Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 306: Gravity Egg Part II: Countdown to Destruction



Date: 3:37:34 PM, July 28th, 2006.
Metal Man (GM): Okay... to recap...
The nefarious Ivo Robotnik activated his Gravity Egg from beneath Hyrule Sea, using power generated by the destruction of the Time Stones.
He has flown it clear into outer space and now threatens the Gaia Defense Station.
The Questers, using the Astral Realm, have managed to reach an outer corridor.
Mission: Part 2
You're all in the corridor. If you weren't there previously, you get teleported here.
Alexia warps in
"So, now what?"
Aribar unsheaths Moonlight and looks about the the corridor. "We'll have to navigate the Gravity Egg and find Ivo."
Metal Man (GM): Out the window you can see outer space, and Nintendus.
The Wraith: *Appears.*
Alexia takes out her gun.
Gibby unsheaths his sword and looks around the area.
The Ninja warps in as well, already looking out of the window. "Ah! So this is the space I have heard much about. It is interesting."
Metal Man (GM): You see the following for your choices: Further up the corridor, further down, or you can turn to the area ahead, which is... 'Labratory 1-A'
Gibby: "Where to, guys?"
Metal Man (GM): The area is generally deserted. All that is of notice are monitors showing the progress of the attack on the other space station.
Dragoshi readies his scythe. "...Well, we're in. ...Wonder where we should go..."
Alexia: "Laboratory, huh... Wanna try that?"
Dragoshi: "...Don't see why not"
Gibby: "I don't trust laboratories, but... it's something I suppose."
Aribar: "Yes. If there are any living scientists in there they could tell us where Robotnik is."
Alexia walks over and opens the door to the lab.
Metal Man (GM): The door slides open.
Gibby follows Alexia into the lab.
Alexia heads in.
Dragoshi follows the other two.
Metal Man (GM): Inside is basically a room with holographic monitors lining the walls. It is a square room, with a small table in the middle.
Aribar follows the others inside.
Metal Man (GM): A computer terminal sits there, facing opposite from the door.
The Ninja finally pulls away from the view as follows the group, sword staff in hand.
Metal Man (GM): There's a door on the other side of the room, too, but it's locked.
The panels show... various things.
You see the Gravity Egg under construction... deep underwater.
Dragoshi looks over to the panels.
Gibby checks out these panels.
Alexia: "...UNDERWATER?"
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): Also... the Time Stones, which... shockingly... were originally in Ivo's hands, but he intentionally scattered them for you guys to 'help' him find.
Gibby: "That explains its mysterious appearance."
Metal Man (GM): More text and pictures indicates he used this to buy time for the construction.
Then his fake defeat activated these systems just recently.
Alexia: "...That razzin' frazzin' hooping FUNT!"
Dragoshi: "...It appears he thought out every step carefully."
Metal Man (GM): And now it shows his plan: To destroy Gunicard.
Aribar looks at the various panels. "Why does he have his plans laid out for anyone to see?"
Metal Man (GM): Besides these panels, there's the main computer, and... the other door... and not much else.
Gibby: "Knowing him, he probably -expected- us to show up here."
Alexia: "Arrogance?"
*She looks at the other door.*
Metal Man (GM): Another metallic sliding door. It's locked, shown by a red indicator light.
Dragoshi: "Nah."
Metal Man (GM): It leads to to 'Labratory 1-B'
Alexia: "Hmm... What's n here?"
Aribar: "Arrogance would fit his character... Along with overconfidence."
The Ninja: "Hmm. Maybe it's a trap. But who can operate the computer?:"
The Wraith: *He eyes around cautiously, glancing to Aribar at his question with a look of agreement, then nods to Alexia at her suggested answer...*
Gibby walks over to the main computer to see what he can do with it.
Alexia knocks on the door a few times.
Gibby: "Hmm..."
Metal Man (GM): You walk up to the computer... that's odd... the screen turns off.
The door you entered through slams shut.
Alarms go off, and all the panels turn red.
Alexia: "Trap!"
Gibby: "..." ;_;
The Wraith: *And at that, a dark cloud forms around the spirit and he pulls out a grey and a purple stone.*
The Ninja: "...I hate right calls."
Alexia ducks into an evasive stance, ready for action.
Metal Man (GM): Then, from the ceiling, an arm pops out and fires at Gibby!
50 laser damage if it hits.
Aribar drops into his combat stance. "What's that?!"
Metal Man (GM): It then pops back into the ceiling.
*Sonic 2 boss theme.*
Gibby gets hit and falls on his head.
Metal Man (GM): Order: Arm, Aribar, Ninja, Gibby, Dragoshi, Alexia, Wraith
Gibby: "Ow..." *He shakes it off and slowly gets back up now ready to fight!*
Metal Man (GM): It pops back out of the ceiling and opens fire, shooting four lasers at Aribar.
50 laser damage per hit.
Then it pops back into the ceiling.
Aribar explodes into action with chaotic energy sparking about the elf and dodges the first two lasers. The third manages to nail him and the fourth just burns a hole in his cloak. "Okay, how are we going to deal with this?!"
He decides to try and fire a bolt of lightning at the spot where the hand was. (Bolt, 49 Magical Electricity damage if it hits)
Dragoshi: "...Simple. We fry the damn thing."
Metal Man (GM): It misses, ricocheting around the room instead.
Gibby: "Gah! Crazy shot!"
Aribar: "Sorry, bad shot!" *Turn over.*
The Ninja: "Hmm. I have learn a few things while I was away. I will test something new I've been working on. This is very difficult on my part."
*He bends down slightly, then jumps up towards the ceiling the arm retreated and tries to attack the laser arm through the ceiling to make an attempt in trying to destroy it with his sword staff.*
Metal Man (GM): MNT check, then attack roll.
*Bonk* The attack roll still counts, but you fail to reach through it.
So you may still roll the attack.
*SMACK* You hit the heavily armored underside.
*Plink* Unfortunately, it bounces off the armor.
The Ninja lands back down and looks up at the ceiling. "The skill needs work... Maybe we could ambush it."
Gibby strokes the area where his chin would be and wonders how to get the arm to come out. Well... without the ceiling, the arm would be exposed, so... destroy the ceiling! He takes out another Ivantek grenade (when did Gibby go rambo?), pull the trigger, waits a few seconds, and then tosses it up at the ceiling hoping it goes boom. (DC 18 if needed)
Aribar: "I think we might have to..."
Metal Man (GM): Hmmm... this is a tricky attack to make.
You see, in order to hit it, you must time it so it explodes when it reaches the ceiling itself.
I think a basic AGI check will do to see what your timing is
..With near-perfect timing, you hurl it right up there. It explodes, violently... but only at the cover, instead of you guys.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): ...The armor is still too thick, though, as it merely burns the paintjob.
Gibby: "Drat!"
The Ninja: "...Still nothing."
Gibby uses his remaining TP to get into a defensive position and thus ends his turn.
Dragoshi: "...The hell?"
Aribar: "Not even a GRENADE scratched it?!"
Dragoshi: "...Well if a grenade can't scratch it, then maybe I can!" *Jumps up and attempts to swipe at wherever the arm is He misses... But tries again!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss! Miss!
Dragoshi then stands back. (EoT)
Alexia: "Tough..." *Scans the arm.*
Smash Dex: "Target is blocked by 5 foot thick plate of armor. Error 52."
Metal Man (GM): -2 TP
Alexia: "Grr..."
*She ducks into a defensive stance. EoT.*
Aribar: "Any ideas how we can get through five feet of armor?"
Digifanatic ...well, he can't say he warped in cause he was here long before this... he has caught up with the others and sees the crazy arm. He starts with a Fire Punch and moves onto a Light Ray.
Alexia: "A jackhammer?"
The Ninja: "I have an idea."
Metal Man (GM): You actually manage to hit the armor, but it's most likely in vain.
Both hit.
The Ninja: "We don't go through armor. We wait for attacker to reveal itself then attack."
Metal Man (GM): No damage.
Digifanatic: *He still hit! EoT.*
The Wraith: *The specter narrows his eyes as he looks around for any sensors while forming a reflective sheen around his cloudy form... Aside from that, he simply waits for a chance to strike at the arm the next chance he gets, seeking an attack of opportunity.*
Metal Man (GM): The arm pops outta the ceiling and opens fire. Twice at Gibby, twice at Digi.
Then it pops right back into the ceiling.
Digifanatic is, of course, shot twice.
Metal Man (GM): 50 laser damage per hit.
Gibby gets lazored!
"GAH! It burns..."
Digifanatic: "You're telling me..."
Aribar readies himself to launch some spells when it comes out then.
"Okay, if we can't penetrate the armor let's wait until its vulnerable..."
Gibby nods in agreement with this.
The Ninja rotates his throwing arm, then steps back to prepare for when the arm appears.
Gibby reserves his TP for the moment when the arm would come out thus ending his turn.
Dragoshi tries to hit the part of the ceiling that's concealing the arm one last time!
Metal Man (GM): The ceiling is damaged quite a bit by that, however not the arm. Gotta hit it some more.
Digifanatic: "Good idea you have, there."
Dragoshi then waits for the arm to come out... (EoT)
Digifanatic: "Probably will have to take a lot for it to work, though."
Alexia: "Hmm..."
*She ducks down and conserves her TP for a Mindblast when the arm pops out. EoT.*
Digifanatic sees that everyone's waiting, but he thinks that he might as well play a little defense if at all possible. He encircles (or is that enspheres?) himself with a Digital Barrier and then saves his last TP for when the arm pops out.
The Wraith: *The spirit nods in agreement with Aribar, holding its arms out to the sides and slooowly closing them, aiming to time it for when the arm reveals itself from its armored safety zone...* (Wrack prepared)
Metal Man (GM): Okay... you must all attack when the arm itself pops out to damage it--you have only as much TP as that which you saved until now.
The arm pops out and attempts to chase Dragoshi with a cutting laser.
Dragoshi: AGI check.
