Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 313: Questers Cursing Cubes
Date: 3:41:57 PM, August 11th, 2006.
Metal Man (GM): 3... 2... 1... Mission
Metal Man is at the Big Room, with the Questers currently on this mission. He's finished a lot of paperwork and is looking generally more lively.
The Wraith: *The spirit is drifting in the Big Room... seeming rather distracted about something, but still able to focus on the matter at hand.*
Metal Man: "Hmmmm... what do we have today..."
Dragoshi: *Leaning against wall of Big Room, waiting.*
Metal Man: "This here is a simple mission, although illness is a serious matter."
The Ninja is not there anyways, as he's currently getting a few things ready.
Julian Sawyer's in his usual chair, feet up "So all we gotta do is beat up some cubes?"
Metal Man: "You must collect various gel things in order to help treat an illness related to cryo-stasis. ...Exactly. Cubes.
They're not too tough, but there's plenty of them, and they apparently hide in places."
Julian Sawyer: "...This sounds too easy."
Dragoshi: "...Fun."
Metal Man: "Nope, that's about it. Cubes, about ten or so should do. Just be careful, I hear they're related to the cubes we once used."
Julian Sawyer: "This is gonna take 30 minutes tops, Mets. Nothin' to worry about."
Dragoshi: "...What does that mean? Cubes you guys once used?"
Julian Sawyer: "Mets can explain it better than I can."
The Ninja: "As in. The element cubes?" *He just appears in the room.*
The Wraith: *He nods to the ninja as he enters.*
Julian Sawyer: "Basically, there was cubes, with elements an' shit, an' you threw 'em at people. Which 'cause 'em to, y'know, die."
Metal Man: "They were also used to supplement our powers, back when."
The Ninja: "I remember well. I even have one in room for good memory."
Metal Man: "What's odd is that they now apparently have sentience."
Julian Sawyer: "So we gotta go beat 'em up."
Metal Man: "Anyway, it's simple. No stealth needed; they're the invaders."
*He points to the Warp Elevator.* "Beat them up, we'll pick up the corpses."
Julian Sawyer: "Let's roll, people!" *Julian gets out of his chair and heads for the elevator.*
The Ninja: "Aw. But I like stealth."
Dragoshi: "...Sentient things you used to supplement your powers...? Ca-razy." *Enters Warp Elevator.*
The Wraith: *The wraith just drifts on over to the warp.*
Julian Sawyer: "They wasn't sentient when we was usin' 'em."
Dragoshi: "...I meant before they were sentient, but, whatever."
Julian Sawyer: "Musta been somethin' in the mix that drove 'em loopy."
The Ninja: "I hope things don't hurt too badly." *He enters into the elevator.*
All four of you appear in Toad Town.
Hmmm... something is wrong here, for sure.
The entire area is silent.
The small huts look empty. One of them even looks like it was partially eaten.
Julian Sawyer: "...Like a ghost town or some-WHOA!"
Dragoshi: "...Ker-ghost town."
Julian Sawyer: "Damn, this could be harder than I thought..."
The Ninja: "Ghost even got hungry."
Metal Man (GM): The town's small enough you need not really go by any streets or anything; just any one of the cardinal directions. (North, south, east, west, Northwest, Southwest, etc)
Julian Sawyer: "...Ghost?"
The Wraith: *He eyes around as he starts drifting forward, at the ready... He looks to Julian, and nods, vanishing from sight to take a peek at the 'other side'...*
Julian Sawyer: "We's fightin' cubes, not ghosts..."
The Ninja: "Hmm. Hold on."
Metal Man (GM): Wraith: Nothing can be seen here. A few faint blips around.
Dragoshi: "...What if they're ghost cu-...No, wait, that's just stupid."
Metal Man (GM): Too far away to discern, though.
There's one building of interest.
Julian Sawyer: "If they was ghosts, Mets woulda told us."
Metal Man (GM): A 'town hall' of sorts, which sits, burnt, off to your right.
Looks like something made out of pure fire slithered across its steps.
The Ninja doesn't have a clue where to start, so he uses his senses to determine if anything is nearby.
The Wraith returns to the physical plane, shaking his head, and looks over to the burnt-up town hall... Oh, this is gonna be SPIFFY.
Dragoshi: "...Woah. A flaming gelatinous cube?"
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, anyone up to checkin' out the town hall first? Might be a fire cube or somethin' in there."
The Wraith: *He nods to Julian again, and signals the others to follow as he heads toward said Town Hall, eyeing around cautiously.*
Dragoshi does the same.
Julian Sawyer heads for the Hall.
Metal Man (GM): Ninja: The town hall has faint lifesigns.
When you guys walk up the steps, you notice the stone in them feels somewhat soft.
The Ninja nods and finally follows the group, then stops.
He then looks at the stones.
Dragoshi: *Jumps back* "Soft stone... What the hell?"
Metal Man (GM): The stones look like something ELSE slithered over them.
It criss-crosses the burning trail.
Julian Sawyer: "Man, it's 'cause they was partially melted. Now c'mon."
Dragoshi: "...Ah. 'Kay then" *Continues following.*
The Wraith: *The spirit, not feeling the stone, looks back as the others back off, and looks down at the stone in question... Interesting.*
The Ninja decides to look more closely at the stones to make sure.
Metal Man (GM): Some stone looks melted, some scorched.
You reach the inside room. This being a small town, the town hall appears to only have two rooms.
Dragoshi: "..."
The Ninja just shrugs and follows the group... But stays off the stones.
Metal Man (GM): This one has bits of paper thrown everywhere, and a cube-shaped hole in the line of desks which keep visitors from marching all the way inside.
A burnt hole.
Julian Sawyer: "...Ghost, check out the other room."
Metal Man (GM): A pile of papers burns in the corner; a few burnt people are thrown about too.
The Wraith: *He nods, and goes to pass through the nearest wall or opening (doesn't care) to the other room of the building.*
Dragoshi: "...Well, there's our incendiary 'friend's' hole."
Julian Sawyer: "We can follow the path 'a destruction right to 'em..."
Metal Man (GM): Wraith: You sense... something. Search check.
The next room is the courtoom.
The Ninja: "Looks like they we're set on fire."
Julian Sawyer: "...Thanks, Master Of The Obvious."
Metal Man (GM): Wraith: You see... hmmm... The Mayor of Toad Town hiding in a chandelier... ..And a 10-foot tall mass of flaming gelatin leaping at him, but failing to reach!
You other guys can walk right into the next room, too, 'cause there's a burning trail into there.
The Wraith: *Dex out, signal to the others.*
Julian Sawyer flips open his Dex, calling the Wraith "What's the situation?"
Dragoshi flips open is dex.
The Wraith: "Arm yourselves and come in. Now."
Julian Sawyer: "What, there's a cube in there?"
Dragoshi: "...Understood." *He pulls out his scythe.*
The Wraith: *The signal abruptly closes as he whips out his grey & yellow stones, preparing for battle...*
Mayor: "Help! There's some... thing! It burnt everything else to ashes!"
The Ninja: "I'll bring my legs too!" *He goes to join Wraith in the other room.*
Julian Sawyer: "...Yup." *Julian cracks his knuckles and heads into the room.*
Dragoshi follows Ninja.
Metal Man (GM): His voice echoes throughout the place; those who are inside see the cube, which suddenly turns around.
Julian Sawyer: "...Awwwwww damn. This thing's fuckin' huge!"
Metal Man (GM): The cube makes some indecipherable squishing noises. It lights more on fire and goes to face you all.
Questers vs. Burning Cube
The Ninja: "Looks like we face a heated battle."
Julian Sawyer: "No puns."
Dragoshi: "...That pun sucked."
