Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 374: Shipped Off



Date: January 29th, 2007.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are... not in the Big Room. For this is... SEASON 10.
Metal Man (GM): Instead they are at the forefront of a brand-new ship. Metal is currently looking around it, with the others. Dr. Light is there, once again.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Digifanatic: "Nice machine..."
Leo Crayson: "...Wow. "
Dr. Light: "This is our new ship. Based on many designs used in the past... and with a little recycling... this is the Q.S. Seeker."
Julian: "...K."
Leo Crayson: "...Mhm."
Digifanatic: "Huh."
Serena Gibson: "Spiffy."
Dr. Light: "It possesses a full-on invisibility cloak based on Iggy's technology, a highly advanced Prismatic force field... A modified Kuja energy generator..."
Digifanatic: .oO(Us using stuff by Iggy and Kuja? This is almost scary, but hey, it should work...)
Dr. Light: "Finally, a number of modified engines based upon designs of the Dauntless. However they have been modified to use less energy and move faster."
Dragoshi: .oO(...Interesting. ...Wait, how the fuh did they get something PRISMATIC?)
Digifanatic: "I'm impressed."
Serena Gibson is still stuck in female form and with about 3 1/2 days before this latest round of enchanted cookie-chaos wears off.
Garrick: "Yeah, yeah..."
Serena Gibson nods.
Dr. Light: "A number of Pseudo-cube bazooka weapons are equipped as well."
Leo Crayson: .oO(I hope Serena isn't mad about me copping a feel last night... Heh heh, alright.) "..."
Garrick: "What's the top speed on her?"
Metal Man: "The most important, however, is that it carries full provisions as the Stadium. We shall be landing it on Genetia to provide the Nintendus effect."
Dr. Light: "Warp 3. It's too large to move any faster; it is slightly larger than our stadium."
Leo Crayson: "Cool."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Okay, then."
Metal Man: "Genetia is far away even with that kind of speed, though... So it may take a while to get there."
Digifanatic: "Ah..." .oO(Nobody better come in from some other planet and blow HQ up while we're elsewhere...)
Garrick: "Pfft... give me a few days. I bet I can get Warp 5 outta her."
Digifanatic: "Heh..."
Leo Crayson: "...Hmmm."
Serena Gibson: "I may only be a whiz with computers but even even that sounds like a tall order."
Dr. Light: "...I wouldn't suggest it. It's intended to be safe. But... The intended mission is beyond even the ship."
Metal Man (GM): He lights up a map of the Solar system. It shows something similar to Earth's. Beyond it, on another solar system, a fuzzy outline of Genetia is seen.
Digifanatic: "So, this sounds like we'll be parking on Genetia and then taking care of everything there before coming back here?"
Dr. Light: "...The few pictures we obtained of it are not good."
Leo Crayson: "...That IS far off..."
Digifanatic: "I just want to make sure that's settled."
Dr. Light: "And... no. Genetia will be a step into the Arloft system."
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Light shows several fuzzy outlines of planets.
Digifanatic: "Ohhh..."
Garrick: *hrms and turns to Metal.*
Serena Gibson: "Hmm... You guys do know what that means, right?"
Digifanatic: "You talking to... us?"
Metal Man: "Genetia is infested with mechanical ruins. It is unknown if anyone -lives- there."
Serena Gibson: "Side Quest... INTERGALACTIC TOUR!"
Leo Crayson: "Cool."
Metal Man: "Your job is to stop the MM2 there, as well as anyone they might know."
Digifanatic: "Close enough... I wasn't gonna bring it up unless you did. Trust me, Ser."
Garrick: "I can probably rig some small information gathering probes. Broaden our sights around the area."
Digifanatic: "Sounds good."
Metal Man: "Uh, yes, you will actually have to do that once you get there... otherwise you might be in for bad surprises. I expect you to do your best to search the area."
Dragoshi: "Okay, then..." *Pulls out notepad, writing something down, while muttering.* "Lessee... Current job: Stop MM2 on Genetia along with any allies they might have acquired... Got it." *Puts it away.*
Digifanatic: *texting Serena.* "Everyone's taken care of storing the music stuff, right?"
Serena Gibson: "I'll leave the intel stuff to you guys. I'm more of a guns blazin' and tactics when you need em' kinda guy... err... I guess... guy, at the moment, is a stretch."
Leo Crayson: "..."
Garrick: "...oh, and just to let you know, Metal... "I'll be commandeering a lab for my OWN this time... no sharing stuff with the good Doctors over there."
Metal Man: "...Also, I shall remain in contact with you via subspace radio."
Serena Gibson: "Just do me a favor and go easy on the grabbies." Serena tosses a sarcastic smirk to Leo.
Aetos ponders what the environment will be like... what kind of area they will have to be in...
Leo Crayson: "...Sorry about that."
Metal Man: "The Stadium Staff shall stay here... we don't want another Smasher catastrophe."
Leo Crayson looks down blushing.
Digifanatic: "Phew."
Serena Gibson giggles..."Nah, it was funny. Just lettin' off some post-evil slayin jitters."
John: "...I still say you have too much fun with that, Gibson."
Metal Man: "Well. Except one person. He's just come out of retirement to help us."
Leo Crayson: "Except when Dragoshi and Julian beat the hell out of me..."
Serena Gibson: "Yeah, I enjoy it. How can't ya?"
Metal Man (GM): Stepping... no, floating out of a nearby doorway is... Mewtwo.
Digifanatic: *turns to Mewtwo.* "Hey."
John: "...Mewtwo. Long time no see."
Dragoshi: *Turns to Mewtwo.* "...Hiya."
Mewtwo: "I have connections... to Genetia. Therefore I can tolerate those who have never seen me before to go there."
Serena Gibson: "Eh? It's some kind of flying... uh... what the hell is it? Eeep! It can talk too?"
Leo Crayson: "...I don't know."
Garrick: "Good ol' psychic cat."
Julian: "That'd be Mewtwo."
Metal Man (GM): Not only can he talk, it goes directly to everyone's minds.
Julian: "Would NOT suggest messin' wit' him."
Mewtwo: "There shall be no more wasting of time once we get aboard."
Serena Gibson: "...Wait, its mouth didn't move. Fre-aky..."
Dragoshi: "..." *Facepalm.* "Can we just get this started?"
Garrick: "...oh, wait. Metal. Who's flying this sucker?"
Mewtwo: "Garrick, you said you want a lab to your own. That is just perfect. I have an extremely time-consuming and important project for you to work on."
Serena Gibson: "Oo! Me! Me!"
Leo Crayson: "Hmm?"
Serena Gibson: "I used to be a helmsman!"
John: "...Then what happened?"
Serena Gibson: "I got promoted."
John: "Ahh."
Metal Man: "The ship... hardly needs any pilot."
Leo Crayson: "Can I be part of the bridge crew?"
Digifanatic: "Eh, Metal?"
Metal Man: "You're free to... 'fly'... it... but it's so large turning it takes 15 minutes."
Serena Gibson: "Whaa... No fair!"
Digifanatic: "15 min--whoa..."
Serena Gibson: "Oh."
Garrick: " What's that?"
Leo Crayson: "...Damn."
Metal Man: "You will spend most of your time fighting straight towards your destination."
Serena Gibson: "Sounds like flying 'Third Stage' then."
Leo Crayson: "...Wha?"
Digifanatic: "Except this is probably a lot bigger..."
Metal Man: "Your vehicles will be brought along... any threats you encounter in space can be destroyed. As there is no law in space."
Serena Gibson: "Nope, Third Stage is about the same size."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. 'K."
Digifanatic: "I'll believe you."
Julian: "Good."
Leo Crayson: "Is Third Stage a ship?"
Metal Man: "Once you near a planet, however, you must follow their rules, assuming they are peaceful."
Serena Gibson: "But it doesn't have to do much. Just sit there and look pretty. Yeah, it's the flagship for the GSPB."
Leo Crayson: "Ahh."
Metal Man: "Should you get in trouble, immediately activate the distress call. That is, major, massive, deadly trouble."
Garrick: *glances to Julian.* "...ehhh..."
Metal Man: "The Kuja-based ship can quickly catch up to you and destroy whatever is the culprit."
Serena Gibson: "That's a load off."
Leo Crayson: "Yeah."
Digifanatic: "That's sweet..."
Metal Man: "Your main danger, until late in your mission, will not be space itself." *He pulls up an ancient map.* "Genetia. Every square inch of it is danger."
Leo Crayson: "...Oh joy."
Metal Man: "...The atmosphere has become so polluted breathing it will eventually kill you."
Serena Gibson: "Ew."
John: "...Lovely."
Julian: "So why don't we jus' blow it up from orbit or somethin'?"
Metal Man: "Ample supplies of air have been provided. If you ever run low, though, you are to beam back onto the ship."
Leo Crayson: "Craptastic..."
Digifanatic: *raises hand.*
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo glares at Julian.
Metal Man: "Genetia... has innocent people and a peaceful past on it. It also is where Gerald, Ivo, and Ivan came from."
Serena Gibson: "Until the MM2 showed up."
Metal Man: "...The MM2 have an unknown link to it. Something... happened to it long ago."
Digifanatic: *sets it down...*
Leo Crayson: "...MM2 seems to be screwing up everything nowadays."
Serena Gibson: "Yep."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Metal Man: "Long before any Magellean Military existed. When Ivan first came here. He was the last person to flee."
Dragoshi: "Huh."
Metal Man: "He said some major planetary disaster destroyed the ecosystem and took over the planet."
Garrick: "...well, we'll just have to be careful."
Leo Crayson: "Yeah."
Digifanatic: "At least it's not some MM2 defense."
Metal Man: "...This was further reinforced when Yurie told us of her masters who lived there... Tridus, for some reason, gloated of killing them all. Tridus is, in fact, the only person we can finger as being a part of it."
