Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 298: The Light of Saturn's Wrath
Date: 6:54:58 PM, July 10th; 6:10:54 PM, July 12th, 2006.
Metal Man (GM): Mission
You leap on into the teleporter, up to Gunicard... apparently Julian got lost somewhere, 'cause he's not here when you appear in Sector 2.
Digifanatic: "Okay... where's Julian? He's not one to back off like that."
Gibby looks around the sector. "Ugh... what the heck happened to Julian?"
Dragoshi shrugs.
Gibby: "Well no matter. He'll probably turn up at the last second to save our butts."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Aribar: "Uh oh... He was supposed to be one of the people who would work with the computers. Well, Digi, you're good with technology, right?"
Digifanatic: "And start a million arguments. Yes."
Gibby: "Looks like you're our tech man then."
Digifanatic: "Alright."
Aribar: "Good! So we aren't heavily unprepared..."
Dragoshi coughs.
Digifanatic: "What do we have to do, again?"
Metal Man (GM): You receive a message from Gunicard.
Gibby: "Stop a hacker that's on Gunicard."
Digifanatic: "Okay."
Metal Man (GM): 'The hacker is in Sector 1. Please proceed to Sector 1.'
Aribar looks at the green text that he assumes Gunicard is playing.
Dragoshi: "...Ah, yes. Understood."
Gibby looks to the message and nods.
Digifanatic flips his Dex open, reads the message, and starts to head on...
Gibby: "Lets get going then."
Dragoshi proceeds to Sector 1
Gibby heads down the long hallway towards Sector 1.
Aribar starts towards the direction he thinks is Sector 1. "Can you show us a picture of the hacker? He may be someone we know..."
Metal Man (GM): You proceed across the hallway again...
'Negative, he has disabled security in the sector.'
Digifanatic: "Figures."
Gibby: "Well he -is- a hacker..."
Aribar: "Piffle... Well, we'll just have to be prepared for anything then."
Digifanatic: "Exactly, Gibby."
Dragoshi: "...Of course, it'd figure. He's a hacker, for crying out loud."
Digifanatic: "Just keep going."
Metal Man (GM): You keep on walking... and walking... it's creepy, as usual.
Gibby: "I forgot how long it takes to walk around here."
Digifanatic: "Get there soon enough."
Dragoshi: "...Same. It's been a couple o' weeks, huh?"
Digifanatic livens his pace up a small bit.
Dragoshi does the same as Digi.
Aribar: "I'll be happy when we're back on solid earth and not up in space. It's creepy, and a little scary, here..."
Metal Man (GM): You reach the door, finally, which opens.
Gibby: "At least time's not screwed up."
Metal Man (GM): You're now in the center... hmm... bummer that you're never allowed in here.
Dragoshi: "...Oh, HELL, Gibby. Don't remind me."
Metal Man (GM): Arrows point straight towards Sector 1.
Digifanatic continues to follow the arrows.
Gibby sighs and keeps moving.
Dragoshi walks in the direction of the arrows.
Aribar does a cursory scan of the area before taking up the rear and following the others.
Metal Man (GM): The area's a ghost town, as usual.
Gibby: "I wonder how the others are doing..."
Digifanatic: "Yeah... well, we gotta keep going..."
Dragoshi: "...Yes, I'm starting to wonder the same thing. Though, they're prolly' okay" *Dragoshi continues following the arrows.*
Aribar: "Hopefully they won't have much trouble. We should probably focus on this job for the time being, though."
Gibby: "I guess you're right."
Digifanatic: "No problem. Hmm... trying to think as to what we should do--I want to use "I" but I don't wanna offend you guys. I'm hoping Gunicard left an account for us after a period of time that we can use to perhaps track the guy 'fore it's too late."
Gibby: "Psh... you kidding? That would be too convenient for us."
Aribar: "I think we should be able to catch him, and with luck, he won't face a team of armed Questers."
Digifanatic: "Perhaps... but come on, if Gunicard's busy with something--and he may possibly be--he could give us his name and we can find where this hacker is in the building."
Dragoshi: "Yes... But some people can possibly come armed themselves. Hopefully this may not be the case. Though, we should be prepared if it IS the case."
Digifanatic: "Then we can track him down and bam. And you have a very valid point."
Dragoshi: "...Good. 'Cause if anyone really isn't prepared, it could be like, 'Here a corpse, there a corpse, everywhere a corpse corpse'. But, seriously, best to be prepared just in case."
Gibby: "Well we won't know a thing until we get to sector one."
Dragoshi: "I suppose so..."
Digifanatic: "Alright. Okay, so Gunicard can't get us an account--our backing plan would be to just search around and find the guy?"
Dragoshi: "Yes, that it would."
Digifanatic: "Alright."
Gibby: "I'm sure Gunicard would be able to provide us with something to aid us in the search."
Digifanatic: "I imagine."
Dragoshi nods and livens up his pace a slight bit again.
Digifanatic: "Wait... you just said it'd be too convenient if he helped us. Hypocrisy is interesting."
Gibby: "Hey, I'm just trying to think positive, Mr. picky!"
Digifanatic: "No offense."
Metal Man (GM): Well, I can say you guys said all that while walking allll the way to the Sector.
You reach the door to the sector--it's sealed shut.
Digifanatic: "K, how thick is this door?"
Gibby: "Not sure... try knocking it down."
Aribar: "Wait, wait, wait..."
Digifanatic: "I was going to try to. And yes, Ari?"
Gibby: "What?"
Aribar: "What if the hacker put a hole in the station or something? If we break down the door then we're doomed. Umm... Gunicard, you there? Can you provide us with any info on Sector 1? ... Or open the door for us?"
Gibby: "Hmmm... if only we had John here. He could go through and find out for us."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. Oh well. I guess we'll have to figure this out ourselves"
The Wraith, meanwhile, is showing Garrick how to open a door.
Aribar: "Well... I suppose we can try blasting open the door."
Digifanatic waits for Gunicard to reply to Ari if it's all possible.
Gibby: "Right..."
Metal Man (GM): 'Sector 1 has been made invisible to me, so no.'
Gibby steps back so someone can blast the door down.
Digifanatic: "Alright. NOW we break down the door."
Dragoshi: "...Really? ...Well, damn."
*He pulls out his scythe, then readies it* "...Think this'll work?"
Gibby shrugs.
"Worth a shot."
Digifanatic: "It's a possibility. I'll go next if it doesn't work."
Aribar: "You could try."
Digifanatic steps back a few behind Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: "Okay... Stand back everyone." *Dragoshi gets in position, and rams his scythe into the door.*
Aribar casts a glance to Digi before copying his example.
Metal Man (GM): It jams into the door.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Digifanatic: *Sigh* "Alright then... I'll wait for Dragoshi to pull that out."
Gibby: "Well that's no good."
Dragoshi tries to pull it out of the jammed door.
Metal Man (GM): 'My doors are made to survive up to class 3 nuclear warheads.'
Gibby: "...good to know."
Metal Man (GM): You pull it out, realizing you made a small scratch into it.
Dragoshi: "...Class 3? ...Well, whaddya know, I scratched it."
Gibby: "Are there any other ways to open these kind of doors?"
Digifanatic: "Dragoshi? Could you please step back a bit?"
Dragoshi stands back.
Digifanatic: "Thanks."
Dragoshi: "No problem."
Digifanatic walks up to Dragoshi's former spot and rams a Fire Punch into the door.
Aribar: "Umm... I don't think any of us are stronger than nukes..."
*He looks about the immediate area. Any keypads or objects that look like they might interact with the door?*
Digifanatic: "Well, we'll see what kinda metal this is made out of."
Metal Man (GM): The punch bounces off of the door...
There is a console right next to the door... a small door console.
Digifanatic stretches his fingers in his right hand back out a bit after that one...
Gibby: "Surprise surprise, a console."
Digifanatic facepalms himself.
Dragoshi walks over to the console.
Digifanatic: "Just hope this wasn't shut down by the hacker."
Dragoshi: "If it is, I'll try and hack into it. And, don't worry I have SOME experience in this. Sheesh."
Digifanatic: "I'm not concerned."
Gibby: "Better than no experience I suppose."
Digifanatic: "'Sides, if the two-way between our Dexes and Gunicard survived, I can't imagine why digital teleportation can't. Shouldn't count that out."
Aribar: "Aye, but let's wait and see if Dragoshi can make this door open before using more limited and powerful resources."
Dragoshi checks to see if the console's still working.
Metal Man (GM): The console appears to be functional.
Digifanatic: "Not a problem."
Dragoshi: "Ah, good. It's functional"
*He attempts to then use the console to open the door.*
Metal Man (GM): Computer use check.
Dragoshi: *Dammit.*
Metal Man (GM): You manage to make it beep the SMB theme, but nothing else.
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Let's try again..."
Aribar: "Umm. Yeah."
Gibby just leans against a section of wall close by the door while Dragoshi does his computer work.
Metal Man (GM): You try again.
The door shoots sparks, then opens half-way... barely enough for you to walk in.
Dragoshi: "...Ah. Good."
Gibby looks over to the door.
"Excellent work."
Dragoshi then walks through the door.
Digifanatic: "Phew."
Gibby can easily slip through since he's so small.
Digifanatic follows them through.
Dragoshi: "Thanks. I was merely doing my job though."
Metal Man (GM): You see the middle of the sector is open, with a stairway that goes down.
Aribar: "Good job." *The elf ducks under the door.*
Dragoshi walks down the stairway.
Gibby follows Drag down the stairway.
Metal Man (GM): You walk down, and realize you've been walking around without ever actually visiting the sectors... below the area you left is a far larger compartmentalized area.
You're in the lobby, which is not only dark but full of computers with weird green text running across their screens.
Digifanatic: "Alright, here we go."
Metal Man (GM): The floor appears to be made out of glass, on the other side of which being outer space.
Aribar continues after the others and begins wondering if they should have closed the door behind them...
Digifanatic walks over to one of the computers.
Dragoshi does the same as Digi.
Gibby: "Great... it's even creepier down here."
Aribar looks about. "Hm. Our hacker must be around here somewhere..."
He checks for other exits.
Metal Man (GM): 10 doors, labeled I through X, all around the side of the room.
All are locked... and have no terminals.
Gibby: "Wonder what's behind those doors?"
Dragoshi: "...Yes. What could be behind those mystery doors."
Digifanatic: .oO(Okay, who introduced Let's Make a Deal to Gunicard?)
Aribar: "No idea..." *The elf continues looking about for traces of the hacker as well as something resembling a light switch.*
Metal Man (GM): No light switches, but a bank of four computers in the center of the room.
Digifanatic still sits at a computer, trying to read the text.
Metal Man (GM): Also, four couches, all arranged in a square way in the room.
The text goes as follows:
Gibby: "Hey look... couches."
Dragoshi: "...What are couches doing there?"
Gibby walks over to the couch nearest to him and sits down on it.
"I dunno, but at least I can rest my feet now."
Computer: 'Project Epsilon Activated. enc 38593 .txt completed activating activating all systems online. Preparing Greptyu.doc complete. Downloading latest data...'
Aribar: "Umm... Digi, Dragoshi, look at these computers."
Metal Man (GM): Mostly gibberish like this, which continues on and on and on.
Digifanatic: "I am."
