Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 429: Master Hand's Impossible Trials



Date: May 20th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 30th, and 31st, 2007.
Trivia: Metal Man drank radioactive power-boosting soda long before it became fashionable (in Team Fortress 2)!
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are on the Seeker yet again.
Dragoshi: *Leaning 'gainst the wall.* "Okay, so what's the current situation?"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man is at the front of the ship, as usual. He's finished a ton of reading.
Metal Man: "Well, so far as I've seen, this whole Ferran secret stuff seems to have been a bunch of claptrap. We've picked up items, and found some weirdoes obsessed with Kuja. N' thats it."
Traon just casually walks in. Acting like he didn't miss a thing.
Metal Man: "But what I have found in my free time... is something absolutely freaky."
Dragoshi: "...Sad, reall-Hmm?"
Metal Man: "Ferran itself is normal, but there's this." *brings up a picture of... the Nintendo Temple.* "We never finished any challenges there, yet it just up and appeared over here in a beam of light."
Douglas: "...Challenges? Oo... I'm in."
Metal Man: "It has since repelled everybody else from it, apparently wanting you guys to go to it."
Glyph: *Hop wanders in, Tome in hand.*
Alexia: "Interesting..."
Metal Man: "I don't know if this means additional challenges or not, however it does mean you gotta look, 'cause it landed in the middle of an entire city."
Douglas: "Will we face near-death in dozens of extreme puzzles and be required to perform daring feats in order to get a fabulous end reward?"
Dragoshi: "That's... really weird."
Metal Man: "Even the Terrible Trio failed to break in, so... there you go." *Opens the warp.* "I'm unsure of that."
Darkdata: "... mmkay..."
Douglas frowns and enters... this time studying... the Tome of Wind!
Darkdata enters the warp.
Dragoshi: *Enters the warp as well.*
Glyph: *Hop begins studying it furiously once again...*
Traon sighs and enters the warp as well.
Alexia: *warps as well.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers appear before the massive, octagonal temple. It has changed since last time... stone replaced by crystalline blue material. Carved seemingly out of thin air, with sharp edges. It looks like blue ice, almost. The temple steps lead up to a massive two-doored passageway with three symbols on it. It seemingly has crushed the buildings atop which it landed.
Alexia: "...Whoa."
Metal Man (GM): But only the Questers seem able to walk close to it; normal people are repelled by a blue field.
Dragoshi: *Moseys on along, looking at the symbols...*
John: "...On we go." He steps on toward the temple.
Traon: "Very little patience we have here." he moves along anyways.
Alexia heads towards the temple somewhat nervously.
Douglas lags behind, nose-in-book.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk and see the three symbols. Odd... they are familiar, yet not.
Darkdata: "Hmm...?"
Metal Man (GM): The top-most one is the Triforce. Clearly the Triforce of Courage. The bottom-right one shows the image of the Stadium logo; with its sword-like silhouette and all. The bottom-left one is the only new one; it is a very simple symbol, an infinity sign in front of a star. The Quester symbol lights up in the Questers' presence. The two doors swing open a little... but not much.
Alexia gives the doors a good push.
Dragoshi: *Push!*
Darkdata helps her out.
John calmly steps forward as the others push the doors open.
Metal Man (GM): The doors slowly open... but more importantly... It scans the Questers' hands in the process.
Traon goes ahead and helps push the door open as well.
Metal Man (GM): The fusion of magic and technology is prevalent here; a screen searches and matches all of the Questers' names to their handprints, and the doors are fully open. The temple is atypical; no high ceiling.
Douglas coughs.
Metal Man (GM): It's actually a normal corridor made of crystal, with pictures of past Questers. To the left; three paintings. There is Star Steel, SSTrihan (who looks like Trunks, vaguely), Green (a Yoshi) To the right is Klumsy Koopa (Orange Koopa), Wolfman, and Panzer (Tiger-esque reploid)
Darkdata: "Nice work, very lifelike."
Metal Man (GM): The door at the end of the hallway has the original Quester symbol on it... a rather plain one, which actually appears roughly derived from that of another symbol seen in Wolfman's picture: SSS.
Darkdata: "No idea who some of them are, but that is beside the point."
Metal Man (GM): A plain SSQ, on the door, then. 'The Super Smash Questers', an ancient title never used anymore.
Alexia blinks in surprise as she heads for the door at the end. "Boy, whoever's here sure knows a lot about us..."
John: "I know most... All on the right side and Star Steel on the left."
Metal Man (GM): The door itself opens for the Questers, and they see the main hallway. An octagon inside the octagon, a rather large area. There are vast numbers of doors here. Too many to count. Probably 100 in total. Every one has a different name, a different purpose.
Darkdata: "Oh not this again."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Douglas looks at the 82nd door.
Azure teleports in from outside and makes his way to the others after a brief dash run.
John: "They expanded a bit..."
Alexia reads a few of the names... 26-29?
Metal Man (GM): It is a flat steel door, duly locked with chains. It stands out somewhat.
Azure looks around as he reaches and greets everyone "Another temple..huh."
Metal Man (GM): 'The Test of Soul' 'The Test of Might' 'The Test of E Li Three' 'The Essence of Power'
Darkdata: *Looks at Door 20.*
Metal Man (GM): Door 20 is a stone door of sorts.
Douglas: *Leaps into the Test of Soul.*
Metal Man (GM): It is locked.
Dragoshi: *Walks over to number 82. Checks it.*
John: >.>
Alexia: "...Man, how many doors does this place HAVE?"
Metal Man (GM): But before the Questers can investigate further... a hand appears in the center, laughing. A massive... disembodied... floating white hand.
John: "...Patience, kid." *looks up at the hand.* "..."
Douglas: "Hi, Hand."
Traon looks to door 1, then looks to the floating hand. "The hell?"
Dragoshi: *Turns around, and stares at the hand.* "..."
Darkdata: "... I will not make the obvious joke."
Master Hand: "So... you are the Questers. It has been... eons since I have seen you, and most of you I know only from recordings."
Dragoshi: "Huh." .oO(I think I might've seen something that looked like these guys before... Like, back during that one time on Nintendus.)
Master Hand: "I, the Master Hand, have been the true originator for you, yet I am ignored because it was Wolfman's idea to have fans do it. I preferred... more heroes. I have summoned this building again because there is a danger deeper than anything you have ever seen."
Traon keeps his comments to himself and listens.
Darkdata: "Even more dangerous than the evil of evils we defeated with Barney?"
Douglas: "Deeper than The Void and Kuja both wanting to manipulate the universe?"
Master Hand: "..." He laughs again. "Barney... The Void... Kuja???"
