Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 308: La Misión del dios Sky High
Date: 10:24:44 PM, July 30th; 5:08:49 PM, July 31st, 2006.
Editor's Note: This and the previous session were previously awkwardly jammed together, muddling the end of the previous chapter. With the power of editing, you can now see them separated from eachother!
Metal Man (GM): Previously, at the end of the last session...
Aribar: "Hey, guys..."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, Ari?"
Dragoshi: "Yea?"
Aribar: "Can you all come to the Big Room? I need to ask you all something." *He goes to exit the ship.*
Digifanatic walks into the BR, awaiting Ari's message.
"Hey, Gib?"
Gibby: "...Yeah?"
Digifanatic: "When Ari says, 'Meet me in the Big Room,' I think he really means something."
Wolfman goes with Digi.
Digifanatic: "Sounds like he wanted to speak with all of us."
VG: *In Big Room, seeing the others come in.*
Metal Man sits in the Big Room, moving around paperwork.
Dragoshi goes to the Big Room.
Gibby: "Well yeah, but I mean afterwards..."
Trigger follows Digi and Wolf.
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Gibby rushes to the big room.
Aribar not finding Metal in his office, decides to head to the Big Room.
VG: "Congrats everyone."
Metal Man: "A small space station blew up, Gunicard was nearly destroyed, and we may never find Ivo in one piece again. But you managed to succeed."
The Ninja: "Ah! Metal. Looks like you sent me just in time."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Trigger: "Yeah..."
VG: "I think the shortened version was better." *Stick tongue out at Metal.*
Metal Man: "Yes, I knew you would be able to help them... had they not had your help, we'd be fending off Ivo's invasion force."
Digifanatic is still wondering what Mr. Hunter's message is.
Wolfman: "I just have one question... Who was that ninja?"
Aribar enters the Big Room. "Ah, there's Metal. And nearly everyone is here..."
Metal Man: "...He's right here. You talk to him."
The Ninja: "I am standing right here."
Gibby: "So what's up, Ari?"
Aribar: "Well, first off... Metal, can you get Skyhigh in here?"
Metal Man: "I still feel anxious... something feels wrong. Why?"
Wolfman turns to the ninja.
Digifanatic: "...Sky?"
Aribar: "I have something to say and it involves him."
Wolfman: "...I have no clue who you are, or how you ended up here, but... thanks."
Digifanatic: "Weird..."
Gibby: "...Eh?"
Metal Man: "Whatever you want... your request is bizarre."
Trigger: "Hmm?"
Metal Man presses a buzzer. Skyhigh walks in, in his Boba Fett regalia.
The Ninja: "It's my job. We talk more after debriefing."
Aribar: "Okay, now that you are all gathered here..."
Trigger: "..."
Gibby: "...Hey Sky!"
Sky High: "Whaaaar? I was just getting down to disco dancing with my cans of beer!"
Dragoshi: "...?"
The Ninja: "Ah! Sky. Good to see you again."
VG: "I thought I told you to stop drinking that stuff Sky!"
Sky High: "You can't stop me... talking phone booth!"
Digifanatic motions Aribar to continue...
Sky High: *Grabs VG's nose and attempts to dial his head* "Hello? Operator? I have an alcohol-related emergency. We're outta booze!"
Gibby: "..."
Trigger: "Heh."
VG: "Ouch Ouch OUCH! Get off of me!"
Dragoshi: "..."
Wolfman: *Chuckles.*
Aribar: "Before we went to the space station I went to Turion to try and get Aetos back on our side. I talked with him and, well... He did things in the past that seemed wrong, but at that time they were the truest things to what he thought was the Quester's way. So along with Metal the three of us started to talk about getting him back here..."
Gibby: "So... what about him, Ari?"
Trigger starts to laugh uncontrollably.
The Ninja: "Ah! hahaha! Sky is still funny drunken idiot."
Sky High: "Oooopsie!" *Lets go of VG and picks up a trash can, staring into it* "Maybe it's in here!"
Digifanatic: "Yeah? Sky, be quiet for one minute, will you?"
VG: "...regrettably, yes..."
Sky High: "Okay." *Stares at Aribar.*
Aribar: "It didn't go as planned and, ah, other topics were brought up. I don't wish to repeat them at this time."
Metal Man: "What happened that you need Skyhigh for?"
Aribar: "I'm... Getting there."
Gibby scratches his head.
Aribar: "Shadow the Hedgehog eventually arrived and was agitated with Aetos and I. He presented us with an... Interesting choice."
Metal Man listens carefully, frowning.
"That's no good. Shadow's a homicidal maniac."
Aribar: "Help him revive the Fury at full strength or die."
Digifanatic: "Oh man..."
Aribar: "Aetos and I chose the latter."
Trigger: "Oh boy."
Wolfman: "...then how come you are still alive?"
Aribar: "Shadow spared me... But with an Astral gun Aetos was shot down."
Digifanatic gently puts his palm on his forehead...
Metal Man: "Well, that's awful valiant of you... but... how did he get involved?"
Aribar: "Shadow?"
Digifanatic: *Muttering* "Oh my god... oh my god..."
Trigger: "Oh man, Aetos is... dead?"
Metal Man: "I don't remember him... randomly picking on people. He even said he'd leave us alone."
Gibby: "Ouch..."
Dragoshi: "...Huh"
The Ninja just listens, trying to figure this out as well.
VG takes off his hat for a moment.
Digifanatic: "And what does Sky have to do with this?"
Wolf lowers his head.
Gibby: "Yeah... what about that?"
Aribar: "Shadow got involved when certain calls were placed, and I'm almost at that part Digi."
Metal Man: "Calls... Aetos... Aribar... Shadow..."
Digifanatic: "Okay..."
Metal Man gets a picture of Aribar prank calling Aetos. "Nah, that isn't possible."
Aribar: "The Elder of Kale's Village, you know, the one who lived in that shack, said that the only way to revive Aetos was through a god's power."
Digifanatic is getting that migraine look in his body language, even thought he really has none...
Aribar: "A Turion god..."
Metal Man: "...I'm waiting for the part where The Mad Hatter attacks you with a vorpal sword."
Gibby: "Uh... ok..."
Aribar: "And... The only one who could get that power and would possibly help me is Skyhigh."
Wolfman: "Forgive me for laughing, but..."
Sky High: "I knew touching that glowing rock thing would be good!"
Wolfman: *LAUGH*
Gibby: "...Ari, you're not saying what I -think- you're saying, are you?"
Dragoshi: "...Why a vorpal sword?"
Trigger: "...You're kidding, that drunken idiot?"
Metal Man: "Vorpal swords complete the illusion of complete insanity."
Aribar: "You mean make Skyhigh a god to revive Aetos, Gibby?"
Gibby: "Cause that's just NUTS!"
Digifanatic: "WHAT THE..."
VG: "How can Sky help with this?"
Gibby: "...NO! NO WAY!"
Digifanatic: "How in the world could Turion worship HIM?!"
Sky High: "Me make good God man. I revive my long lost dead brother. We dance in fields!" *Dances with garbage can.*
Gibby: "I mean... LOOK at him! ...THAT... you want THAT to be a God!"
The Ninja: "Sky's skill are very good when not drunk."
Trigger: "...He's drunk."
Digifanatic: "Even still..."
Gibby: "You want a God that gets drunk?"
Aribar: "It would... Be a drastic measure, but it would be to revive someone who can help us immensely."
Trigger: "No way in hell he should be a god."
Metal Man: "Some Greek Gods got drunk too. Just not like him."
The Ninja: "Better than a god that betrays."
Metal Man: "Hmmm... name how Aetos could or did help us."
Editor's Note: I was about to ding myself for not having Metal ask about this.
Wolfman: "Forgive me for asking Aribar, but how can Aetos be a help?"
Gibby: "Yeah... he was a pain."
Metal Man: "I trust Skyhigh, but I don't really trust Aetos."