The Ninja: "Pun?"
Dragoshi: "You said 'heated battle'. And, we took that as a pun"
Julian Sawyer: "...You don't know what a Pun is? You been makin' 'em since you came back!"
The Ninja: "No need to be hot headed now."
Dragoshi: *Groans.*
Julian Sawyer: "...What did I just SAY?"
Metal Man (GM): Order: Julian, Ninja, Dragoshi, Burning Cube, Wraith
The Ninja: "We focus on battle for now."
Dragoshi: *Nods.*
Mayor: "Thank goodness... that thing burnt most of my guards to cinders! I've never seen anything like it before!"
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, if I remember the elements chart back at HQ as good as I think I do, this thing's weak against Earth An' Water... So keep those Earth Bites comin' Dragoshi!" *Julian reaches into his vest, pulls out a can of Sawyer Soda, and downs it! EoT.*
Metal Man (GM): The room, FYI, is full of the following: Tall filing cabinets, chandeliers, large benches, and the entire tall seat the Mayor sits in.
Dragoshi: "...Gotcha."
The Ninja: "A wise idea not to touch it either. Maybe I get info first." *He uses his Dex to scan the creature before him.*
Dragoshi: "Smart move."
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
Burning Cube
Level 75 Human
HP: 0/300
STR: 20
END: 10
AGI: 20
MNT: 38
AC: 15
DR: 0 (Healed by fire, double damage from Earth and Water, immune to lasers)
Relatively weak at defense, this cube focuses on pure offensive power. It can hurl any fire attack in existence at its foes with little effort. Its strange complexion renders it immune to lasers, as they pierce entirely through it.
End of entry.
The Ninja: "It's a good thing I learn the usage of odd device." *He puts it away and prepares for an attack of his own.* (End)
Dragoshi: "...Okay, if it can use any damn fire attack... I'm just gonna do this." *Fires off a small blast of water, then saves his remaining two TP.*
Metal Man (GM): Mizz
Dragoshi: *EoT.*
Metal Man (GM): The cube sits there as you drench some folders.
Burning Cube
The cube, seeing Dragoshi as a threat, chucks three fireballs at him.
52 fire damage per hit.
Dragoshi evades the first, but gets pegged by the other two, taking...90 damage. (90/325. Goin' up in damage)
The Wraith: *He lofts an eyebrow at this, rather not wanting to be at the receiving end of that blaze Dragoshi just got smacked with... So he swaps out the yellow stone for a dark blue one before unleashing a duo of magical barrages...*
Dragoshi: "...Nice one."
Metal Man (GM): You hit it full on, but make one mistake.
Explosion is a fire attack, and guess what, you blew it to smithereens! *FWOOSH*
AGI checks; the entire room is roasted with fire as it explodes.
Dragoshi leaps out, mission impossible style, flung out via the explosion.
John spins around and is blasted out by 100 fire damage.
Julian moves just slightly faster and escapes.
The Mayor gets toasted on his way out... but just toasted.
+500 EXP to all. As the Ninja leaps out before the explosion itself.
The entire room over there is covered in weird green slime, which suddenly stops burning.
Mayor: *Charred black* "Uhhh... thank you... I'm going to lie down now... @_@" *Falls over.*
Metal Man (GM): 1 slime taken care of.
Julian Sawyer: "...One down."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Julian Sawyer: "Everyone okay?"
The Wraith: *He drifts out of the room after the explosion, a trail of smoke trailing behind him...*
Julian Sawyer: "...Guess not."
The Wraith stones away, dex out, dexes beep.
Julian Sawyer: "Doesn't matter, we're movin' on... East!" *Heads East.*
Dragoshi zooms after Julian, moving slightly slower than him.
The Wraith: "...Ow."* He follows the others.*
The Ninja: "Slime is... Gross." *He then follows Julian.*
Metal Man (GM): You exit this building and go East, into a run-down part of town.
Two mushroom gangsters hang out as if nothing's wrong. Nearby, you see some mailboxes which look like somebody melted them.
There's slime trails everywhere, too. They're slippery.
Dragoshi: "...Yep. There's our next cube."
Julian Sawyer: "Looks like another Fire one... Hey! You two! You seen a cube 'round here?"
Gangsta1: "Who said we seen anything?"
The Ninja looks at the two toads closely.
Gangsta2: "You guys look loaded. How about you give us some of your money, G?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Aw hell no. You is NOT tryin' to mug me."
Dragoshi: "...Hell no."
Gangsta1: "We mugged a couple weird looking gels. You guys look more interesting."
Dragoshi: "And don't even THINK abou-...Gels?"
Julian Sawyer: "Which way'd they go?'"
Gangsta2: "Woah-woah-woah. Who said we saw any gels?"
Gangsta1: "Yea. No gels here."
Julian Sawyer: "...Yo' partner jus' did!"
Metal Man (GM): Diplomacy check.
For Julian.
Dragoshi: "You said you mugged them, dumbarse."
Gangsta1: "I dunno... what about some coins?"
Metal Man (GM): They suddenly look... frightened?
Gangsta1: "Wait a minute... that's the guy who flew around killin' people!"
Dragoshi: "...How 'bout a laser scythe to the-...Huh"
Julian Sawyer: "Now you gonna tell me where they went, or am I gonna hafta beat the info outta-...What?"
Gangsta2: "Gah! Don't eat me... they went down the alley and appear to be interested in eating you guys... seriously!"
Dragoshi: .oO(Must be referrin' to The Fury or somethin'.)
Gangsta1: "We were gonna let them eat you and rob your corpses, but... you'd probably kill us both, like flying sword dude!"
Gangsta2: "Let's get outta heeeereeee!"
Julian Sawyer: "...Thanks for the info... Now get the hell outta here."
Metal Man (GM): They run away screaming.
Dragoshi: "...Good riddance to bad rubbish."
The Wraith: "...He just silently drifts right past the 'gangsta's, moving down the alley..."
The Ninja: "...What odd creatures."
Julian Sawyer: "...Looks like The Fury's been here." *Julian heads into the allyway.*
Metal Man (GM): In the alley, three green cube slimes sit.
Dragoshi: "...Yep" *Follows Jules.*
Metal Man (GM): They apparently wanted to sneak-attack you... but you sneak-attacked them instead!
Questers vs. 3 Green Slime Cubes
The Ninja loves sneak attacks!
Julian Sawyer: *Text Mode Dex!*
Metal Man (GM): Uno momento.
Dragoshi likes sneak attacks too.
Smash Dex: "...DING!"
Slime Cube
Level 40 Human
HP: 0/300 0/300 0/300
STR: 20
END: 20
AGI: 20
MNT: 20
AC: 15
DR: 5 (Warning: Likes to eat objects)
Weird cube things which have a tendency to eat things. If they do eat something, they become a representation of whatever it is they eat.
Apparently, Professor Oak found a way to petrify them and give them to the Questers.
Unfortunately, they appear to appear every 20 or so years to eat people and things... they must live near this town. They possess bludgeoning and eating attacks.
End of entry.
Julian Sawyer: "...Ghost, Blast 'em!"
Dragoshi nods in agreement with Julian.
The Wraith: *He just smirks, and whips out his grey & -light- blue stones as he prepares...*
Metal Man (GM): Gibby warps on in on the scene.
Order: Julian, Ninja, Dragoshi, Gibby, Slime Cubes, Wraith
Julian Sawyer whips out Vendetta annnnnn' CHOPPA-CHOPPA-CHOPPA-CHOP!
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit, hit.
Gibby: "Sorry I'm late, guys. Guess I overslept again... I really should fix that alarm clock."
Metal Man (GM): There is only one problem.
Julian Sawyer: "Gibbs, glad you could make it..."
