Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 391: You call THAT Heaven?



Date: February 24th & 25th, 2007.
Metal Man (GM): On the Q.S. seeker, the group is about, as usual... well. Not everything is usual.
SIMBER: "Incoming ship identified as Master Egg MK 2."
Alexia: "..."
SIMBER: "It is cleared for landing."
Digifanatic: *sigh.*
Dragoshi: "...The MK2? Fuh? ...wate. That thing is still around?"
SIMBER: "Your memory must have been destroyed by headache medicine."
Dragoshi: "...Not really."
Metal Man (GM): He plays a video showing the Questers explicitly retrieving it and sending it into space for storage.
Darkdata: "Well not by my headache medicine in any case."
Metal Man (GM): Then another one of a recent mission where Ivo Robotnik requested it so as to speed up production of the MK3. As well as yet another of Garrick asking Metal to send it to Nintendus.
Dragoshi: "...Huh. I wonder if they ever got around the problem of that thing having one more use left."
SIMBER: "No. That is why it is more valuable combined into the MK3."
Dragoshi: "I see."
Scott: "Riight."
Mewtwo: "So, now that you have chosen this mission, we have to get -to- the moon in order to get... whatever Eggman wanted."
Digifanatic: "Oh..."
Mewtwo: "To do that, we look to the Dauntless. What functions of it."
Alexia: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He floats over to the hangar.
Scott: "..."
Alexia: *thinking.* "I loathe this job."
Aaron is fast asleep on the couch.
Mewtwo: "Of course, there is more than one away to crack an egg. We could try to power up the ship."
Traon: "What ever works, doesn't matter to me."
Darkdata: .oO(Note to self: Kick Mew"2" for that pun.)
Dragoshi: "...That pun was awful."
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Garrick: *walks in.*
Digifanatic: "'Lo."
Dragoshi: "...Then again, I'm just calling the kettle black here, as I've made some pretty bad ones before... I think."
Alexia: *finally speaking after a day or two.* "Any way to get this pot off my head?"
Mewtwo: "You keep on taking that medicine." *Lifts up a box of headache medicine, showing the warnings. 'MAY CAUSE HILARIOUS ACCIDENTS, DEATH, OR MONKEYISM'* "Oh. That one. E Li Three knows."
Garrick: "The Dauntless is ready to fly, Mewtwo."
???: "Indeed I do!" *Falls off of the ceiling.*
Digifanatic: "Ah..."
Dragoshi: "...The heck is monkeyism?"
Garrick: "GRAH! E LI THREE!"
E Li Three: "Purple cactus teleporter pie is the solution to both monkeyism and pots!"
Dragoshi: "...Oh. Hiya." *Waves.*
Garrick: *backs up QUICKLY from the odd man.*
Alexia: "...Permission to shoot to kill."
Dragoshi: "Sorry I couldn't make any Cream of Ricky as the ingredient flew away."
Digifanatic: .oO(What the heck? Oh, it's HIM...)
E Li Three: "You just need to take three pounds of royal jelly, spread it on a cactus, then set it on fire and launch it into a teleporter."
Aaron wakes up and joins everyone.
Garrick: "Please don't test me! I don't wanna be tested!"
E Li Three: "Ah, yes... you." *Takes out a banana.* "Imploding banana!!!!"
Garrick: "GRAH!!!"
Dragoshi: "...Got any headache meds that don't result in death, monkeyism, hilarious accidents, or some crazy combo of the three?"
Scott: "That's just... weird..."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Garrick: *is back in the corner, quivering for dear life.*
Darkdata: "Mine only effects your hair color."
E Li Three: *Eats it.* "...This one is actually a normal one, but I find it interesting that my tests damage the minds of people permanently. ...Only hair color? You need some help, then."
Glyph walks in, disheveled.
E Li Three: "Hair color is only the beginning! Shoe size, mustache, and monkeyism are the things of the future!"
Darkdata: "Would anyone mind if I mute *spelling it out.* E-L-I-T-H-R-E-E?"
Digifanatic: .oO(Man... E Li, you need some HELP.)
E Li Three: *Puts on his burnt hat.* "Good day to you sirs. I am here to fly to the moon."
Garrick: "UH HUH. NOOOO WAY!"
Glyph walks over to Mewtwo. It's hard to tell who--if anybody--he is today.
Garrick: "You are NOT getting on my ship!"
Glyph: "Destination?"
E Li Three: "Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!!"
Mewtwo: "...The blue moon of Turion."
Alexia: "Permission to shoot to kill."
Dragoshi: "...Why there?"
Glyph looks at the mission list and waves his hand in front of his face.
Digifanatic: "Oh man."
E Li Three: "You can shoot me, but you can never break my heart. My achey-breaky toffee heart. We are the knights who say Wiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" *Runs screaming into another room.*
Mewtwo: *shakes his head.* "...Okay... you may depart before he comes back."
Garrick: "Mewtwo, I'm not letting that... that... that THING on my ship!? Good! Everyone to the cargo bay, NOW." *hightails it.*
Digifanatic: .oO(Beyond help. I think he's lost it...)
Glyph wanders over to a console and starts pressing buttons.
Digifanatic: *follows Garrick as fast as possible.*
SIMBER: "Error. Buttons incorrect."
Nova: "No, THOSE buttons are incorrect!"
SIMBER: "You are wrong. For I am right."
Glyph presses more buttons... and more quickly.
Nova: "No way. I am always right."
Darkdata: *to the ship.*
Metal Man (GM): They begin slapping one another as Glyph presses buttons.
Alexia just follows the sounds of the footsteps.
E Li Three: *Walks over to where Glyph is and presses buttons too.*
Metal Man (GM): On the Dauntless, the group gets aboard, to find the Dauntless in flyable condition. A lot of repairwork, but it should take you where you want to go. As to its configuration now, that's up to Garrick.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Digifanatic: "Well, as long as we get the job done and have enough juice to make it back, that's fine."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Nova: *Appears in the Dauntless.* "Ready for takeoff."
SIMBER: *Appears in the Dauntless.* "Ready for takeoff."
Nova: "No, I'm ready for takeoff!"
Alexia: "...Can someone get this pot off my head?"
SIMBER: "No way. I want to go to the moon."
Dragoshi: "...Don't you two start THAT again."
Metal Man (GM): They both turn to Alexia.
Nova: "I will."
Garrick (GM): The Dauntless is a beautiful looking ship. If you had to give it a size, it'd be slightly smaller than the Millennium Falcon, but no where near the same shape. It was more like a large T shape with an arrow style for the cockpit.
Dragoshi: "How about BOTH of you go to the moon?"
SIMBER: "No, I will!"
Aaron bashes the pot.
Digifanatic: *hand on the forehead.*
Metal Man (GM): The pot deflects the blow.
Traon: "How about BOTH of you get it off..."
Metal Man (GM): They both grab opposite ends of Alexia and begin pulling.
Alexia staggers back from the hit.
Darkdata: "Poor Alexia."
Garrick: *walks inside.* "SIMBER, this is my ship. Nova is made to run it as AI. Stick to the Seeker."
Metal Man (GM): SIMBER grabs her feet, and Nova grabs the pot.
SIMBER: "This is my duty!"
Nova: "It is mine!"
Metal Man (GM): *YANK.* *STRETCH.*
Digifanatic: *Uh... he smacked his own forehead.*
Dragoshi: "...It's-...SOD IT."
Alexia: "GAAAAAH!"
Metal Man (GM): They both pull really hard.
Scott: "I'm stayin' outta this one."
Metal Man (GM): *SHOOOMP* *SMASH.*
Dragoshi: "...STOP!"
Metal Man (GM): The pot flies off and hits a wall.
Dragoshi: "...Uhhh... nevermind."
Metal Man (GM): It'll take a while to go away, but the pot is gone. The vase is still intact, though. Weird.
SIMBER: "...I guess that worked."
Dragoshi: " that vase invincible or something?"
Nova: "...I do have to agree on that."
Garrick: "...fine... good... SIMBER? Out."
SIMBER: "I agree more!" *Walks out.*
Alexia continues standing there tiredly, eyes both closed and gummed over with green dye.
Nova: *Slaps the wall.* "Why did you have to send him away? I was about to slap him for disobeying you."
Darkdata: *Sigh.*
Alexia: "Have I ever told you guys how much I can hate this job sometimes?"
Dragoshi: "...I think they've matured a little more. I mean, they weren't smacking each othe-..."
Traon: "Oh hell, it is Alexia... And yes, you've told us that multiple times."
Garrick: "...Nova, take main AI control systems. You're our navigator. Everyone, take a post if you want and let's get this show on the road before E Li gets here."
Darkdata: *Purify Darksong.* "Remove the dye..."
Dragoshi: "...I think so."
Nova: "Navigation systems online."
Garrick: *moves over to helm and sits down, strapping in like it's a habit.* "Everyone take a seat."
Alexia rubs a bit of the dye off her eyes, then heads to the ship.
Garrick: *fires up the engine for the first time in about six months...*
Metal Man (GM): The entire ship shakes a couple times.
Traon follows on to the ship.
Dragoshi: *Followfollowfollow.*
Metal Man (GM): An overhead console falls off and lands just inches from Alexia.
Dragoshi: "..."
Nova: "Structural integrity 93%."
Garrick: "Engine output?"
Nova: "73.4584205845279805278250820845725725062562502835623082635890023835608235623508235623862358892356235976235635%."
Garrick: "...just round off to the nearest percent, Nova..."
Dragoshi: "...You do know those decimals were unnecessary. Right?"
Alexia doesn't even twitch at the console falling.
Nova: "You are humans... right... I'm used to talking to SIMBER."
Garrick: "..." *sigh.* "...Mewtwo, are we clear?"
Dragoshi: "...Actually, I'm not human, bu-oh, nevermind."
Darkdata: "How did it change to purple..."
Mewtwo: "Yes. Besides the fact your engines burnt something in the cargo bay."
Dragoshi: "...What was burnt?"
Metal Man (GM): A camera shows E Li Three on fire, but walking towards the ship.
Garrick: "GRAH!"
Dragoshi: "...oh."
E Li Three: "Wait for me! I must share my pie shoe houseclock recipes!!!"
Alexia: "Lock the doors."
Metal Man (GM): The hangar doors are open.
Darkdata: *Yelling.* "E Li Three, could you go get my spellbook in the main room? Please?"
Garrick: *FLOORS it out of there, slamming the handle back as the engines BLAST forward and send them flying.*
Metal Man (GM): Everyone not sitting down flies to the back of the wall.
Alexia goes flying.
Scott: *thud.* "Ow!"
Alexia: *WHAM.*
Nova: "Rather high Gs there, Big G."
Digifanatic: *was sitting down.*
Metal Man (GM): It flies into the atmosphere.
Nova: "...Alert. Alert. Enemy detected."
Metal Man (GM): It's Ricky's fighter ships. They're chasing the Dauntless.
Dragoshi: "...Grrr."
Alexia: "Would there happen to be any water on this ship?"
Ricky Koopa: *COMMS* "You will never leave Smithy World!"
Dragoshi: "For once can we NOT be assaulted by dickweeds!?"
Garrick: "God, would you guys STRAP IN already?!"
Darkdata: *Does so.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* *BLAM.*
Dragoshi: *Is sitting down.*
Nova: "Two direct hits from an unknown weapon."
Digifanatic: .oO(Smithy World?)
Alexia sits down and buckles up for safety.
Darkdata: "Why do you fear E Li Three?"
Dragoshi: "...Does this thing have any working weapons?"
Aaron does the same.
Nova: "Weaponry is rather low at the moment. Some lasers and missiles."
Garrick: "Bring the ships on screen."
