Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 402: Erzez's Extreme Elimination



Date: March 16th, 2007.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are in the main room, as Mewtwo looks over the mission.
Julian's in his usual seat. "What's the word, Mewtwo?"
Mewtwo: "This mission, you must defeat Erzez once and for all..."
Harnit listens to the mission details...
Dragoshi: *Leaning 'gainst the wall.* "...what."
Harnit: "Who is this Erzez?"
Dragoshi: "...wut?"
Mewtwo: "For he is blocking some supply lines, and has been threatening the capital city as of lately."
Metal Man (GM): He looks at Dragoshi funny.
Alex ponders. "Yes. I wonder that as well."
Mewtwo: "Could you please speak English?"
Dragoshi: "...I ca-...No. No time for idiotic lines. Anyway... Wait. What? Let me get this straight. We're trying to defeat the guy with a DISINTEGRATOR once and for all?"
Azure: "How long has he been blocking supply lines?" *He says, looking upward.*
Julian: "He's this crazy with a Disintegrator... Speakin' a-which, we got any way around that yet?"
Darkdata: *Runs in the room.*
Mewtwo: "Unfortunately, no. You will have to outsmart him. Or be disintegrated."
Darkdata: "Sorry I am late."
Julian: "...Great."
Glyph: *Hop skips into the room.*
Digifanatic: .oO(What sucks is that EMPs will probably do no more than a grain of sand to something like Godzilla.)
Glyph: [Hop] "I have built an item of ultimate power to help you on your quest!"
Darkdata: "... Great."
Dragoshi: "...What's it this time, Hop?"
Digifanatic: "Oh?" *turns to Hop.*
Alexia: "If it's like the last ones, I'm not interested."
Glyph: *Hop takes out a bottle of purple liquid and places it where the metal mobile, the NES coin shooter, and the nondescript box were before.*
Dragoshi: "...What's that do?"
Glyph: [Hop] "I don't really remember! Maybe you drink it..."
Darkdata: *Sets up a mirror songspell.*
Glyph: [Hop] "Or you throw it..."
Digifanatic: .oO(Of course.)
Glyph: [Hop] "Or maybe you drink it while you're throwing it."
Alexia picks up the bottle and looks at it.
Glyph: [Hop] "I don't know quite how that would work."
Darkdata: "It's not that I don't trust things that might explode..."
Alexia: "Hrm..."
Dragoshi: "...Okay." *Takes the nondescript box. The one with the jewel on it.*
Alexia opens it and takes a whiff.
Mewtwo: "You shall appear somewhere near where Erzez usually attacks--I have a guide to discuss with you the situation there."
Digifanatic tries to scan Hop's bottle with his Dex.
Metal Man (GM): Liquid begins flying out of the container, into Alexia's nose, and landing on the ceiling.
Darkdata: "... Better than exploding."
Metal Man (GM): It is very sugary... which would clog Alexia's nose.
Julian: "I dunno WHY you people keep listenin' to him."
Metal Man (GM): Might want to put the cap on.
Alexia: "GAAAAH!"
Glyph: [Hop] "Antigravity punch! That's what it was!"
Alexia frantically tries to close the bottle.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia puts the cap back on it.
Darkdata: "Doesn't that mean Alexia should be floating...?"
Metal Man (GM): It's seemingly normal, just that for some reason it flies upwards.
Mewtwo: "Like something Hop made would be that useful."
Julian: "Exactly."
Digifanatic: "Probably not enough to influence her entire body."
Mewtwo: "Now... you may warp." *Opens a warp.*
Aaron comes out of his quarters.
Dragoshi: *Puts on breath mask, and enters the warp, carrying the nondescript box.*
Darkdata: *Bubble 'o Air in case.* "And away I go!" *Warp.*
Digifanatic: *masks and warps.*
Alexia: "..."
Aaron follows suit.
Julian grabs his mask, puts it on, and heads for the warp.
Alexia hurls the bottle at Hop's head before getting her mask and warping.
Glyph: [Hop] "I'm useful... Ow!"
Harnit puts his mask on and follows the others.
Traon runs into the main room and stops where everyone is. "Sorry! Overslept..." he said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Metal Man (GM): The bottle floats into the ceiling.
Alex mimics everyone else!
Glyph: *Hop walks over to the corner and looks down sullenly.*
Metal Man (GM): Alex pretends to get soda up his nose.
Glyph: [Hop] "I'm useful..."
Aaron: "What going on?"
Alex: *No, everyone else, not Alexia.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia IS everyone else. :p
Alex: *As in, Mask & Warp... he just didn't want to be repetitive.*
Mewtwo: "You must defeat Erzez. Go into the warp for more details."
Glyph: *Hop sits in the corner.* "I'm useful..."
Aaron has his mask in place and joins the team.
Metal Man (GM): WARP. Outskirts of Capital City Rd: The Questers appear near a big, burnt-out area.
Traon: "Why do we always appear in a desolate place?"
Metal Man (GM): A man wearing a red scarf over his face greets them. He's middle-height, and wears boots and army fatigues.
Dragoshi: .oO(Looks like someone went through here with a flamethrower.)
???: "Because that's all Genetia has to offer."
Dragoshi: "...Oh. Hiya. And, you are?"
Darkdata: "So you are our guide?"
Jude: "I am Jude, your guide. Er. Advisor."
Alexia: "Nice to meet you..."
Jude: "Erzez has been destroying all supply lines sent to Cerrinia."
Alexia tries to peel the purple, sticky hair away from her eyes.
Darkdata: "Just a quick question, who asked you to be our guide?"
Jude: "George Robotnik, of course."
Dragoshi: "...'Course."
Julian: "Does it matter? Anyway, what you got for us, Jude?"
Harnit: "... George?"
Darkdata: "I see, do continue. Sorry for the interruption."
Jude: "The president of Genetia. What's it to you? Er..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Jude: "...As you know, you cannot beat Erzez in physical combat."
Harnit frowns as he wonders why there's so many Robotniks... He offers a quick apology and shuts his mouth.
Dragoshi: "Aye. What with the Disintegrator and all."
Jude: "However you can always sneak up on him."
Traon looks over at Alexia and tries not to laugh. .oO(Poor Alexia... Always getting it rough. 'You should introduce your mind to her. I would like to toy with her mind.' ... No... Just... No, you're wrong.) He shakes his head and pays attention to Jude at what he is saying.
Jude: "He lives in these hills. Being arrogant about his weapon, he makes no attempt to hide them. Be wary; the way is long and dangerous. Are you ready?"
Julian: "Do we got a choice?"
Dragoshi: "...Heh. Yea. Do we?"
Azure mysteriously pops back up.
Jude: "Well, yes."
Darkdata: "We are never ready. However we are good enough to go."
Jude: "You could also hide out here and try to ambush him, but he'd be more prepared here."
Digifanatic: "Well, let's go for it."
Harnit: "How are we supposed to sneak up on him? I don't this group is... A little large, and not so quiet."
Alexia: "Anything heavier in the ship to throw at Hop?"
Dragoshi: "...Pretty much, yea."
Alex frowns and nods. "And is sneaking around really that effective?"
Azure: "Maybe use what you call loud for whats less quiet."
Jude: "So... if you wish to take my route, please follow me." He begins walking down into a canyon.
Dragoshi: *Followfollowfollow.*
Julian shrugs and follows.
Digifanatic: *walks along.*
Alexia follows.
Darkdata: "Well, no choice, but to follow."
Harnit sighs and follows. "This isn't going to work..."
Darkdata: *Walks along behind the rest.*
Aaron follows.
Traon shrugs and follow.
Metal Man (GM): The group walks down, and eventually they reach a zip line.
Julian: "Nothin' we've done lately's worked."
Jude: "...And here is out first difficult part... are all of you strong? At least, can you hold your own weight up with your arms alone?"
Julian: "I can. I dunno about them."
