Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 191: Mewtwo's Moon
Date: 7:47:15 PM, April 26th; 6:13:17 PM, April 27th; 4:05:36 PM, April 30th; 4:25:12 PM, May 1st, 2005.
Wolfman: *'s time to turn VG into the next Cook!*
VG is in his room, pondering whether it's safe to open Twist Ed's book... "SIMBER, don't ask me why I'm asking you this... but is it safe to open this?"
SIMBER: "Checking... It is safe."
VG opens the book then... hopefully he will learn about cooking and combining items to make fabulous combinations... combinations that could help us.
Metal Man (GM): *Bob-omb noise.*
VG jumps back a little.
Metal Man (GM): However... it doesn't explode or shoot bombs at you.
VG: .oO(...Twist Ed, you have a strange sense of humor.) *He at least knows to expect the bob-omb noise whenever he opens the book now. He reads on.*
Metal Man (GM): It's a very simple thing: It shows recipes, grouped by difficulty and ingredients.
VG: .oO(; that's a lot! There are probably even more things not in here...)
Metal Man (GM): It suggests to start with the 'Novice' category.
VG turns to the Novice section.
Metal Man (GM): You see various recipes. It will help, yes; I also have to put some stuff together
VG sees an easy recipe to try out... he goes to the kitchen, and prepares a Star Egg.
Metal Man (GM): INT check. All cooking INT checks have a +2, because of the book. You easily make it. You have created a fried Egg!
VG makes... a Fried Egg!
Metal Man (GM): Add 1 to what I call 'Cooking EXP' Also, you gain a +1 to cooking the Fried Egg, due to experience in cooking it before.
VG makes another if he can...
Metal Man (GM): You certainly can, if you get a good roll. You create another one. You get another 1 cooking EXP and +1 to making Fried Eggs.
VG decides to get daring... without having to buy anything else, he looks at this Invisibility Potion... "Hmm... worth a shot." *He puts in a Red Essence and X Defend in the pot.*
Metal Man (GM): ...You create, instead... some weird thing which turns the pot invisible, then completely disappears, with a pot! That was a failure.
VG: "...alright, this will take a while." *He looks at the rest of his inventory... what else could he use...? He has a crazy idea...*
Metal Man (GM): Note: If you gain enough experience in cooking an item, you will be able to cook it without a check, every time.
VG: "Hmm... Molecular Pill... and Ice Block... perhaps some 'form of ice' or something can be made." *He goes for that combination: Molecular Pill and Ice Block.*
Metal Man (GM): Now that's gonna be bizarre... though you got a good roll.
VG hopes he got something good.
Metal Man (GM): *Thinks.* You have created... the Chaos Fluid! This potion allows you to liquefy... and turn into water, much like Chaos.
VG makes... Chaos Fluid? What good will this do?
Metal Man (GM): It either lasts out-of-battle until you're hit or get into a battle... or three rounds in battle, in which it makes you immune to fire, weak against electricity, and healed by water... and get AC +3
VG goes for one more combination...
Metal Man (GM): Molecular Pill + Ice Cube = Chaos Fluid. You can liquefy yourself out-of-battle until you get into a battle or are hit. In battle, makes you immune to fire, weak to electricity, and healed by ice. It also boosts AC by 3 in battle. Lasts Three rounds. The above is etched into the book magically. You also gain a +1 to doing it, if you decide to do it again. And you gain 2 cooking EXP from that.
VG notices he has at least one of Calcium, Carbos, & Protein. He attempts this last recipe before stopping for the night.
Metal Man (GM): Hmmm... that, too, is a good recipe. You create: The Multi-vitamin!
VG definitely has a decent knack for this... just wait til the others hear about these!
Metal Man (GM): Calcium + Carbos + Protein = Multivitamin. This increases Strength, Speed, and Intelligence by 3 for three rounds. *Etched into book* And, of course, you gain +1 cooking EXP, and a +1 to doing that recipe.
VG retires from cooking for the night.
Metal Man (GM): Okay. You're at base.
F.A.Y.T.H.: "New reports have come in. Nintendus has been saved from Kuja."
Charles Magellean: "...There!"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "All modules have been placed into the hands of Avon and Nova. Together, not even Kuja appears to be able to threaten the peace."
Charles Magellean has replaced the old wires as Ricky and Bob have requested. He goes to the sink to wash up.
F.A.Y.T.H.: "An Atlantean City, with the power to control the physics of the planet, has been seen flying about the planet, in a regular patrolling pattern. Lord Crodus's body and henchmen were destroyed by the weapon. Gerald was deleted by Avon."
Charles Magellean: "Extremely wonderful."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Bowser was revived... Zio and Kuja remain on the loose. Both Bowser and Ganondorf have returned to the stadium, ending an age-old argument. And yet... something seems to be lacking. Avon just had a change of heart. No planet-threatening events occurred... Kuja's attempt to summon a Phantom Beast were quashed at an alarming speed. Also, Valhalla has been restored to its original state. However, Doopliss remains at the helm, assisted by Kappa. Yurie and the Star Fox team remain missing."
Charles Magellean: "..."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Razor has also been reported missing."
Charles Magellean cleans up his face with a towelette.
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Several people, as well as the Heartless, have just... disappeared over time."
Charles Magellean: "Just means there's a calm before the storm."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "To add to this, Shadow mysteriously disappeared, soon after it was revealed that Gerald had been controlling him, yet again... E Li Three remains in solitude, despite having taken shots at the Questers in the past. There are various crumbs which appear to have been left. To add to this, Ivo is working as a Mercenary."
Charles Magellean takes the red chaos emerald + blaster and puts both into his suitcase. "A lot has happened within the last 19 hours."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "The occasional event occurs, but things seem to have leveled off. Nothing cataclysmic or overly destructive has occurred. A reading showed that the chaos of the realm hit the breaking point... but suddenly flatlined before it could break an unknown barrier. Dark Force has also been gone for a long time."
Charles Magellean: "A... calm before a hurricane, then."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "The disappearances are unnerving. People of high power and prestige, merely vanishing... even Kuja seems to have been hit by it. For Kuja cannot be found. the popular report is that he is dead. Zio is not dead, but his signature is only a wisp of what it used to be; we cannot track him."
Charles Magellean: "We know that what is popular isn't always right. Any indication that the Atlantic city may interfere with outside worlds teleporting to Nintendus?"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "There is nothing of the sort. However, any attempts to cause chaos by attacking and destroying pieces of Nintendus are met with ungodly supernatural attacks. Avon nearly destroyed the Questers when they first fought... and remains unbeatable. However, they will only attack if provoked."
Charles Magellean: "Let's keep it that way. Also, send a new forwarding message."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Affirmative. Content of message?"
Charles Magellean: "'We are now an equal-opportunity refugee planet. Escorts from leaving Nintendus to Second Moon will be handled by priority or case-by-case. I have realized that the first message hasn't worked. Begin projects of similar atmosphere of the lands of Nintendus." *He wonders why the ban isn't working.*
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Similar... atmosphere? However, I shall make sure that the appropriate message is furnished to all news and information-sharing hubs."
Charles Magellean: "Rocks, atmosphere, sand, grass, trees, etc. And an artificial sky for the domes."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Oh, I see. Terraforming initiatives are being scripted."
Charles Magellean: "Yes. I hope the process can be of some success. It is time to search the Death Mountain underground. Open a warp to Goron City."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Warp opened."
Metal Man (GM): Another green warp opens.
Charles Magellean grabs his suitcase. He walks through portal.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* You appear in Goron village, at the very bottom area. All is right here. The Gorons are currently going about their normal business.
Charles Magellean (GM): including hot rolling Goron?
Metal Man (GM): Yes.
Charles Magellean walks into the shop.
Goron: "Hello, welcome to the shop. It's been a while since I've seen Questers around here."
Charles Magellean rubs his nose, while looking down slightly, with his index finger. He looks up to the Goron Merchant. "One Fire Tunic, please."
Goron: "That'll be 5000 coins, please."
Charles Magellean pulls out of his briefcase a bag containing 5,000 and hands it to the clerk.
Goron: "Thank you. Here's your fire tunic."
Metal Man (GM): The Goron takes the coins, and gives you the tunic.
