Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 227: Metallic Madness



Date: 3:11:43 PM, July 23rd; 5:47:04 PM, July 26th; 5:08:24 PM, July 29th, 2005.
Metal Man leaps to the floor, diving under the shrapnel.
MrMonster is BARELY alive at this point... He runs our of the room and back outside if possible.
Metal Man (GM): Aetos avoids the shrapnel. MrMonster escapes the room.
Julian Sawyer: *Jumps around the shrapnel*
Metal Man (GM): Julian dodges the shrapnel. MrMonster is hit for 20 damage by shrapnel.
Julian Sawyer: "Can't touch me!"
Metal Man (GM): Some random iron girders fall from the ceiling. Towards Julian. 80 damage from the girders.
Aetos: "That is IT!" *He runs into the left door room*
Julian Sawyer: *Spoke too soon* "AUGH!" *GIRDER'D*
MrMonster is laying on the ground outside, basically bleeding to death but not yet dead...
Metal Man runs to the left door room as well.
Metal Man (GM): The traps... cease.
MrMonster downs a Red Potion...
Julian Sawyer: *Throws the girder off him and... I dunno, tries the right door?*
Metal Man (GM): Julian: The right door opens for you.
Julian Sawyer: *Enter*
MrMonster downs a Blue Potion before entering the room again... "Everyone dead yet?"
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, down the left passageway, Metal and Aetos would notice a large library, and a door at the other end. MrMonster: You'd notice Metal entering the left door, and Julian entering the right.
Aetos: "Hey... books!"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: You may join in, entering the fortress with MrMonster. MrMonster: The traps appear to have stopped... for now.
Metal Man: "Yes... something NOT deadly or explosive."
Aetos: "Hopefully."
Garrick Fy`aar warps in next to the Monster.
MrMonster: "... 'allo, Garrick... Apparently the team's split up. I don't know about you, but I'm going right..." *He heads over to Julian's door and follows him.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, I have no idea what's going on, so I might as well go with you." *He follows*
Metal Man (GM): The right door contains a far different room. A data room, full of computers.
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Any of them on?*
Metal Man (GM): The data room has a door on the other end as well. The computers are all on.
Aetos walks up to a bookcase and grabs a book from it...
MrMonster heads to the other side of the room, having no experience or interest in the computers. After he reaches the other side the Trulanders wait for the others to come near before opening the door.
Metal Man (GM): Aetos: The floor tile you're on zooms towards the ceiling.
Julian Sawyer: "...You gonna look those over, Garrick?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...sure, why not."
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH* You drop the book and take your own AC in damage.
Metal Man: "...Ouch..."
Garrick Fy`aar heads over to the computers and works his magic. Technology magic, that is.
Aetos walks back to Metal, looking like a pancake
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: The minute you touch the computer, a 100 pound weight falls out of the ceiling towards your head. You dodge it, but notably you're unable to touch the computer because you had to dodge rather than use it. *BOING* A spring in the floor shoots a tile at the back of Garrick's head. Garrick: INT check.
Aetos: "So uh, you care about these books any?"
Metal Man: "Well, not if we get killed for touching them."
Aetos: "Maybe we should just head on then."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick leaps out of the way; the tile flies into the computer, smashing the monitor. There's still more computers, though.
MrMonster: "... Protection time."
Metal Man: "Good idea."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
MrMonster casts a Beta PK Shield on himself.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...okay, I can see why you guys are a little bit peeved."
Aetos heads to the other side and opens the door
Metal Man continues to the next door... PAUSE on left side group.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: You turn towards Julian.... The computer monitor behind him suddenly flies at the back of his head. Julian: SPD check.
Julian Sawyer: *Hits the dirt!*
Metal Man (GM): The monitor goes flying past Julian and blasts another computer instead. *SHOONK* A bowling ball falls out of the ceiling and at MrMonster.
Julian Sawyer: "...Let's just get out of here..."
Metal Man (GM): MrMonster: STR check to catch it rather than be bonked. Charles: Pick your group. Left group or right group. MrMonster catches the bowling ball. Ok.
MrMonster attempts to catch the bowling ball, tosses it to a corner of the room, and open up the door.
Metal Man (GM): MrMonster: The door rips off of the wall and rockets towards the door you just entered the room for, threatening Julian and Garrick. MrMonster: STR check to rip your hand off of the sticky knob. Julian and Garrick: SPD checks to dodge the speeding door.
Julian Sawyer: "...This is just ridiculous."
Metal Man (GM): MrMonster rips his hand off... taking a minor 5 damage.
MrMonster tries to rip his hand from the knob as well as jump out of the way.
Metal Man (GM): Julian and Garrick hit the deck, as the door zooms off to somewhere else. MrMonster evades being blown away by the rocketdoor as well.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...come on..."
Metal Man (GM): The way ahead is clear, though.
Julian Sawyer: *Gets the F out of this room, heads on*
Metal Man (GM): You finally escape the trapped computer room.
Garrick Fy`aar growls, getting up and following
Metal Man (GM): *PAUSE RIGHT GROUP RESUME LEFT GROUP* The lefties encounter a horizontal hall with a door to the East aka Right side of the hallway. It looks safe enough, it even has a carpet and some potted plants.
Metal Man: "From those sounds coming from next door, the others must be having an exciting time."
Aetos: "Well isn't this nice?" *Goes up to a plant looks at it*
Metal Man (GM): Aetos: You notice a tripwire tied to the plant. Good thing you looked!
Aetos: "Woah..."
Charles Magellean: "Wonder what happened to them."
Aetos: "There is a wire right here, try to avoid touching it..."
Metal Man: "Okay then."
Aetos motions for Charles and Metal to go on ahead hehe
Metal Man steps over the wire....
Charles Magellean: "I'll remember that and remember to not say Oxyclean in front of the guardians of this place."
Aetos: "Roger."
Metal Man (GM): The walls suddenly slide open, revealing arrow shooting tubes.
Aetos: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): Which suddenly open fire on everything of a certain height.
Aetos ducks
Metal Man: "Ahhhh!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Aetos and Metal hit the dirt really quickly.
Charles Magellean carefully looks to the floor to see where this wire is, steps over it and looks up... oi.
Metal Man (GM): Charles avoids the arrows. The room is now littered with brightly colored but harmless arrows.
Metal Man: "I hate this place!" *He walks towards the door carefully.*
Charles Magellean: "Keeps you alert though."
Aetos: "Ok... let's be going then."
Charles Magellean begins to walk backwards again, to see if anything comes from behind.
Aetos follows behind Metal, just as carefully
Metal Man (GM): You all reach the door.
Metal Man: "Don't say the o word again Charles, you'll get us all killed."
Charles Magellean: "You mean Odo-dejoy?"
Aetos snickers
Metal Man: "Yes... Odo-dejoy. Now then. Who shall open the door?"
Charles Magellean: "The one with the magical touch."
Aetos half-way smiles "I'll die if I get hit by another trap!"
Metal Man: "...Okay..." *He turns the knob...*
Metal Man (GM): *POMPH* A gun pokes out of the door in Metal's face, then the sound of a gunshot is heard... but a flag with 'BANG' written on it comes out instead.
Metal Man: "Gaaaaah!" *Falls to the floor*
Aetos: "...Scary!"
Metal Man (GM): A phoney plastic arm, which is now sticking out of the door, is also to be seen.
Charles Magellean jumps back about 2 feet from the surprise.
Metal Man: "Just when I think the door is gonna kill me, I get a fake trap."
Metal Man (GM): The door opens for the lefties.... *PAUSE* on right group. *RESUME* on Right group. The right group enters a vertical hallway. A door dead ahead can be seen.
Julian Sawyer: "...Anyone got a rock?"
Metal Man (GM): Julian: A rock suddenly drops to the right of you with a thud. From the ceiling.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): There are potted plants here, too. 8 of them.
Julian Sawyer: *Picks up and tosses it down the hallway*
Metal Man (GM): It flies down the hallway.... Gets hit by fireballs, arrows, spikes, a swinging chainsaw on a chain... Lands on the ground and is then grenaded and bowling ball smashed from the ceiling. It looks like that rock triggered all of the traps.
Julian Sawyer: "...These guys really don't want anyone getting through..."
MrMonster tries casting a Beta Sword Shot... The target being the door on the other side of the hallway.
Metal Man (GM): That door is hit... it swings open... then a blue metallic hand shuts it ..Then it begins. The eight potted plants sprout legs and eyes. And guns. And they shoot at you.
Julian Sawyer: "...Jebus."
MrMonster: "Bombard the door and then we... run... into... I hate this place."
Metal Man (GM): One shot at each of you, the three nearest to you shoot. Julian, MrMonster, and Garrick, respectively.
Julian Sawyer sidesteps that one
Metal Man (GM): 35 damage and paralyze if hit. Questers vs. Potted... Plant... THINGS
MrMonster is shot... He just absorbs that shot... His PK Shield absorbed it.
Metal Man (GM): 8
Julian Sawyer: "Alright you... things... You're goin' down!" *Julian flies towards the plants nearest to them, and unloads on each of them with a Speedbag*
Metal Man (GM): How many of them? I mean, 1 plant, 2 plant, 3? Hmmm... doesn't matter. You fly towards one of the plants, and give it a single punch... *BOOOOOOOM* It explodes when you touch it, dealing 50 fire damage to you. And causing your whole turn to be wasted.
