes! No! Salad!"
Charles Magellean: "It might be unwise to have me where you think you want me to be."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...this is hopeless."
Azure: *Goes into an aerial spin descending to the ground once he's close enough to approach the castle on foot.*
Esprinto appears in the lobby.
Charles Magellean: "We can play these mind games all day long and it won't help you get any closer to that strange fixation of the triforce."
Metal Man (GM): You head towards the castle.
Matek: "Gimme the triforce!"
Esprinto: "Fear me!"
Jigglypuff: "Jigglypuff!"
Charles Magellean: "Once I'm able to get Ganondorf here or at least take the triforce of power from him, then I can give the power to you."
Metal Man (GM): A Jigglypuff walks up to Esprinto.
Jigglypuff: "Jiggly Jiggle Puff!"
Esprinto looks at the Jigglypuff and backs up.
Charles Magellean: "But on my own, I'd have a better chance of using a cube of doom on you than defeating him."
Matek: "But you must give me to Ganondorf so that I can steal the triforce from him."
Esprinto draws his loyal bat.
Garrick Fy`aar drinks at his lemonade and glances around at the various Smashers. He wonders about them... about himself... about home...
Metal Man (GM): The Jigglypuff looks angry at you.
Charles Magellean: "...You're kidding..."
Azure: *Enters Hyrule Castle Town.*
Metal Man (GM): It puffs up and makes an angry face.
Esprinto: "Bring it on puff ball!"
Charles Magellean: "All I have to do is take the tape from the video store and you'll be able to help??"
Metal Man (GM): Jigglypuff sings... and Esprinto falls asleep. Esprinto wakes up shortly after... With a bunch of marker drawn on his face.
Esprinto: "My beautiful face!"
Metal Man (GM): Fake stitches, drawn-on mustache... xes on his eyelids... Yeah... a monocle.
Esprinto: "I'll kill that puff ball... where'd it go?"
Matek: "Yes, sir Locos..."
Metal Man (GM): Esp: You see a path leading down a green hallway.
Esprinto walks curiously down the path.
Garrick Fy`aar drinks at his lemonade and continues to listen in on the various conversation, wondering if anything will stand out...
Metal Man (GM): You walk down, and wander into a cafe' full of smashers... and you see a Quester wandering around. Garrick: You see Esprinto enter the lobby. There's also an angry looking Jigglypuff nearby, with a marker.
Esprinto: "Hmm... what is this place?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...pfft." *He snorts at that.*
Esprinto: "The puff ball!"
Azure: *As he enters the town he looks around at its wonder though only a small area it reminds him closely of home.*
Metal Man (GM): You see a sign nearby a cafeteria. 'Smasher Cafeteria'
Esprinto approaches the Jigglypuff, ready to smash it.
Metal Man (GM): The town is rather pristine and beautiful.
Garrick Fy`aar sighs and walks up to Esprinto "Excuse me, slick."
Metal Man (GM): The Jigglypuff hides behind Garrick, looking scared.
Charles Magellean: "If only you'd say that before... jeez... okay, how do I get into the safe?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "I take it you want to bury that bat into this Jigglypuff's head?"
Matek: "You must cross the pit of doom, then fight the door of doom, and then defeat the hat of doom."
Charles Magellean: "...Tell the combination."
Esprinto: "Look what he did to my gorgeous face!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Slick, I've seen a lot of faces, I wouldn't call yours gorgeous."
Matek: "1, 2, 9, 3, 6, 2."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: the face of Esprinto is covered with marker drawings.
Charles Magellean does that to the safe.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Now, before you try to smash the Jigglypuff into next century, I'd like to remind you where you are and what exactly you're doing."
Esprinto: "...Well... can we go somewhere where I can smash it to oblivion?"
Azure: "This place reminds me so much of home... its amazing..." *He walks around it looking at all the sights.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Jigglypuff, while small, pink, and with a little curly cue of hair... not that there's anything wrong with that... is a Smasher. In case you haven't noticed, you're picking on a small pokemon Smasher... in a cafe FULL of Smashers..."
Metal Man (GM): You see a crowded marketplace, Azure. People selling old goods, old music piping through... it's very nostalgic for you.
Esprinto: "...I hate you puff ball..."
Metal Man (GM): For Azure:
Garrick Fy`aar: "Oh, and I bet she... she?" *He glances down at Jigglypuff questioningly.*
Jigglypuff: "Jiggly?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Girl? Guy?"
Jifflypuff: "Jiggly Jiggle!"
Charles Magellean takes the tape.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I bet it hates you just as much."
Jigglypuff: "Puff!"
Metal Man (GM): Jigglypuff starts writing on Garrick.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...mind not doing that, slick?" *He glances back down at Jigglypuff, arching an eyebrow* "I AM saving you from being turned into a baseball..."
Metal Man (GM): It says: 'I am a she, I wish to fight this mysterious person, and your pants are not good writing material.'
Azure: *Walks around completely amazed in this place he truly feels like he's home.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...ohhhhh..."
Esprinto: "Must... destroy... pink thing..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, why didn't you just say so?"
Charles Magellean closes the safe leaves, then rides his mach 3 to Hyrule.
Garrick Fy`aar: "You wanna fight her? Take it to the arena."
Metal Man (GM): Azure: You can check out the shops, just watch, or check out the castle up on the hill.
Esprinto: "Where's the nearest arena?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "... ...oh, I don't know, maybe that big thing out there?" *He points to the HUGE arena opening right outside the cafe.*
Metal Man (GM): Jigglypuff starts wandering off... towards the arena.
