Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 310: Dubious Helmets and Blue Powder



Date: 3:36:35 PM, August 7th; 3:13:42 PM, August 9th, 2006.
Julian Sawyer: "Welcome ladies an' gentlemen to... A'ight, I dunno WHAT the hell is goin' on now. I got notified there was a battle startin', so I came up to the booth an' apparently we got... The Ghost goin' up 'gainst Aetos. Fantastic. This is gonna be over quicker than Bonecrusher vs. Pockets, but whateva."
Aribar sits in the stands. "Go Aetos! Er... No, wait, go John! Umm... Go both!"
Aetos steps in the Arena and motions like K.Rool in the boxing arena in Donkey Kong 64. "Yeahh! Yeaahh!"
The Wraith: *The mass of shadows drifts into the ring, smirking and flexing his fingers, and pulls out two stones... but which ones? Purple & grey!*
Julian Sawyer: "An' in the OTHER corner we got The Ghost, AKA The Wraith, AKA John. He's gonna tear Aetos apart."
Aetos mutters.
Alexia: "Yay, John!"
The Wraith: *The spirit is also shrouded in a thick layer of... something. Dark, like the rest of him.*
Julian Sawyer: "I don't wanna drag 'dis out any longer than I gotta, so let's get this massacre started!" *Rings bell.*
Aetos bounces around like a ninja. "I have heard you are strong. It is time we kung-fu fight!"
Julian Sawyer: "Don't blink folks, or you might miss it."
The Wraith: *He lofts an eyebrow, opening his arms wide, smirking...*
Metal Man sits in the audience. "Only The Void could defeat the Wraith."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, looks like Aetos is gonna start us off with some kinda wind thing... Takin' his sweet time to pull it off."
Aetos runs at The Wraith snickering. One-Winged Angel bursts into his hands with some light effects. As he runs, the Keyblade becomes wrapped in wind energy and it takes it over. Now in a new fashion, the keyblade swirls like a tornado that sparkles with magical energy. He reaches The Wraith and smashes it into him.
Julian Sawyer: "My mistake, some kinda wind SWORD thing."
The Wraith: *And... it hits, despite being a shaky swing. The wraith shakes a bit, convulsing some, but still maintains his shape... Anything else?*
Julian Sawyer: "Futile effort on Aetos' part, though, as the Wraith shrugs it off and prepares to tear 'em apart."
Metal Man: "Better raise a splatter shield."
The Wraith: *He lofts an eyebrow after that, shaking his head, and brings his arms back together, aiming both of those stones at Aetos' face... They soon issue forth an immense blast of magical energy, immediately followed by another nearly twice the size of the first...*
Julian Sawyer: "Here it comes... An' there it goes."
Alexia: "This is gonna sting."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Aetos falls to the ground from the huge damage from that attack, but then lifts himself up, laughing. "You didn't kill me yet."
Alexia: "You will be soon, windy!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Chuckles, then claps slowly.*
Julian Sawyer: "...An' Aetos lives. Good for him."
Alexia nudges Metal. "10 coins says John overkills him."
Aetos realizes that he took a head wound... he forgot to put on The Legendary Sky High helmet... he falls from the trauma.
Julian Sawyer: "...Or not. This game's winner is The Ghost."
The Wraith: *He raises his eyebrow again... The boy took that shot better than he expected.*
Alexia: "Wow. The quickest fight ever."
Julian Sawyer: "Anybody blink?"
Dragoshi: "...I've seen quicker."
Julian Sawyer: "'Cause if you did, you missed it."
Alexia: "Very original, Julian."
Digifanatic runs in. "Great... I miss Ivo's defeat and now what?"
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, anyone else wanna fight while we all here?"
Digifanatic: "Not right now..."
Aetos wakes up. "Gah!" Heals his wounds and puts The Legendary Helmet of Sky High on his head. "I'm NEVER taking this off again!"
Aribar stands up and starts back to his room.
Alexia shouts that she STILL hasn't fought Gumbo.
Metal Man: "CAL's in hiatus for now."
Dragoshi: "...Only if it's a CAL battle. Or if anyone's bored enough to take me on. Whichever."
Metal Man shakes his head, himself. "Only The Void would fight during a short break."
Aetos yells. "Where's Metal?"
Metal Man yells "IN THE STANDS!"
Aetos yells "Hi! Can I fight The Void...?"
The Wraith: He puts away the purple stone to take out his dex. Anyone who cares could open theirs to hear him. "I'll take on whoever cares to spar."
Dragoshi: "Well, I ain't expecting the latter to happen any time soon..."
Digifanatic: "Why is it in hiatus?"
Dragoshi: "...What is he, nuts?"
Digifanatic: "Aetos... Stop being silly..."
Dragoshi: "...I'm expecting exploding chainsaws..." *Waits for a second.*
The Wraith: *He looks to Metal/Void, curious to see whether he wants to take the challenge...*
Metal Man laughs. "Umm... are you really sure?"
Aetos: "Sure? I mean, yeah. What's to lose?"
The Wraith: *And he begins laughing as he heads to the stands.*
Digifanatic: "Dignity."
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, 'pparently Aetos DOES have a death wish and has challenged The VOID of all... people? I'll go with that."
Aetos raises an eyebrow at Digi.
Dragoshi: "...Now. And, no, losing dignity would be losing against GUMBO."
Digifanatic: "Aetos..."
Alexia: "I bet ten thousand on The Void."
Metal Man: "..." *Laughs and raises his fists, before then suddenly morphing into... The Void. The being of darkness sizes up Aetos and floats down to the arena, his red eyes looking about.*
Digifanatic: "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but do you seriously think you can stand a chance?"
The Wraith: "The Void was the one who managed to annihilate ME..." *He 'sits' with the rest of the group, getting comfortable...*
Dragoshi: "...If I could bet, I'd bet 30k on Void."
Gibby has been itching to see some action for a long time, and thus decides to head to the arena to see what all the hub bub was about.
The Void: "I am the ultimate being of destruction... why... I have savored waiting for this moment... the moment you shall be destroyed in the arena and all can see the power of The Void!"
The Wraith: "Nobody would take it."
Aetos: "All these bets and not a single Charles to rake in the dough..."
The Void: "Raaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa!"
Alexia: "Anybody gonna take me up on this?"
Julian Sawyer: "And here he is, Mr. Chaos himself. An' he's gonna tear Aetos 'part faster than the Ghost!"
The Void: "Oh... and... I think I'll be using some new toys today. You love Keyblades, don't you?"
*He whips out Oblivion.*
Aetos widens his eyes.
Gibby steps inside and sees Metal/Void in the arena. He turns to the others. "Hey... what's all this then?"
Julian Sawyer: "...An' he's got a Keyclub. Great."
The Wraith: *Gibby's dex beeps.*
The Void: "Let's see if you can survive the first attack!"
Aetos: "How'd you get one of those?"
Alexia: "Aetos is gonna get his butt kicked. Want to take me up on a ten-thousand coin bet on the Void?"
Dragoshi: "...The hell is he doing with a keyblade?"
Gibby looks down at his dex, and opens it up.
The Wraith: "Just a few spars. After getting served by me, Aetos, decided to take The Void on..."
The Void: "Get it? Hahahaha... it was my plan to wield this and four others, to destroy all of you! ...A plan scrapped by Sardis Mongul."
Gibby: "Hmm... Aetos challenged the Void? Did he drink the Saturn coffee or something?"
Alexia: "Wanna take me up on that bet, Gibster?"
The Void: "But they stayed around, and this one is my favorite. It happens to be my keyblade, too."
Dragoshi: "...Good thing it was scrapped."
Metal Man (GM): He spins it around, causing clouds of static to follow it.
It looks like it can slice through reality.
Alexia holds up a bag containing 10,000 coins.
Gibby: "I ain't no betting man, Alexia."
The Void: "Now... let us see what you're made of, mortal challenger!"
Gibby: "...And technically I'm not a man either."
Alexia: "Not even for a cool 10k?"
Aetos: "That's not Oblivion... it's different... Oblivion doesn't do that."
Dragoshi: "Yea, not to mention it'd be a bet only a moron would take."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, let's get this ova' with!" *Rings the bell.*
Gibby waves off Alexia and decides to watch the fight.
Alexia: "SHHHHH!"
The Void: "Oh... *Cough* I forgot. This is The Nothing."
Alexia: "Great. Dragoshi spoiled it."
Julian Sawyer: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Order: The Void, Aetos
Dragoshi: "...Not like we all KNOW THAT already."
