Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 201: Smithy's Sadistic Space Station
Date: 8:26:58 PM, May 17th; 10:07:26 PM, May 17th; 5:41:10 PM, May 18th, 2005.
VG crouches.
Metal Man (GM): Smithy's laughing can be heard all the way down here.
Tetra: "He's mocking us..."
Charles Magellean: *It eventually reaches a hole in one of the walls, and Charles's head rams into it.*
Wolfman knows he heard the laughing... he attempts to trace where it's coming from.
VG gets a look at Charles... well, stuck again. "This is getting old you know."
Charles Magellean holds his head as he gets up.
Tetra slowly gets up. "Hmm... dex, could you try to scan out a map of this place?"
Charles Magellean: "Okay... I know how to do this..."
Smash Dex: "Error: Mysterious energy field blocks scanning."
Charles Magellean: "Everyone the over side of the room."
Wolfman does so.
Tetra: "Darn."
Charles Magellean gains Geno's Wand...
VG does so, and also deploys a Super Plush bear, just in case.
Tetra puts the Dex away and goes to the other side.
Charles Magellean: *Charge one... Maximum charge.... He fires the level four Geno Beam.*
Metal Man (GM): The door buckles a bit.
Charles Magellean hits the door with a Geno Whirl.
Metal Man (GM): Bends a bit more... still standing.
Wolfman: "Need me to break it again?"
Metal Man: "He makes doors like no other."
Charles Magellean uses Psi StarStorm.
Tetra: "These doors are getting old."
Charles Magellean: *30 hp each.*
VG grabs onto his bear.
Metal Man (GM): On the crit miss.... The door is still standing.
Charles Magellean: "RRRAAARRR!"
Metal Man: "Maybe Smithy built this place to slowly bore us to death."
Wolfman: "Charles, I can bash it you know."
Charles Magellean goes rushing to the door with a Falcon Punch!
Metal Man (GM): BAM! Door punched.
Charles Magellean breathes heavily.
Tetra: "Hold on a sec... Dex, can you scan the door at least?"
Metal Man (GM): It's really bent inward now, but remains bent inward.
Smash Dex: "That is a normal door made of reinforced titanium. It is built to resist a ton of damage."
Charles Magellean: "Then we add just a bit more!"
Tetra: "Any special way we can get through it?"
Charles Magellean uses a Skull Bash on the door.
Wolfman gets out his Megaton Hammer "Charles, we can help you know."
Smash Dex: "...Smithy built his doors to only be breakable... not even he can unlock them now."
Charles Magellean: "This is Lunarian Pride!"
Metal Man (GM): It's almost broken down...
Smash Dex: "...Besides the door unlocker."
Tetra: "..."
Charles Magellean pulls his head out... and his head spins around with his finger in the air.
VG: "That's it; next time, I'm using the Door Opener 3000 again."
Charles Magellean: "...Okay... You're turn, Wolf."
Metal Man: "DIEEEE!!!"
Charles Magellean: "I'm good... I'm good."
Metal Man attacks the door with a blue beam.
Charles Magellean walks around... dazed... and walking in circles.
Wolfman watches what Metal is doing...
Metal Man (GM): *BAM* 20 damage. ...It's still standing... a tiny bit.
Metal Man: "...Aaaaaargh!"
Wolfman: "...thank you Wolfman. Now let Wolfman handle this."
Metal Man: "Someone push it over."
Wolfman: *Swing of Megaton hammer.*
Metal Man (GM): *BONG* You push it down.
Tetra: "Yeesh..." *He looks into the next room.*
Metal Man (GM): New room... there's windows showing outer space.
Charles Magellean: "At least you weren't on the receiving end..." *He shakes his hands...*
Metal Man (GM): ...there's also a door out on the bottom left. No battle.
Charles Magellean: "Okay... Here we go again."
Tetra: "I'll handle this one."
VG: "No Charles. ...Tetra?"
Tetra goes to the door and blasts it repeatedly with the borrowed laser pistol. "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!"
Charles Magellean enters reflector mode.
VG would himself... if he had his hat back.
Tetra shoots off four shots at the door...
Charles Magellean gets out of reflector mode.
Metal Man (GM): Okay... You shoot the door. The door, however, is not made of steel this time. You hit it... *click.*
Charles Magellean: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The door on the south area of the room opens... to space!
Charles Magellean gets into reflector mode.
Metal Man (GM): The pull of space acts on everybody.
Tetra: "AAHHHH!"
Metal Man (GM): STR checks, everyone!
Wolfman can handle space if need be... Zora Breather... but he doesn't want to chance it!
VG also has a Zora Breather... but again, no chancing!
Metal Man (GM): Let's see.... Charles avoids death. Tetra and VG float out into outer space. Wolfman avoids... Tetra and VG each lose a life. Out of six maximum, of course. The trap ends... the people who lost lives reappear.
VG reappears through the Sub-con door.
Charles Magellean: "...Dead-end room?"
Metal Man (GM): The door to the left is... gone. You can continue.
Tetra reappears due to time travel stuffs. "That sucked..."
Charles Magellean: "Yes... yes you were sucked."
VG: "Okay... next time, let's check the material before we start blasting."
Tetra: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Okay... Only one to the left, now. Only one to the left, now. No.
VG goes to the left door, and knocks on it once to check the material.
Metal Man (GM): *Click* Spikes fly out of the floor, dealing 50 damage to everyone.
Tetra: "GAH!"
Metal Man (GM): They can't be dodged, because they go to the ceiling before retracting.
VG gets poked.
Tetra is skewered.
Metal Man (GM): The door, also, remains.
Wolfman is lucky these aren't the EVIL spikes.
Charles Magellean: "Great... now we also have to beware trap doors."
Tetra: "Ow... I think that one hit something I needed..." *He drops as the spikes retract, but he's alive, barely.*
VG: "Whenever I check for traps... either they aren't there, or we're already in them. Somehow, that just isn't right."
Tetra: "Can we go now?"
Wolfman: "...go where?"
Tetra: "This room is evil."
Charles Magellean: "We'll have to backtrack."
Wolfman checks the room to see what REAL exits are there.
Metal Man (GM): The trapped door is real...
Tetra: "..."
Metal Man (GM): But it's connected to a thing which causes spikes to appear.
Tetra waits just outside the room while the others deal with that door.
Charles Magellean: "...How can this be done, me thinks."
Wolfman: "Hmm... I have a strange idea. Everyone, go back to the previous room."
Charles Magellean does so.
Tetra: "Way ahead of you."
VG also does so.
Wolfman waits for the others to leave. He then stands under the "archway" of the current room... and aims his Howl buster at the bad door. He fires it, and then gets what little is in that room, out.
Metal Man (GM): Only a single attack roll. You're in the doorway, it won't hit you. *BAM* The spikes go up... Then what?
Wolfman attempts to get to the other side while they can't impale him!
Metal Man (GM): They can't impale you. Yes.
Wolfman has made it... but he needs to get the others in.
Tetra: "Hey, that works well..."
VG: "Okay... Wolfman got in... but how do we?"
Metal Man (GM): Hmmm... you got it confused.
Wolfman will shoot the door from HIS side... hoping the others follow.
Tetra: "I can shoot it with this borrowed pistol and you guys can then run. I'll go last."