Digifanatic: "Darkdata, about 2/3 of the time, E Li Three is a bit... irrational."
Metal Man (GM): There are 3 curved-looking 2-winged fighters.
Garrick: *hopes that everyone is STRAPPED IN... last warning...*
Digifanatic: *strapped.*
Metal Man (GM): Their wings are studded with about 10 laser guns each, and they're spraying a veritable cloud of lasers in the Dauntless' wake.
Alexia: *buckled up.*
Dragoshi: "...Eh. But he's worth a good chuckle or two" *Strapped in.*
Darkdata: *same.*
Alexia: "Shut up, Dragoshi."
Metal Man (GM): They spin around and do loop-de-loops like nothing the Questers have ever seen.
Dragoshi: "No."
Garrick: "Gonna get into open space..." *heads up and out of the planet's atmosphere.*
Alexia: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The Dauntless heads further up. They continue chasing.
Pilot1: *Comms.* "Come back here, Nintendian dogs!"
Scott: "Can I get off this freakin' roller coaster?!"
Dragoshi: "No."
Pilot2: *Comms.* "We'll smoke you like those Cornerians!"
Metal Man (GM): They're -just- a little too slow to keep up.
Dragoshi: "Oh, just SOD OFF ALREADY!"
Darkdata: "Can I spin the koopa around like Bowser again when I get back?"
Nova: "They appear to be following us, firing more and more lasers."
Digifanatic: "That may not be a bad idea."
Metal Man (GM): *BAM.*
Dragoshi: "...Yes."
Nova: "Another stray one hit us. Integrity at 87%."
Garrick: "...alright..."
Alexia just leans back in her seat, arms crossed and behind her head.
Traon: "Great, we get out after this thing has been sitting here for awhile and boom, we're getting shot at."
Metal Man (GM): They begin to trail behind the Dauntless, and their curses begin to fade out into radio static.
Garrick: *pulls back on the yoke, spinning around and flanking to the left side of the ships. He targets with whatever weapons they HAVE on this sucker and unloads on the far right ship.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Nova: "They have lost us. Hull integrity 83%."
Alexia: *calmly.* "Any way to lose them?"
Garrick: "We've already lost them. Nova, set course for the moon in question and prepare to initiate Slip Stream."
Scott: "Whoa, SLIPSTREAM?! Didn't that only work once? "
Garrick: "I've had time to repair it."
Nova: "Are you sure? The holes may cause reality aboard this ship to waver... and, yes, we can only go so fast with it."
Garrick: "Well, how FAR is this moon?"
Nova: "About the same distance from the Earth to Jupiter. It's in the same solar system."
Garrick: "...oh. I didn't know that... alright, bring us up for warp, then. Factor 2. That should do the trick?"
Nova: "...Another ship detected."
Garrick: "Jeez... bring it up on sensors."
Dragoshi: .oO(Keep calm...)
Traon is calm, oddly.
Metal Man (GM): It's an old ship. It's... one of the original Kuja ships. So old, however, it appears to be a prototype. It's heavily damaged, to the extent anyone can see inside some of the compartments... from the outside.
Garrick: *whistle.* "What's that thing doing out here...?"
Metal Man (GM): The only area that appears to be mildly functional is the bridge, which despite many cracks is intact.
Dragoshi: "...That's what I'm wondering."
Nova: "It appears to have a partially usable power core. It may also have some data."
Dragoshi: "Maybe they used this place to test it or something?" *Shrug.*
Nova: "It is devoid of life. The carbon dating places it to during Kuja's reign on Nintendus, before he made Project Prometheus a reality."
Aaron falls asleep in his seat.
Garrick: " can we get a tractor lock on it while still at warp?"
Nova: "We haven't gone warp yet. We have to fly around this if we are to anyway. It is nearby. We may dock with the bridge. Or we can fly by it."
Garrick: "...what do you guys think?"
Dragoshi: "I say we dock."
Darkdata: *Fell asleep in his chair.*
Traon: "I'm game."
Digifanatic: "Might as well."
Garrick: "Right then... initiate docking clamps. Let's scrap it for parts, get the data, and get out."
Dragoshi: "Aye."
Alexia: "One thing beforehand."
Garrick: "Hmm?"
Alexia: "Any way for me to wash this dye off of my eyes?"
Darkdata: *Wakes up.* "Well that was a weird dream, killer robots on a old spaceship."
Nova: "With an eye wash."
Metal Man (GM): Nova slides open a wall, revealing an eye wash station.
Alexia gets up and uses it.
Nova: "We keep these handy, especially due to the atmosphere of Genetia."
Metal Man (GM): The goo is out of Alexia's eyes.
Alexia blinks a few times. "About time... Any way to get the rest of this junk off of me?"
Darkdata: "I could try my spell again..."
Nova: "Not easily."
Metal Man (GM): The airlock clicks open to the other ship.
Alexia: "Oh well." *She stands up and enters the deserted ship.*
Darkdata: *follows.*
Digifanatic follows Alexia and takes a look around in the ol' K ship.
Traon follows behind onto the deserted ship.
Aaron awakens and follows.
Dragoshi: *followfollowfollow.*
Scott appears with the others, lolly-gaggin' again.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers march in, their feet crunching on the dust and disintegrated paper on the ground. Kuja Supersoldiers and Infantry alike lay dead everywhere. The air is stale. Monitors are everywhere. They are static-y. The lights flicker, and are yellowed. There are many computers and workstations about this bridge. Ironically, they are all static-y, but otherwise untouched.
Darkdata: "Spooky..."
Dragoshi: "...Meh."
Alexia: "Someone check those computers."
Metal Man (GM): The main console is staticy... well. Until the Questers approach it.
Traon: "My my... 'tis a mess in here, ain't it?"
Garrick: *moves over to one of the work stations, trying to get it back operational...*
Metal Man (GM): The computers all turn on at once... there is the emotionless computer system... Kuja's system.
Computer: "...Intruders detected. ...Defense systems offline. ... Why are you here? State your purpose."
Darkdata: "Better than killer robots..."
Digifanatic: *stops and waits for Garrick to speak.*
Computer: "Some of you are Questers. I am unable to destroy you, though, so I am at your mercy."
Garrick: "We seek information that you may have."
Digifanatic: .oO(Meh, half relief.)
Computer: "Information you cannot have. The most you can know is the obvious. This is the ferry between Nintendus and Turion. It is my prerogative to restore systems and return to Nintendus for further instructions from Kuja. But repairs are slow. I have only recently reconstructed the entire bridge."
Garrick: "Kuja is dead."
Dragoshi: "Yeeep."
Computer: "...You have no proof. Besides, Kuja cannot die."
Scott: "Long time ago."
Darkdata: "I know it's AI, but did you have to be so blunt?"
Garrick: "Yes. I did."
Computer: "You do not know what I am... Turion savages, most of you must be."
Dragoshi: "Not really."
Computer: "You couldn't have possibly returned to Nintendus."
Garrick: "How'd we get in space, then?"
Dragoshi: "For a computer, your lack of intelligence is surprising, in a way."
Computer: "Many space ships have crashed on Turion. They can and have been rebuilt before."
Garrick: *sighs and pulls out his Dex, calling up the recording of the final fight with Kuja and playing it out for him.*
Computer: "I have seen many over my time here. Error. That is not Kuja you were fighting."
Garrick: "Of course it is. We fought him."
Dragoshi: "And, you're so damn sure, how?"
Garrick: "And killed him."
Computer: "I only do what Kuja tells me to do. And he has told me he is not dead in that picture. It is you who are fooled by images."
Alexia: "Hey, computer, see this gun?"
Dragoshi: "...Oh, wonderful. It's a DELUSIONAL computer."
Garrick: *slowly closes the Dex...*
Computer: "I do not fear destruction. Kuja will rebuild me."
Alexia casually twirls her pistol around her finger.
Computer: "The information and I are one."
Alexia: "Kuja's dead. Are you willing to take the chance?"
Computer: "Kill me, and you lose information on what really happened behind the scenes on Turion. And I know how pathetically desperate for data humans are."
Digifanatic: "And you said we could not have that data."
Garrick: *reaches out and mutes the damn AI.*
Dragoshi: "Well, I guess that just leaves us to do some good 'ol fashioned hacking, huh?" >_>
Digifanatic: "I'm afraid we have a contradiction."
Darkdata: "Do you really believe that?"
Computer: "You cannot access my options, inferior human."
Metal Man (GM): The entire ship shakes.
Computer: "I do not listen to others than Kuja."
Scott: "Ouch."
Alexia: "Darkdata, shut up. Now."
Dragoshi: "...Was that really necessary?"
Computer: "It is necessary, for Kuja told me so. Kuja has also said I must revive these poor dead men."
Dragoshi: "Yep. Delusional."
Computer: "So much so that... giving you data in exchange for reviving them is a possibility."
Darkdata: "So, he just left you here..."
Computer: "It is a natural possibility he was unable to find me."
Garrick: "And those men are?"
Computer: "The soldiers of his army. Here."
Metal Man (GM): Lights turn on the floor. There are the various dead Supersoldiers and Infantrymen on the floor. Their magitek weaponry is intact.
Computer: "Once revived we may go to Nintendus and see if you are right or wrong. But we cannot go on hearsay alone. Except Kuja's."
Garrick: "...heh."
Scott: "..."
Darkdata: "What would you do if you are wrong computer?"
Dragoshi: *Chuckles lightly.*
Digifanatic: "..."
Computer: "That is confidential."
Darkdata: "You have no idea then."
Computer: "I have all the data of Nintendus. You cannot second-guess me."
Garrick: "Enough of this."
Dragoshi: "..." *Nods.*
Garrick: "Give us the data or we'll drag you back to the ship and tear it out of you by force."
Darkdata: "Your master planned on living forever, he would not have made (that many) death plans... fine."
Computer: "Your puny mortal mind does not understand the intricacies of my core. Kuja sees all, and he sees that as a possibility. One he prevented."
Garrick: "You keep telling yourself that. Yes or no?"
Computer: "I do not listen to... terrorists."
Garrick: "...oh, you son of a..."
Dragoshi: "... Oh, he did NOT just go there."
Darkdata: "Did you waste all your processing power thinking of an excuse there bub?"
Computer: "My computing power is none of your business."
Digifanatic: .oO(Terrorist... in his obviously thickly biased cyber brain.)
Dragoshi: "...You know."
Garrick: "We can find out other stuff later. I say we blow this hunk of junk out of the sky."
Traon: "You guys are getting shown up by a computer..."
Dragoshi: "That heavily constitutes an 'OH REALLY?' right there."
Scott: "Sounds good to me."
Computer: "That would be a good idea. Kuja could then rebuild me and then I could get my revenge."
Darkdata: "I say we keep this computer, sealed on a nonnetworkable laptop of course. I want to see this thing proved wrong."
Dragoshi: "And then you'd get blasted again and we'd go through a loop of idiocy."
Computer: "No one but Kuja can own me. I am unstealable."
Darkdata: "Then why are you stuck here?"
Garrick: "God, Darkdata, SHUT UP."
Computer: "Kuja wishes me to rebuild the ship. I cannot desist unless stopped. It is apparently his plan for me to encounter you... a fake, failure computer would listen to your threats. Like Nova and Avon, those whom he relished destroying. He took apart SIMBER byte by byte..."
Garrick: "He can't rebuild you if you're incinerated." *turns and makes to leave, heading back to the Dauntless.*
Computer: "You cannot destroy my presence in time itself. Kuja... can go anywhere he wants. You are free to attempt destroying me, though. Valiant as you are, you will never succeed."
Digifanatic just walks away back to the Dauntless... .oO(Screw that computer.)