Douglas: "Deeper than Ivo nearly destroying existence by obliterating time?"
Master Hand: "Ivo? You are clearly unknowing... That none of them could have ever succeeded."
Dragoshi: "...Even worse than whatever the hell is related to those glitch... things?"
Master Hand: "See... in the end, time, and space, will balance themselves out, and such villains are unseeing of the true source of power."
Douglas: "Charles?"
Master Hand: "That is why I, and the others of the higher planes, rarely interfere in this realm anymore. Charles can only terrorize his realm... if he came here, he would not live for long. As it is, the other interdimensional interlopers seem attracted to destroying him... but that is not the point."
Traon: "If you rarely interfere, then why are you here? Get to the point will ya."
John rolls his eyes. "Weren't you the one calling the rest of us impatient?"
Alexia shoots a glare at Traon.
Master Hand: "Whose idea was it to discuss impotent fools instead of letting me talk? ...Now... for the true evil which you face. Recent events have uncovered something deep and unsettling in our world. Even powerful beings such as I cannot defeat it... Our world, and its entirety, appear enmeshed with one which has no real relation to it."
Azure still ponders how the hand speaks..
Master Hand: "You are a symbol of that collision, yet somehow you serve the side which is present today... Of two worlds... Earth, and Nintendus."
Traon goes quiet again, and seems to get lost in his thoughts, probably arguing with his innter problem, but at the same time he listens to what is being said by the Hand.
Master Hand: "This... is not a problem in of itself... but..."
Metal Man (GM): He forms a projection. A person, walking. A single person.
Dragoshi: "But...?"
Metal Man (GM): They look so normal. They even carry a briefcase.
Master Hand: "This man, or some piece of him, has been interfering with reality. The truth is, Earth was never really a part of our realm until recently. While it is great that it is here, this man has done more than collide one reality with ours."
Metal Man (GM): He shows Kuja, and the hole in the background.
Master Hand: "This was another."
Metal Man (GM): He shows the Oddworld enemies.
Master Hand: "This... was another."
Metal Man (GM): He shows Turion and Ferran.
Master Hand: "These... were another."
Metal Man (GM): He shows Saga.
Master Hand: "And this... was yet another. The accumulation of realms, if it does not stop, will cause the entire universe to collapse on itself. Already, our past is completely muddled. Did humans create us? Did we create them? Did we go back in time and create them, who then created us?"
Alexia: "But... for one man to do all this... it seems impossible."
Master Hand: "I believe if it continues, the discontinuities will extend beyond our history... and into physics and magic itself." (Editor's note: Too late! SSQ 1's physics/continuity was beyond saving at this point. Discontinuities indeed!)
Dragoshi: "...I see."
Alexia shakes her head in disbelief.
Dragoshi: "Paradoxes everywhere..."
Master Hand: "Which will destroy our entire reality. And I have seen the results... already."
Metal Man (GM): He shows... the X-zones.
Traon: "Everything seems impossible at one time or another until it is actually done."
Dragoshi: "..."
Master Hand: "These X-zones... are actually former worlds of ours... which have been destroyed. Collapsed. Crushed. The Black, or original, X-zone is the world Wolfman once came from. The Orange one is the world many of those who wield Pokemon belonged to."
Azure: "An over abundance of one set of existences in one reality."
Master Hand: "They have been corrupted and filled with phantoms of the past."
Traon: "Ok I need to settle some confusion I am having. Places or our realm are appearing in your realm, and vice versa?"
Dragoshi: "...How very interesting." *Pulls out a notepad and starts writing this down.*
Master Hand: "Realms are fusing with ours. Saga itself was on the verge of collapse when you found it."
Traon nods and takes a mental note of this.
Douglas: "Then what exactly is The Void?.. He's the creator of the Black X-zone, isn't he?"
Master Hand: "The Solidus Snake came in through a hole. Between him and Kairah, it was one world short of implosion. The Void... there are two, of course, however the first is unique in his character, unlike the second. The first is... a person created by the destruction. An embodiment of nothingness, who wants more friends. Thus, he destroys. Wily's world was destroyed long ago, thus why this Void has been around so long."
Traon: "Two... would this go along with the idea of the unique one being some form of a Creator, and the second one being some kind of Destroyer?"
Master Hand: "The second one is a fragment of this very destroyer you see before you. The one who talked and acted like a person, and knew the Phantom Lords, is the destroyer fragment. The one who taunted you, blew things up, and tricked you is the real one. He probably is planning something hideous as I speak, but he is nothing compared to this destroyer... Now... I shall switch my topic, to prevent the details from overloading your minds."
Metal Man (GM): He changes the simulation to show the Terrible Trio.
Master Hand: "Tell me... does it make any sense for these people to work together?"
Metal Man (GM): Rathos Lell, Shadow, and Tridus.
Douglas: "No clue."
Traon shrugs "I don't know."
John: "Not particularly... I don't recall any of them being really 'team oriented'."
Dragoshi: "...Yea..."
Master Hand: "I have figured out why. Making the three most individualistic foes you have work together, destroying things and avoiding you, is the opposite of what usually happens. If he takes it far enough, reality will collapse with you in it."
Dragoshi: "Uh-huh..." *Still writing this down.*
Azure nods taking it all in.
Dragoshi: "...wait what."
Master Hand: "Once you're gone, he can do as he pleases, because he appears to be immune to anything not caused or corrupted by his realm-combining activities."
Douglas: "Will you tell us who 'he' is already?"
Master Hand: "His name is a mystery, and this image is one found by Tirk himself. We can't even get a lock on who he is. Even worse, he seems capable of being in multiple places at the same time."
Douglas: "Image?"
Master Hand: "The only common denominator is that he doesn't make sense to be wherever he is and he has never provoked a fight from you."
Darkdata: "That defiles logi--" *notices he is talking to a hand.* "--never mind."
Metal Man (GM): He shows the same picture of the brownish-haired man with shiny blue clothes, holding a black briefcase.
Master Hand: "It is unlikely you have ever seen him."
Azure: "So he is smarter than the usual -run- out in the open foe. ...That could be dangerous as most of them are mentally incompetent..."
Traon: "Guys, just a curious question... What did Smith look like?"
John: "...Smith?"
Master Hand: "He is... incredibly devious. Kuja even tried to kill him once. He confounded Kuja by reviving Skyhigh from the dead and then warping into another dimension."
Traon shakes his head and waves off his question. "Nevermind, my mind was wandering in a direction that was a false idea."
Master Hand: "Kuja was too busy wondering how he had done that to even try to follow him..."
Douglas scratches his head.