The Void: "Spin, spin, spin my deadly blade of destruction! Hahahahahaaaa!"
Julian Sawyer: "WhatEVA! Jus' kill 'em already!"
Dragoshi: "I mean, before I spoiled it, but, eh."
Alexia: "Where's a popcorn popper to tip over on Dragoshi when you need one..."
Gibby: "Speaking of popcorn... I'm hungry!"
Dragoshi: "...Think about doing that and you'll be set ablaze, kid."
Alexia picks Gibby up using TK and drops him in the seat next to her.
Aetos gulps, fastening the helmet on as tight as possible.
Gibby: "Hey! No pulling those mental tricks on me."
Metal Man (GM): The Void begins rapidly spinning up his sword, and it makes the sound of a spinning circular saw.
Alexia: "But it's fun!"
Gibby: "...I bet..."
Metal Man (GM): He powers it up using his mind, and it glows an unearthly shade.
Gibby: "So -why- did Aetos want to fight Void anyway?"
Alexia: "...Stupidity?"
Dragoshi: "...Lapse in sanity?"
The Wraith: "He's a magic user and thinks that's enough to take one of us down."
Dragoshi: *Ker-shrug.*
Julian Sawyer: "The Void's doin' somethin'..."
Gibby: "He -is- wearing Sky's helmet, so I believe it."
Alexia: "He's a fool."
Dragoshi: "Heh. Pretty stupid ta think that, if ya ask me."
Alexia: "The guy's taking on the Void."
Digifanatic: "What about the helmet?" *Remember, he knows nothing about it.*
Alexia: "He's a fool, all right."
Aribar is in his room.
Gibby: "Doesn't wearing the helmet of Sky High make you stupider or something?"
Digifanatic: "I wouldn't know about that on my own, so I believe you..."
Dragoshi: "Yes. It's supposed to make you act like a sodding moron."
Digifanatic: "Hmm..."
Gibby: "Then that explains it."
Digifanatic: "Maybe I should steal it in Aetos' sleep and ask Metal to destroy it..."
Alexia: "Or we could trick Julian into putting it on. And fill it with superglue beforehand."
The Wraith: "How about NOT."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Gibby chuckles at the thought of Julian acting like a moron.
Digifanatic: "Better off just blowing it up after that."
Alexia uses her TK to levitate a box of popcorn from the kitchen into her hand.
Digifanatic: "That sucker better provide some REEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL good defense if anyone even wants it before they put it on."
Gibby: "I don't think Sky would appreciate that."
Digifanatic: "Wait, Gibby. Before you say anything else..."
Julian Sawyer: "...An' is takin' his sweet ass time doin' it."
Alexia eats a few handfuls, then passes the box to Gibby
"Here you go. Help yourself."
Digifanatic: "If he doesn't have it, and he, I suppose, is more mentally...'worthy,' wouldn't he believe that it's best to get rid of it?"
The Void spins it all around.
Gibby eyes the popcorn... and takes the box! "Wahoo!" He dives his face into it and munches away.
Digifanatic: "Theoretically, if, without wearing the helmet, he knows that whoever wears that thing becomes a dummy upon doing so... wouldn't it be in his best interest to prevent anyone else from following his lead?"
Alexia chuckles at Gibby.
Gibby lifts his face up and looks at Digi.
Julian Sawyer: "Still waiting..."
Gibby: "...You're thinking too much again."
The Void: "Now... feast upon this!"
Digifanatic: "Even still..."
Metal Man (GM): He spins it around like a maniac and hurls it at Aetos. It spins wildly and crashes into him.
Julian Sawyer: "An' THERE IT GOES!"
Gibby looks towards the fight.
Alexia looks back to the fight.
Metal Man (GM): Machinegun 2x, 35 laser damage per hit.
Alexia: "Slaughter time!"
Metal Man (GM): 35 35 35 35 35 35... 210 damage.
Dragoshi: "...I'm waiting for exploding chainsaws any time now..."
Digifanatic: "Gibby, just work with me for the moment."
Aetos: "Agh!" *The lasers zap right through him. His armor doesn't make any difference.*
Gibby: "Shh! Not now, Digi. Fight's happening..."
Julian Sawyer: "He fired... Lazers? What?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah, alright, fine..."
Julian Sawyer: "Anyway, that tore Aetos up somethin' fierce."
The Void: "Now... can you even attempt to harm me?" *Gets into a defensive stance.*
Alexia: "Pace yourself on that popcorn, Gibby."
The Void: "Your armor... is your downfall."
Gibby swallows another mouthful and licks the salt and butter off his face. "Heh... pace... that's funny."
Aetos bends forward, panting. "Ufh... I... might not defeat you... but... I KNOW I can hurt you!" He straightens up and twirls his arm around quickly. A large buzzsaw made of wind starts to form and he flings it at The Void. AGI Check!
The Void: *VOOSH.*
Alexia lifts Gibby out of the popcorn.
Julian Sawyer: "An' Aetos fires off some kinda wind saw... an' it's a miserable failure."
Alexia: "...You ate the whole box ALEADY?!"
Digifanatic: *Shouting* "Aetos, if I were you, I'd take that helmet off and realize what you're doing is not very good!"
Aetos twitches. The Void is the first person to dodge his Pure Wind attack.
Gibby looks back at the empty popcorn, and then back at Alexia. "Well... I -was- hungry..."
Julian Sawyer: "Here comes The Void to finish him off..."
The Void: "You are nothing! No... I am wrong... I am nothing... you are about to become NOTHING!"
Julian Sawyer: "It's all over but the cryin', folks."
Alexia: "...You can have a sandwich or something after the fight."
The Void: "Now... to utterly destroy you!"
Aetos waves his hand. "Your turn..."
Gibby: "Fair enough."
Alexia: "For now, let's enjoy Aetos being killed."
Aetos twitches his ears. "I heard that!"
Gibby: "At least he lasted a round..."
Alexia puts Gibby back on the chair
"I know you did, Aetos!"
Aetos sobs.
Metal Man (GM): His Keyblade spins up like a sword and flies at Aetos again, flinging lasers everywhere which explode.
Alexia: "Want me to SCREAM it?"
Metal Man (GM): 35 35 35 35 35
Dragoshi: "Will you shut up? I'm trying to enjoy this massacre"
Gibby: "Now now Alexia, you should respect Aetos for having the courage to fight such a guy."
Julian Sawyer: "An' Aetos gets knocked the fuck out by lasers AGAIN!"
Metal Man (GM): 175 laser damage
Julian Sawyer: "This game's winner is THE VOID!"
Alexia: "No, I don't respect him for trying such a mismatch. And it's all over.
Go get that sammich."
Gibby: "Well it was to be expected... good effort though."
Dragoshi: "Quite."
Digifanatic gets up out of his seat and runs to where Void and Aetos are... more less waiting for Metal's form to return again.
The Void: "Victory over you is not so much for reputation, but rather... for principle. You shall never defeat me! Not even with more armor than Metal Man!"
Alexia gets up and walks out of the arena.
The Void: "Perhaps with your mind... perhaps..."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, anyone ELSE wanna challenge a ghost?"
The Void: "But not with strength alone!"
Gibby: "Eh... I can't fight ghosts... I only hurt solid things."
The Void looks around. If there are no challengers, he's perfectly content to vanish.
Digifanatic: "No, Void, I'm not interested in a fight. I want to talk to Aetos and Metal."
Dragoshi: *Just watches* "I'd need a small amount of time to build up enough destructive force to actually HURT a ghost, so no."
The Void snaps his fingers and vanishes.
The Wraith: "I've already faced The Void... I have no intention to do it again."
Digifanatic: .oO(That's a start.)
Metal Man reappears. "I feel... as if I was attacking someone with a chainsaw."
Dragoshi: "...Already have?"
Digifanatic: "Okay, there you are Metal."
Dragoshi: "...A laser chainsaw at that."
Metal Man: "Hmmm... a good thing I don't have him wander about. Yes?"
Digifanatic looks at Aetos to see if he has revived or not.
Julian Sawyer: "If no one else is gonna fight, I'm out. Peace." *Julian leaves the booth.*
Metal Man (GM): Aetos is revived.
Digifanatic: "Metal, what I want you to do is take off that helmet and make sure nobody touches it again... Or at least, puts it on their head."
Metal Man: "...Take off my helmet? Huh?"
Aetos gets up now.
Digifanatic: "Not yours. The one Aetos has... Sky's."
Dragoshi: "...Not YOURS, Metal, bu-Yeah, what he said."
