Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 213: Monotonous Monster Melee



Date: 4:10:29 PM, June 24th; 6:23:34 PM, June 25th, 2005.
Editor's Note: Apologies for how... monotonous this log is, it seems like all that ever happens in this part of the season is a bunch of traps and monsters, without any real plot...
Metal Man (GM): Nothing happens.
VG: "I think we were still in our old moods or something."
Aetos: "I saw someone try and open..." *points west * "That door..."
Wolfman: "Alright..."
Garrick Fy`aar is looks for some sorta pattern in the pictures on the boxes...
Wolfman goes to the door, stands kind of to the side of it so as to not face it, and then opens the door that way.
Aetos backs up, hopefully to avoid anything that pops out of the door
Metal Man (GM): It swings open, revealing a hallway like room with various chairs and tables.
Julian Sawyer: *Gets away from the door* "...Wow, no traps for the first time."
Aetos: "A... Dining Hall!?"
Metal Man (GM): This room appears to be an ancient dining hall.
Wolfman waits a few seconds before turning around to make sure it's safe... apparently, it is.
VG: "Good thinking Wolf; I'm hungry!" *He dashes in!*
Azure: "Kinda makes me hungry..."
Metal Man (GM): You do see some food atop one of the tables.
Azure: "Great..." *He looks away.*
Metal Man (GM): It looks... extremely old.
Garrick Fy`aar sorta moves away from the boxes and turns to the next door and heads onward...
Charles Magellean turns backwards to unholster both weapons. He aims at the angle where there at the floor's wall and where the darkness begins to appear and fires.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...whatever happened to the people here, they suddenly left in a hurry. Why just leave food here?"
VG: "Hmm... this food looks... stale!"
Julian Sawyer: *Heads into the room*
Metal Man (GM): Eh. All of those shots send you flying to the platform at the end, with the door to the West and the door to the South.
Aetos heads in... "Dining rooms usually hold many... secrets... al--Don't Touch that food..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Stale. It's most likely extremely old."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, the other Questers would see that it looked like a thousand year old steak.
Garrick Fy`aar: " ...steak..." *He glances around at the other dishes...*
Metal Man (GM): Empty. Old, cracked. They have ancient designs on them.
Aetos eyes Garrick... "Wait... is that steak? I wonder what animal's meat this is!..."
Metal Man (GM): There are no other pieces of food laying around.
Wolfman: "Hmm... think any of these things are worth taking?"
Metal Man (GM): Rather primitive, too; no forks or spoons or knives to be seen.
Julian Sawyer: "The dishes."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I wouldn't touch them... ...that makes no sense..."
VG: "...did anyone touch anything to bring us here?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Why have dishes and no forks or knives to eat them with?"
Metal Man (GM): There's a door to the West.
Wolfman: "Ancient people used to not have utensils to eat."
John Faust: "The Japanese use sticks, in my world."
Aetos thinks about it... "I say someone should check the door for a trap. If there is, then we go on from there."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I wouldn't be surprised if someone has already raided this place."
Wolfman: "...anyway, weren't we supposed to bring artifacts? I'd say this is a good artifact."
John Faust hefts Koryuu. "Koryuu will check the door."
Wolfman will risk danger... by touching the steak.
Metal Man (GM): The steak turns into dust.
Aetos: "Uh.!!"
Charles Magellean returns his guns to the holstered position. He turns around and sees ways toward the West and the South. By the time he reached this side of the room, the others already left. Now since the others didn't have the patience or the decency to wait for a comrade, he decides to take the south path. He mutters more swears from under his breath.
Metal Man (GM): You don't appear to be in danger from the steak.
Koryuu: "Uh... oh..."
Wolfman: "...Well, that was some stale steak."
Aetos: "Ok."
John Faust: "Steak doesn't do that!" *Faust snaps.*
Aetos looks at Koryuu, "You gunna check it or not?"
John Faust: "That was a trigger, I'm certain!"
VG: "Wolfman, don't you need a new Intelligence Chip by now?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Calm down, Puppet man."
Wolfman grumbles... "Don't remind me."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Koryuu: *The puppet nods and hurries over to the door. He pulls out Mack's chainsaw and slices into the door.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "If something would have happened, it would have done so already."
Metal Man (GM): Magellean: You enter an abandoned library.
John Faust: "There IS such a thing as a slow-acting trap!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "We've done this a LOT longer than you. Trust me. We know traps."
Metal Man (GM): The dust of the steak is not dangerous. It is... steak dust.
John Faust: "Maybe you do and maybe you have. But what if that was a reverse pressure plate?"
VG turns to this... puppet person.
John Faust: "You know... the trap is tripped by removing the object."
Julian Sawyer: "It's a thousand year old steak. It would have already activated by now."
VG: "Well, we'll worry about it once something actually happens to us. Don't be so hung up on this."
John Faust shrugs. "It never hurts to be cautious."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Besides, I doubt they would keep traps in their own eating area."
VG: *Rimshot*
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, but hurts to be Overcautious."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...let's just keep moving."
Aetos Watches Koryuu chainsaw open the door...
John Faust: "That is sometimes true."
Garrick Fy`aar moves over to the door that the puppet is slicing into with a chainsaw...
Koryuu: *The puppet finishes slicing the door into pieces, with a slightly maniacal look in his eye.* "SHATTER! CRACK! PERIIIIISH!"
Saryu: "Hehe... he gets like this some times." ^^;
Metal Man (GM): The chainsaw cuts up the door, which... clears the way to the next room.
Aetos eye's Koryuu... "A little... evil?"
Azure: "Right....." *Shrugs to himself and keeps on walking.*
Koryuu: "Hey, man... there is NOTHING more fun than slicing wood."
Julian Sawyer: "Well, we're on a string of no-trap doors. Let's hope it continues..." *Moves on*
Garrick Fy`aar: "I've seen weirder..."
Metal Man (GM): Welcome to... yet another hallway! This place is starting to get on your nerves.
Wolfman: .oO(A puppet with a personality...) *He and Veeg follow.*
Metal Man (GM): However, there's something else in this place.
Aetos follows behind them cautiously.
Julian Sawyer: "Does this place ever end..."
Metal Man (GM): There's more mysterious box-monuments laying around. One of them has a coat of pink dust on it.
Julian Sawyer: "...More boxes."
John Faust pulls out his diary and begins scribbling a description of the hallway - as he has been doing previously - in that odd, runic derivative.
Julian Sawyer: "But why..."
John Faust: "Ah! The steak! It was an indicator."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...shut up, Puppet man."
Aetos: "Uh?..."
Wolfman: "...What are you talking about?"
