Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 192: Water Wars
Date: 5:09:49 PM, May 1st; 2:58:49 PM, May 2nd; 3:01:50 PM, May 3rd, 2005.
Wolfman can't do much about the sand. "Hmm... Digi must have been frozen for too long."
VG: "Julian, you awake?" *He double-checks Julian again.*
Julian Sawyer: "That was... an experience..."
VG: "Well, welcome to paradise now."
Julian Sawyer: "Great, where's the shower?"
Wolfman: "Take a dip in the water if you want to clean yourself out." *He goes to do that.*
VG does likewise... neither of us go to the deep end or anything.
Metal Man (GM): The water washes away the sand. You realize just how bizarre this place is. You're in a tropical island, atop a mountain, on the moon.
Julian Sawyer: *Does the same.*
Metal Man (GM): The island is full of lush green palm trees, bushes, and animal life.
VG: "Wait a second... how can a tropical island be on the moon?"
Julian Sawyer: "...This place just doesn't make any sense. Which doesn't surprise me."
Wolfman: "Perhaps we entered a hidden warp gate or something... and we aren't on the moon."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm talking to a walking mushroom and a Robot."
Metal Man (GM): You can see Nintendus and ARK in the sky from here.
Julian Sawyer: "This whole damn place doesn't make any sense."
Wolfman feels refreshed... he thinks he sees Digi waking up.
Julian Sawyer: "Let's get a move on, then."
VG and company move on... wait; where can we go?
Metal Man (GM): You can go... up a path towards a rocky area... Around the beach... Or deep into the azure jungle.
Wolfman: "Do you guys think we are best staying together this time?"
Julian Sawyer: "Split up into parties of two."
VG: "...I'm with Wolfman here this time; best staying together."
Wolfman: "Which path do you want Julian?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Jungle?"
VG: "Jungle it is. Wolfman, take front in case you have to chop any plants in the way."
Wolfman: "Since when did you become smart about the jungle?"
VG: "Jungles have plants; plants are used to make items; items are what I specialize in."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm guessing he watched a lot of adventure movies."
Wolfman: "...I'm sure there is a flaw in that somehow, but I'll process it later." *He leads on, Beam Saber armed.*
VG follows.
Julian Sawyer: *Heads on in.*
Metal Man (GM): You enter the jungle with Digi. Inside, you see many plants. You also see... a black shirt on the ground.
Wolfman sees a shirt on the ground...
Julian Sawyer: "..."
VG also sees it......
Julian Sawyer: *Picks it up, looks at the front.*
VG: "Wait Julian; it could be a trap."
Metal Man (GM): Julian: You pick it up... and you're caught in a net. VG: You detect tons o' traps nearby.
VG suddenly gets slightly paranoid.
Julian Sawyer: "It's a shir-...Dammit. Wolf, a little help?"
Metal Man (GM): ...Just that moment, a pit opens up out from under you, Digi, and Wolfman.
Julian Sawyer: "...Or not..."
???: "Hahahahaha! Our pit and net trap has finally caught that twerp and his friends!"
Wolfman and Veeg attempt to midair and triple jump our way out if possible.
Julian Sawyer: *Draws his invisible dagger and uses it to cut through the net.*
???2: "Finally, we can steal his Pikachu!"
Julian Sawyer: "... Oh god no..."
Metal Man (GM): Jesse and James leap down.
Wolfman and Co get caught in there.
Julian Sawyer: *Cuttin' through the net.*
VG: "...Who the heck are you guys?"
Jessie: "To protect the world from devastation!"
James: "To unite all peoples within our nation!"
Jessie: "To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
James: "To extend our reach to the stars above!"
Julian Sawyer: *Looks for something to throw at them, then throws it if he finds something.*
Jessie: "Jessie!"
James: "James!"
Jessie: "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"
James: "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
Meowth: "MeOWTH! That's right!"
Julian Sawyer: *Still cutting through the net if he hasn't already gotten out.*
VG: "Umm... who are you guys again?"
Julian Sawyer: "Team Rocket, apparently."
Metal Man (GM): Julian: You find the net to be made out of some tough material.
James: "We're Team Rocket... now hand over your Pikachu! Yes! It took ages to get to the moon!"
Julian Sawyer: "First off, I'd like to know how you guys made it to the moon, and then made it here."
Wolfman: "We don't have a Pikachu."
Meowth: "Uhhh... but... that doesn't look a lot like the twerp..."
Jessie: "...James, these are not the brats with Pikachu! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" *Bashes James over the head.*
Julian Sawyer: "And why you used a SHIRT for bait."
James: "Uhhhh... It was Meowth's idea!"
Julian Sawyer: "Admittedly, it's a great shirt, but still..."
Meowth: "What do you mean? You were the one who stole a space ship from that fat guy!"
Wolfman: .oO(...Wario?)
Jessie: "...Well... uhh... you guys look like you have some valuables anyway. HAND THEM OVER!"
Julian Sawyer: "I don't think I was here for that. Let me out of the stupid net first."
James: "Yes... living off of soda crackers for a month gets boring... very fast."
Meowth: "I told you to rob that guy's fridge!"
Jessie: "What? Why would you expect a girl to steal?"
Wolfman has an idea... again... he attempts to get out of his shirt... thereby gaining his lost three feet back; here's to hoping they can be scared easily!
Metal Man (GM): At this point, Julian breaks free from the net... and Wolfman pops out of the shirt.
Julian Sawyer: *Gets out of his uniform as well, if he ever got into one.*
Jessie: "Ahhhh!!! It's a Werewolf!"
Wolfman: "Leave. Us. Alone." *He howls loudly.*
Julian Sawyer: "You'd best be on your way, I'd think."
James: "Never! Team Rocket never stands down!"
Jessie: "Are you mad, James? They look dangerous!"
Julian Sawyer: "He's gonna kill us all! He's crazy, I tells ya! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"
James: "I have the ultimate weapon!"
Meowth: "...Here we go again..."
James: "Behold! The Pikachu defeating mallet!"
VG: "But we aren't Pikachus!"
Metal Man (GM): James pulls out a ridiculous yellow baseball bat, which a red 'not' sign around a Pikachu head picture.
Julian Sawyer: "And unless that mallet's silver, it ain't gonna work on him."
James: "Uhhh... but... if it beats Pikachu, it should beat all of you at once!"
Wolfman just gives Team Rocket a nasty glare. *Grrrrrrrrrr.*
Jessie: "...Fine, if you're going to fight them, I might as well bring out... the other ultimate weapon!"
Julian Sawyer: "...This is *BLEEP*in' ridiculous..."
Meowth: "Why couldn't we have skipped to fleeing..."
Jessie: "The... unstoppable... Twerp defeating machine!"
VG: "In english please." *He yawns.*
Metal Man (GM): Jessie pulls out....
Julian Sawyer: *Checks out the shirt he picked up while the two career morons are getting 'weapons'.*
Metal Man (GM): ...A bowling ball polisher.
Jessie: "Yes! You shall all be polished until you have no more hair!"
VG: "What are you going to do? Polish us to death?" *He has a huge hat on you know.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian: It's a typical Team Rocket shirt.
Wolfman can't be polished til he has no more hair.
Julian Sawyer: "I'd like to see you try..." *Stuffs the shirt in his back pocket.*
Meowth: "Well, I better get out my own weapon... in case you realize that a bowling ball polisher and a painted baseball bat are NOT REAL WEAPONS!"
VG: "...Meowth, you obviously seem smarter than those other two. Why are you with them anyway?"
Julian Sawyer: "Please do."
Metal Man (GM): Meowth pulls out... a bag of miniature, marble balls... that are black. The bad is labeled 'Explosive'
Julian Sawyer: "Lackeys?"
Meowth: "I just like to order them around. Now then. If you value your life, you'll stay away from these exploding marbles!"
VG: "Wouldn't you just try to throw them at us anyway though?" *He is going for the psyche-out.*
Wolfman: *More werewolf type growling.*
Julian Sawyer: "Why are we talking to you, anyway? How can you expect to defeat a Werewolf, talking mushroom, and ME?"
Metal Man (GM): SPDs, everybody.
Jessie: "You'll regret that when I polish your hair away!"
Julian Sawyer: "My hat is invincible!"
Metal Man (GM): Yes. everybody is on flat ground. One sec. Digi: You melted out long ago. You're with everybody now.
Meowth: "You'll regret tangling with us. Eat bombs!"
Metal Man (GM): Meowth begins hurling the exploding marbles everywhere. SPD checks for everyone.
Julian Sawyer: "Take cover!"
VG: .oO(why did I tell him to do that?)
Metal Man (GM): Okay.... Digi takes 64 damage... Julian takes 96 damage...
Julian Sawyer: "YARGH!"
Metal Man (GM): VG takes 104 damage... And Wolfman takes 56 damage.
Digifanatic is still hanging on.
VG is BARELY alive... this is NOT funny.
Jessie: "Now it's my turn! Eat head polisher, freaks!"
Metal Man (GM): Jessie runs over to Wolfman and tries to polish his head. Hit?
Wolfman is avoided.
Jessie: "You can't escape me!"
Metal Man (GM): She continues attacking Wolfman. *CRIT* ...This is gonna be very painful.
Julian Sawyer: *Watches Wolf's head get grinded to dust.*
Metal Man (GM): Well... you'd notice that the grinder is powered by... a Chaos Emerald.
Jessie: "Hahahahaha!"
Wolfman is STILL ALIVE!
Digifanatic: "What kinda hair polish is that--how did she get that?!"
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman barely survives, though all he has is a rounded dome for his hair-area.
Julian Sawyer: "...How is he alive without a head?"
Wolfman probably lost his Mario Hat in the process...
Jessie: "Gaaahhh!!! I'm gonna destroy you!"
Metal Man (GM): She attacks Wolfman again.
Wolfman: "I don't think so..."
Metal Man (GM): She grinds a rock into powder.
Wolfman: .oO(She needs that weapon away from her... I'll have to disarm it later)
James: "Don't worry! I'll subdue the person who took the shirt!"