Metal Man (GM): After hitting it four times... it attempts to eat your laser sword.
Opposed STR checks.
Dragoshi: "...Or get a new one."
Metal Man (GM): You yank it out.
Julian Sawyer: "What the-Get the hell offa my sword!" *Yank.*
Metal Man (GM): One wonders what a cube with Vendetta's power would be like... but that'd be at the waste of Vendetta.
The Ninja: "Hmm. I must kill it before it tries to eat!" *He goes and gives the second cube a powerful swing.*
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK*
It attempts to eat your sword-staff too! STR check.
It sucks up the staff. However, it appears to be unable to 'immediately' eat it; you have to kill it in a round before it gains the properties of your swordstaff.
The Ninja: "My Weapon! You have no honor! Restore honor and give it back!"
Dragoshi attempts to carve the hayell out of the cube that has Ninja's Swordstaff. Twice.
Metal Man (GM): It takes lotsa damage... and tries to eat Dragoshi's weapon too!
Dragoshi yanks his out before it can grab it.
Dragoshi: "Eat someone else's crap!" *Yanks scythe out.*
The Ninja is also yelling at the slime cube.
Gibby unsheaths his sword. Hmm... weapon eaters, eh? Well lets see if they can savor the sweet taste of a sharp blade! He dashes towards the cube attacked by Dragoshi and slices and dices the cube twice.
Metal Man (GM): It'd eat the sword, but instead it gets chopped into small pieces.
The Ninja's weapon is dropped.
The Wraith: *He cracks his knuckles as he prepares to work his magic... He aims at the one which hasn't been damaged yet, and unleashes his more powerful barrage of d00m.*
Metal Man (GM): BLAM
It would eat your stuff, but instead it... erm... ... ... ...
*Death Star explosion.*
Dragoshi: "...I only have one thing to say to that, and, it's... VAVAFOOM!"
Metal Man (GM): Becomes splattered goo everywhere.
Julian Sawyer: "...Christ in a can..."
The Wraith: *He then cackles, turning to the other and letting loose a smaller blast.*
Metal Man (GM): Oops.
Gibby starts wiping goo off of his sword and hat.
Metal Man (GM): By now the remaining injured cube has begun to realize everything is exploding.
All the gels have returned to their natural state... goo.
Julian Sawyer: "...Did those count as a cube?"
Metal Man (GM): +1500 EXP
Each one counted as a cube.
Dragoshi: "...That was easy."
Julian Sawyer: *LEVEL UP!*
The Wraith: *LEVEL UP.*
Julian Sawyer: "'Course it was easy. We got a walk... Floatin' weapon a' mass destruction over here."
Gibby: "Indeed we do."
The Wraith: *He cackles again as he looks around for more signs of blobbiness.*
Metal Man (GM): Just a bit further ahead, you see a melted building.
It's by the edge of the town.
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, let's head back to the main sq-...Nevermind." *Heads for it.*
The Ninja grabs his weapon, and follows Julian... After cleaning it.
Dragoshi follows Jules.
The Wraith: *ZOOM! Okay, more like quasi-zoom, as he can't move very fast, but still, TO THE MELTED BUILDING.*
Gibby heads down to the melted building.
Metal Man (GM): It's a building full of now-broken weaponry... hmmm...
Whatever it was stole several dangerous looking weapons, as you see their silhouettes on the walls.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Julian Sawyer: "...This ain' good."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Metal Man (GM): There's a forest just outside, but you can't tell whether it came in through the fence and ate the weapons or if it exited with them.
The Wraith: "..." *Getting an idea, he switches back to the other side, looking for any more of those blips...*
Metal Man (GM): No blips here. Just busted weaponry.
The Wraith: *Even in the distance?*
Gibby: "Boy, those cube things sure do mean business..."
Metal Man (GM): Indeed. The place seems empty, and you don't remember any cubes to be 'alive' so to speak.
Julian Sawyer: "We gonna have trouble wit' that later..."
The Ninja: "Hmm."
The Wraith: *He reappears again, and again is shaking his head, showing he's come up with nothing.*
Metal Man (GM): You'd notice some other stuff on the ground.
Dragoshi: "...Ugh."
Metal Man (GM): It looks like some sort of half-eaten note.
The Ninja then does his usual sensing to see if anything else is around.
Gibby takes a look down at the note.
"Hey look... a note thingy."
Panzer tsks and she unslings her rifle from her shoulder and levels her sights for the door when they come back out. "Arrogant creatures. Wonder who they might be."
Metal Man (GM): Ninja: You have a faint feeling that... somebody or something is out there.
The Ninja: "Ah! we must read it and note it!"
Metal Man (GM): The note says...
'Alive a life is a life that is alive. Aliving way to alive our way to the past and future combine. Godlessness will die without lies.'
The writing is scribbled onto the parchment by what must have been someone crazy.
Gibby: "Wow. That makes less sense than a Mr. Saturn's road directions."
Dragoshi: "...Yea, seriously. It even makes less sense, then, well... Damn, I can't think of anything"
Julian Sawyer: "So anyone wanna try followin' that thing out to the forest an' see if it went there?"
The Ninja: "I thought directions from Mr. Saturn was well placed."
Gibby: "Nah... too much boinging."
The Wraith: *He just shrugs and heads for the opening, figuring it'd be a good idea to at least look...*
Gibby: "Well we got no other leads... let us go forth!"
*He starts marching into the forest.*
The Ninja: "Ah! But wait..."
Metal Man (GM): The opening to the building merely leads to a room full of broken guns; the one to the forest has a burnt path leading near some trees.
Dragoshi: "...?"
Gibby pauses in mid-march.
The Ninja: "I know there's something in forest."
The Wraith: "...?" *He turns around, and turns to The Ninja...*
Panzer adjusts her sights, honing in for the perfect shot. Now the debate what where to shoot? There they were....
Gibby: "Something... good?"
Dragoshi: "What is this something?"
The Wraith: *He narrows his eyes and starts looking out toward the forest more cautiously now...*
Metal Man (GM): Wraith: Search check.
The Ninja: "I'm not sure. I'll go scout it. You go and check out building."
Dragoshi: "...Understood."
Metal Man (GM): You'd notice something glinting out there.
The Wraith: "..." *He takes off in the direction of the object he spotted, a shiny sheen appearing around his form as he moves...*
Dragoshi: "...?" *Follows Wraith, curious.*
Gibby looks towards Wraith.
The Wraith: *He also holds a hand back toward the others, signaling to NOT follow.*
Dragoshi: *Stops.*
Gibby wanted to follow, but out of respect for John, he stops.
Julian Sawyer: "...I got no idea what the hell's goin' on..."
Gibby: "Darn... I wanted to go out there."
Panzer watches the ghost come towards her. She furrowed her brow... She so perfectly hidden, what could he be up to... Mm. She was still, none-the-less.
Dragoshi: "Same, Gibbs."
Trigger suddenly walks out of the shadows.
Gibby: "GAH!"
Metal Man (GM): Trigger: You're with the others by the ruined armory.
The Wraith: *He draws closer, all the while trying to figure out exactly what it is that he saw...*
Julian Sawyer: "...When the hell'd YOU get here?"
Gibby falls to the ground in fright.
The Ninja: "...I don't follow directions." *He goes into hiding and follows Wraith.*
Gibby: "...Where did -you- come from?"
Trigger: "Heh, I walked."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, the Wraith flies on, definitely into Panzer's vision. He'd probably see at least a few red specks in there, if not notice her.
Dragoshi: "Ah."
Julian Sawyer: "...Somehow I doubt this. Seein' as how Toad Town's 'bout 30 miles or so from base..."
Gibby: "Well no matter... good to have another man on the team."
