Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 312: Quester Arena
Date: 4:53:26 PM, August 10th, 2006.
Scott Gibson is kicking back in the R&R room plucking about on his guitar.
"E string sounds a little flat."
Aetos is now moxie-ing about HQ avoiding The Void.
Scott Gibson twangs the E string and tunes it.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...does turning your instrument DO anything to it when you fight?"
*He is leaning in the doorway, his eyebrow arched slightly as he watches him pluck...*
Scott Gibson: "Yeah, some of my attacks need me to play something."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...okay, that's it. You. Come with me."
Scott Gibson: "What?"
Garrick Fy`aar crooks his finger at Scott and moves out of the room...
Scott Gibson gets up with a sigh.
"I'm comin'...damn."
Garrick Fy`aar walks down a hallway, makes a turn, walks down another hallway... then stops.
Scott Gibson walks up with his guitar slung over his shoulder. "So what're we... doing, necessarily?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "We're gonna spar."
Scott Gibson: "Uh..."
*He looks at Garrick with a half cocked eyebrow.*
Garrick Fy`aar turns into a nearby door and walks into a MASSIVE stadium. This place was built like a high tech coliseum: Big battle ground, lotsa chairs, place for the head honchos to sit.
Scott Gibson: "I'm sure you're interested on my combat technique but ...whoa..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Welcome... to the Melee Stadium."
Scott Gibson: "Dis is a big friggin' stadium then."
The Void: "Not quite the Melee Stadium, but I guess it works."
*Is hanging out in the arena, as usual.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...don't you have anywhere to go?"
Scott Gibson stares.
Julian Sawyer: *A voice comes on over the loudspeakers* "Technically, it's the Quester Stadium." *And Julian's in the booth! And he's wearing his Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirt combo back on... Looks like his vacation got extended for some reason.*
The Void: "Eh. I am a fan of people fighting. Helps me enhance my own battle technique."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...oh, right. Scott, this is The Void. Void, this is Scott... Gibson?"
Dragoshi: *Watching from the stands* "...Huh."
Scott Gibson: "Yeah, Gibson."
The Void: "Nice to meet you. I'd shake your hand, but my hand isn't very corporeal." *He moves an arm right through Gibson's head; all it does is feel sorta cold* "See?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right, Gibson. He MIGHT be a new Quester. Hasn't signed the form yet."
Scott Gibson: "You guys, like, a union or somethin?"
The Void: *Shrug* "I don't care who helps us, as long as they kill those jerks who want to mess up the glorious state of randomness we create."
Garrick Fy`aar: "We're a fighting force, of sorts. Kinda like... well, kinda like this Space Police of yours."
Julian Sawyer decides at this point to exit the booth, seeing as how there's a new guy. "...So who's this joker?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Only just here on Nintendus."
The Void: "I'll be back--I have some papers to do. Well, Metal has to do them." *Sinks through the floor.*
The Ninja: *Meanwhile, the ninja is off bugging Metal as he leans into his office.* "Metal! I have idea!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "New guy."
Scott Gibson stares up at the box with a glare.
Garrick Fy`aar: "He fights with a guitar. I wanted to see just HOW he does it."
The Void sinks through the ceiling of Metal's office, snaps a finger, and Metal appears down below in the office where The Ninja is.
Metal Man: "An idea?"
Julian Sawyer: "...A guitar... How the HELL you fight wit' a guitar?" *Julian's currently right next to Garrick and Scott. He left the booth.*
The Ninja: "...You're creepy."
Scott Gibson cracks his neck..."Just watch..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "That's what I wanna know. Come on."
Dragoshi: .oO(Simple. You smash people in the head with it.)
Garrick Fy`aar motions to Scott and walks down into the arena.
Scott Gibson grips his guitar just above the headstock. like a sword.
Metal Man: "I have many secrets, yes... that's my alter-ego, of sorts."
The Ninja: "Ah! But I do have idea. I just need potion that can make plants grow faster."
Julian Sawyer: "...Righ'...Anyway, I'm Julian. I do announcin' for the fights, an' I'm one of the most powerful Questers around. Jus' a heads up."
Metal Man: "Ah. Well, let me think... we had something like that somewhere..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "That's because all you DO is fight, Julian..."
Julian Sawyer: "Hey, you do what you're good at."
Metal Man rummages through some drawers in his desk and looks through some store lists.
Scott Gibson: "Heh..."
Dragoshi: "...Ain't it the truth?"
The Ninja: "Since Questers like to get killed easily, I figure I'll speed the growth of Holy Grapes."
Gibby suddenly pops out of nowhere behind Julian head. "But really, we just keep him here for laughs."
Metal Man: "I can order some fertilizer, but it'll take about two days to get here and cost roughly ten thousand coins... but it'll double the plant growth."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Gibby. When did you show up?"
Gibby: "Oh, you know, I come and go... being small has its advantages."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right... come on, Scott."
Gibby: "And what's this I hear about people fighting with Guitars?"
Dragoshi: "...Like being able to crawl through airducts?"
Garrick Fy`aar shakes his head at Gibby with a chuckle and makes down for the arena.
The Ninja: "As long as it helps garden and create more, I'm willing to pay. With Aribar's coins of course."
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Julian swivels his head* "...I'm not even gonna ask. Jus' get in the stands, Gibbs... An' good luck, new guy." *Heads back into the booth.*
Gibby shrugs and goes up to the stands with the others.
Metal Man: "Sounds good. Aribar never likes money anyway."
Scott Gibson: "Ready?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...get DOWN here and we'll start!"
Gibby: "Maybe he's going to play 'Yellow Submarine' over and over again and kill the guy's eardrums!"
Garrick Fy`aar is walking across the arena floor...
The Ninja: "Ah. Good. Also, do I still profile?"
Metal Man: "Yes... I'll just tell the Questers a bit more about it later on."
Scott Gibson launches at Garrick with all his speed.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up, we haven't even STARTED yet..."
The Ninja: "Alright. So what were you doing minute ago?"
Julian Sawyer: *Waits for everyone to get in the ring...* "Alright alright alright alRIGHT! Looks like we got a spar on our hands folks, wit' Garrick goin' up against... Scott? Think that was his name... Anyway, he fights with a guitar. Let's see how good that-WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, HOL' UP!"
Scott Gibson: "Dammit make up your mind... I'm gettin' antsy here."
Julian Sawyer: "You don't do a DAMN thing 'till I ring the bell, hear?"
