Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 238: The Melee Move Mecha



Date: 2:14:21 PM, September 19th; 3:50:28 PM, September 20th; 3:48:27 PM, September 23rd, 2005.
Julian Sawyer: "This is gonna be easier than I thought!"
Maxamillion: "I have the penultimate attacks of all your fighters! You shall be crushed!"
Julian Sawyer: *How many statues?*
Maxamillion: "...I found them while lost under this place."
Metal Man (GM): *20*
Aetos: "What? You can use their attacks if you hold them??" *He scuffs around.*
Maxamillion: "Using special magitek powers, I can use their strongest moves! Mecha! DESTROY!"
Metal Man (GM): It marches towards you all... *BIG BATTLE.*
Charles Magellean: "!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "Bring it!"
Metal Man (GM): Eh... you can't tell what they are yet.
Charles Magellean gets out his Red Chaos Emerald. Already anger seeethes into the emerald.
Metal Man (GM): My music of choice: that music from Paper Mario 2 where you fight the guy in the mecha. Yup.
Maxamillion: "Watch what magitek can do in horror! Auto pilot, engage!"
Metal Man (GM): He literally sits back in his chair while the mecha starts randomly targeting things. Aetos: Your SPD?
Charles Magellean: "I... HATE... MAGITEK!!!"
Aetos: "I thought you hated cactaur."
Julian Sawyer: "He hates everything."
Metal Man (GM): It faces Charles and sets up a mirror around itself! Then it faces Aribar and shoots a bunch of crosses at him! 15 damage per hit.
Aetos: "...Simon?"
Metal Man (GM): How does the reflect react?
Julian Sawyer: "Belmont..."
Aetos shrugs... "I've never heard of Belmont."
Maxamillion: "See? It guessed you'd have reflect on and made it's own reflection!"
Aribar watches as all six crosses are reflected back at the mecha... But his protective spell is close to being broken.
Julian Sawyer: "...That's his last name!"
Maxamillion: "Ahahahahaha!"
Aetos: "Oh."
Metal Man (GM): The attacks fly back at the mecha's head.
Julian Sawyer: "Jeez..."
Aetos: "Well, we know one statue he has."
Metal Man (GM): The mecha is too slow to dodge.
Julian Sawyer: "That mirror was Poo, if I'm not mistaken."
Metal Man (GM): The crosses bounce harmlessly off of the head. A force field turns on.
Maxamillion: "That was close! I don't even want it to touch me next time!"
Metal Man (GM): Finally...
Aetos: "I don't like you..."
Metal Man (GM): It shoots power nails at random at the bridge. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* Stuff breaks.
Julian Sawyer: "...Mack the repairman?"
Maxamillion: "Mack the destroyer now! ...Though the system has some bugs. Kill them, not the bridge!"
Julian Sawyer: "Alright... Let's see if this works..." *Julian dashes towards the Mech and tries to snatch off an explosed statue with Thief!*
Metal Man (GM): You run into the force field and take 10 electric damage.
Charles Magellean: "Such power I've wanted... now those necklaces are embedded in me."
Aribar: "Piffle..." .oO(Note to self: Develop a mending spell.)
Julian Sawyer: "BTZT!"
Maxamillion: "Don't even think about it!"
Julian Sawyer: *Flies back* "...Okay, that didn't work..."
Maxamillion: "Fear the power of technology over intelligence!" *Starts reading a weird newspaper.*
Julian Sawyer: *Gets up and takes off his fedora and pops out the blades, and throws!*
Charles Magellean's left eye begins to twitch.
Metal Man (GM): It flies at the force field... and repeatedly bounces off of the force field. All hit.
Julian Sawyer: *And with that... He jumps up as his Rocket Boots actiavate. O-O-O-O-O-OOOOVERDRIVE!*
Maxamillion: "It must be winter at home by now."
Aetos: "Where did you get that newspaper?"
Aribar raises the Wand of Wonder up to slightly above eye level and pointing at the Mecha's cockpit. Three rippling waves of sound tear through the air, and hopefully through that mecha's defenses, before Aribar lowers the wand and drops into a defensive pose (Three Sonic Booms. 30% damage a piece and they should ignore all damage reducing abilities.)
Maxamillion: "Where did you get that accent?"
Aetos: "Earth."
Julian Sawyer: "Try and take out the shield!"
Charles Magellean: "You deny yourself reality, Solarian... that blasted Three Power's War is long gone."
Maxamillion: "Silly, Earth is a burnt crisp."
Aetos: "... Uh..."
Julian Sawyer: "... -CENSORED- Warps..."
Aetos: "What happened to it?..."
Metal Man (GM): The shield takes the damage.
Maxamillion: "We burnt it during an accident during the Solarian machine's first combat use."
Aetos: "...Oh... K... DIE!!" *Psychotic.*
Maxamillion: "Oh, please, you tried that before. I'm still alive."
Aetos charges The mecha and drills into the shield with all his actions.
Maxamillion: "May the sun burn its enemies!"
Aribar: "Always messing with things you don't understand?" *The elf shakes his head before realizing that his own use of magic is the same.*
Charles Magellean merely looks at this guy and his anger rises infinitely.
Metal Man (GM): You hit five times; the first attack, though, hits you instead.
Maxamillion: "Oh yeah, kill yourself with your anger. That'll only help me. Life, planets, it's all transient. Earth yesterday, Turion today, who knows what tomorrow?"
Metal Man (GM): Correct. It bounced off of the mirror field.
Charles Magellean: "Yourself, Solarian scum."
Maxamillion: "I can't go to myself... oh! Right. I'll have my own planet."
Metal Man (GM): The force field is cracked into bits. Nope. He's healed.
Maxamillion: "Well well. You've just barely managed to penetrate my defenses. The autopilot will still take care of you."
Julian Sawyer: "Nice job, Aetos! Now I can try that again..."
Aetos: "You're just lucky I only hit the shield..."
Charles Magellean: "...*Silent muttering*..."
Maxamillion: "Do your worst. And I will do my best!"
Charles Magellean uses X-Naut Ram on that mirror that was activated when the mech faced him.
Metal Man (GM): Strange... you go right through the mirror and ram the mech in the legs instead. You actually damage the extremely armored legs. The mecha shakes a little.
Maxamillion: "Not my iced coffee!"
Charles Magellean clicks his tongue a bit.
Maxamillion: "I will avenge thee, hard-gotten hand-made beverage! And you, my shag carpet!"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Charles Magellean backs out from the mirror, and fires 3 shots.
Aetos: "It's okay, one of us has a coffee mug from Ivan Robotnik himself!..."
Metal Man (GM): Charles finds all of his shots reflected right back at him. If those are hits (same rolls, just against him) he takes damage as if he was shooting himself.
Maxamillion: "You're such a bad shot, stop trying to put yourself out of your own misery!" *Sobs* "And... you killed... my iced beverage..."
Julian Sawyer: "Get another one!"
Charles Magellean suffers 75% damage.
Maxamillion: "I would, but in the process of exiting my mecha, you would steal it and kill me."
Aribar: "... If you stop attacking us I could make you an iced beverage!"
Julian Sawyer: "You should have had the foresight of making a coffee machine in the mech!"
Maxamillion: "Fool! Only I know where the coffee grows... under this lake!"
Aetos: "I'll help!" *Eying the mug*
Maxamillion: "...Wait... I can make coffee and defeat you simultaneously!"
Aribar: "..."
Charles Magellean didn't mind the reflection, but his talking... he holds up his the Chaos Emerald and unleashes even more fury into it!
Maxamillion: "Ahahahahahahaahahahaha *Cough* *Hack* *Choke* *Thump* *Cough* ...I shouldn't have been chewing hard candy when I said that..."