Alex frowns. "Well maybe we'll be... somehow successful, though this appears to be more dangerous than even our previous missions." *He shrugs, also.*
Dragoshi: "Agility's more of my thing." :/
Digifanatic: "To be honest, I'm not sure about myself." *Checks how long the gap is.*
Azure: "It's possible for me."
Julian: *Agility's Julian's thing too.* :D
Harnit frowns and shrugs..
Jude: "If you can't, somebody very strong will have to hold you instead." He points at the gap, which crosses a 500-foot long pit full of pointy debris.
Darkdata: "I am semi-strong, my mental powers can help me."
Alexia takes out her gun and looks it over. She checks if it is strong enough to hold her up.
Azure: *Strength, speed, agility, mental, he has little of all.*
Jude: "It won't be pretty if you fall."
Julian: "'Can say that again..."
Traon: "I'm light weight, but not exactly strong... Agility here."
Azure: "500 feet... is quite a distance."
Harnit tries to think if he could somehow use the air flying past his body to... Somehow push him up a bit.
Darkdata: "I wonder..."
Alex frowns. "I'm light, but not physically strong at all..." *Blush.* "Blame my heritage, I suppose."
Darkdata: *Strums a few notes on his Harp.*
Julian stretches a bit to loosen his arms up, shakin' out a bit of the tenseness.
Darkdata: *Semi sounding balled with odd lyrics.* *Solid Air Clearsong.* "...No, it just would not work, I am not powerful enough to fill the big gap."
Jude: "...That is a great idea, but alas! The last bard to try that died... that's why it's called St. Tracy Crater."
Digifanatic: "Ohhhhhh..."
Harnit: "Okay, I've an idea... Who here thinks they can't really hold up their own weight?"
Darkdata: "I should be able to do it, and I have a backup plan if I fall."
Traon: "I could try for a bit. If anything, we can shimmy across. Ya know using both our legs and arms."
Digifanatic does not raise his hand... he feels a bit good about his chances.
Dragoshi: *Damn well knows he can't. Really. Do you expect someone who weighs 200 friggin' pounds with 0 strength--And, screw you. That's the only stat he doesn't have points in. Really. Nice way to fuck over his chances.*
Editor's Note: MWA HA HA HA... wait, seriously, it's just a game, dude.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi: In SSQ, STR check beats you!
Darkdata: "So, shall we move on?"
Alex frowns. "Like I said, I don't think I could make it so far..."
Traon draws his weapon and looks it over. "Why use my own arms when I could do this..." he puts the weapon over the zip line and grabs each side of it. "I could just slide across with this..."
Julian: "...Traon, that's the same thing. Only worse."
Jude: "You like breaking your weapons, do you?"
Harnit: "Okay... Well, anyone who falls under the 'Can't hold up own weight' category step over here." *The mage steps away from the others.*
Traon: "It's made out of a nice steel... But you do have a point..." He pulls his weapon back and thinks for a moment. "I'm not going to take the chance by testing the durability of the blade weapons either..."
Alexia steps away as well.
Dragoshi: *Follows Harnit.*
Alexia: "...Actually, I'm not really sure."
Alex frowns and goes to Harnit.
Alexia: "I'm kind of weak, but I'm also really light, too."
Alex looks up at Dragoshi. "...I thought you were strong." *Smile.*
Darkdata: *Stands by the group who can do it.*
Alex: *Or down..*
Jude: "...Also, a blade would likely damage the line. Any way... see you on the other side."
Traon: "I'm feeling somewhat confident that I could possibly hold up my own weight."
Aaron: "Me carry?"
Metal Man (GM): He gets out a zip thingy from a huge pile of them to the right of the line, then goes zipping down the line.
Harnit: "Okay, now I believe I have an idea... I should be able to somewhat control the wind to hold up some of our weight. I'm not sure how effective it will be, but it SHOULD help a bit."
Darkdata: *Starts zipping.*
Alexia meanwhile starts searching for something that COULD hold her weight.
Julian: "Lata, suckas." *He grabs one of the zipamagigs, places it over the line, and does the zip thing.*
Dragoshi: "...In a way, yes. I can take a lot of abuse and can move rather fast, and have some decent intelligence, but... Strength isn't really my thing unless you count the ability to kill stuff."
Alex scratches his head. "...Maybe Juli--.. Maybe Aaron could take one of us." Then she notices the zip line things.
Harnit: "... Ahah!".
Azure grabs one as well and puts it overhead. If things go bad he might use a wind dragon to push him the rest of the way.
Traon goes about doing his zipping as well.
Dragoshi: "...I call not it if that's the case."
Harnit: "Dragoshi, you're fast... And well coordinated?"
Alexia grabs one.
Metal Man (GM): Julian zips away.
Julian: *Ka-woosh!*
Alexia: "Screw this..."
Digifanatic goes for the zip line as well.
Metal Man (GM): Traon also zips away.
Julian: *hums the James Bond theme as he ziplines.*
Alexia latches the thing onto the line and jumps off.
Dragoshi: "...Well-coordinated? I wouldn't say that." :/
Metal Man (GM): One of Digi's arms falls off mid-zip. Just behind him, Azure falls off his zipline due to a freak breeze.
Harnit: "Ah... I was thinking that you could just run across."
Metal Man (GM): Alexia zips around them... somehow.
Azure goes for that wind dragon... blasts himself back to his zipline. >.>
Digifanatic: *YOINK!*
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata gets stuck with Azure n' Digi.
Alex: "...Aaron?"
Aaron: "Me carry who?"
Darkdata: "I planned for this!" *Force Repel Songspell!*
Metal Man (GM): Azure gets right back on.
Azure suffers damage but makes his back to his zipline.
Alex raises his hand quickly. Why should he trust someone's magic when they are 5 years younger than himself?
Metal Man (GM): Digi barely gets across.
Alex: "I'd be happy to go with you, Orc!"
Metal Man (GM): Azure gets across.
Alex walks over to BC.
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata's spell is powerful enough to launch himself all the way across. He lost his grip on his right hand.
Alexia: *as she slides down.* "Whoohoooooooo!"
Aaron tries to carry Alex across. luck.
Alexia: "It's flying all over again!"
Darkdata: "Haha, Success!"
Alex: D:
Metal Man (GM): Aaron and Alex collide into the abandoned Zip device from Darkdata. They're both falling now.
Darkdata: "..."
Alex: "Ahhhh!"
Darkdata: *Call Item darksong.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi crashes on into the other side. He takes damage, but is safe.
Darkdata: *The two idiots.*
Julian jumps off the Zip Line as it nears the end of the line, and makes a perfect landing! "Too easy..."
Digifanatic: *takes the blow but not too concerned yet.*
Azure prepares for mass party healing for those that suffer damage as they make it across starting with himself.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia makes it across, barely.
Traon gets across and jumps over Julian as he gets to the end. "That was fun."
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata somehow recalls the falling Alex and Aaron across, but they both take some damage.
Harnit sighs and decides to just go with his plan... He hops on the Zip line and Wind Energy Controls while heading down and tries to stay on.
Alexia drops off at the other side, safe and sound. Somehow.
Julian: "Like some kinda James Bond shit or somethin'."
Alexia: "James who? The guy with the weed whacker?"
Digifanatic: "Heh... just replace the Aston Martin with your Cadillac."
Darkdata: "Well at least your across." *Smiles.*
Dragoshi: *Still at the side with ziplines.* "...Sod it." *Just tries to go on the zipline, hoping for the best...*
Metal Man (GM): Harnit does something very bizarre.
Aaron: "Me got bad grip."
Metal Man (GM): His Zipline flies right off the zip.
Darkdata: "And there goes another one."
Metal Man (GM): Then it flies across on a rope of air. The problem?
Alexia: "HARNIIIIT!"
Metal Man (GM): It keeps on flying past the Questers and doesn't land.
Julian: "Drago needs to bulk up some. He's this huge dragon guy, but he's got no strength. Nothin'."