Scott Gibson skids on his sneakers.
He curses under his breath.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...alright... you ready, Julian?!"
Metal Man: "Well, watching a fight. My alter ego, The Void, likes to beat up people. Arrogant people."
Julian Sawyer: "Now then, let's see how a guitar goes up against a couple guns in yo' face. Let's get it started!" *Rings the bell.*
Metal Man: "He is one of the most powerful people here... only held in by the fact most of his powers had to recharge after he got killed and revived."
The Ninja: "A fight? Where?"
Garrick Fy`aar smirks. He hasn't drawn any weapons. Yet. He just slowly moves in a circle around Scott, waiting and watching.
Julian Sawyer: "An' Garrick starts us off by... stallin'. Great."
Scott Gibson keeps his eyes on Garrick but doesn't move.
Gibby: "Come on, Guitar dude! You can do it!"
The Ninja: "You have strange things going on in odd mind, Metal."
Scott Gibson launches at Garrick at full speed and leaps up guitar over his head.
Garrick Fy`aar: "...damn... quick."
*He throws himself backwards, the guitar coming within a few inches of his head...*
Scott Gibson: "...Nice one." *Grimaces.*
Julian Sawyer: "An' Scott tries the ol' El Kabong for his first attack in his Quester career an' whiffs!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, you've got more juice than that."
Scott Gibson: "You give it a shot."
*He smiles grimly.*
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like he's tauntin' Garrick into attackin' him..."
Garrick Fy`aar streaks forward, his legs pumping as he swings forward and sends a rapid fire series of kicks toward him, his armor humming as it throws more power into his hits and speed.
Metal Man: "Up top, with the Questers. And, yes, my mind is insane."
Julian Sawyer: "BIG MISTAKE as Garrick unloads with a buncha' buncha' BUNCHA' kicks!"
Scott Gibson: "Guh!"
The Ninja: "It is wise never to figure you out, Metal. So when will plant food be sent?"
Julian Sawyer: "'Taught his dumb ass a lesson there: Don't leave yo'self open!"
Metal Man: "In two days. That's the time it takes to be shipped, but it's the best we have."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, you've got more than this... I can see it..."
Scott Gibson: "Ok, you asked for it."
Julian Sawyer: "Scott's back up, an' he looks like he's takin' this thing seriously now. Good move..."
Scott Gibson flips his guitar up to his belt, which it seems to float at perfect playing height without a strap, and begins plucking a tune...(You oughtta know this one.)
The Ninja: "Alright." *He drops a bag of 10,000 coins in front of Metal.*
Julian Sawyer: "An' he's... playin' his guitar. Scratch what I said about him takin' this seriously."
Gibby: "It's a battle, AND a concert all in one! I -like- this guy."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...o... kay... Do what you want buddy..."
Metal Man takes it. "Thanks. It'll get here soon. For now, though, I am missing a battle that is happening through the ceiling." Snaps his fingers.
The Void floats through the ceiling.
Julian Sawyer: "Is this goin' anywhere? Or is he jus' playin' to... Gibby an' Dragoshi."
Scott Gibson: "You've been... THUNDERSTRUCK!"
The Ninja: "Battle!" *He leaps away to the stadium.*
Garrick Fy`aar bares back and charges straight at him, his legs blurring as he streaks toward Scott and... SHIT!
The Void: *Appears on the stands, using Gibby as a chair* "Hmmm... wonder why people are playing guitar in the arena..."
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, looks like his guitar DOES do somethin'...I dunno what, but it looks like it hit!"
Garrick Fy`aar gets sent flying back somewhat, growling as it cut into his cheek...
"What the hell..."
Gibby: o_o; "Uhh... Void... mind getting off of me?"
The Void: "Oh. Oops." *Moves to the side.*
Scott Gibson changes tunes. "Enjoy the music as the ride may get rough!"
Gibby brushes himself off and goes back to the fight.
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like The Void joined us... Can Garrick retaliate from this... I dunno what?"
The Ninja then appears in the stands as well with a beerhat and large foam hand with "#1" on the finger. "Am I too late?"
Julian Sawyer: "Whatever it was, there's some more..."
Garrick Fy`aar yells out as he's blasted back again...
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like he's accurate with... whatever. Garrick's takin' it bad!"
The Ninja: "Ah! Jewels is at sound booth!"
Scott Gibson launches and swings 3 times at Garrick with all his strength. Halfway mid air in a jump he yells out "Sa-wing!"
Julian Sawyer: "An' now he's tryin' the El Kabong again!"
Scott Gibson launches into the same attack once again skidding across the stadium floor on his sneaks. "This is what it's like when WORLDS COLLIDE!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "..."
*He takes the blows... then spins around to face him. He smirks...
He chuckles a bit, throwing out his arms and legs a bit to get them loose. * "Ah, so now you're taking this seriously? Alright... let's light this sucker up." He fires himself straight at Scott, his armor kicking in once more as he fires off a rapid fire series of attacks in rapid succession. A pair of jabs, a spinning kick, and a heel drop, one after the other.
Julian Sawyer: "Garrick's takin' a beatin', but lookin' none worse for wear as he tears into Scott with a rapid-fire combo!"
Garrick Fy`aar flips backwards almost lazily as he skids back on his feet and chuckles.
Julian Sawyer: "Layin' 'em down, layin' 'em out, Garrick's got all the bases covered!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, Scotty. I'm waiting."
Scott Gibson: "NI-CE..."
Garrick Fy`aar: *He's doing that. Turn over*
", are you going to give me something that'll actually hurt? Or are you going to just keep throwing rock songs at me?"
Scott Gibson: "I think you'll enjoy the next number."
The Ninja: "Oh! Burn! That was burn. You got burned!"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Somebody shut the Ninja up! I can't think over the dull comments!"
The Void: "Garrick's mind has been jammed. With jelly! There goes his strategy." *Shrugs.*
Dragoshi: "...Yep." *Shrug.*
The Ninja: "Ah! But wise man once said, a great fighter can remove all distractions with blink of an eye."
Garrick Fy`aar: "The wise man also said that pirates are better than ninjas! Now SHUT UP!"
Dragoshi: "...Same goes for the flip of a bird..." *Whistles innocently.*
The Ninja: "...If he wins, I challenge his dishonor."
Scott Gibson: "Shoot to thrill! Play to kill! I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will!"
