Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 294: The IIF Conspiracy



Date: 3:52:26 PM, July 1st, 2006.
Metal Man (GM): Mission
Anyway... Questers are at a locked down HQ, with Metal at the ready.
Garrick Fy`aar folds his arms over his chest, looking to Metal.
"Alright, how're we going to go about this?"
Metal Man: "We go outside and kill everything that gets in our way. Then we're free to go to part B."
Wolfman: "So a pure frontal assault?"
Metal Man: "This will be the hardest part of the mission, as we're totally surrounded by agents."
Wolfman gets in ready/mounting position.
Metal Man: "Anyone who tries anything funny will be treated as a spy, seeing as... we don't necessarily have time to discover their true allegiance. If you have any strange ideas, voice them now, not later."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...wait wait wait a minute."
Charles Magellean yawns, then looks lazily at Metal with one eye. "I have as such."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You're plan right now is to bust completely into the place, running hard... find Julian, Ivan, and this informant of yours, and run out again?' While blowing it to smithereens."
Metal Man: "...We can't go that far yet, we have to kill the guys around our own HQ first."
Wolfman is unsure of crazy ideas at this point.
Metal Man: "Once they're dead, we can get to that building... upon which I suggest sneaking."
Trigger has a lost look about him.
Dragoshi: "...That would sound like a good idea."
Wolfman nods.
Metal Man: "But we have to clear out these agents first; they're not going to let us do anything as long as they're here."
Garrick Fy`aar: "That will be my area of expertise..."
Wolfman: "With that in mind... does anyone request to be ridden into battle?"
Trigger: "..."
Charles Magellean yawns again. "I have a problem with this. I just filed for citizenship since my homeworld orbits this planet, and I'm supposed to take out a government-affiliated agency."
Metal Man: "If you have any ideas, I repeat, I will help coordinate them... this is somewhat a desperate move, and we're likely to get shot up out there. Well, Charles, it's either that or they kill us all."
Trigger: "I'll ride into battle."
Metal Man: "This agency won't exist once we're done with it, and it's likely we'll have saved Ivan in the process."
Dragoshi: "...And most, if not all of us, would hate the latter."
Charles Magellean: "Can you at least explain why they want to kill US?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'd assume because we're a nuisance."
Charles Magellean: "In all honesty, I'm not even officially a Quester, I'm a resident of Nintendus, and I've not done damage since the moon orbits here."
Wolfman awaits Trigger to get on then.
Trigger gets on the horse.
Metal Man: "The agency wants control of the planet. They're going after us, the only agency good enough to stop them."
Charles Magellean: "That's a lot to assume, Illian, based on limited documents and information. More importantly the information than the documents."
Metal Man: "Damn, man, this isn't any TIME for your properness #(!&. We're all going to DIE if we sit back and ask if it's right or not."
Garrick Fy`aar: "He has a point, Charles..."
Charles Magellean: "...You're showing emotion."
Dragoshi: "Indeed. So, why the HELL are we sitting around here then?"
Charles Magellean puts on some dark gloves.
Trigger: "Come on, let's go!!"
Metal Man: "You wouldn't listen to me normally, now would you?"
Wolfman: "I thought you'd never say that Trigger... but wait for Metal's command."
Metal Man loads his guns. "You're free to be useless, but don't expect any medals of honor for watching TV."
Trigger: "Roger."
Charles Magellean: "If... you are this firm on your standing... then I guess I have no choice..."
Garrick Fy`aar smirks, loading his gun around the same time as Metal, his armor charging...
Trigger unholsters his gun and puts a new clip in it.
Metal Man points to the front door. "If anyone else has any good ideas or wants to wimp out, go ahead."
Charles Magellean's incisor teeth become fang-like. His irises disappear.
Metal Man smacks Charles upside the head, KO'ing him before he can do anything stupid.
Editor's Note: Oh, if only this had happened more often...
Garrick Fy`aar: "I don't suppose a offer for a tea party would change their minds?"
Wolfman just stands and waits... no guns to withdraw.
Dragoshi chuckles and pulls out his scythe. It appears he's upgraded it a little bit.
Wolfman: .oO(...why is there still tension when we have to work together?)
Metal Man: "...I have a crazy idea."
Trigger: "This **** doesn't scare me, I've been through worse."
Wolfman: "Name it then Metal."
Metal Man drags up Charles's unconscious body. "This looks a lot like a Quester. Maybe we can use him as a decoy. He won't be harmed... too badly."
Dragoshi: "...I'd be a smartarse and say 'who hasn't', Trigger, but now is not the time for this"
Metal Man: "At least, he can be useful without ever knowing anything happened."
Dragoshi: "...Quite."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I have another crazy idea. Why don't we go out there and show them what the Questers truly are?"
Trigger: "Man, I just don't wanna wait any longer."
Wolfman: "Dragoshi, can you carry Charles?"
Metal Man: "That's the idea. But we need something to draw away sniper fire."
Dragoshi: "...That's crazy enough to WORK. And no, my hands are currently full with this scythe of mine"
Metal Man: "They've gotta have some, after all. They use tactics opposite to ours."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Decoy? Wolf's quick, let him be the decoy."
Metal Man: "He'd be shot to pieces!"
Dragoshi: "Indeed."
Garrick Fy`aar frowns... then smirks...
"...I can snipe."
Metal Man brandishes Charles. "He can't feel pain for now."
Garrick Fy`aar: "If somebody can draw them out, I can pick them off. God, enough of this dilly dallying. I'll be on the roof picking them off."
Metal Man: "Okay... who's going to be the main offense force?"
Wolfman: "Trigger and I will be part of the offense force."
Metal Man: "I'll have my hands full being shot at."
Dragoshi: "...As will I."
Garrick Fy`aar turns on his heel, making for the roof. He switches on his comm unit...
"NOVA, come in."
Wolfman: "I await your command Metal."
Metal Man: "Hmmm... I must have hit him hard. Well, you don't just go nuts and scare me like that... especially if you tried to kill me once before... anyway! Roof for Garrick, and, uhh... three main people. I'll get there eventually too, once the snipers have been at least distracted."
Nova: *Comms* "Yes, Garrick?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Are any of my old sniper rifles laying around up there?"
*He takes the steps two at a time, making for the door...*
Nova: "They're all dusty and broken."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Damn... I don't suppose you've got anything up there I can use to extend the reach of my M150 blasts?"
Wolfman awaits the charge command.
Nova: *Comms* "Only a weapon upgrade could do that... one which would cost coins."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Perfect... so goes the time when I could just make what I needed out of scratch parts... oh well. Think you can do something about the mounds and mounds of bad guys around the stadium?"
Nova: *Comms* "Snipers have to be just a little out of your range... I cannot attack them directly."
*Comms* "You may borrow the requisite upgrade from the shop in the building you're in."
Garrick Fy`aar sighs, stops, and speeds for the shop. He slides up to it.
"Borrow barrel extender. Snipers. Now, please."
Mr. Game and Watch: "Beep boop beep." *Tosses a barrel to Garrick.*
Garrick Fy`aar catches it on the fly, nods a thanks to GW, then speeds back for the roof.
He goes to open the door to the roof, finding it locked... he grunts, then kicks it open easily and quickly moves over to the edge of the arena where the front door is located, laying down on his belly and switching his recently repaired helmet into action. The headgear flips onto his head as he screws the barrel into place and lets his helmet and Mark do the sights for him...
"Metal, Garrick here. I'm in position... let's see here... hoo boy..."
Metal Man checks his dex. "Garrick's in position. Let me distract the snipers, then you can charge on."
Garrick Fy`aar looks around at the opposition around the stadium...
Aetos basically is loafing around, waiting to see people get shot.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick sees the following:
3 snipers nestled at the respective corners of the building...
Two of them walking right near the walls.
Not on it, but about 40 feet away from those corners.
Wolfman: "Aetos... do you plan on fighting with us?"
Metal Man (GM): The close ones you could fire at easily, but they could probably attack you as well.
The far away ones have sniper rifles.
Trigger: "We need all the help we can get."
Metal Man turns to Aetos. "Well, your... err... caretaker went nuts on me for a moment there, so you're my responsibility for the time being."
Aetos: "Um... no thanks."
Trigger: "Whatever,"
Metal Man: "Now, him, I tried to offer doing nothing, but he went all nuts. So... you're coming with us.
I will unify this unit or die trying."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Metal, come in."
Metal Man comms to Garrick. "Wait up, I need to deal with Aetos."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...there's only five guards..."
Metal Man comms back. "They're secret agents, we don't know what they're capable of yet."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Roger, but I'd hurry if I were you..."
Metal Man points at Aetos. "So... are you with us, or not?"
Aetos: "You just said I had to come."
Trigger: "This sounds like it's gonna be an intense battle out there."
Metal Man: "Right. Now that's more like it."
*He looks around some more.* "I'm putting Dragoshi in head of this charge here."
Wolfman: "Does that mean he should ride on me instead? offense Trigger."
Metal Man: "Dragoshi, make sure everyone goes out of the building at once, and no stragglers. If we leave the doors open, they'll get in."
Dragoshi's eyes widen "...Uhh... Why me?"
Trigger: "None taken."
Wolfman: "The captain always gets the ride I thought."
Metal Man: "You're the most trustworthy person. Wolf makes some bad judgment calls, Trigger's a bit green, and Aetos doesn't really trust me... So I'm counting on you to show me what you can do. It isn't too hard."
Garrick Fy`aar: *Comm* "And I'm on the roof... right, Metal?"
Dragoshi: "...I see. Well, if that's the case... I'll do my best..."
Trigger: "You want me off then, Wolf?"
Dragoshi: "...Or die trying as the case may be."
Wolfman: "Dragoshi's call."
Trigger: "Ok."
Metal Man comms back. Comms "Yessir. You can shoot at them up there. Provide cover for the group. My distraction won't last long."
Wolfman turns to Dragoshi.
Metal Man: "Now, Dragoshi, you charge on out and attack whatever you find on my mark, Dragoshi."
Trigger turns to Dragoshi.
Wolfman: "Shall I be your... lively chariot?"
Dragoshi: "...Yes. I suppose."
Wolfman: "Off Trigger."
Trigger gets off Wolf.
Metal Man looks at Gibby. "Ah! Thank goodness. You help Dragoshi charge out the door."
Dragoshi: "...But first..."
Trigger: "Well, good luck to all of us then."
Wolfman nods in agreement to that.
Gibby comes into the big room ready for battle. He looks to Metal. "Oh boy, lucky me..."
Trigger: "Oh, I didn't see you there Gibby."
Dragoshi mutters a few things, and his armor materializes on him, helm and all. He then puts the scythe in his weapon slot
"...There. I'm ready."
Wolfman: "Hop on Captain."
Metal Man salutes, then drags Charles up some stairs. "You'd be lighter if you spent more time fighting and less time scaring me..."
Trigger: "I've been ready."
Dragoshi gets on Wolf.
Gibby walks over to Dragoshi. "I'm still worried about this, but... I gotta do what I gotta do."
Garrick Fy`aar: *Comm* "I'd advise you guys to get at the front door. Listen for my opening shot, then come on out."
Wolfman: .oO(The most important mission yet...)
Dragoshi: "...Indeed."
Trigger: "10-4."
Metal Man exits to a ledge on the second floor, and attaches Charles to a floating drone-thingy. He then goes on the opposite side.
Dragoshi: *Comm to Garrick via radio* "Understood."
Wolfman nods, and starts leading off Dragoshi to the front.
Garrick Fy`aar: *Comm* " careful, guys. We have no idea how strong these guys are."
Wolfman: "Forward... march."
Metal Man: "Hey you! IIF jerks! Look, it's me! Metal! I'm gonna kill you all with my buddy Charles!"
*He whispers into his radio.* "Charge NOW!"
Dragoshi: *Comm* "Quite. We'll have to prepare for the worst"
*He signals Wolf to charge.*
Metal Man (GM): You begin to hear bullets pepper the outside of the building as people fire at Metal and Charles.
Wolfman: "CHARGE!"
Gibby unsheaths his sword and charges out the door as soon as he hear Wolf's command.
Dragoshi: "CHARGE!"
Wolfman uses a Rocket Tackle for good measure.
Trigger rushes outside with the others.
Metal Man (GM): You run outside, and right in front of a single agent... who's half-cloaked.
Garrick Fy`aar closes one eye, targets one of the farther away snipers, and tries out his new special. He smirks... and blasts.
Wolfman gets a look at this guy... if he could...
Agent Syke: "We have visual contact with an enemy unit sir. Will neutralize and take the base. Out." *Takes out his earpiece.*
Metal Man (GM): It's hard to see... a man who appears translucent.
Trigger: "Should we attack?"
Wolfman hopes Trigger and Gibby followed.
Metal Man (GM): He has a name badge, 'Agent Syke', and a pistol. A big looking handcannon. Which he takes out and calmly walks towards the Questers with.
Gibby did, and wondered how to go about fighting this guy. "Are we going to attack head on?"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: Name your target.
Metal Man whispers into his radio. "Destroy all opposition."
Dragoshi: "...Indeed. But be careful."
Metal Man (GM): IIF BATTLE
Dragoshi: "...Crush them ALL."
Metal Man (GM): Questers vs. IIF forces
Metal Man (GM): Order: Metal, IIF, Garrick, Dragoshi, Aetos, Gibby, Trigger
Order: Metal, IIF, Garrick, Dragoshi, Wolfman, Aetos, Gibby, Trigger
Metal uses his turn to be shot at by the two snipers on his side.
He's hit twice, taking some damage.
The Charles decoy is also shot at.
The three wall agents hold their position, as merely ONE agent, Sykes, engages the Questers at point-blank range.
He looks at them and fires at Dragoshi.
*BLAM* 81 damage if that hit.
Then he attempts to smack Dragoshi with his pistol.
30 damage if that hit.
You've got your pick of any target, Garrick.
Dragoshi is hit twice, the armor nullifying some of the force of the shot, and a HUGE amount of the pistol smack.
Metal Man (GM): Middle? They're arranged in corners.
Dragoshi: "...Hmph" (67/325. Going up in damage instead of down in health)
Metal Man (GM): He's so far away... and also partially invisible. He rolls out of the way of those shots.
