Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 302: Fury of The Neo-Earthians



Date: 3:37:39 PM, July 20th, 2006.
Aribar is in the Big Room, yet again prepared for the next mission.
Wolfman enters the big room... by flying/hovering in.
Julian Sawyer's in his usual position, feet propped up on the table "What's the word, Mets?"
Wolfman: .oO(Well, that certainly feels unique)
"My upgrades are complete for the moment. What is the task?"
Alexia heads into the Big Room, looking much better after getting out of the ruins.
Gibby steps into the big room. The constant missions have tired him out a little, but it must be done.
Trigger: "What's the mission?"
Dragoshi walks in
"...And, the mission is..."
Metal Man: "You must reactivate the Neo-Earth outpost, in order to have its powers ready if we are threatened."
Julian Sawyer: "Got it."
Metal Man: "It may be heavily damaged, but what were considered backup weapons back then are impossibly strong today."
Wolfman: "Sounds simple... do you know if anyone is still in the outpost?"
Julian Sawyer: "So we could use 'em to take out what's been plaguein' us?"
Dragoshi: "...Understood."
Trigger: "Got it."
Metal Man: "Yeah. Think large lasers from the sky impaling any wanna-be Kujas."
Julian Sawyer: "Rathos, Phantom Lords, Sephiroth... Awesome."
Alexia: "...Wow."
Trigger: "...Sweet."
Gibby: "Excellent..."
Wolfman is still waiting for an answer to his question.
The Wraith smiles and nods, smiles and nods...
Dragoshi: "Perfect."
Julian Sawyer: "So what're we waitin' for? Let's go!" *Julian gets to his feet, and heads for the elevator.*
Dragoshi follows Julian.
Aribar: "How complex is this job going to be? Are the ruins trapped or anything?"
Trigger heads to the elevator.
Metal Man: "Not particularly."
Julian Sawyer: "We'll find out when we get there."
Alexia heads to the elevator.
Gibby adjusts his hat and scurries himself into the elevator.
Trigger: "Oh, Mets, no zombies right?"
Wolfman could fly, but will instead walk to the elevator.
Julian Sawyer: "Trigger, shut it."
Wolfman: .oO(...why is it my questions often get ignored?)
Editor's Note: Good question. Especially as the presence of others would complicate the mission.
Azure: "Care for one more?"
Trigger: "..."
Wolfman: "Hop on. I've got room on my back."
Julian Sawyer: "We ain't faced Zombies yet, we ain't gonna face 'em... Was wonderin' where you went."
Aribar steps onto the elevator. "Hey, Azure."
Alexia: "Hi."
The Wraith turns around to face Azure, looking him over... and nods.
Gibby: "Greetings, Mr. Azure."
Aribar: "We could always use another Quester."
Alexia: "Well, Ari, the variety never stops..."
Trigger: "Hello."
Azure bows slightly as he steps into the elevator.
Alexia: "Heaven knows it's better than picking through corpses."
Dragoshi: "Hello there. And you are?"
Aribar looks to Alexia. "Eh. Many things happen in this job..."
Gibby shudders at the thought of those corpses.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP.*
Azure: "My name is Azure." *He said slowly as he removed the hood on his head revealing his short cut brown hair.*
Metal Man (GM): You appear before the center of the massive Outpost.
Wolfman materializes.
Metal Man (GM): The door lays ahead, the sand recently cleared away.
Gibby: "Here we are..."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, here we go..." *Heads in.*
Alexia: "Whoa. This place is huge."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Dragoshi follows Julian, as per usual.
Wolfman: "Well, that's the spot. Anyone wish to be escorted in?"
Julian Sawyer: "Lotsa things are."
Trigger walks in.
Gibby nods in agreement and steps inside.
Alexia: "I'm okay." *Heads in.*
The Wraith slowly drifts along behind Julian, hovering right along with the group as he looks about...
Wolfman thinks his meaning got mixed up... okay, Alexia knew. Oh well: he walks in.
Metal Man (GM): You walk into the entryway... one computer with palm-shaped rests lays here, amongst the wreckage and burnt shrapnel of a former sitting room.
Aribar heads on inside of the Outpost, Dex in hand and open in case the Wraith wants to talk. He would try and keep on the side of the group opposite of Alexia...
Alexia: "I really need to get a better weapon than this measly little riot pistol..."
Metal Man (GM): Paintings are thrown about, though being holographic, they are nothing but frames.
Julian Sawyer: *Seeing as how Garrick isn't there, Julian walks over to the computer and places his hand in the depression.*
Metal Man (GM): The doors ahead are shut.
Alexia walks over to the computer and examines it.
Metal Man (GM): *ZOO.*
Editor's Note: What a strange sound effect!
Computer: "Main Tower Room 1 online."
Wolfman: "Well... this is an interesting room. They must have had some appreciation for the arts."
Dragoshi: "At least you HAVE a damn weapon right no-...Nice one."
Gibby walks over to Julian and glances at the computer.
Trigger: "Why is every place we enter looks like its been through a war?"
Metal Man (GM): The room lights up; including some of the holo-frames.
Julian Sawyer: "...Man, this gonna be E-Z..."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Metal Man (GM): You see images of old leaders...
Wolfman: "I'd advise not to put a hex on this mission Julian."
Metal Man (GM): Ships... guns... trees...
Wolfman takes note of the images... strange combination.
Metal Man (GM): Even one of Abraham Lincoln, presiding over a massive pile of purple sand.
Editor's Note: ...Wat?
Alexia: "..."
Dragoshi looks at the Abe Lincoln one.
Julian Sawyer: "Man, Murphy's Law only applies if you believe in it. Right now, I don't."
Aribar looks over some of the pictures.
Wolfman: "...Abraham Lincoln? But... that's practically impossible!"
Gibby: "What's all this then?"
The Wraith blinks a bit as he sees the one of Lincoln...
Metal Man (GM): It says 'Abraham Lincoln: Ancient Earth Ruler'
Trigger: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Huh. Wonder what Honest Abe's doin' here."
Gibby: "...Lincoln?"
Dragoshi: "...Uhhh... Yea, What Wolf said. Seriously."
Gibby: "He some important figure?"
Azure: "Who?"
Computer: "You appear to not grasp that Neo-Earth was after Earth."
Julian Sawyer: "...Right, forgot about that."
Computer: "...Some of the history of the original Earth carried through... especially his."
Wolfman: " still takes awhile to digest the information."
Dragoshi: "...Well, most of us, anyway. ...Huh. Interesting."
Julian Sawyer: "So, Computer, how we get this place all hooked back up an' such?"
The Wraith opens his dex. Those who care to open theirs as well would hear. "They obviously did their homework... Though I never recall Abe ruling the entire earth at any point."
Wolfman: .oO(Wrong question...)
Computer: "Walk through the doors, activating each room. This is the most intact tower."
Dragoshi: "...Makes sense."
Julian Sawyer: "Anythin' you wanna warn us about 'fore we head on?"
Wolfman: .oO(Better question.)
Azure: "Did it have to be something involving those contraptions..."
Julian Sawyer: "Enemies that mighta taken up residence sense we was last here?"
Gibby: "Lets hope not..."
Wolfman turns to Azure.
Trigger: "..."
Wolfman: " them or hate them, they're here."
Computer: "The security systems in here could kill them. No intrusions."
Gibby: "Well then... this appears to be very straight forward."
Julian Sawyer: "Great. Alright, you heard the Computer, let's go! Sooner we get this done, sooner we can take care'a the big fish!" *Heads on.*
Wolfman: .oO(I still sense there is a trick.)
Alexia heads into the second room.
The Wraith nods, looks to the others, and moves on forward with Julian.
Wolfman follows in the middle of the back.
Trigger follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): The door ahead leads into a massive computer database room... crystal sphere mounted into one large room-length terminal.
Dragoshi follows the others.
Gibby follows the others.
Dragoshi: "...Nice place."
Metal Man (GM): It's mostly cracked, but a few survive. The same computers are there.
Julian Sawyer: *Any hand-depessions Julian needs to use?*
Aribar heads into the next room. "Hrm."
Metal Man (GM): The crystal spheres shine with billions of terabytes of encrypted data.
Of course. There's eight pairs of them in this room.
Dragoshi looks at one of the pairs.
Gibby: "Wow... how very technological."
Julian Sawyer: "Daymn... bet you could learn a lot from this place... A'ight, everyone take a pad."
Wolfman hopes to find some computer he can reach on all 4s.
Aribar: "You know, it's a little bit too late but now I wish I paid more attention in my history classes."
The Wraith eyes around at the impressions, and drifts over to place his ethereal hands in a pair.
Dragoshi: "...Huh" *Puts his hands in the pair he was lookin' at.*
Julian Sawyer heads to a depression and sets his hand in.
Gibby overhears Julian, shrugs, and walks to a pad. He puts his fins on the depression areas.
Trigger follows the others.
Alexia walks over to a pad and lays a hand on it.
Wolfman is still looking for a pad he can reach.
Metal Man (GM): It lights up, showing a whole lotta constellations and such.
Alexia: "...Constellations?"
Computer: "History database activated. 96% data integrity."
Julian Sawyer: "Well that's good... I guess."
Aribar heads to another pad set and hrms. "Aah... I only have one hand. I need some help here."
Metal Man (GM): None wolf can reach... all of them atop a desk.
Alexia turns around and sees Wolf
"Er, need a lift?"
Wolfman: "...maybe not."
Dragoshi: "...Well, I suppose we should access them then, huh?"
Wolfman decides to put those new upgrades in action. He hovers off the ground and attempts to reach a pad.
Julian Sawyer: "After we get everythin' set up..."
Trigger walks over to one of the pads and and uses it.
The Wraith: "Methinks you should be able to suffice with just one hand, Ari."
Alexia: "If you say so." *Puts her hands back on the pad.*
Aribar sets his dex down and presses the pad down. "Well, I guess we'll find out."
Metal Man (GM): The door ahead is also open, though you can search this database.
Gibby grunts as he keeps his hands in place. He was small as well, and he couldn't keep himself raised up for too long.
Wolfman: .oO(I hope this works... I just spent some time in the lab for this!)
Metal Man (GM): You... hover... it works, but you look a lot like Rush in doing so.
You can, of course, continue on, or search the database... with your mind. Your choice.
Julian Sawyer decides to search for weapons that would work against Rathos Prime or Sephiroth, or the Phantom Lords... Quickly though. Gotta get a move on.
Wolfman: "Anyone still need me to hold this?"
The Wraith: "We'll come back to this later, after we've activated everything..."
Gibby soon slips off of his pad and falls on his butt. He rubs his head, and quickly gets back up.
Metal Man (GM): It shows various holograms.
The Wraith backs away from his pad and starts heading on forward, searching for the next inactive room.
Wolfman: "Gibby: perhaps next time, I'll fly and you try using my tail or something to reach a pad."
Alexia looks over.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Alexia: "Wraith, wait!"
Metal Man (GM): Choice #1 (Crossed out) Solarian Machine. 100% chance of success.
Aribar lets his hand off of the pad and takes his dex into his hand again. He starts over to Julian.
Alexia follows Wraith.
Gibby: "Yeah... that'd probably be better..."
The Wraith halts and turns around, head tilted to the side.
Aribar: "Hey, you two, Julian's looking at some stuff. Let's not split up."
Metal Man (GM): Choice #2 (Crossed Out) Spacial Beam Array. 99.9% chance of success.
Wolfman is in the next room now... trying to study up on the choices.
Trigger: "Ok."
Julian Sawyer: "Already broke that... Dunno what that is..."