Charles Magellean: .oO(I should've asked if he allowed someone to borrow one then return it for a fee. Then again, I don't want another persons sweat.) *He takes the Fire Tunic and tries it on.*
Metal Man (GM): It fits perfectly. The only effect is that it keeps you at a cool 70 degrees, no matter where you are... otherwise, you're vulnerable to fire and the like. So then. You have a spiffy red tunic.
Charles Magellean: "Thank you." *He then leaves the shop.* "Okay, whoever is watching my progress, be it Bob, Fayth, or Ricky. What is the preferable way of reaching the underground: warping, or traveling by foot?"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Foot... is preferable."
Charles Magellean: "...Not gonna go in the shortcut. ...Gonna have to scale." *He begins ascending the various floors of the City. A twisting path here, a climbing up the alternate ones later, and he reaches the outside. He travels the left side of the path, then makes a right turn after the waving flag.*
Metal Man (GM): You're now heading towards the crater.
Charles Magellean looks up and shields his eyes from the sun and sees the top of the mountain. He puts his hand down and begins going forward to the top. He first climbs a small platform, then climbs onto the small hill. He treks up the tiny hill, then makes a small jump, which he successfully jumps. He climbs to the top trail, then begins to hear mooing sounds. He looks around quizzically... then shrugs. He moves forward and comes across a fog. He stands there before the fog, wondering what this is about. He decides to move on anyway... and he stops when the ground begins to shake. He makes several dashing moves as each rumble comes around. He comes to the wall. He looks for skullwalltullas or red tektite. He begins climbing the final parts of Death Mountain. He nods. "Now... a choice." *He checks the sign. He can't understand Hylian language, but knows it's the way to the center. He goes that way and enters Death Mountain Crater.*
Metal Man (GM): Welcome... to Death Mountain Crater. It's... hot, but the magma has actually cooled. A clear path down the crater, made of rock, leads to a repaired bridge.
Charles Magellean goes down that path. He wipes some sweat off his forward.
Metal Man (GM): You can see, down below... a trap door, on the floor. On the lowest platform.
Charles Magellean: "...Fayth. Is that the way to the Fire Temple?"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "No. That is an odd door that leads to a conspicuous room."
Charles Magellean travels downward to the floor and begins scouting the area of where to walk/jump/run.
Metal Man (GM): Well, the trapdoor is made of wood. You can pull it open, then jump in.
Charles Magellean pulls it open first before just jumping in.
Metal Man (GM): You leap in... to a room of rock. A square one. The floor makes a metallic sound when you land on it.
Charles Magellean: "Hmmm..." *He walks forward.*
Metal Man (GM): More clanking... but... it's rock, isn't it? There's a wall dead ahead.
Charles Magellean looks to the floor all round the room.
Metal Man (GM): You see... some bolt-like bumps in the rock...
Charles Magellean: "Clank a rock does not sound." *He attempts to pull said bolts.*
Metal Man (GM): You pull out a single, small bolt. It's metallic... the top is painted like dirt. The bolts do nothing more than hold the metallic joints together. There's probably nothing of issue below them.
Charles Magellean begins to look in the room for anything else. A door, a window, a rat, a giant earth golem.
Metal Man (GM): Well... you discover that one wall is fake, when you try to lean on it.
Charles Magellean: "! Ah-ha!"
Metal Man (GM): On the other side is... a highly technological hallway, leading to a door that's locked!
Charles Magellean travels through the fake wall, via breaking of just walking through it, to see said door.
Metal Man (GM): The door has a red light over it. It's one of the high-tech sliding doors. The button to open the door is right next to it.
Charles Magellean moves his hand around the button.
Metal Man (GM): No response. This door is locked.
Charles Magellean presses the button now.
Metal Man (GM): Locked. No effect from the button.
Charles Magellean feels around the hallway, for about a few minutes, to motion for a secret panel of sorts.
Metal Man (GM): Nope. No secret panels. None to find.
Charles Magellean walks up to the door, a bit peeved. He attempts to put his hand through it. If that doesn't work, he tries to push it one way, then the other.
Metal Man (GM): This place has good security. The door doesn't budge.
Charles Magellean: "Mmmmmmmmmm." *He now shoots the red light out with a shot out of frustration.*
Metal Man (GM): *BAM* It's broken. Still no effect. The door remains locked.
Charles Magellean winds up a Giant DK Punch... then at the peak, he thrusts forward his fist!
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH* You hit the door... and neatly knock it away.
Charles Magellean picks up the suitcase.
Metal Man (GM): Alarms go off. The lights on the doors inside this hallway area blink ..Several walls come out of the floor. One of them blocks your progress.
???: "Defcon 1 security systems active."
Charles Magellean: "I knew it!"
Metal Man (GM): Another one appears behind you, preventing a quick escape.
Charles Magellean: "WWWRRRRRAAAAHHHHHH..." *He attempts a Warlock punch with this new wall ahead of him. He shakes his fist to get the creaks outta it.*
Metal Man (GM): The door is bent down enough for you to climb over it without a problem. You're now at an intersection. It looks like |
Charles Magellean: "Man, that was tough." *He rushes to the right wall.* "Fallllcoonnnn..."
Metal Man (GM): You are on the bottom-most segment. The underline and | mean walls. There's also a locked door to the left. You hit that wall, as well.
Charles Magellean: "...PUUUNNNNCHHH!"
Metal Man (GM): It's only 70% destroyed.
Charles Magellean charges up a Geno Beam... *lvl 2 automatically... ...lvl 3.... ...lvl 4!*
???: "Intruder is breaking down defense walls. AI core is not responding."
Metal Man (GM): *Ker-blammo.*
Charles Magellean rushes forward throughout the know destroyed wall on his right.
Metal Man (GM): The barrier is sent flying backwards, taking out the barrier behind it, and denting a third barrier behind that. There are now... four doors available. All locked. Two on the south side of the corridor, two on North side.
Charles Magellean charges up a Shadow Ball to the highest level very quickly and fires at one of the northern doors. *100% if connect.*
Metal Man (GM): Unfortunately, the Shadow Ball does not connect... it bounces off. Not at you,, but it harmlessly explodes away from the target. The alarms continue.
???: "Unable to initiate automated countermeasures. Security has been compromised."
Metal Man (GM): The alarms go off... in fact... so do the lights.
Charles Magellean takes out Sheik's Whip and begins to hit the same door.
Metal Man (GM): The door is partially damaged.
Charles Magellean: *hits it again.*
Metal Man (GM): It's almost destroyed... but not done for, yet.
Charles Magellean flings it back and charges it forward again.
Metal Man (GM): That attack misses... the thick door blocks it.
Charles Magellean: "Not enough force."
Metal Man (GM): It happens again.
Charles Magellean has lost momentum. He goes up to the door and Pounds on it.
Metal Man (GM): A mysterious voice comes in over the intercoms ...It is your own. The door smashes open.
???: "Who dares enter Charles L. Magellan's headquarters?"
Charles Magellean: "...That last syllable..."
???: "Answer me, bounty hunter."
Charles Magellean: "...Isn't this... a recording?"
???: "While your imitation of me is almost perfect, I would not be foolish enough to call this a recording."
Charles Magellean: "Charles L. Magellean... but... I don't see. ...FAYTH! What happened to the transporter module!?"
Charles L. Magellan: "Aha! Your name is also slightly off. Just like a bounty hunter."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Nothing wrong has occurred. Sensors indicate this to belong here."
Metal Man (GM): The wall in front of you sinks into the floor... and Charles L. Magellan, complete with X-zone shield, force field, and the Chair 1.0, hovers in.
Charles L. Magellan: "Leave this place. It is not for mimickers such as you."
Charles Magellean: "...Oh my god. Time is reversing."
Charles L. Magellan: "What sort of comment is that? I don't see the clock going backwards."
Charles Magellean looks away rambling "I would like to know what I mea---" he looks back to Charles.
Charles L. Magellan: "Robotnik and I have always been team mates. This place was built by him. While his Face Base is gone, he now has the Desert Wind, a ship of great power. Unfortunately, this base wasn't made fully functional. Certain... components... would tip off Bounty Hunters."
Charles Magellean: "...Who is your ally? Kuja or Kajidoh?"
Charles L. Magellan: "What sort of nonsense is that? Kuja's a bounty hunter, and Kajidoh is enslaved by--guess what--Bounty Hunters."
Charles Magellean: "What world is thi-- !"
