Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 291: The Void's Astral Tarot
Date: 9:27:33 PM, June 25th; 4:11:46 PM, June 27th, 2006.
Metal Man (GM): You were last facing down Time Travel Eggman with Egg Master Mk2. His Egg-o-matic was stuck in the wall and the controls are all activated.
You stand poised to attack with an arsenal still unmatched by Robotnik himself.
Wolfman was in a corner of the room, not firing his Forehead Buster... he wanted to wait for some sort of sign or trick.
Ivo Robotnik: "This is quite the difficulty... you appear to have me stuck in a corner. My own genius made it so that even time travel could not pierce it... ...And The Void reprogrammed it so that you could use it... and not me!"
Wolfman: .oO(Come on... where is the catch.)
Dragoshi: "...Wait, wait, wait, back up. The Void did WHAT?"
Charles Magellean: .oO(And yet... unless we outwit you all the way, we will still lose.)
Dragoshi: "...There has GOT to be a catch!"
Ivo Robotnik: "But... I will not back down... having made it, I know exactly where to hit it to take out this entire tower in a nuclear explosion!"
Charles Magellean: "You heard the Walrus. Don't let him strike to trick us."
Dragoshi: "...Of course, you'd know such things"
Trigger: "Ok."
Charles Magellean: "And I'll make sure that the Walrus don't get a chance..."
Dragoshi: "...Indeed."
Ivo Robotnik: "But... what would I do with that, any way? It is clear... that the Time Stones are superior! Let's see if you can beat me this time!"
Wolfman has to fight... figures.
Dragoshi: "...Thou art a fool."
Metal Man (GM): Nope; I go by the vehicle.
The vehicle controls are pretty simple.
Punch, lasers, missiles, machineguns, Deathray, and a button called 'FULL POWER!!!'
Press one, the vehicle does the rest.
Wolfman will go to whichever station has buttons closest to his short frame.
Metal Man (GM): Ivo himself is using the latest variant of the Egg Hornet, a streamlined deal equipped with all his current Time Stones.
Order: Egg Hornet, Master Egg Mk2
Charles Magellean drags his feet a couple... hundred... feet to the right.
Ivo Robotnik: "Being the fastest, I shall prove how obsolete that hunk of junk is! Eat lasers!"
Metal Man (GM): The vehicle teleports, then fires various lasers at several spots between armor plates.
Trigger walks over to the station with the machinegun button.
Metal Man (GM): It appears to take 'Critical Damage'... but that's only one layer of armor out of 20.
Ivo Robotnik: "...Even with my time, it mocks me by being overprotected."
Dragoshi walks over to the station with the laser button.
Metal Man (GM): The lasers pierce the shield. Nasty.
Charles Magellean: "He talks... and he talks... and it makes me sleepy."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Metal Man (GM): It appears the only reason they don't pierce the armor is that it's got more armor than sense.
Master Egg Mk2
Garrick Fy`aar: "...there, got this set up. Okay, let's do this..."
Metal Man (GM): The massive mech could swat it like a fly; however, your difficulty is accuracy.
Dragoshi: "...I suggest finding a coffee machine then."
Metal Man (GM): Take your pick; this is more strategy than anything.
Charles Magellean leans on a nearby wall.
Wolfman turns to Charles.
Garrick Fy`aar decides to respond back with lasers of his own.
Charles Magellean will be pulling his own strategy, the one he did in an earlier fight with Julian and Metal.
Wolfman: "I believe you are the leader for this one. Any station I can go to?"
Metal Man (GM): It opens fire, spraying lasers everywhere. The lasers are so powerful they melt holes through the walls of the vault.
Ivo Robotnik: "An excellent choice... but flawed."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. Any station I can go to as well?"
Wolfman was talking to no one... great...
Metal Man (GM): The Egg Hornet warps through them.
Wolfman directs his question to whoever is the captain then.
Garrick Fy`aar is standing at the controls...
Ivo Robotnik: "You'll have to think better than that!"
Metal Man (GM): Egg Hornet
Ivo Robotnik: "Take this!"
Charles Magellean: "Okay, get ready to run at a moments notice...*Snores*."
Dragoshi does the same.
Metal Man (GM): He presses a button and fires a whole ton of missiles into the shield, bringing it all the way down to 87% stability.
Master Egg Mk2
Wolfman: "What other buttons do we have?"
Garrick Fy`aar peppers the entire area with machine gun fire.
Metal Man (GM): You hear at least 20 machineguns turn on and fill the area with bullets.
Charles Magellean wakes up. "Okay, I won't do it again. I'm ready to do outside help... ready to be a distraction."
Metal Man (GM): The Egg Hornet attempts to avoid... but the entire area of the monstrosity is sprayed with them.
Dragoshi: "...Lessee... Missile... Machine gu-...Nice one Garrick."
Metal Man (GM): His machine is covered in small holes.
Ivo Robotnik: "Ahah! But you left yourself open for this one!"
Metal Man (GM): Egg Hornet
Charles Magellean is willing to call in for help. He ...ZZZZZZ.
Metal Man (GM): The Egg Hornet suddenly reverses time, undoing the damage to it.
Then it fires a laser at the sleeping Charles. 100 laser damage.
Master Egg Mk2
Garrick Fy`aar sees that he's busy blasting Charles with the laser, so he uses this opportunity to blast him with the lasers again while he can't dodge!
Charles Magellean becomes blown at terminal velocity. "snorting wake up sounds He-Hey! What's the big idea!?!?"
Ivo Robotnik: *Warps out of the way again* "Oh-ho! You think I'd be hit by something I already dodged once?"
Charles Magellean: "...Doesn't even want to respond."
Metal Man (GM): Egg Hornet
Charles Magellean: "Well... I suppose I can try to stay awake..."
Ivo Robotnik: "Allow me to make your lives miserable."
Wolfman: "Garrick, what are the other buttons?"
Dragoshi: "...Jackarse."
Ivo Robotnik: *He flies over and tries to grab Charles with a claw.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "I know what I'm gonna do."
Metal Man (GM): It grabs Charles, holding him in front of the Egg Hornet.
Wolfman: "Slag it!"
Charles Magellean: "Oh ho! I see the plan."
Ivo Robotnik: "Fire at me and he dies. And if he dies... I'll grab him again! And again! And then he'll stay dead!"
Wolfman: *To Garrick* "Do we have homing missiles or something?"
Ivo Robotnik: "Plus I'll zap him for good measure."
Garrick Fy`aar: "We do."
Dragoshi: .oO(He DOES know we can fly at him at another angle, right?)
Garrick Fy`aar: "But he'll be caught in the explosion."
Wolfman: "...what are the other buttons."
Garrick Fy`aar: "LOOK for YOURSELF, Wolf!"
Wolfman is having a hard time doing that... he's a bit short here.
Ivo Robotnik: "You are an idiot, Charles Magillicudy. Charles MahjarajamejasejablahjaKUJAKAN!"
Wolfman: "That's a bit difficult; remember?"
Dragoshi: "...I say punch im'."
Charles Magellean moves his lips and turns his head to Ivo. "...Eeegggggmmmaaaaannnnn."
Garrick Fy`aar decides that whatever gun he uses will kill Charles... so he decides to PUNCH him.
Charles Magellean says that very slowly.
Ivo Robotnik: "Charles MaKuja, Chewles McDogtoy, Chuckles Mcgooeyface."
Dragoshi: "But we might hurt Charles in the process."
Ivo Robotnik: "And now your Quester friends are going to kill you."
Wolfman: "...can the punch button be used for grabbing?"
Metal Man (GM): He holds Charles up in the way of the punch.
Charles Magellean: "...At least I know they're be killing me... not betraying me like Metal Sonic!"
Dragoshi: "...Don't see why not."
Metal Man (GM): The fist the size of a skyscraper smashes Charles, killing him instantly.
Wolfman: .oO(...oops.)
Metal Man (GM): Then it crumples the claw and dents the front end.
Dragoshi: "...Gaw dammet."
Metal Man (GM): The Egg Hornet ricochets off the wall.
Dragoshi: "Last time I suggest any-Nevermind."
Ivo Robotnik: "Round 1: I win."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...sorry, Charles..."
Charles Magellean splatters on each of the windshields. He also goes on the ground.
Metal Man (GM): Egg Hornet
Ivo Robotnik: "Round 2: I win."
Dragoshi: "Oh, nice. The corpse just..."
Metal Man (GM): He presses a button and fires some sort of weird ray at the force field.