Garrick Fy`aar immediately gets to his feet and moves quickly to a different spot. A sniper never stood in once place after he took his shots...
Metal Man (GM): That it for your turn?
Wolfman: "Shall we charge?"
Dragoshi: "Indeed."
Agent Sykes: "You have no chance against us."
Wolfman: *Insert trumpet fanfare here while Dragoshi does his move.*
Dragoshi attempts to strike at Sykes with an Impaler as Wolf charges.
Metal Man (GM): Sykes turns invisible and leaps out of the way.
He reappears a few feet behind you.
Sykes: "Amateur."
Dragoshi: "...Parasite."
Wolfman turns around to get back... and sees him in the way.
He Rocket Tackles Sykes with Dragoshi still on him... no team up attack though.
Metal Man (GM): CRIT
Julian Sawyer: *CRIIIIIITICAL!~*
Metal Man (GM): He attempts to avoid it, then his strange-lookin' blue tuxedo shorts out, making him take more damage.
Wolfman is done.
Dragoshi: "...Not so high and mighty now, are you!?"
Wolfman chuckles a little.
Metal Man (GM): You knock him backwards as his tuxedo turns back on, and he turns invisible. He stands up, brushing dust off of himself.
Sykes: "You have no idea who you are up against."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos' turn
Wolfman: .oO(Probably not... but I don't care either way.)
Aetos crosses his arms and glares at the IIF, not doing anything this turn.
Dragoshi chuckles
"...Oh, ye of little mind. It matters not. You'll all die, regardless."
Sykes: "That's what the last set of runts we killed said. It didn't stop us."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Gibby charges towards Syke and slashes at him twice. He then leaps back and goes into defense mode.
Dragoshi: "...Then I guess we just stepped into a cliche then."
Metal Man (GM): Sykes rolls out of the way of one hit, only to get slashed in the back by the other.
Trigger strikes Sykes with a Rocket strike.
Metal Man (GM): Oh... so close... but he turns invisible and ducks out of the way.
Metal runs around to yuor side, and is now standing precariously on a ledge.
Metal Man: "They've stopped firing at Charles--apparently they don't think he's a Quester. I'll have to reinforce you guys... I hope Garrick's okay."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. As do I."
Wolfman: "Help is always appreciated."
Gibby nods.
Metal Man turns to Sykes and leaps down, his pistol on fire. He tries to smack him upside the face.
He flies into the ground. "Ow."
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man gets up, then prepares for his next round.
Metal Man (GM): IIF
Two snipers fire at Metal.
Making two hits...
Metal Man: "Ow! Ow!"
Dragoshi: "...These guys are actually DAMAGING Metal? ...Dayumn."
Gibby: "Those snipers are really good."
Metal Man (GM): Another two shoot at Garrick.
Trigger: "Yeah."
Metal Man (GM): 54 damage per hit.
Garrick Fy`aar gets popped as he runs, sliding into a new position and lining up his next shot...
Metal Man: "I believe they only needed a few to be a big problem."
Dragoshi: "...Indeed."
Garrick Fy`aar looks at that evil sniper he so hates... lines up the shot... and POW.
Metal Man (GM): You fire at him, he goes invisible, and it misses.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark, scan!"
Mark: "Target out of range and invisible."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Then get the guy on the ground fighting the Questers!"
Mark: "Target is invisible."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Dah! Whatever optic cama--..."
Mark: "All I can say is that they know how to make things hard for us."
Garrick Fy`aar stops, hesitating... no... noooo, that can't be right...
He gets moving again, end turn.
Metal Man (GM): I forgot Agent Sykes' turn >.>
The 3 guys on the sides stand by, even though they could probably make your lives horrible.
Agent Sykes immediately puts away his pistol and takes out a nasty looking Tommy Gun.
A laser Tommy Gun.
Dragoshi: "..."
Sykes: "Read 'em and weep, boys."
Metal Man (GM): Then he opens fire on Dragoshi with it.
Trigger: "Craptastic..."
Dragoshi: "*Draconic*."
Gibby: "Oy."
Aetos looks up to the sky and whistles.
Metal Man (GM): 41 damage per hit, can hit up to three times, machinegun.
Wolfman will feel some sort of effect from this most likely... (I always forget what the machine gun effect does)
Metal Man (GM): Then he takes out a vial full of red liquid and drinks it, fully recovering his health.
Gibby: "Grr... he's a professional."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Wolfman: "Shall we charge, attempt a team up, or something else?"
Sykes: "We've got everything Ivan has to offer. I'll be able to kill you all by myself."
Metal Man: "Your snipers beg to differ."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...damn..."
Sykes: "Shut up and eat bullets, tin man."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...this guy is making me mad..."
Gibby: "If we all charge at him, he won't be able to take it all."
Sykes: "And if you kill me, there's three more of me... and four more guys out in the bushes. You're doomed."
Trigger: "Nah."
Metal Man: "I believe we should focus on disabling what we can... he's got more toys than any of Kuja's men."
Gibby: "If I only had a nickel for every time I heard that one."
Metal Man: "This is clearly Ivan's mantra of quality, not quantity. Which means if we take him down, it's like killing a hundred of Denon's men."
Wolfman just nods...
He awaits Dragoshi's commands.
Garrick Fy`aar slid into the next spot he found, looking... and then he remembered something. His father's words about sniping...'Sniping his a game of patience. You don't need to rush with sniping. Just take a deep breath, steady your hand, pick your target, and squeeze the trigger... blend into your environment and let your skill take over.' He did just that, slowly taking a deep breath, letting his eyes close before he lines up the shot.
Dragoshi quickly pulls out an Ultra Shroom and eats it, recovering most damage(Quick Item Use)
He then assumes a defensive position (EoT)
Metal Man (GM): before he lines up the---
Wolfman: *To Dragoshi only* "Dragoshi, should I try calling in a former good Smasher for assistance?"
Metal Man: "Err, not to burst your bubble, but they can snipe at anyone coming here. They might not make it to our front door... those bullets are beating me up, for sure."
Trigger: "I hate snipers."
Metal Man: "If we can take down at least one of these guys, the others can be weakened."
Wolfman will then defend once, and save 2 TP for later.
Garrick Fy`aar: *Comm* "Don't worry about the snipers..."
Dragoshi: "...Maybe. But only after we clear out at LEAST one of these guys. Especially the invisible Agent Smith ripoff." *Referring to Sykes*
"...Semi ripoff. Whatev."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos' turn
Dragoshi: " get the damn point."
Aetos sighs. He flicks a finger at Sykes and a small needle of wind zips at him.
Sykes: "I could kill Agent Smith before he had a chance to do one of those things he does, airhead."
Metal Man (GM): He stands there as Aetos' attack bounces off of his armor.
Trigger: "What 'things'?"
Dragoshi: "...Aetos, do something USEFUL next time."
Sykes: "The stuff which would supposedly stop the likes of me. I've seen it all... you're not even as good as him."
Trigger: "Hmm, too bad I'm not The One."
Gibby continues his assault on Sykes. He charges in and attacks with two upward slashes and two horizontal slashes.
Metal Man (GM): Hit miss miss miss.
You hit him once, and he leaps backwards.
Trigger uses his turn to charge up his smash attack.
Metal Man (GM): NEW ROUND
Metal runs up and tries another flaming Pistol Whip.
*SMACK* He's knocked backwards and onto the ground.
Sykes: "A nice punch, but as long as I have these, it's worthless."
Metal Man (GM): He drinks another vial and heals completely.
Gibby: "How many of those does he HAVE?"
Metal Man: "Good question."
Dragoshi: "...How much do you want to bet that he has a seemingly infinite supply of those?"
Sykes: "There's only one way for you to win this... and that's to die."
Metal Man (GM): He opens fire on Dragoshi again.
Gibby: "Uhhh... huh?"
Dragoshi: "...You are SO damn cliched."
Wolfman: "That's not how we win..."
Metal Man (GM): Machinegun, 41 damage per hit (Up to 3 hits) Laser
Meanwhile, two snipers fire at Dragoshi.
54 damage per hit. No Laser.
Dragoshi gets hit five times.
Metal Man (GM): The other two attack Garrick.
54 damage per hit.
Trigger: "Jesus, they're everywhere!!"
Metal Man: "Yes... They are."
Gibby: "And they're precise."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile....
Aribar walks towards HQ.
He's almost there... but he sees two men with sniper rifles firing at Quester HQ.
Aribar walks towards the stadium in a radiation suit. He stops when he sees the men with sniper rifles... And the fact that the HQ isn't nuked as Robotnik said it was.
Metal Man (GM): Indeed... very odd.
Even odder, the men have... Ivan Robotnik symbols on them.
And they're shooting at Questers.
Aribar: What do you do?
Aribar: .oO(It must have somehow survived... Oh, please let everyone be dead... No, there they are... Hopefully they won't stop me...)
*He shudders as he remembers his jobs, and how Ivo suggested all those evil things he could do to help the half-elf... Gotta keep on his good side... He won't do them...*
Metal Man (GM): Going to avoid interfering, or something else?
Aribar walks over to one of the snipers... Ivo said to kill anyone in his way... Well, this guy... Isn't really in his way... And he needs information. "Umm... Sir?"
Agent Barnes: "Possible Quester sighted! Possible Quester sighted!"
Metal Man (GM): He leaps up and pulls out a machinegun, pointing it at you.
Barnes: "State your purpose coming to this IIF secured area, sir!"
Aribar: "Wait, wait! I don't want to hurt you... Please... Just let me inside the HQ and leave with something and I'll go and not bother you..."
Barnes: "What sort of object, sir?"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick would see and identify them both.
Aribar and Barnes.
Aribar: "...A T-time Stone..."
Garrick Fy`aar: *Comm* "...Metal... it's Ari."
Barnes: "WHAT? A Time Stone!" *He gets on his radio* "Mayday! Mayday! They have a timestone! All men, advance on the front doors! Kill all who resist! Open fire on the front door!"
Aribar: "..."
Garrick Fy`aar: *Comm* "...WHOA! Metal! They're charging!"
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Gotcha."
Aribar: "Also... Errm... Was there a nuke that went off here?"
Gibby: "Wait, what's going on?"
Barnes: "They have a NUKE too?"
Aribar: "...A nuke was fired at the stadium."
Trigger: "The enemy might be charging us."
Aribar: "I'm surprised this place hasn't blown up..."
Barnes: "This is a class 1 emergency! The enemy possesses weapons of mass destruction!"
Wolfman is holding his ground for the moment.
Gibby: "Oh great, just what we need..."
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man: "...Well, uhh, anyone in favor of a tactical retreat to formulate another plan?"
*He winces as a bunch of bullets starts flying at the front of HQ.*
Dragoshi: "...I'm in favor of that. DEFINITELY"
Trigger is already gone.
Gibby raises his hand.
Aribar sighs, closes his eyes, and starts towards the Stadium.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...crap!"
Metal Man: "Let's get back inside!" *Runs.*
Gibby: "We won't last here."
Wolfman: "Retreat!"
Gibby follows the others.
Garrick Fy`aar brings his gun to target Barnes... firing off one last shot before heading inside.
Dragoshi signals for Wolf to retreat.
Wolfman takes Dragoshi back inside.
Barnes: "Stop right there!" *Points his gun at Aribar* "You're not allowed in there!"
Trigger follows Gibby.
Aetos sighs...
Barnes: "I'll--" *PING.*
Aribar turns to Barnes. "I... I have to."
Metal Man (GM): He's shot in the shoulder and falls backwards.
I guess that's your opening, Ari.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, Ari!"
Aribar takes this opportunity to run towards the stadium... He doesn't wanna go against Ivo's orders, but he doesn't want to hurt these... 'innocent' people.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Move it!"
Metal Man (GM): +1000 EXP for the rather short Sykes battle.
Trigger: "Where do we go?!"
Wolfman has gained a level.
Garrick Fy`aar continues to fire cover for Ari...
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: Nobody seems to notice him.
In fact, a window opens for him and he leaps inside.
Metal Man is inside... panting. "Okay... that was a bad idea."
Gibby: "Good to see Ari's still up and about."
Metal Man ducks as a bullet comes through the front door.
Trigger: "Hmm. WHA!!"
Wolfman meets up with the others at some point.
Gibby sprints inside.
Aribar tries to think of where the Time Stone might be as he dives through the window. (... Luck check?)
SIMBER: "Without the chaos emeralds, we cannot raise a shield."
Trigger runs inside.
Garrick Fy`aar nods, then ducks under a bullet and throws the door in the way of another before slamming the door shut and running down inside to meet the others.
SIMBER: "The armor on the front door is being penetrated."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Metal, permission to bust out the Dauntless."
Metal Man: "I was thinking on that... gimme a moment."
Garrick Fy`aar: "We don't HAVE a moment!"
Trigger gets in the fetal position. "Oh god, oh god, WE ARE GONNA DIE!!!"
Gibby: "Time is of the essence."
Metal Man dials something. "Oh, yes we do..."
Dragoshi gets off Wolf, in a bit of pain "...Ow" (191/325)
Jeff Maxwell: *Runs in* "They're trying to get into the garage too!"
Trigger starts going hysterical.
Wolfman: "I hope I was of service."
Jeff Maxwell: "We have to deploy the Dauntless... and the MTAs!"
Dragoshi: "Yes. You were."
Gibby: "Trigger, get a hold of yourself. Now's not the time to lose it."
Dragoshi: "...MTAs?"
Trigger gets back up, still a little shaken up.
Jeff Maxwell: *Shoves a couch into the door* "No time! Run down to the Big Room!"
Wolfman: "We'll explain later. Let's go."
Dragoshi dashes into the Big Room as fast as he can
"Way ahead of ya!"
Aribar starts towards... Where ever his luck check gave him the hunch to go.
Wolfman hurries to the Big Room.
Gibby nods and heads to the Big Room.
Garrick Fy`aar spins and runs, unscrewing the barrel extender.
Trigger starts running to the big room.
Wolfman: .oO(...I hope I can still pilot one of those.)
Metal Man salutes, then goes there... the elevator is set to go down, as steel plates lower between rooms.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Jeff, give that to G&W for me!"
*He throws it to him, then takes off.*
Jeff Maxwell: "Yes sir." *Takes it.*
Garrick Fy`aar hops on the elevator as it gets a ways there...