Master Hand: "I've tried to catch him, but we've already talked about part of why I can't catch him long ago. For every Quester there is, my power goes down. Every time I got near him, another Quester would appear. Crazy Hand is too busy destroying Toad Town to notice."
Dragoshi: "...Weird."
Master Hand: "In order to dispatch him, the, you must possess the most powerful artifact of all... The Sword of Ti--- Psyche!"
Darkdata: "What about Mrs. Hand?"
John: *facepalm.*
Master Hand: "Artifacts are useless against this man, so your only asset is yourselves."
Dragoshi: "..." *FAYCEPALM OMNI.* "Okay, good."
Master Hand: "I have designed 100 trials to test each and every one of you. Of course, not one after another, but rather there is one suiting each possible Quester."
John: "Mm-hmm..."
Dragoshi: "'Cause for a second there I thought this was gonna degenerate into a fetch que-The temple of 100 trials?"
Azure: "I see. Why 100..."
Master Hand: "They are long and arduous, but after finishing it, if you can even do that, you are granted a unique ability that is different from all the others."
Darkdata: "Hmm?"
Master Hand: "If you possess this special ability, then in battle against the destroyer, it will be a deciding factor."
Traon perks a brow. "As long as none of them have to do with puzzles. I just hate puzzles."
John chuckles...
Master Hand: "He will jam most of your attacks and most likely predict the rest. But these... cannot be predicted. Of course, if you succeed the first, you may try more every so often, and if you do get high enough, I have a special surprise. There are a hundred because that is roughly the amount of types of Quester, avoiding unusual circumstances, I can account for."
John: "And if we fail the first time..?"
Darkdata: "A fight with you?"
Dragoshi: "...I see..."
Master Hand: "You may try again, and again, and again, and again. However, you do wind up losing coins to me. Because it was expensive to build this place."
Dragoshi: "Well, I might as well do my best, now hmm?"
John chuckles... "Always a drawback..."
Dragoshi: "How many, out of curiosity?"
Master Hand: "Now... for who shall go first. You may decide... while I check some things. And... approximately 10,000 per failure." He vanishes for a moment.
Dragoshi: "...yep."
Darkdata: "Yeah, might as well try."
Dragoshi: "Good thing I'm more than ready for any financial loss." >_>;;
Leo walks over to the group. "Hey, what's going on?"
Douglas reads the door for #1.
Dragoshi: "Hiya, Leo."
Traon lets out another sigh. "Why couldn't I just stay as a janitor."
Dragoshi: *Walks over to door #82 and reads it out of curiosity...*
Douglas was reading #1!
Traon randomly picks a number in his head and goes over to #45.
Leo: "So, what's going on?"
Darkdata looks for a door that would relate to him.
John chuckles. "I was a janitor once... Back when I was a geomancer..." He rubs his chin thoughtfully, as if wondering the truth of his own statement.
Traon looks at Leo and again lets out a sigh. "Honestly, I have no clue. I tried to follow along with this, and still I got lost."
Leo: "Heh, I just got here. What's with all the doors?"
Traon looks to John. "I had a second job, but thats a story for another time."
John: "So did I. I was a defender of the Stadium on the side."
Ahkeem: "Hmmm. So who will go and who will stay?"
John: "At least... I think I was. I remember it happening, but yet I don't... It's a bit odd."
Douglas: "Depends on the door. I think we should go in order!" *Points to #1.*
Darkdata: "I will go after, you guys go ahead."
Leo: "I guess I'll stay for now. I wanna find out what's going on before I do anything."
John: "Judging by what Master Hand said, we'll be doing this one Quester, and one challenge at a time."
Leo: "Hmmm... To prevent cheating I presume?"
Traon: "One hundred tests for each of us. This is going to take a long... long... time."
Leo: "...Wow."
John: "No, no... We don't each have to do all of them. Rather, we each take one... One that suits us."
Azure agrees with the one person one quest thing John said.
Traon perks a brow. "Well now, that does make things more interesting. I wonder which door best suits me."
Azure: "We won't know what that is tell we enter. So I assume each situation rather forces us to use our abilities to overcome the challenge at hand."
Dragoshi: "...'Prolly."
Leo: "Hmmm, I hope I don't mess this up."
Azure: "Theres no reason to deal in faith if you believe in your abilities."
Leo: "When you put it that way, I feel a little better about this now."
Azure: "For now there are 100 doors and 100 trials. I suggest we just choose the door we each like."
Dragoshi: *Anyway... Dragoshi decides to read the name of door #82 out of curiosity...*
Douglas: *And... myself... I read #1.*
Leo: *walks over to door #36 and reads the description.*
Darkdata reads door 20's.
Azure: "Let Altana be with you." himself heads to door #50.
Traon remains in front of door 42.
Metal Man (GM): The doors seem to change every time the Questers look at them, so... they sorta wind up looking at them, reading one thing, then looking again and seeing another.
Master Hand: "So... who shall go first, if you are done looking at my infinite doorspace?"'
Dragoshi: "Might as well..."
Darkdata: "So, how did you get hammerspace's sourcecode?"
Douglas: "...But doesn't it make sense for the first door to be presented to us, and then we choose who goes from there?"
Master Hand: "Hammerwhat? That's just a fold in reality. No, because the door is chosen based on who goes first."
Douglas: "Ok. Well then..."
Master Hand: "I wouldn't want somebody like Aribar to go on the 'Test of Pits, Deadly traps, and Doopliss', after all."
Dragoshi: "...Eh, I'll go. 'Course. I mean, that'd be a horrible mess."
Traon: "I'd love to go... Second."
Master Hand: "Very well. Do any of you disapprove of this choice?"
Douglas: "No, as long as we all get to go eventually."
Master Hand: "It is agreed, then."
Valkyrie: *... is suddenly there ... cause ... yea ... c.c* :P "..."
Leo: "Good luck, Drag."
Metal Man (GM): The doors fluctuate some more, until... a door appears for Dragoshi.
Sign: 'The Forest of Bees.'
Metal Man (GM): Master Hand moves in front of it.
Leo: "...Bees... I freakin' hate bees."
Master Hand: "Do you accept this challenge, knowing you will lose 10,000 coins if you fail, that it is probable you will fail, and the enemies within will test you to the very limit of your strength?"
Dragoshi: "Yea. I accept it."
Master Hand: "Then... be tested." He opens the door, revealing... gee. A forest with a small meadow in it. A mountain to the north.
Dragoshi: *Ker-enter.*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi enters. The goal is, of course, to reach the end of this simulation. Strangely, many of the things he's mentioned are here. Bees. In hives. These are peaceful, though, and there's a simple dirt path leading towards the exit.