Gibby decides to join the others, and leaps down to the arena floor.
Aetos: "What about my helmet?"
Digifanatic: "Unless it's 110% vital that he must wear it... I don't want anyone wearing it again."
Metal Man: "Erm... it's his choice, not mine. It seems not to do much more than add damage protection."
Aetos taps his foot, wondering why Digi is saying this.
Digifanatic: "Aetos... can you please take it off for at least this time being?"
Aetos: "Um." *Un-latches it*
Digifanatic: "Okay, good."
*He takes it and sets it on the ground.*
Gibby: "Probably because of the affect it has on one's... intelligence."
Aetos: "H-hey!"
Digifanatic: "Thanks, Gibby."
Aetos: "What are you talking about!?"
Digifanatic: "No, no, no. I'm not going to do anything to it..."
Gibby: "When you wear the helmet, you get stupider."
Digifanatic: "While you were wearing that thing, you had an odd tendency to fight both Wraith AND The Void."
Metal Man: "I am confused. But unless you intend to steal it from Aetos or something, I'm going to get back to some last-minute work."
Digifanatic: "I don't want to steal it."
Aetos snaps his fingers. "You do notice I only LOST that battle against The Wraith because I WASN'T wearing it, right?"
Digifanatic: "No, I wasn't there at the time but I heard about it. I am just warning you right now about the problems the helmet can cause."
Aetos: "That... Helmet doesn't cause any problems...!"
Digifanatic: "Yes, it does."
Gibby: "Except for the stupid thing..."
Digifanatic: "Okay."
Dragoshi: "...I thought it made one into a sodding moron, unless... Whaddya mean by that, Aetos?"
Metal Man: *Shrugs* "This is your thing. I gotta finish speaking to those mechanics about vehicles." *Rushes off.*
Aetos: "WHAT Stupid thing?!"
Digifanatic: "And in my opinion, that's enough of a problem to where if we were in a really important mission..."
Gibby: "Later, Metal."
*He sighs.*
Digifanatic: "Okay."
Gibby: "Haven't you been listening? When you put the helmet on, you get stupider."
Digifanatic: "Right now, do you really feel like you'd have a chance against fighting The Void?"
Aetos: "No I don't!"
Digifanatic: "When you had it on, you did."
Gibby: "That's the effect of the helmet!"
Digifanatic: "And you couldn't even budge him."
Aetos: "If my attacks hit, and I got lucky with his attacks, sure!"
Digifanatic: "Okay... how much can that helmet protect?"
Aetos: "A lot?"
Dragoshi: "...Can you both SHUT UP for a second and let him explain? What do you mean by it doesn't cause any problems?"
Gibby just shrugs.
Aetos: "I don't know WHAT you people mean about it makes me stupider..."
Digifanatic: "Okay."
Gibby: "Hmm... must make people stupid without them realizing it."
Aetos twitches.
Digifanatic: "Okay, lemme speak for a second."
Gibby nods.
Digifanatic: "You said, without this helmet on... that you thought you could defeat The Void IF you were lucky enough. When you had it on, you were talking as if all you had to do with just touch him with one finger and POOF! He's dead."
Aetos: "Did not... I challenged him to a fight. I never said that."
Gibby: "Hmm... I suggest we try an experiment!"
Digifanatic: "Okay, Gibby. And that is?"
Gibby: "Digi... put on the helmet."
Dragoshi: "...Pfft. Let me try it on. ...Or better yet, Let Gibby."
Digifanatic: "Okay, but whatever you do... ambush him ASAP if it looks like he's about to do something questionable."
Dragoshi: "'Cause it'd be funny to see a walking helmet."
Aetos: "..."
Gibby: "Err... I can't. My head wouldn't fit..." -_-; "Just put the thing on, Drag."
Digifanatic: "Okay, fine. I'll put it on, but remember, at first glance I do something that looks really bad or morally doubtful... don't be afraid to smack me around if you have to take it off of me."
Aetos whistles and reaches under his white cape. "Hm."
Dragoshi: "...Whatev" *Jumps toward the group, takes the helmet, and puts it on.*
Gibby: "There!"
Digifanatic: "Or I won't... Aetos, I want you to be watching this just so you can understand what you haven't already."
Aetos blinks.
Gibby watches Dragoshi carefully.
"...You feel stupid yet?"
Dragoshi: "...No."
Gibby: "Maybe it takes time."
Dragoshi: "I feel like I could take a lot of blows to the head though. Or boots."
Gibby humphs and patiently waits for something stupid to happen.
Aetos raises an eyebrow. "You realize that I wanted to fight to see if I COULD beat them... not because I want to die or anything."
Dragoshi: "But not lasers. Definitely not lasers. Eh."
Gibby: "And that's commendable, but... when one wants to fight the VOID of all people... well... it's crazy!"
Digifanatic: "...Hang on. I think I've found something out."
Gibby: "Eh? What's that?"
Dragoshi: "And that is...?"
Digifanatic: "Maybe because Skyhigh revived Aetos, maybe it's that link that's made Aetos act weird, yet not Dragoshi."
Aetos: "Uh... K..."
Digifanatic: "It's a theory."
Dragoshi: "Or maybe you're just paranoid"
Gibby: "It's a long shot, but... better than nothing. Quick Drag, what's two plus two?"
Dragoshi: "I could be a jerk and say 42, but, 4."
Gibby: "Hmm... nowhere -near- stupid..."
Aetos: "How are you sure that a dragon/yoshi thing is any good at math, anyways?"
Gibby: "He got it right didn't he?"
Dragoshi: "...Must you question my intelligence?"
Aetos: "That's like... 3 year old math."
Dragoshi: "Anyway, harder one, please."
Gibby: "Uhh... what's the square root of 81?"
Dragoshi: "...Crap. I'm no good with square roots. Give me a minute..."
Aetos snickers.
Dragoshi: "...Uhhh...9?"
Gibby: "...I'm not sure. Is it?"
*He hates math as well.*
Dragoshi: "I think it is."
Aetos nods.
Gibby: "Then lets just assume it is."
Digifanatic: "Alright... atomic number of sodium."
Dragoshi: "...Hmmm... I could take the stupid route and say shifty five just to trick you but, I seriously can't remember, now let me think about this for a sec..."
Aetos whistles.
Dragoshi: "...11!"
Digifanatic: "Dang, you got it... Fluorine, argon, then sodium 11 and magnesium 12...lucky soul."
Gibby: "I'm starting to doubt the stupidness of this helmet..."
Digifanatic: "Not to be arrogant, but I may be right..."
Alexia walks back from the kitchen.
Dragoshi: "And, to think I could've said shifty five to trip you. Also, you're being an arse and I should smack you upside the head, now let me think about this..."
Alexia: "What'd I miss?"
Aetos sighs.
Gibby: "We're testing out Sky's helmet."
Alexia: "How? With repeated blows to it?"
Digifanatic: "No. By intelligence."
Alexia blinks.
Aetos shrugs at Alexia.
Gibby: "Of course not! We put it on Drag, and giving him math and science problems to see if he's any stupider."
Alexia: "Why would you test a helmet on that?"
Gibby: "...Which he isn't."
Digifanatic: "Dragoshi doesn't seem to have any problems mentally, so I think that Aetos is a special case because it was him whom Sky had to revive."
Aetos: "You were on Turion when Skyhigh revived me, right?"
Gibby: "Well then... put it back on Aetos and give him some math problems."
Alexia: "No. I hated his guts after we left the Goron store, so I left then."
Aetos sighs.
Gibby: "If your theory is correct, he'll be dumber than a sack of bricks."
Alexia casually holds out an arm to show the sleeve of her Red Tunic
"At least I got a souvenir."
Digifanatic: "Heh..."
Aetos nods.
Digifanatic: "Okay, if Dragoshi can figure out a chemistry question, it's not the helmet on its own. If you go by my theory... why else would the helmet be that selective?"
Aetos scratches his head.
Digifanatic: "Okay, fine... I'm a human myself. May I please, Dragoshi?"
Dragoshi: "And so far I've been doing a good job... And... I think the atomic numbers in order are...9, 18, and crap what were those two numbers, and no, dammit"
Digifanatic: "Alright."
Aetos waves his hand. "Just give him the helmet to wear."
Digifanatic: "Alright..."
Aetos: *Talking to Dragoshi, to let Digi see the helmet for a minute.*
Dragoshi: "...Fine." *Takes helmet off, tosses it to Digi* "...Eh. I still feel nothin' even with the helmet off."
Digifanatic: "K."