Aribar: "He saved the Spirit Temple's altar from destruction, he tried to help the citizens of Nintendus when he couldn't join us... He can be taught better ways of dealing with problems."
Trigger: "Hmm..."
Gibby sighs.
Metal Man: "...And if he can't?"
Trigger: "We kill him?"
Gibby: "Look, I'm all for bringing the guy back and all, but... does it have to be SKY of all people Is there nobody else?"
Aribar: "Then we can send him home with the Atlantean portal."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Dragoshi: "We find the nearest giant mosquito and smack him upside the head with it?"
Metal Man: "Well, that there's the problem. It was either death or Turion, and he decided to do both simultaneously against my will."
VG: "So you want to revive Aetos just to send him back through Atlantis?"
Aribar: "And, well... Unless you know how to commune with gods it has to be Skyhigh, Gibby. No, Veeg.
I want to revive him so he can rejoin the Questers. If he doesn't want to then he can be sent home."
Sky High: "Hmmm... Aetos... I remember him. I had to betray him to avoid being labeled a traitor agaiiiiiin! That would have been a serious bummer."
Gibby: "Wait... what about that businessman? Couldn't we talk to him about it?"
Digifanatic: "One problem."
The Ninja: "All we need to do is sober Sky up."
Aribar: "I'm not sure, Gibby."
Digifanatic: "Ari, what if he keeps his insanity post-Kuja back onEarth?"
Trigger: "How?"
The Ninja: "Booby-trap his drinks."
Gibby: "Well I dunno... we sometimes see him when we warp... maybe we can contact him somehow."
Wolfman: "My main question... should Sky even be sober for this?"
Trigger: "With what?"
The Ninja: "Ninja traps."
Metal Man: "I might add it violates some rules in the Manifesto... you'll be angering the Mages' council for his case."
Digifanatic: "I mean, the guy went on such a crazy streak after Kuja... the question is, will he recover?"
Aribar: "Is not there law enforcement on earth?"
Digifanatic: "Yes."
Aribar: "What rules will it violate?"
Digifanatic: "I'm just hoping that he calms down and doesn't get put in a mental institution!:"
Metal Man: "Reviving people dead for over a year... summoning gods..."
Digifanatic: "Ari... When you saw him, how was he mentally?"
Metal Man: "Whatever is used is likely to be a relic of high power..."
Digifanatic: "Was he in a 'Kill All' mode, or did he seem somewhat sane?"
The Ninja: "However, this magic thing is hurting my head."
Aribar: "Okay, time to take one thing at a time..."
Metal Man: "I can only allow this if you're willing to do this as a person and not a Quester."
Aribar: "Metal, how is it reviving people who have been dead over a year?"
Gibby: "Ugh... I don't like the sound of this at all."
Dragoshi: "...Does whatever Ari's planning on doing COUNT as summoning?"
Metal Man: "The revival clause is to prevent reviving people who have been dead for years, so that we don't have Kuja the Second after us."
Aribar: "And as for Digi... He was bitter, but only because of the treatment he got when he was here. I heard Julian tried to choke him!"
Digifanatic: "Indeed."
Wolfman: "It's not so much the revival clause as it is the others."
Digifanatic: "But that was because of false perception."
Dragoshi: "Yea. He DID try to choke him."
Digifanatic: "Lemme speak for a sec."
Metal Man: "Turion... advances ten years for every time you warp between it and here."
Editor's Note: Huh. I thought it was that time moved 10 times faster. Did I cheat it to be this solely to win this argument? ...I guess it doesn't really matter, the Mages' council's restrictions were always intentionally overly vague.
Aribar: "...Oh."
Digifanatic: "Julian thought... that Aetos was with the Void."
Trigger: "Speaking of Julian, where is he?"
Metal Man: "You're lucky it changed. Otherwise we would have probably not seen you until we were all old men."
Digifanatic: "In reality, if I remember what Metal said, Aetos was NOT aligned with the Void... he was just bent on destruction."
Metal Man: "Julian is probably on vacation again. Yes, Aetos didn't give up, unlike The Void."
Aribar: "Aetos did work for the Void at first. That was before he learned what the Void really was. After that he remained on to try and backstab the Void later."
Digifanatic: "So, technically, he really wasn't a traitor; he just wanted to blow stuff up."
The Ninja: "Jewels take too many vacations."
Metal Man: "This could be redeeming if he used it for us and not his own choices."
Digifanatic: "So... Julian isn't ALWAYS right after all! But we knew that, didn't we?"
Wolfman & VG: "DUH!"
Digifanatic: "Hehe..."
Trigger: "Haha..."
Metal Man: "He only has common sense... and his insistence to fight everything. He makes his own things come true if he can. Without him here things go contrary to his way."
Aribar: "It comes down to this; I wish to revive a good person. If Metal gives me permission to do this and Sky doesn't object to becoming a Turion god I will take any volunteers to Turion to get two items needed to make him a god."
Trigger: "I'll come with you."
Wolfman: "I'd rather avoid Turion, thanks."
Metal Man: "You're pushing the rules and the boundaries of sanity. What has he done for you?"
Digifanatic: .oO(Alexia's not here... relationship or not, Ari's at peace!)
VG: "Someone has to stick around the base."
Metal Man: "Nobody helped Skyhigh when he melted. Nobody cared that Phantom was stone-cold dead. People forgot Ruvyn existed."
Aribar: "He has shown me that he deserves another chance..."
Metal Man: "Heck, Star Steel is dead and nobody did anything for him."
Digifanatic: "But Aetos didn't act like a pain in the butt until recently."
Dragoshi: "..."
Trigger: "Hmm..."
Digifanatic: "For a while, I perceived as a nice, intuitive guy... It wasn't for a while until his mind just corrupted for a bit."
Metal Man: "I shall let you go, if you agree to be considered doing it yourselves. I cannot be the one to take the fall for any legal repercussions."
Aribar nods.
Trigger: "If you need need help, I'll come."
Aribar: "Thank you Metal. I am in your debt..."
Dragoshi: "...Eh. Don't see why not. Mind if I help as well...?"
Wolfman: " I being outvoted again here?"
Aribar: "Thank you as well, Trigger... Dragoshi... Help will be needed."
Metal Man: "You act like Nodal and you won't live to repay it, Aribar. He killed himself playing with machines."
Wolfman: "I'd rather avoid that planet!"
Trigger: "Heh, I guess."
Gibby: "Ugh... alright. I'll help as well."
Metal Man: "No. Only the people Aribar specified at first may come."
Digifanatic: "Alright. You three..."
Trigger: "Ok."
Wolfman: "Thank goodness... at least I won't be alone."
Aribar: "I'm asking for volunteers, Wolf. No one needs to come. The trials will be dangerous. And if we succeed the Mage Council might interfere. We know how strong they are."
The Ninja: "Well, I have no reason to go back home anyways. Besides, you need a ninja on the team."
Digifanatic: "I don't know if you'll all be leaving immediately or not..."
Metal Man: "You will regret this, I bet it."
Wolfman turns to Metal, and whispers something.
Aribar nods.
Gibby: "We'll regret it together."
Trigger: "So who is all going again?"
Digifanatic: "But, please... good luck and I hope that in the end, everything will be mentally and physically fine."
Aribar: "I won't be leaving immediately. There are a few things that must be done first."
Digifanatic: "We've overcame greater odds before."
Trigger: "Yeah."
The Ninja: "Besides. Wizard's body is too flail."
Gibby: "Yeah... I mean look what we just went through."
Metal Man stands up. "This is not about greater odds. This is about who you're reviving here."
Digifanatic: "Heh, exactly--yes, Metal?"
Metal Man: "You can revive him, you can fight the Mages Council. He'll betray you all again and probably have Shadow killing stuff again."
The Ninja: "Mages? On second thought..."
Trigger: "...Ok, anything for a friend."
Metal Man: "I gave him a many a chance and he hurt me for them all. This mission is considered at best a waste of time. At worst suicidal."
Dragoshi: "..."