Digifanatic: "Figures..."
Metal Man: "The MM2 might as well be landing on Kuja-controlled Nintendus."
Serena Gibson: "Funzies... WWIII all over again, huh?"
Leo Crayson: "Heh."
Digifanatic: "Sounds like it."
Metal Man: "I'm... unsure. What happens is up to you. Of course, I'll still be able to brief you. But I'll be limited to what you see."
Leo Crayson: "Well, I'm sure we can stop it."
Julian appears to be completely not-interested and apathetic during this entire backstory/mission briefing.
Metal Man: "You should stock up on the items here before you go... you might not be able to buy them in quantity for long."
Serena Gibson: "As usual it's a Quester's job to kick ass, take names, and blow the hell outta anything that threatens peaceful life."
Digifanatic: "Ah... alright?"
Mewtwo: "...I see standards have slipped. I shall see to it they are followed." He floats over and into another side of the ship.
Serena Gibson: "Just outta curiosity... Will we be able to carry extra supplies?"
Metal Man: "You can carry as many supplies as money can buy on here."
Digifanatic: *buys 4 Ultra Shrooms and 4 Vials.*
Metal Man: "It may be your only source of items for a good while."
Serena Gibson gives a sigh of relief and whips out a bundle'o'cash.
Metal Man points to Julian. "You could make a killing selling them to other Questers."
Dr. Light: "If you have no more questions, we shall see to the launch of the ship."
Serena Gibson: "I'm gonna grab supplies."
Julian: "Yeah yeah yeah... Now if you'll 'scuse me, I got some business to take care of." *Checks where everyone is currently.*
Garrick: "Hmm... I need to work on something before I leave..."
Metal Man (GM): Aboard the bridge of the ship. The entrance/exit to it is just below, a staircase leading into the underground garage.
Julian'll heads that way then.
Dragoshi: "...I suppose..." *Buys an Ultra Shroom, 7 Vials, and 4 EMP Grenades, and then proceeds to follow.*
Leo Crayson: "Hmmmm..."
Metal Man (GM): Outside of the ship is Ivo Robotnik and Professor Oak preparing it for takeoff.
Aetos tries to count some things on his fingers.
Ivo Robotnik: "...This shall show my true mental genius! Soon my technology shall dominate outer space!"
Serena Gibson heads into her room and comes back with a hover dolly. Grenades, ultra shrooms, a couple phoenix downs, and her entire in room microbrewery and refrigerator of beer.
Professor Oak: "...All you did was grossly distort a cannon into an engine."
Ivo Robotnik: "And who has the PHD in the nonsense science around here?"
Professor Oak: "...Pokemon is a real science, I assure you."
Leo Crayson heads to his room and comes out with his whole room packed in a huge cardboard box.
Metal Man (GM): They continue bickering as the ship is tested.
Leo Crayson: "Oi, this is heavy..."
Julian picks up 10 grenades, 3 Phoenix Downs, and flips open his dex and types out a message to Retz on what direction he wants Sawyer Financial to take while he's away on another planet. Namely, get an actual location set up; get investors; and make an image. After that, Julian heads to his room to pack.
Garrick: *packs up his stuff. His own personal server and computer system is really the only thing he has, save for his master toolkit. All the rest of the appropriate supplies are aboard. He throws them into his army pack and hefts it onto his back.*
Serena Gibson now after getting her "Essentials" goes back to get her things and pack up. Roxy boards the ship with a small cart of stuff trailing her. Serena later comes back with all her guitars and other weapons and two massive rolling suitcases.
Fizban: *Meanwhile, is already aboard...*
Leo Crayson looks over his stuff to see if he has everything. "Hmmm, looks like that's everything, I just need help getting this to the ship."
Dragoshi: *Drag picks up all his stuff... Items, weapons, crap like that to pack up. That and some suitcases. ...Yea.*
Garrick: *moves up to Mewtwo.*
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo stands off to the side of the bridge.
Garrick: "You said you had a project for me."
Mewtwo: "Yes... it is... very important."
Leo Crayson: *dexes Digi.* "Hey, could you help me bring my stuff to the ship?"
Julian heads back to the garage, carrying two large suitcases and two duffel bags, one on each shoulder. Julian then does the smart thing, puts all the stuff in the back seat of his Escalade, gets in, then drives it over to the ship. He rolls down the window and yells. "HEY! Where do I put this thing?"
Metal Man (GM): He looks around and then takes out a bizarre cube made of glass that appears to have a million facets inside of it.
Garrick: *frowns, glancing it over.*
Ivo Robotnik: "Allow me." He presses a button and a large ramp opens... into the garage of the ship.
John grabs 5 more Ultra shrooms, 5 grenades, and 10 EMPs before gettin' on the ship.
Mewtwo: "This stone was found near where you beat up Tridus."
Julian: "That works." *Julian rolls his window back up and drives onto the ship.*
Leo Crayson: *dexes Serena.* "Hey, could you help me bring my stuff to the ship?"
Garrick: ""
Mewtwo: "It has an unknown property. I want you to find out what."
Garrick: *gently takes it from him, looking it over.*
Mewtwo: "Test it with anything. It cannot be destroyed for some reason. It seems to jam psychic waves and magic, when used near it, causes it to glow orange."
Serena Gibson: *dex.* "Asking a lady to do your heavy lifting? I've never been so insulted!...Just joshin', I'm comin'."
Garrick: "I'll do so."
Mewtwo: "It is rumored to have a very specific trigger."
Garrick: *slides it away.*
Serena Gibson heads out and helps Leo with his liftin'.
Leo Crayson: *dex.* "It's not like that... Oi..."
Serena Gibson giggles. .oO(...Easy pickin's.)
Garrick: "Well, I'd also like permission to use some of the parts around here to rebuild the Dauntless. You're going to need speed at times."
Leo Crayson grabs one side as Serena takes the other and they take it to the ships cargo hold.
Mewtwo: "The Dauntless is already in the vehicle bay."
Garrick: "Yeah, but last I saw, it was a wreck."
Serena Gibson: "Hell's Bells, you carryin' bricks in here?"
Mewtwo: "It will likely be used as a ferry between planets, however you will probably need to find parts. There is good news, though."
Dragoshi: *Heads back as well, wheeling a couple o' large suitcases. ...He then proceeds to enter the ship.*
Metal Man (GM): He shows an image of Genetia.
Leo Crayson: "No, it's my room."
Metal Man (GM): It shows hordes and hordes of machine parts... everywhere.
Garrick: "..." *whistle.* "..."
Mewtwo: "You will be surrounded by this. At all times."
Serena Gibson looks at her arms..."Oh, right... female... loss of overall muscle mass from my normal self."
Mewtwo: "There's enough to make twenty Dauntlesses in the 100-mile radius of our ship alone."
Leo Crayson: "You ok?"
Mewtwo: "Something... or someone... destroyed a large armada, an army, many cities, and even a floating city over this area."
Garrick: ""
Serena Gibson: "Yep, still fine but I forgot that girls don't have as much muscle as guys... or at least not 'normally.'"
Garrick: "Well, alright..."
Mewtwo: "Assuming there are live people on the planet? It should be a cinch to acquire better parts, too."
Leo Crayson: "It shouldn't be too much further."
Garrick: "Hey, I have no worries."
Serena Gibson: "Cool."
Metal Man (GM): Stuff is brought in. Other people's vehicles are loaded up. The ship is fully fueled. Metal Man inspects the ship one last time.
Leo Crayson: "Thanks again Serena, you need any help just dex me."
Serena Gibson: "No big."
Glyph: "Hold it, hold it, hold it. Nobody told me this thing was launching TODAY." *He runs into the bridge, tilting his head towards the control panel.*
Metal Man: "Well, it was top secret. I think Oak must have forgotten to tell you."
Professor Oak: *Far away.* "I heard that!"
Serena Gibson flips her hair, uncharacteristic of Scott... Guess it's that extra X chromosome again. "I gotta go find something out."
Glyph jams the varied controls, casually tweaking dials and pressing buttons in a manner more befitting a child playing with a toy than a hired technician.
Dragoshi: *Still wheeling the suitcases up the ramp... Talk about an uphill battle.* "...Wait a sec." *Starts CARRYING them, then zooms into el shippo.*
Metal Man (GM): The HUDs flip through various diagnostic modes, showing the status of the ship.
Glyph: "What have we here?"
Garrick: "...whoa!"
John: "...I could ask the same. Who're you?"
Garrick: *moves over and wrenches this newcomer away from the stuff.*
Leo Crayson: .oO(...Oh man... I know that Serena is Scott but... oh man.)
Glyph: "Hey!"
Metal Man: "...He's the technician I hired."
Serena Gibson goes to find Metal. She steps onto the bridge..."Hey, Metal? About that mission we had a record--Uh... new guy?"
Glyph: "I don't know what kinda ship you're running here, but if you're so set on running this thing yourself, smart guy, you might want to check those settings one more time!"
Garrick: "Hey, *I* didn't build this sucker."
Glyph: "Uh, also, I totally know what kind of ship you're running here. I meant... figure of speech."
Serena Gibson: "...Uhhhhh..."
Garrick: "...a new technician? Metal, you wound me!"
Leo Crayson steps on the bridge as well. "Hiya dudes, who's that?" *points at Glyph.*
Garrick: "We've got three doctors and *I'M* here... what do we need another guy for?"
Serena Gibson: "New tech it seems."
Leo Crayson: "Cool."
Serena Gibson: "Not really."
Metal Man: "He doesn't fight as much. More time for machines... besides, this ship is several football fields large."
Serena Gibson: "I'm all for increasing our numbers, but I'd rather not cross Garrick's path on that domain."
Glyph: "Garrick who?"