Aribar: "Something weird is going on with them."
Dragoshi already is"...Project Epsilon? ...Greptyu.doc?"
Gibby: "Weird?"
Digifanatic: "Oh boy... sounds like it's already began and there are probably a whole buncha virii to be released."
Dragoshi: "...Greeeaaat."
Digifanatic tries typing in a HELP command.
"I'm not saying it has..."
Dragoshi: "I know."
Digifanatic: "But don't surprised."
.oO(Wonder if the hacker knows of a--that'd be wrong.)
Metal Man (GM): You type it in... and get nothing.
Apparently it's taken control over the computers.
Thus, the 'hacker.'
Digifanatic: "I knew it."
Gibby: "Knew what?"
Dragoshi: "...Do go on, Digi."
Aribar: "Hm?"
Digifanatic: "Can't get help..."
Gibby gets up from the couch and walks over to Digi.
Metal Man (GM): He's cleverly locked all the doors down here.
Digifanatic: "The hacker's well into his hacking and has prevented outsiders from acquiring ANYTHING."
Gibby: "Well since everything's locked down here, there's not much we can do."
Digifanatic: "Unless we give him a taste of his medicine..."
Gibby: "...Eh?"
Dragoshi: "...Heheh. Sounds good. Want me to help?"
Digifanatic: "Sure. Question is... how do we start?
And where?"
Gibby: "Start what? What are you two talking about?"
Dragoshi: "Hmm... Good question. Where and how..."
Aribar shakes his head. "I can't help you here... Sorry."
Gibby was lost when it came to technology.
Metal Man (GM): Hacker: 1, Questers: Q
Sooo... you're sort of confused, and sitting in a comfy room.
Digifanatic decides to keep looking at the screen to see if he can still find new things scrolling on.
Gibby: "Lets go back up. Maybe we missed something vital upstairs."
Aribar: "I don't see how... It was a pretty straight forward corridor. Arrg... Why doesn't the APN handle this?" *The elf hrms and wonders what they can do...*
Digifanatic: "And everything else leads into outer space."
*He sees if he can get a map of this place up on his Dex.*
Gibby decides to check out one of the doors. It was the only other thing besides the computers. He walks up to door I and inspects it for any peep holes or locks that he could look through.
???: "You're so pathetic, it makes me cry. What sort of bumbling boobs sits around on couches as I come closer to activating the anti-creator?"
Digifanatic: "Oh boy."
Metal Man (GM): You see... it's a sliding door of some kind. The mysterious voice comes from the intercom in the ceiling.
Gibby looks around after hearing the voice.
Digifanatic: "Someone found someone..."
Aribar listens to the voice, trying to place it to someone.
Gibby: "Let me guess... you're our hacker?"
Dragoshi follows Gibby, then hears the voice "Ah, so the hacker speaks."
Digifanatic wonders what said anti-creator is.
He decides to venture a guess (just a MNT check?)
Dragoshi: "Such cliched bravado."
Digifanatic: "I heard that second word."
???: "Cliche? Cliche? That's the worst insult I've ever heard! You're too dumb to even curse at me? Who the hell hires such garbage?"
Dragoshi chuckles.
Aribar can't place the voice to anyone. "... I'll be right back."
Metal Man (GM): It sounds like an angry man for sure. An angry man who appears to have no one to yell at but himself when people aren't here.
Gibby: "If we had Julian here he'd gladly voice his opinions towards you."
Aribar starts back towards the unsectored walkways where Gunicard worked.
Dragoshi: "Indeed. But, that really doesn't matter as of now. What really matters, is to figure out what this hacker is blathering on about"
Metal Man (GM): You go to walk there... the way out is blocked.
Aribar asks Gunicard. "You there?"
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Digi is confounded.
Aribar: "...Uh oh."
???: "Did you really think I'd let you right out of here? NO! YOU'RE NOT WORTH THAT! YOU'RE GOING TO WATCH ME DESTROY THIS PLANET, AND THAT'S IT!"
Dragoshi: "..."
Gibby looks towards the door, and then back to the computers.
Aribar jogs back to the others. "We've a problem..."
???: "...Who is this Julian fellow, anyway? I'd love to shout at him before the world explodes."
Aribar: "And you probably heard it from the hacker..."
???: "Now... what can I do to you for trying to stop me... hmmm..."
Dragoshi: "...One of our allies. That is all you need to know."
???: "Perhaps I should... drain the oxygen from your room... slowly..."
Dragoshi: "...Oy." *Dragoshi facepalms.*
Aribar decides to try and understand the hacker better. Knowing your enemy is half the battle... "Why do you want to destroy Nintendus? You'll be stranded up here where you'll starve or die of thirst."
Metal Man (GM): You hear the air in the room slowly leaking away.
Dragoshi: "...Maybe he doesn't need either. Have you not thought of that?"
Aribar frowns...
Dragoshi: "...Or maybe he's just got a few screws loose..."
Gibby walks back to one of the computers and looks over at the screen. There -must- be a connection between the computers and these doors.
???: "I've had it up to here with this planet. Nobody would respect me... all they did was claim I was too angry! I'LL SHOW THEM ANGRY!"
Metal Man (GM): You hear a far-off sound of someone punching something.
Dragoshi: "...I see what they mean."
Metal Man (GM): The computers must control the doors. Unfortunately, they've been compromised.
Dragoshi shakes his head and follows Gibby
.oO(...I wonder. Maybe it could be possible to hack the hacker's doing... Nah. Then again, it might be worth a shot.)
Aribar sits down on one of the couches and tries to think of a way to... Hm.
Digifanatic turns to see what direction the punch came from.
Dragoshi shakes his head, obviously thinking "...Decisions, decisions."
Gibby: "Now, since these computers are hacked, they need to be unhacked in order for them to work, right? So what kinda ways are there to de-hack a computer?"
Aribar: "Guys, do you think we could... Short circuit the doors open?"
Digifanatic: "By short-circuiting the computers?"
Dragoshi: "...Don't see why not. I got the short-circuiter ready."
???: "You'll never get those computers to work again... they're jammed, and any attempts to mess with them will accelerate the loss of air from your room!"
Digifanatic: "Could be like infrared or something."
Gibby: "I... suppose. Not like we've got any better ideas."
???: "You're free to play with the doors, though... they're so dangerous even I wouldn't just short-circuit them open."
Digifanatic still wonders who the hacker and his creation is.
Dragoshi: "...Hmmm... Then again... I wonder if we were to attempt knocking down these doors..."
Aribar: "...Let's play with the doors then."
Gibby: "Right, the doors."
Dragoshi: "...Sounds like a fine idea."
Metal Man (GM): Listen check. Digi.
Digifanatic: "No clue who that guy is..."
Aribar "starts up towards the door that they entered into this room with. I take it there's a console here as well?"
Gibby: "That's not important right now."
Metal Man (GM): Digi: Can't tell which direction he's in.
Gibby: "Well it's a sliding door. I dunno if that helps or anything."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: There's the traditional nuke terminal... it's empty, mostly. Somebody stole the terminal.
Digifanatic: "Yeah, but the hacker said those doors are bad. I wouldn't do it unless you have a real good tolerance for electricity.
I'll follow Ari if nobody else will."
???: "Hmmm... those IIF people were dumb. This weapon would have failed to activate normally... but within seventeen minutes, I shall do what they failed to do."
Dragoshi: "...Now if only I could blast people through devices... Wait, IIF?"
Digifanatic: "17 minutes... oh boy."
Gibby: "No pressure."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Aribar decides to search all the areas he's able to for a door console thing.
???: "Oh, you make me laugh. They created this place to destroy idiots like you, and you don't even know that? I'll show them angry! This device can destroy your pathetic planet!"
Dragoshi decides to do the same as Ari.
Digifanatic follows on.
Metal Man (GM): No consoles found... all of them stolen, save for the four-five computers that he hacked in the lobby downstairs.
Dragoshi: "Yes, yes, we *Draconic*ing know. The damn hedgehog told us."
???: "You think you're tough? Huh? There goes half your air!"
Digifanatic: "Right."
Aribar takes a look at those series of doors in the main room again.
Gibby grumbles as he walks over to door I. "Stupid doors..." He kicks the door as hard as he can out of anger.
Metal Man (GM): You hear a hiss, and breathing becomes... harder.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Attack roll.
Dragoshi: .oO(...Smartarse. Hope he'll like a scythe through the head)
Digifanatic goes back to one of the computers and scrolls through everything new within the past few minutes or so.
Metal Man (GM): The door flies open, then reveals a computer room that's been thoroughly gutted.
Gibby: "I DID GOOD!"
Dragoshi follows Gibby.
Gibby rushes inside.
Digifanatic just moves on and follows those two.
Metal Man (GM): That room, in turn, has two more sliding doors, one which goes to #2, another which goes to #10... both locked.
Aribar: "...How'd you do that?"
Dragoshi: .oO(...Nice one)
Aribar follows Gibby inside.
Gibby: "Guess these doors are easy to break."
???: "These doors are flimsy, you know! But even if you kick them all down, I'll kill you yet!"
Dragoshi: "...Okay." *Dragoshi attempts to strike down door #10 with his scythe. Attack roll?*
Metal Man (GM): Yeah.
Hit. The door flies open, revealing... more computers... and some documents.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The computers are also thoroughly taken apart and hacked.
Aribar: "Start kicking the doors." *The elf attacks door number II by launching condensed blades of wind at the door. He figures that if nothing else they'll get more oxygen.*
Dragoshi enters the room.
Metal Man (GM): The documents are labeled 'TOP SECRET' and contain references to some superweapon.
Dragoshi takes the documents, and starts reading through them. Or tries to.
Gibby takes out his sword, walks over to door III and slashes at it.
Metal Man (GM): You manage to hit it as well... an empty room full of dust.
That door is busted, and you wander into a mostly empty kitchen.
Meanwhile, Dragoshi sees the documents. The gist of them is that Gunicard has a secret weapon with which to destroy any possible foe in an emergency.
Digifanatic tries to get a glimpse at some of the documents that Dragoshi hasn't.
Aribar fires another Whirl spell at door IV.
Dragoshi: .oO(...Holy damn.)
Digifanatic: "What do you have here?"
Metal Man (GM): IV explodes, revealing... more gutted computers.
Dragoshi pockets the documents he took, then rams through the next closed door with his scythe.
Digifanatic: "Well, one or two more rooms and we should meet back with Ari."
Gibby decides to go all the way to door X and slash it.
Aribar switches things up and fires a dart made of ice at V...
Metal Man (GM): Smack, IX breaks open. Dusty room.
Aribar knocks V open and finds more gutted computers.
Gibby: "Come on... there must be SOMETHING in one of these rooms."
Dragoshi rams his scythe through the next closed door then.
Digifanatic: "Well, we have whatever it is that Dragoshi picked up. What is it?"
Dragoshi: "Documents. Top secret ones, at that."
Aribar Ice Darts door numbah VI!
Digifanatic: "Well, have you read their contents?"
Gibby: "What about?"
Dragoshi: "Yes."
Digifanatic: "Tell us, please."
Dragoshi: "It said something about a secret weapon that could destroy any possible foe in an emergency."
Digifanatic: "Okay. I'll ring up Gunicard."
Gibby: "That... sounds bad."