*He drops back and jumps straight up into the air with one back flipping leap and lands only inches from Garrick's face and grabs him by the scruff of the... uh... armor... and tosses him into the air. Suddenly spreading his feet out in a baseball stance he slams Garrick with his guitar. Hoping to launch him across the arena.*
The Void: "And I get in line behind you."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...what the-OOF!"
Dragoshi: "Mind if I get in line behind the two of ya, seeing as I haven't had a good spar in a while..."
John: *The dexes of those in the stands beep...*
Garrick Fy`aar is currently flying in mid air... streaking toward the other side of the arena...
Scott Gibson speeds up behind Garrick as he flies like a line drive to first and slams his guitar into him again with all his might.
The Void takes out a dex. Rather inexplicable, but, eh. He can grab real things.
"Breaker breaker, what's up?"
The Wraith: "I wouldn't mind a spar myself... If anyone's willing... Anyone except you, Void. I'd rather not get a swift smackdown myself."
The Void: "No problem. I need to tweak my attacks, anyway."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...beep... beep? Dex? DAH!"
*He drops straight down into the ground, face first.
He lays there for a second before slowly standing up. He left a nice sized imprint in the ground as he went slamming into the ground from that smash...*
"...alright... I take it back... you're better than I thought...
...time to get serious, then."
Scott Gibson: "How'd ja like that one? Pretty nifty number, eh? Serious, eh?"
Julian Sawyer: "An' Garrick gets walloped all the way across the floor an' back! Doesn't look like he liked that one bit!"
Garrick Fy`aar isn't smiling or helpful anymore. He's scowling. He's mad. He reaches into the back of his armor and pulls out a glowing red and blue bastard sword. It's nasty looking and sharp, and it has Scott's name written ALL over it.
Julian Sawyer: "...Where the hell'd he get that sword?"
Scott Gibson: "Heh... a sword? Now this is getting interesting."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...alright, ass. Let's see what you've really got."
Scott Gibson: "Bring it..."
*He waggles a finger with his guitar hand behind him.*
Julian Sawyer: "Anyway, it's sharp, it's nasty, an' it's got a thirst for Scott's blood!"
Garrick Fy`aar kicks forward once more, his body streaking as he launches himself toward Scott. His sword blurs as he goes nuts on him, cleaving into his twice over.
Scott Gibson: "Okay... That stung slightly..."
*He hangs back.*
Julian Sawyer: "An' Garrick rips me off with a One-Two cut, an' it looks like it cut deep enough for Scott to back off an' recover a bit!"
Garrick Fy`aar doesn't let up. He backflips away as well, almost lazily as his hand goes to his thigh and pulls out that massive handgun. He is almost horizontal in mid air as he unloads a quartet of shots at him, the explosive power of the shells echoing throughout the stadium.
Julian Sawyer: "Garrick's on the attack, pullin' out his gun finally and peggin' Scott four times wit' it!"
Scott Gibson falls to his knees using the guitar to balance himself. Huffing extremely hard he stares at Garrick for a bit with a grim smile still plastered on his face. "Ok... that's... a... first..." and falls face down onto the stadium floor.
Julian Sawyer: "...An' it looks like it was enough to put Scott down! This game's winner is GARRICK!" *Rings bell.*
Gibby: "Awww..."
Dragoshi: *Chuckles.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "..."
The Wraith: *The spirit golf-claps... though the sound is kinda distorted.*
Garrick Fy`aar sheathes his sword along with holstering his gun before moving over to Scott. He waits a few seconds for the arena's power to kick in, healing him to full.
The Void: *Golf claps as well. It sounds sort of like the movement of ocean waves.*
Gibby: "Oh well. Another day, another gold coin."
Scott Gibson rolls over onto his back and stares to the ceiling.
The Ninja: "Amusing fight."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Good show, Scott. You've got talent."
The Void: "I shall re-tinker my offensive capabilities in order to be more... effective." *Makes some weird movements.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Threw me for a loop a few times."
Gibby: "I'm gonna enjoy listening to him play during every mission!"
Scott Gibson: "Heh... Ok, that definitely hurt a bit... but I've had worse."
*He stands up and looks to Garrick...* "Thanks."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, up you get. You gotta vacate the area. I'm under the belief that a certain paper ninja wants to take a crack at me."
Scott Gibson: "I haven't had my ass kicked like that since I was still training with Master Hendrix."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, if the two lovebirds would vacate the ring, I think we got another challenger lined up for Garrick..."
Scott Gibson: "My thanks..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Come on, out."
*He pushes him toward the stands.*
Scott Gibson: "Heh... I'm goin', I'm goin'..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright... do I have another taker?!"
Julian Sawyer: "Next!"
Scott Gibson: "I'll get ya' eventually, Garrick... heh... heh..."
Aetos whistles.
The Void: *Motions to The Wraith and The Ninja. Wow. Three people with 'The' in their names.* "You guys go first. I want to do something special."
Garrick Fy`aar: "...well, who's up?!"
Julian Sawyer: "...I said NEXT! If no one's gonna fight 'em, I will. Haven't spared in a while..."
The Wraith: *He eyes Ninja, who seems to have gotten distracted by something... so he shrugs and drifts forward...*
Gibby: "What is this, some sort of open challenge?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "...Wraith. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of sparing with you."
Julian Sawyer: "...Great. Another massacre. Alright, you guys know the drill. Blink an' you'll miss it."
The Wraith: (via dex/radio) "Indeed... Let's see how this will turn out, hmm...?" He drifts into the ring, sliding through the air to the opposite end from Garrick.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Right... Julian, if you would?"
Gibby: "This should be interesting..."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, if Garrick, or ANYONE fo' that matter, survives fo' a minute(6 rounds) wit' the Wraith, I'mma personally give 'em 10k coins. Settin' that up right now."
Editor's Note: Still found it weird that a minute was 6 rounds. The sheer amount of attacks any Quester could do seemingly made it like they could eternally attack in that time.
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright then..."
Dragoshi: "...Fun."
Gibby: "I doubt that's even possible..."
Julian Sawyer: "An' don't think about goin' easy on 'em jus' to spite me. Now, let's get it started!" *Rings the bell.*
The Wraith: *He lets out a raspy chuckle as some dark shrouds form around himself and he puts his dex away...*
Garrick Fy`aar immediately redraws his sword, knowing that the magic will be the thing to do the damage to him. He backs up, then launches himself toward the Wraith, his sword cutting at him twice over.
Julian Sawyer: "Garrick's got his Sword out again, an' he cuts into da' Ghost! Don' know how much good that'll do 'em..."