Metal Man: "We can't just have one man look over all of it. One who's busy with... that thing Mewtwo obsesses over."
Serena Gibson: "The big guy in the leather jacket arguing with Metal about you."
Metal Man: "I'd come, but, personally, this tech is mysterious to me. It was Ivo and Dr. Light who built it... Wolfman helped a little too."
Leo Crayson: "Is Wolfman gonna come?"
Garrick: "Garrick Fy'aar. Quester, techno wizard, and one of the better builders on this ship."
Metal Man: "...Most likely. I can't be sure."
Glyph chuckles at that line...
Garrick: "So I'll thank you to zip your lip, bud."
Metal Man: "He comes and goes. He makes me look settled."
Leo Crayson: "Heh."
Metal Man: "Apparently he can't sit in office chairs anymore. Myself? I'll just rest and drink lemonade while you save the galaxy. I have some reruns to watch."
Serena Gibson: "Well... as long as we're on the subject of introductions..."
Metal Man takes out a tape labeled 'Gibby-related bloopers.' "Those were the good days, Gob--I mean Gibby."
Serena Gibson extends a hand to Glyph. "Serena Gibson... Rock'n'roll extraordinaire and computer guru."
Glyph shakes Serena's hand.
Metal Man points to Glyph again. "Don't mind him, Glyph. He wants my job too."
Serena Gibson: .oO(I can't wait to scare the crap outta this guy when these cookies wear off.)
Metal Man: "Some day he may have it... ooooh boy would he be in for a surprise then."
Garrick: "Oh, shut up, Met..."
Metal Man takes out a fistful of papers and bills. "You should see the water bill related to Bonecrusher."
Glyph: "Glyph Phoenix. Ship technician and mechanic, though I pride myself in getting computers to run what used to take solid hardware to do."
Leo Crayson: "Hey, I'm Leo, I'm the comic relief and the group's punching bag..."
Metal Man: "He not only broke the faucet, but proceeded to flood half his room and turn it into a lake."
Serena Gibson: "Spiffy. You'll have to pardon my tomboyishness from time to time."
Metal Man: "Soon large plants began growing and broke the plumbing in Gibby's old room. The bill is in excess of 100,000 coins."
Serena Gibson: "Anyway..."
Leo Crayson: "..."
Julian: *And that's when Julian makes his grand entrance!* "Yo. Anyone who wanted that room wit' the big window, sucks to be you--Who's the new guy?"
Serena Gibson: "Metal, about that record deal that Side Quest was lined up with?"
Garrick: *grumbles, looking at Glyph before muttering and throwing himself into another seat on the bridge, doing a shake down of the main engines. He should at least be doing something.*
Metal Man: "...I'm afraid you'll have to make one while in space. There's no time left to dilly-dally here."
Serena Gibson: "No prob. At least Julian will be happy."
Metal Man: "Anything else you need to do down here before you go?"
Serena Gibson: "I'm packed."
Julian: "Anyone?"
Leo Crayson: "I'm ready to go as well."
Garrick: "He's the new 'ship's tech', Julian..."
Dragoshi: *And, Drag pops up.* "Well, yea. I guess."
Serena Gibson: .oO(I'm just glad I got enough clothes for both genders.)
Garrick: *grumbles from his seat, looking at the green rating.* "Engines showing all green, Met..."
Metal Man: "Ok." *Turning to Glyph.* "What do you see?"
Glyph: "It's not quite right."
Garrick: *narrows his eyes.*
Metal Man: "Hm."
Serena Gibson: .oO(This won't end well.)
Leo Crayson: "..."
Ivo Robotnik: *Walks in.*
Glyph: "Are you absolutely sure the diagnostic is supposed to be like that?"
Ivo Robotnik: "...Oh, right. I forgot. There's a loose connection in there I never fixed. Too late now. You'll have to do this, or else some... features... may not work as intended."
Leo Crayson: "...Oi."
Ivo Robotnik: *Kicks the panel, and the diagnostics turn to look correct again.*
Julian: "...Whatever." *Julian goes over to greet the guy.* "Yo. I'm Julian Sawyer. Mess wit' me an' you gonna regret it. Otherwise, things gonna turn out just fine. Capisce?" *extends hand to shake.*
Ivo Robotnik: "I wasn't aware we were launching so soon."
Glyph: "Uh... everything but Capisce." *He shakes Julian's hand.*
Julian: "Good enough." *shake.* "Yo! Mets! When we launchin'?"
Metal Man: "Just about now, if I'm correct." *He salutes.* "Make me, no, make yourselves proud."
Garrick: "Weapons show green, shields show green... all I need now are the launch codes."
Metal Man: "Uh. Right." *He hands them to Glyph and walks off of the ship, saluting again.* "Don't forget to send me a post card!" *The ship's platform out shuts as Ivo also leaves the ship.*
Garrick: *trembles horribly at Metal, standing up roughly and walking out.*
Leo Crayson: *to Serena.* "Can you believe it, it's like something out of Star Trek Voyager, a 5 year mission to save various planets, kick ass, and take names..."
Glyph: "Um... did I do something wrong?"
Aetos: "Nope."
John: "...Nah, you're fine. Just do what you do."
Glyph: "Well, whatever. Let's get this show on the road."
Julian: "Garrick's a diva. Ignore 'em." *Julian goes to take a seat.*
Glyph punches in the code.
John buckles up and whatnot.
Metal Man (GM): The ship beeps, and then you see it begin to shake. Normal, as it is beginning to power up.
Aetos snickers.
SIMBER: "All systems online. T-minus 15 seconds. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10."
Leo Crayson finds a seat and buckles himself in.
Glyph is too focused on running about watching the console to pay attention to securing himself.
Dragoshi: *Gets in a seat, buckles himself up, an whatnot.*
Metal Man (GM): The hangar opens up, as the ship begins hovering. It's disc-shaped, with a MASSIVE cylindrical engine on the back...
Serena Gibson grabs a seat too.
Metal Man (GM): ...That's the cannon Eggman made. It's an engine now.
Julian: "We like astronauts an' shit. This like every lil' boys' dream."
Metal Man (GM): It has a special plate to evenly distribute the thrust.
Leo Crayson: "Heh, and every nerd's wet dream."
SIMBER: "9. 8. 7. 6. 5."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Metal Man (GM): The ship begins flying upwards...
SIMBER: "...Inertial dampeners enabled."
John: "Buckle up, kiddos!"
Leo Crayson: "I'm good to go. "
Dragoshi: "Same."
Metal Man (GM): Gravity shifts towards the back of the ship. Anything not secured would find itself drifting towards there.
Julian: *Buckle'd up.*
Serena Gibson: "Oh! Almost forgot!"
Aetos starts drifting backward. Uh. Oops.
Glyph skates towards the back of the ship on his heels, still staring at a piece of machinery that attaches to the console remotely. He is not aware anything has happened.
Serena Gibson kicks on a portable boom box and starts playing, Steppenwolf "Born to be Wild".
SIMBER: "4. 3. 2. 1."
Metal Man (GM): The ship takes off at full speed... thus causing gravity to shift back as the ship flies into space.
Aetos hurls forward. ...Backward.
Leo Crayson: "WHaAaAaAaAaA!!!!!!!!!"
Serena Gibson: "Fire alla yer guns at once and... Explode into spa-ce! Born... to be... wi-i-i-ld!"
Metal Man (GM): The ship is now in outer space... and begin to realize how vast the system really is.
SIMBER: "We cannot engage Warp 3 until we leave the system. Prepare to wait a little bit as we leave it."
Glyph slid into a different room and is unaware how he got there.
Metal Man (GM): There's the first moon ahead... the Second one remains in the distance.
Serena Gibson: "Check it out... dark side of the moon."
Glyph: "So", Glyph says to an empty room, "When is this thing taking off?"
Leo Crayson: "Whoa."
Metal Man (GM): Glyph'd find himself in the left hallway of the ship. Behind him the hallway continues... to the left, outside a window, is outer space. There's two doors behind those in the bridge, and one left, and one right.
Dragoshi: *Left!*
Metal Man (GM): Glyph slid down the left door.
Julian unbuckles, gets up, and takes the right door.
Leo Crayson: *right.*
Serena Gibson gets up and decides to go explore right.
Metal Man (GM): Entering that area... there's a hallway along the outer edge of the ship. Either hallway left or right.
Garrick: *is off in his new lab, having slid most of the way with the gravity change, and is beginning to secure his things.*
Glyph: "That's... new."
Serena Gibson stands in slightly different attire from normal. Serena's opted to at least 'look' like a girl as long as these cookies hold out and has dressed in more form fitted attire like most young women these days between the ages of 18-20. Black fitted t-shirt, Scott's leather wristbands, fitted jeans, chuck taylor sneakers, and for some weird reason a small black leather belt across her upper left thigh... Guess Serena's taking advantage of this extra X chromosome.
Metal Man (GM): Down right, and behind the bridge, is two labs. One, the one on the left, has been declared Garrick's. The one on the right is assigned to Glyph. Behind that is a large cafeteria. It has almost any food conceivable, thanks to modern preservation technology.
Julian: *Next...*
Leo Crayson: *Next.*
Dragoshi: *Follow...*
Serena Gibson: "Wow, ritzy."
Leo Crayson: "Very."
Glyph has finally gained his bearings and is off towards his own workstation.
Metal Man (GM): Behind the whole cafeteria is everyone's rooms. Everyone gets an approximately 40 by 40 foot room entirely to themselves.
Julian's already claimed one, apparently.
Metal Man (GM): Computer, bed, personal fridge, etc. And yes, there are only about eight of them on the sides, which have nice big windows to outside.
Dragoshi: *Heads off to his room... To unpack.*
Julian: *It supposedly has the best view, so that'd be a corner one.*
Leo Crayson heads off to his room to unpack.
