Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 411: Voids and, Emeralds, Swords: Part 2 Reverse World
Date: March 30th, 2007.
Metal Man (GM): Where we last left off, the Questers were searching for VCR, who held the Sword of Darkness. Wandering down the strange paths of this opposite world, the Questers are on their way to him. The path ahead is relatively straight, however covered in dirt. A city is off to the left; a creek and a forest to the right.
Aetos: "It looks like we've got some other places we could visit..." *makes use of the brownie-making machine.*
Metal Man (GM): It creates a brownie.
Darkdata: *Echo Clearsong.* - Find magical objects.
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata detects magical energy up ahead. Down the path, too.
Julian: *Julian flips a coin.* *To the right!*
Darkdata: *Le follow!*
Metal Man (GM): Julian walks to the right... gee. There's a river in the way. It's a Creek/river, only 3 feet wide.
Darkdata: *Walks all over the path behind Julian in a following manner.*
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata does not detect any magical energy off to the right.
Aetos: "Maybe Anti-Link and Anti-Saria live in there." *jumps over it.*
Metal Man (GM): The forest itself, as the Questers look at it...
Julian: *Reckon he'll leap over it.*
Metal Man (GM): The trees are tall and skeletal.
Darkdata: *jump.*
Dragoshi: "..." *Shakes head in annoyance and goes to the right as well.*
Metal Man (GM): It is very dark in this forest. Aetos goes flying over the river, and then some. He lands ahead of Julian. Again, Darkdata does not detect the magical energy in this direction.
Aetos: "Weeooaahhh..."
Metal Man (GM): He detected it down the road.
Darkdata: "I detected magical energy off to the left. Do you want to go to the city first? Or explore here?"
Aetos: "...Anyways. Let's accidentally set a forest fire!"
Aetos looks for Digi, can't see him. "No fire punching..."
Darkdata: "..."
Aetos: "And can any of the dragon things even breathe fire?"
Metal Man (GM): Looking around, the Questers see the sky to be sort of cloudy. The path behind them has a sort of rut in it going towards the city. As for where the Questers are going, they're in a grassy clearing right before the forest. It's mostly empty.
Dragoshi: "...I want to go to the city first, but it seems the others want to explore this place..." :/
Metal Man (GM): A few birds chirp.
Aetos: "Here's an idea. Let's go to the city and get some info about this funny-bone forest." *pokes one of the bone-like trees.*
Darkdata: *To the city.*
Dragoshi: "...Eh. I'll go check for myself." *Off to the city!*
Metal Man (GM): The tree bends a bit.
Dragoshi: *Left.*
Aetos: "Woah! It moved!"
Julian: *Julian changes his min, jumps back over the river, and walks in the direction he would need to go to reach the city.*
Darkdata: *Follows in this manner.*
Dragoshi: *Walks towards the city.*
Aetos looks at everyone leaving. "Ok. To the city for info!" *Runs through the creek, without jumping, and goes down the rut-path leading to the city.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are finally walking towards the city. Crunch, crunch, crunch. The path is loose and sandy under their feet. They soon catch up to a weird-looking Toad, with a hat that is green and purple. He has a mustache, thick glasses, and limps, carrying the Sword of Darkness behind him.
Aetos: "HEY. COOL-DUDE."
Metal Man (GM): He is walking towards the entrance of the city, a few hundred feet ahead, which is a large wooden gate.
Aetos throws a brownie at him. "Here!"
Azure looks at the toad .oO(This makes sense... to some degree.)
Metal Man (GM): Aetos hits him in the back of the head. He turns around and looks at the Questers.
Azure: "I don't think throwing food... will help..."
Julian: .oO(Bad idea...)
Aetos: "Your favorite treat!"
VCR: "No, no, this can't be. The prophecy is coming true already."
Metal Man (GM): He spears it on the sword and holds it up into the air.
Azure: .oO(A prophecy based on the throwing of a brownie..)
VCR: "The demented ones have come to take my sword... and destroy reality!"
Darkdata: *Darkdata's face twitches kind of like a emoticon but not really.*
VCR: "But I must be sure... I don't want to mistake them for the wrong people before announcing everyone to prepare..."
Metal Man (GM): He shakes his head and points at the Questers with his free hand.
Dragoshi: "...Hm?"
VCR: "Who are you, why are you here, and what do you want to do with me? Nobody just 'knows' I like brownies."
Azure: "I assure you we are not the demented ones. Nor do we want to destroy reality."
Aetos: "Smithy told me you like brownies!"
VCR: *Gasps.* "That's another link... it said the iron tyrant would tell the demented ones the directions to me... All I need... is a sign..."
Darkdata: *w* "Guys, can I just grab the sword?"
VCR: "Are you sent by a royal council? Have you fought the Questers? ARE you the Questers? It said something about Questers destroying themselves. I can't let you have this sword if you are the Demented ones."
Azure puts his hands on his forehead then glances at Darkdata. (W) "No you cannot. That will just provoke this more. We don't need a form of conflict against that blade."
VCR: "There is an alternate prophecy, but it was lost in a recent war, so I'm going to have to assume it means this blade is put away as it should be."
Aetos rubs his chin. .oO(I wonder if the Sword of Darkness = good in this dimension as well...)
Metal Man (GM): He stands there, not convinced the Questers are good or evil, and waiting for some sort of sign.
Aetos: "Umm..."
VCR: "I was entrusted this Blade to keep it from falling into Locos Docos' hands."
Aetos: "Oh. That's good! Locos Docos isn't Locos Docos anymore."
VCR: "...It still stands. If you want to give this to him, you will have to TAKE it from me. And I won't just let you beat me. I have the legendary Blue Essence."
Darkdata: "Couls the sword be used to take back the good emeralds?"
VCR: "No. It is weak against them. But what do you want with those? They are integral to the functioning of our realm."
Darkdata: "How can they function in the wrong hands?"
Azure: .oO(Blue Essence... this is an alternate world. Engagement... is something that I cant let happen.)
VCR: "I... do not know. I do not want to know. Now. Tell me your true objectives. If you come clean, maybe we can discuss this civilly. Are you or are you not Questers seeking the Sword of Darkness?"
Aetos: "Hey, we'll tell you if you tell me what Blue Essence does."
Darkdata: "Ignore him."
VCR: "Only a foreigner to this land would not know that. I cannot, for it is obvious. At least one of you could be from the prophecy. However, maybe only some of you are the Demented ones."
Darkdata: "What about the other prophecy?"
Aetos: "Do the prophecy people come from Gonotio?"
VCR: "It was destroyed in the Kuja-Void war."
Darkdata: "You know of it, do you know what it said?"
Dragoshi: "...Great."
VCR: "..." He shakes his head at Aetos.
Darkdata: "... Do you have the remains?"
VCR: "Clearly, that man is a Demented one. He speaks gibberish."
Aetos: "Then we can't be them!... Right?"
VCR: "No, even those were destroyed."
Dragoshi: "... Why does all the important stuff get destroyed?"
Darkdata: "Do you have the remains of the remains?"
VCR: "Believe me, I wish we did."
Dragoshi: "..." *Faycepalm.*
VCR: "Now. Tell me the truth, the rest of you. You may have one demented person with you, but maybe he is just a spy."
Aetos: "Monsieur VCR, are you lawful?"
VCR: "And you!" He points at Julian. "Completely silent. Nothing more suspicious than that. In fact, I bet you're silent because you can't lie as good as the others."
Azure: "Is there nothing we can do to prove to you that we are not these demented ones you speak of. Attempting to do this on our own will only fuel your suspicion we are they. And any misunderstood information will also fuel that. Maybe it's better if we move off the road and talk about this."
Darkdata: "Look, we are suspicious to you. So telling us a few things will not hurt."
VCR: "You will not fool me." He turns to the rest of the Questers. "Make him speak or I will take this sword into the city and never appear before you again."
Darkdata: "We can't defeat you if we tried. so what hurts to tell us?"
VCR: "Oh, no, the prophecy says you could defeat me."
Aetos: "Make him, speak? K."
Julian: "Where the fuck did this prophecy come from?"
Aetos: "Oh, nevermind."
VCR: "You aren't very intelligent, if you live here. It is our holiest document."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out a copy of it, on old parchment.
Darkdata: "Oh look, he talks."
Julian: "Good thing I don't, then."
Azure: "We could not possibly defeat you then. As we aren't a part of the prophecy."
VCR: "Said here, 'On the day of the hole in time, Questers who defeat Questers will come and take the Sword of Darkness, and give it to the evil Locos Docos. This will cause the end of time, and all will end."
Julian: "Of fuckin' course."
VCR: "Most people take it figuratively. Questers can stand for people and virtues beating their own virtues. Locos Docos means insanity, and Sword of Darkness is evil."
Darkdata: "Who wrote it? And why was there two..?"
Dragoshi: "...Interesting."
VCR: "Hole in time means it can happen any time, or not at all."
Aetos: "Nothing about Veejast Radshroom?"
Julian: "Everythin' we've done since we left Nintendus results in catastrophe."
VCR: "The other was a preventative one. It caused the Kuja-Void war by being discovered. The Void wanted to use it; Kuja wanted to destroy it."
Dragoshi: "...Wonderful."
VCR: "Kuja won in destroying it, but The Void destroyed him."
Darkdata: "The Void should know it then?"
Dragoshi: "And, of course."
Darkdata: "He might of gotten a look at it..."
VCR: "No, unfortunately, he didn't. He said Kuja sacrificed his very life to destroy it. The oddest part... is what he said."
Darkdata: "Which is?"
VCR: "'I do this for both Nontor and Nintendus.'"
Aetos winces. Julian said Nintendus.
Dragoshi: "...And there's no way whatsoever to restore this preventative prophe-..." *Eyes widen.*
Darkdata: "... Hmm."
VCR: "Which... makes me wonder... wait... maybe I underestimated your studies. Do you know of Kuja?"
Darkdata: "We know of a Kuja."
VCR: "Hm. Well, then you must know something about this realm. The Demented ones were listed as specifically not. But then why should I give you this sword, if you want it?"
Julian: "Hell if I know."
Aetos: "So we can save the universe from a turtle monster."
Darkdata: "There is not much we could do with it now... What were you planning to do with it?"
VCR: "Destroy it for all eternity."
Darkdata: "Hmm... Why is it considered evil?"