Metal Man (GM): Charles's emerald is powered up.
Maxamillion: "Now then. Mecha! Activate coffee-getting-mechanism!"
Aetos whispers to Locos, asking if destroying the bridge would be a good idea to get rid of this guy.
Julian Sawyer: "God... You don't chew hard candy!"
Metal Man (GM): It leaps into the lake... then flies up through the bridge... with kelp, which it then sticks inside a special compartment.
Charles Magellean cannot respond.
Metal Man (GM): Thusly wasting one action.
Aetos whispers to Aribar, asking if destroying the bridge would be a good idea to get rid of this guy.
Metal Man (GM): Next, it opens fire on you while making coffee.
Julian Sawyer: "...Kelp?"
Metal Man (GM): It targets Charles and Julian.
Maxamillion: "The closest thing around... and only I know!"
Aribar whispers back, "Judging from that little displace... Nope. Plus it would just make it harder to get into the city."
Metal Man (GM): It turns to Charles and fires a Geno Beam at him.
Charles Magellean: "FEEEDDD."
Metal Man (GM): 45 damage. Then it turns to Julian... and tries to grab him.
Julian Sawyer: *YEARGH.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian is suddenly hit by metaphysical energy which deals 300 damage to him and shorts out the mecha. *NIGHTMARE.*
Julian Sawyer: *GWAAAAAAAAAAH! Perish! 2/3*
Maxamillion: "Excellent!" *Drinks coffee which has just finished being made.*
Julian Sawyer's body slumps into a waiting GBWP which quickly turns red as he rises up, Vengeful as all hell.
Metal Man (GM): The shield's back up, too...
Julian Sawyer: "You -CENSORED-! I had just gotten into Overdrive! ...AND YOU PUT THE SHIELD BACK UP!"
Maxamillion: "Oh boo hoo. Did you think I was happy when I had to jump onto extremely jagged rocks? It's your turn to fall!"
Julian Sawyer: "GAH!" *Julian removes his fedora and throws, not able to do much else.*
Maxamillion: "...Ow... ow... my tongue... stupid coffee." *Starts eating popcorn.*
Metal Man (GM): You sorta... uhh... blast the shield up. Damage per hit? Right. I justa need damageo... to see what happens. First throw beats up the shield. Then the first attack of the second throw breaks the shield. Yes. What's your target with the second throw? Legs, arms, head, or body?
Julian Sawyer: *Catches his Fedora on the return* "Bam!"
Maxamillion: "And that's what that's all about."
Aribar fires off a weak Thunder at Maxy before running out of magical energy... He then fires off two Magic Missiles via the Wand of Wonder at the mecha.
Metal Man (GM): What do you target? Head, arms, body, or legs? Damage from the Magic missiles? They both hit... but all your stuff bounces off of the armored head.
Aribar: "Piffle..."
Metal Man (GM): I should say, the armor mounted on the arms that protects the head.
Maxamillion: "You still won't be able to hurt me... yet."
Charles Magellean: "Evil Incarnate... ye are without a soul... pay for thy crimes of creating a mockery to reality."
Aetos growls with rage He attempts to mimic Max.
Maxamillion: "El mal... ye encarnado está sin un alma... pay para los crímenes thy de crear una mofa a la realidad."
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to mimic the mecha, since Maxamillion is safe behind bullet proof glass. You gain: Giant Punch OMEGA (This battle only, of course) STR mod to hit, 9 STR damage.
Charles Magellean: "...*Has his emerald ready to glow any moment*..."
Aetos: "I feel a sudden... power growing in my fist... DIE!" *His fist hurls himself into the mecha's head!*
Metal Man (GM): *Miss.*
Aetos flies pass the head...
Maxamillion: "And a merry christmas to you."
Aetos gets hurled around and at the body this time.
Metal Man (GM): You actually hit... your target?
Aetos: *The body.*
Metal Man (GM): ...*Whiff* You hit the body... and a weird pentagram blocks the damage.
Aetos: "Gah!!"
Maxamillion: "I'm insured by pentagramtech!"
Charles Magellean: "...Evil spawn..."
Maxamillion: "Putting the penta in pentagonal ownage since penta penta penta penguin land!"
Aetos has to end his turn, he goes back to his position and asks, "How many pentagrams do you have to insure you?"
Maxamillion: "Five, of course!"
Aetos: "Sigh... Hey, Julian, was Atlus Toss your move?" *He grins...*
Aribar: "... Wouldn't you have four now?"
Julian Sawyer: "What the hell are you talking about?"
Maxamillion: "Sigh is up by 10 points today. 10 points tomorrow is when I will eat plastic toys."
Aetos: "Sigh..."
Maxamillion: "Why did six fear seven?"
Aetos: "Because seven ate nine."
Charles Magellean: "Beeearrrnn... sppoorrnnn...."
Maxamillion: "No! Because Survivor 4 bombed!"
Aetos: "Liar."
Maxamillion: "Friar!"
Metal Man (GM): Charles: The emerald is at full power.
Aetos: "I think your insurance company should take away your pentagrams for being a liar."
Metal Man (GM): What do you do with it? Unfortunately, the emerald can't just make him explode. Mainly because of all those pentagons.
Charles Magellean: "The power invested in our spirits... the soul combined to our emotions...."
Aetos: "Our?"
Maxamillion: "The money not spent at McDonalds!"
Aetos: "Oh yeah... What is he babling on about you guys?..."
Charles Magellean: "I invoke... Lunar Rage!"
Aribar: "... Don't you have a dex? Translate it!"
Charles Magellean activates the Red Chaos Emerald.
Metal Man (GM): Locos is suddenly engulfed in red flames. He now gets 2x to hit and 2x damage, and takes 1/2 damage.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Maxamillion: "I can do that too, the difference is I don't feel like it... yeah."
Charles Magellean pushes the Emerald into his forehead, the skin and emerald merging. This is my second action. He uses Enraged X-Naut Ram on the legs.
Metal Man (GM): *Hit* 300 The mecha is hit hard, and develops a crack in one of its legs.
Maxamillion: "Argh... why did I have to make the legs so important? I should have made a flying mecha!"
Metal Man (GM): ...The mecha totally shorts out and does nothing.
Aetos: "Hows that coffee?"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Maxamillion: "Ahhhh! What does Nicht Gefunden mean? Ahhhhhh!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): However, the shield is back up.
Julian Sawyer: "at least the shield isn't back up..."
Aetos: "Not... working? Maybe?"
Julian Sawyer: "Dammit!"
Maxamillion: "Nicht gefunden! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
Julian Sawyer: *Fedora Toss, pretty much the only thing he can do because Physical Attacks while the shield is up results in BZZZZZZT.*
Metal Man (GM): All hit. The shield takes a ton of damage, but remains up.
Maxamillion: *Is furiously trying to bring all the other systems online.*
Aribar casts Swords's Dance, using up the last of his magical energy, before launching a sword-shaped Magic Missile and a regular one at the Mecha's legs.
Metal Man (GM): The shield is hit, but remains up.
Aetos tries to impale the shield with all his strength.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. The shield's tough. It's still up.
Aetos ducks down and shish kebobs the shield then.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Another crack in the shield... but it's still up.
Aetos is furious so he punches it, normally... not the cool new one that does massive damage.
Maxamillion: "Hmmm... by the time I restore power to all systems, my shield will have managed to protect me."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aetos backs off.
Metal Man (GM): The shield's -almost- dead...
Aetos pants, "No one has a debarrier cube, anyways?"
Charles Magellean just looks...
Metal Man (GM): Charles: That it?
Charles Magellean looks to the shield that everyone has been targeting. The emerald atop the forehead glows. It fires a red rocket. A destructive rocket.
