Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 203: End of the End of the World
Date: 6:49:26 PM, May 22nd; 5:33:34 PM, May 24th, 2005.
Metal Man (GM): *Continue* Okay... air is running out, even though Aribar made 15 minutes worth. However....
VG and Tetra had just opened up the Life Support Room... and will now start the repairs of it; me with Duct Tape, and I'm hoping Tetra with the repair spell.
Metal Man (GM): Charles: For some reason, you feel something in your backpack. Err... suitcase. Something of great power...
VG: .oO(Hmm... wait; this thing might need power...) *He will also use the Lashiec Staff if need be to power the thing up.*
Charles Magellean pleads for a savior... he checks his suitcase for a testament to will of existence.
Metal Man (GM): Charles: Well, now you have quite a dilemma...
Wolfman: .oO(Still... disabled... need... to be... EMP proofed...)
Metal Man (GM): Your red emerald is looking mighty powerful with anger... But the Star Rod looks powerful for... some other reason?
Smithy: "Soon enough, I shall get my total revenge!"
Tetra casts Repair on the Life Support system.
Aribar downs a Green Potion and hopes that Tetra and VG get done with what they need to do soon...
VG will use a part of Duct Tape first, saving the Staff for emergencies.
Charles Magellean: "One path leads for all to be unsent... another of pure anger... and Huh?...Of Course!" *He takes out the Star Rod and holds it with both his hands.*
Metal Man (GM): *Glow.*
Smithy: "Nooooo!!!! THE STAR ROD!"
Garrick Fy`aar is currently positioning himself to get a nice solid shot at Smithy...
Aribar looks to Charles. "... I thought that was lost when Valhalla crashed!"
Julian Sawyer: *A generic blue warp portal appears in the floor, and out shoots Julian,* "Whoa!" *Who goes up about 3 feet and lands on his back.*
Smithy: "...You have it... ...RIGHT NEAR ALL OF MY CRYSTAL STARS!"
Metal Man (GM): *EXPLODE* The seven stars appear....
Wolfman is still disabled...
Charles Magellean: "Smithy... I will not allow the sealed one to be awoken by your madness!"
Julian Sawyer: "...What the crap is going on?"
Smithy: "...I shall counter your Star Rod... Grodus, activate the X-zone crystal! FULL POWER!"
Grodus II: "Yes sir!"
Metal Man (GM): *Glow.*
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Dark energy and light energy begin to collide.
Julian Sawyer: "Where'd the moon go?"
E Li Three: "Whatever you guys are doing just restored the life support!"
Smithy: "Curses... you have just enough power to keep me from just shredding you with the X-zone... I will have to kill all of you myself to tilt the scales!"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Smithy LEAPS down.
Tetra: "Good luck on that one, Smithy."
Charles Magellean: "Be quiet, Bane to existence. Julian, help me by wishing!"
Julian Sawyer: "For what?"
Charles Magellean: "Young Ward, do so too! To defeat this machine, restore the Earth, the moons; anything!"
VG rejoins the others after applying another 1/3 of Duct Tape to the life support machine... just in case.
Tetra nods and wishes for Smithy to be destroyed.
Garrick Fy`aar is quietly sneaking up on Smithy, wishing silently himself for the Earth to be restored...
VG also joins in the wishing... though he kneels first for added effect and cups his hands.
Smithy: "While you are wise... you shall have to defeat me to stop the crystal from countering your wishes with an equally powerful wish!"
Aribar mutter, "Young Ward...?" but then starts wishing for... Wishing for arcane knowledge to farther his spellcasting abilities.
Julian Sawyer: *Wishes for the death of Smithy, and for there to be some chocolate cake in the fridge when they get home.*
Metal Man (GM): Smithy begins morphing.
Wolfman can't wish for anything... he's disabled.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman wakes up.
Charles Magellean: "I wish that Wolfman is immune to EMP devices... that Zemus is not awakened... ...That the Questers can become stronger... that I am able to see my family..."
Wolfman somehow gets up... he barely recognizes Charles' words...
Charles Magellean: "Wolf! I plead to you... Help me by wishing!"
Metal Man (GM): Energy begins to lash everywhere... but Smithy's orb is managing to counteract it.
Smithy: "If you wish to get your wish, then you shall have to defeat me yourselves."
Wolfman does what he can to... wish... even though he's not organic... he wishes for Smithy to be gone... and for there to be peace.
Charles Magellean: "Scientists! You too! With your own orb, wish for a way to defeat this monstrosity!"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy finally morphs into a 20-foot tall mecha... with a platform on his head. Grodus II leaps aboard his head, manning the controls.
Julian Sawyer: *Wishes for a sudden malfunction on the Smithy-Mech.*
Metal Man (GM): * The X-Nauts wish for the other orb to malfunction *
Aribar: "What... The?!" *The elf looks at the monstrosity previously known as Smithy.*
Grodus II: "You may continue to wish, but the only way to win is to fight us!"
Metal Man (GM): The rod continues to glow... an equally repulsive glow is currently emanating from Smithy.
Julian Sawyer: *Wishes for a Really Big Gun.*
Editor's Note: Huh... talk about early installment weirdness. Julian in future eras refused to use any weapons that were ranged...
Tetra: "I wish ... only for the strength to defeat Smithy."
Charles Magellean straps the rod to his back.
Julian Sawyer: *To shoot Smithy with, of course.*
Metal Man (GM):
Charles Magellean: "He's right. Questers, in order for our wishes to be heard, we must defeat this behemoth!"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy & Grodus vs. The Questers
Editor's Note: This probably should have been the finale of Season 2 or 3... not 6.
VG: "Then let's do it."
Julian Sawyer: "Finally. My neck was cramping."
E Li Three: *Wishes that Metal would come back, because pretending to act like him gets old fast.*
Metal Man (GM): because he moves extremely fast.
Julian Sawyer: *Dex-o-rific.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian: Which? Smithy or Grodus? They both go simultaneously, but have different stats.
Smithy - Mecha Form
HP: 0/800%
DR: 40
Smash Dex: "Scan again for more information."
Grodus II
HP: 0/1500%
Special: Immune to status effects.
STR: 30
SPD: 26
INT: 70
AC: 18
Attacks: 3
Meteorite: Deals an instant 50 Earth damage to the target.
Elecwave: Deals an instant 25 electric damage and stuns the target.
Sphere Shield: Reduces damage taken by 10 for three rounds.
Gravi: Enemy loses 25% of their current HP.
Psywave: Deals 35 psychic damage to all enemies.
Holy Ray: Deals 5(Target's INT) in light damage to the target.
Shadow Ball: Deals a flat d500 dark damage to the target; deals 1/10th damage done back to caster.
So then, Julian: anything else?
Julian Sawyer: *Re-scans Mecha-Smithy. He can blow stuff up next turn.*
Weapon 1 - Machinegun - Left Hand
HP: 0/250%
Main Stat: SPD
Damage: 3SPD mod
To-Hit: +SPD
Shots: 5
Tetra: "I see. So we have can disarm Smithy by blowing up his weapons separate? Sounds good."
Metal Man (GM): Smithy goes first....
Charles Magellean: "Smithy has been known to regenerate his body parts."
Julian Sawyer: *Gets ready to die...*
Metal Man (GM): Smithy randomly attacks.... Julian, Charles, VG. Now, for the weapons.
VG isn't going to like this...
Metal Man (GM): He fires a grenade at Julian. I don't know how he'd ever evade that, but it hits.
Julian Sawyer: *GRENADED!*
Metal Man (GM): First, 20 damage to Julian.
Julian Sawyer: "Oof!"
Metal Man (GM): Julian is stunned, blinded, and sealed.
Julian Sawyer: "MY-" *Muted Falls backwards, completely useless, and not able to talk to boot.*
Metal Man (GM): Then... Smithy fires a deathray at Charles. 208 damage to him. Smithy then attacks VG in the same manner. 208 damage to him as well.
VG: *SMB2 death.*
Metal Man (GM): Grodus launches a meteorite into Aribar, dealing 50 Earth damage to him. Then he fires a chain explosion at Wolfman. 70 fire damage to Wolfman.
Aribar: "Gah!"
Wolfman gets burned... but is still up.
Aribar is now breathing heavily, near death.
Metal Man (GM): He finishes off by using an Elecwave on Tetra, who takes 25 electric damage, and is stunned.
Tetra: "GAAAH!"
Smithy: "How did you like that? I've got more from where that came from!"
Grodus II: "We shall annihilate you!"
Aribar takes out the Wand of Wonder and fires off two Star Storms at Grodus. "Take this!"
Metal Man (GM): 94 damage. Aribar:Your turn done?
Garrick Fy`aar attacks Grodus as well, nailing him with 180 dmg worth of insta hit.
Wolfman usually defaults to having the Beam Saber armed, for the record.
VG arrives via the Subcon door... pretty POed. He decides it's time to use HIS trump card... he pulls out: the Thunder Staff of Lashiec. He will use the big move thing on Smithy... however it's done...
Metal Man (GM): Well, to use that, use d20+INT mod to hit, for starters. So far, it looks like VG is missing. Yup. A miss. Charlesy
Charles Magellean: "Smithy, I did respect you once, but it's been lost. I will not allow it to happen again." *He RAMS into Smithy head on.*
Metal Man (GM): Oh yes....
