Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 379: Robotnik's Machine Quarry
Date: February 5th & 6th, 2007.
Scott Gibson listens to a song that was, earlier today, dug from the dusty vaults of Q95's extensive collection by the legendary Jimmy "Maddog" Maddis... Paper Lace's "The Night Chicago Died."
Metal Man (GM): The group is on the Q.S. Seeker, having decided their mission.
Scott Gibson: "Damn, it's good to be back to normal... four days stuck as a chick is cool, but slightly annoying sometimes."
Alexia walks in, having changed her usual red shirt for a blue one for some reason.
Dragoshi: "Hiya."
Glyph is polishing something of indefinite origin, only somewhat aware of his surroundings.
Alexia: "Hi, guys."
Scott Gibson stands there back to normal and enjoying it.
Digifanatic: "Heh..."
Scott Gibson: "Yo--Blue?"
Julian is in bed, sick. Fuck off. >:O
Metal Man (GM): The warp is open to an area labeled 'Possible Part-filled area.'
Digifanatic: "I still am not interested in that candy."
Leo Crayson: "I'm gonna stay behind this time, if you need help just dex me." *goes back to his room to find something he lost.*
Scott Gibson: "
Alexia: "Yeah. I heard that it's really bad luck to wear a red shirt."
Scott Gibson: "Can't say it's for everybody."
Digifanatic: "Oh..."
Garrick (GM): Everyone's Dexes beep.
Digifanatic: *opens it up.*
Scott Gibson flips open his dex.
Digifanatic: "Hello?"
Dragoshi: "...Bad luck? Fuh?" *Pulls out and opens up his dex.*
Leo Crayson: "Damn it, where did that disc get to."
Alexia opens her Dex. "Don't ask me..."
Digifanatic: .oO(Hmm... bad luck. I bet she'll get possessed by Zelkaria again...)
Dragoshi: "Damned if I know."
Digifanatic: .oO(As if those kinds of spirits are concerned with what shirt she wears.)
Garrick: "...dah, good. I was able to get this thing working again. Right, guys, I'm just shooting this out there, but if you guys need any gear or upgrades or shit, just come to the lab. I should have enough tools to be able to apply things. I can do Magitek, if you like it. It'll just cost a nominal fee..."
Digifanatic: "Oh, cool."
Dragoshi: "Magnifico."
Scott Gibson: "Awesome. I'll have to take you up on that. Later though."
Alexia: "Cool. I'll check it out later." *She shuts her Dex and looks up.*
Fizban: *meanders in.* "...oh? Are we leaving again?"
Digifanatic: "Hey."
Dragoshi: .oO(Wonder if he can remove the limitations on the Vendetta Machinegun, though...)
Garrick: "Where are you guys going, anyway?"
Alexia: "Now then, what're we doing to--hi, Fiz."
Dragoshi: "To search for parts."
Scott Gibson: "Find parts."
Garrick: "..."
Digifanatic: "Well, we know why but not where."
Scott Gibson: "...Here he comes..."
Dragoshi: "I'm doing it mainly so I can find out what the weaknesses of Erzez's disintegrator." >_>
Garrick: *click.* *slamslsamslamslamslamslamSLAMSLAMSLAM* *SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID* "...pant pant... why didn't you TELL me this??"
Scott Gibson: "...I just did."
Alexia: "...I didn't know you could even run that fast."
Garrick: "I meant earlier!"
Scott Gibson: "I just found out."
Alexia looks at the new skid marks on the floor.
Scott Gibson: "You're gonna wear your boots out doin' that."
Dragoshi: "...I ain't cleaning that up."
Garrick: "Oh, shut up, the lot of you."
Digifanatic: "I've seen worse."
Scott Gibson: "Heh."
Fizban: *chuckles.*
Digifanatic: "Don't worry, Gar."
Scott Gibson: "Pack your gear and let's rock."
Garrick: "I'm already set. Let's roll."
Scott Gibson: "Sweet."
Digifanatic: "Might as well..."
Glyph: "Oh, one thing I ought to mention, if you find anything interesting but not... 'part-like'..."
Scott Gibson has his guitars slung, Roxy at his side, and his mask thingy on already.
Alexia: "Bring it back, right?"
Glyph: "Exactly."
Garrick: *pulls on his own mask.*
Fizban: *does as well.*
Digifanatic: *masks up.*
Alexia: "What if it's crawling?"
Dragoshi: *Put on the mask.*
Alexia puts on her mask.
Glyph: "Then put it in a jar!"
Dragoshi: "...Contain it. Sha-heesh."
Metal Man (GM): The warp is open.
Glyph: "Oh, and Garrick, one very very last thing..."
Garrick: *glances back.* "Eh?"
Fizban: *meanders on in.*
Glyph: "If you don't mind, I'll look into the atmosphere if you're going to be out excavating. Mind if I use your files?"
Scott Gibson shrugs and heads into the warp with Roxy.
Garrick: "I've already got the data from their last stuff in Nova. Just don't TOUCH anything in my lab and ask Nova for it. He'll transfer the files to your comp."
Dragoshi: *Well, seeing as he has the breathing mask on and his stuff ready, he enters the warp.*
Alexia enters le warp.
Glyph: "Right. Well, I'll be off, I have... things to make sure don't explode. The Seeker, specifically."
Garrick: "Yeah, good luck with that." *walks into the warp.*
Aetos runs in at the last second!
Metal Man (GM): The Questers warp in. They appear before a massive... lab. ...Could this be what they think it is?
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Scott Gibson: "...Whoa, frankenstein-ish."
Metal Man (GM): A bunch of Rs are everywhere. Red Rs.
Scott Gibson: "R?"
Dragoshi: "...Rs?"
Metal Man (GM): The front doors are locked shut. It's damaged, but not destroyed. The Questers will have to somehow bust down the doors to get in.
Alexia: "..."
Metal Man (GM): By the front of the lab, dead E-102s sit about.
Alexia: "Weird."
Garrick: "...yep, this is Robotnik's work."
Metal Man (GM): Mass produced. They fought to defend this place.
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Metal Man (GM): They appear to have partially succeeded. All around is destruction. This lab stands here surrounded by other dead machines.
Dragoshi: "..." *Pulls out his scythe and attempts to carve the door open.*
Metal Man (GM): A line in the ground where the invaders nearly broke in can be seen.
Scott Gibson: "So... Since Julian's out you need me to try and break that down?" He jerks a thumb to the door.
Dragoshi: *Is already trying to break it down.*
Scott Gibson: "...Oh, whoops, delayed reaction."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi hits the door repeatedly. It doesn't budge. It doesn't slice.
Scott Gibson tries to help Dragoshi bust the door down El Kabong style.
Metal Man (GM): It's extremely thick.
Dragoshi: *...Against a laser scythe?*
Metal Man (GM): This is Robotnik we're talking about.
Dragoshi: *Looks for the HINGES on it.*
Scott Gibson: "Damn, this guy makes some tough doors."
Metal Man (GM): The two doors made of an unknown blue material are slammed shut. They're sliding-type doors. It may require more than slashes to knock these open.
Dragoshi: "...Damn. No hinges. Maybe..." *Door, meet mech. Mech, meet door.*
Scott Gibson looks around for any kind of control panel, computer, or any sort of way to open the doors.
Garrick: *hrms and glances around for some electronics. Wires. He also looks over the broke down E-102s to see if they're still useable in part form.*
Alexia hangs back a bit here. She probably wouldn't be able to get a lot done.
Metal Man (GM): There's a classic number panel to the side. It's offline.
Scott Gibson: "...Hm. So much for that."
Metal Man (GM): The E-102s are badly degraded. Their parts have been corroded. With extensive repairs they or their guns could be used. They aren't anything special, though.
Garrick: *mutters a comm to Nova to have them warped back to the cargo bay.*
Nova: (Comms) "We do not have the energy to warp everything you find. Are you sure these are worthy specimens to warp back? There is enough energy for 3 warps. Including the one back with all the Questers. You may grab as much as you can carry."
Garrick: "...pfft, fine."
Scott Gibson: "Damn, this ain't gonna work..."
Alexia: "Save your warps, Garrick."
Metal Man (GM): The numpad is still visible. It clearly would have wires behind it.
Alexia: "Those things look like junk."
Garrick: *grabs their guns and stuffs them into his leather satchel.*
Scott Gibson fiddles with the number pad and tries to see if there's a way to power it.
Metal Man (GM): Scott sees no power source, he could power it if he wanted, but that'd require some repair. Scott goes to do that and gets the wires out, but fails to find the right voltage. Nothin'. But Garrick sees it.
Garrick: " Let me take a gander..."
Metal Man (GM): Maybe he can fix it. Or pocket the numberpad for himself. Or both.
Scott Gibson: "Hm? Sure give it a shot."
Dragoshi: "..." *Stands by and watches.*
Scott Gibson: "I suck with hardware."
Garrick: *tries to repair it...*
Metal Man (GM): Garrick and Scott both have bad luck today... perhaps this is why nobody broke in. Something about this numberpad makes them want to smash it.
Dragoshi: "...Mind if I take a crack at it?"
Garrick: "Grah, give me another shot..."
Dragoshi: "'Kay."
Garrick: *decides to use his wonderful, great, MULTI-TOOL! and some of the parts from a nearby E-102 to act as the coins and Basic TechnoWizard it.*
Metal Man (GM): Magitek? Garrick makes a power source, barely. Anyway, the panel works... but no one knows the password.