Metal Man (GM): VI cracks in, and so does VIII... still a bunch of dead computers.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Digifanatic opens his Dex and sends a message to Gunicard: "Where is the weapon that you said would work in any given emergency?"
Dragoshi then the rams through the next closed door.
Digifanatic: "Hopefully he can trusy us with this thing."
Metal Man (GM): It's static-y, due to Mr. hacker.
Digifanatic: "Crap. Now I'm getting static."
Gibby: "Ugh..."
Metal Man (GM): The last door opens, and you see your hacker. A very, very angry looking man in a battered, tattered Ivan uniform.
Dragoshi: "...You!"
Gibby: "...THERE!"
Metal Man (GM): He's surrounded by about five computers and finishes typing something, clicking enter.
Dragoshi dashes over to the hacker, rage and hatred in his eyes.
Digifanatic: "Oh no."
Gibby raises his sword in the air and heads towards Mr. Hacker.
Metal Man (GM): His hair is black with a shock of white in it, he wears thick glasses, and his suit is blue.
He looks at you and laughs.
???: "Is this what they call a Quester? Really, it's pathetic. You've come too late!"
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He stands up, facing all of you. Despite being outnumbered... he proceeds to yell at you.
Digifanatic wonders if there are any other strange features to his uniform.
???: "You're not going to stop me! You took too long! I've activated the manual alert! Soon those fools will die for their lack of competence! And it's all your fault!"
Aribar rushes over to the open door and immediately sets to casting a spell. "Chilling Light!" If the elf's aim is true the hacker is outlined in an aqua aura and his movements turn sluggish... He doesn't want to take any chances with this guy.
Metal Man (GM): It's got some bent-looking medals on it.
Gibby: "Shut up! It's not over until we -say- it's over."
Digifanatic: "Exactly."
Metal Man (GM): You shoot the spell at him... a defense shield appears to block.
Aribar: "Curses..."
???: "I have this whole sector on my side. Attacking me is foolish at best!"
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
???: "I'll burn you all to a crisp!"
Aribar: "You might want to turn the oxygen back on first... You know, before you die from a lack of it."
Dragoshi: .oO(...He needs to learn to not be such an overconfident little *Draconic*)
Digifanatic still wonders what that anti-creator is... he'll MNT check this one more time.
Metal Man (GM): Still can't tell what it is.
Digifanatic still can't get an idea edgewise.
Metal Man (GM): He shakes his head.
???: "Who cares if I live or die? I'm destroying everything!"
Dragoshi also wonders what this anti-creator thing is, so he tries to do the same as Digi.
Gibby: "But why? Why are you acting like this?"
Metal Man (GM): Nothing.
Dragoshi scratches his head and tries again.
Metal Man (GM): Nothing.
You can't possibly tell what it is... no information anywhere.
Dragoshi: "...Damn. Still got nothin'. 'Sides, what reason is there, anyway?"
???: "Ivan refused to approve my project... he approved the IIF! Look what it's done! It's all so foolish! Rather than live in such a horrible mistake of a planet, I'm going to destroy it!"
Digifanatic: "Dragoshi..."
Metal Man (GM): The computers behind him beep. He yells at them and smacks them around; they continue to work.
Dragoshi: "...Well, what do you expect? Some things will be-Yes, Digi?"
Digifanatic: "If you think it's something I may be more familiar with... don't be afraid to tell me."
???: "Even if you told your artificial friend, he'd freak out and probably use it anyway!"
Gibby: .oO(Doesn't look like those computers are working to perfection...)
Aribar calmly takes out his dex and attempts to scan the defensive barrier around the hacker.
Dragoshi pulled out the documents he took "...Maybe..."
???: "Nobody but me and Ivan know about this, and I only because I stole the information from Ivan's office!"
Metal Man (GM): You scan it... it's a Gunicard defense screen.
The amount of power Gunicard can muster vastly outclasses any damage you can do.
Aribar: "Why can't you just leave us alone?"
Dragoshi: "...Could be possible, then again..."
Aribar puts away the dex. "And we can't damage him even if we try..."
He glances about for wires or such heading into the hacker's computers.
Digifanatic: "I got a strange idea."
Gibby: "It seems to me that you're more angry at Ivan than anything else. But since we finished him off, there's really no need to be freaking out like this."
Dragoshi: "...Do go on, Digi."
Aribar: "Wrong Robotnik, Gibby."
Digifanatic: "But I won't say anything cause I have a feeling my ideas always get booted by other, more obvious scenarios. Such was with that console.
So I'll shaddup until we're down to a last resort."
Gibby: "Eh? Oh, right... I always confuse them."
Dragoshi: "...Understood."
???: "Leave you alone? YOU? You're his personal slaves! The public approves of it... but your existence makes me useless!!!"
Digifanatic flashes an okay sign and waits for Aribar to find something if he can.
Aribar: "Then why not join us? Or take on some other line of work?"
Dragoshi: "...And you couldn't come upon a, hmmm... What's that word... Compromise about it?"
Metal Man (GM): You'd find about one hundred wires stuck into his computer.
???: "Compromise? IT'S TOO LATE!" *He hits a button, and you hear all sorts of alarms going off.*
Aribar: "..."
Dragoshi looks at Ari, curious "..."
Digifanatic still wonders about that countdown from 17--nevermind.
???: "Now... do you want to continue fiddling as Eisnaught burns, or die trying to save your pathetic lives?"
Dragoshi: "..."
???: "I'm taking everything down with me!" *Kicks the computers, systems in the sector begin to fall apart.*
Digifanatic: "Death is not an option. Eisnaught burning is not an option, regardless of how many times it has."
Dragoshi looks around, looking for something to make this annoyance shut the hell up.
Aribar quickly unsheaths Moonlight and tries to rush over and stab one of the cords. He would try to hold an electrical charge in his blade and then unleash a blast of electricity up the line and into his computers. .oO(Probably gonna hurt me as much as it's gonna hurt him!)
Metal Man (GM): Ironically, the man destroys his own computers before you can get them.
???: "Now... fight me, you worthless fleshbags!"
Dragoshi: "...If that is what you want, then so be it."
Digifanatic wonders if Gunicard has opened a secret room where a couple of un-hacked comps lay.
Gibby: "Alright, if that's what you want..."
Dragoshi: .oO(...Parasite)
Aribar: .oO(Arrg...)
Metal Man (GM): Order: Aribar, Dragoshi, Gibby, Digi, ????
???: "Come on and hit me you flimsy Jentanian wimp! You're nothing more than a catch phrase and a lack of an arm!"
Aribar: "Put down Gunicard's shield first."
???: "NEVER!"
Gibby: .oO(What an annoyance...)
Dragoshi: "Then at least shut the hell up. ...What? He's annoying, okay!?"
Aribar looks... He standing near any wires or the computers or anything like that anymore?
???: "Me? Shut up? You're more likely to see the sun turn into a giant banana!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: He's standing in front of smoldering wreckage.
Dragoshi: "...Is that even POSSIBLE? Or PLAUSIBLE for that matter?"
Gibby: "Of course not... that's the point."
???: "Yes... I'll never shut up! ALL OF YOU WILL HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME AS YOU DIE!"
Aribar then gets a different idea. He rushes forward to the barrier while sheathing Moonlight. He would put his hand on the barrier and try to use Energy Control to open a hole in it.
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to control the energy.
You are suddenly overloaded by it, and violently explode, taking 1000 damage.
However, your explosion also burns the bad guy for 500 damage. And blows up his barrier.
Aribar: *Kentucky Fried Elf!*
???: "Ahhhhhh!!! YOU IDIOT!!!!"
Dragoshi: "...HOLY DAMN!"
Gibby shields his eyes.
Digifanatic: "Ohhhhhhh MAAAAAAAAAAAAN!"
Gibby: "Talk about sacrificing yourself for the greater cause."
Dragoshi regains his composure, jumps at the bad guy and attempts to strike him with a Five-Clawed Discount.
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to steal from him. He's dirt-poor.
You gain 1/2 of a bent coin.
Aribar is thrown back from the barrier and slams VIOLENTLY into the room's wall... He crumples down to the floor in a painful position.
???: "Not my life savings! GIVE ME THAT BACK!"
Digifanatic: "Well done, Ari..."
Dragoshi: "...You friggin' bum"
*He stands still (EoT)*
Gibby is going to get his shots in on the hacker as well. He leaps towards him with sword close by his chest and slashes at him four times horizontally.
???: *Cough* "...Come on, you marshmallow! ...Wait... you are a marshmallow... ow! OW! OW!"
Metal Man (GM): Three hits.
Gibby leaps back after slicing and dicing.
Dragoshi: "...Thanks for shutting him the hell up for a little, Gibby."
Gibby: "Don't worry... I'll be doing it a lot more."
Dragoshi: "...Glad to hear it."
Digifanatic attempts to be as no-holds-barred as possible: he goes for a Light Ray and then the Celestial Fury... practically the best off he'll be for 4 TP.
???: "Gah... you're all such idiots! You can't save your planet by hitting me!"
Metal Man (GM): Miss, hit.
*BLAM* He's smacked.
APN employee
Digifanatic retreats back to where he was before after slamming into him...
???: "All right... face my wrath!"
Metal Man (GM): He powers up... glowing red before catching on fire. From rage.
Gibby: "...Neat trick."
Dragoshi: "Weeelll... Maybe if you didn't try to annihilate it, you wouldn't be-Hodamn. He set 'imself ablaze"
???: "ARGHHHHH!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He breathes fire at the three of you. From his mouth.
Dragoshi: "...Fuuhhh?"
Metal Man (GM): 229 if you're hit by this... *one moment*
Who netsplitted
229 damage if you're hit. Fire damage.
Dragoshi gets charbroiled, then coughs.
Gibby is burninated.
Digifanatic safely avoids that...
Editor's Note: *Imagines Digi doing a Matrix dodge while everyone else burns*
Dragoshi coughs, quickly pulls out an Ultra Shroom and eats it, recovering from the damage. He then pulls out his Dex, and attempts to scan the foe.
???: "Ha-ha. Joke's on you!"
Smash Dex: "...Ding! Dragoshi."
Metal Man (GM): *Dex lists Dragoshi's stats.*
Dragoshi: "...I swear, if this is gonna turn int-..."
Smash Dex: "End of entry."
Dragoshi: "...The hell did ya manage that?"
Gibby: "He's a hacker... he hacks stuff."
Digifanatic: .oO(I don't think AETOS would have done that.)
???: "Gunicard is several levels MORE encrypted than your worthless ipod-ripoffs!"
Dragoshi stands still, somewhat confused (...EoT)
Gibby grabs his own ultra shroom and eats it up thus solving the "near death" problem. He then attacks the hacker with three more slashes.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, miss, miss
Gibby leaps back.
Digifanatic attempts to go for one more Light Ray and then sets up a Digital Barrier on himself.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
???: "Argh! OW! All right, I'll show you!"
*He pulls out a control jury-rigged to the wall.*
Dragoshi: "..."
Digifanatic: *Looks around at his shieldy goodness* "Now this is comfy... for a least a bit."
???: "One press of this button... and your worthless planet explodes!"
Gibby stops.
???: "I'm feeling like pressing it, too!"