VCR: "I don't know... it's strangely weak. It can only deal minor evil damage to whoever it hits. That's more like a dark blade, if it was up to me."
Darkdata: "It sounds like to me... Like something is sealed in the sword. Maybe with a dark curse? What is the blade's history?"
VCR: "If you wish to defeat a turtle monster with it, and not give it to Locos Docos, then you can have i--hm."
Dragoshi: "...?"
VCR: "I'm not so sure... it was originally wielded by a strange person who enslaved a small population to do his bidding. One day, he mysteriously died, dropping it."
Aetos: "Aribar?"
VCR: "Maybe. His name is lost."
Dragoshi: "...Ah."
Darkdata: "Was the sword strong when he used it?"
VCR: "It was found only recently, thus why I was dead-set on keeping it from you if you were Demented ones. No. It only controlled those he enslaved. And it can't be used by any of us. I can hardly even hold it... I don't know why Locos Docos would want it, either. He's had it before and nothing has happened."
Darkdata: "May I see it?; You can hold onto it while I look it over of course."
Metal Man (GM): He hefts it over and shows it to Darkdata. A broadsword made of an entirely ebony material.
Darkdata: "It kind of reminds me of that demon stone..."
Metal Man (GM): A skull on the handle, a slightly shiny finish. Sharp, but not very.
Azure: "In that case this sword appears to be... trivial outside of its symbolic nature in the prophecy."
Darkdata: "With its history... were the slaves marked?"
Alexia: "Yeah... ACHOO!"
VCR: "No, not marked."
Darkdata: "Was there any sign of control?"
VCR: "They would do as he said whenever he rose it above his head."
Darkdata: "... hmm."
VCR: "It's pretty tame. Nobody even needs gloves. The prophecy still haunts me, though... what would happen if Locos Docos obtained it again?"
Darkdata: "The end of time, I believe you said."
Azure: "Unless he has gained new knowledge. Nothing. There so many ways to look at it the prophecy its hard to directly discern its direct use... or meaning."
Darkdata: "The end of time and everything is kinda clear."
VCR: "It... did say more, but that part was lost."
Darkdata: "However... what if that second prophecy was not a second one, but part of the first... Does the piece you have there... is it the original?"
VCR: "It is ancient. Dating back to the realm's creation, even. No, it is a copy of it."
Darkdata: "... Too bad, I could try to repair it."
Dragoshi: "..." *Tilts his head to the side.* .oO(This is all very interesting...)
VCR: "We could always find the original and look at it. It's just inside the city."
Darkdata: "Could you take us there?"
VCR: "Yes."
Darkdata: "Would you take us there now?"
VCR: "That too."
Metal Man (GM): He nods and begins walking towards the town.
Alexia follows.
Aetos follows Anti-VG.
VCR: "I was going to go there anyway, as I needed to make sure I disposed of the sword properly."
Dragoshi: *Walks towards the town, following VCR.*
Darkdata: *Darkdata follows him towards the town, strutting his stuff with a power walk. Followed by a calm moving one foot in front of the other motion.*
Dragoshi: "How so?"
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata, Dragoshi, and Julian make their way to the city.
Azure: "The original document may have something more to it." *Puts his arm within his gi and casually follows, having gone silent again.*
Darkdata: "We should see the document first."
Metal Man (GM): Azure also goes...
Darkdata: "I am still iffy about the destruction of the sword."
VCR: "Yes, I can't exactly be sure."
Alexia follows VCR to the town, still coughing and sneezing a bit for some reason.
Darkdata: "Who knows, maybe there is a way to transform the sword. The lemonade wore off Alexia?"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers eventually reach the front of a massive museum, a vaguely Victorian building, but made of stone. With an arched triangular roof and a large set of steps with railings leading up to the open door.
Alexia: "Dunno... feels like I have an allergy to something."
Darkdata: *Bubble of air on Alexia.* "That should help you out for a while."
Alexia: "Thanks."
Metal Man (GM): There's a nice big wooden sign on the top of it, under the window, that says 'Toad Town County Museum.' VCR points at the entrance and walks at it, dragging the sword behind him.
Darkdata: *Follows after VCR.*
VCR: "This is the museum... inside is the prophecy's original manuscript."
Darkdata: *Looks around the museum.* "It's amazing."
Aetos wonders out loud. "Has Toad-Town been destroyed a lot?"
VCR: "Never."
Aetos: "So not even Smithy's... giant flower with a face, Exir?"
Azure mentally sighs about something.
Metal Man (GM): Inside the museum, there is one big room. There's an elaborate chandelier above, and glass cases. One in each corner, one in the center, stairs going up to the right, a door to the right, a door ahead, and a door to the left.
Aetos: "Oxir?"
VCR: "...No such thing."
Aetos: "Heard of Exor?"
Metal Man (GM): The central case contains an old, yellowed scroll written in a strange, flowing script.
VCR: "Sheldor."
Aetos: "Is he a giant flower?"
Metal Man (GM): The floors are tiled white and black, the walls made of gray stone, and the ceiling smooth.
Darkdata: *Looks at the document.*
VCR: "No, a shield."
Aetos: "Ohh... But he isn't aligned with Smithy?"
Metal Man (GM): The document is about the length of two pieces of normal paper... written in an ancient, unreadable dialect... and there's many rips at the bottom. It's raveled around a small, rotten wooden pole.
Alexia: "Inter--ACHOO-Interesting..."
Darkdata: "Sigh, hope someone can read this, I am a bit rusty on this dialect... Bubble of air not helping Alexia?"
Alexia: "No, not really."
Dragoshi: "...Still sure ya don't need a tissue?" >_>;;
VCR: "Let's see..." He looks at it. "Omnae Destructa Pherlya Haditha. Yes, 'destroy the Sword of Darkness or all will be destroyed.'"
Darkdata: "Can you translate it to this language? There has to be more..." *Repair Darksong.* - The Document.
VCR: "Unfortunately, it contains tonal indicators none of us can read."
Darkdata: "Erm..."
Alexia: "I'm sure, Drag..."
Dragoshi: "...'Kay. Tell me if ya change your mind." :/
Azure: "Hmmm something about this seems to easy."
Metal Man (GM): It expands some.
Azure: "If it were that simple this sword would have been destroyed centuries ago."
VCR: "!! I didn't know you could do that..."
Metal Man (GM): He reads more.
VCR: "...This isn't good."
Alexia: "What? What does it say?" *leans in.*
VCR: "The sword of Darkness will curse whoever kills it to a million deaths."
Alexia: "...Oh."
Dragoshi: "...That... Is not good."
VCR: "Furthermore, anyone who destroys it will never... escape this realm? Odd."
Darkdata: "Does it need to be repaired more?"
VCR: "You can't repair it more, these are almost all the words, besides the last line, which somebody apparently stole."
Aetos flips a penny, with Ivan's head landing face-up on his palm... doing this idly, though.
Dragoshi: "...Who's the thief?"
Darkdata: "By stealing it, they ripped it. It should be able to be repaired."
VCR: "Not so. The parchment itself is magical."
Dragoshi: "...Hm. Go on."
VCR: "That hole that was stolen must still exist... somewhere else. It cannot be summoned back from here, nor can any simple re-integration spell request its atoms. But this will do. We need to think of a way to destroy the sword without dying a million deaths."
Dragoshi: "...Quite."
Darkdata: "Transform it somehow."
VCR: "Do you know anything to which death would be meaningless?"
Alexia: "An inanimate object?"
Dragoshi: "...Anything to which death would be meaningless... Hmm."
VCR: "Yes, but it clearly states whoever causes it to die will die, therefore, anything sentient..."
Darkdata: "It would be funny, if Locos destroyed it. Sending him to his own doom, ah the irony would be great."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
VCR: "Hrm... but... the prophecy says he would end the universe, too. How could we prevent him from ending the universe and make him destroy it? There has to be some trick..."
Darkdata: "Yes, there must be."
Dragoshi: "Yea, there just has to be one..."
Darkdata: "What technique were you going to use to destroy it?"
VCR: "You can easily smack it and break it in two."
Darkdata: "Then why hasn't broken befor... ah. It can only be destroyed by a living organism. That is how it survived the ravages of time."
VCR: "Hm... if you could make him accidentally smack it, then it'd break... and he'd die."
Dragoshi: "...But how?"
VCR: "What would he do once he obtained it... hm..."
Aetos: "He'd lose it. Or his henchmen would steal it."
Alexia: "...I have--WACHOO--an idea." *sniff.*
Dragoshi: "...Yes?"
Alexia: "What if one of us hides it, taunts him until he shoots at us, then brings it out to let it take the hit?"
Darkdata: "Gee, the fact that it is big kinda stops that fact."
Dragoshi: "But what if he knows some sort of loophole and abuses it to take one of us down with him?"
VCR: "He wouldn't want to break it, he knows the prophecy part about that."
Darkdata: "Is the sword reflective?"
VCR: "No, in fact it is very dull."
Darkdata: "If only it was, I could hide it as something else."
VCR: "Well, we could make it look like something else with enough props."
Darkdata: "... Do you have any tin foil?"
VCR: "Yes. One moment." He wanders into an office.
Metal Man (GM): *Smash.* *Sound of objects falling.* *Walking.* *Door slam.* *Drawer open.* *Smash.* *Tin foil sound.* He walks out, with tinfoil.
Darkdata: "Wrap it around the sword."
VCR: "Sure." He wraps it all around the sword."
Darkdata: *Illusio--* "Erm... what to change it into?"
VCR: "We want him to break it. What would he immediately smash on sight?"
Darkdata: "What do you think he would smash?"
VCR: "I don't know. I've only seen him in the newspapers."
Aetos: "A CACTUAR!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Well, Drag can't help as he's only known of Charles since Season 7.* :/ "...Cactuar?"
Aetos: "Yeah!"
Alexia paces back and forth, thinking.
Darkdata: "Cactuar?"
Dragoshi: "...I'd of said Trevor." :/
Azure: "I don't see any cactaur here..."
Aetos: "Yes. A CACTUAR!"
Darkdata: "Ah, Digi do you have an idea? You have been so quiet."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, I remember the Cactuar thing."
Aetos: "Change it into the shape and color and such of a cactuar! Charles went berserk over killing those critters."
Scott appears in a ninja-esque fashion. "What the hell's a cactuar?"