Aribar: "Metal, he had the chance to work with Shadow, the MASTER of Chaos Control. He had the chance to work with reviving Phantom Lords. He turned that down for a hopeless battle!"
Gibby: "Ari is my friend... if he wants to do this, wrong or right, I'll support him."
The Ninja: "Those magic users scare me."
Trigger: "Same goes for me."
Metal Man: "He also turned down working with me. And you. And Gibby. He only works for himself."
Digifanatic: "Maybe if they work our a compromise... OR..."
Metal Man: "I add one more requirement."
Digifanatic: "I thought of something."
Aribar: "Yes?"
Trigger: "What?"
Metal Man: "Upon reviving him, he is IMMEDIATELY either sent home or signs the manifesto."
Editor's Note: FINALLY some logic is injected into this bizarre and awkward "We need to save this guy who is a total jerk that hates us all" conversation. Current me feels the Manifesto was rather ridiculous, but for someone like Aetos... it pretty much is required.
Digifanatic: "Medical intervention."
Gibby: "That's a good idea."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Dragoshi: "Yes."
Aribar: "Okay."
The Ninja: "Hey, Aribar..."
Metal Man: "That way I know he'll be sent home immediately and this errand can ensure you can't revive him again."
Aribar: "Yes?"
Digifanatic: "They can lure him into something and then we can send him to a hospital, induce him in some coma and then do a lobotomy or something so that he won't act up!"
Editor's Note: What the Hell, Digi? Even after everything he did in the future he wouldn't have deserved that cruel fate...
Metal Man sits down. "You are free to ensure he remains gone."
Trigger: "Heh."
Digifanatic: "I mean, it's a great idea, isn't it?"
Aribar: "Eh..."
Digifanatic: "Makes sense, right?"
Trigger: "I think so..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Wolfman & VG: "..."
Digifanatic: "What?"
Gibby: "Err... no comment."
Metal Man: "A lobotomy? If I were more cruel I'd use that, but I don't hate him that much. He'd be better off dead."
Trigger: "What?"
The Ninja: "If I die while fighting Magic users, I'll haunt you to your grave. Okay?"
Digifanatic: "Dang."
Trigger: "Craptastic."
Dragoshi: *Slightly more agitated tone of voice* "That's just friggin stupid."
Aribar: "Ahhh... Sure, one more ghost chasing after me won't hurt... Eheheheh."
Digifanatic: "I mean, I'm sorry if it's a silly idea..."
The Ninja: "Ninja ghost."
Metal Man: "It is with no guarantee of survival, pay, or anything else that I allow you to do this folly mission."
Gibby: "...and it is..."
Trigger: "Hahaha."
Digifanatic: "But I thought that if there was some way in that maybe he won't act up like the way he has, that was the first thing that came to mind."
Gibby: "It's not about payment..."
Metal Man: "I must continue paperwork, myself, for this will require red tape a mile long to cover up."
Trigger: "Oy."
Aribar: "Well... Before anyone else volunteers should I say what this mission involves?"
Metal Man: "And that's only enough to keep the APN themselves from considering us traitors. They'll still resent all of you."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Trigger: "..."
The Ninja: "Forget it, Aribar. I'm going for bad or for worse."
Wolfman: "Metal, hang on. How am I resented by the APN?"
Digifanatic: "Like I said, sorry if it's weird... ONE AT A TIME..."
Metal Man: "Not you, I mean whoever goes on the unlicensed mission."
Aribar: "You should still know the odds."
Gibby: "Tell us, Ari."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Aribar: "We shall have to retrieve Kales' staff from a lava filled volcano. And... Get holy grapes guarded by ice dragons. If all is lucky we'll be able to make Skyhigh a god, that is if no other gods or the Mage Council interfere by then."
Metal Man shakes his head and continues his paperwork. "If this place is destroyed when you come back, you better love Aetos, because it won't bring this place or us from the grave."
Gibby takes in a deep breath.
The Ninja: "Holy grapes? I'm fighting blessed food?"
Gibby: "That's... asking a lot... but I'll still go. I know this means a lot to you, Ari."
Aribar gives an uneasy nod to Metal.
Trigger: "...Same here."
Aribar: "Thank you, my friends... Now, there are two things I must ask Metal..."
Dragoshi: "...I'll stay here if that's the case. Some of us DO need to guard the home front."
Metal Man: "IF you want more I will punch out all your teeth."
Trigger: "No problem Ari."
The Ninja: "I didn't not return from hard training just to sit around anyways."
Gibby just nods.
Wolfman: "I'll help guard the home front regardless."
Metal Man: "This deal is cutting me to the jugular, and I need that to survive."
Aribar: "I just want knowledge and opinions, Metal. Is that too much?"
The Ninja: "Oh! Metal. I have good news!"
Metal Man: "You may... what? Good news exists in this hive of insanity?"
The Ninja: "My puppet skills have improved! Let me show you!"
VG: "Oy..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man: "Puppets beat listening to this sort of insanity any day. Let me see."
Trigger: "..."
VG hops on Wolf, wanting a better view.
Digifanatic: "Okay, so it's still Trigger and Dragoshi heading with you and Sky, correct, Ari?"
Aribar: "While we were on the mission we encountered some gargoyles from the past doing the 'Two paths, one truth teller, one lier' riddle. I asked them where I could get an item that would allow a person to survive in Lava. One said here, another said Death Mountain. Trigger and Gibby I think, Digi."
Dragoshi: "No. I said I'll stay here. I believe at LEAST some of us should stay here."
Digifanatic: "Okay, it's Gibby..."
Trigger: "Yeah, I'm still going."
Metal Man: "Which direction was correct?"
Digifanatic: "Just checking everything."
Gibby: "Yeah."
Trigger: "Ok."
Aribar: "Oh, piffle... Right if I recall correctly. The left one said here, the right one said Death Mountain if I recall that correctly as well."
Digifanatic: "I believe it was the right path, and yeah--Death Mountain. Sounds correct."
The Ninja pulls out a puppet on strings that look just like him. Ninja suit, minus the hood and silver hair. Just the mouth and nose being covered up. It even has a sword staff on it's back. " Alright. I call this, Way of ninja!"
Metal Man: "Fire tunics."
Digifanatic: "Ah, yes, I remember those."
Trigger: "...Oh yeah."
Aribar: "That's what I thought it would be if Death Mountain was involved."
Dragoshi: "I believe it was the one on the right."
Aribar: "One day soon I'll try and head over there to get a few pairs."
Metal Man (GM): *Roll succeeds.*
Aribar: "Also... Metal, would involving some allies from Whaller make this mess even worse?"
Metal Man: "I believe you risk being killed by your countrymen for reviving a heretic."
VG: "Wow." *To Puppet Ninja.*
Metal Man watches the Ninja rather than be buried in Aribar's questions.
Digifanatic: "Metal, I don't even think Whaller knows who Aetos is."
Dragoshi: "...Nice." *To Puppet Ninja as well.*
The Ninja: "You have no honor, ninja brother. You must repent!"
Trigger: "Cool..." *To puppet ninja.*
Aribar: "Metal is right, though. I shouldn't ask for help on Whaller. The people I had in mind are needed much more there than here..."
Digifanatic: "Except maybe Ari's brother, whom I remember from a while back, and... yeah, that may be it."
Metal Man: "I suggest you ask the Mages Council instead. They are more likely to instill common sense."
Gibby: "...Why does the Ninja have a puppet?"
Metal Man: "Or search for Charles."
Wolfman: "Where is Charles anyway?"
The Ninja puts the puppet away. "Wait. The same Charles?"
Metal Man: "Beats me."
Trigger: "Yeah?"
Metal Man: "I dunno where he went."
Aribar: "The Mage Council's HQ is unknown, plus they'd probably kill me when I ask them for help. I'd need to violate a rule just to talk to them!"
Editor's Note: Aribar has been using some pretty questionable logic this whole session, but this is definitely true. Those Mages' Council people are evil jerks.
Gibby: "Lets not be hasty now..."
Trigger: "Hmm... If we have to I could ask for you?"