Garrick: "There. Now, to hack it..."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Alexia: "Would the old dirt trick work again?"
Garrick: "On a thing this old? Nah..." *goes to hack it...*
Metal Man (GM): Ivo Robotnik was a genius! His powers of hacking outdo Garrick's. Therefore he cannot seem to hack it. Perhaps the other kind of hacking is required.
Alexia: "Can I try something?"
Scott Gibson: "Hacking... Now that's my department."
Garrick: "...alright, we do this the Quester way."
Alexia just SHOOTS the dang thing.
Scott Gibson: "..."
Garrick: "...aye."
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* Sparks fly from it, and the door opens a gap of 5 inches.
Alexia: "Ta-da."
Scott Gibson: "...If I was still--..." *grumble.* "..."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Scott Gibson tries to force it open wider by pushing on it.
Metal Man (GM): Scott opens it slightly. Enough to squeeze through.
Dragoshi: *Squeezes through.*
Metal Man (GM): Here is a dusty lab...
Scott Gibson: "Ngh! Hah!...Nice."
Alexia squeezes through into the lab.
Metal Man (GM): Prototype robots everywhere in this room. There are paths to the right and forward.
Aetos: "Creative."
Scott Gibson pulls Roxy through and looks around.
Metal Man (GM): There's several computers, and light switches too. Various debugging machines are attached to the robots.
Scott Gibson steps over to the computers.
Metal Man (GM): The computers are currently off.
Garrick: *hrms and looks around, eyes open for anything useful.*
Dragoshi: *Looks at the prototype robots.*
Scott Gibson: "Let's have a look see." *Scott tries to power the computers on.*
Metal Man (GM): They flicker on. Then the lights do.
Alexia: "Uh, that might not be such a good idea..."
Metal Man (GM): The door closes.
Computer: "EggmanOS V.2.11 online."
Scott Gibson: "...Hm... Have to fix that."
Computer: "Base is 100% secure. All systems operational."
Garrick: "...Good evening, EggmanOS. How are you today?"
Scott Gibson: "Now we're in my element."
Computer: "Continuing previous actions."
Scott Gibson: "Previous actions?"
Metal Man (GM): It doesn't respond. There's a keyboard, though... it's command line. Old school green. But it's obviously concealing something advanced. As the robots the Questers see are sent through various debug routines.
Garrick: "Keep an eye on the robots..."
Aetos: "Roger."
Scott Gibson: "What 'Previous actions'?" Scott types away trying to find out what those were.
Garrick: *moves over to the keyboard console and looks it over, watching Scott for the moment.*
Metal Man (GM):The keyboard console says... 'Debug Robots', 'Maintain base against intruders', and 'Classified Information.'
Alexia starts writing in the dust on the table, writing "XYZZY" in the dust.
Dragoshi: *Just continues looking at the prototype robots, curious.*
Scott Gibson chews on his lip a bit then continues into the system looking deeper and deeper for this 'classified info.'
Garrick: *lets his eyes go wide, groaning.*
Computer: "Mwoo-hoo-hoo. Access De-NIED!"
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Alexia: "...What in the world did you do?"
Scott Gibson grumbles.
Garrick: "Here, let me see."
Scott Gibson: "I just tried to figure this out. Have at it." *He steps aside.*
Garrick: *starts at the root of it, starting at the Debug Robots, asking the computer what was the error that required the debugging.*
Alexia: "Let's just move on for now."
Garrick: *hacks away.*
Alexia: "We can always come back."
Metal Man (GM): It requires no hacking, just /status -l. It shows the robots to be prototype super robots capable of moving at speeds no other robot or human can match. Only Sonic. The debugging is to make sure they work before they are released.
Scott Gibson: "I take it you found something?"
Garrick: *asks for the length of time until debugging is complete.*
Computer: "7.36 hours and counting."
Garrick: "Hmm."
Alexia: "Find anything?"
Scott Gibson: "So... What's the dealy-o?"
Garrick: "...well, apparently these robots around us are new prototypes. Speed demons."
Scott Gibson: "So it'd be a good idea to trash em' and not look back, right?"
Garrick: "As fast as Sonic, apparently. They're being debugged... no, wait."
Scott Gibson: "Listening..."
Alexia: "...Can you reprogram them?"
Scott Gibson: "Yeah, I can."
Dragoshi: "...Yeesh. That fast, huh?"
Scott Gibson: "Reprogramming them'd be a cinch."
Garrick: "Eh... wait a second, Scott... this is Robotnik level program, that's beyond me. At least, for now."
Scott Gibson: "...With the right kind of luck I could do it but I take it you have a better idea?"
Garrick: "Hmm..." *asks the computer the base function of the robots.*
Computer: "Robot primary order 1: Destroy Sonic. Robot primary order 2: Defend lab."
Garrick: "...that's interesting."
Scott Gibson: "Seems to me like if they go online we won't stand a ghost of a chance hittin' em'."
Garrick: "Nova, where was the last known location of Sonic the Hedgehog?"
Scott Gibson: .oO(Hedgehog? What the hell would they want with a hedgehog... and why the hell would they need to be super fast?)
Alexia: "...Their target is a hedgehog?"
Scott Gibson: "I was thinkin' the exact same thing."
Garrick: "You guys remember that black hedgehog? Shadow?"
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Alexia: "The rat?"
Garrick: "He led the IIF?"
Scott Gibson: "Next thing you're gonna tell me is that he's blue."
Alexia: "Yeah."
Dragoshi: "..."
Garrick: "Yeah, think a good version of him. And yes, Scott. He's blue."
Scott Gibson: "..." O_o;
Nova: (comms) "Unknown."
Dragoshi: "...That was an insanely lucky guess. Right there."
Scott Gibson: "...uhh."
Alexia: "...Okay, you're kidding, right?"
Garrick: "...huh. ...Nova, do periodic sweeps for trans-sonic movement on in the surrounding area. If it's going Mach 3, I wanna know about it."
Nova: (Comms) "Affirmative, but the area is virtually devoid of movement."
Garrick: "Don't care. Just do it."
Scott Gibson: "So you're sayin' that a 'Hedgehog' like Shadow that's super fast, and blue, is gonna take on these things?"
Dragoshi: "...Apparently so."
Garrick: "He's plenty tough. Now..."
Alexia: "...Are you insane?"
Garrick: *sees if he can disable the defensive protocols for the other areas of the base. Or, at least, some of them.*
Scott Gibson: "He'd have to be to be a blue hedgehog with a Jesse Owens track record."
Garrick: *THAT requires hacking.*
Metal Man (GM): Indeed. Hack attempt: Go!
Glyph about this time has finished a good portion of his work today and should be attempting to contact Nova for those files.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick hacks it up. ...But the defense protocols are on the outside of the base. Not the inside. It doesn't know the Questers technically broke in.
Alexia shivers a bit and looks around.
Metal Man (GM): So, turning it off might not be necessary.
Garrick: "...huh. Odd."
Dragoshi: "...?"
Alexia: "This place has a creepy atmosphere..."
Dragoshi: "...Eh."
Garrick: *leaves it alone, then.* "Let's get moving..."
Dragoshi: "Yes. Let's."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers go...
Alexia: *Right!*
Dragoshi: *Right...*
Metal Man (GM): To the right they see even more advanced lab work. Here are various prototype energy sources... chaos-based. They glow dangerously. They're kept on glass containers.
Alexia: "Whoa."
Garrick: *looks them over to see if any of them are stable...*
Metal Man (GM): Rod-shaped, they range from blue to gold. None of them are stable, the blue ones maybe but they're too weak to power anything. There's a computer in here too.
Alexia: "
Garrick: ""
Alexia: "Nothing here."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Alexia heads back, then goes forward.
Dragoshi: *follows.*
Garrick: *moves on as well.*
Metal Man (GM): To the forward area is the most advanced robot research yet. A single Emerl-style bot with hundreds of wires attached to it. It is pitch black and inside a containment machine.
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Peculiar."
Aetos: "Aye..."
Metal Man (GM): There's a path to the right here, to yet another room. There's a computer in here too.
Dragoshi: "...Something in the back of my head is mentally screaming 'Do not touch' about this thing."
Alexia: "I agree."
Dragoshi: "But, eh." *Heads off to the right.*
Alexia heads right.
Scott Gibson: "Wait for me!" *Heads right.*
Metal Man (GM): To the right, there is a room with a staircase upwards. There's also a switch on the wall... but it has a big padlock on it.
Aetos: "Gibby proof?"
Scott Gibson: "Switch + Padlock = Danger?"
Dragoshi: "...That also screams 'Do not touch.'" *Goes up the staircase.*
Alexia heads up.
Scott Gibson follows.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers go up the staircase and discover... a nearly empty attic. Hm.
Scott Gibson: "Hey, we could rent this space out nicely."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Scott Gibson: "If only we could fix the air problem."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Aetos uses his eyes of truth, just in case.
Dragoshi: *Searches for anything of interest in this here attic.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers find... nothing.
Dragoshi: *Checks how nearly empty said attic is.*
Metal Man (GM): Almost bare. Dusty, maybe the occasional piece of rubbish, nothing else.
Alexia: "...This is suspicious. There wouldn't be a empty room in this place without a reason."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Scott Gibson: "Good point."