Dragoshi: "...Splattered."
Ivo Robotnik: "Activate: Inversion field!"
Wolfman: "...any objections for me to call for help?"
Metal Man (GM): The controls go wild as the force field is sucked inwards and begins shorting out things.
Dragoshi: "...No objections on dis end."
Ivo Robotnik: "If I can't have it... I'll just kill all of you."
Dragoshi: "...You're insane and inane"
Wolfman attempts to call HQ on the Dex.
Dragoshi: "You know that, right?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Oh, shut up."
Metal Man (GM): The inversion field blocks all transmissions.
Wolfman: "Wolfman, calling HQ. Wolfman, calling HQ. Do you copy?"
*He wouldn't know until it was too late.*
Ivo Robotnik: "You're the ones piloting my mecha... you could have destroyed it while you could. Clearly, I am the one of genius... you are the ones 13 seconds from dying."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...wait."
Aetos would be turning in his place right now if his bones weren't shattered...
Ivo Robotnik: "I will soon rule all of Nintendus!"
Wolfman isn't getting through...
"Slag it!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I don't like you."
*He fires the deathray.*
Metal Man (GM): You press the button. It shorts out.
Dragoshi: "...You're just a fat man with a pipe dream that'll come true when hell freezes over!"
Ivo Robotnik: "Round 3: I win!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...god, I hate him."
Metal Man (GM): You see a green field closing in on you all...
Dragoshi: *To self* "You should've pressed the FULL POWER button."
Wolfman is seeing a green field...
"Umm... guys?"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "..."
Dragoshi is seeing the same
Ivo Robotnik: "...I didn't say that."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh crap."
Dragoshi: "...What the *Draconic*?"
Metal Man (GM): You hear what sounds like a million machineguns going off at the back of Eggman.
It's... that Eggman hologram The Void made!
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh crap. It's Bob!"
Wolfman turns to the sounds...
"...who is Bob?"
Metal Man (GM): Piloting the... Eggsterminator? But that was... broken!
Dragoshi: "...Holy shiz on a giant salamander!!"
Wolfman is completely confused...
Ivo Robotnik: "Gahhhh!!! It shot out my Time Transmission!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Bob, the Lord of Electric Death!"
Dragoshi: "...Also, who the hell is Bob?"
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "What? No. I am the real Eggman! And I will rule Nintendus!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh. Sorry, Egg--you know what? Nevermind."
Dragoshi: "...You serious?"
Ivo Robotnik: "You idiot. You've cost BOTH of us a chance of killing the Questers!"
Wolfman: "Well, can you real-ly save us from that imposter?" *Points to Ivo.*
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "I know. It's all in my plan to use the Questers to get you out of the way!"
Dragoshi: "...Great. Another deranged lardarse to slaughter."
Garrick Fy`aar slams the FULL POWER button.
Ivo Robotnik: "You're an idiot too."
Metal Man (GM): You press it; it appears to be charging.
Dragoshi: "...Oh. NICE ONE..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Mark, contact Metal."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, the Egg Hornet opens fire on the Eggman hologram, which opens fire on the Egg Hornet in return.
Wolfman: "Garrick, I couldn't get through: what makes you so sure you can?"
Mark: "Interference from the hologram appears to be blocking outgoing communications."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Can you get in touch with the computer?"
Dragoshi: "Welll... Damn."
Metal Man (GM): The already mostly destroyed Eggman holo-machine appears to be getting the bad end of it. However, he gestures to the Master Egg Mk2.
Wolfman: "Dragoshi, come with me to the computer."
Bob, Lord of Electric Death: "Smash him to pieces for me!"
Dragoshi watches the feud between the two lardtanks.
Wolfman attempts to go to the computer... hoping he can reach something.
Ivo Robotnik: "What?" *He turns around as the hologram is finished off by laser fire.*
Dragoshi: "Understood."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Bye, Ivo."
Dragoshi goes to the computer.
Metal Man (GM): The entire mecha powers up, and then flies at Ivo.
Ivo Robotnik: "."
Wolfman turns to the explosion...
Dragoshi: "...WOAH!"
Metal Man (GM): The mecha flies into Ivo at top speed, wrecking the Egg-o-matic as well as his Egg Hornet.
Dragoshi Lands on his arse.
Wolfman: .oO(...this isn't good...)
Dragoshi then gets up and sees the what happened.
Metal Man (GM): He is flung out of it, clutching the stones... and a strange device. Moments before he crashes into the wall, separate from the debris, he presses a button... and yells at you.
Wolfman does his best to stay stabilized.
Ivo Robotnik: "If it wasn't for the past stupidity of my fake hologram, you'd all be dead! DEAD!" *Vanish.*
Wolfman: "...he's got the Time Stones... figures."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. ...Yep.
...Think we should salvage the debris?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...just grab Charles and Aetos."
Wolfman: "...we should let the APN know of this I think."
Metal Man (GM): The Master Egg Mk2 is... almost unscathed.
Dragoshi: "...Why not all three? ..."
Metal Man (GM): Ivo's electronics frying procedure failed to penetrate very far.
However the electrical part nearly got you.
Dragoshi repeats the whole "COSMIC HELLFIRE" line, then calms down "...Huh."
Charles Magellean's remains begin to stir. They float and begin to congregate into one area.
Metal Man (GM): You then get a message... encoded by The Void himself, as it plays inside the Master Egg Mk2.
Wolfman: "Garrick, perhaps you can... huh?" *Turns to the message.*
The Void: "...If you are viewing this message, the failsafe has been activated."
Dragoshi turns to the message
The Void: "All of my empire is dead, and the safe, and its guardian, the holographic Eggman, have been compromised. The Time Calamity which I attempted to destroy with the X-zone is still coming, then."'
Wolfman: "Guys... prepare to run..."
*He turns to the nearest door, and gets in 4 legged track stance.*
The Void: "This mecha is to be kept in top shape and prepared... in case it comes."
Dragoshi does the same as Wolf except replace 4-legged with 2-legged.
The Void: "I stored it here in hopes of keeping the real Ivo away from it, for he has repeatedly attempted to begin a time calamity by himself in the past."
Dragoshi: "...It?"
Wolfman is waiting for "We'll self destruct now: bye."
The Void: "However, if the Time Calamity is coming... it is also important you do not not not *It stutters a bit here* allow this mecha to be used as a tool of war."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Must mean the Time Calamity it mentioned earlier."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Would you guys be quiet?"
Dragoshi: "...Understood."
The Void: "Otherwise it will destroy the planet itself within short time. No matter what the temptation... do not use it against other space stations, buildings, or the like.
The failure of it is that it will destroy whatever you seek to protect with the sheer overkill."
Dragoshi nods.
Wolfman: .oO(...this isn't going to self destruct... yet)
The Void: "I hope you haven't used the missiles too much, as there are a few nuclear warheads in there as well."
Wolfman gets out of running stance.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...we haven't used them at all."
The Void: "...Oh... and there is one other flaw."
Charles Magellean's congregated parts begin to merge. A rainbow of lights begin to glow where his body is forming. In time, his entire body is restructured.
Dragoshi: "Yep. ...?"
The Void: "It has enough energy for approximately one more use, if you have correctly used it to fight in order to escape the safe. Otherwise a costly project to the tune of a trillion coins would be needed just to make it powerful enough to activate again."
Dragoshi: "..."
The Void: "You may fly this to whatever headquarters you have, whoever is seeing this. Make sure the Questers do not get it..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...heh."
Wolfman: *Growl.*
The Void: "This message will now self destruct... but NOT the mecha, because then this message would be stupid."
Dragoshi: "...Oh, the irony."
Metal Man (GM): A tape is ejected onto the floor. The tape disintegrates.
Dragoshi: "...Yeah. No *Draconic* Sherlock."
Metal Man (GM): Otherwise the mecha is ready.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Mark, is the field down enough to contact Metal?"
Mark: "Yes."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Do so."
Wolfman heard Garrick say that... .oO(...better let the APN know...)
Mark: "I am not skilled in relaying messages. But here he is."
Metal Man (GM): Metal appears on your visor.
Metal Man: "What is it now? Nuclear warheads are coming again?"
Charles Magellean begins to get up. He holds his forehead, seeing as how he got a tremendous headache from be splattered like eggs when smashed.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Metal, we have a... odd situation."
Metal Man: "...You traded Aetos for magic beans?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...well, I should say, YOU have an odd situation. No."