Metal Man (GM): Aribar searches through HQ as the Questers get ready for plan B.
Short Pause
Garrick Fy`aar: "Metal... you do know I'm taking the Dauntless, right?"
Trigger: "What's the Dauntless?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Our ship."
Dragoshi: "...Ah."
Trigger: "We have a ship?!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...well... MY ship that I'm loaning to the Questers."
Trigger: "Oh."
Gibby: "Uhh... yeah."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Since I designed it and targeted the parts for it..."
Trigger: "...cut me some slack, I'm new."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Don't worry. You guys don't have MTAs yet, so I'll take you with me. I need a gunner and a comm officer as well."
Gibby: "I call gunner!"
Trigger: "What's that stand for?"
Aetos: "I was Comm officer last time..."
Wolfman: "Any stations for a not-so-tall creature like myself?"
*He is unsure which group he needs to be in.*
Dragoshi: "...What should I help with?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mobile Tactical Armor. ...think mecha."
Trigger: "Sounds spiffy."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Basically, the MTAs morph so you can use your attacks on large objects."
Trigger: "I'll be Comm Officer. If you don't have one already."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I never have set anything."
Trigger: "...I knew that. I know... all."
Gibby: "Riiiight..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Heh..."
Dragoshi chuckles.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Anyway, your job as comm officer is to do everything except piloting and shooting. Manage the shields, set up warp points, contact other peoples, locate weaknesses... so forth."
Gibby: "Oh boy... shooting. So much fun."
Trigger: "...sounds fun. I'll do it!!!"
Gibby: -_- "Heaven help us..."
Trigger: "AHH HA HA HA!!!!"
Editor's Note: Not now, Tidus!
Gibby: -_-; "No, really... help!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...he'll be fine."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Gibby: "He just went into hysterics a few minutes ago."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Gibby, do you think I'm going to give the guy named TRIGGER the guns?"
Trigger: "Shut up."
Garrick Fy`aar: "He'll be fine with the comm."
Gibby: "Fine, fine..."
Dragoshi: "...Is it okay if I be the gunner? Or one of the gunners in case you need multiple gunners?"
Gibby: "Already called it!"
*He crosses his "arms".*
Trigger: "Settle down Gibby."
Garrick Fy`aar: "One console handles the guns. ...and the deathray..."
Gibby: "Mmm... deathray..."
Dragoshi: "...Deathray? ...Nice."
Trigger: "...Deathray? ...Effin' sweet!"
Metal Man (GM): Back.
Julian is inside a tall skyscraper, standing in the 'Defendant' box of the courtroom.
The court is getting all in order... on the Prosecution side, we have what looks like another IIF agent, who is apparently both a lawyer and the Plaintiff.
The judge is another man, who's old and has gray hair.
Judge: "We are currently waiting for the defense lawyer..."
Metal Man (GM): In out of nowhere comes... Phantom... wearing an IIF uniform.
Phantom: "I don't understand why you didn't have anyone else represent him... but I will consent to be his attorney."
Judge: "All rise for today's case... The IIF vs. Julian Sawyer. Julian is charged of having weapons of mass destruction, two counts of regicide, and attempted regicide.
The Prosecution shall now proceed."
Metal Man (GM): The IIF agent stands up.
Agent Larry: "I, Agent Larry, have come here to PROVE this man is a threat to all nations and not worthy of living."
Julian Sawyer: "..." .oO(GodDAMMIT)
Agent Larry: "I call my first witness to the stand... Bowser."
Metal Man (GM): Bowser waddles into the court, just barely fitting through the entryway and then squeezing into the witness box.
He swears to tell the truth on a copy of the APN's laws, which pretty much state that he'll be in even worse trouble if he lies.
Agent Larry: "Now, Bowser, what brought your attention to Julian's vicious tendencies?"
Bowser: "Well, this here Quester called me up! His name was... Wolfman." *He takes out a cell phone.*
Agent Larry: "What did he say?"
Bowser: "That he needed help! So, uhhh, I came to help him."
Agent Larry: "And when you came there, what did you see?"
Bowser: "Well, my old friend Ganondorf had been shoved to his grave... by HIM!" *Points at Julian.*
Agent Larry: *Nods* "And... then?"
Bowser: "He helped ringlead actions which caused Ganondorf's successor to ALSO die!"
Metal Man (GM): *Jury gasps.*
Agent Larry: "And... after that?"
Bowser: "I came on in and said the place was mine. He came up and tried to chop my head off with his lightsaber!"
Agent Larry: "That'll be all, thank you."
Metal Man (GM): He bows and walks down to his place.
Judge: "Does the defense wish to cross-examine the witness?"
Phantom: "Yes, I do."
Judge: "Proceed."
Julian Sawyer: .oO(How the hell does he know if Ganondorf's 'successor' was in one'a those suits...)
Phantom: "While it is true that Julian attacked both of those leaders and you... did you know he was doing an APN sanctioned mission?"
Bowser: "Uhhh... uhhh... uhh... no?"
Phantom: "Did you know that your interference made YOU a legal target of them?"
Bowser: "...No... but... regicide!"
Julian Sawyer: .oO(Takin' him to town...)
Agent Larry: "OBJECTION!"
Judge: "What is it?"
Agent Larry: "The defense is speaking of immaterial and unrelated information. We--"
Judge: "The regicide, if done as a part of an APN sanctioned mission... would fall on someone else's shoulder, Larry. Proceed."
Phantom: "And did I forget to mention... that Bowser has repeatedly broken the law, lied, and swindled others? Right, Bowser?"
Bowser: "I'm not answering that."
Phantom: "Very well... but did you at least check the laws before calling them on Julian's head?"
Bowser: "Uh... no."
Phantom: "The defense rests."
Judge: "Bring on the next witness."
Agent Larry: "The prosecution would like to call next to the stand... Julian Sawyer!"
Metal Man (GM): Where, oh where, has Julian gone...
Only I am supposed to take such long breaks!
Okay... Julian is called to the stand.
So, of course, he can walk right up there.
Julian Sawyer: *Which he does.*
Metal Man (GM): You're handed a weird looking book to swear you'll tell the truth on.
Julian Sawyer would have already taken off his fedora at this point. He places his right hand on the book and swears he'll tell the truth.
Agent Larry: "Now... are you an angry person, Julian?"
Julian Sawyer: "Sometimes. People say I bit of a rage problem, yeah. But I ain't ALWAYS angry."
Metal Man (GM): Hmmm.
Agent Larry: "Do you threaten people's lives when angry?"
Julian Sawyer: "When I get really angry to the paint where I'm seein' red, sometimes, yeah. But I don't see what that's got to do with this case."
Agent Larry: "Did you get very angry when Bowser appeared?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Well, I was surprised to say the least. Then I got ticked at Wolf for callin' him. I only really got angry when he went inside the temple after we cleared it out an' tried to claim it for his self."
Agent Larry: "Hmmm... so you were angry... and if you get really angry... you threaten people. That'll be all for now."
Judge: "Does the Defense wish to cross-examine?"
Phantom: "Yes."
Judge: "Go ahead."
Phantom: "...Julian, did you see Bowser, at any point, back up his claim to the building with law?"
Julian Sawyer: "He pulled out a phony-lookin' will that was 'sposed to be Ganondorf's, and it 'pparently passed on the title King Of The Gerudos to Bowser. Which don't follow how the Gerudo Kings are proclaimed, but that's only what I been readin' from the Library."
Phantom: "We will look at the document itself to determine its legitimacy in a moment. In your own opinion... was Bowser trying to provoke you into breaking the law?"
Julian Sawyer: "Hell yeah, seein' as how he wouldn' tell me what law I was breakin' when I kept askin' him to show it to me! If he showed me the law, I woulda' left, but he kept refusin', so I got fed up with it an' threatened to make him leave, an' THEN I got cold-cocked up the head by a flyin' kick."
Phantom: "So the IFF agent attacked you, interfering with your job?"
Julian Sawyer: "An' I hadn't even TOUCHED 'em yet! Where's the justice?"
Metal Man (GM): MEANWHILE...
We go back to the Questers, whose HQ is under attack by all sides.
Gibby: "They're relentless!"
SIMBER: "We are in dire straits. They're taking out most of the windows and we lack the defenses to stand up for long."
Metal Man (GM): The elevator goes down into the basement.
Garrick Fy`aar: " know I'm taking the Dauntless, right Metal?"
Metal Man: "We'll have a hard time hitting them as it is."
Aribar continues to search the Stadium for a Time Stone.
VG meets up with the Questers when they get to the basement.
Metal Man: "We have no choice but to take it. This may be a full-scale evacuation!"
Trigger: "I'll take the Comm Officer station."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Heh. Just follow what I tell you to do and you'll be okay."
Trigger: "Okey."
Dragoshi: "...Understood."
Gibby nods.
Metal Man gets aboard his CAC. "If you don't mind, Garrick, I'll lead our little convoy here... If there's any extra besides the five needed to run the Dauntless, they should get in some MTA's."
VG: "I've done all I could to make sure the MTAs are ready. Good luck guys."
Metal Man: "The IIF agents are no match against space ships... but we can't be sure they don't have something up their sleeves."
Trigger arrives in the hanger bay where the Dauntless is docked.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Wouldn't matter if I did mind. Let's go, people. Mark, jack into the Dauntless and lock me in for pilot."
Drunken Wraith drifts cock-eyed into the chamber where the other Questers are... Some may notice it has a slightly different inventory than before. Three stones: Purple, Grey, and Red... and a bottle float within its torso...
Gibby: "Right!"
Wolfman: "Who is currently scheduled to go with the Dauntless? Does it meet the 5?"
Trigger: "Let's do this."
Garrick Fy`aar races for the Dauntless... the ship in question is HUGE.
Gibby heads into the Dauntless.
Trigger follows Gibby into the Dauntless.
Drunken Wraith goes to drift toward the Dauntless, a bit bleary-eyed as it follows the others...
Dragoshi walks into the dauntless.
Garrick Fy`aar scanners, and Ship Status.
Gibby: "Which way to the weapon section of the ship?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Follow me."
Metal Man (GM): They're all in the same room.
Gibby follows.
Metal Man meanwhile gets his CAC Limo ready.
Trigger follows.
VG: "SIMBER, Should I tag along with Wolfman in the MTA?"
Garrick Fy`aar walks up to a large looking elevator, waiting for the others to get in, then hits the button for the bridge. They fire up a large tube until they come out in a large, Star Trekish style bridge of sorts.
Metal Man: "If they're gonna fight us... they might as well eat our old military weapons!"
Dragoshi follows.
Wolfman starts to get comfortable in his MTA... if he can that is (stupid new height)
SIMBER: "I would suggest you pilot your own... we need every MTA and ship we've got!"
Aribar hrms, getting an idea. "Simber, are you still... Here?"
VG: "...understood."
*He gets into HIS own MTA.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Captain and pilot is the center seat, obviously."
Drunken Wraith goes to get into the comms station, if no others are going to take it...
SIMBER: "...Aribar, the building is being locked down. Even I am unsure as to the safety of remaining here."
Gibby finds himself on the bridge. "Neat..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Weapons on my right, comms left. Ship status is back right, scanners is back left."
SIMBER: "The IFF have been destroying the front door... it is beginning to fail, even with Jeff Maxwell's valiant work."
Aribar: "I need to get to where the Time Stone is stored. Can you store me the way?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Everything is pretty much self explanatory."
Gibby heads to the right. Oh joy... weapons!
Trigger appears next to Gibby on the bridge.
He walks over to the comm station.
Drunken Wraith pulls out its dex and goes to hook it up with the comms system if at all possible. Or just create some sort of link.
SIMBER: "The Time Stone is currently with Garrick."
Metal Man (GM): The Wraith gets it... he's able to comm all of the IFF agents.
Aribar frowns and his posture slumps down... "Where is he?"
Metal Man (GM): The ship turns on, showing four dots of heavily armed agents hurling grenades at the front door.
Garrick Fy`aar leaps into the center chair, flipping a few switches and locking his suit into ship.
SIMBER: "In the Dauntless, about to take off."
Wolfman thinks he can handle this now...
Gibby sits down and looks at the inventory.
Trigger: "Shields up?"
Metal Man morphs his CAC into what resembles a B-2 bomber. comms "All systems go."
Aribar: "...Can you tell them to halt it long enough for me to get down there? ... And show me how to get down there?"
Metal Man (GM): The ship's shields light up.
Dragoshi goes to the back right, in order to check on ship status.
Drunken Wraith smirks as it hooks up, not opening up a channel yet... It just sits back with a crazy grin, fingertips of each hand touching each other...
SIMBER: "There is no time! I'm leaving now... you better hurry."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark, bring accelerators online. Engines are running hot, sub engines one through four are ready."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER vanishes from there and reappears in the Dauntless... alongside a hologram of Nova.
Gibby looks over at Wraith. "Uhh... is he ok?"
Aribar: "Then just show me there!" *Starts off to where SIMBER points him.*
Wolfman and Veeg start to activate our MTAs... and wait for Metal's command to charge.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Weapons are... green. Comm is green. Ship Status is green. Scanners are... huh?"
SIMBER: "I have transferred my systems here. Aribar is also coming... he appears to want the Time Stone."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...what??"
*He looks to SIMBER...*
SIMBER: "I would suggest doing the only thing to make it impossible for him to take it. Place it in the power slot. Then we can use it as well."
Drunken Wraith looks around at the controls available... Thankfully, it seems sober enough to comprehend what it's looking at. It just has to look a couple times is all...
Garrick Fy`aar: "...right."
Gibby: "Good call."
Trigger: "Ok."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar runs downstairs, seeing two MTA's, the Dauntless, and Metal's CAC about to take off.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Activate the power slot system. Link it to my console."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick's console lights up and a slot appears.
Aribar dashes full speed towards the Dauntless.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar would see the ramp to the Dauntless closing.
Garrick Fy`aar smirks, then places the green stone into the slot...
Metal Man (GM): Once placed, it lights up... Aribar leaps aboard.
VG: "Just like old times, right Wolfman?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Okay... everyone buckled in?"
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Three... two... one... liftoff!"
Wolfman: "If you don't count my new proportions... yes."
Gibby: "Yup. Lets do this!"