Esprinto walks into the arena. "Puff ball killin' time!"
Metal Man (GM): You walk onto a mysterious platform.
Azure: *Not wanting to spoil the moment, walks toward the castle getting a look at the sights of the area heading toward it.*
Garrick Fy`aar finds some random seat and sits down, growling softly and not caring who is near him. He swigs his lemonaide "Stupid people..."
Metal Man (GM): The battlefield is: The MMS! This is a two-life battle.
Esprinto: "Kick butt time..."
Metal Man (GM): No items...
Charles Magellean: "Okay... we're near Hyrule. Time to say to the dex what the coordinates are."
Matek: "The Temple of Time."
Metal Man (GM): One sec.... *quickly goes and puts together Jigglypuff's stats.*
Azure: "Man... all this walking has tired me out." *He sits down close to what he thinks is a church near the close to the outskirts of the town where he can see both the town and some of the castle.*
Trigger gets some popcorn.
Charles Magellean goes to above the temple of time building to use the warp.
Azure: .oO(This place... is truly something special. For a world in such chaos as this one to have a place so simple an serene is truly an amazing thing.)
Charles Magellean opens the backbottom of the dex. He unwires the black and red wires, and switches both of their positions. He presses the Dark World button.
Azure: *Kinda begins to nod off, right there near the church doors. He puts his hood on over his head and just kinda sits there as the town's tune takes him into a memory of his homeland.*
Trigger gets out his DS and starts playing Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga until the match starts.
Metal Man (GM): Locos: You appear in the dark world, where the video tape morphs into Matek.
Esprinto: "Lets do dis!"
Mr. Game And Watch puts the Close Call badge on the counter. "That will be 1200 coins please."
Trigger gives Mr. Game And Watch 1200 coins.
Mr. Game And Watch takes the coins and gives Trigger the Close Call badge. "Thank you, come again." *He rings his bell... basically, his taunt.* "NEXT!"
Trigger walks out.
Esprinto: "Uh... one wonder badge..."
Mr. Game And Watch: "Hello Esprinto; one Wonder Badge coming right up." *He goes to get the badge from the Badge Cabinet. He puts it on the counter.*
Esprinto: "And... uh... could I also get a safety badge?"
Mr. Game And Watch: "3000 coins please. Certainly; hang on." *He gets THAT out as well.* "Your total is 6400 coins."
Esprinto gives the coins to the guy.
Trigger runs back in.
Mr. Game And Watch pockets the coins and gives Esprinto his two badges.
Esprinto smiles and walks away.
Trigger: "Do you sell any weapons?"
Mr. Game And Watch does another taunt thing...
Esprinto: "Alright... where'd that puffball go?"
Metal Man (GM): Jigglypuff remains, waiting, at dah arena.
Esprinto walks into the arena for some jigglybutt kicking action.
Metal Man (GM): Okay, VG. You also need to help Esprinto do his moves... please? I'll send you his sheet. His moves are complete... he just has a hard time remembering how to roll.
Charles Magellean opens the dex, replaces the wires of red and black, then closes the super dex again. * ssq 101*
Trigger: *Increases critical hit range to 19-20.*
Metal Man (GM): ...Well then, I can wait for you to put in the levelup stuff.
Azure: *comes out of his little moment and rises to his feet.* "This does appear to be a church of sorts. As I leave this place I'll come back with my prayers." *He heads off toward the castle*
Charles Magellean: "Matek, now that we're in the Dark World, where is Ganondorf hiding?"
Metal Man (GM): MMS: A flying battlefield... it's the top of a huge, windy ship.
Charles Magellean: "Is he imprisoned within the Pyramid of Power?"
Matek: "This way, my... arch-friend."
Metal Man (GM): Matek walks, with flowing robes, right to a throne... encrusted with gems ...Ganondorf is right there.
Ganondorf: "Hello. How are you doing? Having faith?"
Charles Magellean follows there.
Ganondorf: "What do you want, wretched creature?" *Stares at Locos.*
Charles Magellean: "King of the Gerudo, it is time that we put aside the differences. I am no longer a Quester."
Ganondorf: "And I, no longer the king of Darkness."
Editor's Note: And I, no longer enthralled with this winding sub-plot of Charles'.
Charles Magellean: "I have asked for Matek for his help and now I will ask for yours. It is time for Dark Force and Zio to be booted from Nintendus once and for all."
Ganondorf: "How can I help you, then?"
Charles Magellean: "That is something Matek can answer for you."
Matek: "Give me... the Triforce of Power!"
Charles Magellean widens his eyes, and back a few steps.
Ganondorf: "I would... gladly do so... but there's a problem. My lord demands payment for anything you request."
Charles Magellean finds it odd that Ganondorf would willingly part with the Triforce of Power.
Matek: "Uhhh... do you have anything of worth, Charles? I'm outta pocket change."
Charles Magellean: "I think he refers to a different kind of payment."
Matek: "...Do you have anything that's worth the Triforce of Power?"
Ganondorf: "He does... the Pseudo-cube bazooka!"
Charles Magellean: "Nothing that can compare to it. !! My own relic of power?? ...It is back on my homeworld. To bring it back here would be time-consuming, and it would be not easy to part with."
Ganondorf: "My master... can get it."
Kuja Tribal: "Yes... I can get anything I could ever want." *He appears behind Locos and Matek* "If you will willingly trade, then you shall get... the Triforce of Power."
Charles Magellean: "...I had thought as much that you were behind this. ...I do not have much choice in the matter, do I. I say no, and I risk my very life and soul in limbo."
