Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 200: The Second Moon's Doors
Date: 4:56:02 PM, May 17th, 2005.
Metal Man (GM): We start out... the Second Moon is finally re-arriving where it belongs, in FY-55. Metal and Charles would have been shaking hands.,_Chrono_Trigger).mp3 (Go to the link and search for it manually)
Metal Man: "Well, we're here... it's nice for this to be back in its, place, isn't it?"
Charles Magellean: "..."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "All systems are back to normal."
Charles Magellean: "I believe you want to ruin Smithy's revenge too?"
Metal Man: "Of course."
Charles Magellean: "After what he did to you..." *He looks out the window to see what has changed since he was banished.* "I would want it too."
Metal Man (GM): Not much has changed... ...what's that? You see a large object coming into range... (Go to the link and search for it manually. Or maybe just download them all, because I liked to link these). Alarms start going off.
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Incoming!"
Smithy: "What? You survived? ...I'll just have to destroy your planet!"
Metal Man (GM): A GIGANTIC satellite flies into view. The cannon on it suddenly points at the Second Moon.. ..*BAM* A purple laser is fired.
Charles Magellean: "SHIELDS!"
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Not enough! He's got..."
Metal Man (GM): *BAMMMMM.*
Charles Magellean: "That's it... Now I'm ticked."
Metal Man (GM): The laser strikes and blows off all of one side of the Moon... about 1/10th of it... it keeps on going... And blows up the other moon. All of it.
Smithy: "Drats... we missed. Charge up the cannon again!"
Charles Magellean: "..." *Fire burns in his eyes while he shows an angry expression with teeth showing.*
Metal Man: "We have no choice but to take him down."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Scan of the enemy satellite complete. There is only one vulnerable area: The Docking bay. We'll have to fly a shuttle straight at that thing's defenses and under it."
F.A.Y.T.H.: "Incoming... there's an enemy fleet!"
Metal Man (GM): You start seeing doomships. Metallic doomships.
Charles Magellean: "We must keep faith!" *He takes out the Red Chaos Emerald.*
Metal Man: "Don't worry. I've got this covered..." *He pulls out the fighter remote, and presses a red button.*
Metal Man (GM): Suddenly, all of the smashers appear.
Charles Magellean: "...It better not be... Okay..."
Metal Man: "Let them take care of it."
Mario: "What-a? I don't-a remember signing up for space missions!"
Samus: "...More run-of-the-mill ships to destroy."
Link: "...What is that... stuff with metallic objects swirling in it?"
Charles Magellean: "It's time the both of us settled this... once... AND FOR ALL."
Metal Man: "The Smashers will take care of the fleet of ships."
Charles Magellean: "Use our sacred power to counteract the unholy one's power should he fire again... Metal and I are going inside."
Metal Man: "I've got a whole fleet of ships warped in... you! Smashers! Go smash the ships!"
Dr. Mario: "The-a things I-a do for money-a..."
Fox: "Just don't count on it all the time... being suddenly warped from the X-zone isn't good for one's mind."
Metal Man (GM): They walk out to do their missions: Destroy the enemy ships.
Charles Magellean: "Ready the portal."
Metal Man: "...One last thing. That is, if this is okay with you."
Charles Magellean raises an eyebrow, and then gives a slight scowl in Metal's direction. "...What were you thinking about?"
Metal Man: "Uhhh... the Questers also would like to... teach Smithy a lesson, you know. And... there's two of us, but that ship looks to be gigantic."
Charles Magellean: "You know Smithy and his experience with us. Send in more... and we'll have to take care of them when they mess up. They are a last resort."
Metal Man: "But here's the problem. We can't just warp them in to that ship. Otherwise we could warp to the bridge and take care of them quickly. And... unless you want them in your base, waiting, I'm not sure how we could easily send them in."
Charles Magellean: "If they can warp to the rendezvous point directly, then I will allow it. I will not allow them to set foot here."
Metal Man: "Hmmm... Well, but... the problem is that... ... ..."
Charles Magellean: "It takes a VERY long time to allow just one outsider to the moon."
Metal Man seems somewhat at a loss for words. "Not to the moon, but what about in ships outside the moon?"
Editor's Note: Who even controls this process if everyone on the moon is dead?
Charles Magellean: "That is acceptable. If they come here directly, without his permission, then the Phantom God will fly out of his cave and wreck havoc on the Questers, considering them intruders."
Metal Man: "Right. Shall we go to wherever you keep your own ships?"
Charles Magellean: "One of the ships will have to be deployed. After that... send them."
Metal Man goes walking towards the ship area.
Charles Magellean: "...You mean we cannot warp to his satellite?"
Metal Man: "No. We cannot."
Charles Magellean: "Just tell them when they're needed when we confront Smithy to help fight, and not a second sooner."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Systems show that the satellite is protected by an anti-warp field... only the bottom docking area is open to ships."
Charles Magellean follows Metal.
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "And to ships; warping there has a good chance of dangerous consequences."
Metal Man: "Eh... but you see... oh well." *He would look in the ship bay to see what ships there were.*
Charles Magellean says "Whatever." He proceeds to the ship of Metal's choosing, and hops into the co-pilot seat when he is done choosing.
Metal Man gets aboard a ship much like a space shuttle, and goes to prepare it for liftoff. "Let's see... this is like a slightly older version of the ships from Neo-Earth."
Charles Magellean nods.
Metal Man: "Prepare for liftoff. Three... two... one..."
Charles Magellean: "After this is over, I will need to restore the moons. It will be a simple task compared to what lies ahead."