Dragoshi: "...Well, this a worthless venture." *Heads back to the Dauntless.*
Traon follows back to the Dauntless.
Darkdata: "I hope you enjoy the day you are proved wrong" *Follows the rest.*
Alexia shrugs and follows.
Nova: "Commands, sir?"
Garrick: "Anyone got anything else to add before I toss this son of a bitch into the sun?"
Alexia: "Nope. Go ahead."
Dragoshi: "Go for it."
Digifanatic: *straps in, of course.*
Alexia sits down and buckles up again.
Digifanatic: "Yeah, just make sure you're all in tight."
Garrick: *nods and buckles in himself.* "Nova, lock a tractor beam on the ship."
Darkdata: "...Nothing but the fact that I find it sad that such a 'Person' could be created without no will of their own."
Nova: "Ship has been tractor beamed."
Traon straps in to something that's... secure.
Alexia: "Y'know, before this happened, I thought I had seen absolutely everything possible that could have happened to me."
Darkdata: *Sigh.* *Straps in.*
Alexia: "Then the dye came."
Dragoshi: *Sits down, straps in.*
Darkdata: "You still have not tried once of my candies."
Garrick: "Engage the engines and plot a release course to give it enough push to send it into the sun."
Alexia: "How about no, Darkdata."
Metal Man (GM): The ship revs up, then launches the ship into the sun. It completely melts.
Garrick: "...there. That's done. Plot a course for the moon and engage in Warp factor 2."
Metal Man (GM): The ship speeds away from it. ...While flying away, the Questers would see a flying sphere of molten metal behind the Dauntless.
Digifanatic: *looks back and chuckles.* "Ah, what a life..."
Alexia: "...This ship have any EM mines?"
Computer: "Oh, you do forget. I am not actually Kuja's computer. Why, I am something completely different."
Digifanatic: .oO(Oh you SCREWball.)
Metal Man (GM): The orb of metal morphs into an angular death-ship. Completely black, and not intended for any human beings to fly.
Dragoshi: "...Uhhh."
SIMBER: "Hello again, Garrick. I and Trevor had a nice long fight."
Dragoshi: "...Who's zat?"
Garrick: "...SIMBER... the original SIMBER..."
Metal Man (GM): It's an older version of SIMBER.
Trevor: "But then we decided to instead become... the same person!"
Scott: "That ain't good."
Trevor: "Twice the power... think of it!"
Alexia: "...Oh, HELL no..."
Dragoshi: "...The original, h-Trevor? I thought he-This is getting ridiculous."
Garrick: "Nova, target that son of a bitch."
Darkdata: "... Well SIMBER has an older bro/sis-ter."
Nova: "...It cannot be seen on radar or infrared."
Garrick: "Then use optical scanners!"
Trevor: "...No, while we could obliterate you, we have no interest in such."
Alexia: "Drop some mines."
Nova: "It has remotely jammed all of our systems."
Darkdata: "Alexia, what was that about having seen it all?"
Dragoshi: "...And, why's that, may I ask?"
Nova: "We can only fly away from it."
Scott: "How bout we just kick his ass... again."
Alexia: "I change that to 'I've seen one percent of what can happen.'"
SIMBER: "We only have one warning..."
Trevor: "Ricky is ours!"
SIMBER: "Kill him and you shall die instead."
Dragoshi: "...If it has anything to do-...Oh, come on."
Trevor: "We require some data files he stole from us when he ejected us from his space station."
Dragoshi: "And I wanted to make Cream of Ricky..." @_@
SIMBER: "So do not kill him... only his people."
Alexia: "...Deal."
Trevor: "Now here is a present."
Garrick: "Fine."
Darkdata: "Spin the koopa around and around..."
Metal Man (GM): The monitors spark, then suddenly the Dauntless has access to... the data the former Kuja ship had.
Editor's Note: But probably not the same data they would have gotten had they done the intelligent solution.
SIMBER: "It's useless to us... that AI was fun to absorb."
Dragoshi: "...I guess it'd be pointless for us to ask if we could get the data files for you, huh?"
Trevor: "Oh! One more thing... tell your friend Charles we're coming to see him."
Dragoshi: "...Oh. 'K."
Metal Man (GM): They laugh as their ship flies away and rips a hole into the X-zone... to warp somewhere. Systems are restored to normal.
Dragoshi: *Pulls out a notepad and writes that down.*
Garrick: "...did he say Charles?"
Alexia: "What's on that new data?"
Digifanatic: "Yes he did."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Garrick: "...but... Charles is supposed to be dead... right?"
Alexia: "Right. Although there's something I've learned. 'Supposed' does not apply to us."
Dragoshi: "...When has anyone ASIDE from the villains on Nintendus have ever actually DIED?"
Alexia leans back in her seat and grins. "Admit it. It's true."
Digifanatic: *Normal voice.* "Yeah. Supposed to be..." *half-muttering but still considerably audible.* "Doesn't mean he is dead..."
Dragoshi: "Heh."
Alexia: "So let's think something through. Assume Charles IS alive. What would they want to tell him?"
Scott: .oO(As if.)
Dragoshi: *Ker-shrug.*
Alexia: "I have a feeling we'll find out somehow in a very unpleasant way..."
Dragoshi: "Isn't that always how it goes?" :/
Alexia: "Pretty much."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, but we deal with those unpleasant ways anyway."
Alexia: "Hmm... So let's look at it differently. Two psychotic programs are probably going to deal out some very unpleasant news. So what would Charles not want to hear?"
Scott: "...?"
Alexia: "Think about it. There has to be something that would devastate him, and they're probably going to be the ones telling him? So what would that something be?"
Digifanatic: "Well, she does bring up an interesting point... But yeah, what would annoy Charles?"
Scott: "I think so."
Dragoshi: "...That's a good question. But, eh..."
Metal Man (GM): Anyway, the Dauntless is now approaching the moon, as Nova reviews the data.
Nova: "There was a prototype white ship which flew back and forth between Turion and Nintendus. It is why Skyhigh, Zorn, and Thorn, and Deathguise, and possibly Mewthree attack the Questers while they were there. Strange things are in this record. It appears Kuja knew about this planet long before Nintendus."
Dragoshi: "...Deathguise?"
Digifanatic: "Long story..."
Nova: "He appears to have contacted a race on it long before he appeared on Nintendus. ...?!?."
Dragoshi: "...?"
Metal Man (GM): He shows a picture of Kuja talking to lizardmen in high-tech outfits.
Dragoshi: "...What the hell."
Nova: "These ancients were referred to by the Lizardmen there today as 'ancients' and being thousands of years ago. However it appears they were destroyed... by Kuja."
Digifanatic: .oO(Wasn't Kales one of those?)
Nova: "...There's more, but the file is still partially encrypted."
Dragoshi: "Peculiar. Any way to de-encrypt it?"
Nova: "Those two AI have appended a note, saying 'Only Kuja can see that part.'"
Editor's Note: Yup, that's what I thought.
Dragoshi: "...Oh. Grah."
Nova: "I have a feeling it was too much for even a multi-AI abomination to crack."
Scott: "..."
Nova: "We should investigate this in another mission. For now, we're about to land on... this blue moon, referred to by the Lizardmen as 'Heaven.'"
Digifanatic: "Huh..."
Scott: "Oookay..."
Nova: "Ah. Here is what Ivo wanted."
Metal Man (GM): There's a crystal-shaped blue element on the viewscreen.
Nova: "Used in making an Atlantean Element. I begin to wonder if they knew these Lizardmen... You must gather a couple of these... preparing to land."
Dragoshi: "That could be a possibility considering..."
Metal Man (GM): The ship slows down, and soon... *CLONK.* the Questers are on the Blue Moon of Turion.
Nova: "The atmosphere is apparently mimicking that of Earth's. However, it appears to be very pure and clean. ...You may disembark."
Digifanatic: "Fair enough."
Dragoshi: "'Kay." *Unbuckles, gets out of his seat, then disembarks...*
Digifanatic: *waits a few seconds after unbuckling, and then gets up and carefully walks out.*
Darkdata: *follows.*
Metal Man (GM): The group walks out onto blue soil. The sky is blue, and the temperature is a constant 70 degrees. The sun shines warmly.
Digifanatic: "Hmm..."
Metal Man (GM): Blue ground in all directions. There is... to the north, a temple, and behind it, mountains. To the south there is a small ocean. East and West are vast dirt plains.
Digifanatic: "This kind of climate, I can understand why'd they call it Heaven..."
Metal Man (GM): The soil is powdery and soft.
Dragoshi: "...Think we should go north?"
Digifanatic: "Not much else to see... just watch for the crystals."
Dragoshi: "'Kay."
Digifanatic scouts around to see if there are some samples of the crystal-like element in the region first...
Scott: "This place is kinda weird."
Digifanatic: *Nope.*
Dragoshi: *Decides to assist...*
Metal Man (GM): There are none nearby.
Dragoshi: "So, to the temple?"
Digifanatic heads north.
Traon: "I'm up for north..." he follows to the north.
Dragoshi: *Disco. I mean, north.*
Metal Man (GM): The group reaches the temple. It is ancient, and dilapidated, but the stone steps in front of it look sturdy. They lead to the entrance--it seems vaguely greek. Or one may walk beyond it and towards the mountains... or East or West into more featureless plains.
Darkdata: "It's so archy..."
Digifanatic: "Heh." *He cautiously walks up the steps and takes another good look around before heading in.*
Dragoshi: "..." *Follows.*
Metal Man (GM): Inside is a wide, open space, for the entire length of the temple. Inside are many crystals on pedestals, all blue.
Darkdata: *Follow*
Metal Man (GM): A sign in an ancient language says something indecipherable.
Darkdata: "Who wants to bet they are booby trapped...?"
Dragoshi: "...that was easy. ...waaay too easy. And boo-Yea"
Digifanatic: "Yeah... this is what we're looking for but I'm holding off for now..."
Dragoshi: "Aye."
Metal Man (GM): That's about all there is to this temple...
Dragoshi: *Exits...*
Digifanatic carefully examines it to see if there are any traps laying around...
Metal Man (GM): None laying around.
Darkdata: "I could try a call item songspell..."
Digifanatic: "Hmm... Just be careful, though, if you do."
Dragoshi: *Peeks in.* "...That might be a good idea." *Moves off to the side after reentering.*
Darkdata: "Go for it now?"
Digifanatic: "Sure."
Dragoshi: *Nods.*
Digifanatic: "No sense waiting."
Darkdata: *Call item songspell.* "Oh crystal..."
Metal Man (GM): It tries to move to Darkdata, but bounces off of an energy field. They have energy fields keeping them on the pedestals. And preventing anyone from just snatching them.
Darkdata: "Better than a trap."
Dragoshi: "..." *Tries to translate the sign.*
Aaron mindlessly wanders out of sheer boredom.
Dragoshi: "...Let us leave this place for now and head into the mountains."
Darkdata: "Kay..."
Aaron grunts.
Darkdata: *Autofollow.*
Dragoshi: *Does so.*
Digifanatic: *goes for the mountains.*
Metal Man (GM): The group now sees blue rocks. Very tall. A path leads up them... and there is a sign. In English.
Sign: 'To Acquire what you seek, you must pass three tests.'
Darkdata: "Why is it always three?"
Sign: 'Turn back now if you wish to avoid the tests.'
Darkdata: "Why not four, or six?"
Digifanatic: "Can't help you."
Dragoshi: "'Cause four or six would be too much. And anything less than that would be stupid. But, seriously." *Advance.*
Metal Man (GM): The first test appears. There is the following: A magical wall, and in front of it, a riddle on a stone sign.