Kuja Tribal: "I will not harm you, Charles Magellean... Only Lynk would be so brash to hurt such a noble man."
Charles Magellean: "Zio himself is a problem... but no doubt he'll call on Dark Force for backup. Very well. I will... ...part with my relic."
Kuja Tribal: "Excellent."
Metal Man (GM): A warp in time and space forms. Out comes the Pseudo-cube bazooka... which floats into Ganondorf's arms. The Triforce of Power then floats out of Ganondorf to Matek and Locos.
Charles Magellean: "In return, Matek receives the Triforce of power."
Kuja Tribal: "Let it be done."
Metal Man (GM): The Triforce goes into Matek, who now looks 10x stronger. He laughs evilly.
Matek: "At last! I am reunited with my other half!"
Kuja Tribal: "Now... I have grocery shopping to do."
Metal Man (GM): Kuja disappears.
Charles Magellean: "Matek, I believe your part of the bargain is to be turned in as well."
Matek: "I shall help you..."
Charles Magellean: "Should not Ganondorf be freed and help as well?"
Ganondorf: "I am free... I stay here because my existence in the other realm would unbalance the world and hurt the Questers."
Charles Magellean: "The other realm is already unbalanced due to Lynk being there."
Ganondorf: "No."
Charles Magellean: "Very well."
Ganondorf: "Lynk... was sent to balance the realm. For what reason? Not even Zio knows."
Charles Magellean: "Never mind, I don't really care about the incompetence of Nintendus." *He uses the super smash dex and teleports back to the Light World.*
Matek: "When do I get to destroy---?"
Charles Magellean: "Let's see... Matek, Valhalla, and the X-Nauts against Zio. Now all that remains is a bush..."
Matek: "A... bush?"
Charles Magellean: "Mm-hmm. One can sense that my arch-nemesis is around somewhere."
Matek: "Weird..."
Charles Magellean: "It's a crazed hammer brother that likes to hide... he rides a machine and thirsts for my blood. Uh... your doing nothing. Mind giving Lynk a hand?"
Matek: "Right."
Metal Man (GM): Matek flies off to enter the mess that is the battle near Zio's castle.
Charles Magellean: "He'd make a fine ally, if he were not possessed." *He checks his watch. He then flies back to HQ.*
Metal Man (GM): You get there... An epic struggle is now going on. Lynk and Grodus and Matek vs. Zio and... what the heck? A huge monstrosity... a ship that dwarfs even the fortress... named 'Gruntilda II'... has appeared
Charles Magellean: "Who's in charge of that?"
Metal Man (GM): It's a massive monster of a ship... much like a blue whale, except armed to the teeth and with a mouth full of laser cannons, spikes, and an even larger laser destruction thing! You'd see the comms on the monitor.
Grunty: "Hah! Attack my ally, will yah? I'll smack you, alley cats!"
Metal Man (GM): The thing opens fire... it's monstrous ...That's where Grunty went... with her ship... She just left the tower for you guys to be confused by Kuja and co...
Charles Magellean: "..." *He drops off the super smash dex in Metal's room.* "Well I tried. And that's all that matters."
SIMBER: "Do not fret, Locos. Ivan Robotnik is sending reinforcements. If Team Star Fox wasn't MIA, they'd be out there too. The main blow is that you Questers went on a wild goose chase about nothing and got handed some beatings for no reason as well."
Charles Magellean: "And I'm not a Quester. SIMBER, could you leave a message that in case this doesn't work out, he should return the triforce of power and give back my bazooka? Thanks, send me to nova."
SIMBER: "I will note that. Warp online."
Metal Man (GM): You reappear in Nova's place.
Charles Magellean: "Hello Nova. Zio's realm is kinda having a real beatdown. You might feel some bruises in that area of the world. I'll need a warp home."
Nova: "A warp home? Okay."
Metal Man (GM): A warp appears.
Charles Magellean: "Thank you. I'll be back later." *He enters the warp.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* You... appear in Gerald's laboratory.
Gerald Robotnik: "Hello again, Charles!"
Charles Magellean: "Bob, it's time we put a stop to the invasion of the Lunar ove--- Hello Professor Gerald."
Gerald Robotnik: "Kuja told me that I should make up for scaring you earlier. Yeah... something about being out of character..."
Charles Magellean: "You were the catalyst that helped me get rid of 25 years of fear. If anything I should make it up to you. Yet... I do feel in a forgiving mood. You may make up."
Gerald Robotnik: "Perhaps... I should show you my work." *He goes over to an interesting box full of circuitry* "Guess... what this is."
Charles Magellean: "...The next doomsday device?"
Gerald Robotnik: "No. Too small, and too elaborate."
Charles Magellean: "I'm no good at guessing."
Gerald Robotnik: "Well then... prepare to be amazed!"
Charles Magellean: "I'll be amazed if you created a device to is able to replicate living tissue and pinpoint your exact frequency to which your soul will be brought to the clone of the body you once had and you'd be able to live again. Otherwise, I shall be amazed and surprised. Go ahead."
Gerald Robotnik: "This is... the ultimate machine which... Can instantly store objects in a pocket dimension!"
Charles Magellean: "So that's what you've done with Star Fox and Miss Yurie."
Gerald Robotnik: "...Your perception is amazing! But I will not let them out for you."
Charles Magellean: "It was a matter of deducing where you had 'stored' tem. Gerald, even if it is worth sacrificing my life, I will do what I can to bring back *High pitched voice* Yurie *Normal voice* Star Fox as well."