Dragoshi: "...Obviously means that even though it'd be successful, they're all destroyed..."
Metal Man (GM): Choice #3 (Crossed Out) Antimatter missiles. 99.8% chance of success.
Julian Sawyer: "No thank you..."
Alexia heads back and puts her hands on the pad again.
Azure: "Seems its been done?"
Dragoshi: "...Antimatter Missiles? ...Odd weaponry."
Metal Man (GM): Choice #4 (Crossed Out) Flesh-eating nanites. 99.7% chance of success.
Julian Sawyer: "Ouch..."
Gibby: "We just can't get a lucky break, now can we?"
Wolfman: "Find anything?"
Dragoshi: "...Frikkin ow, man."
The Wraith blinks a bit, looking at Alexia. "...Need somethin'?"
Metal Man (GM): Choice #5 (Crossed Out) Petrification Beam. 99% chance of success.
Wolfman probably would survive the flesh eating nanites... he's not much organic.
Metal Man (GM): Choice #6 (Crossed Out) Atomic Displacer. 95% chance of success.
Julian Sawyer: "That's coo'...but gone... Same..."
Gibby: "They're -all- gone..."
The Wraith would definitely survive the flesh-eating nanites... No body.
Aribar: "You know... Maybe we shouldn't use weapons from here."
Dragoshi: "...Same on both."
Julian Sawyer: "There's gotta be somethin' left."
Wolfman: "Is there something available?"
Julian Sawyer: "You know a better way to defeat Sephiroth?"
Alexia: "Anything else, Julian?"
Dragoshi: "...I wonder if there's anything left..."
Gibby: "I hope your right..." (come on, Golden Rule... come ON!)
Aribar: "Conventional methods?"
Alexia: "That's boring, love."
Metal Man (GM): Choice #582 (Gray) Solar Teleportation Device. Integrity at 5%. No Power.
Aribar: .oO(Arrg...)
Metal Man (GM): Chance of Success: 23%.
Julian Sawyer: "...Well, there ya go."
Gibby: "...Well... it's something."
Azure: "I barely understood the title."
Julian Sawyer: "Worth a shot. We can warp 'em into the sun."
Alexia: "Unfortunately, odds are not with us."
Julian Sawyer: "Let's go!" *Julian moves onto the next room.*
Wolfman: "Directly in the sun, or through satellite relays?"
Gibby sighs and goes into the next room.
Alexia follows Julian.
Wolfman: "Perhaps we should have more of an advantage."
Julian Sawyer: "'Least it's a shot"
Azure: "He seems... happy... to go."
Dragoshi shrugs and follows the others.
Aribar: "It's nearly destroyed. Integrity means how stable it is, right?"
Wolfman moves on... fine.
The Wraith just drifts right along with the group...
Aribar starts after the others.
Azure hands recede to the sides of his gi as he walks following Julian.
Trigger follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): You reach a room full of weapon controls, which has a couple dead Solarians laying around, some busted up controls too.
Only one single hand indentation is functional.
Editor's Note: I get a bit confused. Solarians everywhere, inside of a Neo-Earth outpost?
Gibby: "Yuck... more dead bodies."
Julian Sawyer: *In da hole!*
Alexia: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "Eh, I'm used to 'em by now."
Wolfman: "...where are you going?"
Aribar enters the room and looks about. He still tries to keep a bit away from Alexia. "I'm beginning to like these ruins less and less."
Dragoshi: "...Heh. Here a corpse, there a corpse, everywhere a-...Forget that thought."
Julian Sawyer: *To the hand depression? To use it?*
The Wraith shakes his head as he looks around at the corpses. "Bodies, bodies, everywhere..."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Azure: "I can assume they met there ends by very uneasy means..."
Alexia: "Bad memories here..."
Wolfman: "...acknowledged."
Gibby: "Probably."
Trigger: "..."
The Wraith: "Starvation, as far as we were able to determine on our last trip."
Julian Sawyer: "You kiddin'?"
Metal Man (GM): The lights turn on again... but it flickers a bit.
Wolfman: "Hmm... needs more power here perhaps?"
Computer: "...Solarian damage is why so many of the weapons were down. Many others died with age. We only have a few. More can be repaired once you re-activate the repair nanites."
Alexia: "We need all we can get."
Julian Sawyer: "Few's all we need... Where's they?"
Gibby: "Hey yeah! Lets do that!"
Trigger: "Yeah."
Computer: "Near the top. You'll get to it soon."
Gibby: "Then... onward!"
Julian Sawyer: "Good."
Wolfman: .oO(I'm starting to not like computers that can predict our movements and timings.)
Trigger: "Yay, more walking."
Alexia heads to the next room silently... something seems to be troubling her...
Julian Sawyer: "Deal with it." *Julian heads on.*
Aribar heads into the next room, wondering if it's really such a good idea to be using weapons from these ruins.
Metal Man (GM): The door ahead, although it has a Solarian laying on the floor near it, is open.
Wolfman: "...shall we go on?"
Gibby slowly creeps by the body and makes his way inside.
Wolfman moves slowly in.
Metal Man (GM): The next room is one full of strange-looking generators. A hand indent sits on one of the walls.
The Wraith simply nods, and moves on... He slowly drifts down to the body and disappears for a moment.
Trigger slowly walks in.
Alexia puts a hand on the indent.
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like we found an answer..." *Julian places his hand in the wall.*
Trigger: "What is it?"
Gibby walks over to a generator and inspects it.
Metal Man (GM): You activate... the kitchen?
Gibby: "Hmm..."
Wolfman doesn't move too much... huh?
Julian Sawyer: "...Maybe not."
Aribar: "Hm... What are these things?"
Wolfman: "...did you guys want Dominoes again or something?"
Alexia: "..." *Tries the other hand.*
Julian Sawyer: "Look like generators..."
Metal Man (GM): You can apparently generate any food you want here.
Trigger: "Mh... so the kitchen killed everyone?"
Gibby: "A kitchen! Hey, lets get some food!"
Julian Sawyer: "Not on a mission."
Metal Man (GM): They have labels like 'Food Generation Machine'
Gibby: "Awww... but I forgot to eat before I left."
Julian Sawyer: "You can once we get everythin' set up. You'll live."
The Wraith: *The Solarian corpse starts moving... just slides to the side, away from the doorway. Then the wraith reappears and looks around.*
Gibby: "Humph..."
Julian Sawyer: *Next room?*
Wolfman: "Well, a recharge would be nice for later. Let's go."
Metal Man (GM): The door ahead, which is to an elevator (Oooh, deluxe!) is open. It has another hand indent.
Aribar glances about the room before following Julian more.
Gibby grumbles and goes into the next room.
Julian Sawyer puts his hand in the indentation...
Alexia walks over to the indent.
Trigger follows Gibby in.
The Wraith lofts an eyebrow at this... kitchen, but sticks with the group.
Metal Man (GM): The elevator opens....
Alexia: "What's with all these hand scanners?"
Azure: *Not sure of the entire purpose of the trip moves on following the others.*
Metal Man (GM): And out falls a dead Solarian.
Aribar: "Do you people really trust this ancient technology to help us?"
Wolfman: "I don't know... ack!"
Aribar: "...Gah!"
Julian Sawyer: "It's what they di-...Whoa."
Wolfman jumps back.
Alexia: "...Oh, shiz..."
*She stumbles back.*
The Wraith: "It was their form of--...Yeesh."
Gibby: "Ugh..."
The Wraith disappears again.
Julian Sawyer: "...Right, everybody in."
Metal Man (GM): Inside are holographic buttons.
Gibby walks around the body and gets inside.
Wolfman gets in.
Alexia swallows hard and enters the elevator, looking a bit pale.
Wolfman: "Where to?"
Aribar: "You know, our next mission better be at some tropical resort..." *The elf tries to move the body out of the elevator and then gets it.*
Julian Sawyer walks into the elevator.
Trigger gets in.
The Wraith: *That body also slides to the side before the wraith reappears and rejoins the group.*
Gibby: "Or at least be a place with no corpses lying around..."
Metal Man (GM): You get in... there's twenty floors.
Gibby: "The computer said the top floor, right?"
Computer: "This place is too big to just activate room by room. Go to floor 13, room 5."
Julian Sawyer: "The computer said the repair nanites would be at the top... So let's go there." *Hits da button.*
Wolfman: "I thought it said near the top."
Trigger: "I'm getting sick of the destroyed buildings and dead people."
Editor's Note: You and me both, Trigger.
Julian Sawyer: *Floor 13 works too.*
Wolfman: "...which button did you hit?"
Metal Man (GM): It floats on up, then opens, revealing another cryostasis room.
Julian Sawyer: "Floor 13."
Gibby steps inside the new room.
Metal Man (GM): It remains functional....
Alexia: "A cryo room?"
Azure quirks in eye at the room's appearance.
Gibby: "Lovely..."
Alexia heads in and looks around.
Julian Sawyer: "...No one touch NOTHIN'."
Metal Man (GM): A large metal plate says 'Floor 13, room 5'
Julian Sawyer: "I don't want anyone wakin' up on us..." *Heads for room 5*
Aribar exits the elevator. The elf sighs. "Great. Now FROZEN bodies."
Metal Man (GM): Tubes full of old Neo-Earthians sit, as a couple Neo-Earthian corpses lie around, and their foes, Solarian corpses, lay about.
This is Room 5.
Wolfman moves carefully.
Trigger follows Julian.
Metal Man (GM): A single control panel controls the room.
Julian Sawyer walks on over to it...
Gibby: "You know what to do, Julian..."
Computer: "The emergency power override is here."
Aribar enters Room 5.
Wolfman: "Thanks for the hint."
Julian Sawyer: "Is this gonna wake anyone up?"
Computer: "Activate it and many floors will be restored to power. No."
Julian Sawyer: "Good." *Puts his hand in the indentation.*
Alexia: "Are you SURE?"
Computer: "We hid it here... as a backup in case the Solarians destroyed all the others."
Gibby: "It's a computer, of -course- it's sure."
Trigger: "I'm sure we could take some undead freaks on."
Digifanatic rushes into the scene AGAIN... surprised he's been late twice in a row.
Aribar: "Will anything bad, like traps and such, be reactivated as well?"
Gibby: "...What's with you and zombies?"
Digifanatic: "Can't believe I'm missing out on stuff..."
Metal Man (GM): The room lights up; a holographic panel floats up, showing a checkerboard array of a quarter of the building being activated.
Julian Sawyer: "Trigger, will you SHUT UP about the zombies? We ain't gonna fight any zombies!"
Trigger: "Bad past with a zombie outbreak."
Digifanatic: "Oh."
Gibby: "...Fair enough."
Metal Man (GM): The cryo room comes out of standby, too; but all this does is show holograms of the status of most of the frozen people.
Trigger: "I was stuck in a mall with no way out."
Wolfman: "...freaky..."
Computer: "Now to floor 17, room 2."
Julian Sawyer: "You said you came here after playin' a couple video games. Somethin' don't match up." *Heads back to the elevator.*
Digifanatic quickly walks over to Ari and whispers something to him: "Did you talk to her yet?"
Trigger: "That was before."
Wolfman: .oO(Julian, you are right... something is up.)
Computer: "Most of the power is online, but we need more to restore the whole building."
Gibby: "Onward... again!"
*He goes back to the elevator.*
Trigger: "I'll tell you about it when we get back."
Wolfman enters.
Trigger does the same."
Gibby: "So where's the next override thingy?"
Aribar whispers to Digi, "No... No chance to. I... I'll do it soon."