Julian Sawyer: "WHUARG!" *Is blasted into the wall Koff* "Garrick, shoot them all once!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right..." *He slings out the Einhammer for his first action, then blasts twice with it.*
Metal Man (GM): They're all given a mighty spot of damage, but survive.
MrMonster downs a Maple Syrup, fires a Ring Toss at the first three living pots, and then uses Confusion on the fourth pot...
Metal Man (GM): Miss miss miss Miss They're fully healed by a mysterious phenomenon, the 7 remaining. 4 of them shoot at Garrick. 35 damage per hit and paralysis 2 of them shoot at Julian
Garrick Fy`aar dies a horrible, horrible death.
Metal Man (GM): Those which shot at Garrick were apparently powered up. 35 damage and paralysis per hit.
Julian Sawyer: *Peels himself off the wall and uses his awesome flying skillz to move the -CENSORED- out of the way of all those*
Metal Man (GM): The remaining one explodes on its own.
Julian Sawyer: *How many are left?*
Metal Man (GM): 6
Julian Sawyer: *Koff* "Hate robots... even if they're robots pretending to be plants, I still hate them!" *Julian takes off his fedora and sqeezes the feather, popping the blade out along the brim. Julian then aims and throws! Plants 1-3 are attacked twice by the flying hat, while plants 4-6 are attacked once*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. All hit, that is. Plant 1 explodes That leaves 5.
Garrick Fy`aar growls as he's revived, blasting the crap out of the remaining plants
Metal Man (GM): Hit Hit They all explode. +300 EXP +5000 coins ...And at this point two things happen. First, the left group walks in through a door you didn't see.
Julian Sawyer: "Hate robots..."
Aetos: "... Hi!"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Second, a weird portal in space-time continuum rips open and drops a mysterious person into the hallway with you.
Metal Man: "Hey."
MrMonster: "... You aren't doppelgangers bent on our destruction, are you?"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos: "What the..."
Julian Sawyer: "New person..."
Metal Man: "No... too dumb to think of that."
Traon drops to the ground and looks up at the people. "Uhh... Where am I?"
Julian Sawyer: "We have no idea. Who're you?"
Metal Man: "...We don't exactly know. It's a sort of ancient fortress."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...someone fill him in, I'm too tired of filling in new people."
MrMonster looks at the new person... "... Then is this some trap-filled person who is going to kill us?"
Aetos: "Some fortress in some cave on some mountain on some planet..."
Julian Sawyer is saying this while hovering in midair thanks to Rocket Boot technology
Traon stands up and dusts his black hooded robe off "Name's Traon. Bah, i just got this darned robe mended to... Blast it."
MrMonster: "... Good. You don't seem to be out to kill us... You may call me Mr. Monster for now."
Julian Sawyer: "...Okay then. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Julian, that's Monster, that's Metal, that's Aetos, that's Garrick, and that's Charles." *Points to each persion in succession*
Metal Man: "Hello."
Traon looks at each and nods, picking up his jeweled crimson staff. "It is a pleasure to meet you all."
Metal Man: "I'm the leader of these people here, and we're... lost. Yes. To put it lightly."
Julian Sawyer: "So, what can you do?"
Metal Man looks at the door ahead. "I hope you checked it for fake arms with fake guns with fake bullets."
Traon looks at Julian "Simply put, I control the elements of life, to use them for my own good and the good of others."
Julian Sawyer: "...So you're a mage?"
Metal Man: "Well, that's handy. We've been low on mages... yeah."
Julian Sawyer: "Good. You'll have to meet Aribar then... What was that about fake plastic, Metal?"
Metal Man: "Well, this, to be exact." *He rips the plastic arm with a white sleeve with a fake gun with a 'BANG' flag coming out of it. He rips it out of the nearby door* "Scared the bajeezus out of me."
Julian Sawyer: "...Okay..."
Metal Man points at the door ahead with the arm. "Forward ho!" *He walks towards the next door.*
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah..." *Flies ahead and opens the door*
Aetos follows
Traon follows behind as well.
MrMonster follows the others.
Julian Sawyer: "Anyone got a Red Potion?"
Charles Magellean looks both ways again. He crosses the hall towards door and continues with Questers.
Metal Man (GM): The next door opens... It reveals a throne room, of sorts. An old, ruined throne sits in the middle, surrounded by monitors.
Charles Magellean: "Still no recollection of what this place was?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Must be something worthwhile in here."
Aetos: "Huh... remember last time I sat in a chair?" *He goes to sit on the throne...*
Julian Sawyer: *Backs up*
Traon sticks his staff out to stop Aetos "I wouldn't do that if I were you... No telling what will happen."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos: The throne... has a field around it.
MrMonster tosses Julian a red potion and checks out the room.
Aetos: "That's when we met VG and Wolfman!" *He thuds onto the force field.*
Julian Sawyer: *Catches the potion and downs it* "Thanks Monster."
Aetos: *THUD!*
MrMonster: "No problem."
Aetos: "Ow... my nose..."
Metal Man: "Hmmm..."
Julian Sawyer: "I don't suppose you have any Weapon Energy Capsules on you, while you're at it."
???: "Who dares enter my inner sanctum?"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Traon: "Whoops, little too high there." *he rubs the back of his head then looks forward looking for the voice.*
Metal Man (GM): A harsh, metallic voice, with quite a twang, echoes through the ruined, dark room. It seems to come from everywhere.
Metal Man: "Uhhhh... the Questers?"
Aetos: "Heh..."
Metal Man (GM): The throne shimmers.
Julian Sawyer: "Nobody..."'
MrMonster: *The Trulander raises Miirnalk and looks to the throne.*
Metal Man (GM): One moment...
Julian Sawyer: *Loading...*
Metal Man (GM): It is no less than Metal Sonic. Sitting in the throne, which now appears to be as if it is new again.
Metal Sonic: "We meet again. What a disappointment."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos: "Heyyyy... You looks familiar, but... funny looking..."
Julian Sawyer: "How the hell did you get here?!"
Metal Man (GM): He gets up, his cape regally waving, and his red eyes scanning everyone.
Julian Sawyer: "And when did you get a cape?!"
Charles Magellean: "Metal Sonic."
Metal Sonic: "This is my fortress. My fortress... which you and your electronic friends tried to obliterate."
Aetos: "Metal?"
Metal Man: "..."
Charles Magellean has his left eye twitching and eyebrow.
Metal Sonic: "I passed out, and found myself deactivated for quite a long time."
Metal Man (GM): He chuckles evilly.
Aetos: "I only know of those other hedgehogs... Sonic... and... uh... Shadow!"
Metal Sonic: "Now... my fortress and me are here. ...Sonic... Shadow... both truly inferior to me."
Julian Sawyer: "So where did you get the cape?"
Metal Sonic: "I made it myself."
Traon just stands there, looking at him, using his spying eye to see what this dude is about.
Metal Sonic: "Now then... you have cost me dearly... destroying a lot of the traps and guards I used to protect myself."
Julian Sawyer: "You shouldn't have set traps if you didn't want them deactivated."
Metal Sonic: "You must be... destroyed."
MrMonster: "How did you get here?"
Metal Sonic: "Oh? I don't know. Perhaps you will tell me."
Julian Sawyer: "You got it the other way around, pal."
Metal Sonic: *Turns to Julian* "I'm afraid I cannot be destroyed... not even Nova succeeded in THAT."
Metal Man (GM): Questers vs. Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic: "I wouldn't want to have an unfair fight."
Metal Man (GM): He waves his hands... you are all healed, although all your luckies are gone. You also now have 10 lives.
Metal Sonic: "I challenge you to merely survive..."
Charles Magellean: "You are aware I am not a Quester... evil incarnate."
Aetos blinks, "You're not??"
Metal Sonic: "You are aware I am not an ordinary machine... idiocy incarnate. Watch this." *arrogantly walks up to Julian, red eyes shining. He suddenly glows with chaos energy. Immediately, Metal Sonic unleashes a blizzard of punches and kicks at the opponent. He punches opponent with his right fist, then bends his head to the left and spikes them with the back of his head. Energy crackling and flashes following each attack, he continues the combo by smashing Julian with a powerful right-legged kick, then attempts to hit his target again with the falling motion. He then attacks with a left-handed uppercut, which is aided by an elbow swipe from his right arm, and then a head smash. Then Metal Sonic spins like a ballerina, threatening Julian with his left fist, his right elbow, and then his left fist again, and finally a diagonal kick. 105 electric damage per hit, paralysis, and confusion.*
Julian Sawyer: *Isn't even gonna bother rolling a mortality roll*
Charles Magellean: "I will accept being called an idiot, but I am not a Quester so I DON'T have their benefits."
Metal Sonic: "And he calls himself the master of martial arts... What a pity. I will have to take care of you, then."
Metal Man (GM): He scans Charles L. Magellean. *Morph* He... now looks as if he's a clone of Charles.
Julian Sawyer gets the crap beaten out of him, and lands in a generic blue warp portal, which turns red as Julian rises out of it, Vengeful as hell.
Metal Sonic: "Like missiles, do you not? Eat this, failure."
Charles Magellean cracks his knuckles. The time for talk is over. His anger increases more, and more, and more.
Metal Man (GM): He fires a rocket at Charles, which deals a whopping 240 damage to him.
Metal Sonic: "Far too weak... but your form is amusing." *He morphs back...*
Charles Magellean kneels down... but gets up and creeks his neck.