Charles Magellean makes a backflip...
Metal Man (GM): You also take 40 damage. Because you rammed into a hard object.
Charles Magellean holds his head as he fires off bullets from his miniguns at Grodus. 18% per hit... I think I see 2 in there at least.
Metal Man (GM): Ok... 1... 2... 3 hits. 54 damage
Charles Magellean: "So... you're also magitek, Smithy."
Smithy: "I'd be dead if I wasn't. Many times over."
Charles Magellean tilts his head.
Smithy: "That explosion with the first X-zone crystal would have killed me. As would have that time when the world became the good future."
Charles Magellean: "Enough of your bantering. Like you and Grodus, all magitek are an excuse. Even the X-Zone 'things' have a more meaningful existence than you banes... which is why I carry your counterment."
Smithy: "Did you not realize that I blew up the Earth?"
Charles Magellean takes out from his suitcase the shiny light blue shotgunish toy. He places it behind him.
Smithy: "With that, most Magitek will... cease to exist."
Wolfman can't really attack Smithy... unless he wants to chance a smash attack... might as well not try that yet. First, he goes towards Grodus and attempts to Dance.
Charles Magellean: "And I plan for that to happen."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus is atop Smithy. Thus, you must get to the top of Smithy to hit him with Swords Dance.
Wolfman will get on top of Smithy then... and THEN redo the thing.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: STR check. You leap atop, with one action to boot.
Wolfman might as well attempt to smash attack Grodus with a left hook... it will leave a mark. (trying -4 accuracy first)
Metal Man (GM): You miss... with the power of missing power! Julian! Go! ...Though I'm not sure how much he can do.
Julian Sawyer: *Is lying flat on his back, stunned, blinded, and sealed. In other words, completely useless. NEXT!*
Metal Man (GM): Smithy and Grodus! Smithy goes first, as usual. His targets are... Wolfman, then Tetra twice. The dice hate Tetra. He gets out his machinegun and decides to blow Tetra away.
Tetra: "Eep!"
Metal Man (GM): 24 damage per hit.
Tetra: *SPLAT.*
Metal Man (GM): Then he fires off a grenade at Wolfman.
Wolfman hopes he can avoid... he doubts it...
Metal Man (GM): *20 damage* Freeze, Haywire, then Confuse. The enemy goes insane. This breaks most machines, and causes random effects in organic enemies. Think of it as a psychopathic version of the Bazoozeka. So you're now insane and acting weird. Wolfman isn't broken.
Wolfman isn't most machines then.
Metal Man (GM): That refers to when Haywire is used on machines like toasters. Or buttons. Or computers. Otherwise somebody would just break Smithy with haywire.
Wolfman is stuck, frozen... but in a psychotic mood...
Metal Man (GM): Then... Grodus puts up a sphere shield, which grants him 10 DR... Then he fires an Elecwave at Charles. 25 electric damage and stun. He finishes off by launching a Shadow Ball at VG. 352 damage to VG; 35 damage to Grodus II.
VG: *SMB2 death. Arrives via action 1. Uses said Lashiec weapon again for action 2... it was technically not disarmed between turns because it was never said.*
Metal Man (GM): Smithy: Hit. *VG fires a spark which bounces off of Smithy.*
VG will attempt to get Smithy drunk and confused then... Bazooze-ka time!
Metal Man (GM): *Miss.*
Smithy: "You fight like my grandmother!"
VG is angry now. *NEXT.*
Grodus II: "These people are pathetic. They won't kill us... just die under our combined power!"
Tetra comes back via some random method.
Metal Man (GM): Smithy looks like he was hardly damaged at all, while Grodus is looking mildly damaged.
Tetra: "I think we need help..." *He casts SUPER SUMMON to summon 1 strong machine.*
Smithy: "If you did one thing more with that wand, I'm sure it'd explode."
Metal Man (GM): A vortex opens. And... some sort of weird humanoid robot with dual machineguns appears. It then opens fire on Grodus.
Tetra: "Darn. I was hoping to get Mechagodzilla. But I guess this is good too."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus is hit... all but two times. And he's crit-hit twice! 100 damage total.
Julian Sawyer: .oO(Eyedrops! My kingdom for some eyedrops...)
Charles Magellean will let this slip by this time.
Tetra: "Awesome. What's your name, Machine Gun robot guy?"
Metal Man (GM): It makes beeps at you.
Tetra: "Awesome!"
Metal Man (GM): Anything else, Tetra?
Wolfman has been freezed, haywired, and confused... he can't do anything this turn. .oO(...must... Freak out!) *Freakazoid transformation.*
Smithy: "And to think, I feared you... a few grenades turns you into gibbering invalids!"
Tetra: "Are you forgetting the beeping android with the insta-kill arms I just summoned?"
Julian Sawyer: *Stirs, and gets up slowly, trying not to fall down. He then tries to face the direction Veeg is in and makes an attempt at sign language to ask him* "Hey! What items do you have?!"
Metal Man (GM): VG: INT check. VG: You think... he's sayinng.... 'I will steal-a your items-a!'
VG backs away slowly...
Metal Man (GM): *1 action wasted as Julian appears to sign language like Wario would to VG.*
Julian Sawyer: *Getting no reply, Julian tries a different method. He searches around in his back pocket, and produced his dex. Using the memorization of the keyboard layout and a text-to-speech translator, Julian tries to type out his message.*
Metal Man (GM): That works perfectly fine.
Julian's Dex: "Hey! What items do you have?!"
VG: "For what?"
Julian's Dex: "On you! What items do you have on you? Any Able Juice-boxes?"
VG: "Nope; sorry."
Julian's Dex: "...That's just *BEEP*ing great."
Julian Sawyer: *Passes the rest of his actions.*
Metal Man (GM): Targets: Wolfman, Charles, Tetra.
Wolfman is already Haywired and Confused... how is this going to help/hurt?
Metal Man (GM): Weapons: Death ray, Machinegun, Grenade. 208 damage.
Wolfman hopes to DIE this time... this way, no Haywire *BOOM Boom boom boom boom... Status effects cleared!*
Metal Man (GM): Machinegun bullets shot at Charles. 24 damage per hit. Then... the grenade that flies at Tetra. 20 damage, and... Stun and Sealing it is... double sealed, yes. Grodus then attacks the newly returned Wolfman with an Elecwave, stunning and dealing 25 damage to him.
Tetra: "Aghh! I can't move... again..." *He falls down.*
Metal Man (GM): Then he sends a chain explosion at Julian. 80 fire damage.
Wolfman returns on his turn technically...
Metal Man (GM): Then he launches a blizzard at VG. 42 ice damage to VG.
VG wonders if Charles needs some extra help... he turns to him...
Charles Magellean: *four chances to do this. first lucky.*
Julian Sawyer: .oO(I'm at 100%! Why can't you kill me and get it over with?)
Charles Magellean: *and three... He staggers around...* "...I'm..." *He falls over... critically wounded...*
VG rushes to Charles anyway... to see if he can help. "Charles?!?"
Smithy: "Yes! First him... now you!"
Charles Magellean: "...I'm sorry..." *He coughs...*
Smithy: "I have won!"
Tetra: "One guy is not a win, you idiot."
Charles Magellean: "Zemus... is going to run rampant..."
Smithy: "Can you not see it? It was his Star Rod..."
Charles Magellean: "Now... I will become unsent... ...G... oo... d... bye..."
VG: "Is there anything you'd like me to do... in your name then?"
Charles Magellean dies.
Metal Man (GM): They both raise their fists into the air.
Charles Magellean: *Pyreflies begin to fly around the body of Charles....*
Smithy: "We have won! Without any casualties!"
VG hopes Charles' suitcase is still here...
Tetra: "Except all your own men! Do those not count as casualties to you, Smithy?"
Smithy: "They are nothing."
Charles Magellean's soul rises from the body.....
Smithy: "You might as well back down... with him down, you have no chance!"
Tetra: "According to who?"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy and Grodus II suddenly glow...
Charles Magellean looms over the dead body...
Smithy: "The power of the X-zone!"
Wolfman: .oO(Freaky, freaky, freak out...)
Metal Man (GM): The entire area shakes.
VG just stays close to where Charles... well, died...
Smithy: "Activate... the final mechanism."
Grodus II: "Yes sir... to open the X-zone into this world!"
Tetra: "What's the matter, Smithy? Too cowardly to fight the rest of us yourself?"
VG REALLY hopes Charles's suitcase is still here... if so, he hopes to dig out something that can help us!
Metal Man (GM): Grodus II moves to press a button... ...*MACHINEGUN FIRE.*
Julian's Dex: "What's going on? I can't see..."
Charles Magellean's soul wanders away from the room... he droops...
Metal Man (GM): Grodus II's right hand is blasted off.
Grodus II: "...Ack!"
Julian's Dex: "Guns? What the hell?"
Shadow: "You won't be needing that."
Charles Magellean: *Let's see... all that's in there is a Red Chaos Emerald...*
Metal Man (GM): Shadow then reloads, and blasts Grodus II down.
Charles Magellean: *pseudo-cube bazooka were the body lies...*
Smithy: "What is this? I did not expect such a thing!"
Julian's Dex: "Shadow?"
Tetra: "Shadow? Who?"
Charles Magellean: *two Bowser necklaces hang around Charles' neck... that's it.*
VG: .oO(...this might be grave robbing... but I have to help... I owe this to Charles.)