Alexia walks back to the elevator, still looking a little pale.
Dragoshi: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "I'ma jus' go a head an' not believe any the ridiculous bull**** that come out yo' mouth, how 'bout that?" *Presses the button for floor 17*
Digifanatic: *Still whispering* "Yeah, alright."
*He heads on in...*
Metal Man (GM): The elevator closes quickly, going on up to floor 17.
Aribar ah... Yeah. On the elevator. Let's go with that.
Metal Man (GM): It opens just as fast, revealing an empty courtroom of Neo-Earth style, the door ahead left open.
Gibby steps out and walks down the courtroom.
Julian Sawyer: "...Courtroom? Huh..." *Walks on.*
Wolfman: "...well, this is a familiar area."
Digifanatic: "This is interesting."
Dragoshi does the same as Gibby.
Alexia walks out and heads to the next door.
Digifanatic gets off.
Aribar exits the elevator.
Wolfman recalls being in that IIF courtroom.
Trigger follows the others.
Digifanatic: "Anyways..." *Continues.*
Metal Man (GM): The next room... is some sort of lab.
Aribar follows the others into the next room. "This place seems to have everything including a kitchen sink..."
The Wraith just continues drifting along with the group... Mostly just lookin', not sayin' much at all.
Wolfman follows along.
Julian Sawyer: "...When'd Digi get here?"
Editor's Note: Digi is always here. Even now, watching me log this session. There is no escape! ... ...Beats me.
Trigger enters the next room.
Alexia: "A lab..."
Gibby: "I ain't touching a THING..."
Metal Man (GM): Here you see vials of weird liquids, various ceiling-mounted robotic arms...
Digifanatic: "Just a few minutes back, Julian."
Julian Sawyer: "Good."
Gibby has had bad experiences with labs in the past.
Digifanatic: "Apparently, I missed the call again..."
Metal Man (GM): A big-looking gun attached to a buncha wires marked 'PROTOTYPE'
Wolfman: "...okay, I might be a reploid, but I'm freaking out in this room."
Julian Sawyer: *Looks for a handy-dandy hand slot...* "...Hey, gun."
Alexia looks left and right nervously.
Dragoshi follows the others.
Trigger: "Dude... gun."
Metal Man (GM): Some computer chips... and a hand slot or two scattered about.
Dragoshi: "...A gun, you say?"
Aribar: "Julian, let me remind you that prototypes are usually untested. And thus may blow up."
Trigger: "The HELL, you say."
Aribar: "And thus, should be left alone."
Julian Sawyer: *Hand Slot action* "Hey, computer, what's up wit' the gun?"
Dragoshi walks over to one hand slot, and puts his hand in it.
Alexia: "...Whoever designed this place must have had a twisted mind..."
The Wraith nods to Aribar.
Digifanatic: "Stop oohing and aahing just cause there's a gun."
Wolfman stands in a safe place.
Gibby: "Don't they all?"
Julian Sawyer: "It's a BIG gun. Which we could use."
Metal Man (GM): The room lights up, and you see some vials begin to spin around. A hologram pops up and says 'Antibiotics have been restored to full potency.'
Trigger: "Must hAvE GUN!!!11111shift+1."
Metal Man (GM): You look around... these are vaccines for all sorts of diseases.
Alexia: "Antibiotics?"
Aribar: "It's a prototype! We don't even know if it works, or if it'll explode when we use it!"
Digifanatic: "Trigger, when did you take that Saturn Coffee?"
Wolfman: "Wow..."
Computer: "The gun is 35% complete."
Alexia walks over and examines one of the vials without touching it.
Trigger: "What coffee?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Yo. Cure fo' all diseases..."
Gibby: "Is there any way to make it 100%?"
Julian Sawyer: "So what's it do?"
Digifanatic: "Okay, good."
Metal Man (GM): It's some sort of vaccine for... Cancer?
Dragoshi does the same as Alexia, but at another vial.
Computer: "It is a deatomizer, our most powerful weapon."
Alexia: "...Wow. They had a cure for cancer?"
Trigger: "MUST HAVE!!!"
Julian Sawyer: "Man, we could use that... Anyway to fix it?"
Azure: "Its a wea... nevermind."
Dragoshi: "...A Deatomizer, huh?"
Alexia whaps Trigger.
Trigger: "Ouch."
Wolfman: .oO(Lots of stuff here... wow...)
Computer: "Whatever it hits disintegrates. We've got the power reading right... but all scientists were killed before it could be finished."
Julian Sawyer: "Yea, I suggest someone restrain Trigger..."
Azure: "We want to fix it for a reason?"
Computer: "It requires intensely complex quantum mechanics knowledge beyond yours to finish."
Alexia: "One more comment and you'll be pinned to the wall, Trigger."
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, we could use it to take out Rathos AN' Sephiroth!"
Aribar tries to keep between the big gun of death and Trigger.
Computer: "Once finished, it will need two people to carry."
Trigger starts to walk towards the gun, in a trance.
Gibby: "If we fix it, we can use it to make bad guys go boom..."
Alexia looks at another vial.
Metal Man (GM): The gun has an orange containment field around it.
Wolfman: "...does that mean I have to help carry it?"
Metal Man (GM): It is listed as being nonoperational.
Digifanatic tries to grab Trigger from behind...
Julian Sawyer: "We ain't movin' it."
Gibby: "Hmm... Trigger must be with guys like I am with bu--well you know."
Metal Man (GM): So even if you tried to fire it, it'd just click. A lot.
Digifanatic: "Don't... do it..."
Julian Sawyer: "So there's no way to finish it?"
Trigger: "Aww, I gotta have it, I bet I would be stronger then Julian with it."
Wolfman: "Fair enough."
Gibby coughs.
Computer: "Perhaps if you are a genius and study our science for 55.6 years."
Dragoshi coughs as well.
Aribar: "You'd also utterly obliterate anything with it, including yourself, if you tried to use it I bet."
Julian Sawyer: "Y'know, for apparently bein' a survivor of a zombie outbreak that never happened, you sure don't got your head on straight."
Alexia: "I'm more interested in these vials, guys."
The Wraith strokes his chin. "...Or we get some friends who had such knowledge..."
Julian Sawyer: "Anyone in those tubes know how to work on this thing?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah... and you don't wanna blow us up, right, Trigger?"
Computer: "Your one Neo-Earthian man is a warrior, not a scientist. He could shave off 10 years."
Gibby overhears Alexia and walks over to the vials.
Trigger: "Come on, I'm a master of guns. What's the worst that could happen?"
Aribar looks over to the vials and reluctantly heads over.
Wolfman growls to Trigger.
Digifanatic: "You underestimate its power."
Julian Sawyer: "...Master my A**."
Computer: "But all he knows is grade-school stuff, like conservation of energy and quantum-destructionization."
Aribar: "You use an untested gun and it blows up?"
Wolfman: "DON'T ask that question."
Gibby: "Hmm..."
Digifanatic: "And that."
Julian Sawyer: "All I seen you use is a ****in' pistol, an' a WEAK one at that."
Trigger: *Sigh.*
Julian Sawyer: "So like I said, anyone in those tubes a scientist?"
Metal Man (GM): The vials are also in a containment field. They cure various diseases, slow down aging, etc.
Julian Sawyer: "An' you can't hit wit' it half the time neither."
Alexia: "Uh, Julian, they probably wouldn't be too happy to see us."
Computer: "There are approximately 10,000 scientists in cryostasis."
Trigger: "Dude, get off my case ok?"
Aribar: "Yeah. Why would they work for us, Julian?"
Gibby looks over to the cancer curing vial and grabs hold of it.
Digifanatic also heads on over to check all this out.
Dragoshi: "10,000? Woah."
Aribar: "They'd probably just try and revive our race."
Alexia: "...Computer, are the medicines in these vials complete?"
Julian Sawyer: "Why not?"
Alexia: "Gibby, don't touch."
The Wraith ponders, the edges of his lips curling into a slight smile. "You people seem to forget that those who died are not all completely obliterated..."
Gibby: "But we could bring this back and help out a lot of people."
Julian Sawyer: "Ghost, how we gonna get a buncha ghosts to work on a gun?"
Computer: "They are complete, but priceless. It is suggested to leave them alone until new materials to reproduce these elixirs are found."
Alexia waits for an answer.
Julian Sawyer: "I tell you how. We ain't."
Wolfman just stays quiet at this point... the others are obviously trying to do too much for him.
Julian Sawyer: "'Cause they's GHOSTS."
Dragoshi: "...Sounds like a good idea."
The Wraith: "All we'd need is the knowledge... I can transfer that much."
Computer: "The Cryo-stasis leaves you with many, many perfectly viable people. Who are not dead. It is odd that you have avoided activating them."
Digifanatic also listened to that statement the computer made and takes the word for it.
Julian Sawyer: "What'd be their disposition towards us?"
Alexia: "Can I at least have the materials used for them?"
The Wraith looks back to the cryo-stasis room... wondering the same thing as Julian.
Julian Sawyer: "That's been the main reason why, 'cause we don't know what'd they do."
Computer: "Knowing that a prominent Neo-Earthian is your leader, they'd assume you were the last remaining people of their allegiance."
Alexia: "You can record them into my Dex, if so."
The Wraith blinks, then nods with an angle. "Point."
Dragoshi: "...Mhm."
Computer: "Especially since you were going through and reviving their systems and trying to find out what happened."
Julian Sawyer: "Hot damn! We'll get Mets over here after we finish bootin' everythin' up..."
Aribar walks over to Digi and mutters, "Is it just me or is this computer a little too keen on us reviving its creator's race?"
Digifanatic: "Probably..."
Computer: "The materials used are from other planets."
Wolfman: .oO(I'm starting to wonder that myself...)
Digifanatic puts his hands on his hips and just looks around. "I guess we're screwed, then."
Dragoshi: "...Such as...?"
Computer: "Mars. Venus. Mercury. Alpha Centauri."
Julian Sawyer: "Planets that ain't there no more."
Alexia: "It'd still be worth knowing for posterity."
Dragoshi: "...Quite a few planets."
Alexia: "For future generations..."
Computer: "If you insist."
Julian Sawyer: "Like kryptonite an' ****."
Digifanatic: .oO(Centauri was a star.)
The Wraith: "Hmm... Anyone mind if I make a quick call to Boss?"
Metal Man (GM): Alexia's dex is filled with the names of strange elements and plants.
Julian Sawyer: "...'Lexia, we gonna end up revivin' these guys anway."
Dragoshi: "Sure. Don't see why not"
Aribar: "Not I, Wraith."
Alexia: *She gives Ari a look as she says that last sentence.*
Wolfman: *Dex* "Do it. Something is up."
Digifanatic: "I'll let you."
Julian Sawyer: "I got it covered..." *Julian flips open his dex and calls Base.*
Alexia: "Thank you."
Metal Man: *Dex* "Huh?"
The Wraith uses his dex to... see Julian beating him to the punch.
Digifanatic: .oO(...There she does again.)
Gibby puts the vial back and listens to the others.
Alexia saves the data and puts her Dex away.
Aribar tries to act as if he ignored that look... "I don't think it's a good idea to revive them."
Trigger: "Why?"
Gibby: "What if we revived just one of them?"
Wolfman was dexing Wraith, not Metal.
Gibby: "You know, test the waters."
Julian Sawyer: "Yo! Mets! You gotta get over here! All kinds a stuff we could use! An' a buncha frozen Neo-Earthians that can help us an' stuff."
Aribar: "I... Ah... I don't trust them."
Trigger: "And a gun!"
Metal Man: *Dex* "..."