The Wraith: *The spirit smirks and holds his ground, not even having a chance to move out of the way... The sword itself simply passes right through him, though the elemental trail manages to... glance off of that strange, shadowy shroud around his form.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...damn."
*He leaps backwards somewhat...*
The Wraith: *His eyes just bore straight into Garrick's, as if to silently ask, 'Is that all?' He then flicks both wrists, and...*
Julian Sawyer: "Not enough to take 'em down, an' here comes the Counterattack!"
The Wraith: *A green stone appears in his right hand, and that feared red stone in his left. He smirks, holds both of them forward, and issues forth an intense double-blast of magical energy... This time, it's simply two solitary blasts, rather than the barrages he usually seems to favor.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "What the..."
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like the Ghost got a brand-new stone, which he's usin' along wit' the Red one to blast the hell outta Garrick!"
Garrick Fy`aar makes to leap upwards and out of the way, streaking up... but definitely not in time.
*He goes flying backwards, skidding a few feet.*
Julian Sawyer: "An' Garrick gets his ass BLASTED!"
Garrick Fy`aar trembles as he slowly gets back to his feet...
"...what... how..."
The Wraith: *EoT.*
Garrick Fy`aar almost keels over as he gets back to his feet, but manages to keep his footing...
"'re... using... Chaos Emeralds?!"
Julian Sawyer: "He's on his last legs already! This ain't gonna last long, but it's already lasted longer than I thought it would!"
The Wraith: *He grins, and lets out a ghastly, unearthly sound... must be some sort of laugh.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...there's no way... alright... but if I'm going down, I'm going down fighting..."
*He grips his sword tightly, scowling as the blood drips down into his eyes. He blinks it away as his visor and helmet flip up over his head and seals completely. He kicks forward once more, his sword swishing in the air, leaving a huge red and blue streak behind it as he cleaves downward into the ghost's body.*
Julian Sawyer: "...An' he attacks again."
The Wraith: *Again, he holds his ground, far too slow to dodge such an attack... And again, the sword passes right through as the magical residue of the elemental energies sizzle along his form...*
Gibby just sighs and waits for the inevitable.
Garrick Fy`aar: "What the HELL?!"
Julian Sawyer: "An' after that futile attack, Garrick's 'bout to get blasted right outta the ring!"
Garrick Fy`aar kicks to the side and keeps moving, trying to stay out of the way of the incoming attack.
The Wraith: *Attack? Not this time... He lets out a mind-rending cackling noise as he spins around to follow Garrick's movements, firing off FOUR of those magical blasts in rapid succession...*
Julian Sawyer: "Here it comes... an' there it goes."
Gibby winces as he watches.
Garrick Fy`aar just flies into the ground. Dead.
Gibby: "It's flashy alright..."
Dragoshi: "...And, he bites the dust."
Julian Sawyer: "Garrick's blown clear into the stands as the Wraith ends another massacre! This game's winner is... THE GHOST!"
Garrick Fy`aar: *Of course.*
The Wraith: *He simply smirks as he puts the stones away, looking to the stands and holding a hand forward, silently inquiring if there are any more challengers... If one looks closely enough, one could see all the stones floating within his torso.*
Garrick Fy`aar lets himself be healed... and just walks out of the arena.
Gibby starts playfully bowing before Wraith.
"I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, I don't think Garrick's comin' back, an' I don't wanna be announcin' no more 1 Round fights today."
Dragoshi: "...Don't blame ya. I mean, where's the fun in that?"
Julian Sawyer: "So if the Ghost would kindly vacate the ring... Anyone else wanna fight?"
The Wraith: *He just lets out a rasping parody of a chuckle and floats on up to the stands...*
Gibby: "Hey Julian! You want a fight? How about we give it a go!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Gibby's sayin' somethin'..." *Julian presses a button, and the soundproof glass lowers* "Say that again!"
The Ninja: "I think marshmallow would not win."
Gibby: "You! Me! Do battle! Yes? Nobody asked you, Ninja boy!"
The Wraith: *He smirks, and... procures a smoky-looking bottle, taking a swig. Then he pulls out his dex, and the others' beep.*
Gibby hears beeping. He pulls out his dex and takes a look at it.
The Void: *Still busy.*
The Wraith: "...I'll commentate."
The Ninja sips from his beerhat.
Aetos within a mile of Wraith I'm sure, hears too!
Gibby: "Uhh... alright."
Julian Sawyer: "...Looks like I got a challenger! You're on, Gibby!" *Julian jumps out of the booth through the hole provided by the glass, then activates his Rocket Boots and floats down into the ring.*
The Wraith: *The spirit then drifts on up to the booth, takin' another swig from that bottle...*
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Sees this* "HEY! No drinkin' in my booth! If you're gonna commentate, do it sober!"
The Wraith: "Aww, c'mon... That's no fun, man!"
Julian Sawyer: "My booth, my rules!"
Dragoshi: "...I'd do it, but I'd suck at it." *Goes back to sitting in the stands.*
Gibby nods and walks down the steps and enters the arena itself. He wasn't sure -what- he was getting himself into. Julian was the most impressive Quester he ever met... well... second most at least. He eyes Julian, unsheaths his sword, and looks rather... serious. Dead serious even.
The Wraith: "Pah... Fine." *He begrudgingly puts the bottle away and goes to hook his dex up to the speaker system.*
Julian Sawyer: "Much better." *Turns to Gibbs* "I'm gonna break you in two, homeboy!" *Julian brings up his fists and gets into his stance.*
The Wraith: *Via announcer booth* "Alright, kiddos, we've got ourselves another match set up. It's our resident Brawler versus our sword-totin' marshmallow. Ye may begin whenever you likes, gentlemen!" *RING!*
Gibby doesn't reply back. he spreads his legs vertically and lowers his sword to "chest" level. This was it... time to see if he still had it.
Julian Sawyer jumps from foot to foot for a couple of seconds, then rushes Gibby and tries to smack him around with an orange-glowing left-right Focus Punch combo!
Gibby gets himself punch comboed down to the ground. He momentarily drops his sword, but quickly grabs hold of it and shakes off the sudden burst of pain.
Julian Sawyer finishes his combo by rearing back as Gibby's getting back up, then nailing him in the face with a Haymaker!
Gibby: *Pow!* He's once again sent flying into the ground after a powerful Haymaker attack.
Julian Sawyer steps back after landing his punch, shifting back into his stance "C'mon, Gibs! Show me what you got!"