VG goes to this punk dust.
John Faust: "Look, it's quite simple. The steak, when it became dust, somehow spilled something on here."
Metal Man (GM): The pink dust looks funky.
John Faust: "Perhaps it was a 'trap' as I suggested."
Julian Sawyer: "...No, I didn't."
John Faust: "Don't touch it!"
Metal Man (GM): The box it's atop is glowing.
John Faust: "It could be dangerous."
Aetos eyes him...
VG: "I'm not touching it yet."
Julian Sawyer: "Well duh. It's glowing."
VG: " does look strange."
John Faust: "Let Koryuu touch it."
VG: "...wait; the whole box is now strange!"
Koryuu: "Yeah, yeah, yeah... yeah, yeah, yeah..."
VG: "Go ahead!" *Backs away*
Wolfman wonders what this puppet can do.
Koryuu: *The puppet, using its knife (not the chainsaw), scoops some of the dust up. He is careful not to let it touch himself.*
Metal Man (GM): The puppet touches the dust. The dust glows blue, with the console.
Koryuu: "Huh!?"
Metal Man (GM): You hear a really weird noise from the console.
John Faust begins scribbling quickly in his diary.
Aetos: "Uh oh..."
Saryu: "KORYUU! MOVE!"
Wolfman: "Okay, what did you just do?"
Metal Man (GM): Then the dust... floats into the air and morphs into a blob with eyes.
Koryuu: "I don't know, but..." *He steps back to Faust.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Kill it!"
John Faust: "Re-MARKABLE!"
VG: "Hold on Julian."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Shut UP, Puppetman!"
VG: "We don't know if it's evil..."
Julian Sawyer: "You should have been here for the Glass Mages."
Garrick Fy`aar switches into his armor quickly, drawing his gun
Metal Man (GM): Questers vs. Bizarre Pink Blob.
John Faust: "This... this thing is incredible! It's a completely amorphous blob..."
Aetos: "Oh no... Hey that... looks like a Flan... Sort of..."
Julian Sawyer: "Again, you should have been here for the Glass Mages."
Wolfman: "Veeg, I think you better get ready."
Metal Man (GM): Everybody's SPD needed, yes. Brain not catch everything.
Aribar eventually catches up with the others as the battle begins. "Sorry I couldn't be here sooner, but these blasted shoe laces are horrible to tie up with just one hand."
Julian Sawyer: "Hmmm..." *Reaches into his vest and pulls out... a beer bottle? Julian then rears back and throws it at the Blob, trying to see what works on this thing*
Aetos: "Man?? A Beer Bottle? Are you insane!?"
Metal Man (GM): The blob eats the beer bottle.
VG: "I used to have a bazooka made out of different types of alcoho--WHAT the?" *He saw the blob... EAT the beer bottle?!?* "Okay, anyone here nervous now?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Alright, I'm sticking to distance attacks then..."
Aetos: "Maybe... it's angry we ruined its steak?"
John Faust: "Hmm... I suppose the difusion of materials harmed its composition..."
Julian Sawyer: "Puppetguy, shut up."
John Faust: "Meaning, the more objects we feed it, the more diluted the actual /blob/ will be..."
Julian Sawyer: *Looks for stuff to throw at the Blob*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Damn it, would you shut up already?!?!"
Metal Man (GM): Julian: You see those weird monuments... they can be thrown.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Focus on killing it, not studying it!"
Wolfman: "I actually like this guy's thinking."
Azure: "How does this help... a monk like me..." .oO(I really need to invest in a pole... a really long one that... can just whack things... from far away...)
John Faust: "I'm trying to figure out a way to kill it, you fool!"
Julian Sawyer: *Tries picking up a box then, and chucking it at the blob* "Eat ancient artifact!"
Wolfman: "Aren't we supposed to save those artifacts?"
Garrick Fy`aar rolls his eyes...
Julian Sawyer: *Unreal Tournament Announcer:* "CR-CR-CRITICAL!"
Metal Man (GM): You hit it, dealing 100 damage. It eats the monument, growing larger.
Aetos watches it... grow...
John Faust: "Hmm... it seems to absorb matter, but again, as it absorbs it, the being itself is expanded."
Julian Sawyer: "That felt good. I think I'm gonna do it again!" *THROW MAGIC BOX*
Aribar: "Perhaps making it eat stuff isn't that good?"
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Wolfman: "So besides making it easier to hit... what else?"
Metal Man (GM): It eats that, too. It grows even larger. 100 damage.
John Faust: "It's expanding its attack radius, obviously. But I think it's also weakening it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm thinking it's like a balloon. Hit it so much, make it grow so big, it'll blow up."
Aetos: "Hopefully."
John Faust: "Precisely what I've been TELLING you!"
Julian Sawyer: "Still, shut up."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, you talk like a frickin' college professor when your a damn puppet man. Talk like a Quester, short and simple."
VG: "Garrick, I don't think he IS a Quester."
Julian Sawyer: "And I wouldn't suggest throwing your Puppets at it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Metal made him one."
Julian Sawyer: "Oh no, it's official. He's a Quester."
Aetos whispers to Faust, "They don't like it when a newbie like us tries to teach them things they already know."
Garrick Fy`aar: "That other guy too."
VG: "I mean... we all just met him, right...? Oh. Well, it doesn't matter; let him talk the way he wants."
John Faust flips off Julian and Garrick as he slides the pieces of paper out of his hand. "Let's see how it reacts to these stimuli..." he says, and hurls the two pieces of paper. The papers break into twain, then twain again, then three, for a total of ten. The papers fold in mid-air into daggers, which tear into the blob.
Garrick Fy`aar is still on fire, by the way.
Aetos rolls his eyes
Metal Man (GM): All hit. It eats all of the paper.
John Faust: *Calcing...*
Wolfman observes this guy's... well, silly attack.
Aetos thinks out loud... "So, it's got a beer bottle, 2 large stone boxes, and now 10 pieces of paper... Anyone else wanna add something to the pot?"
Wolfman: .oO(Hmm... I think I could learn from him.)
Azure: "If I attack that thing head... on... I get this sick feeling in my stomach... like I'm gonna get eaten... or something..."
Metal Man (GM): 136 damage, by my calculation.
Julian Sawyer: "Which is why I threw stuff at it."
Metal Man (GM): Is that it, John? How odd... it hasn't taken any damage despite being 'damaged'...
John Faust blinks. "It's... taking absolutely... no... we need magical attacks!"
Aetos: "This isn't good..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "That's Ari's department..."
Aribar: "Heheheh... Y'need some magic?"
VG: "I can help with this."