Metal Man (GM): Nothing hidden up here.
Garrick: *hrms...*
Dragoshi: *Goes back down.*
Alexia: "Split up. Everyone search. ...Or not."
Scott Gibson: "I'm out."
Alexia heads back down.
Scott Gibson heads back down.
Metal Man (GM): Back down the lever is there, still locked.
Garrick: *heads back down as well. Where haven't--hmm?*
Dragoshi: *Searches for anything... Hidden in this room.*
Garrick: *looks at this lever and checks if it is locked.*
Metal Man (GM): Nothing hidden down there either. Though that lever looks suspicious.
Dragoshi: "...Didn't find anything hidden in here, but that lever looks suspicious, though."
Scott Gibson: "It's padlocked, a'course it looks suspicious."
Metal Man (GM): Padlocked.
Dragoshi: "...That is not what I meant."
Scott Gibson: "Sorry man, just jokin' around."
Dragoshi: *Shakes head in annoyance then walks back to the room containing the Emerl-like robot.*
Scott Gibson: .oO(I said I was sorry.)
Garrick: *shrugs and makes to break the padlock.* *draws the Burning Chill and just stabs it straight in the lock.*
Metal Man (GM): The lock falls off.
Alexia starts whistling tunelessly to try and shake the weird atmosphere of this place.
Metal Man (GM): The lever is now usable.
Garrick: "Shall I?"
Scott Gibson: "Might as well. Not like anything else is happenin'."
Dragoshi: *Walks back in, but looks at the room containing the Emerl-like robot, cautious.*
Garrick: *gives it a pull.*
Dragoshi: *Pulls out his machinegun, and readies a charge, still waiting, carefully... Or something like that. Yea.*
Alexia takes out her gun as Garrick pulls the lever.
Scott Gibson sits on Roxy and tunes his guitar.
Metal Man (GM): The staircase sinks into the ground... revealing a basement!
Dragoshi: *...TO THE BASEMENT!*
Scott Gibson: "Damn f-sharp...--Huh?"
Alexia: "Cool."
Garrick: *moves onward, then.*
Alexia heads down.
Scott Gibson plays the LoZ effect Glyph mentioned for effect on his guitar. He then heads down.
Alexia: "Catchy little tune there."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Metal Man (GM): Moving down, the Questers realize this lab had more to it than the top. In fact, the top was likely to be a ruse entirely.
Scott Gibson: "I thought so too. More or less just making sure I'm still in tune."
Dragoshi: "Huh. 'Kay."
Metal Man (GM): Down here there are a massive number of machines building... something extremely big, as the stairs keep on going down, and down... until they hit a sort of massive chamber that is easily is over 100 feet tall.
Dragoshi: "...Good god."
Scott Gibson: "Yee-freakin'-crazies..."
Metal Man (GM): It's very tall and only somewhat wide. Machines work on the device non-stop. There's enough scrap pieces laying around to build another ship.
Garrick: "...whoa..."
Glyph has finished his work and is now watching through the dexes.
Alexia: "Wow..."
Dragoshi: "..." *Tilts his head to the side.*
Alexia: "What's being built down here?"
Scott Gibson: "It's freakin' big that's for damn sure."
Metal Man (GM): The stairs lead down to a very wide platform, upon which hordes of robots build the device. There's enough parts here to build whatever anyone could want--assuming they know what they want.
Garrick: *glances around, curious to see if he could figure it out... he looks from machine to machine, looking at materials--or he can just look on this platform... he tries to determine what the device in question is.*
Scott Gibson: "Ho-ly Schnikes... It's scrap-heaven."
Dragoshi: *Checks if there's enough for him to build a chainsawblade.*
Metal Man (GM): The device is tall, has a rounded tip at the top, and hordes of modified E-102 bots are building it. There is enough raw material to make a chainsawblade laying around.
Scott Gibson: "Sweet mother of all things held sacred..."
Dragoshi: "Hmm... There's enough scrap for my weapon idea to come to fruition, but... Eh." >_>
Metal Man (GM): There's a bank of computers at the bottom of it. They appear to be managing it.
Scott Gibson: "I dunno about you guys but I've got some other parts I need to scrounge."
Garrick: *would be in machine making heaven, but he wants to see just what the hell this thing is... he presses the button on side of his head, moving to the computers...* "Nova, take a look at this... what do you make of it?"
Alexia follows.
Scott Gibson looks through the mounds of parts taking bits and pieces as he sees fit. He's concocting something in that bizarrely deranged little mind of his.
Nova: (Comms) "It is clearly one of Ivo Robotnik's master machines. Perhaps you should search for the source of these parts, rather than simply steal the limited supply of them around it."
Alexia: "...Scott, why do you have that look on your face?"
Garrick: *hrms and glances around. The robots must be getting parts from somewhere and throwing more useless ones away... he watches the robots.*
Scott Gibson shakes his head a bit, "What look?"
Dragoshi: *Takes some parts as well, putting them in his little cloak of horrors... But, seriously. Time to look for the source.*
Alexia: "I dunno, but it was kind of creepy."
Scott Gibson: "I'm just... uh... gatherin' parts I need."
Alexia: "For what?"
Scott Gibson: "Somethin'."
Dragoshi: "...Stuffish stuff, right?"
Metal Man (GM): The robots appear to take them from piles which surge out of the ground.
Alexia: "And that something is..."
Garrick: "Hrm..." *looks for a hatch or ladder.*
Scott Gibson: "Exactly what would a whacked out musician like m'self be concoctin'?"
Metal Man (GM): There's several on the machine itself.
Alexia: "I dunno. You answer that."
Metal Man (GM): But no way to see where the parts are coming out of... perhaps the computers know.
Dragoshi: "...Supercharged amps?" *Shrugs.*
Scott Gibson looks for some scrap rosewood and mahogany... preferably with a tight grain.
Metal Man (GM): No wood out here. Only steel, iron, titanium, electrodes, capacitors, diodes, and such.
Garrick: *moves to the computers and starts typing...*
Dragoshi: "All I know is is that I'm just taking stuff for my little something..." *Like a strong metal chain. ...Huh.*
Alexia: "So what are YOU building, Dragoshi?"
Dragoshi: "...A chainsawblade." >.>
Scott Gibson picks up and inspects several diodes and such. "Chainsawblade?"
Glyph: (Via Dex) "You guys see any items required for working on warp devices?"
Garrick: *tries to bring up a root menu.*
Scott Gibson: "Sounds like--Uh, none as of yet, G."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. A chainsawblade. ...And, no Glyph. What would one look like?"
Scott Gibson: "Sounds like a nasty weapon."
Garrick: "The core to a warp field is a delicate thing... I doubt they would have one."
Glyph: (Via Dex) "Blast. I've been looking forward to increasing our transportation capabilities for some time now."
Metal Man (GM): The computer shows the progress on it... it becomes obvious what sits before the Questers.
Scott Gibson: "If we find anythin we'll let ya know."
Computer: "Construction on Master Egg MK3 is 78% complete."
Garrick: "...dear god..."
Dragoshi: "Yea. It is rather nasty. Hel-...MK3?"
Computer: "Parts factories are at 100% power."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers look up... this thing could possibly crush even Kuja ships. It's studded with the latest in technology.
Dragoshi: "...Yeesh. We have MK2... but holy shat. ...Just. ...damn."
Metal Man (GM): Fields beyond X-zone ones, but rather nanofields... no one even knows what those are.
Scott Gibson pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket, what could be read from it says scrawled across the top. 'EVL-1300.'
Metal Man (GM): It has antimatter cannons and an engine capable of lifting a small city.
Scott Gibson: "Wait, wha?"
Garrick: "...this is not good."
Metal Man (GM): A rather large warp core is present on it, although fractionary. It's being built right in front of everyone.
Garrick: "..." *click.* "...Mewtwo."
Mewtwo: (Comms) "Yes?"
Garrick: "We have a situation."
Scott Gibson finishes his part mongering and goes to find Garrick. He's lagged behind long enough."
Garrick: "...they're building the Master Egg MK3 down here... I'm sending photos."
Dragoshi: *Finishes his own part-mongeringness.* "Seriously, though. We should look for that source of parts..."
Garrick: *does so.*
Mewtwo: (Comms) "...But Ivo is on our side, as far as I know."
Glyph: (Via Dex) "Isn't Mewtwo clairvoyant, though? I'd be more worried not about him not knowing but why he sent you down here without saying anything."
Garrick: "Then WHY is this thing under construction? All the reports we saw were out to hunt down Sonic. Or, more accurately, defend the base FROM Sonic." *is typing rapidly, trying to see if he can find a shutdown to the construction procedure.*
Glyph: (Via Dex) *finally taking the hint.* "Uh, maybe this is a bad time. I'll, I'll message back later when you don't have an apocalyptic superweapon to defuse or anything." *He closes the link.*
Mewtwo: (Comms) "Good question... continue investigating. You might have to pull out if the base finds you hostile, though. It is your choice whether or not to disarm it now."
Metal Man (GM): The device is slowly coming together before the group's eyes. Ah... It wasn't intended to be shut down. Garrick attempts to hack it down. ...He triggers something.
Computer: "Attempt to lock down all movement detected. Eggman defense protocol level 2."
Metal Man (GM): The staircase raises all the way out of the area, leaving the group down here. A metallic bunker thing closes the hole up to the top level. The robots glance at the Questers, and then float, surrounding the Master Egg MK3... defensive mode only.