Aetos takes a Window room!
Metal Man (GM): Behind the rooms there is Mewtwo's office, which is absolutely gigantic, and behind that an entire arena.
Dragoshi: *...Yea. Corner one as well.*
Metal Man (GM): With stands and everything.
Leo Crayson takes a window room as well.
Metal Man (GM): And a (bad pun) moon roof. It can open to reveal a glass dome... showing space, in this case.
Serena Gibson moves her hover dolly and cases she made sure to strap down before launch to her room. She chooses one of the middle rooms.
Julian heads to his room to finish unpacking. He's already got most of his stuff set up, which would explain where he was.
Garrick: *sets up his own computer and personal server, setting up the holographic projector and booting up the system and Nova along with it.*
Dragoshi: *As Drag has entered his room, he unpacks his stuff... stuffish stuff. Yep.*
John isn't picky about what room he gets, as long as he's got plenty o' root beer in that personal fridge.
Serena Gibson then goes about unpacking, securing, and hooking up her microbrewery. Then she unpacks her other stuff. Now comes the good stuff. She goes down into the ship's hold where she secretly had arranged to store all of Side Quest's gear. Thank Hendrix at least she remembered.
Leo Crayson: "Ahh, all finished. It's like I haven't even left." *looks out the window.* "Except for that..."
Metal Man (GM): Further back is storage, rooms for extra people/visitors, and such. The furthest part back is restricted to everyone but Glyph, Mewtwo, and Garrick. It's a very dangerous area, where the engines and sort are. Only technicians or Mewtwo can go back there. Mainly because it's rumored to be full of wires everywhere. The garage is below the stadium arena. It protrudes from the belly of the ship, and when it lands, everything but the arena is elevated 1 story off the ground.
Serena Gibson finds one of the spare rooms that nobody will take and drags all of Side Quest's gear into it and secures it. She then takes it upon herself to build the spare room into a soundproofed... or at least well warned that it's gonna be loud recording studio.
Glyph pops open a side panel of his lab.
Serena Gibson: *Whew.* "Side Quest - Intergalactic Tour... I like the ring'a that."
Metal Man (GM): The Bridge has a number of functions, ranging from weaponry to communications. It is accessible to anyone and everyone. However SIMBER's hologram is always watching it. Anyone can 'drive' it, but that consists of ensuring it remains in a straight line. Speaking of that, the ship is nearing the Second Moon now.
Garrick: *jacks is his computer into the main link up with the ship's system so he can monitor things in case they go sour. He also starts to set up his own workstation, unpacking his special class multi-tool and setting the small item Mewtwo gave him on the table top.*
Metal Man (GM): It is... odd. Some sides are conductors. The other half of them aren't.
Glyph has an alarm clock, blankets, a book, and a couple portable video game systems behind the panel. It appears he not only plans to sleep in the side panel of his workstation, but that he already has been using it as such for some time.
Serena Gibson: "Well, now that that's done, time to mark it." Serena goes looking about the ship and finds some spray-paint, which she uses to emblazon the Side Quest logo on the door to the newly dubbed 'recording studio.'
Metal Man (GM): Every 5 minutes the sides switch being insulators and conductors. Some energy waves are amplified by it. Others are not. This seems to change every so often.
Aetos watches the moon as they drift by.
Garrick: ""
Metal Man (GM): It seems a bit... reddish.
Serena Gibson: *Finally Serena finishes.* "Yay! I did it!"
Garrick: "...Nova, you online?"
Serena Gibson: "This tour is gonna be awesome!"
Nova: "Affirmative. This area is somewhat strange to me, though. I am used to Earth."
Julian finishes setting up the most complicated part of his room: The Trophy Corner. He's got every little trinket and trophy he earned back on Earth during his run with D-Mob's Crew. And it's quite an assorted collection of crap. A framed subway ticket, an old leather-bound book, a small model of his Escalade...
Metal Man (GM): Aetos get the impression... something is wrong.
Garrick: "I suppose you'll have to get used to it. We're going to be out here for a while."
Leo Crayson, after unpacking heads back to the bridge.
Glyph takes out a second panel and a locked book marked "My Master Plan--Keep out." He unlocks and opens it, then checks off a box marked "Secure passage to Genetia" and closes it up again.
Aetos: "...SIMBER, is there anything happening on the moon, there?..."
Dragoshi: *And, Drag finishes up unpacking his stuff in his room.*
SIMBER: "..."
Aetos: "...SIMBER? What are you doing?"
SIMBER: "...I'm not doing anything. Something... bad... is happening."
Aetos looks at the ceiling, then back to the moon... maybe at that old Wily Base... which was his old base, which was Charles' tower... and then over to the cave. "...Like what?"
SIMBER: "...Hm."
Aetos: *Yells.* "The moon! What's happening to the moon??" *He squints his eyes... noting a small -thing- moving away from the redness.* .oO(There's something down there!) *He sees the sea of red surrounded Wily's base as well...* .oO(What IS that ... stuff??) *He looks in Gerald's Legacy for anything fitting the description of this large quantity of red.*
Metal Man (GM): Nothing... at all. Gerald doesn't even mention the Second Moon.
Aetos: "Damn... it's not Gerald's, then... I... don't remember any redness in anything I know about the Second Moon, either!" *He feels helpless.* "Talon, what is that stuff??"
Dex: "...Unknown. ...I do detect a high-pitched noise. It's not quite audible... merely existant."
Aetos: "Do you know what it might be?"
Dex: "Unknown... it ceased."
Aetos stands paralyzed, with the Lunarian's sacred home engulfed in red energy.
Metal Man (GM): The others would notice the red moon... just as they pass it up.
SIMBER: "Some sort of energy imbalance. I'm not... too worried."
Leo Crayson: *enters the bridge.* "...Hey, what's up?"
Alexia enters as well, arms crossed. She's looking a bit... off.
Dragoshi: *Enters.* "...?"
Garrick: *is busy making a list of tests for the cube.*
Julian's currently testing out his bed... very hard.
SIMBER: "...Nothing at all. We are on schedule."
Leo Crayson: "Cool."
Alexia: "It hasn't been this way for who knows how long and you're not worried?"
Leo Crayson: "Nope."
Dragoshi: "...Maybe."
Aetos still is in his room, at the window, paralyzed.
Alexia: "Sounds rather foolish."
Leo Crayson: "Well, when will we hit warp 3 and get to Genetia?"
Serena Gibson finally reaches the bridge. "Whoa, so what's with the blood moon?"
Leo Crayson: "What blood moon?"
Garrick: "...alright..." *he takes the cube and sets it in a small device.* "...Nova, set up testing procedures..."
Alexia suddenly facepalms at that voice.
Nova: "Affirmative."
Alexia: "Oh, hell no..."
Serena Gibson: "Hey, Lex!"
Leo Crayson looks out a window. "Oh... that."
Alexia: "Where's Darkdata? I need to break his neck."
Garrick: "...let's start... with an electric current. Moderate voltage."
Serena Gibson giggles. "Oh c'mon now. I'm gonna be stuck like this for around four days at least."
Dragoshi: "...Not unless I break it first." >_>
Alexia: "THAT LONG?!"
Leo Crayson: "Ha, I'm glad I didn't eat his cookies."
Serena Gibson: "Yep."
Dragoshi: "...Or toss him around like a ragdoll. Whichever works. Same. Worst I did was take his headache medicine."
Leo Crayson: "..."
Serena Gibson: "Just between us girls though it's gonna be great. Sleepovers, makeovers, the whole bit. "
Metal Man (GM): The cube lights up from the voltage.
Dragoshi: "It screws around with your hair a lot. Though, that's mostly it."
Nova: "Mild reaction... "
Serena Gibson smacks herself. "Sorry, still getting used to that."
Alexia: "...Out of curiosity, how many years in jail would I face right now for throwing someone out into deep space?"
Metal Man (GM): All of a sudden a strange orange portal opens up in the lab.
Leo Crayson: "None, if no one finds out."
Dragoshi: "...Prolly' a few. Dunno."
Garrick: *narrows his eyes, drawing the M-150 instantly.*
Serena Gibson: "Don't give her any ideas, Leo."
Leo Crayson: "...Sorry."
Garrick: *eyes it... moving forward...* "...Nova?"
Leo Crayson: "So, when did you get here Lex?"
Nova: "...I can't tell what it is."
SIMBER: "Dimensional breach in lab 1."
Alexia: "Later than usual."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER shows the way to Garrick's lab. A large orange mark is on the map there.
Garrick: " the electrical current still running?"
Leo Crayson: "Ahh."
Metal Man (GM): The other Questers see this. It's on the screens.
Nova: "I can't seem to turn it off."
Glyph enters the bridge.
Leo Crayson: "Did you take the tour, this place kicks ass."
Dragoshi: *Pulls out his machinegun, and ZOOMS towards the lab.*
Metal Man (GM): In the lab, Dragoshi sees... the orange portal.
Serena Gibson: "Whoa!"
Glyph: "Yeah, but... what's on that screen? That isn't... my lab, is it?"
SIMBER: "No. Garrick's lab."
Alexia: "We'll talk later, Leo. For now, let's check out that breach..."
Leo Crayson: "Ok."
Alexia dashes towards the lab.
Garrick: "...let's try a probe."
SIMBER: "It appears he... accidentally discovered something."
Serena Gibson whistles and Roxy bursts in with her guitar. She instantly bee-lines for the lab, guitar at the ready.
Leo Crayson follows Alexia to the lab.
Glyph: "That's good. The last lab I had I... well, I have a tendency to... uh, I'm just going to stay here and make sure I don't make everything worse."
Aetos shakes out of the trance and moves to the lab quickly.