Dragoshi: "...Really? Woah."
VCR: "Gah! Oh. It's another of you. Thank goodness."
Darkdata: "Well, here it goes then..." *Illusion Clearsong - Sword of Darkness into a Cactuar.*
Aetos: "Do you want me to show you a picture of it or anything..?"
Metal Man (GM): It morphs into... a moogle?
VCR: "Hm... perhaps your magic is not of this realm."
Aetos: "No... that's not one."
Scott: "That's disturbing."
Alexia: "Kitty?"
Darkdata: "Picture?"
VCR: "This should work, though... if you aren't from this realm, your magic is reversed in polarity."
Aetos opens the terminal on his spear and has it bring up a picture of a cactuar.
Roxy: *Beep.*
Darkdata: *Illusion Clearsong - Sword of Darkness into a Moogle.*
Aetos: "So you think the Charles here loathes innocent little moogles?"
Alexia: "...Roxy? When'd you get here?"
Digifanatic: "When Scott came in."
Scott: "Because I'm here."
Metal Man (GM): It turns into a Moogle 100%. Except it's perfectly still, but that works.
Darkdata: O_o
VCR: "Good, we have it as it must be. Now... let us hurry and finish off the Locos Docos."
Darkdata: "But, that's a moogle."
VCR: "Unless you have something else in mind? ...Yes... that is odd."
Darkdata: "Once more I guess."
Julian: "Maybe he hates moogles here instead of Cactaurs."
Aetos: "I just asked that."
Darkdata: *Illusion Clearsong - Sword of Darkness into a Rautcac."
Metal Man (GM): It is still... a Moogle. Reality wavers around it mildly.
VCR: "I've never seen that happen before."
Darkdata: "Nor me..."
VCR: "Perhaps we should hurry."
Alexia: "...It's still a cat."
Digifanatic: "Okay, turn it into a Moogle of some other form and then it may turn into a Cactuar?"
Dragoshi: ""
VCR: "It seems... stuck as this. We can't probably make it anything else."
Darkdata: "Well if it does not work, then we will think of something."
Digifanatic: "Well, I was just going on a guess with the polarity thing."
Julian: "What the fuck ever, let's GO."
Darkdata: "Let us head out..."
Dragoshi: "...Yeaa..."
Metal Man (GM): He walks outside with the... weird moogle.
Scott: "Uhh... wherever we're goin'."
Julian: *Julian heads outside after him.* *To Locos' spot.*
Alexia heads out as well, following VCR.
Scott shrugs and follows with Roxy.
Dragoshi: *Drag WOULD follow by tapdancing, but doesn't, and instead zooms along following VCR.*
Darkdata: *Follows behind the rest.*
Azure: "Hmmm..." *walks outside wondering if this will really be OK.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers go towards the still insane Locos Docos.
Veejast Radshroom: "Aha! You have brought me something... Gimme gimme gimme!"
Metal Man (GM): He stands in the about 10-foot diameter sunken circle with his chair.
Scott cocks an eyebrow.
Metal Man (GM): He wears ragged military ensemble. VCR tosses the Moogle at him.
Veejast Radshroom: "What is this? Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Die! Die!" He moves in slow-mo, then slowly punches it.
Alexia: *thinking.* "Showtime."
Veejast Radshroom: "Punch... to the feet."
Julian: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Scott: "..."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Alexia: "..."
VCR: "..."
Darkdata: *Loading.* "... ..." *Ding.* "..."
Metal Man (GM): It breaks into two, revealing the broken Sword of Darkness.
Veejast Radshroom: "What? Noooooooo!!!!! How dare you... you didn't steal it as I said! You tried to trick me!"
Scott: "This is just another one of those days, ain't it?" *thinking out loud.*
Julian: "It's always one of those days."
Veejast Radshroom: "Gah... I'll... uh... get... y... ou..."
Metal Man (GM): He falls over, dead.
Alexia: "Checkmate!"
Aetos: "TRIED to trick you?"
Julian: "An' that's over with. Finally."
Aetos: "Bah. Get the emeralds. I want the white one!"
Metal Man (GM): The emeralds sit there, waiting for the Questers to just grab them.
VCR: "Wait..."
Scott: "Now that that's over with..."
VCR: "Are you sure? The emeralds are very powerful."
Julian: "I ain't touchin' 'em. Lord know what the hell they'd do when you touch 'em."
Aetos: "Positive. We need them for Marician Power."
Alexia: "We need them." *heads over and picks them up.*
Darkdata: "To save another world."
VCR: "Yes, but we don't know what they can really d--"
Darkdata: "Alexia... WAIT!"
Aetos blinks. "Don't grab them ALL Alexia!"
Scott: "Incoming!" *ducks.*
???: "Hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"
Darkdata: *Call item clearsong on the emeralds.*
Metal Man (GM): Behind Alexia, a dark figure appears.
???: "You scared me for a moment... you nearly didn't touch them at all! But now that you have touched them... hey! You! Stop that!"
Dragoshi: "No."
Metal Man (GM): He tries to magnetically grab them from Darkdata.
Scott: "Aw hell... why does this happen as soon as I get back."
Digifanatic: "No idea."
Metal Man (GM): They begin floating towards him. But slowly. There's an energy wave between him and Darkdata.
Darkdata: *Force repel darksong.*
???: "You WILL give me these emeralds!"
Scott: "That's a negative, man. We've got other plans."
Metal Man (GM): They're in the middle of an energy fight...
Dragoshi: "Oh, go away." *Shoots the mystery guy with a Tidal Blast, trying to break its stride.*
Azure raises his hand and attempts to cut the energy flow with his own energy control calling them back to them.
Metal Man (GM): He is pushed back. He growls, as the Tidal Blast flies right through him.
Dragoshi: "...Hmm."
Metal Man (GM): He musters his power to try to take them.
Darkdata: *Seal Darksong.*
Metal Man (GM): He repels the seal and out-minds Darkdata, but Azure's attack causes them to land behind him... not far enough. He grabs them, laughing.
Dragoshi: *Tries to run past the guy and to-Dammit.*
???: "You were really good, you know. But you didn't have enough PRACTICE... so now I'm going to teach you a new lesson."
Darkdata: *AOO while he blabbers on: Call item clearsong again.*
Alexia pounces over to try and snatch one from his hands.
Scott: "Oi..."
???: "Gah! That's it. No speech for you! RRRAAAAAGHHH!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Alexia wouldn't want to run at him. The emeralds are glowing violently.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The entire area around the Questers begins exploding. The sun in the sky catches on fire, as massive objects fly out of the ground. He hurls a variety of trees and houses over the Questers' heads.
Dragoshi: "Okay. And I presume you're the typical jackass who's out to use said relics we worked for for some inane, idiotic purpose." :/
Metal Man (GM): Giant pieces of the ground rip out.
Darkdata: "Hmm..."
Alexia: "...Why am I always the one that triggers the apocalypse?"
???: "And now... to destroy the universe!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He picks up the Sword of Darkness...
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Digifanatic: .oO(Just hope he blows himself up not having control of this.)
???: "...NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"
Dragoshi: "Inane and idiotic."
Scott: "Sonuvabitch... I'm really getting tired of this shit. Time to rock'n'roll!"
???: "This... can't be... you didn't do what I tried to make you do..."
Azure: "Holld on."
Dragoshi: "I mean, really. Destroy the universe? Do you people even try to be original any more?"
???: "...I can't destroy this universe without this sword..."
Darkdata: "Shut up guys."
Azure: "Dragoshi if you could pause for a moment. Something's happening."
Scott: "Obviously not, Drag."
Metal Man (GM): The destruction stops at only devastating the nearby area.
Darkdata: "The sword..."
Dragoshi: "...Hm."
Metal Man (GM): He glows, throwing the sword away and producing his own scepter and... crown... It's definitely The Void.
Darkdata: "I see."
Digifanatic: "Oh, not this again."
Alexia: "Aw, shiz..."
The Void: "Fine. I can destroy you without that worthless sword."
Aetos: "But aren't you good? And Chaotic?"
Dragoshi: "...It's prolly' a ruse."
The Void: "Ha ha ha ha haaaa!"
Scott: "That's what I was wondering."
The Void: "I twisted this realm to be that way."
Darkdata: *Call item clearsong. - The Sword. He does it while he is distracted.*
The Void: "I tricked you all into coming here, and to touch the emeralds."
Digifanatic: "You know... Dragoshi has a point."
Aetos: "Oh. Manipulative. I thought this place was paradise, too."
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata grabs the sword.
Dragoshi: "...So?"
Metal Man (GM): He doesn't care.
Digifanatic: "This IS the same old crap."
The Void: "But... then you broke the sword!"
Dragoshi: "...So?"
The Void: "Now I can't destroy it and consume its power for myse..."
Metal Man (GM): He stares at Dragoshi.
The Void: "YOU DIE NOW!!!!"
Dragoshi: "...What?"
Scott: "For fuck's sake..."
Metal Man (GM): He fires a massive cluster of death rays at Dragoshi. Then he falls over from the effort...
Alexia: "Hoo boy..."
Dragoshi: *And lost a life.* *Quick revive.* "That was predictably idiotic."
Scott: "Okay, that was just uncalled for, man."
The Void: "Says the one... who provoked themself into losing a life."
Dragoshi: "...Still don't care." :/
Scott: "...?"
Dragoshi: "Really. Ever try something that HASN'T been done billions of times over?" :/
The Void: "All of existence was made to be destroyed. You are just getting in the way... yet again."
Dragoshi: "...I'll take that as a no."
Darkdata: "Just are you the same Void that sells DVDs of our misadventures?"
Scott: "You're trying to cause the big kablooey... duh we're going to stop your ass."
The Void: "$19.95 per episode."
Darkdata: "Ah good, you inbox should be full of those spam emails and hate threats you caused to be sent to me."
Alexia: "...No, seriously. Why do I always cause bad stuff to happen?"
Darkdata: "Oh... Void? I thought you would die if you absorbed the swords power?"
Scott: "You're danger prone?"
The Void: "That is nonsense. For I am living nonexistence!"
Darkdata: "It's not you Alexia, it's the crazies who tempt you."
The Void: "I have been watching you for long... I should have paid more attention. You not only destroyed the sword, but killed Locos Docos Negative. Now I must kill you with the power of the Emeralds and this realm alone..."