John Faust: "I think it absorbs materials and then... wait, wait, wait... absorbs them, and uses them to rebuild itself."
VG quickdraws out... Lashiec's Staff.
John Faust: "Throw NOTHING at it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...whoa whoa whoa, are you serious???"
VG: "Who said I was going to throw?"
John Faust: "NOW you listen. Not you, sir."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You be careful with that thing, Veeg..."
VG thrusts his arm out, sending some Electricity towards this... blob.
John Faust: "I believe it's using the materials we throw at it to rebuild itself. Because it hasn't taken damage, it's just expanding."
Metal Man (GM): Hit. The electricity hits it... it looks like it's made out of rubber. 16 damage.
Aribar blinks, looking at the shiney staff and the electricity that follows. The elf then mumbles, "I can do better than that..."
Aetos: "Uh oh..."
John Faust: "AHAH! It also appears to be electricity-nullifying... something like Fire might harm it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Or ice. Freeze it."
VG: "Good thinking."
John Faust: "Freezing might be better yet."
Aetos: "I don't advise Fire..."
VG throws an Ice Block at this creature then.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
John Faust: "By slowing down its molecules, it will in fact be unable to repair at the rapid rate it has been."
Metal Man (GM): It eats the ice block. 15 damage.
Azure: *jaws gape open...*
VG: "Okay... that didn't work..."
John Faust: "Tell me how far over your heads I'm going, and I'll put it in layman's terms. Er... that is, if I say something out there."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Would you SHUT UP!?!?!"
VG: "Let me see if I can summarize. It eats everything, and can deflect electricity."
Aetos: "Possibly more?"
Azure: "Ok... I'm useless... in this battle... my only ranged attack... channels... flame and qi."
John Faust: "Wait, what? Qi?"
VG is going to be stupid... he attempts to Grab and Dunk this creature.
John Faust: "Soul Energy? Perhaps... that might work! Striking at the spirit, instead of at the body."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh hell." *He looks at Veeg go...*
Azure: "It's... fire."
Metal Man (GM): VG is lucky and misses.
Azure: "I use that qi to make fire... so I'm useless the technique doesn't stop midway sadly."
VG is out of luckies.
John Faust: "Elf-mage! Use an ice-spell, if you will! Let's see if it freezes."
Garrick Fy`aar is still on fire... so if fire hurts it...
Aribar unsheaths Moonlight and points it at the blob. A magical orb of energy forms at the tip and blitzes with electricity before then being fires towards the blob in a zig-zagging pattern and unerringly striking the beast as Aribar yells, "Stunning Missile!" (Magic Missile and Jolt). This deals 28% nonelemental (Magic Missile), and 18% Electrical (Jolt) damage with a 50% chance of stun. "This should work just a--"
Metal Man (GM): It eats all of the magic.
John Faust: "It's magic-absorbing, object-absorbing... maybe light or soul energy will harm it..."
Aribar: "... I suggest a tactical backwards charge."
John Faust: "I concur!"
Julian Sawyer: "Seconded!"
Wolfman: "Backwards charge?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Retreat, I believe..."
Julian Sawyer: "Run away!"
Aetos shakes his head
Metal Man (GM): You must wait until your turn to retreat.
Julian Sawyer: "It's gonna shoot all that stuff back at us when its turn comes up."
Garrick Fy`aar looks at it... Eye Spies it...
John Faust: "What element is pink... fire, right? So... what element harms fire?"
Garrick Fy`aar ponders... then draws his M150 and fires a shot...
Julian Sawyer: *Starts moving towards the door, so he can dive through the doorway when the Blob shoots a Wave Of Death at them*
VG: "Water can."
Metal Man (GM): Oh, yes. Fire adds 10 to the damage.
Wolfman: .oO(Okay... outside attacks aren't working...)
John Faust: "Moron! I mean... Garrick!"
Garrick Fy`aar uses his second action... to try and think of something OTHER than what they've done so far to defeat it
John Faust: "Can you set YOURSELF on fire? And then charge it?"
Wolfman waits patiently.
Azure: "I need 8 attacks to collect the energy for... something like that. but for now..." *He backs up staying in stance holding his dragon fang hold stance waiting to release the attack upon opening.* "So is fire... bad or good..."
Metal Man (GM): Oh. Garrick: You think of sticking the blob on your head.
Garrick Fy`aar will use his last action... uhhh... I suppose to try and attack it with his Heel Drop...
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Aetos waits
John Faust: "I... think I have an idea..."
Azure: "Fire... good... or bad... come on now..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Bad. Try something else..."
John Faust: "Try fire anyway. We can't do any worse than we've been doing!"
Azure: "Great..." *Has nothing else but physical attacks... that will only result in his demise.*
Metal Man (GM): Azure: Go ahead and attack with what you have.
Aetos thinks .oO(If only that puppet didn't go and touch that stuff.)
Azure: *Changes his stance and thrusts his palms forward firing his dragon fang attack.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aetos crosses his fingers, hoping Azure won't get eaten...
Metal Man (GM): Anything else?
Aetos thrusts his hand forward and summons a gust dark wind to it.
John Faust: "Hmm... that poison might dilute through its system... perhaps if we could perform a fire-based ignition from the center of the monster..."
Wolfman: "...I think I can do something." *He is going to take John's idea... well, semi seriously/literally*
John Faust: "Does anyone have fuel? Lighter fluid?"
Metal Man (GM): Hit
Aetos watches the wind creep very slowly to the monster for some reason...
Julian Sawyer: "There might be some beer left in that bottle..."
Aribar: "Just the power to change the laws of physics by creating blasts of lightning and other such effects."
Metal Man (GM): It is, indeed, poisoned.
Aetos miracualously pulls out a giant powder keg from behind his cape! he ignites it and sets it in front of the monster!
John Faust: "I'm noting a spreading discoloration... Perhaps... we... could... leave? Just... let it die on its own?"
VG: "Nothing against that plan of thinking, but most enemies of ours just don't... die on their own."
Aribar: "I suggested a retreat a while back... Is there anything we REALLY need in this room?"
John Faust: "Perhaps the library will be better."
Aetos: "It's hard to tell, this giant MONSTER is blocking the view"
Metal Man (GM): It will take one round to go off. You place it next to the monster. It starts burning down the fuse.
Aetos walks back to his position.
Julian Sawyer is in the doorway, incase he should have to dive out of the wave of an oncoming Wave Of Death.
Aetos: "Eat it or not, that keg is going to hurt that thing..."
Wolfman quickdraws his saber, and attempts to first Sword Dance with this guy... striking AWAY from that huge mouth if at all possible.