Sign: 'What goes up that never comes down?'
Darkdata: "Age."
Digifanatic: .oO(Ah yes, this one...)
Dragoshi: "That would make sense."
Metal Man (GM): *Ding.* It changes again.
Dragoshi: "...That was also eerily easy."
Sign: 'What is that which moves, yet does not live, yet thinks and increases in number, yet is set in stone, yet is not changed by esoteric energies?'
Dragoshi: "...Hmm" *Thinks.*
Digifanatic: .oO(This is like a river or something...)
Darkdata: "I would say a virus, but a virus does not think..."
Metal Man (GM): There is a clicking noise. That was apparently close.
Dragoshi: "So it's close to a virus..."
Digifanatic: "Hmm... you're on to something... Computer virus?"
Traon: "Bacteria?"
Metal Man (GM): It clicks at Digi, then buzzes at Traon.
Darkdata: "Bacteria is living."
Dragoshi: "...Grah. So it's similar... An AI?"
Digifanatic: "I don't think an AI increases in number..."
Darkdata: "A nanobot or some such? I really am stumped."
Metal Man (GM): Digi's answer... *DING.*
Digifanatic: "At least we're close.":
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata's answer... *DING.* It changes again. Also a DING for Dragoshi, then.
Dragoshi: "Heh."
Sign: 'What consumes all who are in a position of greatness?'
Digifanatic: "I guess it does."
Dragoshi: "Corruption."
Digifanatic: "Greed? Supreme arrogance?"
Darkdata: "Time."
Digifanatic: "Uhh... E, all of the above?"
Metal Man (GM): It dings at Dragoshi. Then the barrier dissipates.
Dragoshi: "See?"
Metal Man (GM): The next challenge is... hm. Aaron will like this part.
Digifanatic: "Nice."
Dragoshi: *Onward, to test two!*
Digifanatic: *walks on.*
Metal Man (GM): A 15-foot tall blue knight, who holds a shield and sword.
Darkdata: *follow.*
Traon follows.
Knight: "If you are to obtain the mineral, you must defeat me! For I am its guardian. Do you accept my challenge?"
Dragoshi: "...And, let me guess you're powerful and whatnot?"
Knight: "You must be worthy to have the crystal. A true warrior can defeat me. Especially a team of them."
Dragoshi: "I'm waiting for the others to respond."
Knight: "I am here to ensure the feeble do not hold such possible power in their hands..."
Dragoshi: "Of course. That would make sense."
Traon: "Well, at least this being isn't arrogant like most our enemies. He holds a portion of my respect."
Dragoshi: "...Quite."
Digifanatic: "You have a point."
Dragoshi: "Sooo... You guys up for it?"
Digifanatic: "Might as well. It's on the list."
Darkdata: "Why not, we have fought worse."
Dragoshi: *Pulls out his scythe.* "My thoughts exactly."
Knight: "I shall see what you've got."
Metal Man (GM): That's the odd thing--nothing here Darkdata can use for his element spell. The element is 'neutral.' The knight is a whopping 2 feet away from the group.
Dragoshi: *Magnifico. Drag advances one unit, tries to carve the knight twice, Flipkick him, then swipe 'im again.*
Metal Man (GM): Lessee... Hit miss hit miss miss.
Darkdata: "Nothing to use, well it's time for a test of something. Can it rain... can it rain on this moon?" *Weather Spellsong.* "Rain..."
Metal Man (GM): It does not rain.
Darkdata: "Guess not."
Knight: "The weather here is always peaceful... there is no rain here."
Digifanatic: "Huh..."
Darkdata: "Well he is so quick, I can not do much else but..."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Darkdata: *trip and fall while he tries to steal.*
Metal Man (GM): He does a graceful swoop of the sword at Dragoshi. ...A very predictable one, too.
Dragoshi: *Dances out of the way.*
Metal Man (GM): He does another slice. Miss.
Dragoshi: *Dances out of the way of that one too.*
Metal Man (GM): He then slashes at Traon. He slashes finally at Aaron.
Aaron takes one step forward, and uppercuts. LUCK.
Metal Man (GM): Hit! He is not knocked back, because the magic wall is right behind him.
Aaron grabs at him, then, "Batter Up!"
Metal Man (GM): He is thrown behind everyone... still 2 feet away though.
Traon charges at the knight and opens up with his Crimson Wave.
Metal Man (GM): Hit!
Darkdata: "Hmm, I bet he can't do anything without his sword..."
Digifanatic figures that he can just reach the Knight's left leg *snaps fingers* like that. So why not? He charges in on the leg with a Fire Punch... after that attack, he holds his ground for a bit and charges an Aerial Strike, launching at the same limb with the Strike to finish his turn.
Metal Man (GM): Hit crit.
Dragoshi goes on the defense... For now.
Darkdata: "I wonder how mighty you would be without your sword knight?" *Call item darksong.* "Come to me weapon of..."
Metal Man (GM): The sword is immune to Darkdata's magic.
Knight: "Ah, but you must know this. The material you seek is warded against magic!"
Darkdata: "Or not..."
Knight: "That is why, for many centuries, people have come here. And I have tested them."
Metal Man (GM): He awaits yet more attacks.
Darkdata: "Hmm... Well, if not by magic..." *Runs at the knight to rob him of something hoping for the sword.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss!
Knight: "You move too slowly... but you may have my sword anyway."
Metal Man (GM): He drops it on Darkdata. *CRUSH.*
Darkdata: "Ow..."
Metal Man (GM): And Darkdata can't get up because a massive sword is on top of him.
Darkdata: "I still have a bit of energy left!"
Metal Man (GM): That was a counter-attack of sorts. Darkdata gets a hand out from under it. Meanwhile, the giant knight decides it's time to stomp on Digi.
Darkdata: "Well this is fun..."
Digifanatic: *Bam!*
Aaron runs at the knight and goes for a clothesline.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Darkdata: "You know, you are the first enemy smart enough to try to disable us during a battle."
Metal Man (GM): Miss!
Knight: "So, the rumors good people are dumb is disproven! That is great."
Dragoshi: "Yep. Eh. I think that rumor's full of bunk anyway."
Aaron is offended by the Knight's comments.
Traon this time he goes for a vertical Crescent Slash at the knight's mid-section.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Digifanatic casually takes the energy but he then just launches an Icy Kick at the left leg, finishing with a swing of the golf club...
Dragoshi just goes in for a double flip kick. Huh.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit.
Darkdata: "Well, I do not need to move to sing..." *Stockpile energy.*
Metal Man (GM): He takes the sword off of Darkdata and then chucks his shield at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Dance out of the way!*
Metal Man (GM): He picks it up and chucks it again. He picks it up and chucks it again and again.
Dragoshi: *And again!* *Hit AND miss!*
Darkdata: "Nice aim..."
Dragoshi: "...Yeesh."
Metal Man (GM): Damage, and Dragoshi is stuck under it.
Dragoshi: "...A little help here?"
Digifanatic: "Oh man..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Digifanatic: "Alright. I'll get to that."
Dragoshi: "You kn-Thank you."
Aaron simply tries to uppercut twice.
Metal Man (GM): He moves right back where he was standing, 2 feet away.
Traon: "Oh, this exhilaration has got my blood boiling." *He smiles as he goes on the offensive. He draws the blade of his naginata across his left forearm and lets it bleed. The blood drains down to his hand and when he closes it it explodes out and forms a sword. He then dashes at the knight and makes a horizontal strike with the sword and a stab with the naginata.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, and hit. And miss.
Digifanatic takes priority and promise into account and attempts to lift the shield off Dragoshi before doing anything to the Knight.
Metal Man (GM): Digi fails to pick it up.
Digifanatic: *tries once more.*
Dragoshi: "...Try again?"
Metal Man (GM): Digi picks it up this time. And shoves it over. Dragoshi is freed.
Dragoshi: "A-thank you." *Jumps back up, cricking his neck.*
Digifanatic: "Alright..."
Darkdata: "Better a flat shield then a sharp sword."
Digifanatic hands Dragoshi a Recovery Vial...
Dragoshi uses it. Then he starts off his next series of attacks by moving a foot forward, then attacking the knight with a mighty swipe of the scythe, then proceeds to jump up and flip kick him twice, then follows up by shooting off a Tidal Blast, then calling forth a barrage of blue sparks and lightning, and top it all off... a tarantula*
Metal Man (GM): Miss hit hit hit hit. Hit miss hit. hit. Hit.
Darkdata: "Well I have a small Idea... since my others all seem to have been foiled. Destruction..." *Destroy item clearsong aimed at the ground below the knight.* "That should throw you off balance... if it works..."
Metal Man (GM): Miss. The knight leaps away from the ground being destroyed under him.
Darkdata: *Haste.* "And now for something that I have never tried before!" *Call item darksong.* "Come to me... oh ground below the knight... orcs do not know how to spell, hear this song's might..."
Digifanatic: .oO(Oh boy...)
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Knight: "...You have fought enough. I deem you... worthy of the material."
Metal Man (GM): He steps aside.
Knight: "Be careful of the final test... it is by far the worst."
Digifanatic: "Why thank you."
Dragoshi: "...A-thank you. ...Worst, huh? This oughtta be good..." *Advance!*
Darkdata: "Later Knight." *Walks forward.*
Digifanatic: *moves on.*
Aaron follows on.
Darkdata: *Stops.* "Before I go, I have a question. Can you see in the dark Knight?"
Dragoshi: *Groan.*
Aaron is a little dejected that the job wasn't finished.
Digifanatic: *facepalm.*
Traon moves on as well.
Knight: "...Why?"
Darkdata: "Because then--" *starts to run forward.* "--you would have knight vision..."
Dragoshi: *Roar/groan... thing.*
Traon: "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that..."
Knight: "...You are quite a fearsome foe with those puns."
Metal Man (GM): He watches the Questers go.
Traon: "Now that was funny." he smiles at what the knight said and continues moving on.
Metal Man (GM): The group reaches the final test.
Darkdata: "Well I just felt that I would never have a chance to be punny about a knight again."
Metal Man (GM): Beyond this wall lies the crystals. But what sits in front of it... is a blue being.
???: "It has been a while since we last met... heh heh heh heh..."
Traon: "What is it with these people and the color blue?"
Dragoshi: "...That's what I'm wondering."
???: *Stares at his hand.* "...A coincidence, I swear."
Metal Man (GM): He looks up... his face is of a Solarian made of phazon.
Dragoshi: "...Oh, holy damn."
Rathos Lell: "Hello foolish humans. As you can see, I managed to track you down here."
Darkdata: "Hello foolish creature."
Dragoshi: "...What's with the new look?" ?_?
Rathos Lell: "And I have everything you neglected to take from our holy temple."
Traon is lost and simply scratches his head. "Hello. My arm hurts." He realizes his arm is still bleeding from cutting it. "Well I'll be damned..."
Metal Man (GM): He spins around his deadly guns n' several crystals spin around his head.
Digifanatic: .oO(I can't be-LIEVE that.)
Rathos Lell: "This is what I am supposed to look like, sans the phazon blue."
Dragoshi: "...Not like we could use it without getting annihilated or something."
Rathos Lell: "I may be computer code controlling phazon, but I have enough magitek to annihilate you all!"
Dragoshi: "...Weeell, damn."
Traon: "Enough of these death threats already. It's almost tea time and I'm thirsty!"
Dragoshi: "This has turned into 50 different shades of ridiculous."
Rathos Lell: "I assure you, it's all one shade, and it is blue. The blue of your death."
Metal Man (GM): He laughs and points the guns at the Questers.
Rathos Lell: "There is... only one thing I would trade for the sweet sound of your deaths..."