Scott: "Boo fuckin' hoo."
Metal Man (GM): The emeralds fly around him, supercharged.
Darkdata: "Gee, good thing we just never gave the sword up."
Aetos: "Are these emeralds still Good emeralds, or are we back to chaos?"
Scott: "One more bullshit battle for the books."
The Void: "Ah... thank you for reminding me. As I was going to say..."
Darkdata: "You would be doing even more overkill damage then..."
Azure: "This battle cannot be taken on lightly..."
The Void: "The emeralds are flexible. However, you destroyed Chaos Emeralds Prime."
Scott: "Obviously."
The Void: "Good Emeralds Negative, however, can be made chaotic... by emptying their charge."
Julian: *facepalm.* "Does it MATTER? Let's jus' kick his ass an' get outta here." *Julian starts off by rushing The Void and giving him a punch TO THE FACE while he's busy monologuing.*
Metal Man (GM): It flies right through his face.
The Void: "Ha ha ha ha! My face is not of this world!"
Darkdata: "Charge the emeralds, you idiots. Somehow!"
Julian: "...Of fuckin' course." *Julian throws his hands up and walks back to the group, as melee combat is apparently useless in this battle.*
Aetos uses Energy Control: Chaos to damage The Void a bit, at first.
Metal Man (GM): The emeralds orbit The Void, electrically charged. He is hit by the chaotic energy control attack. The Void is made of chaotic energy, and Aetos just ripped a small portion off of him.
Darkdata: "That had to hurt."
The Void: "Gah! You traitor. Kill the Questers, and we can live in glory together!"
Darkdata: "Until you backstab him?"
Aetos: "Gah! You double-traitor."
The Void: "This land is your heaven, right? It can be restored and made permanent!"
Digifanatic: "There you go, Douglas. Turn the tide on that mess..."
The Void: "I can... I can... revive Charles! Send his corpse to another world! Whatever you want. Grrr... you really shouldn't have broken that sword..." He shakes his fist at the Questers.
Aetos: "While I like the fact chaos is respected here, I'm not gonna be ignorant and fall for you saying Kuja will always come back until the Questers are dead again."
VCR: "...This is quite a pickle." *Begins reading what he has of the prophecy.* "Be careful. He may have more than one trick up his sleeve."
Dragoshi: *Tries to think of what would hurt The Void...*
Metal Man (GM): But Dragoshi doesn't really remember anything about him. All he knows is that he seems to be made of chaos energy.
Dragoshi: *Pulls out... THE VORPAL TEAPOT!*
The Void: "Oh no. You wouldn't possibly try to use that against me, would you?"
Dragoshi: "...Maybe, maybe not."
Alexia: "...You're going to brew him some leaf juice?"
Dragoshi: "...But I wonder if this place's logic works for weapons... Therefore... Maybe..."
Darkdata: "Just attack Draggy, you will not know till you try."
Dragoshi: *Aw, to hell with it. Attack the Void! Swiping time!*
Metal Man (GM): The teapot flies right through him, as does Dragoshi's hands.
The Void: "Ha-ha-ha. You can't hurt me with that either. There's a reason Gerald himself bowed to my wishes."
Aetos: "HAY. Does Neutral-energy hurt?"
The Void: "Good work on killing Zylcon--he'd have tried to stop me. Ack! Neutral energy! I mean... of course not!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Apathetically shrugs.*
Aetos: "Oh... Oh well."
Darkdata: "Doom. Lovely."
Aetos twitches. "Oh..."
The Void: "Now... I shall destroy you all."
Aetos looks at his hand's palm, where the mark of The Void still faintly glows when seen with Truth-vision.
Scott: "...Hell's Bells."
The Void: "Ah hah hah haaaaa!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He spins his hands around, and all of a sudden debris is ripped up and exploding all around the Questers. Then it flies above the Questers and begins raining down upon them from above.
Julian: *fuck.*
Aetos: "BANG!" *ow.*
Dragoshi: *Does Drago dance the hell out of the way? Yes, he does!*
Darkdata: *dead.*
The Void: "Hm... that isn't quite good enough."
Scott: *BLAMMO'D.*
The Void: "What else do I know..."
Alexia: *BLAM.*
Azure: *Hit.*
The Void: "Ah... yes..." He points dramatically at Dragoshi. "SOUL STEALER!!!!!!"
Aetos: "Nothing about your little mark of doom on my hand! Oh, that's cool!"
Aetos: "You should do that to Charles!"
The Void: "Gah! You must be using reverse psychology on me! ...Ha ha ha! I will never, ever do it to Charles!"
Aetos: "Aw... Cause I said you should?"
Dragoshi: *...Fine. Just for fun though.* "...Why do I have a feeling I'm just gonna get cheated out of an attempt to even hurt you...?"
The Void: "No. Because you said I shouldn't!"
Aetos: "But you should! I want you to steal his soul!"
Metal Man (GM): Orange energy cascades as he steals 1/2 of Dragoshi's health for his own. He recovers from the chaos damage Aetos does at the expense of Dragoshi... and then he puts his hands together and cracks his fingers... invisible ones. He then fires not one, but three deathrays at Julian.
Aetos: "Oh. I don't like that. Did you just reform a bit from Dragoshi's soul?"
The Void: "No, I did not. I just stole his energy. Also, I can do this."
Metal Man (GM): He shoots a yellow ray at Aetos.
Julian: *And Julian's down.*
Aetos: "So your attack's name is a LIE?-- Ah!" *Boom.*
Metal Man (GM): He steals 226 coins from Aetos.
Aetos: "HEY!" *Watches the coins bounce away.*
Dragoshi: "..."
The Void: "If I cannot beat you, I must at least have enough money to make a new Sword of Darkness!"
Aetos: "You can make them?... Can I make a Chaos Maker, too??"
Darkdata: *revive.*
Scott: "It's time to get this show started."
The Void: "No, I'd have to buy one. With more coins than all of you put together."
Scott flips his Moderne around into his playing position and rips into a fast solo whipping up a flaming skull from the built up heat and launches it screaming at the Void.
The Void: "They don't sell things to morta----you have a guitar? Cheater!"
Metal Man (GM): The flaming skull, oddly, burns him. Hit.
Aetos: "Oh. That shack in the Infernal Realm probably has those swords..."
Scott: "Bingo..."
The Void: "No, that shack has only Infernal Realm versions. They'd suck for you."
Aetos: "Ugh! X-zone? Is there an Infernal X-Zone?"
Scott: "That had to hurt... HOW 'BOUT ANOTHER!"
Dragoshi: "...Wonder if the bazooka would do anything...:?"
The Void: "Yes. Attack me again, fool! Ha-ha-haaa!"
Scott continues out the solo and before long collects enough heat to bring another flaming skull to life and flings the screaming ball of fiery death at him. "Hurrah! HEATSEEKER!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
The Void: "Wait! No! Ow! Curse you, intelligent person!"
Dragoshi: "...Maybe I could use that ring that allowed people to teleport..."
Scott: "What? I'm just too damn smart? That's a first..."
Dragoshi: "...Yea."
Azure: "This may not be the wisest move... but..." *He slips his hands inside his gi and pull them back out with his nexus gauntlets out. They clasp together and flow with a brief energy before he is done. He then concentrates his chi and begins to run towards The Void and leaps into the air. He raises his hand in the air, as if to go after The Void, but when he reaches him he slams his hand down at... one of the chaos emeralds surrounding him. Azure would try to draw in the power of the chaos emerald, hopefully allowing him to rip one away from The Void and hopefully have him lose some of the power he has with being able to use them.
Scott: "Hit em' with energy or whatever attacks you've got. Melee won't hit em'."
Dragoshi: "...Don't see why not. ...Though, for some odd-assed reason my Tidal Blast passed through him."
The Void: "It's not elemental water. It's seawater." *Smiles evilly.*
Dragoshi: "...You're an imbecile."
Darkdata: "Or maybe, it could do with sound."
The Void: "I know what you are, but I am nothing!"
Aetos: "Use the power of hydrogen!"
Dragoshi: "...Wow. That was... Immaturely old."
The Void: "No! Helium! I want to hear you squeak!"
Dragoshi: "Though, still it's magic seawater."
Alexia: "And wrong, I think."
Darkdata: "Void, why did you call his guitar cheating?"
The Void: "Guitars are evil. Don't you know that?"
Dragoshi: "...No, no, no Void. That's AMPs."
Azure: *subtle blow spirit energy infusion.*
Dragoshi: "Or maybe it was rats. But, I'm trailing off-topic..."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* Azure hits the emerald. However it is not dislodged... but... Azure realizes its grip by The Void depends on The Void's health. It may come off if The Void takes more damage.
The Void: "Hey! You! Stop that!"
Darkdata: "It's just like that armadillo."
The Void: "Fred? Ah, we drink at bars some time."
Azure: "In that case..." azure spins around slightly and sends out another subtle blow his chi infused with the energy of his lawful nature." *Subtle Blow: Law!*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* Hit.
Darkdata: "Yank off the plates to get to the center of the problem."
The Void: "Wait, you didn't hurt Fred, did you? DID YOU?"
Darkdata: "He kinda hurt us." *Coughs.*
The Void: "Of course he did. We had a bet to see who could kill you first."
Alexia: "...Fred?"
Dragoshi: "..."
The Void: "Seems he failed." He smirks. "Well, I won't!"
Dragoshi: "...If only I had some bees." :/
Metal Man (GM): The attack, having been willed, does less than pure elemental.
The Void: "Bleck! Disgusting law!"
Harnit Barute ... Guesses he'll show up at this battle some time.
Darkdata: "Hmm..." *Saves time.* -_-
Digifanatic goes for the Void and rears back for what looks to be a Fire Punch, but hold it, folks, this is NOT fire, this is chaos! After that, he goes back and makes sure Julian is COVERED (saves some time.)!
Metal Man (GM): He is healed by the chaos energy as Digi hits him.
The Void: "Ow! How dare you!"
Alexia: *facepalm.*
Metal Man (GM): Luckily, it is halved like the others.
Digifanatic: *Julian is guarded,.*
Alexia: *thinking.* "Hrm... Should I use Overload this early in the battle?" *generates a Psy Needle and throws it at the Void to test her attack effectiveness.*
The Void: "No! Don't use overload, Alexia! It'll kill us all! Er... uh... I mean... tree! No overload, tree!" Odd. How could he possibly known about that?