Metal Man (GM): *Hit.*
Charles Magellean: *140% DR negated. The Emerald fires ANOTHER Chaos Rocket at the shield.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAMMO* Shield explodes. What does your second rocket target?
Aribar is knocked unconsious by the blast... Being too close to the Mecha... Sure... Let's go with that.
Metal Man (GM): The legs take heavy damage.
Maxamillion: "Grrr... I'll get you!"
Metal Man (GM): Anything else?
Charles Magellean raises his left arm. He forms it into a gun with index finger pointing at the [CHEST] and thumb facing up. "Pyhk."
Aetos blinks at Charles "This isn't a bank robbery..."
Charles Magellean fires a Chaos Laser (EYE LASER) from his finger, his hand going up immediately after the beam is fired.
Aetos: "Woah..."
Metal Man (GM): *CRIT!!!*
Charles Magellean: *Usually takes one action, though not sure when under this transformations.*
Metal Man (GM): The laser pierces the pentagon and hits for 80, taking off 2 actions from the machine. The mecha responds by running up to the bridge side and flaming jump punching a random piece off of the supports. The bridge still stands... but will it last? The shield is up, too.
Maxamillion: "You have no chance of stopping me. I have no brakes!"
Julian Sawyer: "Take this, Shield!" *Julian rushes at the Shield and gives it a hard right, smashes a bottle over with with Bottle Smash, and tops it off with the triple-kick action of a Beatbox.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit... barely. Hit. Hit, hit, hit.
Julian Sawyer: *So close to overdrive...*
Aribar throws three more Magic Missiles at that shield...
Aetos mumbles, his eyes revealing a storm inside them... he charges the shield with another Giant Omega Punch!
Metal Man (GM): Hit. However, the shield's still barely up...
Aetos gets frustrated and tries to rip off a chunk of the bridge.
Metal Man (GM): You blast a chunk off of the bridge, but the mecha just moves away from that hole.
Aetos chucks the chunk at the chump!
Metal Man (GM): You throw the chunk at him. It deals 100 damage to the shield, but he remains shielded.
Aetos sighs.
Aribar: "Perhaps we should try and keep the bridge IN TACT?"
Aetos: "This bridge is nothing compared to EARTH!"
Maxamillion: "My superior technology cannot be defeated. Flee back into the underworld from whence you came!"
Charles Magellean takes a stance by separating his legs and flexing his arms. He begins to scream and power himself up with anger. The screaming takes a tone on hypersensitive ears. He glows as a person in Kaioken would. He travels swiftly. He uses a Chaos-Enchanced X-Naut Ram on the legs of the mech.
Julian Sawyer: "...This IS the underworld!"
Metal Man (GM): The shield finally buckles and explodes again. However, can you damage him? That is, if you have any actions left.
Charles Magellean: *The Chaos Emerald charges up energy for 5 seconds. Emerging from the emerald is a Chaotic Rocket. It launches at the legs.*
Metal Man (GM): The legs take heavy damage again, but all you notice is how thick they are.
Maxamillion: "Ha ha! You haven't even managed to destroy anything yet!"
Metal Man (GM): The shield comes back on, and the machine begins its normal routine--it seems to have stopped shorting out. First it attacks Charles with a giant (mecha-sized) punch. 360 damage if that hits. Then, it decides to massacre Aetos.
Aetos blinks.
Julian Sawyer: *Covers his eyes.*
Metal Man (GM): First it tries to grab him.
Charles Magellean puts both hands behind the shield. He infuses the shield with more Chaos energy. The shield absorbs the blow.
Metal Man (GM): ...And with the other hand it attacks with... a sword... So the shield blocks the attack. Charles wasn't the focus anyway.
Aetos is grabbed and probably sworded.
Metal Man (GM): Aetos takes a direct hit from Sword's Dance and Nightmare simultaneously. 630 damage as he is annihilated.
Maxamillion: "Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha..." *Short* *ZAP.*
Metal Man (GM): The mecha is once again in that shorting-out condition.
Maxamillion: "I hate it when that happens."
Julian Sawyer: "Why won't that Shield short out too..."
Maxamillion: "I geniusly installed it in the legs of my mecha, where it is insulated by rubber!"
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Maxamillion: "...Oops. You shouldn't know that."
Julian Sawyer: "CHEAP!" *Julian rushes the shield again, aiming to take down that shield, or at least blow the shield down.*
Charles Magellean: "...The generator."
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit.
Charles Magellean sets a formula in his mind... one that even anger will follow.
Julian Sawyer then jumps up as his Rocket Boots activate as he O-O-O-O-OVERDRIVES.
Metal Man (GM): That it for your turn?
Aribar downs a Blue Potion before firing two Aeroblasts and a Sonic Boom at the thing's legs. (122% Wind for each Aeroblast and 30% from the sonic Boom. 274 tota.)
Metal Man (GM): Tons o' damage to the shield, but the shield seems to be up still.
Aetos revives, and uses his next action too Super Duper Omega Punch o' Death the shield to bits!!
Metal Man (GM): Hit. You punch the shield to bits. HULK SMASH!
Julian Sawyer: "AIM FOR THE LEGS!"
Charles Magellean: "*Stands silent*."
Aetos watches intently.
Charles Magellean engages to Rocket Mode. The Chaos Emerald gathers more anger from his mind, and three more red rockets manifest into reality. They all target and fire at the legs.
Metal Man (GM): BAM BAM BAM
Charles Magellean: *140%, DR negated.*
Metal Man (GM): Three hits... though those legs are tough.
Charles Magellean: "We will take out your generator or your power supplies before all of us perish."
Maxamillion: "We'll see about that..."
Aetos is glad he is not a target it seems.
Metal Man (GM): He attacks Charles with a kokiri spin attack.
Aetos: "...Young Link is in there!?"
Julian Sawyer: "Apparently..."
Metal Man (GM): 150 damage total if all those hit. Oops. I mean 150 damage. Then, his mecha does something incredibly stupid.
Charles Magellean softens the damage dealt...
Metal Man (GM): It leaps up into the air, moves into a megaton weight... And falls through the bridge.
Maxamillion: "Ahhhhhhh!!! No, mecha! No!"
Metal Man (GM): *STONE DROPPED.*
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos jumps on Flying Julian.
Metal Man (GM): The bridge part you're on is separated from the rest of the bridge. You're kinda stuck between two collapsed bridge sections.
Charles Magellean: "Those who cannot control their power soon realize that the power will someday become too great..."
Julian Sawyer: *Moves to the left and out of the way* "...Well, at least I can fly."
Metal Man (GM): However... when he seems gone... suddenly he leaps out of the water and attacks Aribar with chef!
Aetos growls at Julian. "Sausages!"
Aribar blinks and tries to dive to the ground.
Metal Man (GM): 45 damage per hit.
Julian Sawyer: "What's your problem?!"
Aribar is hit all four times... However, the first two are reflected back at the mecha due to his Reflect spell... And then the effects shatter.
Maxamillion: "MY problem? Ask the auto-pilot I programmed!"
Metal Man (GM): The mecha then lands on your platform... now your part of the bridge is sinking.
Charles Magellean: "An error found in all Solarians."
Aetos growls...
Charles Magellean: "Correction. I meant mistake."
Metal Man (GM): The shield's back up, of course.
Maxamillion: "It's like one of those Marician machines... ...Oh well. I'm in the safest place possible. If it goes insane, everyone but me will die."
Aetos: "Who?"
Julian Sawyer: "I've had enough of this!" *Julian flies at the Mecha and grabs the shield as best he can. He whirls it around, and sends it skyward with an ATLUS TOSS.*
Aetos: "THAT!!"