Metal Man (GM): James runs up and goes to whack Julian on the head with the base ball bat. Repeatedly. 5 damage per hit.
Julian Sawyer: "NOT THE FACE!" *WHAM WHAM WHAM.*
James: "Not so smug now, are you?"
Julian Sawyer: *Survival* "You are so dead."
VG gets out a Bazooze-ka, and attempts to give Meowth some super-powered alcoholic milk.
Metal Man (GM): Meowth blurs... and the attack misses.
Meowth: "You can't hit me that easy, toadstool man!"
VG: "Hold still!" *Gets a new Bazooze-ka to try again.*
Meowth: "Not for a minute!"
VG: "Then I'll make you hold still!" *Rushes to him for grab and dunking.*
Meowth: "What? You call that an attack? Take this, you klumsy creature!"
Metal Man (GM): Meowth runs up to you... and steals 1/4 of your money!
Meowth: "Jackpot!"
VG lost 7750 coins.
Julian Sawyer: *Dexes Meowth to get his AC, first off.*
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
HP: 0/450%
STR: 18
SPD: 40
INT: 20
AC: 25
Attacks: 1
Death Marbles: SPD check, DC 40. 4 damage for each point below DC.
Digifanatic: .oO(So that's how it works)
Smash Dex: "End of entry."
Julian Sawyer: "Veeg! I'm gonna need some Sneakers and maybe a Carbos next round."
VG has a new enemy... so to speak. He barely hears Julian.
James: "You can't defeat us! We're unstoppable!"
Julian Sawyer: *Then lays into James with a Beatbox, aiming all 3 kicks for the face.*
Jessie: "All who resist our might shall have their heads polished!"
Julian Sawyer: *CRITICAL KICK.*
Metal Man (GM): Two hits. One is a crit.
James: "Ow! My beautiful face!"
Metal Man (GM): He is, indeed, poisoned.
James: "Gah... I'll get you for that!"
Digifanatic tries something that he hopes'll work well if it pays off. He first uses an X Acc and then tries setting Meowth up with the Feinter...
Metal Man (GM): Well, that works.
Meowth: "Gah!"
Digifanatic uses the opportunity to launch a Microwave straight at the bag of marbles...
Metal Man (GM): Well, it's instant hit, but yeah, it hits... *KABOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM* Meowth takes 40 damage from his own marbles exploding; damage from the microwave?
Meowth: "Ow... that really packed a punch!"
James: "Don't worry! I haven't even activated my weapon yet!"
Jessie: "Are you stupid? TURN IT ON THIS MINUTE!"
Digifanatic realizes he has REALLY ticked Meowth to the point of no return... and he can be killed with the next attack...
James: "...Y-yes Jessie!"
Wolfman focuses on Jessie instead. Beam Saber armed, he attempts to disarm her... while secretly glad that HE can't be disarmed (due to Book of Randomness).
Metal Man (GM): You knock it out of her hands.
Wolfman gets the polisher off of her! He grabs it!
Digifanatic: "Nice grab!"
Jessie: "Gah! You took my polisher!"
Wolfman attempts to rip it apart to see how it could get that powerful.
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to rip it apart.... *YELLOW LIGHTNING* Wolfman is electrocuted by the machine for 50 electric damage.
Digifanatic: "Oh boy..."
Wolfman: *BOOM Boom boom boom boom...*
Julian Sawyer: *Shields his eyes from the fantastic explosion.*
Metal Man (GM): Meowth hurls death marbles at everybody. More SPD checks!
Meowth: "Eat explosions, all of you!"
Wolfman hasn't arrived back at the field yet.
Metal Man (GM): 72 damage to Digi.
Julian Sawyer: *'SPLODED.*
Metal Man (GM): 112 damage to VG
Digifanatic loses his first life...
Metal Man (GM): Julian: Exploded
VG: *Smb2 death.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi: 53 damage. Erm... whoops. I accidentally used your vitality roll. Anyway, after that hideous explosion, in which the jungle is nearly blown up entirely.. ..This is a first. It looks like everybody is dead. I know, but this means they can't attack you until next round... Jessie gets her polisher off the ground, then takes a double defensive action, gaining 3 AC. James presses a button, opening up his baseball bat a bit. The blue emerald inside lights up, and... it's now turbo-charged. VG returns... to see all three of them ready to give another beating.
VG goes for freezing James this time with the Ice Block.
Metal Man (GM): Hit!
VG: *15% ice and... FROZEN.*
Metal Man (GM): Yup. He's frozen and poisoned.
VG can't technically use items for another if they aren't out... can he?
Jessie: "What? No! Now James is a popsicle!"
VG Essences himself for the last action.
Julian Sawyer: *Revival!*
Meowth: "I can defeat them with my marbles... and you just grind anyone who gets my marbles into dust!"
Jessie: "This is... inspiring! I never knew two hunks of rock could make us unstoppable!"
VG: " mean you don't even KNOW what those are?!?"
Julian Sawyer: *Tries snatching that car buffer from Jessie with his Thief skill.*
Metal Man (GM): She's too slow. However, you need another check to get out of range of a counter-attack.
Julian Sawyer: "Yoink!"
Metal Man (GM): Nah, I have a solution. Jessie gets half to-hit and half damage from this. Jessie attempts to hit Julian with an almost out of range punch. Woah! Good roll, I must say.
Julian Sawyer: *SOCKO.*
Metal Man (GM): She deals 13 damage.
Julian Sawyer: "OOF!" *Gets back to the group with the polished though.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian escapes with the deadly machine.
Wolfman: *MMX teleport action 1*
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: You join in next round.
Julian Sawyer: "HAH!"
Wolfman attempts to disarm Meowth of his marbles... again, with Beam Saber. *CRIT.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are fighting Team Rocket on the moon atop a mountain on an island in the middle of a sea that is atop that mountain.
Meowth: "Ow!"
Metal Man (GM): Meowth's speed doesn't manage to stop you. You send the marbles... onto a nearby boulder...
Wolfman gets the marbles!
Metal Man (GM): Erm. disarm usually means knocking it out of their hands... which means the marbles self-destruct harmlessly out of the way.
Meowth: "All my marbles! Gone! Nooooo!!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "Alright!"
Wolfman has one more action... but what to do...
Metal Man (GM): James is looking mighty deadly... if he defrosts.
Julian Sawyer: "Try shoving James into the pit."
Wolfman does what Julian suggests, and pushes the frozen James in the pit.
Metal Man (GM): *Shove* He slides into the pit, taking 18 damage.
Julian Sawyer: "I'm the greatest."
Wolfman: "...whatever."
Meowth: "Gimme dat polisher!"
Metal Man (GM): Meowth runs up to disarm Julian.
Julian Sawyer: "ACK!" *Disarmed!*
Metal Man (GM): The polisher flies onto the ground nearby.
Julian Sawyer: *Dives for it.*
Metal Man (GM): Then Meowth decides to use Payday on Julian. It misses. However, Julian can't leap for the polisher now.
Julian Sawyer: *W00t! Lucky Day'd.*
Metal Man (GM): Jessie takes her turn... running over to the polisher for two actions, then trying to grind Julian into dust with it.
Julian Sawyer: *ARGH! ALIVE!*
Metal Man (GM): 92 damage as Julian's hat and hair is polished away.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): James takes his turn breaking out of the ice and taking poison damage.
Wolfman definitely no longer has his Mario Hat then.
Julian Sawyer: "KILL!"
Jessie: "Hehehahaha!"
Meowth: "We may be unable to hold onto our weapons for long, but at least you all will be bald and penniless!"
Julian Sawyer: "VEEG! SNEAKERS!"
Metal Man (GM): Okay. Garrick appears on the scene via warp. His turn... VG and he may take turns simultaneously.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...hey, who is the gruesome twosome? ...and the cat?"
VG: "Just some annoyances to get rid of."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Ah. Then let's get rid of them."
Jessie: "Who do you think you are, just appearing out of nowhere? I should polish your hair off for that!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Try it, sweet cheeks."
Meowth: "I'm gonna take all your money!"
VG gives himself a Mega-vitamin. +3 STR, SPD, and INT!
Garrick Fy`aar draws his M150 in a blur and blasts Jessie with a barrage of regular armor piercers.
VG waits for Garrick to finish the rest of his stuff before he uses his second item.
Metal Man (GM): One two three hits. Three hits.
Jessie: "Hey! You don't shoot at a girl!"
Metal Man (GM): Yes. Only three.
Garrick Fy`aar: "I shoot at those I'm told to shoot at."
Jessie: "Then shoot at the werewolf!"
Wolfman: "He's on my side."
VG now attempts to get Jessie all drunk so she can perhaps shave Meowth or something. *BAZOOZE-KA SUCCESS! JESSIE is DRUNK and CONFUSED.*
Metal Man (GM): You actually hit her... something that Garrick had a hard time doing.
Julian Sawyer: "Veeg, some Sneakers, if you don't mind."
Jessie: *Hic* "Stop yelling at me, yellow cactus!"
Meowth: "I'm not a yellow cactus!"
Wolfman smiles... he actually made something that worked.
Garrick Fy`aar: "How on Earth is she so fast?"
VG: "Don't worry about her. Next round Julian, you'll get them."
Julian Sawyer: "Chaos Emerald in the bowling ball polisher. Which I am going to take."
Jessie: "What do you mean? I polish your head on Sundays!" *Hic*
VG decides to protect Julian this round. Still essenced, he can avoid all damage *Done.*
Julian Sawyer: *Tries to snatch Jessie bald-headed (No pun intended), and Thiefs the Bowling Ball Polisher.*
Metal Man (GM): She basically disappears when you try to get near her. I forgot she had a 36, not a 26. However, she is confused. She could instantly defeat herself or her teammates in a heartbeat. 1 action down. What do you do with your other action?
Julian Sawyer: *Tries taking that Chaos Emerald Bat off him, then.*
Metal Man (GM): With his slow roll, he manages to avoid you. On the plus side, you dispelled his charge.