Dragoshi: .oO(You little *Draconic*)
Digifanatic: .oO(I think I have to be the hero somehow... but how?)
???: "So... not so tough now, are you?"
Dragoshi: .oO(Not really, seeing as you have a ****ing DETONATOR!)
???: "Now... I think I want your stuff."
Gibby grumbles. .oO(What would Julian do in a situation like this? He thinks back to when Bowser had that cell phone to call the IIF Maybe... no, it's too risky.)
???: "Give me... your most valuable items! Before I blow up everything!"
Dragoshi: .oO(...Most valuable item... That'd be my scythe...)
Gibby decides to play fair for the time being. He takes out a mushroom from his items and kicks it over to the hacker. "Fine... take it."
Digifanatic thinks about the situation...
???: "...A mushroom... you idiot!"
Metal Man (GM): He eats it.
Dragoshi: "...Wait. Item as in weapon or regular item? 'Cause I use multiple definitions."
Digifanatic: "Oh god, Dragoshi, don't get technical!"
Gibby sighs. It was really all he had... or was it?
???: "Give me what you consider the best! Weapon, item... anything.
Dragoshi: "...Take it."
Gibby had an idea... but he would have to wait his turn.
Aribar is still unconscious...?
Dragoshi takes out his scythe and tosses it to the madman.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar revives... the man takes the scythe.
Dragoshi: "Hope you know how to wield it."
Aribar groans, waking up and slowly standing up. "Ow... That hurt."
Digifanatic gives him his Air Tank.
Gibby: "Thanks for what you did, Ari, but now we're in an even worse predicament."
???: "You! Elf-boy! I fancy a trade... you give me your favorite item, or I take your other arm instead!"
Aribar: "..."
???: "...Why thank you, whoever you are. Now I won't die from lack of oxygen."
Dragoshi: .oO(...)
Digifanatic: "Well, in case you ever need an extra couple of breaths."
.oO(Oh great.
That's two prosthetics I'd have to inquire Dr. Mario about someday.)
???: "Let's see... what would an enemy made out of an air tank, a scythe, and... whatever elf-boy gives me be like..."
Aribar: "Catch." *The elf tosses a Gold Potion to the hacker... He has much more valuable stuff than that, but he doesn't know what the hacker is doing and he'll be damned before he loses his other arm.*
Digifanatic: .oO(THAT is his anti-creator? The items we gave him?)
Metal Man (GM): He takes the potion.
???: "Hah! Now I have three items... and I know just what Questers hate!"
Aribar: "...Wait. You have one of those things that combine three items into one enemy..."
???: "The Item combiner!"
Gibby: "Oh joy..."
Dragoshi: .oO(...If whatever's made out of a scythe, airtank, and a potion is like, then I'm confused as hayell.)
???: "But... I believe I have yet more in store for you punks!"
Aribar: "That technology is at least ten years old! We'll easily beat anything you conjure up!"
Gibby: "And what would that be?"
???: "The super weapon destroying your planet!"
Metal Man (GM): He presses the button... you hear a warning siren...
Digifanatic: "But what's the super weapon?"
Metal Man (GM): ...Then a telephone operator voice.
Dragoshi: "...Fuuuhhh?"
Operator: "The button you have pressed, 'Utterly annihilate Nintendus', is not available at this time. Please try again."
Gibby MEGA faceplants.
???: "Damn it! I must have crossed a wire somewhere... I'll get you!"
Dragoshi: "..."
Aribar: "Oh, lookie at that..." (Could I Chaos Control now? Or is it still the enemy's turn?)
Dragoshi: "...That was... Very unexpected."
Gibby: "And it's just what we needed."
??? pulls a button... leaps backwards, and an escape pod with him aboard is ejected.
Dragoshi: "...Yeah. Even though that was awkward."
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): +1500 EXP
Gibby: "HEY!"
Metal Man (GM): The lights come back on.
Aribar: "Great... He got away."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Digifanatic: "What is that weapon?"
Gunicard E-Light: "...What weapon?"
Dragoshi: "We'll prolly' face the madman later o-...Wait, a WHAT?!"
Digifanatic: "He said he had the Item Combiner and that second thing."
Dragoshi: "Oh, right. That."
Gibby: "At least Nintendus is saved for now."
Dragoshi pulls out the documents
Aribar: "Gunicard, can you track him? Or better yet, get him back here?"
Gunicard E-Light: "I do, however, have preliminary records on the man."
Dragoshi: "Do tell. Please."
Gunicard E-Light: "...He's Captain Ramsey, the angriest man ever to serve Ivan. Records show he violently beat those who failed his training."
Gibby: "I believe that."
Gunicard E-Light: "He advanced up into the weapons of mass destruction, but was made obsolete by the IIF..."
Aribar: "...Is the APN even capable of finding him while we focus on other jobs?"
Gunicard E-Light: "It appears he managed to reverse-engineer the item combiners. You'll probably knock into a monster based on what you gave him.
No, he just vanished a few seconds after ejecting. He has access to technology the IIF doesn't even know about."
Gibby: "HAD to give him the scythe..."
Digifanatic: "I'm still concerned by that other thing."
Dragoshi: "...So we're gonna face some FREAKISH COMBO of an airtank, a scythe, and a potion!?"
Gunicard E-Light: "...Possibly augmented by other items he finds on his journeys..."
Dragoshi: "...Oy."
Gunicard E-Light: "I don't think he's done messing with confidential things he finds."
Gibby: "Then we'll just have to be ready for it."
Gunicard E-Light: "Indeed."
Dragoshi: "Yep. Though, I AM going to take my scythe back, be it in pieces or as a whole if I ever come across it."
Aribar: "Will you need some money for a replacement weapon, Dragoshi?"
Dragoshi: "...Nah. I think I could prolly' do well enough on my own, though."
Gunicard E-Light: *Makes a portal home*
Mission Accomplished - +10,000 coins
Gibby looks at the portal and nods to Gunicard.
"Thanks... lets go, guys. We should report this to Metal as soon as possible."
Dragoshi: "Then again a good backup weapon could be appreciated... Regardless" *Dragoshi enters the portal.*
Aribar: "Eh, if you say so." *The elf steps through the portal.*
Gibby enters the portal.
Metal Man (GM): 3... 2... 1... Countdown start
2... 1... hamster... ice cream...
Mission Pie
Digifanatic plays the "GET ON WITH IT!" clip.
Metal Man (GM): You're all at HQ, as usual. In the big room... staring at the current mission.
Wolfman is probably heading towards the Big Room right now.
Gibby: "So... we're doing WHAT?"
Metal Man: "You must save the Mr. Saturns from Tingle."
Dragoshi: "..."
Digifanatic: "Oh man."
Wolfman: "Tingle? Isn't that that old hylian that thinks he's a fairy?"
Gibby: "Oy... I should've saved some of that aspirin."
Dragoshi lets out a small laugh for a second "...Dude. You serious? Sorry. It's just that, I wonder if this is for real."
Digifanatic: "I guess. I don't think that Nintendus celebrates a holiday where it's proper to prank people."
Metal Man: "...Yes, a man dressed in a green fairy suit is attacking small walking... things... with a nasty sword."
Wolfman: "Do you know the specifics of the sword?"
Gibby: "Any known reason as to -why- he's doing this?"
Dragoshi: "...Wait. Nasty sword? I don't remember a nasty sword?"
Metal Man: "...He got it from somewhere. Now... all you have to do is stop him."
Digifanatic: "Okaaaaaaaay then."
Gibby: "Fine, fine, we'll do it."
Wolfman waits for an answer to his question.
The Wraith scratches its head a bit... then just shrugs.
Dragoshi: "...Raaaight."
Metal Man: "...The warp room, and the elevator thereof, at ready."
Dragoshi heads off to the Elevator then.
Wolfman: "...I guess we'll find out later."
The Wraith nods and drifts on in...
Wolfman goes to the elevator... as VG enters...
VG: "...I just missed Wolfman, didn't I?"
Gibby side steps into the elevator.
Digifanatic heads on in.
Metal Man (GM): It then floats on up... and... WARP!
You appear... in Saturn Valley.
Land... of pink houses.
VG: "...fine: I'll do the shopping on my own this time..."
Gibby: "It's... so... pink!"
Digifanatic: "Whoa."
Dragoshi: "...Woah. Pinkest. Houses. EVAR."
Wolfman gets a look.
Digifanatic: "Looks like Kirby and Jigglypuff had their way here."
Wolfman: "At least it's not a strong pink."
Dragoshi: "Like bright-yellowish pink? 'Cept not yell-Oh, you get the point"
The Wraith raises an eyebrow as it looks around at the... pinkness.
Metal Man (GM): You see... right near a spring, Tingle is brandishing a wicked sword.
Digifanatic: "Oh boy... There he is."
Wolfman gets a look again...
Gibby: "Hopefully this'll be quick."
Tingle: "I'll get you all! For the map, I will kill all of you, strange non-fairies! KOOLOO LUMPAH!!!!"
Dragoshi: "...What the flak?"
Digifanatic: .oO(*Starts imitating Steve Irwin in thought*)
Wolfman: "...this isn't right. Okay, anyone have a strategy?"
Metal Man (GM): He starts smacking nearby Mr. Saturns with what looks like a really evil sword.
Digifanatic: .oO(Roight. This one's a killer, mates!)
Deloth warps in.
Gibby: "Well lets just talk to him first. Lets see what the problem is."
Digifanatic: "And risked being sliced to pieces?"
Dragoshi: "...Uhhh... No. Though, this would be an icebreaker at social outings."
Wolfman: "Then should I try to talk to him?"
Alexia: "Er... Why is that green guy beating up those soft cute squishy things?"
Gibby: "I think we can handle ourselves against Tingle."
Tingle: "EYAHHHH!!!" *Slashes a Mr. Saturn, then stabs a house.*
Digifanatic: "I have no clue, Alexia."
Dragoshi: "..."
Gibby: "..."
Wolfman: "Gibby: come with me. Perhaps we can talk to him."
Dragoshi: "How long do you think it'll be before we get a headache?"
Gibby nods to Wolf and follows him.
Wolfman comes down to Tingle...
Digifanatic: "No clue."
The Wraith sighs and starts drifting toward Tingle, forming a dark barrier around itself just in case...
Wolfman: "Excuse me; are you Tingle?"
Dragoshi follows the Wraith.
Wolfman: .oO(Time to be pleasant.)
Tingle: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He stands there... then runs at Wolfman with his keyblade.
Alexia follows the others, hoping to keep this weirdo a few feet away. At least 3.
Tingle: "YEAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!"
Wolfman: "I'd like to buy a ma--"
Gibby leaps back.
Wolfman gets HIT before he can finish his statement.
Gibby: "Seems the time for pacifism is over gentlemen."
Dragoshi: "Indeed. Think I should electrocute him?"
Digifanatic originally wanted to wait until the first two gave some sort of signal... but seeing Tingle run towards Wolf changes his thoughts. He starts to head over with the others as well.
Gibby quickly unsheaths his sword and stares down Tingle.
Metal Man (GM): You're stabbed in the gut with a highly powerful magic keyblade.
The Wraith whips out two stones (purple & grey), and forms a defensive shroud around itself, preparing for battle...
Metal Man (GM): It appears he was a chosen wielder, so... it's much more powerful than you'd think.