Maxamillion: "The machines of the Maricians. Insane people who claim to be Atlanteans."
Metal Man (GM): *ATLUS TOSSD.*
Aetos jumps up to the Mecha in the air after the Atlus Toss, and Omega Punchaes it back down to the ground!
Metal Man (GM): Hmmm... I'll let you combo if you sacrifice an extra action from your turn, Aetos. (Thus leaving you with one action) Then roll for it. Hit. The machine is dunked into the lake, the shield explodes (again), then it bounces up and gets punched back in the legs by Aetos. of course. Since he has two more actions. The machine itself gets back to your platform as usual. Thus re-beginning the sinking feeling.
Julian Sawyer quickly flies over to the recovering Mecha "Finally! I can get some damage in!" *Julian then launches a full-out beatdown on the legs with a Double Speedbag.*
Maxamillion: "...@_@ Stupid... auto... pilot..."
Metal Man (GM): All hit. Damage per hit, first? You attack the legs, but the eXtreme armor blocks your punches. Same thing. Your fists bounce off of the armor.
Charles Magellean: "Get rid of the power supplies! This wretched magical machine must be ERADICATED."
Maxamillion: "I'm not going down easily, and there's no way you're stealing my infinite supply of power!"
Aribar fires three Sonic Booms, which should ignore that thing's DR, at the legs of the mecha. (30 each, 90 total.)
Aetos: "How are you going down then? Medium? Hard?"
Charles Magellean: "We will see about that, PlAun'kaK."
Maxamillion: "With several of you dead and this bridge in a million pieces, of course!"
Aetos: "What have you got against this bridge, anyways?"
Julian Sawyer: "He doesn't like Crystal?"
Maxamillion: "I... dunno."
Metal Man (GM): Legs, head, arms, body. Well, it's kinda hard to steal from it, seeing as it's covered in plexiglas and titainium armor.
Charles Magellean: *The Chaos Emerald strikes with two Chaotic Rockets.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit and hit.
Charles Magellean: *140% each, DR negated He aims with his finger again, like a gun, at the body.* "Phyk."
Metal Man (GM): The legs look like they've seen better days, but not so much as to be near death.
Charles Magellean fires off the beam, and immediately the "finger gun" lifts up. *40%, loss of one action.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Maxamillion: "...Attack!"
Metal Man (GM): The thing begins charging up a Geno beam. The shield is up again, unfortunately.
Julian Sawyer: *ATLUS TOSS.*
Metal Man (GM): BAM. The shield go boom again.
Julian Sawyer: *ATLUS TOSS! TO THE LEGS!*
Metal Man (GM): *SLAM* The legs get a beating, but are... still... alive.
Charles Magellean: "I still despise, but I commend the durability."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* ...The legs... they... still live... barely...
Julian Sawyer: "...GRAAAAAAH! WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!"
Maxamillion: "You will have to do more to defeat my 6 foot thick titanium plated legs!"
Aribar casts Thundara on the legs for 122% electric damage before firing 2 Magic Missiles.
Metal Man (GM): The legs are almost dead... almost.
Aetos is getting angry, he tosses 100 rings into the air and absorbs them as he starts to glow white and his eyes shifting to red... a storm still brews inside his eyes, but a different look to them... soon the glow emits brighter and bolder, "Eagle's Fury!" He says in a burst of rage, suddenly a hurricane forms around the Mecha, dealing 500 wind damage to it... The glow begins to fade as the hurricane does, and Aetos suddenly looks less windy, his eyes seem normal to boot.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Whoa."
Aetos would lastly defend...
Metal Man (GM): Okay then. What does the hurricane defend? Legs, arms, body, head? Erm, hit? You deal a ton of damage to the head.
Maxamillion: "Ahhhhhh!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): His head... it's already half destroyed.
Maxamillion: "No... my premier lighting system... my internet connection... all gone..."
Charles Magellean: "Devil Spawn..." *The Emerald fires a rocket at the Legs.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Charles Magellean: *140%, negated.*
Metal Man (GM): The legs buckle and crack, but they need a good attack to destroy.
Charles Magellean: "...BEGONE!"
Julian Sawyer: "RAM IT!"
Aetos pants, kneeled over. "Just kill it..."
Maxamillion: "You are doing well... but are you bad enough dudes to steal my cable TV connection?"
Charles Magellean charges his energy, his entire being going into red flames. He Zigzags from the Questers and to the mecha several times before possessing enough maneuvering speed. He runs to one side of the bridge, takes a 45 degree turn, and uses an X-Naut RAM Finale!
Metal Man (GM): *BAM.*
Julian Sawyer: "YAY!"
Metal Man (GM): The legs crumble, and the mecha falls over ala that first boss of Star Fox 64.
Maxamillion: "Noo... it can't be... I can't lo--"
Metal Man (GM): *BZAP.*
SIMBER: "Losing is impossible. None can defeat SIMBER. Activating auxiliary systems."
Julian Sawyer: "...WHAT THE *CENSORED!*?!"
Maxamillion: "...So that's what that box labeled 'DO NOT OPEN' had in it! ...Wait... this isn't good, is it?"
SIMBER: "Destroy. Destroy. Target: Questers."
Aetos: "Oh... my... god..."
Metal Man (GM): The mecha suddenly begins shooting electricity from the joints where the legs were.
Julian Sawyer: "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!"
Metal Man (GM): It... floats up...
Julian Sawyer: "GOD!"
SIMBER: "All systems back online. Destroy the Questers. For The Thirteen Gentlemen and The Void."
Metal Man (GM): The now 'flying' mecha opens fire anew. It attacks Charles with several sword attacks from the right arm and several parasol smacks in the left.
Charles Magellean: "Now to remove the 'head' of the original operations."
Metal Man (GM): 330 damage 190 damage The first five rolls were Sword's Dance The rest were Parasol Uppercut
Digifanatic: "Oh... great..."
Charles Magellean is able to prevent part of the damage... but he is still taking heavy damage.
Metal Man (GM): Then it turns to Aetos... and fires a charged Geno Beam at Aetos.
Aetos winces.
Metal Man (GM): 135 damage. No shield.
Julian Sawyer: "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!" *Julian launches a Triple Hat Trick at the monster's head.*
SIMBER: "System control is at 100%."
Charles Magellean: "I recognize that sound..."
SIMBER: "You cannot kill me. I am unstoppable."
Metal Man (GM): All hit. Damage per hit? Yes. You can hear it full on, all right. It's coming from the mecha. And it sounds evil.
SIMBER: "I have assumed full control over this lavishly overpowered mecha."
Metal Man (GM): ...The head of the mecha explodes.
Maxamillion: "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!"
Charles Magellean can now briefly speak over his anger...
Maxamillion: *Is blasted out... through the roof... on fire... enters outer space.*
Charles Magellean: "...That takes care of one problem."
Metal Man (GM): The mecha lands on the ground, now only a body and arms ..But it quickly re-energizes.
Julian Sawyer: "Go for the arms!"
SIMBER: "I will not be defeated. I am perfect. I am SIMBER."
Julian Sawyer: "You are DEAD MEAT!"
Metal Man (GM): Nope. Arms or Body.
SIMBER: "The superb protection of the body component will protect me. And in that time I shall shred you with my superior programming."
Charles Magellean: "The Void and the Thirteen Gentlemen? But you were---...yet another copy."
Digifanatic has a bit of an extra jolt on this guy (Specialist quirk), so he takes advantage by starting his turn with a Fire Punch at the thing, the +10 canceled out for smash power.
Charles Magellean goes back to being possessed.
Metal Man (GM): Target?
Digifanatic targeted it at the body.
Metal Man (GM): Body or arms? Ah. Well, you manage to actually burn the body...