Metal Man (GM): Talk about a UFO.
Alexia tries to rescue him with her TK.
Julian: "...An' there goes Harnit. HANG ON, MAN!"
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Dragoshi collides into the mass of abandoned zip-things and is now falling.
Darkdata: "Sigh... Alexia I will get the Gragonshi." *Call item darksong, Dragoshi.*
Dragoshi: *Tries to Ice Tornado himself back onto the ziplines or something like Azure did if DD fails.*
Azure tries to take over Harnit's air control and reroute it via energy alchemy to bring Harnit back. Then sees Alexia do something and um... well... stops.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia grabs Harnit and saves him. Dragoshi is too heavy for DD's spell.
Darkdata: "He has to go on a diet..."
Harnit: "Gah! Thanks..."
Alexia breathes a huge sigh of relief as she guides Harnit back to the platform. "No prob."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Harnit's zip thing flies off into the distance.
Traon watches as the chaos takes place. "Well we have people flying all over the place and UFO ziplines going this way and that... What the hell is up with this place?"
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi is back on the zipline... Dragoshi makes it across, with difficulty.
Alex: "Good job, Alexia!" He smiles at her.
Metal Man (GM): Jude stares at the Questers. He whistles once.
Alexia: "Thanks."
Digifanatic: "Nicely done."
Jude: "That was the strangest zip-line related mess I've ever seen. Maybe I should pay people to watch you zipline."
Alex sighs.
Dragoshi: "..." *Facepalm.*
Darkdata: "And look, the second bard did not die!"
Alexia: "I'll say it again: SO glad I'm on the telekinetic branch."
Jude: "It's always the third ones which die."
Metal Man (GM): Jude turns around and walks over to the edge of a cliff.
Jude: "How many of you can climb?"
Julian: "Drago, you need to bulk up. Anyways, now what?"
Alexia: "Uh..."
Alex tears up. .oO(Not again...)
Julian: "Climb? I can handle that."
Alexia: "..."
Harnit sighs..
Jude: "Erzez's lair is at the bottom of this cliff, across raging river rapids, and then you have to leap over a massive pit full of boiling water."
Digifanatic: "Huh."
Jude: "He hates door-to-door salesmen."
Alexia forms a Psy Needle and stabs it into the cliff. She tests if it will hold her weight.
Harnit: "All of this for a plan that won't work?!"
Julian: "...Like a triathlon or somethin'."
Digifanatic: "And the climb part? Adequately."
Alexia: "...Wait. River rapids?"
Jude: "My plans always work, kid. If they didn't, you'd have all fallen into the pit and died."
Dragoshi: "...Climb. Eh. I have SOME skill in that."
Traon: "This should be fun! Lets go get em!"
Alexia starts to sweat.
Jude: "The bill for that would be pretty huge. Can you imagine how expensive tombstones are these days?"
Alexia: "I-isn't there another way across?"
Jude: "Sure."
Julian cracks his fingers and gets ready. "So how tall's this thing?"
Metal Man (GM): He points to a raging volcano nearby.
Harnit: "How do you expect a sneak attack to work?"
Jude: "You could climb through there."
Azure: "I'd take my chances with one element... than with two..."
Jude: "This cliff is about 100 feet. There's a path below."
Alexia: "..." *uber-facepalms.*
Dragoshi: "...Again with the hundred foot stuff."
Traon: "100 feet? That ain't to bad."
Digifanatic: .oO(Still... one... just different... temperatures.)
Julian: "A'ight, let's do this..." *Julian backs up a bit, then takes a running leap at the cliff to get some distance behind him while he gets a good grip and starts to climb down.*
Alexia: "...I-i'll go up. Through the river..."
Dragoshi: .oO(Damn. If only I kept some of those antigrav devices from Atlantis)
Metal Man (GM): Julian leaps down, finds some handholds, and climbs on down. Jude follows.
Dragoshi: *Climbing dooooooooooowwwn.*
Digifanatic hopes to follow consistently behind Julian.
Alex frowns and looks at Julian go down.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi climbs on down. Digi falls on down.
Aaron climbs down as well.
Digifanatic: *Tumbles.*
Alexia swings around and starts climbing down, using Psy Needles as handholds.
Harnit tries to follow..
Traon climbs along as well..
Metal Man (GM): Aaron will be climbing down for a while, while Digi takes damage from falling, Alexia climbs down, Harnit falls down, Traon climbs down.
Alexia winces as Digi splatters onto the ground.
Digifanatic: *SMACK! OOOOOOOOOHHH...*
Alex frowns and follows, like those cows on South Park that just all jump off a cliff because of the clock.
Alexia: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Alex leaps off the cliff. He trips on the edge and is falling.
Alex: "Ahhh not again!"
Digifanatic groans a bit but gets back up... this hasn't been very gentle to him yet.
Traon gets down and watches as Alex jumps down. "Do they call this suicide cliff?"
Alex tries to grab onto Julian as he falls.
Alexia begins Mending Digi... although she's not sure if she can fix what's probably a fracture. "I gotcha, Digi."
Jude: "No, they call it... Skyhigh Cliff."
Alexia: "..."
Metal Man (GM): *rimshot.*
Alexia: "No comment."
Metal Man (GM): Azure slips on a handhold somewhere and falls half-way.
Digifanatic: "Ah, that's better..."
Julian kicks Alex away as he tries to grab onto him, and finishes climbing down.
Harnit would try to tumble when he reaches the bottom then..
Alexia: "No problem... Oh man, Harnit, not again!"
Metal Man (GM): Harnit fails to catch himself so far...
Alexia dives to catch him.
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Julian shoves Alex to his doom. Damage from bounce off of Julian, then more from crashing into the ground.
Digifanatic didn't really notice what Julian did to Alex... just him falling.
Alexia is too busy trying to save Harnit from puddlehood.
Dragoshi: *Just climbing on down...*
Jude: "This is more entertaining than seeing entire space ships being disintegrated."
Julian nears the end, and jumps down. "What's the 3rd leg?"
Azure starts to fall and taps into earth manipulation as he hits the ground... softening his fall. Panting a large deal as he did so... having still taken a large portion of damage. He stand up for a moment shaken but quickly regains his composure. Again ready to heal all around him... at a moment's notice.
Digifanatic: "This place isn't being friendly but at least we're all alive."
Traon: "Tell me about it. Wish I had some popcorn and soda."
Jude: "A swim across a treacherous river."
Digifanatic: *hands Alex a Healing Vial.*
Alexia misses and gets her face introduced to some dirt while Harnit splatters. "..."
Jude: "Failure means flying off a waterfall and to your doom."
Alexia: *soft whimper.*
Alex sighs and drinks it quickly. "Thank so much."
Digifanatic: "Wish I knew you just a bit more... Alex, right?"
Jude: "Also there are razor-toothed fish."
Alexia slowly stands back up.
Jude: "They'll eat'cha!"
Julian: "Jus' like a triathlon...'cept for the fish."
Alex: "...Yes!"
Dragoshi: "...Yeaaa."
Alexia: "..."
Digifanatic: "Thought so... we haven't had much time to talk. But after this..."
Richard: "Sounds like fun."
Julian: "Lemee try somethin' first, 'fore we start swimmin'..." *Julian reaches into his vest, and pulls out... The Ice Wand! Huzzah! Julian tries to make a bridge across...*
Alexia: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Alexia finally puts a hand out... and begins Element Syncing.
Harnit just mutters and follows the others..
Alexia: "The water's okay, the water's okay, the water's okay..."
Alex: "Alexia, we should be able to just float over water."
Traon: "Alexia, the fish will eat your brains out and chew on your toes and bite off your fingers. The water isn't fine."
Dragoshi: *Groans.* "Traon..."
Traon: "Yes? I'm just being honest here..."
Alexia is apparently ignoring them all. Her eyes close tightly as the Sync begins.
Traon is standing there, waiting to find out what needs to be done to get across this thing.