*He gets himself back up.*
Julian Sawyer: *Phones up Metal on the Dex* "Mets, next time you send someone in durin' a mission, could ya at least give us a warnin'?"
Panzer knew he must see something. She had a good clue as to what it could be. Hand carefully, slowly slipped up and over the cover of the scope, thinking there was a reflection off it.
Julian Sawyer: "Havin' people pop outta nowhere is kinda unnervin'."
Gibby nods in agreement.
Metal Man: *Dex* "Uhhh... they musta walked on in via the warp when my back was turned."
Move Silently check, Ninja.
Trigger: "So, if you don't mind me asking what's the mission?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Whateva'. Jus' tell us next time."
The Wraith: *He saw the glint disappear, but no matter... He already had a location, just needed to identify the source. He's getting very close to her now...*
Julian Sawyer: "We beatin' up cubes."
Trigger: "Ah."
Metal Man (GM): The Ninja, meanwhile, sneaks right past The Wraith and sees Panzer, via his... super-Ninja abilities.
Panzer narrowed her eyes, then parted her digits over the scope and looked close at the ghost, then passed, or through him, rather... There's too big a group. She decides to try something. She hadn't seen a group like them before. She stands straight up, rifle under her arm. "Hey hold up. I know you saw my scope... Who are you people?"
The Ninja takes notice to the girl, and gives her a wave. "More of the question is... Why are you hiding our here?"
Panzer looks at him stupidly and holds up her rifle. "I'm a sniper, you fucker."
The Wraith: "..." *He stops as Panzer stands... and stares at her for a moment... Then he'd start emitting a ghastly parody of laughter... After a moment, he pulls out his dex. Panzer's dex would beep if it's still operational.*
Panzer looks down and takes it out from someplace in her armor. She looks at it, then him and blinks. Hers looks like the first ever version or something. Nothing seemed to work quite right probably, compared to theirs.
The Ninja: "Oh. I sure hope you weren't targeting us."
Panzer: "Oh. Of course not. I had the perfect bead."
Metal Man (GM): Indeed, it has weird buttons and stuff.
The Ninja: "What name do you go by?"
Metal Man (GM): It'd also be covered in... weird features. Being so old, heh.
But it still works, regardless of dust.
Panzer: "Panzer."
Trigger: "Who's the chick with the rifle?"
The Wraith: The only feature he'd be using on hers would be the tele-comm device. "Well, I'll be damned... Long time, no see, Panz."
Metal Man: *On Julian's dex* "Why am I picking up Panzer's dex in your vicinity?"
Panzer blinks. She stares at the ghost. "Who the hell are you?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Who?"
Gibby's ears perk up... or they would if he had any.
Metal Man: *Julian's Dex* "...Right. Uhhh... was one of the original five Questers who vanished so long ago my head hurts to think of it."
Gibby: "Did he say... Panzer?"
Trigger walks over to the others.
The Wraith: "...I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you don't recognize me. I had a body last time we... met. It's me, John."
Metal Man: *Julian's Dex* "I usually can't see old dexes, but something from The Wraith's dex is saying it's connected to a dex with her name on it."
Panzer slings the rifle over her should and walks passed them. She paused and looked back. "John?"
The Ninja: "Ah? You two know each other?"
Trigger: "Who's the chick with the rifle?"
Julian Sawyer: "...Righ'. Hold on', lemme get Ghost on line two..." *Press* "Hey! Ghost! 'Parrently Mets is pickin' up someon' named Panzer's signal. You by... it?"
Panzer nods and laughs. She turns an ear, then head, then body to Trigger. "I'm your great grandmother."
Gibby: "Wow... Panzer... there's a flash from the past."
Trigger: "Gah!!"
The Wraith: He chuckles... "...Ohh yeah... We've met before. ...Hey, Jules. Yes, Panzer is right here."
Gibby: "What the heck have -you- been up to these days?"
Julian Sawyer: "...'Parently I'm missin' somethin'."
Dragoshi hovers slightly off the ground, then leans back, listening.
Trigger: "Yeah, 'granny'."
Gibby elbows Trigger's knee.
Panzer waves. "Come on. Let's get out of the woods at least." She whistles, strolling passed Ninja and Ghostman towards the open, spotting Gibby. "Nothing much. Wandered here and there." She glared at Trigger. "Fuck you..."
Gibby: "Show some respect, will ya?"
Trigger: "AHH, damn that hurt!"
Julian Sawyer: "...I think you an' me gonna get along juuuuuuus' fine... Mets, you wanna talk to her?"
The Wraith: *He follows Panzer, chuckling a bit... This is an odd turn of events.*
Gibby thinks about it. Yeah... Panzer really could be the female equivalent of Julian... scary thought.
Trigger: "Great, another person who's gonna end up hating me."
Panzer: "I already hate you."
Metal Man: "Uhh... sure... but then you have to do your mission."
Trigger: "Damn!!"
Metal Man (GM): *TSEER.*
Metal Man appears outta thin air.
Julian Sawyer: "Righ'..."
The Ninja: "I find oddest of people."
Dragoshi: "...'Ello, boss"
Gibby: "Hey Metal. Guess we're having ourselves a reunion."
Trigger: "Hiya."
Metal Man: "It has been... erm... a while since last time, hasn't it?"
Panzer found her way alll the way to the group and just, stood. "Hey Metal."
Metal Man looks around. "Toad Town's busted up all over again. This looks like a mess to me." *He nudges some broken guns.*
"Well, currently, this mission's about collecting some slime by blowing up evil cube-creatures."
The Ninja rejoins the group as well.
Gibby: "It's fun to watch them blow up..."
The Wraith: "...It's fun to blow them up."
Julian Sawyer: "Right on both counts."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Panzer: "You still get the stupidest missions. Who runs the place now?"
The Wraith: *He points to Metal.*
Julian Sawyer: "Mets does." *Nods his head over towards him.*
Dragoshi points his left claw at Metal.
Metal Man points at himself. "Yeah, it's a bit of a turnaround, you know. Wolfman got overwhelmed and Klumsy died."
Panzer busts out laughing.
Dragoshi: "...What's so funny?"
Julian Sawyer: "Wolf's also got a touch of the stupid, but we make up fo' it."
Gibby: "Well... some of us."
Panzer takes it down a few notches and finally stops. She sighs. "Mmm. Good grief."
Metal Man: "Ah well. At least Star Steel didn't take over, like Wolfman originally thought."
The Ninja: "Trigger also died at beginning of last mission."
Panzer: "Whatever happened to Mewtwo?" *Her left eye twitches.* "...Star Steel..."
Trigger: "Please, don't bring that up."
Metal Man: "Mostly because he died. Err. Then there was that other guy who ripped his arm off and hurled it at people."
Dragoshi: "Yep, that he did. That's what he gets for running into LASER FIRE unprepared"
Julian Sawyer: "Mewtwo went back to Mewtwo land, I think... Haven't seen him in awhile."
The Ninja: "And Jewels is still Jewels!"
Metal Man: "Mewtwo's still around, though he seems to be busy taking advantage of the company expense account. Something about a jeweled throne or something appeared on the bill one day."
Panzer blinks. "I'll chat with him if you want." She grins. "Anyone found my stash?"
Julian Sawyer: "...I'll take that as a confirmation."
Dragoshi: "...Yeesh. Hate to see the price tag on THAT."
Julian Sawyer: "Stash?"
Metal Man: "I kept on trying to find it, but instead I found alcohol. Which has been in the refrigerator for about three years now."
The Ninja just tilts his head at Panzer as a large question mark appears above his head.
Julian Sawyer: "...Ich."
Dragoshi: "..." *Chuckles.*
Trigger: "..."