Trigger: "Yeah!"
VG and Wolfman: *Strapped in.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "No time to waste if you're not! Punch it!"
Metal Man (GM): The garage opens up... revealing the open air.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Metal, you've got point. Lead the way, slick."
Wolfman and VG will follow in triangle formation: Veeg on the left of Metal, me on the right.
Aribar starts towards the bridge... He vaguely remembers where it is from a past mission.
Drunken Wraith: "Heheheh...! Alright, ladies and germs; let's get this show on the road!"
Metal Man (GM): The ships take off... and the IFF agents turn to face you in the air.
Dragoshi: "...Heheh. Quite."
Sykes: "What the hell? THEY'VE GOT SPACE SHIPS!"
Dragoshi goes to check the ship's status.
Trigger: "Heh."
Sykes: "...No matter. Open fire on them!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Gibby. Shut them up."
Gibby: "Right!"
Metal Man (GM): They open fire... but it's sort of weak. The shields are only taking mild damage.
Drunken Wraith: "No matter, --...Exactly! FIRE AWAY!"
James: "Sir! Our guns! They're useless!"
Gibby grabs hold of the guns and opens fire on them.
Garrick Fy`aar: *Gibby, you've got a choice of the following. Machine guns.*
Metal Man flies on down and strafes them with his lasers.
Garrick Fy`aar: *And the Death Ray.*
Gibby tries the machine guns.
Wolfman and Veeg also provide laser cover fire.
Metal Man (GM): Within moments, the IIF agents at the door are annihilated.
Dragoshi: "...CRUSH THEM ALL!" *Laughs, then coughs* "...Ahem, sorry. It's just that this happens to me a lot"
Sykes: "Gah! You... military... terrorists... won't get away with this!"
Trigger: "Sure..."
Aribar continues towards the bridge... He doesn't like what he's got to do, but he has no choice...
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Attack the snipers. One in every corner. I'll take corner 1, Dauntless takes 2, and Wolf n' VG take the other two."
Gibby: "Right!"
Metal Man flies off to corner 1 and drops a single bomb on it... it immediately explodes.
Dragoshi: "...Wraith. Tell that annoyance to shut the hell up."
Drunken Wraith: "Righto, Boss! Let's show 'em what we can do!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Roger that. Gibby, use the machine guns. We don't want to waste anything huge just yet."
Agent Yan: "Ahhhhhhhh!!!" *Statics-out.*
Gibby starts firing the machine guns at corner 2.
Wolfman goes to the third corner, as does VG.
Metal Man (GM): The corner is pierced, the agent there mercilessly torn to pieces.
Aribar reaches the bridge I suppose... "Garrick Fy'aar?"
VG: *Corner 4*
The Wraith: *To the IIF* "Terrorists? PAH! Look who's callin' da kettle black! Shaddup, and go BYE BYE! BYYYYYE BYYYE!"
Gibby: "Mmmm... that felt good."
Metal Man (GM): Several explosions and melee moves later...
Garrick Fy`aar spins in his chair, turning to Ari...
Wolfman in Corner 3 fires off his Kilo Crush... with such a circular range around him, this could possibly hit the other corners.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Aribar Hunter."
Metal Man (GM): The agents, while unstoppable against people, are nothing against space ships.
Trigger: "...You feeling ok, Wraith?"
Dragoshi chuckles at Wraith "...good one, man!"
Aribar: "I need the Time Stone. P-please just give it to me and allow me to get off."
VG: *Cape Spin to oblivion.*
Metal Man (GM): This makes one wonder (OOCLY) why the people in the Matrix didn't just attack Agent Smith with space ships.
The Wraith: *back to allies* "Healthful and dandy~!"
Dragoshi: *Same Metal.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...and why, may I ask, do you need the Time Stone?"
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Metal Man (GM): I mean, he can dodge anything, unless it's a large enough attack to destroy an entire city block.
Then he's useless.
Aribar: "...P-please... Just give it to m-me..."
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Hmmm... we should use this strategy on the building as well. The IIF appears unable to deal with military weapons."
Gibby: "...You ok Ari?"
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Full speed towards Eisnaught... we're going in for some old-fashioned destruction!"
Trigger: "You need something Ari?"
Metal Man pulls a lever and takes off towards Eisnaught.
Aribar doesn't look to Gibby. He keeps focused on Garrick. It might also be odd that he's in a radiation suit.
VG (to Wolf): "I'm not liking this..."
Wolf (to VG): "Me either. But we have no choice right now."
Drunken Wraith: "Hee-hee! Those idiots! Didn't they anticipate having to take on such a blatant form of attack?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "..."
Wolfman and VG follow.
Dragoshi: "...Eheheheh... We'll crush them ALL... Wait. I should be checking on the ship status... And scanners"
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "I guess not... our weapons were thought to have been destroyed."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Mark. Scan the area around the Stadium. Full spectral."
Aribar: "...Where is the T-Time Stone?"
Drunken Wraith spins around to look at Ari, cocking its head... This goes just inside the Dauntless. "...And just whaaaat do you need it for, matey?"
Mark: "The HQ is 100% safe and locked down. No bogies left. Enemy radio transmissions have ceased, as have lifesigns of them."
Drunken Wraith: "Not gonna give it to ol' Robuttnik, are you, hmm...?"
Gibby: "Well, there's a little victory for us."
Garrick Fy`aar: "And the airspace around?"
Trigger: "Hey Gibby, wanna trade stations?"
Mark: "Devoid... remember, they didn't expect us to have anything."
Gibby: "Heh, yeah right..."
Garrick Fy`aar keeps his eyes on Ari...
Metal Man (GM): *MEANWHILE #III.*
Trigger: "Aww..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Aribar... why are you waiting a radiation suit?"
Metal Man (GM): It's far away from both the fight and the trial.
A single man, alone, sits at a desk, looking at eight monitors. All have gone static-y.
???: "...Damn. The Ivan Investigation Force wasn't supposed to encounter space ships. And they're heading right for us... with the sort of power which killed KUJA."
Metal Man (GM): A gloved hand searches desperately through some drawers.
???: "This is not good at all... not good at all... I'll need help."
Metal Man (GM): He types something into his computer. An image of Ivo appears on it.
???: "Ivo Robotnik. The Questers have space ships. We can't handle them. Even worse, they may be able to destroy us and anything else before we can so much as touch Ivan."
Ivo Robotnik: "Oh? Really? Well, that is quite a problem... they've outsmarted my agent, too. I'll think of something. You should have been prepared!"
Metal Man (GM): The screens cut out... the man is clearly angry now.
He growls, and crushes an empty glass on his desk.
???: "Worthless. All of it. The only good work... can be done alone."
Metal Man (GM): He gets up, and takes out what appears to be... a modified IIF uniform.
???: "All I have left is one thing... if I can get a fair fight... they're dead."
Metal Man (GM): He shuts the locker and walks out of the room.
Phantom: "Your honor, I believe the case against my client is both fictitious and contrived. And I will prove it... with this. Defense exhibit A."
Julian Sawyer: .oO(Amen)
Phantom: "While the IIF were abruptly coming to the conclusion the Questers had gone Maverick... I happened to request this evidence from them, with the authority of my own position within their group. Here is a paper which explains, in point blank, that the IIF were involved in a conspiracy to destroy the Questers."
Agent Larry: "OBJECTION!"
Judge: "...This is quite a serious charge. Let me see the evidence."
Metal Man (GM): He takes the paper... and reads it.
Judge: "...Yes... this DOES match what the defense said. Here it says, quite literally, 'The IIF is to destroy the Questers in any way possible in order to satisfy the demands of... a third party... in order to protect the planet."
Agent Larry: "OBJECTION!"
Judge: "Overruled. The court finds Julian innocent of regicide. As for his weapon, it was regulated under the Questers, not the APN. If continued to be used against offensive entities... it is to be considered a proper use. I have no choice but to inform Ivan of this betrayal. There is nothing worse than corruption."
Agent Larry: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "Bam, sucka!"
Metal Man (GM): Larry busts out a gun and opens fire at the judge, who ducks under his stand. The bailiff fires at Larry with his own pistol, but is overmatched and gunned down.
Phantom: "It appears they are attempting to take over. Quickly. We must protect the judge!"
Metal Man (GM): Phantom hands Julian Vendetta and leaps over the box into the main area.
Agent Larry: "You... you traitor! You're a Quester, aren't you?"
Phantom: "I'm also a better shot than you."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out his AK-47's, loads them, and gets ready for combat.
Julian Sawyer: "On it!" *Julian jumps up from his seat, grabs Vendetta, and lunges towards Larry, going to cut off barrel of his gun.*
Metal Man (GM): Larry chokes a bit.
Agent Larry: "The... THE Phantom? Mass murderer? I can't believe this!"
Phantom: "You shot the wrong bailiff, buddy."
Metal Man (GM): BATTLE
Julian n' Phantom vs. Agent Larry
Julian Sawyer: "And you done messed with the WRONG Quester!"
Metal Man (GM): Order: Julian, Larry, Phantom
Agent Larry: "You can't beat me... I was trained for these situations!" *He goes near-invisible.*
Julian Sawyer: "Trainin' an' Doin' ain't exactly the same!" *Julian cuts up Larry down and across with a One-Two Cut!*
Metal Man (GM): He turns invisible and runs out of the way of one slice, only to be hit by the other.
Julian Sawyer: *That's the end.*
Metal Man (GM): Agent Larry
Agent Larry: "You are merely outdated."
Metal Man (GM): He drinks a red vial, fully healing himself.
Then he opens fire on you with his laser machinegun.
41 damage per hit, laser, machinegun, can hit up to 3 times
Julian Sawyer: *Lazor'd!*
Metal Man (GM): Phantom
Phantom: "DIEEEEEE!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): *PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW* A hail of bullets hist Larry.
He takes 162 damage.
Julian Sawyer: "Think I'm entitled to a little cash for this wrongful arrest... Gimmie yo' wallet!" *Julian charges IIF Agent Larry, and tries to Mug him!*
Metal Man (GM): He tries to go invisible, then you mug a fistful of cash. +10,000 coins
Also, whatever damage you do.
Agent Larry: "Stealing my money will get you nowhere!"
Julian Sawyer: "Ha-ah! Oh yeah, rollin' in the dough to-night!" *Julian backs off and decides to Defend the rest of his turn away.*
Metal Man (GM): Agent Larry
He attacks you with the machinegun again.
41 machinegunx2 damage, then he drinks another vial.
Phantom endless machinegunning.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAMBLAM.*
Julian Sawyer: *Where's he keeping those vials?*
Metal Man (GM): In his vest coat.
Julian Sawyer charges up a Wind-Up Punch, and goes to smash the vials!
Metal Man (GM): You smash his vest, but only one breaks... and it breaks all over him, healing whatever damage you just did.
Agent Larry: "You just saved me some time, buffoon."
Julian Sawyer: "...'Spose I'll just hafta take them off ya, then!" *Mug the vials!*
Metal Man (GM): You steal... one vial.
Since they're hard to handle.
Julian Sawyer: *Still took it! Retreat, turn end.*
Metal Man (GM): Mr. Larry opens fire at you with another delightful machinegun attack.
41 laser damage, machinegunx2.
Julian Sawyer: *Oh god! The lazers! Julian's shield activates, Ba-ding!*
Metal Man (GM): He hurls an EMP grenade at you. AGI check.
Julian Sawyer: *GODDAMNIT.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* Oh god! Your shield's dead!
Agent Larry: "Heh heh heh."
Phantom: *MORE MORE machinegunning.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
His invisibility cloak shorts out unexpectedly, prompting him to hurl his armor away before it explodes.
Agent Larry: "Dash it all! Our R&D didn't make it durable!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Punk, you forgot I got this!" *Julian downs the vial he took.*
Metal Man (GM): +100 HP
Julian Sawyer: *Done.*
Metal Man (GM): Larry opens fire on you yet again.
41 machinegun damage per hit.
Julian Sawyer: *And Julian's barely alive! Wonderful...*
Metal Man (GM): Then he hurls a grenade at you.
DC 25 AGI check.
Julian Sawyer: *Commence explosion dodging!*
Metal Man (GM): *WHIFF* It blows a hole in the floor. Phantom moves in and sprays him with more machinegun fire.
He takes heavy damage.
*Gain more HP.*
Julian Sawyer then tries to lower Larry's AC with an overhand Stun Gun to the temple!
Turn ova!*
Metal Man (GM): He misses... then downs three potions and hurls another grenade at Julian. DC 25 AGI check.
Julian Sawyer: *J00 Miss!*
Metal Man (GM): *Miss*
Julian Sawyer decides to Dex this guy... Finally.
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
Metal Man (GM): IIF Agent
Level 80 Human
HP: 123/600
SP: 42/100
STR: 20
END: 20
AGI: 30
MNT: 20
AC: 20 (25 for first 3 rounds)
DR: 16 (5 without armor)
Smash Dex: "An agent of the Ivan's Investigation Force. Trained specifically to kill Questers and armed with hordes of items. Kill quickly or not at all. End of entry."
Julian Sawyer: *Does ti tel him how many potions he's got?*
*Think I'll take another! Mug the Vials! Take his stuff!
Metal Man (GM): You steal the last vial.
Julian Sawyer: "What'chu gonna do NOW, Mr. Agent?"
*Turn Ova!*
Agent Larry: "Kill you."
Julian Sawyer: "Good luck wit' that."
Metal Man (GM): He hurls an immobilization grenade at you... AGI check!
DC... 32
Julian Sawyer: *Ha-ha, you're funny.*
Metal Man (GM): Unless it's still your turn, in which then... you should finish that.
Julian Sawyer: *It's DC 32! You'd have to have an AGI of 38 to even have a chance to dodge that with a Crit! So yeah, Julian's hit.*
Metal Man (GM): Ok.
It flies into you... removing all AGI from your AC for two rounds.
Julian Sawyer: *Snap.*
Metal Man (GM): Then he hurls a flash grenade at you! DC 25 AGI check.
Julian Sawyer: *GODDAMNIT.*
Metal Man (GM): You're blinded... -10 to hit for three rounds.
Then he hurls a poison gas grenade at you!
DC 25 AGI check.
It's almost like he has a grenade for every possible occasion...