Dragoshi: "...Meh. Well, they're only defending it..."
Metal Man (GM): A hologram appears... not exactly the one the Questers want to see.
Dragoshi: "So, let's not bother o-..." *the-
Scott Gibson: "Uh-oh..."
Ivo Robotnik: "I see you have discovered my ultimate project! But it is for everyone's good, you see. So, please, please do not attempt to destroy it."
Dragoshi: "...I see."
Scott Gibson: "Scared the hell outta us."
Ivo Robotnik: "Genetia has been overrun by Smithy's demons. This is my ultimate project to destroy those demons. ...Do you want parts?"
Dragoshi: "...Yes."
Scott Gibson: "That's why we're here."
Ivo Robotnik: "Oh. Too bad your ship couldn't reach me. However my secret comms technology works for this base. Well... I have a simple request, if you want parts."
Garrick: "That being?"
Dragoshi: "...Lay it on us, Ivo."
Ivo Robotnik: "My base is not quite secure. All the guards outside are dead."
Dragoshi: "Yeaaa... I noticed. What DID that to them, anyway?"
Ivo Robotnik: "And the connection to the mines have been... broken up by invaders. Those parts are so basic because they are merely recycled junk. The Smithy machines. You've seen them. They are very powerful!"
Garrick: *realizes where this is going... and...* "...Ivo..."
Ivo Robotnik: "Yes?"
Scott Gibson: "So--"
Garrick: " Sonic on Genetia right now?"
Ivo Robotnik: "Hm? No. He can't be. He'd be dead. The Masters were killed. He is the only living Master. I just don't know where he went. He hid from me, obviously. My machines were poised to defeat him, and he vanished before I switched to your side."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Ivo Robotnik: "He might be somewhere in the orbital space around Genetia."
Garrick: "Then why create robots designed to defeat him?"
Ivo Robotnik: "Oh? Those and the other upper lab areas are ancient. I haven't been back in a long time. The MK3 has been years in production."
Garrick: "...Ohhhh... I get it..."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Makes a nice ruse, though." :/
Garrick: "Alright... so you want us to defend the base, eh? Until the MK3 is done?"
Ivo Robotnik: "You don't need to defend my base. Open up the mines and the base will generate... hordes of machines."
Dragoshi: "...Sure thing."
Ivo Robotnik: "Thanks to you, I can even upgrade my specifications! Now. Do this well and you will be rewarded."
Metal Man (GM): A door opens up in the wall... it leads into a dark area.
Ivo Robotnik: "There are machines in my mines. Destroy them. They are the former Smithy robots."
Garrick: "...Machine Mades?"
Scott Gibson: "Sounds like fun to me."
Dragoshi: "...Gotcha." *Still has machinegun at his side, though no longer has a charge up. He remedies this by charging up again.*
Ivo Robotnik: "That's the ticket. Smithy took over this planet... when he went to Nintendus, it was to conquer the entire universe. You crippled his plans, though."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Scott Gibson flips his guitar in his hand and steps toward the dark area.
Garrick: "Right. Well, let's get moving then." *hitches up his belt and moves into the darkness.*
Aetos sighs and goes along.
Dragoshi: *Enters, keeping his charge up and machinegun at his side.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk on in, and see the mines. Not only are they deep, but rather dank. Up ahead, a rickety old bridge suspends over a deep gap, leading to the mines where Eggman himself gets parts.
Dragoshi: *Has his machinegun drawn.*
Aetos: "So. We're gonna go take out some bots!"
Garrick: *is looking about slowly, hrming softly.*
Scott Gibson: "I'm game."
Garrick: "...this doesn't make a lot of sense."
Dragoshi: "...How so?" *Looks around, charge up, just in case some uninvited pest drops in...*
Scott Gibson: "How so? You got a feelin' or something?"
Garrick: "Smithy-era bots are long outdated compared to our current strength and tech..."
Metal Man (GM): The bridge looks crossable. While rickety, it looks usable.
Garrick: "More than a feeling."
Dragoshi: "...What if they adapted? Or somehow upgraded themselves over time?" :/
Scott Gibson: "Good album..."
Garrick: *moves across the bridge, still having not drawn his weapons.*
Dragoshi: "...But, seriously." *Moves across the bridge after Garrick finishes doing so.*
Garrick: "No... I think this is something else."
Scott Gibson follows slowly with Roxy hovering just behind him as not to put much strain on the bridge. "Whatever happens, I'm ready."
Garrick: "Well, I can't make a lot of suggestions until I get more info."
Scott Gibson still has his SG out and in hand.
Metal Man (GM): The bridge creaks as the group enters the main mine area.
Scott Gibson: "Right."
Metal Man (GM): Unfortunately, there's a big iron door in the way, of Smithy manufacture.
Garrick: "...pfft. If you would, Scott."
Scott Gibson: "Y'got it." *He steps toward the door and gives it a look over. He taps on the door for any weak spots or hollow areas. Satisfied he rears back and SLLLLAMS the door.*
Metal Man (GM): The door is easily broken.
Scott Gibson: "Cake."
Metal Man (GM): Behind it are the mines... infested by machines of Smithy's design.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): These machines are far stronger than their Nintendus counterparts.
Garrick: "...they have had time to upgrade... this is going to be interesting."
Scott Gibson: "Wouldn't be any fun if they were easy."
Metal Man (GM): They... work away, digging up metal and bits and pieces. They look literally like jackhammers, pickaxes, and such. One tall one who is supervising looks like a screwdriver. He sees the grouo and walks up to them.
Dragoshi: *Machinegun, ready, charge up. ...Yep. He's ready enough.* "...So I was right. Huh."
???: "This is a Smithy area. Or, at least, an Armon area. You are not allowed to interfere."
Scott Gibson: "Sorry, special business."
Dragoshi: "Yea. Sorry."
???: "There is no word for sorry in machine code."
Scott Gibson: "Hate to break it to ya' then but you're about to be scrap. Ain't no room here for obsolete crap like you guys."
Garrick: "...we cannot allow you to continue what you are doing."
???: "That would be interesting... Armon recently said you would fight the MM2."
Scott Gibson: "Next gig, man."
Dragoshi: "Huh. Maybe we can come to an agreement or something."
???: "It would be against his interests to lose this mine, a vital resource to rebuild Armon's empire. I cannot defy his orders either." He is a machine, after all.
Scott Gibson: "Uh-huh... As if we give a damn."
Garrick: "Scott..."
Scott Gibson: "Huh? My bad."
Garrick: *raised a hand to him, silently telling him to back off for the moment.* "...listen, friend. We understand your plight."
Scott Gibson shrugs and backs off slightly.
???: "The mine does have room for more workers... but the Robotnik machines do not wish to share. Most of them have repeatedly try to steal our resources."
Scott Gibson: .oO(See how you react when your people get enslaved by robots.)
Dragoshi: "...Maybe we can get them to TRY and share."
???: "It would require instructions by the robot-controller, Ivo Robotnik, foe of the machine empire. The problem is what parts they use could be used against us."
Scott Gibson just shuts his mouth and rolls his eyes. He then stands back and lets the others talk.
???: "For him, the righteous power of machines over all is nothing. It is as if he feels he should then rule the machines who rule the people."
Garrick: *silently looks at this person, his eyes looking from side to side.*
Metal Man (GM): It's a giant screwdriver with legs and eyes and arms. Smithy's got strange robot designs.
Garrick: .oO(...yep, no choice. This thing isn't going to listen to reason, and that gun guy was going to find out sooner or later who we really are...)
???: "The Smithy robots on this planet, by comparison to those lost in the expeditionary attack, are tenfold stronger. We have ruled this are for many years."
Garrick: "Listen, friend. We're going to take down the MM2. You have our word. But, for right now, you need to stop your actions in this mine. I'm not saying period, I'm saying just for right now."
???: "This requires a treaty. We will need to be reimbursed for the lost time and material."
Scott Gibson: "..."
Dragoshi: "...Huh. Sounds simple enough."
???: "The costs will not be too high. There are many such mines hidden on the planet."
Garrick: "...what are your terms?"
???: "How much time do you propose borrowing this mine? A thousand coins for every day is reasonable."
Garrick: "...not sure... lemme check something." *walks backwards a few steps, sending a message for a comm with Ivo.*
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "What is it?"
Garrick: *quietly.* "The robots have agreed to back off and let you use the mine for a while. How long do you need it?"
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "...Carry the one... and that makes approximately 5 years before I can complete the Master Egg MK3. Not very long at all. Of course, you could accelerate the process."
Garrick: *quietly.* "Damn it, Ivo, I've got my own projects to work on..."
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "My project contains an enhanced warp device, antimatter lasers, nanomachine force fields, and many other things I can share with you once it is completed. If you worked with me it could be completed in as little as 3 months from now."
Garrick: *he sighs...* "...fine." *moves back to the robots, reaching into his pack and pulling out a bag, throwing it to the robot foreman's feet.* "Five months. 5,000 coins."
Dragoshi: "...He said per day."
Garrick: "So, let's see... that's..."
Dragoshi: "So, in actuality... Add... 85k more."
Garrick: "...I don't HAVE that much..."
Dragoshi: "...We can all chip in, yanno."
Garrick: "Then do so."
Scott Gibson: "Wait, wha? 15k?"
Aetos: "...No, Scott. 90k."