Aribar watches the arm pop out of the ceiling and begins to act! The elf thrusts Moonlight towards the arm and discharges a bolt of lightning into the arm before conjuring several green orbs of energy and sending them flying at the exposed arm. (Bolt for 49 Magical Lightning damage, two Earth Blasts for 13 Magical Earth damage per hit.)
The Wraith: *He lets out a phantasmic howl as he unleashes a catastrophic barrage of magical energy at the arm, three massive streams barreling forward and intertwining with each other...*
The Ninja launches his sword staff, sending it at the the arm which now appeared to attack.
Gibby leaps up at the arm and starts slashing at it four times horizontally.
Alexia fires a Mindblast directly at the arm.
Metal Man (GM): CRIT, miss
Digifanatic decides to go with a Light Ray immediately after the arm's onslaught had ended...
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit miss hit
hit hit miss hit
Metal Man (GM): hit
Oh, right. Dragoshi is hit not once, by twice, by a hugely powerful cutting ray.
200 laser damage to him.
Digifanatic: *Anything else the arm'll do.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss for that roll.
Digifanatic: "Thing's fast... Bit more than I suspected."
Metal Man (GM): The arm pops right back into the ceiling.
Digifanatic: "Rinse, lather, repeat, folks."
Aribar nods and prepares for more spell slinging.
The Ninja catches his weapon as it returns to him. "That went well. This time I'll throw harder." And he gets ready to throw the sword staff again.
Gibby does the thing with the conserving of the TP for next time.
Dragoshi pulls out an Ultra Shroom and eats it, unimpressed by the massive damage he took from the attack. He then attempts to strike the ceiling with his scythe again, and conserve his remaining three TP.
Metal Man (GM): *Miss.*
Alexia stays in her stance, biding her time. EoT.
Digifanatic does exactly the same as the others... saving TP.
Trigger attacks with a smash attack.
Metal Man (GM): *Whiff.*
Digifanatic: "Dude... there's too much armor for us to pierce anyway. Just bide your time until it pops."
The Wraith: *He decides he rather likes that idea, finding it more effective than any others used so far... So, he decides to bide his time, preparing his energy for an even greater outburst the next chance he gets...*
Dragoshi: "...For you guys, maybe."
Trigger: "Hmm..."
Metal Man (GM): Arm
The arm pops out, and shoots at Dragoshi, Gibby, Aribar, and Digi, in that order.
Alexia Mindblasts the arm again.
The Ninja swing his arm around as he releases the weapon at the retracting arm again, this time hoping to cut the thing down.
Aribar lets another charge of electricity lance off of Moonlight's blade and into the arm as it appears. Several blades of condensed air are conjured into existance and fling themselves at the arm as well. (Bolt for 49 Magical Electricity damage, Whirl for 28 Magical Wind damage.)
The Wraith: *He lets out a fierce shriek as he unleashes not one, not two, but THREE successive barrages of magical energy, the last of which is again that enormous, brutal pounding of energy.*
Metal Man (GM): 1 shot per person... OUCH... crit against Dragoshi.
50 laser damage per hit.
Gibby gets lasered, but gets up right away and does the same as before. He slashes at the arm once it appears with four more horizontal slashes!
Metal Man (GM): It vanishes back into the ceiling before anyone else can attack it.
Digifanatic --after being lasered again-- goes for a Celestial Fury at the arm and then tries to leap at it with an Aerial Strike.
Aribar is blasted in the shoulder and thrown to the ground by the force of that laser. The elf's luck is running out.
Dragoshi drinks an Ivantek Vial still rather unimpressed by the arm "...Heh."
Metal Man (GM): John manages to hit it thrice, though... and Aribar with the 27... and Alexia with the 22.
The other attacks fly into its plate... which, ironically, is sliced off by Gibby's attack.
It is likely it was killed despite it's attempt to evade this time.
Digifanatic takes it that he hit once...
Gibby lands back down and holds his injury from the laser shot.
Metal Man (GM): The arm violently explodes, and falls down, taking out the computer.
Alexia: "Yes!"
Gibby sighs with relief.
Digifanatic: "Oh, that is a beautiful sight."
Metal Man (GM): The screens on the room go blank, and... you're now just stuck inside the room.
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Metal Man (GM): +1500 EXP to all
The Ninja: "That was simple."
Trigger: "How do we get out?"
Gibby: "One less thing to worry about..."
Metal Man (GM): You may attempt to open either the door ahead or the door you came in through.
Aribar: "Well, that was a great big failure. Anyone need some healing?"
Gibby: "I do..."
Digifanatic: "I believe I'll be fine."
Alexia tries to open the door to lab 2.
Digifanatic: "I've got a few things."
Aribar Restores himself thrice and Gibby twice. (+62 HP, Gibbs.)
Gibby: "Ahhh... much better... thanks Ari."
Aribar: "No problem."
Trigger: "I seem to be ok."
Dragoshi attempts to open the door ahead... by carving it up with his laser scythe. That is, if Alexia fails.
Metal Man (GM): The door is locked... either you need to hack it, or you need to break it.
The Ninja: "Hmm..."
Trigger: "I could try both?"
Alexia: "I doubt breaking it would be a good idea..."
Digifanatic starts to walk up and then moves aside when he sees Dragoshi's plan.
Metal Man (GM): The Scythe cuts it open, triggering more alarms.
Digifanatic: "Oh great."
Trigger: "Nice one."
Digifanatic: "Run while you can."
Dragoshi: "...Expected that."
Aribar sighs. "So much for a stealthy entrance."
Alexia: "YOU IDIOT!"
*She slaps Dragoshi.*
Metal Man (GM): The room ahead is a long, rectangular one, full of Monitors and tables with computers.
The Ninja: "No more touching things!"
Metal Man (GM): The door across the room busts open, and three Eggrobos march out of it.
Dragoshi sidesteps
"Shut it. All of you."
Alexia: "...BACK!"
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Stop them!"
Trigger: "Oh boy."
Metal Man (GM): They begin marching towards you, each one armed with a laser gun.
Alexia points to the exit and starts running.
The Wraith lofts an eyebrow, puts the purple stone away, takes a swig of an ethereal bottle... and takes out the red stone.
Metal Man (GM): The exit door is locked.
Dragoshi shakes his head, and attempts to pre-emptively Cyclone one.
Digifanatic: "No choice but to fight..."
Alexia growls and moves back into fighting position.
Trigger: "Crap, I guess we gotta fight them."
*He takes out his sword.*
Gibby: "Not good!"
Aribar: "Draw them into this room! We may be able to take them on one at a time if we're lucky."
*He stands back in the arm room and waits for the battle to commence.*
Digifanatic decides to just follow the others' plan and somewhat his by readying himself to fight as well...
John nods to Ari and points at the ajar door; a bottleneck of sorts.
The Ninja: "Aw. But I wanted a challenge..." *He then jumps back into the room with the arm.*
Gibby nods and joins Ari and John.
Dragoshi follows the others.
Alexia joins the group.
Trigger follows Dragoshi.
Aribar: "Ivo will be more than a challenge for all of us. Don't worry."
Digifanatic follows...
The Ninja: "Can't I just sneak around them and bash them from behind?"
Metal Man (GM): They march towards you... and... you hear the door to the exit open up.
Dragoshi: "...No."
Metal Man (GM): ...Three more are coming at you from behind!
Dragoshi turns around.
Trigger: "This CAN'T be good."
Alexia: "...Pincer strike!"
The Ninja: "They use my trick!"
Aribar: "They're robots. Chances are they're a bit mo--Uh oh... Guys, we're surrounded!"
Digifanatic: "We've got six!"
Dragoshi: "...Once again. Expected."
Metal Man (GM): Order: Eggrobos, Aribar, Ninja, Gibby, Dragoshi, Alexia, Digi, Trigger, Wraith
The Wraith: *And at this point it's a GOOD thing nobody can understand the fellow. It's unleashing a deadly torrent of incomprehensible curses.*
Metal Man (GM): The Eggrobos from 1 TP away that were marching towards your front open coordinated fire on Dragoshi.
25 laser damage per hit.
The ones which are point blank open fire with... punches?
The Ninja: "Next time we use my idea. We sneak and not attack."
Metal Man (GM): One punches at Digi, one Gibby, one Aribar, respectively.
100 damage if you're hit.
Gibby manages to barely block the punch.
Digifanatic: *SMACKED.*
Aribar leans back away from the punch. "No, bad robot! No hitting the wizard!"
Dragoshi evades... Counts 2. Hit by... 10 150+...Godmode kill'd.
Metal Man (GM): *TSEERTSEERTSEER* There goes Dragoshi.
Gibby: "Poor guy... didn't stand a chance."
Trigger: "..."
Aribar thrusts Moonlight into the air and summons up a burning storm of fire to rain down upon the three punching Eggrobos. The elf then fires a small icy dart at the Eggrobo who dared to attack him. (Lava blast for 37 Magical Fire damage and Burned for 3 Rounds. Circular Area with a range of 2 TP. Ice Dart for 13 Magical Ice damage)
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Hit... but it only effects the guys close to you.
Hmmm... got that backwards. Miss... hit... you hit the one guy.
Metal Man gets a snack.
The Ninja wastes no time in getting into the action. He decides to close in on the one that isn't close to anyone else and swings back and around to give the bot a power swing with his weapon.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
The Ninja spins around and gets ready for the bots' next move.
Alexia fires at the farmost robot with... Gatling!
Metal Man (GM): Miss, miss, miss!
Alexia: "..."
Digifanatic is looking VERY beat all of a sudden... he has to use one of his Ultra Shrooms. Afterwards, he likes Ari's idea and goes for an Icy Kick of his own on the same Eggrobo. "Think you deserve to chill just a little bit more..."
"Ah, whatever..."
Trigger gets his sword ready for a Hyper Slash. (EoT)
The Wraith: *This most definitely is a baaad thing... The spirit eyes around for possible alternate escape routes or ways to disarm the robos... This is too much to try to take down with brute force.*
Metal Man (GM): Simple thinking would reveal that... there would be robots in any direction, so the best route to take would be to go one way and try not to be shot at from both sides at once.