Julian Sawyer: "Where the hell you gettin' all 'a these?!"
Dragoshi: *Even a pizza grenade?*
Julian Sawyer: *GOD.*
Metal Man (GM): *POISON* Continually lose 3% of your current HP.
Then he hurls an exploding grenade! Ahhhh!!! AGI 25 DC.
Agent Larry: "When all else fails... hurl grenades."
Julian Sawyer: *Ha!*
Metal Man (GM): You avoid it... it takes out a bench behind you.
Phantom mindless machinegunning.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAMBLAM.*
Julian Sawyer exchanges those quick for some Full Heals... Which Julian downs two of to get rid of the immobilization and the Blindess!
*Turn end!*
Metal Man (GM): Larry hurls not one, not two, but four exploding grenades at you. 4 DC 25 AGI checks!
The courtroom is mostly in flames now, and you hear gunshots elsewhere.
He is, hiding behind his judge... thing.
Julian Sawyer: "This is ****in'-" *EXPLODED!*
Metal Man (GM): 50 fire 50 fire and 50 more fire damage
The area where Julian is is explodinated... as Phantom tirelessly fires at the agent.
He STILL stands, full of bullet holes and bleeding all over the floor.
Julian Sawyer: "That is It!" *Julian whips out Vendetta again and goes to cut off Agent Larry's ARMS so he can't throw anymore GRENADES!*
Metal Man (GM): He leaps out of the way.
Julian Sawyer: *Turn end.*
Agent Larry: "The... IIF... can never... lose!"
Metal Man (GM): He's angry now... he hurls four more grenades at you.
4 more DC 25 AGI checks as he uses his insane arsenal of grenades to blow up more stuff.
Julian Sawyer: *Oh COME ON!*
Metal Man (GM): All but one hit... 50 fire damage per hit, as he runs out of exploding grenades.
Phantom is getting tired now. His machineguns may or may not be on fire.
Julian Sawyer's shield pops back up and takes the last one for him!
Phantom: "...Is it even POSSIBLE to kill him?"
Julian Sawyer: "It better be..."
Metal Man (GM): As he says that, Larry is shot to pieces.
Julian Sawyer: "...And there you go."
Metal Man (GM): He clutches a C-4 thing... but dies before he can hurl it at Julian ..9 other C-4 things fall out of his pockets, too
..And 10 green vials...
10 pills...
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): 10 fuel cells...
9 EMP grenades...
9 Flash grenades...
9 Poison gas grenades...
9 Immobilization grenades...
And... Three guns...
Julian Sawyer: "Right... I'mma jus' take all 'dis, if you don't mind..." *Shuffles over to the Larry corpse.*
Metal Man (GM): A handcannon, a laser machinegun, and a sniper rifle.
His cloaking device armor would have been useful, but it sort of exploded.
Julian Sawyer: *Anything left of it?*
Metal Man (GM): It's heavily damaged.
You'll need to take it for some serious repairing.
Julian Sawyer takes what's left of it too. He can get Garrick to fix it.
Metal Man (GM): Plus that looks rather prototypical.
Phantom: *Blows out the fire on his machineguns* "...I sure hope there aren't many more of those left alive. If it wasn't for me continually shooting him the whole time, he'd still be hurling exploding objects at you."
Metal Man (GM): +4000 EXP for actually defeating an IIF agent...
Julian Sawyer: *As he's taking all of Larry's stuff* "I woulda killed 'em sooner or later..."
Metal Man (GM): The Judge comes out, and looks at Larry's bullet-riddled corpse.
Julian Sawyer: "Probly woulda died in the process, but he'd be dead."
Judge: "...I think he should have been on trial, not you."
Julian Sawyer downs that last vial he took while he's at it
"Ya damn right."
Judge: "Who would be demented enough to create a force with enough firepower to destroy an entire courtroom?"
Metal Man (GM): *MEANWHILE...*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Aribar... why are you waiting a radiation suit?"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are in transit to the building Julian is in.
News reports talk of a building being seized by "...crazed men hurling grenades" and that "Local law enforcement are powerless to stop them."
Aribar: "Nevermind th-that... G-Garrick... One last chance... Give me the Time Stone. I d-don't want to have to hurt you... I-ivo gave me orders to kill anyone in m-my path. If you g-give me the Time St-stone I'll go away."
VG turns to the news.
"Metal, does Julian have grenades?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Mark, set the Dauntless on Auto-Pilot."
Gibby: "What? Ivo? Ari, what's gotten into you?"
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Those IIF guys are messed up. Looks like they took the building by storm and are attempting to win with force."
The Wrath: *in the Dauntless* "And why, exactly, do you answer to da Bad Doctor?"
Wolfman: "Then we should take them out while we still have time."
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Nope... those are clearly IIF guys gunning down policemen."
Garrick Fy`aar stands up from his chair.
Aribar: "He... He... I have to do this. He'll do bad stuff I-if I don't..."
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "Their status prevents an immediate military interference, too..."
Gibby: "What bad stuff?"
Trigger: "Yeah?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Ari. Explain. Or I'll be forced to take action."
Wolfman: "Well, are we considered military, or mercenary?"
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "We're the special forces. The IIF are pathetic imitations of us."
VG: "Then shall we attack?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Metal, I'd like you to open a channel with the main viewscreen of the Dauntless, please."
Aribar: "I-I'm... I'm d-doing this so he won't force me to use a fake S-sword of Darkness... Or change me into a v-vampire or other e-evil stuff..."
Metal Man (GM): *Comms* "We killed a bunch of them, but as long as one lives... no one can live safely. We will... we're not quite there yet... huh?"
Dragoshi: "...?"
Metal Man appears on the main screen.
Aribar: "P-please... Just give it o-over..."
VG: (to Wolf) "Sounds like the former Quester Hunters or something..."
Drunken Wraith: "Pah... How's he gonna do that if you stay with us, mate?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Wraith, enough."
Metal Man: "...Hmmm... very interesting... Aribar, how can he do that if you're standing in the middle of our ship? Even those IIF people died from direct space lasers."
Aribar: "I-I'm not gonna take the ch-chance!"
Wolf (to VG): "Plenty of imitators... but there is only one true set of Questers."
Gibby looks over to Garrick, and then back at Ari. He was worried about his friend.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...remember this, Ari?"
*He slowly reaches to his left thigh, the now gleaming and repaired crystal blue M-150 drawing out...*
Aribar: "B-barely... Nothing to do with this."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Everything to do with this."
Dragoshi walks towards the others.
Gibby: "...Garrick? What are you doing?"
Trigger looks over at Gibby. "What the hell is wrong with Ari, and what's with the radiation suit?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Now. What you're doing is against the charter you signed to become a Quester."
Gibby: "No clue..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You're being manipulated by someone who has no power over you."
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man: "He has a point. You have no reason to betray us now... all we need to do is take out the IIF."
Trigger: "It almost seems like he is being brainwashed."
Dragoshi: "...Indeed."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Now. Take the scanner post, Ari."
Gibby: "Oh no."
Dragoshi: "...Think I should I give him a good kick to the head?"
Garrick Fy`aar motions for the chair to his left...
Gibby: "Don't hurt him!"
Dragoshi: "Yanno, to snap him out of-Oh, FINE."
Aribar: "W-what if he finds me and k-kidnaps me?" *The elf shudders at the thought... And wonders what the IIF is as well.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Aribar, this is the Dauntless. It's specially created by me."
Gibby: "We'll protect you, Ari. You know we're good for it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You're safer in this ship than anywhere else."
Gibby nods in agreement.
Trigger: "Yeah, you'll be fine, just calm down."
Aribar: "I've l-lost my arm, became a vampire, g-got infected with the Sword of Darkness and other th-things all while with other Questers."
Trigger: "...My god."
Drunken Wraith: "Yeah, da maniac was sure to bring each and every one of those things up, wasn't he?"
Dragoshi: "..."
Trigger: "..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You also could be dead. Lost in Turion."
Metal Man: "All we need is your help, then we can make all the bad Robotniks go away."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Or Kuja's slave. Ivo has some connection with the IIF."
Drunken Wraith: "Lemme tell ya somethin'; Danger is part of this job. You've known that for years. You've signed a contract to KEEP said job. **** happens, bub. What you've said is some of that ****..."
Garrick Fy`aar pauses and looks to Wraith...
" much have you HAD?!"
Drunken Wraith: "But dat doesn't me--..." It looks to Garrick. "...What's it to yeh?"
Gibby: "It's true though. We've all had to make many sacrifices in order to protect others."
Metal Man: "He put it better than I would sober."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...I didn't know ghosts could drink."
*He shakes his head and turns back to Ari.*
Trigger: "..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Aribar, listen to us. We're your friends. We've helped you before, and we'll help you now."
Wolfman and Veeg have no clue what Metal is listening in to... they are just focusing on the sky ahead.
Gibby: "Right. We won't let Ivo get a hold of you."
Trigger stares blankly into the console as he listens to everyone.
Aribar tries to take off or unzip or whatever the head of the suit and walks over to the scanner station. Pretty much everything in the elf is screaming at him that they can't protect him, but he'd rather not betray his friends. Again...
Garrick Fy`aar: "...thank you, Ari."
*He holsters his gun, takes his seat and turns around once more.*
Gibby: "Good call, Ari. Now... on to battle!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark, ETA to Julian's position?"
Drunken Wraith: "...'Ey man, I really am sorry about that whole vampire ting, 'do... I shoulda been able to stop dat ****. I'll make it up to yeh, do'... Someday. I promise..."
Gibby: "...Wait... how would YOU know about that time? You weren't around back then!"
Metal Man (GM): You take it off... as the building enters view.
VG: "Building, 12 o'clock!"
Aribar just looks straight ahead, but he hears the Wraith's words. He wonders the same thing Gibby just said.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Trigger: "What?"
Wolfman: "Metal, if you are there, I'd advise giving us good targets."
Dragoshi: "Nothin."
Gibby rolls his eyes.
"What a drunk..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I see it. Let's find a nice spot to set down... or dock... Metal, does this place have docking rings?"
Metal Man: "The crazed guards have made the airspace clear. Standby for attack. ...We must kill the agents outside first."
Wolfman and Veeg are ready for action.
Drunken Wraith: "Gibstah... Weeee should talk when we get back to da' Stadium... You, to, bub." It looks to Ari, not really noticing much about what's going on.
Dragoshi: "...I guess we strike them down from the air then."
Gibby: "Uhh... ok."
Metal Man: "Open fire at the base of the building."
Aribar gives a small nod while listening to the planning.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Okay... light 'em up, Gibby."
Gibby: "Right. Any weapon preference?"
Garrick Fy`aar slowly tilts the yoke down, lining the shot up perfectly.
Dragoshi chuckles and watches as the blue Kirby does his thing.
Wolfman uses the Tophead Buster for his weapon, while VG goes for powerful Sheik Needles.
Gibby eyes the death ray.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Anything but the Death Ray."
Gibby: "Awww..."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Gibby: "Spoil sport."
Drunken Wraith looks to Gibby. "Just blitz da muddafs!"
Gibby tries out the lasers. He fires off a few shots down at the guards.
Dragoshi: "...I say you use da mis-Nevermind. Lasers are good too."
Metal Man (GM): You watch as lasers and stuff blow up the guards.
Wolfman and Veeg are the only ones doing the work...
Metal Man (GM): And also take out the doors.
Gibby: "Aw man... I could do this all day."
Dragoshi: "...Nice one."
Trigger: "...zzz huh, wha?"
Metal Man: "Now you may land."
*He lands his craft in the ruined plaza.*
Wolfman and Veeg follow suit with Metal.
Metal Man (GM): You get out... and may now access the front door.
Garrick Fy`aar brings the craft down slowly, landing outside the others with enough room for them to not only have room to land, but enough room to have room to avoid lasers if they call up the Dauntless for a fight on the grass.
VG: "I'm getting too old for this..."
Wolfman: "You are forgetting where I come from. Now hop on."
Garrick Fy`aar stands up, cocking his M-150 and checks the power on his axe. His sword and shield are not there...
Metal Man (GM): The Dauntless lands.
VG hops on Wolf, two now go on inside.
Drunken Wraith: "Heheheh!... BANZAAAAAAIII!!" The wraith just floats right out of the ship, doors open or not, and heads right for that building.
Metal Man (GM): You enter the entry room... normally it'd have security and everything, but you blew that up.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Metal, I hope you can do something about him... he's beginning to become a liability..."
Trigger: "Heh, no insurance on him?"
Metal Man (GM): The building is in total alarm mode, as Metal walks in.
Metal Man: "I can deal with all of our problems."
Garrick Fy`aar moves inside, his right hand twitching for his gun while his left twitches for his axe.
Aribar stands up and gets himself out of that radiation suit. The elf awaits a someone who isn't a drunken ghost to exit the Dauntless and follows that person out.
Trigger follows Garrick in.
Drunken Wraith: "Sissy!" It sticks its tongue out at Garrick. "Gotta have guts at a time like dis!"
Gibby follows Trigger.
Metal Man (GM): There's an elevator up... but the door is locked.
Dragoshi follows the others.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Guts can also get you killed if used wrong."
VG: "Shall I break it?"
Metal Man: "Break the elevator? You want to walk up 65 sets of stairs?"
VG: "No; the door."
Dragoshi: "He means the door."
Drunken Wraith: "Yeah, yeah; Don't worry, kid, I know what I'm a-doin'!" It goes to float through the door of the elevator to look at the other side of it.
Wolfman: .oO( that wraith drunk?!?)
Metal Man (GM): You discover the elevator is locked on the outside... there's a "Door open" button on the inside.
Trigger: "Well, at least he isn't a mean drunk."
Dragoshi: "Indeed."
Gibby: "Yeah, seriously."
Drunken Wraith giggles a bit, and goes to possess the "Door open" button momentarily to push it in.
VG: "Remind me to clean the cellar of any Boo Bourbon we have left over."
Metal Man (GM): The door opens.
Metal Man: "Huh... that comes in handy."
*He walks right in.*
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...yeah, it does."
Trigger: "By the way, who are you?"
Drunken Wraith: "...Bourbon?! Pah, vodka's the stuff! Heheheh."
Garrick Fy`aar walks inside as well.
Dragoshi follows Mets.
Wolfman and Veeg enter.