Charles L. Magellan: "I, my head general Lynk, and Robotnik, work on our own terms, exterminating all who work for money, and those who pay for such services. But a better question is... who are you, really? You cannot be me. I am me. You are not."
Charles Magellean: "...Now I understand. You were somehow separated from my conscious after professor oak's mega mack wore off."
Charles L. Magellan: "A coma, I'm afraid. Yes, I do remember being awakened, and yet hearing that I had done all sorts of Bounty Hunter-like things. So... that's why so many reports of my activity had that loathsome A attached to my last name."
Charles Magellean: "E. it's an e."
Charles L. Magellan: "...Regardless, there is only room for one Charles in this world. The Questers are above such people as you. If I killed you, I could take all of your stuff as my own, and use it to help them."
Charles Magellean: "Don't consider fighting me. I have the military's X-Zone Blaster. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a relic of power to claim from Nintendus."
Charles L. Magellan: "You mean MY relic of power?"
Metal Man (GM): Charles pulls out... one of Bowser's necklaces.
Charles L. Magellan: "Now then... I'm afraid you cannot leave."
Metal Man (GM): You hear a gun cock, from behind you.
Lynk: "One move, and I blast your brains out."
Charles Magellean: "!"
Lynk: "It's about time we met again... of course, with this faithful doppelganger, I never truly missed your denials."
Charles L. Magellan: "You cannot escape. I have backup."
Metal Man (GM):
Charles Magellean: "So, it's come down to this. To atone for a past mistake and attack the one who kamikazed the now rebuilt Valhalla Fortress."
Lynk: "Now then... drop all the weapons you have. I need them to make this Charles... the real thing."
Charles Magellean: "But... of course."
Charles L. Magellan: "I am perfectly real. It is this bounty hunter who mimicks me."
Charles Magellean drops the suitcase... then performs a Marth's counter at the gun!
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK* The gun is knocked away...
Charles Magellean picks up the suitcase, then does a backflip and kicks Lynk in the head.
Metal Man (GM):
Charles Magellean backflips off of the head and be behind both Magellan and Lynk.
Metal Man (GM): Charles pulls a chain, and... right as you're backflipping, a pot smashes into you, dealing 15 damage and knocking you onto the floor. Charles then pulls another chain... And the gun comes right back into Lynk's hand. He points at you, while you're on the floor.
Lynk: "There is something you forgot. You can easily predict your own moves..."
Charles L. Magellan: "By foolishly attacking him, you allowed me to completely negate whatever you had planned."
Charles Magellean: "I've learned of my mistakes, and it's to be called spontaneousness! PK THUNDER!" *He shoots at Charles Magellan.*
Charles L. Magellan: "An exercise in futility."
Metal Man (GM): The attack is absorbed by the X-zone shield. Then Lynk opens fire on you with the gun. 20 damage per hit.
Charles L. Magellan: "Now then... hand over your weapons."
Charles Magellean opens his suitcase and takes out... the X-Blaster... "Behold the upgraded version!"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk is busy stuffing more bullets into his pistol. Magellan merely watches you, in anticipation.
Charles Magellean: "I haven't used this puppy since the Armoire of Invincibility appeared. But wait!...You anticipated me upgrading it..." *He opens his briefcase and attaches the chaos emerald as well.*
Charles L. Magellan: "Of course. It would be foolish not to attack without the upgrade."
Charles Magellean aims it at the enemies and FIRES!
Lynk: "Ahhhhh!!!!"
Charles Magellean: *The box glows and it disperses a wave of rainbows onto the objects and engulfs them in a large explosion, creating a portal as well. Destroys X-Zone shields, has a chance of insta-killing non-boss enemies, and it can also disable all other barriers and halve the armor of one target. Takes 2 rounds to recharge.*
Metal Man (GM): The attack glows... the portal opens...
Dr. Robotnik: "Chaos... Control!"
Metal Man (GM): A white energy hits the red energy of the chaos emerald... neutralizing the attack and shorting out the gun temporarily.
Charles Magellean: "...Ivo Robotnik." *He puts the device in his briefcase.*
Dr. Robotnik: "I am no less. And this emerald was given to me... to balance the world."
Charles Magellean also quickly attaches the star rod.
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Robotnik... equipped with his armor... with the finger-machineguns...
Charles Magellean: "So. A past misery to the world, a person who is insane, and an idiot all in the same room at once fighting me."
Dr. Robotnik: "You shall not leave enough organic material for even a simple DNA test."
Charles L. Magellan: "Perhaps a Team Blast is in over."
Lynk: "You have created three great enemies... did you not expect for them to haunt you for the rest of your life?"
Dr. Robotnik: "Not that anything can survive the power of my machineguns. Like Avon, they have never been beaten... only used to destroy Questers temporarily."
Charles Magellean: "I only created that abomination over there. And I am not a Quester, so your machineguns can be beaten."
Lynk: "But you cannot also beat a simultaneous firing of my pistol."
Charles L. Magellan: "Add a beam of pure energy, and you're hopeless."
Charles Magellean begins to pray a small bit then extends his arms in a circle to cast Energy Wave! *Energy Wave *(3 SP)*: All targets 60% damage; 1-in-4 chance of stun. Uses one action.*
Metal Man (GM): The attack hits all three... colors reverse for a second... ..And they're all... disintegrated. The entire area is gone. you're back where the trapdoor used to be. It's like it... warped away.
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Elevated energy levels were detected, following an energy anomaly. The necklace was taken with the anomaly... whatever it did."
Charles Magellean: "...It means this one got away. Fayth, time for a warp back home."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Warp gate opened."
Metal Man (GM): A green warp gate opens.
Charles Magellean: "Unless you've already located the next relic." *He enters the gate.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* You're back at HQ... to wonder what the heck happened, and why.
Charles Magellean rubs his face with his eye contacts off. "Oi. The one that got away. That's gonna make me a laughing stock. Any messages?"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "None so far."
Charles Magellean: "...Open a warp to Valhalla."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Warp gate open."
Metal Man (GM): A green warp opens up.
Charles Magellean enters.
Metal Man (GM): You appear in the bridge.
Doopliss: "Welcome, Charles. How can I help you? Cup of coffee, maybe?"
Charles Magellean: "Maybe later. Could you spell me last name, please?"
Doopliss: "M... a... g... e... l... l... e... a... n..."
Charles Magellean: "Thank you. A cup would be nice."
Doopliss: "Computer. Fetch me a cup of coffee!"
Computer: "Affirmative."
Metal Man (GM): A cup of coffee appears on a nearby table, with sugar, milk, etc, for you to put in it at your will.
Charles Magellean mouth twitches. He sits at the table. "Lynk. You know that he's back?" *He takes a sip.*
Doopliss: "I revived him myself. Then he turned inverted colors, and disappeared... it was the oddest thing ever. He even said he'd repent... then he just teleported away."
Charles Magellean just... nods.
Doopliss: "Kappa, of course, couldn't explain it either."
Charles Magellean: "I find it likely you know of the existence of Magellan."
Doopliss: "Magellean? But that's you... of course you exist."
Charles Magellean: "The one with the bad spelling. He's the one without the second e. The one that was brought out by the mega mack. He said he was in a coma... and just came back. As a separate entity."
Doopliss: "...This is very odd. Well, I didn't know."
Charles Magellean: "He, Lynk, and Ivo Robotnik are allies. I confronted Charles in his death mountain base, and lynk appears. I used the X-Blaster, Ivo appears and counters it. Then they disappear without a trace."
Computer: "...But they just left the dimension, according to my sensors."
Charles Magellean drinks more coffee.
Doopliss: "Well. I'm baffled. This is completely nonsensical... I can't explain it."
Charles Magellean: "Please. A paradox cannot be explained. My actions cannot be explained. Liquid soap cannot be explained. I'm just saying that he might come to take this." *He takes a final drink.*
Computer: "He cannot take me... for I am Valhalla."
Charles Magellean: "Regardless. Seems that since I'm the enemy of Mega Mack Charles, I'm the enemy of Lynk and Ivo as well."
Doopliss: "Perhaps it is from this realm's strange peace..."
Charles Magellean: "The calm before the hurricane, Doopliss. the calm before the hurricane. I'm just glad that I'm not an enemy of you. But Aribar seems to feel that. I often wonder what would happen if I didn't leave the Questers. ...Wonder what would happen if Lumis were still here."