Metal Man (GM): Hit. It stabs him like any other energy would. A weird slot machine appears.
Alexia: "..." *blink-ku.*
Scott: "That's new."
Dragoshi: "...Rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and... Water!" *Sing-Notices slot machine. Blink-ku.* "...Yep."
Darkdata: "Chaos... Lovely."
Metal Man (GM): Everyone gains 3200 coins.
Scott: "Yee-haw!"
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Darkdata: *o_O.*
Alexia: *Oooookay...*
The Void: "Just what I ne---Ahhhh! Coins! Ow ow ow!"
Alexia: "Overload, guys?"
Aetos: "Hey, this makes up for what the CHAOSJERK stole from me."
Scott: "Keep it up, Void. I could use a few more."
Darkdata: "Go for it. Thigs are crazy anyway."
Alexia: "Here goes nothin'..." *OVAHLOAD.* *STAT SHUFFLE.*
The Void: "...Nice ability."
Darkdata: "Must... Not... Make... Joke..."
Dragoshi: *Tilts head to the side.*
Alexia: "..."
Scott: "Whoa... muscle-chick."
Alexia: *Psy Needle between the fingers in a loaded punch to Void, if legal!*
Darkdata: "She... Would... Crush... me... Harder... Than... Julian."
Alexia: *STAB.*
Digifanatic: "As long as we get this fight over with."
Metal Man (GM): Alexia punches him... it's nowhere near as effective as before.
The Void: "You're over-screwed!"
Darkdata: "That is trademarked! Pay up the 25 coins."
The Void: "No. I think I'd rather just steal all of yours!"
Julian: *Julian's back on his feet!*
Scott: "I'm not Lars Ulrich but I know copyright infringement when I see it."
Digifanatic: "Heh, nice."
Alexia: "...Who?"
The Void: "Don't tell that to the workers of Voidneyland. The sappiest place on Earth!"
Julian: *Julian's got Vendetta out!* "This better work..." *Julian ignites the 'lightsaber', charges The Void, and tries to cut one of those Emeralds!*
Scott: "Drummer for Metallica."
Metal Man (GM): Julian hits the emerald. It does not budge. It makes a pleasant ringing noise.
Darkdata: "Grab it!"
The Void: "Now, now, if you could actually cut that, we'd all be dead! Only the Sword of Darkness could do that!"
Dragoshi: "...Nice noise." >_>
Julian: "..."
Darkdata: "If the sword of darkness cut it, the emeralds would be useless for what we need it to do."
Julian: *Julian quickly packs Vendetta back up and punches the Emerald out of pure frustration with his last bit of time.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian punches the emerald. It cracks a little.
Darkdata: O_O
The Void: "Gah! Don't break the emeralds!"
Aetos: "...We really don't want them destroyed, Julian! We want to use them to beat Ricky!"
Darkdata: "Even I am in agreement here!"
Alexia: "Uh, Julian, we need those..."
Scott: "Sweet mother... Chill man."
Aetos charges Void with Lighttech OWA, and smacks him four times! Uh oh!
Azure: "Julian, please... calm yourself. We're trying to get the emeralds as well. It would not be wise if we lost them here."
The Void: "Ha ha ha. Light tech."
Metal Man (GM): It flies right through him.
The Void: "It doesn't work in this realm. Darktech does instead. But... Dr. Dark isn't here, so... no Darktech for you!"
Aetos shrugs.
VCR: "Must be something here... keep on hitting him!"
Darkdata: "Yes... Keep on reading." ^_^ "So Void, what was on the second part of the prediction?"
The Void: "Oh, that. That was what I gave to Sardis Mongul, who then gave into your realm, and... I didn't want these people to prevent Kuja from returning, therefore preventing me from winning in this realm. Good as useless to the both of us by now."
Dragoshi: "...You know. I'm tired of your idiotic voice. So, I'll shut you up with some magical lightning. INDIGNATION!" *Drag claps his hands together, then concentrates for a few seconds as the Void is about to be struck by a wave of blue sparks and lightning!*
The Void: "Like that'd kill me."
Metal Man (GM): Hit. It rains 2s on the battlefield. No effect.
Alexia: "...What's up with these numbers?"
The Void: "I cause reality to break wherever I go. They follow me around."
Digifanatic: *muttering.* "Yeah, yeah, alright..."
Darkdata: "Heh, like some silly RPG."
The Void: "Rocket propelled grenades are not silly!"
Dragoshi: "...Enjoy ice? Yes? How about MAGIC ice? No? TOO BAD! ICE TORNADO!" *Drag concentrates slightly, glowing blue... Then a deadly magical frozen tornado of DEWM strikes the Void!*
The Void: "Actually, I do enjoy ice. Stirred, not shaken."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dragoshi: "...Hmph."
The Void: "Now... I liked that move, so pardon me."
Metal Man (GM): He waves a hand at Alexia. Not good enough. Close, though.
Darkdata: "Time cut time cut..."
Metal Man (GM): Alexia is compelled to use Overload twice, regardless of anything else.
The Void: "It's time to get crazy!"
The Void: "Go go crazy move! Ha ha haaaa!"
Aetos: "Is the ground shaking?..."
Alexia jumps up into the air... AND GOES SUPER, with a huge shockwave flying across the battlefield!
Metal Man (GM): The Void leaps over the shockwave. VCR also makes it.
The Void: "Hm... not what I intended, but that was pretty chaotic."
Scott: "Holy shit, what the hell was that?"
The Void: "Now... I shall kill you with your weakness, Julian!"
Metal Man (GM): He fires a coin beam at Julian.
Dragoshi: "Stairs?"
Aetos: "I dunno, but it looks like Alexia got all the Chaos Emerald powers and went Super or something."
Dragoshi: "...No, wait. Not stairs. ...Uhhh... Boomerang attacks?"
Darkdata: "Poor Digi is in front of Julian."
Metal Man (GM): It bends around Digi as if he isn't there. He steals 6366 coins from Julian.
Scott: "Uh-oh..."
The Void: "Like I would use straight lines. I'm not The Presence! And now. More generalized destruction!"
Metal Man (GM): He blows up more of the area around the Questers and rains it on them.
Dragoshi: *lucky...* *Meh.*
Aetos DIES this time.
Dragoshi: *Staying alive...*
Darkdata: *alive.*
Julian: *Julian evades falling death!*
Darkdata: *WOOT.*
Harnit Barute nearly gets killed by the attack...
Alexia: *Yeah, dead.*
Digifanatic: *slammed good but alive.*
Scott dodges by the skin of his teeth.
Azure dies and gets up all according to plan, since he literally can't survive these types of things. -quick revive-
Metal Man (GM): He then angrily fires 3 deathrays at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *OH, EXPECTED. OH, SECOND LIFE LOST. Oh... Quick revive.*
Scott: "Showtime!"
Alexia: *Dead, Quick Revive, still Supered up.*
Scott decides that his ranged attacks, few and far between as they are, are his best option and decides to whip out one of his more under-used moves in recent memory... He rushes the Void and leaps up into the air taking as much distance as he can between himself and everyone else, even if that distance is vertical... and rips three chords... "Cause I'm T.N.T!!"
Julian: *BA-BOOM.*
Alexia: *echo-y voice.* "Nice one, Scott!"
Dragoshi: "...Impressive."
Scott: "I've been itchin' to do that one. It's been ages since I last used it."
Scott rips the three chords and flames billow up around him causing a sudden explosion to emanate from around Scott blasting the enemy in a massive shockwave of flaming death.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Alexia: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Scott laughs evilly. "Well I guess you wouldn't mind one of these!"
Dragoshi: "...Okay. Are you high, Void?"
Alexia: "I think the Emeralds are damaging his mind..."
The Void: "No. I'm totally insane."
Darkdata: "I think it's too late for that."
The Void: "Now fight me!"
Scott kicks into another complicated solo and his fingers fly up and down the rosewood fretboard creating plenty of friction to power... two sparking energy blasts?! He's using another old school whoop-ass move.
Julian: "Why do you people keep TALKIN' to him?"
The Void: "Yeah. Stop talking to me!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Scott: "You've been... THUNDERSTRUCK!"
The Void: "I've been... ICECREAM SMACKED!"
Azure doesn't have enough time to attack like before so he puts a barrier up around himself. Then goes to attempt to free a chaos emerald again.
The Void: "Curses! I forgot to kill that monk! I was so busy killing the guy who insults me..."
Metal Man (GM): Hit. It does not come loose. It nearly does, but doesn't escape his control.
Azure doesn't have enough time to perform another energy type physical removal.
Darkdata: *Eats 2 ultra scrooms to restore his lost health.* *Saves time.*
Harnit Barute casts Insight on Darkdata and Nature's Growth on himself.
Digifanatic is surely annoyed at all of this... with his extra time, he pulls off an Running Charge straight to the center of the Void and finishes up with a Fire Lunge to the same spot. He retreats his space, uses a Rec. Vial, and guards Dragoshi.
Metal Man (GM): Miss, hit. 50% on the lunge.
Digifanatic: *Dragoshi, congratulations! You're protected!*
Dragoshi: "Digi. Don't bother."
Alexia forms a Mindblast and FIYARS.
Digifanatic: "Well, you can never be too sure."
Dragoshi: "The Void's attacks'll just bend around you."
Digifanatic: "I'm just trying to help."
Dragoshi: "...Fine. Don't listen." :/
Digifanatic: "No, I got it..."
Julian: *Julian tries to GRAPPLE one of those Emeralds! Maybe he'll pull it out. I dunno. Last shot to see if Julian can do ANYTHING in this battle except dodge.*
Digifanatic: "I'll make sure next time."
Metal Man (GM): Grappling? Maybe... Nope. Julian grabs it... he's now flying around The Void.
Julian: *Of course.*
Alexia: "...It's Darkman all over again..."
Metal Man (GM): Not very fast, just enough to make Julian fly off his feet. Like... 20 mph.
Julian: *And Julian is officially useless for this battle. Julian lets go, uses the Rocket Boots to coast to a good landing, and ends his turn.*
Aetos died before this turn. No quick revive.
Dragoshi: *Take Phoenix Down, save remainingtime.*
The Void: "Hm... you nearly got me there... I should use these emeralds, for once."
Scott: "Or you can just not and we'll call it even."