*FLASH* Metal appears besides Julian.
Julian Sawyer: "Yo."
Digifanatic: "Hey."
Gibby: "That was quick."
Alexia: "Hi, Metal."
Trigger: "Hiya."
Metal Man: "Frozen... Neo-Earthians? Why haven't I been told before?"
The Wraith: "Just found 'em."
Dragoshi: "...No idea."
Julian Sawyer: *Closes his Dex* "I 'unno. Why haven't you noticed 'em in the log files?"
Wolfman: "This is sort of news to us."
Dragoshi: "Hell, I wasn't even here, so I wouldn't know."
Metal Man: "I take about a year to review them completely."
Editor's Note: Or more like... 17 years... so yeah. No way he'd have known.
Aribar: "We've found frozen Neo-Earthians, highly dangerous guns, miracle cures..."
Alexia: "Hey, Metal, would you mind taking a look at this?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Right. Anyway, we gotta finish settin' this tower up."
Alexia opens the ingredients list on her Dex and hands it to Metal.
Aribar: "Metal, are the others of your race trustable?"
Metal Man: "This is much like home... but obviously a far-out outpost. This stuff is so primitive compared to city stuff."
Gibby: "Right. We can worry about all this other stuff later."
Metal Man: "Are they trustable? If it wasn't for them you'd never be here. They gave most of their lives fighting the Solarians."
Wolfman stays quiet at this time.
Digifanatic: "Cool."
Julian Sawyer: "Dunno why you always gotta be 'gainst us gettin' stuff that'd help us, Ari."
Aribar: "Well... No offense, but I don't like the idea of reviving an entire civilization which was so highly advanced."
Dragoshi: "...Ari. Must you ask such stupid questions?"
Julian Sawyer: "Too bad."
The Wraith: "He's just being cautious, Julian..."
Alexia: "Mainly because he thinks before he acts, guys."
Julian Sawyer: "We gonna do it anyway."
Metal Man: "The more advanced they are, the more likely they are to understand the situation."
Julian Sawyer: "An' mosta the time he's wrong."
Metal Man: "Besides, I was the one who destroyed the Solarians once and for all."
Wolfman: "How long were these guys dead?"
Julian Sawyer: "Computer, any other place we gotta activate?"
Wolfman: "I'd think the Manifesto says something about this..."
Metal Man presses a few buttons. "Hmmm... this is amazing."
The Wraith just eyes Julian, shaking his head a bit.
Julian Sawyer: "They ain't dead, Wolf."
Dragoshi: "...What is, Metal?"
Julian Sawyer: "They's frozen."
Aribar steps back to the entrance of the room and decides to keep quiet now.
Metal Man: "Surviving Neo-Earthians by the thousands... enough to repopulate this entire city."
Wolfman: "...right. I've often mixed those up."
Gibby: "This is good, right?"
Alexia takes her Dex back from Metal.
Julian Sawyer: "VERY good... I think."
Metal Man: "It'd be a small bit of people compared to the real thing, but they could easily turn this wasteland into a megapolis."
Dragoshi: "...Heh. Don't blame ya Wolf. I've done that a couple o' times myself..."
Alexia: "Did you see their science projects?"
*She points to the vials.*
Metal Man: "Most of these I was briefed on."
Trigger: "Like the gun."
Aribar: "How can they turn the Magnetic Wastelands into a megapolis?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah. Those vials are quite interesting."
Metal Man: "It was common to cure diseases and invent deadly weapons."
Julian Sawyer: "Trigger, shut up about the gun."
Dragoshi: "...That sounds like a Pa-retty good idea right there, Metal. And, Trigger will can with the friggin' gun!?"
Metal Man: "They can transform any carbon into almost any other carbon."
Trigger: "Come on."
Alexia: "Even anti-aging medicines?"
Wolfman: "Carbon to other carbon? That's... almost unheard of!"
Alexia: "Wow."
Metal Man: "Yes."
Wolfman really gets nervous... there is probably some carbon in his system.
Dragoshi: "...Carbon into other carbon? ...Amazing."
Metal Man: "This gun... looks like the final research."
Julian Sawyer: "So's most of the stuff these guys already done."
Digifanatic: "What do you mean by that, Metal?"
Aribar: .oO(Still, how would they...? Oh, forget it. Never was good with technology.)
Digifanatic: "Transform carbon to other carbon? 12 to 14?"
Metal Man: "The ability to tear apart atomic bonds and make the target explode as if they are a nuclear bomb."
Alexia puts her Dex back into her pack, making sure to save the medicine list before doing so.
Digifanatic: "Whoa."
Dragoshi: "...Nice."
Gibby just rubs his head... too much science for him.
Wolfman: "This sounds like a weapon too dangerous for even us if you ask me."
Metal Man: "Except it's fusion, so most of the radiation is muted, and they are irreversibly exploded."
Julian Sawyer: "...So, Computer, anything else we gotta activate?"
Computer: "The final control room."
Aribar: "This sounds like technology that should be kept secret, or destroyed."
Editor's Note: No kidding.
Julian Sawyer: "Which is..."
Gibby: "Where's that?"
Julian Sawyer: "Where?"
Dragoshi: "...Good, good. Lead the way."
Computer: "Floor 20, room 1."
Digifanatic: "Alright."
Julian Sawyer: *To the elevator!*
Gibby: "Onward!"
Dragoshi: "Okay, then."
Gibby walks over to the elevator.
Alexia enters the elevator.
Digifanatic hops back on...
Dragoshi walks towards the elevator.
Aribar heads to the elevator.
Wolfman follows.
"Metal, wish to follow?"
Trigger follows.
Azure: "I'm a bit reluctant to see this place up and running..." *He says low as he continues walking.*
The Wraith just nods, and goes with the group to the elevator... curiously eyeing the cryo'd Neo-Earthians along the way.
Julian Sawyer: "Don't see why you people gotta be hatin' on the tech. This stuff's gonna help. A lot."
Metal Man follows.
Julian Sawyer: *To floor 20!*
Alexia: "Glad those medicine ingredients were saved."
Wolfman: "Weapons AND cures at the same time? That just... doesn't sound right."
Metal Man: "Well, if you're reluctant, then you should start hating me. These are merely the more scientific versions o' me. Weapons to destroy Solarians."
Alexia: "Makes sense, Wolf."
Julian Sawyer: "And Rathos and crew."
Dragoshi: "...Scientific versions of you?"
Gibby: "I got no problem with it."
Aribar: "I just don't like the fact that weapons like that gun could become commonplace."
Metal Man: "Solarians wielded incredible power."
Alexia: "Weapons to kill the enemies and medicines to live longer and gloat longer."
Metal Man: "That gun? Commonplace? Ha ha ha. It was incomplete for a reason."
Wolfman: "Well, that's good to know..."
Trigger: "Why?"
Julian Sawyer: "There's a reason it's attached to the ceiling!"
Metal Man: "Not enough tech to finish it, without a couple hundred of years of research."
Julian Sawyer: "...Didn't you hear the computer?"
Metal Man (GM): *DING.*
Trigger: "Oh."
Wolfman might be a Reploid, but he doesn't like all of this advanced technology that could even take out X... if he hasn't already been taken out.
Aribar: "Not entirely, Julian..."
Metal Man (GM): You reach the top... Room 5. A darkened room, with windows.
Julian Sawyer: "Listen then."
Dragoshi then exits the elevator.
Gibby steps inside.
Dragoshi: "Come on, guys."
Alexia: "Wow, dim in here..."
Wolfman follows slowly.
Azure exits.
Julian Sawyer: "Hmm..."
Trigger exits the elevator as well.
Metal Man: "Hmmm... a bit sad here... this is what they would have seen had they been out and around after the catastrophe."
Aribar exits the elevator.
Digifanatic gets out of the elevator and back to that room.
Julian Sawyer: "Ain't likin' this..." *Exits.*
Alexia heads into the room, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness.
Metal Man gestures to the endless oceans of sand on both sides of the tower.
Gibby: "I wonder if there's a light switch around here..."
Wolfman: "Lights, 3/4."
*He tries that.*
Aribar: "I am sort of surprised that this outpost can even still run here."
Metal Man: "This room is dead. It must be activated manually."
Julian Sawyer takes out Vendetta and lights it up to provide light...
Metal Man walks on over and puts his hands on the wall. The lights flicker on.
Gibby: "Ah... that's better."
Dragoshi: "...Much better."
Julian Sawyer: "...That works too." *Puts Vendetta away.*
Trigger: "Yeah."
Wolfman blinks his optics a few times, and gets adjusted.
Metal Man (GM): Chairs are thrown about everywhere... this is air control tower room.
Dragoshi: "...Yeesh. The hell happened here?"
Metal Man (GM): It's got consoles all about... they show a couple hundred crashed ships...
Wolfman: "A riot?"
Julian Sawyer: "What HASN'T happened here?"
Metal Man (GM): It also warns of impending Solarian ships.
Gibby: "A good cleaning, that's what."
Metal Man: "...They were under attack by the entire Solarian fleet..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Point."
Trigger: "Hmm."
Dragoshi: "...Ah."
Alexia: "The air control room's kinda the last place for a melee."
Wolfman: "Hmm..."
Metal Man: "Which were apparently fleeing the damaged Solarian Machine. That's why this place survived."
Wolfman: .oO(...perhaps this would be a good new Arena... better let VG know.)
Digifanatic: "Indeed. No idea HOW it could have gotten this way, otherwise."
Julian Sawyer: "...So now what?"
Alexia looks at the console.
Metal Man: "Next room." *Walks forward.*
Digifanatic: "Gotta activate it."
Gibby follows Metal.
Digifanatic: "Or not..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Right." *Heads on.*
Wolfman walks in the middle of the group.
Digifanatic moves on.
Julian Sawyer: "It's already on. Or broke."
Trigger follows after the others.
Metal Man (GM): It shows hundreds of incoming Solarian ships just vanishing... apparently from some destruction.
Dragoshi follows the others.
Alexia looks up and follows the others.
The Wraith just drifts along at the tail end of the party...
Aribar follows the others. He still doesn't like this...
Metal Man (GM): The next room is... outside? It's a roof room.
There's a crashed ship all the way up here.
Julian Sawyer: "...Huh."
Wolfman: "...we activate what we need to out here?"
Alexia: "...Yikes."
Metal Man (GM): You see burn marks everywhere, and a dead Solarian or two.
Wolfman gets a surveillance look to see if there is something that needs to be hit.
Metal Man (GM): The ship is in the way of the door on the other side.
Alexia flies over to get a closer look at the ship.
Julian Sawyer: *How big?*
Gibby: "Hmm... how to get pass..."
Metal Man: "Well... well... well... that ship may have been a second miracle."
Digifanatic checks out part of it as well.
The Wraith rubs his chin as he eyes the ship. .oO(Hmm...)
Aribar: "This outpost must have been made before... Hm."
Julian Sawyer: "Move it."
Dragoshi does the same as Alexia.
Metal Man: "It made it impossible for the remaining Solarians to activate the self-destruct."
Wolfman: "Anyone want a life over it?"
Julian Sawyer: "...So that's good... How we gonna move it?"
Alexia tries to push it out of the way with TK.
Dragoshi: "...That's the question"
Wolfman looks to Julian.
Metal Man: "The Solarians couldn't move it in their states... but can we? I'm unsure."
Wolfman: "You'd rather move than go over?"
The Wraith goes to pass through the ship to briefly check what's inside of it...
Metal Man (GM): Alexia: MNT check.
Wraith: Another room. room 5.