Metal Man (GM): You manage to slice it without having your saber eaten.
John Faust wonders why Wolfman hasn't taken Lucky Dice... >.>
Metal Man (GM): You slice it a lot.
Wolfman wonders if he actually got damaged by that... and not just grew. He didn't... well, eat anything.
John Faust begins to wish he had kept his book of secrets...
Metal Man (GM): You can't tell what it has up its sleeve. However, you can attack more. Unless your turn is over.
Wolfman swaps weapons to the Megaton Hammer action 2
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh hell... duck and cover!"
Aetos wishes he summoned a barrier...
Wolfman attempts to give a good SWING at this guy... he doubts it can be eatne.
Koryuu: "GAAANGWAAAY!" *The Puppet runs to right behind Garrick, cowering ehind him.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. The hammer merely smashes it a bit; it doesn't pop.
Wolfman is done.
Metal Man (GM): The Blob, now touching the 10-foot ceiling...
Wolfman would still have the Hammer out, technically... can't quick-sheath it.
Metal Man (GM): ...It glows, then suddenly morphs into exact copies of all of you guys, except they're all pink. They then do all of the attacks you did to the Blob... back at you guys.
John Faust: "It... my word!"
Metal Man (GM): Except they're split up, shooting magic images of themselves at you.
Wolfman: "Slag..."
John Faust suddenly regrets silly dice.
Azure: "Didn't see this comeing...."
Aetos looks at his form "Pink capes were so last millennium... Wait..."
VG: "Uh oh..."
Metal Man (GM): Everyone takes 77 damage and is poisoned.
John Faust: "It seems to have used its innate abilities to absorb our attacks and... wait a minute..."
Wolfman can't be poisoned, due to Armor.
John Faust: "Kirby! A gaming character in my universe..."
Metal Man (GM): It then flops back into a pile of pink goo.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos dies...
John Faust: "...the POWDER KEG!"
Julian Sawyer: *ESUNA CUBE POWAH! On self*
Aribar: "Gah! Evil blob of death... That's it, I'm leaving..."
Metal Man (GM): *Poison is cured from Julian*
Julian Sawyer: "Screw this, I'm out of here." *Exits the hallway and goes back into the room before the dining room*
Wolfman: "Wait... put the keg in his mouth!"
Julian Sawyer: "Do it yourself!"
John Faust: "Coward... very well, I shall!"
Metal Man (GM): The door back is unlocked. Heck, you left it open. The blob is still sitting around. It's pink goo mode right now.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...the steak dust! Go get the steak dust!"
John Faust: "Hmmm... that might work... dilute in goo-form and perhaps it will... wait."
Julian Sawyer: "The steak dust doesn't have anything to do with it!"
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Tries walking PAST the blob, to see if it's hostile*
Metal Man (GM): The blob attempts to eat Julian.
John Faust: "Better him than me, I suppose..."
Wolfman: "Well... it's a hostile one."
Metal Man (GM): Does that hit, Julian?
Aetos lies on the ground, dead.
Metal Man (GM): Julian becomes coated in pink slime. He is mind controlled by the blob. He is commanded to kill John Faust. Julian: Your turn, but now you must attack John Faust.
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Julian rushes Faust, and gives him what for with a Double Beatbox*
Aribar: "This needs to stop now..."
Azure: "Yes......"
Metal Man (GM): ...A weird thing happens.
Julian Sawyer: *O-O-O-OVERDRIVE*
Metal Man (GM): The blob takes 20 damage instead of Julian getting healed. 20 real damage.
Aribar: "Hrm..."
VG: "What the?!?"
Azure: "Did the blob... just get... hurt...."
Metal Man (GM): Julian: You are now commanded to attack VG. If you have any actions left.
VG notes that Julian tried to heal himself... He is going to regret this, but he has no choice. He uses a POWER BAR on Julian! *+3 SPD, +3 STR, +50 HP!*
Metal Man (GM): 50 damage 3 STR damage.
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Metal Man (GM): The STR and SPD damage go to Julian too. For the rest of the battle. The blob looks almost... destroyed.
Julian Sawyer: *ACK! Dead*
Metal Man (GM): Julian dies, but the blob is still on the ground. The blob is not destroyed.
VG: "Sorry Julian."
Metal Man (GM): The blob looks weak.
VG attempts to use a Megalixer on the Blob!
Metal Man (GM): *DEATH* It dies. You destroy it. You finally defeated the Blood Blob! +750 EXP
Aetos shines with a brilliant white light and revives... He stands back up "What did I miss?"
Aribar sighs and shakes his head...
Metal Man (GM): A Book of Secrets lays where the blob used to be.
Aetos whistles.
VG applies GREEDY, and ITEM HOG! He also had Salvage Badge equipped.
Azure: "A book... its been so long..." *The thought of knowledge overhwhelms him as he walks over to it and picks it up.*
Metal Man (GM): Hey VG, the Salvage Badge is no longer used. Better replace it.
VG hopes to get more items out of it...
Metal Man (GM): However, you do get... another item out of it!
Julian Sawyer: *Gets spat out of a generic blue warp portal, down to his last life.*
Metal Man (GM): Which comes to you. You gain a Gem of Contingency.
VG: "Woah... Aribar, didn't you make this?"
Azure examies the book he now holds in his hands.
Aribar nods. "I helped make it a bit."
Metal Man (GM): It has various pages with strange inscriptions on it.
Azure: "Aetos... Julian use these wisely..." *He uses 1 set of 100 rings on Aetos and 1 set of rings on Julian.*
Metal Man (GM): There's a door to the north and a door to the West.
Aetos: "Wha... What are these?"
Azure: "They're called gold rings. When used individually they can restore health and when used all at once they may restore life."
Julian Sawyer: "...Okay then..." *Heads for the door the blob was blocking*
Aetos: "Amazing..."
Metal Man (GM): That was the East door.
Aribar follows the others after switching to the Wand of Wonder and its Special mode, some sort of beam saber.
Azure: "I only have 1 set left and that's for me. Use wisely my friend." *Advances putting the book of secrets in his gi.*
Metal Man (GM): You reach... some sort of ancient food preparing place. It has all sorts of old wooden boards laying around. A primitive washbasin, and some more stone monuments.
Julian Sawyer: "...A kitchen. Great."
Aetos: "A KITCHEN!?"
Metal Man (GM): There's also a table which looks like it was used for food.
Azure: "Everything here is probably stale...."
VG and Wolf catch up.
Metal Man (GM): There's also what appears to be a fire pit nearby ...A fire pit still with a fire in it. Odd.
Aetos looks at the fire pit.