Anything else? (-2 TP)
The Wraith narrows his eyes, looking back and forth, trying to decide... Shortly, he signals the others to follow as he zips forward to slip by the robos that came in from the hallway.
Metal Man (GM): New Round
The Eggrobos at a distance continue to shoot at your backs. They tag-team and open fire all at Aribar.
25 laser damage per hit.
Meanwhile, the close range ones...
One punches at The Ninja, another at Alexia, and a third at Trigger.
100 damage per hit.
Alexia: "Umph!"
*She gets hit in the stomach.*
Digifanatic: "Thank goodness I have a couple of Mushrooms for you guys..."
Trigger: "Argh!"
*He gets smacked in the face.
* "Ow, the pain..."
Aribar dodges three shots... Chaos Controls to dodge another And other... And gets hit by 7 others. And is still shot down. Painfully. The elf crumples down to the floor while unconscious...
The Ninja: "Erk!" *He gets a good smack in the chest, but shakes it off and resumes fighting.*
"Ah! Aribar... Curse you Robotnik and your spare tire!"
Metal Man (GM): Also, Dragoshi revives from his shot-attack.
Dragoshi gets up "...Right."
The Ninja goes for the robot that punched him and tries to give the robot another powerful swing.
Metal Man (GM): SMACK!
The robot, being weak, is nearly dead. Hmmm... if you guys could just hit them some more...
The Ninja gets ready for when the robot punches again.
Gibby sure was glad he stocked up on grenades. He takes out his last one, pulls the pin, and hurls it at a large group of the Eggrobos. (DC 18)
Metal Man (GM): Which one?
The laser guys or punching ones?
They all run around real slowly and get nailed by the grenade.
It burns them up good... maybe another one would take them down.
Dragoshi: "...Nice one, Gibbs."
Gibby: "Yeah... but that was my last one..." -_-;
Trigger: "Craptastic."
Dragoshi: "...In fact... Let me help you. For I have ten!"
Gibby: "...That works!"
Digifanatic: "Oh sweet..."
Dragoshi tosses one of his OWN grenades at the laser group (DC 18)
Metal Man (GM): They run out of the way.
Trigger: "Crap."
Dragoshi: "...Damn" *Tosses ANOTHER!*
Gibby goes back to sighing.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM*
They all explode.
Digifanatic: "There we go!"
Gibby: "Hooray!"
Trigger: "Nice one."
Dragoshi: "Score one for me!"
Metal Man (GM): +300 EXP to all
Alexia: "Whoohoo!"
*She fires a Mindblast at the first of the other robots.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss
Digifanatic tosses a Mushroom at Trigger and then fires off a Light Ray at the weakest remaining Eggrobo, then crashing into it with a Running Charge.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
It explodes upon being hit.
Digifanatic: *EoT.*
Metal Man (GM): +100 more EXP.
Digifanatic: "Dang... you evil thing not stunning on contact!"
Trigger finally executes his Hyper Slash on one of the robots.
Digifanatic: "Ah well... killed it anyway."
Alexia glows for a second or two.
Trigger then eats the mushroom that Digi tossed to him.
Alexia: "I just get better and better..."
Digifanatic: "I see."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
The Wraith: *He smirks upon seeing how easily these creations are taken down... So he whirls around and starts blasting off potent barrages of magical energy... One at each of the robos. And another afterwards if the first doesn't kill.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. *BOOM* It explodes.
Both die. +200 more EXP.
Digifanatic: "Well done."
Metal Man (GM): The area is now clear. The alarms fade out.
Alexia: "Alright!"
Trigger: "Finally."
Aribar glows with a golden light and his wounds mend. The elf gets up from the ground, groaning. He realizes he had another near-death experience. "Arrg. Oh. You got them all... Ow."
Alexia: "Welcome back."
Trigger: "Thanks for the mushroom Digi, thought I wasn't gonna make it there for a second."
Digifanatic: "Yup. Let's move on."
Alexia helps Ari up.
Aribar: "Ah... Er. Thanks."
Alexia heads back into the corridor.
Digifanatic: "Anyways, people..."
*He follows the femme.*
Gibby: "Whew... that's over with."
Metal Man (GM): So... you going to Lab 1-B?
Trigger follows the group.
Gibby follows the others to lab 1-B it seems.
Aribar: "A brilliant start so far..." *The elf follows the others back out to the corridor.*
Metal Man (GM): Oh. You're now back where you started.
You can go one direction, or another, across a corridor which covers the circumference of the massive Gravity Egg.
Trigger: "Which way do we go?"
Gibby: "I wish we had a map or something..."
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Alexia: "A map..."
Digifanatic: "These Dexes still screwed up in here?"
Alexia: "Hey, maybe one of the computers in there has one!"
Digifanatic: "Ah, screw it. We'd probably get Robotnik's evil monologue if we tried!"
Trigger: "Hmm... you might be right."
Digifanatic: "And Alexia--good idea."
Gibby: "Probably."
Alexia heads back into the lab and starts looking at the computers for a map.
Digifanatic walks back.
Metal Man (GM): Lab 1-a: Computer is dead.
Lab 1-B: Three intact computers.
Gibby: "Oh yeah... that arm kinda killed it."
Digifanatic: "Dang. Nothing here... hang on, I see one..."
Aribar: "I say we..." *Watches Alexia head back into the labs.* "Just do that... I guess." *Follows the others.*
Alexia: "These still work."
Trigger follows the others.
Alexia checks out those computers.
Digifanatic heads into 1-B and walks up to one of the comps.
Metal Man (GM): *Click*
An arm pops out of the floor and shoots at Digi.
Gibby: "...AHH!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): *CRIT* 100 laser damage.
Digifanatic is SHOT!
Trigger: "DAMN IT!!"
Alexia jumps back.
Digifanatic: "Well, I give him points for credit..."
Gibby: "Not -another- one..."
Alexia: *Slightly shakily* "Okay, let's forget that plan..."
Metal Man (GM): Do you run out of Lab 1-B?
Gibby runs out.
Digifanatic starts back to where they were before...
Metal Man (GM): You run out. The arm goes back into passive mode.
Trigger runs.
Alexia heads back to the corridor.
Gibby: "I'll take my chances out here."
Digifanatic: "Yyyyyeah."
Trigger: "Hmm..."
Aribar rushes after the others. "Okay, let's just... Go down the corridor."
Dragoshi: "...Gotcha."
Gibby nods and goes down the corridor.
Alexia follows Ari and Gibby.
Digifanatic walks down the corridor.
Trigger follows Gibby."
Dragoshi follows the others, taking out his scythe again.
Aribar follows the others. The elf sighs as he realizes they're probably on the outer edge of the huge Egg.
Metal Man (GM): You walk down the corridor, and see another room. The door is also unlocked.
'Engineering Corridor 1-A'
Alexia: "Shall we?"
Digifanatic: "Alright."
Trigger: "After you."
Alexia heads into the door.
Dragoshi follows Alexia.
Gibby slowly makes his way inside.
Trigger follows the others in."
Aribar follows the others. "I don't think this will get us anywhere..."
Alexia: "Worth a try."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Metal Man (GM): You walk inside, and notice a ladder leading down.
Do you climb down it?
Alexia: "Hrm..."
Digifanatic: "Ladder look enticing?"
Gibby: "Down we go!"
Trigger: "I'll check it out?"
Gibby grabs the ladder and goes down it.
Alexia looks down the ladder.
Trigger: "Nevermind."
Dragoshi follows the others.
Digifanatic: "I guess we're going down."
Trigger goes down the ladder.
Digifanatic heads down.
Aribar follows the others... Although a bit clumsily since he only has one arm.
Alexia sighs and flies down, not using the ladder.
Metal Man (GM): You walk on down the ladder... and reach a massive area.
This is clearly the engine room.
It's got Eggrobos and flying bug things moving around in it, and there's banks of computers everywhere.
Digifanatic: *Whispering* "Crazy stuff."
Alexia points back up the shaft.
Aribar whispers, "We should leave before we're spotted..."
Trigger: *Whispering* "We could try to disable the Gravity Egg by blowing something up in here?"
Alexia: *Whispering* "UP. GO BACK UP!"
Digifanatic: *Still quiet* "Possible, but--yeah. Head up."
Aribar starts back up.
Trigger climbs back up.
Digifanatic heads up as well.
Alexia flies back up the shaft.
Dragoshi: *Whispering back*"...Oh, fine, but I was planning to fry the place with an EMP Grenade" *Flies back up.*
Metal Man (GM): You climb back up.
Gibby goes up.
Metal Man (GM): So... where do you go next?
Alexia gets back up and continues down the corridor.
The Ninja: "So where to now?"
Gibby: "Some place that's not heavily guarded would be nice."
Trigger: "Yes."
Aribar follows Alexia. "Farther down the corridor..."
Gibby continues down the corridor.
The Ninja: "...Outside?"
Trigger follows the group.
Metal Man (GM): You see a door labeled 'Bridge Walkway 1-A'
Digifanatic does just that... farther down.
The Ninja shrugs and follows the group.
Alexia wordlessly heads into the door.
Dragoshi follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): Wondering why you left the previous room for it being overguarded, you find yet more defenses in here.
The door deeper inside is protected by 10 Eggrobos, a nasty looking laser machinegun turret, five flying things, and three hand things in the floor.
Trigger: "...Oh joy."
Alexia whirls around on her heel and heads out.
Metal Man (GM): They can't see you yet, of course.
Aribar: "This would be the deadliest, but quickest, way to Robotnik I bet."
Trigger leaves the room.
Gibby: "...Slowly... back... away..."
Digifanatic puts his middle three fingers up to his head as if he's having a migraine, and backs off as well.
Gibby slowly tip toes away.
Dragoshi does the same as Alexia, knowing that it'd be SUICIDE to attempt to toss an EMP in that room.