Wolfman uses his dex to type an email or whatever the equivalent is to the APN, letting them know of what has transpired... but then hits 'save draft' instead.
Dragoshi: "...Wha."
Metal Man: "I told you! Magic beans do not turn into beansta-- oh."
Dragoshi: "NO, METAL! God damn, man!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Dragoshi, calm down..."
Metal Man: "...What situation?"
Dragoshi: "We found a mecha of ungodly destructive power behind this safe, see? ...Okay, maybe not ungodly, but still..."
Charles Magellean waves to the others in the master egg. He opens his dex and talks to the person.
Metal Man: "I confirm... ...why are you using your visor, Garrick? Are you selfish or something?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "I think it's best told in person. Just tell me, do you have a big enough docking bay to dock a ten story mecha?"
Metal Man smacks the screen, and appears on the mecha's screen instead.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...well, now I can't see anything."
Wolfman: "Perhaps that's not needed..."
Dragoshi: "...Yeah. 'Sides, I think we might have the whole thi-Buh?"
Metal Man: "No, but I know of a place to put it. How about... outer space?"
Wolfman: "Safely, without trouble from the APN?"
Metal Man: "...The APN don't need to know... especially if you're just going to store it... ...huh... I can almost hear The Void yelling at me... weird."
Dragoshi: "...Weeelll..."
Metal Man: "...How'd I think you're going to store it? That could be useful in taking out Eggman."
Garrick Fy`aar: "No."
Wolfman: "...probably because this ship didn't want us Questers to board or take it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Metal, no. It is not to be used in combat."
Dragoshi: "...No. It'd be more useful to take out a greater threat than Ivo, boss"
Wolfman: "Dragoshi, hold your tongue."
Dragoshi: "...Until the time is right."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Indeed."
Metal Man: "...Okay, so my instinct was right. Outer space will do... take it to HQ, I'll deal with the nitty gritty part of flying it out there."
Dragoshi: "...If-...Understood."
Garrick Fy`aar: " I'LL fly it out there."
Metal Man: "...Why you?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Because, you're still part Void."
Metal Man: "...What does that have to do with anything?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "And the Void didn't want it in the hands of the Questers."
Dragoshi nods.
Metal Man: "...But... if he wants it stored... that will make sure it's off our hands as well as any other perspective world takers-over."
Wolfman: "Affirmative."
Metal Man: "And why would I fly it anyway?"
Wolfman: "That's partly why I think the APN should know."
Metal Man: "I was gonna have some low-rank grunt fly it."
Dragoshi is about to speak, but keeps quiet.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Of course you were..."
Dragoshi: .oO(...What are you, nuts?)
Garrick Fy`aar: "Just warp us to the base."
Metal Man: "Just a trip out... how can I warp something larger than the warp room to here? If I leave it, someone will find it."
Wolfman: " there a cloaking device on this ship?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...then warp the Questers out. I'll fly it to space."
Metal Man: "Anyone who can press a button can destroy a part of the world easily. ...You're not even a Quester. Without the oath, I can't be sure what you'll do with it... I agree... I shouldn't fly it... but what about you?
...And especially because you're not a Quester, I sort of have the prerogative. Unless you're going to take them all out, they have to do what I say."
Wolfman: "...if it helps Metal, I trust that Garrick will be alright flying this."
Garrick Fy`aar: " if I'm not to be trusted, then I'm not to be trusted. Fine. Do whatever the hell you want.
Mark, terminate transmission."
Mark: "It was passed on to the main computer... I have no control over it."
Charles Magellean cuts off the communication. He waits for the warp. He looks up and looks to wave good-bye.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...pfft."
Metal Man: "Now, Wolfman. Or... Dragoshi. Fly it to HQ."
Wolfman: "Dragoshi is taller... you fly it."
Metal Man: "All you need... uhh... hmm. Weird that I know this, but press autopilot, then touch the part of the map that says Quester HQ."
Metal Man (GM): There's an autopilot button and a map of the world right next to one another.
Garrick Fy`aar moves out of the view of Metal, skimming down the ladder to the core room door... he growls and kicks a nearby wall...
"That ass..."
Charles Magellean holds his waving arm with the other, looking like he's becoming exhausted.
Dragoshi touches the Autopilot button, then the part of the Map that says "Quester HQ."
Metal Man (GM): It takes off, flies out, and is soon going to HQ.
Wolfman: "...I tried Garrick. Sorry if I was of no help."
Garrick Fy`aar: "It doesn't matter. He will treat me this way as long as I'm not a member of the Questers. Then he'll treat me the same when I am one."
Wolfman: "...there has to be a way for you to gain his trust... hopefully without you being forced to join."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile... Charles enters a warp that appears to be for home.
Garrick Fy`aar: "There is no way."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos... is left behind ..With... broken bones... in a burnt up safe...
Next to the corpse of a dead Eggman hologram.
Computer: "Oh dear... they left me behind too."
Wolfman: "...hang on a second... aren't we forgetting something?"
Computer: "...Bored already."
*Tweaks out volume* "VOLUME CONTROL ACTIVATED! AHHHHH!!!!"
Wolfman: "..."
Garrick Fy`aar waits with his arms folded in the mecha, waiting for it to arrive at HQ.
Wolfman: "Computer: if you can, scan the nearby area for Aetos. I think we forgot about him."
Metal Man (GM): You realize you left the computer that spoke behind too.
All you have are buttons now.
Millions and millions of them.
Wolfman: .oO(...figures)
"...where is a user's manual when you need it?"
Metal Man (GM): It's got the controls of a nuclear reactor, an airplane, a space ship, and a telescope, all in one.
You would see a user manual the size of a small Volkswagen in a nearby closet.
Someone killed a lot of trees to make that...
Wolfman passes...
Metal Man (GM): As they fly to HQ...
Wolfman talks aloud...
"...if Aetos was a traitor... then maybe it is for the best..."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos wakes up, all broken and in pain everywhere.
Wolfman: "...I'll need to get a ruling."
Metal Man (GM): Sitting in the burnt safe...
Listening to the computer spazz out about volume controls.
He would see nearby the dead Eggman machine too.
Aetos: "GmmmmMMMmmMAAAHHHHHHOOUUUUCCHHH!" *he lays still, screaming in pain, matching the sound of the computer.*
Metal Man (GM): It's almost worse than Yellow Submarine.
Home Alone Kid: (Somehow, somewhere far away) "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Editor's Note: That line was once 'j/k', but actually, I'm leaving that in, it's much funnier that way.
Metal Man (GM): After a few moments of screaming between Aetos and the Computer, the Computer talks.
Computer: "...So... what's your name, sir scream-a-lot?"
Computer: "...Screaming time is over. I must find out why they left you here. Even the man who was part mashed potato left some way without you."
Aetos coughs up a little blood... "Ahh Please... please help... me..."
Computer: "I would, except this base was destroyed long ago, and the only mobile robot here... died from his real-life version. I'm down in that pit you leaped into.
You are a... Q... u... e... s... t... e... r... right?"
Aetos: "...they... left me?... I... don't know anymore..."
Computer: "...Well, if you are, punch yourself in the head. I think you might die and come back to life. ...Without all the broken bones."
Aetos: "Can't... move..."
Computer: "...I'd explode you, but that Ivo Robotnik blew up my remote self-destruct switch. ...He sort of flew away in a hurry, too.
...This might take a while."
Aetos: "...Ivo... left me... too??... ugh..."
Metal Man (GM): He begins trying to turn on the lights to an intensity that it could kill you... it isn't working.
Wolfman would notice as well.
Computer: "...No lasers in my lightbulbs? We'll be here for a while."
Aetos: "Hrg... I'll... return here... if I die?"
Computer: "...But you lack the ability to die as long as you can't move... which means you may even start healing in a messed up fashion."
Aetos closes his eyes... trying his best not to concentrate on the pain, but to materialize some chaotic energy to stab him.
Metal Man (GM): Aetos: You see... someone. Standing over you.
???: "Hmp... not even good enough to be one of them. What is that? Some sort of chaos energy? Pathetic."
Aetos: "...hgr..."
???: "This place has stood the test of time... but someone got here before I could reach the locating signal. Damn. Damn it. Damn it all!" *Punches a wall viciously.*
Aetos: " me... help you..."
???: "The event which will fix everything has been put off an entire year without it... by the time I'd find it now... it'd be too late. I will have to report this. It talks? ...Disgusting."