Garrick: " hell. SIMBER..." *SEALS the door to the lab.
Metal Man (GM): The door... doesn't work.
Nova: "The portal appears to be jamming electronics in the vicinity."
Aetos seeps through the cracks-- even if the doors worked.
Nova: "...It will have to be closed from inside. It appears to lead somewhere... hospitable, but strange."
Alexia: "This can't be good in any sense of the word..."
Garrick: "...damn, I wanted to keep this secret."
Leo Crayson: "Yeah..."
Garrick: *turns to the others as the run up.* "It's fine, it's FINE. BACK OFF."
Aetos: "Moved back to being possessive, eh, Garrick?"
Alexia: "It's fine?"
Leo Crayson: "...You sure?"
Aetos walks into the orange portal. "We'll be back soon."
Alexia: "It's a damn dimension portal!"
Dragoshi: "...I don't believe you."
Garrick: *Treis to GRAB Aetos and yanks him back.*
Metal Man (GM): Aetos sticks his arm into the portal... it sucks him in.
Alexia: "Dimensional holes in time and space are never fine!"
Dragoshi: "Tep."
Garrick: "Just what the HELL do you think--"
Nova: "...I forgot to mention you can't escape it if you touch it."
Dragoshi: *Yep. Pretty much, yea."
Nova: "And that was my favorite probe, too."
SIMBER: "You should be more careful."
Leo Crayson: "...I'm glad I'm not Aetos right now..."
Julian: *Zzzzzzz...*
Nova: "You just fly the ship."
SIMBER: "I want to check out portals too."
Nova: "No."
Metal Man (GM): They begin smacking one another. Mewtwo wanders in.
Mewtwo: "...Ech... Questers, could you dispose of this portal for me? It's disturbing my sleep."
Serena Gibson: "Y'know I'm SO glad I exercise discretion when dealing with dimensional crap."
Dragoshi: "Hey, hey, HEY! Will you two mature!?"
Mewtwo: "I'm sure there's something inside you would like."
Leo Crayson: "Hiya Mr. Mewtwo."
Serena Gibson: "Sorry, I think this has 'setup' written all over it."
Alexia: "...How is a portal interrupting your sleep, anyways?"
Leo Crayson: "...Really?"
Dragoshi: "...Do we even have a choice?"
Alexia: "Apparently not."
Mewtwo: "It causes alarms in my room. And... your choice, but... my intuition tells me it isn't entirely bad."
Metal Man (GM): He yawns and floats off.
Leo Crayson: "Well, that's good. I'm gonna go back to the bridge."
Dragoshi: "...Ehhhh... Nothing ventured, nothing gained, yanno?"
Glyph opens up an intercom channel.
Leo Crayson: "Yeah."
Alexia: "Hrm..."
Glyph: "Hey, you guys found out... what... the thing is, yet?"
Leo Crayson starts to walk back to the bridge.
Alexia: "It couldn't hurt to explore it, I suppose."
Dragoshi: "...Nope. Not yet anyway."
Serena Gibson: "Who thinks Aetos should learn a lesson in 'not touching mysterious portals' by dealing with this on his own?"
Leo Crayson stops and goes back to the others. "So, you gonna explore the portal?"
Dragoshi: "...I guess..."
Serena Gibson: "I could use the workout but I'd rather not... he brought this on himself."
Julian: *Okay, naptime's over. Julian's up... sees a message on his Dex... and heads for Garrick's lab.* "What the fuck happened NOW?"
Serena Gibson: "Aetos got sucked into a mysterious portal again."
Julian: "Good for him. Who's up for lunch?"
Dragoshi: "...HOW did-Fuck it. I'll prolly' get a half-assed reason" *Rolls eyes.*
Glyph: *PA* "Oh, hey, I could go for some lunch."
Leo Crayson: "I'm up for food..."
Dragoshi: "..." *Facepalm. Agitated groan.*
Serena Gibson: "I'm a bit peckish."
Leo Crayson: "Come on, be a man... ..."
Metal Man (GM): For some reason shades of HQ are in the portal.
Serena Gibson: "That wasn't directed at me was that?"
Leo Crayson: "No... That was directed at... THAT WALL!!!"
Dragoshi: *Looks at the portal.* "Peculiar..."
Serena Gibson suddenly brightens and smiles, "Good. Hey!"
Alexia: "Okay, this merits research in my mind."
SIMBER: "..." *Finishes slapping people.* "You do know if you find anything in here, you get paid."
Alexia jumps into the portal.
Dragoshi: "...Leo. Are you high?"
SIMBER: "It... would qualify as a mission."
Serena Gibson leaps into the portal! "CASH AHOY!"
Dragoshi: "Same." *Follows.*
Leo Crayson jumps in the portal. "WOOOO!!!"
Julian: "...Whatthefuckever. I'm gettin' lunch when we get back." *heads in.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers appear in the portal. Including a very angry Garrick. They appear... in front of HQ. ...Only the sky is static.
Garrick: *has got Douglas by the scruff of the neck.*
Metal Man (GM): The ground... uncertain.
Aetos is Wind!
Serena Gibson: "Didn't we... uh... whoa..."
Julian: "You need some help, Garrick?"
Metal Man (GM): Energy floats off of all the nearby surfaces.
Leo Crayson: "...Garrick... How's it goin'?"
Metal Man (GM): There's... a very old HQ. It's one you've the Questers haven't seen in person before.
Metal Man (GM): Only in... old pictures.
Aetos would just be standing there with Garrick wrapping his hands through the wind energy.
Serena Gibson walks up to it.
Alexia: "..." *She heads over to the old HQ.*
Leo Crayson walks up to it as well.
Metal Man (GM): Off in the distance... there's the Empire State building.
Aetos: "Well, I saw the moon going whacko, for one, and thought I might get answers from here... and second... I'm a very adventurous person."
Julian: "...Kay, this is fucked up."
Leo Crayson: "...Are we on... Earth?"
Serena Gibson: "Whoa, whoa, whoa... Are we on Earth?"
Metal Man (GM): The old HQ building... the door to it opens.
Leo Crayson walks in slowly.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman is in there. As well as Professor Oak.
Serena Gibson: "I've researched it a bit. That building looks familiar."
Garrick: "GRAH, get away from me..."
Metal Man (GM): The bipedal Wolfman.
Serena Gibson heads in.
Dragoshi: "...This makes no sense whatsoever."
Garrick: *stomps to the stadium.*
Professor Oak: "Hello Wolfman. My research on the Fighter Remote has been... interesting."
Leo Crayson: "Is this like in the past?"
Alexia heads in, looking around.
Julian: "I'm thinkin' we ain't nowhere of the sort. Some kinda fucked up alternate dimension or somethin'."
Wolfman: "How, exactly? I want it completed soon. The fans are getting bored of just watching."
Dragoshi: *Conceals himself... By turning into a shadow, not really wanting to deal with any problems...*
Serena Gibson: "Fans? There a concert?"
Metal Man (GM): They... don't see the Questers. In plain sight.
Professor Oak: "But Wolfman, it is impossible! There is nothing that can store so much data... and then transfer it to the minds of others! I've worked on Technical Machines before, but pokemon are hard-wired for such. We have no clue if it'll even work after accomplishing the impossible!"
Alexia: "Fighter Remotes..."
Leo Crayson: "I don't think it's a concert..."
Aetos: "..."
Alexia: "Aren't those illegal in the Manifesto?"
Wolfman: *Frowns.* "That's not what I wanted to hear... please, Oak. You have to complete this. We can't go on with the same people being beaten. I've even heard Ganondorf wants his pay raised to compensate..."
Julian: "Fighter Remote? That shit that what caused all this mess?"
Serena Gibson: "Whoa."
Garrick: "...we're in the past."
Professor Oak: "Fine, but don't expect any miracles. I'm not like all the other scientists."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Peculiar."
Metal Man (GM): They walk away... Professor Oak is heading to his lab. Wolfman winks out of existence.
Alexia: "But why does the past look like a fuzzy TV screen outside?"
Serena Gibson: "So this is the past, eh?"
Julian: "...Don't think the sky was STATIC in the past."
Garrick: *hrms then follows.*
Metal Man (GM): He's walking away from the Questers.
Serena Gibson follows as well.
Leo Crayson: *follows.*
Dragoshi: "...Yea. That's an oddity."
Alexia follows Oak.
Garrick: "It's a memory..."
Dragoshi: *Follows.*
Alexia: "From who, then?"
Serena Gibson finally slings her SG after carrying it all this way ready to pounce.
Aetos follows too.
Garrick: "Looking at it... I'd say Oak."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers reach his lab. Old stuff everywhere. What he considers 'high tech' is but a joke today.
Garrick: "He wouldn't know where Wolfman went... that's why he disappeared."
Metal Man (GM): Pokeballs... and such.
Julian: "This is fucked up..." *Julian heads after.*
Alexia looks around.
Leo Crayson: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He digs around... desperate.
Professor Oak: "Oh, what I would do for some reasonable solution..."
Alexia: "So this is what it was like when the Questers formed."
Leo Crayson: "Wow."
Dragoshi: *Looks around as well.*
Metal Man (GM): He knocks over things, and takes out various machines. He hooks them up. They do nothing. He is desperate to find... anything.
Serena Gibson watches Oak.
Garrick: *moves over and tries to tap Oak on the shoulder...
Julian: "Probably not..."
Leo Crayson: *looks around.*
Dragoshi: *nothing.*
Alexia: "I have a really insane idea."
Leo Crayson: "What's that?"
Alexia: "Oak can't make a Fighter Remote here, right?"
Dragoshi: "...And, that is...?"
Alexia: "So what if someone leaves instructions here for him?"
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Julian: "Fighter Remote's where you get all the smashers, get their moves, then zap some sucka an' give 'em to him."