The Ninja: "Maybe you can send me in. I did convince Ivo after all."
Editor's Note: And The Ninja is WAY more expendable than Aribar, so I think he has a point there. ...Actually as someone whose identity they don't know, it is very likely The Mages Council might not vaporize him on sight...
Metal Man: "Yes. Common sense. You understand what I mean, Aribar."
Aribar: "...Oh."
Trigger: "I doubt they know me."
Aribar: "They probably know about all of us, Trigger."
Gibby: "They wouldn't be very good Mages if they didn't."
Metal Man: "You see, as much as I feel more Questers are good, I tend to believe Aetos is more of a bad guy than anything else. You know. Maybe because you didn't have to fight the Final Egg to the death, you'll have to fight him. I dunno... it feels baaaaad."
The Ninja: "So we go ask Mages for help and leave Aribar behind so he doesn't break the rules."
Metal Man: "That sounds like a better idea."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Metal Man: "They could do it a bit better and without breaking rules. Plus if push comes to shove we still have Skyhigh."
Gibby: "Yeah... lucky us..."
Trigger: "Heh, how lucky are we to have him again?"
The Ninja: "And if Aribar refuses. I'll drug his food."
Sky High: "I am the Egg eating man!"
*He eats some hardboiled eggs.*
Aribar: "Ah, ah, I won't refuse... I think."
Trigger: "Sure you are."
Wolfman: "...this current discussion is mainly for those that are going to Turion, right?"
The Ninja: "You are wise, Aribar."
Aribar: "I suppose so, Wolf."
Metal Man: "Well, you can avoid going to Turion by talking to them."
Aribar: "If you don't want to be involved you can leave."
Metal Man: "They can do the rest."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Aribar: "Just... Everyone know this; none of you have to come. You are all allowed to leave at any time during the events. If this goes wrong I and any other Quester involved will be scorned or possibly killed by the Mage Council or others. I want to help Aetos, but I don't want my friends getting in trouble for it..."
Metal Man: "Me, I must rest. Remember, I had to prepare emergency evacuations unless the moon went and destroyed us all."
Wolfman: "Just buy some spare Fire Tunics for the rest of us then. Come on Veeg." *Two of them go to R&R.*
The Ninja: "But I honor the friendship, so I must come along and keep you from getting killed. And I need no dress like elf has, extreme heat has no affect on a ninja."
Trigger: "You sure?"
Dragoshi: "...Right. I'll stay here along with anyone else who plans to stay here." *Goes to R&R as well.*
Aribar: "We're going to be near lava... Lava's... Really really hot."
Digifanatic: "Heat is one thing. Fire in another."
Aribar: "You sure?"
The Ninja: "You keep dress."
Aribar: "Okay... But can you call it a tunic instead at least?"
The Ninja: "Call it what you want, it still looks like lady's clothing."
Editor's Note: As you wish, Ninja. *Imagines The Ninja burning the moment he enters the volcanic area*
Digifanatic: "Well, I horribly underestimated the amount of healing items we needed... I need to stock up..."
Aribar: "Err. Okay. Once again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart... It's been a long, long day. We should get some sleep."
Digifanatic: "Okay."
Aribar: "Goodnight, all."
Digifanatic: "Again... good luck with whatever happens."
The Ninja: "I go train!"
Aribar nods and heads to his room.
Digifanatic: "If you need us, you know we'll be here. Anyone who's willing to back up in last minute..."
Trigger: "Well, it's been a long day, I'm gonna go to bed."
Digifanatic: "Right."
The Ninja runs out of the room and off to where ever."
Digifanatic goes to get his hoard of items.
Trigger goes back to his room.
Metal Man (GM): Some time later...
La Misión del dios "Sky High"
So, many Questers have decided to help Aribar revive Aetos. However a suggestion was made that they first contact the Mages' council.
Seeing as they have no official help on the unlicensed mission, all Metal would say was 'Call Ivo' before fleeing to his other office.
Anyone, nay, everyone may help in this endeavor, depending upon what they think.
Aribar would be in the big room, having to 'brief' everyone if he wanted on the mission, since Metal himself is not legally involved.
Deloth stands in the Big Room with arms crossed.
Dragoshi: "..." *Leaning against a wall of the Big Room.*
Aribar looks at the others in the Big Room. "Okay. Trigger, Gibby, Skyhigh, and I will be the ones going to Turion if I recall our last discussion correctly. But before we go there's things we'll have to do."
Gibby makes his way into the Big Room while straightening out the feathered hat on his head. "I'm here, I'm here!"
The Ninja is of course in there with Aribar. With a roll of red tape in his hand and a brand new cloak over his body.
Alexia: "Like what?"
Sky High: "Big metal man who says things is gone. We can all go!"
Dragoshi: "Such as...?"
Aribar: "The Mage Council needs to be contacted, and some tunics need to be bought from the Gorons to survive the heat of a volcano."
Sky High: *Belch* "...Last time I drink the beer that is on sale... I should hit Wolfman for buying that."
Alexia blinks
"Did you say volcano?"
The Ninja: "I brought Metal's red tape so he may reach a mile with it."
Aribar: "Yes... Oh, you weren't here last night, huh, Alexia?"
Dragoshi: "..." *Snickers.*
Sky High: "I love Volcanoes!"
Dragoshi: "...Right."
Gibby: "You would..."
Sky High: "Hmmm... if we find any blocks, I may have to leap down and push them. You know. Secrets and all."
Aribar: "Basically, Alexia, we are reviving a person named Aetos by making Skyhigh a god on Turion."
Gibby groans after hearing that again.
Sky High: "He said something about those mage thingummybeings."
Aribar: "Now, does anyone have any ideas on how to contact the Mage Council without drawing them out by illegal methods?"
Alexia: "...Are you INSANE?"
Sky High: "Ooh! Ooh! I do! We leap into magma!"
Dragoshi: "...That's just stupid."
Aribar: "Only slightly, Alexia... And... No, Skyhigh. That's what we're going to do later on."
Gibby: "...Yeah, he's going to make a -great- God."
Dragoshi: "Not to mention none of us are fireproof."
Sky High: "...Yay! Everyone can leap into magma!"
Alexia covers her face with her hands.
The Ninja: "I have suggestion."
Alexia: "My armor's slightly resistant to heat, but better protection wouldn't hurt."
Aribar: "Alright, a sane person. Yes, Ninja?"
The Ninja: "We knock Sky out and carry him."
Gibby: "I like that idea!"
Sky High: "Hey! I'm as good as that Aetos-guy is, and you didn't knock HIM out!"
Aribar: "That'll... Help later on, yes..."
Alexia: "Good idea!"
Gibby: .oO(Especially the knocking out part...)
Sky High: "If not better! Yes... I am one of the bestest Questers to live! ...But continue."
Gibby sighs.
Aribar: "Okay, anyways, should we deal with the easy part first? Namely heading to the Goron city to buy Red Tunics."
Sky High: "The shopkeeper hates me there."
The Ninja: "The best drinking Questers, maybe."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. We should."
Gibby: "Might as well. None of us want to get burninated."
Alexia: "Patience, Gibby, it'll all be over soon... I hope."
Sky High: "Err... but he doesn't anymore!"
Aribar: "Okay... Skyhigh, until we go to Turion maybe you should stay here? Metal needs help with filing I bet..."
Sky High: "Nuh-uh! If you're going to need me to be a God, I'm coming the whole way! There are so many fascinating buttons and traps to encounter!"
The Ninja: "I'm not in need of dress, but do I need to tag along anyways?"
Alexia: "Skyhigh, I think you SHOULD stay here."
Aribar: "You can stay here if you like, Ninja."
Sky High: "Nuh-uh! Stay here is boring. Besides, we can buy alcohol while we're up there. The Gorons make stuff stronger than human beer."
Aribar: "Now... To try and get the elevator to the warp activated! Uhh... SIMBER? Can you help me with this?"
Gibby: "Right. We wouldn't want our little God getting injured now do we?"
