Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 27: The Sky has Fallen



It was a general night of the 29th... some Questers were hanging out late. However, everyone was surprised by Phantom's appearance. Phantom, otherwise known as Ely to some Questers, came in upset. He mentioned a word, "Grim", and Wolfman had some idea. The others were thinking Dracula's Grim Reaper. Wolfman then explained that he, Phantom, Panzer, and maybe more have come or will come to this realm to help out... however, most likely all friends, even ones that sometimes have anger problems, shouldn't be fought. Instead, all must work together.

Oak came in at that time and said that the Move Swappers have to be sent to Mr. Patch for fixing... everyone groaned.

Arcalis, Aribar, Bowler, Klumsy, Lynk, Mr. T, Nodal, Pat, Sky, Spikey, & Trek groaned as well once they were told of the assignment. They knew that the more, the better. Sour and Panzer declined to help.

The eleven found themselves in Mr. Patch's house. Patch let them in, and started to explain how his fun--er, delicate trap--er, ceremony was run. Meanwhile, Klumsy, then as Zio, changed BACK into Klumsy... with weird results. He ended up on the ceiling and fell on the cart. The cart started moving, and the ceremony had begun prematurely.

Everyone managed to keep the game going; even Zio (who changed from Klumsy again) tried to help from the cart. The game was won right when Patch made the cart faster...thanks to some teasing. Zio was launched off the cart and onto the floor.

From that point onward, it became a hitting session on Mr. Patch, with Sky doing the most damage. A portal came in between all of them, however, and a shadowed one threw a Bob-omb into Sky, who fell into a hole where the turtles pounded him extra hard. He eventually reappeared at the center, spun a few times, and collapsed; he had died and lost his last life.

Another portal came in... it was Wolfman. After sending the Questers back to base with NOTHING and talking to Patch about some things, he returned with the Move Swappers and Sky's body. Falcon then told the dead body of Sky that it was him that threw the Bob-omb, and to not challenge him for a month at least. Wolf then left them along with Falcon.

Thankfully, tensions eased a little bit by Friday. Everything was mostly normal and OK...except for Sky. He found out that since he had no coins, Doctor Mario had to take away his Moon Pearl as the payment...and Demon promptly bought it.