Metal Man (GM): You may continue walking along the corridor.
Alexia: "OK. Engine room. Bad. Walkway. VERY bad."
*She continues down the corridor.*
Trigger: "Then where do we go?"
Aribar: "If we don't take this then we'll need to find air ducts or something like that to get to the bridge."
Gibby scans the area for any air ducts.
Metal Man (GM): No air ducts you could fit into. They're all very small.
The Ninja: "Maybe he can sneak around. They don't look that hard to move around without being seen."
Metal Man (GM): Yes. Even for a Kirby.
You reach... another door.
'Unknown Purpose Corridor 1-A'
Digifanatic: "Alright, here we go... Unknown Purpose."
Alexia: "Janitor's closet?"
*She heads in with a shrug.*
The Ninja: "...This spells trap."
Gibby: "Might as well take a look and see..."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, it's gotta be something REAL top secret."
Metal Man (GM): It's a downward... tube... which is completely darkened.
Aribar stands back... "Yeah. You go in first."
Metal Man (GM): You can slide down, but you probably won't be coming back up if you do.
Gibby: "That doesn't look good..."
Alexia: "...NO."
Digifanatic wishes he has a complex series of mirrors and lights!
Alexia backs into the corridor and closes the door.
The Ninja: "Look before leaping."
Gibby: "Hmm... You know what? I'm gonna check it out."
Metal Man (GM): You may continue walking... but walking only would bring you back to where you started.
Gibby: "We've got no other place to go... might as well take chances."
*He holds his breath and slides down into the tube.*
Digifanatic: "Alright... good luck."
Metal Man (GM): Gibby vanishes into the tube.
Anyone else gonna follow him?
Dragoshi nods and follows Gibbs.
Digifanatic decides to go for it...
The Ninja: "...I'll back up small ball of pink."
Aribar: "Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?"
Alexia tries to contact Gibby on her Dex.
The Ninja flips into the tube.
Alexia: "Gibby, you see anything?"
Metal Man (GM): Your dex receives static.
Digifanatic: .oO(Worst that can happen is I lose a life...)
Alexia: "...Idiots..."
Aribar: "Well... Shall we hasten to our deaths as well?"
Metal Man (GM): Last call for leaping down the tube.
Alexia: "If I could just get a little light down there... ...Oh, what the heck."
Aribar hops down into the tube...
Alexia floats down the tube slowly.
Metal Man (GM): That's pretty much everybody.
You fall again, whizzing past what would be the Engineering section, before landing in front of a massive black orb surrounded by a huge glass tube.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The orb is about 100 feet in diameter.
Alexia lands gently.
Digifanatic: "Oh my GOD that is huge!"
Gibby shakes off the tubage and looks at the orb.
Alexia: "What the heck?"
Metal Man (GM): The entire room is full of computers and stuff... and seems dark.
Gibby: "Weird... what is this room?"
Dragoshi: "...Hmm."
Alexia: "...Wait. What if this is a prototype for something?
Say, the Gravity Egg?"
Digifanatic: "Wouldn't be surprised..."
Aribar: "That must be what powers the ship."
The Ninja: "...I'm not moving from this spot."
Digifanatic wonders if there is anything that is making the orb appear or if it's random energy just encased in a ball.
Aribar looks about to see if there's any deadly guards of death-like deadliness about.
Metal Man (GM): The orb is just a ball of dark... material.
It seems inactive.
Nothing is on here.
Digifanatic: "This is strange, isn't it?"
Metal Man (GM): Nearby, though, you DO see two doors.
Alexia: "Quite odd..."
Gibby takes out his dex and scans the orb. Maybe he'll get some info out of it.
Metal Man (GM): One to the weapons area, and another leading to the bridge.
Smash Dex: "Unknown material. Unknown purpose."
Dragoshi nods in agreement with Alexia.
Gibby: "Drat... nothing."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Digifanatic: "Well... I say we go for one of the doors. Which one, folks?"
The Ninja: "Is it... Touchable?"
Digifanatic: "You don't want to touch it. You'll probably get killed..."
Gibby: "Touching bad."
Aribar looks at the two doors. "I'd say we head to the bridge from here... And I think we should leave this big massive orb alone until we understand what it's for."
Alexia walks over and opens the left door just wide enough to look through.
Dragoshi: "...Which room do you think would be less heavily guarded?"
Metal Man (GM): It's surrounded by glass... so touching it may be bad.
Aribar: "In fact..." *The elf looks over the various computers and tries to get some information from what's on screen. He tries to stay a few feet back from the computers.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia opens the left, bridge door. It's a bunch of steps which lead to a security check area.
The computers are all off.
Alexia closes the door and does the same with the right door.
Metal Man (GM): The right door opens into a large room full of robots and the like controlling the assault on Gunicard--it isn't going well for Gunicard.
Dragoshi looks from behind Alexia.
Alexia silently closes the right door.
Digifanatic: "Is it worthwhile?"
Gibby: "Left, then?"
The Ninja: "Hmm. Touching ball is bad, touching computers is bad. We're better off just sneaking." *Follows the group.*
Digifanatic: "We have to go SOMEWHERE..."
Alexia: "Guys, the attackers on Gunicard are in the right door!"
Aribar: "What's behind those doors, Alexia?"
Alexia: "The left door's a stairwell to a security check area."
Gibby: "We should definitely try stopping them."
Digifanatic: "Gunicard? Well... looks like we should take them down..."
Alexia gets ready to open the right door.
Dragoshi: "That we should? Think I should EMP Grenade em'?"
Alexia: "On my signal."
Dragoshi: "Gotcha."
Alexia: "Everybody ready for assault?"
Dragoshi readies his grande after slowly putting his scythe away... And another for good measure. He then nods.
Digifanatic: "If nothing else, we're buying Gunicard time. I have an idea."
Aribar: "As ready as I'll ever be I suppose..."
Digifanatic: "Now, Dragoshi. That Grenade might screw up our Dexes..."
Alexia: "Name it, Digi."
Gibby: "An idea you say?"
The Ninja: "My abilities are ready for anything."
Alexia keeps her pistol out.
Aribar: "The dexes are already messed up, Digi."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, but they still recognize stuff."
Dragoshi: "...What he said. So, it'd be rather... Pointless to say that, Digi"
Digifanatic: "They can still turn on and--fine, I surrender. Let's just go."
Alexia: "One... Two... THREE!"
*She slams open the door.*
Digifanatic: .oO(Great... I'm still gonna lose Light Ray.)
Gibby: "Charge!"
Alexia runs into the room.
Gibby rushes in towards the attackers.
Dragoshi tosses in an EMP grenade into the room as Alexia slams open the door.
Metal Man (GM): You run into the room, manned by more of those drone robots.
Digifanatic runs in...
Aribar retreats forward! ... Behind the others as a mage should be.
Metal Man (GM): The EMP knocks them all out and shorts out the control panels.
Dragoshi: "Damn, I'm good!"
Metal Man (GM): You all run into a rectangular room with now flickering lights.
Gibby: "Aww... I wanted to slash things."
Alexia: "Nice one."
Digifanatic: "He's good like that."
Dragoshi then puts away his other EMP grenade, pulls out his scythe and makes sure to destroy the drones. "...Thanks." He then smirks.
Aribar looks at the panels to see how the battle's waging now...
Metal Man (GM): You hear a rumble. The door slams shut behind you as everyone enters the room.
The Ninja: "Haaaa- ...Awww. You ruined the fun."
Metal Man (GM): The panels light up, showing Eggman.
Aribar: "Yup. Ivo knows what just happened."
Alexia: "Uh-oh."
Gibby: "About time you showed yourself!"
Dragoshi: "...expected that, huh?"
Ivo Robotnik: "Foolish Questers! I anticipated that the whole time! ...And you were SLOW!"
Metal Man (GM): They show Gunicard, which has been heavily damaged.
Gibby: "Ok, we get it, you're super smart!"
The Ninja: "Ah! Robotnik! Hey, remember me?"
Ivo Robotnik: "With one objective actually finished... I shall finish my master plan!"
Dragoshi: "WE get it. You're a pretentiously overconfident and intelligent super-scientist."
Aribar: .oO(That's it. Continue revealing the plan...)
Ivo Robotnik: "You..." *He shakes his head* "You cannot understand my genius plan!"
Dragoshi: "Sheesh."
Digifanatic: *Mumbles*"And, of course, arrogant..."
Gibby: "Probably not, but we'll stop it anyway!"
Alexia: "Gravity Generator?"
Metal Man (GM): You hear some gears grinding, and finally, it shows... the moon...
Dragoshi: "I know that. Now stop stating the damn obvi-...Ay carumba."
Metal Man (GM): Flying towards Nintendus...
Gibby: "...Moon!"
Aribar: "Forget him. Dragoshi, cut through these doors and let's get to the bridge!"
Dragoshi: "...The moon?"
Ivo Robotnik: "Hahahahahaaa! You can stop me... BUT YOU CAN'T STOP THE MOON!"
Alexia: "HOLY *Long, long steam of Draconic*!"
Aribar: "No need to waste time watching a movie."
Gibby: "GAH! How do we stop the MOON?"
Dragoshi carves through these doors with his scythe, then... Looks at Alexia "..."
The Ninja: "...Reverse the moon's path?"
Ivo Robotnik: "Within a mere hour... I shall make Nintendus larger... with my massive moon! And thus... become ruler of EGG-NINTENDUS!"
Alexia dashes out the doors before Dragoshi can say anything.
Ivo Robotnik: "Hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!" *Screen fades out, showing counters.*
Metal Man (GM): You have a choice of doors.
Aribar: "Ivo, you're throwing a... idiot."
Metal Man (GM): One leads back to the corridors.
Aribar rushes back into the orb room.
Dragoshi follows.
Alexia: "We have to stop this, FAST!"
Digifanatic: "Okay, guys. One hour. We've dealt with these time constraints before, we can do this again."
Metal Man (GM): One leads towards the Bridge.