Metal Man (GM): He powers up, using all 7 emeralds.
The Void: "Now... what can these do... Abra... Kadabra!"
Metal Man (GM): He spins them around... and all the Questers' weapons vanish.
The Void: "...That's lame! Worse than lame! Stupid bricks! I'll just have to beat you to death with them!"
Metal Man (GM): He launches all 7 of them at Azure.
Darkdata: "Hahahahaha!"
Digifanatic: *His doesn't do much, and, in fact, reduces damage!*
Darkdata: "You fool!"
Scott: "Hey, my guitar!"
The Void: "Hm... who knew flying rocks were so lethal?"
Dragoshi: "..." *No witty remark this time.* :/
Azure: "Rocks huh..." *counter element earth earth.* -.- *Goes back to being dead and quick reviving.*
Metal Man (GM): *PSHEEW* He overrides it.
Azure's spirit charms special ability kicks it. One life remaining.
The Void: "These emeralds are lame. I must drain their energy. I know just how, too."
Metal Man (GM): He spins them around and uses them on Julian. Julian goes super.
Dragoshi: "..."
Scott: "The hell?!"
Dragoshi: "I see where you're going with this." :/
The Void: "He can't harm me, but he has super powers. The emeralds will run out of energy, and then you will all die from the true power of the Chaos emeralds. But first..."
Alexia: "...You do realize you're digging your own grave, engraving the tombstone, and buying the casket."
Dragoshi: "Julian's pretty much worthless in this battle."
The Void: "What was that you said?"
Metal Man (GM): He fires three deathrays at Alexia.
The Void: "Grave? Tombstone? Oops! I'm already dead!"
Scott: "Ouch."
Alexia takes all three without flinching. "Is that all you've got?"
The Void: "Yes... Just about three rounds, and the Chaos Emeralds will be MINE!"
Scott: "Much as I'd love to indulge you with an impressive show... I don't have a guitar."
Azure doesn't have enough time, he can't do anything. He starts chanting thinking of a way to do something. For now
Darkdata: "I have the time to pull this off. This blade while broken could be used for light. No longer a weapon but something of hope!"
Alexia: "...That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard."
Darkdata: *Alteration Clearsong. - The Broken Blade - Darkness to Light!*
Azure does not comment.
Darkdata: "... If I screw up, do not hate me. Blame Alexia..." *Into the light!"
Metal Man (GM): It turns to light.
The Void: "Oh no! Not light! Anything but that!"
Darkdata: "Still broken... though."
Harnit Barute uses 4 Mushrooms on Alexia.
Alexia: "Thanks, Harnit."
Harnit Barute nods.
Digifanatic feels as if he has nothing much to do besides launching those elemental attacks... oh, wait! He can pull off Celestial Fury at the Void! Yes, indeed... that and a Fire Punch should get the Void well.
Darkdata: "Void do you enjoy lying though your... teeth?"
The Void: "That's a lie. I have no teeth!"
Darkdata: "The fact that I made the blade light is useless right?" *Sigh.*
Metal Man (GM): The Celestial Fury deals no damage, then Digi hits him with a Fire punch.
The Void: "Pft. Fred truly FAILED. I have you at my mercy now."
Darkdata: "Oh look... USELSSS."
The Void: "And I'm only gettin' started."
Darkdata: "I am screwing up left and right. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."
The Void: "Nah, take it from me--Aetos beat you in that department. I mean... he did the right thing, serving me!"
Alexia: "And that turned out oh-so-well..." *flings two Psy Needles at Void, shoots two Psy Shots at him, then defends.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. Hit hit.
The Void: "Show us how useless you can be!"
Julian: "...Y'know what, I don't have to deal wit' this." *Julian starts walking away from the fight.* "Fuck this." *Julian's actually leaving!*
Darkdata: "Focus the energy back into the emeralds... that to try to attack the idio--..."
Dragoshi: "...Wow. He just gave up."
Azure: "We do have the emeralds..."
Aetos revives. "I hope I didn't miss much..."
Dragoshi: "...Except Julian leaving, no." :/
The Void: "Bahahahaha. One down, more to go!"
Azure: Defeating the void..doesn't warrant much...
Darkdata: "Since he left... He has no one to focus the chaos energy on."
Azure: "If we left now..."
Darkdata: "Or good energy in this case... We still be screwed."
The Void: "... ...Wait! Come back!"
Darkdata: "He would find a random person."
Aetos: "HI VOID."
Dragoshi: "...Yes Voidregard?"
Azure: "Everyone. Pull out. We're leaving!"
Julian: *Julian's a master strategist!*
Dragoshi: "...All of us?"
Darkdata: "IDIOT."
Dragoshi: "...I don't see why we should."
Azure looks to Dragoshi "What was our mission?"
Darkdata: "He would just find a random person."
The Void: "Yes. Go ahead and leave."
Dragoshi: "To get the Good Emeralds."
The Void: "But... not Julian! Now I must find somebody else..."
Azure: "And who has those emeralds right now?"
Aetos: "You don't like me anymore, Void?" *Frown.*
Dragoshi: "The Void."
Scott: "Shut the hell up Void!"
The Void: "I do like you, it's just that I must ensure all goes as it should."
Dragoshi: "..." *Checks out The Void's condition.*
Scott: "We're done here."
Azure: "Actully Julian does." *unless he missed something.*
Dragoshi: "...He doesn't."
Metal Man (GM): The Void is still pretty strong. And he has all the emeralds.
Darkdata: "You fools... if we leave now he will find a random person and drain the energy that way."
Metal Man (GM): He just used them to power up Julian.
Darkdata: "We need to get the emeralds back."
Azure: "I take back what I said. I didn't know The Void still had them."
Metal Man (GM): Had they followed Julian, they'd continue to drain, either way, but now Julian has left, forcing him to find another person to use them on.
Aetos could... try to subdue the chaos within the emeralds using Chaos Energy.
Metal Man (GM): Aetos succeeds... but there isn't any chaos energy in them.
Darkdata: "Because thy have not been drained yet."
Metal Man (GM): No.
Dragoshi: "..." *Sways back and forth slightly, blue mist rising around El Drago Kickasso... And, then... A MASSIVE FROZEN TORNADO of magical DEWM pops up and attempts to strike Void!*
Metal Man (GM): Crit.
The Void: "Bwa ha ha ha!"
Metal Man (GM): It flies right through him.
The Void: "It is impossible to hit me with such incredibly energized attacks!"
Dragoshi: *Just... Indignations then. Feeling cheated.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
The Void: "Hmph. Now I must discharge these emeralds some other way... I can't heal myself, I can't make one of you super..."
Aetos: "Darkdata, are you going to use that sword?"
The Void: "...VCR would probably hit me... Bingo!"
Metal Man (GM): He channels all the energy into the Light Sword.
Dragoshi: "...Was his name-o?"
Metal Man (GM): It glows quite a bit, now draining the energy from the emeralds.
Darkdata: "After I have the time to change its element again. Digi's light attacks did nothging."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
Aetos: "But attack the EMERALDS with light attacks! Maybe it can keep them charged with good energy!"
Darkdata: "Just wait a second."
The Void: "And now, to continue the destruction." He laughs evilly and begins blowing up the area. It rains death yet again. Mass.
Aetos: "Ok, but we only have a second."
VCR: "Hm... he must be getting weaker... you have to get the emeralds away from him somehow..."
Metal Man (GM): Aetos ties and therefore is not hit.
Digifanatic: *Nearly dead... holy crap.*
Azure takes another hit.
The Void: "Hm... I've rendered most of you useless... ah! Yes. That's it."
Metal Man (GM): He turns to Aetos.
The Void: "Follow my commands, slave!"
Dragoshi: *Takes the hit..Yada yada yada.*
Metal Man (GM): He raises his hand in the air...
Metal Man (GM): Aetos is corrupted by dark energy, and... He begins laughing maniacally.
Aetos: "I could use the chaos emeralds to do whatever you want, of course!"
The Void: "So much to do... What is this?" He takes out Gerald's Legacy. "...Yes... tell me. What is this, Aetos?"
Aetos: "That's a logbook of every creation by Gerald!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Faycepalm.*
The Void: "Hm... it was Gerald who originally released me..."
Aetos: "Has lots of nifty info. I was meaning to look up Shadow on it, but never got around to it."
The Void: "...Bingo."
Metal Man (GM): He flips through several pages and looks up Chaos Emeralds.
The Void: "What is this... Chaos energy is not only present in emeralds, but in the heart? ...But I don't have a heart..."
Aetos: "I have a heart!"
The Void: "Nah, your body is an inferior consumer model."
Azure: .oO(I can't let this continue...)
Aetos: "Azure has a heart, too!"
The Void: "Why drive a Gremlin when you can drive a Mercedes?"
Dragoshi: "...A Mercedes?"
Aetos: "Ooh. Is the Mercedes... Dragoshi?"
The Void: "No, no. Too angry."
Aetos: "Anti-VG?"
Dragoshi: "...Apathetic now." :/
The Void: "He's a weakling."
Aetos: "Shadow?"
The Void: "Not here."
Azure didn't catch that reference at all. If he could just..get just one...
Aetos: "Azure, then?"
The Void: "Hm... yes... that is it."
Julian: *Julian was smart to get out of there while he could.*
Aetos: "I'M THE WINNER!"
Metal Man (GM): He... turns to the side and opens a portal, out of which the Ivan Robotnik of this realm appears.
Aetos: "HEY! You're on my penny!"
The Void: "Your energy is mine!!!!!" He knocks him out, then shoves him aside.
Dragoshi: "...What the boat?"
Metal Man (GM): The emeralds are nearly out of energy.
Darkdata: "You enjoy spite don't you Void?"
The Void: "If I used a body, you'd massacre me."
Aetos: "Void, can the Questers ever stop you from turning those emeralds to Chaos?"
Azure: .oO(So be it. Ill put my body on the line for this goal.)
The Void: "However this book says that all people have chaos energy. Assuming I can get away from you, I can use the energy of all people at once..." He grins madly... "To destroy the universe!"
Metal Man (GM): The Good Emeralds have 30 more seconds of energy left.
The Void: "Now... sorry Questers, but I don't think I need to kill you anymore."
Aetos: "Hey, VG Negative... do YOU know how the Questers could ever possibly stop the Void from ruining the Good Emeralds?"