The Wraith: "...I don't want to ruin the reunion here, but might I note that we still have a mission to attend to?"
Panzer grins. "Good. They don't need it." She looked over at the ghost. "Fuck you."
Julian Sawyer: "...Ghost's got a point."
Panzer: "I'm still talking here."
Dragoshi: "...Yea. Know that. Well, lets get back to that, shall we?"
The Wraith: He lofts an eyebrow. "Well, kinda hard to do now..."
Trigger: "She's starting to scare me."
Julian Sawyer: "Good. You need to be scared."
Panzer looked at Dragoshi. "You know, I'm not exactly known to do the whole comrade thing. I might shoot you in the back one day."
Trigger: "...Ehh."
Dragoshi: "...Thanks for the warning."
Panzer smiles and nods.
The Ninja: "As long as the shooting is for the honor."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, so I'm guessin' Miz Panzer's joinin' us fo' the duration... Which is fine wit' me. We got 6 more cubes to kill."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Metal Man: "Well, anyway, you might not think this mission cool, but it looks like some sort of monster ate a bunch of guns. Good question as to what happened there."
Julian Sawyer: "We gonna hafta fight it sooner or later's my guessin'."
Metal Man: "I have a lot of paperwork to do... as much as I'd love to shoot some monsters."
Panzer shrugs. "I was sleeping, didn't see it go by."
Metal Man salutes and warps on out, Megaman X style.
Panzer shakes her head. "Well. Let's go and get this over with. I have things to do."
Julian Sawyer: "A'ight, let's move!" *Julian heads back to the main square.*
Dragoshi zooms after Julian.
Trigger follows after Julian.
Panzer idly wanders along.
The Wraith: *The spirit simply nods, and sticks with the group.*
Metal Man (GM): The main square appears... different.
The Ninja: "May the spirits guide us." *He hops and leaps along.*
Metal Man (GM): For one, there's a massive crater in the main square.
Julian Sawyer: "...Looks like Weapon Cube was here..."
Metal Man (GM): For two, you see some huts were apparently shot to pieces.
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Looks like someone played a game of hot potato with a cannon."
Panzer eyes Ninja. "You know, you work my nerves with your periodic sayings."
Trigger: "..."
Metal Man (GM): A trail of destruction goes North, around any buildings that are already there.
Panzer whistles and goes North.
Julian Sawyer: "...Looks like we got us a direction!" *Heads north.*
The Wraith: "..." *Nothing needs to be said. He starts drifting North.*
Dragoshi zooms towards the north, staying behind Julian.
Trigger starts walking north with the others.
The Ninja: "Ah. But the wise once said. Saying are better expressed than held back."
*He moves north as well.*
Julian Sawyer: "Or sayin's is best unsaid 'cause they piss ev'rybody off."
Trigger: "...I think you might need to shut up, I don't to see your head get blown off."
Julian Sawyer: "An' keep addin' puns."
The Wraith: "Peace, comrades..."
Panzer left the ground and flew on up into the sky, lifting her scope to see if she could see anything ahead in the distance.
Dragoshi: "...Yea. What he said."
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, raise yo' hand if you CAN'T Fly."
Trigger raises his hand.
Julian Sawyer: "Sucks to be you."
The Ninja does as well. He just does fancy jumps is all.
Julian Sawyer: "An' you."
Trigger: "...I hate you so much."
Julian Sawyer: "Deal wit' it."
Trigger: "NEVER!!!"
The Ninja: "Maybe offer lift."
Panzer looks down. "Trigger, I will sit on you. And it will snap every bone in you. I weigh a nice, light 6 tons."
Julian Sawyer: "If you weren't in the CAL, I'd kick yo' ass right here an' now. But that ain't the case. An' we need you fo' a decoy."
Trigger: "Heh, I wanna win by default, so take your best shot."
Julian Sawyer: "Better idea. PANZER! How good are you wit' that gun?"
Panzer simply ignored him and stretched out lazily.
Trigger: "OH GOD NO!!"
Panzer looks down again. "I can hit anything you set out."
Julian Sawyer: "I'll give you 10,000 coins if you shoot Trigger in the knee."
Trigger collapses in fear.
Dragoshi: "..."
Panzer: "Id rather put a hole through that fucking mouth of his."
The Ninja: "...That's not nice. You pay her 20K."
Trigger gets back up.
Julian Sawyer: "20k an' you can pick yo' own target."
Trigger: "I DON'T WANNA DIE... AGAIN!!"
Metal Man (GM): Going north, you see devastation which goes outside the town.
Dragoshi: "..." *Facepalm* .oO(Friggin' fools...)
Panzer smiles and unslings her weapon and levels it for Trigger from above. "Okay. Smile for the camera..."
Metal Man (GM): Looks like a small army ate this entire area and shot it apart.
The slime trail appears to have doubled, no; tripled, if not more, in size.
Trigger: "...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" *Runs away as fast as possible.*
Dragoshi: "...Holy crap."
The Wraith: *He just rolls his eyes (albeit chuckling mildly) as he floats up as well, also surveying the area...*
Julian Sawyer: "...Daymn. This thing's gotta be worth at least 6 cubes."
Dragoshi: "Yea, seriously."
Metal Man (GM): Trigger runs far ahead.
He runs... and runs...
And runs....
Trigger stops.
Panzer just laughs and slings it away, landing and following The Ghost. "Looks like one cube at the weapons and can shoot them from inside itself. The weapons probably allowed it to grow vastly in size."
Trigger: *Gasp* "I think I lost her."
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK* Hmm... what sort of slimy object is this he's run into?
Dragoshi takes flight and follows the others.
Trigger: "Gah, my head!!"
The Wraith: *He looks down at Trigger... and looks at what he's running toward/into.*
Metal Man (GM): Trigger: You see an object, cube-shaped, big enough to block out the sun from where you are.
Julian Sawyer activates his Rocket Boots and joins the Flight Party.
The Ninja: "Hmm... Should we get him so he doesn't get killed?"
Trigger: "...Whoa..."
Metal Man (GM): You all follow him, and see a massive house-sized cube full of machineguns and grenade launchers.
Julian Sawyer: "Hol' on..."
Trigger stands there mesmerized.
Julian Sawyer: "Let's see what it can do first."
Metal Man (GM): It looks at Trigger and attempts to eat him.
STR check, Trigger.
Dragoshi: "...Holy fuckin' hell."
Trigger: "AAAAHHHH!!!!!"
Panzer laughs. "Silly kid."
The Wraith: "..." *He tries to scan the critter from his current location, moving forward as well...*
The Ninja: "I suggest a sneak attack while being distracted."
Metal Man (GM): You attempt to dex it... hmmm... this will take a while. The dex says it has 'Multiple abilities/forms'
Dragoshi nods in agreement with Ninja.
Metal Man (GM): Trigger runs away from it really fast....
Julian Sawyer: "Or we can watch Trigger get 'is ass kicked."
Trigger: "AAAAAAHHHH!!!"
Metal Man (GM): It aims a grenade launcher at him as he runs and fires.
Hmm... make that two of them.
Dragoshi: "Or we can watch him run like a-...Damn, that thing's persistent"
Metal Man (GM): And it's firing like a psychopath. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM.*
Panzer whistles. "It ate the weapons and the other cubes, I'm a-guessing."
Trigger: "HOLY SHIT, HELP ME!!!!!"
Dragoshi: "...I wouldn't be surprised if your guess was right"
Julian Sawyer: "It probably did."
Panzer: "Help yourself. You ran into it, not me."
Metal Man (GM): 50 fire damage, area affect large enough to hit you even as you run away from it.
Per hit, of course.