Wolfman attempts to disarm James then... again, Beam Saber.
Julian Sawyer: *String of curses.*
Metal Man (GM): Before you even try to disarm him, he hurls the bat at Meowth's head.
James: "Meowth! Catch!"
Meowth: "Ahhhhh!!!"
Julian Sawyer: *Tries an interception Or not.*
Metal Man (GM): The bat crashes into Meowth for... A large explosion's worth of damage. Meowth is blasted into the air.
Meowth: "It looks like I'm blasting off again!!!!!" *Ting.*
Wolfman picks up the bat, and stores it in inventory instead of trying to rip it apart.
James: "Gah! I forgot to deactivate total destruction mode!"
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: Your turn almost over?
Wolfman bubble shields 3rd action.
Julian Sawyer: "Hey Wolf, mind letting me borrow that? I have some revenge to take out on Jessie's head."
Wolfman: "I want revenge myself... but we'll do it our own way."
Jessie: "Not so fast! I'm going to defeat you once and for all!"
Wolfman has gained: Chaos Emerald Bat of Doom!
Jessie: "Hair Polisher! Full power!"
Metal Man (GM): ...The polisher speeds up... and up... and up...
Garrick Fy`aar: "Oh, just shut up."
Metal Man (GM): ...It makes some smoke...
Jessie: "...Ahhhhhhh!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): ...It suddenly explodes. Jessie and James are blown up into the air.
Julian Sawyer: *Looks to see if the emerald goes flying.*
Jessie & James: "It looks like Team Rocket is blasting away again!"
Julian Sawyer: *Keeps back a safe distance, though.*
Metal Man (GM): The emerald falls from the air, and lands, point down, into VG's hat.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): It's now looking like it was mounted into his hat.
VG has somehow gained a Chaos Emerald...
Garrick Fy`aar: "...somehow... I think we won't see the last of them..."
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, they didn't die."
VG: "Probably not."
Metal Man (GM): And now I gotta go do schoolwork. 1000 EXP to everybody who was there from the start of this insane battle. 300 EXP to Garrick. 5000 coins to everyone; Meowth dropped a huge pile of them.
Julian Sawyer: "This is *BLEEP*in' perfect. Where am I gonna find another hat..."
VG gains 7500 then... thank goodness for Item Mancer.
Julian Sawyer: "Or hair, for that matter."
Metal Man (GM): Okay. I'll give you 69 EXP. You guys just defeated the evil of Team Rocket, stealing their emeralds.
Wolfman: *so do I... except mine is trapped within the bat.*
Metal Man (GM): There's a cave dead ahead... which leads to the center of the mountain ahead.
VG stores his emerald into inventory.
Metal Man (GM): The cave has stone steps that go straight up... to some sort of inside room.
Wolfman walks up these steps slowly...
Metal Man (GM): Yes, Demon, you're there.
VG makes sure these steps aren't trap-ridden.
Metal Man (GM): The steps are solid, and brown. The cave is lit by some torches. The steps are safe.
Digifanatic continues to follow.
VG follows then.
Wolfman takes the lead, beam saber ready to be grabbed if need be.
Metal Man (GM): You reach a hallway... there's a prison to your left, but you can just keep going forward.
King Demon follows... whoever's leading.
Metal Man (GM): The torches, which seem cursed to burn forever, light up the way. Something seems to be beckoning for you down the hallway...
???: "Ques... ter... s..."
Wolfman wonders if going to the prison is a good idea... (INTing)
Metal Man (GM): You get the bright idea of pretending to be a prisoner.
???: "Come... forth..."
VG: "...did anyone hear anything?"
Metal Man (GM): A light is down the hallway.
VG gets out a Super Plush Bear... just to feel safe.
???: "Destiny... awaits you..."
King Demon looks down the hall, trying to see who or what is beckoning them.
VG no longer has the power of the Essences and Mega-vitamin... they went away a while ago.
Wolfman tries to turn to the source of the voice.
Metal Man (GM): You can't tell... there's a light at the end of the hallway. You have to walk further down the hallway to see it.
Wolfman will walk down said hallway then...
King Demon walks a little farther down the hall.
Metal Man (GM): You get closer... you see... The ghostly image of Alys?
VG follows...
Wolfman: "...Alys?"
Alys: "You must... finish the evil one here... It is... your destiny..."
Wolfman: "Which evil one?"
Metal Man (GM): The image then fades... completely healing all of you.
Digifanatic does as well...
King Demon: "Uh... I don't think I want to get involved with HER!"
Metal Man (GM): The next room is some sort of throne room. It has a large screen, and several square holes in the upper walls, from which sunlight comes in.
Wolfman gets a look at this room...
Metal Man (GM): The room is made entirely of stone. It is dusty, and empty. Another door is dead ahead. The light is there, too.
???: "Follow... me..."
VG: " that you again Alys?"
???: "The truth... is here..."
Wolfman: "What truth?"
Metal Man (GM): It fades out a bit... must be getting further away.
VG still clutches onto his teddy.
???: "Co... m... e..."
King Demon shrugs and follows the ghost thing.
Metal Man (GM): You may chase the light down the hallway into the next room, of course.
Digifanatic: "This is really weird..." *He carefully follows.*
Wolfman follows as well... mushroom is in the middle.
Metal Man (GM): You start to see the next room... it's some sort of green area... with a large lake in the middle. Light comes in from the top... it looks almost as if you're on Nintendus. And like you're in some sort of ancient volcano crater, which now has a spring at the center...
???: "The false one is here."
VG finds this place... well, nearly beautiful......
Wolfman: "Who is the false one?"
Julian Sawyer: *Catches up with the group again, still bald I think.* "I'd appreciate it if you guys didn't keep leaving me beh- Who said that?"
Metal Man (GM): You see Alys's spirit glide over the lake, and then disappear.
VG gets a look at the water.
King Demon looks at the lake.
Metal Man (GM): ...It is then that you notice... Emperor Grodus... standing by the water, looking over it...
Julian Sawyer: "And who was that?"
Metal Man (GM):
<--Image of him.
King Demon: "So, am I supposed to swim or something?"
Grodus: "Such beauty... such power. With this, my final goal can be achieved."
VG is still in his uniform if that matters... Wolfman isn't though.
Julian Sawyer: "Didn't we kill him?"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus throws his arms into the air... electricity crackles through his arms.
Grodus: "Spirits of Life... heed my request! Destroy the accursed planet which the Dark Ones Reside in!"
King Demon: "Ah crap, Grodus!"
VG tries to make sense of this Grodus... why is he doing this?"
Julian Sawyer: "I'm guessing this is the 'perfect water' we have been looking for..."
Metal Man (GM): (Look for the song there, don't want to direct link lest I steal bandwidth) The water begins to spin around... forming a sort of water tornado. The entire area shakes.
Julian Sawyer: "That's not good."
Grodus: "Neru Victum Phi! Semper Sic Tyrannum!"
Wolfman is not liking this shaking feeling...
Metal Man (GM): A loud whistle is heard, as the water becomes a pure pillar.
VG doesn't know what Grodus just said.
Digifanatic: "All I know is that it's Latin."
Grodus: "Now... use your full power... eliminate that terrible planet!"
Julian Sawyer: "Dead languages give me the creeps..."
Wolfman: "NOW HOLD ON!"
Metal Man (GM): *FLASH* *FLASH* The energy of the entire moon can be heard building up.
Wolfman doesn't care if he gets revealed or not.
Digifanatic: "Not really dead... it's still used in science... and the Vatican."
Metal Man (GM): The volcano is beginning to focus a laser, much like the Death Star.
Digifanatic: "But we get the point..."
Grodus: "It is too late, fool. I have invoked the water of life to create the ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!"
Julian Sawyer: "It's still considered dead... which is what Nintendus is about to be."
Grodus: "You defeated my dreams... you stopped me from creating the perfect world!"
Wolfman: "There is no such thing as a perfect world in case you forgot."
Grodus: "You killed the Void... who, like the Shadow Queen, was to destroy all that was evil! Unlike others who have their dreams crushed... I shall not let you win... I SHALL DESTROY EVERYTHING!"
VG: "The Void wanted to destroy EVERYONE."
Julian Sawyer: "Why are we just waiting for him to finish talking?"
Smash Dex: "Approximate calculations: 1 hour until Laser of Life destroys Nintendus."
Digifanatic: "WHAT?!" .oO(And Mewtwo said this was gonna be a calm, peaceful mission to try and eliminate the Stalfos Virus...)
Grodus: "You dare not attack me... you cannot win. Nothing you do shall stop the all powerful X-Naut empire from getting the final revenge!"
Wolfman: "There is one problem with that." *He equips the Grunty pistol.* "I dare." *Fires 3 shots.*
Metal Man (GM): All three attacks hit him.
Grodus: "Fool... one cannot defeat my power."
Metal Man (GM): *SPDs, everybody?*
Wolfman: "...okay, he wanted to be hit; guys, be careful."
Julian Sawyer: "Let's just knock him into the lake."
Grodus: "And corrupt the purest water in existence?"
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, then your laser won't work."
VG: "Julian, that is NOT our goal."
Grodus: "Neither will the potion which my computer told me you were after!"
Julian Sawyer: "Veeg, which would you rather have? A sick Nintendus, or no Nintendus at all?"
Grodus: "Taste fire, inferior citizen!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus fires three beams of fire at Julian. 70 fire damage per hit.
Julian Sawyer: *DEAD.*
Grodus: "Now... the lightning of my wrath shall stop you all!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus points his rod into the air. It launches lightning at VG and Wolfman.
Wolfman and mushroom attempt to avoid the lightning.
Metal Man (GM): Both of you barely fail, taking 50 damage and being paralyzed.
Grodus: "Gaack aaack aaack! Fools!"
VG doesn't use his turn to attack... yet. Instead, he attempts to get the required amount of pure water extracted.
Metal Man (GM): One action to get the water into the container.