Trigger follows Garrick in.
Garrick Fy`aar: "I prefer single malt, myself."
Aribar follows the others in.
VG: "Since when were you guys allowed to drink?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Though not in the quantities your taking before a mission..."
Wolfman: "Since I no longer was in charge."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Since Panzer hid that wine."
Gibby steps inside.
Dragoshi: "...Huh?"
Metal Man dials the elevator. "Going up."
Trigger: "What?"
VG: *Turns to Dragoshi* "VERY long story."
Drunken Wraith: "Eh, what about Panz?" It quickly gets distracted, though, and looks up, floating to keep up with the elevator. "Wheeee!"
Trigger: "Hmm."
Dragoshi: "...I got time. Well, not now anyway. But I could listen to it on the way back to HQ."
Gibby: .oO(Why did he have to get drunk TODAY of all days?)
Metal Man (GM): It reaches the court floor.
Wolfman: "We're here; let's go."
Metal Man (GM): You're now in the courtroom... which is on fire.
A dead IIF agent lays on the floor.
And Julian standing above him.
Gibby: "Woah... someone did a number in here."
VG: "Okay, what on earth happened here?!?"
Metal Man (GM): ...And... PHANTOM????
Julian Sawyer: "...Yo."
Drunken Wraith: "Woah, woah, woah... We missed all the fun?!?"
Dragoshi: "...Yo, man."
Aribar unsheathes Moonlight and looks about the room.
Phantom: "Well, don't worry, we rescued ourselves."
Julian Sawyer's got a bunch of stuff on him.
Wolf & VG: "PHANTOM?!?"
Editor's Note: My confusion exactly, especially given this Phantom isn't the same kind of mass murderer the old one was.
Dragoshi: "...Wait. Did we miss the action? Gaw dammet!"
Metal Man: "My inside man."
Wolfman and him quickly approach him.
Gibby: "Hey Julian, good to see you're OK."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Heh. Nice choice, Metal..."
Julian Sawyer: "I know what you're thinkin', an' I didn' do any a' this."
Drunken Wraith looks to Wolf & VG. "...Huh?"
Trigger: "Same here."
Julian Sawyer: "All him." *Gestures to the dead agent.*
Garrick Fy`aar slowly moves over to Julian, then looks to the agent...
Wolfman: "...I don't care at this point."
Dragoshi: "...Heh. I'm impressed. You killed the basteecheo on your own."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...and all this stuff was his?"
*He looks at all the gear at Julian's feet...*
Julian Sawyer: "An' it's all MINE now."
Gibby: "Doesn't surprise me."
VG: "...Phantom, whose side are you on?"
Dragoshi: "...I mean, we could prolly' do the same, but we were HORRIBLY outnumbered."
Phantom: "I'm on Metal's side. After all, I helped gun down this rogue agent."
Both: .oO(He always seems to change sides...)
Garrick Fy`aar: "...*Whistle*...poison grenades, immob grenades, healing potions, magic potions... ...and this is their cloak armor..."
Wolfman: "Fair enough. Now, Julian is rescued... was there anyone else we had to rescue?"
Drunken Wraith looks to Wolf & VG, then to Phantom, finally putting two and two together. "Ohhh... He doesn't look like a phantom..." O.o
Phantom: "You may know me as Ely... my nickname is Phantom."
Garrick Fy`aar looks at the heavily damaged armor, picking it up and looking it over with a trained eye...
VG: "He's from Wolf's realm."
Metal Man (GM): Looks like it short-circuited and exploded.
Aetos opens his eyes and sighs. .oO(Strange beans...)
Gibby: "I see..."
Metal Man (GM): Possibly from being slashed apart.
Garrick Fy`aar: ""
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Julian Sawyer: "...Aside from you takin' that offa me without askin', I was wonderin' if you could fix that when we get back to base."
Trigger: "...Huh?"
Dragoshi: "What should we do with the guy's swag, though?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...this technology is advanced... really advanced..."
Gibby: "Could it be possible for us to make these?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "'s almost like... but, that's not possible..."
Julian Sawyer: "So you reverse engineer it or somethin'. An' then fix it."
Wolfman and Veeg get a look at it.
Wolfman: "...I could certainly use a cloaking device."
Aribar: "The IIF is n-no more now?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "We all could."
Dragoshi: "...Indeed."
Gibby: "Yeah... great for sneaking missions."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Julian Sawyer: "...Well, sucks to be y'all, I already called this one."
Drunken Wraith floats up and above, turning upside-down and looking straight down at the suit of interest...
Garrick Fy`aar: "Calm down, Julian..."
Phantom: *Listens to an earpiece* "..."
Trigger: "..."
Phantom: "We might have something of interest."
VG: "I'm unsure of the 'no more' part..." *Turns to Julian* "Learn to share, will ya?"
Dragoshi: "...Yesss?"
Garrick Fy`aar glances to Phantom...
Gibby: "Can you at least share the ammunition? It might come in handy in later battles."
Wolfman: "What is your proposition?"
Phantom: "The leader of the IIF is trying to escape the building."
Drunken Wraith then turns its head to Phantom, raising an eyebrow.
Phantom: "If we stop him, we can prevent another set of these guys."
Julian Sawyer: "...Where's the ****er?"
Phantom: "As he's the one who trained them."
Dragoshi: "...He is? Well, let's KILL him!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...then what are we doing waiting up here."
Phantom: "Just a floor above here."
Wolfman: "Let's hurry then!"
Gibby: "Then lets go!"
Garrick Fy`aar tosses the armor back to Julian, then makes for the elevator.
Drunken Wraith: "...It's HAMMER TIME!" And the wraith immediately starts floating upwards.
Dragoshi: "...Right."
Julian Sawyer takes the armor back from Garrick, and gathers up the rest of his stuff, heading for the stairs up.
Gibby: "...Never give him a drink... ever!"
Wolfman and Veeg take the stairs up... obviously faster than waiting for an elevator.
Phantom: "This way." *Runs up stairs.*
Aribar steps back into the elevator.
Dragoshi follows behind everyone else.
Metal Man (GM): The elevator also goes up.
Garrick Fy`aar follows Phantom, instead...
Gibby follows Wolf and Veeg up the stairs.
Trigger steps back in the elevator too.
Drunken Wraith goes to pop its head up through the floor of the next level, and looks around like a parascope...
Aetos psyches himself up ... not.
Metal Man (GM): A few moments later, you burst up the chairs in large force.
The Wraith would be there first... seeing a man at a desk, packing things.
Wolfman: .oO(I hope this isn't Ivo...)
Metal Man (GM): The others on the stairs soon arriving... and then the elevator.
Drunken Wraith lets out a cackling noise, which would probably just be some strange rasping to the man...
Garrick Fy`aar: "Pizza delivery."
Julian Sawyer: "Hold it RIGHT there!"
???: "Well... what do we have here... the very people I sought to destroy."
Dragoshi: "STOP RIGHT THERE! ..."
???: "You won't get anything out of me. There is no point in attacking me."
Julian Sawyer: "...Dragoshi, lay off, a'ight?"
VG attempts to see if he recognizes him.
Metal Man (GM): Too... dark... and hidden.
Julian Sawyer: "I'm gonna do it anyway!"
Drunken Wraith flies fully up, puts its dex away, and pulls out its grey & red stones, grinning maniacally as it aims them at the man, just waiting for a reason...
Wolf does the same.
Garrick Fy`aar looks as well.
Metal Man (GM): Still too dark... and hidden.
Trigger: "Stupid elevator, COME ON!!"
Gibby: "Someone turn the lights on."
Metal Man (GM): The elevator just made its way up, Trigger. You're there.
Julian Sawyer: "...For the love 'a." *Flips on the lights.*
Trigger: "...heh?"
Metal Man (GM): You flip on the lights... revealing Shadow.
Aetos sighs. "...You..."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Dragoshi: "...Oh, COME ON!"
Gibby: "...Shadow?"
Julian Sawyer: "What the hell is this?!"
Trigger: "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...whoa, didn't expect that one."
VG: "...Shadow?"
Aribar: "You w-went to the other si-side?"
Gibby: "YOU'RE the head of the IIF?"
Shadow: "You are all attempting to undo something the good Doctor so neatly put together for you."
Dragoshi: "...Okay. If anyone didn't expect the damn hedgehog, raise your hands?"
Aetos: "You ALL?"
Wolfman: "Which good Doctor? Ivo or Ivan?"
Trigger: "Are you drunk too?"
Shadow: "I can't allow you to undo Gerald's creation... something you can't understand."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out... a Time Stone.
Drunken Wraith tilts its head to the side curiously, then just shakes its head, looking to the others as it holds the stones forward, brandishing them menacingly, eager to attack...
Dragoshi: "...Right. This is just-..."
Gibby: "Another time stone!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...ha."
Trigger: "... Thats not good."
Dragoshi: "...Oh. Freaking. RAPTURE."
Julian Sawyer: "...Right, we'll jus' be takin' that."
Shadow: "It is already too late... this was merely a diversion."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark, double lock down the Dauntless!"
Dragoshi: "...How cliched."
Shadow: "While the IIF, equipped with the best of equipment, died against you... ...You, Julian, aided Ivo in taking the last stone."
Julian Sawyer: "...What?"
Gibby looks at Julian.
Dragoshi: "...Buh?"
VG hops off of Wolf, does Falcon Punch Clone to Wolf, propelling him to get up close for Bite Attack, stunning Shadow hopefully.
Gibby: "What's he talking about?"
Trigger: "...hmm."
Shadow: "I have this one... all there is is one."
Metal Man (GM): You fly at him.
He suddenly vanishes and reappears behind you two.
Julian Sawyer: "Hold on, BACK UP! What's this about me helpin' Ivo get the last stone?"
Shadow: "Don't toy with me... I have something important to say!"
Wolfman: "Hard to want to listen when you wanted us dead."
Trigger: "Screw you and your evilness."
Dragoshi: "...Of course, you'd have been able to evade that regardless."
Shadow: "You wonder... Julian?"
VG: "Make your point quick before I attempt to do that again."
Shadow: "This will answer all your questions."
Dragoshi: "...?"
Metal Man (GM): He takes a tape... and puts it into a nearby monitor.
Wolfman: .oO(This better be good...)
Gibby blinks and watches the tape.
Julian Sawyer: .oO(Oh boy...)
Trigger watches the tape too.
Dragoshi watches the tape while leaning against a wall.
Drunken Wraith just sighs and makes some impatient facial gestures, babbling incomprehensibly in its raspy 'language'...
Aribar half-heartedly turns from Shadow to the monitor.
Metal Man (GM): The video plays...
It fades in.
There is... a massive, tube-shaped machine.
In Eisnaught... during Kuja's era.
It looks like some sort of... time machine.
Julian, Aribar, and Charles walk into the portal
..Then you see... LIVE video... as in... happening right now...
You see... Julian talking to Ivo on the dex.
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Then it plays him talking.
Ivo Robotnik: "Now then... you must find a certain stone to get back in time. It looks like this."
Trigger: "Hmm."
Julian Sawyer: "Sounds like a plan..." *Heads in.*
Dragoshi: "..."
Gibby scratches his head.
Metal Man (GM): He heads into a building on the OTHER SIDE OF EISNAUGHT....
As Julian in the past is shown an image of the final Time Stone.
He encounters a guard and talks to him a bit.
A weird ninja guy follows them, knocking out the guard.
Trigger: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar, the Ninja guy, Charles, and Julian then sneak under tables to an elevator.
Aribar turns away. He can't watch any more...
Gibby glances at Ari turning away, and the goes back to the monitor. What the heck was going on?
Trigger is wondering what the hell is going on.
Julian Sawyer: "Wait a sec... I remember this..."
Dragoshi: "?"
Metal Man (GM): They sneak all the way in; guards attempt to defend the facility... but their stuff doesn't work.
Trigger: "Hmm?"
Metal Man (GM): They encounter a vault and open it.
Walking in... Julian sees a red stone, and it is taken.
Shadow: "The stone is already ours, see?"
Trigger: "You made Julian do your dirty work?"
Dragoshi: "...Huh. So it is."
Aribar: "We were tricked."
Dragoshi: "So it is..."
Metal Man (GM): The guard looks at them as they leave... not just Julian, but Aribar, Charles, and The Ninja guy.
Dragoshi: "Bamboozled, even."
Wolfman and Veeg are completely confused...
Metal Man (GM): And then it shows Ivo taking the stone and them being sent back in time.
Gibby: "Looks like it."
Julian Sawyer: "Ivo was 'sposed to be on our side... Wonder what happened to that Ninja."
Trigger is very confused.
Shadow: "Now, with all but one stone, Ivo is able to still finish his project. Furthermore... You will have to turn over YOUR stone."
Dragoshi: "...Why SHOULD we?"
Trigger: "No."
Drunken Wraith just folds its arms and shakes its head like a stubborn little kid.
Julian Sawyer: "Make us."
Gibby: "Psh. Like that'll happen."
Metal Man (GM): He puts his finger over an odd-looking button.
Shadow: "I press this... GUNICARD nukes you. For real."
Gibby: "...WHAT?"
Shadow: "The IIF created Gunicard... for this purpose. That time has come."
Garrick Fy`aar: " nuke us."
*He chuckles softly...*
Shadow: "Hand over the stone... it can't be deactivated."
Dragoshi: "...Don't tell me you're gonna pull a-...Expected. Seriously. Can people come up with something that ISN'T *Draconic* cliched!"
VG: "You wouldn't..."
Wolfman: "You couldn't..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "He can and he will."
Dragoshi: "...He prolly' will"
Shadow: "Cliched? You are a cliche, not me. I have all the power in the world right now. If you are not convinced... I can just press this button and let you keep your time stone."
Gibby gulps.
Shadow: "And if you don't, Ivo can go further back in time and bring others."
Dragoshi: "...That's still cliched in a way... Okay, maybe it isn't, since I forgot my dictionary of cliches, but still..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "You're messing with the timeline, Shadow..."
Shadow: "He has enough to trick Questers from other time periods for a loong time. Exactly! Now you've got it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Time is something you shouldn't mess with..."
Drunken Wraith just sighs and drifts down through the floor...
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Wolfman: "You realize that that can't be allowed, right?"