One of many. Like the Sword of Darkness, there are several possibilities...
This one just stabbed Wolf for 130 damage.
Tingle backs off, brandishing the highly magical, odd-looking keyblade.
Wolfman REALLY is wounded now...
Alexia: "Okay, talking time's over, I say."
Wolfman: " this a bad time to ask about buying a map?"
Tingle: "Come close to me... I'll kill you all if you do... Kooloo... lumpah..."
The Wraith eyes the damage, then decides to cast a barrier around Wolf after that...
Tingle: "For... the ultimate map... I shall destroy this valley!"
Gibby: "Tingle, what the heck's going on here? Where did you GET that thing?"
Alexia nudges Dragoshi.
Digifanatic: .oO(No, the capital of Malaysia is KuALA LumPAR.)
Alexia: "What is going ON here?!"
Dragoshi looks at Alexia "...?"
Wolfman: .oO(This didn't work right...)
Metal Man (GM): Okay, just one moment... I lack a picture of this keyblade.
Already looked there, it's a real one, but a very rare one, even for KH
Plus I can't see it from pictures
...Yes, and nothing there either.
Well, I can just say it, I guess, though it isn't quite as mysterious.
This is (Insert image of Fatal Crest)
He spins it over his head once, twice, then leaps to attack.
Editor's Note: Don't worry, past me! The modern internet has it covered!
Tingle: "Where I got it is none of your business... I must obtain the master map!!!!"
Questers vs. Crazy Tingle
Alexia: "Crazed whacked-out nutlog Fruit Loop..."
Dragoshi: "Froot Loop? That doesn't even go far enough to say how whacked-out he is."
Metal Man (GM): Order: Tingle, Dragoshi, Gibby, Digi, Wolfman, Alexa, Wraith
Tingle: "Kooloo... Lumpah... DEATH!"
Metal Man (GM): He leaps up and flies at Wolfman like a cruise missile, swiping not once, not twice, but four times at him with the keyblade, flying around him and spinning through the air.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): 240 damage per hit.
Dragoshi lets out a small stream of curse words. In draconic of course.
Wolfman: *BOOM Boom boom boom boom...*
Tingle: "Now... step back, so I can destroy this valley! ...And map the debris!"
Gibby: "...Holy... Moly."
Dragoshi: "..."*Ay carumba, man.*"
" *He attempts to... Err... Uhh... STEAL TINGLE'S WEAPON (Five-Clawed Discount)
Metal Man (GM): ...You don't need that luck, you already hit.
You steal... coins. Not the sword.
+10,000 coins
Tingle: "How dare you steal coins from the great Tingle!"
Dragoshi takes 10K and pockets it. He then stands still, sweatdropping. (EoT)
Metal Man (GM): Hitting him is vaguely like smacking a marshmallow around, too... no armor.
Gibby: "Alright, I've had enough of this nonsense."
Tingle: "You have nothing on me... ...I will map your destruction!"
Gibby leans forward, speeds towards Tingle, and gives him the ol' 1-2-3-4 with a four hit slashing combination.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit hit
He's hit repeatedly... being too focused on his sword to so much as dodge those.
Gibby leaps back to the others and ends his turn.
Digifanatic takes no chances with this guy up close. He fires off a Hyper Beam Matrix and then retreats back for 1 TP's worth of space.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit
Wolfman: *DEAD.*
Alexia whips out her Dex and scans Tingle.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia's turn
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
Tingle -Demigod Fatal Crest Wielding Version
HP: 241/900
STR: 20
AGI: 30
END: 10
MNT: 40
AC: 15
DR: 00
Keyblade Slash: d20+27, 240
Godly Medium Weapon
100 (50)
+Damage 10x
Dragoshi: "...Gaw damn."
Smash Dex: "End of entry."
Dragoshi: "Just... Gaw damn, man."
Alexia uses her other two time points to drop into a defensive stance (EoT)
Metal Man (GM): *Impending nuclear explosion*
The Wraith shakes its head as it eyes this foe... Tingle's gotta go. With a high-pitched keen which would induce fear, it hopes to reduce the imp to naught more than a smear. Ensnare and Wrack, baby.
Metal Man (GM): Hit... hit 3x
Tingle: "You shall pay... with... uhh... coins? No. Your life! Hahahahaaa!"
Metal Man (GM): He runs up and stabs Dragoshi in the ankle twice.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Then he runs up to The Wraith like a madman and starts swinging the MAGICAL ENERGY DAMAGE of the keyblade at him.
Dragoshi: "...OW."
Metal Man (GM): 240 damage per hit.
Dragoshi falls over.
The Wraith just crosses its arms and hopes for the best... 2x damage, yes? ...Doesn't matter anyway.
Wolfman is revived now.
Metal Man (GM): Despite his impressive display, though, he's pretty near to defeat.
Gibby didn't expect such a beat down... he runs over to Tingle and gives him another good four hit slashing for trying to kill off his friends.
Tingle: "Must... destroy... Saturn Valley!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit crit hit
The Wraith's barrier would shatter as it goes all a-patter, creaming the ghost, much worse than toast.
Gibby leaps back to the others.
Metal Man (GM): He gets beaten all up by that, slashed up and looking scruffy.
Gibby: "Just a little more..."
Digifanatic just stares in awe at all the destruction between Tingle and his fellow Questers. He might as well go big on this turn--in his terms. He pulls off a Fire Punch followed by a Light Ray.
Tingle: "You... pack... punch..." *Hit hit.*
Metal Man (GM): He's looking all sorts of weak.
Mortal Kombat Announcer: FINISH HIM
Wolfman will do a Tackle Smash attack for the win... all 4 TP used for hopefully 32 damage.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman manages to miss Tingle and go for a dunk in the fountain.
Gibby: "..."
*He just sighs....*
Alexia: o_o "...Wow, that was sad."
Mortal Kombat Announcer: "FINISH HIM... NOT THE FOUNTAIN!!!"
Alexia flings a Mindblast at Tingle
"Please hit please hit please..."
Sumner: "Oh keep quiet Shao Kang!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Digifanatic: "That should do, 'Lexi."
Sumner: "Tingle, NEEDS DEATH BADLY!"
Alexia: "...Thank you, thank you, no applause needed."
Metal Man (GM): You cause him to pass out, dropping the Fatal Crest... and a small mountain of coins he appears to have blackmailed out of people in return for maps.
Alexia giggles.
Gibby: "Good job."
Wolfman gets out of the fountain.
Gibby sheaths his sword and walks over to Fatal Crest.
Metal Man (GM): But before you can steal the keyblade... someone else walks up to it.
Alexia: "...Wow, how'd he CARRY all that?"
Wolfman: "Okay, did we do... huh?"
Metal Man (GM): And picks it up... only Gibby gets a good look at the person.
Gibby steps back.
Metal Man (GM): It's a man-shaped coalescence of darkness.
Gibby: "And who might you be?"
Wolfman couldn't recognize what happened... optic sensors slightly messed up by the water.
???: "This Keyblade was placed in the wrong hands... I shall take it away, so that this will not happen again..."
Metal Man (GM): The man picks it up... and puts it away. It vanishes into him.
Dragoshi: "...Hopefully so."
Wolfman shakes off his water... well, like a dog.
???: "I am... the chosen one."
Alexia gets water splattered on her side.
Dragoshi: "I mean, that fake fairy no way in HELL deserves a gaw damn keyblade let alone one tha-What?"
The Wraith pulls itself together, slowly forming back into one piece... Once it does, it eyes around quickly, then looks to the stranger...
Digifanatic: "Oh boy... not all this again."
Alexia: "Hey! Go shake somewhere else!"
???: "I will be leaving you now."
Metal Man (GM): He raises his hands to the sky... and flies away.
Wolfman approaches the group NOW.
Gibby watches him fly off.
Dragoshi: "...Well, okay then. Odd fellow."
Metal Man (GM): A Mr. Saturn walks up to all of you.
Dragoshi: "Though, I hope we can trust him. Or it."
Gibby: "Well... sounds like our mission's complete."
Alexia: "Kawaii!"
Dragoshi looks at the Saturn.
Gibby turns to Saturn.
Mr. Saturn: "BoInG! YoU tHaNk I dO!"
Wolfman: "Thank you Saturn."
Digifanatic: "Oh, thanks."
Wolfman goes to Tingle now... hoping he can try this again.
Alexia: "Uh, you're welcome."
Digifanatic: "But who the heck was that other guy."
Wolfman: "Excuse me; are you Tingle?"
Mr. Saturn: "SaTuRn VaLlEy Is SaFe!"
Gibby: "It's no problem."
Dragoshi: "...You're welcome."
The Wraith just bows to Mr. Saturn...
Metal Man (GM): You speak to the passed out guy. You hear nothing but "..."
Dragoshi then chuckles.
Wolfman: "...guess I still can't buy a map."
*He turns to the Saturn.*
Mr. Saturn: "FrEe CoFfEe fOr AlL! bOiNg!"
Wolfman: "Anything else you require assistance with?"
Gibby: "Now... what to do with Tingle..."
Digifanatic: "First that Captain's anti-creator that I wonder about... now this guy."
Metal Man (GM): He begins handing out... cans of iced coffee...
Dragoshi: "Ah, finally. A good theft. Haven't had one in a while. Friggin' bu-Thanks."
Alexia: "Hey, thanks."
Digifanatic: "No, thanks. I'm not a coffee drinker. I appreciate it, though."
Gibby blinks and takes the coffee.
Alexia opens her can and takes a drink.
Wolfman takes the can... but doesn't drink it yet.
Dragoshi: "Yeah. Things are getting weirder and weirder."
Gibby: "Thanks!"
Dragoshi takes the can of coffee.
Gibby drinks down his.
Metal Man (GM): They make you see everything in a hyper-reactive blur... and also talk like a Mr. Saturn.
Dragoshi: "Again, thanks." *Dragoshi opens it up, and gulps it down.*
Wolfman is GLAD he didn't drink yet.
The Wraith nods to Mr. Saturn's offer, but... waves its hand through the can, showing that it can't accept.
Dragoshi: .oO(...XD)
Wolfman waits for an answer to his question. (assistance still needed by Saturns?)
Digifanatic: "Uh... what is wrong with you guys?"
Metal Man (GM): You will have the 'Hyper' Status for the next mission, with the side-effect of talking like a Mr. Saturn and a 1-in-d4 chance of wasting a turn shoving items around.
Gibby: "oH wOW ThIS GreAT CofFeE bE!"
Alexia: "...wHy Do YoU kEeP sHaKiiiiiiiiNg?"
Digifanatic: "Gibby? What the HECK?"
Mr. Saturn: "NoThInG eLsE, BoInG!"
Gibby runs around in circles.
Wolfman: "What do you advise we do about Tingle?"
Digifanatic tries to pick up Gibby.
Dragoshi: "Indeed, BoIng! ThANK yOu!"
Gibby: "Ha hA! fUn coFFee Whee!"
Wolfman gained: can of Ice Coffee!
Digifanatic: "You must not be on a button nightmare again."
Dragoshi follows Gibby.
Wolfman cheesy Zelda music.
Alexia starts firing Mindblasts into the sky like a cannon. A cannon on phen-phen.