Alexia: "...We're doomed."
Sky High: "I've had some unfinished business to do up there... like visit my grave!"
Gibby: "Yeah, pretty much."
SIMBER: "Please input coordinates."
Aribar: "In front of the Goron City on Death Mountain... Is that accurate enough?"
The Ninja: "...I think I should keep an eye on Sky."
Aribar: "That accurate enough?"
SIMBER: "It is accurate enough. Warp Elevator activated."
Gibby: "I think you should keep BOTH eyes on him."
Aribar: "Thanks... Everyone who wishes to help, step on board."
Sky High: "Yay! The floor is glowing!"
Aribar steps onto the warp elevator.
Metal Man (GM): He runs onto the warp. *WARP.*
Alexia: "I think you should keep two eyes and a sword point on him..."
*She steps onto the elevator.*
Gibby rolls his eyes and walks into the warp elevator. WARP.
Metal Man (GM): Death Mountain Entryway
The Ninja: "Hmm. Looks like you get to entertain me, Sky."
Sky High: "This place looks just like I left it." *Begins picking up the rocks at the entrance and hurling them off the mountain.*
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Sky High: "Yay! Rockslide!"
Gibby: "Sky, PLEASE... be good for -once-."
Alexia: "Oh man..."
Aribar looks about the area. "Haven't been here for a while... Ah, Sky High, try not to cause TOO much havoc."
Metal Man (GM): You see a huge rockslide fall down the mountain and into Kakariko town.
Alexia: "..."
Sky High: "Big building go bye-bye!"
Aribar: "...Ummm..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Alexia: "Can I kill him?"
Metal Man (GM): He then wanders into the city.
Alexia: "PLEASE, let me kill him."
Aribar: "Not yet, Alexia. I mean... To the city!"
Gibby: "Not five seconds into this mission, and already I'm hating myself."
Aribar follows Sky High.
Gibby follows Ari.
Dragoshi does the same as Ari.
Alexia follows Ari.
Metal Man (GM): You see Sky High picking up pots and hurling them everywhere, then stealing the goodies inside.
Sky High: "This way! To the shop!" *Walks down a stairwell after smashing a pot.*
Alexia tries to jerk Sky back with TK.
The Ninja: "Just say word and I clonk him."
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to, but his armor is surrounded by enough stupidity to cancel out all intelligent thought, including TK, around it.
Gibby: "Word."
Dragoshi: "Looper. I mean, word."
Metal Man (GM): So... do you follow him to the store?
Alexia: "...Wow."
Metal Man (GM): He knows his way around, even if it is littered with pots.
The Ninja: "Aribar gets word. This is his mission."
Alexia follows Sky, ready to shoot him.
Aribar follows Skyhigh to the store... The elf hopes Skyhigh doesn't know about the bomb flowers.
Gibby just shrugs and enters into the store.
Sky High: "Ooh! A bomb!"
Aribar: "Not yet, Ninja... Now."
Metal Man (GM): He pulls up a bomb flower and tosses it to Aribar.
Alexia: "I'll shoot him. I swear I will... OH SHIZ!"
Sky High: "Catch!"
Gibby: "Crap!"
*He backs away.*
Aribar: "Piffle!" *Tries to catch.*
Alexia tries to fling it away with her TK.
Metal Man (GM): MNT check, Alexia.
The Ninja: "A bomb! It has been set up!"
Metal Man (GM): Alexia hurls it out of the way, into a portal.
Gibby: "Whew... close one."
Alexia: "Uh-oh."
Sky High: "Darn... without bombs, bomb tag is boring."
Metal Man (GM): He continues walking, and into the nearby store.
Alexia: "Where does that portal lead?"
Gibby holds his forehead and steps inside.
Dragoshi: "...Ay carumba" *Follows Sky.*
Metal Man (GM): The portal is to the Lost Woods.
Aribar follows the future god. "Uhh... Hopefully somewhere not flammable."
Metal Man (GM): You reach the store.
Dragoshi: "Yea, seriously."
Alexia follows the others, rubbing the sides of her head.
Metal Man (GM): Inside is enough explosives to destroy the mountain.
Gibby: "...I don't think Sky should be in here."
Editor's Note: You think?
Metal Man (GM): Also, a heart container and a couple tunics.
Alexia: "Awk!"
Goron: "Hellow... oh... it's you."
Alexia: "Somebody grab Sky!"
Dragoshi: "...Oh crap. Someone take Sky outside! Now!"
Gibby waves to Goron.
The Ninja: "Hmm." *Swings and proceeds to knock Sky out.*
Metal Man (GM): Attack roll.
Aribar: "Hello... We need, let's see..."
Metal Man (GM): You hit him on the head. You are astounded to find his skull too thick to damage that way.
Alexia: "Just grab his collar and yank him out."
Sky High: "It was here Metal Man poked me in the visor... and I tried to kill him for that. Evil man!"
Aribar: "Well... How much do Red Tunics cost?"
Sky High: *Shoves Aribar out of the way* "I will buy three kegs of beer."
Aribar: "Gah!"
Gibby: "Sky!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Facepalms.*
Goron: "Errr... okay... red tunics and beer..."
Aribar: "It's okay. Maybe he'll pass out!"
Dragoshi: "...Right."
Sky High: "Oh! Oh! And bombs! Lots of bombs!"
Gibby: "NO bombs!"
The Ninja: "Ah! I have Idea. Sky! Look at puppet show! Free beer after end showing." *He pulls out his puppet.*
Alexia: "Pay no attention to the fool, sir."
Aribar: "N-no bombs!"
Dragoshi: "...Uhh no bombs."
Alexia: "No bombs, no beer."
Goron: "...Please aim your party away from my shop, then."
Metal Man (GM): Skyhigh pulls out a huge wad of cash.
Gibby: "...Where'd he get all that money?"
Metal Man (GM): He puts it on the counter and takes the tunics, the bombs, and the kegs.
Alexia: "NO BOMBS!"
Sky High: "I saved it in an account since I was a real Quester... instant money!"
Dragoshi: "...Where'd he-Oh, SOD IT" *Exits.*
Gibby: "Fabulous..."
Metal Man (GM): He passes out the tunics, then pockets the kegs and explosives.
The Ninja: "... he doesn't like puppet shows. Ninja is sad."
Aribar: "Ahh... Th-thanks, Skyhigh!"
Gibby takes his tunic.
Alexia grabs her tunic.
Sky High: "Okay... now we need to go to big place full of lizard-men. There I can blow them up and drink beer."
Aribar: "Maybe you can hold one for him later, Ninja..."
Goron: "Good idea. Dodongos are garbage."
Dragoshi takes his tunic as well.
Alexia: "I feel an impending sense of doom..."
The Ninja: "Hmm." *He puts away his puppet.*
Gibby: "It happens..."
Aribar: "So you guys don't want to try and contact the Mage Council?"
The Ninja also refuses the tunic.
Sky High: "Me, my armor is naturally fire proof, ever since I walked into that tar factory."
Alexia: "Meh." *Slips on the tunic over her armor.*
Gibby: "I'd rather not."
Metal Man (GM): He looks up at the ceiling.
Dragoshi: "...Tar factory?"
Metal Man (GM): You see a Skyhigh-shaped hole in it... he points at it.
Gibby looks up.
Sky High: "This is where Alys threw me into the sky and off the mountain!"
Dragoshi slips tunic over his shirt.
Gibby: "...That's -still- there?"
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Alexia: "...And you didn't die?"
Gibby: "You'd think they'd fix it up or something."
Dragoshi: "...Nice."
Sky High: "I did, but, it was no biggie. I had three lives!"
The Ninja: "How do we contact magic users, Aribar?"
Gibby: .oO(I wish Alys was here... she could make another hole.)
Aribar: "Ahh... Let's discuss this back at the stadium. Less chance we destroy the world there instead of there. Or here."
Sky High: "We could blow up Atlantis. That would cause them to come ultra-quick!"
Alexia: "Be sure to confiscate those bombs."