Aribar: "Umm. I think the flyers will have to ferry us across. This thing's... Huge."
Julian Sawyer: "Think it's blockin' the door..."
Metal Man (GM): Alexia: It feels too heavy. And it's sitting atop the door.
Alexia groans
"No dice here. This thing's too big."
Wolfman: "Alright, tell me where to position myself."
Julian Sawyer: "'Spose I could cut out a path..."
The Wraith passes back through the wall and into sight. "...Team lift."
Aribar: "You expect us to LIFT this, Wraith?"
Julian Sawyer: "Like I SAID, I could cut us a path."
Trigger: "Oh boy."
Gibby: "Yeah, I doubt we could."
Wolfman: "I don't feel I want to cut this."
Alexia: "Julian, you could carve up something inside."
The Wraith: "To move it aside... It's worth a shot. Or we could take Julian's more destructive method..."
Gibby: "Well then go ahead, Julian..."
Alexia: "We need to try to push it away."
Aribar: "Julian's way is probably the easiest, but... That ship is old and stuff might fall apart."
Metal Man: "Solarian ships aren't worth the armor they're made of anyway."
Alexia lands and tries again, concentrating hard.
Metal Man: "All the magitek is dead and they're full of dead bodies."
Wolfman: "Are you suggesting we go with Julian's idea?"
Aribar looks off of the platform they're on to see what's below.
Digifanatic: "Yeah. I'd say have Julian slice a hunk or two off..."
Metal Man (GM): Too heavy.
Metal Man: "We just slice a hole in it."
Dragoshi: "I'd 'ave to agree with the others"
Julian Sawyer: "I'm takin' that as a green light." *Julian takes out Vendetta, and heads to cut a hole through the ship to get to the door with the Jedi Door Opening Trick.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: 200 feet below is the sandy desert.
Azure: "Working together would probably work better than doing so separately."
Digifanatic: "Way too big otherwise."
Dragoshi: "Let's just slice a friggin' hole in this thing"
Metal Man (GM): He cuts through to the door, which opens on up.
Gibby: "There we go."
Dragoshi: "...Good job, Julian."
Digifanatic: "Yup."
Metal Man (GM): It's the master control room.
Azure: "In any event the door is open."
Julian Sawyer: "Golden Rule, people."
Digifanatic: "Wisest move."
Metal Man: "Now, for this... you'll need me."
Aribar heads inside. "Golden rule?"
Gibby: "Yes, yes, we know..."
Alexia heads in.
Metal Man walks right on in and looks at the main controls.
Dragoshi heads on inside.
Wolfman could use a reminder on that rule.
Julian Sawyer: "Julian's Always Right." *Heads in.*
Trigger heads inside.
Digifanatic keeps moving.
Wolfman: *Facepalm.*
Metal Man: "Only I am allowed to activate this... it's keyed to stop most Solarians anyway."
Gibby steps inside.
The Wraith just shakes his head at Julian's 'Golden Rule'...
Digifanatic: .oO(Yeahalrightwhatever.)
Dragoshi: .oO(Right, right, whatever)
Julian Sawyer: "So go ahead."
Gibby: "Hey, I'm a believer. The rule has yet to fail."
Metal Man puts his hands on it. "Activate all systems, all towers, everything. Of course, make sure all cryo patients stay in cryo."
Wolfman moves in slowly.
Metal Man (GM): You hear the entire building power up.
Then you hear... metallic clanking... and you see worn out stuff magically 'healing'
Computer: "Repairing all damage to structures."
Alexia: "...Whoa."
Julian Sawyer: "And there we go."
Wolfman: "...I think you forgot to deactivate something..."
The Wraith: "...Nanobots, I assume?"
Azure: "Magic?"
Gibby: "This has been WAY too easy of a mission. What's the catch?"
Metal Man: "The finest money can buy."
Dragoshi: "...Nice."
Julian Sawyer: "Nanites."
Digifanatic: "Gibby, don't jinx us."
Aribar: "...I really don't like this..."
The Wraith simply nods, looking around at the repairing damage...
Julian Sawyer: "Gotta wonder if you people got somethin' wrong with you'se ears."
Gibby: "I'm just saying..."
Wolfman stays quiet.
Dragoshi: "Gibby. Can it. We don't need to be jinxed"
Gibby: "Well I don't really -have- ears..."
Julian Sawyer: "An' like I said, this was E-Z. Nothin' to jinx."
Metal Man (GM): You feel a slight tingle as any damage to your equipment is also fixed.
Aribar: "...Get these things off!" *The elf tries to brush those things off of himself.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar swipes at them, but it's mostly in vain.
Julian Sawyer isn't doing his own tailoring tonight!
"...Ari, you some kinda technophobe."
Gibby checks out his sword... hey, it's all shiny and stuff.
Metal Man: "They don't stay on you anyway."
Wolfman gets a look at his claws... well, they do feel a bit better.
Azure: *raises his right gauntlet and cliches his fist a burst of and electric energy surges around his the dark blue and gold article of weaponry before Azure returns it to his side.*
Aribar: "Well, Julian, I happen to come from a world where our scientists couldn't even dream of this!"
Julian Sawyer: "Got all the rust off 'em, Azure?"
Metal Man: "Let's see... what to do now..."
Wolfman: "Return the power back to this base and get out?"
Aribar: "Even after five years stuff like this is a BIT startling."
Wolfman: "I can live without the cosmetic adjustments."
Digifanatic: "I'd say so, Wolf."
Julian Sawyer: "So get out of the Dark Ages and join the rest of us."
Metal Man looks at the controls. "Good thing we're here and nobody else. This could have taken over a lot better than Kuja."
Dragoshi: "...Yea, seriously."
Digifanatic: "Probably."
Aribar continues brushing his clothes and such off in vain. "No thanks. I prefer my magic to technology."
Metal Man: "Hmmm... anyone want to view some messages?"
Trigger: "Hmm..."
Gibby: "What messages?"
Julian Sawyer: "What's the word, Mets?"
Metal Man: "There's one here set by the president of this facility before it was disabled."
Dragoshi: "Don't see why not"
Julian Sawyer: "Read it."
Digifanatic: "Sure. Shoot."
Gibby shrugs.
Wolfman gets in the sitting position.
Gibby: "Go ahead."
Dragoshi: "...Well, let's see it"
Metal Man presses some buttons. A hologram appears... one everyone can see equally.
Wolfman: "Might as well relax for a bit." *Quick sheathes the claws.*
Dragoshi leans against the wall, if there is any.
President: "The enemy has been vanquished... at a high cost. The entire planet."
Aribar looks at the hologram, but keeps occasionally looking back the way they came. He's liking this less and less.
Gibby sits down and watches as if he were a kid during story time.
Digifanatic nods at this...
President: "We are evacuating to the cryo-stasis pods as I speak. The Solarians are trying to wipe out the only outpost that was out of range of their machine."
Metal Man (GM): The image shows an endless white fleet flying towards the outpost.
Wolfman: .oO(...way too much war...)
Metal Man (GM): Despite being hit by antimatter missiles, deathrays, other ships, and an endless cloud of lasers, some ships remain, and fly with a kamikaze style attack.
Julian Sawyer: "Hate to face that..." *Ha ha, Metagaming!*
Wolfman: .oO(I came into this world into war.)
Digifanatic: "Same here... These wars are so screwed up sometimes.
Am I not right?"
President: "If you hear this message... we have succeeded and defeated the Solarians."
Dragoshi: "...Agreed."
Julian Sawyer: "When ain't it?"
Gibby: "Shh!"
President: "You are authorized to revive the entire contingent of our emergency scientists and citizens. It is with them that I have dedicated this as our ark."
Aribar: "Wars only lead to lost lives." *The elf says this a bit coldly.*
Digifanatic smiles at Dragoshi and Julian's agreeing...
"And, yeah, Ari. You're just as right."
Dragoshi: "...Wars are foolishly fought. History repeats itself, causing more and more casualties. ...It's a sad thing, really"
President: "It is your choice whether or not to activate it... but in return for activating it, you are free to use our technology." *He salutes* "Long live Neo-Earth!" *Transmission end.*
Metal Man: "The Solarians were the invaders, if you're wondering."
Digifanatic: "Free to use their tech... okay..."
Julian Sawyer: "Right, if we're done bein' dramatic, let's revive these suckas."
Gibby gets back up when the transmission ends.
Dragoshi: "...Well, I suppose we should activate it then."
Metal Man: "We can do that right here..."
Digifanatic: "Sounds good... hopefully."
Trigger: "Ok, I'll be right back, I'm gonna get that gun."
Dragoshi: "Perfect."
Wolfman: " there any way we can at least limit which technologies we use?"
Julian Sawyer: "Set it off, Mets."
Gibby: "So did the president guy get frozen as well?"
Metal Man: "If... uhh... you guys don't object?"
Wolfman: "Trigger, don't."
Julian Sawyer grabs Trigger by the collar.
"Don't move."
Metal Man: "...I must tell you, that gun is useless in its current form."
The Wraith just gives the 'ok' signal.
Digifanatic: "Thank you, Julian."
Dragoshi grabs Trigger by the arm as Julian-Yea.
Aribar: "I won't state my opinions."
Trigger: "Gah, aww."
Metal Man: "I woulda taken it if it was useful."
Gibby sighs.
Metal Man gives the master command.
Julian Sawyer: "Mets, what you waitin' for? Wake 'em up!"
Azure: *Just remains quiet.*
Digifanatic: "Yeah!"
Gibby: "Yeah."
Wolfman: "...remind me to have seat belts installed on my person: this way, I can help with the restraining of impulsive Questers."
Dragoshi goes back to leaning against the wall.
Digifanatic: "Let 'er rip."
Trigger starts to look depressed.
Azure: .oO(With all that come in tow)
Computer: "All cryo-stasis pods set to revive. Beginning Neo-Earth reconstruction program."
Aribar: "Reconstruction program?"
Gibby: "How long will this take?"
Metal Man: "All is fine now. This place will be fully reconstructed in about an hour."
Julian Sawyer: .oO(I could get these guys to fix that armor...)
Gibby: "...Still think it's too easy..."
Julian Sawyer: "So we go back or wait?"
Computer: "Incoming enemy ship."
Aribar: "...How's that possible?"
Gibby: "...THANK YOU!"
Digifanatic: "OH, you must be..."
Julian Sawyer: "...WHAT?"
Metal Man (GM): It shows... Ivan-class destroyer!
Metal Man: "What the?"
The Wraith: "...?"
Metal Man (GM): Captain... Ramsey? Appears on the comms.
Julian Sawyer: "Oh GODDAMNIT!"
Gibby: "FINALLY! I thought it'd never show up."
Aribar: "IIF people?"
Julian Sawyer: "Who the hell are YOU?"
Digifanatic: "Gibby...*Sigh*."
Wolfman: "...I could have thought there was a catch."
Captain Ramsey: "You can't possibly revive that! It's against the law!"
Gibby: "There always is."
The Wraith: .oO(...They're quick to the uptake.)
Captain Ramsey: "You... you've made me look like an idiot again! I'll kill you all!"
Aribar: .oO(Thank goodness...)
Digifanatic: .oO(HIM AGAIN...)
Captain Ramsey: "Good thing they left this ship unguarded... those f#(@ing idiots!"
Wolfman stays quiet about this law thing.
Dragoshi: "...Oh, SHUT UP!"
Gibby: "So we meet again..."
Metal Man: "Hmmm..."
The Wraith ...facepalms.
Wolfman: "Metal, should we go to the ship?"
Julian Sawyer: "What we gonna do now, Mets?"