VG does so... and then uses the Item Teleporter to teleport said container back to HQ.
Metal Man (GM): You do so. That takes up two actions.
Smash Dex: "New message: It is suggested you bring as much water as possible."
VG: "...that was the only Item Teleporter I had!"
Grodus: "Gaack aack aack! The rest shall destroy the planet you sent it to! It does not matter!"
VG still attempts to get a 2nd container of water somehow... he'll just have to carry it or something... or maybe empty his green potion bottles.......
Metal Man (GM): Luckily, there's a single container nearby... somebody else used it, but dropped it. It'll work.
VG uses said container.
Metal Man (GM): You got two containers now.
VG won't be able to transport it back... instead, he stores it in inventory...
Julian Sawyer: *Revives... and Dexes Grodus. Not much else he can do.*
Eternal Grodus
HP: 45/2000%
STR: 50
SPD: 50
INT: 100
AC: All attacks insta-hit. Immune to status effects.
DR: 10
Attacks: 4
Attacks: Data unknown
Smash Dex: "End of entry."
Wolfman: .oO(Well, that explains the whole attack thing...) *He fires one shot from the Grunty Gun, fills up his own container, and gives it to VG for inventory purposes.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Grodus: "Final Activator Online!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus glows rainbow-colored.
Grodus: "Now... taste the fury of meteorites!"
Metal Man (GM): Three meteorites fly from the sky... INSTANTLY HITTING each of you. That much damage to VG, Julian, and Wolfman respectively. The meteorites basically explode like bombs when they crash from the sky.
Julian Sawyer: *DEAD... AGAIN.*
Wolfman: *BOOM Boom boom boom boom...*
VG is almost out of Bear protection.
Metal Man (GM): Alys's spirit appears on the battlefield.
VG: "Alys?!?"
Grodus: "What is this?"
Alys: "I have come with the power to destroy that terrible machine."
Metal Man (GM): Alys suddenly holds up a large ball of... seemingly unstable energy. She throws it at Grodus.
VG: "I sure hope you do... but do it safely!"
Grodus: "Gaaaaaahhhhh!!!!"
VG got nervous by...
Metal Man (GM): It only does 42 damage, but... The remaining energy then concentrates around you guys. Julian is instantly in Overdrive mode. VG is now in Maniac Mode.
VG feels... like a MANIAC!
Metal Man (GM): And Wolfman is in... a special version of trance mode... (Seeing as the original type didn't work out)
Julian Sawyer: *Revives?*
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman gains Wolf Crush to use, doubled HP... Ability to fly... And his moves do 2x damage and have 2x to hit.
Wolfman somehow gets back... and then shifts his body... instead of bipedal, he becomes quadrupedal... *TRANSFORMERS* (sorry; had to)
Metal Man (GM): Julian is also revived on whatever life he has left, without missing an action. Everyone is cured of paralysis.
Grodus: "No... my calculations did not include intervention by an angel!"
Wolfman: "Well, believe it."
Alys: "Using the water of life for evil will be your undoing."
Wolfman can carry someone on his back if anyone needs it.
Metal Man (GM): Alys then floats into the pillar of water that's charging. A whole lot of energy is thrown around.
Smash Dex: "...The cannon is now connected to Grodus's life energy. If he dies, it will be deactivated."
Grodus: "...No... this can't be... I still won't lose!"
Metal Man (GM): Oh, Forgot.
VG uses Item Mancer ability: Item Summon!
Metal Man (GM): Which one do you want? You can choose. It should be reworded. I just have to approve your choice.
VG summons...10 Metal Colas!
Metal Man (GM): I'll go with that. VG gains ten Metal colas! Metal gains 100 coins!
VG uses action 1 to attempt using the RUST PROMOTER on Grodus/machine.
Metal Man (GM): It deals 25% damage to him and lowers his SPD by 4.
Grodus: "Gaa-aaack!"
VG then uses a Star Egg! *50% damage unless he SPD checks out.*
Metal Man (GM): All attacks auto-hit him. Nope, no bonus.
VG then gets Reflectoring.
Metal Man (GM): Unleash the power of Overdrive!
VG feels... well, like he wants to use a lot of items, but summon a lot as well... hard to say what's needed more.
Wolfman just wants to blow stuff up.
Metal Man (GM): *Pokes Julian.*
Julian Sawyer rushes towards Grodus and launches into a Speedbag, connecting with all 5 punches and kicks, then finishes with a straight punch to the face. This knocks Grodus back, but Julian seemingly 'blurs' (Special form of transportation) behind him to where he ends up, catching him and turning him around, then hits him with a flaming uppercut-Blazin'. But wait, that's not all!
Metal Man (GM): FYI: All attacks auto-hit Grodus. You can 'roll' for them if you want to try to get crits.
Julian Sawyer: *As Grodus is coming down, Julian gets under him and catches him over his head.* "Up ya go!" *Julian then bends down and glows, appearing to charge up or something. Julian then shoots up like a spring, launching Grodus skyward with a yell. He then leaves Gravity to do the dirty work, as Grodus falls all the way back to the ground. Super Move: ATLUS TOSS.*
Metal Man (GM): Damage, Julian? 439 damage total.
Grodus: "Argh..."
Metal Man (GM): And now, we must pause. Not for suspense, but for the last of my schoolwork.
Julian Sawyer then appears back with the group.
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile... Charles shall start at yon base.
Charles Magellean sips down the cola. He can't believe this. "You're serious. They're actually cleaning up their own mess?"
Ricky: "Well,that's what they said... but recent pictures are a bit... contradictory."
Metal Man (GM): Ricky shows you a startling image. It looks like a barren, white moon of Nintendus, missing a big piece out of it... With a laser like the Death Star charging up in the middle. It would look much like the Death Star 2, with all the debris and junk missing. The only difference is that it's a moon.
Ricky: "They must have accidentally activated the secret planet destruction beam on their own. I don't know how they turned a mountain filled with pure water into a deathray."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Incoming transmission."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus's face appears on the screen... a bit distorted by the distance the information has traveled.
Grodus: "The X-Naut empire brings greetings to the Magellean empire."
Charles Magellean: .oO(How he can call me, a koopa, 2 AIs, and many Eggrobos an empire is beyond my comprehension.)
Metal Man (GM): --> This music begins playing in the background. (Once again, look on the site for it)
Grodus: "The Questers have destroyed my dream. I have had no choice but to destroy their wretched planet. You have two choices: Ally with me or face instant destruction. I have the eclipse cannon."
Metal Man (GM): The blue background behind him... it's the same Eggman used to announce his plans to take over then-Earth. Except scrubbed clean of 'Eggman is great', of course.
Grodus: "Answer me! I will not hesitate to destroy your moon, and Earth to boot, if you do not surrender."
Metal Man (GM): He makes various threatening gestures towards the screen.
Charles Magellean: "Cut to mute, Fayth."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Mute has been activated."
Charles Magellean turns his head so Grodus can read his lips.
Ricky: "Sir, this person has the eclipse cannon. It blasted that moon in half... our own moon could not withstand that power."
Charles Magellean: "Something I don't understand. Isn't Grodus on Nintendus's moon?"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "...This can't be... how is he two places at once?"
Charles Magellean: "...Clones."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "That's how he survived the destruction of 'Lord Crodus.' He wasn't killed, only a robot was."
Charles Magellean: "But now it can be assumed that Crump is a memory."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "He is dead, indeed."
Charles Magellean: "Suggestions?"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Even if I tried to hack that thing, he'd probably get it firing."
Ricky: "Not even Valhalla could hit it head-on, and that's only partially on our side."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "The Atlantic City is not capable of interplanetary travel!"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "I might add, he has backup. Scans indicate that cannon on that moon is his, as well. ...He is using time travel."
Charles Magellean scratches his chin.
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "According to my calculations, every time we beat him, he could go back in time and send something else at us."
Charles Magellean: "A time (drive/machine/mechanism/flux), eh?"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "I don't know what powers the time travel. Not even Gerald could do it. Yes, most likely a machine of some sorts..."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Speaking of Time Travel, the ARK is beginning to reach light speeds... it's heading towards us."
Charles Magellean: "The background has been set into my mind. Do you have suggestions?"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "The chaos emerald... It can control time as well."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "We need to charge the emerald to full power, and then send it directly into Grodus. The time distortion would likely send his travel off-course..."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Shredding him into salad."
Charles Magellean listens for Ricky's suggestion.
Ricky: "Well, I don't know too much about this whole time-space thing. Perhaps we should try something else. Now, that ARK, like any other ship, can be commandeered. Grodus is one robot, and that ship is mighty outdated. If we took it by force, we could have the eclipse cannon and possibly steal his time machine! He can't go back in time while fighting in two places simultaneously, at least, I sure hope he can't."'
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Either way... the ARK is the focal point. Whether you disrupt his time travel or take it for yourself, the only way is to get aboard the ship which is momentarily going to be in range."
Charles Magellean: "With Grodus, he's likely to have found a way to counteract the emerald's power."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "I sense this is only the beginning of a storm more furious than what Nova and Avon fixed. Sensors show that Team Rocket used two chaos emeralds against the Questers."
Charles Magellean: "Not an option. That's too far out of range."
Ricky: "There is another, more risky option. We could go into direct ship-to-ship combat."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "It would take a lot of power to send Valhalla here."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Whatever we do, it must be soon. The ship has come into orbit, and is beginning to power up."
Charles Magellean: "Again, it would take time we don't have. Fayth, Bob: You will remain here."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Affirmative."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Yes sir."
Charles Magellean: "Ricky, how much knowledge do you know of the 19xx outdated technology?"
Ricky: "It should be easier to use than the technology of this time, I think. What do you have in mind?"
Charles Magellean: "You will accompany me to the space colony ARK."
Ricky: "Easy enough."
Metal Man (GM): Ricky pulls out a blaster.
Charles Magellean attaches his buster guns and onyx sword sheath.
F.A.Y.T.H.: "I can transport you to the bridge without a problem."