Aribar: "Could someone remind me why we're in a kitchen and what our objective is again?"
Julian Sawyer: "I have no idea at this point..."
Aetos: "Hm... I think someone as been here before us? This fire couldn't possibly have lasted so long?"
Wolfman: "With this place, I no longer know."
Metal Man (GM): There's a door south, here.
Aribar: "I have heard of spells that make flames that last forever."
Azure: "There's another door..."
VG: "Right now, I'd like to be able to access a store to buy more healing items..."
Julian Sawyer: "Doors..." *Heads for it...*
VG: "They should be used to heal, not hurt!"
Aetos stands by the fireplace...
VG: "Don't you agree Julian... Julian?"
Metal Man (GM): A long stairway that goes down is here.
VG turns to Julian... who is going down another door. "Get back here!" *Follows*
Azure enters slowly descending downward.
Wolfman follows...
Aetos turns and sees they left, then quickly catches up to them.
Aribar follows the others.
Wolfman: .oO(This is going to get annoying...)
Metal Man (GM): *CLICK*
Aetos: "!"
Azure: "What the hell..."
Metal Man (GM): The minute you enter... the stairs turn into a slide. Which you now are sliding down.
Aetos starts sliding down, screaming
Julian Sawyer: "WHOA!"
Wolfman attempts to surf-slide down.
Metal Man (GM): You slide to... the next room, which is to the East.
Julian Sawyer: "...It would be great if we had a map..." *Looks around*
Azure: "I had the feeling... now why didn't I just... go with what I was feeling" *He sighs.*
Aribar probably lands face-first onto the floor... "Ow..."
Aetos lands in the next room... "um..."
Metal Man (GM): There's a door dead ahead, which also goes East.
Wolfman and Veeg recover quickly.
Julian Sawyer: "These rooms are just getting more and more generic..."
Aetos cautiously goes to open the door going east.
Julian Sawyer: *Heads for the door and enters*
Metal Man (GM): You enter... a library. This place is full of empty bookshelves. There's a monument in the center. It is glowing.
Wolfman: "Well, this is a break of the monotony."
Aribar: "Perhaps we'll find the very first 20x20 foot room that has an orc guarding a treasure chest then." *The elf looks about inside the library.*
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Wolfman: "Also... what is at the center?"
Julian Sawyer: "Some weird glowy thing."
Metal Man (GM): ...You see what looks like Charles's footprints to a door to the East. There's also a door North.
VG goes towards this... he tries to figure out what it is. (Item Encyclopedia)
Aetos looks at the glowy thing...
Metal Man (GM): You believe it is a stick of gum,
Aribar hrms, deciding to pick a random book off of the shelf after placing his Wand of Wonder on the next shelf up.
Metal Man (GM): Thus, you must chew on it. The shelves are empty.
VG shakes the thoughts out of his head...
Julian Sawyer: *Picks up the weird glowy thing*
VG: .oO( I know how Wolfman feels.)
Metal Man (GM): ...The weird glowy thing is stuck in the floor. You touch it... and holographic books appear. Magically.
VG: "...must be some gum." .oO(...what did I just say?)
Aetos jumps, startled.
Metal Man (GM): The books appear to be in a foreign language.
Wolfman looks to the books filling the shelves...
Metal Man (GM): In letters that are not English.
Julian Sawyer: "...Gum?"
Aribar: "Awww..."
VG: "Don't ask... I think I've been hanging around Wolfman too long."
Aribar sighs and puts the book back.
Wolfman: "That's an insult."
Metal Man (GM): The tracks of Charles also glow.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...we need to go after Charles... Who knows what he's getting himself into..."
Julian Sawyer: "Good idea..."
Aetos thinks "Good idea... and maybe he's discovered something?"
Wolfman: "I concur."
Julian Sawyer: "I'll hang onto this weird glowy thing."
Metal Man (GM): The glowing thing is stuck in the floor.
Aribar starts after Charles's tracks.
Metal Man (GM): Unless you want to try to rip if out. The tracks lead through another generic hallway.
Wolfman looks to the stuck thing...
Garrick Fy`aar heads that way as well
Metal Man (GM): ...Through a door which was opened via a crank.
Julian Sawyer: *...Would that be a good idea, Julian thinks... INT Check*
Azure: "Empty... shelves... this... saddens the soul..."
Metal Man (GM): Julian: Sure, tearing out something channeling a lot of energy is a GREAT idea!
Aetos grins
Metal Man (GM): Like eye surgery for people without eye problems!
Wolfman just attempts to pick it up... STR check.
Aribar heads through the doorway, careful not to bump into the crank.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman tears the console out of the ground.
Azure puts his hand on it and asks about the origin of this ruin place "Will this actually work?"
Metal Man (GM): All of the books disappear.
Wolfman: "...whoops."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Julian Sawyer: *Smacks Wolf upside the head*
Aetos laughs and follows the few who went after Charles
VG goes after Charles.
Wolfman: "Ow... what's the big idea?"
Julian Sawyer: *Goes after Charles*
Wolfman: "I thought this would be useful..."
Metal Man (GM): Anyway, the guys who followed Charles finally get to an interesting room. One full of more console-like stone thingies. There's windows.
Wolfman carries the console with him to the next room if possible.
Metal Man (GM): You can see the ruins are perched haphazardly over a deep pit.
Azure: "How it useful... if we can't read them now..." *He sighs.* "More knowledge... lost to the worlds..." *He follows behind everyone*
Metal Man (GM): There's also a sphere room... a gigantic sphere with a room in it.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman: Carry the console, you do. There's a catwalk to the sphere. The catwalk has Charles's footprints on it.
Aetos: "I'm gunna go for it alright"
VG: "Wait guys... don't move."
Metal Man (GM): There's another one which goes all the way to the other side of these ruins.
VG: "I think this could be a trap..." *He closes his eyes and attempts to sense something...*
Julian Sawyer: "Charles already went through here, he probably already took care of it for us."
Metal Man (GM): VG: You sense trace electrical current.
Aribar: "Ruins with artifacts being trapped? Heaven forbid... Seriously, though, what makes you think right here has traps?" *He just continues down the way Locos went.*
VG: "There is a current in here..."
Metal Man (GM): However, it doesn't appear to be anything you can touch that is electrified.
VG: "...well, Aribar can handle it obviously."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar walks merrily across the catwalk, getting a cool breeze of air. He sees Charles at the door to the sphere room, up ahead.
Aetos: "Where's your sense of adventure?" *Heads over the catwalks and in front of the sphere...*
Aribar: "... What do you mean? I see no water..."
Metal Man (GM): You'd just notice a waterfall now.