Metal Man (GM): It is EVIL moving water.
Alexia: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Alexia becomes rocky. Alexia turns to stone and cannot move. Looks like today's Sync was bad. Julian creates a slippery bridge across the river.
Alexia: "No--" *ROCK'D.*
Alex: "! M-Alexia, what happened!?"
Metal Man (GM): The bridge can be slowly walked across. Jude manages to do so safely.
Jude: "Thanks. No fish biting my shoes this time."
Julian: "Not a problem... Careful now." *Julian puts the wand away and carefully makes his way across the bridge.*
Traon follows behind Julian. >.>
Darkdata: *Slowly walks across.*
Aaron: "What wrong Alexia?"
Harnit walks across...
Digifanatic walks across.
Aaron wonders what's wrong with Alexia.
Traon looks back as he crosses the bridge and looks at Alexia. "Looks like Alexia is 'stoned' at the moment."
Digifanatic: "Hey, Dark? You have a song that can reverse that?"
Aaron: "What going on?"
Digifanatic: Hey.*
Darkdata: "No, but technically I could take control of her."
Dragoshi: *Mutters walking across the ice bridge Julian made... carefully at that.*
Darkdata: "Although... I could try a modified restore darksong. However I would hate to see what would happen if I mess up."
Digifanatic: "Ohhhh..."
Alex slowly crawls across the bridge and continue with the others...
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk across. But now there is a massive lake of boiling water.
Jude: "You must leap across this. Or else you will burn."
Julian: "...This is gonna be tough."
Dragoshi: "...Yea."
Jude: "Also, it can cook lobster in under 10 minutes."
Traon: "Its going to be fun!" *Nothing beats positiveness.*
Dragoshi: "...What does that have to with anything?"
Harnit: "What causes the water to boil?"
Julian: "How long's the gap?"
Digifanatic: "Let's see... Julian, that rod worked on that magma flow... But that steam is way too dangerous..."
Darkdata: "Hehe. I have a crazy plan." *Big goofy smile.*
Julian: "When'd we ever fight some lava sucka?"
Darkdata: "No, wait, never mind. That would cause the water to overflow onto the land."
Jude: "Eh... 20 feet."
Harnit: "..."
Alexia: *thinking.* "Is it any wonder I can hate this job sometimes?"
Darkdata: "That would be a bad idea."
Julian: "I can make that."
Digifanatic: "We didn't fight any... but when you first got that ice rod."
Jude: "So can I." He leaps across.
Harnit tries to use his Water and Fire Energy Controls to calm the water. Two.
Traon: "20 feet, now that isn't bad at all. I can jump that in my sleep." *He goes for a jump.*
Metal Man (GM): Harnit, meanwhile, attempts to control it. But there's a problem.
Darkdata: "Why jump, when you can walk?"
Metal Man (GM): For every bit of water he calms, more uncalm water rises from the depths and on top of it.
Digifanatic: "Remember that magma you froze so we could get to that door? That's what I meant."
Metal Man (GM): Traon barely leaps across.
Darkdata: *solid air clearsong for 20 feet with a chunk of energy.*
Alexia: *thinking.* "Hey, wait... Are they ditching me?!"
Aaron carries her to the gap and chucks her over it.
Julian makes a running leap... would Jump Attack help here?
Darkdata: "I missed a few notes, I wonder if it would support me..."
Metal Man (GM): Julian leaps across.
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata makes it half-way across and burns his feet for 25 damage, but is now across after re-casting it. Julian is unstoppable!
Dragoshi: *Okay... Drag attempts to jump this. Ah man. This ain't gonna be good, huh?*
Metal Man (GM): ...Ahhhh!!! Alexia statue!
Darkdata: "Well, I guess I deserved that."
Metal Man (GM): *CRUNCH.* The Alexia statue lands on top of Julian.
Alexia: *WHAM.*
Julian: *ARGH.*
Metal Man (GM): Some damage to Julian and Alexia. Dragoshi walks over to see the mess.
Harnit jumps across...
Metal Man (GM): Aaron leaps all the way across.
Darkdata: "Can't let the child suffer... Alexia save her, use you... head."
Metal Man (GM): Harnit leaps into the water.
Dragoshi: "...Wow." *Tries to take the statued Alexia off'a Julian.*
Metal Man (GM): It burns! It burns! Some damage as Harnit leaps right back out.
Julian lays there for a minute... then shoves the Alexia statue off and stands up, rubbing his back.
Dragoshi: *Nevermind then.*
Harnit eats six mushrooms and tires again.
Darkdata: "So Alexia, are you planning on getting ahead of all this brokenness?"
Metal Man (GM): ...Wow, those mushrooms are helpful. *FWOOSH.* Harnit flies all the way across.
Alexia: *thinking.* "I wonder if throwing Darkdata into the water would be a criminal act..."
Alex frowns.
Digifanatic: *goes to jump over.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi leaps into the water. *Burn.*
Darkdata: *Tries to pick up Alexia's head.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are all across, now... singed, cliff'd, and zipped.
Alexia: *And statued.*
Digifanatic: *ZIIING* "My goodness..."
Traon: "Alexia, I told ya to stay off them drugs. I told you one day you would end up getting stoned."
Dragoshi: "...That should be taken out and shot."
Digifanatic: "Traon!"
Dragoshi: "...Oh, and that joke sucked."
Darkdata: "Drug puns are bad... mmkay?"
Alexia: *tries to focus her TK on Traon to smash his head.*
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata drops Alexia's statue head on his foot.
Alex closes his eyes and starts levitating via psychic power. He tries floating over the water to the other side..
Digifanatic: .oO(I thought Darkdata was bad enough with the puns...)
Jude: "Here we are."
Darkdata: "Gahasjajsfjasf.jasl;kjfl;sja;lfj;slj. ow... Well so much for..." *Wiggles toes.* "...fixing her. Can one of you guys... owow... Help?"
Aaron: "Huh?"
Jude: "Now... for your next challenge."
Traon: "I'm up for another challenge, bring on the pies!"
Metal Man (GM): He points at a massive iron door in the way.
Dragoshi: "...Yes?"
Jude: "You must break that."
Darkdata: "Just set her up right and hold her head on to the other part."
Dragoshi: "...How difficult is it to break?" *Searches for any structural weaknesses on the door.*
Darkdata: "Someone help me with Alexia first?"
Julian: *Knocks on the door.*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi discovers it is made of iron, therefore rusted. It makes a hollow knock. Definitely sorta-thin.
Aaron: "What you need me do?"
Traon draws his weapon and approaches the door. "Whats it goin to be Julian?"
Julian RP-draws out a Sledgehammer and tries to knock it down.
Aaron: *To Dark.*
Darkdata: "Hold her head to the base of the statue." *Points to head and statue.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian swings at it with the sledgehammer.
Aaron: "Okay."
Metal Man (GM): The sledgehammer does not break.
Digifanatic follows up to the door... but of course keeps his distance from the Mighty Sledgehammer That Makes Gallagher Bow to Julian.
Metal Man (GM): However... *CRACK.* Julian's right arm does.
Jude: "I forgot to mention. It's cursed!"
Darkdata: "Fools..."
Dragoshi: "...It's cursed to reflect things back at people?"
Julian: "...AHHHHHHH!" *Julian falls backwards and cradles his broken right arm.* "Medic!"
Darkdata: "Anyway, Bonecrusher how are you doing with it?"
Aaron does as Darkdata asks.
Harnit: "..." *Casts Nature's Growth on Julian... And then on the door.*
Darkdata: "Ok... " *Restore Item Darksong on the Alexia-statue.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia turns into an item.
Traon prods at the door with his weapon, poking it... Trying to find any soft spots.
Azure looks... at this and ponders..
Alex: "So, we break it?"
Metal Man (GM): Alexia is now 10 inches tall and can fit inside a soda can. But no longer a statue.
Dragoshi: "..."
Alexia: "..."
Darkdata: "Well... It could of been worse."