Julian Sawyer: "I already gave up one Time Stone to him 'cause he had a nuke pointed at us... which didn't go off."
Dragoshi: "...Everyone knows that. Even a damn grade schooler."
Shadow: "It is too late... and my finger is moving to the button."
Aribar: "Why are you following Ivo? He... Just wants things for himself..."
Trigger: "No!"
Gibby: "WAIT! Don't do anything hasty!"
Aribar: "He doesn't care about Gerald."
Metal Man (GM): He moves his finger towards the button.
Julian Sawyer: "Hold it!"
Trigger: "Ok, Ok."
Shadow: "AHEM... Time Stone... or nuclear destruction."
Trigger: "Damn it."
Gibby: "He has us in checkmate."
Garrick Fy`aar: ", he doesn't."
Trigger: "Your just gonna die yourself."
Gibby: "...Buh?"
Shadow: "I will count to ten."
Julian Sawyer: "...Shadow, aren't you participating in the CAL?"
Shadow: "As a pastime. Anyway... ten... nine..."
Drunken Wraith soon rises back up from the floor, stroking its chin...
Julian Sawyer: "How can there be a CAL without a stadium?"
Shadow: "Eight... why do I care?"
Aribar debates something. The elf wonders if he can surpass his teacher... If he can Chaos Control the remote away... No... He couldn't do that to Shadow.
Shadow: "Seven... six..."
Dragoshi: "...Simple. You don't"
Gibby: "...Someone plan to do SOMETHING?"
Shadow: "Five... four... you do know it's worthless to you alone."
Trigger: "...This sucks."
Wolfman and Veeg do the team up move again: same deal as before.
Metal Man: "Hmmm..."
Julian Sawyer: "Metal! Your call!"
Dragoshi: "...Against someone who can just avoid most, if not all our attempts."
Drunken Wraith just sighs and goes to blast off a quick set of magical rounds at Shadow, stones and all.
Metal Man gets a genius idea: He kicks Wolfman away before he can make Shadow press the button.
"Stop right there... all of you. I'll let you have the time stone... but I have a problem."
Shadow: "Hmmm?"
Wolfman gets bounced off by Metal...
Trigger: "?"
Wolf & VG: "Hmmm?"
Metal Man: "...Your button is defective."
Drunken Wraith raises an eyebrow, stopping at the last second, and looks to da bos... Can't override dat guy.
Gibby: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Both: .oO(...I thought he wanted us to defend the time stones...)
Trigger: "..."
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man takes his dex and points it at the console.
Shadow: "Huh?"
Dragoshi: "...Of all the DAMN..."
Metal Man (GM): Suddenly... Rathos Lell appears on the screens.
Dragoshi chuckles.
Rathos Lell: "Ahahahahaha! I have total control!"
Julian Sawyer: "...You!"
Metal Man (GM): Shadow frantically presses the button.
Gibby: "Not HIM again!"
Trigger: "What?!"
Dragoshi: "...Okay..."
Julian Sawyer: "Goddammit, I already locked you out ONCE!"
Shadow: "Damn you... he's destroyed all of the nuke-launching systems."
Dragoshi points at Rathos.
Drunken Wraith tilts its head to the side for a second, then its eyes widen. POIT!
Aetos: "Who ..."
Dragoshi: "Who the *Draconic* are you?"
Metal Man: "With Rathos Lell on your systems... and Gunicard unaffected..."
Aribar: "Metal, don't give him the Time Stone..."
Metal Man: "You have nothing."
Aetos: "Skip that... I'll just look him up later."
Julian Sawyer: "...Awwwwwww yeah!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "No, Metal, you missed something."
Julian Sawyer: "What, what'd he miss?"
Dragoshi: "It appears the dog crapped out on you, you damnable hedgehog."
VG: .oO(...okay, what the?)
Garrick Fy`aar: "He missed one HELL of an ass kicking."
Gibby grins and unsheaths his sword.
Trigger: "Heh."
Shadow: "You know better than to challenge me. I have this Time Stone."
Gibby: "That sounds like our cue."
Trigger takes out his gun.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Shall we, gentlemen?"
Shadow: "Which reminds me..."
Julian Sawyer: "Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout." *Julian draws Vendetta.*
Trigger: "Heh, your goin' DOWN!!!!"
Aribar: "..." *The elf tries to extend his hand and use Chaos Control to warp the Time Stone to him.*
VG: "I can't believe I'm doing this again..."
Drunken Wraith bounces and bobs in place, happy to see the weapons drawn and hopeful for a 'nother feisty battle.
Shadow: "You don't like IIF agents, do you?"
Dragoshi readies his scythe. He then mutters something and is now out of his armor, and in normal clothing "...What was your first guess?"
Metal Man (GM): He whips out an IIF-standard machinegun and points it at you all.
Trigger: "Not really, they make good cannon fodder though."
Gibby: "...Oh great, HE has one."
Shadow: "I happen to be better than all of them put together."
Julian Sawyer: "Good. Mean's I get a better fight outta you!"
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Garrick Fy`aar: "It means WE get a better fight out of you. Remember, Julian... we're Questers."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar's action results in a very odd event.
Dragoshi: "..."
Wolfman: .oO(Ari, what did you do?)
Metal Man (GM): He tries to chaos control it away... and then Shadow warps time so that the Time Stone (and him) movs 1 second into the future, screwing up his chaos control.
Julian Sawyer: "...The hell just happened?"
Gibby rubs his eyes.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...pfft."
Gibby: "That was weird."
Aribar blinks.
Shadow: "Nothing. Just your inexperienced friend using outdated powers against me."
VG: *Blinks.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Enough screwing around with weird powers."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Julian Sawyer: "We gonna fight or not?"
Garrick Fy`aar flicks the safety off his gun and slowly raises it to point at Shadow.
Metal Man (GM): One moment... making stuff for Shadow's sheet.
Julian Sawyer readies Vendetta and drops into his stance.
Metal Man (GM): Also, brb.
Aetos: "...Was Shadow at Ivo's old base?..."
Trigger: "Come on, let's do this!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, speedy. Let's see what you've got."
Metal Man (GM): Gotta get ready for the final phase of the mission here.
Wolf can have dinner.
Julian Sawyer: "You gonna pay for sendin' someone to kick me in the head!"
Drunken Wraith bounces impatiently, holding the stones forward, looking like a little kid on Christmas Eve at 11:58 PM... Just waiting for its signal to strike.
Metal Man (GM): Just a few more moments... considering the crowd, character, and situation, Shadow will probably deviate a bit from the normal IIF officer.
Gibby: *86 Leather damage!*
Dragoshi: *...I wonder what kind of leather it is?*
VG sneaks out quietly to the Dauntless.
Metal Man (GM): Completzorz. Inits?
And... Aetos' is needed too.
Aetos tilts his head and mumbles "Was that Shadow at Ivo's base?..."
Metal Man (GM): Massive Madness Battle: Questers vs. Unknown Affiliation Shadow
Order: Shadow, Julian, Metal, Phantom, Aribar, Garrick, Dragoshi, Wolfman, Aetos, Wraith
Shadow: "Hmph."
Metal Man (GM): He suddenly vanishes. Then Julian is hit eighteen times by an IIF laser machinegun before he can even react, taking 54 laser damage x 18.
He reappears as if nothing had happened.
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Falls down dead.*
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man: "...I'm not even going to ask what just happened."
Wolfman: "..."
Dragoshi: "Me neither."
Wolfman: .oO(VG... glad you aren't in this fight.)
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man runs up and tries to hit Shadow with a flaming pistolwhip.
Metal Man (GM): *Miss.*
Phantom: "I hate you almost as much as that other guy." *Opens fire.*
Or at least, it would hit, but Shadow just teleports out of the way.
Dragoshi: "...Pffft. Typical."
Phantom: "It doesn't look like he's kidding around with us."
Aribar extends his hand and fires off two small jolts of electricity at Shadow. (Jolt times two.)
Shadow: "You are all inferior to me. Why you persist in this idiocy is beyond my experience."
Metal Man (GM): He goes invisible and leaps outta the way of both.
Aribar: "Gah..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Shadow: "Don't you have a damn clue? I can't be stopped by such mortals like yourselves."
Metal Man: "Well, uhh... there has to be some way to hit him..."
Dragoshi: "...Simple. We hope he trips up and ends in a temporal loop."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...uhhh..."
Dragoshi: "Which has a 1 in..."
Wolfman: .oO(...mortals...? I'm not exactly one... I wonder if Mewtwo could help...)
Gibby: "...I doubt that'll happen."
Dragoshi: "...Ah, sod it. it'll prolly' never happen anyway"
Garrick Fy`aar just fires twice for now, racking his brain to figure out what is going ON...
Metal Man: "He's reversed time before... even to save us. He probably had something to do with that other time messup too... so he doesn't seem an easy foe."
Garrick Fy`aar: .oO(That armor... if I can just figure out...)
*He slides next to Julian's corpse, quickly looking down at the cloaking armor and checking one thing...
* "...damn..."
Metal Man (GM): You fire once, he dodges it with chaos control, you fire twice, he invisibles his way out of the way.
Gibby: "Grr... this is getting irritating!"
Shadow: "I didn't ask you to fight me."
Aribar: "Why are you working with Ivo?"
Shadow: "Ivo works for me."
Dragoshi: "..."
Aribar: "...Then what do you want the Time Stones for?"
Shadow: "It is none of your business. If you would allow me to leave... you wouldn't see me for a long time."
Aribar: "...If you tell us then maybe we can avoid this fight... Maybe even help you..."
Gibby: "You plan on going to the future or something?"
Wolfman: " you eventually want to destroy or take over this world?"
Dragoshi: "...I'm not even going to bother."
Shadow: "Heh heh heh... help me? You've already tried to defeat me before."
Aribar: "And you've also helped us before. You taught me how to use the Yellow Chaos Emerald..."
"What harm is there in telling us? You've seen how effective our attacks are. How could we stop you?"
Shadow: "It... is something you wouldn't understand."
Aribar: "How do you know until you try?"
Shadow: "You are too dumb to know what I am doing for you."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...wait a second. How are you using Chaos Control?
I thought Chaos was banned from Nintendus with the fall of..."
*He slowly turns to Metal...*
Dragoshi: "...Heh. Assumptions, assumptions."
Gibby: "Oh please... what could you possibly be planning that WE would fail to understand?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...The Void."
Shadow: "It's Chaos Control, not Chaos Create."
Wolfman: "He's got a point. He's only modifying the Chaos that's out there."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Heh..."
Shadow: "You're just a damn idiot... it's a spell which allows control, not lack of it... in fact it decreases chaos. That's why it used to feed off of Chaos Emeralds."
Dragoshi: "Interesting."
Shadow: "Now it feeds off of something better, but which you don't deserve to know either."
Aribar: .oO(... That's one thing that will make me breath easier at night...)
Garrick Fy`aar: "...that's it."
*He smirks and nods...*
Shadow: "Nothing is ever 'it', Garrick."
Gibby: "Grr... what's with all the unknowns? You're not giving us a good reason to not fight you!"
Aetos: "Something else... so that's how I can still use chaos..."
Shadow: "I didn't attack you until the moron threatened to beat me up. Who I then slaughtered."
Wolfman: *Whispers to Metal* "Your call. Scan him, or call for someone like Mewtwo?"
Aribar listens to what Shadow is saying and then realizes something... "The Time Stones are crystalized Chaos Control, aren't they?"
Gibby: "You threatened our lives!"
Metal Man whispers back to Wolfman "I don't think it'll matter."
Shadow: "...You're even dumber than he is."
Aetos snickers.
Aribar: "..."
Shadow: "They have nothing to do with chaos at all."
Wolfman will defend once, save 2 TP for next round.
Shadow: "My power is due to my experience, and my experience something you will never know the source of. If you persist in wasting my time I will kill you just as quickly as Julian."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos' turn
Aetos sighs... "I cannot fight you if you don't want to be fought."
Metal Man (GM): Um. Right.
Garrick Fy`aar: ""
Dragoshi: "...?"
Wolfman: .oO(...what does Shadow want then?)
Gibby scans Shadow. If nothing, he'd like to see some stats on the guy.
Metal Man (GM): He stands there, not even caring that you've scanned him.
Aribar: "...Let's just let him go. We cannot defeat him and does not want anything to do with us..."
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
Shadow the Hedgehog (IIF Gear)
Level 156 Superhuman
HP: 0/1050
SP: 0/190
CP: 22/500
STR: 20
END: 21
AGI: 40
MNT: 38
AC: 30
DR: 16 (5 without armor)
He must have enough chaos control points to really, REALLY screw around with you. 500 is unheard of amongst most users.
Dragoshi: "...Even though he pointed a damn nu-" *Sees what Gibby's doin' and walks over to him* "...Damn"
Wolfman: "...if we leave you to your doing Shadow, will you leave us to ours?"
Gibby: "Wow... definitely not a push over with that chaos control." *He ends his turn.*
Shadow: "As you may have realized, fighting me is utterly pointless. Just one IIF agent is enough to fight you all... one of me can kill you all."
Metal Man (GM): Indeed.
Wolfman: .oO(...that didn't answer my question...)
Aetos mutters, "Coward(s)."
Shadow: "My work has already been done... as much as I'd love to give Ivo the stone besides this one, you can have it. He'll use it to track you anyway."
Dragoshi: "...Well... Okay, then."
Drunken Wraith sends a swift shard of magical energy at Shadow, just to keep him spinnin'... Then follows up by holding the two stones together and letting out a fierce shriek as it launches an gargantuan blast of energy at Shadow; this one even makes his previous blasts look puny...
Shadow: "Your mission is complete as it is. The IIF is finished."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. ...Though it appears others are stubborn. Regardless."
Metal Man (GM): The Wraith uses all his power and Shadow uses one finger (and 22 CP) to evade everything the Wraith throws at him.
Gibby: "Yeah, I don't think this is our battle quite yet, guys."
Aetos slaps himself in the face. "...Stupid drunken ghosts... he must not realize what we're saying."
Gibby sheaths his sword.
Wolfman dexes the ghost: "Cease fire."
Drunken Wraith blinks a bit as he sees this... then just shrugs, backing off.
Shadow: "Your power is admirable, but you're not strong enough to touch me yet."