Metal Man (GM): You hear bullets, a flash, and then reappear in the same room... sans the person.
Computer: "That was odd. I guess you're back in one piece now."
Aetos: "Grr... I'll be needing Ivo's machine soon."
Computer: "It was destroyed... how can you need it anymore?"
Aetos: "A replicate of the Quester's 'quest monitor' ... thing..."
Metal Man (GM): A warp portal appears back to HQ.
Computer: "...Oh. Not the time machine. Well, I don't know... hey... you aren't going to use that portal... right?"
Aetos: "I'm not really sure if I should."
Computer: "If you are, tell them this base will remain here for whenever they do think about listening to my latest rendition of 'Volume Rockin'.'"
Aetos: "I'll need to contact a few people beforehand, if I did."
Computer: "You'll be walking for a while. This place is several thousand feet below sea level. The only reason we're not underwater is thanks to a drought.
...You were wondering why this place was invisible until now, right?"
Aetos: "Of course."
Computer: "Under Lake Hyrule during that entire unfortunate... Kuja thing."
Aetos listens to the computer, while...
Computer: "And also during... everything shortly after the laser melted the place and sent it deep into the ground."
Aetos: *Holding his spear. He unflips a terminal and looks to see if Charles is online. *
"Laser... what laser?"
*He hopes it wasn't that Deathray he fired off last season.*
Computer: "Smithysat laser. The Void blew up the place long ago, to hide the real secret. That Mecha... he was saving up to save the world from some calamity."
Metal Man (GM): Your spear beeps... Charles is online.
Aetos: "Computer, do you have any form of contact to the outside?"
*He starts to text Charles:* "I don't think I'm coming back."
Charles Magellean texts back..."...OOHHHH
Computer: "Reception out here is bad. It's even worse when the antenna was destroyed by a deathray."
Aetos: "...Err... sorry to hear... hold on."
*He texts* 'I'm going to start looking for a headquarters... you'll find me soon enough.'
Charles Magellean texts "Aetos, no. I'm sure that all the people at HQ will be sorry, minus Julian."
Aetos: "Computer, what are yours relations with the man Ivo Robuttni-- robotnik?"
Computer: "I am The Void's servant."
Charles Magellean texts 'The people on the Master Egg will already know by now that you're gone, and if they find out that you moved... You'll be in a hell of a larger mess than you're already are.'
Computer: "Wait. That was wrong. I am... THE VOID'S SERVANT! AHHHHHHHH!!!!"
Aetos texts: 'It's OK. It's just that... it's way too crowded with the Questers lately. Really?... I don't suppose you would mind if I stayed here... for a little while?' *he says nervously.*
Metal Man (GM): You say this, and then several things happen.
First, your usage of the dex... alerts Metal to your situation... then Wolfman does...
Then you're suddenly warped into HQ again. Blah!
Charles Magellean texts "Go back to HQ. Do not be involved with anyone. This conversation will be completely forgotten if you go back... you don't... then you know I can't be held responsible for your actions."
He texts "Speaking of actions, we will have a talk of yours that happened during the mission. I'm signing off." *He signs off.*
Aetos texts without looking away for a moment. "It's not like I'm going to do anything bad. I just hoped to maybe be able to help some people in my own way."
He looks up from the dex. "What the..."
Metal Man (GM): Mission Completed - 10,000 coins
1000 EXP to all for participating
Charles Magellean closes the dex.
Metal Man (GM): You're on the bridge.
Trevor: "What brings you here?"
Charles Magellean: "I've come to see the empire's first steps." *He looks out.*
Metal Man (GM): You see nothing but blinding light.
Charles Magellean shades his eyes. Shoo!
He turns around.
Trevor: "We are preparing to land in what is apparently a flat area nearby. We finished slowly crossing the mountains."
Charles Magellean: "...So... I have come too early?"
Trevor: "Mostly. It is slow going for now."
Charles Magellean snaps his fingers. "*censored*."
Trevor: "However, using state-of-the-art technology, no one will notice you were gone."
Charles Magellean: "Just how I like it. I've come with new information."
Charles Hologram: *Back at HQ* "You have offended me deeply." *Smacks a random person.*
Trevor: "...No one will notice."
Charles Magellean: "The Questers have obtained The Master Egg MkII."
Trevor: "A nasty thing to have."
Charles Magellean: "That is all on current events on Dark Side."
Trevor: "Let us hope Gibby never pilots it."
Charles Magellean: "When stability have been achieved here, what kind of people or individuals can be expected to live here in Valhalla?"
Trevor: "Those who... while not being evil, are not able to exist peacefully with the APN and Mages Council and Questers. The three powers of this world."
Charles Magellean: "Make a preliminary list... of 10."
Trevor: "...That is rather difficult. I know of only... a hand full.
Too many seek destruction of all instead of a few.
Otherwise the likes of Kappa could be safely contained."
Charles Magellean: "I await your computations."
Trevor: "...I only know of Aetos, milord. The rest I thought of you said live on the moon... which is an almost as good sanctuary. Perhaps Garrick, but he seems interested in... things...
...Skyhigh's attached to where he currently lives: a couch."
Charles Magellean: "If you have this much trouble now, then what would be the purpose of activating Valhalla?"
Trevor: "If you build it... they will come."
Charles Magellean merely scoffs.
"If you build a football stadium, they will come.
If you build a bomb shelter during a war, they will come."
Trevor: "You made your empire just by dangling unspecified death of random people to other random people. At least... I will have a building. You could have made the Lunaris... Ferranium... too, you know."
Charles Magellean: "Oh hoh. Well, I took two steps ahead of everyone and read the texts on those."
Trevor: "And?"
Charles Magellean: "It wasn't time, and The Moon had to be in orbit for it to be truly celebrated. Now as for the empire known as The Arsenal of Freedom..."
*He looks to the empty metropolis of buildings.*
"I was too much focused on important or noticeable people. It is the ones that do not stand out that would live here."
"You will notify me when the first emigrates come."
"I shall come then."
*He turns to face TREVOR.*
Trevor: *Nods* "As you wish. A warp out is there." *He points to a nearby warp.*
Charles Magellean turns to face the warp. "Have you upgraded your arsenal to protect their freedom?"
Trevor: "I have what is needed... though the light will burn unbelievers."
Charles Magellean laughs. "Yes. I shall leave now."
He enters the warp... wondering if no one will notice that he was truly gone.
Garrick Fy`aar steps out of the mecha, growling slightly as he makes his way straight toward the Big Room...
The Wraith would be... actually, not drifting around as usual. It's nowhere to be seen.
Garrick Fy`aar goes straight through the door, walking up to Metal... if he's there...
Metal Man (GM): Interlude #2
It is back at HQ. Metal himself is, once again, wandering, though this time he's leafing through Quester records... and next to that, a book on the Master Egg 2.
At the same time, he has an atlas of outer space.
Metal Man: "Garrick... so insistent on doing a menial task. I would not punish him with it if I could even allow him on there... but he has to be a Quester to use Quester property. The Master Egg... a weapon not of our world."
*He looks over the build description. Obviously made... in the X-zone.
* "And its destiny."
*He points at a blank spot of outer space.
* "What purpose... does it all serve?"
*He flips through it... and then holds his head.* "Yes... he would know."
He snaps his fingers. The Void appears in his place, and begins... writing?*
The Void: "This is the beginning of something big... the Time Stones chose to reveal themselves because of the second phase of a cycle only the highest practitioners of dimensional knowledge can barely understand. Yes... it is here. I can't see much of it... my zone is gone. What I did see, though... has begun. Here it is." *He takes out... what appear to be clues. A picture of Ivo.*
"Ivo Robotnik. He is the pawn of chaos now. Since I have failed to succumb to it, it uses its time-powers to bring a different sort of chaos..."
*Tosses that on a table, then takes out the Master Egg book.* "The tool intended to decide the war... whoever has it... shall win. Against my better judgment, I have allowed the Questers it... they found it, after all."
*Tosses that, then takes out a picture of Julian* "The defiant one. His anger is something else... whether or not it shows itself to us physically is a mystery." *Tosses that in the pile*
"And here we have the ignorant one." *Tosses a picture of Aetos* "He will blunder his way into things meant for the less blundering... making it impossible to predict anything for long.
A massive tarot linked to time itself, this is..." *He takes out a last picture of Gerald* "The destroyer. His works live on." *Tosses it on the pile.*
Garrick Fy`aar waits calmly in the doorframe of the library, watching the Void from outside of his gaze. He knows for a fact he can sense him, but he wants to see what happens when he turns up a picture of Garrick...