Metal Man (GM): But I don't care. The door is open, now... thanks to Wolfman lamming the spikes up. So you can just squeeze in-between them.
Tetra: "...or on second thought, we can all just go."
VG: "Let's hope so." *He goes through.*
Tetra does so... the squeezing thing.
Wolfman: "At the very least, this job is never boring."
Metal Man (GM): New room... the only way across is left, of course.
Charles Magellean follows... not knowing what's going on until new room.
Metal Man (GM): The door on the left end is open, though.
VG better do his trap sense THIS time.
Tetra: "Is it safe?"
Metal Man (GM): You discover that your shoes could be a tripping hazard.
VG: "...either I'm becoming paranoid, or perhaps we can easily trip over something here. Anyone have good vision?"
Wolfman attempts to use: Long Vision.
Charles Magellean: "I have true vision, if that counts."
Wolfman is scanning himself.
Tetra: "I have 20/20 vision when I wear my glasses."
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: You see... slight electrical charge on the floor.
Wolfman: "...Veeg is right; I think some of these floors have electricity running through them. ...where did Aribar go?"
Tetra: "And where'd Metal go? I guess they went back to the ship..."
Metal Man (GM): *Scary silence.*
Editor's Note: I think they fled to a more interesting session than this one.
Charles Magellean: "Allow meh."
Smash Dex: "The ship was exploded."
Charles Magellean approaches the floor.
Wolfman attempted to rescue Metal though...
Tetra: "I know that, you electronic buffoon!"
Charles Magellean fires a Thunder Bolt into the floor over him.
Smash Dex: "Error: I am not an electronic baboon."
Tetra: "I meant back to where the ship was!"
Metal Man (GM): The floor sparks with electricity... it's now even more electrically charged.
Tetra: "Good job. Let me try this one..."
Charles Magellean: "It was worth a shot." *He steps aside, wandering what the young ward is up to.*
Tetra uses jet powered shoes to fly across.
Metal Man (GM): Tetra: Ahhh! Electricity!
VG is unsure if his Ice Blocks would help...
Metal Man (GM): Tetra manages to fly across, barely avoiding electric death.
Tetra: "Whee! Now you guys!"
Wolfman: "No offense, but how do you expect us to... well, cross?"
Tetra: "Oh yeah..." *He looks around for a way to turn off the floors.*
Metal Man (GM): Tetra: Nothing of that sort to turn off the floor.
Tetra: "Hmmm..."
Charles Magellean checks closely at the tile without touching it... see if there are certain parts that only electrify oneself.
Metal Man (GM): Well, first, you have to go up 5 feet, then across 30 feet, and then down 5 feet again. The floor is a continuous electrical area.
Tetra: "I suppose an EMP blast would be a really bad idea."
Wolfman: "Wait for me to get across first." *He has a chance of doing it... he gets his beam saber out.*
Tetra: "Let me try something!"
Metal Man (GM): Wolf: you have Wall Jumper?
Wolfman: "Tetra, I'm coming in."
Metal Man (GM): Well then... this is a piece of cake. The 30 foot area is a narrow corridor.
Tetra: "I was gonna try to use an Ice Block to freeze a path..."
Metal Man (GM): The entire area is narrow.
Tetra: "But try what you wanted to try."
Metal Man (GM): You can jump across without doing any rolls.
Wolfman takes the easy path... he jumps from wall to wall to wall... etc... to Tetra. "Okay... NOW you can EMP if you want to."
Tetra: "If you guys don't have any wall jumps I'm gonna try an EMP!"
Charles Magellean: "I don't."
Tetra: "Alright, here goes."
VG: "Do it."
Tetra: "Please don't let this be a stupid idea." *He hits the EMP.*
Wolfman: .oO(...why did I say Tetra can do it...) *THUNK*
Metal Man (GM): ... The lights flicker ...
Smithy: "Life support, heating, security, and all electrical functions disabled on floor 1."
Metal Man (GM): It's now pitch black, air is running out, and it's getting freezing cold. Okay, well... you have 5 minutes to think of a way to survive the short power-outage.
Tetra: "You guys... c-c-cross so we can... g-get out of h-h-here!"
Metal Man (GM): When that time's up, you lose another life each... Starting... now!
Wolfman wouldn't be too affected... right?
Metal Man (GM): *Sonic 'Water Warning' music* Wolfman would freeze to death. It's freakin' cold in space. Rocket chair!
Editor's Note: Insert confusion over how reploids freeze in space, and what reploids even are, thanks to all the MMX games being so vague I still don't know.
Charles Magellean: "...!"
VG wonders what item he can summon to help...
Charles Magellean attempts the briefcase... and transform it!
Metal Man would walk in, actually unaffected. "Hey, who turned out the lights?"
Tetra: "We need t-t-to either escape to the n-next floor or... find the g-g-generator!"
Metal Man is wearing his suit, of course.
Metal Man (GM): Charles: You succeed."
VG: "...I have one idea..."
Charles Magellean: "VG! GET INTO THE CHAIR!"
VG: "Fine..." *He gets in.*
Charles Magellean activates the headlights... and extends the chair.
Wolfman can't get in... he's kind of EMPed.
Charles Magellean hops into the driver's seat. "Metal, get Wolf!"
VG: "And Tetra as well."
Metal Man gets Wolfman and tosses him into the chair.
Tetra climbs into the chair.
Wolfman: *OOMPH.*
Tetra: "I can still walk, guys..."
Metal Man stands outside, totally unaffected. "Good thing I rebuilt my suit. This baby has life support!"
Charles Magellean: "GET IN BEFORE YOU FREEZE!"
Metal Man: "Freeze? Not with my suit."
VG: "Okay... Tetra, nice idea, but next time, don't use that in space stations."
Charles Magellean: "...And choke of... lack of oxygen."
Tetra: "You told me it was okay!"
Metal Man: "Life support. This is a cybernetic suit complete with oxygen and heating."
Charles Magellean: "Metal... SHUT UP."
VG: "I didn't know this would happen."
Metal Man: "Your chair couldn't support my weight."
Tetra: "Somehow, neither did I. I feel stupid..."
Charles Magellean: "...Just follow Quickly then."
Metal Man: "Okay. Don't worry, remember? I'm from Neo-Earth. This was common there. Pockets of no air, temperature, or light."
Charles Magellean backs up into Metal... accidentally "...Whoops!"
Metal Man: "Ow!" *He pushes the chair back off of him.*
Charles Magellean: "Follow the glowing extended... mini-bus thing."
Tetra: "This does give me an idea though."
Metal Man: "Aye aye." *He follows....*
VG: "Hmm... I might be thinking the same thing. Is Smithy technically... a machine?"
Charles Magellean goes through the door. If tetra doesn't get in, he'll be run over.
Metal Man: "Yes."
Metal Man (GM): The next door... wanna continue?
Tetra: "Actually, I was thinking about EMPing that laser aimed at Mr. Magellean's moon!"
Charles Magellean continues.
VG: "Well, that can work as well."
Metal Man (GM): We can finish floor 1. Everybody moves along, passing dead and frozen X-Nauts.
VG: "But honestly Tetra, I think we can find a way to use your EMP on Smithy without affecting us... we might have this in the bag."
Charles Magellean: "Don't count on it."