Metal Man (GM): The ship rockets off. Now then. BEGIN!!!!! *At Quester HQ.*
King Demon shrugs and is... wherever he is.
Tetra is in his room.
Aribar would probably be in the R&R watching 'Nintendus's Wackiest Tornado Accidents'
Metal Man (GM): It'd be a nice, average day.
King Demon is probably blowing something up just for the fun of it. And cuz he's pissed off.
Metal Man (GM): Demon: What are you blowing up?
King Demon: *junk, I guess.*
Metal Man (GM): Okay then. Gibby, you joining in?
Gibby is in his room listening to music.
Metal Man (GM): Ok, good. Suddenly.... The dexes start a-beeping.
King Demon checks his Dex.
Aribar opens his dex and hrms.
Tetra answers his dex and wipes a smudge of grease off his face. "Tetra here."
Metal Man (GM): An automated message plays the minute each one of you opens your dexes.
Gibby has his dex on vibrate (what with the music), and he checks it out.
Mewtwo: "Your presence is requested. A mission is in order. Please report to the Warp Room immediately."
Tetra: "Yes, sir."
Aribar: "Hrm... Not the Big Room? Odd..."
King Demon smiles and does so "about time!"
Aribar closes his dex and starts towards the Warp Room.
Tetra quickly puts his gauntlet back together and takes it with him to the warp room.
Metal Man (GM): You'd have, for your warp... a nice black sphere showing outer space.
King Demon leaves the rest of the junk to just burn while he runs to the warp room.
Gibby shuts off his music, and puts his dex away. "Here we go again." he mutters to himself as he goes to the warp room.
Tetra waits for the others to show up.
King Demon: "Space? again!? " *shrugs * "Oh well... least there'll be some good fighting hopefully!"
Metal Man (GM): You'd get to the warp room, all of you.
Tetra sees Demon. "Hey, guy! Any idea where we're going this time around?"
Metal Man (GM): And the warp would be right there.
Aribar: "...No briefing? Hrm..."
Gibby shrugs. "Knowing this place, it could be anything."
Aribar opens his dex and tries to contact Mewtwo.
Metal Man (GM): The dex beeps.
Aribar: "Hello? Mewtwo?"
Smash Dex: "Mewtwo is currently out on assignment."
Aribar groans and enters the warp.
Tetra pulls his gloves off and stuff then in his pockets, then slips the gauntlet on his hand, then heads onto the warp as well.
Gibby checks his gear, his items, and all that jazz, and whistles a merry tune as he hops into the warp. He could do all this with his eyes closed by now.
King Demon looks at Tetra and smiles before diving into the warp.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* We're on the space shuttle, now, with Metal and Locos. A timer begins ticking.
Gibby: "Hey guys!"
Metal Man (GM): 7:51
Aribar: "...Where, and why, are we?"
Tetra: "Yeah, what's up?"
Charles Magellean: "!!!"
Metal Man: "Hello, Gibby. I'm short on an explanation, but..."
Metal Man (GM): The space shuttle is in space.
Gibby: "...are we going to die?"
Charles Magellean looks to Metal with his teeth and his lips moving, but not his tongue. He points to Gibby.
Metal Man: "We have 7 minutes and 51 seconds until Smithy fires a death ray at the moon."
King Demon: "What's going on?"
Metal Man: "...Again."
King Demon: "Oh..."
Metal Man: "Oh, right."
Gibby rolls his eyes.
King Demon: "So what else is new?"
Metal Man: "Gibby, don't press any buttons."
Gibby: "Can't he be a bit more creative?"
Tetra blinks.
Metal Man: "Charles... Charles... I fixed you and Tetra... why not Gibby as well?"
Gibby: "I won't, I promise... I've been taking a 12 step program for it."
Charles Magellean breathes in deeply... he looks the other Questers... then back to the pilot seat out into space.
Aribar blinks... "Oookay..."
Tetra: "Fixed?"
Metal Man: "Well, fixed stands for various things. I fixed up my relationship with you two."
Tetra: "Oh."
Metal Man: "And I'm going to fix Gibby's button problem."
Gibby looks at Charles, and then looks at the others. "I think he likes me."
Metal Man: "We're going into some turbulence..."
Charles Magellean: "...Just hurry up and reach the docking bay before Smithy powers up that ridiculous thing."
Metal Man turns. The shuttle would experience gravity changes.
Charles Magellean buckles his seat belt.
Aribar: "It's so nice wandering around aimlessly..." *He looks about for an exit.*
Metal Man (GM): There's no exit... this is a space shuttle.
Tetra looks for a seat.
Metal Man (GM): There's plenty of seats, with seatbelts.
Tetra sits down and buckles his seat belt.
Charles Magellean: "Elf, we're here to stop Smithy and banish him from my home dimension. I don't want to hear any complaints."
Aribar: "...I'm out of my element and confused. Just... Ignore me."
Metal Man: "We're almost here."
Gibby takes a look out a window while he waits.
Metal Man (GM): You see two things. 1: A space station that looks like it's built out of demented legos, with a gigantic cannon. 2. An asteroid field. Oh! And I forgot... 3: Earth
Wolfman would probably also see Earth...
Metal Man (GM): Smithy's face appears on the comms again.
Smithy: "What is this? THE QUESTERS?"
Wolfman: .oO(...this isn't my Earth, but it sure looks beautiful.)
Gibby: "Ahhh... space... no matter how many times I see it, it still looks beautiful to me."
Charles Magellean: "I didn't want them either."