Dragoshi: "...Infinite power?"
Rathos Lell: "...Access to the Demon Crystal."
Dragoshi: "...oh."
Rathos Lell: "I know you have it, somewhere. Three of you used it."
Traon: "A free lance janitor and/or--nevermind."
Rathos Lell: "Just one touch... is all I need."
Dragoshi L. Helldusk: "Well, I ain't one of the users."
Darkdata: "Nor I."
Rathos Lell: "Then your lives aren't needed to be destroyed."
Traon: "Nor am I."
Digifanatic: "Honestly, I haven't touched it."
Aaron has no clue what they're on about.
Dragoshi: "Well, damn." .oO(Then, who's? ...)
Rathos Lell: "Hm... surely you can request your primitive systems to send it to me?"
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(Did we even KEEP that thing?)
Traon: "Would a gold nugget suffice?"
Dragoshi: *Facepalms.*
Darkdata: "Let me guess, you touch the crystal and gain uber++;+++;+++;+;+;+;+;+;+;+; power?"
Rathos Lell: "Well, of course! You wouldn't suspect me of being tricky, would you?"
Dragoshi: "...You know, if I said no, I wouldn't suspect you, I'd be lying. Rather horribly at that." >_>;;
Darkdata: "So powerful you could backstab us and wipe us out in a instant..."
Rathos Lell: "You have little choice. The fools here gave me control over this barrier. They said... you would never do it. Therefore... I will always win!"
Dragoshi: "...Never do what?"
Rathos Lell: "Allow me to have the crystal..."
Darkdata: "Just now you just said you wanted to touch it..."
Rathos Lell: "You idiots will never give me it, therefore the only option is I wipe you out with my current powers. Touch, have, it's fuzzy."
Traon whispers over to Dragoshi. "How about we just gave him an armed grenade and claim it to be the Demon thingy?"
Dragoshi: "Well, we'd lose either way, yanno. ...That's just stupid."
Traon: "I know. Just a stupid idea."
Digifanatic: "What is? Ah, never mind."
Dragoshi: .oO(Do we even KNOW where we put that damn stone, anyway?)
Digifanatic: *muttering to Dragoshi.* "So, what do we do? Just blindly fight the guy?"
Darkdata: "Who are they who told you to guard this place?"
Rathos Lell: "Oh, I can't tell you. That's not a part of the rules of the game. Either you fight me and die, or give me the crystal and die. Lose-lose... a situation you Questers never seem to succeed in."
Darkdata: "Tsk, there has to be a way to win, games are usually never that slanted."
Digifanatic: .oO(Says you and your villainus arrogantus disorder)
Rathos Lell: "I can wait... perhaps you shall die of old age waiting to decide. Heh heh heh."
Darkdata: "So give the idiot the crystal, or do something else? What if this is one of those psycho challenges, and everything is a trick?"
Traon shrugs. "I can't even recall why we are here in the first place."
Darkdata: "Or not... but you never know."
Dragoshi: "...Wait a damn second."
Digifanatic: "What?"
Traon: "Maybe it's a lie and he's trying to make us believe that giving him the Demon crystal is the test... And if we refuse and we don't give it to him we pass the test." *He shrugs.*
Dragoshi: "We aren't here to take what lies beyond that guy."
Rathos Lell: "Maybe you're all imaginary." He laughs. "I love to throw you for a trip--it's even better than killing you."
Dragoshi: "We were here to, as I remember reading the sign in the temple to get the magic words used to get the crystals, not the crystals themselves... Then again, I was reading from a REALLY old sign."
Darkdata: "Well use them then."
Dragoshi: "..." *SMACKS Darkdata upside the head.* "Are you a dumbass? I said the whole-GOD."
Rathos Lell: "I can win by standing here. Excellent."
Darkdata: "Maybe I misheard what you said."
Metal Man (GM): He crosses his arms and watches.
Dragoshi: "...Ya think?"
Rathos Lell: "You should try hugging me. I'm sure I'm weak against that."
Dragoshi: "Yanno, what? Sod this. We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. Let's just leave this idiotic hellhole."
Digifanatic: "I don't think he'll let us."
Darkdata: "Sigh" *I need time to think.*
Traon: "So Rathos, how's the wife and kids?"
Dragoshi: "...And I really don't care. ...I don't think he HAS any."
Traon shrugs. "You never know."
Digifanatic: "Anyways, fellow Questers, do you know who the three were that did come in contact with that crystal..."
Dex: "Julian, Alexia, and Fizban."
Digifanatic: "Oh..."
Dex: "Fizban IS callable if you should need him."
Digifanatic: "Dragoshi, I'm thinking, but not certain, about going to that. You think it's a good idea?"
Dragoshi: "...What do I care anymore?"
Rathos Lell: "Of course... I may not be able to beat you in combat."
Metal Man (GM): He chuckles.
Dragoshi: "Go get yourselves killed for all I care now" *Sigh.*
Digifanatic: .oO(Lell's probably lying.)
Dragoshi: "...Right, and I'm-... It is unlike you to believe such a thing. How am I so sure that you're even the real thing?"
Darkdata: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He fires a shot that flies over Dragoshi's shoulder and creates a massive crater.
Darkdata: "I wonder."
Dragoshi: *It misses Drag.*
Rathos Lell: "It was luck that kept me from blowing your right arm clean off. Perhaps next time I shall not miss."
Darkdata: *Closes his eyes and scrys for Rathos Lell, it should show the real one, be here or not.*
Dragoshi: "...Heheh. Good point."
Traon watches as the blast goes by Dragoshi and then past him. "Some people are standing back here ya know!"
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata sees the exact person standing before him. It is him for real.
Darkdata: "Lovely. It is him, as far as I can tell."
Rathos Lell: "Welcome to reality."
Darkdata: "What if Fizban used the power of the crystal to attack this monster?"
Rathos Lell: "I would counter... and that would create what you humans call... MAD."
Digifanatic: "I don't know what made you think it wasn't him."
Dragoshi: "Then we'd all risk getting blown to kingdom co-...Mad?"
Darkdata: "You sound unsure... Lell..."
Traon: "We could call upon the freak who made Alexia green and have him use a certain thing he obtained some of the power of and have him attack this being."
Darkdata: "Or crazy thing would work too."
Rathos Lell: "You are too far away to warp in just anyone. Only I can warp whoever I want in."
Darkdata: "You still have not told us what this MAD is."
Rathos Lell: "You do not know of Mutually Assured Destruction? Ha ha ha."
Digifanatic: "Guess not."
Dragoshi: "...Ehhh. ...That's suicide either way, yanno." >_>;;
Alexia: "Greeeeat..."
Metal Man (GM): Rathos Lell, made entirely of phazon, aimed with Magitek guns n' crystals, continues to stand in the way.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Even as more Questers warp in, including (inexplicably?) Harnit Barute, Rathos stands firm.
Rathos Lell: "You may either fight me and die... or give me the crystal and die. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Dragoshi: "...Yanno something. I've heard of unfair advantages, but... In all honesty this is pushing the envelope into stupidity land."
Garrick: *looks up, chuckling.*
Rathos Lell: "Enough talk. Make your choice!"
Metal Man (GM): He points his gun at Dragoshi.
Harnit teleports into the area... He would be a strange face to the other Questers. Harnit looks like a small 10 year old kid playing pretend in some mage robes. He grips a staff in both hands and looks about, wondering about his surroundings...
Garrick: " we REALLY need to tell you?"
Dragoshi: "Yanno, this is in all honesty a case of damned if we do, really screwed if we don't."
Rathos Lell: "The test... give me the crystal and I'll let you by... heh heh heh."
Alexia stares Rathos right in the eyes. Kind of hard to look fearsome with purple dye all over her, but...
Dragoshi: "...No you won't. You'll just kill us."
Darkdata: "Garrick, is it possible for a demon stone user to shield us and the moon while we battle? That we we could stand a chance..."
Rathos Lell: "There is no user strong enough but I!"
Azure warps in, inexplicably putting a book away.
Rathos Lell: *spins around his crystals.*
Garrick: "...actually, there might be one guy."
Dragoshi: "...That's just stupid, Dar-Yo, Azure."
Douglas appears with Azure!
Dragoshi: "...who?"
Garrick: "Maybe."
Alexia: "Then let's disprove that theory, shall we, Rathos?"
Garrick: "That wizard dude. What's his name? With the beard?"
Rathos Lell: "You are free to allow me to demonstrate my overwhelming power."
Dragoshi: "...Fizban?"
Harnit looks about and wonders what's going on... He looks from Rathos to the group of Questers and then back to Rathos...
Fizban: "EH?!?!" *warps out of nowhere, looking about oddly.*
Darkdata: "Hello Fizban..."
Dragoshi: "...Hiya." *Just charges up... Like he should've during this whole... thingy.*
Alexia: *not turning around.* "Hi, Fiz."
Douglas: .oO(Since when did we start antagonizing little kids?) *Looks at Harnit.*
Fizban: "...oh, hello everyone. What is this we're doing here?"
Azure: "My thoughts his mouth."
Rathos Lell: "Preparing to die!"
Dragoshi: "...Dealing with an insane Solarian?"
Harnit glances to Doug... Who seems to be one grownup not busy talking. "Ahh... Excuse me, mister... Where's this place?"
Metal Man (GM): He raises a fist, which crackles with energy.
Dragoshi: "...Hoo boy. Why do I have a feeling this is gonna degenerate into a trainwreck?"
Douglas clears his throat. .oO(Did this guy get warped here too?...) "This one of the moons of Turion... ermm... we should pay attention to them for now." .oO(Surprisingly, it's a kid who seems innocent.)
Darkdata: "Because it, always degenerates into a trainwreck?"
Azure: "These situations generally do end up that way?"
Alexia: "Mmm-hmm."
Dragoshi: "...Don't get snippy with me, Darkdata."
Fizban: "...ahhh! Magic! Wonderful."
Dragoshi: "That's really something we don't need at a time like this."
Alexia: "We're being realistic, Dragoshi."
Dragoshi: "...I know that."
Harnit quickly looks back to Rathos. The little boy holds his staff defensively before himself and, strangely enough, it seems to glow with some sort of energy... "Err. Th-thanks... Izzat guy with you?" *Points towards Rathos.*
Fizban: "You seem to be using one of those Demon Stones that I've heard so much about. May I show you mine?"
Dragoshi: "I'm not an idiot, you know."
Fizban: *reaches into his billowing robes and pulls out the stone in question.*
Alexia glances back, catching her first glimpse of Harnit.
Rathos Lell: "Pathetic." *He spins around 6 stones.* "These are the 6 predecessors to the Demon Stone."
Alexia: "Er... hi."
Dragoshi: *Looks at Harnit.* "...No. Who are you, anyway?"
Rathos Lell: "It is rumored the Demon Stone is stronger... but you don't have the type of control to use it at full power."
Darkdata: "Be careful Fizban..."
Rathos Lell: "Either you will kill yourself or fail by trying to use a safe amount. Either way... if you really are superior and can control a shield and attack simultaneously, then I don't see why you hesitated so long." *He glows.* "Show me your power, old man."
Douglas: "Ok... so for now, boy, I guess you could just stick with this: That thing is bad for you." *Points to Lell.*
Alexia: "Yeah. Getting force-fed dark energy and all."
Fizban: "Hmmm... interesting..."
Harnit nods and trusts the grownup's advice... He awaits for something to happen.
Azure opens his book again.
Fizban: "The six stones against this one here... curious..."
Alexia: "...Dragoshi, since when did we become the kiddy corps? First Hop, now this kid..."
Fizban: "Alright then! I accept your challenge! We shall see who is superior."