Dragoshi: *Calmly walks down the path making sure not to bump into any hives or if progress is impeded by anything.* >_>
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi walks on down for a few moments... *BLAM* *BLAM* *BOOM* The ground before him suddenly explodes. Three ninjas made of dirt appear and immediately go to attack him. He's 3 feet away.
Douglas is studying the Tome of Wind while this happens...
Dragoshi: *Walk away from the ninjas and lure them into harm's way AKA the beehives, just in case...>_>*
Metal Man (GM): They follow Dragoshi. Some bees try to sting them.
Ninja1: "HYAH!" *CHOP.*
Metal Man (GM): The beehive, and the bee, are sliced in two. It then leaps high into the air and lands in front of Dragoshi. He's now surrounded.
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(Don't they know that'll anger the bees? ...Oh, nevermind.)
Metal Man (GM): They're made of dirt.
Dragoshi: *Would try to time it so that when they're about to attack him he'd slide under it and have them all crash into each other, but ninjas are prolly' too smart to fall for that old trick.* *Might as well fight, 'cause I doubt any other evasive methods'll work.*
Metal Man (GM): There's 3 of them.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi draws the machinegun, and fires out an Ice Tornado shot at one of the two ninjas.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit!
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi would then put away his machinegun and attempt to strangle said ninja.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. He dies. His corpse collides with Ninja 2. Talk about grammatical strangeness. Ninja 2 leaps up and decides to try to kick Dragoshi in the shin twice. Ninja 3 leaps up and flies at your head with an aerial kick.
Dragoshi: *Sidestep, dance out of the way, and hop off to the side to evade!* >_> *Dragoshi would then attempt to Tidal Blast Ninja 2.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then claws at the Ninja, attempting to rend it's 'flesh.'* >_>
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. Hit, hit. He's knocked into the other guy on his way by.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi would then breath fire on Ninja 2, then move up a space, and strangle' 'im.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, then hit. Lesse. He's still alive.
Dragoshi: *Okay, then. Dragoshi would then Tidal Blast 'im again.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* #2 is dead... #3 runs away and vanishes. That was easy. The way ahead is clear... and there's a small bridge over the water. For there is a river ahead.
Dragoshi: "...He'll prolly' be back. ...And with backup, I bet. ...Though, they owe those bees a new beehive." *Moving on...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi walks and walks, and then he sees... quite a weird place. There's a massive palace in his way, and the door is... made of solid fire.
Dragoshi: "...A door of solid fire. ...right." *Tidal Blasts it...*
Metal Man (GM): Nothin'. The fire wavers, then comes right back.
Dragoshi: *Ice Tornado!*
Metal Man (GM): Nothin' here either. It keeps on... coming back. It rises from the ground each time.
Dragoshi: "...Hrm." *Tries to search around for any alternate routes or something to turn the fire off...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi thinks that destroying the fire itself will not solve the problem, but rather something else to do with it.
Dragoshi: *Looks around for any big rocks...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi finds several by the river. Big enough to be carried and everything.
Dragoshi: *Takes one of those, carries it over to the door, puts it down, then pushes it over the fire.* >_>
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi puts it over the fire, which is extinguished.
Dragoshi: "...I really should've thought of that earlier." *Enters.*
Metal Man (GM): Inside is another door, with four pulleys. On the other end of each pulley is an object, which appears to be put on a counterweight which is in turn tied to a heavy, indestructible door that blocks the way out. They are lettered A through D. A looks really heavy, and B, C, and D look almost the same.
Dragoshi: "If I'm not mistaken I'm supposed to figure out how to evenly distribute the weight so that the door opens or some such."
Metal Man (GM): One can activate each pulley as they wish, they seem to add up if one puts more than one on at once...
Dragoshi: *Tries to activate A to see if it does anything.*
Metal Man (GM): A falls down... the door opens a small bit. Needs more weight.
Dragoshi: *Activates C...*
Metal Man (GM): It falls down... still needs more weight.
Dragoshi: *Activates D...*
Metal Man (GM): Too heavy... they seem to cause another door to come from the floor and re-block the way.
Dragoshi: *Deactivates A and Activates B.*
Metal Man (GM): Now it's too light, even with all three.
Dragoshi: *Deactivate C, Reactivate A.*
Metal Man (GM): The door is opened. It has steps, which appear to be constantly going upwards towards something.
Dragoshi: *Up and away...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi goes up the stairs, and suddenly, he sees a glowing bit of energy. It forms... ...into him.
Dragoshi: "Thought you could just march in and take the prize, could you? Well, you're just going to have to be stopped just like the others. ...Heh."
Metal Man (GM): Odd, the voice is all wrong. It, however, moves just like Dragoshi does.
Dragoshi: "I assume this-...Okay, that is not the right voice. You're going to have to beat me if you want the prize." He idly takes out the Vendetta machinegun. "I assume you want it, right?"
Dragoshi: "...As long as the prize isn't an artifact and can help me deal with whatever this problem that the hand mentioned was, then, yea, I suppose so. Of course."
Dragoshi: "Let's see how you like this." He walks on over... and relentlessly tries to strangle Dragoshi. *At least 1 failed.* :p
Metal Man (GM): Each time he hits, he throws Dragoshi into the floor.
Dragoshi: "Your body is useful, but primitive. Such repulsive tactics."
Dragoshi cricks his neck and draws his own Vendetta Machinegun, and fires off an Indignation shot, followed up by...* *Three dart-like bursts of energy are fired from the machinegun in an attempt to stab the clone with them. Or something.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi would then switch out his machinegun for his scythe, and flip kick the clone using the scythe for reach... And accuracy.*
Metal Man (GM): Knocked back 2 feet, he shoots fire from his Vendetta Machinegun at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Shrugs off the flames, switches out scythe for machinegun, moves a unit forward, and...* *A MECH! Which takes El Drago Kickasso's machinegun and opens fire on the clone.* >_>
Metal Man (GM): Hit!
Dragoshi: @_@ "Looper..."
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then fires off an Ice Tornado shot at the Clone.* "EAT FROZEN DEATH, FAKER!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then switches out his machinegun for his scythe, then tries to drag the clone in with it and attempt to strangle him.*
Metal Man (GM): He opens a Dark Vortex... He throws Scythes at Dragoshi. Then he does it... again!
Dragoshi: *Phail!*
Metal Man (GM): A Tarantula misses Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: "...Heh. That old trick? Ah, nostalgia. But, anyway..." *Charges up, and attempts to tear into the clone with a supercharged flip kick using the scythe for reach.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi, instead of trying to shoot the clone with Ice Tornado casts it on him this time.* *And, then he swipes at the clone with his good ol' scythe. >_>*
Metal Man (GM): He fires indignation at Dragoshi through his Vendetta gun twice.