King Demon: "Hey Smithy! How you doin'? Ready to die yet?"
Smithy: "...Wait... I can fire my death ray at your ship!"
Editor's Note: Today, in fridge brilliance: Villain edition.
Metal Man: "...Uh oh..."
King Demon: "Uh... crap?"
Tetra: "I hate it when the bad guys get smart..."
Gibby looks at the comms.
Smithy: "I may not be able to destroy that moon yet, but I'll kill all of you at once! Hah!"
Wolfman: "Get used to it Tetra; it happens."
Metal Man: "...Get buckled up. Everyone."
VG & Wolfman: "Yes sir." *Click.*
Gibby: "Ugh... I hate this part."
Aribar does so...
Metal Man: "I'm going to have to do what I call... 'driving over the waterfall.'"
Tetra is already buckled, he tightens his belt.
Gibby goes to a seat, sits down, and buckles up... it's the space law you know!
Charles Magellean: "Just do so and be done with it, Illian!"
Aribar: "...I'd rather take my chances with the deathray!"
Gibby: "Uhh... Metal? Bad idea!"
Metal Man: "Too late!"
Metal Man (GM): The purple ray is fired....
Metal Man: "Let's see what I can do!"
Gibby: "I wanted to live a FEW more years..."
Metal Man spins the controls.
King Demon looks around "Where's my seat belt?"
Tetra closes his eyes tightly.
Gibby: "Try checking your SEAT!"
King Demon: "I have a seat?"
Metal Man (GM): ...The ship spins and turns wildly out of control, while Demon is knocked up into the ceiling and spun around there.
Gibby: "..." *Twitch.*
Metal Man (GM): The beam singes a wing, but fails to hit... barely. It then straightens out.
Tetra: "I feel sick." >_<
King Demon gets put through the spin cycle.
Metal Man: "...Woah... we... ... made it..."
Gibby watches the fun of Demon getting thrown about.
King Demon: "YOU almost got sick!?"
Metal Man looks... Wolf and VG got all knocked out by the spin-cycle. "...They'll wake up eventually. Now then. We're almost there!"
Aribar: "...I forgot... The stadium pays for funerals, right?"
Smithy: "...You won't defeat me again, Questers!"
Charles Magellean: "..." *He turns off the Comms.*
Metal Man (GM): No need to;
Gibby: "That's what they all say... when they're desperate." *He grins.*
Metal Man (GM): He turned his comms off right before you did. Apparently Smithy has learned when to shut up.
Metal Man: "Well, we won't have to worry about those death rays..."
Metal Man (GM): The demented, lego-like satellite is now in range.
Tetra looks over his gauntlet. "I hope we don't have too many problems. My finger shot is still busted..."
King Demon gets up and staggers back to an empty seat "Soon as my head stops spinning..."
Charles Magellean: "Just park the shuttle and don't make a dent on it."
Metal Man: "Okay... time to land."
Gibby: "Just don't crash into the thing."
Charles Magellean: "He won't, small one." *He looks to Metal straight in the eyes.* "...If he doesn't want to pay for the damages, he won't."
Metal Man: "Yes. I already dodged that deathray... and we saved the moon in the process. ...Right." *He goes down softly, then moves the controls back up....*
Metal Man (GM): *Camera pan* The shuttle flies up into a deserted docking area... All the ships are outside, fighting what appear to be CACs and Arwings ...And a Doomship or two, Ricky's own build.
Charles Magellean: "Good ol' Ricky..."
Aribar chuckles at the mention of 'good' old Ricky. He unbuckles his seat belt, unsheaths Moonlight, and stands up. "So... All we need to do is defeat Smithy... Again... Right?"
Gibby slips out of his seat belt, and makes sure his gun is loaded. "It wasn't exactly easy pickings the first time..."
King Demon gets out of his seat, still a little dizzy.
Tetra pops off his seat belt and slowly gets up.
Charles Magellean: "We haven't landed yet, people."
Gibby: "Well it's not like we'll be blasted anytime soon. It's smooth sailing."
Tetra: "I was just getting up because they were..."
Metal Man (GM): The craft lands, and a ramp unfolds.
Metal Man: "We've landed."
Charles Magellean unbelts and travels out first.
Gibby: "There, you see? Nice and smooth."
Aribar: "Now we have." *Follows his former enemy.*
Gibby follows Ari.
Tetra follows Gibby.
King Demon staggers out of the shuttle.
Metal Man (GM): You could all see the docking bay: A rectangular area, with silver metal floors and walls. The ceiling is also metallic, but it's got fluorescent lighting. There's a rectangular hole in the middle, which shows space. Somehow, there's air in here.
Charles Magellean: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The amount of doors is amazing.
Tetra is all giddy.
Aribar: "Let us move along before the laws of physics come back."
Gibby: "That's funny... usually we run into bad guys by this time."
Tetra: "So... so... AWESOME!"
Metal Man (GM): There's two on the North side, and 3 to the East, and 3 to the West ..There's also four monitors. One in each corner. They flicker on.
Smithy: "Lockdown all doors. Activate security measures."
Metal Man (GM): They then flicker off. Alarms go off, metallic plates seal off the doors, and yes, the hole in the floor.
Gibby: "There we go."
Charles Magellean sighs.
Metal Man (GM): *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* The shuttle is suddenly... exploded.
Charles Magellean: "Metal, we don't have time---"
Gibby: "GAH!" *He leaps back.*
Metal Man (GM): Three laser turrets in the ceiling appear to be the culprits.