The Wraith: "...Time to kill. Now. We don't want this thing just absorbing more things and getting more powerful." *He drifts forward, putting his dex away and getting ready for battle.*
Julian Sawyer: *Watches Trigger get blown the fuck up* "...A'ight, I got my kicks fo' the day. Let's get 'em!"
Trigger gets blown back to the group.
The Ninja nods and runs towards the cube with his large sword-staff ready.
Trigger: "...mY bRaIn..."
Dragoshi drinks a Recov vial, pulls out scythe, and joins the others...
Panzer stands there, arms crossed. She had no intentions of helping.
Trigger gets blown to hell.
Metal Man (GM): AGIs?
You can still do actions.
Order: Weaponized Cube, Julian, Ninja, Dragoshi, Gibby, Trigger, Panzer, Wraith
The cube, having annihilated Trigger with Goldeneye-style double grenade launchers, lines up four AK-47s and opens fire on everyone in the entire group.
Threatens all, 20 armor piercing damage per hit, Machinegun 1x. (So it ignores half your DR)
Dragoshi gets pegged by the first two, but evades the crit fail and 20.
The Wraith: *He crosses his arms as he sees the bullets flyin'...hopefully allowing them to pass through him.*
Metal Man (GM): Aye... they fly right through the Wraith.
Julian Sawyer: *And Julian's shot twice!*
Dragoshi takes... 51 damage.
Julian Sawyer downs a Sawyer Soda, then lays on the Dex.
Weaponized Cube
Level 100 Superhuman Cube
HP: 0/1000
STR: 30
END: 20
AGI: 40
MNT: 10
AC: 15
DR: 5
This massive, six-cube conglomeration is made up of an entire armory's worth of guns.
It would be able to dodge more effectively, was it not two stories tall and filled with weapons. It contains grenade launchers, rocket launchers, machineguns, grenades, axes, swords, flamethrowers, and all manner of throwing objects.
It also saves some potent but unseen weapons for special threats. End of entry.
Dragoshi: "...It's more agile than Julian, yet it's slow as a fuckin' tortoise. Irony."
Julian Sawyer: "...This ain't good." *EoT.*
The Ninja remembers the outcome of the last battle, so he'll hold his attack for now. (End)
Dragoshi: *Not risking letting the damn thing attack with anything deadlier than them there machineguns, he attempts to carve the thing with his scythe. Twice EoT.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Gibby: "So, another cube to slash into goo, eh? I'll get right on that!" *He leaps towards the fully armed cube and slashes at it twice.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Gibby leaps back.
Panzer grumbles and lays down after unslinging her weapon, taking two shots at the cube. Stupid cube 3
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
The Wraith: *He lofts an eyebrow as he whips out his grey stone into his right hand, and the dark blue stone into his left, and starts unloading one massive blast of energy after another at the gargantuan gelatinous goon.* *CRIT hit ALMOST CRIT hit hit!*
Dragoshi: "...Foom. That is what I have to say to that. Foom."
Gibby: "Bah... John, it's no fun for the rest of us if you try exploding him early on!"
Trigger: "Yeah."
Metal Man (GM): Okay... *Uses his level 20 counting ability*
120 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Hmmm... you hit it over and over again. However.....
Something seriously weird happens!
Dragoshi: "...Fuuuuh.?"
Metal Man (GM): You hit him... and hit him... and hit him... and some weird words appear over its head ..It's still alive!
Trigger: "What the fuck..."
Gibby: "...How the heck does it survive an attack like that?"
Dragoshi: "...It's that damn powerful"
Metal Man (GM): Weird ominous music appears from nowhere, and the cube suddenly begins powering up... like...
A nuclear reactor?
Julian Sawyer: "..."
The Wraith: "..." >.>
Smash Dex: "The cube has absorbed the essence of John's attack."
Dragoshi: "..."
Smash Dex: "It appears to be powering up."
Panzer laughs like a mofo.
Metal Man (GM): *Evil Goldeneye music.*
Dragoshi: "Son of a sidewinder."
Gibby: "...I suggest we run away screaming like little babies."
Panzer: "John, you always were a foolish fumbler sometimes." <3
Metal Man (GM): You hear the sound of lasers as it begins spraying massive lasers everywhere.
Trigger: "Oh shit."
Gibby: "AHHH!! It hurts and it stings!"
Metal Man (GM): However... those were only a few warning shots, despite all the dirt flying around.
Trigger: "That was odd."
Metal Man (GM): It locks on to John and charges up what resembles... a Superlaser.
The Wraith: .oO(...Oh, sh--)
Dragoshi: .oO(...DUDE!)
Metal Man (GM): You see a ray the size of a car obliterate John for 1000 damage.
Gibby: "..."
Smash Dex: "Updated HP statistics uploaded."
The Wraith: *He has no chance to survive, make his time... But wait! He put a reflective barrier on before the battle.*
Dragoshi: "..."
Trigger: "...No way."
Metal Man (GM): You reflect the laser back into the cube... hmmm... it is fully healed!
Dragoshi: "..."
Gibby twitches.
Metal Man (GM): Laser elemental + Own deathray = HEALING POWER
Trigger: "Greeat."
Julian Sawyer: "...Ghost, you stupid SOB..."
Gibby: "...I have -no- idea what just happened."
Dragoshi: "...Wonderful. Feckin' wonderful."
Panzer: "Dumb cluck."
Metal Man (GM): Then it powers up and fires another onslaught of laser death at John, now that the barrier is gone.
The Wraith: *BOOM!*
Metal Man (GM): It doesn't matter anyway. It's gunning for John entirely. *BOOM.*
Trigger: "Well shit."
Metal Man (GM): Then, to finish its laser-fied reign of terror, for the time being, it sprays a brilliant shower of lasers at all of you.
Gibby: "Well... that was interesting to say the least."
Trigger: "WELL SHIT!!"
Gibby: "Gah! Lazorz!!"
Metal Man (GM): It's not so much a single attack as it is a massive area-hitting thing you must hit the dirt from.
250 LASER damage to everyone who rolls a 20 or under.
On the plus side, the thing looks larger.
Dragoshi: *Still alive. SOMEHOW. It's a fucking miracle!*
Metal Man (GM): On the negative side, John can't laser it to pieces.
Gibby is -really- hurt... but alive!
Trigger gets pounded into the ground.
Metal Man (GM): Well, beams, lasers. Its interpretation of John's ability.
Julian Sawyer: *J00 MISSED! And now Julian shall extract his revenge with VENDETTA SLASHING DEATH! One-Two-Three-FOUR Cut!*
Metal Man (GM): Indeed.
It's hit by Julian's attack... holy ****! It's wielding laser swords now!
Julian Sawyer backs the fuck out of its range with his remaining 1 TP!
Dragoshi: "...What the hell?"
Metal Man (GM): It's still taking damage, but it's flailing around at least 12 limbs made out of lasers.
It appears you shall have to be sneaky to stop this thing... raw force only makes it stronger!
The Ninja blinks, then thinks a bit as he goes into hiding.
Julian Sawyer: "...A'ight, NO ONE use lasers."
Gibby: "Right-o!"
Julian Sawyer: "Seems that's the only thing it's absorbin' right now..."
Metal Man (GM): *Ninja Vanish.*
Dragoshi: "...Well, damn. That means I can't use my scythe. What a load of crap this has been."
Julian Sawyer: "You can use other things than yo' fuckin' scythe! Can't you summon lightnin' or something?!"
Dragoshi: "I know. But do you think I can just do it instantaneously!? Sheesh."
Julian Sawyer: "Seemed to do it good enough in the Cage match!"
Gibby shudders at the thought of the cube having the power to fire lightning at them.
The Ninja comes back out of hiding "I have idea!"