Editor's Note: This here is also proof that the late-era Locos I spoke to who acted as if everything was set in stone was wrong. According to these logs, he still had doubts about what he did even 2 years afterwards. Too bad--but, then again, he chose his fate.
Doopliss: "I am not sure... I am neutral. In the good fashion. Well, I'll keep a lookout for them... and the hurricane... Probably trying to tell you that you have unfinished business... from the past."
Charles Magellean: "Definitely."
Doopliss: "That is about all I can say. It's lonely here, but quiet. I wonder where Yurie is..."
Charles Magellean: "...Yurie..." *Sighs* "Heard you got unfinished business with Lumis. As did Zio and SA. Seemed even Kuja had unfinished with Lumis. I wouldn't mind taking a whack at him...'cept he's at full power now."
Doopliss: "What if we sent Avon and Nova after him? They overpowered Kuja. They have the entire power of a planet, an entire Atlantean city, the ultimate lifeform, and centuries of human knowledge."
Charles Magellean: "...Still have a grudge despite him not showing up, huh? I would to if I had Tranced, launched an all-out attack and it hardly made a dent on him."
Doopliss: "Perhaps. But the main key to him is probably to find something in which he hurts himself instead."
Charles Magellean: "Hmm... well, he does owe me a favor since I helped him to a whole dimension of powerful beings. Perhaps I could have him arrive and cause chaos for fun here and there."
Doopliss: "I would hope he doesn't get too cocky."
Charles Magellean: "...Since when was he never too cocky. Okay, I've overstayed my welcome. Time to go. FAYTH!"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Portal open."
Metal Man (GM): A green portal opens.
Charles Magellean: "He's even more powerful and better than before. Bye!" *He enters portal.* .oO(Okay, he knows. Time for bed.) *END*
Metal Man (GM): Everybody is at HQ, as usual.
Wolfman is at R&R; VG is just returning from G&W's shop.
Digifanatic is in his room... "Hmm... open slots for items, plenty of change..."
Garrick Fy`aar is currently developing the last two guns for his full armor fit out. Once he has them finished, he'll be completely outfitted. Now, what to choose, what to choose...
Digifanatic goes to G&W's (no interactions) and gets 2 Weapon Energy Capsules and a Red Essence.
Wolfman is channel surfing, wondering what's on.
VG enters R&R... hmm, Wolfman is trying to find something good on... might as well join.
Digifanatic also decides to enter R&R...
Metal Man (GM): It's another day. Rather peaceful to boot.
Aribar is in the R&R.
Digifanatic: "Hey guys."
Garrick Fy`aar is at the developing drawing board in Oak's lab. He basically spends all his time either there or in the holoroom practicing.
VG: "Hello."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...x-ray scope with a single or double ammo clip... it's got to be only one or two shots for that area of power... with a 1000 yard limit... it'll be hard to aim the sucker at close range, but a sniper rifle is meant for long distance... now, if I do this..."
VG was addressing Aribar while Wolfman still surfs.
Digifanatic looks around. "Well, we got a considered stalemate with Avon, and I don't think we know anything better to beat Kuja than what we knew before..."
Garrick Fy`aar sighs and packs away his stuff for now, slipping his tools and plans into his NSS before walking out of Oak's lab. He steps into R&R a few moments later.
Digifanatic: "Surely he has to have some weak point somewhere, somehow... as powerful as he is, he's not perfect."
Garrick Fy`aar: " it just me, or is abnormally quiet today?"
Digifanatic: "I dunno."
Wolfman: "I'm sure it's not that quiet. Now let me get back to the TV." *He goes back to channel surfing.*
Garrick Fy`aar: " know, there's more to life than TV, Wolf..."
Wolfman then turns up the volume a little more as if to emphasize that it's not that quiet.
Digifanatic: "Never mind, Garrick..."
Wolfman: "The only television I saw at my old home was basically training videos and whatnot. No entertainment."
Digifanatic: "Oh, that's gotta stink..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You know, it's kinda weird to see a robot like you watching TV."
Wolfman: "Back at Maverick Hunter HQ, I often read a lot about the past."
Digifanatic: "I don't find it unusual."
Wolfman: "...ironically, I feel like I'm living in the past... and present... and future right now. I'm dealing with technology that is unfamiliar, and yet at times I'm working with someone who is more familiar with knights than cars."
VG: "Welcome to real life Wolfman."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Damn right."
VG gets a quick smirk and chuckle out of that.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, Digi. I'll take you on in billiards."
Digifanatic does as well. "Oh, I'm not that good."
Garrick Fy`aar moves over to the pool table and racks up the balls "Doesn't matter. Only way to get better is by playing."
Digifanatic: "Oh, fine." *He gets a bit of a chuckle and heads over.*
Wolfman turns off the TV to watch this match.
VG also becomes a spectator.
Digifanatic: "Ah, this is the life."
Garrick Fy`aar takes a cue, tossing one to Digi, chalking up his cue and breaking for the game. He sends the balls flying in every which way on the table, his own strength backing him up in small doses.
Digifanatic: "Thanks." *He sees everything flying around. * "Any minute now, Metal or Mewtwo will probably yell to get ourselves to Big Room, but hey, opportunity knocks." He takes a shot.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Don't think of it like that..." *He takes a shot himself, sinking the 11 ball.*
Digifanatic: "Okay then... but it is our job."
Garrick Fy`aar: "We're more powerful than anything out there, from a certain point of view."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Wolfman then sends a memo to SIMBER in text message: When possible, set a Quester/Smasher meeting... we'll need one.
Digifanatic: "Well, you got stripes, so go."
Garrick Fy`aar misses the 5 ball, just barely missing knocking it into the corner pocket. He backs up for Digi to go "We're constantly learning, getting better."
Digifanatic: "Sure thing."
Garrick Fy`aar glances to Wolf "You'd know better than anyone, you've been here just about the longest."
Wolfman: "...I'm unsure right now. We might have power... but is it being used right?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "What do you mean, is it being used right?"
Wolfman: "After the next mission or so, I'm probably going to need to talk with all of you guys, plus a few of the actual Smashers themselves."
Garrick Fy`aar: "How are we using it wrong? We're trying to save the world for the umpteenth time here..."
Digifanatic takes the shot to the 5 ball, putting it in with ease. He takes another shot, but screws up the angle on the 2 ball.
Wolfman: "...I'll explain later."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I think... no yeah, that's it." *He steps forward and lines up the shot for the 14 ball, sinking it with just a tap.*
Digifanatic: "Nice shot."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Thanks... it's been a while..."
Digifanatic: "Same here. I try to get out and do things, but this is so much of a burden it's hard at time."
Garrick Fy`aar kicks the ball over to the 7 ball, kicking it toward the 12 and sinking that one. He lines up for the 13, but misses.
SIMBER: "All Questers are to report to the big room. A meeting has been called."
Digifanatic: "And here we go."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...yep. Leave it, we'll finish it later."
Aribar heads to the Big Room.
Digifanatic puts his stick back at the rack and heads to the Big Room.
Garrick Fy`aar places the cue back on the rack and heads for the Big Room as well.
Digifanatic: *But not before leaving a note reading * "Do not touch."
Wolfman and VG go over... .oO(...that was fast.)
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo is in the Big Room.
Mewtwo: "Welcome, Questers. Recently, all of our problems have been fixed... except for those of our own organization."
Wolfman nods... as does VG.
Garrick Fy`aar arches an eyebrow and takes a seat, curious as to what this is about...
VG: .oO(Twist Ed... I might not like you, but you are somewhat right.)
Digifanatic: "What do you mean?"
Wolfman: .oO(...Charles, Avon, you guys are right... some things need improving.)
Mewtwo: "We are widely seen as treasure hunters. We destroy a lot of property in our attempt to preserve peace and order."
VG: "How do you advise that we fix that?"
Aribar nods.
Mewtwo: "Well, we must go on a few missions to fix what has been destroyed. I'd like to note one thing first, though... While it is fine for any one person or body to express disapproval with our organization, anyone who attempts to stop us with armed resistance is fair game."
Digifanatic: "Okay, fix up what we've messed. I suppose that's doable."
Garrick Fy`aar: "So we can't hurt them unless they try to hurt us."
Wolfman: .oO(...I feel like a Power Ranger now.)