Digifanatic then tries a Hyper Beam Matrix on the right arm... using the +10 for smash for the second hit...
Charles Magellean: "This magical machina will be disposed of, regardless of its controller!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. You beam the arms good.
Digifanatic then gives Charles 100 rings and then Eye Spies the arm he just targeted... "Alright..."
Aribar does as he said he'd do; three Magic Missiles on... Hrm... The arms.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit.
SIMBER: "Is that all you can do?"
Aetos simply drills into the body via his Ultimate Wind Spear.
Metal Man (GM): Hit miss miss hit hit hit. Four hits.
Charles Magellean looks to the rings... then at Digi angerly. He uses his first action to throw all 100 rings back at Digi forcefully, himself being engulfed by larger red flames.
Digifanatic: .oO(Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay...)
Charles Magellean: "I am not weak, Quester."
Digifanatic takes the rings back...
SIMBER: "Resistance is foolish. You know that I will not be defeated."
Digifanatic: "Alright then..."
SIMBER: "I will shred you into tiny pieces and scatter your ashes on this lake. A burial at sea of sorts."
Charles Magellean uses his second action to equip the Star Rod. He then raises his finger, pointing at the body, like a gun. "Phyk." *He fires the Chaos Laser, his hand recoiling upward.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aetos: "Evil-SIMBER, how can you survive in water if your a robot?"
Charles Magellean: *40% damage, -1 action.*
SIMBER: "I am a magitek machine, which can operate in all conditions."
Aetos: "Stupid Magitek... I thought everything has a weakness though?"
SIMBER: "My circuitry is made up of magical material which has survived being sent into null space and back, through a black hole, a portal, into a planet at high speeds, and being messed with by an amateur technician."
Charles Magellean flares up. His clothes begin to change to red themselves, but not like anybody can see beyond the flames.
SIMBER: "I am made perfect. I have no weaknesses. Only the things I control do. Activate destructive rampage."
Aetos growls.
Metal Man (GM): ...You know, it always should have had four actions. But, 'meh. Thanks for reminding me. I'll say it gained the extra action when SIMBER took control. It pulls out... the DEATHMACHINE.
Aetos cries.
Julian Sawyer: "...GOD!"
Aetos: "What... WAIT!"
Digifanatic: *Facepalm.*
Aetos: "How did you get THAT?!"
Julian Sawyer: "How did it get that?! Metal isn't a statue..."
SIMBER: "Death machine activated. Target: Aetos. You should have asked Maxamillion before you sent him into outer space."
Aetos: "And why are you pointing it at me?..." *He 'gulps'*
Aribar: "I say we shoot first and ask questions later here..."
Metal Man (GM): Woohoo! A crit! Aetos is hit by an iron spear, a weak firecracker, a deathzooka, a small grenade, several darts, another weak firecracker, another another weak firecracker, a shotgun spread, another deathzooka, and a small rock. 272 Paralyze, confuse, freeze
Aetos dies, in a violent explosion of colors and logic.
Metal Man (GM): 308 Paralyze, confuse, freeze, burn now that I counted the crits. Then it turns to Ari.. ..And fires off a Dark Energy Wave at him. 210 dark damage No instant death
Aribar is utterly destroyed by that...
Metal Man (GM): Then it turns to Julian and attacks him with a deathmachine.
Julian Sawyer: "Hey!"
Metal Man (GM): He's hit by a paper airplane, small rock, small grenade, shotgun spread, giant fireball, axe, rubber ball, several darts, rocket, and imploding banana. First, Julian takes 3/4 of his MAX HP in damage. 210 damage after losing 3/4 of his MAX HP from his current HP.
SIMBER: "Bow down before the power I have at my fingertips, lowly mortals."
Metal Man (GM): By now the bridge around you is in many small pieces; your platform is becoming smaller and smaller.
Julian Sawyer is blasted high up into the air into a GBWP, which turns red as he falls back out of it, Vengeful as all hell and aiming a Falling Vengeful Haymaker at SIMBER's arms.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian Sawyer then bounces off the thing's hull and lands back at the group.
Metal Man (GM): His arms take the pain. However they merely taunt you after taking the damage by flexing.
SIMBER: "I am only warming up."
Digifanatic starts his turn with another HBM... because it technicially hits all, is it legal to aim at both arms and the body?
Metal Man (GM): Yes.
Digifanatic does that then...
Metal Man (GM): All hit. Damage per hit? The body blocks your rays with a pentagram.
Aribar appears in a red flash, dropping down to one of the crystal platforms below, revived. Taking a very odd chance, the elf fires a vengful beam of colorful energy at Simber's body... A Prismatic Ray... Following up the chaotic spell is a Reflect spell on himself.
Metal Man (GM): *shrug* Finish your turn while Aribar does his.
Digifanatic still has one action (he used one getting his rings back) He uses a Fire Punch straight to the body, using that -10 smash.
Metal Man (GM): ...Youch. Doesn't matter. As it turns out, SIMBER is already confused... weird. Would explain how he randomly attacks people. *HYPER'D* *ZAPPED.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Ari..."
SIMBER: "Ahahahaha... the power... THE POWER!"
Julian Sawyer: "What did you just do?"
Aetos revives and absorbs another hundred rings.
Aribar: "... I think made him insane and zap him."
SIMBER: *Total Actions: 9*
Aetos: "You killed us all, twice..."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): From the looks of it, Mr. SIMBER is much faster than before.
Julian Sawyer: "I hate you so much..."
Aetos tries a Giant Omega Punch on Evil-Simba.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aetos: *Crit at least.*
Metal Man (GM): *CRIT ouch* The arms... alas, they are nearly dead.
SIMBER: "You cannot possibly win now. Prepare your epitaphs!"
Julian Sawyer: "Get the arms! KILL! KILL! KILL!"
SIMBER: "Do your best, Lunarian. Let your death cry be the sound of your species' extinction. Magitek is immortal!"
Metal Man (GM): The mecha continues preparing the inevitable murderslaught that it will wreak on you guys.
Charles Magellean charges with energy. The Emerald opens a portal and from that portal arrives three more mini portals, where red Chaos Rockets travel out from. Two attack the left arm while the final one attacks the right, despite both arms being one target.
SIMBER: "Solaria, Solaria, controllers of the fates... Solaria, Solaria, never eighty eight."
Metal Man (GM): Three hits.
Charles Magellean: *420% total, DR Negated.*
Metal Man (GM): The arms are nearly completely destroyed... but not quite.
Julian Sawyer: "dammit!"
SIMBER: "Activate all systems. Destroy Questers."
Metal Man (GM): All sorts of targeting screens appear on you all.
Julian Sawyer: "Great job, Charles. Now we're all gonna die. Horribly."
Aetos sighs and waits for the inevitable Number 4 to come up... maybe he is 5 now actually.
Metal Man (GM): The red outline of Evil SIMBER appears, with the arms and the torso being a part of it.
SIMBER: "Targeting scan initiated."
Charles Magellean: "I am not to blame, Quester! Those were my most powerful weapons!"
Julian Sawyer: "I hate you so much."
Metal Man (GM): Targets: One attack @ Aribar, 2 @ Aetos, 3 @ Digi, 2 @ Charles, 1 @ Julian Going in that order... attack at Aribar: It giant punches Aribar. 360 damage It then attacks Aetos...
Aribar automatically dies.
Metal Man (GM): With a flaming jump punch and Nightmare.
Aetos: "Eeek!"
Metal Man (GM): 90 fire damage 300 damage if that hits Then it turns to Digi.
Aetos gets singed and has a nightmare... "Thats... the first time I've felt fire before..."
Digifanatic: *Gulp.*
Aetos dies.