Gibby: "As long as I'm not in pain afterwards, I'm all for it."
The Ninja: "I'm not sure... But I think if we overloaded it or shorted it's power. We can defeat it."
Panzer: "Oh brilliant. Why not ask it the meaning of pi?" *She rolled her eyes and laid her head back down on the buttstock of her rifle to get some shut-eye.*
The Ninja: "Aim for reactor in the slime thing."
Gibby: "Mmmm... pie..."
Dragoshi moves back one TP, eats an Ultra Shroom and saves his remaining two TP, preparing to attack... EoT.
Gibby eats himself an ultra shroom as well. Ahh... nice and healthy again! He looks over at the cube thing, strokes his "chin" for a second, and then gets hit with a stroke of eureka. He takes out an Ivantek grenade, pulls the pin, and hurls it at the cube hoping it blows up into itty bitty pieces. (DC 18)
Metal Man (GM): It's huge, so it moves sloooow.
*BLAM* It didn't like that.
Gibby: "HA! Take -that- you... cube... thing you!"
The Ninja: "It just couldn't slip away."
Metal Man (GM): Wr--... right
The Wraith: *Is busy pulling himself back together.*
Metal Man (GM): It swings at Julian with its laser appendages.
*ZOO* *ZOO* *ZOO* *ZOO* It gets great rolls.
60 60 60 60 60 120
It can reach very far.
Gibby: "That... looked painful."
Panzer snores.
Metal Man (GM): I guess I could have had it fire its Death-star cannon at you instead.
About 3 TP.
Julian Sawyer: *I don't need to tell you what happened.*
Dragoshi: "...Ouch."
The Ninja: "May the spirits guide him back." *Claps twice and bows.*
Gibby: "...He'll be back in a minute, man."
The Ninja then takes his swordstaff and twirls it around, letting it feel a good feel of motion before throwing it at the the center of the cube, going to give the reactor inside of it a powerful strike.
Metal Man (GM): You hurl it into the center.
Dragoshi: "...Odamn."
Metal Man (GM): Hmmmm... it appears to be glowing oddly.
It may be a good time to run.
Trigger is still passed out.
Metal Man (GM): The staff is shot back out at high speeds as the cube begins to glow.
Dragoshi flies the fuck away! If possible.
Julian Sawyer wakes up! "...That fuckin' hur-The HELL is it doin'?!"
The Ninja: "..." *He just dives through the ground after catching his weapon.*
The Wraith: *He manages to pull himself back into form again, and sees the glowing and such... so he decides to start moving in the other direction.*
Smash Dex: "T-minus 15 seconds to explosion."
Gibby: "Meep!"
Trigger regains consciousness and takes cover.
Gibby books it out of there!
Julian Sawyer scoots backwards, eventually taking off.
Gibby: "RUN AWAY!"
Dragoshi: *Still flying away. At max speeds.*
Trigger follows after Gibby.
Panzer wakes up and blinks, then takes the fuck off.
Metal Man (GM): 9
You see a small nuclear explosion, following it raining slime.
Julian Sawyer: "...We're done here."
*He calls in for a Warp home.*
Dragoshi: "...Definitely."
Trigger: "Thank god."
Metal Man (GM): +2000 EXP
Gibby: "Indeed. No more stick stuff for today!"
Panzer stretches and stops, turning and looking at it. "That was gay. I shouldn't stayed home."
Metal Man (GM): MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - Unknown Slime being exploded
+20,000 coins
A warp home appears in the flaming crater where the thing was.
The Ninja: *Raises from the ground next to Julian* "That was quite the sticky problem."
Gibby: "Hooray! Homeward bound!"
Dragoshi flies into the warp home.
Gibby dashes into the warp. WARP.
Panzer lands and slings her rifle. "See you guys around." She waves.
Trigger runs back to the portal and jumps in.
The Ninja: "Are you not coming with us?"
Panzer shrugs. "I doubt I'd be welcomed back. Besides. I figure it'd be natural to leave my ass behind again."
The Wraith: "..." *He just eyes the crater for a moment before looking to Panzer. He takes out his dex, and Panzer's beeps again.*
Panzer ignores it, just watching him. She takes it out, and tosses it to them.
The Ninja: "A pity. I was hoping for extent of training with you." *He then gives her a bow* "May we meet again." *He then runs into the portal.*
Panzer: "I doubt it."
The Wraith: *He looks down at her dex on the ground, raising an eyebrow... He looks to her once more. If she makes no further action, he just drifts down and goes to pick the dex up by possessing it.*
Panzer simply turns to walk off.
The Wraith: *Having no choice and no form of communicating with her now, he (the dex), just floats through the warp.*
Wolfman would be at the Big Room, waiting for the other Questers to show up... when he sees... a floating dex? (now available)
.oO(...okay, now I've seen everything.)
"...Is that you Ghost?"
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* I'll be afk now... mission completezorz.
Gibby arrives back at HQ.
"Ahh... yet another mission successfully completed."
The Wraith: *The dex lands on Metal's desk, and the wraith vacates from it, answering the question merely by existing. Looking rather preoccupied, he just moves out through the nearest wall.*
Trigger arrives back in HQ behind Gibby.
Dragoshi: *Warped back to HQ*
"...That was nuts."
Wolfman: "...I guess that answers that."
Trigger: "Yeah."
Gibby looks back at the others.
Wolfman turns to the others.
"How was it?"
Gibby: "Hey... where's Panzer? Wasn't she coming with us?"
Julian Sawyer: "Gooey..."
Dragoshi: "Gooey. And chaotic. Somewhat."
Trigger: "Well, I'm gonna go I'll see ya all around."
Wolfman: "...Panzer was with you guys?"
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Gibby turns to Wolf and nods.
Julian Sawyer: "Keyword bein' was. 'Parrently she left."
Gibby: "Yeah... she helped out."
Wolfman: "I don't recall her returning..."
Gibby: "Well... I guess she hasn't."
Wolfman: "I thought she was still in my old realm, where the alcohol was much more freely available."
Gibby: "She just showed up really."
Trigger walks out of the big room and goes back to his quarters.
Julian Sawyer: "She almost took off the Ninja's head."
Wolfman: "...yep: that sounds like her."
Gibby: "Hopefully she'll join us again soon. She was -and still is- a great Quester!"
Dragoshi: "Though, all that aside. We faced a burning gel cube, three slime cubes, and one MEGACUBE that was an unholy fusion of six different cubes with a feckin' ARMORY in it."
Wolfman: "That's thoughtful to know."
The Ninja: "Nah. She would have missed."
Wolfman: "Ninja... I believe you know of the saying to not underestimate your opponent, right?"
The Ninja: "But I must say. This was one square deal!"
Gibby: "Especially not a psycho lady with a sniper rifle."
The Ninja: "Depends on bullets."
Julian Sawyer: "Wolf, that sayin' ain't exactly ancient Chinese/Japanese/Korean legend or nothin'."
Wolfman: "I don't recall its original Julian... but it's something I had to learn back when I was a Hunter."
Gibby: "Sounds like common sense to me."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Julian Sawyer: "It ain't got a a specific origin. It's jus' plain common sense."
Wolfman: "I'm sure there was an original place where the saying came from."
Julian Sawyer: "You try trackin' it down then."
Wolfman: "I'll pass."
Gibby: "I do believe the kitchen is calling me... Hmmmm... I wonder if we have any Jello?"
*He makes his way into the kitchen.*
Wolfman: *VG would be in the Kitchen right now.*
The Ninja: "I refuse to eat jello unless in form of star or Metal's head!"
Wolfman: "You have strange tastes Ninja."
Julian Sawyer: "...Wolf, DID you get Jell-O the last time you an' VG went shoppin'?"