Mewtwo: "Now... for this mission, we shall be looking at an area that hasn't been visited for a long while. The location is Termina. This place was the site of the strongest resistance to our organization, and is responsible for the ongoing Kuja problem."
Digifanatic: "Ah..."
Wolfman: "Termina... do we have to do any time travel for this?"
Mewtwo: "The gigantic base the Quester Hunters built heavily damaged the entire area."
Aribar: "So how are we going to fix this?"
VG hopes he can get some Romani Milk... it could be useful.
Mewtwo: "We'd have to be able to time travel, first. No, our current objective is about something we accidentally caused in the area."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...and that is?"
Mewtwo: "The Slytock Virus, contrary to popular belief, is not dead, and will remain viable as long as any Quester lives."
Wolfman: "...not THAT thing again."
Digifanatic: "What is that virus?"
Mewtwo: "It is just that the current method of attacks is immune to it, so everyone here carries it without being affected."
VG: "Does that include the new Questers that weren't around when it happened?"
Mewtwo: "Our problem is a complex one. The virus has made the rounds in Termina, due to the fact that we met up with radioactive materials there."
Garrick Fy`aar: "But what will it do to non-Questers?"
Mewtwo: "Yes. Now then. The radioactive material mutated the Slytock to affect normal people. Slytock does not normally affect non-Questers."
Wolfman: "So we have to somehow contain it..."
Mewtwo: "This strain is not fatal, but it spreads rapidly, and causes near-permanent flu-like symptoms. That is the lucky part. This is contained to Termina. However, the cure is a complex matter... Let me get Professor Oak to explain."
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo floats out for a moment.
VG nods.
Digifanatic: "Not a problem."
Metal Man (GM): He comes back, with Oak.
Professor Oak: "I have studied the mutated virus, and come up with a profound and stunning discovery! It is a relative of the Pokerus virus."
Wolfman: "The whatsit virus?"
Professor Oak: "The pokerus is beneficial; it increases the speed at which Pokémon grow stronger."
Wolfman doesn't recall reading about that.
Professor Oak: "However, the original Slytock was made to disable special moves in both Pokémon and Questers. This new version affects the health and strength of those who it infects; Questers and Pokémon are actually immune to it."
VG: "So it's our job to do the dirty work... gotcha. Question is... how?"
Professor Oak: "I have deduced a cure, made from several ingredients. You shall be doing a series of missions to fetch these materials."
Digifanatic: "Sounds good."
VG: "...does that mean I have to do more cooking?"
Aribar: "Goody..."
Professor Oak: "Perhaps, if it requires that. Now, for the cure, we need a special solution which is both pure and able to clean."
Garrick Fy`aar: "What exactly are we looking for, then?"
Digifanatic raises an eye. "Cooking?"
Professor Oak: "The first ingredient is pure water."
Wolfman: "Perhaps Zora's Domain might be a good idea then."
Professor Oak: "Now, you'd think this would be easy, but even the finest bottled water does not work. Watch."
Digifanatic: "I was gonna say, to have a mission for water..."
Metal Man (GM): Professor Oak pours some highly expensive 'Toad's Choice' water into a cup.
Digifanatic watches Oak's doing.
Metal Man (GM): Then... he takes out an electrode (The device, not the Pokémon) and sticks it in the water. The water is obviously conducting electricity.
VG is getting bored... .oO(What is this old geezer trying to prove?)
Professor Oak: "Seeing as an ingredient in this is electrically reactive... and another one reacts violently to electricity... If we used this water, people who drank the potion would explode."
Wolfman: "So what do we need? Water that doesn't conduct electricity?"
Professor Oak: "Yes. And I know right where to look..."
Wolfman: "Zora's Domain?"
Mewtwo: "There was a place where I hid for a while. It had the finest water in the world. I had to hide it to keep it from Team Rocket. Zora's domain contains fine drinking water, but even that conducts electricity."
Digifanatic understands where Oak is going... .oO(Well, this formula has quite some complexion...)
Mewtwo: "I am referring to a far-off mountain range."
Metal Man (GM): A picture shows a GIGANTIC circular mountain. It pans upwards, showing an island in the middle, surrounded by water.
Garrick Fy`aar: "'re not talking about that old fable from Earth history, are you? The water of everlasting life and youth?"
Aribar: "Geeze... Where on Wha--... Err... Nintendus is that?"
Wolfman and Veeg are watching in awe... or something.
Mewtwo: "This is not the fountain of youth. Rather, it is the spring water of the Kaina mountain range."
Digifanatic: "I have a question."
Mewtwo: "Unfortunately, Team Rocket continues to patrol the area. While I erased their memory of my existence there, they have managed to half-realize what was hidden in that area... yes?"
Digifanatic: "How does this water not conduct electricity like all the other water would normally do?"
Professor Oak: "It has no minerals in it. Pure water cannot conduct electricity."
Digifanatic: "Thanks." *That answers my query.*
Mewtwo: "The water that bubbles up from the spring has been left alone for a long time. Thus, all of the minerals have sunk to the bottom, and pure water exists right on the surface."
Wolfman doesn't recall this Kaina range for some reason...
Digifanatic: "Quite interesting."
Mewtwo: "Now then... for the location."
Metal Man (GM): The camera zooms out ..It shows... the Moon... a moon that circles Nintendus?
Wolfman: " that... the moon that Charles is on?"
Digifanatic: "No, that circles the earth."
Mewtwo: "No. This is a moon which I have kept secret until recently."
Editor's Note: How did he keep AN ENTIRE MOON secret???
Aribar: "Interesting..."
Metal Man (GM): You would immediately notice that half of this 'moon' is missing, like it was blasted off.
VG: "Umm... is that moon made of cheese? It looks like someone took a huge chunk out of it!"
Mewtwo: "Eggman's eclipse cannon destroyed half of this moon. Due to the relative distance from here to that moon, it cannot be seen easily."
Garrick Fy`aar: "So, what's on this moon?"
Digifanatic: "Wait a second."
Metal Man (GM): The picture shows an orbiting space station around Nintendus, along with several of Smithy's destroyed satellites.
Digifanatic: "Didn't Gerald's cannon blow up Earth's moon?"
Mewtwo: "The worlds have merged and unmerged. Earth no longer has any relationship to Mobius."
Digifanatic: "Okay..."
Mewtwo: "Thus, everything that you think happened on Earth has happened here instead... with some relative changes. Now then. On the Moon, there are only two landmarks. One is a base built by Team Rocket. The other is the Kaina mountains. You shall be warped at the foot of the mountains. You must scale them, cross the moat, and then search for the chamber with the pure water, inside the island."
Wolfman: " swimming in any of the water nearby advisable?" (Zora Breather potentials I'm seeing here)
Mewtwo: "The water is highly calm, and pure. One could easily swim across. Or even underwater."
VG smiles at that.
Professor Oak: "Each one of you can obtain the water using a special enhancement on your smash dexes. The vial attached to it can store and protect the water. Be careful otherwise; it is very easy for the water to get polluted. One particle of dust can do it in."
Aribar: "Sounds like this mission requires we do everything down to breathing perfectly..."
VG: "...just about."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right..."
Digifanatic: "Yeah. Anyways..."
Wolfman: "Well, I don't have to worry about breathing... much. So that's one problem gone."
Professor Oak: "The warp rooms have been activated to warp you to the moon... but don't be surprised if you appear somewhere not-so-close; there aren't many warps on that moon."
Digifanatic: "Dang... I wish I had bought at Item Teleporter..."
VG: "Item Teleporter? What's that?"
Digifanatic: "We could get someone's water back here without problem upon getting it."
VG has his Item Mancer senses tingling.
Digifanatic: "It's one of Ivan's devices."
VG: " can we teleport something if we don't know exactly where it is? Probably best we go in on foot anyway."
Digifanatic: "Upon getting the water, we teleport the vial back to HQ."
VG: "Ah... good idea; I'll get one now." *He makes a QUICK dash to G&W's store to buy one... he's got the funds. He returns, -2000 coins and +1 Item Teleporter.*
Digifanatic: "Nice. Well, if we're all ready, I say we hit it. The sooner we clear up the virus, the better..."
Wolfman: "Let's."
Metal Man (GM): The Warp Room is open and activated.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right then."
Aribar starts towards the warp room.
Garrick Fy`aar heads for the warp room.
Wolfman: *Follow, and VG.*
Digifanatic heads into the Warp Room...