Metal Man: "We could obliterate it and take on Ramsey."
Digifanatic: "Julian cut a gigantic hole into it!"
The Wraith: "Blast the loser."
Aribar: .oO(... There goes my last hope.) "I suggest we go someplace a little more suited for battle? Like not stuck in a room really high off of the ground?"
Metal Man: "Heck, we could capture it and assimilate it."
Julian Sawyer: "...That works. How we gonna do that?"
Dragoshi: "...The latter sounds good."
Metal Man: "I just press a few buttons."
*He chuckles, then gets on the comms.*
Gibby: "Do it do it do it do it!"
Dragoshi: "...DO IT."
Digifanatic: "It better be that easy."
Julian Sawyer: "...So what you waitin' for? Bring it over!"
Wolfman gets in ready stance.
Metal Man: *Comms* "As commander of all remaining Neo-Earth forces AND the Questers, I use MY authorization to seize your ship. Prepare to be boarded."
Captain Ramsey: "With what? The power of your mind? Ha ha ha!!!"
Aribar tries to head back outside and look for Ramsey's ship...
Gibby: "Let him have it!"
Metal Man makes a few gestures.
Dragoshi: "...Kill the ****er!"
Metal Man (GM): The ship opens fire on the outpost, only to hit a blue wall of some kind.
Trigger: "AAAHHHHH!!!"
Wolfman wonders what Metal intends...
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Wolfman: "Force field!"
Gibby: "GAH!"
Metal Man (GM): ...It's the ship failing to hit the outpost, not the other way around.
Trigger unholsters his gun.
Alexia: "What the HECK?!"
*She pulls out her gun.*
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Metal Man (GM): Then it shoots sparks and is hit by a giant... blue... beam.
Gibby: "...HA! Success."
Julian Sawyer: "...Aw yeah! Ain't no stoppin' us now!"
Captain Ramsey: "Ahhhhh!!! It's beyond any technology I've ever hacked! All systems are down!"
Aribar heads back into the control room. "Okay, can we PLEASE get someone a little more protective? Even though we have a force field, what stops him from ramming into us?"
Dragoshi: "...'Ell yea"
Julian Sawyer: "...The FORCE FIELD?"
Gibby: "Ari, must you be so pessimistic?"
Digifanatic: "Guess he's still paranoid."
Wolfman: .oO(I'd share in the enthusiasm, but something is up.)
Aribar: "I just really doubt that a force field can stop an entire ship instead of just its guns!"
Julian Sawyer: "Nah, he's jus' bein' an idiot."
Metal Man (GM): It is then dragged near the walkway. The walkway itself builds a custom-made docking device and rips a way into the ship.
Alexia follows Ari somewhat dazedly.
Metal Man: "According to the computer, we've hijacked all their systems."
Julian Sawyer: "...An' that's our cue!"
Dragoshi chuckles.
Gibby: "Lets go!"
Metal Man: "We just need to beat him up."
Trigger: "Ok."
Dragoshi: "...Good, good."
The Wraith just lets out a rasping chuckle as he heads for the door...
Gibby: "Piece of cake... mmmm... cake."
Dragoshi: "I'll have fun slaughtering him"
Julian Sawyer: "Let's waste 'em!" *Heads for the walkway, inadvertently draggin Trigger.*
Wolfman: "So there was a fight out of this after all..."
Gibby was still hungry after all.
Trigger follows the others.
Aribar: "Keep in mind he has an Item Combiner."
Dragoshi follows the others.
Gibby dashes towards the walkway.
Metal Man walks outside, then into the ship.
Alexia follows the group to the ship.
Wolfman: "Understood." *Follows.*
Dragoshi: "Ah, yes. I'd like my scythe back, then."
Aribar takes out Moonlight in trade for his Smash Dex and follows the others, keeping in the back like a good mage.
Metal Man (GM): You enter the bridge, through a large hole made by... nanites.
Gibby: "Hey, I just thought of something..."
Metal Man (GM): The entire thing is being painted blue and converted to Neo-Earthian technology.
Dragoshi: "What is it, Gibbert?"
Aribar shakes his head as he sees the hole...
Metal Man (GM): You see Ramsey there, staring at it, dumbfounded.
Gibby: "You think he has that item monster on board?"
Dragoshi: "Possibly."
Julian Sawyer: "What monster?"
Dragoshi: "And if that's the case, I'd like to take my scythe back"
Captain Ramsey: "Damn it! Not even Gunicard can stop this sort of technology!" *Slams control panel.*
Alexia: "Well, well."
Captain Ramsey: "What? What are you idiots doing here? I set the ship to destroy you!"
Trigger: "Time to end this."
The Wraith goes to drift right in front of Ramsey, smirking, arms folded...
Captain Ramsey: "You're not supposed to possess technology from the future!"
Dragoshi does the same as Wraith
"...Oh shut up."
Wolfman: "In case you didn't know, this is more like my present."
Aribar: "Can't you just give up for once?"
Julian Sawyer: "Actually, it's from the past!"
Wolfman: "I am FROM the future."
Dragoshi: "...I've had enough of your incessant blathering"
Gibby: "Past... present... future... so confusing."
Captain Ramsey: "You don't understand... this technology makes me out of a job! And everything else!"
Alexia: "Know this, Gibby. We get to fight."
Captain Ramsey: "You're gonna destroy the world order!"
The Wraith pulls out three stones... Purple, grey, and red. He starts juggling them, looking inquisitively to the others.
Dragoshi: "...We AREN'T."
Alexia crouches into her fighting stance.
Wolfman: "...Metal: is he right?"
Gibby: "That's something I know -really- well!"
Aribar: "What world order?"
Azure: *Sighs* *I saw this coming actually...*
Gibby unsheaths his sword.
Dragoshi gets into his fighting stance.
Julian Sawyer: "The world ain't gonna fall apart just 'cause some unwashed hacker like you gets knocked out!"
Dragoshi: "Also... I'd like my scythe back."
Metal Man: "The technology makes most systems in which people mindlessly work useless, so it will allow poor people to live better lives. And it's too limited in scope to make Ivan obsolete."
Julian Sawyer: "So you gonna give up now, or we gonna hafta use force?"
Wolfman: "...then we'll fight for the poor!"
Captain Ramsey: "Grrr..."
Gibby: "It's usually the latter of the two."
Trigger takes his fighting stance.
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Dragoshi: *To Ramsey* "...Don't make me Earth Bite you to hell and back."
Aribar: "How about taking a vacation? Maybe that'll make you a little less angrier."
Azure slouches raising his right arm in a straight forward linear position with his palm open. His left moves below it crossing some unknown line a runic like marking along his arms glows azure blue and fades. "Conflict does not have to be the means of solving this problem."
Dragoshi: "...I have to agree with him on that. Vacations do WONDERS to people. Especially angry ones."
Gibby: "...Must you yell so much?"
Alexia: "You were saying, Azure?"
Julian Sawyer: "Bring it!"
The Wraith keeps juggling for a moment, pondering... then he decides to go with the grey & red stones, putting the purple away as he forms a dark, thick cloud around himself.
Gibby: "You don't know this guy like we do, Azure... he's insane. There they are."
Wolfman: "Not that thing again!"
Julian Sawyer: "An' we NEVER get anywhere talkin' to insane people."
Aribar tries to Chaos Control the item combiner to the space in front of the elf.
Julian Sawyer: "...The HELL?"
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to chaos control it.
Wolfman attempts to blast the item combiner with his Tophead buster.
Metal Man (GM): It eats your chaos control.
Then it eats the tophead buster shots.
Gibby: "These are the items he took from us, Julian... he'll no doubt create a monster with them."
Julian Sawyer: "STOP SHOOTIN' IT!"
Digifanatic: "Ohhhhhhh man..."
Captain Ramsey: "You fools! This model combines whatever you shoot at it!"
Alexia: "..."
Gibby: "Aw crap."
The Wraith then just shrugs, signaling to bring it on...
Wolfman: "...since when did you upgrade it?"
Aribar: "Okay then." *The elf Chaos Controls the scythe to Dragoshi, assuming it isn't already in the combiner.*
Alexia: "No turning back now. Let's rock, team."
Metal Man chaos control is sucked into the item combiner.
The Wraith: *Fwoom* *A dark bubble forms around the wraith as well.*
Wolfman: "I don't recall authorizing everyone to make upgrades!"
Julian Sawyer: "...That ain't gonna look pretty."
Aribar: "Blast it!"
Gibby: "Not at all."
Wolfman: "And since when could more than 3 things be combined?!?!?"
Julian Sawyer: "Ari! What'd I just say?!"
Aribar: "I wasn't aiming for the Combiner!"
Julian Sawyer: "Sure as hell looked like it!"
Metal Man (GM): He glows... then the combiner freaks out, and suddenly he gains... a tank full of napalm...
A flamethrowing scythe...
Gibby: "..."
Julian Sawyer: "...ARI..."
Trigger: "Crap."
Gibby: "Oh dear..."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm puttin' the blame squarely on YOUR shoulder."
Metal Man (GM): And two gems which appear to resemble chaos emeralds. A fireproof set of armor appears around him.
Gibby: "Julian, now's not the time to fight with each other. We got bigger problems."
Digifanatic: "Oh man..."
Aribar: "Julian, please shut it for once!"
The Wraith cocks his head to the side as he sees the gems, comparing them to his own stones... Colors?
Metal Man (GM): Both are blood red.
Wolfman really wonders what he just got himself into...
Julian Sawyer: "I'm just sayin' this is your fault!"
Alexia: "Might I recommend that you two argue later and start blasting this nutcase?"
Gibby gets into his fighting stance.
"No getting out of this one..."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. Please do."
Metal Man (GM): BOSS: Flamin' Mad Ramsey
Aribar: "Fine! I'll fix my mistake!"
Ramsey: "I'll BURN YOU INTO CINDERS!!!!"
Dragoshi: "...I'll kill you until you DIE from it"
Julian Sawyer: "Shut up an' take your beating!"
Metal Man (GM): Order: Julian, Aribar, Dragoshi, Gibby, Digi, Wolfman, Alexia, Ramsey, Wraith
Julian Sawyer quickly dexes the Ramstrosity to start off...
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to dex him. Instead you hear the theme to Yoshi's Island.
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Gibby: "...Yup... still hacking..."
Ramsey: "You can't $(@&ing dex me, you idiot!"
Dragoshi: "..."
Alexia: "..."
Gibby: "At least it's a nice tune."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, but now's not the time!"
Ramsey: "To be played at your #()@ing funerals!"
Gibby: "...Or not."
Ramsey: *Protracted amount of cursing.*
Dragoshi: "...No, no. A thousand goddamn mother****ing times, NO!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Screw it." *Julian puts his Dex back... and notices he still has a grip on Trigger's collar* "...Let's see if you're useful fo' once!" *Julian rears back, spins, and launches Trigger at Ramsey!*
Ramsey: "And now you're hurling people at me? Have you lost your mind?"
Gibby knew deep down that it was wrong, but he still couldn't help but grin at this.
Metal Man (GM): You hurl him into the really slow armored Ramsey.
Alexia snickers.
Metal Man (GM): He deals 30 damage to Ramsey.
Dragoshi: "...Slow as hell is you!"
Ramsey: "Ow!"
Digifanatic: "Eh... however you can get to him."
Aribar realizes he's about to do a somewhat suicidal maneuver, but anything to shut Julian up. The elf drops Moonlight and runs up to Ramsey. He leaps up and tries to grab one of the artificial Chaos Emerald. He would try to expend as much Chaos from it as possible using Chaos Control. (Rest of my turn will come after the results of this action.)