Gerald Robotnik: "Do you challenge me to a duel?"
Charles Magellean: "I would, and I should, but I will not. Seeing as how you -pardon my language- 0wzned Garrick, I would have no chance."
Gerald Robotnik: "Correct."
Charles Magellean: "Even Razor would be no match for you. Yet..." *He shakes his head.* "Gerald, in this state, I can see you would not kill."
Gerald Robotnik: "I will not kill unless I am forced to. My ally made sure of it. Kuja said that I can save my mindless destruction for people who work against him."
Charles Magellean looks to his back. "...Back on my world, I know of a séance. He is able to contact those that are beyond the mortal plane."
Gerald Robotnik: "...Are you proposing to try to attack me through the other plane which my soul rests? All signs point to no."
Charles Magellean: "Ya know, you really shouldn't say ideas that others could try. But no. That is wrong on more moral levels than there are circles of Hell."
Gerald Robotnik: "Not to mention that all the ideas on how to kill me that come from me would have to be flawed."
Charles Magellean: "Gerald, you are in serious need of help. I should know. I've seen your records on Earth. There's nothing more I can do for the Questers, Nintendus, Kuja, or you."
Gerald Robotnik: "I am beyond the grasp of 'help.' I do not have intelligence."
Charles Magellean snorts out into laughter.
Gerald Robotnik: "I am programmed to do as I would in a single state of mind, and not even the chaos emeralds can fix that."
Charles Magellean: "Now I understand. If you will excuse me, I have a personal demon in my homeworld that could take on 3-5 Tranced Kujas. It is my duty after 25 years of learning and increasing my strength on many levels to take back my land."
Gerald Robotnik: "Is this demon named Humanity?"
Charles Magellean: "Nah, they're fine on their own."
Gerald Robotnik: "Because surely the nature of all humanity is far more destructive than 150 Kujas. Oh... too bad. Well then, you wish to go home, of course." *Puts on a warp* "You're free to go."
Charles Magellean: "I speak of something even more destructive than even the most cruel desires of my half."
Metal Man (GM): gr
Gerald Robotnik: "Hmmm? Let me guess. Lumis Donthar's evil brother Dumis Longthar?"
Charles Magellean: "...And you call me an inferiority to intelligence. The Lunarian psychic Zemus."
Gerald Robotnik: "Well... there is a problem there, then. Unless he's dead, your whole home realm could be destroyed."
Charles Magellean: "Don't you think I know that?"
Gerald Robotnik: "I have no intelligence, sir."
Charles Magellean: "His forces were so powerful... so fierce... so cruel..."
Gerald Robotnik: "I am a hologram which gives the appearance of a human, but nothing else."
Charles Magellean: "Then I waste my time... but it eats me up inside for not saying it. Zemus and his servants were so tremendous a threat, that all that remained of miles of paradise... was broken buildings, smoke, and a vacant Lunar palace. Even now, he refuses to sleep like the rest of us lunarians. Sealed in the Moon's Core."
Gerald Robotnik: "I hope this person and Kuja do not meet... but they are equal but different. You see, both are... the ultimate evil of their worlds. But they work in different ways."
Charles Magellean: "You could say..."
Gerald Robotnik: "That person is raw power, while Kuja is so tricky, nobody knows what he's doing..."
Charles Magellean: "...Zemus is the Void of my world."
Gerald Robotnik: "Really? Well then, you might find this fascinating."
Charles Magellean: "What Kuja could do to in three minutes, one of Zemus's weakest minions could destroy in 19 seconds."
Gerald Robotnik: "Kuja controlled the Void as a pet. He created it and used it as his personal toy."
Charles Magellean: "Well... this is Zemus. He once had a mind, but became obsessed to control for himself."
Gerald Robotnik: "He did not tell me this until I threatened to use my matter destruction device on him."
Charles Magellean: "It is pointless to compare both. Zemus is the true horror of both worlds. I bid you adieu, hologram."
Editor's Note: Nah. Gerald could probably kill Zemus without blinking.
Gerald Robotnik: "I could agree, but then again, it isn't my place to tell you what Kuja does. Adieu to you too."
Charles Magellean enters the warp.
Metal Man (GM): You enter the warp.
Charles Magellean: "Not even all the relics of power and the forces of Questers, Kuja, Void, Zio, you, Grunty, Doopliss, this imaginary 'Twin Brother' could match his might."
Editor's Note: The FFIV team beat him, and they're significantly weaker than most of those things, so... doubt it.
Gerald Robotnik: "I hope Kuja does not let him loose."
Charles Magellean warps away.
Gerald Robotnik: "For the hand which opens Pandora's box does not have to be as strong as the contents---" *Is heard before Locos fully warps.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* Back on the moonbase you are.
Charles Magellean: "Nothing can convince the igits on Nintendus of the horror of this seemingly peaceful moon. Bob, how are the attacks of the lunar land lunatics commencing?"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Yes... the horrors... of moon dust stains! Err... they keep on walking into the path of the pivoting deathray. If I didn't have that emerald, we'd be dead by now."
Charles Magellean: "The lunar land lunatics are powerful, aren't they?"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Yes... they cost me robots every day!"
Charles Magellean: "Their numbers are more of a threat, I know, but there power is easily underestimated. I know of some people who can help... they are known as the Namingways. Some of them are actually vendors. The rest of them mostly either hum or rarely speak."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "They sound interesting to me."
Charles Magellean: "It's in a cave not far from Bahamut's cave. I will give the coordinates. Xxxxx - xxx x No enemies enter their cave."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "I'll come there personally, with an enclave of robots. And cash and stuff."