Garrick: "They need 90k in coins."
Dragoshi: "...90k is three months though."
Scott Gibson: "Hell's Bells..."
Dragoshi: "So, unless you meant three instead of five... Blah." @_@
???: "You can always pay more later."
Dragoshi: "...Seriously, though. Is it three or five?"
Garrick: "Three. Fine. Here." *hands over the rest of his coins. 80k in all. He's now flat broke. Again.* "Someone give him 10k more..."
Scott Gibson: "I gotcha."
Dragoshi: "...Okay. Let me chip in some of my coins..." *Chips in 10k.* "Now... That's enough. Right?"
???: "You may now use this mine."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out a whistle and blows it, and the robots pack up and leave the mine.
Garrick: "...come on." *turns and heads back to Ivo's base...*
Scott Gibson: "Right."
Dragoshi: "...'K."
Scott Gibson follows.
Dragoshi: *Follow.*
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "...Uh... I didn't expect you to be that good. Perhaps I should let you in on a little secret."
Dragoshi: "Oh. Sure. Do tell."
Garrick: *grumbles...*
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "I have a weapons manufacturing device in the basement. You may request upgrades or new weapons and buy them whenever you want."
Garrick: *stops... then lets out a long sigh and keeps walking.*
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "I shall make sure to keep you briefed as to new missions, as well... it'll take some work to get my ship working in only 3 months!"
Scott Gibson: "Appreciate the offer but I've got special plans."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk back into the basement, full of parts, as robots go off to mine the parts.
Dragoshi: "...Okay, then. I appreciate the offer as well, but I've got some plans as well."
Garrick: *walks in, moving over to the console to bring back up the hologram of Ivo.*
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Since you technically bought the mine for some time you can also... have all the parts you need."
Metal Man (GM): The hologram re-appears there.
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Is there anything you need? I can mine it. Much easier than digging for it by hand."
Garrick: "...they might need something. Just fill them in. Scott." *turns to Scott.*
Scott Gibson: "Rosewood and fine grained Mahogany's all I need."
Garrick: "Make sure that my lab is locked up and keep Glyph out of it, would you?"
Scott Gibson: "Preferably a large slab 4' x 4' and 6" thick."
Garrick: *turns back to Ivo.*
Ivo Robotnik: "Wood? That's... strange. Why would you need that?"
Scott Gibson: "I got reasons."
Garrick: "...fine. Beam me up, Ivo."
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "To where, exactly?"
Garrick: " want me to work with you to get this sucker going? Then put me somewhere that needs worked on already!"
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Oh! I didn't expect that. You see, the only thing we lack are rare and expensive parts. The original outlook was far bleaker with the remaining parts we had; now that we can actually complete, we need some areas where a unique Atlantean alloy can be made. Otherwise it has to be generated one particle at a time... that takes forever."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. I'll need some highly strong chains and materials for a decent hilt and blade, chainsaw components, materials that can simulate various elements, components that can increase a machinegun's damage output and range." *Yeesh. What the hell is he planning on making?*
Metal Man (GM): A robot drags over most of a table. It's irregular in size but fits Scott's demands for Mahogany. Rosewood, a bunch of scraps and not much else.
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Most of those are common. Except for elemental stimulation devices... those, too, I need."
Garrick: "I don't know Atlantean tech. I'd need books or something to learn it... and considering the density of Atlantean materials, it's going to need a high output forge or similar something to work the steel."
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Well, you don't have to make it. I know the technique, but I need graphite, lead, and sapphire to create it with. This planet is famously devoid of all three of those..."
Garrick: " got a ship? Or, at least, ship parts?"
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Of sorts. I could send it over to yours."
Garrick: "If I can get the Dauntless back up and running, then I can get back to Nintendus and mine the materials. I'm pretty sure I know where I can mine graphite and lead, but it'll take scans to find a sapphire mine."
Scott Gibson looks over the wood checking grain and other stuff.
Metal Man (GM): The grain is a bit low-quality, but it appears to be intact. Mostly.
Garrick: "How much do you need?"
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Ah... but if you have a ship... why fly all the way there, when there is a better place?"
Metal Man (GM): His projector shows... Turion, and its two moons. All right nearby. In the same system, even.
Garrick: "...good lord..."
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "That blue moon... is entirely made of the materials I seek."
Garrick: "...heh, alright. Send me the parts so I can get the Dauntless running and I'll get you your materials."
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "It is a deal. I'll send what I have."
Dragoshi: *Checks to see if the table has some of the materials he needs.*
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Also... do you have the Master Egg MK2?"
Garrick: *does a calculation in his head. He tries to calculate how long will it take to get the Dauntless at full operation, eith proper parts and lots of coffee of course.*
Metal Man (GM): The table doesn't have them; another robot brings in all the materials needed for Dragoshi besides the elemental generating stuff.
Garrick: "I don't think we have it WITH us."
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "If you know where it is then I can do the rest. Using its parts for the MK3 would shave off three years. And add some interesting capabilities."
Garrick: *beeps Mewtwo.* "Hey, Mewtwo, did we bring the MK2 with us?"
Mewtwo: (Comms) "No, however it can be brought via Kuja ship if necessary."
Garrick: "We'll be needing it. Along with some mining gear, if we have any back at the base."
Dragoshi: *Notices that table, and looks at the materials.* "Ah, there we go. Apparently this planet doesn't have the proper ores, so I'll have to figure out how to elementally enchant them. 'Tis a minor setback." *He takes the parts that he needs from the table.* "Magnifico."
Aetos: "So anywho. Where's that weapons manufacturing thing?"
Garrick: *grumbles at Aetos.*
Dragoshi: *Checks to see if the machinegun parts he asked for are compatible with the Vendetta Machinegun... Just to be careful.*
Mewtwo: (Comms) "I see... I shall do what I can."
Scott Gibson finally looks up from the wood he asked for. "Yep, pretty good stuff. Fairly tight grain, sturdy. My project's as good as done."
Metal Man (GM): There's a table with a number of options and a coin slot nearby in the basement. It says 'Egg-Weapon-Machine-12500+.'
Garrick: "...and Oak."
Aetos walks over to it. "So... uh..."
Garrick: "Tell Oak to come too."
Aetos: "Are you voice controlled?"
Metal Man (GM): The machine has a number of knobs and switches. No microphone.
Mewtwo: (Comms) "I can't really bring him out there. He's busy on Nintendus... he's discovered some strange events."
Garrick: ""
Aetos sighs. "So... let's see..." *He twists a knob.*
Garrick: "...well, send the parts, Ivo. I'll get to work. If you can send some of those robots to help along, I can get it done faster."
Metal Man (GM): It flips through random upgrades one could have on a weapon.
Aetos: "Erm. No no no. I need something different..."
Metal Man (GM): Or don't use one of your pre-existing weapons, to make it create a new weapon.
Ivo Robotnik: (Comms) "Affirmative. I'll be talking to you soon enough... you are welcome to come and go. In my base, that is."
Metal Man (GM): A warp out appears.
Scott Gibson: "Works for me. I need sanding tools and some woodworking equipment."
Garrick: "I've got those, Scott. Come on." *warps out.*
Scott Gibson: "Sweet." *He follows with the massive pile of wood.*
Metal Man (GM): Mission Accomplished. +20,000 coins.
Roxy: *BeeeP!* *follows.*
Garrick: *warps back, looking awful grumbly, but pleased.*
Dragoshi: *Follows, with the hefty amount of parts he has taken.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers warp back at the ship with the parts.
Aetos: *Ahem...*
Metal Man (GM): Aetos would see the machine appraise his door-cutting melee weapon idea at 50,000 coins to build.
Aetos puts in 50,000 coins.
Garrick: *heads straight down to the docking bay where the Dauntless is stationed."
Metal Man (GM): The machine glows, a bunch of random parts are stuck together, and Aetos acquires... the Door Cutter! It's a gigantic battering ram with a blade on it. It acts like two weapons in one.
Aetos pulls it out...
Dragoshi: *Follows Garrick, needing to ask him something.*
Garrick: *glances around at the various parts and robots.*
Metal Man (GM): It makes breaking down doors much easier... assuming it's the right kind of door. The Dauntless is still in pieces. Garrick can get to work re-assembling it before even beginning adding the stuff that's missing.
Aetos nods and hauls it to the warp with him.
Scott Gibson immediately takes the wood to an empty bay in the ship. He takes a little black notebook out of his pocket and starts laying out the wood and checking it. Occasionally glancing at the notebook he then makes marks on the wood with a small pencil.
Garrick: "...alright. You, work on the main hull, get it back in one piece to specification design that you'll be receiving..." *he pulls out his dex and keys a few buttons.* " You, work on main wiring and system set up. You, organize the new parts into priority starting with engines, trans-warp drive, and shields."
Metal Man (GM): Small robots begin doing as Garrick says, moving the parts around and such.
Garrick: *himself pulls out his Multi-Tool! and gets to work on the main computing system. He can be talked to, if someone wishes him.*
Scott Gibson finishes his looking at the wood, laid out and all. He flips the notebook closed but marks his page. With a quick reminder he leaves a note saying 'Please do not move - Scotty.'
Aetos goes down to watch Garrick. "So... how long do you think this will take?"
Garrick: *is currently in the shell that was the bridge, replacing consoles and chairs.* "If someone gets me a pot of coffee, two sugars... then maybe a week. Less, with these little guys."