VG: "And why not?"
Charles Magellean and comp. go into the next room.
Metal Man (GM): You reach another door... it's locked. Well, I should say, blocked by another plate.
VG: "What does the material look like this time."
Metal Man: "Smithy knows a lot about us."
VG wants to only use the Door Opener on legit doors.
Metal Man knocks on the door. "It's real."
VG uses it then.
Charles Magellean: "Smithy is well versed in Quester tactics and battle. He'll likely counter anything like that." *He allows vg to hope outside the chair... then closes it again.*
Tetra: "I'm a new addition though. He might not have a counter for me."
Metal Man (GM): VG holds his breath, hops out, unlocks the door, and hops back into the chair, now feeling seriously cold.
VG somehow does that in time... " time... I'm bringing... fire flowers..."
Metal Man (GM): ...And nothing happens!
Charles Magellean: "Still not good enough. He is a very quick study... and already knows of your EMP attack now."
Metal Man: "...D'oh."
VG: "...why didn't... it work...?"
Metal Man: "The doors can't open correctly while all the electricity is out. We'll have to open it manually... and it looks heavy."
Tetra: "You might want to transport yourself a blanket, Mr. VG... Then YOU blast it, Metal!"
VG looks to Wolfman...
Metal Man: "Uhhhh..."
Charles Magellean: "All of his attacks are weak. Aren't they, Illian?"
VG: "...He might be able to handle some of it... he doesn't need oxygen."
Metal Man: "Yes..."
Charles Magellean: .oO(that ...crap.)
Metal Man: "I'm about hitting people!"
Tetra: "Well, he's the only one of us who won't freeze to death."
Metal Man: "And... doing weird things."
Tetra: "So it's either he blasts it or you ram it with your chair."
Metal Man: "Like walking in 0 oxygen freezing darkness without being harmed."
Tetra: "Hey, that's it!"
Metal Man: "...Hmmm... wait! ...What's your idea, Tetra?"
Tetra: "If we ram it with the chair, will the chair survive the crash?"
Metal Man: "Maybe?"
Charles Magellean: "Be quiet, young ward. Do not disrespect Cackletta's Rocket chair."
VG: " we REALLY want to try that?"
Metal Man: "It sure is dark out here. I need to install headlights on my forehead."
Charles Magellean backs up the chair... "...Missile in door syndrome!"
VG: "...we're doing it, aren't we?" *He grabs onto to something for dear life.*
Tetra: "Please let me not have killed us all."
Charles Magellean pulls a chain on his left, a lever on his right, and pushes a lever downward.
Tetra grabs onto VG.
VG lets go.
Charles Magellean: *5 missiles launch against the door.*
Metal Man (GM): The door explodes.
Tetra lets go as well. "This thing has missiles? Why didn't you do that earlier?"
Metal Man (GM): Next room...
Charles Magellean pulls a lever second from the right of the button that's on his third right from behind a lever... and moves forward.
Metal Man (GM): One door north, one East. And nothing else.
VG: "When will... the power... be back?"
Metal Man: "...Smithy probably didn't plan on turning it back on for us."
Wolfman: .oO(When will... I get... back online?)
Metal Man: "After all... we compromised this level."
Charles Magellean: "Illian, point and I'll sabotage."
Metal Man points North "No need to go in circles."
Charles Magellean aims to the Northern door.
Tetra tries to cast repair on Wolfman.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman is awakened by the repair.
Wolfman wakes up... and shivers a little...
Tetra: "You okay? Sorry about that..."
Charles Magellean backs up, and pushes a button that's right in front of a six-button combination that's just east of a switch.
Wolfman: "...was it a bad idea to use the EMP?"
Charles Magellean: *3 missiles this time.*
Tetra: "Very."
Metal Man: "It's a bit dark today."
Metal Man (GM): The door isn't... quite broken open.
Wolfman: "...Well, look on the bright side. Your EMP has gotten stronger."
Charles Magellean: "..."
Tetra: "Apparently."
Metal Man: "I'll take it down."
Charles Magellean: "It'll save me missiles."
Wolfman: "I didn't think it had enough power to actually demolish an entire floor of this space station."
Metal Man spins around his Kalashnikov, and points it at the door... and fires. "DIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): *Blazing bullets* The door becomes riddled with holes. It then falls apart, now a pile of metallic flakes.
Editor's Note: What kind of AK-47 can do THAT?
Tetra: "Neither did I. I must've hit a vital system with it..."
Charles Magellean: "Might've been a floor-powered generator."
Tetra: "Possibly."
Charles Magellean: *The rocket chair moves northern.*
Metal Man: "...That's it!"
Wolfman: "...perhaps Tetra might be the key to beating Smithy."
Metal Man: "The floor was electrified because a generator was under it."
Wolfman: "All we need to do is protect him while he casts the spell."
Metal Man: "And Tetra blasted it with an EMP. That's why this floor is dead."
Tetra: "Well, that makes sense."
Wolfman: "...I still like my idea."
Metal Man (GM): 6 dead X-Nauts. You can go North again or East.
Charles Magellean: "North?"
VG: "...this place is too spooky now." *He nods.*
Metal Man: "North away!"
Tetra sees the dead X-Nauts under the light of the headlights. "That is terrible! Smithy doesn't even care enough to turn the power back on to save his own men?"
Metal Man picks up the dead X-Nauts and hurls them at the door. "AIEEEEEE!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): ...The door is broken down by the amount of X-Nauts hurtling into it.
Charles Magellean moves onward.
Metal Man: "That worked well..."
Wolfman: "Tetra... we're here. That might be why."
Metal Man (GM): There's only one door left... in this room, it goes East.
Tetra: "I hate people like Smithy... they served him unquestioningly and he doesn't even care about them!"
Metal Man (GM): And there's... 2 Super-X-Nauts dead in this room.
Charles Magellean: "I cannot wait until Metal and I take him on."
VG: "I think I need to help... ...I had a strange dream a few days ago."
Tetra gives VG a look.
Metal Man: "Okay... you break this door, Charles."
VG: "I somehow accidentally helped Smithy take over HQ, and then he took over the world in it."
Tetra: "What kind of dream? ...I see..."
VG: "It happened after I got warped out of the Lashiec battle."
Charles Magellean: "It is only a dream... on an unlikely prophecy." *He pulls a lever on his right away from two additional levers, and pulls a chain.*
Metal Man: "Well, he can't take over much... his fleet can't come back in, and is being attacked by Smashers."
Charles Magellean: *4 missiles this time.*
Metal Man (GM): The door bends over and falls off the wall.
VG: "I'd still like to actually cream him a little."
Metal Man (GM): ...There's an elevator!
Charles Magellean: "Everyone fall out."
Metal Man: "...Finally... but... there's no power here either."
Charles Magellean: "Wait... nevermind."
Metal Man: "We must activate the elevator."
Wolfman: "...I was about to say."
Tetra: "Fly up the elevator shaft?"
Metal Man: "I could do that."
Metal Man (GM): There's a glass case surrounding the shaft. The glass doors are locked... light comes from above. It's just a platform, too. No actual 'car.'
Metal Man: "We can escape this terrible, dangerous place... and go into a more dangerous... more terrible... more enemy-filled place."
Wolfman: "Let's do so then."