Charles Magellean: "I believe they accept all kinds of currency. The prices can be steep, but the quality is unfathomable."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "I like the sound of that."
Charles Magellean: "Back in the day, they were very creative at names and name each Lunarian."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Oh yes... they do sound interesting. I also wonder... I read of a... Zeromus. Does he have anything to do with Zemus?"
Charles Magellean: "They sound related. I have no clue what else."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "The Questers have very informative records. They even include such knowledge of a Golbez... but they seem only mildly related... must be from the past."
Charles Magellean: "It might be. All I know is that we need help, and only the Phantom God Lord Bahamut can endow us with power. He is jury, judge, and executioner on those on the power of light. First, we should hold our own against the enemies should we wish to battle the guardians of his cave. Like the Behemoth." *;chromeless=true * "It rarely attacks, but it has a very strong counterattack. And it's got lots of life in it."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "...I'm going to need a larger cannon..."
Charles Magellean: "Magic is basically useless against it. And the magic that it is not protected against... it will use a technique of a purple tornado and suck the vitality of all the people that are near the caster."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Is it weak against technology?"
Charles Magellean: "I would have no idea. The other guardians of the cave are... The Red giant soldiers, warlocks, Karys, purple undead dragons, a purple curled dragon (strong against magic) and the purple beast I told you about."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "We should have the Questers fight them."
Charles Magellean: "They make the lunar land lunatics look like lamb-chops. They're not called namingways... they're called Hummingways. Namingways are hummingways that name people."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Aha..."
Charles Magellean: "Those enemies in Bahamut's cave are neutral and attack invaders. There's more like them in the Moon Core, except more cruel and there's even new kinds."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "...This place is horrible! It's almost as bad as if Sonic was everywhere..."
Charles Magellean: "Evilmask and beyond represent the boss music encounters... and pale dim, wyvern..." *Continues talking as the scene fades*
Editor's Note: Sorry for subjecting you, the reader, to that, but buried in that was plot to do with Gerald Robotnik in SSQ.
Metal Man (GM): Later on... The Questers are at headquarters.
Esprinto appears at the HQ... because he is cool like that.
Metal Man (GM): Things are normal... save for the fact that an epic battle is raging between Lynk and Zio elsewhere.
Aribar is pacing around the R&R... He probably heard about Lynk's takeover and he doesn't like it one bit.
Trigger comes running in.
Digifanatic: "Ah, new guy."
Trigger: "Hi."
Garrick Fy`aar is currently looking through the huge amounts of junk in the storage room, looking for anything interesting he could fiddle with...
Esprinto: "Yo... newb... the name's Esprinto..."
Metal Man (GM): Just another day...
Aribar hrms... The elf heads up to the Big Room...
Metal Man (GM): The smash dexes beep yet again.
Esprinto looks at his smash dex.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...yep, I expected that...*Answers it*..."
Digifanatic opens up the Dex.
Metal Man (GM): You see the following. Mewtwo, from another room.
Mewtwo: "Well, we've got the mission ready. I can tell you through this. With Zio distracted, one of his key facilities lays unguarded."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Which facility are we talking about here, Mewtwo?"
Esprinto: "Do we get to smash heads?"
Mewtwo: "Inside is one of Nova's modules. With that, we can continue to help the recover of the huge supercomputer."
Digifanatic: "Oh, that's good for Garrick."
Mewtwo: "The place is mysterious and deserted. No one knows what is inside. There's also a key there."
Aribar: "...Mewtwo, do you mind if I take on a different mission?"
Mewtwo: "What would that be, Aribar?"
Aribar: "...Getting Valhalla back under my control."
Garrick Fy`aar: "That'll be kinda tough, Ari..."
Mewtwo: "Do you think you can take on... Lynk?"
Digifanatic: .oO(He's forgetting the mistress again... She might not be as much of an influence but she's still there...) "Again?"
Editor's Note: Yup. She's totally still there. Nevermind that whole, "Gerald Sealed Her Away Forever", thing.
Esprinto: "Lets do it then..."
Aribar: "...On a one-on-one duel it will be difficult."
Mewtwo: "Lynk... is a legendary figure. He has become a player in our game, separate from our influence."
Aribar: "I think I'll be able to manage, though..."
Digifanatic: "Well, Ari, good luck."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...still, I think you should have some backup, Ari."
Mewtwo: "Then it is agreed. Aribar will confront Lynk while you explore the abandoned base. Get to the warp room on the double. We need to hurry!"
Digifanatic: "Alright then." *He runs to the warp room.*
Aribar: "You guys do your mission first. You can help me after you get done." *The elf takes out the Wand of Wonder and heads to the Warp Room.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright... Nova, warp in that third box from the left on the right wall, please."
Esprinto gets to the warp room on the triple and canonballs into the warp.
Digifanatic enters the warp after Esprinto.
Nova: "Affirmative."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick gets the box.
Trigger enters the warp.
Garrick Fy`aar pockets the box in his Dex's null space sheath, then heads for the warp room, heading inside as well.
Aribar waits until the others enter the warp, and heads into one for Valhalla.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* The Questers headed for the abandoned base.
Esprinto: "Must break faces!"
Metal Man (GM): You all appear in front of a large town of sorts... but it's a base. There's building scattered about.
Digifanatic: "Heh. You do what you want Esprinto as long as you don't play double agent."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Metal Man (GM):
Trigger: "Don't get your self killed."
Metal Man (GM): There's a large dome in the center.