Serena Gibson: "Screwin' with timelines wouldn't be a good idea."
Leo Crayson: "But if this is that past, wouldn't that create a time paradox?"
Metal Man (GM): He goes on a bit... quite a bit, even.
Julian: "Jus' don't touch NOTHIN'."
Alexia: "It'll be screwing with the timeline if we DON'T, I think."
Metal Man (GM): He walks right through several of the Questers.
Dragoshi: "...Yea. And, don't paradoxes, yanno..."
Garrick: "...yep, I figured."
Metal Man (GM): Then... he suddenly is accosted by a portal of his own.
Julian: "'Parrently we can't do shit nohow, anyways."
Metal Man (GM): ...And out comes a ghost.
Alexia: "Because if the Remotes never caused thi--whoa!"
Leo Crayson: "...What the hell?"
Metal Man (GM): ...A ghost of Kuja.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): He also doesn't see the Questers.
Kuja: "You aren't so far away as you think, old man."
Alexia turns around to look at the portal.
Aetos gives up the wind form now, and states... "IF the remotes weren't made, though... I mean... weren't the remotes the cause of all the problems the world had, at first?"
Metal Man (GM): It's a different color... he merely warped here. He was around at the time.
Aetos: "...Oh."
Dragoshi: "This is peculiar..."
Professor Oak: "Wha? A gh-gh-ghost? I'll call sec---"
Leo Crayson: "Hmmm..."
Alexia: "Well, uh, yeah, but if the Remotes never existed..."
Kuja: "SHHH! You must never tell anyone of me. I have a little gift for you." *He tosses two weird chips to Professor Oak.*
Garrick: "Alexia, this isn't the past. Well, it is."
Alexia: "Then they never would have caused problems, which means there was no need for us to exist."
Professor Oak: "What... are these?"
Garrick: "Just not this kind of past."
Kuja: "The missing components. Use them and any fighter's moves can be copied, distributed, what ever you could ever want with that pestilence of so-called fans. Now... I must be going." *Disappears.*
Alexia narrows her eyes.
Serena Gibson: "Setup, this is a total setup!"
Alexia: "So that's the story of the remotes."
Dragoshi: "...Weeeeell... Damn."
Serena Gibson: "Damn."
Alexia sighs.
Aetos: "Maybe... but maybe it's just a different dimension?"
Serena Gibson: "Ain't this fun."
Professor Oak: "..." *Takes the components and begins integrating them into the hollow shell of his fighter remote.*
Alexia: "Yeah, we're screwed pretty much any way we go."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers suddenly notice Wolfman walking outside. Professor Oak vanishes from the lab.
Alexia glances over and sees Wolfman.
Dragoshi: *Follows Manwolf.*
Alexia: "Eh?" *She follows Wolfman.*
Serena Gibson follows the others.
Aetos tries to touch a random object on a counter, to see if he goes through it or not, then follows.
Metal Man (GM): He's walking... walking... to his office. He, and the others, don't seem to notice the strange skyline, nor that the building and everything in here is strangely off-hue.
Julian: *On auto-follow here.*
Metal Man (GM): As it is the Questers can walk through seemingly solid walls. and anything thet touch... their hand goes through. The Questers reach Wolfman's office. He sits in his chair.
Wolfman: "..."
Alexia: "My big question is why we're like ghosts here." *She waves an arm through the wall.* "It's bizarre."
Dragoshi: "...Yea." *Does the same.*
Julian: "Magic."
Aetos: "I think it isn't exactly that we went back in time... but rather... that we are just watching what happened... like a bad VHS tape that warped some things."
Alexia: "That would explain the sky not coming in clear."
Aetos: "Like when Scrooge went back and watched his Christmas of the past."
Alexia: "...Who?"
Leo Crayson: "..."
Julian: "...Who?"
Leo Crayson: "You know... Scrooge."
Glyph: "'Bah, Humbug.' That guy." *He appears beside the Questers holding a banana. On first glance, the thought of Glyph being connected to the Questers of the past boggles the mind. On the second, it becomes quite clear that he simply wandered into the orange portal after finishing lunch.*
Aetos: "Who doesn't know about A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens? Popular book."
Dragoshi: "...Fuh?" *Tilts his head to the side.* "Oh, yea. Ebenezer. Right?"
Leo Crayson: "That was a good book."
Alexia: "Nope, no idea what you're talking about."
Aetos: "Well... you wouldn't Alexia. It was published on Earth."
Dragoshi: "Yea. It was pretty good."
Metal Man (GM): After a few moments...
Alexia: "Ohhhhhh."
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf walks into the room.
Julian: "...Who the fuck's Charles Dickens?"
Aetos waits for Wolf.
Ganondorf: "I demand you give me all the money possible. I've taken three more losses... losses you said I would not have. I am the King of Thieves! I cannot take such disrespect."
Wolfman: "I'm afraid you can't. We just don't have the money. But we have a new project which can salvage your reputation a little bit... the fighter remote!"
Dragoshi: "An author."
Leo Crayson: "...Ganondorf?"
Aetos: "Well... You and I are from the same Earth, right Julian?... Charles Dickens was long dead by the time either of us were born."
Ganondorf: "What sort of nonsense are you speaking? The King of Evil does not play with toys... and I don't like wolves either!"
Julian: "Would explain why I don't know 'em, then."
Alexia: "...Why the hell is Ganondorf here?"
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Wolfman: "..." He holds a hand to his face. "Uploading your moves could allow you to also use the moves of others... perhaps even survive defeat should Link try to take you down permanently."
Julian: "Duh, he was a Smasher."
Ganondorf: "...!" *He grabs Wolfman by the throat.* "You will make it so, then... but I will NOT upload my moves. I will upload something very different... and if you disagree... more than you will die." *He throws Wolfman down and walks out, busting a door.*
Leo Crayson: "Hmmm."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Alexia: "...You."
Wolfman: "...I... can't... do that." *He gets up, shaking his head.*
Alexia: "...You're kidding, right?"
Dragoshi: "Nope."
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf is now walking away, as... Wolfman fades out.
Julian: "Didin't you read the history of this place?"
Leo Crayson: "Yeah."
Alexia: "But HIM? The guy we fought last mission?"
Aetos runs after Ganondork.
Metal Man (GM): The King of Evil walks through the hallways, angry.
Leo Crayson: "I guess my mind just blanked out for a second."
Dragoshi: "..." *Follows.*
Alexia continues following Ganondorf, shaking her head.
Leo Crayson: *second. *follows.*
Julian: *Auto-follows.*
Metal Man (GM): He soon blinks out as well. Something far stranger spooks the Questers, as Sardis Mongul suddenly appears. Except he's not a strange hue. He's just like the Questers.
Serena Gibson follows, intrigued.
Sardis Mongul: "This realm is not like your own. Time flows differently. You must finish your goal here to progress further in your own world."
Julian: "No fuckin' duh."
Dragoshi: "What the-?"
Alexia: "..."
Sardis Mongul: "If you get lost... it may be permanent."
Leo Crayson: "...Can he see us?"
Alexia: "...A goal?"
Aetos: "But what is our goal, Solarian?"
Serena Gibson: "Huh?"
Dragoshi: "Hey... You're that guy from the hologram. ...I think. And from that Portalman thing."
Sardis Mongul: "...It will become apparent."
Metal Man (GM): He vanishes. The Questers realize Ganondorf's right by the front door...
Dragoshi: "...I see."
Leo Crayson: "Hmmm..."
Metal Man (GM): The scene they just saw repeats itself. Oak and Wolf talking again.
Julian: "'Parrently our goal's to find out what all shady dealin's went down behind the formation of the Questers." *heads after GD* "'Course, that's only a guess."
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf himself vanishes with the scene restarting.
Dragoshi: *ZOOMS over to the front door, machinegun at the ready.*
Serena Gibson: "Wow, am I lost."
Alexia begins heading over, only to stop when Ganondorf vanishes.
Dragoshi: *Puts it away.* "...Huh."
Leo Crayson: *runs to the front door.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers then... see something odd.
Aetos makes sure to hear what Ganondorf tells Wolfman to do this time.
Dragoshi: "...And, so it restarts. Hmmm..."
Serena Gibson follows.
Leo Crayson: "Serena, over here."
Metal Man (GM): ...There's Kuja again. In the same scene with Oak.
Serena Gibson: "I'm right next to you."
Dragoshi: "...Zuh?"
Metal Man (GM): Except instead of vanishing, a strange gem appears and warps the realm around it. ...There are two Kujas now. One of them is the one in the past.
Alexia: "THAT isn't good."
Leo Crayson: >.> "WHA!! Damn, don't do that..."
Metal Man (GM): The other... is a dark silhouette with staticy eyes.
Alexia dashes into Oak's lab.
Dragoshi: "...Okay. What the hell?"
Serena Gibson: "Weird."
Metal Man (GM): He... talks to the Questers.
Leo Crayson: "..."
X-Kuja: "...The... Questers... how much I hate you."
Serena Gibson: "Figured you did."
Aetos: "Right back at ya."
Dragoshi: "...So?"
Alexia: "What're you up to now, Kuja?"
Leo Crayson: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He turns to face Alexia. The gem is visible through him, like he's a ghost.
X-Kuja: "...What do you think I am doing? I am the ruler of Nintendus. Get off of my planet."
Serena Gibson: "Thought this asshole was dead."
Leo Crayson: "Me too."
Dragoshi: "...No."
Julian: "...What part about 'This is the past' don't you idiots understand?"
Leo Crayson: "..."
Alexia: *thinking.* "Oh, man... he's gonna alter the past..."
Dragoshi: *Readies the Vendetta Machinegun.*
Alexia whips out her pistol.
Glyph takes out a bag of chips.
Serena Gibson flips her guitar at the ready.