Julian: *Looks at his arm, trying to see if that healed it.*
Digifanatic: *looks down.* "Lex?!"
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata also feels somebody poking his arm.
Alexia: "NOW do you see why I hate this job?"
Darkdata: "You hold onto her, Bonecrusher."
Dragoshi: "...No. I'll do it."
Aaron carries her.
Metal Man (GM): Julian's arm is mostly healed. It still has a few problems with it.
Aaron pets her like a human would a rat.
Alexia stabs a Psy Needle into the underside of BC's fingernail.
Aaron: "Oww..."
Metal Man (GM): BC is stabbed in the fingernail.
Azure looks at Julian and walks over to him. Azure inspects..the wounds... if it's still messed up.
Metal Man (GM): Anyway... the door is still in the way.
Julian takes a few deep breaths, then gets up using only his left arm so as not to put any weight on the right one. "Ow... I ain't touchin' that door."
Darkdata: *Saves Alexia as Boney would probably drop her.*
Jude: "...This door isn't going to break itself."
Metal Man (GM): It only partially healed it.
Julian: "It's gonna break without me."
Dragoshi: *Taps his foot.*
Aaron throws her across the room instead.
Traon: "I have an idea! If I punch the door, wouldn't that mean the weapon absorbs it?" *He goes to punch the door and holds his weapon.*
Metal Man (GM): The magic reflects off of the door and heals Harnit.
Darkdata: "No you fool, magic is never that simpl--"
Harnit looks at the door. Does it have handles?
Alexia: *Smeared/boiled/vertigo-ed.*
Dragoshi: *Goes long and tries to catch Alexia.* .oO(This is getting ridiculous)
Metal Man (GM): Alexia does all three at once, losing one life but then returning at normal size. Meanwhile, Traon's fist is punched back by his own. Ow!
Dragoshi: *Nevermind, then. Drag then glares at Aaron.*
Alexia revives.
Darkdata: "I can try something..."
Metal Man (GM): The door has no handles.
Azure: "Hmmm..." walks up to the door and..well knocks.
Alexia: "What next? Death by washing machine?"
Digifanatic: "Let's see... a ranged move would probably just reflect it."
Jude: "I'd help, but this door is pretty tough."
Darkdata: "First things first..."
Alexia suddenly flinches and looks towards the sky.
Metal Man (GM): A drop of water drips from a stalactite onto Alexia. Harmless.
Aaron: "What wrong?"
Digifanatic: *to Alexia.* "Don't worry. Narrator Guy is NOT here."
Harnit hms...
Alexia blinks and wipes the water off. "First of all..."
Traon: "We need to decurse it..."
Darkdata: *sets up a mirror songspell a little bit in front of the door.*
Alexia grabs Aaron with her TK by the neck and starts squeezing.
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata does so.
Alexia: "I AM NOT A PET."
Aaron: "Pet? What that?"
Dragoshi: "...This is why I should've held onto her."
Darkdata: "Next..."
Dragoshi: "I mean, when she was really tiny."
Darkdata: *Shatter clearsong at the door while running behind the mirror on the last note.*
Dragoshi: "Then, this crap wouldn't have happened." *Mutters.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers hear a very loud ringing noise.
Julian: "Shoulda learned by now to not trust Aaron wit' ANYTHIN'..."
Metal Man (GM): Followed by two explosions. The door disintegrates.
Dragoshi: "There we go."
Alexia drops Aaron and turns back to the door.
Julian: "An' there we go."
Alexia: "Okay. I feel better."
Darkdata: "... oops."
Digifanatic: "Nice." *walks up.*
Julian moves on...
Jude: "Good work... now... we must surprise Erzez!"
Traon goes on.
Darkdata: "I should of cast a globe of silence over this mess."
Jude: "...Do you have any ideas on how to surprise people?"
Alexia: "...Car bombs?"
Darkdata: "Sigh." *Moves on.*
Dragoshi: "Concealing oneself, then moving silently?" >_>
Harnit: "Please tell us YOU do... YOU are our guide."
Jude: "If I wanted a car bomb, I'd just let the Bard touch some more cursed artifacts."
Julian: "Artillery strike... but I'm outta 'nades."
Alexia continues on, listening for the sounds of BC doing anything behind her.
Dragoshi: "And I bet EMPs would fail every other damn time we've tried using them."
Alex whispers to Julian something... >.>
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk deep inside a mechanical chamber.
Dragoshi: *fail like.
Metal Man (GM): Soon they see Erzez, who is nearby, sitting on a metallic throne.
Alexia crouches down quickly.
Traon ish down as well.
Erzez: "Hmmm... it's about time to burn some more caravans... I wonder if I should try out my new Disintegrator today..."
Dragoshi: *Does the same as the other two that crouched down quickly.*
Alexia: *whispering.* "All I have that might help is some C-4."
Aaron is still confused at why he was choked.
Alexia: *w* "...Wait, I have an idea."
Julian: *w* "We need grenades..."
Dragoshi: *w* "...Yea."
Alexia: *w* "It's crazy and weird, but it might work."
Dragoshi: *w* "...?"
Julian: *w* "Go on."
Traon: *Whisper.* "I could always trickle some blood down until it is under his throne and then shoot up a blade..That outta give him a rectal dysfunction."
Digifanatic: *goes down.*
Alexia pulls the power cell out of her gun.
Alex: *W* "I can purchase as many grenades as you need, if you give me the money..."
Dragoshi: *w* "...Hm?"
Alexia: *w* "I could smear this with some C-4, chuck it in, and detonate."
Aaron growls at Alexia.
Digifanatic: *w* "Oh, that may work."
Dragoshi: *w* "Yeaaaaa..."
Julian: *w* "Better idea." *Julian takes out some Super C-4.* "Use this."
Traon covers BCs mouth and puts a finger of his own lips and shakes his head, and then whispers to Aaron. "Please, save it for later... Please?"
Dragoshi: *w* "...You still have that?" o_o
Alexia: *w* "...Awesome." *She takes it.*
Dragoshi: *w, smirk.* "...Funtastic."
Digifanatic: *W* "There ya go..."
Aaron: *whispers to Traon.* "Me mad at bitch."
Azure gets a rather unwelcome feeling at the moment. "Are you sure you know the reaction..that will come from that..?"
Traon nods at Aaron, "I understand that, but this isn't the time or place for that."
Alexia: *w* "So it's a plan?"
Dragoshi: *w* "...wait."
Julian: *w* "Might as well."
Alexia: *w* "What is it?"
Dragoshi: *w* "Doesn't that thing have a... I dunno... 100 foot blast radius?"
Metal Man (GM): Erzez idly spins one of his arms around.
Erzez: "The new model 2 should make life much easier."
Alexia: *w* "Yes, but are you willing to risk him getting up again?"
Julian: *w* "We got 3 lives. He don't."
Harnit whispers... "WHY didn't you people think of a plan beforehand?"
Dragoshi: *w* "...Touche."
Digifanatic: *w* "Jules is right."
Alexia: *w* "Good, it's settled. Let's do it."
Dragoshi: *w* "Aye."
Alexia then smears the Super C-4 over the power cell, throws, and DETONAAAAATES.
Julian: *w* "'Cause that's how we roll."
Metal Man (GM): A large explosion proceeds.
Dragoshi: *w* "...Yep."
Metal Man (GM): Erzez is not left standing... Another one walks right in and equips the weapon he was holding.
Alex doesn't trust this... great.
Alexia: "..."
Aaron: *to Traon.* "She lucky me no eat her."
Erzez: "My, my. It's a good thing I have multiple bodies."
Alexia: *facepalm.*
Julian: *And again the Quester's attempt at doing the smart thing fails.*
Erzez: "Smithy made sure I couldn't be destroyed so easily..."
Aziel: "What was that Alexia?"
Dragoshi: "...Well this has turned into 50 different shades of stupid."
Metal Man (GM): He looks around, curious.