Aribar: "Sky, you have a Dex?"
Sky High: "Yes I do!" *Takes a really old dex out.*
Alexia: "...That old antique?"
Dragoshi: "...How old is that thing?"
Aribar looks it over. "See that button? That says 'Warp Home'? Press it."
The Ninja: "What did happen to Sky while I trained? He seems, minus one brain."
Aribar: "He's special. A very special person."
Gibby: "That's just how he is..."
Sky High: "I trade my new dex for magic beans. They taste good!"
Gibby twitches slightly.
Sky High: "...My dex was made before that. All I see is power button!"
The Ninja: "...He amuses me."
Gibby: "...I think he's killing -my- brain cells..."
Aribar: "Ooh piffle..."
Smash Dex: "Dex version one-point-oh. Created by Pro-fess-or-O-a-k."
Aribar takes out his Dex and tries to call SIMBER. "Can we get a warp back to the Stadium?"
SIMBER: "Affirmat----"
Metal Man (GM): *WARP*
You appear back at the Stadium.
Gibby: "Well at least we survived."
Aribar: "...Thanks for the very quick work, SIMBER."
Sky High: "Hmmm... I should use these bombs for bowling."
Alexia: "I kind of like this tunic."
The Ninja: "Oh! I forgot to get more red tape for Metal."
Gibby: "NO! Bad Sky!"
Sky High: "And have lit sticks of TNT for bowling pins!"
Dragoshi: "No, Sky."
Alexia: "Do I get to keep it?"
Sky High: "You keep red tunic as long as you make Sky king of Turion!"
The Ninja: "I have new idea, Aribar."
Aribar looks up the Manifesto on his dex. "Yes?"
Alexia: *Completely deadpan* "Of course, Sky."
The Ninja: "Can we make you god?"
Sky High: "Hmm... the wall is challenging me!"
Gibby: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He headbutts the wall, getting it stuck in there.
Aribar: "Uhhh... If we're lucky, we might."
Gibby: "...Anyone would be better than Sky right about now."
Sky High: "Ow... ow..." *Pulls his head out of the drywall.*
Aribar: "Ah, I've got an idea."
Sky High: "I wish that I hadn't fallen on my head so many times. It seems like parts of it disconnect at random."
Aribar: "Does anyone here know how to mimic moves?"
Gibby: "Mimic? Like, copying someone else's move?"
Dragoshi: "...I wish..."
Sky High: "Such an ability became far less often after my reign, I remember."
Alexia: "Not really. Even though I managed to get your Chaos Control, I'm not really sure how..."
The Ninja: "Ninja only knows Ninja moves."
Aribar: "Yes, Gibby... And you can mimic moves, Sky?"
Sky High: "Even with half of my mind prone to falling asleep I am probably the most useful person you will have. I cannot mimic them, however I possess a vast amount of original Mel... which includes Kirby's copy ability.
What do you need eaten?"
Gibby: "...You have Kirby's copy ability?"
Sky High: "I have all of the original melee moves."
Dragoshi: "...You have WHAT?"
Gibby: "THAT I have to see to believe."
Dragoshi: "...How many IS that, anyway?"
Sky High: "It was forced upon me by Wolfman... I fear the Fighter Remote damaged by brain. Around one hundred."
Aribar: "Well... Here's a rule in the Manifesto. 'Excessive use of mimicking spells is forbidden.' If we could break this rule it wouldn't cause much harm and it would sic the Mage Council on us..."
Alexia: "...oh my cow... Sky with all the melee moves?"
Dragoshi: "...Yeesh. I'm surprised you haven't spontaneously asploded from that kind of power"
Alexia: "It's madness! MADNESS!"
Sky High: "We could call them too."
Gibby: "Are there any other kind of minor rules we can break?"
Sky High: "They began existence shortly before Kuja was done with."
Aribar: "...We have their number?"
The Ninja: "Any rule a ninja could do, Aribar?"
Aribar: "SIMBER, can we call the Mage Council?"
Sky High: "No. Kuja's last secret directory had them."
SIMBER: "Negative."
Sky High takes out a dusty book.
Aribar: "Can you do magic, Ninja?"
Alexia looks at the date on the book.
Sky High: "5-(555)-555-5555."
Aribar: "..."
Gibby: "...That is -not- the number."
Dragoshi: "..."
Sky High: "It is intentional to make it look fake."
The Ninja: "Well. It's not magic, but I can reach through walls."
Sky High: "That way nobody calls them."
Aribar: "Eeh... Probably won't help right now, Ninja."
Gibby: "..."
Sky High: "Kuja's men don't list gag numbers... they fired me over that snafu with disco and wine on Turion."
Gibby: "We... could try?"
Alexia: *Sigh* "Try it."
The Ninja: "Magic is never seen in my world."
Aribar: "Wait..."
Dragoshi: "Disco and wine?"
Aribar: "I think we should call them from someplace other than the HQ. Otherwise they MIGHT think that the Questers are working from Metal's orders and not on our own, which is what we're supposed to be doing."
Gibby: "Well then... where do we go?"
The Ninja shrugs and picks up a calling device, using the number Sky gave out.
Gibby: "Wait, Ninja man! Don't call from here!"
Alexia: "...I need an aspirin..."
The Ninja: "Not to worry. They can never catch a ninja."
Aribar: "...If you say so, Ninja."
Alexia: "But can they catch US?"
The Ninja gives Aribar a thumbs up. "I will not give you failure!"
Gibby: "It's the MAGE COUNCIL. Of course they're going to catch you."
Metal Man (GM): You get an odd voice on the phone.
Everyone hears it via the phone's loudspeaker.
Tirk: "This is Tirk of the Mages Council. State your business."
Aribar mutters, "Wow. It worked..."
Alexia's eyes widen.
The Ninja: "Aribar! ...What's our business again?"
Gibby: "Figures..."
Aribar: "We wish to ask them for help."
The Ninja: "We require your assistance, Mr. Tirk."
Tirk: "What sort?"
The Ninja: "'s to revive Aetos, right? That's why we're calling?"
Aribar: "...Yes."
Dragoshi: "..." *Slowly exits the room, and backs away into the room nearest to the Big Room and peeks his head from there.*
The Ninja: "A fallen friend needs to relive his honor. We need to make a worthy person into powerful being and revive our friend. Would you like to help us? It would be most honorable."
Tirk: "How long has this person been dead?"
The Ninja: "How long, Aribar?"
Gibby: .oO(Ninjas sure do talk funny...)
Aribar: "In Nintendian time... Ah, just say a week or so at most."
The Ninja: "One week, Mr. Tirk."
Tirk: "And the location? I have to know, we have jurisdiction issues in such places as outer space, the Astral Realm, etc."
Aribar: "Turion..."
The Ninja: "The place of the fallen one is Turion."
Tirk: "A week on Turion is over a year on Nintendus... which is over the limit we impose to prevent the untimely return of such people as Kuja. If we revived him, it would be unfair to those who are actually not dead for more than a year. Because it is Turion, we, however, have no jurisdiction, so our official action is to refrain from acting in any case."
Alexia: "WHAT?!"
Aribar: "Excellent."
Alexia raises an eyebrow at Ari.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Alexia: "Ari, why is that excellent if you want to revive him?"
Dragoshi: *Re-enters the room.*
Aribar whispers to Alexia, "Because now they won't hurt us for making Skyhigh a God and reviving Aetos."
The Ninja: "Hmm. It is all we wish to here. You have been a big help to us, Mr. Tirk. In fact, I have offer for you."
Gibby: "Well that's a relief... no Mage problems."
Dragoshi: "...A relief and a half."
Tirk: "Hmmm?"
Alexia: *Whispering to Ari* "Are you sure about this?"
The Ninja: "I set up business that makes the best burgers around and delivers them anywhere. Would you like me to stop on by and give you ninja menu for ninja burger?"
Aribar nods to Alexia... And then falls face first onto the floor as he hears the Ninja.