Dragoshi: *hit, miss.*
Metal Man (GM): He then tries to strangle Dragoshi once.
Dragoshi: *Returns the double Indignation with one of his own, but it isn't being fired from the machinegun, and is instead being cast!*
Metal Man (GM): That leaves a heavy wound on the doppelganger, who relentlessly attacks with Ice Tornadoes from the Vendetta machinegun. *Whiff.* One hits. He doesn't seem to notice he luckied away a hit.
Dragoshi: "...Did that just... what?" *Dragoshi shrugs, then...* *Fling an Amethyst Shard at the clone's eye!*
Metal Man (GM): He's taken a ton of damage at this point.
Dragoshi: "You are so screwed, now." *Dragoshi casts Ice Tornado!* *Dragoshi then attempts to drag in his clone with his scythe and Strangle 'im!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi, after choking most of the remaining life out of his clone, proceeds to throw him away like a ragdoll.* "Thanks for the exercise."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi throws the copy right off the stairs. He curses at Dragoshi before exploding. The stairs continue upwards.
Dragoshi: *Upwards and onwards! >_>*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi runs up... ahhhh! The stars are falling at him! He leaps forth, only taking a little damage as one piece of debris pings him in the shoulder.
Dragoshi: "Ow. Somewhat."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi sees a massive treasure chest up top, just a few steps away.
Dragoshi: *Time to check for traps.* *Of course.*
Locos Docos (GM): There are no more traps! YAAYYYY!!
Metal Man (GM): I'm gonna use Charles' statement for Dragoshi's result.
Dragoshi: *Moves on up a little more...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi moves on up, and suddenly a massive meteor smashes through the steps in front of him.
Dragoshi: *Ker-jump!*
Metal Man (GM): Master Hand can summon hulking meteorites whenever he feels like it... as Dragoshi crosses the hole. There is now the treasure chest, and then a door out of the challenge.
Dragoshi: *Check for traps!*
Metal Man (GM): The treasure chest is highly suspect.
Dragoshi: *Ignores the treasure chest and heads on over to the exit door...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi walks on in, however somebody else is in this room, and it isn't the main room. Thus the challenge is still going. Dragoshi see before him... ...Gibby.
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(...Gibby?)
Metal Man (GM): He is holding his sword. He is equipped with his Knight shield and boots. There's also a sword before Dragoshi.
Gibby: "You've come this far, but to be worthy of the sort of unique power Master Hand grants... you gotta beat me! Isn't that great?"
Dragoshi: "...Very much so."
Gibby: "Of course, I have vast levels of experience above you, but, that won't matter. 'Sides, I don't have as many lives as you. Of course, if you choose, you can use that sword. It's only fair you're allowed to have one."
Dragoshi: "Yeaaa... Then there's factoring other stuff." *Takes the sword and enters stance.* "My swordplay might be a little rusty, but no matter."
Metal Man (GM): Gibby spins the sword and prepares to battle. The sword Dragoshi has is relatively nice.
Dragoshi: *Blinks for a second thinking that Gibby wasn't there, but he clearly is. Running 1 foot forward, then flip kicks Gibby, and upon landing slams the sword down on the blue Kirby in what would be called a modified Flipkick.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Dragoshi: *This time, Dragoshi, showing off more of his swordplay ability, instead of slashing Gibby with the sword, smacks him with it as if trying to knock something loose... But, instead of knocking anything loose it'd just shake the guy up if it hit, in what one could assume is a modified Five-Clawed Discount.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then proceeds to strike at the Kirby with a double cross-slash, which would be considered to be a modified Swipe.* <_>
Metal Man (GM): Miss miss crit crit.
Dragoshi: *While the first two missed, Dragoshi stops for a moment, then slices Gibby up like a potato with the second cross-slash. Ow.*
Metal Man (GM): He chuckles, then spins his sword.
Gibby: "While your technique is nice... I can improve on it."
Dragoshi: .oO(So I haven't rusted that much. Good, good.)
Metal Man (GM): He leaps at Dragoshi, and then furiously leaps around ala Yoda in Episode 3, slashing at him while leaping over Dragoshi's head and also stabbing at his shins. It hurts pretty badly to be slashed by him--he seems to have the strength of two Julians.
Dragoshi: *Loses his first life, Revives. Defends.*
Gibby: "You won't last long against me, heh." He takes out a gun in his other hand. "Just like my mother always told me... bring guns to your sword-fights!"
Dragoshi: "Good thing I have two!" >_>
Metal Man (GM): He leaps up and now shoots at Dragoshi while also slashing at him.
Dragoshi: *1, 2! 2 sword hits!* *Only... 2 gunshots miss.* *Switches out his sword for a machinegun, and...* *Flings an Amethyst shard at Gibby!* *Dragoshi then fires a an Indignation shot at Gibby!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then switches out his machinegun for his sword, then attacks Gibby with a modified Flipkick!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss crit.
Gibby: "You seem persistent, but you'll never beat me! Wahahahaha!" He goes to inhale Dragoshi.
Metal Man (GM): Gibby copies Dragoshi's Dark Vortex attack. Which, after spitting him out, he proceeds to use on Dragoshi. Also, he has a yellow top hat. He takes out his sword; it becomes long and bendy, and he hurls it at Dragoshi like a boomerang. It flies at him once, then loops around again for a second hit. Using his last attack, he slashes thrice.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi can play at the random attack game as well! In fact...* *It's a tarantula! And it's going to bite Gibby! >_>* *Dragoshi then casts Ice Tornado on Gibby!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Dragoshi's actually damaging Gibby pretty well, Gibby seems scuffed up... but also incredibly tough.
Gibby: "Ow! What is it with you and spiders? They're only for stepping on!"
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then proceeds to do the whole modified Flipkick thing, ignoring Gibby's dumb question.* >_>
Metal Man (GM): Two misses.
Gibby: "Hah! Top this!" His hands glow, andhe charges up a massive beam of energy. He then shoots it at Dragoshi.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAMMMMMM.*
Dragoshi: *KO!*
Metal Man (GM): He then defends.
Gibby: "Free time, eh?"
Metal Man (GM): He charges up his death-ray.
Dragoshi: *Revive. Shoot self with V. Machinegun's reverse setting, turn machinegun back to normal setting, defend.*
Metal Man (GM): He opens fire with his death-ray! *WHIFF* It flies out into outer space.
Dragoshi: "..."
Gibby: "Bah! I'm sure that'll hit somebody! Just wait a couple centuries!"
Dragoshi: "...'K."
Metal Man (GM): He then flies at Dragoshi with a horde of gunshots.