Digifanatic heads with them.
Metal Man (GM): The one that went to the orb room... hrm. It appears to be... changed...
Alexia: "Corridors are probably swarming."
*She heads for the bridge.*
Metal Man (GM): Wait one moment.
The Ninja: "...Egg? I refuse to live on a planet that's a part of a complete breakfast."
Dragoshi follows, another EMP Grenade readied.
Metal Man (GM): The orb room is gone, replaced by some sort of large assembly.
NOW choose.
Dragoshi: "Same. Unless it comes with bacon."
Aribar rushes to the bridge with the others.
Metal Man (GM): Bridge pathway, Corridor, or unknown area that replaced the orb room.
Dragoshi: "And toast. And-" *Goes on like this.*
Digifanatic: "Stop it!"
Dragoshi then shuts up and follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): To the bridge it is...
Digifanatic: "Look pretty for all the press reports that praise us!"
Metal Man (GM): This pathway leads to another room, guarded by five Eggrobos, three flying things, and a laser gun thingy.
Digifanatic: "Right!"
Dragoshi tosses an EMP grenade at them.
Metal Man (GM): You hurl it... it flies at them.. ..The gun shoots it out of the air.
Dragoshi: "..."
Alexia screeches to a halt.
Dragoshi: "Ya'd think that SHOOTING a grenade, would yanno, SET IT OFF?"
Metal Man (GM): It then mindlessly sprays lasers at all of you... just a few feet from your feet.
Alexia: "Battle time, guys!"
Metal Man (GM): You may run into the lasers or back off and make a plan.
Alexia: "...GRRRR..."
Digifanatic: "Great... we thought we'd be buying Gunicard time; now it's the other way around!"
Alexia backs off a bit.
Dragoshi backs off a bit as well.
Alexia: "What are we gonna do?!"
Digifanatic: *Step back.*
Alexia: "We've spent about two minutes already!"
Digifanatic: "We can't just run for it..."
Aribar also tries to estimate how much distance is between them and the various enemies.
Metal Man (GM): Time is ticking. The robots and stuff have reset to passive mode.
3 TP's worth. The gun's reach is 2 TP.
Digifanatic: "Maybe... Dragoshi, don't throw the grenade... just spike it into the ground. But get as close as you can."
Metal Man (GM): The enemies aren't all that intelligent, however they can see stuff running at them.
Ivo Robotnik: "Fifty-five minutes!"
Dragoshi nods and does what Digi says.
Alexia: "...*More draconic*."
Gibby: "Gah! I hate time limits..."
Dragoshi: "..."
*He blinks as Alexia says that* "How the-...Eh, no matter."
Alexia: "Uh, guys, time is ticking."
Aribar: "...Okay, to heck with standing about!" *The elf rushes to the edge of the laser's reach and fires off a Lava Blast!* (37 Magical Fire, Burned for 3 rounds, 20 ft. circle.)
Metal Man (GM): The grenade is shot as it gets near them...
Digifanatic: "CRAP!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar hits them, but then is shot at en masse.
Dragoshi: "...Smarter than I thought."
Digifanatic: "Fight or just run for dear life?"
Metal Man (GM): 25 laser damage per hit.
Digifanatic: "Into the... he's toast."
Metal Man (GM): By the Eggrobos.
Dragoshi: "...Run like hell, of course."
Metal Man (GM): Then the Flying things hurl fireballs at him.
Gibby: "Yes... running good."
Metal Man (GM): Not that it matters, he's toast by now.
Digifanatic: "Alright..."
Metal Man (GM): They then reset to passive mode.
Alexia: "Tactical retreat. Let's try the former orb room."
Digifanatic: *Whispers* "As quietly as possible!"
Alexia heads back into the orb room.
Digifanatic heads back one room."
Gibby nods and goes to eh room de orb.
Dragoshi follows Alexia, nodding.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar is revived with the others.
Oh, right.
While Ari does that... you guys run towards the orb area... which is now a massive conduit with a winding downward corkscrew walkway.
Alexia: "...Whoa."
Digifanatic: "Okay, now this is different."
Metal Man (GM): Sonic and Knuckles Death Egg Zone: Act 2
Dragoshi: "...Very different."
Gibby nods in agreement.
Digifanatic: "Just run down!"
Alexia starts flying down through the middle of the stairs.
Digifanatic: "We're losing time otherwise."
Metal Man (GM): No hole.
That's a pillar of steel.
It winds around it.
Digifanatic books it down the corkscrew...
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "FIFTY minutes!"
Gibby runs as fast as his little feet can carry him.
Alexia flies down the stairs as quickly as possible.
Aribar dodges, Chaos Controls to dodge (8), Chaos Controls (2), gets hit, gets hit, Chaos Controls (5), Chaos Controls (7), Chaos Controls (3), gets hit, gets hit, Chaos Controls (1), dodges, gets hit, gets hit, gets hit, gets hit, gets hit, gets hit, dodges, and gets hit. Okay. He's dead.
Metal Man (GM): You encounter a sole scout Eggrobo.
He shoots at Alexia.
25 laser damage per hit. You may attack him at will.
Digifanatic tries to Fire Punch it as he runs by after he targets Alexis.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Dragoshi dashes towards the Eggrobo and attempts to carve it up with his scythe.
Metal Man (GM): CRIT
Gibby runs up to the scout and slashes at him twice vertically.
Digifanatic: "Alexia, are you alright?"
Metal Man (GM): It explodes.
Alexia gets struck three times and holds her chest, very close to death
Dragoshi: "...Take THAT!"
Metal Man (GM): +100 EXP to all... as Aribar revives nearby.
You're half-way down the corkscrew.
Gibby continues his way down.
Alexia stumbles down the steps.
Aribar: "Gaah... I can't take much more of this..." *The elf hastens after the others.*
Digifanatic gives her a Mushroom. "I'd give you an Ultra Shroom, but I only have one left and I'm going to save it."
Dragoshi then hands over an Ivantek Recovery Vial to Alexia.
Digifanatic: "Okay, take them both."
Metal Man (GM): You realize the corkscrew continues on outside the ship.
Alexia: "Thanks..."
Dragoshi nods "No problem."
Metal Man (GM): And there's no air out there...
In fact, there's signs warning about it everywhere.
Aribar: "...Great. We've wasted MORE time."
Digifanatic: "Oh man, we're going into outer space."
Alexia: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Digifanatic: "Turn back!"
*That is, if there's still enough air for something to be heard.*
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Did you really think I would supply air to an area I have no need to enter?"
Aribar starts back UP the stairs.
Dragoshi nods in agreement, and turns back.
Alexia uses them both and flies back up the stairs.
Digifanatic turns back and heads up...
Gibby sighs and goes back up.
Digifanatic: .oO(Thisisscrewedupthisisscrewup)
Metal Man (GM): You run back up... now at the former orb area.
To the busted weapons room, or the bridge?
Digifanatic: "Do you want to deal with the bridge again?"
Alexia: "..."
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Fourty-five minutes."
Alexia: "It's our best bet."
Aribar: "In case you didn't notice, those lasers INCINERATED me."
Gibby: "If we must..."
Alexia: "...Will that *Draconic* PA SHUT UP already..."
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "No."
Digifanatic: "Okay. Has Dragoshi been giving you lessons?"
Alexia heads back to the bridge
"Long story. Too long right now."
Digifanatic: "Alright, whatever..."
Metal Man (GM): The bridge area is even more heavily guarded. 10 Robots, 5 flying thingies, and the same laser gatling.
Digifanatic decides that it'd be best just to follow her and head on. He may be regretting this...
Aribar stops out of range of all the deadly things of death.
Alexia: "...Why can't someone give us a break already..."
*She stays out of range.*
Metal Man (GM): They stand at attention, ready to fire on anything in range.
Digifanatic: "I'm not gonna venture into ranges of sarcasm rarely witnessed before."
*He stays outta the way as well.*
Gibby: "It doesn't look -that- bad..."
Digifanatic: "Other room--Gibby, shut up..."
Alexia nods and races into the weapons room.
Digifanatic follows her as usual.
Metal Man (GM): You're now in the weapons room.
Another door to the bridge, or you can go out to the main corridor.
Aribar follows the others. This is hopeless.
Alexia: "...Another door!"
Gibby: "I'm just saying..." *But he goes with the others instead. *
Alexia opens it a tad and looks in.
Metal Man (GM): Which door do you open?
Corridor, or Bridge?
Digifanatic: "Just gotta try the bridge from this way."
Metal Man (GM): That door leads to... the same area you just exited, but from the side.
Digifanatic: "We're down to 40 any time now..."
Metal Man (GM): Out of range.
Alexia heads in.
Metal Man (GM): You're facing them from the side, here, but they're still deadly.
Aribar: "Okay. This a small and useless detour."
Digifanatic moves as swiftly and as quietly as possible through this area if at all possible...
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Forty minutes."
Alexia: "WE KNOW!"
Metal Man (GM): They block the door to the bridge.
Digifanatic: "Okay... get rid of the laser and then try the grenade."
Alexia has an idea...
Metal Man (GM): They are 4 TP away as of current.
If you have something with range of 4 TP, yes.
Digifanatic starts mentally trembling...
Alexia: "Looks like Ivo has this place locked up tight."
*She looks at the consoles.*
Aribar sheaths Moonlight and tries to contact Metal...
Metal Man (GM): Consoles in the weapon room were EMPed to death by Dragoshi.
Your dex was EMPed by Dragoshi.
Digifanatic: "Well... is anyone willing to sacrifice a bit before we get to Robotnik?"
Metal Man (GM): Even if it did work... it'd be static-y.
Digifanatic: "And I do literally mean sacrifice."
Gibby: "Sure. Wait... sacrifice how?"
Aribar: "...Those..." *The elf sighs.* "Not me."
Digifanatic: "By running as fast as you can and hope that if you lose it, you'll be on the other side."
Metal Man (GM): Only door you haven't tried is out to the corridor.