Gibby: "Fair enough. We'll part ways then."
Aetos: "...There's that discouraging 'weakling' speak again... it sounds familiar."
Metal Man (GM): Shadow points his machinegun at a wall and blasts it to smithereens.
Shadow: "I have a helicopter to catch."'
Gibby sighs and allows him to depart.
Metal Man (GM): Anyone who desires to attack or whatever can do it now.
Aetos: "...Since when can you fly helicopters?"
Dragoshi: "...Who cares?"
Garrick Fy`aar doesn't move... he's still puzzled...
Wolfman wants to fire... but for some reason, just... doesn't.
Gibby: "Yeah, we're done here. Lets get going."
Dragoshi doesn't move. He just watches.
Drunken Wraith just kinda... scratches the back of its head, stumped. Dat shoulda' put da hurt on the guy... but it didn't.
Dragoshi: "Indeed."
Aetos would use Chaos Spear... buy that will take 6 TP.
Shadow: "Me? Fly a helicopter? Why do I need that?"
Julian Sawyer would try and roll a Immobilizing Grenade at him, but he's kinda dead.
Metal Man (GM): He blurs, and, for effect, the entire room is blown to pieces.
The walls, the ceilings, the monitors.
Dragoshi: "...Oh, nice one."
Metal Man (GM): He leaps aboard a helicopter and tosses you a note.
Aribar throws up his arm and turns his head as that sonic boom passes over the area.
Drunken Wraith shrieks and zips around frantically as everything around goes kablooie.
Dragoshi: "It looks like this one time where these guys stormed a room, carrying ROCKET LAUNCHERS."
Gibby: "Look, a note!"
Dragoshi: "And even THEN-"
Garrick Fy`aar snags it.
Dragoshi reads the note.
Metal Man (GM): It says... 'I'd get out of the building if I were you... the entire building is going to explode. -Shadow'
Gibby: "At least he's considerate enough to warn us."
Garrick Fy`aar slowly smirks...
Dragoshi: "...Oh, cosmic hellfire."
Metal Man: "We can take the elevator."
Gibby makes a run for it!
Garrick Fy`aar: "...quick now."
Aribar looks at the others... "What does it say?"
Wolfman: "Sorry Metal; stairs for me!"
Dragoshi makes a run for it as well.
Gibby: "Building go boom! RUN!"
Wolfman runs down to the Dauntless.
Julian Sawyer wakes up "...What'd I miss now?"
Metal Man (GM): Julian is revived.
Garrick Fy`aar makes it to the elevator.
Drunken Wraith ponders for a second, then nods to Gibby, quite agreeing with his notion. It flies out the hole in the wall.
Wolfman picks up Julian.
Metal Man: "No time to explain; we must leave the building!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on."
Phantom runs down, gets the judge, then gets in the elevator.
Wolfman: "No time to waste if you're conscious."
Aribar: "Building's going to explode..." *The elf heads to the elevator.*
Gibby runs down the stairs.
Wolfman takes the stairs regardless of the others.
Drunken Wraith would then search around for the Dauntless and, if finding it, zip straight to it.
Julian Sawyer: "...So we're not fightin' Shadow?"
VG: "...hurry up guys: I can't pilot this by myself!"
Wolfman: "We already tried and failed."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Considering he's impossible to hit. No."
Wolfman: "Our main mission is done though."
Julian Sawyer: "...Oh." *Thought Garrick was taking the elevator and Wolf was taking the stairs.*
+1000 more EXP for everyone who participated.
Gibby runs out of the building and heads into the entrance to the Dauntless.
Metal Man (GM): +20,000 coins to all
The IIF is confirmed dead, and all traces of it eradicated.
The Questers escape the building as it explodes...
Ivan agrees never to speak of it again, scratching the IIF and all other related things off of the records entirely.
Julian is given 10,000 coins for having to go through the unnecessary trial.
But Metal forgot something....
Aetos refuses to pay Metal...
Metal Man (GM): Charles is still floating around the HQ stuck to the probe.
Aribar looks for Metal after they get back to the Stadium...
Metal Man (GM): Eh, Charles went nuts on Metal, Metal konked him out and decided to use him like a decoy.
Wolfman will claim one of the armors that we destroyed from the MTAs then.
Julian Sawyer, after getting his laser burns all patched up, looks for Garrick.
Gibby heads straight into R&R for some relaxation after a rough day of beating up agents.
Garrick Fy`aar is working on something rather large down in the garage area...
Aribar: "Me-metal? You around here?"
Drunken Wraith would, if they're still there, go to possess one of the dead IIF bodies and float it away, rather interested in the valuable shinies it carries...
Metal Man: "Come in."
Wolfman takes another IIF body for good measure.
Dragoshi decides to loot whatever corpses are there.
Julian Sawyer: *Walks down to the Garage* "Yo! Garrick! You in here?"
Aribar steps into Metal Man's office.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Over here... and hand me that wrench, would you?"
Aribar: "H-hello, sir... I would like to ask a f-favor of you."
Metal Man: "?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Gujin? Wrench? ...Julian? Wrench?"
Aribar: "These... Last few weeks have been rather tr-tramatic. I was w-wondering if you could give me permission to head to Wh-Whaller using Atlantis's portal... I-it would be nice to see my family again, and why Mr. Monst... Err... Yes, nice to see my f-family again."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight." *Picks up the wrench Garrick pointed out, walks over, and hands it to him* "Hey, you think you could fix up that armor I got offa Larry?"
Garrick Fy`aar takes it and slides underneath the big... thing...
Metal Man: "Not like there's a lock or key on it, anyway."
Julian Sawyer: "IIF Agent/Lawyer."
Metal Man: "You can go there whenever you wish."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Ohhh. You mean that cloaking armor."
Gibby then remembers that Wraith wanted to talk to him. He starts searching all of HQ for him.
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah."
Gibby: "Wraith? You around?"
Aribar: "Well... I still n-needed your permission for leaving the st-stadium. Err... HQ."
Garrick Fy`aar: " well, what's in it for me?"
Julian Sawyer: "I'll pay ya."
Drunken Wraith: *Gibby would see a dead IIF body floating to the Questers' rooms, and into one of said rooms... Obviously possessed.*
Aribar: "Thank you, Metal, sir."
Wolfman takes his body to his room.
Dragoshi is currently looting a few corpses... Bloody klepto.
Gibby: o_O; "I gotta stop those late night binges..."
Metal Man nods. "Nice to be back at HQ again... all that shooting wore me out."
Gibby follows the body to the room it gets sent to.
Aribar nods uneasily and starts towards his room to pack.
Garrick Fy`aar: ""
Gibby: "Err... Wraith? You there?" *Looks into the room.*
Drunken Wraith: *Gibby would see the body plop onto the floor of a rather... strange... room... Everything just seems so... not there. Even the walls seem like they don't quite exist... The only noticeable object (aside from the body) is a seven-sided shape mounted on the wall, with a dot at each of the corners... Three of them are filled; Purple, Grey, and Red.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...think you could wait a bit? I wanna look it over some."
Gibby blinks and walks over to the shape. He stares at the colors, and scratches his head. "Huh... wonder what this is all about?"
Drunken Wraith: *The body's armor would open up, and its items would begin spilling out... This abruptly stops after a couple seconds as the presence notices Gibby has entered. The wraith takes form again, looking to Gibby and taking its phantastic dex out; Gibby's beeps.*
Aribar packs an extra set of clothes, his chain shirt, spell book, and camping gear in and on a backpack once inside his room. The elf would start towards the cafeteria to get some rations for the road before realizing that the... Sober impaired ghost wanted to talk. Aribar tries to remember the location of Wraith's room and heads there.
Julian Sawyer: "I guess...:."
Drunken Wraith: *Aribar's dex would begin beeping once he enters the room, as well.*
VG: *In his room, do not disturb.*
Gibby looks back to the body and watches as Wraith pops out of it. He freaks out and falls on his butt. He then hears his dex beeping and, with a shaky fin, opens it up.
Wolfman: *Same, + IIF body armor* :)
Aribar takes his out and opens it up. He mutters a short greeting to the ghostly figure while taking in the sights of the room.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Leave it in lab 3."
Drunken Wraith: "Such a homely room, isn't it? I think it's quite nice, myself..." It nods to the object Gibby was inspecting. "That's my... Collection. Three down, four to go..." It points at its chest, which has the three stones of the same colors of those dots floating within it...
Aetos is in that room in the random location deep within HQ. The walls are covered in chalk writing, and he adds another one. "Figure out Why Shadow was at Ivo's old base."
Drunken Wraith: *...Along with a half-empty, ghostly-looking bottle, but that's beside the point.*
Aribar: "Those stones must add power to you? ... And do you realize there's a bottle inside you?"
Gibby: "...O-oh... I see. Yeah, it's an... interesting room." *He notices Ari and waves, but then goes back to Wraith.* "Uhh... you wanted to speak with us about something?"
Aribar: "Yes... It'd be nice to get it over with now. This is my last night at the HQ for a while..."
Drunken Wraith: "Yes, and I'm creating them myself!" It does a little jig. "Err, yeah, that's my vodka... Good stuff, good stuff." It then looks to Gibby, and a look of sudden realization registers on its face. "Oh yeah, that's right... Yeah, I'm not as... new as you guys may think I am..."
Gibby: "...What do you mean?"
Drunken Wraith: "I showed up on the field with fire in heart and hammer in hand... Any guesses...?"
Aribar: "...I vaguely remember one person who fits that description."
Drunken Wraith: "And same person still doesn't forgive himself for not thinking to Stone Drop that floor you and Meier Link were standing on sooner..."
Gibby blinks and rubs his "chin". "Hmm... fire in heart... hammer in hand..." He thinks back to people he knew who had hammers as a weapon. "...No... that can't be... nah, that's not it."
Aribar: "You are a ghost of a past Quester."
Drunken Wraith: "Indeed I am. Do you recognize me yet?"
Gibby: "But I don't remember anyone dying recently."
Drunken Wraith looks to Gibby, a solemn look on its face... This issue seems to have sobered it up rather quickly. "I never died, my friend... I simply faded away..."
Gibby: "JOHN???"
Drunken Wraith smiles, and nods. "One and the same."
Gibby faints.
Drunken Wraith: "..."
Aribar: "And you simply faded... away?" *The elf looks at Gibby.*
"Ummm... Heal!" *The elf casts a minor curative spell on the kirby, hoping it helps.*
Gibby opens his eyes and looks up at the ceiling. "...What a crazy dream."
Aribar: "Aah... Probably not a dream, Gibby, if you're imagining John coming back as a ghost."
Drunken Wraith: "Yeah... I really have no clue how it happened, and I don't even remember the later stages of it... But do you remember when I started having anger issues, such as Onnen? My mind was the first thing to start going... Well, eventually my brain and body both just kinda... faded away, leaving only my spirit. But since I never died, I wasn't sent and bound to the ethereal plane... Instead, I managed to figure out how to traverse the real
realms at will..."
Aribar: "Hm... Quite a tale..."
Drunken Wraith: "And still puzzles the heck out of me. I -still- have no clue what caused the whole thing."
Gibby gets back up and looks at Wraith. "But-but-but... you... and he... we... HUH?" He rubs his head.
Drunken Wraith goes to pat Gibby on the head, really just stopping its hand where it meets Gibby's heat. "Just let it sink in, puffy one..."
Aribar: "Well, it's... It's nice to know that another old friend survived the years of Kuja and others."
Drunken Wraith: "Oooh, that was an ugly time, lemme tell ya... Glad I was able to dodge into other realms."
Gibby: "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Drunken Wraith sighs as it looks to Gibby. "I've been trying to let someone figure it out on their own... Apparently I just wasn't that memorable." O.o
Editor's Note: He only appeared in 3 logs prior to this Season so I'm amazed anybody remembered him at all.
Aribar: "Err... Sorry."
Gibby: "Well I... I just never took you for being... the ghost type."
Aribar: "We would probably still be a bit in the dark if... Err... Your drink didn't loosen (Misspelled...) your tongue. No offense..."
Drunken Wraith: "Quite alright. It's been, what, over a decade now?"
Gibby: "...So what, do I call you Wraith or John now?"
Aribar: "Mmm... Yes. Around ten years."
Drunken Wraith: "'Eeeeey, none taken... Y'know, I'd forgotten just how much I like vodka since I died..." It looks to Gibby. "Just call me whatever you want."
*He blinks. * "...Did I say died? Faded away, faded away." It nods sagely...
Gibby: "Humph... fine... John it is then."
Aribar: "Uhh... So do you want the others to know of this as well?"
Drunken Wraith: "I've already told several; VG managed to recognize my voice after extensive prodding of his memory. Yeah, you can tell whoever you want."
Aribar nods.
Gibby: "Ugh... I need to go lie down."
Drunken Wraith nods to Gibby. "Yeah, it's been a long day, eh?"
Gibby: "TOO long. See you later... John..." *He waddles himself out of the room, but not before leaving with a tiny smile on his face. *
Aribar: "Well... I look forward to working with you after I return from a little... Vacation. I've some preparations to make... I should probably be heading out too."
Sobering Wraith nods to both. "Good night, Gibster... And Godspeed, Ari. I wish you both well."
Aribar: "See you later, err... John... Gonna be a little weird getting used to that."
Sobering Wraith chuckles a bit and nods...
Aribar leaves the room and heads down to the cafeteria.
Dragoshi is currently punting around a corpse he looted, chuckling "...Whee."
Aribar would get a few things that would keep for a while from the kitchen before heading back up to his room. The elf debates about sleeping one more night in the HQ, but decides to go to the Warp Room and start out on his journey tonight.
Dragoshi then stops punting the looted victim and goes off to the cafeteria, planning no looting another day.
Sobering Wraith strokes its chin after Gibby and Aribar leave the room... It then smirks, possesses the body to make it stand up, and props it up in a silly 'finger gunshot' pose looking toward the door, even quirking an eyebrow into a rather stupid-looking 'I'm hitting on you' expression.
He then poofs, leaving the body there as it goes to the ethereal realm.
Aetos sniffs the air... adding things to the room, and writing things on the wall.
"It took me a long time to rewrite all the stuff that insane man ruined..."
*He is periodically roaming the halls, picking up stuff, and dragging it back to the room.*