The Void: "Thanks for the fight, though!"
VCR: "You must somehow knock them all away from him... and fast! I just read that, too. Curse this confusing manuscript!"
Azure with plenty of stored energy, now stands up. .oO(With the chaos emeralds in this state it just may be easier but first...) Azure raises his hand. A spiraling energy encircles it, becoming a prismatic energy of sorts before forming into a dragon. Azure waves his hand around and then launches it at The Void. -Dragon Fang Element Law-
Dragoshi: "...Well, he still looks like he's going strong..."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aetos: "Are you happy the mercenaries aren't bothering to listen to anything that could stop you, Void?"
The Void: "Uh... you go back to normal now!" *Whaps Aetos.*
Aetos: "Hey!"
The Void: "Ow!"
Azure attempts to grab another chaos emerald.
Aetos: "Can I have my book back?.. I still gotta look up Shadow."
Metal Man (GM): Azure nearly gets it. Meanwhile, The Void duplicates the book and hands the original to Aetos.
Aetos: "Thanks!"
The Void: "Of course. You haven't finished causing chaos and destruction with it yet."
Azure spins around slightly and fires off another dragon fang law type.
Metal Man (GM): These emeralds are getting looser and looser... Hit.
Azure tries to grab again.
Metal Man (GM): Still goin' strong.
Azure: *Has no more time to attack left.* -.-
Darkdata: "Need a plan..." *Lays his hands on both parts of the swords.*
Aetos: "Hey, would attacks that knock the emeralds away work, VCR?"
Dragoshi: .oO(I could try the same thing Azure's doing... After weakening Void a little more...)
VCR: "Yes. However they have to be... magical."
Aetos: "How about Windy Spirit Magic?"
VCR: "Possibly."
The Void: "You can try all you want. I have my plans allll wrapped up."
Darkdata: *Restore Darksong.* (Darksong because the blade could now be considered living with emerald energy.)
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata puts it together... backwards. It's now a Drows! Whatever that is.
Darkdata: "Did you realize what you did Void? You gave this blade law energy."
The Void: "How could I do that, when I used good energy, huh? Huh? Plus, you repair swords like a drunken Tridus."
Darkdata: "Hey if it does miss you the--" *Repel darksong, sword towards Void.*
Aetos: "Oh... Is there an Anti-Tridus in this world with the Chaos-Maker?"
Darkdata: "Blade will shatter releasing the energy."
Azure: .oO(There's no more time. It's out of my hands...)
Metal Man (GM): The sword flies at The Void, through him, and then stabs a guy in a sombrero behind him.
???: "Argh!" *Dies.*
Darkdata: "..."
Dragoshi: "... "
The Void: "I told you already, that sword was made of good energy. There's no way you can harm ME with it. Then again you did harm that guy."
Dragoshi: "...Who the heck was that?"
Digifanatic: .oO(Enough of this...)
The Void: "This world's version of Matek."
Aetos: "Huh. Maybe Ricky is right about you, Darkdata."
The Void: "Nobody likes Matek."
Dragoshi: "...Oh."
The Void: "There's even a show about it."
Aetos: "Oh, I take that back, then."
Dragoshi: "That explains a lot."
The Void: "$19.95!"
Aetos: "I only have a penny."
The Void: "I better steal that from you."
Aetos: "NO!"
Digifanatic tries to think of what's best for himself to do for now.
Metal Man (GM): Digi thinks he should get the emeralds, and not waste time.
Aetos: "Void, do you like board games?"
Digifanatic just goes for the easy Icy Kick right at the middle of the Void.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Darkdata: "Grab the emeralds. I know I plan on ripping a few out when I get the chance."
The Void: "Board games? Why? I do like the randomness. Your chances are rapidly slipping away."
Aetos: "Oh, I'm just trying to keep you from running away by striking up conversation."
Digifanatic finishes his turn by swinging his golf club at the Void... but it's on fire!
Azure: *before he dies.* "Get the emeralds... keep wearing him down and go for them. There isn't much time left..."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aetos holds both palms out, and unleashes a powerful gust of wind from them, targeting one of the chaos emeralds with Blowback.
Metal Man (GM): The emerald is not knocked loose.
Aetos then holds his right arm out and wind envelopes it and shapes into a megaman arm-cannon. It fires 3 shots of wind-bally-energy that burst into the same emerald.
Metal Man (GM): One Emerald is knocked loose. It falls behind him.
The Void: "Too little, too late!"
Darkdata: "Finally, 6 to go... RIP THOSE EMERALDS DRAGOSHI!"
Dragoshi: *Tries to take an Emerald away from Void!*
Darkdata: "Five claw discount time!"
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi fails to knock one away with that hit.
Dragoshi: *...Indignation the Void, then theft attempt.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Hit. It is not knocked loose by that hit either.
VCR: "Records say that one must hit the emeralds over and over again."
Aetos: "Mr. Void, would you be so chaotic enough to give us the emeralds instead of draining their good-ness?.. I'll promise to be more chaotic if you do!"
The Void: "No."
Aetos: "Worth a shot, wasn't it?"
Metal Man (GM): With one emerald missing, he laughs evilly and rips a hole in space-time.
Aetos: *Checks what color emerald they got. Whitewhitewhitewhitewhite.*
Metal Man (GM): Blue.
The Void: "6 is more than enough to manifest my body in your dimension. Now... I shall ride again!" *Vanishes into the portal.*
Scott: "Dammit! Why can't villains remember not to fuck with that!"
Dragoshi: "... I don't know if I should have expected that."
Digifanatic: "You can never tell."
Metal Man (GM): The portal closes behind him, The Void having escaped.
Aetos mutters.
Metal Man (GM): The world rebuilds itself from the destruction, with the Sword of Darkness destroyed and then made light.
Aetos: "I hope Metal has a backup plan, then."
Darkdata: *Picks up the dropped emerald.*
Aetos: "Or we can use that... maybe."
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): It glows dully. He nearly used all of its power.
Aetos: "We'd probably have to recharge the goodness in it... it looks really low."
Dragoshi: "...It's nearly spent."
Metal Man (GM): And the energy in the sword obviously escaped. It healed the world around the Questers.
Digifanatic: "Yup..."
Dragoshi: "We need to recharge it first." :/
Darkdata: "Restore... Restore Darksong."
Digifanatic: "At least all the destruction is gone. That's good."
Metal Man (GM): The sword is normal state, but put together really horribly. The emerald is not energized by the spell.
Darkdata: "Bah..."
VCR: "I'm afraid he took most of the Goodness with him, and the rest spilled onto this planet."
Darkdata: *Walks over to the sword..."
Aetos: "So is this the Sword of Light, now?..."
Darkdata: "Might as well fix that..."
VCR: "...The Drows of Light as it is now."
Azure stands there panting. "Only one. Darkdata may I see that?" He spends his time healing everyone while he talks, his spirit charms having returned.
Darkdata: *restore darksong on the drows again.*
Aetos: "Good point."
Metal Man (GM): It is fixed correctly.
Darkdata: *Passes the emerald over.*
VCR: "What is going on in your other realm, anyway?"
Aetos: "We're in conflict with someone named Ricky..."
Dragoshi: "...yep."
Darkdata: "Well right now there is a war, however the void is going to screw that up with plans for world destruction. WHEEEEEEEE."
Aetos: "Erm, he's trying to destroy a planet, and we really need some help..."
VCR: "...So you're saying that he will go in and destroy this Ricky?"
Aetos: "I don't know."
Darkdata: "And all the innocent people."
Aetos: "Would you, maybe want to help us, VCR?"
VCR: "Well, you have this sword here, but it doesn't look like it'll go much further..."
Digifanatic: "And the innocents are what bothers us, of course."
Aetos: "You might be able to see what your own counterpart looks like. HOLD ON." *looks back through his Dex's video recording of the mission.*
Darkdata: *Picks up the sword of light...*
Aetos: *Back to where Locos' new name, after drinking the coffee, made someone as an anti-Ricky for his assistant.*
Darkdata: "If we are going to face the void again, we need something other than light."
Azure looks at the emerald. "Goodness just can't fade away. There must be a way threw people that the power can be restored."
Aetos: "Ah... Well, VCR... be on the lookout for this guy." *Shows VCR a picture of a cactus with a hat on it, named Vicky.*
Darkdata: *Alteration Clearsong. - Sword of Light - To Order.*
Metal Man (GM): It turns to order.
Azure: "If that were the case then the energy The Void took wouldn't last much longer itself. Unless there is something else about these." He looks at it with stern expression.
VCR: "...That's just a cactus."
Aetos: "But made by that Locos guy! It CAN'T be good news for this planet."
Dragoshi: "..." *Pokes the sword.*
VCR: "It's a cactus with a hat."'
Darkdata: *Takes the emerald from whoever has it."
Aetos: "Vicky will take over Locos' organization, and then try and destroy this planet!"
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Azure looks at Darkdata like "Damn, that was rude..."
VCR: "...A cactus which lacks sentience will do that?"
Darkdata: *And gives them the sword.* "Hold this."
Aetos: "Of course..."
Azure: " you plan on doing with me holding a sword..."
Aetos: "But nonetheless, you should warn your planet, and then, perhaps come with us back to our own dimension?"
Azure grips the blade, like he actually knows how to use a sword.
VCR: "I have a portal machine which can probably send you back. Me? Come with you? No. I cannot. There's only enough power for so many of you..."
Dragoshi: "...Why's that?"
Darkdata: "I don't suppose we could charge the emeralds with the chaos in our hearts."
Aetos frowns.
VCR: "No, no. You do not want it to become chaotic."
Aetos: "Well you can just leave Julian here, if you want."
Darkdata: "Hmm, guess not."
VCR: "That's... up to you."
Darkdata: "Give me a healing item, and I can get him here."
Aetos: "Dragoshi, try and use our special Atlantean powers on it?"
Metal Man (GM): He presses a button, and a machine appears. Then he powers it up. It glows.
Digifanatic: "Douglas, do you really want him to beat you up for the comment?"
Aetos frowns. "But he's the one who abandoned a fight when he was needed. What's that say about him being a Quester?"
Digifanatic: "He couldn't do anything! Not like he didn't want to..."
Dragoshi: "...He could've tried to return the good energy to the emerald!"
Aetos: "He could have helped with the emeralds, and stopped punching The Void."