Tetra: "It's our mission. Let's go. It's either that or run, which I am not doing."
Charles Magellean: "... The chair was not meant for more than one passenger to travel sideways."
Wolfman: "Hmm... I can probably wall jump up..."
Metal Man: "There might be air and heating in the shaft."
VG: "Metal and Tetra can fly up..."
Metal Man: "But the door is locked. And we don't want to break the door."
VG: "...can we just unlock it?"
Metal Man (GM): There's an elevator panel, dead, next to the door.
Tetra: "Well... Why don't we want to break the door again?"
Metal Man (GM): Okay, do your idea.
Metal Man: "Break the door, and the elevator shaft becomes as airless and deadly as this area."
VG lends Metal the Door Opener has one more use.
Metal Man uses the door opener, then slides the door open. Airlock noise.
Smithy: "Please board the elevator. Recompression will then begin."
Tetra: "How nice." *He said that sarcastically.*
Metal Man: "I think that was automated."
Wolfman: "...I sure hope so."
VG: "But isn't Smithy automated?"
Tetra: "I'll try it out..."
Metal Man: "I doubt he'd be so punctual to us... I mean, we went through room after room, after room of madness."
Tetra: "If I die... it was all my fault anyway."
Metal Man walks into the elevator, motioning for other people.
VG and Wolf get in.
Tetra hops out of the chair and hurries to the elevator.
Metal Man (GM): You all manage to get in without suffocating or freezing.
Charles Magellean hops outta chair, deactivates it to single, then to briefcase, and hustles without breathing.
Smithy: "Now going to floor 2 - Factory Level."
Smash Dex: "Map generated."
Metal Man (GM):
Lumis Dongthar opens the purple portal to their next destination. He walks calmly onto the new soil/floor of the destination. Also out of the portal, a puddle slowly follows...
Metal Man (GM): The next destination... is a blasted, black field. Dark evil resonates through the ground.
Lumis Dongthar: "Seems someone had fun here."
Metal Man (GM): Unnatural energies... channeling out of Nintendus's ground and showing a deep darkness.
Lumis Dongthar: "Aquatic one: does this next task bring us closer to a new Chaos Emerald, or merely a test for me to prove my worthiness of extracting and copying a power of one of your Chaos Emeralds?"
Metal Man (GM): You would get a mental message that noted that this area is... where a chaos emerald is. Something... or someone... used it for great evil. You can see ahead... A factory... or metal building. Totally blown to ribbons. Smoke comes from the ruins.
Lumis Dongthar attempts to tap into the memories of this place through concentration of clairvoyance.
Metal Man (GM): *Glow* You can see back, now.. ..Kuja... alone... Walking towards the ancient building.
Lumis Dongthar puts his hand below his chin... closing his eyes... and seeing...
Metal Man (GM): The building instantly exploding as he entered.... He takes a jar... ...and wanders off. He is nearby. *FFIX - Memories of that Day.*
Lumis Dongthar ends the lesson for today.
Metal Man (GM): Something odd is here. The emerald is still in that building. But he took something else... of some importance.
Lumis Dongthar does not care for what happened in the past or the Red Magician's motives. He cares only for his symbiotic and his own current desires. "Hmm, perhaps this place could do with some sprucing up, do you not agree?"
Metal Man (GM): Chaos nods. You'd see trees, or outlines of them.
Lumis Dongthar: "Then allow me..."
Metal Man (GM): The building itself appears to hum.
Lumis Dongthar makes some hand gestures... He then points to the ruins of this place. The skeletal remains of many begin to rise.
Metal Man (GM): ...You suddenly feel... intense danger ... Out of the ruins... steps Lynk... wearing cybernetic enhancements ...You'd realize that he has great psionic powers now.
Editor's Note: Lumis Dongthar... Chaos... Lynk... wow, it's every character that could have been deleted from this season without changing anything, in one place!
Lynk: "So then... you are the people who seek my chaos emerald..."
Lumis Dongthar ignores this new one... until he senses power. He places them in one large pile, then looks to this new person.
Metal Man (GM): ...You notice... he has a chaos emerald in his right eye.
Lumis Dongthar: "A most unusual place for a jewel. Did you have an accident of some kind?"
Lynk: "I was dead here. Leaped off of Valhalla, not wanting to serve that good ghost. In that explosion, experimental parts and this emerald combined to revive me."
Lumis Dongthar: "You must mean the bedsheet."
Lynk: "The bedsheet, yes... But I cannot let you have my emerald."
Lumis Dongthar: "Oh I do not need of it. I merely... want to sample its power then simply return it."
Lynk: "Very interesting..."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk cracks his neck.
Lumis Dongthar: "My associate, on the other hand, would want it."
Lynk: "You shall have what you want... under one condition."
Lumis Dongthar: "Of course, he is the one that collects them, not me---and that would be?"
Metal Man (GM): Lynk glows with an immense psionic aura.
Lynk: "You must allow me to gain your... manipulation of energy powers... I can copy them from your mind, but only if you are willing. They cannot be used against the person they are copied from. I seek to enrich my power. It is a gift of a second life that I must not waste."
Editor's Note: $10 on him wasting it.
Lumis Dongthar: "...You copy of others."
Lynk: "I can read minds, copy them. Make their information mine. Gerald Robotnik's experimental technology makes me an Ultimate Class lifeform."
Lumis Dongthar laughs.
Lynk: "You heard that right. He meant Ultimate Class... not Ultimate lifeform. A misnomer that people picked up from a mistake or two he made while insane. I will not harm you, either way. Too much information to waste. It would be a crime to let your mind be destroyed."
Lumis Dongthar: "You are equally as twisted as that Doctor. There is no such ultimate lifeform or class. It is only... who is the best!"
Lynk: "I would not test your limits. You can do special things to normal life forms... But I can do special things too."
Lumis Dongthar makes a swipe with his cap, which now flows in the wind, but still attached.
Lynk: "The trees... they are not even intentionally projected. But I am thinking of them. I only wish... for a fair trade."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk conjures up a chair with his mind, then sits in it.
Lynk: "I can wait."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk idly plays back memories of the past... though they look real. He even shows memories which are, rightfully, Gerald's. Such as him becoming The Void after his death, twice, and chasing Locos...
Lumis Dongthar: "..."
Lynk: "The mind is a wonderful thing to manipulate, don't you think?"
Lumis Dongthar: "We waste our time trying to negotiate with this one. I will not agree to your terms."
Lynk: "Then I shall have to leave."
Metal Man (GM): Lynk creates a pillar of psionic energy.... *PHASE* He suddenly ceases to exist from this area. You'd feel as if he suddenly erased himself from that area in time and went elsewhere. Chaos would mentally tell you that it was a high-level Chaos Control. One that only he and Tikal had used before. Of course, since he was one with that emerald, it makes it perfectly feasible. One last thing, he adds.... That might not even be Lynk, but his body, being controlled by the sin that the emerald represents.
Editor's Note: I'm not certain what's worse. Low-grade Sonic fanfiction lurking disguised as an SSQ session, or the fact I GMed anything at all for Lumis Dongthar.
Lumis Dongthar: "Hmm, he does seem different. Yet, neither of us would agree to gaining power by the way of minds. One must EARN that power."