Charles Magellean: "Cut the transmission. He knows my answer and what we'll do."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Affirmative. Warp gate open."
Metal Man (GM): A green warp opens for you.
Charles Magellean enters with guns at the ready.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* *WARP* You both appear on the bridge of the ARK... Grodus is there. He turns to face you.
Grodus: "Nothing you can do will stop me! The cannon has been activated. It will all be over soon!"
Charles Magellean creeks his neck. "I don't understand you. Why do you insist on establishing rule here?"
Grodus: "An old friend of mine told me."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus switches on a monitor. It's Smithy.
Charles Magellean: "...Kajidoh."
Smithy: "You double-crossing nitwit! Did you think you could escape from me by killing my body? Huh? HUH?"
Charles Magellean: "The Questers did it."
Smithy: "If you hadn't double-crossed me, we'd be ruling the Questers! Grodus may be a newer model, but when he found my secret time machine, he was quick to swear allegiance to me."
Grodus: "The X-Naut empire was built on the ruins of Smithy's. It is only natural that we reunite all which was lost. The machine which replaced TEC for predicting the future is before you."
Smithy: "As far as I can see, even this pathetic outpost belongs to me. So surrender, or be blasted to pieces!"
Ricky: "Anyone can revive a fossil for their own ends. But I don't think we need to relive the past."
Charles Magellean: "Seeing as neither of you haven't picked the most efficient process, I'll assume this is personal. I'm flattered."
Grodus: "You are the most destructive weapon Smithy had. Thus, the only way we can ensure the safety of our empire is to either destroy you or put you back on the right side."
Charles Magellean: "Again, I'm flattered."
Smithy: "The sheer amount of treason you put down is enough to make me destroy the sun! I even had a plan for that... but Culex and Metal Sonic refused to share a satellite."
Charles Magellean: "Vengeance, huh? A shame this put's Grodus's plans for perfection at conflict."
Grodus: "My plans were dead when The Void died. All I have left is my unending wrath and plans to destroy those who make it impossible for dreams to come true!"
Charles Magellean: "So he is dead forever? A pity. I would've just thought time travel would prevent that as well, or are your calculations slipping, Grodus?"
Metal Man (GM): They seem content to sit around and chat, especially while the cannon is 77% powered up.
Grodus: "My calculations have been completely askew thanks to you. An angel appeared and saved the Questers from me earlier. I must eliminate your resistance!"
Smithy: "All of this faith is simply leading you and your friends towards a chaotic destruction."
Charles Magellean: "...Alys. Although I did feel honored to serve a great mech such as Kajidoh, even if it was under espionage, I will not surrender my freedom to live and be a slave."
Smithy: "Then the cannon shall destroy your moon and your God."
Charles Magellean: "!"
Computer: "Cannon is fully charged. Firing in t-minus 15 seconds."
Metal Man (GM): Ricky shoots at Grodus, but he just fades around them.
Charles Magellean: "DARE FIRE AND INCUR THE WRATH OF ZEMUS!?" *He pulls out the chaos emerald.*
Smithy: "Who's that? A hippie? No hippies can stop us!"
Grodus: "We shall crush the hippies by metallicising their forests!"
Charles Magellean: "In the name of the Lord of the Aeons Bahamut, you will not unleash the fiend that is stronger than Kuja!" *He anger grows more at the mere thought of Zemus roaming free.*
Smithy: "If Bahamut is dead, then how can his name mean anything anymore?"
Metal Man (GM): The cannon is about to fire.
Charles Magellean channels his anger into the emerald. "I... unleash... To protect... my home..."
Smithy: "Endless stupidity?"
Charles Magellean: "To stop... your ramPAGING..." *He begins to glow red.*
Metal Man (GM): Grodus steps back a bit, as the room shakes.
Charles Magellean: *A very translucent image of Bahamut stands behind Charles. It mimics Charles' actions.*
Grodus: "One emerald cannot beat the energy which equals all seven!"
Charles Magellean: "But the energy of anger channeled through the King of the Aeons to this emerald is greater than all seven!"
Smithy: "Yes... that's it... waste your last breath on destroying tin cans while your planet explodes!"
Charles Magellean: "...MEGA FLARE!" *He opens his mouth as does the Bahamut behind him. The Bahamut fades away and goes into Charles's body, and energy begins to charge. The Emerald starts spinning and radiates with electricity as it drains energy from Charles, Ricky, the colony, Grodus, and other machines.* "RICKY! HOLD ONTO ME!"
Ricky: "Y-yes sir!"
Metal Man (GM): Ricky leaps to you and holds onto your arm.
Smithy: "Pft. I used more power to destroy the Master Egg."
Charles Magellean aims to Grodus... and fires a tremendous amount of energy! * the opposite direction.*
Grodus: "...What? Huh?"
Charles Magellean looks back towards Grodus as he stands in front of the colony beginning to be destroyed. He grows smug. "...The second time something you didn't anticipate happen? You're slippin, Grodus."
Smithy: "Mainly because he'd ruin it if he knew."
Charles Magellean: "Now, you wanting a fight while this colony becomes trapped in a limbo, or should we just say our final goodbyes here and now?"
Metal Man (GM): And... we shall pause here. *Cliffhanger* Why does Smithy act like he knows something? Will everybody in the attack really go to limbo? Why did Smithy come back to life? What's with the time machine? Find out... whenever we continue this in the future! You're on the ARK, as it's now being destroyed by that attack you summoned. Grodus is cowering... but the image of Smithy is smiling.
Charles: "Now, you wanting a fight while this colony becomes trapped in a limbo, or should we just say our final goodbyes here and now?"
Charles Magellean whispers to Ricky.
Smithy: "I'm afraid most of that won't be necessary. Your actions were just what I needed to revive the Doomsday Orb."
Charles Magellean sighs and just puts on a smile.
Smithy: "This ship had no power to operate the cannon. It was all an elaborate farce. This ship is a bunch of junk put together by Grodus's magitek orb. ...And it is by this power that the second age of Smithy shall begin!"
Metal Man (GM): The room begins shaking. The panel where Smithy's head was on the screen suddenly explodes.
Charles Magellean: "Just another manipulation under our noses."
Ricky: "What? So he just did this to scare us into summoning energy? Outrageous!"
Charles Magellean shakes his head as he jumps back and is caught off guard.
Metal Man (GM): ...The consoles fall apart... and then combine to create... Ridley.
Charles Magellean: "Whoa! Was that supposed to happen!?"
Smithy: "I shall end this here and now. Using the most powerful machine made ever!"
Grodus: "...I'm outta here!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus flees.
Charles Magellean: *Sweatdrop* "Uhhhhh... ooookay. Diiiid not see that coming."
Smithy: "I have caught you with an elaborate farce... and now that you're beached in my grasp, I can crush you!"
Charles Magellean points with his thumb towards where Grodus fled. "Nah, I meant how that X-Naut leader just jumped ship like that."
Metal Man (GM): Smithy breathes fire at you, not to hit, but merely to make you stop talking.
Charles Magellean goes back to focus to Smithy.
Smithy: "Enough! You will fight me alone, to the death! I will not tolerate treason in my empire!"
Metal Man (GM):'s_Revenge(Super_Metroid,_Metroid).mp3 (You know the drill)
Charles Magellean: "...Ricky... go."
Ricky: "Yes... sir!"
Metal Man (GM): Ricky runs after Grodus.
Charles Magellean: "So, is it gonna be you, Ridley, or both of you combined?"
Smithy: "I am this machine, turncoat. The real Ridley was merely the basis for this machine. I built it... under SIMBER's supervision. Foolish machine. I didn't make this to help the Questers!"
Charles Magellean takes out his guns and loads them.
Metal Man (GM): Machine-Made Ridley--Smithy's Choice vs. Charles Magellan
Charles Magellean: "Shutup, ya nasty flying creature!" *He fires a hail of bullets into MM Ridley's mouth.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss miss miss hit hit hit hit hit hit miss hit miss crit crit hit hit miss miss.
Charles Magellean: *18% per hit.*
Metal Man (GM): 234 damage.
Smithy: "Impressive, but I can do better!"
Charles Magellean blows the smoke, reloads them, then holsters them.
Metal Man (GM): Smithy starts off by breathing fire at you, with a wide arc that affects almost the entire room. SPD check.
Charles Magellean: "Ooooohhh ccrraaa--"
Metal Man (GM): You barely avoid the flames, only for Smithy to suddenly charge at you. 52 damage if that hits, and you're smashed into the wall behind.
Charles Magellean becomes rampaged upon. Having no sudden strength against this machine, he his helpless as he is pinned.
Smithy: "I'm going to enjoy this!"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy wildly slashes at you while you're down. 34 damage per hit. Ouch... a crit in there, too! Your turn.
Charles Magellean: " bones are battered already."
Smithy: "I could have had Nintendus in my grasp... it's all your fault that I lost!"
Charles Magellean clutches his right shoulder. He straps on his back, after opening the briefcase, the Star Rod. He takes out the bazooka and leaves on the ground to his side.
Smithy: "What a miserable trinket... are you going to sprinkle fairy dust and pretend I'm not here?"
Charles Magellean prays as he begins to glow yellow, blue, and other colors. +50 HP.
Metal Man (GM): Smithy tries to grab you. Of course, his strength is unstoppable. 18 damage... he takes his next round to throw you into another console, dealing 105 more damage to you. Then he uses his last action to laugh at you.
Smithy: "Pathetic... pathetic... you couldn't beat me if you tried!"