Gibby slowly, slowly gets up. He has never been hit so many times, and with such force, before. He shakes off the blurriness in his eyes and looks over at Julian. He couldn't wait... he had to attack now. He charges towards Julian with all his speed, leaps up at him, and attacks with a horizontal two slash combo on the upper chest.
Julian Sawyer: *And Julian can't dodge the puffball in time, taking both shots!*
The Wraith: "Ker-POW! While Julian starts off with a menacing three-hit combo, The Gibster comes back a-swingin', slashing back with his own one-two attack. Looks like both of them are hurtin' bad from that assault... What're they gonna whip up next?"
Gibby leaps back and patiently awaits Julian's next attack... but judging by his heavy breathing, he knew that he wasn't going to last much longer.
Julian Sawyer's hurt! He staggers back, bleeding across the chest... "...Oh, so you wanna play wit' SWORDS? Lemme get mine out..." *Julian reaches into his back pocket, and pulls out the legendary Vendetta! Julian lights it up, then rushes Gibby and cuts him to pieces with a One-Two Cut!*
Gibby is hit by the first, but somehow manages to dodge the second attack. Whether it was skill or luck is up for debate at this point.
He gets cut by Vendetta. He always wondered what it felt like... now he wish he never wondered. He clutches his wounded chest region and takes even heavier breaths.
Julian Sawyer: "Faster than I thought, Gibbs! But not fast enough!" *Julian tries to take him down with another One-Two Cut!*
Gibby ain't getting out of this one. Two more cuts make sure that he gets properly sliced and diced.
He hobbles back and lifts his sword up high. He glares at Julian, but suddenly, the whole arena starts to darken on him. He was way too cut up to continue. He runs a couple feet, but then slowly falls on his face and drops his sword in defeat.
Dragoshi claps slowly.
Julian Sawyer: "Down an' out!" *Julian de-ignites Vendetta and places it back in his back pocket* "While you down there, how about shinin' mah shoes?" *Julian holds his hands out in front of him and points down with both as he says this.*
Gibby: "...Screw... you..."
The Wraith: "And, in typical Julian style, the match ends! A well-fought battle for both sides; few manage to hold their own against Julian and his Vendetta!"
Dragoshi: "...Well, that was fun. Mind if I spar 'gainst ya now?"
Julian Sawyer: "I'm jus' playin' man. What's the gooda fightin' if you can't trash talk?" *Julian walks over to him and goes to help him up.*
Wolfman: .oO(Thanks Lakitu, for letting me borrow a spare camera)
Gibby gets helped up. He'd rather go out on his own, but he was too weak to do so. He slowly sheaths his sword and sighs. It was official... Julian was now his number one.
Julian Sawyer: "C'mon man, you already a bigger legend than I am. You the fuckin' mascot, even. I'mma hafta be around a lot longer if I want to be the face of the Questers."
Wolfman flies to the arena floor.
"Well, that was a nice spar."
Garrick Fy`aar is sitting near the back of the arena stands, near the wall, watching quietly...
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Gibby: "What, your ugly mug? Doesn't stand a chance against my cuteness appeal..." *He grins slightly. *
Dragoshi: *Chuckles.*
Wolfman: "In any case, I have to return this camera now."
Julian Sawyer: "Heh heh heh heh heh. You gotta long way to go if you wanna top me in trash talk. Now, you want a shroom or somethin'?"
Wolfman flies over to the TV Tower to return the borrowed camera.
Gibby: "Nah, I'm good. Just need some rest... and maybe an icepack... and maybe some cake... yeah, definitely cake..." *He exits the arena and proceeds to read to the kitchen.*
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight... Anyone else wanna challenge me? 'Sides the Ghosts?"
Scott Gibson sits up in the stands picking away quietly while watching everything on the stadium floor.
The Ninja: "I sense something... Dishonorable."
Wolfman flies close to Julian. "I'll pass."
Aetos hops into the room armorless.
Garrick Fy`aar scowls...
The Wraith: "Hmm... Alright, I'm done here. If someone else wants to take the booth, feel free... granted Julian's cool with it. Adios!" *He jacks out and exits through the nearest wall.*
Wolfman: "I prefer to team up with people, not fight against them."
Announcer: "BOO!"
Dragoshi: "...Well, I could go for a good spar."
Wolfman: "Besides... I do decent being a backup cameraguy."
Announcer: "Hello again folks! ... Let's get this show on the road!"
The Void: "If I wasn't so busy, I'd try and find out whoever that is."
Announcer: "I'm an announcer? Who are you?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Hol' up..." *Julian activates his Rocket Boots, and heads into the booth...* "No one in here without my permission!"
Announcer: "This is MY BOOTH."
Wolfman stops by the TV Tower/Announcer booth for another camera.
Julian Sawyer: "Like hell it is! Where was you during CAL or everythin' ELSE?! I'm the official commentator fo' this Stadium, now get outta my BOOTH!"
Wolfman: "Okay, my Cloak is recharged for a few more shots. Time to get good shots!" *Flies off.*
Announcer: "I was held up! After that Kuja mess I got thrown across the world for some reason!"
The Ninja: "Are you saying you sense it too, Void?"
The Void: "Possibly. I dunno what the heck that was." *Spins around.*
Julian Sawyer: "Yo' point is? This is a new stadium. Far as I'm concerned, yo' contract ain't valid no more. Now get out 'fore I have to get physical on yo' ass."
Wolfman flies out to his position.
The Ninja: "I think I challenge it for my turn."
Announcer: "Haha! You can't defeat me with this!" *Holds up the NPC bracer signed by GM_Link*
Wolfman: .oO(Are they going to fight or not?)
The Void: "Hmmmm..."
SIMBER: "Unexplained rift in time and space detected."
Metal Man (GM): *Announcer falls through a black hole.*
Dragoshi: "...What? Where?"
Julian Sawyer: "I'mma give you the count o-..."
Metal Man (GM): *Hole closes.*
Dragoshi: "...Okay..."
Wolfman turns to the announcers booth, which has a scream disappearing...
The Void: "It appears a hole in reality occurred in the announcer's booth. Odd."
Aetos: "So, who's gonna fight?"
Julian Sawyer: "I'm not even gonna ask..." *Julian sets the booth back to normal, then heads back to the ring.* "A'ight, got that taken care of..."
The Ninja: "I must fight it! The thing I sense with such dishonor!"