The Void: "And... myself... the nothing. I am the only being to be unlinked to any of this... and yet, so many claim I will return if the calamity happens. The opposite is true." *Tosses a faded picture onto the pile*
"Hmmm..." *Looks at the record* "This... is the blank slate. Devoid of any characteristics, he is to be... shaped... by these events." *Tosses Garrick's record into the pile.*
Garrick Fy`aar chuckles...
The Void: "There are almost too many. The Lunarian is the Watcher; he merely looks at what happens and judges us all."
*He tosses Charles's picture into the pile.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "'s odd to find you here."
The Void: "The Questers. They are the arm of all that is right and good." *Tosses that in* "Hmmm?" *He turns around *
"So... you probably wonder what I really am."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I suppose I'm still not used to the idea of you being part of Metal... Void? Do I call you Void? Or should I add 'the' to the beginning of that?"
The Void: "I am The Void. Void would be merely a shortened version, like you humans do with others' names. I don't mind either."
Garrick Fy`aar frowns and moves into the library, walking up to the old, dark enemy and leaning against a bookcase...
"...I'm a blank slate, am I?
Does that mean you think I can go either way?"
The Void: "You have no identifying characteristics or alliances. You will be shaped by these events. The tarot does not say."
*Is holding a rather odd-looking bag.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I never believed in tarot cards."
The Void: "Normal cards are nothing. These are astral tarot cards."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm sure they are..."
*He gives him a amused look...*
The Void: "They change depending on the world. Like... if you die... someone else will become the blank slate. Denon used to be the blank, for example."
Garrick Fy`aar: " expect me to rejoin the Questers."
The Void: "No. In fact, the tarot says it is beyond my control."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I fail to believe that. I think for a fact that you now have some of the most powerful control in Nintendus."
The Void: "Not to mention... I have nothing to do with the Questers or this world. I am merely chained to it by a large metallic being."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Oh, shut up."
The Void: "Control? Ivo is a worthless existence. I would have erased him like I did long ago if I could."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm not talking about Ivo. I'm talking about Metal."
The Void: "I cannot influence him, and he not me. We are merely together because of an incident long ago."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Heh..."
*He shakes his head a few times, walking over and picking up his own folder out of the pile...
* "...what do you think, Void? What do you think I'll do?"
Julian Sawyer would be on his way to the library, after looking up people's signatures on the Dex and determining Mets was in the Library... well, at least he was. Gonna ask him a few questions.
Metal Man (GM): It sits; you see plenty of data. 'Conflicted, confused'
The Void: "Tell me I know what you're going to do, then expect me to do things. When in all reality there are people walking into this library from behind you."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I don't expect you to do anything. And I at least expected that.
Every time I try to talk to someone about something, someone else comes into the picture and interferes. Someone more important, or more trivial."
The Void: "The story of my non-living existence. That Kuja... he didn't so much stop me as annoy. Annoy, with his powers which failed to hurt me but succeeded in making barriers."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...could I speak to Metal, now? Or are you going to continue to grace me with your dark presence?"
The Void: "There is one thing of notice I am here for. I shall write it, then go back to the ethereal realm."
Wolfman: .oO(...I wonder what those guys are talking about. They are a bit loud for being in a library.)
The Void: *Picks up a piece of paper and draws a large circle... then makes it into a hoop... and divides it into 10 sections. He writes strange glyphs on the first and second.* "This is a portion of the infinitely repeating history of everything."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Whatever. Just wanting to ask Metal when he's going to snap the leash on me..."
The Void: "It will come in handy when..." *Chuckles* "...time itself begins to break."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Time is too conflicted. If it breaks, someone will just come back in and fix it."
The Void: "I wish I could have picked this cycle to incarnate in. All of my powers were wasted on the Tyrant Cycle."
*He snaps his fingers, and Metal reappears.*
Metal Man: "You wanted me to do something, Garrick?"
Garrick Fy`aar scowls slightly at the sight of Metal...
"...I wanted to ask you something. I want a straight answer.
No trick answers, no round-about crap, just an answer."
Metal Man: "A shame... I do best at answering with riddles."
Garrick Fy`aar walks closer to Metal and looks him dead in the eye...
" you want me in the Questers? I don't care about 'it's my decision' or anything like that, I want to know what you want."
Metal Man's eyes, behind glass, stare back non-blinkingly. "I want you to make up your mind. Yes, or no. I don't want to decide for you."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...then, I'll make you a deal."
Metal Man: "And you said you didn't want to have a discussion involving tricks and round-about stuff." *Chuckles.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Take me to those Neo-Earth ruins beyond the Magnetic Wastes... and I'll join up again. If not... I'm taking back what's mine and leaving. For good."
Metal Man has sort of the 'worried' expression. "...I would, but I sorta allow the Questers to pick their own missions now. So you'll have to convince them, not me."
Garrick Fy`aar: " ALWAYS comes back to them, doesn't it?"
Metal Man: "I represent them, not the other way around."
Wolfman: "You know, for a library, you guys don't keep it down, do you?"
Garrick Fy`aar: " know, Wolf, I'm seriously not in the mood."
Metal Man: "I built this library. I can change the rules to allow rock music at maximum volume. Your library exploded." *Chuckles again.*
Dragoshi enters the library, and hears something about rock music at max volume.
Wolfman: "...Garrick, I'm willing to take you with Metal's permission. I'm curious about this place myself."
Dragoshi: "...What's this about rock music at max volume, now?"
Wolfman: "I want to understand what has changed during my leave."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, from what he told me, it was YOUR choice."
Metal Man: "Well, all you need is one more person and you could go on out for a mission there."
Wolfman: "...Dragoshi: perfect timing."
Garrick Fy`aar glances to Dragoshi and sighs a bit...
Wolfman: "Do you have a different preference?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'd rather Charles go. He's one of the few Questers I trust anymore."
Metal Man: "...He smacked me for no reason yesterday... that was weird."
Garrick Fy`aar: " in point."
*He chuckles...*
Metal Man: "I apparently offended him by eating too loudly near him."
Wolfman: "...should I contact Charles then?"
Metal Man: "I mean, smacking is normal, but it's usually over me obliviously breaking taboos of his culture."
Garrick Fy`aar: "No need."
Wolfman: "Understood."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'm sure with our conversation, he's already around. He is the... what was it... Watcher?"
Metal Man: "He is... uhhh..." *Takes up the wheel* "...The Watcher? Weird. The Void's kooky around the edges."
Julian Sawyer's head pops in the doorway "Yo! Met-...'Pparently there was a library party an' I wasn't invited."
Metal Man: "Yeah, I guess there's a party in the library."
Garrick Fy`aar: "..."
*He glances to Julian this time... he says nothing, just looks back to Wolf.*
Julian Sawyer: "Anyway, was gonna ask you what we gonna do with Aetos after that crap he pulled at Ivo's ol' base, but it looks like I'm interuptin' somethin'."
Metal Man: "I think I'm going to need Wolf's help on this."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Aetos can rot for all I care."
Metal Man: "Wolfman, what did you do when Skyhigh tried to kill me over me poking his visor? ...And the time he tried to cheat his way out of being electrified with... aspirin?"
Charles Magellean is hanging upside down from the ceiling, reading a book on the Laws of Physics. "I've been here the whole time, Garrick."
Wolfman: "...I remember the second one better. I didn't punish him with that though."
Garrick Fy`aar glances over to Charles and smiles...
"I knew you would be."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Charles Magellean: "None ask of how I got up here..."
Julian Sawyer: *Looks up at Charles* "...How the hell you doin' that?"
Metal Man: "We need some way to punish him that he won't just enjoy somehow."
Wolfman: "He was sort of... punished through using the aspirin, not knowing the side effects."
Metal Man: "I know. Professor Oak can fix it! OAAAAAAK!!!!"
Wolfman: "Medication should not be taken when using Move Swappers." *Grins.*
Dragoshi: "...Oh hayell."
Wolfman: .oO(...keep it down Metal)
Charles Magellean closes the book. "Hey, could one of you hand me another book of physics?"
Dragoshi: "...What kinds?"
Professor Oak: *Wanders in* "...You keep on calling me when there are other scientists. Why?"
Charles Magellean: "Ones about the laws of physics."
Metal Man: "You're the most crazy one. Now, I need a new fix. Aetos is bad... we need to control him from doing bad things."