Charles Magellean: "You're good... I ...give you that. EEERRRNNNNN..." *He breathes heavily.*
Metal Man (GM): Dang it, I try to get some rest and these people demand I walk. I have to brb. Well, it turned out to be a rather weird story. You see, I thought I was forced to go walking. But by the time I got all ready, they said I didn't have to come. I'm not someone to get all ready and then give up, so I walked, nay, ran the entire way. I still haven't discovered how I keep fit after not exercising in years. And eating a diet of pizza, Dr. Pepper, and more pizza. @_@ Okay, let's see if I can start up the GMing engine. *Thrashes his head a bit, making loud cracking noises with his neck.* Now then... time for VIOLENCE!!!!,_SnappleMan_-_Like_a_Tornado(Revenge_of_Shinobi).mp3 (It's that site you have to find the music on again. Yeah, this is basically GMing to VGMix songs: The Session.) Old cranky Grodus just won't die. He's got himself at the water source the Questers need to make the cure for Slytock with. He's found some sort of magical ability to turn the water and nearby mountains into a deathstar-like laser. He's charging it up... and seems almost unstoppable. Even with Alys's help, he remains tough, and refuses to back down. All the Questers are fighting him, at the crater. All are in their super modes. If yer in trance: 2x HP, flight, moves deal double damage and have double to-hit. (Smashers only) SPDs, everybody! Oh, I'll wait for Aribar. Well, I got something better than melting! We can test out... the new Turbo Mode for Questers!
Grodus: "I don't care if you have super powers... you can't stop me!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus fires three missiles at Wolfman. 20 damage per hit... of course, they insta-hit. Then he fires a ray of fire at Aribar...
Wolfman growls a little bit.
Metal Man (GM): No crit. He deals 70 fire damage to Aribar. Then he summons a matter to smash into Julian.
Wolfman: *For those that need to know: Wolfman is right now Quadrupedal, and he can give anyone a ride.*
Metal Man (GM): 166 damage to Julian. Then he fires lightning bolts at VG. VG: SPD check. It only matters if you get a crit.
Julian Sawyer: *Dammit, loses his last life.*
Metal Man (GM): Yeah. Pretty much.
Julian Sawyer: *GAME OVER.*
Metal Man (GM): VG takes 50 electric damage and gets paralyzed.
VG is actually alive still... he forgot about his Plush Bear... which is now in kibbles n bits.
Grodus: "Surrender to my almighty attacks!"
Charles Magellean restarted. Now he watch fight.
Grodus: "You destroyed my dreams... now I shall destroy you!"
Aribar: "I just get here and people start dying... A curse?" *The elf casts Revive on Julian and he's back at 1 life, and then casts an Electric Elemental Blast twice on Grodus. 105% Electric times two.*
Metal Man (GM): *Glow* Grodus takes 10 less damage from each hit!
Grodus: "Gaaaack aaack aaack! I've got armor, now!"
VG: "Aribar, got anything NON-elemental to use?"
Aribar: "Uhhh... Yes."
VG will use Item Mancer Ability: Mass Item Usage.
Aribar: "It is much weaker, though."
VG: "Well, use it." *Uses Green Potion on Aribar He uses Fried Egg next.*
Aribar: "Thanks!"
VG: *All good guys regain 7 HP.*
King Demon cheers... I guess.
VG is at 111/120 HP now He gives the revived Julian a Guardian Acorn.
Julian Sawyer: "Thanks, Veeg. This is gonna help me from not dying on Grodus' next turn... hopefully."
VG: "Here's more help." *Super Plush Bear.*
Grodus: "Fat chance, mortal."
VG then uses Star Egg to deliver 50% against Grodus.
Julian Sawyer: "Alright!"
VG will FINALLY end his extended turn by Reflectoring.
Metal Man (GM): Friendly Reminder: It is Julian's turn right now.
Julian Sawyer: *Right then, Julian 'blurs' towards Grodus, and attacks with a Double Speedbag. After the furious flurry of blows lets up, Julian follows up with a couple of punches to the midsection, then grabs him by the head and throws him up and over, slamming him into the ground.*
Metal Man (GM): Ah... good thing his AC is 0. :p Of course, all that hit. Let me put it this way: You can roll if you want. If you roll, you get a chance of getting a crit miss or a crit. If you don't, there's 0 chance of either. It's your choice, for probably this battle only.
Wolfman takes advantage of his new form and decides to fly directly to Grodus's face. With his Beam Saber... well, somehow... "armed" (I'll make up 3 other super moves later), he starts off with a DBZ style dance or something.
Metal Man (GM): No crits, no crit misses. All hit... Of course... thanks to the armor, that's only 120 damage.
Wolfman swaps weapons to the Megaton Hammer... (you get the point Locos!) ...he's going for you know what.
Metal Man (GM): You hit, but not where you intended.
Julian Sawyer: "I don't think he has a groin, man."
Grodus: "A gigantic hammer cannot defeat me!"
Metal Man (GM): Damage, yo? 40 damage.
Wolfman: *Done, back in position, but kind of flying instead of on land.*
King Demon launches two fireballs and a flame punch.
VG: "Guys, NO Elements!"
Metal Man (GM): One... two... three hits, no crits. New round! Grodus summons another meteorite... at Aribar. 126 damage to him. Then he shoots a ray of fire at... VG, of all people.
Metal Man (GM): No crit. What happens, VG? 70 damage of burning pain is coming at your reflector.
Aribar survies... Somehow. "Gaah!"
VG survives too!
Metal Man (GM): Grodus launches missiles at Demon, next. No crits... 20 damage per hit. Then he launches yet another meteorite at Aribar for good measure. 72 more damage to Aribar. right after the second meteorite explodes on him.
Aribar aslpodes... He casts Mirror on himself and Badge Breaker on Grodus.
Metal Man (GM): It reflects back and hits you in the forehead!
Aribar: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): Wait.... It reflects off of him.... Then it reflects off of you... Then it reflects off of him...
Grodus: "...What the heck?"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
VG is probably going to get involved somehow; HE'S also in a reflector mode.
Metal Man (GM): The spell begins rapidly speeding up, reaching critical mass from being reflected thousands of times. *Whistling noise.*
Grodus: "It's going to explode!"
Aribar: .oO(Piffle...)
Julian Sawyer: "TAKE COVER!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: Opposed SPD check with Grodus. You've got a slim chance!
VG: *Dynamite Headdy Narrator Lady:* "You've found a secret bonus point."
Metal Man (GM): It flies into Grodus and explodes. 324 damage to him.
Aribar blinks...
Grodus: "Ahhhhh!!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Alright Ari!"
Aribar: "...Alright for back-backfiring!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus is currently on his back, burnt black.
Grodus: "Curse you... reflective coating..."
VG: *Maniac Ability: Item Usage! He gives Wolfman some of the Metal Cola.*
Wolfman: *Gulp gulp gulp.*
VG uses X Defend on himself. He uses 100 rings on Aribar *Regular actions to commence.*
Aribar nods his head in thanks to VG.
VG decides to attempt something unique this turn... it might have to carry over to next turn, though, due to 2 items allowed to be used technically, and not three. He is going to use his Duct Tape to tape together his Ultima Cube and one Star Egg... with the eventual idea of throwing the combo pack together and hope for a bigger explosion or something.
Metal Man (GM): You can do that in one round. Only 'cause you're an item mancer.
VG will throw his makeshift... something... next go around.
Julian Sawyer again 'blurs' towards Grodus, appearing to actually run up him, getting a few kicks in, then jumps up and SLAMS his feet into Grodus, bouncing him off the ground. Julian then grabs him on the bounce, rears back as his fist glows with energy, and delivers a powerful Haymaker right to Grodus' temple. Julian finishes up by throwing Grodus up a little bit, and catches him on his back. Julian then bends down, and starts glowing. Julian than launches up likes a spring, sending Grodus HIGH into the air, and lets gravity do the rest.
Metal Man (GM): He is blasted into submission. He falls onto the ground, sparking.
Grodus: "Argh..."
Aribar: "Grodus, why not just give up?"
Metal Man (GM): He appears dead.
King Demon kicks him while he's down for no real reason.
Wolfman: .oO(Drat... never got to Wolf Crush)
Metal Man (GM): Demon is shocked silly for 50 damage. He collapses. Electricity courses through his body. Meanwhile, the water-laser goes down.
Wolfman flies over him, and scans him with... well, special built in Dex or something.
Smash Dex: "No energy signature detected."
Metal Man (GM): ...The water is free for you guys to sample.
Wolfman: "...Everyone, gather enough containers of the pure water WITHOUT contaminating it."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus's body just lays there, sparking and dead.
Aribar tries to remember where their containers are... In the smash dex?
Julian Sawyer: "That felt great."
Metal Man (GM): 1000 EXP for that battle.
Wolfman uses his Dex to get more.
Julian Sawyer: *LEVEL UP... TO THE HALL OF FAME!*
Sumner: "VG... has gained a level."
Aribar: "Hrm... Would magic pollute the water more than dipping the containers into the water?"
Sumner: "Wolfman... has not."
Smash Dex: "No."
King Demon: "Stupid dead corpse shocking me..."
Julian Sawyer: "So let's get this stuff and go home."
VG gains more SPD! 1 of it. VG also gains 1 BP... which is wasted since he's already at 20 BP.
Aribar gets out whatever container he has which is used to store the water and casts Magic Teleport to put some of the pure water into the container.
Metal Man (GM): Nope. It's easy to do ..The Master Emerald surfaces atop the middle of this water, glowing. The green, multifaceted shape reflects... showing Grodus... who runs and then leaps onto the emerald right after Julian gets his sample.
Grodus: "I'm not going down that easily!"
King Demon: "... oh good, PAYBACK!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): The combined power of the water and the emerald engulf him in a pillar of light.
Aribar: "...Piffle!"
Wolfman doesn't recall when he got an emerald...
King Demon: "Uh, not good?"
Metal Man (GM): ...When it finishes, he's now... golden... with bits of the Master Emerald studding his outfit.
Wolfman: "I don't think we're done yet."
Metal Man (GM): He's floating in the middle of the lake.
King Demon: "Woo hoo, you got new armor, big whup!"
VG gets ready to continue the battle.
Metal Man (GM): Thus, all close-range attacks cannot hit him.
Wolfman can fly... if anyone needs a lift, let me know.
Julian Sawyer: "...Dammit!"