Metal Man (GM): Chaos would agree... then wonder what Kuja had to do with this.
Lumis Dongthar: "And ...I'm afraid that our psionic person has not learned that."
Metal Man (GM): The evil energy in the land would begin to level off. It appears Lynk was poisoning the land by being on it.
Lumis Dongthar: "Kuja is a manipulative man that has insecurities, like that one Black Magician... Zao, was it? Parlor tricks at best."
Zio: "Just the man I wanted to talk to."
Lumis Dongthar: "...Very well, I will clean up malevolent psychic feedback as well."
Metal Man (GM): ...Another source of evil. Behind you.
Lumis Dongthar smiles. "I was wondering if you were overhearing me." *He turns around.*
Zio: "I had no clue what that insane former Quester was rambling on about, but it doesn't matter."
Lumis Dongthar: "I have interfered not with you or your puppeteer. What do you want?"
Zio: "Merely help. Even with the Questers, Kuja shall be... a pain to dispose of."
Lumis Dongthar: "This is my help then."
Zio: "Hmmm?"
Lumis Dongthar: "Lure him into a dimension or realm of existence that weakens him."
Zio: "Perhaps... I have read that the dimension he came from, he was weak enough to kill."
Lumis Dongthar: "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mess that that trick magician and cyborg left behind."
Zio: "It is fine with me... this is only a projected image."
Metal Man (GM): Zio suddenly disappears. Yet another cheap parlor trick... this 'dark land' is teeming with them.
Editor's Note: No, it's called 'GM has ADD', not 'PARLOR TRICK, LOOK HOW COOL IT IS.'
Lumis Dongthar: "If you truly wanted my help, the darkness would have threatened." *He turns to his right. He holds his Dark Chaos Emerald up.* "I truly doubt that Mr. Tribal has even bothered to look for me."
Metal Man (GM): Chaos would add, that he felt that Kuja didn't care; his actions were centered around... Charles, it seemed.
Lumis Dongthar: *The Dark Emerald begins to spin and spin... slowly, the emanations that make the land poisoned begin to stir. It begins to form a light tornado, and is slowly sucked into the emerald.*
Metal Man (GM): The poison would be sucked in, of course.
Lumis Dongthar: "I concur with you. The focus of that red person being on that obnoxious twin brother of mine is almost a paradox."
Metal Man (GM): Chaos would then add in pages and pages of calculations... observed from the Quester databanks, found in various places Kuja had been.
Lumis Dongthar opens a small dimension portal. He pours the toxins into nothingness.
Metal Man (GM): The gigantic calculation lead to... an infinity value.
Lumis Dongthar: "Manipulative as he is, when a variable is presented, it throw an entire equation into chaos. That is probably why he wants to end Charles's life. Perhaps he does not see us as a variable."
Metal Man (GM): The toxins, removed, leave you with the normal 'dark land'; merely dark red soil.
Lumis Dongthar puts away the Blue Dark emerald.
Metal Man (GM): The ruins, also purified, no longer smoke. There is only debris.
Lumis Dongthar begins using his constructive energy to renew the lands that the dark land has caused... this takes power. He at the same time begins to summon a hole at the ruins. He diverts additional power from himself to cause the hole to become bigger. He begins to feel drained. "Dark destructive is overtaken by dark constructive energy. Perhaps not many will know of this 'good deed' that I am doing. I am just restoring balance is all."
Metal Man (GM): The ruins, the evil energy powerful in them, are diverted into the hole. Chaos thinks of one last thing....
Lumis Dongthar sends this energy into his palace hydro cycling chamber, where they can be recycled to Lumis's use.
Metal Man (GM): What if... because you balance the energy, Kuja needs not to care, because you do not imbalance the equation?
Lumis Dongthar: "As I have said before: I do not become involved unless either I desire to or a being forces me to. He defied me in my palace, I overpowered him. He tried to escape, I sent him into my underground limbo. He somehow survives, and leaves, then he knows not to bother me. Yet if he is dumb enough to try again, then we can start fresh again." *He finishes with the 'dark land'. He clasps his hands.*
Metal Man (GM): Chaos seems relatively mystified... there has to be something special about Kuja for him to have defied Lumis and lived. Perhaps he has a secret well of power? A magic device? It's all a mystery. Then finishing with 'You'd have to ask him to find out, not that I'd advise it.'
Lumis Dongthar: "It is puzzling. Not even I could escape from the dark limbo at full power. But that was then. Now I am more than capable of escaping it, so now I can not see any problems."
Kuja Tribal: "And this... is now."
Metal Man (GM): Kuja himself appears, looking mildly amused.
Kuja Tribal: "What do we have here... a maniac and a drip? How ironic. The provider of chaos and the builder of order, together."
Lumis Dongthar: "You describe yourself too well in that sentence." *He meant his first sentence. the drip and maniac.*
Kuja Tribal: "You have done quite a fine job with this land. A shame... it'll all be mine in the end."
Lumis Dongthar: "Just know what is good for you and do not challenge me like you did in my palace. If another demonstration is needed, I can provide it."
Kuja Tribal: "Challenge you? You would be no challenge. Beings of pure power are all the same... easy to manipulate. See what you did here? You destroyed all traces of evidence of something... very important."
Lumis Dongthar: "You are correct. You would be no challenge."
Kuja Tribal: "But... Charles L. Magellean... clearly you hunt him for a reason. The same... which I hunt him."
Lumis Dongthar: "I search for him to thank him for something he did for me."
Kuja Tribal: "Oh? Well, that is nice to know."
Lumis Dongthar: "You hunt for... the joy? the thrill? To eliminate variables in your grand equation of nothingness?"
Kuja Tribal: "The equation which promises eternal prosperity and happiness for all."
Lumis Dongthar: "And to all is equal to one. One Kuja Tribal." *He has decided to something...* "...She's coming back."
Kuja Tribal: "You don't realize who or what I am... it shall be your undoing. I am not mortal. I am not of flesh. I am... of inorganic material."
Metal Man (GM): Kuja summons up fire... and sticks his hand in it, and takes it back. No effect on his hand.
Lumis Dongthar claps. "Can you show me the where you pull a rabbit out of your hat? Or better yet..."
Kuja Tribal: "Why would I need to show the rabbit how I pulled him out of the hat?"
Lumis Dongthar: "How about the trick that will interrupt her coming back?"
Kuja Tribal: "No... that wouldn't help me at all. What I truly desire... is for you to feel trapped and hopeless for all eternity."
Metal Man (GM): Kuja gets a sort of... insane face.
Lumis Dongthar: "And yet... that desire remains unfulfilled. A pity."
Kuja Tribal: "All life... meaningless! every second... merely for despair! Everything... lost, unfulfilled... And I possess... the one thing you do not expect. I shall give you three chances to guess what it is."
Lumis Dongthar: "I would not be able to guess for I am not willing to play any more of your games... and you will get what you desire. ...Perhaps."
Kuja Tribal: "I wouldn't want to bore you with suspense."
Lumis Dongthar: "Then I'll be on my way. Come."
Kuja Tribal: "Not... so fast."
Metal Man (GM): Kuja pulls out... a transformer.
Lumis Dongthar opens a purple portal then is interrupted.
Kuja Tribal: "I've always wanted to do this to someone... how about you?"