Metal Man (GM): It attacks him with a Stone Drop, a KO punch, and a Flaming Jump Punch. 150 damage from that Instant KO from the KO punch 110 damage
Julian Sawyer: "...Hey! That's my move!"
Metal Man (GM): 90 fire damage It then turns to Charles. A stone drop and Sword's Dance. 150 damage 330 damage Then it attacks Julian... Geno Beam
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): It charges up to full. Then it fires.
Julian Sawyer: "-CENSORED-"
Metal Man (GM): One moment... 10,935 damage. One moment Julian and that part of the bridge exists.
Julian Sawyer: *...Yeah, he's pretty much dead.*
Metal Man (GM): The next, it's... just gone.
SIMBER: "1000% combat efficiency."
Charles Magellean is now knocked out.
SIMBER: "You have no chance to survive. Die."
Julian Sawyer: *A generic blue warp portal appears on a surving part of a bridge, but quickly turns blood red as Julian rises out of it, Vengeful AND Psychotic.*
SIMBER: "I will finally succeed. then I will go on a Quest to find the warp drive and take over Nintendus. I shall destroy all of this planet as well. All I must do is defeat all of you, then annihilate this city."
Julian Sawyer: "...You done it now. YOU DONE IT NOW!" *Julian then burst across the nearly-destroyed bridge and gives Ol' Simber a DOUBLE MEGATON HAYMAKER to both arms.*
Metal Man (GM): CRIT The weakened arms disintegrate ..The floating torso continues to menace you. However, it no longer has any protection. Of any kind.
SIMBER: "A minor setback, but you shall be terminated at last."
Metal Man (GM): The arms, as I said, explodedededed. The body, however, remains... a floating torso of menacing doom. Anything else? ...Well, silly Aribar, you do know that SIMBER is a Solarian machine, right? He repeatedly mentioned he was magitek, and is using, indeed, some wickedly powerful magitek.
Julian Sawyer: *In that case...*
Metal Man (GM): Oh... right. You mean Solarian people.
Julian Sawyer jumps up as his Rocket Boots activates... OOOOOOOVERDRIVE!
Metal Man (GM): You'd put 'Magitek' if you wanted to take out Magitek. Oh... you mean you wish it wasn't a Solarian... meh.
SIMBER: "Must concentrate. Objective is in sight. Must take world for The Void."
Julian Sawyer: "C'mere." *Julian flies towards SIMBER Bot, grabs the part where the head used to be attached and starts spinning SIMBER around* "You're outta here!" *Julian then flings SIMBER skyward, maybe impaling him on one of the stalagmites as he launches an ATLUS TOSS.*
Metal Man (GM): That featureless torso takes a beating. But it's so tough!
Aribar appears in another flash of red light... And instandly fires a Terrorbolt at that torso before casting Reflect on himself. 324% Electric damage.
Aetos revives "Guys... hm..." *He revives Charles with his last 100 rings.* "I can't go on much longer..."
Metal Man (GM): Charles is fully revived.
Aetos: "Take this..."
Charles Magellean gets up from K... O'ed status... and is now beyond talking. He looks to each of the Questers' with grimace. He then looks to the mecha once more.
Aetos bows his head and a little gust of wind circles around everyone... "Everyone, accept the power." *Gift of Air.*
Julian Sawyer: "The wha?"
Aribar does not refuse whatever that is...
Aetos: *Aribar gains Wind Affinity for 3 rounds.*
Charles Magellean blantantly shakes off this 'power'.
Julian Sawyer: "I dunno what you're talking about... What the?" *Accepted, I guess.*
Aetos: *Charles arrogantly does not gain it* *And Julian does* "If I live for my next turn, I can heal you... but nothing more."
Metal Man (GM): Last chance to... do something to stop him before another massacre.
Charles Magellean summons more Chaotic Rockets.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Hit hit. You gave it a beating; now it's gonna give a beating to... Aetos twice, Aribar twice, Itself four times, and Julian once. In that order... It shoots crosses at Aetos and then protects itself with Naryu's love.
Aetos blinks "If I die, just... hurt yourself with my spear..."
Metal Man (GM): 15 damage per hit.
Julian Sawyer: "Zelda..."
Metal Man (GM): Then it fires a charge shot and Power nails at Aribar.
Aetos: "Those crosses kind of hurt..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Samus? How?"
Metal Man (GM): 195 damage 45 damage per hit
Aribar is glad that the two effects are reflected back.
Metal Man (GM): Note that anything you reflect reflects off of Naryu's love, adding 10 damage to the attack and sending it right back at you. And continuing to do so until you explode. I mean the reflect breaks. What's your INT mod again? *BOING* *BOING* 350 total damage to Aribar. Then it begins attacking itself.
Aribar dies... And doesn't get back up this time.
Metal Man (GM): With Power Nails, Nightmare, Giant Punch, and KO Punch. 135 damage 300 damage 920 damage 255 damage After taking quite a self-beating, it... is still alive. It activates Naryu's love.
Julian Sawyer: *...believe I was skipped as an attack, but whatever!*
SIMBER: "I... must improve this flawed targeting system, or else be my own death. But I will destroy you all... already some have fallen."
Metal Man (GM): The wrecked torso shoots sparks. Punching yourself in the torso twice after overloading your brain and shooting yourself with nails is painful.
Julian Sawyer: "This is it! IT ENDS NOW!" *Julian starts off with an ATLUS TOSS A PSYCHO ATLUS TOSS no less.*
SIMBER: "I *BZHT* should be *BZHT* saying that."
Julian Sawyer: *Flings SIMBER skyward, hearing him collide with the cave's ceiling.*
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH* The torso, torn apart, crashes into the water .. it raises out of the water. *Music speeds up.*
Julian Sawyer: "GODDAMNIT!"
SIMBER: "Must... de-de-destroy Questers..."
Metal Man (GM): *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM* Several explosions occur. The torso is viciously shredded.
Aetos: "Ungh..."
Metal Man (GM): Even while exploding, though... it's coming towards you.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): It fires chaos spears and then does a belay attack at Julian despite being 'dead' 15 light damage per hit. 70 damage.
SIMBER: "Activate final destruction of Que---"
Julian Sawyer: *Barely notices the damage as he dutifully watches SIMBER blow the -CENSORED- up.*
Metal Man (GM): The hologram appears, but then begins catching on fire. It then begins to pulsate rapidly, flames and explosions continuing to occur. Fighter statues fly all around.
Aetos: "Gah!..."
Charles Magellean is powering down, the Emerald's power finally ending.
Aetos tries to catch a bunch.
Julian Sawyer starts darting around, catching the ones he can while flying.
SIMBER: "I have... failed... master... failed... you... Void... Solarians... Damien... beware... dang..."
Metal Man (GM): It makes one gigantic explosions.
Aetos: "Damien?... WOAH!"
Metal Man (GM): *DEFEATED* The evil copy of SIMBER is no more. And you're 10,000 EXP richer. Aribar only gets 5,000.
Charles Magellean looks to Aribar... he quickly sighs. "Get up."
Metal Man (GM): The statues then form up in a pile. the ones you already have or who aren't statues aren't there, though.
Aetos: "I had... my next turn all planned out..." *He smiles * "So dramatic it was..."
Charles Magellean uses the Star Rod's power of Revive to use it on Aribar.
Julian Sawyer: "Son of a -CENSORED-...Finally killed him... I need a sandwich." *Delievers the statues he catched to the pile.*
Aetos does so too...
Aribar blinks, thinking he should be dead... The elf groans and rolls onto his back, gaining no experience from the battle but at least being alive afterwards.
Charles Magellean: "These Smashers should return to the overworld."