Metal Man (GM): And Garrick wakes up from the nap he was taking on the ground.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...rasberries... huh?"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: Your SPD?
Garrick Fy`aar slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes "...ohhhh, great. Master Emerald?"
Grodus: "I was only WARMING UP last time! Away with you!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus sweeps his wand... four golden rays fly out and hit... Two of them fly out and hit Garrick for... 458 damage, while one hits Julian, and the other hits Demon. 462 damage to Julian, 422 damage to Demon.
Julian Sawyer: *GAME OVER'D.*
Aribar: "..."
King Demon diedish.
Hyper Grodus: "Gaack aaack aack! You have no chance to defeat me now!"
Aribar: "You guys need to start paying me..."
Wolfman: "We'll see."
Garrick Fy`aar stands halfway up, then falls down in death... that was quick.
Aribar casts Revive on Julian again and opens his Dex. "Mewtwo, PLEASE answer! We need a warp out of here... Please answer."
Smash Dex: "Warning: Out of range."
Hyper Grodus: "No one can help you now! I shall slice through your souls like butter!"
Julian Sawyer: "Thanks again Ari..."
Aribar restores his MP with a Green Potion... Next victim!
Garrick Fy`aar is down an action. He growls, unslinging the Einhammer "Let's make this battle MUCH easier!"
Hyper Grodus: "Do your worst!"
Garrick Fy`aar fires off a pair of implodes, cutting Grodus' HP in half, then in half again!
Metal Man (GM): You do that... *PING PING* It just bounces off of his golden armor!
Hyper Grodus: "I am invincible!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Y'know, maybe we should run."
Wolfman: "Not yet... I still have to try."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...jeez."
VG uses Maniac Ability: Summon! (if this works the way I think Metal told me...) 1000 rings!
Metal Man (GM): Correct. I approve of that... mainly because of the guy you're against.
Charles Magellean raises his hand.
VG gives Garrick 100 rings for action 1.
Garrick Fy`aar feels his power arch a bit, life returning to him. "Thanks, VG..."
VG then gives 100 more rings to Julian... he'll save the mishmash three item combo thingy next round. He will instead... umm... just, Defend. Bubble Shield!
Julian Sawyer: "Finally. I was starting to think you didn't like me, Veeg."
VG: "Just protect me if you can... I'll need it."
Julian Sawyer: "...Right... He's WAY over there... I'm WAY over here... And I don't have and ranged attacks here... How the crap am I gonna hit him?"
Hyper Grodus: "Like you could even deal any damage to me!"
Julian Sawyer: *Dexes Grodus first off, to see what changed.*
Wolfman: "Get on me Julian." *He is able to fly others due to his current quadrupedal state.*
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
Hyper Grodus
HP: 0/*Infinity Sign*
STR: *infinity sign*
SPD: *infinity sign*
INT: *infinity sign*
AC: *infinity sign.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Holy crap..."
Special: Permanently invincible... unless one of his attacks backfires. Then he loses a round and can be hit.
King Demon: "That's... probably not good"
Actions: 4
Smash Dex: "Additional scan needed to get attack data."
Julian Sawyer: *Dexes again, not much else he can do.*
Smash Dex: "Additional data..."
Golden Beams: Hits four random enemies for d500 damage each.
Deathwave: 50% chance of each enemy dying from this attack. One roll per target.
Annihilation: Instantly destroy a target with extreme amounts of energy.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...this is NOT good..."
Rundown: d100 damage to all targets.
Smash Dex: "End of data."
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Closes Dex* "Okay, is everyone else ready to run about now?"
King Demon: "Works for me..."
Hyper Grodus: "I shall destroy you, no matter where you run!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "We need a distraction..."
King Demon wonders if there's a limit to how long he can maintain this form though... like there is in S&K.
Metal Man (GM): Julian: Your turn over?
Julian Sawyer: *Gets on Wolf's back for his last action.*
Wolfman swaps to the Laser Pistol... though right now, it's more like an Eye Beam or something (again, will get unique moves later). He flies somewhat close towards Grodus and fires off two shots... he should be close enough for Julian to do something... if he can.
Metal Man (GM): The two attacks hit him and deal no damage.
Julian Sawyer: "...Yeah, we should probably run for it."
Wolfman: "He can destroy everything if we run. We kidn of have to stop him here."
Julian Sawyer: "Well, so far, we can't even HARM him. And he apparently has an HP of INFINITY."
Wolfman: "No one really does. Even Kuja isn't invincible... we just have to wear him down."
Metal Man (GM): No. You're surrounded by mountains. And then a moat around those mini-mountains (you're on an island)
King Demon: "Dex, is there a limit to how long Grodus can maintain this form?"
Metal Man (GM): Which then has more mountains around it.
Smash Dex: "No."
King Demon: "Crap..."
Metal Man (GM): Which is the on the moon. So you can't run very far.
King Demon defends, cuz there's not a whole lot else he can do. He prepares to teleport as well, if he's attacked.
Hyper Grodus: "Taste my wrath, incompetent boobs!"
Metal Man (GM): Hyper Grodus raises his staff up, and then beams rain from the sky on everyone. Let's see... everybody but Demon and VG is instantly destroyed. Loss of life. -1 life to everyone else...
Julian Sawyer: "AR-" *ZOMG DEAD.*
Hyper Grodus: "I shall destroy both of you!"
King Demon: "Huh? what'd I do!?"
Metal Man (GM): No. Everyone but Demon and VG lost a life. Hyper Grodus then fires lasers at VG and Demon. 324 damage to VG. 113 damage to Demon.
VG loses a life.
Metal Man (GM): Then... due to the suckiness of his attack against VG, Grodus lands atop the emerald, non-shiny for a round. if he has any lifes yet.
Aribar: "Hrm..."
King Demon hmmmmsss....
VG has two lives left... Wolfman one.
Aribar decides to approach this at a different, and probably catastrophic, angle. He charges up Terrorbolt 2 levels and then fires it, not at Grodus, but at the emerald! 324% Lightning damage.
Metal Man (GM): Well, good going. You hit the emerald... but not the vulnerable person. The emerald merely absorbs the energy.
Aribar: "Arrg..."
VG arrives... minus one action, but still has one Maniac round left... He will summon 10 Item Teleporters if possible.
Metal Man (GM): *10 item teleporters appear.*
VG is going with gut feeling here... he attempts to item teleport THE MASTER EMERALD to him! He will use his own Chaos Emerald as a guide if need be.
Metal Man (GM): You try that... but the ultimate revenge occurs! Aribar's super-powered Terrorbolt is teleported to you! 324% lightning damage.
King Demon laughs.
VG has just lost his SECOND life.
Metal Man (GM): *Loud electrical noises as VG warped death into himself.*
Julian Sawyer: *Revives on the ground... and guards. Guards with the hope that he will be overlooked in Grodus' next turn. Also has one life left.*
Wolfman arrives on the battle field... scarred... still flying somehow... .oO(Well... if I'm going to die... time to take him with me) *He uses action #2 to summon the Chaos Emerald from within the Bat of Doom that Team Rocket had... if possible. If that is NOT possible, then the Bat of Doom will do. It was never* "turned off" if that matters.
Metal Man (GM): You summon the chaos emerald.
King Demon has an idea when it's his turn.
Wolfman holds the emerald in front of him... attempting to absorb it's power. At the same time, he charges towards Grodus, and gives a LOUD howl! The hopeful goal... Hyper Wolf Crush... that might be suicidal.
Metal Man (GM): You have the quirk: Sacrificial? Well, here's how it goes. You try to use the emerald... but then the classic lesson in Master Emerald controlling Chaos Emeralds occurs. It's ripped out of your hand and orbits the Master Emerald... becoming a hyper emerald in the process. However, you may use Wolf Crush now.
Wolfman uses the Wolf Crush... powered up, tranced-like, angry, etc... good thing it's full screen.
Metal Man (GM): No need; not even damage is needed. You blast him off the Master Emerald. He falls into the water... takes a vicious shock.... Then climbs back on, still vulnerable.
Hyper Grodus: "Urgh..."
Wolfman: .oO(...I hope... that did it...)
Julian Sawyer: "Aw crap, did he just contaminate the water?"
Wolfman breathes heavily...
Smash Dex: "That attack appears to have slightly damaged his link with the Master Emerald."
Wolfman: "That's the least... of our worries... right now."
King Demon charges at Grodus, trying to knock him off of the emerald and into the water again.
Metal Man (GM): Problem: He's floating on the water. Then there is that. Anyway, you hit him directly... taking a nasty 50 damage from the electricity. He then falls into the water again. He climbs back onto the Master Emerald... your turn is ended by that.
Grodus: "Using this new emerald... I shall increase my power!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus leaps into the air. Energy flows from him, and he becomes... Hyper Grodus +1! He's slightly lighter.
Hyper Grodus: "Now... DIE!"
Metal Man (GM): Hyper Grodus flies at everybody. Who's alive?
King Demon: *can I teleport as a defense?*
Metal Man (GM): Hmmm... so that leaves Wolfman and Demon. 84 damage to Wolfman; 45 damage to Demon.
Wolfman: *PING* *Wolf Crush enabled... again.*
Julian Sawyer: *Is alive too, but defending.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian also takes 46 damage... defending seems to be unaffective.
Julian Sawyer: *Didn't die from an attack! Awesome!*
Hyper Grodus: "Let me give you a taste of your own medicine!"
Metal Man (GM): He larges up... and fires a beam at Wolfman the size of a building.
Metal Man (GM): 56666 damage as he engulfs both you and a good deal of mountains behind you with that energy.
Julian Sawyer: "HOLY BEJEEZUS!"
Metal Man (GM): ...I believe you took the record and ate it, sir.
Hyper Grodus: "...How... could you be alive?"
Wolfman: *HP: 5750/270*
Metal Man (GM): Grodus' ends early, due to partial stunning from the water dunking.
Wolfman: "...because... ...will... ...NOT... WIN!"