The Wraith lets out a rasping chuckle as he watches the hyper ones... Sighing and shaking its head at the fact that it can't also partake. XD
Alexia: "Fun!"
Mr. Saturn: "BiG sWoRd MaKe HiM cRaZy! AfTeR hEaLiNg, He SaNe AgAiN!"
Gibby: @_@ "I gOoD fEeL, BoInG!"
Wolfman gets Tingle on his back.
Digifanatic: "Thanks for telling us that."
Wolfman: "Can you please direct me to your hospital?"
Metal Man (GM): The Mr. Saturn points to a nearby cave.
Dragoshi: @_@ "GoOD FeEL DO I aS WeLl, BoInG!"
Wolfman nods his head.
Mr. Saturn: "CaVe WhErE wE hEaL aLl!"
Wolfman takes Tingle to the healing cave.
Gibby: "OH gOoD wE hEaL oThERs NoW!"
Metal Man (GM): A Mr. Saturn healing guru sees him and begins to chant healing words... "HeAlInG bOiNg!"
This may take a while to heal him, though, as he's been beaten to a pulp.
+1000 EXP
Mission Accomplished - +10,000 coins
+50,000 each from Tingle's personal stash
A warp home appears where Tingle fell on down.
Digifanatic heads on back then!
Wolfman: "Should I still stick around?" *Asking Saturn doctor.*
Metal Man (GM): Appears it was a simple mission... endure the wraith of an evil Fairy-faker with a deadly sword.
Alexia: "Warp!"
Digifanatic: .oO(Wow... two missions without Julian. This is a record...)
Alexia jumps in.
Metal Man (GM): The doctor shakes his... head?
Dragoshi looks at the portal then runs towards it at high speeds, rather hyperly "BoInG!"
Gibby stumbles left and right until he eventually winds up rolling into the portal.
Wolfman: "Understood. Thank you. Do I owe you anything?"
Metal Man (GM): He shakes his head again.
The Wraith just shrugs and drifts sideways into the portal... Oh well. If not the coffee, perhaps it can find other ways of having a jolly time with the hyper ones...
Wolfman: "Understood... again."
*He walks outside the cave, and sees the portal..
oO(Might as well return home... and sell the coffee)
Metal Man (GM): Coffee is worth 10,000 coins on the market.
Will be added with other stuff with the site update.
Digifanatic: "You know, I never thought short and sweet could feel that good."
Alexia: "Hello, ArIbAr... ThIs Is RaThEr AwKwArD..."
Gibby: "BoInG!"
Dragoshi: "YO. BoInG!"
Alexia: *She rubs the back of her head sheepishly. She also does it so quickly that the motion blurs.*
Digifanatic walks over to R&R with the other and settles down on a sofa.
Gibby starts running around the R&R room.
Digifanatic: "Yeah, Ari. See what happens when they take the advice of a Saturn? Crazy Coffee 1.0 Boing Beta."
Gibby: "WhEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEe!"
Dragoshi follows Gibby, catching up to him.
Wolfman finds his way to the in-store market.
The Wraith drifts through the area, just smirking and shaking its head at the hyper ones, amused...
Dragoshi: "EaT mY DuST, BoInG!"
Gibby: "I FaSt rUn aHeAd oF yOu!"
Dragoshi starts running faster.
Aribar: (... You know, just 'cause I return doesn't mean I enter the room.) *The elf looks at the others...*
Gibby runs so fast that he trips and falls on his face.
Alexia runs into the R&R, grinning like a rabid chipmunk.
Aribar: "Umm... What on Whaller happened?"
Digifanatic: "Just ignore them for now."
Gibby gets back up.
Digifanatic: "Wolf or myself can explain."
Gibby: "HI ArI, BoInG!"
Aribar: "..."
Alexia: "RuN fAsT! wE dRaNk CoFfEe!"
Digifanatic: "Apparently, that guy Tingle had one of those crazy Keyblades and started a rampage in Saturn Valley."
Dragoshi trips and falls over on his arse, inadvertently turning into a human/dragon form. He then looks around quickly and shiftily. He then turns back to normal.
Gibby runs towards Ari and goes in circles around him.
Aribar picks up Gibby, walks to the R&R, and puts him on his shelf.
"I see..."
Gibby leaps back down in a nano-second.
Digifanatic: "We took care of him, and then a Saturn offered us coffee."
Gibby: "HA hA!"
Alexia dashes up to Ari and tackles him in the legs.
Aribar: "Hey! Your shelf is supposed to keep you ther--GAAAAAH!"
Alexia: "Tackle!"
VG enters R&R where most of the rest are.
Digifanatic: "I don't drink coffee, Wolf doesn't, and I dunno about Wraith."
Alexia: *WHUMP.*
Aribar Chaos Controls away from Alexia.
Gibby: "I fAsTeR tHaN YoU!"
Digifanatic: "But he refused it too... everyone else... Never mind."
VG: "...and I thought my day was already strange..."
Alexia: "ChAsE eLf!"
Digifanatic: "Veeg, ya hear what I told him?"
Alexia runs after Ari.
Aribar: "Evil rabid Questers! Where's the man-eating couch at when you need one?"
VG: "Enough. I don't recall their coffee being that powerful before though."
Aribar rushes to the Big Room.
Gibby just continues running from one section of headquarters to the other in many bursts of blinding speed.
Digifanatic: "That's all you want to hear."
Alexia nearly plows VG over racing after Ari.
VG: *Quick dodge.*
Digifanatic: "I just hope this dissipates by the--whoa, careful there--time Metal calls us up."
Alexia: "Come bAaAaAaAck!"
VG: "...sheesh..."
The Wraith is just drifting around, watching the speedsters zip by with a very amused look on its face.
Dragoshi smiles somewhat disturbingly, jumping on whatever Ari was originally sitting on, using it like a perch. He then looks around a lot, shiftily looking around, blurring his motions.
Aribar: "Aaah! Rabid Questers! Run for your life!"
Gibby suddenly starts running up walls... WALLS!
Alexia runs up behind Ari.
Dragoshi: "WeeEEE A-HeY, MY ShtiCk!" *Chases Gibby.*
Alexia: "Found YoU!"
Gibby: "I sO fAsT I rUn uP wAlLs, BoInG!"
Aribar: "Gah!"
VG: "Well... I didn't get the chance to leave for the market yet. I could use some help with getting the groceries, and obviously Wolfman isn't available."
Gibby: "FoOd!"
Aribar blinks... And then quickly Chilling Lights Alexia. There! A little ice ought to slow her down... For a little bit. Boing.
Digifanatic: "Good. I need to get away from these guys... and Alexia--you get the point."
Aribar rushes to the Cafeteria and dives under a table.
Gibby dashes to the cafeteria and speeds into the many many piles of food kept in storage.
Alexia vibrates quickly enough to break the ice, still grinning very scarily.
Digifanatic: "Guys, girls... all of them."
VG: "And don't worry if Metal complains: I'm allowed to be outside of HQ, and if he complains, I'll tell him you're with me."
Gibby: "SpEeD MaKe HuNgRy mE!"
Dragoshi dashes to the cafeteria, running past Gibby, and helps with teh speeding.
Digifanatic starts to chuckle at this insanity.
Alexia: "Seek aNd HiDe!"
Digifanatic: "I love it and I hate it at the same time!"
VG: "Now, shall we get going before there is no kitchen left?"
Alexia starts running in and out of each room looking for Ari.
Digifanatic: "Yes."
*He starts following VG.*
Gibby starts eating away at all the delicious food stuff.
VG & Digi consider us out for the next 2 in-game hours.
Alexia suddenly stops
"...I hUnGeR!"
Dragoshi helps Gibby in the eating.
Alexia runs for the kitchen.
Aribar: .oO(These people are scary... And I'm not allowed to leave the building without permission. I'm trapped here!)
Gibby: "Food gOoD FoR eAtInG!"
Alexia races in and jumps into the fridge, grabbing everything that doesn't scream upon contact.
Dragoshi: "YeS!"
Digifanatic: "So, Veeg, what have you been up to lately?"
Alexia: "Sandwiches!"
Gibby drops a sandwich in his mouth and stands back up.
Aribar tries to crawl out from under a table and sneak towards the Holorooms.
Dragoshi does the same as Gibby, 'cept with two sandwiches.
Alexia slaps mayo on a piece of bread, adds peas and ketchup and slams the butter knife into a wall.
Gibby: "I nO eAT nOw! NoW I dAnCe!"
Dragoshi: "YeS! Dance wE ShAlL!"
Gibby leaps on a cafeteria table and starts hyper tangoing with himself.
Alexia: "EaT fOoD gOoD!"
*She eats the whole thing in one bite and runs out.*
Dragoshi leaps onto a cafeteria table, and starts doing the Fandango with himself. AT HIGH SPEED... IGLOOES. ...Okay, just high speeds.
Gibby: "I bE lOrD oF DaNcE, bOiNg!"
Alexia: "...hOlOrOoM! gOoD fOr EnErGy!"
Aribar enters the Holoroom and asks it to bring up the SSBM Hyrule Temple stage... At least if they find him here he can run away!
Alexia runs into the holoroom and starts hitting controls randomly.
Digifanatic: .oO(*wonders is there is a surveillance system and if that is being taped*)
Editor's Note: Regrettably, there probably was, not to mention the entire 'Smash Dexes record everything for logs' thing.
Dragoshi: "NO, I BE LoRd of DaNCe, DaMMeT"
Gibby: "NO yOu sTiNk Me gOoD!"
Aribar: "Gah! What are you doing here?" *The elf runs away from Alexia.*
Alexia: "TRON!"
Gibby switches to ballet dancing.
Aribar runs to the Holoroom exit and dashes away to... Hm... The R&R?
Dragoshi then switches to... Tapdancing?
Alexia bashes all the controls at once
*She runs out.*
Gibby: "TiMe fOr tV nOw!"
*He stops dancing and runs back to R&R.*
Aribar sits down on a couch and watches Gibby come in like a Disco Bandit hopped up on goofballs. "... Oh boy. Another one."
Alexia follows Ari back into R&R
"WE dAnCe, kIrBy!"
Gibby: "Hey ArI lOoK I oN tV, BoInG!"
Dragoshi follows Gibby. Though unlike being a Disco Bandit on Goofballs, he's more like a Seal Clubber. ...I think.
Gibby leaps on top of the television and dances.
Aribar: "...You people scare me."
Alexia flings Gibby into a wall.
Gibby: *wHeEeEeEeEeEe---**Splat.*
Dragoshi: "Why, ThANk You!"
Aribar gets up and hides behind the couch.
Alexia: "Welcome!" *Throws Dragoshi also.*
Gibby gets right back up and runs over to Ari. He leaps over the couch and jumps up and down on his back.
Aribar: "GAH!"
Gibby: "HeY ArI tHis iS fUn YoU Try!"
Aribar throws Gibby off and runs to... Hm.
Gibby: "AhHhHhHhHhHh!"
*He lands on the ground.*
Dragoshi gets up, shakes it off, and clings to the ceiling... Like a spider. Creepy.
Alexia turns around, bouncing on her heels and tries to tackle Ari again.
Aribar runs to the HQ's lobby and hides behind the receptionist's desk.
Alexia: "Miss-" *WHAM She slams her face against the floor.*
Gibby: "ArI nO fUn..."