Metal Man (GM): Wario, Young Link, Zelda, Mack, DK, Geno, Mr. Game and Watch, Simon Belmont, Poo, Ice Climbers, Kirby, Jigglypuff, Peach, Marth, Pikachu, and Roy's statues appear... if any of those are already obtained, then don't count them as being there. The ruined bridge serves as a way into the city. Zio is not a statue. That much I will say. There's also some remnants of what looks to be a back-up fighter remote in the debris. It's all scorched black and busted, but it still looks like the one Metal uses.
Charles Magellean: "I say we stop here and return to the surface. All of this crystal is making me reminicse too much."
Julian Sawyer: "...Alright."
Aetos takes the remote for Metal, since he probably has the most space for it...
Aribar: "... I'm not turning back."
Julian Sawyer: "We can return these guys back to their former selves or something... Yes you are."
Aetos then activates the item finder again.
Aribar: "We're so close to this city... Why not just head there? Besides... I doubt we CAN go back the way we came."
Aetos: "Maybe a warp there... and it will take a lot of round trips to take these all back."
Metal Man (GM): You can walk into the city.
Aetos: "That's true too..."
Julian Sawyer: "We need to take this stuff back to HQ."
Metal Man (GM): There's even people there. Watching.
Aribar attempts to navigate his way across the wreakage of the bridge and towards the city.
Julian Sawyer: "...But whatever. Everyone, take 5 statues."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar goes on his way to the city.
Aetos looks over at them with Sharp Eyes "Guys uh..." He takes 4, with the remote.
Charles Magellean: "It seems I am not the only one who does not act within the group."
Aetos follows Aribar.
Julian Sawyer: "...Charles, take some statues, I'll carry the rest."
Charles Magellean has very deep pockets, so he plucks in about 8 of the Smashers, four in each pocket.
Metal Man (GM): A person walks out to greet Aribar.
Aribar continues onward, not really having any room for any statues. He stops when the man greets him.
Metal Man (GM): It's an ordinary man, wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt.
Charles Magellean: "These are a bit heavy... but I'll manage to travel just the same."
Julian Sawyer: *Takes the remaining 9 and heads on, hovering forward.*
Mayor: "Hello, mysterious outsiders. Welcome to the crystal city."
Aetos might catch up to Aribar while he is stopped.
Julian Sawyer: "Hi."
Mayor: "On behalf of my city, I thank you for ridding the lake of that machine."
Julian Sawyer: "...Sorry about your bridge."
Charles Magellean begins walking for a few minutes... he'll enter the conversation as soon as it is realistic.
Aetos: "Yeah... we can make a temporary one if needed..."
Aribar bows. " 'allo. I am Aribar Hunter and these are the Questers."
Mayor: "The bridge is expendable. The machine, however, was the biggest threat."
Julian Sawyer: *Can fly, so he gets there faster.*
Mayor: "We are the shipwrecked people who belong to many places."
Aetos: "Many places like...?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Such as?"
Mayor: "Maricia, Whaller, Earth, Nintendus, and even a select few defectee Solarians."
Charles Magellean now arrives at the greeting point.
Aribar: "Whaller?!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Earth?"
Aetos: "Earth..."
Mayor: "You would be surprised at what ships get lost here."
Julian Sawyer: "What year?"
Mayor: "I can't name any specifics. From since humans went into outer space to the destruction of Neo Earth."
Julian Sawyer: "...Huh."
Aetos: "Huh. Um... so, ships, as in space ships land here?"
Mayor: "I'm afraid we aren't here by choice. This place is a hot-spot for shipwrecks."
Julian Sawyer: "Warp portals, huh?"
Mayor: "Our city is built out of the ruins of many ships. Well, after the materials were made into crystal. We have top-notch medical facilities and support ourselves through a variety of tasks."
Aetos nudges Julian, "What are Maricians, anyways?"
Mayor: "Although these rumored 'lizardmen' are a concern, they are too primitive to hurt us."
Julian Sawyer: "Bad guys."
Charles Magellean steps forward.
Mayor: "Every appearance of them have been hostiles, which we have killed with superior technology."
Aribar: "Ahhh... Sorry if this is a bit rude, but can we head to the medical facilities? That battle back there wasn't exactly kind to us..."
Mayor: "They say that we are aliens who 'are not authorized by Kales' or something."
Aetos: "Heh..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Speaking of Kales, he's the leader of the village we're staying at."
Mayor: "That way." *He points at a very tall skyscraper that is made out of massive cubes* "That... monster... is mortal?"
Aetos punches Julian!
Mayor: "He has been sending lizards to attack us."
Julian Sawyer: *Flies to the left, avoids.*
Aribar mutters a thanks, guessing he is allowed to head there, and starts towards the tall skyscraper.
Julian Sawyer: "He's kind of a jerk."
Mayor: "He said that he never wanted you to find us..."
Charles Magellean steps forward again, clearing his throat. "Would you know of a way to travel to the surface?"
Mayor: "Something about you finding us more hospitable. We are very close to the surface. But very far away from the 'Kales' whom I hear of."
Julian Sawyer: "...Yeah, but our HQ's ALLLLLLL the way over where Kales is."
Charles Magellean: "That does not answer my question."
Aetos: "Yeah, I bet you are... we've been getting strange aritfacts for him to pay for our stay..."
Julian Sawyer: "And I kinda like the Sun."
Mayor: "We have an elevator which goes to the surface. It only takes a small trip to get up there. Artifacts?"
Julian Sawyer: "...'Kay."
Aetos: "Yeah?"
Charles Magellean: "Would you show us this elevator? Taking the way back where we came may not be possible."
Mayor: "...I would suggest you stop helping this 'Kales.' He hates all humans and says even the 'authorized ones', which must be you people, are aliens to this world. INTA has told us about you as well. You may take this elevator. But why leave? Kales has nothing for you but trickery."
Julian Sawyer: "...Still, our HQ is all the way over there."
Aetos: "So you have no idea what the artifacts do? Oh I thought there was supposed to be one around here also..."
Julian Sawyer: "And we kinda need to get these statues there."
Mayor: "It can be moved, can it not? I have heard of these legendary warp spots which send people around the world."
Charles Magellean: "We have a leader to return and report to."
Mayor: "Giving Kales magical artifacts may be bad."
Aetos: "Who said they were magical?..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Too late for that."
Aetos eyes the Mayor...
Mayor: "His troops."
Julian Sawyer: "...I don't suppose you have a shop."
Mayor: "Who have attacked us with an impressive array of fire, interdimensional powers, water, speed, death, and all sorts of nasty things."
Charles Magellean: "As long as he pays for our services, I will do the services he requests."
Mayor: "We have a shop which contains all of the items found on this planet."
Julian Sawyer: "... Forge?"
Mayor: "Since we lack the infrastructure to mass produce them, we just mine a very rich deposit right nearby. That deposit looks like a former shop, actually. "
Aetos: "...Huh."
Mayor: "It's dangerous, though. If you must see it, please look at it after you've rested. There's much more. We seem to be surrounded by ancient ruins."
Charles Magellean: "I have wasted enough of your time. Allow me to return to the Elder's village."
Mayor: "I beg you. Do not give that lizard the tools to hurt us! If you must return, do not give him the artifacts... I can explain it to your leader if I have to."
Aetos: "Hmm... Charles, I don't think trying to get a warp from here to there is a good idea either... I think were stuck."
Charles Magellean: "If there is a customer that pays more than him, then I will change loyalties. Until then, I am bound."
Mayor: "...I... I will pay more than him if it comes to that... I would rather be poor than dead."
Julian Sawyer: "...Arlight... So you'll come with us back to Kales' Village?"
Mayor: "I would be killed on sight."
Aetos: "I'd rather save my own species then the Lizardman Kales...'"