Shadow: "I have noticed the distortion... you were the cause."
X-naut2: "...Now!"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy turns to face the X-Nauts...
VG attempts to equip the following in this order: two Bowser Necklaces, Red Chaos Emerald, Pseudo-cube Bazooka.
Metal Man (GM): They stuck the other X-zone crystal into the computer...
VG: .oO(Even if I can't use this stuff, I can at least make sure Smithy and Grodus can't.)
X-naut2: "Nice try... but while you were trying to kill them all... we got control of BOTH of those crystals!"
Smithy: "...No... this can't be... right after I triumphed... my own scientists defeat me!"
Julian's Dex: "So now what?"
Tetra: "Does this mean we're getting cheated out of our big victory AGAIN?"
Editor's Note: What victory? You were about two rounds from being annihilated. This is the 'You lost, but, you did well enough to not totally lose, so I'll have somebody rescue you' cutscene.
Julian's Dex: "In your FACE, Smith-man!"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy is taken out by a combination of machinegun fire and X-zone energy.
VG is ignoring Tetra and the rest right now... he is making sure that Charles' stuff is safe and away from enemy hands.
Smithy: "I shall live agaaaaaaaain!!!!!" *Implode.*
Tetra: "Dammit!"
Wolfman definitely sees the explosions...
Julian's Dex: "Is he dead? Booyah!"
Wolfman: .oO(...must... freak... out...)
Charles Magellean wanders back into the room... he is an unsent.
Wolfman just howls right now.
Shadow: "I doubt anyone could have fought that thing. It was powered by the entire X-zone."
VG is hopefully outfitted by now, ready to take out... the dead Smithy?!? He turns to Shadow.
Shadow: "If they hadn't have attached that... he would have killed you all."
X-naut3: "...However... we have a problem."
VG: " it."
Julian's Dex: "No arguments there."
Charles Magellean has a straight face... he aims his guns at the Questers and others.
VG is as outfitted as he can be.
Julian Sawyer: *Can't really see this.*
Charles Magellean: "..."
Julian's Dex: "...What's with the awkward silence?"
Charles Magellean fires a shot at Tetra.
Julian's Dex: "Hello? Anyone?"
Shadow: "Now... we must undo what has been done!"
VG: "Just tell us how."
Wolfman is too Haywired to talk.
Metal Man (GM): Shadow steps in the middle, with the Star Rod, the Crystal Stars, two chaos emeralds, and two X-zone crystals.
Charles Magellean aims his gun at another target... and waits to fire.
Julian's Dex: "Yeah, how do we stop the Earth and Moon from goin' BOOM?"
Shadow: "Chaos... CONTROL!"
Metal Man (GM): Time stops... what he says echoes over and over again.
Charles Magellean fires a shot... but it is stopped as he pulls the trigger and time freezes.
VG would think his/Charles' red emerald would be reacting too...
Metal Man (GM): It feels almost like you're being spun around in a washing machine... even Charles's soul would feel it. Energy flies everywhere. X-zone portals and the like spin around, and... when it all ends.... Everyone is back before Charles took the last fatal bullet... the Earth, the moon, and the Second Moon are whole. The last bullet flies at Charles.....
Editor's Note: It is too bad I didn't go with what was suggested, however. With Charles dead due to taking on too much by himself, the Second Moon and the 'Earth' destroyed, all that'd really need to be done to complete the removal of bad plot artifacts would be Smithy and Grodus dying, possibly due to miscalibrated X-Zone fields. Instead, nullifying all this made the last 400-ish lines of text... redundant. How dumb.
Julian's Dex: "...What just happened?"
Metal Man: "Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!" *Leaps out of nowhere and is hit instead*
Metal Man (GM): Shadow is nearby, passed out.
Julian's Dex: "Was that just Metal?"
X-naut2: "Why... he used all of those objects to set things correctly again!"
VG is... well, he's still here... (did I gather Charles' stuff, or is that back with him now?)
Julian's Dex: "...Okay..."
Tetra: "What the hell?"
Smithy: "Noooo!!! The moon... the Earth... the Second moon... what a ghastly sight!"
Wolfman is shaking his head slowly... hoping to shake this Haywire thing out of this.
Julian's Dex: "...And now Smithy's back again?"
Smithy: "...Metal? ...Charles did not die? Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"
Charles Magellean: "...Zemus can is stopped one more time!"
Tetra: "Well, smithy. What were you saying again? About your great victory?"
VG: "...doesn't look like you have it now."
Julian's Dex: "It would be great if I could see all of this."
Smithy: "Silence! Someone clearly cheated. I killed you all, fair and square!"
Charles Magellean aims the Pseudo-Cube Bazooka.
Metal Man: "Oh, yeah. Funny story. I was dead for a while, but then I got back... and now look at me."
Julian's Dex: "Well, except for Me, Veeg, and Tetra."
Metal Man looks like a cross-between his armor mode and normal mode.
Julian's Dex: "Whatever."
Metal Man: "Oh, yeah. Alys still says that toasters can't rule the galaxy."
Smithy: "...What!? ...I shall just have to kill you again!"
Metal Man (GM): *REBATTLE.*
Charles Magellean: "Especially magitek built toasters."
Metal Man (GM): VG: Here is your chance to heal Charles!
VG sees that Charles is in trouble... again.
Charles Magellean: "I... will... not... fall."
Julian's Dex: "Metal, you wouldn't happen to have an Able Juice-box on you, would you?"
Tetra would make a comment about how no technology, not even magitek, is truly evil, but he decides now isn't the time.
Charles Magellean: "..."
VG then gives Charles his greatest bear yet... the ULTIMATE Plush Bear!
Metal Man (GM): New boss music:
Charles Magellean is extremely disgruntled... but you can tell... he somehow appreciates it.
Metal Man: "I can't really help you much, but I can make you non-blind!"
VG: *Charles: the Ultimate Plush Bear can take 150% damage before becoming fluff. Whenever you take damage, you only take 1/4th of it; the bear takes 3/4ths of it NEXT.*
Metal Man (GM): Oh yes. It attacks Grodus II. 100 more damage.
Tetra waits until his summoned machine is done, then uses a manual twice to remove both seals.
Smithy: "I don't care how many times I have to do it... I'll destroy it again!"
Charles Magellean: "Magitek: It has no reason to be allowed at all."
Grodus II: "Sir... is that even possible?"
Smithy: "I don't care... make it possible!"
Charles Magellean charges the Pseudo-cube bazooka.
Grodus II: "Re-beginning countdown on cannon..."
Metal Man (GM): 30:00
Grodus II: "Yes! It worked! We can get one last shot off!"
Smithy: "ONE? Make it TWO!"
Charles Magellean: "You may claim magic and technology combined is a great power... But this is a counter to that power!"
Grodus II: "...I hope you are kidding."
Charles Magellean FIRES the pseudo-cube bazooka not at Grodus... but at Smithy!
Tetra: "There's nothing evil about Magitek, Mr. Magellean. It's all in how it's used."
Smithy: "We can't let mas----I mean, I can't lose! Ahhhhhh!!!!"
Charles Magellean: "MAGITEK IS A MENACE TO ALL!!!"
Metal Man (GM): *Magic construct damage.*
Julian's Dex: "Hey! Watch what you're talking about!"
Charles Magellean looks to Julian.
Metal Man (GM): He's not quite dead yet, but now he's extremely damaged.
Charles Magellean: "What are you talking about?"
Smithy: "I'll kill you, if it kills me killing you, Magellean! And you too, Metal!"
Tetra: "One can say all kinds of things are a menace to all. Magitek is just an object. It's not good or evil."
Smithy: "Both of you... traitors... you were dead for a beautiful moment..."
Charles Magellean aims his gun at Tetra. "...Do not say another word of that cursed object or I will shoot." *He puts the gun down.*
Smithy: "Why must I be taunted with scenes of my victory parade?"
Tetra: "Threatening your ally now? I say you're the menace..."
Smithy: "Why... couldn't I have lost instead?"
Metal Man: "I'll show you, Smithy! This is for killing me before I was born! ...That is the weirdest thing I have ever said."
Charles Magellean checks his forehead for Metal's dex.
Metal Man (GM): You'd find it gone.
Charles Magellean: "Hey Metal I think I still have your-- ...Never mind."
Metal Man opens fire on Grodus, as a sneak attack thing!
Metal Man (GM): 12 hits... total of 120 damage.
Grodus II: "Arrrrgh!"
Metal Man: "...Garrick would be jealous of me." *He blows the smoke from his AK-47.*
Wolfman howls like crazy... unfortunately, he can't really tell all what's going on!
Tetra: "Umm... Wolf, are you okay?"
Metal Man (GM): 1 in 7
Charles Magellean claps. He claps again.
Wolfman finds his prey... looks small to be Smithy... but he doesn't care! He is giving Julian a SMASHING left hook! (-4 accuracy)
Julian Sawyer: *Somehow sense a punch coming his way, and awkwardly ducks.*
Julian's Dex: "Hey! Who's punching me?! Stop that! I'm blind!"
Wolfman doesn't listen... he's enraged! Done; not going to be THAT mean... yet ...nah He will swords dance for fun.
Smithy: "We must win... Grodus... do what they did! Wish... wish for them all to re-die and somehow use Chaos Control!"