Charles Magellean is almost in the Sphere Room as. He crosses his arms, looking at the Questers as they are coming in. He gives them a look and is extremely pissed.
Julian Sawyer: *Follows the others*
VG: "Oh, that's it; I'm coming too!" *He goes across.*
Metal Man (GM): A bit far away, but down in the pit area.
Julian Sawyer: "Charles! 'Sup?"
Wolfman just shrugs his shoulders and follows.
Aribar blinks and looks at the waterfall, sighs, and dashes to catch up to Sir Magellean.
Azure: "I thinking I'm slowly becoming insane with this group." *He follows behind.*
Charles Magellean thrusts forward and swings is fist to the side, then stomps away into the room.
Aribar: "No you aren't, Azure..."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aribar: "Being insane is somewhat of a quality you need to have to join!"
Aetos: "What's up with him?" "Anyways... anyone else wanna ... you know... try to find out what this sphere is?"
Metal Man (GM): The sphere room is GIGANTIC. I mean, 200+ feet in diameter.
Aribar hrms...
Metal Man (GM): All covered with the strange monuments.
Aribar: "... I think we should leave Charles alone..."
Wolfman: "Well... think we've hit the motherload?"
Metal Man (GM): A single metallic platform is in the middle.
Aetos: "Hopefully..."
Metal Man (GM): You can see the monuments both below and above. They all have various red, yellow, and green crystals in them, glowing.
Charles Magellean steps onto the platform to inspect it.
Azure: *Floats up slowly rotating around the monuments inspecting them.*
Metal Man (GM): It is safe, and sturdy. A large statue is in the middle...
VG just gets a good look at this place.
Aetos walks over to the large center statue and inspects it
Metal Man (GM): This weird statue is of a lizard-man.
Aribar just stands in the middle of the catwalk, not wanting to follow Charles into the sphere.
Aetos gasps
Metal Man (GM): A blue crystal sits in the base of the statue... the one Kales wanted.
Julian Sawyer: "...Hey! It's that thing we were sent to get!"
Aetos grabs it swiftly "Shiny!"
Wolfman: "You sure? I wasn't around when you guys were sent on this mission."
VG: "Aetos, don't!"
Aetos: "?"
Metal Man (GM): You go to grab it... It slides into the statue ..You see crystals sliding into all the machines as well.
Julian Sawyer: "Well, what do you think we should do then, Veeg?"
Metal Man (GM): *It slides into the statue.*
Azure float now in a stationary position looking downward "Oh no..."
VG hopes he's wrong here... he attempts to see if a trap IS in here from grabbing that.
Metal Man (GM): ...You see crystals sliding into all the machines as well. The eyes of the statue turn blue. Too late to check. This happened when Aetos tried to grab it. The statue suddenly comes to life
Azure: "Whatever you just did... everything is going active..." *He floats downward quickly to everyone.*
Aetos: "Heh, sorry guys?"
Wolfman: "Oh brother..."
Aetos: "Got any Soft?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Awwww hell, this ain't good..."
Metal Man (GM): It steps off of the pedestal it was on.
Aetos steps back...
VG: "...hello?" *Slightly scared*
Metal Man (GM): Being around 50 feet tall, it doesn't look friendly. It tilts its head up into the air and roars.
Aetos's eyes widen...
Metal Man (GM): Questers vs. possessed Statue.
Aribar sighs, hearing the roar from outside the sphere... The elf dashes to head on inside and see what the problem is...
Charles Magellean can't believe this. Another FINE mess that someone else has caused.
Metal Man (GM): The Statue immediately goes to grab two Questers. First it grabs at Wolfman.
Wolfman attempts to dodge... He can't dodge.
Metal Man (GM): 25 damage if that hits, and you're grabbed. Then at Charles.
Aetos cowers as it grabs a quester right next to him. He cowers as it grabs another quester right next to him.
Metal Man (GM): ...Charles gets to counter-attack it as it misses him.
Charles Magellean fires three bullets from one gun at the hand before it grabs him.
Metal Man (GM): 0 hits. The stone is too hard.
Aetos twitches
Metal Man (GM): It then takes Wolfman towards its mouth... as if to eat him. SPD save, Wolfman.
Wolfman struggles to get free.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman gets out.
Wolfman is VERY thankful for being too random to be eaten.
Metal Man (GM): The thing charges up some sort of energy ray in its mouth. It attacks... Aribar, Charles, and Wolfman respectively with the deathray.
Azure: "Whoa..."
Wolfman escapes being eaten... so he will get BLASTED instead?!? He gets crit-ed.
Aribar is deathinated.
Metal Man (GM): 25 damage per hit; 50 to Wolfman, since he got critted. The statue then becomes furious.
Aribar is looking pretty ragged...
Wolfman: "Easy there... don't get all ragged."
Metal Man (GM): It leans forward; a compartment opens on its back, and a hail of magic missiles hit everyone for 20 damage.
Julian Sawyer: "ACK!"
VG: *BOOM* "Easy for you to say."
Julian Sawyer: "Wolf, give me your Dex!"
Wolfman: "What good would that do?" *He gives it to Julian anyway if allowed.*
Aribar is hit and launched back... The elf cries out and unleashes a burst of arcane energy, healing all of his wounds and temporarily making himself invincible.
Julian Sawyer: "So I can finally Dex something!" *Does so to this creepy Statue guy*
Wolfman: "But my Dex doesn't work..."
Metal Man (GM): The dex... it doesn't turn on. -1 Action *Olga Flow Part II* <--BGM Anything else, Julian? The statue is currently undamaged and looking ready to smash everyone.
Julian Sawyer: "...This one's broken too?! dammit..." *Tosses it back to Wolf, and tries rushing the statue, jumping up and activating his Rocket Boots to try and land a punch to the thing's head, and fly around back and whack it in the back of the noggin.*
Metal Man (GM): You manage to fly up; attack rolls, please. Two hits.
VG first activates the Gem of Mortality... he will be dying soon, so he'd rather make sure it's power can come in handy when it's time.
Metal Man (GM): Next action.
VG quick draws the Lashiec Staff and attempts to send some electric fury to this guy.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
VG: *16% Elec*
Metal Man (GM): It seems to be taking less damage from these attacks than it should. Only if it has quickdraw. Hmmm... Then yes.
VG throws an ICE BLOCK at it!
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
VG quick sheathes.
Aribar shakes his head, the surge of magical energy gone. The elf points his Wand of Wonder at the statue and fires an orb of arcane energy at the animated being for 28% nonelemental energy (Magic Missile) before another missile rebounds and heads towards the party, only enveloping them within a transparent 115% HP shield (Shield). "Shield Missile!"