Metal Man (GM): You watch as your chaos energy is channeled into the emerald, making Ramsey stronger.
Alexia: "...Oh, real smart."
Digifanatic: "ARI! Put that down!"
Dragoshi: "..."
Ramsey: "You never learn, do you, elf? You're channeling your energy into me!"
Dragoshi: "You sodding moron!"
Alexia: "REAL nice move."
Gibby groans.
Digifanatic just hangs his head and rolls his eyes.
Aribar: .oO(I am going to kill Shadow...)
*He jumps back and unleashes razor-sharp blades of wind at Ramsey.*
Wolfman will wait to see if anyone wants to teamup.
Metal Man (GM): You hit him, but it bounces off his armor.
Ramsey: "Hah! Smartening up now, are you? It'll take more than that to harm me!"
Dragoshi groans in agitation as he unleashes a cyclone upon Ramsey... Except it's element is switched to earth (Gravity Well)
Ramsey: "Arrghhhh!!!"
Dragoshi: "..."
*He then stands back, ending his turn.*
Metal Man (GM): You slam him into the wall, causing a piece of his armor to fall off.
Dragoshi: "...Eat that, ****."
Metal Man (GM): And you deal double damage!
Wolfman: .oO(Well, there is an idea... Rocket Tackle him into something!)
Gibby: "...You've been hanging around Julian too much, Drag."
Wolfman: "For once, I'd call that a good thing."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, but he's got a great idea!"
*Where did the armor fall off on his body?*
Metal Man (GM): Just a hunk off his shoulder.
Dragoshi: "...Heh. Gravity Well may not be as strong as Earth bite, but it's a great strategic implement!"
Gibby raises his sword over his head and leaps up towards Ramsey. He aims for the now vulnerable shoulder and slashes at it twice vertically.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Digifanatic sees the situations and gets a great idea off of Dragoshi's blow. He Fire Punches Ramsey's shoulder (cause there's no fireproof armor there) and then decides to pop him in the head with an Aerial Strike.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
The fire attack deals no damage to him.
The other is too weak to harm him.
Wolfman lines himself up, and does a Rocket Tackle towards our foe to send him into the wall hopefully.
Metal Man (GM): *Tackle.*
Wolfman probably should have used a TP to activate flying thrusters or something... oh well.
Metal Man (GM): The armor blocks most of it, but you damage him by him falling on himself.
Wolfman will take it. EoT, 1 TP left.
Alexia tries to sling this nutcase around using TK.
Metal Man (GM): Hit
He's thrown into a wall for another 10.
Alexia: "Yes!"
Metal Man (GM): Azure's turn.
This is not a cameo
I repeat, not a cameo
Azure remains in his new unorthodox stance. The loss of the spirits that worked with him forced him further his ability to manipulate his own spirtual energy. Concentrating them around his fists he focused his energy there. His palms would become engulfed into a low glow that gave off a light hum as he rushed in. He performed a simple hand thrust followed by another. The blows were soft and lacked little impact power.
Yuuken: Soul's gentle fist: Armor Pierceing
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Not enough damage to get through the armor, unfortunately.
Oh, then if it is, it deals 18 damage.
Ramsey: "I'll burn you all into the ground!" *He brandishes the scythe, before then causing fire to spray at everyone at once.*
Metal Man (GM): 100 fire damage if you're hit.
Gibby: "GAH! It burns!"
Digifanatic is burninated.
Alexia gets blasted
The Wraith crosses his arms... very glad to have that bubble around itself, which takes the brunt of the attack, but then shatters.
Aribar tries his best to dodge the flames, but is decimated by them. The elf is looking extremely worn out now.
Azure covers his face as he is hit by the flames.
Gibby is all crispy again.
"Grr... always with the fire..."
Wolfman gets burned.
Metal Man (GM): It's nonmagical.
The Wraith: *It still takes a hit and shakes a bit, though. He simply smirks, tossing the stones back and forth between his hands as he waits for his chance to strike... When it comes, he grips both stones tightly and unleashes his patented 1-2 KERBOOM attack... First the angry one finds himself face-to-face with a rather potent barrage of magical energy, quickly followed up by a dazzling, larger, and much more potent barrage which quite clearly looks like it could level a decently tough enemy.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit......
Dragoshi takes 93 fire damage. "Feh" (97/325)
Metal Man (GM): ...O_o
Alexia looks up and hears loud bells.
Wolfman looks all around... .oO( did we do it?)
Gibby blinks.
"...Did we win?"
Dragoshi blinks.
Metal Man (GM): A giant slot machine appears and starts rolling... for coins.
Alexia: "...Sounds like a good thing coming our way!"
Dragoshi: "...Holy shi-"
Gibby: "Hey, alright. Money for me!"
Metal Man (GM): 7080 coins to everybody!
Alexia catches the coins gleefully. "This happen a lot?"
Dragoshi: "Awright, more money for me!"
Metal Man (GM): After filling the room with coins, the slot machine vanishes...
Dragoshi catches the coins.
Wolfman gets his coins...
Aribar's money pocket nearly doubles in weight.
Dragoshi: "Okay, all that aside... GRAVITY WELL!!"
Metal Man (GM): *Miss.*
Dragoshi: "...Stupid son of a... Oh, well. The big one hasn't come yet..." *Lets out a sadistic chuckle, and stands back again* (EoT)
Aribar fires off a bolt of lightning at Ramsey and follows it up with a small dart of ice. (Bolt for 47 Magical Electricity damage and Ice Dart for 12 Magical Ice damage.)
Metal Man (GM): *BZAP* *ICE*
The ice dart fails to penetrate his armor, but he gets zapped for a little damage.
Gibby enjoys his money moment, and then gets down to business. He hops over to Ramsey and attacks with two more slashes, this time horizontal. A couple good ones oughta finish him off.
Metal Man (GM): After being served by the attack, and the others, the armor blows apart, and he leans heavily on his scythe.
Dragoshi lets out a clap as Gibby defeats Ramsey.
Gibby leaps back to the others grinning.
Dragoshi: "...Now..."
*He walks towards Ramsey
Ramsey: "You... may have defeated the items... but you will never defeat me! I'm f@(@ing unstoppable!"
Digifanatic wishes he had another turn to strike, but man, all he can do is stare in awe as Gibby slices him up.
Gibby: "THAT'S how you get the job done."
Dragoshi: "BEFORE I KILL YOU!"
Digifanatic: "Well done there..."
Trigger: "Nice one Gibby."
Wolfman: "...oh give it a break."
Ramsey: "Touch me and you die!"
Dragoshi attempts to steal back HIS scythe.
Aribar: "You're barely standing up. Just shut up already."
Metal Man (GM): Urge to kill button... rising...
You leap at him, and he holds the staff tightly. You feel him shaking.
Dragoshi: "...GIVE IT."
Ramsey: "You... you ruined everything we stand for! I won't let you take me down!"
Dragoshi's eyes glow an unholy red. "...SHUT IT, YOU GODDAMN ANNOYANCE!"
Ramsey: "The least you can do... is let me leave."
Alexia: O_O "..."
Digifanatic: "Duh, that was our point all along?"
Metal Man (GM): He begins pulling on the scythe.
Trigger: "...You ok Dragoshi?"
Dragoshi: "JUST GIVE ME BACK MY SCYTHE ALREADY!" *Snarls and hiss He starts pulling on it as well, not letting go of his scythe.*
Gibby: "He's to Scythes as you are to guns, Trigger."
Aribar: "You started this mess by hacking into the Gunichip. You deserve to live the rest of your life behind bars."
Azure: "Take it easy..."
Dragoshi: "I made the Black Serpent myself, you damn annoyance! And you are undeserving of it!"
Ramsey: "I'll show you who's a f#(@ing annoying!"
Trigger: "Oh, but I don't think I would take thing s that far."
Metal Man (GM): He catches on fire and suddenly turns orange.
Gibby: "...You kinda did earlier... remember? The big gun?"
Dragoshi jumps back.
Trigger: "What the...?"
Aribar: "..." *The elf takes this time to eat a mushroom.*
Gibby blinks and stands back.
Alexia: "I smell a self-destruct sequence..."
Dragoshi: "...Also, what the hell do you have, Tourettes!?"
Ramsey: "I am rage itself! You can never stop me!!!!"
Digifanatic decides to get into this by trying something he had in mind all along: Elemental Will = Hydro-Celestial Fury!
Dragoshi: "...I KNEW IT!"
Alexia eats a Mushroom as well.
Azure: "You lack the aura to be rage itself..."
Wolfman just lets the others talk.
Dragoshi: "...My suspicions were RIGHT!"
Aribar: "You are the alter ego of the Fury?"
Dragoshi: "...Of course he is! How else would he be able to do that!?"
Wolfman is really getting confused... is he getting too powerful now?
Metal Man (GM): He holds Digi's attack back with but one arm.
Gibby: "...Oooook... not good."
Alexia: "I think... he's Trancing!"
Trigger: "Oh boy."
Azure: "That's not possible anymore... is"
Metal Man (GM): He then thrusts Digi out of the way, twirling the scythe around.
Wolfman: "...that... doesn't look like Trancing..."
Aribar: "I'll get Metal! The Void can stop him!" *Aribar runs out of the ship and to the control room where Metal was.*
Digifanatic: *OOF!* "It was worth a shot... Dude! Great idea, Ari!"
Dragoshi: "...No damn wonder!"
Wolfman: "..."
Metal Man (GM): You run to Metal.
Dragoshi: "OF COURSE!"
Alexia: "Here we go again!"
Metal Man: "???"
Aribar: "METAL! HELP! The Fury is here! The Fury is Ramsey! We need you or the Void NOW!"
Alexia ducks back into her fighting stance.
Dragoshi: "No *Draconicing* WONDER you acted like that pretentious ****er!"
Metal Man: "..." *Runs to the ship.*
Wolfman: "Guys, I'm calling backup."
Aribar follows Metal.
Digifanatic: "Not Bowser, right?"
Gibby follows those two.
Wolfman gets to his dex and hits the Mage Council ASAP button.
Trigger follows Metal as well.
Gibby: "I ain't sticking around for THIS..."
Wolfman: "I'm not THAT dense!"
Metal Man (GM): You get no reception.
Trigger: "Same here!"
Alexia runs after Metal.
Wolfman hopes the council will hear... drat.
"Okay, that's not going to work..."
*He hitails it out with the others.*
Metal Man walks in... and snaps his fingers.
Digifanatic books it as well...
Ramsey: "What is this... him?"
Trigger: "This is not good."
Metal Man: "Ramsey is one of the pieces. You activated him by making him angry."
Wolfman: "Well, that explains a lot."
Dragoshi: "...Heh. Thought so."
Metal Man: "We have no choice other than to contain him."
Alexia feels a bit tingly as she runs, but pays it no heed. Right now she's running for her life.
Gibby: "Doesn't really take much to make him angry though."
Dragoshi: "I mean he was so angry and abused swears like he had TOURETTES that it HAD to be the case."
Editor's Note: With all apologies to people who have Tourettes because 'Ramsey' swearing as he does was intentional, and should not be confused with any condition a person has.
Wolfman: "After we contain him, can we get the Mages Council on the horn?"
Trigger: "Heh."
Metal Man: "...I should push you off myself, Wolf. NO."
Wolfman: "But it's one of the pieces they mentioned..."
Aribar: "Wolfman, the Council doesn't really LIKE us that much."
Gibby: "No Council please."
Metal Man: "And it's our job to stop it, not theirs."