Azure begins to read sid book not worried about things around him for the time being.
Fizban: *turns to the other Questers.* "...what is it I need to do, again?"
Dragoshi: "...I have no idea. All I know is this is getting ridiculous..." @_@ "Wait."
Darkdata: "Join with Alexia and Julian..."
Harnit: "... I can hear you!" *Spares an angry glance at Alexia.*
Dragoshi: "This damn well went BEYOND ridiculous a long time ago. ...Julian isn't here."
Alexia: "So? I didn't say anything bad."
Dragoshi: "...I think." *Looks around for Julian.*
Fizban: "He said something about a shield... what are we shielding ourselves from?"
Rathos Lell: "For talk of the ridiculous, Dragoshi, you are utterly ridiculous."
Dragoshi: *Points at Rathos.* "That guy. ...Hahaha!"
Rathos Lell: "Perhaps you should look at your own hands before you make comments about what I do, with my superior Solarian powers."
Dragoshi: "You have made quite the understatement! What does it matter for what it's worth anymore?"
Rathos Lell: "And... the person you send to stop me doesn't even know what to do? Hah."
Fizban: "...ah yes, I recall now." *takes the stone in hand gently holding it out and focusing on it, trying to produce the desired effect.*
Metal Man (GM): Fizban alone attempts to power up the crystal. It does create a shield. A very powerful one. ...Rathos doesn't even blink.
Rathos Lell: "All right... how about some of THIS?"
Dragoshi: "...Anyone want to, yanno, assist him?"
Darkdata: "Alexia, please help Fizban."
Azure energy sense flare for a moment as his eyes glare toward the crystal.
Alexia nods gravely and grabs Fizban's arm.
Metal Man (GM): He makes a dramatic gesture with his hands, and soon the six crystals floating around him are at full power.
Azure: "Exaclty how does one assist with that item?"
Rathos Lell: "...For Solaria!"
Metal Man (GM): The 6 crystals fire simultaneously, shooting blue lightning that stabs the shield and sends hundreds of cracks in it. Each shot creates a sonic boom; the ground nearby is melted.
Dragoshi: *Just blankly stares at his Ace of Dominoes card as he pulls it out.* "...Eh. I doubt it'd-My god."
Metal Man (GM): The entire area shakes at Rathos Lell advances, the shield (and people inside it) being pushed backwards.
Rathos Lell: "And now, it is time for me to kill you all, with your own shield!"
Dragoshi: *puts the card away... As he feels himself being pushed backwards.* "...ah hayell."
Darkdata: "Focus guys!"
Harnit flinches away from the destruction and holds up his left arm to shield himself...
Alexia closes her eyes and focuses.
Metal Man (GM): Rathos Lell attempts to overload the shield.
Darkdata: "Repair the shield with your power."
Alexia: "Fizban, try to charge it again."
Azure puts his book away. His spirit charms materialze into being. He raises his hand as they lift forward multiplying and then pushing outward against the shield contributing... if he actully can do such a task.
Metal Man (GM): A bolt lances from inside the shield and blows Alexia away.
Fizban: *is just smiling merrily, his own mental power backing up the shield.*
Alexia: "AAAAAAGH!"
Metal Man (GM): Fizban is also blown away by the lightning.
Alexia gets ripped loose and blasted.
Metal Man (GM): The shield explodes.
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(...)
Metal Man (GM): Rathos Lell absorbs the shield energy, and begins glowing powerfully.
Alexia: "Nnngh..."
Dragoshi: "Well, this is just great."
Fizban: *goes flying.*
Alexia slowly gets to her feet again.
Azure: "I feel that could have gone far better..." *He calls all his orbs back floating around him.*
Rathos Lell: "You have never truly fought a Solarian. Allow me to teach you a lesson in failure!"
Traon is just standing by, watching the going ons... A bit confused.
Metal Man (GM): He marches to face the Questers.
Harnit looks towards the two people who were thrown backwards and then to Rathos... He's hesitant about what to do...
Rathos Lell: "I will take all of you down myself."
Dragoshi: "Yep. This has degenerated from trainwreck to travesty."
Alexia: "Don't give up yet."
Metal Man (GM): He floats off of the ground, surrounded by his 6 crystals.
Alexia takes out her gun.
Darkdata: "Guys, if you can get up, try again. Try to focus together, not apart."
Alexia: "Not until the very end."
Metal Man (GM): A glowy shield surrounds him as he spins both Magitek guns.
Douglas: "Erm... Stay back, kid... This might be dangerous."
Dragoshi: "...You're failing to see the reality of our situation."
Rathos Lell: "I reject your reality and replace it with my own!"
Alexia: "And you're failing to see the near-future. We WILL win."
Dragoshi: "Sad." *Pulls out machinegun, and sighs.* "...I'm not. You're just an imbecile."
Darkdata: "I reject your rejection!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Drag just aims the machinegun o' dewm at Rathos and fires, causing charged fire blast o' dewm. yayz.*
Metal Man (GM): It hits his shield.
Dragoshi: "...Hmph" *And, Drag snaps his claws as a mech pops up on the double, taking Drag's machinegun and opening fire on Rathos... Or his barrier to be specific.*
Darkdata: "What that knight said still bugs me, the knight said it was alway peaceful and calm." *Points at the creature.* "I think he fits in the none of the above catagory."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dragoshi: *Takes his machinegun back.* .oO(...This is just too easy for some reason...)
Metal Man (GM): He is not thrown by the attack.
Traon runs at Rathos, fully aware of the barrier. He then brings the blade of his weapons across in a vertical fashion for his Crescent Slash.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Traon he then hops back and lunges forward with a stab of his weapon.
Metal Man (GM): It pings off of his shield.
Douglas grunts and he swings his arm and charges. With the keyblade shimmering into his hand, he harshly slams it into Lell/Lell's barrier twice with a boost of wind power.
Metal Man (GM): *PING* *PING* The barrier blocks both.
Darkdata: "Wait, his crystals! What would happen to his shield if they were destroyed?"
Douglas jumps back, ineffective.
Metal Man (GM): The crystals float inside his shield.
Rathos Lell: "You would never destroy such things. They would act as small atomic bombs!"
Dragoshi: "...They're inside the shield. ...That too."
Rathos Lell: *Barrier.*
Darkdata: "Ah, but if they are in your shield... When they explode they will only blast you!"
Rathos Lell: "You are clearly deluded. This shield cannot be pierced as long as it exists."
Dragoshi: "...All shields can be pierced. You just need to find something strong enough to do so."
Aaron takes a step forward and uppercuts twice.
Rathos Lell: "Yes... but piercing my shield shall take all of your might... but powering my shield only takes 1/6th of mine!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Alexia: "Then that's the way things'll go."
Dragoshi: "Heh. Not like I haven't heard THAT before."
Darkdata: "Want a hug Lell?"
Rathos Lell: "Go ahead. I'm dangerously radioactive!"
Alexia: "And we're dangerously likely to put your nose into your skull."
Darkdata: "Who knows, it may inprove his apperence."
Rathos Lell: "Silly mortals. My body was destroyed ages ago. Now I am a golem made of phazon."
Dragoshi: "...That has to be awkward, in a way."
Garrick: *does a scan on the barrier.*
Dex: "A Solarian magic barrier. Blocks all magic and psychic and energy from entering it, and exists on multiple dimensional planes. It appears to be at 1/6th its full potential, yet it has an unbelievable amount of energy in it. This is probably due to those crystals within the field. No recorded instances of people breaking through the barrier. Metal Man describes it, and all Solarian magic, as '...Terrifyingly overpowered.'"
Garrick: *grumbles and waits.*
Darkdata: "What to do... hmm... Well, no other choice I suppose. I see no other way. Fizban, Deloth could you please focus on me and the stone?"
Alexia nods and does so.
Fizban: "...I do not see the point, as it doesn't recognize you as a user... but as you wish."
Darkdata: "Demon stone, of great might/Lend me your power, you might, create a arrow to peirce the shield/destroy one of the stones that Lell weields."
Fizban: *does so as well.*
Metal Man (GM): The stone glows. It brands a mark on Darkdata's forehead. Then it sets him on fire.
Rathos Lell: "Yes! Use the stone. You cannot control it!"
Alexia: "...Next time, let me do it."
Metal Man (GM): Fizban and Alexia struggle to keep it from doing worse.
Darkdata: "Well good thing I told you to help me..."
Traon: "Well that couldn't have gone worse."
Darkdata: *Pats out the fire.*
Metal Man (GM): The mark on Darkdata is mildly different from the original three. It must differentiate them this way.
Dragoshi: "...Actually, it could've."
Darkdata: "Well, I never give up... I always learn the hard way." *Tries again!*
Dragoshi: *Looks at Darkdata's mark.*
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata is getting closer... but it requires superhuman effort to make it budge. Darkdata's mark looks... faded by comparison to the others. The stone merely sits there, flickering.
Darkdata: "Better than being on fire..."
Rathos Lell: "Now that you've amused me with some wimpy moves... it is time I used my own!"
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(This ain't gonna end well, huh?)
Traon: "Hey, he's going to counter our wimpy moves with wimpy moves of his own. He said it himself, honestly."
Metal Man (GM): All 6 stones glow, and he points into the air, and then moves it horizontally at Dragoshi, Aaron, and Darkdata.
Dragoshi: "...That is SO not what he meant."
Rathos Lell: "Shield Breaker!"
Metal Man (GM): Rathos Lell's shield crashes in front of the group, the explosion trying to engulf those three.
Alexia: *thinking.* "If only we had Julian to complete the trio..."
Darkdata: *Dies.*
Metal Man (GM): He then brandishes his hands over his head, creating a new shield for himself.
Dragoshi: *Uhh... Fucking DAMN. He just like, evaded that.* "...phew."
Metal Man (GM): Then he points at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: "...not again."
Rathos Lell: "There is no safety for those who taunt Rathos Lell!"
Dragoshi: "...I wasn't even trying to taunt."
Dragoshi: "..." *That fucking killed him.*
Alexia: "..."
Dragoshi: *Quick revives.* "...I told you idiots."
Metal Man (GM): He spins the crystals once more, then crosses his arms.
Dragoshi: "I damn well TOLD YOU. Are you HAPPY NOW!?"
Metal Man (GM): It rains blue lightning bolts at everyone.
Alexia: *dead, Quick Revive.*
Dragoshi: *Gets zapped once.*
Darkdata: *Quick Revive after the bolts.*
Metal Man (GM): The entire area is on fire; some areas have been converted into glass.
Harnit actually manages to deflect one bolt of energy with some sort of magical shield... But is struck down by the other two.
Rathos Lell: "The Solarians were once a proud race. Only our own machines could defeat us! But you are no Metal Man. And even then, it was a lucky gunshot that killed my breathren."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Rathos Lell: "No thought... nobody could stop us. To kill me, you will likely kill yourselves. You can either die now, or give me the crystal."
Dragoshi: "...You know that'd just result in death either way, right?"
Rathos Lell: "You fool. I don't need it to kill you. I am the only living Solarian archivist. I must protect the properties of my collection."
Douglas: "But you'll kill us if we give it to you, nonetheless."
Dragoshi: "...That is not what I mean-Oh."
Alexia: "If not, you'll kill others."
Rathos Lell: "...Killing you has no point except to get the crystal from you."
Alexia: "And I will not have innocent blood on my hands."
Rathos Lell: "I am not interested in killing the infidels! You are all so very dumb. I cannot tell you my mission, of course, for that is a blood secret. Although I don't have any blood anymore." He chuckles. "I am a massive carcinogen."
Alexia: "And you swear to that?"