Dragoshi: "...All I know is, that we should really do that three-way battle between Metal, Julian and myself sometime later. Also, I hope so, Gibbs." *Runs to the kitchen as well.*
Gibby: "Yo, VeeGee. What 'cha got cooking in here?"
Wolfman: "The last time I went shopping, Jell-O wasn't on the list."
VG: "Nothing really. Just wanted some Goomba Gatorade. Anything you need?"
Gibby: "Jell-O! And lots of it!"
VG: "Let's see... Jell-O, Jell-O, Jell-O..."
Julian Sawyer: "Gibbs ain't gonna be happy..."
VG goes to check the secret pantry.
Dragoshi enters the kitchen.
Gibby patiently waits.
Wolfman: "You do realize that VG does shopping without me, right? He can go alone. He just doesn't like to."
VG exits the secret pantry... with ONE cup of Jell-O.
Gibby: "...That's it?"
VG: "No one requested anything in particular for me to get. This isn't a cafeteria you know."
Gibby: "Humph... guess it'll have to do then."
Dragoshi: "Makes sense."
The Ninja then walks into the kitchen. "I want to order noddles!"
Gibby: "Well next time, add a -ton- of Jell-O to the list."
Julian Sawyer: "I thought you did shopping an' Veeg came along to handle the money."
VG: *Gives Gibby the Jell-O* "Ninja, noodles are in the not-so-secret pantry."
Dragoshi: "...Hmm." *Checks the freezer to see if there's anything microwaveable. Or can be made in the oven... If there is one.*
Julian Sawyer: "'Cause a'...y'know."
The Ninja: "Are the cooked?"
Wolfman: "In case you forgot Julian... while I can eat almost anything you guys can, my tastes... are not exactly yours. VG knows more about the foods than me."
Wolfman (GM): Dragoshi: good deal of frozen treats.
Gibby grabs himself the cup and a spoon. He proceeds to eat away at the Jell-O. "HA HA! Fear me, delicious gelatin!"
VG: "You will have to make them yourself."
Julian Sawyer: "Nah, I was thinkin' you were the grocery mule, an' Veeg handled the money 'cause a' your... mental condition."
The Ninja: "Ah? What type of food place is this?"
Dragoshi pulls out a frozen pizza, follows the instructions, then cooks it.
Wolfman: "No offense is taken. VG is good company actually. I don't mind going... now and then."
VG: "This is a standard kitchen. Food often comes in an uncooked form. You have to make it and prepare it yourself.
It's often... not the best idea to eat the uncooked forms unless you know what you are doing."
Gibby takes out his sword and slices the Jell-O he hasn't eaten clean in half. "Take -that-, evil cube!"
The Ninja then looks at VG. "...Who are you?"
Wolfman (GM): Gibby: Some of that Jell-O is heading for your eye! AGI check!
VG: "I'm VG... one of the former heads of HQ here."
Gibby: "GAH!"
Wolfman (GM): Gibby: It lands on your head.
John (GM): *Ninja: You'd notice that VG resembles the mayor guy you met earlier, except that VG is younger and has a power belt on.*
Gibby: "NOOOO! It's absorbing my power!!!!!"
*He falls to the ground and rolls around in the Jell-O.*
Julian Sawyer: "Anyway, next time you go, get somethin' OTHER than that watered-down Goomba Gatorade crap. It tastes like Pine-Sol." *Heads for the kitchen aswell.*
The Ninja: "Oh. Good to meet yo- ...What is wrong with that thing on ground?"
Wolfman: "Tell that to VG. If he's not told what you guys want, he gets whatever."
Gibby would be on the kitchen floor with Jell-O pieces all over him.
VG: "...Gibby must be a little too hyper from that mission."
Gibby: "...Technical... food difficulties..." @_!
Julian Sawyer: "..."
The Ninja: "I think that difficulties is the operator."
Julian Sawyer: "I'm jus' not gonna ask..."
Editor's Note: Me neither, Julian. Me neither.
VG: "Good thinking Julian."
Gibby: "It's best if you didn't..."
*He gets up and cleans himself off.*
Dragoshi checks to see if the pizza he's cooking is done.
Dragoshi: *DING.*
Julian Sawyer: *Heads over to the fridge* "Veeg, what's with this watered-down Goomba Gatorade crap? It tastes like fuckin' Pine-Sol." *Julian pulls out a pack of bacon, a tomato, and a head of lettuce, then heads over to the pantry.*
Dragoshi: "Yep. It's done." *Goes to get the necessary stuff to pull the pizza out without burning his hands...*
VG: "It's not THAT bad Julian. Next time you want something, let me know."
The Ninja then dons his chef hat and apron, now dual wield two spatulas "Let the cooking begin! Find me... The hamburger meat."
VG: "Freezer."
Gibby: "The Ninja Chef strikes!"
Julian Sawyer: "It's Pine-Sol in a diff'rent bottle an' you know it." *Julian pulls out loaf of bread out of the pantry, and heads over to the toaster, grabbing a knife, a cutting pad, and a frying pan while he's at it.*
VG: "It's not Pine-Sol to me. Pine-Sol has a unique smell that Goomba Gatorade doesn't have."
Gibby: "...You know what Pine-Sol tastes like?"
Julian Sawyer: "Misadventure when I was 3." *Julian takes out two slices of bread, puts them in the toaster, and sets them to toast. He then sets the pan on the stove, turns on the fire, and puts down 4-5 strips of bacon. He then sets up the cutting board, grabbing the tomato and head of lettuce.*
Dragoshi pulls out the pizza, seeing as it's done.
The Ninja: "Lemony fresh" *He begins to dig through the fridge.*
Gibby: "Oh..." *He takes a second to give Julian a funny look before looking back at Ninja. *
"So... you know how to cook a good burger?"
VG: "And can you make it Medium Rare?"
Julian Sawyer: "Bacon's the superior meat." *Julian slices the tomato and peels the lettuce while his bacon is cooking and bread is toasting.*
The Ninja: "I make anything... With burgers!"
Dragoshi: .oO(...I prefer a bacon burger dog, but that's a different story) *Heads off into R&R with his pizza in hand.*
Gibby: "...I see..."
*He decides not to risk death from a Ninja burger and follows Drag to R&R.*
VG: "When you have the chance, I'd like a Medium Rare hamburger with lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup, and mayo with no toasted bun please."
Julian Sawyer: "No toasted bun? Then what's the point?" *Julian finishes preparing the veggies, and checks on his bacon.*
VG: "Not everyone likes their buns toasted you know."
The Ninja pulls out the meat and preps it a bit, mixing a few sauces with it and what not. "Special burger coming up!"
Julian Sawyer: "Those people is livin' in the dark ages, then."'
VG: "I'm not exactly dark age material."
Julian Sawyer turns off the stove as his toast pops up. Julian grabs the two slices, lays down a layer of lettuce, then two strips of bacon, then a layer of tomato, then 3 strips of bacon, then the other slice of toast
"The BLT. One of, if not the, greatest sandwiches of all time. An' it's all mine, suckas." *Julian walks off with his sandwich.*
The Ninja then throws the meat paddy high into the air and grabs a skillet, he swings the skillet around a bit, then catches the meat and lands in on the stove as the has the fire going at full blaze.
He then gets the other material ready as the one side cooks, making sound every time he slices into something.
VG watches with some awe.
The Ninja then takes the skillet and flips the burger as it cooks on the other side. A side note, when in view, his apron has on the front 'sneaky ninja cook kiss' which is odd. But after while, he puts the burger together with the required items and hands it on a small plant to VG.
VG: "Time to see how well you cook." *Eats.*
The Ninja just bows and flips through the wall.