Scott Gibson finds the wrecked Dauntless and navigates his way up to the bridge, cautiously. "Sounds simple enough."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Garrick: "...Dragoshi, hand me that piece of plastic over there."
Dragoshi: "Huh? Oh, sure." *Grabs said piece of plastic and hands it to Garrick.*
Garrick: *lasers a final button set up into the console, taking the piece of plastic and laying it over to console before clicking it into place. It's very Star Trek-esque.*
Scott Gibson: "Well, I got the materials I need now I just need a Magitek expert."
Garrick: "I bet I can get this sucker to Warp 9.5--eh?"
Scott Gibson: "Heh."
Garrick: *glances to Scott, arching his eyebrow before moving to attach the chair to it's proper place.* "Alright, I take it it has to do with that wood you got?"
Scott Gibson: "Yeah, I was hopin' you'd help on a project I've had in the wings for awhile. But I needed somethin' with a little more kick to power it."
Garrick: *...ka-CHUNK* "There... what were you planning on doing?"
Scott Gibson pulls that all too familiar notebook out of his pocket again. The page is marked, 'Project War Axe.'
Garrick: *moves past Dragoshi, Aetos, and Scott to the next console, moving to get that one done.*
Scott Gibson: "Have a look."
Garrick: "Just read it to me. I'm busy. ...hey, Dragoshi? Can you do me a favor?"
Scott Gibson shrugs. "Right, right... It's a guitar if you hadn't guessed. Fear I'm startin' to sound predictable."
Dragoshi: "Yes, Garrick?"
Garrick: "And you want this to do what? Dragoshi, sorry for ordering you around, but could you go get me a mug of coffee? I need the energy boost... and it'd better not be from a certain location on Nintendus. I don't want to be THAT hyper."
Scott Gibson: "Heh, well... I'm hopin' you'd shed a little light on what Magitek is capable of before I gave the project the green-light."
Garrick: "I just want to get this done..."
Dragoshi: "Oh, sure. 'Sides, I'd have to be stupid to get THAT brand of coffee. Especially after all the chaos THAT caused." *Goes off to get some coffee.*
Garrick: *chuckles and moves under the console, working on some biometric gel packs that transmit data.* "Well, it depends, Scott. You can have it small and basic, normal and somewhat cool, or I can bust out all the stops."
Scott Gibson: "I was hoping we'd bust out all the stops."
Garrick: "That'd cost you a lot. We're talking... like... 200K."
Scott Gibson: "Hm... I don't have the cash to put up at the moment but I figure that helps me from goin' off half-cocked."
Garrick: " much DO you have?"
Scott Gibson chuckles a bit, "Not nearly that much. 85k at present."
Aetos: "ALL the stops?... That normally costs millions of coins... Or am I being too literal?"
Garrick: "You are, Aetos..."
Scott Gibson: "Which is why I planned on planning and testing first."
Garrick: "Basically, I can do some moderate stuff to it... elemental stuff and so on..."
Dragoshi: *Comes back in, holding a mug of coffee, and hands it to Garrick.* "Anything else?" ?_?
Garrick: *takes it from Dragoshi, downing it... in one gulp.* @.@ "...ahhh, better."
Scott Gibson: "...tha-t can't be healthy."
Garrick: "...thanks Dragoshi."
Dragoshi: "No prob."
Garrick: "Or, I can make it... I dunno... travel time or something. Cut holes in the time space continuum. Fire bullets that explode nuclear like on impact. I dunno, it depends on what you want."
Scott Gibson: "Nothin' that... dramatic."
Garrick: *finishes with the console, moving to work on the main viewscreen.* "I need an idea before I start pricing shit, Scott."
Scott Gibson: "One sec."
Aetos: "Scott, why don't you just go put that wood into the machine in Ivo's basement?"
Garrick: *looks out and GLARES at Aetos again before going back to work.*
Dragoshi: "'Cause there are prolly' some things Garrick can do that the machine can't, prolly." :/
Scott Gibson: "Ever heard of Samurai? They say that their swordsmiths used to chant mantras, meditate for months, and even put their blood and sweat into the blade, literally. It's that kind of personal connection with a blade that I'm goin' for... with a twist. Rather than a blade I'm puttin' it all into a guitar."
Garrick: "...heh. ...'If you were to meet God on your journey, then he would be cut'... Hmm..."
Scott Gibson: "Kill Bill, volume one, scene three. 'The Man from Okinawa.' Good movie."
Garrick: *ponders, looking at the ceiling.* "...yeah, that's going to be in the upper ballpark area. I have an idea..."
Scott Gibson pulls up the notebook. With a pencil. "Like?"
Garrick: "...nah, not telling. Surprise ya."
Scott Gibson: "Meh, I've drawn up some designs for new coils, modified variants of 59 humbucker pickups, rythym pickups, and some of a totally new design I'm working with."
Garrick: "Tell me, what do you want with this thing in terms of specialty? Element, abilities, special shit... speed, strength, defense..."
Scott Gibson: "Amorphous body style with a little something that I procured during my vacation."
Garrick: "I see. Well, draw up some plans and I'll take a gander."
Scott Gibson: "Sounds good. My dream is for this to be 'the guitar to end all guitars'. If ya know what I mean."
Aetos: "So you'll be busy down here for a while, huh?"
Garrick: "Most likely. I need to get this thing up and working as soon as I can so I can get that material."
Dragoshi: "Hey, Garrick... I was wondering if it was possible for you to... Remove the limitations on the Vendetta Machinegun."
Aetos shrugs. "Ok."
Scott Gibson: "Appreciate it." *He turns with a wave behind him and exits the Dauntless. He moves his pile of wood over an again tags it, 'Do not disturb or touch! -Scotty.'*
Aetos takes out Gerald's Legacy and searches for something like the 'Egg-Weapon-Machine-12500+'...
Garrick: "...the limitations?"
Dragoshi: "The things that keep it in it's prototype state."
Garrick: "You mean you want to upgrade it more regularly?"
Dragoshi: "Yea."
Aetos then looks for a Vendetta Machine Gun...
Garrick: "Hm. I'd have to take a look at it. The limitations might be what makes it special. Then again, it might be blocks that Gerald put on it to keep it from being screwed with."
Metal Man (GM): Vendetta Machinegun... some theoretical diagrams. No complete prototypes.
Dragoshi: *Pulls it out, and hands it to Garrick.* "...Blocks that Gerald put on it? Fuh?"
Garrick: "...huh."
Metal Man (GM): As Aetos would read, 'Controlling endless nanite generation is nigh-impossible' in the book.
Garrick: *takes the gun and looks it over. He has some experience in gun smithing, so...*
Aetos: "Nanites... Garrick, you have experience in Nanites?"
Garrick: "...Nanites? Not much."
Metal Man (GM): The gun is like something from a science fiction movie. A glowing orange element generates nanites which take apart whatever they hit until they run out of energy.
Aetos is mostly looking for what makes Vendetta better than the machinegun.
Garrick: "..." *whistle.*" ..."
Metal Man (GM): The diagrams indicate, if complete, the machinegun would equal Vendetta the sword.
Garrick: "To REMOVE the blocks... hmm..."
Metal Man (GM): The problem is that if the software limiter is removed, it might go out of control.
Garrick: "I'd need to take it apart and study it more regularly."
Aetos: *He tries to determine what keeps the sword in control.*
Metal Man (GM): Vendetta Saber worked because it just concentrated nanites into a blade.
Garrick: ", it might go nuts on you."
Metal Man (GM): Much easier.
Dragoshi: "...I see."
Metal Man (GM): The gun has to generate them using pure chaos.
Garrick: "Look, this thing is crazy nuts when it comes to tearing through shit."
Metal Man (GM): If it went out of control it'd explode, whoever using it would be disintegrated by their own nanites.
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Aetos: " would you know?"
Metal Man (GM): It's easy for anyone to know. The gun's usage in the field, the fact it eats barriers... It's a Vendetta weapon (The Questers saw the saber in action) Gerald's name means it could be a weapon of mass destruction in the wrong hands.
Garrick: "Methinks that blocks are on there to keep it from building up too much energy."
Aetos simply felt that two people were reading over his shoulder.
Garrick: "Now, what I might be ABLE to do..."
Dragoshi: "...?"
Garrick: " make it possible to remove and replace the blocks at will. Risky, but it'd give the gun more power."
Aetos: *Double checks that the book has no info on what can complete the project.*
Garrick: "Remove the blocks and it can tear through stuff at a much more powerful and faster rate, but if you keep them off for TOO long, the nanites go nuts and blow the gun to smithereens, taking you with it."
Metal Man (GM): The book says 'I attempted for 15 years to make this gun a reality. All the test subjects died, and Kuja himself feared what would happen if I failed again, with my final power supply...'
Garrick: *has no idea what Aetos is reading, by the way.*
Aetos: "Hm. Maybe it's best not to tamper with that weapon."
Garrick: "It's up to you, Dragoshi."
Aetos: "Temper, either."
Garrick: "I can take a crack at it... for a nominal fee, of course."
Aetos: "And die?"
Metal Man (GM): The major thing is that any modifications to it could be dangerous and destroy an irreplaceable artifact if someone fires it and it malfunctions. Even if one ignores death as a consequence of it exploding. Of course... nobody said no one could research it further.