Wolfman dexes Julian.
Dragoshi pulls out laser scythe then jumps down into the arena.
Wolfman: *To Julian* "Just say where the good shots are, as usual."
The Ninja: "Huh? Dragoshi isn't what I sense."
Julian Sawyer: "...Wolf, what the fuck you talkin' about?"
Wolfman: "...nevermind. I'll follow Lakitu's orders for camera shots."
*He already got his backup camera.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Still got no idea what you're talkin' about."
Wolfman: "Guess that cloaking device worked better than I thought if you didn't see me."
*He grins.*
The Ninja stands up and throws of his beerhat, foamhand and labcoat off as he joins Dragoshi.
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, I got an idea. I can see that both'a you want to fight, so I'mma come up wit' this compromise. You two figh' each other, an' I fight the winner."
Aetos: "Whos' fighting you? I wanna fight something."
Julian Sawyer: "...When'd you get here, Aetos?"
Dragoshi: "...Yea. I'm wonderin' the same thing..."
Wolfman: "Okay, who is fighting so I can get into position?"
Aetos: "I pounced in just before you went up to kill that announcer guy."
Julian Sawyer: "He shouldn'ta been in my fuckin' booth... A'ight. Dragoshi vs. Aetos, Ninja vs. Me. Winners fight each other."
The Ninja: "Ah? But I was waiting for other thing..."
Wolfman: "Then who takes your commentary position Julian?"
The Void: "I will fight whoever wins that incredibly gauntlet."
Aetos: "Fine... b-but... it's just a ... him..."
*He points at Dragoshi, unimpressed.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "...fine. I want in on this too."
Dragoshi: "...You underestimate me, kid." *Chuckles.*
Aetos: "...How old are you?"
The Ninja: "We have gauntlet?"
Garrick Fy`aar: "Or is this already something that I can't be apart of?"
Dragoshi: "...Does it really matter?"
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, we're gonna need one more fighter. ...SCOTT! In the ring!"
Dragoshi: "Technically, I'm prolly' thousands of years old, what with the temporal travel and whatnot."
Aetos scans the arena. "Let's see... Gibby is in the hospital..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Well, what do we get if we win?"
Dragoshi: "...Yes. I'm wonderin' the same thing...?"
Aetos: "...The announcer box!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Everyone put up 10k, winner gets the purse?"
Wolfman: "Don't look at me. I just volunteered to help with the video recording."
Trigger: "Ok, I'm in."
Dragoshi: "...Don't see why not."
Aetos mutters.
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, looks like we got our six fighters."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Alright..."
Aetos hucks a bag of 10,000 coins to the side.
Garrick Fy`aar follows Aetos' lead.
Trigger follows Garrick.
Dragoshi does the same as Aetos and Garrick.
Julian Sawyer: "Here's how it's gonna work. Everyone pairs off for a 1-on-1 fight. The winners of those go on to a Triple Threat match to determine who takes the purse. How we're gonna pair off... Hol' on." *Julian drops off his 10k on the side, then takes off his fedora, reaches into it, and pulls out 6 slips of paper and a pen.*
The Void snaps fingers.
Aetos listens to the snap. "Hrm."
Metal Man: *Appears* "I shall participate... The Void fighting whoever wins as an optional challenge."
Julian Sawyer: *Writes everyone's name down on a piece of paper, momentarily noting that the Ninja has mysteriously disappeared, and Metal has taken his place, then places him in his hat* "Wolf! Down here!"
Dragoshi: "...And what would happen if one was brave enough to take this optional challenge?"
Metal Man: "More money, or a gift. Something."
Julian Sawyer: "His choice. That's outta my jurisdiction."
Dragoshi: "Ah. 'Kay then"
Trigger: "What's the optional challenge?"
Wolfman flies down.
Metal Man: "Fighting The Void."
Wolfman: "You called Julian?"
Trigger: "I'm out."
Garrick Fy`aar: "'s optional. You don't HAVE to do it."
Julian Sawyer: "Yeah, I'mma need you to draw from this hat. Two at a time."
Trigger: "Why do you think I said I'M OUT?"
Wolfman: "Understood."
Trigger: "Okay."
Wolfman picks two numbers...
Julian Sawyer stops Wolf.
"Hol' up."
Wolfman: "Holding."
Julian Sawyer: "Anyone wanna back out, now's the time. You don't get your coins back, an' your opponent gets a BYE to the final. Are you sure you wanna back out, Trigger?"
Trigger: "No. I'm gonna go all the way."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, everyone's in?"
Aetos: "Hold on..." *Goes to apply his armor.*
Garrick Fy`aar: "Yeah, sure."
Aetos: *Comes back* "The dragoon shall defeat yonder dragon!"
Dragoshi: "You don't stand a chance in hell."
Metal Man is in. "Just try to harm me."
Trigger: "Hmmm..."
Aetos would take off his armor if he fought Julian.
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight. Wolf, draw 'em. An' don't rip mah hat."
Wolfman: "Understood."
*He uses his natural paws for 2 numbers.*
Julian Sawyer takes the slips of paper.
Wolfman: "Here you go."
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, first pairing is... Garrick vs. Metal."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Aw, crap..."
Aetos: *Gulp*
Wolfman: "Do you require another draw?"
Metal Man: "Let's see what you can do, Garrick-man. I hear you're good with a gun."
Julian Sawyer: "Next one, Wolf."
Trigger lets out a sigh of relief.
Wolfman goes for 2 more.
Julian Sawyer takes the papers as Wolf hands them over
"...Oh, I like this one. Second Match is Me vs. Aetos."
Trigger lets out a sigh of relief.
Dragoshi: "...That leaves me to face... Trigger."
Aetos throws off his armor!
Julian Sawyer: "An' that means our 3rd match is Dragoshi vs. Aetos."
Aetos keeps the helmet on though...
Trigger: "...Well may the best man win."
Aetos: "There's two of me?"
Wolfman gives Julian his fedora back.
Garrick Fy`aar: "So, who's fighting first?"
Dragoshi: "Yes. May that be the case."
Wolfman: "I believe you and Metal are, Garrick. Your names were drawn first."
Aetos places his armor away in hiding, but keeps the Boba Fett helmet on. He said he'd never take it off again.
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, everyone 'cept Garrick an' Mets clear the ring. Let's get this tournament started!" *Julian puts his hat back on his head and heads to the booth.*
Metal Man walks slowly in his huge amount of armor.