Dragoshi: "That too."
Aetos shakes his head. "Let's just get everyone back here and go. We've got the Blue emerald... the emerald of..."
Dex: "Sadness."
Darkdata: *Voice of the titans of Dragoshi.*
Aetos: "Hope? Sadness? Oh ok."
Darkdata: "What a odd name for a good emerald."
Julian: *And Julian's suddenly somehow behind Aetos.* "Lemme ask you somethin', smart one. HOW exactly could I have helped with the emeralds?"
Aetos: "Well if anyone should hold onto it, it should be someone who's sad a lot, I guess? But still, remember that it needs to go to Metal ASAP."
Aetos turns. "Just knock them away."
Darkdata: "Through the warp back home everyone?"
Aetos: "Like we did with the Blue one."
Digifanatic: "Sure. Let's go back."
Aetos shrugs. "But hey. I'm done dwelling on that now."
Julian: "You saw what happened when I tried that. Either they ended up cracked, or I lost any footin'."
Dragoshi: .oO(I'm not even going to bother.)
Darkdata: "Azure. Here, take the emerald back. I will hold on to the sword I guess."
VCR: "He is partially right. You need magical energy to stand a chance at knocking them loose."
Azure: "Sure." *Exchanges.*
VCR: "Luckily, you dislodged one. He cannot go Super."
Dragoshi: "...Yep."
VCR: "He can, however, have enough to drastically alter effects."
Julian: "'An' if you didn't notice, that jackass was tryin' to use ME to drain the energy. I helped out by not givin' him a good outlet."
Digifanatic: "Good point."
Aetos: "Good point." *Gave up when he said he was done.* "Oh! I know! Alexia should use the blue emerald!... If we're supposed to use them eventually. She's always sad 'cause she screws everything up."
VCR: "Yes! Excellent thinking! The more sadness, the more good energy it will create."
Darkdata: "Well I am sad, due to my screwing up, with the sword and shadow... Sigh..."
Aetos: "Well when she gets back here, let's give her the emerald and then make her feel really bad, K people?"
Dragoshi: "...Well, I'm partially an apathetic pessimist." :/ "So I could do... For now."
Azure: "There is no reason you should let it bother you, Darkdata. You made a decision using your best judgment. Build up from the mistakes to something more."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers' weapons are all back too.
Darkdata: "Hmm, good point. And this new spell I used in battle... It could be kinda fun now."
Aetos: *OWA summons back into his hand.* "Oh right!"
Darkdata: *Takes out one wilt shroom.*
Digifanatic: *finally gets his 'Vice back.* .oO(Oh, thank goodness. The Void SHOULDN'T be able to screw around with this, but hey, it's back in my hands anyway!)
Aetos: "VG, do you know of anyone that's a koopa that is really nerdy and has a big computery gauntlet game thing? I mean VCR."
Darkdata: (Purely testing) *Alteration Clearsong - Wilt Shroom - Gain order!*
VCR: "No, but I do know of a hulking behemoth who fails at math tests."
Metal Man (GM): Darkdata turns the Wilt Shroom into an Order Wilt Shroom.
Digifanatic: "That sounds like a polar opposite."
Aetos: "Do you know of this thing I have in my hand?"
VCR: "Yes, I do." He takes out his keys. "I have lots of keychains! Look, this one is a flashlight!"
Aetos: "Oh reallyyyy... Can I try one?!"
VCR: "..." He gives you a flashlight with a keychain thingy on it.
Darkdata: *Second shoom.* (Purely testing) *Alteration Clearsong - Wilt Shroom - Gain order!*
Aetos takes off the Lighttech Keychain and puts on the Flashlight Keychain.
Darkdata: *Gives to Aetos.*
Aetos: "Igh. That thing is kinda annoying looking, Darkdata."
Azure puts the chaos emerald in his gi like he does most of his items. It's like a hammer space in there. "What action should we take now?"
Darkdata: "Taste it!"
Aetos: "We wait for Alexia to come back, so we can give her that emerald you just stowed away." *tastes the Wilt Order Shroom.*
Azure: "And then?"
Aetos: "And then make her cry."
Azure: "Seriously..."
Aetos blinks. "I am serious."
Azure: "Why... would we make her cry." -.-
Aetos: "Her sadness could save Genetia."
Digifanatic: *muttering but still audible.* "Eh, sometimes it just happens to her without having things said to her."
Aetos: "So it fuels the Blue Good Emerald, which would become full again, and useful to Metal."
Dragoshi: "...Yep. Tell me if we ever get a Good Emerald of apathy. I'll be all over that one like a hobo on a ham sandwich." >_>
Darkdata: "Taste good?" :P
Aetos: "Apathy, I dunno."
Scott: "I hate to butt in..."
Aetos: "I think every emotion tied to the emeralds is negative."
Scott: "I've got something of an announcement to make."
Aetos: "Besides the white emerald, which is more tied to having effect over the other emeralds. Yeah, Scotty?"
Digifanatic: "Oh?"
Azure: "I see..."
Scott: "There's a reason I've been absent as of late."
Aetos: "Girlfriend troubles? Ok."
Scott: "That reason is that I got a transmission from GSPB HQ. A rather disturbing one. I have to go back to Voodoo Child. I don't know when or even if I'm going to be back."
Dragoshi: "...Hm?"
Digifanatic: "Ah, yes..."
Azure tosses the chaos emerald to Darkdata.
Digifanatic: "What for?"
Dragoshi: "Yes. What?"
Darkdata: *Catch.*
Scott pulls a device out of his pocket. It's clearly not from this dimension. A message starts playing from it. It's garbled beyond belief.
Aetos: "Ah. This tastes kinda metallic, Darkdata. Did you want your keychain back, VCR?"
Scott (GM): The only part of the message that's not garbled too badly says... "...*static.*...Thi-...SPB...*static.* Third Stage...*static.*...Taking... heavy fire... VC... fallen... repeat... VC has fallen..."
VCR: "You can keep it. We may never meet again, of course."
Aetos: "Well. Thanks!"
Dragoshi: "...Wha-?"
Aetos: "Won't forget this!"
Scott: "My homeworld is under attack... or it seems it was. Side Quest..."
Digifanatic: "Yes?"
Dragoshi: "...Hm?"
Scott: "I can't make you come with me and I doubt you can leave here. You're needed here. But I've gotta go back to VC and find out what the hell happened."
Digifanatic: "Well, you know the planet better than we do."
Dragoshi: "Aye. That he does."
Scott: "Until further notice..." He sighs heavily... "I'm resigning from the Questers."
Dragoshi: "...Good luck..."
Digifanatic: "Hmm... any possible way we can at least jam together or something without you for the time being?"
Aetos: "Go tell Metal, then." *Pushes Scott into the warp with Blowback.*
Scott: "I don't know if I'll be back or not. Just do me a favor..."
Digifanatic: "I mean, yes, you are the frontman, but we're all good."
Darkdata: "Well... It will be sad to see you go."
Scott claps Digi and Drag on the shoulders. "Keep the b--" *WARP*
Metal Man (GM): Scott is shoved into the warp home by Aetos.
Darkdata: "Ermm, Never mind, have a good warp."
Metal Man (GM): Bad Aetos!
VCR: "... Of course... you do know that warp is two-way, right? He can just walk right back out using the energy on your end."
Dragoshi: "...Hm?"
Digifanatic: "No problem. I'm sure I could figure things out."
Aetos shrugs. "He can come back and finish that if he REALLY needs to tell them whatever it was."
Digifanatic: *whispers to Drag.* "I've got some strange stuff in my room, but I won't make you guys play it."
Scott pokes his head back through. "Keep the band together for me while I'm gone."
Digifanatic: "Will try my best. Drag, the same?"
Dragoshi: "Of course."
Darkdata: "Do you have any shops here?"
Scott then goes over to Aetos. "Just be sure I'll make sure I get back somehow to return that push into a warp."
Aetos: "K! Just don't make it lethal, K?" *Frown.*
Digifanatic: .oO(Well, what can we do without Scott and without me destroying their minds with stuff like Yes and Mike Oldfield?)
Julian: *And of course Julian's invisible.*
Scott: "No guarentees, Aetos. Julian, keep the faith, man." Scott then whistles and Roxy comes to his side with all his stuff packed up and heads through the warp.
Digifanatic: "Uh, Scott..."
Aetos: "Well I hope he doesn't just randomly push me into a pit of scarabs or anything like that..."
Digifanatic: "I think Garrick left us a while back. When they jumped the Seeker when we went for Central City. No idea where he is, as far as I know."
Julian: "He was on the Seeker when we left. All I know."
Aetos: "He's gone, Digi..." *Pats Digi's shoulder.* "Let it go..." *he says like Digi's puppy just died.*
Digifanatic: "Heh... I will."
Darkdata: *Mute and seal Aetos to the spot he is standing now.* "Ah, one moment of silence."
Aetos ceases talking out of the blue, and then gets paralyzed in place.
Darkdata: *Dispells both, in a better mood.*
Aetos grins. "That was very chaotic of you!"
Darkdata: "Don't make me remute you."
Aetos: "You ever thought about following in Ruvyn's footsteps?"
Digifanatic: "Aetos, no..."
Darkdata: "Well at least he is quiet."
Aetos mutters silently.
Darkdata: *dispell.*
Aetos: "Can you do your spells if you can't make noise?"
Darkdata: "Weaker versions with my harp yeah. So no, your mute will not work."
Aetos: "My mute would work, considering the wind vacuum would be around your whole body."
Darkdata: "My harp is immune to magic."
Aetos: "Oh, I see..."
Darkdata: :p
Aetos: "Are you sticking your tongue out at me?! That is a major offense to my culture!"
Darkdata: "In mine it's a sign of respect."
Dragoshi: "In most others it's a sign of sarcasm." >_>;;
Aetos: "Well I was kidding. I'm English."
Darkdata: "Hello English, I am Darkdata."
VCR: "My great grandparent is named English."
Dragoshi: "Really?"
VCR: "He and his wife, Electronics, had a child named Radio."
Aetos: "You're sure of that?"
VCR: "Yes."
Dragoshi: "...Wow. Such interesting names."
Digifanatic: *to Drag.* "Let's go back to the base."
Dragoshi: *To Digi.* "Eh. You can go on ahead... Unless there's something I'm missing." *A little out of focus at the moment.*