Metal Man (GM): The following attack is done, but intentionally avoids hitting Charles.
Metal Sonic: *curls up into a ball, chaotic energy flowing through his armored spikes. Suddenly, time appears to stop, and in the maelstrom that follows, Metal Sonic flies at everyone in some sort of hyper spindash.*
Metal Man (GM): 175 chaos (Light + Dark) damage per hit.
Aetos: *Same...*
Metal Man (GM): How's Aetos revival invincibility'd?
Charles Magellean is ACTUALLY able to follow his movements... but barely.
Metal Man (GM): *Obliterate*
MrMonster is smited then...
Metal Sonic: "Hmph."
Charles Magellean adjusts his glasses.
Julian Sawyer: "No one beats me at my own game. NO ONE!" *Julian rears back, his fist glowing red, and lunges at Metal Sonic, aiming a Vengeful Haymaker to his body*
Metal Man (GM): You hit Metal Sonic... he doesn't seem impressed. You hit him good. He just laughs.
Julian Sawyer: *Jumps back to the group, worried now...* "Someone Eye Spy him..."
Garrick Fy`aar does like Julian asks and Eye Spies him... He quick draws the M150 in his right hand, his Einhammer still in his left from the previous battle. He scowls a bit...
Metal Sonic: "Your ability is worthless, do you know that? I can scan any one person and find out everything... even become them."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright then..." *He completely ignores his taunts as he unloads with the M150, his finger rapidly blasting into the metal hedgehog...*
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
Garrick Fy`aar: "The problem is, Metal Sonic, we're quite powerful now as well."
Charles Magellean merely droops his head... shaking his head. He then raises his head, speaking in a lowered, unwilling voice.
Metal Sonic: "You will not win."
Charles Magellean: "...Sadly, I must agree. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do. Metal Sonic wanted to 'level' the playing field for the Questers, except I am not one. I am not one, I cannot revive myself. No reviving = an assumed unequal playing field. Therefore, I stand no chance."
Julian Sawyer: "Just shoot him!"
Metal Sonic: "Run away and I will spare you. Only you."
Charles Magellean: "Forgive me... my friends."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...coward. Fine, turn tail. More for me."
Charles Magellean: "No, I will stay here, and will accept my fate. I have a duty. Even should I become unsent, I will stay."
MrMonster: "... It is an equal playing field because I doubt he can revive himself as well if he is dismantled."
Metal Sonic: "Correct. I am but a simple machine."
Charles Magellean stands in front of the Quester leader to defend him. He defends once more and ends his turn.
Metal Man: "Eat sound waves, foul machine!"
Charles Magellean: "I will protect the leader at all costs. Consider it my final atonement."
Metal Man (GM): ...0 damage.
Metal Man: "Curses... worthless weapons!"
MrMonster reappears in a flash of light and rushes towards Metal Sonic. Once near the mechanical fiend the Trulander cries out, "Mind Bolt!" and the area near him is covered with purple electricity... A Vengeful Baby Bolt. Afterwards the Trulander thrusts Miirnalk towards Metal Sonic, hoping in vain that the weak blade can even scratch the armor.
Metal Man (GM): Miss, hit. Unless you've got wonder badge. He sits there as your blade pings off of his armor.
MrMonster is just shocked by his own move.
Metal Sonic: "Not even a defenseless Chao could hurt me with that."
Aetos revives with the white aura, he rushes up and tries to impale M.Sonic, the aura fades after the first stab...
MrMonster silently curses as he tries to devise a new strategy...
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Hit. Ouch.
Aetos flips back to hit spot "Eat that!"
Traon just extends his hand out knowing he wont get much done, a simple jolt rockets from his hand at sonic.
Metal Man (GM): Your attack is exactly weak enough to hit Metal Sonic and do nothing.
Metal Sonic: "That was close, one of my eyes could have been poked." *arrogantly walks up to Garrick, red eyes shining. He suddenly glows with chaos energy. Immediately, Metal Sonic unleashes a blizzard of punches and kicks at the opponent. He punches opponent with his right fist, then bends his head to the left and spikes them with the back of his head. Energy crackling and flashes following each attack, he continues the combo by smashing Garrick with a powerful right-legged kick, then attempts to hit his target again with the falling motion. He then attacks with a left-handed uppercut, which is aided by an elbow swipe from his right arm, and then a head smash. Then Metal Sonic spins like a ballerina, threatening Garrick with his left fist, his right elbow, and then his left fist again, and finally a diagonal kick. 105 electric damage per hit, paralysis, and confusion.
Garrick Fy`aar is completely pulverized He goes flying, his body landing heavily and skidding across the ground for a moment before stopping twenty feet away...
Metal Man (GM): This next attack also intentionally misses Locos. Thus it misses Metal too.
Metal Sonic: *glows, and then suddenly launches powerful rings of light at everyone! The rings move too fast to be dodged. Instant hit; everyone loses 120 coins, and take 240 light+soul damage.*
MrMonster dies... Again.
Metal Sonic: "Now then... for as troublesome as you are... you lack offensive power." *He walks over to Charles and tries to smack him*
Julian Sawyer's knocked off his feet by the rings and lands in a generic blue warp portal, which turns red as Julian rises out of it, once again Vengeful.
Aetos falls down, dead.
Julian Sawyer: "Now you're just pissin' me off."
Charles Magellean: *Smack'd*
Metal Man (GM): 15 damage to Charles.
Metal Sonic: "Who cares?" *He idly socks Charles*
Metal Man (GM): 40 damage to Charles, who is thrust backwards, though Metal catches him.
Julian Sawyer: "I do!"
Charles Magellean must hold off Metal Sonic as long as he can. "...Tha--nk... you."
Metal Man: "He won't last long... at least, if we last."
Julian Sawyer: "You're goin' down!" *Julian rears back, his fist glowing red, and lunges at Metal Sonic, aiming a Vengeful Haymaker to his head this time CRI-CRI-CRITICAL!*
Metal Man (GM): Crit.
Garrick Fy`aar growls as he's revived again, hating that his overdrive meter on his suit just dropped back down to zero again. He raises the M150 and unloads on the sucker again...
Metal Man (GM): Alll but 1 hit.
Charles Magellean: "Back on Nintendus, Illian and I made a pact. For my freedom, I swore to help him in his time of need. I, of the Lunar race, will stick to this pact. I am honor bound by it, Metal Sonic. Nothing you say, belittling or otherwise, will sway me to do otherwise." *He proceeds to defend Metal and defend twice. End of turn.*
Metal Sonic: "I don't really care. In the end, everybody's a bag of bones."
Charles Magellean: "Until then."
Metal Man: "Ice wave!" *He opens fire with iced billiard balls from his hair dryer at Metal Sonic.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit miss miss miss hit 50 damage
Metal Man follows it up with two Mega punches.
Metal Man (GM): Hit miss.
MrMonster comes back from death, ready to hopelessly battle on some more. A Vengeful Gamma Sword Shot is fired at Metal Sonic followed by a Beta PK Shield.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. 15 damage.
Aetos revives with the white aura again, he runs up and shish kebobs M.Sonic, then after the aura vanishes, he flips back to his spot and 'push'es him!
Metal Man (GM): CRIT Hit.
Traon falls back from getting hit by the ring and falls into a portal, which turns red, he comes out as vengeful as he has been before. All he simply does is thrusts his arm out sending a ice storm at sonic.
Metal Man (GM): 15 damage.
Metal Sonic: "Impressive... but ultimately it was my choice to give you the edge."
Metal Man (GM): The door behind everyone opens up... it's that robot from earlier! It apparently chased you...
Aetos: "Crap..."
Metal Man (GM): The heavily armored S-001 marches in.
S-001: "Destroy intruders."
Metal Sonic: "I will not brook an interruption."
Aetos looks back and forth
Metal Sonic: "Chaos... CONTROL!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He suddenly disappears.
Aetos: "Noo!" *He sighs*
Metal Man (GM): You see a blue blur around S-001.... *BOOOM*
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos: "Poor robot..."
Metal Man (GM): S-001 is torn apart.
Julian Sawyer: "...DUDE!"
Metal Sonic: *reappears* "That takes care of that."
Charles Magellean: "Such wonderful power!" *He has stars in his eyes.*
MrMonster looks from the scrap heap to Metal Sonic... "... We should have never have come here..."
Metal Sonic: "Now... to finish you all. AGAIN. ...Most of you. ..."
Charles Magellean: "Beautiful... raw... elegance."
Aetos looks about the scattered robot parts for anything useful
Metal Man (GM): Nothing useful; he shredded it like it was made of cheese.
Metal Sonic: "Hmmmm... This is pointless. I will kill you again and again... but I have made a fatal error. Every time I kill you, your power doubles, and you will have overwhelmed me before I could kill all of you ten times."
Charles Magellean: "I'm having an idea where you might be taking this."
Metal Sonic: "Furthermore, the energy used on you is quite a waste."
Aetos sneaks back and takes some random robot parts without anyone noticing... then returns to where he was...
MrMonster: "... But we will suffer heavy losses and much pain. Let us just stop this madness."
Traon: "No, no. I quite enjoy the pain!" *He laughs and rubs his head at his own joke then goes quiet again.*
Julian Sawyer: "...So what are you going to do, run?"
Metal Sonic: "There is no honor in being a coward."