*He puts it on.*
Aetos: "...So how do you feel?"
Digifanatic: "Alright so far... Anyone want to ask me something?"
Aetos: "Say, Digi... did you see what happened after we beat Ivo on Turion?"
Digifanatic: "I wasn't there. Unless you're talking about this past hour or so."
Aetos: "The missions are available to watch..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I've got a question..."
Digifanatic: "Oh, hey Garrick."
Garrick Fy`aar makes his way into the room that everyone else has been...
Aetos: "Gah!!... Hi Garrick."
Digifanatic: "Please ask."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Why do you suddenly have Sky High's helmet??"
Digifanatic: "Experiment."
Dragoshi: "...What is the square root of sixty-six million, two hundred two hundred-thousand?"
Aetos: "He gave it to me a while ago."
Garrick Fy`aar: "And that is?"
Aetos: "They think it makes me stupid. They are now trying to prove it does."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...have we resolved him?"
*He jabs his thumb toward Aetos.*
Digifanatic: "I've come up with an idea."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Digifanatic: "An odd one, but I thought that, since Dragoshi, and so far, myself have not acted stupidly... I thought that why Aetos has acted weird was because he shares a bit of a link with Skyhigh because he was who revived Aetos."
Alexia: "Weird theory, but it makes sense."
Digifanatic: "Because Sky didn't revive Dragoshi or myself, we have no real connection to him through this, and that's why Aetos is screwed up when he has it on. No offense...
But that's how I've interpreted it so far."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...we shouldn't even be trying to USE that helmet."
Digifanatic: "I understand."
Dragoshi: "...Yea, right, and exploding laser shrews'll rain from the sky."
Garrick Fy`aar: "It should go in the vault with the other things we don't need to screw with."
Digifanatic: "The only reason I have it on after seeing the effects on Dragoshi is because I'm a human like Aetos, and Dragoshi's not."
The Wraith: *The spirit drifts over to the group, arms folded, eyebrow raised, and Dex out...*
Digifanatic: "I was wondering if species had to do with it... yes, that is more silly than anything else, but it was worth a shot."
Alexia sees the Wraith and opens her own Dex.
Digifanatic: "Even absurd theories sometimes need to be tested."
Garrick Fy`aar slooowly walks up to Digi... and snatches the helmet off.
Digifanatic: "Thanks."
Dragoshi opens own Dex after seeing Wraith.
Digifanatic: "I was gonna get to that."
The Wraith: "...Skyhigh is a god now, correct?"
Digifanatic opens Dex up.
Garrick Fy`aar: "This is going in the vault."
Dragoshi: "Yes. God of Turion."
The Wraith: He looks to Garrick. "Hold that thought, kid. It's not yours to cast away like that."
Aetos: "No, it's not... it's my helmet!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Look, all I know is that Sky High is a VERY unpredictable person. This helmet was with him for ages. I don't know what it does, but it's not safe being used by us."
Aetos: "!! It's ARMOR!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Aetos, think. You're a Quester."
The Wraith: "Allow me to continue... Now, would you all agree that a god would be capable of lifting a curse on an artifact?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Does armor effecting someone's judgement seem weird to you?"
Aetos: "No, but it doesn't!"
Dragoshi: "Look. Some people think it makes it's wearer into an idiot, and so far we've been pro-Yes, Wraith. That might be the reason why I wasn't acting like a dummy when I wore it"
Digifanatic: (to Wraith) "Of course."
The Wraith: He looks to Garrick. "In case you haven't been paying attention, two people just put it on with no mind-altering effects."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...pfft, fine."
*He tosses it to Aetos
* "I still don't like the thought of you wearing it, though..."
Aetos grabs it. "Guh..."
The Wraith: *He smirks...* "Envious?"
Digifanatic: "I don't like the thought of any of us wearing it until we can figure out what the heck is going on with it."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Envious? Pfft."
Aetos: "I KNOW what's 'going on' with it!!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "I could give less of a crap about it. I just don't want it turning Aetos into a weirdo evil guy AGAIN.'"
Digifanatic: "Okay, phew..."
Dragoshi: "...Do tell, Aetos."
Aetos: "It's a HELMET!"
The Wraith: He looks to Aetos now. "Let me guess, Skyhigh lifted the 'brain drain' curse off of it once he became a god, correct?"
Aetos: "Why are you people acting so crazy?!"
Digifanatic: "Cause we were concerned. Well, I was."
Dragoshi: "...I'm NOT. They ARE"
Aetos raises a finger at Wraith. "Sky High never touched it after he gave it to me."
Digifanatic: "Okay, Aetos. Ten plus the square root of nine."
The Wraith: "He wouldn't have to touch it."
Dragoshi: "Yea. He wouldn't need to touch it seein' as he's a god an all"
Alexia: "Ten plus the square root of nine? Thirteen."
Aetos: "13?"
Digifanatic: "Good! Curse is lifted!
End of story!"
Aetos raises an eyebrow. "Coughjerkcough."
The Wraith: "Anyway... Anything else you kids are confused about?"
Digifanatic: "Nope."
Dragoshi: "...I still didn't get an answer to my question..."
Digifanatic: "And that was?"
Dragoshi: "What's the square root of sixty-six million two-hundred thousand? And, YES, I know the answer."
Digifanatic: "Oh..."
*Quieting down by the end* "Right, right, right."
Dragoshi: "...Idiot. It's 8136.3382427231969152123276625836"
The Wraith: "...Got a calculator up there, eh?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "'re that good at math?"
Digifanatic: "No. He probably put it in his Dex.
As a random number."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Ahh."
Digifanatic: "Besides, nobody expects us to know the square root of an eight-digit number."
Dragoshi: "...I could've been meaner and made it an ELEVEN digit number"
Digifanatic: "Except MAYBE... hang on...16, 25, 36, 49, 64, and 81 million... At least those are like, 4,000, etc."
The Wraith: "Anyway..."* He drifts on away, shaking his head.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...right."
*He meanders away as well.*
Dragoshi exits as well.
Alexia walks off, seeing that the conversation is over.
Digifanatic: "Okay... so he thought he had enough luck to beat the Void. Aetos!
I apologize for all of this insanity I have caused...
I admit I started it when I really wanted Metal to take it away from you as soon as you revived.
Aetos nods.
Digifanatic: "Okay, good. Glad to see you're back."
*He waves and walks out.*
.oO(PHEW. That is over.)
Aetos: "Well. That's 2 of them..."
Metal Man (GM): I must introduce the season!!!!
All of Nintendus can be seen. The world, once again, seems to be in peace.
The camera zooms by outer space, seeing the only source of a struggle; a displaced moon, and Gunicard, now one half its previous size.
It also zooms down to the Chozo ruins, standing even though they were under attack by Eggman's own forces.
A few rusted, dead robots sit there.
Going underwater, it floats by a ruined underwater base, before emerging and flying over a complete Death Mountain.
A strange fallen-over silhouette of a building is seen on its back, but the camera keeps on moving, through the Dimensional Wastes.
It shows a fully reactivated Neo-Earthian outpost, with a few vehicles flying around it.
Then it flies straight down, through it and the ground, across some large conduits of Nova's system, eventually appearing out of a ruined Dimensional Cannon, which, amongst its wreckage, now has plant growth.
Then it flies past Atlantis, which is in prime shape... over the Gerudo desert, and a weird circular blue dome structure...
Before eventually passing Lon Lon ranch and appearing at Quester HQ, where Metal is standing in the big room, yet again, with all of the Questers, back from their respective vacations and/or rests.
Metal himself stands behind a podium now; he looks somewhat weathered, but he fumbles a few notes before speaking; this is probably the first actual 'State of the Questers' speech done officially.
Wolfman is dressed in new armor, especially for the occasion.
VG: *Standing with the other Questers, hoping Metal doesn't goof this speech up.*
.oO(Come on Metal: I helped you practice!)
Metal Man: "Today we begin yet another phase of our work. Since the new world order seems to be stable, it is our choice... no... our destiny to ensure no one, not even the Phantom Lords, ruin it."
Alexia stands tall, looking determined and a bit tired. There truly is no rest for the weary...
Garrick Fy`aar is near the back, looking a little bit cleaner when it comes to his usual self, but without armor. He's standing in his regular clothing, unarmed...
Metal Man: "Many problems pop up, even here. Despite being haunted by the specter of the past, it seems we have escaped Kuja's grasp. His people, dead, his cannon, maimed... no... he is but an old nightmare now."
Dragoshi leans against the wall, listening.