Grodus II: "...Are you mad? THEY have the Star Rod."
Wolfman just howls while doing that.
Grodus II: "We have a space cannon that won't last much longer."
Julian Sawyer: *Slashed... TWICE.*
Wolfman: *NOW I'm done.*
Julian's Dex: "Ow! Stop doing that!"
Wolfman can't really hear... or see... Julian... well... he just sees his own Smithy to beat up. *NEXT.*
Julian's Dex: "I repeat, does anyone have an Able Juice or something?"
Tetra: "No..."
Metal Man: "No... I forgot to help you earlier. I can cure one status effect."
Julian's Dex: "Cure the blindness!"
Metal Man: "I will... but I can't do it yet." (Not my turn)
Julian's Dex: "Okay! Whenever you get around to it!"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy attacks... Julian, VG, Charles.
Metal Man runs in front of Charles automatically. "You can't touch him as long as I'm alive!"
Metal Man (GM): He fires his machinegun at Julian. 24 damage per hit.
Charles Magellean: "Thank you... Metal."
Metal Man (GM): Then he fires his deathray at VG, then Metal.
Metal Man and VG are hit, each for 208 damage. "Argh!"
Julian Sawyer: *Okay, there goes the need for status effect curing!*
Julian's Dex: "YEAAARRRRRGH!"
Tetra: "He typed out his death scream?"
Editor's Note: That is accidentally hilarious.
Metal Man (GM): Okay... After the triple death.... Grodus II, afraid of being shot to death, cowardly puts up three shields.
Grodus II: "He almost killed me there!"
Smithy: "Fool! You should have killed him!"
Charles Magellean: "...Sorry, I wasn't looking. Who almost killed you?" *He shrugs.*
Grodus II: "Metal did!"
VG arrives via Sub-con door... action 1
Charles Magellean: "Seriously, I wasn't paying attention. All I saw was a blocking of an attack."
VG uses 100 rings on himself and Tetra... he is now OUT OF RINGS!
Tetra: "Alright, beepy android! Attack Smi... no, Grodus!"
Metal Man (GM): Well, it doesn't really matter... Grodus takes 0 damage. It beeps at you.
Tetra watches all the shots bounce harmlessly off the shields. "Well, crap. Let's see if I can't take those shields down... Or better yet..." *He casts Overclock on Smithy. Halved HP!*
Smithy: "Heh... heh... heh."
Metal Man (GM): It fails.
Smithy: "I am Magitek!"
Tetra: "Darn." *He fires an Immobilize beam at Smithy.*
Charles Magellean: "Do you people even bother to understand who you're up against? Simple attacks like that won't work against powerful beings like him and Grodus."
Metal Man (GM): Smithy isn't effected by that either.
Tetra: "Well, I don't have many other options."
Smithy: "I shall destroy you for even thinking that could work!"
Tetra: "Have fun with that."
Metal Man (GM): Tetra: Your turn done?
Charles Magellean: .oO(I hope to pray and believe that this will work.) *He holds his hands together and begins to begins to pray. Stars begin to come from the Star Rod, and 3, one after another, form from over Charles and slowly drop to to his feet. A large lightning bolt hits Smithy for 90% electric damage.*
Metal Man (GM): *Bammo* 50 damage
Charles Magellean: "...It worked!" *He prays deeply... two more hit Smithy for an additional 90 each. He is done.*
Metal Man: "It's time to finish this!" *He reappears.*
Smithy: "...How ironic... you started all of this, and..."
Charles Magellean: "...I can end it if need be."
Metal Man (GM): *EXPLODE* Smithy is cut off mid-sentence as pottery, wheels of cheese, darts, and rubber chickens explode on him. He collapses on the ground, his weapons self-destructing. Grodus II steps off of his corpse.
Wolfman looks to the scene... and can't tell what the heck is going on... he can't tell what he's doing..........
Grodus II: "You'll have to kill me to finish this!"
Metal Man: "Oh, I just remembered."
VG: "...then so be it."
Tetra: "No problem."
VG: "...yes?"
Metal Man walks up to Wolfman.
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK* Wolfman is smacked across the cheek for 4 electric damage. And unconfused.
Metal Man: "Kill Grodus... not Julian."
Editor's Note: Why not both? :p
Wolfman: "...right."
Julian's Dex: "Julian's already dead, man."
Wolfman follows Metal's gaze towards Grodus... he howls again.
Tetra: "Ah! The dex talked!"
Wolfman then rushes towards this beast... sword armed... but he slides in! WOLF FOOT!
Charles Magellean: "Without Smithy, you are nothing but a walking abomination of combined sorcery and science that is capable of a decent amount of inflicting hurt but can be defeated."
Julian's Dex: "Erm... Beep beep!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit. 0 damage
Grodus: "Yes! My shields shall protect me forever!"
Wolfman swaps to DA HAMMER! He gives a SMASHING SWING TO THE GROIN! -1 accuracy.
Charles Magellean calms down... the Red Chaos Emerald also slightly loses power.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Wolfman is now enraged towards the dice.
Grodus II: "Hahahahaha!"
Tetra: "Would you shut your big mouth for a second?"
Wolfman: *Done.*
Charles Magellean: "Metal, do you have anything that we can use against this prime reason of despicable crime of nature?"
VG: "I have some ideas." *He will use said ideas next turn.*
Julian Sawyer: *A generic blue warp portal appears out of the ground, and Julian launches out, and lands on his feet* "...I can see! And talk!"
Metal Man: "Good. Kill Grodus."
Charles Magellean: "You can also attempt to futilely damage this entity of... hmm... I can't describe any more additional ways of despising magitek."
Tetra: "Techno-bigot..."
Charles Magellean aims his gun at Tetra.
Julian Sawyer: "Finally... Y'know, after spend most of this blind and mute... I'm ready to dish out some punishment..." *Julian gets a nasty glare in his eye as his Magitek'd gear starts glowing, Thanks to the one and only REVENGE BAGE* "NOW YOU DIE!" *Charges at Grodus and smacks him with a Double Beatbox, dishing out the Doubled Explosive damage.*
Charles Magellean: "I am against Magitek, not technology, Young Ward." *He puts his gun down.*
Tetra: "Do you at least have a good reason for hating Magitek besides just that you do?"
Charles Magellean looks to Julian's attack... somehow dazed by its performance and not hearing Tetra's question.
Metal Man (GM): All but one hits. One crit.
Tetra shrugs, not feeling like pushing it.
Julian Sawyer: *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM miss BOOM.*
Charles Magellean: "...Julian... ...How... How did you do that?"
Metal Man (GM): The shield goes down.
Grodus: "Vile beings... I cannot let you defeat me."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus begins glowing.
Julian Sawyer: *Gets back to the group* "A combination of Magitek, anger, hatred, and the Revenge Badge."
Charles Magellean: "...!?" *He looks to Julian...*
VG looks to Grodus... what's he doing now?
Grodus II: "Taste... the darkness of hatred!"
Charles Magellean: "...Why do you have SUCH ..."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus II fires three Shadow Balls at Julian.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): *EXPLODE.*
Tetra: "Don't mention Magitek around Mr. Magellean."
Metal Man (GM): 78 damage back to Grodus.
Julian Sawyer: "Fu-" *OBLITERATED.*
Charles Magellean aims and cocks a gun at Tetra's head while not looking in his direction. He puts it down.
Metal Man: "Magitek... you people still think that's the best made?"
Tetra: "You still never told me why you hate it so much."
Metal Man: "It's old tech... like Nuclear fission."
VG: .oO(Tetra, you are an idiot at times)
Metal Man: "Very dangerous, very powerful. You've seen what two Magitek machines can do. But... they are a joke in comparison to Nanotech."
Editor's Note: I am reminded of how originally this Neo-Earth nonsense was Illian's true backstory... ironic as later Illian is Solarian and thus, only dislikes EVIL Magitek...
Tetra: "It's all about who uses it and what they use it for. We keep it out of the hands of evil people and it's harmless."
Charles Magellean: "So you agree that all Magitek is to be destroyed, Illian?"
Metal Man: "Metal Sonic has yet to have ever been defeated."
VG will "auto-set" a Red Essence to Julian when he returns, if possible.
Metal Man: "If not destroyed... replaced with safer Nanotech."
Charles Magellean: "...I can compromise to that."
Metal Man: "It will take much work... But it can be done, and thus, should be done."
VG will then use TWO debarrier cubes at Grodus! No time for X Accuracies.
Metal Man (GM): Whatever shields he had are obliterated.
Charles Magellean: "Young Ward... you know what to do."
VG: *Done Done.*
Tetra: "I do?"
Charles Magellean nods.
Tetra: "Okay... beeping android guy, attack Grodus II!"
Metal Man (GM): 8 hits... 160 damage. 180 damage.
Tetra fires two shots at Grodus with the borrowed laser pistol.
Metal Man (GM): Crit, miss.
Metal Man: "Take him down... he's not worth letting live."
Charles Magellean: "Gladly."
Grodus II: "I shall not go down! ...I shall rebuild... I shall destroy... I shall..."
Charles Magellean: "You shall be quiet." *He runs up to him and uses a move he hasn't used... *Super Jump Punch!**
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Charles Magellean: *STR Check+2 and d15; 5 HP + extra roll; coins = extra roll.*
Metal Man (GM): Double of 20; You gain 30 coins, and deal 40 damage.