Dragoshi laughs like a madman.
Alexia: *Muffled* "Me HuRt..."
Gibby: "I hElP!"
*He runs over to Alexia and dances on her skull.
* "There! YoU bEtTeR nOw!"
Dragoshi lands in front of Gibby attempting to scare the hell out of him. "mE AM sPIdER, Raar!"
Alexia: "...PsYcHo!"
Aribar: .oO(Safe... Safe at long last.)
Alexia Mindblasts Dragoshi.
Gibby: "OH nOeS!"
*He runs away... straight into the wall.*
Alexia: "...bLaSt YoU?"
Dragoshi Chaos Controls. Creepily enough. "HaHA. MISSED."
Alexia shakes her hands.
Gibby lands on his head.
@_@ "I DiZzY..."
Garrick Fy`aar moves into the room, slowly and very, very carefully...
"...what's... going on?"
Gibby gets up right away.
Dragoshi picks up Gibby and shakes him "WhERe dO I InSErt ThE MonEY, BoInG!"
Alexia: "How I dO... GrIcK!"
Gibby: "YoU dOnT yOu DoOfUs, BoInG!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...huh?"
Aribar: .oO(Things are too quiet...)
Dragoshi: "DoOfUs, aM I!?" *Tosses Gibby like a ragdoll.*
Alexia jumps at Garrick.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Why are... all of you guys... talking like Mr. Sat--DAH!"
Gibby: "WaHoOoOoOoOoOoOo... BoInG!"
Alexia: "ME jUmP! wHeE!"
Garrick Fy`aar leaps back, dodging Alexia easily...
Alexia lands on her face. Again.
Gibby gets up again and runs in circles once more.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...what is going on??"
Alexia: "...RePeAt..."
Dragoshi runs after Gibby, putting him on his head like a hat "WhEEeE, BoInG! LoOK, FrEE ht."
Gibby: "WE dRiNk cOfFeE... sPeCiaL cOfFeE!"
Alexia tosses the empty can of coffee at Garrick.
Garrick Fy`aar slowly reaches down and picks up the empty can...
Dragoshi: "YuSh! VeRY SpECiAL CoFfEE, BoInG!"
Gibby: "I aRe HaT! HoRrAy, BoInG!"
Garrick Fy`aar: ""
Dragoshi nods rapidly.
Aribar exits the lobby and slowly starts down the hallways, wondering if everyone's done now...
Garrick Fy`aar: " guys... dra---ohhhh..."
Alexia screams this at the top of her lungs.
Garrick Fy`aar rubs his bare pinky finger into his ear... that was loud...
Gibby: "YoU nOisY and tOo LoUd!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...okay..."
Dragoshi: "...hE RiGHT, BoInG!"
Aribar peeks into the R&R... Garrick! The elf whispers. "Gar! Get outta there! They'll eat you alive! Especially Gibby. He's carnivorous right now... I think."
Gibby: "OmG iT'S ArI!"
Alexia: "Ari!"
Gibby runs towards Ari and clings to his leg.
Alexia shoves the others away and dashes at Ari.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...whoa whoa WHOA!"
*He tries to get in front of Alexia, Gibby being a lost cause...*
Aribar: "EEEEEH!"
Dragoshi jumps up onto the ceiling like a creepy spider. Again.
Aribar runs away.
Gibby: "HaPpY mE seEiNg yOu!"
*He is still clung to Ari.*
Alexia crashes into Garrick, knocking him back about a foot
Garrick Fy`aar: "DAH! Why, you little..."
Gibby: "YaY! ArI fUn RiDe, BoInG!"
Alexia races after Ari, laughing.
Aribar tries to get Gibby off of him while heading to one of the empty labs.
Garrick Fy`aar races after Alexia, chasing her with his gun about to be drawn...
Gibby is pretty much stuck there like glue.
Dragoshi follows the Garrick and Alexia, while still on the ceiling.
Alexia turns on a boombox playing Yakety Sax and continues chasing Ari.
Gibby: "I nO rAbId! I hYpeR, BoInG!"
Gibby: "ThAt BeTtEr!"
Aribar enters an empty lab and dives under the nearest table.
Alexia: *While Yakety Sax plays at max volume* "Wait ElF pLuS pUfF!"
Gibby: "WE pLaY SeEk aNd HiDe, aRi?"
Alexia lifts the table and flings it out into the hallway
Garrick Fy`aar: "...holy CRAP!"
Aribar looks up. "Uh oh..."
Gibby: "YoU wInS!"
Garrick Fy`aar ducks under the incoming table...
He then lunges at Alexia.
Aribar: "CHAOS CONTROL!" *Teleports into the hallway and runs to the R&R.*
Dragoshi drops down to the ground, and continues the chase. "I aM ScARy SpiDER, BoInG!" Dragoshi runs towards the table, grabs it, and tries to loot it of valuables.
Alexia kicks Garrick into a wall, being that she's hopped-up on coffee.
Garrick Fy`aar: "DAH!" *SLAM!*
Alexia runs out, following Ari.
Gibby: "ArI fUn to GiBbY, BoInG!"
Dragoshi: "...StUpID BuM! BoInG!" *Dragoshi puts the table down.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...that little WITCH!"
Aribar: "Gah! You blue puffball!" *Tries to Chaos Control Teleport Gibby off of him.*
Garrick Fy`aar pulls himself out of the wall and drawing his sword, racing after Alexia... he'd look mighty evil looking...
Alexia dashes into R&R for, like, the nineteenth time this past 5 minutes.
Gibby falls off of Ari and sobs.
The Wraith is, of course, around... Drifting by every once in a while and chuckling at the speedsters.
Alexia: "HAHA! FoUnD!"
Gibby: "Ari nO lIkE GiBbY, BoInGgGgGgG..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'll KILL YOU!!!"
Alexia suddenly passes out cold, still shaking madly.
Aribar: "I don't want any trouble... I'll give you my wallet!"
*He blinks.*
Dragoshi runs, pursuing Garrick, and the the very hyper Alexia... This would be a good thing for Garrick, if not for one thing... "...BoInG!"
Aribar: "Yay! The evil one's gone!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...WHERE IS SHE??!?!?"
Aribar: "Coffee OD." *Points to Alexia on the floor.*
Garrick Fy`aar leaps into R&R, his sword high over his head, looking quite angry...
*He calms down gently and slides his sword back into his armor, the sheath clicking into place hidden in the back of his armor.*
Dragoshi then slows down, skids and crashes "EvIL oNE!? AaAHh! Spiders, BoInG!" He runs like hell... Great. Not a good thing when arachnophobia and hyperness combine.
Aribar: "...Now if you excuse me, I'm leaving before a rabid slash hyper Gibby kills me."
Alexia suddenly jumps up, flings Garrick into the wall.
Aribar rushes out of the R&R and to the cafeteria.
Alexia: "I FoOl YoU!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...You're DEAD!"
Gibby just runs in circles more and more. It's not even dizzying to him.
Dragoshi then runs past Alexia, shoving her out of the way, while screaming about spiders coming to devour us all.
Garrick Fy`aar draws his swords once more and slashes at Alexia, quite hard... he'd cleave into the floor.
Alexia backflips away
"Slow oNe!"
The Wraith drifts to the area and wags a finger at Garrick, shaking its head...
Dragoshi: "WE IS AlL GoNnA DiEEeeeEeeEEee-" *SLAM! Ouch. He hit a wall.*
Alexia continues the great Ari chase.
Garrick Fy`aar: "DEAD!!!"
Aribar starts to order a sandwich in the cafeteria, oblivious to his surroundings...
Gibby eventually passes out from all of the spinning and falls to the ground once more.
"NiGhT nIgHt fOr mE, BoInG!"
*He falls asleep.*
Alexia pokes her head into the cafeteria doorway.
Gibby: "ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ... BoInG..."
Aribar blinks. And slowly turns around.
"I thought you were passed out!
...I need to learn an invisibility spell. Why, oh why, didn't Orlando teach me an invisibility spell?"
*He Chaos Controls into a Holo room.*
Dragoshi is running around on the ceiling of the library like a madman, looking at the KO'd, twitching. "...iF oNlY I hAD PoKiNG StEEcK. ...oH WelL." Runs away on ceiling to R&R to run around on that ceiling.
Aribar then runs out of the Holo room, to his door, and looks in his spellbooks for a spell of Darkness as well as several locking and warding spells. A few 6-second rounds later his room's magically locked up tighter than Fort Knox.
Dragoshi then jumps down from the ceiling "FlArGH. mE TiREd, BoInG!" With one last burst of speed he runs off to his room to sleep, but not before cleaning up the messes. Speedy little neat freak, huh?
Aribar would be in his room, still disturbed from the previous events. His door would be totally covered with "Keep Away" signs and such.
Digifanatic walks in with Veeg with a bunch of bags full of snacks, drinks, cold cuts, whatever. After nodding at VG, he starts putting stuff away in kitchen shelves.
"Oh my goodness... it's actually quiet. Did that stuff wear off?"
Dragoshi would be in his room after trying to clean up any messes in the kitchen n' library. He's in his own room, sleeping, with some twitches.
VG: "Doubt it. If it's resting now, it will pick back up."
Digifanatic: *Paper and plastic shuffling around* "Yeah..."
Wolf: *Trying to find the old HQ Store again.*
Digifanatic: "I'm gonna go take a look around and see what happened... almost suspicious that there's no noise."
VG: "Let's pray they're all asleep."
*He goes to his half of HQ.*
Digifanatic takes a look around the lab, the library, etc... through all of the mess and clutter going on from before.
"Okay. Who let the Sandslash through the library?"
*He still unbeknownst, walks out of the library and back towards this room. He also happens to notice all the signs and stuff on Ari's door.
He politely knocks.* "It's Digi.
Ari? Did you booby trap the door?"
Aribar: "Digi? Umm... Don't touch the door knob if you value your hand!"
Digifanatic: "What are you doing? I'm serious... it's me."
Aribar gets up from under the covers of his bed and starts towards the door.
"No one else with you?"
Digifanatic: "Seriously. I just returned with VG and he went off to his room."
Aribar: "Is there anyone near you?"
Digifanatic: "If they are, they're in their rooms. I'm the only person I see in the halls."
Aribar Chaos Controls out of the room and next to Digi. "Okay... What did you want?"
Digifanatic: "Are you mentally stable?"
Aribar: "Of c-course I am! You haven't seen and coffee-ravaged people around, have you?"
Digifanatic: "Before the mission, you were fine and now all of a sudden, it's like you trying to hide from everyone as if you're on the planet's Most Wanted list. No. It's eerily quiet.
Thank goodness.
I see some rooms are fine, I walk into one of the labs and the library--looks like an earthquake hit the place."
Aribar: "Well, they just got a little crazy... Yeah. We'll go with that."
Digifanatic: "Do you need help?"
Aribar: "Anyways, I've warded my room with every protective spell I know. I think I'll be fine..."
Digifanatic: "Okay, something is up."
Aribar: "And don't believe anything you hear the crazies say. Please."
Digifanatic: "Alright. But protective spells? What is this about?"
Aribar: "Coffee is evil."
Metal Man (GM): Oh yes, Charles... you here?