Garrick Fy`aar gets a look at this sucker...
Metal Man (GM): You also get the name of whatever this statue is. Zizeemon.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...*Whistle*...he's a strong sucker..."
Aetos gulps
Azure: "Hows strong is strong?"
Garrick Fy`aar first tries to see if he can effect the thing at all, blasting it with the Stat 43...
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...he's around 5000 in terms of health..."
Metal Man (GM): You deal no damage at all.
Garrick Fy`aar takes his second action to SWITCH HIS STAT TO SPECIAL MODE. He THEN fires again...
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aribar: "This may just be a difficult fight..."
Metal Man (GM): Your status affects do nothing to the being made of stone.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Thought so... just wanted to try... oh well."
Metal Man (GM): It appears stone cannot be poisoned, made to sleep, or sealed.
Garrick Fy`aar takes the M150 in his other hand so he can law down some serious asswhoopin'.
Charles Magellean wonders what '5,000 in terms of health' means. Seeing as how this thing is resistant to his guns, he uses his 'natural abilities'. He first uses RAM on Zizeemon. *100 damage.*
Metal Man (GM): It takes a goodly amount of damage from that. You make a crack in one of its legs.
Aetos whistles "Rough."
Charles Magellean then kneels to one knee.
Azure: "Hey... keep attacking that crack..."
Charles Magellean focuses on the crack. His arms form that of the Demolition Man's rocket launcher. He launches a Destructive Rocket at the same leg.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. *BAM*
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Charles Magellean: *50% damage. Ignores DR.*
Metal Man (GM): He takes full damage.
Charles Magellean takes out his Pseudo-cube Bazooka and ends his turn.
Azure: "Well if I think I understand what the inscriptions in this book mean... Everyone listen well." *Azure uses the book of secrets.*
Metal Man (GM): You learn the stats of the enemy. Zizeemon STR: 46 SPD: 34 INT: 20 AC: 22 DR: 10. But you do not learn of the attacks.
Azure: "Somehow... I expected that the help out more..." *He uses his own ability to mimic a technique.*
Aetos watches Azure... Then he bring his arms above his head and yells "Push!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aetos looks at the giant statue flying up high into the air, realizing it wont be pretty when it returns to earth...
Metal Man (GM): *BAM* It nearly breaks the platform from crashing down.
Aetos watches the 50 ft giant crash on the ground... "Ow?"
Metal Man (GM): Anything else?
Aetos then runs to the Giant's cracked leg and tries to dril his spear into it
Metal Man (GM): Miss, hit.
VGWolf quickdraws beam saber, swords dances. *WONDER CRIT 42% total He then attempts to... well, just double defend.*
Metal Man (GM): The statue is none too happy. It tries to grab people again. Charles and Wolfman are targets. 25 damage if hit.
Wolfman still gets hit...
Metal Man (GM): Those hit: SPD checks. It tries to eat you again... well, Wolfman escapes again. But does Charles?
Wolfman gets out... but not before seeing Charles... well, not. "CHARLES!"
Julian Sawyer: "Aw no..."
Metal Man (GM): Charles is not swallowed, weirdly enough. Instead... it charges up a laser beam. Then it launches Charles at Wolfman. 75 damage to Charles.
Charles Magellean: "...Uh oh."
Wolfman took the coins...
Metal Man (GM): Does that hit you, Wolfman?
Wolfman does get hit...
Metal Man (GM): 100 damage. 10 more damage to Charles.
Wolfman is alive!
Julian Sawyer: *Jumps up and flies at Stoney's head with his fist stretched out, and lets it collide with his jaw. Julian then flies around and punches him in the back of the head, then flies through his legs and slams him with a punch to the mid-section*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit miss.
VG first attempts another Ice Block throw to see if Freezing can work.
Metal Man (GM): Of course, you have to hit first.
VG just tries another one then.
Metal Man (GM): It sits there while you throw ice blocks past it.
VG goes for it once more... very angry.
Metal Man (GM): You actually hit it.
VG: *15% ice... KA-FROZEN*
Metal Man (GM): the foot is coated in ice. However, it doesn't freeze the whole thing.
Charles Magellean gives a perplexed look to Zizeemon then to VG. Only partially frozen?
Aribar decides to erode that crack in the statue's legs... Or try to. The elf casts an Ice Elemental Blast on the thing's leg, filling the crack with ice for 75% Ice damage. His hand is then surrounded with multicolored energy and a random beam of color (or two) flies at the ice-filled crack before he fires another Magic Missile at the thing's head for 28% nonelemental.
VG returns the look, as if to say "How should I know?"
Garrick Fy`aar has little more to do except blast the sucker with three rounds worth of shots, every last ONE of them armor piercing
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
Charles Magellean throws out a Teddy Bear on his first action. He crosses his arms. He begins to focus some of his energy into his left retina. The charge forms inside his iris and an Eye Beam aims at the head of Zizeemon.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Charles Magellean merely moves his mouth from the left to right. He focuses his mind to make illusions into his irises. He stares into the eyes of the Stone creature...
Metal Man (GM): Your attempt to control the statue WOULD have succeeded... But it's a stupid machine. One lacking any inputs.
Aetos: "What the!? What happened!?"
Metal Man (GM): So you just stare at it.
Aetos: "Anyone... know?"
Charles Magellean ends his turn, shaking his head.
Azure: *hands pull a odd slight of hand and in an instant his gauntlets are around his arms the sounds of the interlocking mechanisms linking together.* *Two light blue streaks leap from his weapon and aim at the crack on its leg (lock on) and the disappear. Azure air dashes with one fist cocked back increasing his spead steadly until he gets close enough to attack. He tries to punch at the crack in its leg with one punch and t*
Metal Man (GM): One hit, one miss.
Azure: *23% damage*
Metal Man (GM): 1000 EXP to everybody for battle so far. Continuing now, after the pause... The 50 foot tall terror, powered by the item you seek, is as relentless as ever. You guys put a few cracks in him... but that only made him angrier. He starts out by being repetitive, as usual: Reaching out to grab two of you people. Garrick and Azure, respectively, are being attacked.
Garrick Fy`aar gets caught...
Azure is grabbed
Metal Man (GM): 25 damage to each of you. He then tries to blast you with his deathray, bringing both of you towards his mouth. Well, Azure escapes the grasp of the monster, but Garrick does not. *BLAMMO* 75 damage to him... and he's launched towards the wall of this room. Garrick: Try to land with a STR check.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Azure quickly floats away "Too close...."
Metal Man (GM): Still doesn't cut it. You're blasted through the wall, taking 100 damage.