Dragoshi: "...What he said. We don't need those fascists! Especially that thrice-damned fire user!"
Metal Man: "Now... I can't just magically destroy this person, nor take him out."
Trigger: "What do we do then?"
Dragoshi: "...What CAN you do...?"
Metal Man: "What I need... is for one of you to try to hit him with sedatives while I distract him."
Gibby: "We contain! Uhh... who here's good with projectiles?"
Dragoshi: "...What form are these sedatives in...?"
Metal Man: "If we can knock him out, he can be calmed down, and then The Fury loses."
Trigger: "I could try to shoot the sedative into him?"
Metal Man: "Darts, of course."
Gibby: "Let Trigger do it then."
Dragoshi: "...Ah. Well, then count me out. Projectiles aren't my thing"
Trigger: "Ok."
Metal Man whips out a convenient gun full of them. "We only have 15 shots... Trigger's a rather poor shot, though."
Digifanatic: "Same here..."
Trigger: "WHAT!!"
Dragoshi: "...He's got a point."
Alexia: "Trigger, shut up."
Aribar: "Let Alexia try it. She's an average shot..."
The Wraith would have very good aim if MNT modifier were used... but otherwise, definitely not.
Gibby shrugs.
"SOMEBODY do it."
Trigger: "Ok, you try it then Alexia."
Wolfman: "...perhaps if we teamed up?"
Alexia: "...Love, have you ever seen me use my laser pistol? At all?"
Digifanatic: "I wish GARRICK WAS HERE..."
Gibby: "Again with the team work..."
Trigger: "I guess not."
Wolfman: "I have an idea."
Aribar: "You're better than me!"
Metal Man: "You think of it. I can't let him continue powering up."
*He snaps his fingers.*
Wolfman: "Whoever is a good hot shot, get on me."
Azure has a chance... considering everything's even... to a degree but the chances of him picking up a rifle however...
Wolfman: "I'll fly us."
The Void: "I'll teach you to be my successor! Die!"
The Fury: "You first!"
Trigger: "Ok."
Alexia blinks.
Digifanatic: "Oh, this should be interesting!"
Dragoshi: "...Interesting."
Metal Man (GM): You see The Void start hurling objects at him as he flies around, firing off belts of fire from the scythe.
Alexia: "Dammit, we're running out of time!"
Aribar: "I WILL help this time!" *The elf conjures up an icy mist which floats over to the Fury...* (Chilling Light, -2 Agility, 1 round Freeze)
Metal Man (GM): It's somewhat of an even fight... which is scary, considering The Void killed that Goomba in one hit.
Alexia: "...And we just ran out."
Metal Man (GM): You barely miss.
He's a hard target to hit.
He flies around like Julian.
Alexia: "Where's the tranqs?"
Trigger: "Can I try again?"
Wolfman: "...what do you guys want me to do?"
Aribar: "Blast!"
Metal Man (GM): The Void's able to peg him repeatedly, but he obviously won't go down from lawn chairs.
Aribar: "Slow the Fury down or make Trigger and Alexia more accurate!"
Alexia: "Where's the friggin' pistol?!"
The Void: "I'd use the gun myself if my hands weren't so slippery! Hurry up! He's getting ready to escape!"
Dragoshi attempts to help Void by strangling Fury so that he slows down. (Tail Strangle)
Trigger: "I can Vigor up, think that will help?"
The Fury: "Oh you are so clever, using your foolish--GACK!"
Aribar gives the gun to Alexia. There. Gun.
Digifanatic: "No, wait..."
Aribar: "I don't know what it does! Just try!"
Alexia takes a shot at The Fury using the darts.
Wolfman: "I'll slow it down then."
Gibby: "Give it to Digi. He has good aim."
Metal Man (GM): He is temporarily held in place by the tail, however in a few moments he'll probably hurl Dragoshi ten miles away.
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Metal Man (GM): *Zot.*
Digifanatic: "I can't say a Light Ray-firing Digivice is far off from a gun."
Metal Man (GM): He's hit once. He rips free, shoving Dragoshi to the side and taking it out... he seems somewhat drowsy.
Alexia tosses the gun to Digi.
The Fury: "How... dare... you... *Yawn*."
Digifanatic: "Hey, nice shot, 'Lex."
Wolfman flies towards Dragoshi to pick him up.
Alexia: "Go for it!"
Dragoshi: "...Finally!"
The Wraith motions for them to keep going!
Aribar tries to slow his movements with another Chilling Light.
Digifanatic tries to fire a dart as well.
Dragoshi gets up, and dusts himself off.
Metal Man (GM): He's hit yet again.
Digifanatic gets him again.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* He's hit yet again.
Alexia: "Nice."
Gibby: "One more should do it."
The Fury: "You... you... cheaters..."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. Thank you. Now if you excuse me I must reclaim what is rightfully mine."
Aribar: "Keep at it!"
Trigger: "Let me do it."
Wolfman: "I'll distract him then."
Gibby: "Not now, Trigger..."
Alexia snarls at Trigger.
The Wraith hovers in front of Dragoshi...
Trigger: "...You mean."
Alexia: "You're not TOUCHING that thing."
Metal Man (GM): He rips it out and drunkenly slices, only to horribly miss. He's hit by a bowling ball from behind.
Digifanatic: "Alright. I'll go once more."
Wolfman would be behind The Wraith at this time...
Dragoshi: "...Yes?"
Trigger: "Come on!"
Metal Man (GM): He ducks under Digi's shot. The dart flies through The Void and into a wall, doing nothing.
Wolfman: "Yes Wraith?"
Alexia: "Toss it back here!"
Digifanatic: "Lucky soul."
The Wraith just holds a finger up to Dragoshi.
The Void: "Just one more! Ow!" *Hit by a fireball.*
Digifanatic gives it back to Alexia.
Gibby: "One last shot..."
Alexia takes another shot.
Trigger: "Damn."
The Fury: "I'm getting out of--" *ZOT* "Here."
Digifanatic: "That should do it."
Wolfman fires TopHead busters to be sure.
Dragoshi: "...One last time" *Reattempted strangle!*
Metal Man (GM): He leaps for the exit, but stumbles and falls on his face, as Wolfman blasts Digi in the face.
Alexia takes one last potshot at Fury.
Digifanatic: "Hey, what the?!"
Alexia: "Man, I'm in good form today."
Wolfman: "Whoops... sorry."
Gibby: "Don't overdo it now..."
Metal Man (GM): He is thoroughly stunned and beaten up. The Fury's glow leaves him.
Gibby: "Perfect."
The Void: "Score one for us."
Digifanatic isn't too annoyed at Wolf's accident.
Aribar lets out a big sigh.
Trigger: "Yeah... perfect."
Dragoshi: "...That takes care of that. One piece down, a couple more to go."
Digifanatic: "Yup."
Alexia twirls the gun a bit and blows the imaginary smoke off of it.
Aribar: "Okay. He's sedated. But that can't last forever."
Wolfman thought he was with Dragoshi, not Digi.
Aribar: "Now what?"
The Void: "The Cycle has now begun to break."
Digifanatic: "Oh?"
Gibby: "Excellent."
Wolfman: "How much more breaking must be done?"
Trigger: "Ok."
Dragoshi: "...Magnificent."
The Void: "Well, we take him to headquarters and either use his powers for me or make him safe from ever being used again."
The Wraith looks to Dragoshi again, then drifts out of his way, motioning to the scythe.
The Void: "There's at least five other pieces around here somewhere... they made a few duplicates."
Dragoshi: "...Yes."
Gibby: "I don't trust the guy as far as I can throw him."
Digifanatic: "And do a psychoanalysis as well."
Wolfman: "I'll help carry him then."
Metal Man (GM): MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - +20,000 coins
Wolfman goes to flying mode and gets him on his back if possible.
Digifanatic: "K, Dragoshi, get back your scythe."
Dragoshi walks over to reclaim what is rightfully his- His scythe, the Black Serpent
"...5 pieces to go then."
Metal Man (GM): A warp home appears. The Void hurls Ramsey into the portal.
Wolfman starts the... nevermind.
Gibby: "Let us be off then."
Wolfman: "Well, so much for helping."
The Void: "Indeed." *Flies into the portal.*
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Gibby walks over to the portal and steps inside.
The Wraith smiles and drifts into the portal... Job well done!
Alexia flies into the warp, grinning.
Digifanatic: "We escaped fine again!"
Trigger follows Gibby in.
Aribar sighs and enters the portal.
Dragoshi: "...Well, I now have what's rightfully mine, so..." *Floats into the portal.*
Digifanatic: "Well done."
Wolfman also flies into the warp... not much that could be done after the battle.
Digifanatic warps on in...
Trigger warps on in as well.
Wolfman ...has gained a level.
Trigger has gained a level.
Digifanatic walks back to R&R and flops out on a couch, grabbing some fruit and turning on the TV.
Wolfman is back at HQ... he takes another part of the couch and lies like a dog.
The Void goes back to Metal form, files paperwork.
Digifanatic: "Crazy schtuff, isn't it Wolf?"
Wolfman goes afk as well
Digifanatic: "Wow, he's out..."
Dragoshi walks to the kitchen to get a well-deserved meal, then heads to R&R and sits down, watching TV as well.
Dragoshi: "Ugh... That was little TOO stressful..."
Trigger: "You're telling me."
The Wraith drifts out of the warp, smiling... and takes a swig of that bottle he keeps with him. Victory is sweet.
Digifanatic: "Yeah, these get nail-biting at times. But, we manage in the end.
All that matters."
Dragoshi: "Yea, I suppose so."
Trigger: "Yep."
Dragoshi: "Well, that and we're one sixth of the way to annihilating the cycle."
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Trigger: "Hmm..."
Dragoshi: "...I wonder if the other Fury pieces are elemental as well..."
Aribar heads to his room.
Digifanatic: *Meanwhile, back in R&R* "Well, what do you think we'll have to contend with next?"
Dragoshi: "...No idea."
Digifanatic: "Kareen, Eldorado, that ex-Survivor, this... Sounds like the perfect cast for the nuthouse."
Dragoshi: "Though, if future encounters with remaining Fury pieces are like that... Then, this has gotten a hell of a lot more interesting..."
Digifanatic: "Yeah. And psychologically screwed up."
Dragoshi: "...Though, if they all have an element I'll be able to take care of them... Though, not on my own of course. That's just insane"
Digifanatic: "Heh, obviously."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm wonderin' if you people even remember that Sephiroth's on the loose 'gain. Talkin' 'bout avengin' the Ancients 'gainst the 'traitors', meanin' us. He's the next big threat. " *Julian's there now! And dinner was delicious, thank you. Waffle cooooone...*
Digifanatic: "Ah yes. That'll be nuts, as usual."
Julian Sawyer: "Where'd you pick that up, anyway? You keep sayin' it when things get physical."
Digifanatic: "Pick what up? My thing about how battles are nuts and crazy?"
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah. That. This kinda thing shoulda become normal by now to you."
Digifanatic: "Hey, the only predictable thing now is what attacks we use."
Dragoshi: "...Ancients, traitors... Hmm... Yes. Next big threat indeed. And if we get the necessary power to neutralize and terminate him, then we should use it immediately."
Digifanatic: "We've come across some real strange stuff sometimes."
Julian Sawyer: "An' we got that when we set the tower back up."
Dragoshi: "...Ah, right. Almost slipped my mind."
Editor's Note: There was, of course, some more post-session talk, but it was primarily Julian being a jerk to other Questers. Which is information already seen multiple times, so, no reason to repeat even more of it here. This isn't Super Jerkface Quest, after all.