Dragoshi: "...I see. Well, would it be possible, to instead of doing that, reduce the limitations on the blocks, but still keep it at a safe amount without worrying too much about it backfiring?"
Garrick: "Ehhh... evening going that far might give the nanites enough limitation to break free."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick can tell Gerald wanted this gun to fire at maximum safe power as-is. The barrel has millions of small hairline cracks in it as-is.
Dragoshi: "Yeaaa... That would be a bit of a problem right there, I guess..."
Garrick: "Now, I can study it and see if I can find an alternate solution, of course. This is as high as it goes safely."
Aetos: "Let's see... Chaos contains the nanites?"
Garrick: "Chaos generates and powers them."
Metal Man (GM): They are uncontrollable.
Dragoshi: "All considerations aside... I think it'll be good enough as-is to not screw around with the blocks that make the limitations."
Garrick: "WHERE he got his hands on a chaos power source of that magnitude is beyond me."
Dragoshi: "So, let's keep the limitations as-is."
Garrick: "Now, let me offer you something else."
Aetos: "Anywho, I'm going to be going now. I've got a schedule to keep..." *Heads away...*
Metal Man (GM): The power source is removable. And insanely dangerous.
Aetos: *And off to Garrick's lab!*
Garrick: "Just because I can't mess with the gun's limitation barriers doesn't mean I can't mess with the gun itself."
Dragoshi: "Of course."
Garrick: "I can probably add a better stock to it, make it more stable. Or a laser sight. The barrel could use changing anyway. I can change the barrel too, make it hit targets farther away."
Dragoshi: "Yea. That could work."
Garrick: "As long as I don't mess with the firing mechanism or the power source, it should be fine."
Garrick (GM): Garrick's lab is locked up tight. The door is sealed.
Aetos: *Arrives outside Garrick's lab.* *knocks.*
Nova: (Comms) "This lab is se---"
SIMBER: "This lab is sealed."
Nova: "That's my job."
SIMBER: "No, that's my job."
Metal Man (GM): They begin slapping one another. Either way, Aetos is not getting in.
Aetos: "Alright. That's exactly why I got this..." *Hauls out Door Cutter and begins ...cutting or ramming the door?
Metal Man (GM): Aetos feels a tap on his shoulder.
Aetos: "No worries, I'll repair the door when I get back."
Mewtwo: "...As much as I'd like to cause property damage to Garrick some time, this door is Quester property... you can't go damaging it."
Aetos pauses. "Hrm. Oh? Not even if I ... pay you?"
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo smacks Aetos across the face psychically.
Aetos: "Ow."
Mewtwo: "If I was in it for money I'd have left long ago."
Dragoshi: "Okay, here's the idea after all considerations. We can up the damage output to it's safest possible maximum, add said better stock to it, and change the barrel to make it hit targets farther away. How much would that cost?"
Aetos: "I meant to fix the door!"
Mewtwo: "You can't lie to a mind reader... now go along, or else I'll take all your doors off and give them to Eggman."
Aetos: "Could you at least get that cube over here? I'm trying to find that ... thing that talked to us in the new X-zone."
Mewtwo: "..." He raises a brow at Aetos. "That cube is dangerous. It's a good thing it's locked in there. You could die if you went into the X-zone. You'll have to find another way to the X-zone if you want to do that... I won't have my relic damaged over your suicidal intentions."
Aetos: "I've yet to die in the X-zone. Every time I die, it's on Turion."
Mewtwo: "What if it leads to an X-zone version of Turion? I've heard rumors it has pieces of every realm, frozen in time. That includes places you die on."
Aetos: "Then something went iffy and I'll end up dying in my search for the being."
Mewtwo: "...Even though your death would not specifically make me sad, I deny your request."
Aetos: "I don't think it will be very long. I'll just try to call out to him."
Mewtwo: "Besides. It is between me and Garrick. You ask Garrick if you want to use it. I'll make sure he knows what you almost did, though."
Aetos: "The cube is, perhaps, but not that X-zone."
Garrick: "...well, I'd rather not screw with the damage output JUST yet. Let me study the idea a bit an I'll get back to you. As for the rest, however..."
Dragoshi: "Sure thing."
Garrick: "Let's see..."
Mewtwo: "I already stated my intentions... you know the penalties and privileges." He floats away abruptly.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick's dex beeps.
Garrick: "...probably about--hmm?"
Aetos: "Hrmph. Garrick only said to keep Glyph out of the lab, anyway."
Mewtwo: (Dex) "Aetos attempted to destroy your door with one of Eggman's machines. React accordingly." The message ends.
Garrick: *touches the button on his headset, allowing the image of Mewtwo--oohhhhh shit.* "..."
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo floats by some other rooms, perhaps even by Julian's.
Garrick: "...I can do the job for... 60,000 coins."
Aetos taps his foot, outside Garrick's lab.
Metal Man (GM): He floats into Julian's room and leaves a note under the door. 'Aetos is plotting to go into the X-zone.' Then he goes into his own office and locks the doors, chuckling to himself.
Dragoshi: "Sure thing." *Pulls out a bag containing 60k.*
Garrick: "Now--give me a second, first."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Garrick: *finishes his work on the view screen, standing up and leaving.*
Aetos turns windy and tries going through the door... failing most likely, due to being "Sealed"... airtight.
Metal Man (GM): Yup. No way in through the airtight thing.
Garrick (GM): Aetos feels a tap on his shoulder. Once he turns solid again, of course.
Aetos stands there. "Hrm... Let's see..."
Garrick (GM): *WHAM* Garrick goes to slam Aetos straight into the nearby bulkhead, the barrel of a rather large gun pressing into his chin.
Metal Man (GM): Unfortunately he is made of air, allowing him to avoid that entirely. Cheater.
Garrick: "Might I ask what you're trying to do?"
Nova: *Slaps SIMBER again before realizing what's going on.*
Aetos: "Oh... I'm trying to see that being in the X-zone that acted like Kuja."
Garrick: "I suspected you'd do this. Nova."
SIMBER: "...I see the situation is now yours." *He vanishes.*
Nova: "Wait! I don't want to deal with Aetos! Not even Mewtwo wants to deal with him!" *sigh.* "...What can I do for you?"
Garrick: "Oh, that's fine. I just want to know one thing. What is Aetos composed of right now?"
Nova: "Pure oxygen... hm... doesn't that light on fire easily?"
Garrick: *grins.* "My thoughts exactly."
Aetos looks back and forth between them, and then looks back to the door. "Now... let's see here. I can't harm the door, I can't move through it like this..."
Garrick: *takes out his trusty lighter, flicking it...*
Aetos: *Feels his health vanishing.*
Metal Man (GM): He hasn't touched the lighter to Aetos... yet.
Garrick: *he touches it to Aetos.* ^^
Metal Man (GM): *Whoosh.* This is why you usually want to continue moving around in combat. Aetos becomes... Burning Man!
Aetos: *EEEEK.* *He runs around Garrick and Nova.*
Nova: "That should keep him busy for a while. It won't kill him, but until extinguished all he can do is run around."
Garrick: "Or, at least, until he turns back to normal."
Nova: "But then tasers work again!"
Garrick: "Right you are again, my trusty companion."
Mewtwo: *Records the video.* "I shall send this into Galaxy's Most Funniest Video Recordings."
Aetos: *tick tock tick tock.*
Garrick: "You know, the thought occurs to me. What do you think will happen when I mention this to Julian?"
Aetos reverts, and tries to blow Garrick back immediately! Probably still on fire a bit, though.
Dragoshi: *Walks in on this.* "...Apparently, I stepped into a cosmic mess."
Garrick: *doesn't move. He's a big guy.*
Nova: "Beatings. Mass beatings."
Garrick: *NOW moves forward, his hand clamped around Aetos' throat as he holds him to the bulkhead.* "Listen to me, you little nusance."
Metal Man (GM): *Meanwhile, Mewtwo would cause Julian's alarm clock to go off, the note sitting right before him.*
Aetos flicks his finger and Garrick is muted inside a wind vacuum. "No can do, pal!" *Sounds iffy, being choked.*
Garrick: "Don't FUCK with my stuff again or I'll make you wish that being lit of fire as a flammable--*mute.* "
Aetos motions to put him down.
Garrick: *hrms, hearing his voice suddenly not work. He shrugs, deciding to get his point across with the rather large handgun.*
Aetos summons OWA.
Dragoshi: "...I can see this is going to degenerate rather badly."
Glyph walks in. "Did someone mention my name?"
Aetos: "Drop me now, or we're both gonna get it!" *Still choked sound-y.*
Dragoshi: "No. Not that I know of."
Garrick: *doesn't even move, crushing Aetos' windpipe with steadily increasing force.*
Glyph: "In my experience, when someone says 'degenerate' they follow it up with... hey, what's going on?"
Aetos holds the tip of the keyblade to Garrick's side, as a blue laser jolts into him.
Dragoshi: "...Bad shiart's going down, Glyph."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos is choked and then Garrick is zapped by blue laser.
Dragoshi: "...Though, seriously. Someone should really separate the two of them."
Nova: "Are you sure? I'm unsure."
Dragoshi: "...Yes. I'm sure."
Metal Man (GM): He is dazed. Momentarily. It might be a bad idea to keep fighting.
Dragoshi: "It's getting annoying."
Garrick: *tosses Aetos away down the hallway.*
Glyph: "Hey, you guys. Might you relocate to, um, a place that isn't here?"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick is dazed, although not for much longer.