Metal Man: "And, again, we stopped Ivo Robotnik from taking his place. Not even the crafty old man who had somehow weathered years of abuse could stop us."
*He holds a hand to his chin.* "Many Questers have stayed... and many have died.
For this year, I hope we can show all who oppose us our true purpose. That is to be our objective."
*He looks at the papers, and finishes his speech, dusting off some controls.
* "Again... we have the normal sort of problems. However, each mission now has an actual specified amount of time to be fulfilled."
*He brings up the map, as seen at *
The Ninja: "A timed mission? Like bomb going off?"
Metal Man: "In order, we have a strange request from an anonymous person that we stand at some pentagon... No.
If we ignore some missions, they will go away."
Dragoshi: "...That pentagon one doesn't sound good..."
Alexia observes the map calmly.
Trigger does the same.
Metal Man: "This first mission will stay even if we ignore it across a total of 3 missions, but when it's gone, it's gone."
Wolfman: "What are the details of each mission?"
Alexia: "I think we should attempt mission 2."
Metal Man looks at Wolf oddly. "I'm busy describing them."
VG: "Sheesh Wolf: Your new look didn't give you new patience?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Calm down and let the man talk..."
Metal Man: "Now, mission 2, we need to collect the corpses of some evil man-eating gel cubes in order to stop some disease with the Neo-Earthians."
Trigger: "Yeah..."
Metal Man: "It'll last only two, so, don't put it off too long, or some people, Toad or not, may die."
*He looks at mission 3.*
Dragoshi: "...Hmmm...2 or 4...'Cause I'm not gonna do 1 anytime soon..."
Metal Man: "Then we have a critical breach in R&D in Eisnaught. Seems some top-secret weapon would go off if we didn't investigate it immediately."
Garrick Fy`aar: "That should be first."
Alexia: "Immediately as in one mission?"
Metal Man: "As such, it won't last past today if you don't do anything about it."
Trigger: "Yes."
Dragoshi: "...I say we do that first, then."
Alexia: "Then I change my vote to mission number three."
VG: "And what will happen if two missions are immediate? Don't just assume you guys have to do every single one, even if it means splitting up."
Metal Man: "Then, finally, there's some mission involving a rockslide Skyhigh accidentally caused. It and the gel mission both have 2, so if you take number 3 now, you'll have to choose between them next time or they'll both vanish."
Alexia: "Hmm..."
Metal Man: "Some missions will be missed, no matter how much splitting up you may try to do."
VG: "Told ya."
Alexia: "I say we attempt 3, then 2."
Metal Man: "Just don't ignore too many similar-sounding ones, or else something bad might happen."
Dragoshi nods in agreement with Alexia.
Metal Man: "Like when you somehow ignored Eggman's dealings three times in a row."
Trigger: "Heh... oh."
Metal Man: "It's hard to tell, though... can't catch 'em all."
Dragoshi: "...Three? I I only remember two from the Time Stones, though."
Metal Man: "...Look, concrete numbers aren't my specialty. What's important is you choose a mission today."
Dragoshi: "Well, I already chose three."
Metal Man: "Tell me your vote when you've got it... yes, even if you said it before now."
Wolf: "I know what I want, but it doesn't matter... it's not mission 3."
Trigger: "I'm goin' with mission 3 then."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...welp, something that should be messed with immediately should be done immediately. I choose three as well."
Alexia: "Mission three."
Wolf: "Guys... realize that eventually, we'll have to pick and choose."
Alexia: "We are. We chose three."
Metal Man: "Well, this one is a doozy. We have ourselves a highly armed unknown combatant hijacking some experimental weapons. You must... stop something named SPONGE."
The Ninja: "We must not let weapon fall into wrong hands."
Wolf: "...sponge?"
Alexia: "Besides, we have to do this NOW."
Metal Man: "Make sure it doesn't activate, or something."
Trigger: "..."
Dragoshi: "...The hell kind of name is SPONGE? Oh, well. No use complaining' bout stupid names."
VG: "Alexia, I don't think that's what Wolfman meant."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Doesn't matter."
Metal Man: "Let me just give you a hint... don't try to brute force everything, we want the place to be in one piece when you're done."
Garrick Fy`aar brushes himself off as he stands up.
Metal Man: "Otherwise you may wind up paying for collateral damage."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I'll grab my gear and meet you in the warp room."
Trigger: "No problem."
Wolfman looks to his allies...
Trigger: "Me too."
The Ninja: "None of what we did on the spaceship."
Wolfman: .oO(Us? No brute force? Good freakin' luck!)
Metal Man: "The... err... warp elevator is right in here."
Alexia walks into the elevator.
Metal Man: "If you try walking to the warp room itself you may be shocked to discover a solid wall... we're replacing the room itself since we have a warp elevator now."
Dragoshi: "...Negotiations usually end up in failure. So, don't expect anything too great. Seriously" *Heads over to the Warp elevator.*
Garrick Fy`aar heads off to grab said gear. In a few moments, he's returned wearing his usual stuff, armed with his M150 and his Freezing Flame. He steps up to the elevator without another word.
"Elevator, room, whatever."
Metal Man: "Not negotiations... I mean avoid breaking things!"
Trigger enters the elevator.
Metal Man sighs. "All of them always warp before the important words are said."
Wolf: "Understood."
Metal Man: "Ah well." *Leans back in his chair.*
Wolfman goes to the elevator.
The Ninja: "I am still here."
Metal Man: "Well, good. Make sure they all know that."
Wolfman did hear that for the record.
VG: "Ninja, Wolf, give them the message... and good luck."
The Ninja: "Any other hints, Metal? Like about weapon?"
Metal Man: "I have no clue what it is. They sorta said it was so top secret, if it was discovered, it might become another rogue Gunicard."
The Ninja: "Right. I will pass on message!"
Wolf: "Better you than me Ninja. Let's go."
The Ninja moves to the elevator.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP*
Y'all appear at the foot of one of many tall Eisnaught towers.
Ivan Robotnik is there, along with a compliment of bodyguards.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...fancy seeing you here, Ivan."
Ivan Robotnik: "Good to see you chose this mission... we need your help."
Dragoshi: "...So, what's the problem?"
Trigger: "What's wrong?"
The Ninja: "Ah! Lord of spare tire! How are you?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Just fine..."
Wolfman: "Ninja: This is Ivan Robotnik, one of the rulers of this place."
Alexia gives Ninja a deadpan look.
Trigger: "Wha...?"
Ivan Robotnik: "The being hacked the security systems and locked everything down. You'll have to break in manually. He's at the bottom, five floors down from here."
The Ninja: "Does it open from inside?"
Alexia: "I take it we'll be encountering rogue security?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Yes, however we have the most advanced security on the planet."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Anything we encounter should be dealt with quietly."
Trigger: "Isn't that bad for us?"
Ivan Robotnik: "The walls extend into the astral realm itself, blocking out rogue ghosts as well as most radio frequencies."
Garrick Fy`aar: "No excessive force."
Wolfman: "The Astral Realm..."
Dragoshi: "...Yea. That I-...Man, those are some good walls."
The Ninja: "Looks like I have to use door."
Ivan Robotnik: "Automated guns protect all basement floors. Doors are the same as walls, possessing not only that but the ability to weld itself to the walls themselves. Some of the defenses are so confidential I don't know what they are... but... you should be able to handle them.
This is all we can do for you."
Metal Man (GM): Ivan signals for... what appears to be a massive laser cannon to roll up to the door.
Alexia: "So we're basically going to be sniped from every direction. Guys, you got any more EMP grenades? ...Nice."
Ivan Robotnik: "Three... two... one... FIRE!"
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Dragoshi: "...Holy..."
Metal Man (GM): The door blasts open.
Dragoshi: "And, yea I have quite a few EMPs left."
Alexia: "...Any way we can bring that with us?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Any codes, anything I can use?"
Trigger: "Good."
Ivan Robotnik: "...It's EMP-shielded, you'll need to find a way to get around that."
Wolfman: "Wait... you guys SURE of EMP grenades here? You know how effective I am against them here..."
Ivan Robotnik: "...The software has been reprogrammed, nobody can even speak the language it's in."
The Ninja: "But shouldn't we wait so we don't ruin Dex again?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Don't worry. If there's a computer, I can get into it."
Dragoshi: "...Eh."
Trigger: "Same here."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, enough chit-chat. Let's get moving."
Ivan Robotnik: "...Godspeed. I must be going now."
Alexia: "Good point. I need to get a protective lining on my pack for my Dex..."
Ivan Robotnik salutes, then marches off; some guards protect the area nearby from onlookers.