Digifanatic: "Well... one more door..."
Alexia tries THAT door, then.
Digifanatic backs out and tries for the corridor door.
Metal Man (GM): You're back out to the corridor, which is still empty.
It still has the doors to the lab, engineering, orb room, and bridge, respectively.
Aribar follows the others. .oO(We can't deal with Ivo's robots. What chance do we stand against him? Why doesn't he just end this now?)
Digifanatic: "Well... which door now?"
Alexia: "...Hmm..."
Aribar: "We can't do this... We aren't strong enough."
Alexia heads back into engineering and sees if the guards are gone.
Digifanatic: "Ari, don't talk like that. Now, if we have to fight, we'll fight..."
Metal Man (GM): Engineering is lit up with energy. Guards mill around, none specifically guarding any one area.
There's terminals everywhere.
Digifanatic follows Alexia...
Aribar: "Each path to the bridge is covered with robots that can spray FIELDS and FIELDS of lasers at us!"
Alexia: "Rats."
*She heads back to the corridor.*
Ivo Robotnik: "Thirty-five minutes remaining."
Digifanatic: "Like I said, we're gonna have to play a game of sacrifice..."
Alexia: "There has to be something that he didn't think of..."
Digifanatic: "Or hope that Metal comes outta nowhere and opens up a Can of Whoop-Void.,"
Metal Man (GM): It appears you haven't been using much of a certain skill lately.
Alexia is close, but not it. Digi veers off into the sun.
Not that one either.
Think... consoles... consoles the height of small people..
Aribar: "I say we try and get through the fridge door, back to the stadium, and tell Metal to make Gunicard target the Gravity Egg with EVERYTHING its got!"
Metal Man (GM): Machines wandering around... with... limited vision...
Gibby: "...Can we do that?"
Metal Man (GM): Possibly, yes.
Aribar looks about for the fridge door...
Metal Man (GM): You see it nowhere.
Digifanatic: "Well? Anyone have anything?"
Alexia: "...Idea!"
Metal Man (GM): One-way, apparently. Meanwhile, the moon is seen flying towards Nintendus on the monitors.
Digifanatic: "Goodgoodgoodgood. What is it? NOW."
Alexia: "If we can stay out of their vision and get behind them..."
Metal Man (GM): Gunicard is giving all it's got, but even with the Gravity Egg's main weapons offline, it isn't really effective.
Digifanatic: "Sounds good so far. But where?"
Alexia: "We could disable them and keep the moon from going supernova."
Metal Man (GM): You see nukes being crushed by gravity, lasers deflected by shields, and any ships that get too close crushed into tiny spheres.
Digifanatic: "What room?"
Alexia: "There HAS to be something we're missing."
Digifanatic: "Come on, where do we start?"
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Thirty minutes."
Alexia heads back to the bridge's side door and looks around the room. REALLY looks.
Metal Man (GM): You see that the room is, indeed, full of handles, shadows, and other things related to hiding and moving around in strange ways.
Aribar: "Dragoshi, do you know if your EMP grenades wear off?"
Alexia: "Idea two!"
Digifanatic has an idea and tells it to Alexia...
Alexia: "It's time for a little stealth."
Metal Man (GM): Nearby, footage of the previous fight can be seen. It shows an entire cloud of lasers blasting away an entire sector from Gunicard.
Digifanatic: "If you can keep up your telekinetic stuff to basically thrash the robots into each other?"
Dragoshi: "...Heh. No. Really don't"
Alexia tries to fly over to one of the handles, then attempts to stay in the shadows and get to the bridge door.
Metal Man (GM): Move silently check.
Aribar: "Okay, can someone tell be roughly what lasers are made of?"
Digifanatic: "It's an acronym, I know that..."
Metal Man (GM): An Eggrobo gets lucky and notices her.
He moves to shoot a shot at her.
Aribar: "Isn't it light or something like that?"
Metal Man (GM): 25 laser damage if that hit.
Dragoshi: "Light Amplifying... Something, something... Crap, I forgot."
Alexia gets hit.
Aribar: "Okay. Light. All I need."
Alexia: "...Hmph."
*She waits for the Egg Robo to move back, then tries again.*
Metal Man (GM): You may try again.
Dragoshi does the same as Alexia.
Metal Man (GM): This time you walk into a wall, saving you the trouble of getting shot... you get covered by Dragoshi running at them screaming.
Dragoshi: "...Wait."
Aribar rushes into the same corridor as Alexia and gets ready to... Do something. The elf concentrates on his arcane powers and steps out into the path of the robots' lasers. If any are fired at him he attempts to try and reflect them away from him... Preferably at the other robots. (Using Energy Control for this.)
Dragoshi: "I think I lost it."
Metal Man (GM): A whole TON are fired.
Aribar: Energy control check.
Alexia steps back into the weapons room.
Digifanatic: .oO(Down to less than half an hour... this is almost hopeless but we have to do something...)
Metal Man (GM): Some lasers are deflected.
Alexia: "I'll never give up..."
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Twenty-five minutes."
Metal Man (GM): The rest hit Dragoshi.
Alexia tries again after the lasers dissipate.
Metal Man (GM): 25 laser damage per hit.
Alexia walks in, trips, then runs back to the weapon room again.
Dragoshi Chaos Controls to evade the 22
Aribar backs out of the way of death.
"Okay, before we attempt any more stupid things does anyone needs healed? Do NOT be afraid to ask."
Metal Man (GM): You do notice plenty of Eggrobo corpses around.
Digifanatic wishes he knew any idea... he tries to do a Move Silently type maneuver...
Dragoshi takes...125 laser. He drinks a Recovery vial.
Digifanatic heads back to the entrance...
Metal Man (GM): Digi attempts to Moonwalk into the room.
Alexia: "Another idea..."
Dragoshi: .oO(...The hayell Digi?)
Gibby: "...Bad idea."
Alexia flies to just below the ceiling and tries to fly behind the robots.
Digifanatic: *Hit CRIT miss Hit.*
Metal Man (GM): One of them fires at him for 25 laser damage per hit.
Aribar: "No? Okay then." *The elf rushes back out and tries his idea again...*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar redirects the lasers into the Eggrobo in question.
It explodes.
Alexia: AGI check.
Digifanatic has to take another Mushroom for himself... this is getting too harsh.
Aribar: "Sorry! Getting used to this still..."
Dragoshi helps Ari in case more Eggrobos appear.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia flies into the ray gun. It begins spinning around, with her hanging onto it.
Dragoshi: "..."
Alexia: "YAIIIIII!"
Metal Man (GM): This is fun! But dangerous! But fun!
It begins firing lasers in all directions... but none can hit Alexia.
Dragoshi: .oO(Errr... Kill it's face?)
Alexia tries to capitalize on this point-blank range by ripping it out with TK.
Metal Man (GM): The robots also fire at it... and then Alexia attacks it.
Aribar continues forward, keeping up and redirecting his powers as needed. (Er. Just call for Energy Control checks as needed I guess.)
Metal Man (GM): In a large explosion, all the robots and stuff finally dies.
Digifanatic: "YES!"
Metal Man (GM): +1000 EXP
Gibby: "AH!"
Alexia crashes to the floor.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): Now you have... a locked door.
Alexia: "...Dizzy... But we did it!"
Gibby: "...That's one way to make an impact."
Aribar: "I hate robots. Dragoshi, could you do the honors?"
Dragoshi nods, and does the honors-- The honors of carving the door down!
Metal Man (GM): The door has a strange platform inside.
It appears to go somewhere.
Digifanatic: (need to switch comps) *Heads in the door.*
Aribar: "Okay. Last call for curative spells."
Alexia: "OK... One here."
Gibby: "Mysterious platform... why not?"
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Twenty minutes."
Aribar casts Restore on Gibby and Alexia. +31 HP each.
Gibby hears the PA and steps on it.
"Thanks again, Ari."
Alexia: "Thanks."
Metal Man (GM): Gibby suddenly turns upside down and flies straight up.
Aribar steps onto the elevator after unsheathing Moonlight.
Alexia runs onto the platform.
Aribar: "No problem."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar does too.
Dragoshi walks onto the platform, his scythe ready.
Aribar: "Gaah!"
Metal Man (GM): And... Alexia.
And Dragoshi.
Alexia: "What the--WHAAAAAAAAAA!"
Dragoshi: "...Woah."
Metal Man (GM): You fly upward to an area near the top of the Gravity Egg.
Aribar: "...Of course he'd use gravity on his elevators!"
Dragoshi: "Of course."
Gibby: "WHEEEE!"
Metal Man (GM): Momentary pause. Time paused at 17 minutes.
Time resume... nnnow.
You're flying on up...
And up...
Alexia: "Some elevator design HE has!"
Digifanatic has, of course, started to float on up...
Metal Man (GM): Until you arrive on the ceiling... which is actually the floor for you guys.
Aribar: "A normal one probably couldn't hold his weight!"
Alexia flips around in mid-air and lands on the ceiling.
Dragoshi: "Heh"."
Alexia: "...Talk about a new view on life."
Metal Man (GM): You're now at the main computer room. A weird eye thing stares at you from a central column.
Dragoshi is on the ceiling... Floor... whatev!
Digifanatic chuckles at Ari's comment, but he knows they have to just keep rolling. After all, only 16 minutes remain.
Computer: "Intruders detected. Automated defenses inefficient to destroy them."
Dragoshi: "...Inefficient?"
Ivo Robotnik: (PA) "Fifteen minutes!"
Dragoshi: "Did it actually say that?"
Alexia starts looking for an exit.
Digifanatic: "That's probably a call for backup."
Aribar: "Maybe we're in lock for once."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Metal Man (GM): You see no exit. Rather, you see the enemy computer, and a bunch of terminals on the ceiling.
It stares at you like insects.
Alexia: "Those could help."
Aribar: "This thing seems... Pretty important. I say we smash it up."
Computer: "Processing. Must destroy intruders."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Alexia fires a Mindblast at the computer.