Digifanatic looks at the other guy. "Sorry, didn't catch your name."
Metal Man (GM): The path to it is straight, and empty.
Trigger: "I'm Trigger!"
Esprinto: "Well what are we waiting for... lets go!"
Metal Man (GM): Winds blow about a bit... old newspaper and tumbleweeds.
Digifanatic starts walking down.
Trigger follows Digi.
Metal Man (GM): You walk down. The way is somewhat worn, but usable.
Esprinto follows digi.
Metal Man (GM): After walking for a short while... you discover a most peculiar thing.
Digifanatic: "Ah. Appreciate it." *He shakes Trigger's hand. * "I go by a couple different names depending on who's talking to me. Back home, my name's Ian; here, I'm more known by my alias, Digifanatic."
Metal Man (GM): It's... a chest of drawers, out in the middle of the road. A metallic... looking chest of drawers.
Esprinto: "Can I smash that?"
Editor's Note: When I'm GMing a thing, you don't want to randomly smash conspicuously out of place things.
Digifanatic: "Yeah, short for Digimon. As much as it is an interesting, kinda embarrassing, but hey, it's what I--" *He stops.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Keep your bat to yourself, kid..."
Esprinto: "Aw..."
Metal Man (GM): You can just walk around it.
Garrick Fy`aar moves to the front of the group, scanning the drawers...
Metal Man (GM): But it looks intriguing.
Digifanatic: "Anyways, it was my interest before and during this endeavor knows as Smash Quest."
Smash Dex: "Chest of drawers. Made out of Emerecium."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Emerecium? Elaborate."
Smash Dex: "A rare metal with unknown properties."
Trigger: "What's that?"
Digifanatic: "Hmm... Don't remember that one on the periodic table..."
Smash Dex: "It cannot be made any more. Anything made of this is old and rare."
Esprinto: "I am Esprinto... trained to be a knight of the realm called Durana... unfortunately... Durana is now a few specks of dust floating in oblivion now..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Hmmmm... Mark 5, double the scanning sensitivity. Any traps or old Dex triggers?"
Smash Dex: "Nothing."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Anything inside of it?"
Smash Dex: "Be warned; the metal has unknown properties. The metal cannot be scanned through."
Trigger: "I'll open it."
Smash Dex: "It has the blocking abilities of lead."
Trigger walks over to the chest.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...yeah, Trigger, was it? Open it up."
Trigger: "Ok."
Digifanatic: "Heh, curiosity of a new guy. Not that I have a problem."
Trigger opens the chest.
Garrick Fy`aar: "It's the unwritten rule of the Questers. New guy has to check all potential traps on his first mission."
Digifanatic: "Heh."
Trigger: "..."
Metal Man (GM): You pull on the knob.
Digifanatic: "Or if they were discovered by my ex-Lucky Start."
Metal Man (GM): The knob you pulled does not open it... But it does light up. There are three other knobs.
Trigger: "Hmm, which one?"
Esprinto: "The third one!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...take a guess."
Esprinto: "Do it!"
Garrick Fy`aar slaps Esprinto in the back of the head.
Trigger picks the 2nd knob.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Last time someone shouted orders like that, we lost two Questers."
Metal Man (GM): It glows as well.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...sure, it was their first lives, but we still lost them..."
Trigger: "Gulp."
Esprinto: "...Last time I didn't give someone an order... my homeland ended up being obliterated..."
Metal Man (GM): Two knobs left to light up.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Does this look like a place for orders?"
Esprinto: "I'm just sayin'..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Besides, I have seniority, unless Digi decides I shouldn't have it."
Digifanatic: "You have it."
Metal Man (GM): Gonna try the other knobs?
Digifanatic pulls the one on the left.
Metal Man (GM): It lights up and glows, too... one left. They're all glowing yellow, save for that one.
Trigger pulls on the right knob.
Esprinto: "Hmmm..."
Metal Man (GM): They all light up... it starts shaking...
Esprinto: "Holy snap..."
Trigger: "Oh crap."
Digifanatic backs off a few steps.
Garrick Fy`aar grips the handle of his gun, watching...
Trigger gets in his fighting stance.
Metal Man (GM): The thing morphs into a humanoid robot.
Esprinto holds his bat in a sword fighting stance.
Digifanatic: "Oh boy..."
Trigger gets out his blaster.
Esprinto: "Bring it..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright... I take it you're not friendly?"
Metal Man (GM): It's 20 feet tall, with thick arms that end in claws and blasters.
Trigger: "Oh boy."
Metal Man (GM): The head is a dome with eyes... and it has tank treads for feet.
Garrick Fy`aar: "And I'll bet Dex can't get a damn thing on this guy..."
Esprinto: "He looks... nice..."
Garrick Fy`aar draws his gun then, running to the right and unloading a full clip of flaming regular shots at it.
Metal Man (GM): You hit with all of those. The shots do nothing to it! They bounce off of the 'Emericium'
Garrick Fy`aar: "...jeez, that's some tough stuff."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Digifanatic thinks about the situation and then decides to Fire Punch the Drawer Bot.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. You deal half damage with that attack.
Digifanatic continues by smashing the Robot with the Super Mario Punch.
Metal Man (GM): Crit... no damage.
Digifanatic: *EL CRIT.*
Metal Man (GM): You bounce off of it.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Dex, is there ANY information on this Emericium?"
Smash Dex: "It cannot be scanned... and there is no information in the database."
Esprinto: "Like... will my bat hurt it or will it hurt my bat Dex?"