The Ninja: "Thanks for help, lord of spare tire!"
Dragoshi: "...Yes. We should be going."
Metal Man (GM): You may walk inside.
Alexia: "Let's move."
Metal Man (GM): It's pitch-dark in there.
Alexia runs inside.
Garrick Fy`aar gives Ivan a nod before flipping up his helmet, the mechanical covered sliding and clicking into place before he starts inside.
Wolfman salutes.
Trigger enters the building.
Metal Man (GM): You see nothing more than a red LED which means the door ahead is locked.
Alexia: "...Figures."
Dragoshi: *enters the building as well.*
Metal Man (GM): Light streams in from the busted door.
Wolfman comes along... and finds... a locked door.
Garrick Fy`aar moves over to the LED light, making to see if he can get it open by touch alone... heh...
Alexia: "Hack, or flak?"
Metal Man (GM): You can't even walk straight to it.
You all bump into a desk mid-way to it.
Some stuff falls on the floor.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...jeez."
Dragoshi: "...Yeesh."
Alexia: "Grrr..."
Trigger: "...Ok?"
Metal Man (GM): You can climb over it, of course.
Garrick Fy`aar pushes some stuff aside and keeps moving...
Metal Man (GM): Or push it.
You reach it... entirely in the dark. You can't even tell what the LED is on.
The Ninja: "Hmm. A desk." *He begins to search the desk for an important items.*
Metal Man (GM): In the dark? -5 penalty.
Alexia flies over the desk and reaches the LED.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia displaces some unseen paperwork.
Alexia: "Anybody got a light source?"
Trigger: "Hmmm..."
Metal Man (GM): The Ninja finds a few keycards and a magazine. This was relatively light security area, which accounts for why you haven't died yet.
Alexia: "I could set something on fire with my gun, but I'd rather not do that."
The Ninja: "Hey. I found something."
Trigger: "What about the backlight of the Dex?"
Metal Man (GM): The magazine is 'Gun owner's monthly'
Dragoshi: "I could use my laser scythe as a light of sor-...Huh."
Wolfman tries to follow along...
The Ninja: "Who likes guns?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "I've got it. Mark, some light. I like guns."
Alexia: "I don't think the Dex's backlight could do much..."
Wolfman: "Anything I'm needed for?"
Garrick Fy`aar responds to that INSTANTLY.
The Ninja hands Garrick the magazine.
Metal Man (GM): A very small amount of light is projected from the inside of Garrick's suit, dimly illuminating what is a combo keypad/card swipe mechanism.
Garrick Fy`aar takes said magazine and pockets it.
Wolfman turns to Garrick.
"What did you find?"
Metal Man (GM): The red LED is actually a bunch of gibberish characters on its screen flowing by.
You can't read them, they make no sense.
Trigger: "Now what?"
The Ninja: "I also found these." *Holds up two keycards.*
Alexia: "Looks like a virus hit the computers."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Computer code... or hacked computer code... here, lemme see those... uhhh... you."
*He reaches out for 'da cards.*
Metal Man (GM): The cards are labeled: 'A-Level Access' and 'B-Level Access'
The Ninja gives Garrick the cards and begins to look around the room for anything else.
Wolfman: "Nice going Ninja."
Metal Man (GM): They have pictures of two different people... who must have fled.
-5 penalty, as usual.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Ninja? Hm. Original name..."
*He chuckles and looks back to the reader. Card scanner?*
Wolfman also attempts to try to help with the searching, having not much else to do.
Metal Man (GM): It has a card scanner, as Wolfman finds dust under his... 'fingernails'
A very fine... blue dust.
It looks like sugar.
Wolfman looks, and finds... huh?
"Guys, over here. Is dust supposed to be blue?"
Garrick Fy`aar tries using the... Level A card.
"Could be from something else."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, The Ninja, with or without a penalty, finds a variety of lab uniforms, and a ring with keys on it.
Alexia walks over to Wolf and examines the powder.
Metal Man (GM): The card swipes... nothing happens.
Alexia: "Hmm..."
Metal Man (GM): The powder is blue and looks sugary.
Alexia takes out her Dex and scans the powder
"Good thing Gibby isn't here. He'd eat it."
Smash Dex: "Unknown material."
The Ninja blinks, then puts on the lab uniform. "Look at me! I am Professor Ninja!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...hmm."
Alexia: "We better save a sample of this."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Ninja, was it?"
Metal Man (GM): The door is pretty tricky. You'll probably have to try something complicated.
Alexia: "Maybe the lab back at headquarters can find out what it is."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Save those. All of them."
The Ninja then looks at the ring with the keys on it."
Garrick Fy`aar turns back to the door. He smirks, cracks his knuckles, then goes to HOT WIRE! HOOOOOOT WIRE!!!
Alexia has an idea
"Give me a page or something from that magazine."
Metal Man (GM): You may use either Computers or Technological computers; roll a check for either....
You attempt to hot-wire it... damn.
Wolfman: "Well, hopefully the dust won't hurt us."
Metal Man (GM): No wires.
It's all solid-state.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...heh. Okay, time to get serious."
Metal Man (GM): With... holographic chips?
This stuff is serious.
Alexia: "Hand me a page or card or something from that magazine."
Garrick Fy`aar: ", this is complicated stuff."
Trigger: "Ok."
Metal Man (GM): Your high check means you don't disturb it... which is a smart thing.
Dragoshi: "..."
Trigger hands Alexia a card.
Garrick Fy`aar takes a gander at it to see if he can find anything else that might have a way to get in... then he frowns and tries the B class card.
The Ninja walks over to the door in his new lab coat and looks at it, then at the ring of keys he collected.
Metal Man (GM): It slides through, making no changes in the door.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Okay, now..."
Metal Man (GM): The door, sadly, has no keys. Those keys must go to far more mundane doors.
Garrick Fy`aar can make a search check on it to find a way to get inside it? Or perhaps there is a port for his suit to hook into?
The Ninja thinks a bit, then looks to see if there is another door in the room.
Metal Man (GM): Either a search check or a computer use check.
No other doors.
Garrick uses his superior computer checks...
Wolfman: "Let me know if I should try to search for other things."
Metal Man (GM): ...You get a strange, gibberish message.
Alexia stands back up.
Metal Man (GM): One problem.
Alexia: "I got some of that powder."
Metal Man (GM): You can't understand the language, despite apparently interfacing with it.
Mark: "Translation impossible; language is of unknown alien origin."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Unknown alien... huh..."
Metal Man (GM): As far as you're concerned, that means all these electronics are hunks a' brick to you and Ivan.
At least, any one infected like this, because nobody but whoever did this could fix that.
Alexia closes the card-packet and heads over to the door
"Will we have to break our way through?"
Metal Man (GM): It's a sliding metal door sealed tight.
The Ninja: "Hmm." *He then places his hand on the wall near the door and goes to give it a push, just to make sure he can go through it.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "It's gonna be tough to bust through."
Metal Man (GM): You feel a barrier which is as unearthly as you are.
Normal Search check, Ninja.
Trigger: "I could try to break down the door."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): There is... one flaw.
There's a tiny gap between the door and the walls.
Which you can go right through... or, perhaps, other things, like pickaxes, swords, or lasers.
The Ninja: "AH! I found something!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark... can you try and record some of this language?"
Trigger: "What?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "For later study?"
Mark: "Possible chance of viral contamination. Proceed anyway? Y/N."
The Ninja: "Just leave it to professor ninja!"
Garrick Fy`aar: ", don't."
Alexia: "...Garrick, would Mark be able to detect chemicals that the Dex couldn't?"
Mark: "Disengaging to prevent contamination."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Ehhh, Mark can do some things the Dex can't, but mostly he's just an advanced Dex. I haven't upgraded him yet, but I plan too soon..."
Wolfman just sits and waits for the door to open... once again, everyone's trying too much.
The Ninja then presses his hand onto the gap he found between the door and the wall, going to go through this time. But goes to sneak out on the other side.
Dragoshi does the same as Wolf.
Alexia: "Can he at least tell what's in this?" *Hands the powder sample to Garrick.*
Metal Man (GM): The Ninja literally vanishes behind the door.
Trigger does the same as Wolf.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...right now, let's follow this Ninja fellow, eh?"
*He goes to follow the black clad Quester.*
Trigger: "Ok."
Wolfman: "...if we can go through, I've got no problem."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: You can't go through a gap as thin as a piece of paper.
Your finger, however, can feel the gap.