Leo Crayson takes out his sword.
Alexia: "Loser gets the hell out of the past."
Serena Gibson: "...Uh, don't we both wanna get outta here eventually?"
X-Kuja: "Oh... the past... hm hm hm hm..."
Metal Man (GM): He suddenly laughs.
Aetos wonders if he can go up and touch that gem.
X-Kuja: "Yes... you are... foolishly looking for this, aren't you?"
Metal Man (GM): He dangles the gem a bit out of Aetos's reach.
Aetos: "Hrm."
Glyph: "Uh, actually, big K, I think I speak for all of us when we say we just wandered into the past."
Alexia tries to shoot the gem out of Kuja's hand.
Aetos: "Maybe we are. What is it?"
X-Kuja: "This is... the key to your mission, is it not? The X-zone... does not bring people like you into it for no reason."
Dragoshi: "...I see."
Leo Crayson: "Hmmm..."
X-Kuja: "..." He looks at the expressions on your faces closely.
Alexia: "So why do YOU have it?"
Serena Gibson: "I only followed because money was involved."
X-Kuja: "...You don't think this is the real X-zone, do you?"
Dragoshi: "What IS that gem, anyway...?"
Alexia gives Kuja a hard stare right in the eyes.
Dragoshi: *Tilts his head to the side.*
X-Kuja: "...Money? You aren't quite as heroic as I thought."
Dragoshi: "I'm highly apathetic to this whole situation."
Serena Gibson: "Meh, I get that."
X-Kuja: "...You've been in a lie for quite a long time... the X-zone you knew was not the real one."
Alexia: "...WHAT?!"
Leo Crayson: "..."
Dragoshi: "...'Sides, money isn't the main reaso-Huh. Seriously?"
Julian: "Whoopedeefuckin'doo."
Serena Gibson: "...How'd I see that plot twist comin'?"
Leo Crayson: "Heh."
X-Kuja: "You look rather bored, Julian."
Julian: "Hol' that thought."
Serena Gibson: "I just blew a mountain o' cash for supplies on this mission. I need to restock my fundage."
Aetos: "And... what ... Hrm." *Suddenly has a flashback of the Void taking him to the X-zone and telling him that as long as the Questers lived on, Kuja would always return.*
X-Kuja: "...Not the look of a man whose home city has, in reality, been trapped in the X-zone for an eternity."
Alexia: "Then what's the REAL X-zone?"
X-Kuja: *He points over the horizon.* "That's your family. They might be dead. They might not."
Leo Crayson: "Damn, he is a heartless bastard..."
Serena Gibson: "Yup."
Julian: "Gimme one good reason why I should trust anythin' you got to say. Lord knows you already lied plenty of times before."
X-Kuja: "Hmph." He tosses a photo frame of Julian from his family's house on the ground. It breaks.
Dragoshi: "...hmmm" *Checks to see if this guy is REALLY telling the truth... Doubts it, though.*
Metal Man (GM): He... is telling the truth.
Julian: "An' that's s'posed to prove..."
Dragoshi: .oO(...It checks out. I guess.) :/
Serena Gibson: "Who's the angry lookin' kid in the pic?"
Leo Crayson: "I think that's Julian..."
Aetos: "Naturally."
Serena Gibson: "...Oh wait, nevermind. Heh, heh... Sorry, J. Seriously, sorry."
Aetos: "So you're saying the world that got ... almost destroyed entirely by that giant Solarian weapon Metal activated... was taken to the X-zone? This X-zone?"
Alexia: "Okay, then. If this is the real X-zone, then what's the one we've been going to?"
Serena Gibson: .oO(A fake one?)
X-Kuja: "...Perhaps." He laughs. "Prove? Oh well. If you don't believe me, you'll find out the hard way anyway."
Dragoshi: "...Eh. Doesn't everyone find out about stuff the hard way either way?"
X-Kuja: "Why would I tell you?" He spins a flaming ball of energy on his right pointer finger. "I think... you are clearly not the Questers. I might as well torch you."
Metal Man (GM): He moves to fight...
Leo Crayson: "...Hmmm, this kinda sucks..."
Aetos: "Heh. If anything, THESE Questers can prove they are Questers through fighting, and beating YOU."
Leo Crayson: "Yeah!"
Dragoshi: *Charges up a small ball of flame as well.* "Hmph."
Aetos asks Julian if he wants to go down where Kuja was directing.
X-Kuja: "Whatever you say..." He begins laughing. "You don't know where you are, do you?"
Leo Crayson: *starts to charge up 2 bolts of lightning.*
X-Kuja: "Nice little powers... but only by my will do they function."
Leo Crayson: "...Shut up."
Julian: *Five across Aetos' face.*
Dragoshi: "..." *Okay, checks if X-Kuja is lying on THIS? Time.*
Metal Man (GM): He snaps his fingers and all the magic attacks suddenly die out.
Aetos: "That was uncalled for! Anyways, you guys, I didn't mean that fighting was a GOOD IDEA."
Leo Crayson: "...WHAT?!"
X-Kuja: "You have no powers in the X-zone!"
Dragoshi: *That wasn't magic! HA!*
X-Kuja: "It could be a lot worse, though."
Leo Crayson: "...I can't use my magic!"
X-Kuja: "You could be turned into monsters."
Metal Man (GM): He looks at the Questers... sideways.
Dragoshi: "Well, damn. There goes Ice Tornado and Indignation."
Serena Gibson: "Wha?"
X-Kuja: "So what if I'm lying? You can't hurt me... conventionally."
Aetos points his spear into the air, and tries to fire an arrow of chaos energy out of it.
Dragoshi: "...Oh. And, Tidal blast. Can't forget that." :/
Serena Gibson: "Technically my Thunderstruck and Heatseeker aren't magic but I can't use em."
Alexia: "You're not lying. I can tell."
Leo Crayson: "I'm not a red mage for just the magic. *Takes out his sword."
Metal Man (GM): The energy... does not come.
Aetos's eyes squint.
Leo Crayson: "..."
Serena Gibson: "Ok, so you're tellin' the truth... now what?"
Dragoshi: *Tries to breath out a wisp of flame.*
Metal Man (GM): He wags a finger at Scott rudely.
Aetos: "So anyways, Mr. Kuja. What do we need to do to get that gem from you?"
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi breathes a lighter's worth of flame out.
X-Kuja: "Now, now. Don't rush me."
Alexia coolly puts her non gun-wielding hand in her pocket.
Dragoshi: "Hmmm... My flame breath still works."
Aetos sighs and waits.
Leo Crayson: "...Yeah."
Alexia: "I'm listening."
Serena Gibson slings her guitar with a slight groan.
X-Kuja: "This gem is a powerful artifact... I don't even know if you want it, but it's important to whatever you are doing."
Glyph slips around back for, hopefully, the entrance from which he came.
Leo Crayson puts away his sword.
Metal Man (GM): No way to find the exit for Glyph, unfortunately.
Dragoshi: "...Well... Hmmm..." *Checks to see if X-Kuja's lying this time... 10 bucks says he fails this.*
Metal Man (GM): He's... telling the truth again.
Dragoshi: .oO(I guess it checks out again...) "Huh."
Aetos, while waiting, uses his eyes to see what this Kuja is... and maybe some other things around. *Eyes of Truth.*
X-Kuja: "You must fight me for it... and I guess I will fight you... under one condition: You fight without any magic."
Leo Crayson: "... So, should we do it?"
Julian: "Not a problem." *punches fist into palm to accentuate point.*
X-Kuja: "Now, I'm not... so powerful as my true self..." He looks at you angrily. "But the evil of this realm is far worse than I am."
Serena Gibson: "Doesn't look like we've got much choice." *She unslings her guitar again.*
X-Kuja: "So just remember... next time you won't have me... because I will be dead." He laughs.
Dragoshi: "Hmmm... Well, I guess..." *Tries to see if he can summon an albatross, but bets it prolly' won't work.*
Metal Man (GM): Aetos/Douglas sees right through X-Kuja. Besides the gem. He appears to be the gem projected onto a past image of Kuja.
Aetos: "Huh."
Alexia: "Huh what?"
Metal Man (GM): The Albatross does not work.
Dragoshi: "...Thought so."
Aetos: "Oh... it's just that he doesn't really appear to be there.
Metal Man (GM): Only mundane attacks work here. Swords, fists, kicks, whatever.
Julian: *Let's call this setting Julian's Rules.*
Metal Man (GM): Everything nonmagical works. With the exception of this... thing. Which appears capable of enabling magic.
X-Kuja: "If you beat me... this gem will allow you to use magic here. Can't say it'll fix any other things, though."
Julian: "Lucky us."
Leo Crayson: "Heh."
Dragoshi: "Mhm..."
Aetos, coincidentally, has nothing but supernatural abilities to use... of course, he wouldn't being a perfectly normal person before Aetos took over.
X-Kuja: "Give me your best shot... and you might find out something interesting." He laughs.
Leo Crayson: "..."
Serena Gibson: "I still say this has 'setup' written all over it. So far I've been right."
X-Kuja: "Setup? You'd have been set loose without a guide, then. And probably dead. Or worse."
Julian goes to work on X-Kuja, laying into him with a test-Haymaker...
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *No adverse side effects here! Julian then pummels Kuja some more!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit.
Julian then saves some energy for now.
Dragoshi: *Drag quickly replaces his machinegun for his scythe with the powar of Quickdraw, then swipes at X-Kuja twice, then attempts to drag him in for a Strangle!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss hit hit.
Dragoshi: *Drag fumbles on the first, accidentally hitting his leg in the process. But, to finish his turn... flip kick time!*
Metal Man (GM): CRIT hit.
Aetos swiftly moves over to Kuja-who-couldn't-be and grabs the gem.