Charles Magellean: "Four ideas have come now to my head."
Metal Sonic: "I waited here for intelligent life."
Metal Man: "This is... oddly anticlimactic."
Metal Sonic: "Now then... I have no point in... KZHT... BZZZT... huh?"
Aetos: "Whatta??"
Metal Man (GM): *POP* *POP* Two statues appear besides him, suddenly.
MrMonster looks oddly at Metal Sonic... The Trulander wonders what that just was.
Metal Sonic: "...Where am I?"
Charles Magellean: "You were somehow under an evil influence."
MrMonster: "... What... Just happened?"
Aetos looks at the two statues...
MrMonster looks at the statues... He doesn't let his guard down, though.
Metal Sonic: "...Correct... ...I remember trying to avoid Kuja."
Metal Man (GM): The statues are of Sonic and Shadow.
Metal Sonic: "I made sure to evade him. I even hid in my fortress."
Charles Magellean: "Something got to you."
Metal Sonic: "I sent all of my traps against the madman. He got several nice cuts in the process."
Julian Sawyer: "...dammit, he got them too..."
Metal Sonic: "...Yes, we fought. I used the utmost power against him, but he was too powerful. ...Now I am here, and I can tell that... ...he had given me the powers of the other hedgehogs. It was what made me unnaturally powerful. What you saw... is not what I can do normally. ...I managed to destroy that robot."
Metal Man (GM): You hear some pops and snaps nearby.
Metal Sonic: "...It appears my fortress has been set to self destruct."
Charles Magellean: "Oohhh boy."
MrMonster: "... So we're basically going to die in here."
Metal Sonic: "Die? Ha ha ha ha. That is a poor joke. Chaos Control... is still an ability I can mimic."
Charles Magellean: "Let's do this then!"
Metal Man (GM): Suddenly... an explosion occurs in the room.
Metal Sonic: "CHAOS CONTROL!"
Metal Man (GM): *BLUR*
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos: *ZIP*
Metal Man (GM): *Mission complete* You have all gained 2800 EXP from that battle. As well as 2000 coins. And Part II is over. The whole mountain mission has been completed. What lies for the Questers ahead? Metal Sonic is good again, but where IS he taking everyone? Now then... as we were continuing... Metal Sonic suddenly went good after a strange glitch caused him to make himself lose. However, whoever it was that sent his fortress here... didn't like that. The fortress started to explode, threatening to kill everyone. Metal Sonic, however, used chaos control. *BLUR Cinema* A blue blur FLIES out of the mountain, which then explodes. And I mean... BOOOOOOOOOOOM. A big piece out of the side of it just explodes. The explosion continues upwards, heavily damaging that old control room. The bridge across is bent, but not destroyed. However, general disarray is now a feature of that area ..Everyone from the last mission would notice the blur ending as they are back at the lake plateau, in front of the cottage which is suspended over a pit. Metal Sonic is standing nearby, still somewhat sparking with electricity.
Metal Sonic: "...A few seconds later, and we all would have been killed."
Julian Sawyer: "Whoa... dizzy..."
MrMonster shakes his head still a bit disoriented... "Thanks."
Metal Sonic: "I don't know where we are or why this is, but I doubt they had good intentions."
Azure: "I was always... found of that ability." *He rubs his chin thinking about chaos control.*
Charles Magellean's eyes dilate for a while trying to adjust to the new location.
Julian Sawyer: "Hold up..." *Julian closes his eyes, and catches his balance* "Alright..."
Metal Man gets up from the ground.
Metal Sonic: "...Where... are... we?" *He looks around. Strange, for the arrogant and often obstinate Metal Sonic to look... worried.*
Aetos starts spinning and falls down on his bum...
Julian Sawyer: "What's it look like?"
MrMonster: "We're near a village of lizard men."
Charles Magellean: "I believe this is the same planet that Kuja exiled the Questers and me after he became a false god."
MrMonster: "You can come back with us if you like... Or try surviving the wilderness of this world."
Metal Sonic: "...Hmmm... perhaps this means something, then." *He pulls out a sign. One like the ones the lizardmen made. It says... 'Turion'*
Julian Sawyer: "...Huh."
Metal Sonic: "This is a very old sign. Apparently it meant to mark... the planet for a name."
Julian Sawyer: "Musta been a village around here at some point..."
Metal Sonic: "I've scanned the names of villages. This one is written in script which indicates it describes every piece of land."
Julian Sawyer: "Right..."
Metal Man: "That's awful strange... well, you CAN scan all the odd things, can't you?"
Metal Sonic: "Of course."
Charles Magellean: "A pity our electronical devices still cannot work."
Metal Sonic: "So then. We are lost on the planet of Turion, land of Lizardmen... ...I am not sure why your electrical devices do not work. I still live."
Julian Sawyer: "Kuja must hate us."
Metal Man: "Hate us? We nearly eliminated him! He tried to kill us, but failed."
Metal Sonic: "The statues... I detect something lost when I scan them."
Charles Magellean: "Yep. Kuja still after the Questers, artifacts Kales wants us to get, still no idea where Sardis Mongul is. That's my life as a mercenary."
Metal Sonic: "Something which I apparently avoided. ...Artifacts?" *Pulls out some sort of twisted piece of blue material, with a hole in the middle.*
Charles Magellean: "Well provide details later. Your mentioning of 'something lost' caught my attention."
Julian Sawyer: "Stuff that's more magical than other stuff... And that might be one of them."
Metal Sonic: "Something lost. Lost grandeur."
Azure: "Wait..."
MrMonster looks at the blue material, wondering what it is...
Metal Sonic: "This might be an artifact you need. It appears to possess great speed. It was equipped on me, but I do not need it... not at all."
Julian Sawyer: "That must be it then."
Metal Sonic: "The statues... they are of something lost, something great."
MrMonster: "... Should we really give it to Kales, though? He did not order us to get anything, right?"
Julian Sawyer: "He's going to get a hold of it sooner or later."
Metal Man: "I am not sure, however Kales happens to know some secrets that could help us."
Charles Magellean: "He also said if we should any along the way, we give it to him."
Julian Sawyer: "'Sides, if he finds out we were keeping something from him, he'd probably kick us out of the village."
Metal Man: "We must find them out sooner or later, even if it is by helping him."
Azure: "So many points... I think Julian just hit the blunt one. We really have no choice in the matter. We just need to keep our wits about us in this delicate situation we sit in."
Julian Sawyer: "So what were you saying about missing something, Metal Sonic?"
Metal Sonic: "The statues have some... missing energy or abstract concept. This... is why they are statues. I don't know what or why."
Julian Sawyer: "What, a soul? Heart? Something like that?"
MrMonster: "Can you show us those statues?"
Metal Sonic: "I cannot understand those terms."
MrMonster: "Perhaps they're like the ones we found earlier..."
Charles Magellean: "The statues are the Smashers themselves, Monster."
Julian Sawyer: "They most likely are."
Metal Sonic: *He shows the statues. Spitting images of the ones from earlier, just of Sonic and Shadow.*
Julian Sawyer: "Yup."
Charles Magellean: "Okay, we got three from those underwater ruins, two from your old base, and yourself."
Julian Sawyer: "4."
Metal Sonic: "I wish to meet this... Kales."
Julian Sawyer: "We got four from those ruins. He's on the other side of that warp." *Points*
Charles Magellean: "Falcon, Peach, Kirby... who was the fourth one then?"
MrMonster: "We'll probably see him as soon as we enter the warp."
Metal Man: "Abe. He's not a smasher, but connected."
Julian Sawyer: "That Abe guy."
Charles Magellean: "That's still about 25 more Smashers to find."
Julian Sawyer: "Eh."
Metal Sonic: "I must see what these lizardmen are." *He walks towards the portal*
Metal Man follows. "I'm not exactly the lake type, either!"
MrMonster follows MS.
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Heads after them*
Charles Magellean: "We've done enough hanging around." *He holsters his guns and creeks his neck. He returns to the village via the portal.*
Azure: *Returns as well.*
Metal Man (GM): Everyone is in the village... even Metal Sonic. Kales comes to greet you... and then suddenly looks like he's seen a ghost or something.
Julian Sawyer: "...What?"
Kales Brando: "What... what is that THING with you? I have never seen such!"
Julian Sawyer: "He's a robot."
Metal Sonic: "Your technology appears to be primitive, partially due to paranoia, partially due to the relatively young age of your civilization."
MrMonster: "An ally we found while on duty."
Kales Brando: "...Ro... bot? What does this mean? How can metal talk?"
Charles Magellean: "It is known as 'Metal Sonic'. It is made of technology."
Metal Man: "...It's a long story. I mean, I at least resemble a person."
Charles Magellean: "Very... advanced... technology."
Julian Sawyer: "Magic."
Metal Sonic: "Only the most powerful technology can survive on such a barren planet. A shame, it would make a good mining world. Oh, yes. I have heard of your need for artifacts." *He tosses the twisted metal strip at Kales's feet* "I don't need this."
Kales Brando: "...Whatever it is, magic, technology, or both, it apparently has luck. This artifact was thought to be lost! That was why I couldn't tell you where it was directly..." *He picks it up and pockets it* "You have done well for a vacation."
Julian Sawyer: *Cough*
Kales Brando: "I hope you aren't coming down with a cold, you'll need your strength for your next job."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Kales Brando: "Atop the tower which you recently climbed... there is something you missed. A transport... to somewhere nearby. Luckily, there is another warp point there."