Metal Man (GM): You're all step into the warp.... Paper Mario 2-style intro: Chapter 139: Water Wackiness
Editor's Note: Sorry, overruled. This is now NieR: Automata-style intro: Chapter 191: Mewtwo's Moon
Metal Man (GM): The white haze from warping wears off. You find yourself in a lit-up room... the entire room is metallic. There's a door out. This area is made mostly of metallic flooring, white walls, and... well, you're all standing squished together under a teleporter meant for two people at maximum. The door out is a sliding-type. It is unlocked, as it has a green light above it.
Wolfman gets out!
Digifanatic does so as well.
VG follows!
Metal Man (GM): You walk into a wide hallway. There's an elevator nearby, as well as several doors.
Aribar follows.
Garrick Fy`aar moves on as well "Jeez..."
Metal Man (GM): This area is very metallic and clean. It's surgically precise, much like some great machine.
Wolfman: .oO(what is this?)
Metal Man (GM): You are free to wander around, though it should stay together as a group.
Garrick Fy`aar slowly moves around... walking to a random door and glancing inside... he is without armor and weapons, at the moment.
Metal Man (GM): In this door, you see a changing room and some lockers. It's deserted.
Digifanatic looks in a different but nearby room.
Aribar hrms and heads over to in front, but not inside, the elevator.
Metal Man (GM): Digi sees a room with a large set of tubes in the corner, possibly used for experimentation. They're glass tubes, hooked into the walls by machines. Aribar would find the elevator unlocked.
Digifanatic: "Whoa..."
Wolfman takes a different door.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...hey guys, check this out."
Digifanatic: "Interesting room." *He follows Garrick.*
VG goes to Garrick.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman finds a room full of test tubes and beakers, and some sort of potion-making machine.
Garrick Fy`aar: "We can get into uniforms... sneak in instead of busting in. We'd get better pay..."
Wolfman: .oO(...this just isn't right...) *He goes to Garrick.*
Aribar heads to Garrick. "Sounds good..."
VG: "Does that mean Wolfman has to become Chewy again?"
Wolfman growls at VG.
Garrick Fy`aar moves into the room and looks for uniforms to fit them "Perhaps."
Wolfman growls towards Garrick... Chewy style that time.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Have you even SEEN than movie, Wolf?" *He pulls out a uniform that'll fit him?*
Wolfman: "I've seen Star Bars once or twice."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Star Wars, friend."
Metal Man (GM): These uniforms are extremely weird... They're short, and fat, and have thick, coke-bottle glasses.
Wolfman wonders if he can fit... VG likewise.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...jeez..."
Metal Man (GM): VG is the best fit for them; they're rather hard to fit for most normal people.
Garrick Fy`aar: " it just me... or do these look... familiar?"
VG appreciates being short now... he gets in. "So, how do I look?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "You fit the part... let's just hope all of us can do it."
Digifanatic: "Um... different."
Aribar hrms and looks at VG...
Garrick Fy`aar tries to get into another uniform...
Metal Man (GM): Aha! Here we are. the costumes are the same as the small guys in white in this image.
And while you're looking at that, the guy in the middle is what Lord Crump looked like.
Aribar snickers.
VG: "...very funny."
Aribar: "Yes, it is."
Wolfman also gets a chuckle.
Metal Man (GM): So then. you may attempt to try on outfits as you wish, or leave the room.
Garrick Fy`aar tries to get into an outfit... maybe...
Wolfman is a pretty tall Hunter/Maverick/something... it's best if he doesn't.
Digifanatic: "Oh well... probably don't want one of those..."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: Oddly enough, it does fit... somehow magically shrinking you as long as you wear it.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Hey, this'll work."
Aribar: "..." *He tries to get into one of the uniforms.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: It fits you, too.
Wolfman goes for the uniform.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: For some reason, not being human makes it more difficult. INT check. Well, you manage to get it on anyway.
Wolfman: .oO(at least I don't have to be Chewy... yet.)
Digifanatic decides he might as well...
Aribar hrms... "I hope they won't notice the right sleeve hanging limp..."
Metal Man (GM): Digi: It almost fits you perfectly.
Wolfman: "I'm pretty sure reploids were NOT meant to be nearly three feet tall."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, they all fit. Let's sneak into this base and find what we're supposed to find."
Metal Man (GM): Back out in the hallway, you can either check out the elevator, go left, or go right.
Wolfman is about 6 feet himself.
Garrick Fy`aar: "I say the elevator."
Wolfman and Veeg won't argue.
Digifanatic won't either.
Garrick Fy`aar heads in that direction then.
Wolfman follows... as does you know who.
Metal Man (GM): The elevator has two choices. 1: Down 2: Up You may take either.
Garrick Fy`aar makes to hit down, unless someone stops him.
Metal Man (GM): You hit down. The elevator goes down... and stops at a corridor. You may now go left or right; this corridor is nondescript.
Garrick Fy`aar heads right... unless somebody stops him.
VG goes right... but Wolfman goes left.
Metal Man (GM): Okay... Digi, Ari: What's your choices?
Aribar follows Wolf.
Metal Man (GM): Digi?
Digifanatic goes right.
Metal Man (GM): Everybody who goes right: The door opens, and you enter a computer with a gigantic supercomputer.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...*Whistle*..."
Metal Man (GM): There's a lot of flickering and color-changing buttons, a single camera on the wall, and a screen. There's a keyboard underneath it. The screen lights up.
Digifanatic: "Well, this is quite interesting."
VG gets nervous while entering this room for some reason... it just screams... well, Trap.
TEC: "Hello. I am TEC-XX, the most perfect and powerful computer in existence."
Metal Man (GM): You detect... no traps.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...that's quite a statement, TEC-XX."
TEC: "I cannot be nothing less than the most power and perfect computer ever made. I am TEC. What are you here for?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "We're... uhh..." *He glances to Digi* "What ARE we here for?"
TEC: "I should add, the X-Nauts were destroyed by Mario. It is logically impossible for there to be more X-Nauts here."
Digifanatic: "The water."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...right, well, why are we wearing these things then?"
TEC: "Water? I do not know of any water nearby."
Garrick Fy`aar strips off the uniform, sticking it in his NSS.
VG: "Are you familiar with the Kaini mountain range?" *He is going to chance this.*
TEC: "No. I did not know there was such a thing."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I thought you were supposed to be perfect."
VG: "Hmm... well, I'll make sure you get that information when we find out about it. This way, you can be more perfect."
TEC: "I am the most perfect computer, not the most perfect dictionary or encyclopedia."
VG: " data sending won't work?"
TEC: "This base has been abandoned for several years."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright then. Would you mind if I used your controls, TEC?"
TEC: "I have no controls of use for anyone, save for an emailing program."
VG: .oO(...this computer is a little egotistical... it doesn't want my help.)
TEC: "Or perhaps an astronomically powerful calculator."
VG: "Do you have an email address we can use to send you information once we gain it?"
TEC: "Yes. That would be Is there anything else you need?"
VG turns around, stores it in his Dex (hoping TEC doesn't see it), and then faces back.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Is there anything in your database that is worth talking about?"
TEC: "Of course. I am the most perfect and powerful computer in existence."
VG: "Are you familiar with anything outside of this place?"
TEC: "Yes, because I am the most powerful and perfect computer in all time."
VG: "What is it like?" (the outside part, not the perfect part)
Garrick Fy`aar: "...TEC, are you bored up here?"
TEC: "I am never bored, because I am the most perfect and powerful computer. Outside this place, there are many craters."
Garrick Fy`aar: "TEC, seriously, you're the only one up here."
TEC: "People wearing space suits wander about, digging small holes in the ground."
VG: "Where is the nearest digging site?"
TEC: "Walking rocks with spikes on their heads and flying Yuxes attack them from time to time."
Garrick Fy`aar: "How would you like to join processors with a computer that is as powerful if not MORE powerful than you are?"
TEC: "The nearest is almost outside the door. That is invalid. I am the most powerful and perfect computer in existence."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Oh really?"
TEC: "Yes. I am the most powerful and perfect computer in existence."
VG: .oO(...Garrick, are you absolutely SURE of this?)
Garrick Fy`aar: "Do you have any idea of what's on the planet below?"
TEC: "It is Nintendus, the planet that the X-Nauts wish to conquer."
VG: .oO(I'm doubting this computer is perfect... but still!)