Metal Man (GM): Aetos goes to grab it... it zaps him.
Aetos: .oO(New plan needed...)
X-Kuja: "Not so fast. You have to show me you deserve to possess me."
Leo Crayson starts going to town on Kuja with a 8 hit cutter attack.
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
X-Kuja: "Hm... you'll need to remember those for later." He chuckles. "Now... to show you what one can do once they know this realm."
Aetos: "SHOE?"
Leo Crayson: "..."
Glyph is what he hopes to be a safe distance away.
Leo Crayson: "Shoe?"
Alexia: "..."
Leo Crayson: "What shoe?"
Dragoshi: "...Exploding, or the word?"
Aetos: "The word."
X-Kuja: "You really believe that works here? Try this."
Aetos: "I have no idea, Shadow-Time-Kuja."
Metal Man (GM): He snaps his fingers and suddenly everyone has the feeling they're being ripped apart.
Dragoshi: *Hopefully, that helps him RESIST that feeling.*
Julian: *Damn you.*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi resists it. Douglas, Serena, Leo, and Alexia take damage. It doesn't feel as bad as it could be, though. Julian also takes tons of damage.
Julian, however, is FUCKED.
Serena Gibson: "Ahh! Dammit! That fuckin' hurt!"
X-Kuja: "Sad... I could have killed you all with that, or worse."
Leo Crayson: "OWWWW, SON OF A BITCH!!!"
X-Kuja: "That is the X-zone manipulation magic."
Alexia: "Kyaaaaa!"
X-Kuja: "It was also how I was made."
Dragoshi: "...Hmph" *Resisted it.*
Alexia manages to shake off most of the feeling, though.
X-Kuja: "Anything that can't resist it can be either destroyed or remade into... anything."
Aetos: "I miss the X-zone ... the one I could yell the word SHOE at people, and turn things into exploding watermelons..."
X-Kuja: "For example." He rips apart a street lamp the same way, remaking it into a cube of steel.
Dragoshi: *Cricks his neck.* "...Heh."
Leo Crayson: "...Sounds like a blasty blast."
Serena Gibson: "Hope you're ready for whatever hell comes after this 'cause this bitch has a 'Meanstreak' a mile wide." Serena suddenly clears what little distance stands between her and Kuja and unleashes a hellacious triple strike combo followed up with a devastating 'Ballbreaker' swing and tops it all off with a stunning strike to leave him 'Snowballed.'
X-Kuja: "You can travel into The Void any time... it is here that you cannot use that."
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit hit hit hit. He's hit hard by it. He nods at Serena.
X-Kuja: "Remember that... it may save your life."
Serena Gibson smirks, "Damn, right..."
X-Kuja: "Of course... you may need to destroy what you're going to create eventually."
Serena Gibson: "Tis the nature of men to create monsters... and it's the nature of monsters to destroy their creators."
Aetos looks for anything else around that might be changed.
Metal Man (GM): There are several nearby.
Julian: "An' it's the nature of you to get yo' ass kicked by us." *Julian pauses for a few seconds... then SHOOTS towards Kuja and tries to catch him in a grapple!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Julian grabs him... by the gem. *SIZZLE* *Damage.*
Julian: *Fuck, ow. SURGE! PUNCH FIRE!*
X-Kuja: "You might want to avoid attacks like that... it's hard to grab anything in here. I'm sure Zylcon told you."
Metal Man (GM): All hit, plus a crit.
Dragoshi: "...Nah. He just told us something about the end being near for us."
Julian: *MUST SURGE.* >:O
Dragoshi: "...Then we killed him with hugs, love and peace, and Barney." :/
X-Kuja: "...It could be, if you fail here. There's no escape from this realm if you get lost."
Aetos: "Couldn't we just... transform a mailbox into an inter-realm portal generator?"
Alexia: "...That makes as much sense as a cold fusion reactor made from ice."
Dragoshi: "But, seriously, though." *Drag rears back then assaults X-Kuja with a flip kick, follows up with a strangle, then another flip kick, and a swipe!*
Aetos: "...I was serious!"
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
Aetos raises a hand at a light post and wills it to crumble and change into the vacuum Luigi uses to suck in ethereal beings in Luigi's Mansion.
Metal Man (GM): The lamp post explodes instead.
X-Kuja: "...I didn't expect you to do anything, but without the right magic, you can only... do that. On a good day. On a bad day, YOU explode. I'm sure someone lost it in this realm."
Leo Crayson: "...Was he always this annoying?"
Aetos: "Hrm... so I can't set something on fire and throw it at you?"
Glyph: "Well, hey, maybe we can explode something nearer to him," Glyph shouts from quite a distance away.
X-Kuja: *He chuckles.* "I can't tell. I'm only using his form like a puppet." *He turns to Douglas.* "Not without... training."
Aetos: "Ah. Maybe I'll train then, over time. Carry on."
Dragoshi: "...Hmmm... That gives me the idea to try to turn something into a chainsawblade, but as you said, one can only make things explode that ISN'T themselves. And that's on good days. So, I'm not gonna bother." >_>
Leo Crayson assaults Kuja once again with another 8 hit cutter attack.
Metal Man (GM): All hit except one. ...Still, the X-Kuja seems beaten up. He didn't appear interested in a massive fight.
X-Kuja: "A final thing."
Dragoshi: "Yeeees?"
X-Kuja: "Do not, EVER, bring an artifact of power from your world into this one."
Leo Crayson: "Wha? Why?"
X-Kuja: "It will become a person, a monster, or worse, the person who last possessed it revived from the dead."
Serena Gibson: "Good advice."
Dragoshi: "Got it."
Leo Crayson: "...COOL!"
Dragoshi: "...NOT cool, Leo."
Serena Gibson baps Leo lightly.
Leo Crayson: "I mean... got it."
Dragoshi: "Sheesh."
Julian: *SMACK.*
Glyph: From far away, "Hey, didn't everyone bring all their stuff into this realm? Does anyone have a monster with them where their item of power should be? Check."
X-Kuja: "Not to mention those artifacts, in this realm... well. You could damage history!"
Leo Crayson: "God..."
Aetos: "Uh..."
Leo Crayson: "I don't think duct tape is gonna create a time paradox..."
X-Kuja: "It's one thing to do this..." He glances at Wolfman in the doorway and gives him an afro. "And another to do this." He reveals the crystal and how it became him.
Aetos: "A hammer called Frozen Hatred wouldn't be an artifact, would it?... And what about one of the keyblades that the nobody Xalron was planning to use?"
X-Kuja: "..." He looks at you. "...Don't bring them again. You're lucky I'm here. Well. Not for long." He begins flickering. An orange portal out appears. "...I must add, you can only access one part with one portal. Now... go. Before my magic fails." He vanishes, leaving the crystal.
Glyph runs into the portal extremely quickly.
Serena Gibson: "Later then."
Metal Man (GM): The reality can be felt unwelcomely tugging at the Questers.
Aetos: "Hrm... weaponless in this realm... perhaps that means I would be given more chance to practice these... True X-zone abilities."
Serena Gibson jumps into the portal.
Metal Man (GM): The crystal beckons to be taken.
Dragoshi: *Takes the crystal, and enters el portal.*
Alexia picks up the crystal and enters the portal.
Leo Crayson jumps in the portal.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers take it. However, neither of the ones who grabbed it can actually own it. :p
Aetos: "Uh..." *Whisked in.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP en masse.*
Aetos: "This is bad... and good..."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers appear in Garrick's room. Both of them hold the crystal... until Mewtwo takes it.
Mewtwo: "...That's a part of Aran's staff."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Alexia: "It is?"
Dragoshi: "Is that so...?"
Mewtwo: "...You'll need to find the others. We can't let anyone else have these. Kales... remember?"
Aetos: "A knew... true X-zone, where I can continue my dream to manipulate reality within that realm... and then bad is that I can't do any attacks in that realm... I'm plain mortal there."
Serena Gibson: "Whoa, creepish."
Aetos: "Yes. Aran... Hrm."
Metal Man (GM): The portal flickers off.
Leo Crayson: "Hmmm..."
Nova: "...The crystal can be re-energized to go to the same portal if you should desire in the future."
Mewtwo: "In any terms, we're already half-way to Genetia. Get your slogging boots on."
Glyph: "Well, all in all, the X-Zone illusory version of the past is a very fine place to have lunch."
Aetos: "Can we communicate between eachother if some Questers went back in there, by chance?"
Serena Gibson: "I'd better go get set for Genetia then."
Mewtwo: "No... the portal is one-way."
Glyph: "If Genetia's atmosphere is really all that it's cracked up to be... then..."
Serena Gibson saunters off... WTF?! Serena's even got the "Walk" down too?!
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Aetos: "Hrm. So we can't immediately come back if something goes wrong here."
Julian walks off, presumably back to his room. X-Zone mo' like DRECK-ZONE OH SNAP.
Metal Man (GM): The broken picture frame is on the floor of Julian's room.
Dragoshi: *Walks off to his room.*
Leo Crayson goes back to his room.
Alexia heads back to her room as well.
Leo Crayson: "...Wow, one mission and I screw things up... maybe I should kill myself... nah."
Glyph: "...I suppose even the lowest concentrations of Ruin Miasma..." Glyph mumbles to no one in particular.
Aetos: "...Hm?"
Aetos still stands there, pondering how he can perform those abilities in the X-zone now.
Serena Gibson gets to her room and flops down on her bed. "Jeeze, there's advantages to begin a chick but damn... Doesn't help that after we kicked that evil thing's ass we drank until sunrise... though I was down and out because I didn't watch how much how fast. Thank Hendrix I didn't have a hangover."
Leo Crayson: .oO(EVERYBODY SUCKS!!!! But Metal's ok, he hasn't treated me like a dumbass...)