Charles Magellean: "...Ah."
Azure: .oO(I'd love to see him... do all this... constantly...)
Julian Sawyer: "Great..."
Metal Sonic: "I will not be your servant. I serve no one."
Kales Brando: "...Then there will be no food or water for you."
Metal Sonic: "I need not either, I can exist indefinitely without any sort of sustenance."
Kales Brando: "...Whaaaaaat?"
Julian Sawyer: "He's a robot."
Charles Magellean: "Maaachiine. Machine not ---I'll answer all your questions later."
Kales Brando: "Disrespectful piece of garbage!" *He goes to hit Metal Sonic with his cane. All it does is bounce off of Metal Sonic's forehead.*
Azure: .oO(Saw that coming...)
Kales Brando: "...I guess I can't argue with it, it has a head that is unbreakable."
Julian Sawyer: "Again, robot."
Metal Sonic: "IF you would politely stop that, I will take care of myself." *Shoves Kales out of the way and walks over to the arena*
MrMonster looks to Kales. "For your own health I suggest you don't try that again."
Kales Brando: "Grrrr... I'll make him pay... somehow... for disrespecting me. ...Though it doesn't seem he can be damaged by normal weapons. You're in luck with this job, however."
Charles Magellean: "It'd be best to not let Metal Sonic become involved with you. Right, the job."
Kales Brando: "The next location is something called a... u... top... ia. Yes. That is what it is called. It means something confusing. I read it in some strange book."
Julian Sawyer: "...Utopia? Paradise?"
Kales Brando: "You will go there and see if these u... to... pian people have any artifacts."
Julian Sawyer: "They might..."
Aetos: "Oo... k..."
Kales Brando: "...Paradise, whatever. Take their artifacts and get them to me."
Azure: .oO(Paradise falls to destruction. Hope that isn't the case here...)
Julian Sawyer: "Will do."
Charles Magellean: "If they're not hostile, I'm not taking anything."
Kales Brando: "Oh! I almost forgot. You'll be needing these to get down there." *Throws a bag full of 1-foot long lengths of chain at the Questers' feet.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Chains?"
Kales Brando: "I had Garrick make those for you. Since he was so happy to make all those door handles and hinges and fancy things called locks. Our walls even have a huge gate made out of that metal."
Julian Sawyer: "Speaking of Garrick, I'll be right back." *Heads over to Garrick's Forge*
Aetos: "Yes... may I go visit Mandy's shop quickly?"
Kales Brando: "There is no time limit for this job. You will be supported by yourself or by this u... top... ia... when you get there, so it won't cost me anything. Now... I must be doing some more research." *He walks off*
Aetos strolls over to Moody Mandy and buys a few items.
MrMonster follows Aetos to Mandy's stall.
Aetos comes back to everyone else minus Julian.
Julian Sawyer: *Heads to Moody Mandy's after visiting Garrick's Forge*
Metal Man heads off to Moody Mandy's as well.
MrMonster buys two Maple Syrups, five Red Potions, two Green Potions, andfive Blue Potions. After that he goes to his hut to get some armor he had...
Aetos returns after buying rings, a door opener 3k, and mystic licorice.
MrMonster then would return to the overs in in a suit of scale mail covering his body... The scales' coloring is similar to that of mother-of-pearl. The collar of the scale mail is made of some light grey material with dark green runes etched into it. Also, on his left arm is some sort of bracer... Nine long, thin spikes extend from a circular metal plate. Each spike is slightly tinted a certain color.
Metal Man doesn't have his level 30 bonus yet... just that plastic arm with a fake gun attached to it. "I see... you all found shiny objects to bring as well."
Aetos still carries a few scraps of the robot's Metal in his pack...
Charles Magellean taps on his foot.
MrMonster nods.
Metal Man: "Well, we better get going."
Charles Magellean: "So then, you coming or staying, Metal?"
Metal Man: "Coming, of course. I've got to get some use out of this." *He strikes a pose... with the plastic arm.*
MrMonster: "... Do we even want to know what that arm does?"
Charles Magellean: "...You're really gonna carry that."
Aetos: "It might scare someone to death... earlier it shot out a flag with the word *Bang!* on it..."
Azure: *had everything he needed he sat at the point where they would all go when it was time. He took the special sphere's he had made out his pocket while he waited for everyone.* "I'm still not yet ready to use you but soon." *He stuck them back into his gi a small light flashed within. He would then sit indian style with his eyes closed waiting for everyone to come to the starting point of the next job.*
Metal Man: "You probably don't need to know... and I will carry it."
Aetos: "Well... who are we waiting for?"
Metal Man: "I don't know." *He scratches the back of his neck with his plastic arm.*
Charles Magellean: "...Could we get going now?"
MrMonster unsheaths Miirnalk, his scimitar. "Yes... It looks like we're all accounted for."
Metal Man: "All right then. It's time to get our 'looking at new village' stance ready."
Azure: "Well let's get going then." *He would stand opening his eyes.*
Metal Man runs at the portal with the arm raised in the air like he's an invading viking. "RAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Charles Magellean: "...O_O;"
MrMonster sighs while shaking his head and follows Metal the Plastic-arm wielding Barbarian.
Azure: "I'll... never understand that guy..." *He follows behind his arms inside of his gi.*
Aetos: "You know... it would be funny if he ended up in Valhalla after he dies..."
Julian Sawyer: "Who decided exactly that he was best suited to lead the Questers?" *Heads in*
Aetos walks in the portal.
Charles Magellean lowers his head, shakes it, then walks into the portal with his head lifted.
Metal Man (GM): *WARPD* You all appear... on the roof of the chaos tower. That's right. The roof.
Julian Sawyer: "...Alright then..."
Metal Man: "Well... this is odd."
Charles Magellean: "Was this unexpected?"
Aetos gets the chills. "Kinda cold..."
Charles Magellean looks around quizically.
Julian Sawyer: "Nah, he told us we'd go here."
Metal Man (GM): There's a spire about as tall as you guys are, and a zipline runs from that to some place down in the valley below... The valley has some sort of crops on the side hills, like rice ponds and the like.
Julian Sawyer: "'Sposed to be a warp around here..."
Metal Man (GM): It's all very beautiful.
MrMonster: "... So I take it we use the zipline to get down? ... Who'll go first?"
Metal Man: "A warp? No... we use this zipline." *Points at the black rope which extends from the spire hundreds and hundres of feet down to the valley.* "Well, I think I can go first." *He uses the arm to hold onto the zipline and starts sliding down.* "Wheeeeee!!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "You go right ahead." *It's just a zipline? Nothing to hold onto?*
Aetos: "Ok then." *He slides down as well...*
Charles Magellean: "I think the chains are useful for this."
Julian Sawyer: "Who's got the chains?"
Charles Magellean uses his own and begins to slide down.
MrMonster sheathes Miirnalk and uses his chain to head down.
Julian Sawyer: *Takes a chain, throws one end over the line, grabs both ends, and zips down the line*
Azure: "Against my better judgement." *He loops his chain over the zip line and then twists it for added support so he can twist if he would need to stop. He would then grap both ends of the chain and begin his slide.*
Metal Man (GM): *SLIIIIIIDE* You slide down into a strange village. A village with wooden buildings everywhere.
Julian Sawyer: "...Must be the Utopia he was talking about..."
Metal Man (GM): Your zipline is attached to a strange stone pillar... you're in the center of the town. A lizardman walks up to you.
Julian Sawyer: "...'Sup?"
Azure doesn't slight bow before the lizardman "Greetings."
Aetos: "Heh... hello."
???: "You are who? Come in long time, no one has."
MrMonster looks at the lizard man after coiling the chain back up and hooking it onto his belt. "We are relic finders from another village... The leader there is called Kales."
Julian Sawyer: "You know someone named Kales? We were sent here by him."
???: "Kales? Cursed are you. Dead you should be!"
Charles Magellean gets his own chain and tucks it away.
MrMonster: "We've already heard that story..."
???: "Want, what do you?"
Charles Magellean: "Hey, if we had someplace else to live, we'd do it in place of living with him and his slightly threatening ways."
Julian Sawyer: "A tour."
Azure: "Seems... no one likes this guy... it only adds... I say." *He wraps the chain around his gi like a belt.*
???: "Safer, this place is much more. Cursed, this place is not."
Julian Sawyer: "Talk normal, you do not."
???: "Relics... you will not find easily."
Julian Sawyer: "That might be a problem."
MrMonster: "Do you happen to know Kales personally? And do you have a name we could call you by?"
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, Yoda, what's your name?"
Ztarhcs: "Ztarchs, my name is."
Metal Man: "...How did you say that again?"
Ztarhcs: "Ztarhcs."
Julian Sawyer: "...I'll just call you Z. Much easier."
Metal Man: "...Right."
Charles Magellean: "Zzz-tar-hcs. Got it."
Ztarhcs: "Then, now. First, where to?"
Metal Man: "Good question... this place is strange and smells of mildew."
Ztarhcs: "Crops, that smell is of."
Julian Sawyer: "We have no idea."
Ztarhcs: "Highlights, this village of. Happen to be, they... Mysterious, of rooms. Books, caves of. Crops, plenty of."
Julian Sawyer: "Scratch the crops."
Ztarhcs: "Government, headquarters of. Pillar, we are at now."