Aribar wastes no time Bolting the eye.
Digifanatic decides to go enlighten the computer as well... Celestial Fury, that is.
Dragoshi already has his scythe readied, and he fires... A charged up Earth Bite at it.
Metal Man (GM): You blast it... but it merely flies out of the wall... it's a floating eye thingy! Ahhhh!
(((((( BOSS BATTLE (Normal time flow stopped) ))))))
You blasted away the armor holding it in place.
It's not very armored, but it has... two arm thingies.
Alexia: "Here we go!"
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Metal Man (GM): Order: Aribar, Gibby, Dragoshi, Alexia, Digi, Computer
*Sonic 3 Miniboss theme.*
Computer: "You will be ground into dust."
Aribar tries to fry that eye by unleashing fire down upon it! The elf would then shoot an icy dart at it for good measure. (Lava Blast for 37 Fire Damage and Burned for 3 rounds. Ice Dart for 13 Ice damage.)
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Hit.
Computer: "Give up, you repulsive Eggman-haters."
Gibby decides to go after the eye as well. He leaps up towards it and slashes at it twice horizontally.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, crit.
Gibby leaps back to the others.
Dragoshi decides to assist Gibby by trying to carve the hell out of the damn eye with his laser scythe... OF DOOM.
Aribar: "Oh, okay! We've only traversed the Astral plane and the entire length of this stupid ship to give up after all!"
Digifanatic: "Gibby's sword never fails me."
Computer: "Resistance is illogical."
Metal Man (GM): *Miss* *Miss.*
Computer: "You will be atomized."
Dragoshi: "...Dammit. Must've overswung." *Steps back.*
Gibby: "Must've..."
Aribar: .oO(Ahh... Maybe saying,"I'd like to see you try" wouldn't be good right now...)
Alexia fires a Mindblast at the eye, then follows up with a Psy Needle.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Alexia: "New move of mine. Like it?"
Digifanatic agrees with Ari and just decides to unload 2 Light Rays on it, defending afterward.
Computer: "You are nothing more than a bunch of flesh."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, that's an interesting maneuver..."
Alexia: "And you are nothing more than a box of spare parts."
Digifanatic: *EoT.*
Gibby: "You're so observant..."
Computer: "Correction, I am a collection of highly powerful circuit boards aligned to serve the all-powerful Eggman."
Trigger hits the computer with a smash attack.
Dragoshi: .oO(And h-...Screw the jokes!)
Metal Man (GM): Miss
Computer: "You will regret fighting me and my machines."
Trigger try to hit the computer with another smash attack.
Aribar: "We vaporized your machines..."
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Computer: "Only a few. You lack peripheral thinking. Danger. Intruders. Full power. All circuits set to overload."
Alexia: "Overload?!"
Metal Man (GM): All of a sudden, the arms of the thing begin spinning around.
Dragoshi: .oO(...Overload? Ay carumba.)
Metal Man (GM): The eye flashes red.
Trigger: "Oh crap."
Gibby: "Look out, guys..."
Alexia: "It's the Cuisinart from hell!"
Metal Man (GM): It shoots a continuous stream of laser energy from below it into the ground.
Aribar: "Not more lasers!"
Metal Man (GM): Then it hurls fireballs and lasers while trying to laser Dragoshi and smack Trigger and Gibby.
Digifanatic can't necessarily back off cause he's defending himself...
Metal Man (GM): First: Fireballs fly at Aribar and Dragoshi.
100 fire damage if hit; they explode violently.
Aribar easily leaps away from the fiery explosion.
Dragoshi: "...Hmph" (93/325. Going up in damage)
Metal Man (GM): It then tries to laser Gibby.
30 laser damage per hit.
Gibby is lazored!
Metal Man (GM): Then its right arm tries to smack Gibby into the ground.
150 damage if that hits.
The other swings for Trigger.
Gibby may have gotten lazored, but he manages to back away from the arm at least.
Metal Man (GM): 150 damage if that hits.
Then it attempts to run over Alexia with its main laser.
300 laser damage if that hits.
Alexia jumps back, dodging it.
Trigger is crushed.
Computer: "Destroy all Questers. You are incapable of higher logic. You have a 10% chance of success."
Aribar slams the eye with a blast of electricity before sending two orbs of earth at it. (Bolt for 49 Magical Electricity, Earth Blast Barrage for 13 Magical Earth each.)
Computer: "By the time you reach the Doctor, Nintendus will have been hit by the moon."
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit.
Alexia: "Well, it seems that for the Questers, odds do not apply."
Gibby: "Time to give you yet another dosage of pain!"
Alexia: "Frag him, Gibby!"
Gibby leaps up at the eyeball and slashes at him twice more! SLICE DICE.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Dragoshi ignores the attack, and attempts to carve the hell out of the Eye. SLICE, DICE!
Metal Man (GM): Hit, miss.
Dragoshi steps back, and waits (EoT)
Alexia fires three quick shots at the computer. Gatling!
Computer: "Your fight is delaying the inevitable."
Metal Man (GM): Hit miss miss
Alexia: *12 per hit.*
Digifanatic figures that just Light Rays alone will be fine for now. 3 of those followed by a Fire Lunge... he can't grab it, but he can smother it for a bit...
Metal Man (GM): Crit hit hit
Alexia: "Alright!"
Dragoshi: "...Good one."
Digifanatic: "Yes indeed..."
Trigger jumps up and aims a rocket strike at the eye.
Metal Man (GM): Hit
Trigger trys to hit the computer with another smash attack.
Metal Man (GM): CRIT
Digifanatic: "We're all looking good today..."
Alexia's jaw drops at seeing Trigger land a critical.
Digifanatic: .oO(We need the time we need the time)
Gibby: "See? He's getting better."
Dragoshi chuckles as Trigger crits "Good job."
Metal Man (GM): Computer
Computer: "Overload reloaded. Destroy Questers."
Metal Man (GM): First, it tries to run over Trigger with its laser beam.
300 laser damage if that hits.
Trigger: "...Crap."
Dragoshi: "...Holy damn!"
Metal Man (GM): Then it decides to try to smash Gibby and Dragoshi into the ground.
Trigger dies... like hell.
Metal Man (GM): 150 damage per hit, though it's only one each, to the respective targets.
Then it hurls two fireballs at Aribar.
Dragoshi evades gracefully with a flip of the bird (And, 1 CP)
"You missed."
Metal Man (GM): 100 fire damage per hit.
Gibby is smashed up.
Metal Man (GM): Then it opens fire on Dragoshi... with lasers.
30 laser damage per hit.
Aribar rolls out of the way in a chaotic burst of speed before getting to his feet and backflipping away from the other fireball.
Computer: "You must all die."
Digifanatic: "We've done a lot to this thing... can't imagine it taking much more."
Dragoshi evades the 16 and 17, Chaos Controls from the 22 but gets hit... Thrice for 90 damage
"Feh. Whatever."
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit hit hit hit miss hit
Dragoshi: "...Heh. You know Earth elemental spells too?"
Aribar: "It used to be my trademark years and years ago."
Gibby couldn't take much more damage... so he takes an ultra shroom. Ahh... much better! Now refreshed, he leaps up and slashes the eye once horizontally.
Dragoshi: "Ah."
Alexia: "Let's focus on the crash and trash part of our job right now."
Metal Man (GM): It's looking ripped apart.
Better deal the final blow before it hits you.
Dragoshi wags his finger sarcastically at the computer then attempts to strike it with his scythe twice.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Computer: "Too... much... like... Sonic..."
Dragoshi: "...Never got THAT comment before."
Trigger: "What does Sonic have to do with this?"
Alexia fires a Mindblast, then follows up with a Psy Shot and a Aiming Shot.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dragoshi: "I think it has to do with the fact I sarcastically wagged my finger at it, Trig."
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Trigger: "Ah, that makes sense."
Digifanatic just has to end this ASAP. If 4 Light Rays don't do it in, Digi'll be shocked.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit, hit
The machine is critically damaged. It violently explodes.
Alexia: "Look out!"
Metal Man (GM): *BOOM.*
Alexia covers her face with her arms.
Aribar raises his arm up defensively.
Gibby stinks himself into a ball.
Dragoshi wags his finger at it sarcastically. Again.
Metal Man (GM): The entire place shakes, as you fall to the right side of the room... where the computers are.
Digifanatic: *End turn--as his turn ends, Ian feels a strange sensation he has not in a while... he glows a bit and suddenly seems stronger than before. He ducks with the others as his glow fades off...*
Dragoshi then eats an Ultra Shroom.
Metal Man (GM): +3000 EXP
Alexia: "Whaaaa!" *Thump.*
Metal Man (GM): 12 minutes to go, and the Gravity Egg is nearing completion of hurling the moon into Nintendus.
Digifanatic stats temporarily AGI/MNT/STR at 27s apiece.
Trigger has leveled up.
Digifanatic levels up as well!
Gibby: *Leveled uped!*
Alexia: "...I feel a strange force..."
Metal Man (GM): As you level up, the timer ticks down.
The moon is flying straight towards the planet... it's almost there!
Trigger: "What's wrong?"
Digifanatic: *61, sucker!*
Aribar: "Okay, we need to... Do something. Face Ivo! Trash this place! Stop the moon! Something!"
Digifanatic runs on...
Trigger: "Gah."
Metal Man (GM): Actually 10 minutes.
Digifanatic: "Just keep going! No time to waste now!"
Metal Man (GM): Runs on? There's nowhere to go but down from here... these computers look important.
Are you going to run away from them?
Alexia shakes her head.
Gibby runs TO a computer.
Alexia: "I'll try it later..."
Trigger starts to analyze the computers.
Dragoshi walks to a computer as well.
Alexia runs over to the computers.
Metal Man (GM): They show the current progress of the thing flying towards Nintendus.
Alexia: "Wait, I know what it is..."
Trigger: "Maybe I can stop it."
Alexia: "Chaos Control!"
Gibby takes out his trusty computer hacking device on his dex and presses the button to start it up.