King Demon looks around.
Tetra jumps away from the shuttle.
King Demon: "Well, THIS sucks!"
Charles Magellean turns to the shuttle with a regular looking face... then sees the turrets.
Aribar: "...Piffle." *The elf gets ready to channel some spells.*
Metal Man: @_@ "...Last... time... I stay to check the controls..."
Tetra: "... I suppose it would really suck if I hit my EMP in here, wouldn't it?"
Metal Man is disabled for this battle due to being wounded in a pile of rubble!
Charles Magellean: "Smithy, you are paying for this."
Metal Man (GM): Questers vs. Defcon 5 Turrets Note: Turrets are hanging from the ceiling. So you have to use an action to jump up if you want to hit them with close-range attacks.
Charles Magellean stands calmly... focusing....
Aribar: "Thordain!" *Electricity blitzes along the elf's body and up Moonlight's surface as lightning lances towards each turret. An Electric Elemental Blast towards each. 105% Electric damage each.*
Metal Man (GM): You hear a recording of Smithy's laugh. They absorb the Thordains. In this case, that means they take no damage.
Charles Magellean slowly shakes his head.
Aribar: "Blast it! Usually that shorts them out..."
Charles Magellean: "May I point out that Smithy has a LOT of experience fighting against us?"
Gibby notices the turret sucking up the electricity, and decides to do things the old fashion way. He points his gun at the one Ari failed to knock out, cocks his gun, and shoots at it three times.
Metal Man: "Oog... it's almost like when I ate that poison taco..."
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, and... just plain old miss. These things can't move from where they are!
Gibby: "Hmm... my aim's off a bit. Better work on that."
Tetra: "Hmm..."
Charles Magellean puts down the suitcase.
Metal Man: "Nice shot... G-Gibby..." *Remains pinned in rubble*
Tetra fires a trio of missiles at the connection between one of the turrets and the ceiling, hoping if it's knocked off the ceiling it can be used as a makeshift weapon to replace his currently broken gun.
Charles Magellean begins creaking his neck.
Metal Man (GM): 76 damage. Ok.
Tetra tries the same thing again, on the same turret.
Metal Man (GM): The turret swivels so that it only takes normal damage. 54 damage. It's looking pretty heavily damaged.
Charles Magellean: "Allow me to show you Questers what I've been doing while I've been gone." *He cups his hands, leans backwards, to his right a little, and quickly charges a Shadow Ball. He throws it at the least damaged Defcon 5 Turret.*
Metal Man (GM): You hit turret 2.
Charles Magellean: *100 damage.*
Metal Man (GM): BAM! That easily blasted a third of it's armor off.
Charles Magellean squats and charges for his jump. He jumps at the same turret for his second action.
Metal Man (GM): ...I'm going with an average. You succeed the jump. You can now hit it with a close-range attack.
Charles Magellean jumps up to that turret, while winding up a punch. At the peak of his jump, he lets loose with a Giant Punch.
Metal Man (GM): *WHACK.*
Charles Magellean: *100 damage!*
Metal Man (GM): It's now almost dead.
Charles Magellean lands down with a flutter. He clasps his hands.
King Demon tries to hit the center turret's anchor point with a couple fireballs (first of two actions btw)
Metal Man (GM): Crit, hit! It is currently VG and Wolfman appear next round. Turret turns. Turret 1 decides to shoot a huge purple beam at Aribar. *CRIT*....
Aribar is burninated...
Metal Man (GM): Aribar takes 700 damage.
Gibby: "Ow..."
Metal Man (GM): You each get 6 lives, of course.
Tetra: "Are you okay, elf guy?"
Metal Man (GM): The second one aims at Gibby. *CRIT* 700% damage as that one blows up Gibby. The third one attacks Charles. 350% damage if that hits... knowing that, it probably will, KO-ing Charles.
Aribar falls to his hand and knees... He uses his magic to stay conscious (AKA, life loss).
Charles Magellean is severely... crippled... "They... pack... quite a punch."
VG and Wolfman eventually stumble onto the scene... we need to get more space travel in.
Charles Magellean picks up his suitcase.
Aribar: "Magic Barrage!" *The elf unleashes two Magic Missiles on the turret that shot Charles. 36% damage each, 72% total.*
Metal Man (GM): It takes all the damage... but isn't as damaged as the other two. Charles would look injured... well, Metal would still be pinned under flaming wreckage,too.
VG gets there... and notices that Charles is nearly out of it... .oO(...I owe him this.)
Charles Magellean: "...Do not heal me."
VG: "...Are you crazy?"
Charles Magellean struggles to get up... "I... am not weak."
Metal Man: "I am... p-pinned under b-burning wreckage." *Cough.*
Tetra: "No, just half dead."
VG: "Charles, for once, I'm going to disobey you." *Max Mushroom in Charles.*
Charles Magellean reluctantly recovers. "I have my own ways to heal myself. I do not need to rely on your items."
VG doesn't think these turrets can really... well, move much. He gives a Star Egg a good throw at the whole lot of them.
Metal Man (GM): They instantly fail any SPD checks. The middle one explodes.
VG gets in Reflector Mode for action #3.
Wolfman will spend his turn helping Metal get out if that matters. (NEXT)
Gibby comes back to life after being asploded, and notices that Metal is under burning wreckage. "Hey Metal, what are you doing under there? You should be helping us with these turrets." He turns to the turret on the left, cocks his gun, and shoots at it three times. *78% if they all hit.*
Metal Man (GM): Okay... They all hit. *BAMMO* Another turret broken.