Julian Sawyer: "Who set up the zip line?"
Ztarhcs: *Points at the stone pillar, which has strange indecipherable gibberish on it* "People, strange. Sky, people of. Sky, they fall from. Left, they did."
MrMonster: "... I believe that the cave of books may be a good place to go right now... That is, if we can even read the books..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Okay... I'd like to check out the HQ first."
Charles Magellean: "Agreed. Books."
Julian Sawyer: "See if we even have permission to look at the books."
Aetos: "I wanna see the HQ as well."
Ztarhcs: "Headquarters, I shall take you to."
Julian Sawyer: "Great."
Charles Magellean goes into 'follow the resident' mode.
Aetos: *Same*
Ztarhcs: *Begins walking to a stone house up ahead. All of the houses have doors and are more advanced than the other village... but noticeably lacking stone walls.*
Azure: *Likewise*
Julian Sawyer: *Follows* "You guys got a quarry nearby or anything?"
Ztarhcs: "In the caves, stones there are many of."
Julian Sawyer: "You use them?"
Ztarhcs: "See stone building, you do. Notice use of stones, you should."
Azure: "Ouch..."
Metal Man (GM): He patiently sighs as you finally reach the building.
Ztarhcs: "Wait outside, I will. Leader, you talk to."
MrMonster follows Ztarchs. He stops... Bleh.
Aetos: "Ok, thank you." *He walks inside the building...*
Azure: "You have our thanks." .oO(WHO TALKS LIKE THIS!)
MrMonster follows Aetos now.
Charles Magellean stops following Ztarhcs and blends in with the other Questers once more.
Metal Man (GM): The door is unlocked and wooden. It opens easily. Inside, a single, older looking lizard sits on a stone throne.
Julian Sawyer: *Heads inside* "Yo."
???: "Far, you have come. Want, you must have. Need, what do you?"
Azure: *enters as well kneeling before there leader* "Greetings..." .oO(...he lost me for a moment... You must have want... and what do you need... umm wait... GHA!)
Charles Magellean: "What is name of town we visit?"
Julian Sawyer: "Why do you talk like that?"
???: "Talk, why do you like that? Talk, this is how we normally."
Azure: "The question works toward us here sadly Julian." *Sigh.*
Metal Man: "I'm not sure which of you is more confusing."
???: "Odd, you are. Customs, strange, bring you."
Aetos: "As Charles said... What name, be of this town?"
Azure: "I think it would be more on the lines of. What name, this town has? No that can't be right..."
???: "Hcivztrahcs, it is."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm just gonna stay out of this... ..."
Aetos: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "What?"
???: "Hcivztrahcs!"
Metal Man: "...That sounds painful to pronounce."
Aetos: "Right... um..."
Julian Sawyer: "...That's like...4 consonants... ow... my brain..."
Charles Magellean: "Hcivztrachcs! Does he need to spell it out for you?"
Aetos starts making drastic hand gestures
Julian Sawyer: *Puts his hand to his forehead* "That might help."
Aetos: "Cave near here be, Books we have heard of in them... May we go?"
Azure: "Hci... vzt... ra chcs... Ok... over that."
???: "Go you may. Monsters beware of. Dangerous book expedition can be."
Julian Sawyer: "Stop talking..."
???: "Rooms strange of. Nearby area they are."
Azure: "Information on caves, do you have? Lay in cave, What does?." .oO(This is gonna kill me...)
Julian Sawyer: "Stop talking..."
???: "Books, monsters, death, what lay in cave is. Place full of, rare items is."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Charles Magellean: "May we enter and take as we please?"
Julian Sawyer: "What's in those rooms?"
???: "Survive if can you, take what pleases you if."
Azure: "How it sounds I would rather get in and out." *He kneels once more.* "You, I thank. Name, do you have?"
???: "Books, monsters, death, in rooms are."
Julian Sawyer: "...Azure, you realise you DON'T have to talk like that to get him to understand you..."
King: "King I am. Name, I do not need."
Azure: "Never hearts to try new things."
Aetos: "Exactly, and besides, its kinda fun."
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah it does. It hurts MY BRAIN."
King: "Brain, what is a?"
Julian Sawyer: "Because I cannot UNDERSTAND you."
Charles Magellean: "Quite a close-minded person."
King: "Difficulty, I understand you with."
Aetos: "Brain, is what lets us do anything, brain without, we die."
Julian Sawyer: "Hey, not my fault I like speaking like a normal person."
King: "Brain, I must buy. One, how much for?"
Metal Man (GM): He looks like you've offered him some sort of longevity potion.
Aetos: "Brain, free... in your head... I hope."
King: "Confused, I am."
Azure: *Sighs.*
King: "In my head, a potion is?"
Aetos: "Sure..."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
King: "Learned, you are. More, tell me of."
Aetos: "Of brain?"
Julian Sawyer: "...-CENSORED-, I'm outta here." *Exits the place*
King: "Yes. Brain, tell me of."
Metal Man: "I'm with impatient." *Follows Julian*
Azure: "Helps you think, it does. Many things, it helps you do. Once we return brain, I will tell you of." *He stands and gives a goodbye bow as he exits.*
Aetos: "Sorry, we are, but we must be off... later perhaps... need cave go... to... uhh... Bye." *He leaves after them*
Julian Sawyer: "I hate you." *To Azure*
King: "Strange people, these are. Brain, I must buy."
Metal Man (GM): *Back outside*
Azure: *looks at Julian* *Sweatdrop*
Julian Sawyer: "We agreed we're going to those caves, right?"
Charles Magellean: "...Forget what they said about a 'brain'."
Ztarhcs: "Caves, we go to."
Charles Magellean leaves.
Julian Sawyer: "Lead on, Z."
Azure: "Yes. Can we be careful this time..."
Charles Magellean arrives back with the group.
Ztarhcs: *Walks down a path. Various people who live in the village stare at you and mutter backwards stuff.*
Julian Sawyer: *Follows him*
Metal Man: "Geez, you'd think they never saw a person partially made of inanimate matter before."
Julian Sawyer: "I'd burn this place to the ground if I could... Kidding."
Ztarhcs: "Could, I would burn place too. Place is bad." *He points at the caves ahead*
Azure: "Yea... other than the talking. Look how peaceful ths place is. Wait... huh..."
Julian Sawyer: "You would? Oh."
Ztarhcs: "There monsters bad."
Julian Sawyer: "We'll go kill them for you."
Azure: "Oh he meant the caves."
Ztarhcs: "Ruins ruin crops. Weird rooms, here is."
Azure: "More exploration, more information."
Charles Magellean: "So anything in there we can take, am I right?"
Metal Man (GM): You walk by..., what a find.
Azure: "So long as we survive. Yes."
Metal Man (GM): It looks like a single, futuristic room, just laying around, embedded in a nearby hill.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Azure: "And no one finds that... odd..."
Ztarhcs: "Normal, that place is. Much interesting, it is."
Julian Sawyer: "We'll go have a look."
Metal Man (GM): It looks familiar. In fact, it seems familiar.
Azure: "I was expecting ruins... not... more contraptions..." .oO(...those high tech traps... not again...) *he sighs*
Metal Man walks over to it.
Julian Sawyer: *Follows*
Metal Man (GM): It is... so very familiar! Much more than that funky bridge.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Charles Magellean walks over as well, curious this time.
Metal Man (GM): Of course, the metallic sign with 'Holo Room' written on it is so familiar it can't really be considered anything else.
MrMonster catches up to the others, apologizing for getting a bit lost.
Julian Sawyer: "...How the hell did the Holo Room get imbedded in the side of a hill and STILL WORK?"
Charles Magellean: "Question is, can we get it out of there?"
Metal Man: "What do you mean, work?"
Azure: *walks toward it be he chooses to let the others inspect it before entering.*
Metal Man points at the busted controls and stuff spread out all over the place. "It looks like we'll need to fix it."
Julian Sawyer: "What? It's obvious that's where the monsters are coming from."
Metal Man: "...I'm not sure if you or that King who wanted to buy your brain was more confused. I don't see even a power source. It's just laying here." *He goes over and messes with it. "Yup... it can be fixed, but I doubt any monsters are coming from it." *He takes a piece of paper out of a nearby printer. A dead printer. "Last used... yeah... that corresponds to shortly before we were sent here by Kuja."
Julian Sawyer: "Alright, I'll just shorten my statement to 'How the hell did the Holo Room get imbedded in the side of a hill?!'"
Metal Man: "I don't know."
Charles Magellean: "Seems to me he's blown up the stadium as well."
Metal Man: "It obviously isn't connected to those other ruins. No monsters, no traps, nothing. Not even a curse. All I see is the old holo room. One of them. In terrible shape. ...Metal Sonic can move it for us!"
Julian Sawyer: "So what do we do about it? ..."
MrMonster: "... Why do we need to move it period?"
Julian Sawyer: "And we call him here HOW, exactly?"
Metal Man: "So that we can get it near Garrick's forge. Well... good question. There has to be a warp point nearby."
Ztarhcs: *Nearby* "Strange, these people are. Tip, I don't appear to be getting." *Sighs*
MrMonster: "... I still do not understand why we need this holoroom. It doesn't seem like it would even be that difficult to just come here when we want to use it."
Aetos walks up to Ztarhcs and gives him some Mystic Licorice
Julian Sawyer: "As long as we're pondering, I might as well get some shopping done." *Reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a Shell Phone*
Aetos: "Here, eat this when your near your friends. They will be amazed."