Lumis Dongthar: "Hmm... You would have to to make sure it happens."
Kuja Tribal: "If you go into the portal... and I press this button... you will be shredded apart. And unless you can do stuff while in several pieces scattered between one realm and a pocket dimension, I doubt you'd be very useful. It's not power, my poor sap, that drives the world. Cunning has you outgunned! No amount of death rays or universe-melting powers could save you from a transformer."
Lumis Dongthar: "I may be out-gunned, but I am never outpunned."
Kuja Tribal: "How do you think I was stopped in the first place?"
Lumis Dongthar: "...By a sword."
Kuja Tribal: "A sword? My old body, maybe. But this body... the Questers summoned it. It has no expiration date."
Lumis Dongthar: "No, but it does have great durability." *He opens a LARGE portal above Kuja... well whattaya know? It's rupture farms' ruins!*
Kuja Tribal: "This is perfect."
Metal Man (GM): He presses the transformer button.
Kuja Tribal: "Just like that other time... I, Kuja Tribal, choose Lumis Dongthar as my transformer partne---"
Metal Man (GM): *WHOOSH* Kuja suddenly disappears... as does the transformer. The only difference would be... ...that a link of some sort would be stuck to Lumis.
Lumis Dongthar: "I suppose he didn't want the transformer to be crushed under all that weight."
Metal Man (GM): Chaos would find this... most strange.
Lumis Dongthar: "However, I do believe we rate his personal attention."
Metal Man (GM): Apparently, he didn't plan on trying to stuff Lumis in the box... just wanted to taunt him, then put a link on him. That link allowing him to summon Lumis one time with the transformer, anywhere, anytime.
Lumis Dongthar: "Yes. I understand..."
Metal Man (GM): Mainly because... he ran out of power between saving himself between the rocks and trying to control Lumis's energy.
Lumis Dongthar: "I can sense this link..."
Metal Man (GM): You could also hear, just barely...
Lumis Dongthar: "...He ran out of power you say?"
Kuja Tribal: .oO(Curses... this inefficient device was damaged from when I escaped from it in the first place! I shall need... to steal... another...)
Metal Man (GM): The weird mental reading would then fade out from Kuja. And you'd be at the cleaned up dark land. Free to do what you want... with the implication of Kuja randomly summoning you once, whenever he wanted to... and possibly trying again with a less damaged model.
Editor's Note: Note to past self -- this was where Lumis should have died. Just have him be like, "Hah, that means noth--" and then be suddenly ripped to shreds, and then his fragments, crushed beneath the very ruins he summoned. To not do so -- was just to run away from the obvious implication of the Big Bad being taunted by the Big Nothing.
Lumis Dongthar returns the ruins to his palace. "Do you see what this link can mean? It means that he can summon me whenever he wishes..."
Metal Man (GM): Chaos: '...Which could be bad, regardless of whether you try to help him or not.'
Lumis Dongthar: "That is a bad sign if the Questers go to deal the finishing blow to him. We will just have to put this to our advantage. Oh, you didn't hear this from me, but the one he fears... she is returning. Spread the word!"
Metal Man (GM): Chaos nods...
Lumis Dongthar opens an audio portal to send it throughout several broadcasts around Termina and Nintendus. He and Chaos go into another portal.
Metal Man (GM): The elevator goes up... this is obviously a factory area. Smithy's face appear on the corner monitors again.
Wolfman looks to the monitors... oh great; here we go again.
Smithy: "The intruders have destroyed floor 1. Floor one jettison activated. Cannon has been fired."
VG: "...are we already too late?" *He doesn't like the sound of the Cannon firing.*
Metal Man (GM): Images of the Second Moon being hit by another blast, which narrowly misses Magellean's base, but carves off 20% of the top of it, can be seen. That top part then floats off and crashes into Earth.
Digifanatic: "Better not be... oh, Charles ain't gonna be happy about that."
Charles Magellean: "..." *He is standing right there.*
Wolfman: "...He can hear you you know."
Metal Man (GM): It then shows the debris flying into the battlefield outside, smashing both Smithy's ships and Smasher ships around.
Charles Magellean: "Not... one of your better days."
Digifanatic: "I know he is..."
Charles Magellean: "Point out again, and pain will be obvious as well. Now, let's move on."
Metal Man (GM): Okay... the map, of course, shows up. 
Charles Magellean makes crosses his arms with a minigun in each hand.
Wolfman gets a look at the map... he tries to figure out where he is.
VG stores the map on his Dex if possible.
Metal Man (GM): From your position... there are two doors to the East, and one to the South.
Yuni: "More doors... ugh."
Metal Man (GM): That's possible, yes. But you don't know where you are. All the doors are securely locked.
Charles Magellean: "If this is any indication of the first floor, then parts of these pathways are also traps. ...And perhaps another generator floor."
VG: "The hard part... I only have 4 Item Teleporters left... that means at most, 12 more doors I can unlock."
Wolfman: "Hmm... I think we're in one of the top rooms; perhaps we should head south."
Metal Man: "It appears Smithy is going all out. He's causing a ton of destruction... and even if we go around wrecking his satellite, he'll counter by wrecking the moon, and the Earth."
Charles Magellean: "And yet you do not want the stronger of us to attack the doors?"
VG: "It's called saving strength."
Metal Man: "But if we don't stop him, he'll just do the same."
VG: "Your power could be useful for when we actually need it, instead of just wasting it on doors."
Charles Magellean: "I pity your ignorance."
Wolfman gets the Hammer back out. "Should I?"
Metal Man: "Just bash down one of those doors, please."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, sounds worthy..."
Wolfman goes to the south one. He gets a good swing.
Charles Magellean: "I can regain strength much more quickly since I'm no longer a Quester."
Metal Man (GM): You hit it.
Wolfman definitely calls that a good swing (25%)
Charles Magellean: "I say we hold a contest gentlemen..."
Metal Man (GM): ...You hear another noise... a very... not good noise, indeed. *BAM.*
VG: "And what contest do you have in mind while we have to save the second moon?"
Charles Magellean: "...First... duck."
Metal Man (GM): The door is dented from the other side. Then....
VG ducks.
Metal Man (GM): *BOOOOOOOOOM.*
Digifanatic: "Right..." *He does so as well.*
Wolfman doesn't have time to duck...
Yuni: "Oh dear..."
Charles Magellean goes into reflector mode fox style.
Yuni ducks.
Metal Man (GM): ...A mechanical Razor walks in.
Machine Made Razor: "Targets: Questers. DESTROY."
Yuni takes a look at who it is. "...Razor? You look all... robotic."
Charles Magellean: "I was wondering when we would face a Machine Made Quester. A regular, not a fallen."
Wolfman: "Well, here is your chance."
Metal Man (GM): Questers vs. Machine Made Razor!
Charles Magellean puts his suitcase down and unholsters his two guns.
Yuni takes out his gun, and cocks it.
Wolfman has the Beam Saber out.
VG has... well, nothing; not even his hat. .oO(...I want to save my secret weapon idea for last)
Machine Made Razor: "Battle systems initializing. Explode!"
Metal Man (GM): A whole ton of explosions are summoned.
Wolfman already has to do quick dodging...
Metal Man is hit for 100 damage. "Aaaargh!"