Gibby spins his gun, and puts it away. He has a feeling the others will be able to deal with the third turret easily.
Metal Man (GM): It does, however, look lively.
Tetra drinks a royal syrup and shoots at the base of the third turret with missiles. He REALLY wants to knock it down without destroying it.
Charles Magellean: "Could one of you determine the remaining stability of this antagonizing defense?"
Metal Man (GM): Not dead or knocked-off, yet. Charlese
Metal Man: "Can't... trapped under... burning rubble."
Charles Magellean makes a wand appear in his hand...
Gibby rolls his eyes. "It's always SOMETHING with you..."
Charles Magellean fires a 1st lvl Geno Beam at the Turret.
Metal Man (GM): Hit! *BAM* Not quite dead yet, but heavily damaged.
Charles Magellean squats.
Metal Man (GM): ...You fail to get the altitude. You do a little hop.
Charles Magellean kneels down. He uses Fox's reflector.
Metal Man (GM): You get an extra action for me skipping your action earlier.
King Demon shrugs and fires six fireballs at the remaining turret's anchor point (sorry Tetra, but you're gonna have to wait till the next fight)
Metal Man (GM): All hit! Turret = Not just blown up... but annihilated. The thing is blown up. 200 EXP to all! The screens flicker back on.
Wolfman eventually gets Metal back free.
Smithy: "Defenses in Docking Bay compromised. All security, prepare to defend your positions!"
Metal Man (GM): Charles gets +10 more max HP. The doors remained locked.
Metal Man: "Thank you..." *He brushes off the rubble.*
Aribar: "...Lo--... Charles, do you know your way through this place?"
VG: "Hmm... locked door..."
Metal Man (GM): Background Music: (Look for it in the link)
Charles Magellean: "Okay, that was a complete waste of time. Unfortunately, no."
VG is tempted to use another Item Teleporter.
Gibby: "About time you got out of there, Metal. I was almost starting to worry about you."
Metal Man (GM): Two locked doors to the north...
VG: "...I think I got this one covered."
Metal Man (GM): Three to the West... And two to the East.
Charles Magellean: "...You are staying with us."
VG will use it... to summon the Door Opener 3000
Metal Man (GM): All covered with metal panels.
Gibby: "Hmm... East... or West?"
Metal Man (GM): You do so.
Metal Man: "We gotta go in some direction."
Gibby: "Who here has a three sided coin?"
Charles Magellean: "Do you know of the way?"
VG: "I don't... I just have a way to open the doors." *He shows Charles the Door Opener 3000*
Charles Magellean: "Then open one... and we'll all go and enter it."
Metal Man (GM): The hole in the floor was sealed by another metal plate when the security went up. Unless you want to unlock that for some reason.
VG: "Now, I can use this thing three times... just tell me which doors I should use this on and we should be fine."
King Demon looks at the monitor to see if there's some kind of interface.
Gibby: "Doesn't matter to me. Just pick one."
Charles Magellean: "I said only open one. We are not wasting time to split up."
VG: "You are the leader of this one; I say you choose."
Charles Magellean: "Metal is the leader... and the other Questers have a say in this."
Wolfman is neutral as to which door to take.
Metal Man: "I don't know which way goes where."
Tetra: "I don't care. Let's just PICK A DOOR AND GO."
Metal Man: "No maps, either. This place is protected."
Gibby: "Lets not make a big debate about this whole thing. Just pick one at random."
King Demon looks at the monitor to see if there's some kind of interface.
Charles Magellean: "He really ticks me---"
Metal Man (GM): Nope. No interface.
Aribar: "Eenie, meenie, miine, moo..."
VG goes to the eastern doors...
Charles Magellean points to the Eastern side... second door from the right.
VG: "Seems like we have the right idea; which door on this side though?"
Metal Man (GM): Middle Eastern Door it is?
Aribar: "Let's go in that one." *Points to the first Eastern door.*
Metal Man (GM): Oh, right.
Metal Man: "First one."
Charles Magellean: "We take Aribar's randomity."
VG: "Very well." *He uses the Door Opener 3000 on said door.*
Gibby heads to the door Ari pointed at.
Metal Man (GM): It opens...
Tetra: "Can't be any worse than any of the other doors..."
Gibby: "Lets hope you're right."
Charles Magellean: "Stand back!"
Wolfman was already back.
Metal Man (GM): ... The door opens...
Tetra hasn't gone anywhere.
King Demon was near the rubble from the shuttle.
Metal Man (GM): ...And...
Gibby looks to see what's inside.
Metal Man (GM): ...Seven X-Nauts come out.
King Demon: "... THESE guys!?"
Gibby: "Meh..."
X-naut1: "You can't pass us! We're going to smash you into the pavement!"
Charles Magellean: "!?...That's right, Grodus was a part of the pact until he ran."
X-naut2: "Halt, right here!"
VG isn't moving.
Aribar: "..."
X-naut3: "You must be destroyed!"
Charles Magellean fires of a warning shot.
Gibby sighs, takes out his gun, and reloads it.
Metal Man (GM): They don't care... They run at you! X-Nauts vs. Questers
Metal Man: "I'll recover for a moment... you take care of those weaklings. It looks like Smithy won't let us in without a fight."
Charles Magellean: "He's biding time so we don't reach to him before the countdown ends."
Wolfman just nods.
Gibby: "Well if that's what he wanted, he should've sent tougher enemies."