VG loses one action... but he knows what he must do. He gives Wolfman the last Essence. He then uses 100 rings on himself so he can still be around to help the others. *Done.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Yeah... I got nothin'..."
Wolfman is still going to fight... .oO(Tifa... I know I made you proud.) *He flies/swims in the water right now... being a reploid, it shouldn't affect him much. He grabs the Master Emerald from below (can't be damaged) and Wolf Crushes at POINT BLANK!*
Metal Man (GM): Hmmmm...... Your attack knocks Grodus towards the water... This can only be decided by a flat d20. Well, Grodus does a belly flop into the water. The unique attack deals damage to his link to the Master Emerald without deactivating his Hyper mode. He flies out of it, the water evaporating off of his armor as steam.
Wolfman ends his turn there... general rule: no more attacks after Crushing like that.
King Demon dives into the water and attempts to find something to use against Grodus.
Metal Man (GM): You find a nearly bottomless spring full of pure water... say, aren't you fire element? Well, you could try to mimic Wolfman's attack... but you'd need a highly powerful attack to disrupt him like that.
King Demon uses Fire Smash on the emerald... and preys the water doesn't affect it too much.
Metal Man (GM): You hit the emerald... with a fizzly poke. No damage. Anything else for your turn?
King Demon shrugs and punches the emerald.
Metal Man (GM): The emerald does not explode. *BONUS!* Demon cannot be hit, because he's sitting right under the emerald. Hyper Grodus fires laser beams at all the people he can target... Which rounds up to Julian and VG. 302 damage to VG; 467 damage to Julian.
VG is back to one life left.
Metal Man (GM): Grodus uses an attack named 'Miracle.' ...Just kidding. Grodus can't hit any more people. All targetable people got their butts kicked.
Julian Sawyer: *GAME OVER... FOR THE 3RD TIME.*
Metal Man (GM): *Julian's player hurls controller at the screen.*
VG uses 100 rings on himself... and Demon. Wolfman can still survive another round easily... hopefully.
Wolfman: *Red Essence: 2 rounds left.*
VG: *Done.*
Wolfman attempts to use his trance-like ability to either call for backup or get help or SOMETHING! Can't Wolf Crush again until damage is taken.
Metal Man (GM): Your prayers are answered!
Metal Man appears outta nowhere via warp hole. "...This isn't the mess hall, is it?"
Wolfman: "Metal... help us..."
King Demon: "Well, it IS a mess..."
Metal Man: "...Last time I watch Everybody Loves Raymond!"
VG: "Metal, we got a Hyper Grodus kicking our butts and he's got the Master Emerald too."
Metal Man: "This is the fifth time a disaster occurred while I was watching it."
Metal Man: "Uhhhh..." *He makes a meek gesture with his hands to look like a gun, then makes 'pew pew' noises at Grodus.*
King Demon tries to steal the emerald, bring it more into the water so Grodus cant use it.
Metal Man (GM): Demon: STR check. *DUNK* You don't steal the emerald... you drag it underwater, dunking Grodus again!
Grodus: "Aarrrrgh!"
Metal Man: "Good work. Let me help." *He pulls out his AK-47 and opens fire at Grodus.*
Metal Man (GM): The bullets pierce Grodus in several places. He then falls backwards into the water again, taking another... shocking amount of damage.
VG wonders how Metal managed to do that... is he also powered up while in this fight?
Metal Man is in armor mode. "He looked vulnerable to me."
Metal Man (GM): Wolf: What do you do with your other two actions? Grodus is still vulnerable, on the emerald.
Wolfman is going to go... well, not-so-honorable with the Beam Saber... Swords Dance INTO HIS HEART AREA!
Metal Man (GM): You hit him again. He is dunked... for a third time in a row. His turn.
Grodus: "Gah... you've found my only weak spot... but you won't live much longer!"
Metal Man (GM): Grodus floats up and becomes Hyper again... he then fires around some deathrays. Targets: VG et Metal. VG: 212 damage. Me: Too much damage to count.
VG is AGAIN back at 1 life...
Metal Man is killed once as well.
Metal Man (GM): Grodus becomes vulnerable again... and he's unable to attack for the rest of his turn!
King Demon is still safe under the emerald, I think....
Metal Man (GM): Demon: Correct.
VG will AGAIN use 100 rings on himself... but this time, he gives Wolfman another 100 so he can survive at least once more after his Essence ends.
Wolfman: *Essence: 1 round left He goes for a different approach... instead of the heart, swords dance the neck, and cut off the head. *CRIT**
Metal Man (GM): The hit merely knocks him off the emerald again. *Electrical fun.*
Wolfman: *Fast effect action 2* *Hold He THEN gets that emerald out of the water, WHILE he's not on and not touching it!*
Metal Man (GM): The emerald is stuck. Mega-stuck. Pulling on it does nothing.
King Demon: *yeah, I'm kinda clinging to it.*
Wolfman will then instead of taking the emerald... USING it! He gets on top of it himself, hoping to power himself up!
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: You get a bonus electrical shock!
Wolfman is still essenced He can't be damaged.
Metal Man (GM): You look cool as electricity tries to kill you, but fails.
Wolfman quickly gets off.
King Demon attempts to dunk the emerald again.
Metal Man (GM): The emerald sinks again, ... BZZZT!
Metal Man: "...It's time to finish this. Hasta la vista, trash can!" *He shoots Grodus down with one last barrage.*
Metal Man (GM): Grodus falls back into the water.
Wolfman is still breathing heavily.......
VG: .oO(...will we actually survive...?)
Metal Man (GM): The emeralds die down, and the Chaos Emerald returns to Wolf, un-hyper.
Grodus: "You... beat me... my calculations did not... predict this!"
Metal Man (GM): And with that, he suddenly turns white... millions of black cracks form on him... And he explodes into a million pieces.
Julian Sawyer: *Dead, and is not able to see this. Damn.*
Metal Man: "Well, you guys did it."
Wolfman breathes SUPER heavily... he's surprised he hasn't shut down yet.
Metal Man (GM): Alys's spirit appears again, over the emerald.
VG just watches in awe.
Alys: "You have destroyed the first of three demons which plague Nintendus."
VG: *Both of my guys:* "...Alys?"
King Demon appears from under the water "Uh, good for us, I guess!"
Alys: "As proof of winning, against impossible odds... those who survived shall now have an extra life, now and forever."
Metal Man (GM): White beams appear on me, Demon, Wolfman, and VG, making it so that they have 1 extra life in addition to the lives they would get usually from a mission. Anyway... that is not all.
VG has seen the light... and it is good.
Alys: "Of course, it would be unfair to leave those who lost their lives without the experience from this battle."
Metal Man (GM): Julian is revived at full energy, so that he can get full EXP from the battle.
Julian Sawyer: *Revives* "Finally... What'd I miss?"
Wolfman: "...hell."
Alys: "Once you have destroyed all three members of the Axiom of Balance, peace shall return to this world."
Metal Man (GM): Alys's spirit then disappears again....
Julian Sawyer: "...Right..."
King Demon: "We won... somehow!"
Metal Man (GM): 3000 EXP for this battle. To Julian, Wolfman, VG, and Demon. A paltry 100 EXP to myself for helping you guys out a tiny bit. And anyone who was only in for a short bit gets 500 EXP to call their own.
Julian Sawyer: "So, did you guys get anything for not dying?"
King Demon: "So does this mean we get to keep the emeralds?"
Wolfman has gained TWO levels... he's at 25!
Charles Magellean would receive said 500, but is not able to.
VG still has his emerald.
Julian Sawyer: "I don't think we can move that Master one."
Wolfman just gained his back... plus he still has the bat. "Hang on a second." *He attempts to contact Knuckles somehow... to let him know where his emerald ended up.*
King Demon wants to keep it, I need a good item.
VG has gained ANOTHER level...23! 1 point SPD please!
Metal Man (GM): The last of your Trance energy warps the emerald home to wherever Knuckles wants it... using the emerald, it also purifies the water.
Julian Sawyer: "So, did you guys get anything for NOT being entirely destroyed?"
Metal Man (GM): A blue zelda portal back home appears.
King Demon sighs and heads through the portal.
Wolfman shifts back to bi-pedal form. "Let's go home."
VG: "You said it."
Wolfman: *The Brothers in Locos' mind step through the portal after collecting enough water.*
Julian Sawyer: "I guess I'm not getting an answer then..." *Enters the portal After getting the maximum amount of water he can get.*
Metal Man walks into the portal. He secretly talks to the screen. "Heeheehee! Free life for me! Good thing that I appeared at the right time!" He then looks solemn as he is beamed into the portal.
Editor's Note: Oh no, this means he had four lives in CONFRONTATION, changing everything, and now he's taunting me, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Metal Man (GM): *End of Chapter 'insert number so high it hurts my brain': Water Wackiness.*
Wolfman is still waiting for SOMETHING for his high HP survival.
VG: *1 Fried Egg, 1 Multi-Vitamin, 1 Metal Cola, 1 Rush/t Promoter, 2 Item Teleporters, 1 Green Potion, 3 Bazooze-kas, 2 Star Eggs, 800 Rings, 1 Guardian Acorn, 2 Super Plush Bears, 2 Red Essences, 1 X Defend, 3 Ice Blocks. Also 1/3 Duct Tape, 1 Ultima Cube, & 1 Star Egg brought together, not used.*
Julian Sawyer: *After exiting the portal, Julian heads for G&W's to see about getting a new hat... and maybe some hair restorative.*
King Demon also wonders what level 10 bonus is.
Metal Man (GM): Coins rewarded: 6000 et all. Extra bonus 10,000 for Wolfman's random lucky streak.
Wolfman gains 1 INT, and 1 AC. He also needs to do something else... first, he sends MH 1K coins. He then drops off the Chaos Emerald he has along with the Team Rocket Bat of Doom in Oak's "to study" box.
VG will hold onto his emerald, though.
Julian Sawyer: *Walks out of G&W's, new hat in tow, and heads for R&R with it stuck firmly on his head.*
King Demon heads to the cafeteria.