Traon rubs his forehead.
Digifanatic: .oO(Oh, you freaking... but at least that gets rid of one of them come the battle.)
Erzez: "Who has decided to come in my lair and blow up a huge piece of it? I'll disintegrate you!"
Harnit steps a bit away from the others... Not stepping out into plain sight, either.
Alexia: "..."
Julian: *Keep hidden.* *w* "Shut up. Maybe he won't hear us."
Metal Man (GM): He points around... he still hasn't seen the Questers yet.
Dragoshi: *Nod.*
Digifanatic: *w* "How many bodies you think he's got?"
Alexia: *w* "Okay, that worked..." *w* "I can still try it again."
Jude: (w) "We've tried bombs before. You need to disable his programming somehow. Or maybe his disintegrator."
Darkdata: *W* "I wonder if he is susceptible to paradoxes...?"
Jude: (w) "The disintegrator is immune to explosions, though..."
Julian: *w* "An' we ain't figured out how to do that."
Alexia: *w* "Or we could blow up the di--oh."
Dragoshi: *w* "...Maybe we can throw it near the room where he keeps his bodies..."
Julian: *w* "I mean, we got EMP 'nades, but those never work..."
Jude: (w) "Don't you have other ways to attack?"
Dragoshi: *w* "..." *hell if I know.
Julian: *w* "Honestly? That's about it."
Alex: *w* "Not strong enough to fight HIM..."
Harnit: "Blow him up and grab his weapon."
Alexia crouches down to stay out of sight as she opens her pack and takes out some duct tape, the C-4, and that old and probably worthless pair of energy-seeking binoculars.
Jude: (w) "Don't you have guns, or weapons, or? ...Maybe that?"
Digifanatic: *W* "Oh, those!"
Metal Man (GM): The binoculars correctly identify the disintegrator as being chock-full of energy.
Digifanatic: *takes his out as well.*
Azure: "Digi... shhh."
Julian: *w* "We ain't got anythin' immune to disintegration."
Alexia: *w* "That's pretty much all I have..."
Dragoshi: *whisper.* "...I have this machinegun... Though it can eat through barriers And tear apart things like paper."
Darkdata: *w* "It's immune to explosions..."
Azure: *W* "Is the disintegrator mostly energy?"
Jude: (w) "In a cylinder... probably Antimatter energy."
Alexia: *w* "Chock-full of it." *w* "Those old scopes may be useful yet..."
Dragoshi: *w* "...And antimatter's insanely dangerous. Right?"
Jude: (w) "It isn't called a disintegrator gun for nothing."
Azure: *W* "Antimatter? You want us to go... and hit that with weapons?" *Types of energy weren't lost on azure. Technology was. That didn't sound to -safe- or -sane-.*
Alexia: *w* "...Another idea."
Digifanatic: *w* "Indeed, 'Lex."
Dragoshi: *w* "Hmm?"
Alexia: *w* "Darkdata, if you can put one of those mirrors in front of the disintegrator as it fires..."
Dragoshi: *w* "It'll prolly' disintegrate the mirror."
Darkdata: *w* Not a bad idea, however I don't know if it can reflect that kind of power."
Jude: (w) "We've never tried mirrors before."
Darkdata: *w* "Unless you guys can..." *team attack* "--focus with me!"
Harnit sits down and listens to the others..
Digifanatic: *w* "I like the mirror idea."
Alexia: *w* "Oh, wait, forgot this."
Dragoshi: *w* "The mirror'll fail."
Alexia silently detaches the chain from her belt and lays it down with the rest of her stuff.
Dragoshi: *w* "No, seriously. I bet it'll just get disintegrated like every other damn thing."
Darkdata: *W* "It never hurts to try, All I need is for you guys to focus your energy with mine to boost the mirror."
Erzez: "By Smithy's beard! Why do cowards hide in waiting... you'll never stop me." He continues searching.
Azure: "Deflection doesn't sound to bad." *He looks to Dragoshi.* "It's better than running straight in."
Digifanatic: *w* "Well, it withstood the curse--oh crap..."
Alexia: *w* "So we basically need to save a city using a chain, five rolls of tape, 9 globs of C-4, and a pair of binoculars."
Darkdata: *w* "So, help me! Focus your power."
Alexia: *w* "Wait, wait."
Dragoshi: *w* "And a mirror."
Alexia: *w* "Dark, there's no guarantee that he'll fire it."
Darkdata: *w* "Alexia, I can make him fire. You know I can, I can get ahead in life."
Alexia: *w* "..."
Darkdata: *w* "Still think I can't make him fire?"
Azure: *W* "What of those duplicates to play a distraction role?"
Alexia: *w* "No, I was boggled at the stupidity of you--good idea, Azure."
Alex duplicates himself once. *W* "Like this?"
Alexia: *w* "I can form a lot, too."
Harnit whispers.. "Does he have a shoot-first, ask-later attitude?"
Alexia: *w* "Okay, looks like we don't have another choice..."
Dragoshi: *Nods in response to Harnit.*
Digifanatic: *w* "I wouldn't be surprised."
Jude: (w) "He shoots everything he sees."
Alexia silently packs her stuff back up and puts the chain back on her belt.
Jude: (w) "We've hurled empty soda cans at him and he'd shoot those too."
Aaron searches for somewhere to sleep.
Azure: *W* *nods.* "Yes. We use that duplicate to bait him into attack then pull the tactic."
Metal Man (GM): There's plenty of room in this wreck... for Aaron to sleep in, that is.
Darkdata: *w* "So, guys. Help me, help me focus the power of my song."
Alexia: *w* "...Just thought of another idea, but too late... Ready?"
Dragoshi: *w* "What was the plan again?"
Darkdata: *Quietly strums the first note.* "Attack and I will use its power..."
Julian: *w* "I got no idea, but I'm stayin' out of it."
Alexia quickly focuses, sending a Mend into Darkdata, trying to focus the energy into his attack.
Darkdata: *w* *Strums more notes.* "A shield that will not falter."
Alexia: *w* "Get ready..."
Darkdata: *w* *Strums more notes.* "A shield that will mend and stand."
Dragoshi: *Has nothing related to healing, ya git.*
Alexia: *Try SOMETHING, dammit.*
Azure does the same. Azure's spirit charms flow around Darkdata for added flair.
Darkdata: *w* *Strums more notes.* "A shield that is charmed and protected. A shield that will never shatter."
Digifanatic: *w* "Hmm..." *Hands Darkdata an Ultra Shroom...*
Darkdata: *w* *Strums more notes.* "A shield... A shield protected by the plumbers emblem." *w* *Strums more notes.* "Never to falter or fail."
Dragoshi: *Okay... Well, he has some magic abilities... Hmm... Maybe Ice Tornado to assist. Since, well... No healing power. And ice can MAYBE be reflective sometimes.*
Alexia then focuses even more, trying to send any energy that her other selves might have.
Julian twiddles his thumbs.
Darkdata: *w* *Strums more notes.* "Fortified by Ice, the element's power."
Azure adds in his Rai Ki barrier, contributing threefold.
Alexia: *w* "I think we're ready..."
Darkdata: *w* *Strums more notes.* "With the power of his friends behind it, strong and mighty."
Darkdata: *w* *Strums more notes.* "And... Strength taken from those who have no way of sharing it." *w* *Strums more notes.* "These powers I blend with my own, create a mirror whose power is strong and true." *w* *Strums more notes.* "Reflect, Rebuild, Hold true."
Alexia: *w* "Azure, send out the clone!"
Darkdata: *Strums the final notes*
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata creates the field. Erzez spins around and fires at it. The shot hits it dead-on. It is reflected back into the gun itself. Which then is disintegrated. He shakes his disintegrated stump at you.
Julian: "...WRECK HIM!"
Erzez: "You think you can destroy Smithy's last henchmen that easily?"
Digifanatic: .oO(OH! OH! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!)
Alexia jumps up. "YEEEEEEEAH!"