Aribar: "Stunning Storm!" *The elf fires three Jolts... One each to three of the Nauts. 22% to them, and...*
Charles Magellean: "Again, you underestimate an experienced foe."
VG feels... well, naked without his traditional hat.
Tetra: "He won't send his tough lackeys. He just wants to buy time. It's not worth the risk of losing a powerful ally."
VG gets a Bazooze-ka out... he attempts to get one of the X-Nauts drunk and confused. (let's say #5)
X-naut2: "Hah! Shows what you know! He's got no countdown!"
VG: "Booze away!"
Charles Magellean: "The young ward is correct, ball one."
Gibby: "I have a NAME you know..."
Metal Man (GM): Hit!
Charles Magellean: "...What did you say?"
VG: *Drunk and Confusion if possible.*
Tetra: "Young ward...?"
X-naut2: "He has no countdown... he's just gonna fire it the minute you get to the third floor."
Tetra: "Then why bother with this game?"
Charles Magellean: "It's more of Smithy's mind tricks."
Metal Man (GM): He's drunk and confused.
Charles Magellean: "We cannot buy into his game."
X-naut5: "Owww... *Hic* Pretty mushroom lady hits hard with purse..."
VG then puts up a Guardian Acorn for Charles (I don't care what you say)
Metal Man (GM): Oh, right.
Charles Magellean: "Healing is one thing. Giving me protection is something else....."
Metal Man (GM): Continue, then.
VG: "Fair enough."
Charles Magellean: .oO(...that I don't approve of.)
VG attempts to freeze X-Naut 6 with an Ice Block.
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK* You hit.
VG: *15% ice, no freeze.*
Metal Man (GM): These X-Nauts look pretty messed up... Two are stunned, two are damaged, and one is confused and drunk!
Gibby wants to know exactly how "tough" these guys are. He takes out his dex, and scans one of the uninjured ones.
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
HP: 22/40% STUN 22/40% 22/40% STUN 0/40% 0/40% DRUNK CONFUSE 15/40% 0/40%
STR: 13
SPD: 10
INT: 10
Attacks: 1
Ram: Insta-hit, 30 damage.
Drink Potion: Attack +20 for next round.
The weakest and stupidest of Grodus's lackeys, they usually do nothing but get in the way.
Smash Dex: "End of entry."
King Demon: "... nice entry..."
Gibby: "Hmm... sounds pretty basic to me."
X-naut7: "Hey! I resent that! I flunked bad guy 101!"
Tetra: "..."
X-naut5: "*Hic* ...Mommy, don't burn me with the toaster again!"
Charles Magellean: "And yet you reinforce the statement that the dex stated."
Gibby puts away his dex, and fires two shots at X-Naut 7.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit.
Wolfman just gets a laugh at that.
Metal Man (GM): That one instantly dies by poofing into dust.
Gibby: "That's better."
Tetra fires a trio of missiles at one of the uninjured people, not robots.
Metal Man (GM): An uninjured one bites the dust.
Charles Magellean could have fun with some of these people.
Tetra runs up and tries to smash punch the most injured enemy... if he's allowed to do that...
Metal Man (GM): Hit. The X-Naut is... not phased.
Wolfman takes a note as to the STR of Tetra's punch..... oO(...he needs help on that... BADLY)
Tetra: "I think I hurt my fist..."
Metal Man (GM): 2 stunned, one confused one, 3 uninjured ones, 1 injured one. Hmmm... how did I get 7? 2 stunned, 1 uninjured, 1 injured, 1 confused.
Charles Magellean disappears... and shifts beside a stunned one. *Thief check!*
Metal Man (GM): *Steal* You steal.... A potion that increases the damage you do by 20 for one turn!
Charles Magellean attempts to sneak away without a counterattack.
Metal Man (GM): *Counterattack* .... *Stun goes away, no attack.*
Charles Magellean uses his second action... he gains swirly eyes...
Metal Man (GM): Which target? The uninjured one?
Charles Magellean: *He attempts to hypnotize and gain command on the uninjured one.*
Metal Man (GM): *Opposed INT checks* Roll yer check, Charles. Okay... I'll reroll, then. Roll your check, Charles... That confused and drunk one doesn't seem to pay much attention. *CRIT* Charles has defeated the absurd check. He now controls... a confused and drunk X-Naut.
Charles Magellean: "...Ram... into... wall... ...Ram... into... wall..."
Metal Man (GM): It starts spinning around... Instead of the wall, it rams a fellow X-Naut! It kills the X-Naut which unstunned itself earlier!
X-naut: "*Hic* Take that, Wall!"
Tetra: "Dude..."
VG just gets giggles.
Charles Magellean rubs his fist onto his chest, then blows on it.
Tetra: "This reminds me of the time I made VG and Metal slow dance."
Gibby: "..." *Blink.*
VG just glares at Tetra.
Metal Man: "I resent that!"
Tetra: "Eep!"
VG: "Same here!"
Charles Magellean uses his third action... to Whooooooooooohhpuh!...the injured one.
Tetra is fairly confident they won't hurt him, but he makes a show of backing away from them anyway.
Metal Man (GM): Success!
Charles Magellean attempts to copy. The X-Naut also takes 20 damage.
Metal Man (GM): You... eat it. And you gain: Ram!
Charles Magellean swallows...
Tetra: "How'd it taste?"
Metal Man (GM): Only one damaged one, one stunned one, and the drunk one remain.
Charles Magellean: "..." *Cough*..." " *He pops in a tic-tac.* "It tasted... salty."
Tetra: "Salty?"
Metal Man (GM): it is.