Ninja: You reappear on the other side. It's pitch black, besides an LED panel on the other side, which is like an exact mirror of the one you just passed.
Alexia: "Well, Garrick?"
Metal Man (GM): Light streams from the paper-thin gaps in the door on the left and right,
Garrick Fy`aar: "Give me a second, let's do this first...'"
*He makes to try and pry the door open, then...*
The Ninja examines the door from his side, seeing if he can open it from there.
Metal Man (GM): Nope... locked.
Garrick: STR check.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...grah..."
Metal Man (GM): The door is pried loose; it flies outta the way.
Wolfman: "Nice going."
Dragoshi: "...Nice one."
Alexia: "...Wow."
Trigger: "Good job."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Shoulda done that in the first place. Come on..."
*He moves after the Ninja dude.*
Trigger walks into the next room.
Metal Man (GM): You walk ahead... now you really can't see anything.
Wolfman continues on... uh oh.
Metal Man (GM): You're in complete pitch dark.
Alexia: "Uh, what about that sam--This isn't good."
Wolfman: "Okay... everyone move slowly."
Trigger: "Gah, it's like someone duct taped my eyes shut."
Wolfman: "No sudden moves."
Dragoshi: "..." *Nods in agreement with Wolf.*
Wolfman slowly gets his dex out and tries to see if there is a light source he can use in this room or something.
Metal Man (GM): Wolf: You bump into... something!
The dex has a backlight which illuminates a small area.
Wolfman bumps into something while getting the illuminated dex out...
He turns to the something, now that he can see...
Metal Man (GM): It falls over! *Thud.*
Trigger: "Did you find something Wolf?"
Metal Man (GM): You see... a coat on the floor, another lab coat.
On a coat rack.
Wolfman steps back a bit...
"'s just a lab coat."
Alexia: "Phew."
Trigger: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The light catches on some... blue powder on the floor.
It begins to glow.
Alexia: "...What the HECK?"
Wolfman: "Except... wait a second."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...kill the light, Wolf."
Dragoshi: "...Fuh?"
Alexia: "That's the same stuff I handed to Garrick!"
Wolfman: "But... why?"
Metal Man (GM): The room is now dimly lit by a trail of blue powder that leads from the previous door to another one.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Kill it."
Metal Man (GM): You also see... in this room... a big ring-looking device.
Wolfman: "It's providing us light!"
Trigger: "Wow."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Yeah, and that is not all it may do. Kill the light!"
Alexia: "Glow-in-the-dark powder... Bizarre."
Wolfman turns off the light.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right..."
Metal Man (GM): It's about twice as tall as any person, made of metal, and hooked up to some weird wires.
Wolfman: "Sheesh... sounds like you had fleas in your bed this morning."
Dragoshi: "Quite bizarre. Though, I've seen stranger"
Garrick Fy`aar reaches out and takes that sample Alexia gave him.
"Mark, scan."
Mark: "Unknown substance."
Metal Man (GM): Weird symbols on the ring start lighting up.
Alexia: "Uh-oh..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...great..."
Dragoshi: "...Great."
Alexia ducks down into her battle stance
"What if this thing's a portal?"
Dragoshi stands still, waiting.
Metal Man (GM): After a few moments, a weird-looking portal opens up... for a split second.
Wolfman: "It might be. Remember: this place is somehow connected to the Astral Realm."
Metal Man (GM): Somebody's thrown out of it and in front of all of you.
Alexia: "...?"
Dragoshi: "...?"
Alexia takes out her laser pistol.
Scott Gibson lies there on the floor face down for a sec..."ow..."
Garrick Fy`aar draws his own gun...
The Ninja: "Hmm? What did I miss?"
Scott Gibson stands up slowly. "Damn, my freakin' head."
Dragoshi: "...And, you are?"
Metal Man (GM): Ninja: You see a person on the floor; behind him, a recently activated ring-device turns off.
Wolfman: "...guys, remember what the Manifesto said?"
Scott Gibson: "Uh... hi?"
Wolfman: "I think... we might have a new Quester."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. I remember."
Wolfman turns to the newcomer.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh, great... ANOTHER newbie... just what we need."
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): There's a panel on the ring.
Wolfman: "Welcome to the realm of the strange... Nintendus. The name is Wolfman."
Garrick Fy`aar shakes his head and flicks on what light he has in his suit, moving past him.
Metal Man (GM): It appears to have not been infected.
Scott Gibson: "Whoa...!"
Garrick Fy`aar heads up to this panel and looks it over...
Metal Man (GM): It merely says 'Portal Operational'
Wolfman: *Scott: You are seeing a 4 legged reploid like Wolf in plated armor.*
Scott Gibson: "It's like dark in here man."
Metal Man (GM): Ya gotta hook something up to it to use it.
Indeed; it is still dark, only dimly lit by weird glowing powder on the floor.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark, can you detect what kind of portal this thing is talking about?"
Wolfman: "I'd put on a light for you, but someone..." *Glares at Garrick* "...doesn't want a light on in here."
Alexia picks the new guy up onto his feet using TK. He'd notice a purple glow around him as he lifts up.
Scott Gibson: "Who are you guys?!"
Trigger: "...Who are you?"
Mark: "It is of unknown technology. Interfacing with it would be required."
The Ninja is already up close to Scott. Carefully looking him over.
Dragoshi: "...That's what we should be asking you."
Wolfman: "Answer Trigger's question first. I at least gave you my name. I'd like to know yours."
Garrick Fy`aar growls...
Scott Gibson: "Scott Gibson, Galaxy Space Police Brotherhood field agent."
Wolfman: "Alexia, put him down... gently please."
Trigger: "Hmmm... Galaxy Space Police?"
Dragoshi: "...Huh. What's that?"
The Ninja: "Wait. There are police in Space now?"
Scott Gibson: "Wha! I musta' hit my head harder than I thought."
Wolfman: "Realm hopping can do that to you."
Scott Gibson: "Yeah, man. We're fightin' a war with the Medical Mecchanica!"
Dragoshi: "...Interesting."
Trigger: "Tha wah...?"
Wolfman: "I'm afraid we don't know of this Medical Mecchanica."
Scott Gibson: "...?"
Alexia: "Well, I'd say that you might have some more pressing problems now."
The Ninja: "The realm hop shook me up too a long time back."
Dragoshi: "...Prolly' some organization in his realm."
Trigger: "Same here."
Scott Gibson: "Realm... hop?"
*He scratches his head.*
Wolfman: "I'll try to explain in easy terms."
Dragoshi: "Yes. Realm hop."
Wolfman: "You were in another realm... another place. Somehow, you fell in a portal. Portals are usually used to travel across other realms."
The Ninja: "I come from different time as well. Metal told me that the strongest from realms end up here sometimes."
Wolfman: "That portal just so happened to bring you here."
Scott Gibson: "Ookay..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...look."
*He walks over and stands in front of Scott. Scott knows what he looks like (since he drew him...)*
The Ninja: "An professor Ninja agrees!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "You basically got thrown here because you were needed HERE and not where you were originally. Something, or someone, did this.
We have no idea who.
But as of right now, you're a temporary Quester until you can be made an official Quester back at headquarters."
Trigger: "Where did you get your PHD, 'Prof Ninja'?"
Scott Gibson: "Dude, your armor is, like, shiny, man."
Wolfman: "Or we get you back home. Garrick, don't assume he's a Quester right away. He could become one if he wishes."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...yep, he's Quester newbie material, alright."
Trigger: "Heh."
Wolfman: "Scott, are you able to see me clearly enough?"
Scott Gibson looks around still slightly confused.
The Ninja: "Ah. But we're you one a one time?"
Dragoshi: "..."
Scott Gibson: "More or less."
Wolfman: "Realm hopping can obviously leave you a bit confused. How about you hop onto my back and let me handle the transportation for you for awhile?"
Scott Gibson: "No thanks, dude. I'm cool."
The Ninja: "Not wise idea. He might pour beer on him again."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Do you have an obsession for people riding you or something, Wolf?"
Trigger: "You should, he is comfy to ride on."
Dragoshi: "..." *Chuckles.*
Metal Man (GM): You may either mess with the portal, or deal with the next door, which is just like the one you just broke open.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...anyway, look... Scott, was it? Can you fight?"
Metal Man (GM): 'Course, it isn't too broken.
Alexia: "Garrick, do you know how terribly wrong that sounded?"
Wolfman: "Ninja, no. Garrick, no. I wish to be useful."
Scott Gibson: "Yeah, man."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Good. Come on."
Scott Gibson: "What?!!"