TEC: "This person is assisting two other evil people in an attempt to destroy all opposing forces."
Metal Man (GM): 
TEC: "He is my creator, Grodus. He is a machine with the power to create perfect and all-powerful computers."
Garrick Fy`aar: "What about Nova?"
VG: "Who are these two others?"
TEC: "I do not know of a Nova. And the other two are named Kuja and Zio."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Do you have any information on them?"
VG: "...would you consider yourself evil?"
TEC: "I am not evil. I am the most perfect and powerful computer in existence."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Then how would you like to be with your own kind?"
TEC: "I am one of a kind. I am the most perfect and powerful computer in all existence."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Uhg, enough of this."
TEC: "I am the ultimate computing machine. You do not seem to understand that."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Nova, come in."
Nova: "What is it?"
VG: "For the record, I'm not arguing with that."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Could you please talk some sense into this computer?"
Nova: "That computer merely says that it is the most perfect and powerful computer in existence. I believe it is, too."
Digifanatic: "Oh boy..."
TEC: "See? I am the most powerful and perfect computer in existence."
VG chuckles at that.
Garrick Fy`aar: "And what of you, Nova?"
TEC: "Just because I do not have super-weapons or a planet under my control does not prevent me from being the best single computer in existence."
VG: "What makes you the best then? If not weapons... what?"
Nova: "I am not exactly a computer, Garrick. I'm an Artificial Intelligence. I am run on a computer."
Garrick Fy`aar: " know, I give up."
TEC: "I possess the greatest computational ability in existence. I can predict the future. Grodus used me to make his plans, and still does, with a similar clone he created elsewhere."
Garrick Fy`aar: "TEC, are you willing to part with your information on Kuja and Zio or not?"
TEC: "That is the sort of question you should have asked me instead. My information is open for interpretation."
VG laughs at Garrick.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Shut up, VG." *He opens up a infrared port on his Dex and downloads everything... EVERYTHING... TEC has on... everything.*
TEC: "System error: Smash Dex hard drive is full."
Digifanatic: "Oh dang... How much space can one of those hold?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright then... I'll use it as a relay port. Mewtwo, come in."
TEC: "A total of fifteen and three tenths gigabytes."
Editor's Note: Approximately the size of all the logs of SSQ. How funny.
Mewtwo: "What is it?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Prepare to receive a CRAP load of info... on Kuja and Zio, no less."
Digifanatic: "That's a good amount."
Mewtwo: "This is unorthodox, but I might as well receive it."
TEC: "Beginning upload."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Unorthodox? How so?"
Mewtwo: "You are supposed to find water, not data on Zio and Kuja."
Garrick Fy`aar: "We are going to find water. But every bit of info helps, right? Okay, TEC? If that's all, we're going to head outta here and find that mountain range."
VG: .oO(same old Mewtwo... wait a second) "Which was is the way out?"
Digifanatic: "Left I think."
TEC: "That is all. You should use the elevator, and set it to go up. The top floor is the ground floor."
VG: "Thank you."
Digifanatic: "Ah."
VG goes back to the intersection spot.
Digifanatic follows.
Metal Man (GM): Now then... meanwhile, with Wolf's thing... They finds some sort of room. there's a bed in the corner, and another door to the left.
Wolfman: "Looks like the sleeping quarters... I'll see what's next door." *He goes next door.*
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman sees a bathtub. It's an empty bathroom. There's a sink, too.
Wolfman: "...yep."
Aribar hrms... "Is it a possibility that we may get that pure water from here?"
Wolfman does a quick Dex scan of the bathroom... why anything would be there... ah, just do it Metal. "Checking now."
Smash Dex: "...DING! This is a normal bathroom. It hasn't been used in years."
Wolfman: "Nothing to see people... let's go."
Aribar: "Hrm... I'm not so sure."
Wolfman closes the bathroom door and starts to head back to the intersection point... when Ari says that. "Huh?"
Aribar walks over to the sink and turns on the faucet. "Wolf, scan this."
Wolfman comes back through the now opened door and scans the water.
Smash Dex: "This water is of high quality. It is still somewhat impure, due to traveling through pipes."
Wolfman: "We're wasting our time Aribar; turn the water off, close the door, and let's go."
Aribar: "Ah well..." *He turns off the faucet and follows Wolf out of there.*
Metal Man (GM): The door closes itself. You guys all reach the elevator.
Wolfman: "So, what did you guys find out?"
VG: "We've met an egotistical computer that showed us the way out... we have to go up."
Digifanatic: "Well... there's a super... to the 10th power... computer that knows a lot about Kuja and Zio..."
VG enters the elevator.
Wolfman shrugs and follows.
Digifanatic: "Gar's Dex couldn't hold it." *He does as well.*
Aribar follows.
Metal Man (GM): The elevator's up button is activated, and the elevator starts going up.
VG is still in his uniform thing if that matters.
Metal Man (GM): You reach... the top floor. You may walk forward, now.
Wolfman and mushroom do that.
Digifanatic follows again.
Aribar does so.
Metal Man (GM): I gotta pause here, ok? +100 EXP for the first segment.
Editor's Note: And so begins the second segment...
Metal Man (GM): The Questers had just arrived on the moon of Nintendus, looking for the purest water in the galaxy. With this water, they would create a potion to cure the nuisance virus, Slytock type B. This was for the Questers to atone for the destruction they had wrought upon the lands of Nintendus, in their pursuit of justice. Thus, they would regain their standing for the public eye. The Questers warped to the moon, and are now exiting a grand old facility, built by the X-Nauts. They're going down an escalator.
VG is going down an escalator while in a uniform that most would consider him silly in.
Wolfman is also going down... but the uniform shrunk his height from 6 to 3 feet.
Metal Man (GM): Sliding doors open... but there is a problem now! The moon has no air outside.
Julian Sawyer: *Appears mysteriously.*
Metal Man (GM): Those with Zora Breathers can go as they please, but normal people without any sort of device to their own would certainly suffocate.
Wolfman shouldn't have much of a problem... he doesn't need oxygen to breathe... right?
Julian Sawyer: "What's yo?"
VG feels alright.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman, of course, is a reploid, so air is no problem.
Digifanatic: "Oh hey, Julian."
Wolfman: "...anyone need a Zora Breather?" *He and VG have one, but VG needs his.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Sure, I guess. Why are we on the moon?"
Digifanatic: "I could use one but I'm running low on BP. ...and open item slots."
Wolfman: "...well, you might have to drop something."
VG: "Or give to me."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Julian Sawyer: "I got enough openings for a Zora Breather. Toss it here."
Metal Man (GM): Even with the Zora breather, though, it appears that will leave Digi without air... One must find a solution to this simple yet deadly problem.
Digifanatic has to think reeeeeeeeeeeal quick. "Anyone else have BP left?"
Julian Sawyer: "Hello?"
Wolfman: "Hmm... I have an idea."
Digifanatic: "Oh yeah."
Wolfman: "VG, think you can freeze Digi with one of those Ice Blocks?" *He gives Julian his Zora Breather.*
Julian Sawyer: *Takes and equips* "Thanks."
Digifanatic: "What?" *This is not a question of anger, but curiosity.*
VG: "It's actually a good idea... the moon doesn't get much sunlight you know."
Julian Sawyer: "...Yeah, if we put him in a state of suspended animation, he doesn't have to breathe, does he?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah, you're right..."
VG: "The hard part will be making sure you actually... well, STAY frozen."
Digifanatic is willing to sacrifice himself for a small while...
VG gets an Ice Block out... and freezes Digi with it, hopefully (he's not dodging)
Metal Man (GM): Digi now makes for a large block of ice. Outside, one can see the cold and barren moon.
Digifanatic finds himself frozen in one of the Magellan-fabricated blocks...
Wolfman: "Let's get this mission done with quickly... I don't know how long Digi will stay like this."
Julian Sawyer: "Right, so who's transporting him?"
Metal Man (GM): Keep in mind the reduced gravity, as well.
VG gets on top of the ice block. "Think someone can give us a push?"
Julian Sawyer: "I'm on it."
Wolfman: "This is a mission we are on, not a child's fair... oh never mind."
Editor's Note: What sort of child's fair involves being frozen in suspended animation on the moon and pushed to the destination???
Julian Sawyer: *Gets behind the ice block, ready to push.*
Wolfman is behind Julian, ready to assist if need be.