Dragoshi walks over to the bookshelf, and looks for a book about the laws of physics.
Professor Oak: "...I... uhh... have a shock collar... but it's... meant for...--"
Charles Magellean: "Here's an idea, Metal..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Charles, I gotta figure somethin' wrong wit' you."
Metal Man: "Hogwash! Hand it over!"
Dragoshi: "...Chain him to Julian again."
Julian Sawyer: "Aw HELL NO. Don' EVEN try that 'gain."
Wolfman: "...shock collar? oh brother..."
Dragoshi: "...While the shock collar's on both of 'im."
Professor Oak: "...This is going to be another mayhem manacle, isn't it?" *Runs out, then returns with a weird looking collar.*
Charles Magellean: "Well, Julian, that's the only way to keep him in check."
Wolfman: .oO(Probably.)
Julian Sawyer: "I didn' do anythin' 'wrong' this time."
Metal Man: "Yes... yes! Now to say it's an item to the X-zone and to make him wear it."
Professor Oak: "...I'll go back to studying my books now." *Exits.*
Wolfman: "Good idea Oak. This library is too loud anyway."
Metal Man: "Now... Aetos should be warping in... now."
Dragoshi goes back to looking for the book.
Metal Man (GM): Aetos appears in the library, warped in from the ruined base.
Charles Magellean: "I'm up for exploring this Neo-Earthian building. Perhaps I can review on what this 'Time Calmaity' is, as well."
Aetos is typing something in the Charles, but stops because he logged off...
Metal Man snaps his fingers before Aetos can notice anything.
Charles Magellean: "...Seriously, could someone hand me a book?"
Aetos: "Darn... anyway, Computer I--"
The Void: *Is now carrying the collar... thing...* "Uhh... I have brought you here, Aetos... to give you the one thing which will make me all-powerful!"
Julian Sawyer: "Get down from the damn ceilin' and get it yo'self."
Dragoshi: "...I'd prefer a split mission where one group explores this building I keep hearing about, bu-Ah, here it is. ...I think"
The Void: "All you have to do... is put it on!"
Charles Magellean: "I can't. That's why I'm trying to get one of you to throw it up here to me."
Dragoshi pulls out a book about the laws of physics."
Charles Magellean: "Throw it here, recruit."
Julian Sawyer: "...Whadda ya mean YOU CAN'T?"
The Void: *Holds out the collar* "It should... fit your right hand?"
Aetos looks around... "Uh... Void?..."
Dragoshi throws it up to Charles "Catch."
Charles Magellean catches.
He opens the pages and begins skimming.
The Void: "Yes. Your right hand."
Aetos takes it. "I hope you know that I don't want you to be all powerful or anything. I just wanted more power for myself."
Charles Magellean: "Hello, Aetos." *Is up on the ceiling, not looking down.*
The Void: "...It's a control thing, though. You can control me with it. Charles... caught me trying to take over the world again. With his army of ninja monkeys. Who... ride tandem bicycles..."
Julian Sawyer: *Facepalm.*
Charles Magellean: "...You're beginning to sound like Illian."
Wolfman: "Is the circus coming to town?"
Aetos: "Oh... alright. Just hope we can stop more people with them monkeys then... I hear their invaluable resources." *he snaps it on.*
Charles Magellean: "...Oh crap, that means we'll have to start following your orders."
*He starts reading again.* "To think, we fought you over a span of 11 years... just to be ordered around by you after defeating you so many times."
The Void: "No. Illian fails to so much as trick anyone."
Aetos: "So ... uh... go on and turn back into Metal."
*He holds up the bracelet.*
Charles Magellean is almost done with the laws of physics.
The Void: "...I would, but then you told me to."
*Looks at the laws of physics book* "Bah. Those things are my old arch-enemy."
Aetos: "...You said this controls you."
Charles Magellean closes the book and throws it to Dragoshi. "Here. I'm done with it."
The Void: "Yes... it does! But first... you must get me the Time Stone."
Julian Sawyer jumps up and jets to where Charles is on the ceiling, intending to see how the hell he's staying up.
Digifanatic walks in...
Aetos: "...From who?"
The Void: "...Gibby has it. I know it."
Charles Magellean: *You see that there's no glue, no boots, no nothing. It's like he doesn't even----oh wait.*
Aetos: "Why would Gibby have it?... HOW would Gibby have it?"
Digifanatic: "Oh, you've gotta be..."
Charles Magellean begins to fall.
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Makes no effort to catch him.*
The Void: "Gibby... pressed the button to release it from the vault."
Dragoshi grabs the book in one hand, and puts it away
"...Wait, what?"
Charles Magellean with great effort of tossing and turning, lands on his feet.
Aetos: "Darn him. I'll go find it... where is Gibby now?"
The Void: "In the cafeteria nearby, eating lunch."
Julian Sawyer: *Looks down* "...Charles, I gotta figure there's somethin' wrong with you."
Aetos shrugs and marches to the Cafeteria.
Julian Sawyer floats back down and disengages Rocket Boots.
Digifanatic: "Okay, folks. Who let The Void out of the bag... again?"
Charles Magellean looks up to Julian. "Let's just say it was a gravity-based spell gone wrong."
Dragoshi walks off to the cafeteria "...Eh, I haven't eaten anything yet, anyway"
Charles Magellean: "We'll leave it at that, okay?"
The Void: "I should put you in a bag and ask you why that isn't where I came from." *Glares at Digi.*
Digifanatic: "You know what I mean."
Metal Man (GM): Gibby would be... in the cafeteria.
Where Aetos has just gone.
Julian Sawyer: "Somethin'-wrong-wit'-you. Anyway." *Turns to the Void* "You mind puttin' Metal back on the line? I figure I ask if any CAL action's goin' down today."
Gibby would be busy eating a delicious ham and cheese sandwich with a touch of mustard, a bottle of soda pop, and generic potato chips.
Metal Man (GM): He would have a nice shiny gemstone next to him on a table.
Gibby: "Ahh... delicious."
Digifanatic: .oO(We defeat this thing twice... practically kill it... and--man oh man. Reality is twisted.)
The Void: "Oh, sure. Once I finish this." *Takes out a book of physics and begins transmuting the pages into butterflies.*
Aetos: "Marshmallow, where did you take the Time Stone? We need to put it back."
Dragoshi looks at Gibby "...Hey. Where'd you get the gemstone?"
Charles Magellean: "...Okay, if it'll make you happy, I'll tell you."
Gibby looks at the gemstone, and shrugs. "I Found it..."
Charles Magellean: "When I read about the laws of physics, and began to believe in them, I thought I could undo what I did to myself."
Dragoshi: "...Found it WHERE?"
Charles Magellean: "Oddly, it worked."
Aetos: "Well... that doesn't mean it's yours. Let's go put it back in the vault."
Charles Magellean: "I don't know how, nor do I care to know why."
Julian Sawyer: "...You crazy. But we all knew that."
The Void: "I believe I helped... reality doesn't work as well around me."
Gibby: "It was lying on the ground. It was all shiny... so I took it. Not like anybody's name was on it."
Charles Magellean: "Yes, well..." *Turns to Garrick* "Shall we begin the trek to the arctic?"
The Void turns the book into an entire cloud of butterflies.
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Just wonderin'."
Aetos: "Hmm... I don't see any harm in you having it really. Stay right here."
*He marches back to the Library.*
Digifanatic obviously doesn't want to start an argument with The Void... he was just curious as to what brought it/him here...
Julian Sawyer: "...This place makin' my head hurt. I'ma be in the Announcer's Box in tha' Arena if anyone need me." *Heads out.*
Charles Magellean: "The sooner we do so, the sooner we can stop Ganondorf from establishing himself a presence in the Spirit Temple."
Gibby: "I've got a great place to put it in my room."
The Void: *Sees Aetos return* "...Where is the Time Stone?"
Aetos: "Gibby still has it. I don't see why he can't hold onto it... he wont even use it."
Dragoshi goes off to make a meal of his own- ham and turkey with mayo, a glass of milk, and a bag of sour-cream and onion potato chips.
The Void: "...But I need it. You are going to control me, after all. I must complete... the tarot."
Gibby grabs the gemstone and looks into it. "Yup... it's gonna look great!"
The Void: "Allow me to get it, then."
Aetos: "Controlling you is pretty overrated really... you're stuck in Metal's body. Besides, the Time Stones should be available to all of the Questers."