Dragoshi: .oO(...Wate wut? A ninja that works in a hamburger business? The hell!?)
Alexia facefaults.
Dragoshi: *Facepalm.*
Gibby: "Oy..."
Tirk: "Mmm... perhaps later. Currently we have a problem with man-eating gelatin cubes in Toad Town, and... a rock slide in Kakariko Village."
Alexia groans softly as she hears that last one.
Tirk: "If that is all, I must pry large boulders off of the observation tower there."
The Ninja: "By wait. If they're man-eating... Why are they eating the mushrooms?"
Tirk: "Lack of nearby men to eat. This planet is sparsely populated."
The Ninja: "Ah. Well, call anytime you change mind. Have fun, magicman." *He hangs up.*
Gibby: "...You're one strange Ninja, you know that?"
Metal Man (GM): *Click* Seems good so far.
Alexia: "I've lost all hope in this mission."
Aribar: "...Well, that call has both good news and bad news to it."
Sky High: "Now that we have all we need to know, let us become God of Turion!"
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Gelatin cubes."
The Ninja: "I know what you mean, Aribar. I almost had good customers."
Aribar: "The Mage Council can't hurt us is good... And the fact that we learned that Zeltara works at a fast food place is... Well, weird at least. You seriously work at a burger joint?"
The Ninja: "And I'm the only one that doesn't kill every customer that enters."
Sky High: "Hmmm... I should work on my pseudo-stupidity while I have my whole mind awake... 'King me!'"
Dragoshi: "...Didn't even know that place existed in other realms."
Alexia: "So what now?"
Aribar: "We're ready... Gibby, Zel, Skyhigh... Are you three ready to head to Turion?"
Alexia: "What about me?"
Gibby takes in a deep breath.
Dragoshi: "..."
Sky High: "Let's get this party started!"
Gibby: "Lets do this quickly before I change my mind."
Aribar: "I didn't know that you wanted to go... And Dragoshi, you're staying here to man the fort, right?"
Dragoshi: "Ya know what? Sod it. The others can handle themselves."
Alexia: "I don't. I just wanted to know if I'd be included in this comedy of errors."
The Ninja: "Aribar has my support and skills."
Dragoshi: "Sides, you guys might need me."
Aribar nods. "I thank you all again for this. This is volunteer-only, Alexia. Anyone is allowed to come, but know that this is not an official mission. Risks are involved."
Sky High: "Like... deeeaaaath!!! DEAAAAAATH!!!!"
Alexia winces.
Aribar: "And being scorned by the public of Nintendus possibly..."
Alexia: "I think I'll pass."
Aribar: "Well, thanks for coming with us for the tunics."
Alexia: "...Do I still get to keep the tunic?"
SIMBER: "Warp room is ready."
Aribar: "Yes. SIMBER, will we need beacons to get back here?"
Dragoshi enters the Warp Room.
Gibby: "...Let's go."
Alexia heads to the R&R room.
Gibby enters the warp with Drag. WARP.
The Ninja nods and enters into the warp room.
Metal Man (GM): He walks into the Warp thing as well.
Aribar: "Hrm. I guess not." *Follows the others.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP*
You appear on Turion, and see the following: A bunch of grapes, Aetos' grave, and a staff that looks freshly pried out of a Volcano.
Hm. Isn't this convenient.
Gibby: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Sky High: "Huh... no adventure-trip needed!"
Gibby: "...Mission accomplished?"
Dragoshi: "What the frooper?"
Aribar looks about... Is there anything else here? Buildings? Bob Dole? Pie?
The Ninja: "...I sense trap."
Elder: "Errr... for that year you were gone, some people who remembered the past work of the Questers did this for you."
Gibby: "I sense a lucky break!"
Metal Man (GM): The Elder is here, plus all the buildings.
Dragoshi: "...Huh. How kind of them."
Aribar: "Oh... Th-thankyou, Elder."
Elder: "None could find Schnelltott, though."
Gibby: "Sweet. No death for us."
Dragoshi: "...Schnelltott?"
Aribar: "A powerful sword wielded by Kales Brando."
Elder: "The most powerful sword ever made."
The Ninja: "So... What next, Aribar?"
Dragoshi: "Ah. ...Sounds like a blade best left undisturbed then."
Gibby: "Shall we proceed with the God making recipe?"
Aribar: "Well... Elder, do you know how to make Skyhigh a god with these items?"
Elder: "...All you must do is have Skooge Higguns pick up that there staff and... read the incantation chiseled into Aetos' grave."
The Ninja: "...Can he read in drunken state?"
Gibby: "Can he read period?"
Sky High: "I can read just fine."
The Ninja: "No making up words either."
Aribar whispers to Ninja, "I don't think he spends enough time sober to have anything other than a drunken state..."
The Ninja just nods.
"I have question, Aribar."
Aribar: "Yes?"
The Ninja: "If Aetos turned into what Metal claimed, then are you sure this is good idea?"
Aribar starts to talk but stops. After a moment he says, "If that is so then it is a bad idea. I believe Metal is wrong, though..."
The Ninja: "Well, I still find Metal creepy but his information has be right most of the time."
Aribar: "This would the time other than most."
Metal Man (GM): Also, in a fit of time-confusion, Julian appears wearing yet another vacation outfit and with a cold drink in one of his hands.
Assuming he isn't pulling an Aetos as well.
The Ninja: "If you say so. But- Hey! Jewels! How are you?"
Aribar looks to Julian. "Err... 'allo. You aren't another incarnation of the Fury in disguise, are you?" (If he's here...)
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Julian Sawyer A generic blue warp portal would appear near the Questers, with Julian rising out of it, wearing his normal attire... except that Vendetta is now strapped to his hip, instead of its usual position in his back pocket. He's pulling back on his gloves, which look slightly bigger, and have some kind of studs on the knuckles, and a smallish round disk on the back of each of them. "Yo. What'd I miss? Somethin' 'bout making a God?"
Sky High: "Yes... all I need to do is play with this thing, and that thing, and then everything is good."
The Ninja: "A drunken god to be exact."
Gibby looks over at Julian and waves. "Ah, hello there Julian. Yeah, we're gonna make Sky a God."
Aribar: "Err... That is correct, Julian. We need to make Sky High a god to revive Aetos."
Julian Sawyer: "...So what back-asswards draw we get that Sky gets chosen to be the God? Who's he runnin' 'gainst, Danish Dan?"
Editor's Note: I also don't understand, even after Aribar explains it.
Aribar: "He's already almost a god here. This would only work for him."
The Ninja: "Who's Danish Dan?"
Julian Sawyer: "Oh... Makes sense then, I guess... When'd the Ninja get back?"
Sky High: "...Actually, I'm not sure who else I'd be running against. I happened to accidentally link myself to this world using a where artifact I found."
The Ninja: "A few days ago. I helped Ivo Robotnik out."
Aribar nods.
Julian Sawyer: "...Clearly I missed somethin'. Ivo's still kickin'?"
Dragoshi: "...Used to be."
Aribar: "Well, the Fury framed him for a lot of stuff. In the end Ivo helped deal a blow against the Fury by sacrificing himself."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Gibby: "It was all very... explosive."
Julian Sawyer: "...So he's dead NOW?"
The Ninja: "Don't know."
Dragoshi: "No bloody idea."
Gibby: "I don't think he's dead... but he's not "*around*"at least."
The Ninja: "The Fury tried to fake you too."
Sky High: "Let's get this show on the road..." *Picks up the staff and grapes.*
Julian Sawyer: "'Long as he's outta our hair, I'm happy... An' what 'xactly has my orange-tinted double been doin'?"
Aribar: "Manipulating Ivo for some reason..."
*He watches Sky High now.*
The Ninja: "Him? He got crushed to death."
Dragoshi: "Lessee... Tried to kill us by turning into Eggman in the Final Egg and-Yea."
Gibby: "Yup. He's no more."
The Ninja then just shrugs and watches Sky.
"Think he'll do it right, Aribar?"