Wolfman flies to his position... thank goodness unlimited flight! If nothing else, he can be a backup camera guy.
Julian Sawyer decides to summon SIMBER so he can commentate when Julian's fighting.
SIMBER: "I'll be on standby for Julian's fight."
Metal Man (GM): *Clonk* *Clonk* *Clonk.*
Dragoshi flies into the stands.
Metal Man walks to his side of the arena.
Trigger walks into the stands.
Garrick Fy`aar takes a deep breath and moves over to the other side of the arena, opposite Metal.
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, everybody ready?"
Metal Man takes out his dual pistols.
Garrick Fy`aar draws his own M-150, his bastard sword in his other hand...
Metal Man (GM): Order: Metal, Garrick
Julian Sawyer: "Let's get this started!" *Rings the bell.*
Metal Man: "Let's see what you're made of."
Garrick Fy`aar drops into stance, bouncing on his toes as he watches Metal.
Wolfman will be on auto-pilot (aka, away) for a bit.
Garrick Fy`aar: "It's been a while, Met."
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like Mets is gonna start us off with a lil' gunplay... Whadda think a' Garrick's chances in this fight, SIMBER?"
SIMBER: "50-50."
Metal Man takes out his guns, spins them both, then opens fire with a hail of normal gunfire.
Julian Sawyer: "Good enough fo' me as Mets opens fire!"
Metal Man (GM): 11 Armor piercing damage per hit. (Thus, it ignores half your DR)
Garrick Fy`aar yells out as he covers himself, his armor absorbing some of the damage.
Metal Man spins around his guns, blowing the smoke off-a them.
"I may not be a knockout, but I can still sting."
Garrick Fy`aar smirks somewhat. He wasn't as bad as he thought, but he knew he could get worse. Quick. He sheathes his sword with one action and flanks left, his gun blasting out to fire a quartet of his own shots.
Julian Sawyer: "And a buncha-buncha-buncha-BUNCHA hits as Garrick returns fire!"
Metal Man makes no attempt to dodge, trying to shield himself with his insanely heavy armor.
Metal Man (GM): *All hit*
So Laser, or Armor piercing?
Metal Man takes himself some damage too... in fact, it's very familiar, only his outdated gun is far weaker.
Julian Sawyer: "An' it looks like Garrick's got the better gun as those shots go right through Mets!"
Metal Man: "Not bad."
*He spins his guns around again, then glows red and screams* "DIEEEEEE!!!!" Before then opening fire with a hail of arms fire.
Julian Sawyer: "An' Metal... fires more guns."
Metal Man (GM): 11 per hit, armor piercing, as usual.
Metal Man then spins them around and reloads again.
Garrick Fy`aar grunts as he gets riddled. His gun is too powerful, though, as he unloads another series of shots at Metal.
Metal Man is hit four times... hmmm... this resembles a gun battle.
SIMBER: "It appears to be a battle of attrition, with both sides exchanging gunfire."
Julian Sawyer: "This is gonna take a while..."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Wish I had some cover..."
Metal Man combines his two guns into a larger one, and then takes four inaccurate shots at Garrick.
Metal Man (GM): CRIT! CRIT!
Dragoshi: "...Nice one."
Metal Man (GM): 32 damage, armor piercing normally... but those two crits deal 64, armor piercing, each.
Garrick Fy`aar takes TWO massive shots before leaping out of the way of the other two.
Trigger: "Wow."
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like Metal's got a few tricks left, blastin' the HELL outta Garrick with that supergun!"
Metal Man: "Seems we're about even."
Garrick Fy`aar snarls as he holsters his gun
"Enough gun work, let's see how your melee stands."
Metal Man: "It's good enough." *He holds out his supergun with one hand.*
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like Garrick's putting up his guns, which could be a big mistake fo' him..."
Garrick Fy`aar draws his sword in a blur, racing straight at Metal as he leaps up, firing off a pair of jabs from the hilt of his sword, spinning upward into a spin kick to plant in Metal's chest, then CLEAVES downward with his sword.
Metal Man moves so damn slowly he's hit by all of that.
He hopes it isn't entirely laser-powered.
Julian Sawyer: "An' here comes the swordplay! Mets can't move worth shit, and gets slashed the fuck up!"
Metal Man sits there as the jabs and the kicks bounce off of him, and the sword makes a dinky little dent.
Garrick Fy`aar: .oO(His armor is too thick...)
Trigger: "...Nice goin' there Garrick."
Metal Man notes Garrick in melee range.
Julian Sawyer: "...But it don't do much good as Metal's got a buncha armor to counter his speed loss!"
Metal Man powers up his fist ala Skyscraper-killing Metal.
He tries to smack Garrick in the face with his mega-gun, which bursts into flames.
Metal Man (GM): 52 fire damage.
Julian Sawyer: "An' Garrick pays the price via flamin' gun to the face!"
Metal Man then fires two shots into him at point blank range.
Metal Man (GM): 11 armor piercing per hit.
Julian Sawyer: "An' he gets shot up some more! He shouldnt'a holstered his guns!"
Garrick Fy`aar snarls and springs off of Metal, switching back to his gun with a blur. He's got to stay away, blast at him with his gun. Why is it that all these people have weaknesses, yet I never seem to have the weaknesses to hurt people?
He unloads...
Metal Man is hit with all those, as usual.
Julian Sawyer: "Garrick's got his head back in the right place and shoots Mets up some more!"
Metal Man takes a beating... responds back with inaccurate heavy shots.
Metal Man (GM): 32 armor piercing damage per hit.
Garrick Fy`aar dodges two of those, the other two slamming into him...
He growls. He's low... very low health.
.oO(Please, not again...)
Julian Sawyer: "An' Metal fires..."
Metal Man: "Only pure expertise can win this battle."
Garrick Fy`aar: "Let this work..." *Hopes that he can stand another onslaught... he moves and fires.*
Trigger: *Yelling from the stands* "OH, HE TOLD YOU!!!"
Metal Man shields himself again, expecting an incoming volley.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit hit
Julian Sawyer: "An' Garrick fires..."
Trigger: "Oww, that musta' hurt."
Metal Man is hit repeatedly. He counters by two normal shots and two slow ones.
He then does another two fast ones.
Metal Man (GM): 11 armor piercing for those +15 shots, 32 armor piercing for the slow ones.
Garrick Fy`aar doesn't even need to do the math. He is blown back... and dead.
Julian Sawyer: "...An' it looks like Metal is this game's winner!"