Dragoshi: *Downs a Metal Cola then attacks with a modified Flipkick, following up with an Indignation shot!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss, hit. Hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then proceeds to...* *Shoot out energy-scythe like shots at Gibby!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Gibby: "...You got lucky." He spins his weapons and then leaps at Dragoshi with another barrage entirely of slashes.
Dragoshi: *El Drago Kickasso proceeds to shoot Gibby with another INDEEGNATION shot.* *Dragoshi then proceeds to...* *Dragoshi throws the molotov at Gibby, but shoots it just as it may or may not connect causing an explosion of FIAR.* *Dragoshi then proceeds to follow up with a CHARGED modified Flipkick.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Gibby: "Ah! Trying to sneak up on me, aren't you? Well, you won't get so far with Gibby on the case!"
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK.*
Gibby: "Ow!"
Dragoshi: .oO(Heh.)
Gibby: "Bah! You'll pay!"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby summons a big Black Dog at Dragoshi. *ZOOM* *WOOF* (Literally)
Dragoshi: *Gibby = FAIL MAN apparently.*
Gibby: "A few failures is the foundation for greatness!" He slashes at you once.
Dragoshi: *Shoot self with reverse setting again, switch back to normal mode, and...* *Shoot an 'Albatross' shot at Gibby!* *Dragoshi would then once again do a C.M. Flipkick.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss, miss.
Gibby: "See? In the end, we all fail!"
Metal Man (GM): He laughs and tries some more randomness.
Gibby: "MECHA STORM!!!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He summons a chibi mecha. It's far too small to hit Dragoshi. Then he lights it on fire and chucks it at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *PHAILURE.*
Metal Man (GM): It flies past Dragoshi and explodes a star in the background.
Gibby: "Curses, foiled again!"
Metal Man (GM): He leaps in for more slashes.
Dragoshi: "..." *Blink-ku.* *2 misses, three hits.*
Gibby: "The Gib-meister will triumph!"
Dragoshi: *Let's test the fabric of Dragoshi's luck...* *Semi-decent, I see... Albatross shot! Molotov explosion!* *One last Modified Flipkick...*
Metal Man (GM): Miss hit.
Dragoshi: "...Well, at least I tried, huh?"
Gibby: "We shall see!" He summons two more dark vortexes... hmmm... just like a Kirby to overuse their copied move. "Albatross Mecha!!!!!"
Dragoshi: "Wait wha-"
Metal Man (GM): He chucks an Albatross and a mecha at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Defeated.*
Metal Man (GM): The mecha collides with lethal damage, as does the albatross.
Dragoshi: "...Dammit. If only I had some more vitality left over from the fight with my clone... I might... have won." *Kneels down on one knee and collapses.* "Good... fight." *Now he's KO'd.*
Metal Man (GM): Gibby does the 'victory' pose.
Gibby: "Well, tough luck there, I guess you lose the coins, but nothing says experience like fighting me!"
Metal Man (GM): He vanishes and Dragoshi reappears outside, sans 10,000 coins.
Dragoshi: *Revived, gets up.*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi entered the challenge, then is thrust out of the same door, looking a bit beaten up.
Master Hand: "So... you said second, didn't you?" He points at Traon. "Do you accept the challenge, knowing that you will lose 10,000 coins if you fail, and that the chances of success are... slim?"
Traon looks at the Master Hand and thinks for a moment, and then nods. "I accept this challenge."
Metal Man (GM): To sum up what happened in the simulation, generally Dragoshi fought a bunch of guys, his own clone, and then got beaten down by a Blue Kirby named Gibby.
Douglas: "That whole Forest of Bees trial only had .. like... TEN minutes of a forest of bees... That didn't seem right, Hand."
Dragoshi: "...Well, that was fun. Have to do that again sometime." *Leans 'gainst wall.*
Master Hand: "Your name is Douglas, yet you hardly do anything related to being a Douglas. That doesn't seem right either." He laughs.
Douglas whistles.
Metal Man (GM): Master Hand opens a door for Traon. The label for it is 'A Test of Determination.'
Douglas: "I used to have wings!"
Traon smirks at the title of the door. "Now this is what I like." he checks to make sure his long weapon on his back is clear and ready to be drawn if needed, and then he enters the door.
Douglas: "And... I used to have really good sight... like an Eagle."
Metal Man (GM): Traon walks into the challenge, the door shutting behind him. Before him is a path... and a massive boulder in the way.
Traon looks at the boulder and makes a slight tsk sounds. He approaches the boulder and checks for any type of faults, cracks and etc.
Metal Man (GM): It's pretty much solid all the way around, and of a brown-shaded rock.
Traon taps one finger to his left forearm as he thinks about what to do. "So. What do you say I do?" he slightly nods as he listens to the other thing in him talks and lets out a sigh. "I'll try that, but I highly doubt it will work." he reaches into a pouch at his back and pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, and places it at the base of the boulder and backs off. "Fire in the hole..."
Metal Man (GM): Traon throws it... rolls forward. However... ...It rolls right back into the way and sits there again.
Traon: "Odd." he looks around the boulder for anything that might be of help, a branch or anything, or a way around the boulder.
Metal Man (GM): No way around it; it blocks the entire way forwards... but it doesn't look too large.
Traon slaps his hands together and starts rubbing them together. "Alrighty then. Lets try this then." he reaches back and withdraws his weapon. He then stabs the blade of his weapon under the boulder and using the staff part as a lever, he tries to use the leverage to rock the boulder back and forth to try and get it rolling.
Metal Man (GM): Traon props it up...'s slowly rolling back down into the way. Rolling slowly towards Traon. Seems like a simple push won't stick.
Traon grunts and then stabs his weapon into the ground at the base of the boulder to hopefully stop it. Kind of like a wedge.
Metal Man (GM): Traon stops it, but it's still in the way. It looks like a hill further up, and the only way up is fully blocked by the circumference of the rock.
Traon holds his weapon there as a wedge as he thinks out loud. "Well. It seems the only thing I can do is... Sadly push this thing up." and so he pushes his back against the boulder and starts pushing.
Metal Man (GM): The boulder begins pushing Traon down the hill instead.
Traon: "Oh for the love of..." he stabs his weapon into the ground again to use it as a wedge again. And thinks about another idea.
Metal Man (GM): Traon stops it again.
Traon gets his idea. He backs off a little to actually see how big the boulder is. "I am a jumper... I could try and jump over it..."
Metal Man (GM): It's about 20 feet tall.
Traon: "So much for that idea. Alright, time to start blasting it then." *He withdraws his weapon, fully aware that it could start moving again, he brings his weapon back and arches it forward releasing his crimson wave at the boulder, hoping to shatter it.*
Metal Man (GM): Traon hits the rock... it moves partially up the path, then slides right back into Traon's way. It has a small crack in it now.