Julian Sawyer: "Wonder if this connects directly to Moody Mandy..."
Aetos says under his breath: and probably run at you with ptchforks...'
Ztarhcs: "...Odd." *He stares at the licorice*
Julian Sawyer: *Presses the big button that says 'ORDER' on the phone then puts it up to his ear*
Metal Man (GM): The phone rings. Then rings again. Then you hear it being picked up.
Moody Mandy: "Ahhhhhh!!! The shell is ringing! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "...I was right! Yo, Mandy, you there?"
Moody Mandy: "...The shell is talking to me... AHHHHH!!!!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Moody Mandy: "...Do you know my future, shell of divination?"
Julian Sawyer: "Jeez... Mandy! Calm down, I'm just placing an order!"
Moody Mandy: "...You've become stuck inside a shell? ...Oh well. What do you want?"
Ztarhcs: *Smells the licorice*
Garrick Fy`aar runs up to the others, exhaling a bit "Hey guys, sorry I'm running behind, but I was--..." He stares at the holoroom and his jaw dropse "...oh... oh jeez..."
Metal Man: "Hey Garrick, it's about time you zip-lined down, talked to some backward-talking lizardmen, and then got a peek at a messed up holo room."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...messed up?"
Ztarhcs: *Eats the licorice; starts glowing*
Charles Magellean: "It won't work."
Garrick Fy`aar suddenly regains his head as he looks to Metal
Ztarhcs: "Glowing, I am now. Strange, this is."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, we'll see about that."
Aetos: "Hehe..."
Metal Man: "It needs plenty of repairs, and there's parts strewn about."
Ztarhcs: "Mystical power, given by supernatural beings it is."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Let's see if I can get this puppy running..."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: The holo room looks like a truck ran into it. A truck on fire with machineguns. And then it fell 100 feet vertically into a granite hill.
Garrick Fy`aar reaches into his pocket. Thanks to the new tools he got during that one mission, his multi-tool is now smaller and holds many, many more attachments. "What happened to this thing... jeez..."
Metal Man: "Go ahead and fight with it; but even with the memorized schematics in my head, it will take quite a while to fix. After all, Wolfman himself taught me how to maintain it... of course, usually they aren't in that many pieces."
Charles Magellean: "What Illian said. It'll take a huge amount of time to repair and rebuild it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You doubt my fixing ability? I have yet to show you the finished ship."
Julian Sawyer: "Let's see... I'll take 500 rings(1000), 10 Weapon Energy Capsules(2000), 5 Max 'Shrooms(7500), 5 Debarrier Cubes(1500)...and 5 PEZ Despeners(7500), if you have them. I saw them on display."
Azure: "If that's the case." *Azure sits indian style in wait.* "When ever you're ready." *His eyes close.*
Julian Sawyer: "Also, do you see some kind of metal thing walking around the village?"
Aetos sits with Azure and wonders if we're going into some dungeon again.
Moody Mandy: "Uhhh... yes! What do you want with the large walking item?"
Garrick Fy`aar attacks the holo room remains, going at top speed. He's moving pretty fast, not uber fast, but fast enough so that it's hard to figure out what he's doing
Julian Sawyer: "Ask him if he can deliver all this stuff. Tell him we need him here."
Moody Mandy: "...Okay... but you're right here, trapped inside this shell, right? He is too big to stick inside this shell."
Julian Sawyer: "...No... Hold on... Yo! Metal! How would you describe the way to get to this place?"
Aetos: "Hmm... I'll try to signal him..."
Ztarhcs: "Gods, I have been blessed by. Show, I must, to the king, later."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Charles! Throw me that piece there..."
Metal Man: "Well... it's... a valley beyond the twin peaks. Yup. Can't miss it, with all the shallow ponds and wooden buildings."
Aetos uses his sky dive attack to jump high into the air, and then summons a dark wind to swirl over us in the sky... he lands back down "Ask if they see the dark cloud in the sky..."
Charles Magellean: "What piece are you talking about?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "That one there!"
Metal Man: "This place."
Garrick Fy`aar motions to the big T shaped thing by Charles' right foot.
Julian Sawyer: "...right..." *Tries to relay all that to Mandy*
Moody Mandy: "...It's like those warps, then. Except it sends my voice! Strange."
Charles Magellean picks it up and places beside the overzealous Garrick.
Julian Sawyer: "You got all that?"
Moody Mandy: "Hey! Large, blue, expensive item! Julian demands you come and take items to him!"
Metal Man (GM): The phone cuts off.
Julian Sawyer: "...Guess he did."
Metal Man (GM): *ZOOM*
Garrick Fy`aar immediately takes that piece and shoves it into place, attaching and connecting
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic phases in out of nowhere with the items, which he politely dumps in front of Julian.
Metal Sonic: "What am I needed for?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Thanks Metal Sonic."
Aetos dispels the cloud.
Julian Sawyer: "Talk to Metal."
Metal Man: "Well, there's this holo room. And, it needs to be, like, placed in the village you came from."
Metal Sonic: "I cannot move something that far. Not even Shadow could."
Metal Man: "...Darn."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...what about a stable warp?" *He twists something into place while he talks...*
Metal Sonic: "Where would we get one of those? You would have told me to use the warp if that was... convenient for this area."
Julian Sawyer: *Looks over his order... And picks up a PEZ Dispenser* "Excellent..." *Picks up the rings, holds them in front of the dispenser, and opens the top. The rings are sucked into the PEZ Dispenser, storing them in the body.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, I can make one with the right parts. It wouldn't need the location system like the Warp Room at the stadium... It'd just be a single destination warp."
Julian Sawyer: "Awesome." *Proceeds to do this with the rest of his purchase*
Metal Man: "...Uhhhh... well, we don't have those parts."
MrMonster: "Why can't we just come here when we wish to train, though?"
Metal Man: "The parts we have are holographic projectors. Well, you see, bandits might... steal it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...why not just build a base around it?"
Metal Man: "And... OH! I remember. There's ruins close to the other village. We can build a power conduit from them to this."
Garrick Fy`aar: "A power conduit shouldn't be too much trouble..."
Metal Man: "At least, if you know how to convert weird magical energy into electricity. ...Yeah, Garrick can do that. Well then. Let's go in these caves." *He points dead ahead.* "Z! You may go off and do what you want."
Ztarhcs: "See the king, I shall. Gift from Gods, I will show him." *Walks off*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright, then le--DZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!!!!!!" *He goes tumbling back from some static discharge from the part he was working on*
Metal Man: "Watch out, capacitors retain their charge for years."
MrMonster: "... That looked painful, yet entertaining..."
Charles Magellean: "Indeed. Metal, lead on."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I can see that... alright, I'll work on this later... let's get going." *He pockets his tool and gets up, following the others*
Aetos stands and follows
Metal Man walks... into the cave.
Julian Sawyer: *Heads after him, PEZ Dispeners in tow*
Charles Magellean follows as well.
MrMonster follows.
Azure: .oO(If they understand this technology... or even grasp it slightly. Will it corrupt such a peaceful place. I wonder...)
Metal Man (GM): The cave appears to be eroded by water. There is always water dripper. Stalagmites and Stalagtites are everywhere. Some meet, making stone columns. Wood is strewn about everywhere. Some small streams form about, and the sunlight comes through holes in the ceiling.
MrMonster: "This place is rather odd..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Metal, with all these things we're finding, it wouldn't be too hard to rebuild the stadium."
Julian Sawyer: "Not by cave standards..."
Metal Man (GM): You notice bookcases set into the walls. With mostly ruined books in them.
Metal Man: "Well, yes, that is a good point... if we find enough."
Garrick Fy`aar: "What we need is a location to build off of."
Julian Sawyer: "And more than one room of the stadium."
Garrick Fy`aar: "A place where we can set up camp. I wouldn't be adverse to building our own village... somewhere where we can bring equipment and work on it."
Julian Sawyer: "Isn't that what your Forge is for?"
Charles Magellean: "A place in the future where we can discuss it openingly."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, yeah, but can we fit something like a holoroom in or near my forge? That ship, yeah, but a holoroom? No way..."
Julian Sawyer: "They seem to give you a wide berth."
Garrick Fy`aar: "They're already poking around the ship. I had to instill it into their heads that the ship was a doomed and cursed thing and only we Questers could work with it so they'd stop poking around it."
Julian Sawyer: "That's a good idea."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Imagine what they would do if we had a room that could take you to a completely different place. Or, later on, a machine that could take you ANYWHERE in the world. In the blink of an eye."
Julian Sawyer: "Stay the hell away from it?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "No, they'd take it for themselves and kick us out."
MrMonster decides to investigate the cave a bit more... Trying to see if he could find anything of interest.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Think about it, Julian. The technology will get them greedy."
Metal Man: "I think you're paranoid."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Metal, consider what we are. The Questers. Consider what we've DONE."
Metal Man: "Do they have to know?"
Charles Magellean checks the bookcases. He checks several of the books for something interesting, sans some of them being waterlogged, of course.
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm not afraid of telling them."
Metal Man (GM): Well, after palming your way through several messed up books...
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm more afraid of them finding out for themselves when we're on a mission like this one."
Metal Man (GM): You find one that says 'The history of Earth'... it goes and reads similarly to the one compiled by the Questers a long time ago, although it seems... like someone else wrote this.