Julian Sawyer: *Winces*
Metal Man (GM): If that isn't bad enough, if you're still alive, you're falling towards a very deep pit. It'll take a jump check or two to get back in the sphere.
Charles Magellean merely clears his throat, watching as Garrick is flown. He then looks back towards Zizeemon.
Aetos: "That thing has got quite an arm?"
Garrick Fy`aar pushes off the wall...
Metal Man (GM): ...Garrick, doomed by the dice, slips off of the wall and falls to his doom.
Wolfman: "I'm just lucky I could squirm out."
Julian Sawyer: "What a way to go..."
Aetos: "Frightening..."
Julian Sawyer: .oO(C'mon, just 3 more hits...) *Julian rushes towards Stoney and rears back, trying to roundhouse punch the crackin his leg, trying to widen it, and adds another to it. Julian then jumps back, and activates his boots to fly up and give Stoney a big uppercut*
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
Julian Sawyer: *O-O-O-OVERDRIVE! Decides to stay in the air*
VG gives Julian a Guardian Acorn and a Super Plush Bear... he needs to survive.
Julian Sawyer: "Thanks Veeg."
VG then uses the one Fried Egg that he has on everyone... eat up! *+11 HP to all heroes.*
Azure: "Thanks."
VG is done.
Aribar fires off an Ice Elemental Blast at the creature's leg, freezing it a bit more and probably widening the cracks before casting Shield on the party and then downing a Green Potion.
Garrick Fy`aar blasts the sucker with the M150
Charles Magellean figures the platform might collapse... but given the weight of this already stone gargauntuan, it's improbable. He downs an X-Naut potion. He grows to a size that's mighty large. He then uses his miniguns to attack with 12 bullets.
Metal Man (GM): 3 hits. One of the hits is a crit. Okay, damage calculated.
Azure continues to attack the crack in the objects leg with an assault of punches from his guantlets
Metal Man (GM): One... two hits.
Aetos decides 'Push'ing the creature might be a bad idea, so he continues to drill into it's leg
Metal Man (GM): Only one hit.
Wolfman decides to attempt an ability he recently gained... He holds his right arm up, and looks directly at this stone guy... He sends a beam at him... but it's not a damaging beam. It's a data beam. He hopes to gain an ability to use... just like good old X. *MIMIC QUIRK ACTIVATE!*
Metal Man (GM): You mimic the grab. That's the main ability of this enemy. INT +5 damage dealt, STR mod to hit.
Wolfman was going to say "Now I've got your powers," but these stink! Oh well... time to make do; he attempts to grab SOME part of him.
Metal Man (GM): You grab him. Your next attack against him will also automatically hit.
Wolfman decides to quick draw the beam saber for Swords Dancing. He lets go of this beast... can't hold onto him any longer.
Metal Man (GM): The statue goes out and grabs...
Wolfman then gets grabbed in return... NOT!
Metal Man (GM): He tries to grab, but hits Aribar's shield. He deals 50 damage to the 115 HP shield. He just tries again.
Aribar: "Thank goodness for that spell..."
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH* *SMASH* He deals 50 more damage to the shield ...He does it again! *SMASH* Shield explodes. Meanwhile, he uses his other hand to grab...
Aribar winces as the shield is cracked... And broken. "You've no respect for good magic!"
John Faust hurries up to the battle area. "Sorry, I stopped to catalogue some things I saw back there, and... what in the name of Mephistopheles is THAT?"
Metal Man (GM): 25 damage to Garrick. He then tries to grab somebody else.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Not this time..."
Wolfman attempts to dodge again... NOT this time.
Metal Man (GM): 25 damage. Then... he tries to laser beam you two again.
Wolfman has to get out...
Metal Man (GM): And Wolf does escape. But does Garrick? Nope.
John Faust: "What in the world... a statue... animated? Hmm... perhaps some form of soul insertion using a spell I'm familiar with to place a dead spirit in a host..."
Metal Man (GM): He takes 75 damage... then is launched at Wolfman.
Wolfman: "Not THIS again..." *He rolls to the side.*
Aribar: "If you can do the opposite, Puppeteer, please do so!"
Metal Man (GM): ...And he misses Wolfman and SMASHES into the ground, taking 110 damage all for himself.
Aetos: "It's powered by a magic crystal Faust guy... don't act like you know everything..."
John Faust: "Well... unfortunately, I /don't/ have my ancestor's spellbook with me..."
Garrick Fy`aar is... ...alive! Barely...*
Azure: "This is just to intense..."
Metal Man (GM): However, he's not done yet... He just shoots ANOTHER laser at three people anyway.
Wolfman will cover for Garrick if possible.
John Faust whips out his diary and keeps writing. "Hmmm... a magical crystal, perhaps a relicory or a Soul Gem, is powering the creature... if we smash the gem, it might fall, but perhaps an alternative might be reached. If we can /just/ remove the stone..."
VG: "No offense Faust, but this is NOT the time to try to reason with this creature."
Metal Man (GM): He targets VG twice, then Wolfman.
Aribar: "I believe we NEED that gem..."
Azure: "Book of secrets wasn't to much help. Its just really strong...."
John Faust: "Indeed. Thus the 'removal' clause."
Aetos: "Faust, the gem is INSIDE it, and we need the gem for Kales..."
Metal Man (GM): Whoops
VG only gets hit by the first one.
Wolfman gets hit by the only one.
Julian Sawyer: "I can't believe this thing ain't attacking me. I'm dealing the most damage..." *Julian is hovering in midair, thanks to rocket boots, and glowing.*
Wolfman gets the crit one... drat.
Metal Man (GM): 25 damage per hit.
VG: *GEM of MORTALITY 116/110... He is alive.*
Wolfman: *BOOM Boom boom boom boom... Gujin_Hisaki, GET UP!*
Julian Sawyer: "Alright then..." *Julian flies under Stoney and lifts him up with his hands, showing a great deal of physical strain.* "Up you go!" *Julian then bends his arms and shoves skyward, LAUNCHING Stoney into the air, sending him well into the exosphere, and lets gravity do tha rest: Atlus Toss*
Metal Man (GM): ...*grins* Excellent move, Julian. Except one problem. The incredibly fast and heavy mass... heading into the sphere... which is over a pit...
Aetos says "You said not to do that! Thats exactly what my PUSH does!"
VG: "Julian, what are you doing!"
John Faust: "...absolutely bloody brilliant." *He suddenly snaps; he looks incredibly furious, and his breath grows quick.* "Fool! That thing is PRICELESS!"
Aetos flinches as the monster falls back to the ground...