Traon notes the crack and attempts the attack yet again.
Metal Man (GM): Traon slashes it harder this time. It rolls up and then rolls back into the same spot yet again. I guess it wasn't kidding when it said determination. It has another slash in it.
Traon: "Ok this is getting annoying." he looks at his weapon and lets out a sigh. "Should have called it Test of Determination and Sacrifice. Time for a double play." he brings the blade up to his arm and makes a cut, slighly wincing at the pain. Like before the blood trails down to his hand. "Here we go." *looks up at the boulder and then goes for a running jump. When he believes he is at his peak he stabs his naginata into the boulder, he then uses his weight to put pressure down on the staff of the weapon and then he tries to rebound off it to get higher. As he goes up he forms the blood into a blade and again at his peak height he stabs the blood blade in and continues going up, and hopfully this takes him over.*
Metal Man (GM): Traon finally propels himself up and above the rock. However... glows and begins chasing him up the hill!
Traon looks at the boulder and makes a smirk. "Mister boulder... It seems you've got a wedge in you." yes, he neglected to pull his naginata out and hopefully it stops the boulder. If not... He runs.
Metal Man (GM): It appears to knock the naginata out and continues chasing Traon.
Traon: "Oh to hell with this." if his weapon is within reach he grabs it and starts running away.
Metal Man (GM): Traon grabs it... it looks bent. The boulder chases Traon up the hill... ...and now Traon sees his next problem. With minutes to spare, he must think a safe way down this sheer rock cliff.
Traon: "Act first think later." he jumps off real quick and stabs his bent weapon into the cliff face and hopefully hangs there, waiting for the boulder to go over the cliff.
Metal Man (GM): Traon stabs it in enough for him not to fall off. However, that boulder is bent on killing him, as it defies physics and is now rolling down the side of the wall at him.
Traon: "The bloody hell is up with this rock? Well that boulder is hopefully part of the environment... Time for enviro sync!" and he does so.
Metal Man (GM): Traon gains the powers of a rock. Wait a minute... He's now extremely heavy... ...*SNAP.* He is now falling down. The boulder is far away, but he's not gonna be in good shape if he hits the ground transmuted to rock.
Julian: *slide whistle.*
Traon: "Ok this is both bad and good." he does the best thing... He transmutes back, and then hopefully he can try and grab something.
Metal Man (GM): Traon manages to turn back... ow... that was painful. The ground's about 500 feet away.
Traon: "I have shrooms so I can afford this..." his arm still bleeding he forces out even more blood and makes yet another sword, only this time he tries to put more blood into it to make it more solid. He then tries to stab it into the cliff face to slow him down.
Metal Man (GM): Traon stabs it in... Here's what happens: Traon stabs it in easily... then it breaks after 250 feet... then he tumbles down the rest of the way, homer-simpson style. Then the giant boulder lands on top of him. The boulder, strangely, floats off of out after having turned Traon into a pancake. ...Oh geez... it's gonna float to the top and smash him into pieces this time!
Traon looks up as it floats back up and thinks... oO(I get the feeling I should... try and roll out of the way...) so he... tries to.
Metal Man (GM): Traon rolls out of the way. It crashes down once more, and then explodes. Hm. Seems like it's dead. The way ahead continues towards a big wrought-iron door.
Traon rolls, gets up and looks at the boulder. "Bastard..." he then pops all four of his shrooms. He sighs and moves on to the nice big iron door to inspect it.
Metal Man (GM): Traon tries to use the shrooms. They bounce off you and explode. Guess healing items don't work here.
Traon is just confused now. "Bloody hell."
Metal Man (GM): The iron door has a circular vault-like opener, and it has been rusted shut.
Traon: "Where's some WD-40 when you need it." his weapon is bent the hell and is on his back now. He's busted up. He shrugs and tries to take hold of the opener and tries to open it.
Metal Man (GM): Traon twists it a little... then it just breaks off.
Traon growls and tosses the thing off. "Now this place is just annoying me." he looks around the area for anything of use to get him past this door.
Metal Man (GM): Traon finds... ...a crowbar laying on the ground.
Traon picks up the crowbar, looks at it, then looks at the door, shrugs and goes over to the door. He then jams the bar between the door and the frame and then starts pushing on the bar.
Metal Man (GM): Traon pries it open. He triggers a gigantic log on a rope trap, the log flying at him from inside! Traon leaps out of the way just in time.
Traon keeps the crowbar in hand, seems its the only thing he can use as a weapon for now, and enters into the cave, cautiously. Silently at that.
Metal Man (GM): Traon enters the cave. It's... a techno cave. A man watches you enter and chuckles.
Jeff Maxwell: "Did you really think you'd pass this challenge that easily? Oh yes... I could have men nailed to the floor tell you what to eat, but I have far better plans for you."
Traon stops and looks at the man. "Oh, the test started already? I thought that was just a warm-up."
Jeff Maxwell: "Silence! Nobody insults the Great Jeff Maxwell!"
Traon: "Never heard of ya."
Metal Man (GM): Of course one can see him. A man with big glasses, blond hair, and gigantic gun for a left arm.
Jeff Maxwell: "I was afraid of that... you shall have to be educated!"
Traon: "Oh I love to learn." he notes the gun. oO("It seems you are screwed Traon... You're banged to hell and he has a gun..." "Shut it. I am aware of this.")Oo he pays attention to Jeff "So. What is your test?"
Jeff Maxwell: "The Test... of... Wait! You're supposed to know it... what is this test... is it... A. The Test of Insanity? B. The Platinum Challenge? C. The Test of Testing Tests Test Test Testing Tesla Coils of Test? D. Test... of Endurance? Well? Have I struck you dumb with my insane intelligence?"
Metal Man (GM): He poses.
Traon: "E. None of the above. If I remember correctly, this is the Test of Determination." he holds the crowbar in his hand and looks at Jeff. "I have fallen down a cliff, I have been smashed by a boulder. I broke that damn door. Yet I move on. Tell me your test."
Jeff Maxwell: "Gah! My fiendish trick has failed!" He clutches his arm. "Very well, you aren't as dumb as I thought... You shall... have to deal with... uhhhh..."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out a bag and pulls something out of it. He pulls out... ...a barbecue.
Jeff Maxwell: "A barbecue! Hah!"
Metal Man (GM): He chucks it at Traon. *BONK.* He laughs haughtily.
Traon is hit with... A barbeque. "Oh now that... Is just annoying." he shuts his mouth and shakes his head. "Don't mind the second voice. But is that all?"
Jeff Maxwell: "Well... yes. Yes it is. You may leave. You have passed the test." He opens a door out.