Metal Man: "We don't have any choice. If you feel that way, I think you can have Kales keep them off."
Garrick Fy`aar: "It's Kales I'm afraid of! ...but, whatever."
Metal Man (GM): The cave goes on deeper; there's more there.
Garrick Fy`aar: "You're the one in charge, Metal. What you say, goes."
Aetos goes on deeper...
MrMonster heads deeper into the cave, continuing to look about.
Metal Man: "The main problem is that, as imposing as he is, he does all the simple things for us. This leaves us time to find out stuff and do our thing. We don't have to waste time making food or finding water, and he protects whatever we find that is not his, even."
Julian Sawyer: *Moves on, not caring*
Metal Man moves on as well.
Garrick Fy`aar keeps walking "...I suppose you're right. I just don't want any of this stuff getting broken or taken. It could be our ticket home."
Charles Magellean takes this book. Frowning that he couldn't find anything else, he continues downward.
Metal Man (GM): You reach an area where some sort of underground water is. Pieces of wood swirl about in the seemingly endless lake. You see books everywhere. Books swirling in the water. In bookcases on the wall. Impaled on stalagtites.
Azure: "This is true. But what happens when there is no more.Is he doing this out of convenience or the purpose of defense." *He then notices the books...* "This... is... a sad day indeed..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...this is a sin." *He picks up a random book from the water...*
Metal Man (GM): Ruined, you can't even read the cover. There's another thing which you particularly don't like about this place. The sea monster that is coming out of the water.
MrMonster: "... This doesn't make sense."
Azure: *Attempts looks at the books impaled on stalagtites.*
Metal Man (GM): They're soaked and ruined... some are out of reach.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh perfect."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Well, what d-ya know? It's a shield crab!
Charles Magellean: "This is sad. All these books wasted."
MrMonster scans the area... Books... Monster... Books. ... Monster?! "... I think we should leave."
Azure: "So much information... oh what a nice little... Wait..."
Julian Sawyer: "KILL!"
Azure: "Wait... maybe if we don't attack it... it won't..."
Metal Man (GM): It fires a laser at Azure which nearly makes him bald.
MrMonster continues backing out of the cave... No reason to provoke a monster.
Aetos: "Eek..."
Metal Man: "I'm not sure if that's a sign of friendliness."
Charles Magellean: "So much for your theory."
Julian Sawyer: "KILL!"
Metal Man: "What with the laser and the dead and the..."
Azure: "Ok screw it... we're having crab tonight...."
Charles Magellean: "Everybody know the drill? We take out the shield, defeat it, then I take its shielding."
MrMonster: "... Why are you even fighting it?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Because Metal is."
Julian Sawyer: "Because it wants to kill us."
Garrick Fy`aar points to Metal decked out in his odd looking weaponry
Metal Man: "It tried to blast off Azure's hair."
Julian Sawyer: "And that means that it shall DIE!" *Julian draws Vendetta with Quickdraw speed, then leaps at the crab and slashes the -CENSORED- out of it*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit.
Azure: "Look at my hood! This is spectral cloth! I can't even get this here." *Sigh.*
Metal Man (GM): Your saber bounces off of the force field thrice.
Metal Man: "...It appears to remember us. Or something."
Garrick Fy`aar unloads a mess of armor piercing shots at it.
Metal Man (GM): ...Make that only five hits.
Garrick Fy`aar finishes by Eye Spying...
Metal Man (GM): *Terminator music*
Metal Man: "Wow... they've gotten tougher. Or we've gotten weaker. Or I'm hallucinating."
Julian Sawyer: "Or you weren't there when we fought them."
Metal Man: "Well, I only heard about them from Tridus, who had heard about them from one of you by extension."
Azure's backs up a bit for space then bursts off toward the barrier a speed bubble flowing around him as he slams into the barrier. He uses the impact hit or miss to attempt it three times over. "Bozen Smash!"
Metal Man (GM): 2 hits.
Metal Man: "All right! It is time to teach this crab who's got the ultimate weapon!" *He takes his plastic arm, and aims it at the crab. He begins aiming at it....*
Julian Sawyer: "...What the hell are you doing? Why do you still have that arm?"
Metal Man smashes the force field with the arm...
Metal Man (GM): The crab's shield instantly deflects the massively powerful attack. The arm smashes a large pit in the ground next to it, which fills with water.
Metal Man: "It is... my secret technique. Unfortunately, that crab's force field got in the way."
MrMonster exits the cave...
Metal Man (GM): 0 EXP
Aetos runs up to the crab's force field and drill attacks it with his spear 3 times
Metal Man (GM): 3 hits.
Traon starts things off for himself by casting combination spell on... himself... "Alright, I'm not holding back... that gets people killed." *He finishes off by launching a ball of hate (meteo) and then casting ice storm to accompany the meteo.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Where did you come from?"
Metal Man (GM): It is hit by the combined attack.
Traon: "Crazy thing... I hope you die of poison. I hate crabs."
Metal Man (GM): The Magicrab is now angry, especially since Traon hit it head-on with that magic attack. It shoots a crab laser at Traon, Julian, and Garrick, dealing 25 damage apiece to each of them instantly.
Julian Sawyer: "Ow... Is that all you do?!" *Julian tries the Slash Slash Slash again*
Metal Man (GM): Two hits. Your crit also hits, but deals normal damage. The shield shatters from the second slash, and it takes a slash directly with the second attack.
Julian Sawyer: "KILL IT!"
Garrick Fy`aar takes the time, now that its shield is gone, to completely unload on the thing
Metal Man (GM): What type of shots? All hit. Azure: Can you finish it, or will everyone discover what Metal's plastic arm with a fake gun attached to it does?
Azure holds his hands back as a small red orb appears in its centerpoint. He holds them forward as it bursts forward the attack flies threw the air. Before it reaches the crab its takes the form of a dragons mouth biting down.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit.
Azure: *66% fire damage Turns done*
Metal Man (GM): You deal EXACTLY 0 damage. Exciting.
Metal Man: "All right! Time to finish it!" *He stands there, pointing the fake gun on a fake plastic arm at the head of the crab for an entire minute without moving. He then runs up to the crab and goes to give it the largest BONK TO THE HEAD with the fake arm as possible!*
Metal Man (GM): *BONK* 213 damage *CRAB CHOPPED IN HALF*
Julian Sawyer: "...Damn."
Aetos: "Wow..."
Metal Man: "That... is what my weapon does."
Metal Man (GM): +1000 EXP
Traon: "I... I could have done that..."
Metal Man (GM): +1000 coins. The way ahead is clear... or at least somewhat murky, thanks to all those floating things in the water and the underground lake in the way.
Aetos looks at a book impaled through the stalagtite/mites... wondering how it could have gotten that way, oh well.
MrMonster continues waiting outside the cave.
Metal Man (GM): MrMonster:The fighting appears to have ended. Unless you wish to abstain from continuing down the cave entirely.
Azure: *Looks at the back of his hood and sighs and continues onward.*
Metal Man (GM): 'Onward' is blocked by the lake.
Julian Sawyer: *Watches Azure drown*
Metal Man (GM): Azure: You notice the deep water with books swirling with it... can't be walked through. There are bits of wood all over the small lake, platforms... but moving ones.
Azure: "Yea that's probably... not good... to cross." *He sighs.* "Ideas?"
Traon: "Seems we are at a stand point..." *he looks at the platforms and lifts a brow. * "You guys thinking of what I'm thinking?"
Julian Sawyer: "Jumping?"
Metal Man: "Walking across the bottom?"
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, when did you get here?"
Azure: "Oh right... Metal........"
Metal Man: "He walked in while you weren't looking."
Traon: "Sometimes last Friday, earlier today." *he laughs at his lame joke and shrugs.* "I've been here, just really quiet."
Julian Sawyer: "... I'm on to you..."
Azure: "That's not really important. With them swirling around like that... this is gonna be tough...."
Traon just looks at the platforms, attempting to get a feel on their pattern of movement.
Metal Man (GM): They seem aimless and almost circular in their pattern.
Traon: "I guess we can just hop from platform to platform... that would be my guess."
Metal Man: "Or we could do this." *His weapon becomes coated in ice. He charges up, then hits the water.*
Metal Man (GM): *FREEZE* A nice skinny path of solid ice appears across the water.
Metal Man runs across it.
Julian Sawyer: "...That works." *Follows*
Traon shrugs and follows behind Metal. "He denies the laws of physics..."
Azure: "Yea." *Follows.*
Julian Sawyer: "No, he's metal."
Metal Man (GM): You reach another area. Look! More ruined books! An entire pile of them.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos slides across...
Traon just stares at the books for a moment then shrugs it off. "Just books right? Nothing important."
Azure: "I can see... we're not going to get along already..."
Metal Man: "Pretty much."
Aetos looks through the pile for any books undamaged.
Metal Man (GM): You dig through the pile. You don't find anything, except... the stone floor. *GLOW* The books are blown away... and a warp spot appears.
Traon shakes his hands and then places one behind his head "Hey hey, thats not what I meant, I meant not important as if they are going to spring alive and start battering us."
Metal Man: "...Yes, these books aren't bad... they apparently were just hiding this warp spot."
Azure: "Oh." .oO(Or did he...) "Jackpot?"
Metal Man: "Indeed."
Metal Man (GM): *PAUSE*