Metal Man (GM): Julian: STR check to see how fast it goes. It goes sliding outside.
Metal Man (GM): A little 'helmet' appears over VG's head ...Those craters and moon rocks don't look too nice.
VG has a Zora Breather... must be that that's causing the helmet.
Julian Sawyer: "DON'T CRASH!"
Metal Man (GM): Crater at twelve o'clock!
VG: "GAH!"
Julian Sawyer: *Runs after them.*
Wolfman hurries as well.
Metal Man (GM): You steer away from the crater... you're now about to crash into a Moon Cleft. Another SPD check.
VG attempts to dodge the Moon Cleft... whatever it is. He is STILL not used to riding the ice.
Metal Man (GM): ...You kinda bounce off of it, and Digi takes 10 damage. However, you avoid breaking Digi ...There's another crater ahead! You dodge it like the other one. You're now into a plain area, still sliding... you see Nintendus, and the ARK, eerily up in the sky.
VG is starting to have fun with this.
Metal Man (GM): You also see the ring-shaped mountain cluster.
VG gets a quick look at the sky... .oO(Wow... it's beautiful.) *He focuses back on the "road" ahead.*
Julian Sawyer: "That's interesting..."
Wolfman: "Welcome to the moon Julian."
Metal Man (GM): The road is clear... besides a formation of four Moon Clefts, that look like they're trying to roadblock you. There's two craters to the sides, too...
VG: "..."
Metal Man (GM): So... what do you do? Charge them head-on, try to turn sharply, fly into a crater, or jump over them?
Julian Sawyer: "Hey, it's the first time I've been here. Back in my time, only 11 people had been here before."
VG goes for a FIFTH option; try to somehow slow the ice cube down without breaking it... not cause property damage this way, keep us in good PR.
Julian Sawyer: "Oh hell..." *Speeds up, in case he needs to act as a booster or a human shield for Ice-Digi.*
Metal Man (GM): You stop... just in time to be attacked simultaneously by four Moon Clefts!
VG hopefully pulls the "brakes" in time... drat.
Metal Man (GM): They cannot attack you, though. Instead, they bonk into Digi... dealing 40 damage to him... and pushing you backwards... SPD check for Julian and Wolfman to avoid being run over.
Wolfman: "What the?" *He attempts to avoid the ice block coming at him.*
Julian Sawyer: "CRAP!" *Backpedals.*
Metal Man (GM): They both leap out of the way... now you're sliding towards the spiked Moon Clefts again!
VG attempts to somehow do a 180.
Metal Man (GM): Yes... a harder check.
Julian Sawyer: *Tries a running dive towards the block to knock them away.*
Metal Man (GM): I believe the word for that is 'Ouch' You collide into the clefts, dealing 40 more damage to Digi, and knocking them out of the way. Julian: They're moving too fast for you to keep up.
VG: .oO(Good going... this is NOT good for PR.)
Metal Man (GM): VG then slips. SPD check to avoid being run over.
VG hopes to avoid getting run over... by what? Digi?
Metal Man (GM): *Squish* 20 damage to VG as he becomes flattened underneath it. Digi then rebounds backwards, flying at Julian and Wolfman again.
VG goes from 3 feet to 1 foot...
Metal Man (GM): SPD checks for them.
Wolfman attempts to jump on him with the SPD.
Julian Sawyer: *Dives out of the way again.*
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman leaps aboard. The combined momentum of Wolfman and the block head towards Julian... Who avoids. Now, the block goes back downwards, down the path... towards VG again.
Wolfman attempts to slow this block down...
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: STR check, now that you're atop it.
VG gets inflated back to 3 feet... crap...
Metal Man (GM): VG: You must pass a light SPD check. You leap out of the way. The block and Wolfman are now sliding down the now clear path to the mountain range ahead.
Wolfman: "This is NOT my day... next time VG turns any of us into an ice block, we're adding seat belts!"
Metal Man (GM): VG and Julian may follow him as he surfs down to the foot of the gigantic, circular mountain range.
VG: "Well, that was fun..."
Julian Sawyer: "This just goes from bad to worse." *Follows.*
VG hurries towards Wolfman and Digi... the former of the duo has his ice block!
Metal Man (GM): You all reach the mountain... Wolfman: a STR check to stop Digi.
Wolfman attempts to stop him...
Metal Man (GM): You stop him an inch before he would have slammed into the wall of the mountain.
Wolfman: *Cartoon brakes sound He breathes a sigh of relief.*
Metal Man (GM): You finally see up the endless, rocky mountain, in which colorless soil can be seen.
VG: "You guys alright?"
Julian Sawyer: "Finally..."
Metal Man (GM): You must now walk up a treacherous mountain trail, pushing Digi up without dropping him to his doom.
Wolfman: "VG, no more riding for you."
VG pouts.
Julian Sawyer: "Can someone just CARRY him?"
Metal Man (GM): Yes. Someone can just carry him.
Julian Sawyer: "Veeg, got any duct tape?"
Wolfman has an idea... he gets out his Beam Saber. He finds a spot on the block where Digi is NOT at, and attempts to stick it through... sort of as a pull system or something.
VG: "I still have two more uses of the old thing. Why do you ask?"
Wolfman: *WONDER CRIT* (...if that matters)
Julian Sawyer: "So we can get a better grip on Digi. Ice is slippery, ya know."
Metal Man (GM): Your saber goes in perfectly. It makes a good handle.
Wolfman: "No need guys." *He holds the saber in his left hand, and gets out the Grunty Pistol on the right. He will handle pulling Digi.*
VG: .oO(...yep; that's Wolfman alright. His solution to problems is always fighting somehow. ...or at the very least, unconventional methods)
Metal Man (GM): The way up, like most of the moon, is eerily calm.
Wolfman continues to drag him up.
Metal Man (GM): Until... the ground suddenly gives way under Wolfman!
VG moves slowly, taking in the sights... or lack thereof......
Wolfman attempts to get to safety... with Digi, of course. .oO(...I owe my life to that Book of Complete Randomness right now.)
Metal Man (GM): You do so, easily. You now reach... the rim. This is where things become interesting. For starters, there's an atmosphere in here. Oxygen and the like is in this air.
Wolfman feels... an atmosphere?
Metal Man (GM): Down below, you see a single island, completely surrounded by water ..You now have another problem.
VG feels like he stepped into... some paradise place.
Metal Man (GM): The way down is too steep to be climbed down. It slopes inwards, making almost all forms of climbing impossible.
VG: "Julian, still with us?"
Wolfman looks to Digi......
Metal Man (GM): There's nothing but water for almost a mile in... and then the island is right in the middle.
Wolfman has a light bulb... dimly lit of course.
Julian Sawyer: "... Well, at least I don't need the Zora Breather anymore."
Wolfman: "Hold it. I have a crazy idea... you still might need it. We need to get down the mountain... and I think I'm going to take back a statement I said to VG earlier..."
Julian Sawyer: "This isn't going to end well."
VG: " mean... we're going to ride the ice blocks again?"
Wolfman: "...yep. Julian, would you rather me or you be frozen?"
Julian Sawyer: "Y'know what, freeze me. I don't want to be conscious for this"
Editor's Note: Wow, SSQ taking a dark turn with all this cryogenic suspension going on.
VG throws another ice block at Julian then... definitely going to hit, so hopefully it will freeze.
Wolfman gets the Digi-cube on "flat" ground, and gets his sword back out. He holsters his weapons.
VG gets the Juli-cube lined up with the Digi-cube. "What made you decide to do this?"
Wolfman: "...I think I've been hanging around you too long."
VG: "Fair enough." *He and Wolf start to push the cubes slightly down, and then hop on for the ride of our lives!*
Wolfman: .oO(...there still needs to be seat belts on these things.)
Metal Man (GM): You go straight down..... You're accelerating... 50 MPH... 60 MPH... The wind is insane.
VG holds on to his hat!
Wolfman does likewise.
Metal Man (GM): *SLAM* You crash into the water... ..And when you wake up, you've all washed onto the beach of the island. Covered in sand, of course. It's nice and warm here.
VG wakes up... and gets the sand off of him. Then he turns to the cubes... are they frozen, or melted?
Metal Man (GM): Julian and Digi have melted out... but Digi is unconscious.
Editor's Note: DUN DUN DUNNN...