Grodus II: "I have no use for money."
Charles Magellean: "I feel bad... so here's what you bought!" *He pulls out an item... and chucks it at Grodus II!*
Metal Man (GM): ...And you hit the wall behind him with it. *CRIT.*
Charles Magellean finally uses Judgement.
Grodus II: "You must be taunting me with weak attacks!"
Charles Magellean pulls out a hammer... then puts it away.
Grodus II: "Away with you!"
Charles Magellean: "Why yes. Yes I am."
Metal Man (GM): Grodus II attempts to hit you with a Shadow Ball ...Yeouch. Ooh, right.
Charles Magellean turns is done.
Metal Man (GM): Instead, he fires at you, and still takes 48 damage. My turn!
Metal Man: "That sucked. Let me make you feel bad, Grodus!" *He runs at Grodus, in an attempt to grab him... by the head? He misses... so he tries again!*
Metal Man (GM): *GRAB.*
Metal Man hurls Grodus II into the whole controls for the cannon.
Metal Man (GM): Countdown: *EXPLODE.*
Grodus II: "Gaaah! You blew up the controls!"
Charles Magellean: "...Oh yeah, that's just splendid."
Editor's Note: Shoulda just re-exploded the Second Moon... woulda saved us a lot of nonsense later, past me.
Wolfman just wants to hit Grodus's groin... he's too Maverick to think of much else...
Metal Man (GM): Grodus II takes 18 damage; the cannon is disabled.
Tetra: "Well..."
Metal Man finishes his turn with a Tri-attack.
Metal Man (GM): *FREEZE 15 damage.*
Editor's Note: Sadly, the original Tri-attack was kinda underwhelming.
Grodus II: "Ack!"
Charles Magellean: "The groin! The groin! Wolf, like Twist Ed attacked VG those couple times, attack the groin!"
Metal Man (GM): Or... no freeze. He's immune to them.
Metal Man: "He's a machine. Bonk him in the brain-case!"
Charles Magellean looks to Metal.
Wolfman is going for his groin attack... due to hammer weight and whatnot, he'll only get two swings at it... first one regular, 2nd one with a SMASH boost at -1 acc.
Charles Magellean: "The groin."
Editor's Note: He doesn't even have one of those, he's a flippin' ROBOT. Would have been better to, I dunno... ATTACK THE GIANT EXPOSED CIRCUIT BOARD BRAIN HE HAS.
Metal Man (GM): One hit, Wolfman. He's very much almost dead.
Charles Magellean: "Your batting average is: .000 "
Metal Man: "Yeah... that's even worse than the chance of dealing full damage with the Deathmachine!"
Charles Magellean: "Julian, don't use that forbidden magi-machina merge."
VG: *Julian: you find yourself blessed with cinnamon goodness when you arrive.*
Metal Man: "I must say... Garrick has become fascinated with that dangerous sort."
Charles Magellean: "...Then we'll have a stern talk with him."
Metal Man: "I was too busy plotting the doom of Kuja and then making up for my evilness to notice."
Julian Sawyer: *Had overdriven on the last turn, BTW.*
Charles Magellean: "...I hope that's only your anger."
Metal Man (GM): *All but 1 hit.*
Tetra rolls his eyes at Magellean.
Wolfman pouts... he wanted the groin hit!!!
Metal Man (GM): *Destruction* Grodus II pushes you back a bit, then... explodes. The screens then change..... To Gerald Robotnik.
Gerald Robotnik: "You worthless machines! You have failed me for the last time!"
Wolfman snaps out of his trance... somewhat.
Julian Sawyer's arm did indeed go through Grodus II's head, and his fist even came out the other side. Julian then quickly with drawls it and backs away.
Charles Magellean: "..."
Gerald Robotnik: "And even worse, you let that failure beat you!"
Charles Magellean: "...How many of you people have to invade my dimension!?"
Gerald Robotnik: "Those were my machines, you fool!"
VG: "They wanted to destroy the moons and the Earth."
Tetra: "Keyword: WERE."
Gerald Robotnik: "All of them... I created them to destroy the world, even after I died. They almost succeeded..."
VG: "Don't you have a heart?"
Editor's Note: Gerald doesn't have a heart, he's mad out of his gourd!
Charles Magellean: "I'm not putting up with this."
Gerald Robotnik: "My heart was destroyed by you! YOU KILLED MARIA!"
Charles Magellean throws a magical boomerang at the screens.
Gerald Robotnik: "I shall have my revenge in due time... you'll see... you'll see... you'll seee!"
VG: "I didn't kill her!"
Metal Man (GM): *Screens explode.*
Julian Sawyer: *Is just standing by the remains of Grodus II, breathing heavily as he lets his anger subside. He'll clean off his arm later.*
Tetra: "Thank you for that, Mr. Magellean."
Metal Man (GM): Shadow gets up.
Wolfman is trying to shake the haywire out of him......
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: De-haywired
Charles Magellean: "Seems my realm still has Gerald here."
Metal Man (GM): All people here right now, besides me: 3000 EXP Me: 800 EXP
Wolfman: "...okay, that was freaky..."
Shadow: "We have only begun the final destruction of Gerald's machines. He still has some... lurking..."
Charles Magellean puts away his weapons into his suitcase... and takes out his red emerald.
Julian Sawyer: *LEVEL UP! AND RIGHTLY SO!*
Shadow: "But these were the heads of his operations."
Charles Magellean: "If they are Magitek, I will be more than happy to MUTILATE." *Ahem.*
Wolfman: "So there isn't much left to take out, is there?"
Shadow: "Everything he made, after me, was Magitek."
Charles Magellean: *Twitch.*
Shadow: "No... only a few, reclusive robots could be left. You took down Avon and Smithy and the three Groduses."
Charles Magellean burns with fires in his yes and yells as well as raising his fist... "DEATH TO ALL MAGI-MACHINA MERGINGS!"
Julian Sawyer: *Breathe, breathe* "So... are we done?"
Charles Magellean snarls.
Tetra: "Magellean, calm down."
Wolfman: "...Julian, we need to settle something... now."
Metal Man: "I hope he learned that making these evil machines would not stop us."
Wolfman: "You and Magellean have a disagreement about one of your abilities."
Metal Man: "It's not only him, I'm afraid."
Julian Sawyer: "That's his problem, not mine."
Tetra: "I don't think we need this, guys."
Metal Man: "Records show that the Magi-machina stuff came from Garrick..."
Charles Magellean fires a shot at Julian.
Julian Sawyer: *Reflects it with the Red Essence.*
Metal Man: "...Charles, stop trying to play cops and robbers. That's a real gun."
Metal Man (GM): Charles does nothing but wind up waving it around.
Julian Sawyer: "You mind not doing that?"
Metal Man (GM): Unless Julian wants to punch him out, or Wolfman wants me to personally explode HIS weapons, nothing bad happens.
Tetra: "Calm down, Mr. Magellean. This isn't the time for this."
Charles Magellean: "...Very well."
Metal Man: "I will have it replaced with nanotech."
Tetra: "Could we go home now, Metal?"
Julian Sawyer: "As long as it does the same stuff, I'm fine with it."
Wolfman kicks the LAST last of the haywire out of him.
Metal Man: "It will do the same stuff. Just that we'll need to... do some scrounging to get any of it. Now let's get out of this dump!"
Charles Magellean: "Now onto matters that will not enrage me. First, let's destroy this wretched memory of a satellite."
Julian Sawyer: "Anyway, can we get back to base? I need to wash off my arm." *Said arm has oil and machine bits on it, after Julian gave Grodus a full frontal lobotomy.*
VG: "Charles is right... ...Where is the best place in the Mushroom Kingdom to get me a new hat?" *He was hatless during the entire mission ever since the whole Lashiec fiasco.*
Shadow: "Oh, yes. About the satellite..."
Metal Man (GM): Shadow types into the console.
Tetra: "Speaking of weapons..."
Satellite: "Computers set to allow incoming and outgoing warps. Path projected: Crash into Sun."
Tetra stil has that stolen laser cannon. He figures it'll make a fun weapon when he gets it fixed.
Shadow: "That should get rid of it. And if that isn't good enough..."
Metal Man (GM): Shadow shoots out the controls, what remains of them.
Shadow: "We should leave."
Wolfman: "You didn't shoot out our way home, right?"
Metal Man (GM): A warp appears in the center of the room.
Wolfman: "...just making sure."
Charles Magellean: "I will be returning to Quester base. I will be more than happy to return unofficially."
Shadow: "Why would we trust the satellite to warp us? It'd just be Gerald sending us to the X-zone."
Wolfman: "If you are sure about that, then welcome back." *Offers hand.*
Julian Sawyer: "Whatever, let's just go."
Tetra: "Do you have a better plan to get us home, black hedgehog guy?"
Metal Man: "Good bye, Smithy. I hope you remember not to mess with Neo-Earthlings!"
Editor's Note: He sure will, since Neo-Earthlings don't even exist.
Shadow: "I'm not sure, perhaps you're blind... there's a warp in the middle of the room. Unless a wizard did it."
VG: "Tetra, I don't know about you, but I'm taking it! Besides, I need a new hat!"
Tetra: "You just told us it was Gerald sending us to the X-Zone, you idiot hedgehog!"