Mayor: "He has been sending troops to attack us! If he is mortal, he is only more likely to attack me and give no quarter."
Aetos: "We have to get them here..."
Aribar guesses he's still at the hospitals?
Metal Man (GM): Aribar would be being healed by hospital staff treating his injuries with high-tech machines.
Aetos looks on his DEX for any means of communication to Metal_Man or SIMBER.
Charles Magellean: "We will discuss this situation with the Quester Leader Metal Man. But to do that, we must return to his village."
Dex: "No signal..."
Aetos: "Blasted Turion."
Mayor: "...Wait... I can help you if that thing can connect to your base."
Aribar would be coming back to the others now.
Mayor: "INTA, patch communications to that device."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Aetos: "I think it--..."
Inta: "Communications array patched in."
Dex: "Base signal detected. Clear communications path. Ready for communications."
Aribar: "I'm back... Hrm... Looks like I should have waited. . ."
Aetos: "...Uh... Contact SIMBER or Metal Man..."
Julian Sawyer: "...HEY METAL!"
Charles Magellean: "Tell Metal that we are being held here against our will."
Julian Sawyer says into hid Dex.
Dex: "Affirmative, Aetos."
Aribar: "... Held against our will? What's this?" *The elf puts his hand on Moonlight's hilt...*
Mayor: "I have no way to stop you from leaving. Your comrade lies!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Metal? You there?"
Aribar: "... Ah."
Metal Man (GM): Julian:Your dex fails to respond. Aetos's is taking up all the bandwidth.
Aetos waits for a response from the other line.
Charles Magellean: "Forgive me. I was assuming you were going to use force to make us stay here."
Aribar lifts his hand from his sword.
Metal Man: "Hello? Who is this? You're coming in kind of fuzzy."
Aetos: "Metal! Were... on the other side of the planet! We found a civilization and... they are at war with Kales, we need to you come here somehow to help figure things out!..."
Mayor: "I would not force you to stay here. But I will try every peaceful means possible to prevent Kales from sending in more attackers."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man: "...How am I supposed to come to where you are? It's on... the other side of the planet?!?!"
Aetos: "Oh, this is Aetos, I'm with the group..."
Julian Sawyer: "Aetos, give that to me..."
Aetos: "And yes... the planet... somewhere,and the way we got here got blocked off by magma so..." *He holds it to Julians face.*
Metal Man: "And... who's at war with Kales? You're lucky I'm inside the base. Otherwise Kales might be suspicious."
Julian Sawyer: "Metal, Julian here. We're in this underground city that's stocked with people who are from all over the place. Kales apparently hates them. Talk to their leader." *Grabs Aetos' arm and guides it over to the Mayor so the Mayor can talk into it.*
Charles Magellean begins to levitate and is now cross-legged. He meditates, seeing as this will take awhile.
Mayor: *Ahem* "We are under attack. Whatever relics you are giving to Kales must be helping him attack us! You must move all of your stuff away from him. I will pay anything it takes just to spare us..."
Metal Man: "...Not like I liked him, either. Although he's been hospitable to us, he's always seemed... mysterious. But until now I had nobody else and nowhere to go. Kales must have done something, because we haven't met any other tribes besides an isolated, backward one in the valley."
Aribar: "Hrm... We can't just get up and leave... He may suspect something."
Metal Man: "I shall get a move on. By tomorrow everything shall be sent to your area. The Elder will help me locate the nearest warp point. He can do nothing."
Aribar: "... Except attack this place with greater force?"
Charles Magellean is done levitating.
Metal Man: "We're the Questers. I doubt he'd attack this place in front of us."
Charles Magellean: "I see no point in becoming involved in this war."
Julian Sawyer: "And if he did, we'd wipe him off the face of this planet."
Metal Man: "And even if he did, we'd destroy whatever he sent. I doubt he's evil... just misguided."
Aribar: "I say we try and take the artifacts back from him before we try to... Bleh... I'm not good with just thinking of ideas out of the blue."
Metal Man: "I'm afraid the artifacts we gave him as of now will have to be left to him. We technically sold them to him. Unless you advocate stealing, Aribar."
Julian Sawyer: "So?" *Cough.*
Aribar frowns and says nothing...
Metal Man: "And according to the code of mercenaries, even if Mr. Mayor hired us to take them, he'd have to pay us a ton and technically those would belong to him. Just because we're in the wilderness does not mean we should allow stealing."
Julian Sawyer: "I reckon I could try stealing the staff from him. It's not like we're gonna be in anymore trouble by allying with his arch-enemy."
Charles Magellean: "Illian is right."
Julian Sawyer: "...Whatever."
Metal Man: "Kales, to boot, is likely to deny any charges and hide evidence of it. Remember, we have done what no lizardman can do. And since he already made enemies with the only other humans on the planet..."
Charles Magellean: "...He is starting again. Someone terminate the communication."
Metal Man: "Now then. I'm going to have to cut this short. How considerate of you, Locos, perhaps I should dock your pay." *He winks and turns off the communication.*
Julian Sawyer: "...So now what?"
Aetos pockets the dex... "We wait for Metal?..."
Charles Magellean: "I would not talk like that if he would learn to control his words." *He looks to Mayor.*
Mayor: "Well, I will gladly give you free living space here. Your leader and whatever people are with him, I assume, will take your belongings here."
Julian Sawyer: "...Alright..."
Mayor: "You are free to do whatever you want... as long as you don't steal anything or hurt people here, I don't mind."
Aetos: "No Arena here?"
Julian Sawyer: "I need a sandwich..."
Charles Magellean: "To hire for my services though, I will require a 35-50% increase in pay of the Elder Kales paid me."
Aribar: "Hrm... Do you have libraries or other places of knowledge? I would like to see if there is any knowledge of Whaller here."
Mayor: "I... um... can arrange to have that fixed. I have a better deal. You can work for Kales alone, possibly on missions against all of your fellow teammates. I can't quite stomach that much of an increase, knowing how rich Kales must be. Maybe 10%."
Charles Magellean: "He only paid 10,000 coins per task."
Mayor: "The same price... as a one-story building."
Charles Magellean: "He was a... penny pincher so to speak."
Aetos: "I... will not require any increase... but if you insist."
Mayor: "Of course, we pinch our own pennies with construction, but it's still a lot."
Charles Magellean: "Thirteen percent. I have special abilities that the others do not have."
Mayor: "I only have 500,000 coins in our city treasury."
Julian Sawyer: "I don't really care how much you pay me."
Aribar: "I don't really need payment... Just a nice quiet place to study my spellbook... Which I just realized I don't have."
Mayor: "I shall pay 13% more but no more. This is already an extravagant undertaking..."
Julian Sawyer: "Only that much? I'll give you 10% of that. Just tell me where the nearest kitchen is."
Charles Magellean nods.
Mayor: "There's an entire restaurant over there."
Metal Man (GM): *He points at a weird rectangular building.*
Charles Magellean: "You now have the services of the only animate Lunarian. My loyalty is now to you."
Julian Sawyer: "Excellent." *Reaches into his back pocket, takes out a bag containing 50k coins, hands it to the mayor, and heads over* "Repair the bridge with that!"
Mayor: "Great... now to explain it to the board of directors... oh! Certainly!"
Julian Sawyer: *Enters the restaurant.*
Mayor: "I shall rename it the... whatever your name is bridge."
Charles Magellean: "He is Julian Sawyer."
Julian Sawyer: *Pokes his head out the restaurant door* "Julian Sawyer!" *Pops head back in.*
Aetos: "Yeah... I'm Aetos by the way."
Charles Magellean: "Now then, when will we expect our first task?"
Aetos whistles.
Mayor: "Soon..."