Metal Man (GM): 100 damage to VG, Digi. Wolfman miraculously avoids it.
Digifanatic: *Mega Rush and Last Stand activated...*
Metal Man (GM):
Wolfman: .oO(I definitely owe my life to the Book of Randomness now.)
Machine Made Razor: "I will kill all of you. You must be destroyed. Die. Die. Die."
Metal Man (GM): Gibby? GIBBY? You here? You're hit as well... 100 damage.
Machine Made Razor: "You have evaded my attack. That is impossible."
Yuni gets hit... and goes ow... "...ow... ow... pain..."
Metal Man (GM): Razor turns to Wolfman... and opens fire on him with machinegun fire.
Wolfman: "Not much is impossible you know."
Machine Made Razor: "Die. Die. Die."
Wolfman: *Ow. ow. ow.*
Metal Man (GM): 560 damage.
Wolfman: *Ow. ow. WHA?!?*
Machine Made Razor: "Destroy. Kill. Maim."
Wolfman: *BOOM Boom boom boom boom...*
Metal Man (GM): Razor turns to Gibby.
Gibby blinks.
Machine Made Razor: "Annihilate."
Gibby: "Uhh... want a cookie? D'OH!"
Metal Man (GM): He launches deadly green laserbeams at Gibby for 160 electric damage.
Metal Man: "This guy is impossible! How can he DO that?"
Gibby turns into liquid marshmallowy goodness.
Machine Made Razor: "Destroy all Questers. Destroy all Questers."
Metal Man (GM): He turns to Digi... and fires a black beam at him. Digi's HP is reduced to 1.
Digifanatic: "Yowch!"
Metal Man (GM): 100 fire damage to Charles.
VG enters via Subcon door. action 1
Machine Made Razor: "I must terminate all Questers. You shall all die. Die. Die."
VG scans this guy... he doesn't recall Razor that well.
Machine Made Razor: "You are an enemy. Destroy. Destroy."
Charles Magellean: "We heard you the first time. And the second, and the third, and fourth times."
Metal Man (GM): The mechanical voice is annoying.
Machine Made Razor: "I will kill all enemies of Smithy. I will kill all enemies. They will be killed."
Metal Man: "Somebody shut that thing up!"
Charles Magellean will not listen to this anymore.
Machine Made Razor: "You will be killed by death. Death. DEATH."
Wolfman: "...where is Jay Resop when you need him?" (he was a Quester, technically)
Metal Man (GM): *...DING!*
Charles Magellean opens his briefcases and puts in some deaf ear inflictment.
HP: 0/500%
STR: 20
SPD: 80
INT: 14
AC: 45
Attacks: 4
Annihilate: d20+35, deals 160 electric damage.
Explode: SPD checks, DC 25. 100 damage to all who fail.
Doom: Reduces target down to 1 HP; deals 40 damage to Machine Made Razor.
VG: "..."
Smash Dex: "A machine made former Quester. Deadliest ever made. Smithy's prime weapon. End of entry."
Charles Magellean puts in the his deaf ear inflictor now.
Machine Made Razor: "You cannot win. I will kill. Kill. Kill. You."
VG: "...I can't even use enough items to boost us up enough."
Machine Made Razor: "Prepare to be killed. Killed. Killed. Killed. Killed. Killed..." *Repeat over and over again.*
Metal Man: "I think I have a chance at hitting him... kinda."
VG is going to try the Bazooze-ka anyway... just to get him to SHUT UP and HIC UP!
Charles Magellean: "A prime example of cheapness, raw power,...and other crap."
Machine Made Razor: "You cannot hit me. I am unhittable. Ha. Ha. Ha."
Metal Man (GM): He dodges it.
VG: *Done.*
Charles Magellean: .oO(Simply wonderful, mushhead.)
Yuni: "Oh yeah? I bet you can't dodge THIS!" *He points his gun at Razor, and fires three times at him.*
Machine Made Razor: "I can dod--*BAM* ...Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do!!!!" *Car alarm noise.*
Metal Man (GM): You hit him once... for NORMAL damage.
Yuni: "Wow... THAT'S tough. Only one hit... wow..."
Charles Magellean stretches and smiles calmly... he doesn't hear any of this crap...
Wolfman: "For a Machine Made, he's way too fast."
Machine Made Razor: "I am unstoppable. Die. Die. Die."
Wolfman: "He's near the speed of Overdrive Ostrich!"
Charles Magellean fires of Needles at Razor.
Metal Man (GM): Razor can't dodge that insta-hit attack.
Machine Made Razor: "You are impossible. I must destroy you."
Charles Magellean: *11 damage.*
Machine Made Razor: "You cannot be allowed to hit me for weak damage."
Wolfman: "We don't play by your rules in case you didn't figure that out."
Charles Magellean creeks his head... then he runs right into Razor.
Digifanatic: "Well, that's a relief for now..."
Machine Made Razor: "Do-do-do-do-dooo!!!!" *Car alarm noise.*
Charles Magellean gains the eyes of the Al Bhed.
Machine Made Razor: "I shall kill you. Kill you. Kill you. Kill you. Kill you. KILL KILL KILL KILL."
Charles Magellean moves his hands in a hypnotic suggestion.
Metal Man (GM): He's just... barely controlled.
Digifanatic: "This is not impossible yet..."
Machine Made Razor: "System error. Chip damage. Error. Error. Error. Error."
Digifanatic: "Come on, Charles..."
Wolfman: "Give him the Blue Screen of Death!" (still happens now and then... and he does know about it)
Machine Made Razor: "Danger. Danger."
Charles Magellean: "Cause Doom to Razor. Cause Doom to Razor."
Machine Made Razor: "...Error."
Metal Man (GM): It deals Doom to itself.
Machine Made Razor: "Critical damage. Error. ERROR."
Charles Magellean takes a few steps back.
Digifanatic hopes that somehow, he can hit, but it doesn't look pretty... not even a X Accuracy and a Fire Lunge can give a chance where a crit is the only option. *He decides to do one Fire Punch just for hope...* *He uses his Essence and defends.*
Metal Man (GM): He dodges...
Wolfman already has the Beam Saber armed... time to dance.
Metal Man (GM): ...You crit it... you chop it's head off. It falls into a pile, on fire, and dead. +500 EXP to all
Gibby: "Yay for loopholes."
Charles Magellean holsters his guns.
Machine Made Razor: "...System... down..." *Shuts down.*
Charles Magellean puts treatment in his ears.
VG has gained a level.
Gibby puts his gun away.
Metal Man (GM): +5000 coins to everyone. The way to the next room is open.
VG leads off... he wants to be sure that he can sense traps still...
Metal Man (GM): You discover that Machine Made Razor was the trap. This room is an ordinary factory; there's an ominous looking machine, with a bunch of complex controls.
Wolfman gets a look at the machine WITHOUT touching...
Metal Man (GM): It's a robot-building machine.
Wolfman: "Hmm... Charles, could you come here please?"
Metal Man (GM): There's a door to the East, and one to the South. There's also a table filled with weird potions. The doors are locked, of course.
Charles Magellean drains out some of the bad memory of the Razor via silver ooze coming out of his ear and has it drip into a large jar. He moves to where Wolf wants him.
Wolfman: "Do you think this is where the Machine Mades were... well, made?"