VG rushes into the warp... he barely hears that last phrase before going "Huh"? WARP.
Charles Magellean: "The scientists will be coming to HQ... then immediately warp to my homeworld. Is that okay, Metal?"
Shadow: "This is from the Quester HQ."
Metal Man: "Yes. Let's get out of here." *He runs into the warp. Shadow follows.*
Tetra: "You just told us that was from Gerald..."
Julian Sawyer: "Whatever, let's just go." *Heads into the warp.*
Tetra shrugs considering Shadow's gone now and he goes into the warp as well.
Wolfman will repeat what he said to Charles:
Charles Magellean: "Trust me, Young Ward. How they word their sentences won't matter." *He goes into the portal.*
Wolfman: "If you are sure about coming with us, then welcome back." *Offers hand.*
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman sticks his hand into the portal, and gets warped. Thus, everybody is warped home. *cinema* The ruined, battered satellite flies towards the sun. As it gets closer, it starts to melt. The camera pans inside, showing the evil machinery exploding and melting. Entire rooms... destroyed. It then hits the sun, and is engulfed... crushed into a cube and absorbed. A solar flare consumes whatever debris it leaves behind. The Questers warp back to HQ. *MISSION OVER.*
Julian Sawyer: "Finally..."
Charles Magellean stretches. Familiar territory. ...He wonders if he will have to camp outside.
Tetra: "Well, I need to go buy some more supplies. And some stuff to repair this baby." *He shows off the stolen laser. "Oh, before I forget, Wolf, this is yours." *He gives abck the Grunty Laser Pistol.
Wolfman: "...keep it right now."
Julian Sawyer: "I need a shower. So, later." *Heads for the shower areas.*
Tetra: "You sure?"
Wolfman: "For the moment. Just don't over-rely on it."
Tetra: "Alright. I'll remember to return it though."
Charles Magellean shakes Wolfman's paw?
Wolfman shakes Charles' hand. "Welcome back Charles... hope things aren't too hairy for you."
Charles Magellean: "It's great to be back... though I won't have the 'chances' like you guys do."
Metal Man: "Well, that takes care of Smithy AND Grodus. However, we still have Kuja and some other people."
Wolfman will eventually get back the Zora Breather that Ari borrowed.
Charles Magellean: "Hmmm..." *He looks to the Red Emerald.*
Tetra checks the mission board before leaving.
Metal Man (GM): Oh yes, and!
Wolfman sends 1K coins to MH as usual.
Charles Magellean stands in the doorway... staring at the Red Emerald.
Metal Man (GM): The end of this mission was a preview of the Season 5 system! Smithy was made -entirely- out of the new weapon system! Metal was using all Season 5 stuff!
Editor's Note: So that's why it was all ridiculously overpowered and killed all the non-Season 5 Questers!
Tetra: *How much coins do we get for completing the mission?*
Metal Man (GM): Oh, right. 7000 on the dot.
Tetra: *Alright.*
Metal Man (GM): Note: Smithy was made out of six of the most powerful things you can make with that system.
Tetra leaves to go see G&W's store.
Metal Man (GM): That's why I didn't let anyone steal his weapons. Nobody could have used them.
Charles Magellean: "I doubt Mega Flare is more than a one time deal."
Wolfman and Veeg just... well, go to sleep.
Charles Magellean blinks several times over... looking into the emerald. "Is it possible to harness the powers of this gem?"
Shadow: "It is..."
Charles Magellean: "?"
Shadow: "Aribar himself uses one."
Charles Magellean looks up and looks from left to right. "Ahh... mister high-n-mighty."
Shadow: "I use them... in fact, if I hadn't been so good at using them... you'd have remained dead. Gerald created me to be this way."
Charles Magellean: "...I ...wouldn't recall..."
Shadow: "Oh yes... a world where all the planets were destroyed, you were dead, and so was Illian. A world where Gerald's creations prevailed. That world... makes the X-zone look like heaven."
Charles Magellean: "...That future was not to be."
Shadow: "Maybe not... but that doctor... he will try to stab at it, until nothing he ever made, besides me, is dead."
Editor's Note: What follows is a bunch of highly-non-canonical gibberish. Read if you dare!
Charles Magellean looks back to the emerald and throws it into the air. He catches it with a leftward swipe of his left hand.
Shadow: "That was only a partial success; if he had his true way, all life would be dead. The very technology you hate was invented by him. He was ahead of his time, but he made... the first. The eclipse cannon... very powerful magitek."
Charles Magellean: "I hardly believe that."
Shadow: "The same cannon Smithy used."
Charles Magellean: "It was used over 1,500 years ago. I believe the...5th Great Civilization."
Shadow: "Really? He has ties to Maricians, also known as Atlanteans, but he never told me anything. It is hypothesized that the Atlanteans had great technology."
Charles Magellean: "And abused it. Perhaps that's where the second War of the Magi almost happened." *He looks into the emerald again as it shines into his eyes. He quickly looks away and shakes his head for a second to shake out the brightness.*
Shadow: "...If they had succeeded... it would have never survived. That whole line of madmen... Gerald, Ivan, Ivo... all of them, Magitek users."
Charles Magellean: "Some machines... are just that. machines." *He sighs.*
Metal Man walks over. "Magitek... you see, I was from the time shortly after that."
Charles Magellean: "That I can believe..."
Metal Man: "Somewhere around there..." *Pulls out a heavy book*
Charles Magellean: "How does one use this without misusing it's power." *He tosses the emerald into the air again and catches it.*
Shadow: "If you channel the positive feelings in your heart, it will only be used for good. It was used by Sonic and I countless times to destroy monsters that were powered by the negative side."
Charles Magellean: "And... I've touched to that negative a couple times. Say..." *He throws it, catches it, then looks to the black hedgehog.*
Metal Man: "Ah, yes... the time after the Solarians."
Charles Magellean: "Would you be willing to guide me to--" *He shudders.* "As I was saying before I was Rudely interrupted..."
Metal Man (GM): Tridus walks in.
Tridus: "Who asked for me? ...Errr..."
Charles Magellean looks to Metal with a scowl when he says rudely.
Metal Man: "...Sorry. I was lost in the book..."
Tridus: "I'm a solarian. What's the fuss about?"
Charles Magellean shudders again. "Would you be willing to guide me to using this properly?"
Shadow: "Yes. Easily... after I rest. Preventing a premature Solarian time of Destruction took almost all my energy."
Charles Magellean: "Understood; I could easi--" *He looks to Metal....* "...Where will I be sleeping."
Metal Man: "Your room, of course!"
Charles Magellean: "...I'm not a Quester."
Metal Man: "I kept it looking the same... heck, Klumsy's room is still here."
Charles Magellean: "...If you insist."
Tridus: "Why do you shudder at my former government? Magitek is the only true path to enlightenment!"
Metal Man: "..." *Facepalms.*
Shadow: "And yet you were killed by it... brilliant."
Charles Magellean grits his teeth and has a quick seizure.
Tridus: "I'm alive now, aren't I? I should find the man who makes Magitek... I need some myself."
Charles Magellean breathes deeply... he must control his actions. He pops a vein.
Julian Sawyer: *Returns to the lobby/Big Room/Whatever after getting washed up* "You mean Garrick?"
Tridus: "Well then, Mr. What's got you all Mary Poppins?"
Julian Sawyer: "...What's with Locos' face?"
Charles Magellean pulls out from his suitcase the potion. It looks like... a black and white powdered smoothie, with green whipped cream on top. And purple sprinkles.
Julian Sawyer: "Hey! There's that milkshake!"
Charles Magellean hisses at Julian. "Don't touch."
Shadow: "...?"
Metal Man: "...@_@."
Julian Sawyer: "No thank you. I had one of those once, gave me a killer headache."
Charles Magellean: "...Sorry. Habit... I'm a bit... possessive."
Tridus: "What is that? A magitek shake?"
Charles Magellean: "Its a--*Ahem*--an unknown potion. A curious thing happened. Your dex didn't know what it was, Metal."
Metal Man: "It didn't?"
Charles Magellean: "That's probably saying something."
Metal Man: "Hmmmm... I don't know what that is, either."
Shadow: "I haven't seen anything that odd... even Gerald doesn't make things like that."
Julian Sawyer: "I think it was called the 'Mindblender' back on Earth..."
Charles Magellean: "Another of the guys back on the satellite made an unknown potion... using orange and something else..."
Metal Man: "We should copy this technology... it looks tasty."
Charles Magellean: "E Li Three knew nothing of what that was... so he REALLY doesn't know what this is."
Julian Sawyer: "It was... but you gotta be careful after an hour. Your head gets messed UP!"
Metal Man: "It can't be as bad as Mega Mack."
Charles Magellean: "Your entire body was messed up after mixing two concoctions with polar opposites together."
Julian Sawyer: "Mega Mack?"
Metal Man: "That was nuts... he accidentally removed the e from his last name... Then he went about calling us bounty hunters and attacked us with a giant machine."
Julian Sawyer: *Chooses to ignore that statement by Charles...* "Crazy..."
Charles Magellean: "Charles made an attempt on my life."
Metal Man: "Wouldn't be surprised. That was a true madman, there..."
Charles Magellean: "He, Lynk, and Ivo seem to work together."
Metal Man: "..." *His jaw drops.*
Charles Magellean: "As soon as I went to battle one, the others came to assist. So... I myself have a bounty. With him... Smithy... Kuja..."