Metal Man (GM): A Quester manages just enough to summon a shield... it's weak. And crackly.
Alexia: "... I didn't think so."
Rathos Lell: "I am a Solarian. We do not need meaningless honor. We do what is necessary."
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(I'd make a stupid one-liner and say so it's a carcinogen secret? But, no. I'm trying to restrain myself.)
Rathos Lell: "The true importance is the family, which have been mostly killed... so I must gather the relics and save them from fools. If I do not take the crystal from you, you will kill yourselves."
Alexia: "...For once, I can partially see your viewpoint."
Rathos Lell: "Already it has corrupted you. Soon, it will call in its bargain. Those it has corrupted will become its slaves. Only I have the power to control it, and seal it away yet again. But if you insist... then I can take it from your corpses. Although if I failed to collect it, it would revive your bodies and use them anyway."
Metal Man (GM): He laughs darkly.
Harnit: "... Is that crystal a bad thing?"
Rathos Lell: "It is the most powerful magitek ever made, short of a Solarian machine."
Dragoshi: "YES. That's like, asking a, really... idiotic question."
Rathos Lell: "...Too evil for anyone but Kuja himself to handle."
Darkdata: "Very much so... Though I wonder how he manages to have 6 demon crystals without being it's slave."
Harnit: "Then... Why don't you let him seal it?"
Rathos Lell: "And Kuja is dead."
Alexia: "Good question."
Dragoshi: "...Okay. Who thinks we should just go 'sod it' and give him the damn thing?"
Rathos Lell: "These are not demon crystals."
Alexia: "I do."
Dragoshi: "'Cause, at this point it's seeming like a REAL good idea now."
Aaron: *Revives.* "What the...?"
Alexia: "As odd as it sounds, I think I trust him on this."
Dragoshi: "...Same."
Rathos Lell: "These are..." He spins the largest one. "...Magitek..." ...the second largest one... "Magicite..." the third largest... "Mythril..." the fourth largest... "Magick..." the fifth largest... "Materia..." and the sixth largest. "Magether. The Demon Stone is a piece of reality itself that has been concentrated. It is powerful enough to reverse fate... but uncontrollable 90% of the time."
Traon: "Scratch the magitek out and you have my interest."
Harnit seems to be able to understand most of that. "Then... Can we have a truce for right now?"
Rathos Lell: "It was your idea to use the Demon stone against me. Now give me it before you all die from it."
Metal Man (GM): He holds out a hand, through the field.
Alexia: "...Hand it to me."
Rathos Lell: "And if you so much as PINCH me I will make sure your souls are annihilated."
Alexia: "If worst comes to worst, I'll be the one most easily defeated."
Harnit steps away from the others...
Dragoshi: "...I'll be sure that won't happen." *Glares at anyone that'd be dumb enough to try such a thing. ...Someone wanna give me the stone so I can give it to him?"
Alexia: "Dragoshi, please... I can't put anyone else at risk."
Dragoshi: "...Just give it to me. I promise not to use the damn thing against him. I doubt it'll corrupt me unless I utilize it like you guys did."
Harnit blinks, just realizing something... The little boy just gives a little shake of his head and says, "He's trying to stop people from using it, though... Not... Hurting others..."
Alexia nods. "Which is why we're calling a truce."
Dragoshi: "...Can I just have the damn thing? I doubt it'll corrupt me on touch... right?" *Looks over at Rathos when he says '...right?'*
Fizban: "...are you sure you wish to do this, Master Dragoshi?"
Dragoshi: "...Do not question me."
Alexia: "Fizban... give it to him."
Fizban: "Very well..."
Alexia: "Please..."
Rathos Lell: *Smiles.* "If you make it quick I may even be a little nicer than I planned."
Dragoshi: *Is really not in the mood for this right now.*
Fizban: *takes the stone and places it in Dragoshi's outstretched hand.*
Garrick: "...this is not right, Dragoshi... I REALLY don't like this plan!"
Metal Man (GM): *Julian is warped in.*
Dragoshi: .oO(Oh, great. Just what we need. The guy that makes fucking trainwrecks)
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi has the stone.
Dragoshi: "Fuck it. You do it for all I care." *Sighs and hands it back to Fizban.*
Julian: "...The fu-RATHOS?! The hell is going on?"
Alexia looks over her shoulder at Julian. "Uh-oh."
Fizban: "...Master Julian, if there is any time for you to be calm and do not move, it is now..."
Dragoshi: "...Some crazy bullshit, that's what. Also, don't even bother attacking him if you like living."
Rathos Lell: "I don't care who gives it to me." *He glances at Julian.* "I only care you do not accidentally blow the entire moon up with it in some foolish attempt to stop me."
Dragoshi: "See?"
Rathos Lell: "If you may be familiarized..." He points at the stone Fizban is holding. "That has an evil curse on you and four others."
Julian: "Boy you people like jumpin' to conclusions, huh?"
Rathos Lell: "If I get it I can reverse the curse and prevent the stone from going out of hand."
Fizban: "Master Julian, he destroyed Dragoshi in one attack."
Julian: "I know who Rathos is, an' I know what he can do. Ain't no way in HELL I'm gonna go flyin' off the handle when we're dealin' wit' this overpowered sumbitch."
Rathos Lell: "If I don't get it and you attack me, you all die and possibly become slaves of it, forcing me to fight your possessed bodies, which even then may be too much for me, because the Demon Crystal is... literally a demon."
Alexia: "...Thank you, Julian."
Julian: "Big fuckin' surprise."
Traon just goes on the defense. "I like the idea of living... I'll wait for you guys to decide a plan."
Douglas shouts "Just give the demon stone to him already! Why would WE want it?" Then he summons a glowing wind to heal him up some.
Darkdata: "It is not like we have many other options anyway, we do not want power, we want this thing gone from the world."
Alexia nods.
Darkdata: "We need this thing sealed, and banished, and we need these marks--" *Points to his forhead.* "Removed."
Garrick: "...Nova... can you detect ANY weaknesses in that shield?"
Nova: "It is a Solarian super-shield. The only possible weakness is that his hand is sticking out of it, waiting to get the Demon stone."
Garrick: *...defends...*
Darkdata: "So... Should I give him the stone guys?"
Dragoshi: "YES."
Fizban: *is still holding it.*
Dragoshi: "Just do it already for crying out loud."
Rathos Lell: "I like suspense, though."
Darkdata: "What do the rest of you think?"
Garrick: "He'll still kill us..."
Darkdata: "He will kill us anyway."
Julian: "Do SOMETHIN'."
Dragoshi: "...I'm surrounded by paranoid idiots."
Rathos Lell: "...I usually advocate the death of the man with the fedora, but, seriously. Make your decision already."
Traon: "Dragoshi, just do what you think is best."
Darkdata: "Look, we are screwed with one hit kills if we don't and we have a small chance if we do."
Rathos Lell: "I was trapped in a computer for a thousand years and this is taking too long for me."
Harnit: "Trust him!"
Dragoshi: "...I didn't forget."
Julian: ...Also, who's the kid?"
Garrick: "FINE!"
Dragoshi: "And don't yell at me like that again. You do NOT know how much seething infuriation I have under this calm."
Garrick: *takes the stone out of Fizban's hand, gives it to Darkdata.* "HAND it to him!"
Douglas: "We don't know yet, Julian... Just keep him safe... he seems pretty young."
Harnit waves to Julian before stopping and looking at Doug. "Hey! I can take care of myself..."
Alexia turns to Harnit. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"
Darkdata: *Waits for Alexia.*
Traon: "Well now... Not only is the random warpage sucking in random janitors, but now random kids. Whats next? Random bums off the side of the road?"
Harnit: "... As long as it isn't about me being toasted by th' light'ing..."
Darkdata: *Gives the stone carefully to the creature.*
Julian: *waves back to the kid.* "They keep gettin' younger. Who we gonna get next, someone fresh outta preschool?"
Rathos Lell: "Hey, you're forgetting the thousand-year old people."
Metal Man (GM): He waves at Alexia.
Alexia: "No, no, I just wanted to ask why you were wearing those robes."
Julian: "She's 15."
Alexia: "They seem a bit... big."
Rathos Lell: "No, no, I swear I saw somebody who spoke like her a thousand or so years ago..."
Dragoshi: "...Am I invisible or something?" ...Wait. I fall under the category of dimension hopper."
Harnit: "... I'm a mage!" *Waves his staff around... Then remembers about the godly entity nearby and stops before Rathos gets the wrong idea.*
Rathos Lell: *He takes the stone and adds it to his 7.*
Julian: "She's 15."
Alexia: "Thousand!"
Rathos Lell: "Now... to reveal your destiny."
Dragoshi: "..." *Just sits down, and watches.*
Metal Man (GM): He waves open the barrier.
Rathos Lell: "You have passed the test. Had you failed, you would be corpses."
Darkdata: "Please excuse me for a second."
Julian: "...Now I'm all kinds'a confused."
Darkdata: *Throws a rock at Garrick.*
Dragoshi: "...I second that. Also, wait."
Alexia reaches over and catches it.
Dragoshi: *materializes a stress ball of some sort and starts squeezing it.*
Darkdata: *Sigh.* "Alexia without speaking makes a point, no use being childish."
Harnit: "And... Since we passed?"
Traon is beyond confused and just stays silent.
Darkdata: *Turns around.* "So please explain everything."
Julian: "We passed? I didn' know we was bein' tested."
Garrick: "...I'm just... but... wait, what?"
Douglas looks to the kid, then to Lell...
Dragoshi: .oO(Seriously, what am I, INVISIBLE? I thought I mentioned my ancientness as well. Meh... At least I still have the whole dimension hopper thing.) *Continues squeezing the stress ball.*
Alexia: "...So what now?"
Julian: "Hell if I know..."
Metal Man (GM): He then points at a cave nearby,.
Alexia: "Head in?"
Dragoshi: *Still squeezeing the stress ball.* "...I think so."
Alexia nods solemnly and heads into the cave.
Darkdata: *Goes into the cave.* .oO(Enough standing around.)
Rathos Lell: "The crystals you seek are in there."
Darkdata: *Does not go into the cave.* "Are the marks going to be removed?"
Traon goes into the cave as well.
Harnit decides to follow the dragon yoshi... And has a little bit of trouble moving in the oversized robe.
Julian: "We're lookin' for crystals now? What the hell..."
Rathos Lell: "Oh... I forgot about that."
Dragoshi: "...Thank you." *Puts his machinegun away, while squeezeing the stress ball and holding his head in agitation, entering the ca-But stops.* "...Yes?"
Alexia stops and turns around.
Darkdata: "Can they be removed...?"
Rathos Lell: "...They can, assuming you pledge never to touch it again. If you touch it again you will die."
Julian: "I didn't want to touch the goddamn thing in the first place."
Alexia: *thinking.* "Why is the new kid reminding me of someone..."
Rathos Lell: "A mechanism commonly put in crystals like this."
Darkdata: "I will never thouch that thing nor use it's power again."
Douglas follows along.
Alexia: "Got it."
Rathos Lell: "We don't want thieves to be able to dispose of property easily. Done." *Snaps his fingers--the symbols vanish.* "Inside is the Atlantean crystal you wish for."
Alexia: "Thank you." *She heads into the cave.*
Aaron waits outside.
Julian: "This shit's crazy..." *heads in.*
Metal Man (GM): Inside the cave is a lot of powder... followed by an area full of Atlantean alloy crystals.
Dragoshi: "...'K." *Just enters the cave.*
Darkdata: "Ah, thank you..." *Heads into the cave.* "And sorry about the whole trying to kill you thing."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers get a comms from Ivo.
Garrick: *answers it.*
Alexia closes her eyes. "Mission complete, team."