Metal Man: "Another win... until I meet someone with lasers. Gah."
*He holds up a pistol.*
Trigger: "Who's up next?"
Garrick Fy`aar slowly gets up... looks at Metal. He sighs and turns.
Metal Man then walks off the arena.
Metal Man (GM): +500 EXP to both combatants
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight... Someone get Garrick outta the ring, 'cause it's time for our second fight: Aetos vs. Me!" *Julian exits the booth and heads down to the floor.*
Dragoshi whistles at Metal's comment.
Aetos: "Why not let Trigger and Dragoshi go first?"
SIMBER: "It's about order."
Trigger: "Oh..."
Julian Sawyer: "'Cause that's how it was drawn."
Dragoshi: "...'Ca-...Yea, what he said Or they. Whatever."
SIMBER: "Next up... Aetos vs. Julian. Hmmm... these cards are screwy. I'd have considered Julian vs. Dragoshi to be more fair."
Aetos mutters then hops into the Arena.
Dragoshi: "...Me versus Julian to be more fair? ...Pfft. The guy would still overkill me to hell and back."
Trigger: "...Just like with me."
*He has a nightmarish flashback.*
Julian Sawyer: "I'm gonna run right through you, chump!" *Julian puts up his dukes and gets into his stance.*
Trigger then barfs in fear.
Aetos: "Don't make me silence you again."
Metal Man (GM): Order: Julian, Aetos
SIMBER: "Julian opens up the match."
Julian Sawyer: "You jus' HAD to remind me a' that..." *Julian reaches into his vest... And pulls out an empty beer bottle* "You're goin' down!" *Julian then rushes Aetos and tries to crack it over his head!*
Aetos: "Why do you always try to break me?!" *Hit.*
Julian Sawyer: *CRUNCH! goes the glass 54 damage
He then tries to deck Aetos with a flaming Big Boot!*
SIMBER: "And he... smashes Aetos over the head with a beer bottle."
Aetos: *You crack the bottle over Sky High's helmet... which still hurts anyways...*
Julian Sawyer: *And another CRUNCH as Julian's flaming boot crashes into Aetos' face!*
Aetos: "Why do you keep attacking my armored face?"
Julian Sawyer then backs off, bouncing and getting ready to dodge, EoT.
SIMBER: "Aetos' armored face takes a beating."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos' turn
Aetos grunts. "You won't win THIS time!" he snaps his fingers and becomes wind again. "I never really used this to fight you yet... you killed me too fast before." He waves his windy hands around and a breeze of glowing air soars into him.
He then thrusts his hand forward to Julian, launching a small dart into Julian.
Julian Sawyer: "...I'm wonderin' if you jus' plain' stupid or somethin'." *Julian bounces to the left to avoid the dart!*
Aetos: "Maybe..."
"Just hope you don't pull out Vendetta now..."
Julian Sawyer: "I don't need it. You jus' done yo'self in!" *Julian rushes Aetos, his Nano Gloves glowing blood red as he tries to grab him!*
Aetos: *You miss!!*
Julian Sawyer: *...Well fuck. EoT.*
Aetos swirls his hand around and it gets a large thin disc made of wind swirling above it. He launches it at Julian as it curves through the air to track in on him. AGI check!
Julian Sawyer: *DAMNIT.*
Aetos: *90 wind damage...*
Trigger: "Ae-tos!" *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* "Ae-tos!!"
Julian Sawyer takes the disc in stride, getting right back in Aetos' face, trying to grab him again!
*BURNING ENERGY surges into Aetos as Julian whirls around, and slams him into the ground with a Focus Slam!*
Aetos gets slammed into the ground... Ow...
Trigger: "Oww. That's painful to watch."
Aetos floats back up into position.
Julian Sawyer: "You ready to give up yet?"
Aetos: "Never!"
Julian Sawyer: "Then I'mma jus hafta lay you out!" *Julian charges and tries to connect with another flaming Big Boot!*
Aetos thrusts backward from the boot slammage. It burns a hole in him as the fire takes the oxygen out of the wind.
Julian Sawyer: *And Julian ends his turn with one more Big Boot, hopefully ending this!*
Aetos is down for the count now.
SIMBER: "And Julian finishes the battle with a flaming kick."
Metal Man (GM): +500 EXP to both sides
Julian Sawyer: "An' now that that's over wit'..." *Julian heads back to the booth.*
Aetos gets up and reverts back to his physical self. "Hrm... We're doing another rematch Tomorrow, Julian, and I'll actually wear my armor then."
Julian Sawyer: *Has left by then.* :D
Trigger: "Hey, good try."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, we got two matches down... Our last 1-on-1 is between Trigger an' Dragoshi!"
Dragoshi: "...Well, my turn." *Jumps up into the air and flies into the arena swiftly Pulls out scythe* "...Well, I believe it's our time to fight now, Trigger. May the best man win"
Trigger jump into the arena and takes out his sword.
Aetos goes over to the box and snaps his fingers. A vacuum of wind surrounds Julian, making it impossible for sound to be heard from the outside. Aetos then flees.
Julian Sawyer: "..." *Julian grabs the microphone, pulling it inside the sphere* "AETOS! You're gonna pay fo' this later!"
Trigger: "Ok, lets do this."
Dragoshi: "Lets."
Metal Man (GM): Order: Dragoshi, Trigger
Dragoshi dashes towards Trigger and attempts to carve him with his laser scythe of doom. Twice.
Trigger trys dodge them but the attacks were too fast for him.
Dragoshi: "..." *Stands still, ending his turn.*
Trigger runs at Dragoshi and starts slashing at him.
He then attacks with another slash.
Dragoshi: *Is knocked back, slightly phazed by the armor piercing blow, taking 50 damage.* "Ow." (50/325. Going up in damage)
*Gets hit. HARD.* "...Ack!" (150/325)
Trigger gets into a defensive stance. EoT.
Dragoshi: "...Now, to return the favor..." *Attempts to slash Trigger twice. Again EoT.*
Trigger tries to dodge them but the attacks were too fast for him.
He passes out.
Dragoshi: "...And, to think, he almost had me at the halfway point. Good show." *Claps slowly.*
Trigger: "...Owww."
Dragoshi: "So... Metal vs Julian vs Me... I like the sound of that."
Trigger: "I need to train harder for next time. Good fight."
Julian Sawyer: *And so it is. Julian heads down to the ring, Vendetta already out.*
Trigger limps back to the stands.