Charles Magellean: "...Okay, it had the taste of flesh, stinky suit, and goggles."
Gibby: "Mmmm... goggles..."
King Demon fireballs the unaffected X-Naut for his first action.
Metal Man (GM): Two hits.
King Demon: *22 fire damage each hit.*
Metal Man (GM): It's killed.
King Demon launches two more at one of the remaining X-Nauts *...........*
Metal Man (GM): ...Or... you just miss them. Is that it?
King Demon: "Crap..." *that's all the actions I have.*
Metal Man (GM): The stunned X-Naut does nothing. The drunk and confused one... he attacks... Gibby.
Gibby: "Oh dear..."
Metal Man (GM): Instant 30 damage to Gibby.
Gibby: "GAH! Ouch... stupid drunk..."
VG attempts to grab the stunned one for later dunking...
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
VG attempts to dunk him onto any other X-Naut other than the drunk one. If no one else, the drunk one.
Metal Man (GM): *Dunk into the drunk.* 10 to the Drunkard. The one you dunked is almost dead.
VG will Quick Attack the dunked one then.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. *Death.*
VG then gives Tetra a Green Potion.
Metal Man (GM): Only the unconfused drunkard is left.
Gibby is going to end this nice and easy. He cocks his gun, points at the drunk one, and fires three shots at it... this time done the correct way... stupid Gibby...
Tetra recovers some MP.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit! *Death* All of them are killed! 100 EXP
Gibby puts his gun away.
Metal Man (GM): Yup... now... you've got a weird shaped room.
Tetra: "So... now what?"
Gibby steps inside the weird shaped room.
VG: "We make sure it's not trapped..." *He better be sure.*
Charles Magellean: "Metal, coming?"
Wolfman follows behind.
Metal Man (GM): 
Charles Magellean is second in line; only because VG is scouting;
Metal Man (GM): No traps.
Metal Man follows.
VG: "It seems safe to me."
Tetra: "Alright."
VG gets in enough so everyone else can get in.
Wolfman now enters proper, and takes a look at the room.
Tetra follows into the room.
Charles Magellean: "Hmm..."
Metal Man (GM): There's one locked door at the top... And one at the bottom. Both in the middle.
Gibby: "A locked door..."
VG: "...THIS again?"
Tetra: "Hmm..."
VG: "No offense guys, but I wish to save my Item Teleporters."
Charles Magellean: "Smithy... doesn't like guests."
VG: "Any way we can unlock some of these doors another way?"
Tetra: "I have an idea." *He fires a trio of missiles into the lower door.*
Metal Man (GM): The plate holds tough.
Charles Magellean: "I can easily ram into the doors."
Wolfman: "...try that Charles."
Tetra: "... Stupid door."
Charles Magellean: "Something I seemed to learn from watching the X-Nauts fight. Point to a door then I'll ram into it."
Tetra points to the door he bombed.
Charles Magellean stomps his feet and moves his head like a horse... he makes a bull charge and smacks into it at high speed!
Metal Man (GM): *BONK* Your head gets stuck in the door.
Tetra: "Are you okay?"
VG just laughs.
Charles Magellean: "Not... a word."
Wolfman laughs instead.
Metal Man: "Okay." *He pulls Charles's head out of the door.* "Anything else?"
Charles Magellean: "...Did I make a dent?"
VG: "...I have no choice, do I? Must I use the Door Opener again?"
Metal Man touches the flat panel.
Charles Magellean: "Hold on..."
Metal Man: "That looks like you made it better, actually."
Tetra looks for some sort of control panel.
Charles Magellean goes up to the door... he charges up the DK punch... and swings!
Metal Man (GM): *BONK* You dent the door inward, but it doesn't break.
Wolfman gets out the Laser Pistol.
Tetra looks for some kind of control panel.
Metal Man: "...Do that a couple more times."
Wolfman: "Tell me where to aim."
Metal Man (GM): There are no panels.
Charles Magellean pulls out the hand... "Auughhh... aughhh..." *He shakes the arm... He attempts with the other arm.*
Metal Man (GM): *BONK* It's still there... heavily dented, of course.
Metal Man: "...I admire the strength of that door."
Charles Magellean shakes both arms...
Wolfman: "Should I shoot at it?"
Tetra: "Hmm..."
Wolfman emphasizes the Grunty Laser Pistol.
Charles Magellean: "...One more try!"
Metal Man: "I say we bash it with a rock."
Charles Magellean jumps into the air... he makes an attempt with his Gerudo Kick.
Tetra: "At this point I think shouting at it would work better."
Metal Man (GM): ...Yeah. Until you get a crit. Well, you've almost got it knocked out! ...But it's still standing, barely.
Wolfman gets out the Megaton Hammer then.
Charles Magellean hops on one foot...
Wolfman: "Stand back."
Charles Magellean tries with his other foot!
Metal Man: "...We need some doors like this at HQ."
Metal Man (GM): Charles flies into the door and gets his foot stuck in it.
Tetra: "..."
Charles Magellean: *Sweatdrop.*
VG laughs again.
Charles Magellean: "...This... is... awkward. Very... awkward."
Wolfman pulls Charles off... and THEN goes for hammer swinging.
Metal Man: "...Well, at least I didn't try that."
Metal Man (GM): *BONG* It's almost destroyed!
Tetra: "Maybe if people hadn't blown up the turrets I could've used one on this door."
Metal Man (GM): But... it's still hanging on by a few threads.
Wolfman does it again!
Metal Man (GM): ...The panel finally cracks.