Metal Man (GM): It's 83%.
Digifanatic is kinda at one of them as well, sees the screen and realizes it's a waste. He has to go back the original way.
"We have to go back!"
Aribar looks strangely at Alexia. "What are you doing?"
Metal Man (GM): You press it... with the computer gone, it's able to hack into the computer.
Digifanatic: "If we sit here we'll have no time!"
Metal Man (GM): It shows a variety of controls, a really large one being for 'Gravity Egg Main Weapon'
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): It's been set to full power.
Alexia: "Shut it down!"
Gibby looks at his options.
Trigger: "DO SOMETHING!"
Gibby: "Don't pressure me!"
Metal Man (GM): You can turn the power down... turn it off... or reverse it after turning the power off.
Trigger: "Sorry."
Aribar: "Don't get psycho over buttons!"
Metal Man (GM): Or you can overload it.
Aribar: "Oops... Shouldn't have said that."
Alexia: "TURN IT OFF!"
Dragoshi: "...Turn it off!"
Gibby does the right thing and turns that bad boy off.
Digifanatic: "Oh thank you thank you thank you..."
Metal Man (GM): It's turned off... but the moon is still moving!
Dragoshi: "...REVERSE IT!"
Metal Man (GM): 5 minutes until catastrophic collision.
Gibby then goes to the reversing button and presses it!
Metal Man (GM): You press it... what's this?
'Command Error.'
Trigger: "No, why don't we use the weapon to destroy the moon?"
Metal Man (GM): Eggman's head appears in a corner on the computer.
Alexia: "...AAAAAAAAGH!"
Ivo Robotnik: "Not so fast! FULL POWER!"
Digifanatic: "That must be a trap button!"
Trigger: "NO!!!"
Gibby: "Wait-what??"
Metal Man (GM): It begins turning back up... and up... and up...
Gibby: *NO NO NO!*
Digifanatic: "Something for us to fall for..."
Metal Man (GM): You're gonna have to out-hack the Eggman!
Aribar: "Damn! Why can't we win easily for once?"
Metal Man (GM): Computer use check.
Dragoshi: "...Not gonna say anything. Need help, Gibby?"
Digifanatic: "Dragoshi, you're one of the best I know with these. GO GET HIM."
Metal Man (GM): Luckily, you bought yourself two minutes.
Trigger: "...I try it."
Digifanatic: "No."
Gibby: "Someone wanna take over? Someone who KNOWS what they're doing?"
Digifanatic: "I know Dragoshi is very good at this."
Gibby: "Drag, get on it!"
Dragoshi: "...Uhh... Thanks."
Gibby moves out of the way.
Digifanatic: "He's better than me."
Ivo Robotnik: "So close... and so successful! Hahahahahaaaa! Five minutes to success!"
Dragoshi tries to outhack ol' Ivo...
Dragoshi: "...Dammit."
Metal Man (GM): You type into it. The computer laughs at you, and you use a few moments doing it.
Trigger runs over to the computer.
Metal Man (GM): Gonna have to try again, or have someone else try.
Digifanatic tries to follow Dragoshi's plan on another console.
Dragoshi: "...Good job Trig."
Metal Man (GM): Trigger attempts against the Eggman.
Ivo Robotnik: "Noooooo!!!!!!!"
Trigger: "Come on."
Aribar: "...Digi, YOU are the technical expert. Don't you think you would be better than a yoshi... Dragon... Thing? No offense, Dragoshi."
Dragoshi attempts to do the same as Digi.
Metal Man (GM): Trigger's roll stops it cold.
Gibby: "Hey, I think Trig did a good thing..."
Ivo Robotnik: "Must restore power!"
Digifanatic: "I think so..."
Dragoshi: "...Right, right whatever, Ari..."
Alexia jumps into the air.
Metal Man (GM): He's trying to restart it again... more hacking required!
Trigger: "...DAMN IT!!"
Dragoshi tries to make SURE that Ivo doesn't restart it.
Gibby: "GAH! More hacking! Trig, do it again!"
Digifanatic: "Everybody has to play a hero or heroine sometime..."
Alexia: *Screech.*
Metal Man (GM): It restarts again.
Digifanatic: "I think he got it again!"
Metal Man (GM): Then it stops.
Dragoshi tries AGAIN... That is after Trigger CRITS!
Ivo Robotnik: "I'll just start it again!"
Trigger starts to breath heavily.
Gibby: "...I have a feeling this could take awhile."
Metal Man (GM): Yet more hacking against him.
Dragoshi: "This is like a bad game of tug-o-war!"
Digifanatic: "But we're stalling..."
Dragoshi: "...And Trigger's WINNING"
Metal Man (GM): Another good roll... it doesn't start up again.
Digifanatic: "And Trigger is gracing us."
Metal Man (GM): The problem appears he can keep on trying to restart it.
Dragoshi tries to keep Ivo OUT of it.
Metal Man (GM): You need a more permanent situation before he isolates the holes you're using.
Trigger: "How do I stop this?"
Dragoshi: "Take that, fat man!"
Aribar: "Reverse it! No, wait..."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi is merely laughed at. He fails to stop him from remaining able to control it.
Then you get more alarms.
Aribar: "Lock Robotnik out! Julian did it once on the Gunicard!"
Alexia: "Uh-oh."
Trigger: "Ok."
Digifanatic: "But HOW?"
Ivo Robotnik: "Oh ho! The gravity of Nintendus is pulling it to the surface without my help!"
Dragoshi: "...Crap."
Ivo Robotnik: "Go planetary bodies!"
Gibby: "GAH!"
Digifanatic: "How do we lock everything out?!"
Trigger: "I can't STOP IT!!"
Alexia: "Shoot it down!"
Digifanatic: "With what, Alexia?"
Metal Man (GM): The clock runs at 5 minutes again. Robotnik isn't even needing to roll anything; you guys have to try to reverse it, then roll a check.
Digifanatic: "We'd need the Void to Armageddon this thing!"
Metal Man (GM): *BZT* You're stopped by Robotnik that time.
Digifanatic: "That's what we really need!"
Dragoshi tries to hack in so that the reversal button can do it's job... Reversing Ivo's plan.
Trigger: "He is relentless."
Metal Man (GM): Again, Dragoshi fails.
You may want to look at other options.
Digifanatic figures he just has to keep trying...
Metal Man (GM): Digi presses the button and shocks himself a little.
Digifanatic: "This is crazy."
Trigger: "...I wonder if there is something to keep Robotnik from hacking me back?"
Digifanatic: "If it is, I dunno--wait a second..."
Dragoshi tries to think out something... If only he could shock Robotnik through the terminal, so he'd shut up...
Aribar: "Arrg... Computer people, is there anything a computer illiterate person such as me can do to help?"
Gibby: "And me! I wanna help!"
Trigger: "...No, not really."
Metal Man (GM): Trigger's attempt jams the Gravity Egg thing. The controls begin to throw sparks.
Gibby: "Aw poo..."
Digifanatic: "One of the whole perks about my friends and I getting to do the things we could was that computers were a way to travel between Earth and the Digital World..."
Dragoshi: "...Oh carp."
Aribar sighs. The elf looks about the room for anything else of note.
Trigger: "Damn it, what now?"
Metal Man (GM): Not much. More computers than sense.
Digifanatic: "If only we can somehow use these computers to get right to the base of all this stuff..."
Ivo Robotnik: "Hmph! It appears the Gravity Egg's main weapon has been damaged."
Digifanatic: "And then maybe stop him cold..."
Trigger: "Hmm..."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Digifanatic: "Just keep hacking for now."
Ivo Robotnik: "Nonetheless, the moon hovers close to Nintendus... I'll finish the job without it!"
Digifanatic tries to get back on the hacking job for now...
Metal Man (GM): The computers fizzle and burn out.
Digifanatic still can't catch breaks, but sees Dragoshi and Trigger running the gamut.
Trigger: "Uh-oh."
Metal Man (GM): It appears you'll have to fight Ivo himself to stop him from finishing his nefarious plan.
Part II Complete
Digifanatic: "Now how do we GET to him with the time we have? The comps are crashed, my plan's out the window..."
Dragoshi: "...No idea. I guess that's the problem."
Metal Man (GM): The moon hovers dangerously close to Nintendus, but it seems it'll be a while before it crashes.
The computers indicate the death of the computer deactivated all the automated defenses.
Trigger: "We just have to try to get to the bridge by any means necessary."
Gibby: "Man... it must suck to be swimming right about now."
Metal Man (GM): *PAUSE* For here.
Part Three: Either tomorrow or day after tomorrow.
Dragoshi: "...Yep. So, what the HELL are we waiting for!?"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers will fight Eggman himself, with his plans 3/4 complete but still kicking!
Trigger: "LET'S GO TEAM!!"
Aribar is wondering how they'll get to Eggman...
Metal Man (GM): And before we stop entirely, some cinema clips.
It is near the ruins of Quester Hunter HQ.
The moon fills most of the sky.
It's... odd... just like Termina, even.
Tides come to an all-time high over at Hyrule Lake, flooding Port Destiny.
People run away screaming from the moon in an unknown village near the QH ruins.
Meanwhile, Gunicard, mostly in flames (on the inside) and low on nukes, appears to be activating some sort of 'Plan B'
And finally, Eggman is in his bridge, laughing.
Ivo Robotnik: "Oh... those Questers... they crack me up! They've only minorly slowed me down... and I've got several plans to spare! I shall soon fulfill the deal I made... and destroy the Questers!"
Metal Man (GM): He presses some buttons and walks on out.
Finally, it shows Ivan, staring at the moon, from his own office.
Ivan Robotnik: "He's lost it, for sure... that moon will cause far more damage than it will add land... And even if it does crash... it's poised to hit mostly deserted areas.
What COULD he be really planning? I've seen a variety of fake plans... none of which, no matter how enthusiastically followed, wind up being executed in full.
It must be something really important..."
Metal Man (GM): *Fadeout.*