Erzez: "I'll bury you all!"
Darkdata: *Mirror disappears since it was used.* "Thank you all!"
Metal Man (GM): He reaches into a cabinet and takes out a new arm... it's a massive hammer.
Dragoshi: "...With pleasure." *Pulls out machinegun, and jumps up.* "Erzez! Your time has come!"
Julian: *Checks if he still has his sledgehammer.*
Darkdata: *Force repel spellsong on the hammer arm.*
Digifanatic: *hops up.* "Now this has gotten a bit more interesting."
Metal Man (GM): It fails. The hammer arm is magically protected from that repel song.
Alex blinks at the confidence of the Questers, and the plot/battle-significance of the hammer.
Darkdata: "That arm, I know I never made a mistake. It must be protected..."
Erzez: "This hammer is far tougher than my disintegrator. It can smash anything!"
Metal Man (GM): He idly smashes his way over to the Questers, beginning... YET ANOTHER BATTLE.
Alexia: "If you can even hit us, that is!"
Metal Man (GM): Anyway, he's 2 feet away...
Julian: *Realizes he doesn't have the hammer... then checks if he can use his right arm.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian would take damage if he used that arm.
Julian'll have to be a lefty for this battle, then... GET THE WEAPONS. >:O Knife Handle! What the fuck! Throw!
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *BONK!* *MORE WEAPONS.* *It's a brick! More weight than a knife handle! Here goes blunt trauma!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Alexia: *SUPERBONK!*
Julian: *BLUNT TRAUMA'D!* *And Julian finishes up with a left-handed Haymaker!* *PA-CHOW!*
Metal Man (GM): Crit.
Erzez: "Impressive... not!"
Alexia: "Gee, such a witty comeback. What next? Rubber and glue?"
Julian: "Hey, I ain't the one with three dents in his head." *That's gonna come back to bite him in the ass.*
Erzez: "I shall now use Smithy's ultimate power!"
Metal Man (GM): The hammer glows. He... opens up the sides on it. It's completely chock full of cubes.
Darkdata: "Then why didn't Smithy use it?"
Metal Man (GM): He could cast ANYTHING with it.
Dragoshi: "...Ah dammit."
Erzez: "Your planet was an expeditionary mission. He didn't expect to need this over there."
Alexia: "...Cubes?"
Erzez: "But now I hold the magical power of a thousand people in my hand!"
Dragoshi: .oO(I've seen what Smithy could do with Cubes, but what can this guy do...)
Metal Man (GM): He flips the 'on' switch. It powers up. He then brandishes it, and... points it at Julian.
Erzez: "Bahamut... ZERO!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): The arena rumbles to an extreme extent.
Alex blinks, frightened.
Alexia: "...Bahamut?!"
Metal Man (GM): ...Then an insanely massive explosion is heard, as a beam the size of a small stadium crashes on down at Julian.
Dragoshi: "...Woahly damn."
Metal Man (GM): There's now a massive hole in the ceiling.
Julian: *Annnnnd Julian's out.*
Dragoshi: "...Hoo boy." *Drag does something, and...*
Metal Man (GM): It goes straight to the sky.
Dragoshi: *...yea. Screw this. I'm not even bothering with a description.*
Digifanatic hopes to take advantage of Erzez's loss in the weapons column and goes about as all out as he can--he starts off his endeavor with an Aerial Strike, the follows up with a nasty Fire Punch and ends with a smack of the golf club...
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit.
Harnit casts Flame's Embrace on Digi and Alexia. (Temporary damage bonus.)
Digifanatic: "Appreciate it."
Alex saves his time.
Darkdata: "Ok... What now..." *Invisibility Clearsong.* *Haste Darksong.* "And to finish..." *Mirror clearsong.*
Metal Man (GM): A thin-looking weak mirror appears.
Erzez: "You call that Reflect? Hah!"
Darkdata: "Meh... Haste leaves me weak."
Azure just bides his time, preparing to counter for anything that comes his way.
Alexia goes for the traditional Mindblast!
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Alexia then forms two Psy Needles and blasts away!
Aaron moves forward four feet and unloads with eight fireballs.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit miss hit hit hit hit. 1 miss.
Julian groans from where he lays, after getting knocked the fuck out by Mega Bahamut. "Ugh... the hell was that?"
Erzez: "You don't appear to understand who you are up against." He raises his hammer. "I shall rectify that mistake. These cubes are the mother lode. Smithy created them to defend himself from entire armies."
Julian: "An' YOU don't seem... to understand... who you're up against. An' I'll show you... as soon as my back stop hurtin'. Ow..." *Julian conserves his energy.*
Erzez: "And you... are an army."
Metal Man (GM): He spins it around, and then begins firing off various cubes.
Erzez: "Galactic Missile!" He thrashes the hammer. Missiles fly at everyone. "Curaga!" He is healed. "Thundaga!"
Metal Man (GM): He fires eight lightning bolts at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Dances awaaaaay.*
Erzez: "Holy!"
Dragoshi: *Three hiiiii-Well, fuck. That STILL overkills him. Stupid some of a bitchin' hellfuck...*
Metal Man (GM): He fires a massive beam of holy energy at Alexia.
Julian is missle'd.
Dragoshi: *Quickrevives.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* MASSIVE holy energy damage from that.
Darkdata: *Has like almost no health left.*
Erzez: "Going to revive on me, eh? ULTIMA!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He obliterates Dragoshi again.
Azure quick revives.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi would revive once again.
Erzez: "One more life... and then you are dead... you cannot possibly defeat me... I am the unstoppable Erzez!"
Darkdata: "Erzez, what is 3/0?"
Erzez: "The Questers."
Darkdata: "Pie to 9^9^9^9th digit?"
Erzez: "Your mind. I am a magitek machine. I do not fall for simple tricks. You, on the other hand, attack me and fail because you cannot see what is clearly before your faces. That is how I have always won, and always will win."
Dragoshi: *Moves 1 foot AFTER the phoenix Down consumption, THEN flip kicks him.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Digifanatic, lucky he wasn't killed, goes for whatever he can pull off in his time... taking Harnit's boost into account, he launches straight into a round of Celestial Fury before continuing with an Icy Kick and ending his turn with a Running Charge!
Metal Man (GM): Hit miss. Hit. Hit.
Digifanatic: "Three for four, Harnit. Thanks a lot!"
Metal Man (GM): The amount of damage dealt appears to be really denting him.
Erzez: "Hm... like you'll deal enough damage at once to defeat me..."
Harnit Dexes Erzez...
Dex: "...DING! Erzez, Smithy's True Successor. Level: 250. HP: 112/515. STR: 40. END: 10. SPD: 10. MNT: 40. TP: 8. AC: 20."
Digifanatic: .oO(The Dex comes through!)
Dex: "An extremely powerful mage of some sort... he formerly was a gunner. Most of his power revolves on whatever is attached to his arm. Seeing as Smithy's grand artifact, which is rumored to have destroyed entire cities, is attached to that arm... He is considered armed and dangerous. End entry."
Darkdata: "So I guess we better de-attach it."
Julian: "Problem is, how..."
Harnit tries to shoot two Quakes at Erzez..
Metal Man (GM): Miss, hit.
Dragoshi: "...Yea."
Alex holds both of his palms out, and four small orbs of force come zipping out of each, knocking into Erzez, practically harmlessly. [8 attacks].
Darkdata: "Simple, attack where the hammer joins at the base."
Digifanatic: "Yup... sever it if ya can."
Darkdata: *plays a few test notes.* "Hmm... Let me see here, how to go about this. Yes... This may work!" *Shatter Clearsong + Mirror Clearsong.* "Shatter the point that binds/Break apart the bonds/Mirror to reflect all wasted energy back to the arm/shatter/Shatter like the door did."
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata uses his power on the arm. The mirror fails, but the arm cracks.
Erzez: "Hah! You cannot possibly stop me. I have the power of Gods!"