Wolfman sheaths the hammer.
Metal Man (GM): It falls down, showing... another identical room.
Tetra: "..."
VG: "Finally... huh?!?"
Metal Man (GM): One door South...
Tetra: "We need a map."
Charles Magellean moans.
Metal Man (GM): One West. And...
Charles Magellean gets an idea!
Metal Man (GM): ...2 X-Nauts appear to attack you!
X-naut1: "Get out of our room!"
X-naut2: "Halt!"
Metal Man (GM): *Yet another battle.*
VG: "If you can tell us where to go, we'll leave."
Tetra: "Were you guys making out in there?"
Wolfman: .oO(...)
X-naut2: "...No, we were ordered under pain of death to kill you."
VG attempts to grab and dunk 1 onto the other.
Tetra: "Wouldn't you rather just leave? I mean, it's not like you can really beat us."
Metal Man (GM): Wonder crit? 16 to one, 10 to another
Charles Magellean: "...Ya know, I could get rid of these two blokes in two moves."
Wolfman: "Well, I can get rid of them in one."
Charles Magellean: "Hell, I could probably pull off a double whammy if I tried."
Tetra: "So could I. But I'd rather not kill anyone we don't have to."
VG just quick attacks the stronger one.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Charles Magellean: "These two will sacrifice their lives to protect Smithy."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Charles Magellean: "So, I say we take them."
Tetra: "...what a bunch of idiots."
VG: *16% total.*
Metal Man (GM): Still not dead.
VG puts the Bubble Shield up... let someone else kill him.
Charles Magellean: "Metal, why don't you handle this?"
Tetra sits this turn out... no sense wasting MP on these losers.
Metal Man: "I could."
Charles Magellean hasn't had this much fun abusing his body in a long time.
Tetra: "You know... I don't suppose any of you guys has a gun I could borrow..."
Metal Man: "I'd let you borrow my gun, but it's kinda... stuck to my suit."
Wolfman: " you need one that badly?"
Charles Magellean: "...And both my guns are dependent on the power of the user."
Tetra: "It's either that or keep using spells."
Wolfman: "...I think you need to learn how to use a wand or something."
Charles Magellean sighs. He rams into the strongest one.
Tetra: "That'd be good... hey, that gives me an idea for when I get this thing fixed!"
Charles Magellean: *...3x their max health aka 120 damage.*
Metal Man (GM): *DEATH.*
Charles Magellean looks to the other one. "Don't sacrifice your life, dude."
X-naut: "Smithy will kill me remotely if I joined you!"
Tetra taps the X-Naut. "I don't suppose YOU have a gun I can borrow, do you?"
X-naut: "Fight me, or I'll bash you to death!"
Tetra: "Well don't join us. Just run."
X-naut: "...Smithy doesn't have enough money for guns... he puts them on all of the machines."
Charles Magellean: "So it's killed or be killed."
X-naut: "I must kill you!"
Charles Magellean: "Then your sacrifice will not be in vai--"
Tetra: "Fine. We'll kill you as painlessly as possible."
Charles Magellean disappears and appears behind the X-Naut.
Metal Man (GM): You manage to steal.... Another one of those potions!
Charles Magellean: "These I'll do fine."
Metal Man (GM): You escape, too.
Charles Magellean whooshes away from the X-Naut. "Too... easy." *He gains the eyes of the Al Bhed. (command.)*
Metal Man (GM): ...No way you could fail.
Charles Magellean: "Ram... into... wall."
Metal Man (GM): He rams into a wall... *Death.*
Charles Magellean laughs out loud.
Tetra: "I'd've told him to jump into space... But your way is good too."
Charles Magellean: "That is too hilarious!"
Metal Man (GM): 10 EXP to all.
Wolfman: "It's been a while since I've seen you laugh."
Charles Magellean: "I could go through all of this satellite and rob the 'Nauts blind."
Tetra: "Where's the killer death droids? I'm tired of these wimps!"
Wolfman: "Tetra, hold up."
Metal Man (GM): Where do you go next?
Tetra: "What's up, now?"
Wolfman goes to Tetra... and lends him... his Grunty Laser Pistol. "Don't lose or break this; I might want it back."
Tetra: "Thanks... how's it work?"
Charles Magellean: "I say South this time."
Tetra: "Alright. Thanks, guy."
Wolfman just nods.
Charles Magellean goes right up to the door.
VG: "Alright... do we blow it up, bash it in, or just unlock it with the Opener?"
Metal Man (GM): Now then... how shall you deal with this dastardly door?
Charles Magellean: "I should've used this earlier. Thank you Mack the Repairman!" *He uses a Power Drill. (normally 80 damage...)*
Metal Man (GM): ...You drill into Wolfman's head.
Wolfman gets drilled..........
Metal Man (GM): 80 damage to Wolfman when you suddenly bounce off and drill Wolfman.
Tetra: "Dude! Watch it!"
Metal Man: "...Ahhhhhhh!!!"
Charles Magellean: "HOLY CRAP!" *He flies across the room while holding onto the power drill.*
Wolfman: "...there is a reason why Mack's name is somewhat cursed amongst us."
Tetra: "Are you alright, Wolf guy?"
Charles Magellean goes all over the room just hanging on for dear life.
Wolfman sits down.
Metal Man: "Ahhhhhh!!!!" *He runs around screaming.*
Tetra hits the deck.
Charles Magellean: *Over the floor, on the walls... and even on the ceiling...*
Editor's Note: What an excellent place for a cliffhanger! DUN DUN DUNNNN...