Smash Dex: "It appears to be immune to normal attacks."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright, go with magical type attacks. Digi's fire punch hurt it slightly thanks to the fire."
Esprinto: "I wonder how it handles dark energy..."
Digifanatic: "At least we found something to it."
Trigger fires a charge shot at the Robot.
Metal Man (GM): You blast it... It takes no damage yet again.
Digifanatic: "Who else has an elemental attack?"
Metal Man (GM): You have three minutes to do your attack.
Digifanatic: "I know Garrick does..."
Esprinto: "Baseball bat of doom... darkness energy!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Me? I've got incendiary rounds, but that about covers it."
Digifanatic: "Basically what I meant. The flaming dumdums."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright, but I don't know... we might have to back off on this one..."
Metal Man (GM): Tiick Toock! TIICK TOOOCK! 2 minutes! One minute!!!!!! Esprinto yells the attack at the robot, but does nothing. Luckily, the robot won't attack him for that. The robot turns to Digi... and attacks with a flamethrower.
Digifanatic: "Fire with fire, eh?"
Metal Man (GM): Lucky day for you! Digi avoids burnination... only to be attacked by a highly inaccurate deathray! It misses... but then... the robot tries to slash Digi by flailing wildly!
Digifanatic: "What is this thing DOING?"
Metal Man (GM): Ouch!
Digifanatic: "YOW!"
Trigger: "OW!"
Metal Man (GM): Total damage: 104 to Digi!
Digifanatic: "Figures I had to be the one..."
Smash Dex: "New data: It wildly attacks the last thing that dealt damage to it."
Garrick Fy`aar growls, then blasts the damn thing with one turn of flaming dumdum rounds.
Metal Man (GM): You hit it three times for a whole lot of nothing.
Smash Dex: "...It seems immune to weapon attacks."
Garrick Fy`aar: "What about my piercing rounds?"
Smash Dex: "Current data suggests no weapon attacks whatsoever can damage it. Whether you wish to test that is up to you."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, let's try that then..."
Digifanatic: "No normal, no weapons... This is not good."
Garrick Fy`aar quickly switches clips, then tries flaming magical piercing rounds.
Metal Man (GM): Well, the rounds all hit him... ... or not. They go right through him!
Trigger: "I think I might be able to damage it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...what..."
Metal Man (GM): For no damage... yeah. They pierced him.
Garrick Fy`aar: "This sucks! I can't do anything to it!"
Smash Dex: "Emericium acts very strangely when a piercing attack hits it... it seems to have turned to liquid for a split second."
Digifanatic: "Alright, we gotta get out of here."
Smash Dex: "Perhaps if you followed a piercing attack up immediately with a bashing one?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...that makes sense..."
Digifanatic swigs down his Red Potion.
Trigger: "Yeah."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Digi, try bashing it now! Hurry!"
Smash Dex: "Of course, it must be immediate. It's too late right now."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright, never mind then..."
Digifanatic: "I have no real bashing moves..."
Smash Dex: "I would suggest continuing use of the fire move."
Digifanatic just decides to use his Fire Punch again.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Try that fire punch then, Digi..."
Metal Man (GM): CRIT! You deal normal damage! The robot seems to be weak when an attack actually hit it.
Trigger performs a Super Uppercut!
Metal Man (GM): The molten metal takes very little damage... but it actually is hurt. For a measly 1 damage.
Trigger: "Cool, I hit it."
Metal Man (GM): Two minutes this time!
Garrick Fy`aar: "It's not hitting it that's the problem, it's HURTING it."
Digifanatic: "Exactly."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Dex, do we still have Team Blasts on the backburner?"
Smash Dex: "No."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright then, we'll just have to be fast."
Metal Man (GM): It's even angrier at Digi. It fires another Deathray at Digi. Then it fires yet another one!
Digifanatic: "Why me? I didn't hurt it last..."
Metal Man (GM): And... it finishes off by attacking you with the claws. 26% per hit.
Smash Dex: "...Revised information. It attacks the one who is dealing the most damage to it."
Garrick Fy`aar immediately jumps in afterward. He fires one turn of magical piercing rounds while running at it, then leaps up Heel Drop the thing...
Digifanatic: "Oh man..."
Metal Man (GM): ...This is not your day, is it? Okay, you hit with the heel drop after averting disaster. Full damage. It instantly explodes. 150 EXP to all.
Digifanatic: "Phew... talk about your share of crazy calls."
Metal Man (GM): It also leaves behind one item!
Garrick Fy`aar flips away and lands crouching. He growls and holsters his gun.
Trigger: "That was close."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Seeing as I killed the thing, I think I'm entitled to that."
Metal Man (GM): It leaves behind... three Fire cubes.
Digifanatic: "I was gonna tell you the same thing."
Metal Man (GM): It appears those were powering it. Oh, yeah. 0 EXP to Esprinto. The way ahead is 100% clear now.
Garrick Fy`aar picks them up, hrming slightly.
Digifanatic: "Well, that guy was nuts..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, what am I gonna do with these?"
Smash Dex: "They work well as grenades."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...could I load them as ammo?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah, just toss them at whatever looks enticing enough to be hit."
Smash Dex: "If you like exploding your weapons, yes."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Ah, well, grenades always come in handy. Let's go then."
Digifanatic follows Garrick.
Metal Man (GM): The doors to the huge dome are wide and open.
Garrick Fy`aar steps onward.
Trigger follows Digi.
Metal Man (GM): Inside... you see a wide room... full of electronics. There's a center, glowing terminal... it's glowing blue. You can walk right up to it. Now... we pause on this group! Aribar's part now. Aribar: You're warped aboard the Valhalla... nothing attacking you whatsoever. You can walk right to the bridge. The place is rather busy, and you can hear plenty of explosions outside.