Julian Sawyer: "Somehow I doubt this, but whatever. Anyway, you wanna know where I've been? I've been chillin' with my boys up at the Neo Earth Outpost, gettin' my Cloak Armor fixed. Even got it integrated with my vest."
Aribar: "We'll just have to hope so..."
Dragoshi: "Ah, nice. We got Fire Tunics, thanks to Sky. So, apparently everyone got something in some way."
Julian Sawyer: "Score."
The Ninja: "Oh! I've been training hard too while I was away. I finally learned how to become one with the spirit world!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Don' tell me you'se a ghost TOO."
Sky High: "Okay... ummm... Omni Levitas Shanitra!"
The Ninja: "No. It's an ability my clan shares."
Metal Man (GM): *Lightning strikes the pole, then the grave.*
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Julian Sawyer: "That's ni-Whoa!"
Sky High: "Uyuyuyuyuyuy! Being a God is electrifying!"
The Ninja: "...He makes good puns. I'm shocked."
Gibby: "Apparently..."
Julian Sawyer: "...Don't you start."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos is revived from the dead. He stands before you as if nothing happened.
Skyhigh is momentarily indisposed from being hit by lightning.
Aribar: "Aetos! You're alive! Thank you, ah... Momentarily knocked out Sky High."
Julian Sawyer: "...Ari, I gotta wonder if there's somethin' wrong wit' you."
Editor's Note: This log is scaring me, I agreed with Julian TWO TIMES IN A ROW...
Gibby: "There. Our job is done."
Dragoshi: "..." *Walks over to Sky, and pokes him.*
Aetos is looking battle-intense. His keyblade is drawn and his hair is flowing. He looks about and rests. "What... happened to Shadow?!"
Aribar: "Well... He killed you and spared me..."
The Ninja: "Hi! Aetos! It's been awhile."
Sky High: "Ow! Don't touch that... lightning hit me here."
Julian Sawyer: "An' put away your weapon. You lucky I ain't taken out mine yet."
Dragoshi: "'Kay." *Stops.*
Gibby walks over to Sky.
"So... are you a God now?"
Aribar: "You can thank everyone here, including Sky High, for helping to revive you. Unfortunately..."
Sky High: "...I feel more magical... but... not much else."
Aribar: "You now have to choose. Do you want to be a Quester, or be sent home?"
Sky High: *Gets up, brushing himself off* "Kuja must have been hallucinating when he claimed it made him all powerful. Just because I can read your minds doesn't mean I am all powerful."
Gibby: "...You can... read our minds?"
Aetos scratches his head. "I... was dead?... That's rather shocking... but..." looks to the grave "All evidence shows it's true... I don't know how to thank you all!"
Sky High: "Yes. Also, I have been possessed with infinite drinking tolerance."
Dragoshi: .oO(Testing, testing. One two three, testing)
Julian Sawyer: "No times for thankin' nobody. You got a big choice to make, punk."
Sky High: *Takes out some Goron beer and starts drinking* "Wow... Dragoshi reminds me of a microphone."
Gibby: .oO(Quick, how many fingers am I holding up?)
Sky High: "...You don't have fingers, Gibby."
Gibby: "WOW! That's awesome!"
The Ninja: "Jewels is the same as always."
Dragoshi: "..." *Coughs.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Say that again, you gonna be missin' a couple fingers."
Sky High: "Of course, I can't look at everyone's mind simultaneously, so I still miss stuff. However my mind feels slightly better. From the lightning."
Gibby: "Well that's good. Maybe it got a couple brain cells working again."
Aetos: "After this, you expect me to HAVE a choice? By the looks of it... I'm indebted to each of you Questers..."
Sky High: "Also those grapes splattered all over my armor. It's going to take some god-level stain remover."
Dragoshi: "Ah, well that's good to know. I guess that means you have SOME of your better judgement back, right?"
Gibby looks at Aetos.
Sky High summons holy Oxyclean and takes the stains out of his armor.
Gibby: "Well then... welcome to the Questers!"
The Ninja: "You owe, Aribar. I'm just the tag along."
Sky High: "I may not be a Quester, but don't you have to sign the Manifesto to be one?"
Dragoshi: "Yes, what the Ninja said."
Julian Sawyer: "So 'zat a yes or a no?"
Aribar shakes his head. "Friends are just supposed to help other friends, Aetos. Not owe each other favors..."
Gibby: "Well of course he will..."
Sky High: "Just saying. I happen to be somebody else." *His armor becomes shiiiny.*
Julian Sawyer reaches into his back pocket, flips open his Dex, and calls up Mets, putting him on Speakerphone so he can hear Aetos' answer.
Sky High: "Hmm... this place is a dump. I shall use my holy powers to clean the streets."
Dragoshi: "Sounds good."
Julian Sawyer: "Go for it."
Metal Man (GM): *Holy winds blow away debris in the... cobblestone streets.*
Aetos: "Reviving me from death... Aribar, technically, I owe you my life now..."
Julian Sawyer: "Technically, you owe it to Sky."
The Ninja: "Sky. The Drunken God."
Sky High: "I have no need to exact favors from him."
Julian Sawyer: "Eh, he ain't no drunk no more."
Sky High drinks another can of beer.
Dragoshi: "Heh."
Aribar: "If you are so set on being indebted to people, then you can start by doing this:."
Aetos: "Right... speaking of... I have your Legendary Helmet, Sky High."
Dragoshi: "And, so... Life goes on."
Sky High: "It tastes the same, but I don't seem to get more than a buzz anymore. I have many helmets."
The Ninja: "It's the thought that counts."
Gibby: "I suppose so."
Sky High: "You may keep it."
Aetos nods.
Aribar: "Be a good person. Regardless of whether or not you join the Questers or head home continue to be a good person... And try to be a little bit less radical in your methods."
Gibby: "Right. Think like a team player."
The Ninja: "Shall we go debrief? I still need to give Metal his tape."
Julian Sawyer: "Instead of a backstabber."
Dragoshi: "...What they said."
Aetos rolls his eyes at Julian...
Metal Man: *Dex* "Not until he signs the Manifesto or chooses to go home.
To be a Quester, one must abide by the rules of one."
Julian Sawyer: "Which means you can't be pullin' none'a this bull**** you done since the Void."
Dragoshi: *To Aetos*"...Well, what's your answer?"
Metal Man: *Dex* "In hindsight it is good that we revived him. His corpse being there could have lead to someone else reviving him."
The Ninja: "And we broke no rules."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Aetos: "My answer is to, even though I dislike some of you, reunite with your organization."
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, this outside the Mages' Council jurisdiction."
Gibby: "Well... no rules that are in the Council's jurisdiction."
Julian Sawyer: "Finally. Mets, send up a copy."
Metal Man (GM): A copy appears out of thin air.
Aribar lets out a sigh of relief...
The Ninja: "Wait, if Jewels knew that the entire times. Could we just have called him instead?"
Julian Sawyer: "What did I just say?"
Metal Man: *Dex* "Now, remember, if you violate the terms of this, unlike before, we will have full jurisdiction, as will any other pro-APN people."
The Ninja: "You told the Mets to send up a copy of something."
Julian Sawyer: "Before that."
Metal Man (GM): It is a copy of the manifesto with a place to sign.
Julian Sawyer: "Narrow it down. Somethin' about you losing a couple fingers if you call me 'Jewels' again."
The Ninja: "The magic users don't rule this area?"
Aetos: "I'm obligated to follow these rules then, no matter what." *Signs his TRUE codename.*
Metal Man: *Dex* "They control Nintendus, not Turion, that's why I had Aetos exiled to here.
Erm... patrol."
Julian Sawyer: "...Right."
Dragoshi: "...Right, right, whatever."
Aribar: "Welcome back to the team, Aetos."
Gibby: "Excellent!"
Julian Sawyer: "You on thin ice. Keep to yourself."
Aribar: "Well... Shall we head home?"
The Ninja: "Oh come now, Jewels. We have no need for formality."
Gibby: "Yes. Lets get going."