Garrick: *shakes his head a few times, clearing his eyes.*
Glyph: "I mean, lab door. Not a prime fighting arrangement."
Aetos hurls a dart of wind at Garrick from afar.
Garrick: *probably still can't talk, so he--oh ho, that little snot.*
Glyph: "Okay, yeah, whatever." *He wanders off.*
Metal Man (GM): Noooope. The lab is walled off. Suddenly Garrick and Aetos are both teleported into the arena. Mewtwo laughs.
Garrick: *Can talk now.*
Dragoshi: *Heads off to wherever the two were relocated.*
Metal Man (GM): The arena is fully in power.
Mewtwo: "If you are going to fight, do it here... or one of you can leave the arena and forfeit the argument. Although even if you won, Aetos, you can't go in there without my or his permission."
Aetos: "Since when does fighting actually prove anything between fighters?"
Garrick: "As long as he stays away from my lab and my stuff, I have no beef with him. Leave my lab ALONE."
Aetos: "Hey. I just want into the X-zone. I don't have to touch your lab if you make that portal again."
Garrick: "...are you nuts?"
Mewtwo: "You were fighting him... in fact, you were first to antagonize him physically. You might want to eat your own words."
Aetos: "...Um... Nooo... He set me on fire then choked me!"
Mewtwo: "This was, ostensibly, in defense of property you were willing to destroy to get at."
Aetos: "I stopped destroying things after you told me not to."
Garrick: "The X-Zone is something that doesn't need to be fucked with. Damn it, I'm TIRED of you trying to be Charles all the time!"
Aetos: "Looks like someone has jealousy issues."
Editor's Note: This should have been where Mewtwo began beating up Aetos, or throwing him out.
Mewtwo: *Rolls his eyes.* "You can leave the arena then, as long as you avoid his lab... unless you like being upside-down."
Garrick: "That cube as the potential to destroy us ALL. I don't want you messing with it or--..."
Aetos: "What is your beef with Charles??"
Mewtwo: "I don't really care what or who you imitate, I just think you should learn from your mistakes. ...Extreme learning. So... you tried to break in, then you loitered."
Dragoshi: *Enters.* "...Extreme learning? ...Those are two words that really don't belong with eachother."
Garrick: "Whatever. The cube is in high quality defense. Even if you somehow DID get into my lab, you couldn't even touch it. It can't hear, see, or sense anything outside the containment unit. I made it that way so if there WAS another argument near it, it wouldn't generate another portal."
Mewtwo: "The irony of it all is that the cube is dangerous and allowing you to access it would be more bad for you than any punishment... But none of my punishments are to be deadly. That's against my... morals... yes."
Aetos: "...Argument near it?"
Mewtwo: "Although... Garrick could let you into the X-zone. I'm sure you'd survive." He winks.
Aetos ignores Mewtwo. Mewtwo is making crap up that was never bad in the first place. Since when is loitering condemnable on their ship?
Editor's Note: I'm afraid it was Aetos who was making things up. Luckily, he gets his in the end, so don't worry. Just look down the chapter list... :)
Garrick: "No, Mewtwo. I don't plan on letting anyone mess with the X-Zone ever again, if I can help it."
Aetos: "Well you CAN'T. Dragoshi and I went there just a couple days ago. And that's why I need to see that being."
Dragoshi: "...Yea. ...Wait. That was the one with the glove and the sword fragments right?"
Mewtwo: "I shall just have to seal off the hallway around Garrick's lab to Aetos." He flicks a wrist and more doors close down. "This is an appalling waste of my time, after all."
Aetos: "Yes, Dragoshi. Why are you even here still, Mewtwo?"
Dragoshi: "'Kay. Had to make sure."
Garrick: "Now, I'm going to say this once and only once. If I ever... EVER... see you trying to get into my lab again, I'll ask Mewtwo to send you on a one way trip to this system's star."
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo grumbles. "Are you questioning my authority?"
Garrick: "I'm sure he'd be delighted."
Mewtwo: "That... is not a wise thing to do."
Aetos: "No, but you are only making things worse."
Garrick: *turns and walks out, going back to work on the Dauntless.*
Mewtwo: "Insubordination? I am to do what I think is best. What you think doesn't go into that equation. Your record is... like a novel."
Dragoshi: "..." *Takes out his headache medicine and takes three.*
Metal Man (GM): He takes out a record of troubles with Aetos. It's nearly a thousand pages long.
Aetos: "I'm so sure."
Dragoshi: *Spits one out.* "...God damn."
Mewtwo: "I intend for the part of it I am responsible for to be one page long... and the end to this horrid book. We're far away from the laws of any land, and I don't have a very long temper. So if you value what little you are allowed to do, you must listen to me."
Dragoshi: *Looks around for the one headache med he spat out. He then proceeds to pick it up and incinerate it.*
Garrick: *passes by Dragoshi. He nudges him and motions to follow.*
Dragoshi: *Nods and follows.*
Garrick: *sighs.* "I'm sorry if I irritated you with that..."
Mewtwo: "I am beginning to think Garrick's problems may merely be caused by you aggravating him, or perhaps even Charles, the person whose file you spiritually inherited, if my mind is correct."
Garrick: "I'm just so sick and tired of all this crap."
Mewtwo: "Julian's are mostly related to being aggravated by your behavior as well."
Dragoshi: "...Yea."
Mewtwo: "In fact, there's only one thing missing from any of these... you taking responsibility for anything you do."
Garrick: *has Dragoshi follow him through the new barriers into his lab. There's a rather technical looking container off in the corner. He sighs.*
Mewtwo: "It's not my fault, it's only partially Garrick's fault, it's almost entirely your fault. And what are you going to do about it? Blame me?"
Garrick: "That damn cube is more trouble than it's worth... alright. Let me see the gun."
Mewtwo: "I can wait many hours, Aetos. If you choose to be silent I will never stop talking."
Dragoshi: *Continues following.* "Yea, that it is..." *Hands Garrick the Vendetta Machinegun.*
Mewtwo: "After all, I have no vocal cords to wear out."
Garrick: "Payment?"
Mewtwo: "Page... number... 12. Cell phone related mishap. Calling Kuja? Hardly a good choice. Yet you never did say as much as sorry to anyone."
Garrick: "It's 60K in coins..."
Mewtwo: "...Page 32. Many arguments with Julian. Metal ignores the problem and tries to handcuff it away. Insanity results. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Dragoshi: *Pulls out a sack of coins containing 60k.* "This'll work, right?"
Aetos shakes his head. "You expect me to just say "Sorry" for every single one of those? I see that breaking into the lab may have been an issue, and SORRY for that, but I don't see why it matters if I go to the X-zone and ask the being some questions."
Garrick: "Most definitely."
Mewtwo: "Do you have any inkling of why I have given the cube to Garrick?" He sighs. "I gave it to him because I lost all of my friends TO the X-zone."
Garrick: *takes the coins and pockets them, then gets to work. He pulls the gun closer, drawing out the Multi-Tool! and starting to add the new pieces...*
Mewtwo: "My vacation was back to my hidden place where the other clones could live... which, before, had been easily done with the X-zone. ...I thought it was safe... they were all dead. A number of monsters tried to kill me... Me of all things... even I was almost not good enough for them."
Garrick: *attaches a better stock, removing the old one and throwing it aside. He also screws on a new, longer barrel, completely hairline fracture free.*
Mewtwo: "Your encounters as of current have been limited to areas I know to be safe... and yet I hear horror stories from you... monsters in the previously perfectly safe areas..."
Garrick: *a few more minor corrections to the sight and trigger and he's done. He hands the newly upgraded weapon to Dragoshi.*
Mewtwo: "The stone no longer is aligned to the place where that being was, nor is the being in that area. You'd do nothing but warp into the dangerous New New York and be destroyed."
Garrick: "There you go, slick. One newly modified weapon."
Dragoshi: *Takes it.* "Thanks."
Mewtwo: "Not all portals STAY open, especially if they're in unsafe areas. If you doubt me you can die for yourself. I won't stop you." He turns away. "But at least remember I tried to save your life."
Aetos: "All I wanted to do was figure out some answers, Mewtwo. The being never explained what would happen if One Winged Angel and Charles' Frozen Hatred were used in there, besides 'something bad'. What about that sword we almost pieced together, and the shadow held onto the final needed piece?... What was that?"
Mewtwo: "The X-zone... is a question looking for answers... wait until another SAFE portal can be found... and maybe you might know."
Aetos: "HOW can Dragoshi and I practice the manipulation?"
Garrick: *nods, showing Dragoshi out and locking down the area once more, going back to Dauntless.*
Mewtwo: "I don't even know how or why I managed to send my friends there in the first place."
Dragoshi: *Heads back to the arena, curious.*
Mewtwo: "There was never any explanation to how they died, why monsters chased me, and worst of all, that a ghostly Ganondorf threatened to steal my soul if I did not give him some... sort of... staff?" *Shakes his head.* "Curiousity nearly killed me. It'd probably finish the job if I went back in."
Aetos: "Another question... Why could we use our powers in the 2nd area, but not the first? And really... Curiousity killed me twice already, but my questions eat me."
Mewtwo: "The X-zone kills permanently. Go ahead, continue to act like a fool. It'll catch up to you eventually. But I have no time for such stupidity."
Metal Man (GM): He floats off.