Aribar: "..." *He starts towards the main control center... Lynk will pay. He would stop right outside the door to the center and check to make sure he's ready for the worst.*
Metal Man (GM): The door is unlocked.
Aribar: "Lets see... Syrups, Stones... Sword, Wands..." *He equips the Wand of Wonder and heads into the room...* "Lynk! Show yourself, you traitor."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk turns around, sitting at the controls.
Lynk: "Greetings."
Aribar: "I demand that you step down and return control of Valhalla Fortress to me and Yurie immediately."
Lynk: "I politely decline."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk suddenly fires a Geno beam at you.
Aribar: "...!!! Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): 25 damage if that hits.
Aribar: "...You are a fool..."
Lynk: "You were always the gullible one."
Aribar: "Don't you know? NEVER mess with a Jentanian Wizard! Dispell!" *The elf casts Badge Breaker on Lynk.*
Metal Man (GM): He laughs as you break... His move expander.
Lynk: "Foolish, at best. Fighter Remote. Deinitialize Aribar."
Aribar: "That is just--wha?"
Metal Man (GM): He fires a ray at you.
Aribar tries to dodge it.
Metal Man (GM): BAM. It hits you. You feel a slight tingle... and are unable to use any of your spells.
Aribar: "...This changes nothing!"
Lynk: "You are no longer a Quester. Do you wish to lose your life as well?"
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, explosions and such are in the background.
Lynk: "I cannot let you interfere with the chosen path. You are trying to fly too high. And I will melt your wings."
Aribar: "...I may no longer be a Quester, but I am still a Protector of Whaller, and soon to reclaim my title as Second-in-Command of Valhalla Fortress... Even if it kills me, I shall defeat you! Star Storm!" *The elf raises the Wand of Wonder and fires a spell at Lynk hoping that too wasn't disabled.*
Metal Man (GM):
Lynk: "You dare... strike a Quester?"
Aribar: "I dare strike a traitor."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk takes the fighter remote... and presses another button. Lynk becomes filled with energy.
Lynk: "I have the power of all of the smashers in me right now... and you only have that wand. Armageddon!"
Metal Man (GM): All of the moves of the smashers hit you as reality blurs... when it stops, you're on the ground, badly injured. At 1 HP.
Aribar: "Gah!"
Lynk: "A shame... I'd have to be VG to actually kill people with this."
Metal Man (GM): ...Suddenly, Doopliss drops from behind him.
Aribar begins panting...
Doopliss: "You idiot! Aribar is MY enemy!"
Aribar looks up and sees his arch nemesis... The elf says nothing.
Metal Man (GM): Lynk turns around... and sees... that Doopliss has transformed into Star Steel.
Doopliss: "I'm going to kill you worse than Aribar or Mario if they became the same person and turned me into a pumpkin!"
Aribar begins to stand up and backstep a foot or so towards the wall.
Lynk: "You could kill him right now."
Doopliss: "It is my duty to destroy you alone!"
Aribar: .oO(Great! Now we just need Orlando here...)
Metal Man (GM): The ship tilts around a bit. Doopliss and Lynk begin fighting. What do you do? The bridge is unmanned. (It's a floating dome)
Aribar surveys the situation... He attempts to break the seal on his spells...
Metal Man (GM): <-- going on in the background again The seal is not a seal... it literally stole your magic.
Aribar: "Blast..."
Metal Man (GM): The only way to get it back is to get the fighter remote back.
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The two fakers battle it out, using Melee Moves.
Aribar: .oO(The only way to be of use would be to st... st... steal...)
Lynk: "Geno Beam!"
Doopliss: "Red Fireball!"
Lynk: "Power Saw!"
Doopliss: "Moondust!"
Aribar shakes his head... No! He won't resort to common thievery! ... The elf just stands there and watches the battle continue.
Metal Man (GM): They continue like this, bashing each other with stuff. They're equally matched. Doopliss tries to steal the fighter remote from Lynk.
Aribar attempts to look to see if they're fighting around the intercom controls...
Metal Man (GM): Nope... the intercom and such are unmanned and unguarded. The two are equally matched, but Lynk is disarmed.
Lynk: "No!"
Doopliss: "That device belongs to Kuja!"
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss runs to get it.
Aribar dashes over to it and attempts to activate it. "Troops of Valhalla, retreat! Retreat back to the fortress!"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk grabs it back from the floor, barely. You're about to activate it... when a Koopa steps on your right foot.
Aribar: "Gah!"
Ricky: "Nooot so fast!"
Aribar: "...Ricky! What on Whaller are you doing?!"
Ricky: "Exploiting the idiocy of those two fools."
Metal Man (GM): Doopliss tries to disarm Lynk again. Lynk is disarmed again...
Doopliss: "You're such a butterfingers."
Aribar: "...Just what do you mean? Whose side are you on?"
Lynk: "You can't take it! It's mine! MINE!"
Ricky: "I am... on my own side. Locos taught me that all these factions are bologna. I do what I want, and exploit anyone who thinks they can control me."
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Ricky cracks his fingers, watching the battle. Doopliss dashes at the fighter remote again. Lynk tries to stop him. Lynk fails. Doopliss laughs.
Aribar: "I was about to say that I am your superior and for you to leave the room... But you'd just exploit me then, huh?"
Doopliss: "Yes! Kuja has won!"
Aribar calls over to Doopliss. "Hey!"