Aribar: "Makes people super hyper."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, I noticed that. Why I wanted to leave. Escape it for once."
Aribar: "I sealed myself in my room for safety."
Digifanatic: "Well, that works."
Aribar: "...You know what?"
Digifanatic: "I know... don't drink the coffee."
Aribar: "I forgot that Chaos Ward works one way... I sealed myself out here... With IT..."
Digifanatic: "Oh, yeah, yeah. Hang on."
Aribar mutters... "It's gonna take hours to dispell those wards! And SHE might kill me any moment..."
Digifanatic: "...She? Alexia?"
Aribar: "Oh, what? No, you're not allowed to hear my mutterings!"
Digifanatic: "Is she turning Aetos?"
Aribar: "See yah! Chaos Control--OOF!" *Chaos Controls into a wall.*
Digifanatic: "Lemme help you with that."
*He takes out his Dex and his Digivice, putting the latter into the former. He types in Ari's room for a coordinate and sends him back in.* "There."
Aribar: "Uhhh... Thanks! And... Umm... Yeah. Just ignore Alexia! Good night, Digi!"
Digifanatic: "Kinda muffled, but I hear you from there! Okay!"
Aribar heads to his bed and shudders under the covers again.
Digifanatic: .oO(WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!)
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile-er...
Charles appears at the bridge of the now landed Valhalla... which is apparently nestled in some sort of crater on the 'Light Side' of Nintendus.
Standing at attention is Trevor; it appears they've been here for a while.
Digifanatic has entered his room and is out. Good night and good morning.
Trevor: "All procedures have begun. We have already begun construction on the habitation compartments. This area... is a rare thing on the light side... and it is ours."
Metal Man (GM): He points out a window. From there, you see... a small area shaded naturally by a massive crater wall.
The small area that isn't burnt by the sun is abundant in trees and has a spring in it.
Trevor: "We searched for days to find it..."
Charles Magellean goes to see from this window. A beautiful sight until he collapses from the weight of his nearly million coin bag, the gun found during the Rand mission, and the third thing that has all his other belongings.
Trevor: "Are you okay, sir?"
Charles Magellean: *Sarcastic* "Oh yeah, just fine." *Normal* I'M BEING CRUSHED BY AT LEAST 175 POUNDS OF MY OWN STUFF!"
Trevor: "Hm."
Metal Man (GM): He flicks a hand, and the stuff floats off of you and onto the ground besides you.
Trevor: "What we lack in people, we have in machines. The caves, which are completely barren, form a natural place to build our base. It is invisible from the surface and undetectable by the dark side of Nintendus. ...Although... we have discovered some ruins...
...They aren't very promising. There is a reason for the Light Side.
An untold number of years ago..."
Charles Magellean gets up, slightly crippled. Bones cracking and such. He says mockingly, "Are you alright, sir? normally Artificial intelligence my----"
Trevor: "...It was the time between the end of Neo-Earth and the Nintendus you began your adventure on. These ruins were made by humans... survivors. The Dark Side was inhabited by mutated variants and a very few normal ones, but these? They were NORMAL."
Charles Magellean looks for his own uhh... throne to sit on whilst Trevor continues the history of the Light.
Trevor: "Their technology... developed from beyond anything imaginable. For their existance, they created beyond Neo-Earthian technology. Their only limit... was this crater."
Charles Magellean shrugs and just puts his hand on the bags to lean on them.
Trevor: "Long ago, they had been spared from the Solarian Machine. ...In exchange for being eternally safe from it... though... they had to avoid leaving this crater.
The Light Side was normal but uninhabited during this era... so say their machines.
I would safely call them Proto-Nintendians.
Anyway, it came down to the day when the strange solar problems began.
Somehow, someone flew beyond the barrier, and escaped... causing the wrath of an unknown being, the one who spared them, to forever burn the Light Side."
Charles Magellean puts his over hand over his lips, (putting the space between your thumb and index over your mouth and under your nose), looking to the ruins whilst Trevor continues on of the history.
Trevor: "...Even with the power of their unstoppable machines, they could not stop him. They managed to split his consiousness into three pieces... nothing more.
It was barely a loss for them--they stopped the being from terrorizing any others, but became extinct.
...As much as I would love to use their infinite-energy machines, they are keyed to match only their DNA... which is extinct.
This history was all we could get, and it had been decrypted by the last survivor for people like us to see.
There's no genetic material left--they were annihilated.
We can make the crater hospitable again.
If we extend the edges, and then build a dome atop it, we can make it like it was before the destruction--a great land of infinite beauty.
As it is, no disease lives here, and a strange energy protects those who live here from other diseases which they might have brought.
The only flaw... is this light. It is worse than disease."
Charles Magellean: .oO(And here I thought all of the refugees were going to live in Valhalla.)
Trevor: "Anyone exposed to it directly is annihilated. We are working on reverse-engineering their last research on blocking it.
For while Valhalla. shields can block it...
...It is unfeasible to put it on the crater without a power plant the size of Valhalla's in endless operation. Any plans, milord?"
Metal Man (GM): He salutes.
Charles Magellean: O_O *He looks to Trevor with wide eyes, a bit in awe of all this to take in.*
Garrick Fy`aar (OOC): (This is nuts...)
Editor's Note: I agree!
Metal Man (GM): He idly tinkers as you stare, as if... this is normal.
Charles Magellean: "I can see that lack of interaction with lifeforms has not allowed you to develop 'conversation' skills."
Trevor: "Maybe, but we won't be finding many here. I've checked. It killed the highest level of human life ever seen instantly.
And you know how tough just one Neo-Earthian is.
These people were just a tick past Solarians."
Charles Magellean scratches his chin going, "Mmmmmmnnn..."
Trevor: "The biodata suggests insane levels of health and mental powers which allowed them to bend reality."
Charles Magellean shakes his head and looks to the outside. "No wonder the Genome didn't so much as venture outside the Dark part of Nintendus."
Trevor: "...Yes. This area is burnt eternally, possibly because only those with mental powers of these last people could handle such power. It is a promised land of sorts."
Charles Magellean: .oO(Land...)
Metal Man (GM): He pulls out what appears to be a wrist-sleeve device.
Trevor: "This thing makes the Solarian's arm-mounted pad look like a tinker toy."
Charles Magellean: "..." >>
Trevor: "Ability to project thoughts, portals, incredibly deadly antimatter, alter people's minds, melt anything, even disrupt time."
Charles Magellean shudders. "Please, I--I'd rather not discuss time right now."
Trevor: "Only limited... by the user's intelligence... which makes it useless to most mortals. Limited... to their DNA. Making it useless to-- ...Wait a minute... this device... with it, we could ensure no Time Calamity ever happens.
Nothing could resist it... too bad the user was burnt into ashes, then exploded with antimatter.
I have also found references to the Chozo."
Charles Magellean looks to Trevor after looking at his belongings. "The Chozo are involved? This oughta be good."
Trevor: "Seeing as these people could travel vast distances... they conversed once or twice. The Chozo's reactions were strange; those of 'Been there, done that.' Yes. According to these logs, the Chozo reached a level even higher than theirs before vanishing.
In fact, their logs say that the Solarians may have been taken out for getting to a certain point too."
Charles Magellean: "My highest assumption is that they were wiped out by the Space Pirates... or Metroid Prime."
Trevor: "There's something creepy in here. The pattern shows that all civilizations which reach a certain level die.
Depending on their bodies, their destruction may be early or later.
My calculations show that the Dark Siders are close to reaching this.
Ivan's got cloaking technology, Ivo nearly destroyed time. Neo-Earthian devices have been re-activated.
Gunicard is one of the most massive technological things seen.
The Questers collect and activate more and more stuff, and they are lead by the man who triggered the great destruction."
Charles Magellean looks to the gun. "Hmmmm... a class 10 nuke is hardly a threat to what Neo-Earth had..."
Trevor: "We may be the only survivors of this race. Oh. Right. Lunarian. You've got more time than they do."
Charles Magellean left ear wiggles when Trevor spoke of the man leading them.
"Don't you forget it."
Trevor: "Regardless... the Dark Side may live up to its name soon."
Charles Magellean mutters , "Weell, half, but you understand."
Trevor: "These logs are very depressing. They say that technology was made to loop. That it is all fated to reach the top, destroy itself, and start anew from the caveman stage."
Charles Magellean: "Speaking of ancients, Valhalla was dug up and launched when I had my tower. Do you suppose Vahalla is also part of Neo-Earth technology?"
Trevor: "Valhalla... remains a mystery."
Charles Magellean: "I know that I didn't build it. It was buried deep within the ground, but then who built it... hmmm...*Looks to his stuff* Trevor, where do the belongings go?"
Trevor: "You say where they belong, not me." *He chuckles.*
Charles Magellean: "Minus the gun, they will be in my private quarters."
Trevor: "Ah yes... that. Rand's quite a spectactular screwup--he appears to have violated reality in creating it. Are you sure it's safe to have it?"
Charles Magellean originally questions why Trevor knows of Rand, but remembers that information is easily obtained on this world if you know how to do about it :).
"The combination of the technology that Kuja stole and nanotechnology.
Since this one is out of reach of Gibby, I'm content to with it as I wish.
Getting this reminded me of how I want to hunt for artifacts and relics of power again, yet..."
*He looks to all around,* "Alas, to do so would incite beings to search for us. That, I cannot allow."
Trevor: "You have all the artifacts you could ever need... just that they can't be used by us. Thus they can be used in the true sense of the word: Historical artifacts, not meaningless items of destruction."
Charles Magellean looks to his attire. "I shall be needing some kind of proper attire if I am to be leader of this new 'community'."
Trevor: "There is plenty of elaborate clothes left behind by these people... or perhaps something of a more monk-like appearance? We are having to avoid luxuries for a while before we establish the self-support modules."
Charles Magellean: "I will think more about when I am more established in living here. How long until the modules can be installed?"
Trevor: "Three weeks. They're highly complex and untested."
Charles Magellean: "I will go over the schematics with you another day. As I body grows tired, I require a personal room to live in, seeing as this is my new life."
Trevor: "One of ten thousand rooms here or one of ten in the caves, your pick. We're currently the only sentient beings here."
Charles Magellean: "MMMMM! MMMLLLPP!"
Trevor: "..." *Flicks it back onto the ground*
"I should carry that for you.
Only a levitator with the power of the ship's entire reactor can carry that easily."
Charles Magellean: "...Like I said, I'm tired, so my strength is all but nonexistant for now."
Metal Man (GM): He makes it levitate.
Trevor: "You can push it to your quarters. Be careful--it has a lot of momentum."
Charles Magellean begins pushing and finds a room oh say... after an 47 minutes and 31 seconds of looking.
Metal Man (GM): It's got quarters for an entire army... and nobody to fill them.
Charles Magellean has picked quarters equidistant from the spot of his new overlooking room (soon to be named) and other rooms of importance (again, soon to be named). He puts the load of coins in the southeast wing of the room, and pushes his belongings around so he has plenty of space everywhere he goes. He whines of how heavy it is, but his possessions are few and not really that heavy. Highly unusual.
"At least a month of solitude. I hope I can prepare for it."
*He places his circular bed in the middle of the army room. Cross-legged upon it, he goes to sleep, his soul and dreams entering the Ethereal Realm.*