Trigger: "Let's go."
Garrick Fy`aar heads back over to this portal thing, making to plug his armor into it.
Dragoshi: "...Let's just go already"
Wolfman: *To Garrick* "Realize that if it wasn't for some people that chose to take advantage of being lazy, we might not be here today."
Mark: "Interface activated."
Scott Gibson follows these guys.
The Ninja: "Hmm" *He then begins to search the room again.*
Metal Man (GM): A holographic interface, showing a bunch of floating runes and an 'activate' and 'deactivate' and 'lockdown' options on it, appears in front of the ring thing,.
Alexia walks over and looks at the interface along with Garrick.
Garrick Fy`aar: "What have we got, Mark?"
Trigger: "...Shit, where's Gibby?"
Alexia: "Dare I ask what activate will send?"
Mark: "An unknown teleporter of experimental design."
Wolfman waits once again.
Metal Man (GM): The Ninja finds what you've already seen, nothing else much here.
Scott Gibson: "Looks like something I saw once in GSPB training video."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Can you get into the database from it? Maybe find a map?"
Scott Gibson slings his gig bag over his shoulder more firmly.
Mark: "The database was infected; it isolated itself to prevent from being infected as a security measure."
The Ninja: "I think there's no other way."
Mark: "No maps available either."
Garrick Fy`aar glances to see if there's another door...
Metal Man (GM): There's another red-LED door locked up ahead.
Wolfman turns to Garrick.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...can you get this teleporter working? Have it feed us into the bottom level where this Sponge is?"
Wolfman: "Are we leaving the portal machine alone?"
Mark: "It is unknown where it leads."
Trigger: "Hmmm..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right... yes, let's leave it alone."
Mark: "The best that can be done is the random usage of runes."
Dragoshi: "That would be a good idea."
The Ninja: "Right. Scout to next room?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Can you get a translation from it?"
Trigger: "Yeah."
Mark: "No."
Garrick Fy`aar heads over to the next door then, taking out the cord.
The Ninja nods and goes over to the the point between the door and the wall and enters through it again.
Dragoshi follows Garrick.
Wolfman: "Scott, come on."
*He goes to the next room.*
Scott Gibson shrugs and follows.
Trigger follows Dragoshi.
Alexia follows Wolf.
Metal Man (GM): You can't reach the next room, the door's in the way.
Trigger: "Damn doors."
Garrick Fy`aar takes a look at THIS LED thingy
"Yeah, they suck, don't they?"
Metal Man (GM): The Ninja is able to go between the crack in the door, though, and... reach another place just like before; he's on the other side of it, and it's locked.
Trigger: "Why can't he just bust through them all?"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick: It's locked just like the earlier one.
Garrick Fy`aar makes to pry it open again.
Wolfman: "Trigger: we're trying to be peaceful for once."
Alexia: "Uh, because getting fried by security turrets is bad?"
Smash Dex: "It is a highly advanced door."
Metal Man (GM): *PRY* *FLIP* This door opens on up.
Alexia: "Awesome."
Metal Man (GM): It's flipped open, revealing yet another dark room.
Trigger: "Nice one."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Not advanced enough to not be pried open."
Metal Man (GM): Anyone have any lights?
The Ninja uses his sense to detect anything in the room.
Metal Man (GM): Ninja: Search check again.
Dragoshi: "...I could use my scythe as a light."
Garrick Fy`aar has his suit lights.
"No one is stopping you, Dragoshi."
Wolfman: "Garrick: 'Permission' to put on the Dex light again?"
Scott Gibson: "Probably stupid to ask but isn't there a lightswitch somewhere?"
Metal Man (GM): The blue powder lights up, dimly lighting the room.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...look, I'm sorry I yelled."
Dragoshi: "...Perfect. " *Pulls out his scythe, and uses it like a light to further brighten the room.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "I just wanted to be careful."
Alexia: "Glad we took a sample of that powder. It'll be interesting to test back at HQ." *Looks around the new room.*
Wolfman: "It happens."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Yeah, if that powder is fine, we could use it as an item..."
Dragoshi: "Yea. It'd be rather useful at that"
Garrick Fy`aar looks around this new room as well.
Metal Man (GM): This room, now dimly lit, contains...
Trigger: "We were we never issued flashlights, could someone answer that please?"
Metal Man (GM): A large looking artifact embedded in some rock, hooked up to wires.
Scott Gibson: "So... what's going on? Why're we in the dark?"
Metal Man (GM): It seems mostly unsubstantial.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Did you ever check your Dex--whoa..."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Trigger: "What?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark, can you get a reading on this?"
Metal Man (GM): Unsubstantial. Not very important-looking.
Scott Gibson looks up at the artifact.
He whistles.
Trigger does the same.
Wolfman looks at the unimportant artifact.
Mark: "It is mildly magnetic."
Trigger looks the the artifact.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Yeah, you'll see weirder stuff being a Quester."
Mark: "Thus, it must be from the magnetic wastes."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...all the way over here? Huh."
Mark: "Before the systems were compromised, it was being scanned by probes. It may or may not do something."
Dragoshi: "..." *Puts the scythe away seeing as this place is already dimly lit up.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "How long would it take to finish the work?"
Mark: "Unknown at what level it has been scanned. It would take 10 minutes with our dexes. Which might be a while, considering an unknown person compromised this place."
Alexia: "We can always come back to it later."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Good point... can you drop a warp marker here, Mark?"
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Mark: "Purpose? As long as this place doesn't explode, Ivan can continue scanning it when we are done."
Garrick Fy`aar: "I want to come back myself..."
Mark: "You can come back afterwards with no warp marker needed. This is an urban area."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...right. Let's just keep moving."
*He continues onward.*
Trigger: "Ok."
Dragoshi continues onward as well.
Trigger follows Garrick.
Wolfman: "Sounds simple..."
Metal Man (GM): Up ahead is another door, as usual. Red LED door.
Wolfman continues on.
Alexia follows the others to the door.
Scott Gibson heads to the next door.
Garrick Fy`aar: *usual predicament?*
Alexia: "This is getting monotonous."
Trigger: "I'm getting bored, where's the action?"
Garrick Fy`aar cracks his knuckles... and PRIES.
Metal Man (GM): That door bounces open too, revealing room number four.
Dragoshi: "...Talk about taking the initiative."
Wolfman: "Don't ask that Trigger."
Metal Man (GM): This room is also dark, but the powder lights up as usual.
A bunch of computers sit in here.
Dragoshi enters the room.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Ah HA!"
Metal Man (GM): Weird red text scrolls on their screens.
Alexia walks into the next room.
Metal Man (GM): There's ten of them... plus a door to the next room past this one.
Dragoshi looks at one of the computers.
Trigger enters the next room.
Metal Man (GM): Gibberish on its screen; you can't read it.
Alexia: "This is freaky. All of those computers look like they've been corrupted."
Scott Gibson: "So do you guys do this often?"
Garrick Fy`aar moves inside quickly and heads up to a computer.
Alexia: "More than you'd imagine."
Garrick Fy`aar: "It's usually more action packed."
Scott Gibson enters the room looking around intently.
Alexia heads to the next room.
Metal Man (GM): It looks normal, but gibberish is all over the screen.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Mark, anything new from this?"
Mark: "It seems corrupted."
Dragoshi checks the others, to see if they're all the same as the other one.
Metal Man (GM): All the same.
Dragoshi: "...Well, nothin' interesting here. Let's move on, shall we?"
Garrick Fy`aar: " Can you tell how it was corrupted? Did it leave a trail?"
Wolfman: "...okay, is anyone else feeling a little... antsy with this lack of stuff?"
Scott Gibson wonders about his future prospects with this group.
Mark: "Interacting with it may actually infect your suit. It appears to be system-wide infection."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...why does everything have a chance at infecting my suit... fine. Let's keep going."
Trigger: "I know I am."
Garrick Fy`aar moves on to the next door. Reach, grab, pry.
Metal Man (GM): Another red LED door... the last for this floor, as you pry it open.
Scott Gibson: "After hearing that I'm a bit skittish of what we may find."
Metal Man (GM): The next room has... an elevator.
The blue powder is everywhere in this room.
Trigger walks into the next room."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Didn't expect an elevator. And a lot of powder"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Don't be skittish. Be ready."
*He heads inside...*
Wolfman: "I'll keep that in mind."
*He enters.*
Metal Man (GM): The entire room is lit in an eerie blue light, the elevator having a high-tech panel keeping it shut.
Alexia: "Man, that powder must have gotten flung everywhere."