The Void floats through a wall towards Gibby.
Aetos rolls his eyes.
Dragoshi then comes back and sits down, eating his meal "..."
Charles Magellean checks his watch. "Actually, they're to be sealed, not used at all."
The Void: *Appears near Gibby, in the lunch room... behind him, in fact* "May I borrow the stone for a second?"
Charles Magellean: "Darn thing's been broken since we came into contact with one of them."
Aetos: "Charles, I was just about to tell you something important."
Charles Magellean looks away to his watch and looks into Aetos's eyes.
Gibby turns to The Void, and blinks. "Huh? Uhh... what for?"
Aetos: "We must go to Kokori Forest."
The Void: "...I'll give you ice cream and buttons if you don't insist I answer that question."
Gibby: "SOLD!"
*He tosses Void the gemstone.*
Charles Magellean takes out his datebook from his back pocket. He has a pencil ready. "Let's see... Kokiri... Kokiri..."
The Void: *Takes the gemstone, takes out Metal's dex and orders... buttons and ice cream... which is sent to Gibby. Then he clutches it.* "I will return in a moment."
Dragoshi is eating his meal while listening to Void and Gibby talk "...Huh."
Charles Magellean: "I have a mission to the arctic scheduled for today... it'd have to wait after that, Aetos. What time would be beneficial for you?"
Aetos: "Hmm sometime soon. I don't know how long I'll be here... I seem to be warped around and knocked unconscious a lot."
The Void: *Appears in the library* "Yes... now I have it. The Time Stone... I shall prove I am no has-been."
Gibby watches Void leave and then says to himself, "Heh... sucker... I would've settled for the ice cream alone."
Garrick Fy`aar looks to Aetos, then Charles... he doesn't say another word, just walks out of the room.
Aetos eyes The Void.
The Void powers up the stone and begins causing a small windstorm in the library.
Charles Magellean looks to The Void. "There goes my schedule."
Dragoshi: "...Nice one, Gibby. Even though that was a... Eh, nevermind."
Charles Magellean puts away the book.
Gibby: "What?"
Dragoshi: "...Nothin."
Garrick Fy`aar stops and turns back to the Void... watching...
The Void: "Hmmm... only one. Not enough to destroy the Ivo for you... you would love it, though."
Aetos: "Oh yes... Ivo, I need to call him." *he opens up the terminal on his spear and calls Leon Yetch's Dex.*
Charles Magellean takes out his datebook again. "Okay, I have you done for "sometime later." I'll make a note of it."
Aetos nods to Charles.
The Void: "Can't quite decide, though... only limited power."
Charles Magellean looks to Aetos with a surprised look. "Who the hell did you say you would call!?"
The Void: *Is now... thinking. He can't even decide what to do with it.* "As much as I want the X-zone... it was killed. Those silly people who said I could bring it back were behind the times."
Gibby finishes up his meal and then heads to his room for a little bit. Now he had to fix up the room since he no longer has the gemstone.
Digifanatic just leaves and follows everyone, obviously surrendering to all the crazy stuff going on in his head at the time...
Aetos: "Ivo Robutt-- Robotnik. I have some things to talk to him about." *his nose twitches.*
Metal Man (GM): Aetos is suddenly electrified by the bracelet.
Charles Magellean grumbles at Aetos. He looks to the mass. "You done with whatever it was that you were doing? We'd like to move on."
Dragoshi finishes his own meal, and goes back to the library.
Aetos: "Gah? What?! I was just going to scream at him for breaking our deal!"
The Void: "Uhhh... thank you for giving me an idea, Charles."
Digifanatic: "Oh boy."
Charles Magellean jumps back instantly as he's electrified: "Ohholycrapthatscaredthehellouttame!"
The Void: "...That shock collar is a bit rough on the edges."
Charles Magellean looks to Void... perplexed face.
Aetos mutters and calls Leon's dex again.
The Void: "Watch what I can do!" *Suddenly vanishes.*
Aetos: "I'm gonna give that lard a piece of my mind."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Charles Magellean looks to Garrick, scratching his head. "You might wanna start preparing for the Neo-Earth building."
SIMBER: "It appears he has taken the time stone to the ruins."
Aetos screams. "PICK UP YOUR PHONE!!!"
SIMBER: "I will substitute for him in the Big Room... you are going there, right?"
Aetos: "Err... I suppose 'Pick up my dex' is more appropriate..."
Charles Magellean: "...Yyyeeaaahhhh."
SIMBER: "There is the matter of the CAL, though."
Dragoshi: "...What matter?"
SIMBER: "Aetos... wishing to fight Gumbo?"
Aetos looks to Garrick and Charles. "You guys going to that ... place up north? I would come, but I've got arrangements."
Charles Magellean: "..."
Aetos shakes his spear violently. "WHY DOESN'T IVO ANSWER!?"
Charles Magellean slaps Aetos on the backside of the head. "Knock it off. You got an appointment in the Arena."
Dragoshi facepalms.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...enough."
Charles Magellean: "Ivo can wait, despite I wonder why you would that." *He waits in the Big Room.*
Aetos follows Charles to the Big Room.
Garrick Fy`aar also in the Big Room, stands there staring at Aetos...
Digifanatic doesn't know whether to leave and not be a disturbance, yet know nothing, or continue listening and figure out what the heck is going on.
Garrick Fy`aar: " I consider you a threat."
Aetos: "Oh? I'd like that."
Garrick Fy`aar: "The only reason I haven't attacked you right now is because I'm holding out for a worse punishment on you. ...that, and I'm wondering if this is just some sort of trick."
Aetos: "What are you talking about, punishment for what?"
Garrick Fy`aar just narrows his eyes at him, his armor appearing over him in a flash. He's got no weaponry what so ever, but he looks dangerous none the less.
Aetos: "You make no sense. wait... That armor... In... the forest... THAT WAS YOU?"
Garrick Fy`aar smirks
"I'm surprised you realized it at all."
Aetos: "Amazing... and... how did you know it was me, anyway?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Kappa gave you away."
Aetos: "Right, of course... I was playing dead at the time... fun times."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Now... I'm slowly beginning to lose my patience with most people."
Aetos: "I plan on heading back to Kokiri forest some time. Want to come?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "..."
Aetos: "...Not the Lost Woods, but to Link's old treehouse."
Garrick Fy`aar takes a few steps forward and his arm suddenly lashes out, stopping an inch from his jugular...
"'re a fool to try and trick me, Aetos."
Aetos: "You're a fool to think I'm capable of tricking someone other than Knuckles."
Garrick Fy`aar chuckles before lowering his arm.
"Get out of my sight."
Aetos: "I'm serious! There's a big treasure somewhere in the Dark World in Link's Treehouse!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "And I'd believe you... why?"
Aetos: "Because I'm a horrible liar?"
Garrick Fy`aar doesn't say another word, he just turns and walks over to the area where they'd warp out, prepping a few functions on his suit...
Aetos walks up to the elevator and turns to Charles. "I wonder what his problem is."
Metal Man (GM): Ok.
Aetos walks over to the arena, where a recently patched together Gumbo has been waiting.
Gumbo: "Oh no... another human... my life is pain..."
Charles Magellean the player, turns off the Cups music. Over and over again... oi.
Aetos: "Hiya Gumbo! My name is Aetos."
Gumbo: "I will... uhh... win."
SIMBER: "And Aetos enters... the arena!"
Metal Man (GM): The arena box appears around Aetos n' Gumbo. Init?
Julian Sawyer: "'Bout time he showed up. Gumbo's been cowerin' in the corner for a good 20 minutes."
Aetos blinks.
Metal Man (GM): Order: Aetos, Gumbo
Julian Sawyer rings the bell.
"An' here we go! Aetos an' Gumbo, comin' at ya LIVE from the Quester Arena!"
Aetos: "Good luck Gumbo!" *he yells as he fires a stream of wind from his hands.*
Julian Sawyer: "OH! That one blew him right into the cage wall!"
Metal Man (GM): He's all smacked around... anything else?
Gumbo: "This is my chance... to beat a Quester." *Runs at Aetos with a headbonk.*
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like Gumbo's gonna try an' retaliate instead'a doin' the smart thing and givin' up!"
Aetos: "How are you going to beat a Quester in full plate armor?"
*He is hit...*
Metal Man (GM): 30 damage.
Julian Sawyer: "...And he hits!"
Metal Man (GM): He then does... three other headbutts!
Aetos snickers. "Oh... the pain."