Metal Man: "So... he's a separate entity... complete with help from those other two nitwits."
Charles Magellean: "...My third-grade tiger plaster..."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man: "Yeesh. Everything wants to kill you."
Charles Magellean: "...Nah, I was just reminiscing about the plaster."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm guessing it was particularly nice."
Charles Magellean: "Aye. It made your exploded body look like a work of art."
Metal Man: "I'm surprised Kuja didn't come in and attack Smithy. I mean, after all, Kuja can't rule destroyed planets."
Julian Sawyer: "Maybe he knew we'd pull it off?"
Metal Man: "Maybe."
Charles Magellean: "I'm not. Anything not involved in those plans of his he doesn't concern about."
Shadow: "Well, I should get some rest."
Charles Magellean nods.
Tridus: "I need to find that man who makes the Magitek!"
Metal Man (GM): Tridus runs off; Shadow walks off.
Charles Magellean: *Mouth motor.*
Julian Sawyer: "...So we're all goin' to bed? Great, I'm tired. See you guys later." *EXEUNT.*
Charles Magellean: "...Just one... that's all I'm asking."
Metal Man: "Yeah."
Charles Magellean: "Just distract him... I'll go behind him, and pop a cap in the back of his head."
Metal Man: "I dunno... he might go mad hatter on us. He was one of The Voids, after all. Along with that Gerald guy... two of them... reminds me of Dark Forces."
Charles Magellean: "I am willing to chance that. ...Hmm... one thing still puzzles me though."
Metal Man: "Yes?"
Charles Magellean: "What EXACTLY happened to that Machine Made Ridley?"
Metal Man: "Hmmm... that's a good question..."
Metal Man (GM): *Meanwhile...*
Charles Magellean: "I was really expecting that he would use that."
Machine Made Ridley: "Why did Smithy tell me to guard the WALNUT STASH?"
Metal Man (GM): MMR is on a desolate asteroid, guarding... boxes of walnuts.
Machine Made Ridley: "It was so sudden... like... he was afraid I'd explode if I wasn't sent somewhere."
Metal Man (GM): *fadeout.*
Aribar heads from his room to Oak's lab. In his hand he's carrying a box covered in a cloth. The elf looks like he's deep in thought about something and keeps his eyes to the ground.
Digifanatic is in his room, a bit crazed out and stressed from the events of the recent mission, but is still relatively fine nonetheless.
Aribar stops near the door to the good professor's lab. The elf looks at the box and considers what Oak would say if he showed it to him... The professors often comes out on top when it comes to deals with the elf, and Aribar really doesn't want Oak to get Pandora's box. He decides to just head back to his room to deposit the box.
Tetra is in his room, sleeping.
Digifanatic leaves his room into the halls, and peers out into the vast space. "Sure will be odd without Metal..." "This is reeeeeeeal weird."
Aribar starts from his room towards the R&R. He decides that the box will be safe in his room. Once down in a chair in the R&R, the elf opens the spellbook he carried with him from his room and begins to study it.
Tetra gets up and also heads to R&R. "Can't sleep with that guy out in the halls, talking about how things are so weird..."
Editor's Note: WEEEEEEIRD -- wait, without me? But I'm the only one of the people in this entire log who's really 'still here'!
Digifanatic: "Oh, sorry."
Tetra: "Don't worry about it, guy. I'm not that tired anyway."
Charles Magellean relays on the scene. It's been many a nostalgia memory since he's been back here, although not all of theme were good. The prohibition of weapons being able to be carried around is one of them.
Digifanatic heads downstairs towards G&Ws, buys two Fury Materias (leaving a note for G&W for Kinnin's 20 coins), puts it in his 10th item slot, and also joins the others at R&R.
Charles Magellean looks at a picture. "How I remember the tranquility of that picture. How it is described as wise men being pulled towards an unknown force." *Picture in question is actually three fire-wielders walking towards a meteorite.*
Tetra falls asleep momentarily, his head falls and bangs against a table. "Wha! I'm awake!"
Charles Magellean enters RR room of relaxation and peacement. Sits at a desk, and plops a big FAAAAAT book on it.
Tetra: "Hi, Mr. Magellean. What's with the book?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah... really, what is that?"
Charles Magellean: "I'm trying to read the sequel to the last 74,162+ page book The History of War And Peace. This be The Hidden History of War And Peace."
Tetra: "..."
Charles Magellean: "At least twice as long as the last book."
Digifanatic: "Ah... I have been fortunate to never deal with it in my English classes back home. I have heard of its insane length. Good luck with it."
Charles Magellean: "In this book, it says that Adam & Eve, of Earth, were the first to have a war. It's fascinating."
Tetra: "Probably mostly made up too."
Charles Magellean: "The parts between the start of it and when they made up is too... ...Messy to tell."
Digifanatic: "I believe that."
Charles Magellean continues to read from page 1,203. "..." *Snoooze* *He dozed off at the part of a New Ghini tribe vs. Rhon Sznains in 432 B.C.*
Metal Man (GM): Charles: You would suddenly awaken... to find a note taped to your forehead.
Charles Magellean snorts to and sees the color of the paper. He looks up and sees it's actually a different colored room, feels over his head, and finds out something is attached. He picks up note and reads.
Metal Man (GM): It's scrawled in blood. I know you killed Smithy... You shall pay for this atrocity! -Charles L. Magellan The note suddenly disintegrates.
Charles Magellean: "How did he get here?!"
Smash Dex: "Indication of transdimensional portal indicate interdimensional material teleportation."
Charles Magellean: "Most li---" *He checks one of his pockets... a dex?*
Metal Man (GM): Yes... a brand-new one.
Charles Magellean: "I dun recall putting one in meh pants."
Smash Dex: "It is standard procedure to equip Questers with smash dexes."
Charles Magellean: "Point. Wonder what to do next."
Smash Dex: "However, it is not standard procedure for interdimensional outsiders to place notes on your forehead."
Charles Magellean: "Point as well."
Smash Dex: "Is there anything I can do for you, sir?"
Charles Magellean: "Locate Sir Head of the Questers Metal Man."
Smash Dex: "Located: Big Room."
Metal Man (GM): A 3D map shows you just need to go down some stairs to find him.
Charles Magellean walks there.
Metal Man (GM): You walk in, and see Metal messing with paperwork, as usual.
Charles Magellean will make a note to implement a device on his forehead to allow easy carrying of a dex.
Metal Man: "Oh... if you're wondering about the dex, the computer insisted I give you one. Those things provide all sorts of security passage features... it'll automatically authorize you as you walk around. Anyone without such will be facing a lot of locked doors."
Charles Magellean: "Speaking of locked doors, have you found out the materials Smithy used for his doors?"
Metal Man: "Plain old Titanium reinforced with a mesh made of... diamond. Brute force in technology; no finesse."
Charles Magellean: "I can help fund for the doors if deemed necessary. Earlier, my new dex said there was an..."
Metal Man: "...?"
Charles Magellean presses some buttons to allow the dex to repeat a previous message. "'Indication of transdimensional portal indicate interdimensional material teleportation.'"
Smash Dex: "Indication of transdimensional portal indicate interdimensional material teleportation."
Metal Man: "Hmmm..."
SIMBER: "Scanning data..."
Metal Man (GM): It shows a hologram of Charles L. Magellan appearing, sticking a note to Magellean's forehead, then disappearing.
Metal Man: "He used... a spectrum which is not recognized."
SIMBER: "He came from an unknown dimension."
Charles Magellean: "He accuses me of killing Smithy."
Metal Man: "Oh? Silly... I killed him, did I not?"
Metal Man (GM): *SIMBER replays Smithy being killed by wheels of cheese.*
Charles Magellean: "Exactly. But he knows ME."
Metal Man: "Must be a flaw... either way, I've adjusted the controls to block incoming warps from that dimension. Now then. If you're feeling adventurous... you could always check it out."
Charles Magellean: "If he has a Chaos Emerald wielding Ivo by his side, I'll be at a disadvantage."
Metal Man: "Why not have me come, then?" *He smirks, whipping out his machinegun.* "Between all of our machineguns, we could probably give them a proper firing squad execution. ...Or capture them, depending on the circumstances."
Charles Magellean: "When it's not so late. I feel ...a tad peaked for fighting and you well..." *He moves his palm around the papers.* "...have this."
Metal Man: "Oh... what are these?"
Charles Magellean: "...Paperwork."
Metal Man takes the paperwork and looks around them.
Charles Magellean: "...What you were---never mind! We'll fight him when he least expects it. We both know he'll get in the way of Kuja."
Metal Man: "Yes... I'm sure he's going to. You got in Kuja's way so much he sent everything to attack you. Magellan would probably wish to be rid of yet more 'bounty hunters' by making their existence useless."
Charles Magellean: "I'm pretty sure I missed the meaning of my own sentence. He's likely to interfere with your plans to get rid of Tribal. You know, with me here and all."
Metal Man: "Yes... it is a possibility."
Charles Magellean: "What I'd like to do is know where Shadow is."
Metal Man: "He... disappeared." *He looks a bit mystified.* "He said he had to take care of some... business. He'll be back soon."
Charles Magellean: "Business. Speaking of business, I'll be wanting to look at the tiers and rankings of the Smashers."