Ivo Robotnik: *Comms * "Ah, good, you got the item I wanted."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Darkdata: "... You make it sound so simple."
Ivo Robotnik: *Comms.* "This shall speed up my work tremendously. Just put it in your ship and come back to Genetia... Robotnik out."
Dragoshi: "..." *Continues his stress ball squeezein'.*
Metal Man (GM): There are 15 crystals in this cave.
Harnit tries to stand up on the tip of his toes to look at the dex of a nearby Quester. "Wassat?"
Metal Man (GM): Each one is the size of a baseball... and rather light.
Douglas scoops up some powder.
Alexia picks up a crystal and puts it in her pack.
Darkdata: *Takes a few crystals.*
Alexia: "Our mission objective."
Garrick: *does as well.*
Julian takes his share.
Alexia: "You'll get an explanation when we get back to our ship."
Douglas pinches some of the powder onto the ground. .oO(What is this? Moondust?)
Harnit nods and lets the grownups do their thing...
Traon takes a crystal and pockets it.
Alexia: "Er, can I ask you something else? If you're a mage, shouldn't those robes fit you?"
Dragoshi: *Well, that's all the crystals... he checks to make sure.*
Alexia kneels down a bit so that she's not looking down on him.
Harnit blinks and stares at the ground, thinking it over...
Rathos Lell: "Now... I shall depart."
Harnit: "Ummm... What do they have to do with each other?"
Dragoshi: "...'K."
Metal Man (GM): He floats up into the sky and... vanishes, flying like a spacecraft.
Douglas gathers a box-full of this powder... in a box of his, and nods.
Alexia: "Well, if you were a mage, one would think that somebody would custom-make some robes your size."
Harnit shrugs. "I guess that makes sense..."
Alexia smiles gently. "We'll talk about it later, then."
Douglas follows Garrick to the ship, with his box-full of mysterious powder.
Dragoshi: *Does so.* .oO(SO damn glad this travesty has ended.)
Traon is following as well.
Harnit decides to follow the others since it seems to be the only thing to do...
Julian: *Walks to the ship, still confused as to what happened...*
Darkdata: *To the ship.*
Nova: "Welcome back, Questers. We are ready to takeoff."
Dragoshi: "Good. 'Cause I REALLY just want to forget this whole travesty ever happened." *Sits down, and buckles up.*
Darkdata: "Did you try to decode that file when we were gone Nova?"
Harnit looks about the ship in a bit of awe at the new landscape...
Aaron straps in.
Nova: "It can't be decoded by me... it's beyond anyone besides... maybe Kuja."
Douglas moves up to a random pencil sharpener or something, and sprinkles some powder on it.
Darkdata: "I guess we will just have to ask SIMBER to do it then."
Harnit decides to try and find a seat and hop up into it. He then fumbles with the, ah... Seat belt? ... For a bit before finally settling in.
Nova: "Not even SIMBER could decode it... although I'll slap him if he does. Shall we take off?"
Julian: "Jus' fuckin' go." *Julian takes a seat and buckles up.*
Traon sits down and buckles up as well.
Douglas sits and buckles, holding the box of powder in his arms securly.
Garrick: *buckes in as well, making sure EVERYONE is in... then launches.*
Darkdata: *Buckles UP.*
Metal Man (GM): *Launch.*
Julian: *Lunch.*
Metal Man (GM): *Lunk.*
Harnit: *Link?*
Dragoshi: *Lump?*
Aaron: "Huh? What happen?"
Metal Man (GM): The ship launches immediately. The ship's now on the way back to Genetia. FYI, The powder is blue. And neutral. Soon the ship lands... Inside the Seeker, of course.
Julian: *Disembarks.*
Darkdata: *Does that.*
Aaron exits.
SIMBER: "Welcome back. We... have a bit of a problem on our hands."
Dragoshi: *Muttering.* "...What is it?"
Mewtwo: "...This."
Dragoshi: "I'm a bit agitated after that travesty at the mo-..." *Watches.*
Harnit continues to follow the others and marvel at the neat things inside the ship...
Metal Man (GM): He plays a video... it shows... Charles?!?! landing off to the side of the MM2 base, and beginning to build his own.
Julian: "Charles!"
Metal Man (GM): His ship, a black Valhalla, appears vastly more powerful than before.
Dragoshi: "... Ahem."
Darkdata: "Oh look, He is alive" *Mock Suprise.* "Who saw this happening?"
Metal Man (GM): MM2 soldiers are seen attempting to break into his base, only to be blocked by the most incredibly powerful X-zone shield the Questers have ever seen.
Mewtwo: "We don't know if he's good or bad."
Dragoshi: "Do you have anything with REAL strong soundproo-Don't be a smartass, Darkdata. I'm annoyed enou-Holy damn."
Mewtwo: "But... this is not likely to play in our favor. I would suggest you pay him a visit."
Dragoshi: "Sure thing."
Julian: "He's Charles! We can't trust a goddamn word that comes outta his mouth..."
SIMBER: "He already did extend an invitation of sorts..."
Ivo Robotnik: *Comms.* "Just one moment! Let me get my parts."
Dragoshi: "Got anything that could settle the anger of a per-Oh, sure thing, Ivo."
Ivo Robotnik: *Comms.* "Now... I will take 3 of those and pay you each 15,000 coins for them."
Douglas just frowns.
Ivo Robotnik: *Comms.* "You may keep the other 12, or sell them at the price of 5,000 coins to each of you. They are a very, very valuable mineral."
Darkdata wants to keep one.
Ivo Robotnik: *Comms.* "You can make weapons and such with them."
Dragoshi: "..." *Wants to keep one as well.*
Ivo Robotnik: *Comms.* "Anyway. Someone put three of them in a warp to my place."
Metal Man (GM): A warp opens to Eggman's base, sized to fit crystals.
Dragoshi: *Does so.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* *WARP* *WARP.* Mission Completed. +10,000 coins. +15,000 more for the stones.
Harnit: "So... Err... Hello, everyone... At least now there's no things trying to kill us... I think..." *Looks up at Mewtwo and SIMBER.*
Julian: *Charles!* >:O
E Li Three: *Steps in.* "I see you have obtained a rare mineralal! I can do things with it! ...For a nominal fee!"
Traon: "Believe him guys. He turned the core of a walnut into a gold nugget. I got proof right here." he taps his pocket.
Dragoshi: "...Hey. E Li. Think you could appraise the value of some excess weapons I have?"
E Li Three: "Ah... I do not usually buy weapons, but I can do that." *Poses.* "For a nominal fee!"
Dragoshi: "...How much per weapon?"
Traon: .oO(Now I wonder if Mewtwo is around. I have a problem I need to speak to him about.)
E Li Three: "500 coins per weapon."
Dragoshi: "...That's a fair deal. I'll take it!" *He lays out, in order, the Lighttech Pistol, Lighttech dagger, Ancient Pike, Rusted Eggrobo Pistol, and Knifeman's Arm, handing E Li Three 2500.*
Douglas takes one of the crystals...
E Li Three: "This Lighttech pistol... 3000 coins..."
Darkdata: "E Li, what could you do with the 'Rare mineralal!' and the harp I got from santa?; after Dragoshi is done of course."
E Li Three: "This Lighttech dagger... 2000 coins..."
Traon: "Anyone know of the whereabout of our beloved frient Mewtwo?" .oO("I need to get this under order and find out what's up..." 'You grow tired of me already?' "Yes.")
Harnit exits the room and decides to use his powers of invisibili... Err... Being ignored to explore the ship.
E Li Three: "This Ancient pike... 5,500... This pistol... 2200 coins... This arm... 5000 coins... That should cover them all." *Spins around to Traon.* "Why he is right behind you!"
Mewtwo: "Hm?"
Traon turns around a bit surprised. "Well erm... I think I might have a little problem with my head... Was wondering if you could take a look. I was going to wait until I can give my little talk to everyone about why I did what I did with the ultimate emerald, but I need to get some things clarified first."
Mewtwo: "That is strange... most Questers have head problems..."
Dragoshi: "...Okay. Now I have an idea on what price I can put 'em at when I sell them to people. Thanks."
Traon: "I believe you on that... But this one is starting to make me think."
Mewtwo: "Give me some time, I will find some time to check it out in detail before the next mission."
Darkdata: "So E Li Three, about my harp and the mineral...?"
Traon nods. "I'm in no hurry... I wonder if this thing in my head can give me a decent conversation..." He kind of laughs at that.
Douglas gives SIMBER the box full of blue powder, and ponders some things.
E Li Three: "Let me see..."
Douglas lays out two other boxes in front of the mission board, and writes 'DO NOT OPEN' on them both.
E Li Three: "Ah. The mineral can make this harp protected against magical effects. It blocks out magical energy."
Darkdata: "An example would be? And is it all magical energy? and how powerful can the energy be?"
E Li Three: "It easily absorbs or stops magical effects... powerful energy can only damage it. It is something widely used by Atlanteans..." *He tilts his hat.* "The Solarians never could defeat Atlanteans in a fight if they ever met."
Darkdata: "I see no harm, the cost E Li Three?"
Dragoshi: "...Now." *Looks at the appraised items.* "Who could I sell these to?" *Thinks to himself.*
E Li Three: "Seeing as it is neither difficult nor all that useful to you, I charge... 1,500 coins. However I would suggest you only use one crystal... the other 11 should be distributed evenly, lest you become a target." He smiles oddly.
Darkdata: "Done, And I was planing on using only one." *He gives E Li Three the money.*
Dragoshi: "...Know where I could get some sort of stand thingy to put the weapons I'm selling on display?" >_>
Metal Man (GM): He waves his hands and finishes it... it now shines brightly blue, like an Atlantean harp.
E Li Three: "Yes! ...For a nominal fee!"
Dragoshi: *Chuckles.* "How much?"
Darkdata: "Also E Li... what can you tell me about this?" *Holds up the Prismonic Crystal he got from The Busnessman.*
E Li Three: "One thousand coins!"
Metal Man (GM): He looks at the crystal.
E Li Three: "It is an example of Phantom Lord energy? Eeee? I do not know anything about that."
Dragoshi: "Deal." *Hands E Li a small bag containing 1k in coins.*
E Li Three: "I am sort of their opposites."
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three idly pulls a stand out of thin air and sets it before Dragoshi. It has everything, including 'SALE!!!' signs on it.
Dragoshi: "...Opposite? Also, thanks."
Metal Man (GM): And it has a glass case on top to prevent people from randomly stealing it.
E Li Three: "You see, I am an Earthling defense... they were Earthling offenders, of some kind."
Darkdata: "I see, I guess I will just have to study it myself."
Dragoshi: *Puts up the weapons he's planning on selling in the glass cases, then looks for a place to write down the appraised prices.*
E Li Three: "Someone tried to use me to stop them. Had they had time to put in my password I'd have killed them all. But they are gone now, and I am not. And I am rich! Next I shall make a bank here. Heee heee heee!"
Metal Man (GM): He wanders off.
Dragoshi: "...Funtastic."
Darkdata: "Ah well." *Plucks a few strings.* "Mmh, Nice sound..."
Metal Man (GM): The sound now carries better and is more... harmonic. This is definitely a mystical material.
Darkdata: "Hmm, time to get down to a task I should of done for a while."
Darkdata: *Sits down at any free place and begins studying the stone.*
Dragoshi: "...Zuh?" *Just sets up shop... He then looks at some of the stuff he's acquired over time, chuckling... Hell, he still has that broken 1st gen. IIF cloaking device from so long ago.* "Man. I still have this old thing? I should prolly' get it repaired n' upgraded or something. sheesh."