VG gets a look at the strange potions... again, no touching.
Charles Magellean: "Hmm... by the looks of ...this..."
Metal Man: "It certainly looks like a machine of ill intent."
Charles Magellean: "...Yes and no."
Wolfman: "Considering what happened last time... should we disable this one or not?"
Charles Magellean: "It's either the actual thing, or a tremendously good projection."
VG: .oO(I wonder what these potions are...) *still eyeing them.*
Charles Magellean: "...Hammer time."
Wolfman gets his Hammer out. "Shall I?"
Metal Man: "Are you sure?"
Charles Magellean takes a few steps back.
Metal Man: "I mean, it looks bad... but..." *He hides behind the table.*
Charles Magellean: "Perfectly confident!"
Metal Man: "Okay then..."
Wolfman: "Here goes!"
Charles Magellean takes some more steps back.
Wolfman swings.
VG was already back... he was near the potions, looking at them.
Metal Man (GM): You hit it....
Smithy: "Intruders are damaging the Machine-making machine. Attack them."
Metal Man (GM): You hear... doors opening.
Wolfman: "Well, that solves the door problem."
Metal Man: "...I don't think we can take on everything coming towards us."
Smithy: "All 150 machines: Prepare for battle."
VG grabs a potion for no good reason, and tosses it towards one group, hoping it's volatile.
Metal Man (GM): The doors haven't opened to this room yet.
Charles Magellean: "Okay, let's go."
Metal Man (GM): You only heard doors opening.
VG takes a potion anyway.
Wolfman will follow Charles' lead.
Metal Man: ""*Where should we go?*"
Charles Magellean: "I mean go as in 'let's get the hell outta the machines way' . To where... I have no clue."
Metal Man (GM): ...The two locked doors open. Various machines, armed with many guns, open fire.
Metal Man: "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): The area is now being blown to pieces. What do you do?
Charles Magellean: "...Okay... everyone, hang on!" *He will use the curse of Mack to his advantage.*
Metal Man: "...?"
Charles Magellean: "I said hang on!" *He takes out ...the Power Saw.*
Metal Man hangs onto a table.
Charles Magellean: "ONTO ME!"
Metal Man hangs onto Charles, then.
Wolfman: *Both of my guys do so.*
Charles Magellean revs up the Power Saw... puts the thing on the floor...
Metal Man: "Better hurry. They're gonna lock onto us soon..."
Charles Magellean and group hold on for dear life.
Metal Man (GM): *FWOOSH* SPD check, Charles... to see how far you go. You drive to the East door, and mow through machine-Mades.
Metal Man (GM): Lucky you. the doors begin closing behind you, as your saw cuts a hole in the floor and you're getting away. You become locked one... two doors away from the machines.
Smithy: "...Error. Unable to move machines from locked down area."
Metal Man (GM): There's a door for each cardinal direction here. (North, south, East, West). The East one has an ! sign on it, indicating depressurization.
Charles Magellean observes... and just let the power saw die down. He gets up. "Had fun, guys?"
Wolfman: "...I've had better."
VG: "What he said."
Metal Man: "...That was... ... ..." *He passes out on the floor.*
Wolfman: "Metal?"
Charles Magellean: "...Must've been overwhelmed."
Wolfman: "Fair enough..."
Charles Magellean senses... something dreadful coming.
VG would probably sense something himself.
Charles Magellean: "Okay, which way do we go now?"
Metal Man (GM): Merely foreboding, this time.
Wolfman: "I don't think East... I'm not trusting that!"
Metal Man (GM): Something of great evil.
VG gets the shivers and goosebumps.
Charles Magellean: "East it isn't then."
VG: "...does anyone else sense... evil coming? Or is it just me?"
Charles Magellean: "You."
Wolfman looks to Charles: "Think South is the right way?"
Charles Magellean: "The one that has paid attention to the map might know where to go."
Wolfman paid attention...
VG paid more... and checks himself-----oh sugar.
Metal Man (GM): VG senses... great evil... and foreboding...
Charles Magellean: "South we go then."
Metal Man (GM): Tetra: You're with the group.
Charles Magellean: "...VG, you check from a distance."
VG: "It might help if the door is opened first... or at least dented."
Metal Man (GM): They just went up an elevator, watched Smithy blow up top 10% of Charles's moon, damage Earth, eject the first floor into the Smasher Fighters... Questers defeated a fake Razor (Old Quester), then Power Sawed past a ton of evil robots.
Charles Magellean: 
Metal Man (GM): All the doors are locked, so you'll have to bust them open somehow.
Charles Magellean: "Then we become polite." *He walks to the Southern door.*
VG: "If you want to open it Charles, go ahead; I'll try my trap sensing from a little distance."
Charles Magellean stands to the right of the door; his body facing the wall. He extends his left arm... and makes a knock. He retracts his arm.
Metal Man (GM): Nothing happens.
VG attempts to trap sense anyway... the room we are intending to go in.
Tetra stifles a laugh at Magellean's paranoia.
Metal Man (GM): VG: You sense... moving platforms...
Charles Magellean makes a LOUD knock.
Metal Man (GM): But no traps, really. Still nothing from the knock.
Charles Magellean: "Okay."
VG: "...Charles, I think we have to bust the door down, but the room should be alright."
Charles Magellean: "Then let the bashing begin. Hammer Time!"
VG: "Just don't overdo it."
Wolfman gets out his Hammer.
Tetra: "I don't suppose you have any more Door Openers..."
Wolfman will swing when Charles does... just for added effect.
VG: "I can teleport some if need be, but Item Teleporters are hard to come by."
Charles Magellean: "Why do you people INSIST on wasting items?" *He enhances his knuckles a little... cause he uses GERUDO KNUCKLE!*
Tetra: "Beause items can be replaced. If you break your hand on these doors, then what?"
Wolfman swings at the same time... at a different part of the door, though.
Charles Magellean hardly... even reaches the door with that.
Metal Man (GM): ...The door opens for you before you hammer it... You hammer the floor... And everyone falls onto a conveyor belt. It's heading south.
Wolfman: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): There's another one you could try jumping to, which heads East.
VG somehow falls down...
Charles Magellean slowly hovers down.
Tetra somehow gets stuck on a conveyor belt. "Well... this is fun."
Wolfman: "Quickly; jump, or stay on?"
Charles Magellean: "We stay."
Metal Man (GM): You have three seconds to do something before being transported into another room. 3....... 2..... 1...... You appear in a room south... The conveyor belt splits into three. One goes into a metallic boiling pot, with liquid metal in it. Another one goes into the room on the East. And another one keeps on going South.
Charles Magellean: "...Should we move this time?"
Wolfman: "Okay, NOW can we go East?"
Metal Man (GM): You must all do a SPD check. Depending on the check, you'll either get to choose, or be moved randomly.
Wolfman will attempt to go East.
Metal Man (GM): Tetra: You may choose.
Charles Magellean will attempt East as well.
Metal Man (GM): Wolf goes East.
VG also attempts East.
Metal Man (GM): Charles goes East...
Tetra heads east with the others.
Metal Man (GM): VG goes towards the boiling Metal pot and dies. And then reappears the conveyor belt. VG: Another SPD check!
Editor's Note: Oh no! What happens next?