Metal Man (GM): 30, 60, 30
Julian Sawyer: "An' he's doin' it again! Damn, look at 'em! Look at 'em go!"
Aetos: "Ow! That one got me in the head!"
SIMBER: "Gumbo may actually have a chance!"
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like Aetos is too slow to dodge anythin' Gumbo's throwin' out!"
Aetos rolls his eyes. "Ok. Fine, jerk." he then proceeds to scream for a long period of time... wind energy begins to emanate off his body, then swarming above in the sky, and quickly falls onto Gumbo, hurting him intensely Unless he saves his AGI check.
Julian Sawyer: "An' Aetos comes back wit'...yellin'...And he's droppin' a solid weight of Wind on Gumbo! Dunno how that's possible, but he's doin' it! Move Gumbo! Get yo' a out the way!"
Gumbo: "Ahhhhh!!!!"
Aetos: *He doesn't move those little feet nearly fast enough to escape the wind mass. it cuts him up brutally for 81 wind damage.*
Metal Man (GM): He gets up... barely alive.
Gumbo: "So... painful..."
Metal Man (GM): He runs up... and tries his share of Headbonks.
30 damage per hit.
Aetos makes sure to cover his face this time.
He waves his arms forward and a large flow of wind rushes in from behind him. It spins around Gumbo like a tornado, if it hits, he'd be caught and then soon thrown away somewhere.
Metal Man (GM): He's thrown out of the arena... and out a nearby window. Defeated.
Battle Over
Julian Sawyer: "Gumbo gets in his shots, but it looks like it might all be over with that Tornado..."
Metal Man (GM): Winner: Aetos
Julian Sawyer: "And it is! Ring the bell, this one's over!"
Metal Man (GM): +100 EXP. +100 coins. +1 rank
SIMBER: "DING! Indeed."
Aetos bows and exits. "Where did Gumbo go, SIMBER? I'd like to go help him."
Julian Sawyer: "Out a window."
Aetos: "...Right." *Goes in the direction Gumbo got tossed by the Wind Flow.*
SIMBER: "We'll put him back together soon enough... Dr. Mario has his ways."
Metal Man (GM): You would notice Dr. Mario dragging his corpse back into HQ.
Julian Sawyer: "And now's it Primetime!" *Julian heads out of the box, heading down to the Arena floor for his fight.*
Aetos: "Heh... maybe I'll just watch Julian."
*He goes into the stands.*
Dragoshi was watching from the stands, not making a comment. "Yep. Poor idiot was defenestrated. Guess I'll Ask if I can beat im' up myself tomorrow."
Metal Man (GM): One moment.
You head to the arena.
SIMBER: "And now, for your battling pleasure... Julian vs. a Mutated Shyguy!"
Metal Man (GM): CAL BATTLE RANK 49
Julian vs. Mutated Shyguy
Order: Julian, Mutated Shyguy
The Mutated Shyguy, wearing a green robe, wanders on the stage.
Shyguy: "..."
Julian Sawyer walks into the arena, bouncing from foot to foot and throwing a few punches to get psyched up
"Alright, let's see if I'm still good..." *Julian reaches into the inside of his vest, pulling out...
A can of lighter fluid and a lighter!* "Alright!" *Julian then goes to pour the lighter fluid on the ShyGuy, then use the Lighter to set him aflame!
Metal Man (GM): Hit!
His wimpy DR is halved.
He stands there, on fire.
Julian Sawyer: *Foreign Object is back! Julian backs off and ends his turn.*
Metal Man (GM): Shyguy
Shyguy: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He runs up and tries to stab you in the ankle.
With a knife.
Aaand misses.
Julian Sawyer steps to the side, and reaches into his vest again, producing...
*A Cinderblock? How'd that fit in there? Julian lifts it up, and heaves it down onto the ShyGuy's head!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian Sawyer ends his turn, circling the Shy Guy.
Metal Man (GM): He tries to stab you... again!
*SHANK* 36 damage.
Julian Sawyer is stabbed! Oh no! Time to break out the big guns, as Julian reaches to grab the Shy Guy with blood-red glowing gloves!
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian Sawyer: *Oh how it burns even more! Julian whirls around and launches the light enemy into the cage wall with a Focus Slam!* "Where'd you get a knife anyway?!"
Metal Man (GM): It is silent as it bounces off the wall.
Julian Sawyer's done.
Metal Man (GM): It attempts... another stab.
*STAB!* 36 damage.
Julian Sawyer: *My leg!* "Gah! Stop doin' that!" *Julian hops a bit, before rearing back and winding up, then thrusting forward towards the Shy Guy's face with a Wind-Up Punch SMASH!*
SIMBER: "Will the lowly shyguy destroy Julian's ankle?"
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH.*
Julian Sawyer: *And that took all of Julian's TP.*
Metal Man (GM): ...He flies out of the ceiling.
SIMBER: "Well, I guess that's a no."
Metal Man (GM): Winner: Julian
Julian Sawyer: "Primetime, mutha****er!"
Metal Man (GM): 200 coins and 200 EXP to Julian
Dragoshi: "...Oh, NICE one."
*He chuckles.*
Digifanatic is also walking over to Aetos and Dragoshi about this time...
"Not much else to do besides watch or fight..."
Aetos: "Yup..."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Aetos: "Say... maybe we can go on a mission, us three?"
Digifanatic: "I dunno."
Dragoshi: "...Heh. Sounds good."
Digifanatic: "I'd like to get back in sometime and get a few ranks myself... I'll ask Metal about it. Hang on."
Dragoshi: "...As would I."
Digifanatic rings up Metal on his Dex.
"Hey, Metal, is there anything that we should do right now, or can we just do some more Caling?"
Metal Man (GM): 3 minutes until mission.
The Wraith is... doin' its usual thing.
Metal Man (GM): You're all in the big room, as usual.
Digifanatic has gotten up and starts walking towards the main section of the HQ (somewhere around R&R and the Big Room)
Julian Sawyer's got a bandage wrapped around his right ankle.
SIMBER: "...The gist is this."
Dragoshi is in the Big Room, leaning against the wall.
SIMBER: "The Void absconded with an emerald and went to the northern ruins, where a mission is also there."
The Wraith drifts into the room with the others, folding its arms...
Julian Sawyer: "... You're kiddin'."
SIMBER: "Erm. Time Stone."
Charles Magellean: "Absent-minded. ...In an AI."
SIMBER: "No. He appears to be planning to take it and use it in a way beneficial to us."
Digifanatic: "Anyways..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...enough talk."
SIMBER: "You must find him and explore the base."
Digifanatic: "Okay."
Julian Sawyer: "We can't have THIS goin' on AN' Ganondorf tryin' to take over the Spirit Temple!"
Dragoshi: "...Sounds good. ...And, yes, Julian is right."
Garrick Fy`aar turns and goes straight to the warp room.
Julian Sawyer: "We're gonna hafta Split Mission."
Dragoshi: "...I believe we should split up into two groups."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
SIMBER: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm headin' for the Spirit Temple. We left that one alone for too long."
Charles Magellean: "No, Ganondorf is too strong to take on for splitting up."
Dragoshi: "Indeed. I'll come with"
SIMBER: "You may split up, however Ganondorf, indeed, is too strong."
Charles Magellean: "Even with Julian, his team will require... a miracle."
Dragoshi: "...This is quite a quandary."
SIMBER: "Plus if things go wrong, the time stone could get into Ivo's hands, making anything to do with Ganondorf trivial."
Julian Sawyer: "Well I think this is a bit more important than to go see how the Void's gonna help us by goin' to those ****in' ruins!"
Digifanatic: "Yeah, Julian's got a good point and Charles' is just as important."
SIMBER: "Ganondorf can rip holes in here from the Dark World... Ivo can go back in time and counter more and more things as he gains more time stones."
Garrick Fy`aar: " know..."
Digifanatic: "I call the Temple as well."
SIMBER: "It is of your choice."
Garrick Fy`aar walks back in...
Charles Magellean: "Garrick is a friend, and I agreed to go with him. I do not go back on my word."
Digifanatic: "Okay. Where is Garrick going?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...forget it."
Charles Magellean: "..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Just forget it. Go fight Ganondorf."
Dragoshi: "...Understood."
Julian Sawyer: "I plan to. Whether you comin' along or not ain't none'a my concern."
Editor's Note: And then it cuts out there... guess it's another... weird cliffhanger part. Enjoy?