Metal Man: "Oh... yeah. That. I haven't heard anything about that in ages..." *He gets out a crusty piece of dusty paper.*
Charles Magellean: "Tell you what."
Metal Man: "What's this... hmmmm... no rankings... no Sonic... nothing seems to be updated."
Charles Magellean pops open a cap of Mr. Coke. *WHOO-HA.*
Metal Man: "...?"
Charles Magellean: "...I can help you with that... after we deal with Charles."
Metal Man: "Ah yes."
Charles Magellean: "I fel rejuvenated!"
Metal Man: "So then. Shall we deal with him?"
Charles Magellean: "Ish going to be biiig bassh at Mamagellan's palace, yis? Shall we go?"
Metal Man loads his AK-47, and clicks it together. "Yes... let's... let nothing stop us!" *He walks towards the warp room.*
Charles Magellean goes into his room, and attaches the belt and picks up the suitcase. He goes to warp room as well.
Metal Man: "Activate... the warp."
SIMBER: "Warp to dimension CY-386 Activated."
Metal Man (GM): A blue portal opens.
Charles Magellean enters.
Metal Man: "Chaaaaarrrrge!" *Runs into the portal.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* You and Metal appear aboard a... Doomship. The top deck. Alarms go off. A Loudspeaker, too.
Magellan: "Bounty Hunters have appeared! Prepare for battlestations!"
Metal Man (GM): The way down is unlocked.
Metal Man: "Hmmm... this is like old times... eerie."
Metal Man (GM): The steps down are lit up.
Metal Man heads towards the steps.
Charles Magellean follows hastily.
Metal Man (GM): Downstairs, one would fine a hall with a nearly endless amount of rooms. A set of machine-Mades would come... all are humanoid, and don't seem to be of the normal type.
Magellan: "Deploy Machine Made Battalion A."
Charles Magellean: "This reminds of those chase scenes where there's a whole lotta rooms."
Metal Man: "Let's shoot them down."
Metal Man (GM): A battalion of 10 machine-Mades arrives on the scene. They have laser pistols... and are like humanoid midgets, with glowing red lights for eyes. They make beeping noises.
Charles Magellean: "Unusual machine Mades." *He fires a bullet at one of them.*
Metal Man (GM): You hit one.
Charles Magellean: *18% regular damage.*
Metal Man (GM): You may now take your regular turn.
Charles Magellean fires 3 at the one he hit, then 3 more at the second one down the line.
Metal Man (GM): All hit, hit miss hit. Only one miss.
Metal Man: "Slow buggers, for sure."
Charles Magellean: "I'm used to not using a dex in battle... and only relying on sight and sound to determine an approximate guess on an enemy's power, combat compatibility, intelligence, etc."
Metal Man (GM): They split up; five at Charles, then five at Illian.
Metal Man: "I see... I rarely use them, myself."
Charles Magellean fires six from his left gun at the first one, then six from his right gun at the second one.
Metal Man (GM): 90, then 90 again. Both dead. Five shoot at you. 9 damage per hit. Three shoot at Illian. Only... one hit on me.
Charles Magellean pulls out his Sword quickly. He uses his wild powers to shift left, shift right, duck, jump, and block all the shots with his sword.
Metal Man: "Ow! that slightly hurt!" *He aims, and unleashes a salvo of pain on one of the robots, using all the power of his AK-47.*
Metal Man (GM): Damage dealt in total: 140. The robot is mowed down by a hail of gunfire. New round. Your turn.
Metal Man: "Well, might not be as good, but it's flashier!"
Charles Magellean: "It just adds to an ego; the flashiness." *He fires off 6 bullets at the fourth one, and 6 at the fifth one.*
Metal Man (GM): All hit. 108 damage each... *Death* *Death* Only 5 are left.
Charles Magellean blows the smoke outta the guns. He reloads them and goes to an observation stance. He must be reminded in case changes come around.
Metal Man starts out by giving one of the remaining enemies a taste of the Deathmachine.
Metal Man (GM): *Hit* 46 damage.
Charles Magellean: "...Was that a danish cheese or a cheesh danish?"
Metal Man: "Maybe both?"
Charles Magellean: "Nah, it's definitely a cheese danish."
Metal Man then quickly whips out his Wand of Wonder and gives an enemy a taser blast. PARALYZE He finishes off with an attempt to toss another enemy...
Metal Man (GM): *Toss.*
Charles Magellean: "Metal, quit showing off."
Metal Man hurls one of the robots at another robot, dealing 14 damage to that one, and 18 damage to the one it hit. "Well, you still deal more damage than I do. I'm just using special effects."
Metal Man (GM): *R-001s* The remaining five take aim... three at Magellean, two at Illian.
Charles Magellean: "What a way to blabber. He's watching us, I know."
Metal Man is only hit twice.
Charles Magellean: "Too bad, so sad, nice try."
Metal Man: "Eh, he's got some second-rate robots, and two other idiots on his side."
Charles Magellean counters by shooting each of the bullets they hit him and the others just stray away. "This is small battalion. He has more dangerous ones along the way."
Metal Man: "And I have more dangerous moves along the way."
Charles Magellean fires off 6 bullets at the sixth robot, and 6 at the seventh.
Metal Man (GM): All hit on first salvo, then second set has two misses.
Charles Magellean now adepts himself to observing their attacks. Turn ends.
Metal Man (GM): Number sixth died from your attacks.
Charles Magellean: "If you want, I can tone down on the power for a bit."
Metal Man (GM): The remaining ones attack; last two at Charles, first two at Illian.
Metal Man: "Not at all. Go at full power." *He is hit twice yet again.* "These things can be a minor annoyance."
Charles Magellean puts his left foot out... then slips to a new location. "Whatcha talkin' about? I haven't been hit once."
Metal Man whips out the AK-47 again, and gives each of the ones that were hitting him some bullet holes.
Metal Man (GM): Only one miss; 75 damage to number seven, and 60 damage to number eight. Number seven dies.
Charles Magellean fires off 6 bullets at the last robot in line.
Metal Man (GM): All but one hit. 90 damage; it's still barely alive.
Charles Magellean then fires off 3 bullets at the 8th and 3 at the 9th.
Metal Man (GM): One miss in the first half; all hit on the second.
Charles Magellean: "And now... for the piece de la resistance..."
Metal Man (GM): Eight: Dead.
Charles Magellean puts his fist on the ground and looks at 10. He begins to Inhale that sucker via a powerful sucker. *COPY 20% damage.*
Metal Man (GM): You gain: Pistol shot trio! 3 d20+SPD mod, deals 1/2 SPD damage. *Robot dies.*
Charles Magellean: "Just a quick check... what are these guys called?"
Metal Man: "R-001s... the first serial number in what appears to be a series."
Charles Magellean swallows... he then brushes his tongue. "Those twings tathe dithguthing!"
Metal Man (GM): The remaining one shoots at you. 9 damage per hit... if anything hit.
Metal Man: "All right... time for some death!"
Charles Magellean is ALMOST hit... luckily is able to catch in-between his teeth.
Metal Man fires off... an Ice Barrage at the offending monster!
Metal Man (GM): 100 ice damage exactly. The baddie dies, killed by iced bullets.
Charles Magellean knew Illian wanted some killing.
Metal Man: "That takes care of that..."
Charles Magellean: "You feel better after killing a couple?"
Metal Man: "Of course."
Charles Magellean awaits to know what comes next.
Metal Man (GM): *+300 EXP to Illian +1 to SPD for Charles.* Suddenly... a wave of fire would appear from behind, appearing to come at you, in an attempt to engulf you.
Metal Man: "...Let's get going down this hallway!"
Charles Magellean: "Pyro!"
Metal Man starts running.
Charles Magellean runs away.
Metal Man manages to run only slightly slower than Charles, as they both -barely- avoid being burnt up by the flame jets... and duck down a flight of stairs.
Metal Man (GM): Lynk floats out... this is some sort of mess hall.
Lynk: "Well well... what do we have here... Metal and Locos..."
Charles Magellean: "Charles."
Metal Man: "Illian!" *He waves his machinegun violently.*
Charles Magellean: *SMACK* "Your name is changing! Stick to one." *He looks back to Lynk.*
Metal Man: "Illian, then... I like it better, yes."
Charles Magellean: "That's better."
Lynk: "I'm sorry, but you're not allowed past here. Something about... oh yes... Kill those bounty hunters! And get me my Mega-mack laced coke!"
Metal Man (GM): *end imitation.*
Metal Man: "Wow... sounds like a more Texan version of you, Charles!"
Lynk: "I may not be a lunatic, but I do know you must both die."
Charles Magellean: #¬¬
Metal Man (GM): Lynk fires a warning energy shot, which causes dishes to explode everywhere.
Charles Magellean gives that look to Metal.
Metal Man: "Ah, phooey. Exploding dishes are going to kill us all."
Lynk: "...You never took me seriously, did you?"
Metal Man: "Why should I? All that drama... hideous music... you're just a bum who fell on a chaos emerald."
Lynk: "...Now I remember why I hated the Questers... they didn't allow villains to be Questers after the Zio incident. Very well... my orders remain confirmed."
Charles Magellean: "Tell that Mega-mucked up sonovabuttmunch that I'm coming up there. He started a confrontation with me, so I'm gonna save him the trouble and go up to him."
Metal Man (GM): *PAUSE.*