Dragoshi: "...Pfft."
Darkdata: "Achilles said the same thing."
Metal Man (GM): He is struck at Darkdata's comment. Apparently these machines have knowledge of the past.
Azure just saves time/energy again.
Aaron takes one step forward and uppercuts him.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. He knocks up against the wall, at a maximum distance away from everyone.
Aaron, then upon landing, loads up with 4 fireballs.
Erzez: "You're merely making this harder for yourself."
Darkdata: "Who wants to bet Julian knocks the arm off in one his?" *eyes slide to the left.*
Dragoshi: *Eyes slide to the right, nodding slightly.*
Julian: "A'ight, you goin' down." *Julian rolls to his feet, careful to avoid his bad arm, and... GOES FOR DA WEAPONS.* >:O *Another Brick! What's up with the repeats tonight? Anyway, Julian runs at Erzez, wasting time to get in range, and THROWS!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *BLUNT TRAUMA'D.* *Was aiming at said cracked arm. Still not cracked? Let's fix that! Julian brings out Vendetta's hilt! Luckily it can be operated one-armed... Julian ignites it, and tries to bring it down and through the cracked arm of Erzez!* *SUNDER!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. The energy from Vendetta touches the arm. Then some of it gets on the hammer.
Erzez: "You fool! Those are Gerald's nanites!"
Metal Man (GM): They eat the energy... becoming a massive, massive blob of orange energy.
Dragoshi: "...Eh?"
Metal Man (GM): Forget cracking the arm--Erzez hurls it away to avoid being eaten alive.
Dragoshi: "...Woahly damn."
Erzez: "Those nanites grow by eating any energy they touch."
Alex is shocked at Erzez.
Dragoshi: "Hmm..." *Looks at his machinegun.*
Erzez: "They now have the energy... and you know what Gerald does."
Julian: "Good, you ain't gonna be havin' that arm, then." *Julian packs Vendetta back up.*
Metal Man (GM): The pile morphs into a person.
Dragoshi: "...Unholy things involving technology? ...oh. that."
Darkdata: "Well, good bye magical hammer."
???: "At last! I have the energy to exist!"
Alex turns to the new person thing.
Darkdata: *Mock waves goodbye.*
Digifanatic: "Not these abominations again."
???: "I shall consume the entire universe!"
Harnit looks at the new threat..
Dragoshi: "Well, this is just funtastic!" *Throws his arms up into the air.*
Erzez: "...I'll just be escaping right nnn----"
Darkdata: "Or, you could you know be sane."
Jude: "Not this time!" *BLAM.*
Dragoshi: "...Oh, no you won't!"
Darkdata: "It would be a nice change."
Metal Man (GM): Erzez falls over, a big hole in his head.
Dragoshi: "You're partially responsible for-...Thank you, Jude."
Harnit: "... You could have done that SOONER."
Darkdata: "From you know, the crazies." *Points to the robot.*
Julian: "..."
Dragoshi: "Though, if I may be SO kind to as-Yea. What Harnit said."
Azure: "Ok..."
Dragoshi: "..."
???: "Sane? You don't know the definition of sanity."
Julian: "So we jus' took out one crazy robot, an' now we gotta fight ANOTHER one?"
???: "I am no robot. And there is no fighting me." He casually eats a hole in the wall and finds an energy conduit.
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Harnit sighs..
Jude: "One of you must have something to disable machines... don't you?"
Julian: "..."
Harnit: "No. YOU do, apparently..."
Julian digs up an EMP grenade out of his pocket and throws it at the mass of nanomachines.
Digifanatic: "EMPs, but I have no idea if anyone has any right now..."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Dragoshi: "..." *Watches as it fails.*
Metal Man (GM): It turns into a pile of dust.
Dragoshi: "...That actually worked."
Julian: "...'Bout fuckin' time that worked."
Jude: "Gerald's machines are actually machines."
Dragoshi: "...Yea, seriously."
Darkdata: "Yay for logical thinking."
Digifanatic: "Consider my query answered. Thank you, Julian."
Jude: "Now. We have destroying to do."
Dragoshi: "It's been like forever and a dang half since that worked."
Metal Man (GM): He opens a door.
Julian: *Do do do do do dododo!*
Metal Man (GM): There are... countless hordes of Erzez bodies in there.
Dragoshi: *Heads into the room that Erzez came from.*
Azure: "See. Have a little faith and things come through. Occasionally. ...This appears to have been going on for quite awhile..." *Enters.*
Dragoshi: "...Oh, holy COSMIC FREAKIN HELL."
Jude: "This is why we never succeeded."
Darkdata: *Does so.* "May I?"
Jude: "Nor would we succeed now. But I temporarily disabled him."
Julian: *Walks in.*
Alex gasps at the site and enters.
Azure: "Does every single body have one of those arm bracelets?"
Julian: "So let's blow 'em up." *digs out another brick of Super C4.*
Jude: "...So you need to blow up all..." *Counts.* "...500 of them."
Digifanatic: *walks in.*
Darkdata: *Sets up two mirrors.*
Dragoshi: "...Okay. How much of that Super C4 do you have Julian?"
Jude: "Every one is capable of using an arm weapon. And Smithy isn't a fool. That hammer thing?"
Traon el follows.
Jude: "He probably has at least three of those."
Digifanatic: "Come to think about it, I think we should all just stand back and let Julian work his trade."
Julian: "This an' five others."
Dragoshi: "...Okay." *Scopes out how big the room is.*
Azure holds out his hand creating a prismatic energy. An amalgamation of every element possible. "I'll aid in the destruction of this place."
Metal Man (GM): The room is about 20 feet tall, and 30 by 30 feet floor/ceiling.
Darkdata: "Guys remember what happened to the door?"
Harnit: "... I'm heading outside."
Dragoshi: "...Yea. Why?"
Julian: "Now if y'all excuse me..." *Julian walks into the center of the room, and plants the Super C4 brick.*
Harnit gets out of the blast range.
Dragoshi: *Does the same.*
Darkdata: *Sets up two more mirrors.* "This, should help your cause..." *Runs out of there like a madman.*
Digifanatic: *walks away.*
Metal Man (GM): One of the bodies activates as Julian is finished.
Julian: "This baby don't need no help. Destroys everything in a 100 foot radius... speakin' a which." *Julian sets the timer for 20 seconds, which gives him plenty of time to book it outta there.*
Erzez: "You can't beat me. There's too many of me!"
Julian promptly runs like hell.
Digifanatic: *continues to run away from the room.* *Then, to Julian:* "NICE."
Erzez: "...That's right... run, you coward!" He then walks over and notices the C-4.
Traon is running like a bitch on acid.
Aaron runs away.
Julian: "RUN BITCHES RUN!" *runs some more.*
Dragoshi: *Running at max speed.*
Erzez: "...I will make sure, if any Smithy Gang member survives, your blood shall be boiled and your eyes melted for th----" *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.*
Azure hurls his penultimate charged slipstream blast and dashes off.
Metal Man (GM): *Insert Star Fox 64-esque explosion.*
Julian: *Insert slow-mo escape here.*
Dragoshi: *Same.*
Digifanatic: *zooms off.*
Darkdata: *Has ran like a madman.* "Maybe I should have stopped with two?"
Dragoshi: *Still running.* "Yeaaaa..." *Stops.*
Metal Man (GM): A warp out appears, and the entire mountain Erzez's base was in explodes.
Dragoshi: *If that's a good idea at this point. If not, RUN!*
Julian: "Was wonderin' what the hell you put mirrors in for..." *into the warp!*
Jude: "He isn't coming back this time, that's for sure."
Dragoshi: "...Wow. We killed an entire MOUNTAIN with that."
Azure gains more experience, keeping his abilities latent again.
Metal Man (GM): A magicite ore of Erzez himself flies out and hits Alex in the head.
Alex: *Ker-ow.* "What the-- Am I bleeding?" *He notes the magicite and takes it for later.*