Traon stands there dumbfounded. "Thats it..? A bonk with a barbecue?"
Jeff Maxwell: "Yes! You are worthy of Master Hand's wisdom."
Traon lets out a sigh and makes his way to the door, but the whole time to the door he keeps his attention on Jeff.
Metal Man (GM): Traon walks into the door... ... ... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
Jeff Maxwell: "Wa ha ha haaaa! The Antimatter door claims its first victim!"
Metal Man (GM): Traon is revived with burn marks on his face. Jeff Maxwell doesn't appear to believe in fairness. He poses again.
Jeff Maxwell: "So... do you want to win again?"
Metal Man (GM): He idly flicks his arm, spinning around his gun.
Jeff Maxwell: "Of course, with your two lives to one, you could probably beat me."
Traon gets up and shakes his head, semi-smiling. "In a way. You just did me a favor. I'll choose to win when I am finished prying your heart out of your chest." his clutch tightens on the crowbar.
Jeff Maxwell: "Yes! Indeed!" He walks to battle Traon. "I don't need to announce how you're going to die. It is too late for you to avoid losing to me!"
Jeff Maxwell: "ULTRA DEATHRAY ATTACK!!!!!"
Jeff Maxwell: "ULTRA PUNCH ATTACK!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He puts up a force field to block damage from himself . Remember what game he supposedly comes from...
Traon grunts with all the hits and cuts into his arm to bring forth the blood. He makes the blade blade and charges at Jeff. He brings the crowbar around like a sword to make a horizontal slash and then brings the blood blade vertically down for its slash.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. Traon pulls a Gordon freeman and smash up his field with those two hits. It still stays up, flickering.
Jeff Maxwell: "What is this? You shouldn't even be able to harm my field!"
Traon backs off and then he goes again, only this time he brings the bar up with a vertical slash at Jeff.
Metal Man (GM): Traon hits him again.
Jeff Maxwell: "Gah! I'm losing power!" The field dies. He looks ticked off. "You dare hit me? I shall prevent that!"
Metal Man (GM): He takes out a screwdriver and overclocks his arm-cannon.
Jeff Maxwell: "Ultra Deathray Attack Mark 2! ATTACK!"
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* It short-circuits, shocking him instead.
Jeff Maxwell: "Now... don't hit me again! ULTRA BARRIER ATTACK!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He puts up another barrier.
Traon ish out of a life, woot.. he then revives!
Metal Man (GM): He shakes his fist at Traon.
Jeff Maxwell: "You cannot stop attacking me... stop trying to stay dead!"
Traon growls and forms yet another blood blade. He then goes onto the aggressive attack and puts all his effort into this attack.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. The shield is still up. It zaps Jeff as it suddenly turns off.
Jeff Maxwell: "Ow! No matter. You are but dust under my feet!" He opens fire again.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM*
Jeff Maxwell: "And now, return to me, barrier!" He puts up another barrier.
Traon just stands there and waits.
Jeff Maxwell: "... ... ..."
Metal Man (GM): *ZAP.*
Jeff Maxwell: "How dare you! You shall die! Argharghargh!" He tweaks his gun again.
Metal Man (GM): Then he fires... *BOOOOOM* it leaves Traon at near death for no reason.
Jeff Maxwell: "What? Nonsense! I shall just have to... tweak this..." He sticks a screwdriver into a machine nearby and furiously tweaks it.
Metal Man (GM): He has no field.
Traon stands laughing, the laugh changing as he goes into a red glow. "Oh how I am going to savor this." he then invokes his blood rage and then goes on the aggressive dance of death.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit. Oh, right. That's a crit. Traon hits him a lot.
Traon repeats, but only the aggressive has died down, but he's still in the rage.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, hit. He glows red.
Jeff Maxwell: "Oh, but that is what I needed you to do. The infinite violence engine needs your power for me to kill you!"
Metal Man (GM): He notices the screwdriver he was using has been knocked out of his hands.
Jeff Maxwell: "Hm... I'll have to go with this then..."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Jeff Maxwell: "Gahhhh! ...I'll get you, fool!"
Metal Man (GM): He takes his own gun's damage.
Traon still being in the blood rage goes for another dance with death against Jeff.
Metal Man (GM): Miss miss hit.
Jeff Maxwell: "Yes! All it takes is one... for me to be able to defeat you!"
Traon doesn't know how he's going to do it but he goes to stab Jeff with the crowbar.
Metal Man (GM): Traon stabs him.
Traon does it again to finish off.
Metal Man (GM): He holds one of the stab wounds and threatens Traon with his gun.
Jeff Maxwell: "You... no-thinking maniac! You cannot win!"
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.* He gets really angry and switches some settings on his gun.
Jeff Maxwell: "You're gonna get it now!"
Traon stands there for a moment thinking, and confused. Hes still alive after using the rage, and thats a technicality he hasn't faced before... He considers... Should he use it again?
Metal Man (GM): Of course. Jeff Maxwell seems to be expecting it, too.
Traon then realizes something... He crosses his arms and waits.
Metal Man (GM): He takes out his gun, points it at you... *Click.* *CLICK.*
Jeff Maxwell: "Of course you have to realize it now. But no matter! I have my trusty screwdriver!"
Metal Man (GM): He spends his turn picking it up. He equips it as a weapon in his right hand.
Jeff Maxwell: "You'll never defeat me! The Violence generator just needs a little more juice..."
Traon drops his crowbar and crosses his arms. "Go ahead. Finish me off with that screw driver. I won't grant you the satisfaction of using your violence generator. And also. Your mother told me you still wet the bed. Is that true?"
Jeff Maxwell: "I'll finish you off all right!" He brandishes it.
Metal Man (GM): He runs up and chucks it at you. It bounces off of you.
Jeff Maxwell: "Grrr... not even with the power of Giygas can I kill someone who is standing there... but! I can out-wait you!" He... also stands there.
Traon bends over and picks up the screwdriver. "Thanks. I've been needing a new one anyways. I am a janitor after all." he pockets it in his back pocket and waits.
Jeff Maxwell: "You shall lose!" He... waits.
Traon: "Please. I picked up after kids and then did it again the next days."
Jeff Maxwell: "I've waited twenty years once!"
Traon: "I waited days on end sitting in a tree as a hitman waiting for a target." he sits down.
Jeff Maxwell: "You'll just have to wait and see..."
Traon: "I guess I will have to wait and see. So, whats for dinner?"
Metal Man (GM): 3 hours later...
Jeff Maxwell: "You shall die from waiting!"
Traon yawns and lays down propping his head up on his hand. "Do you like gold?"
Jeff Maxwell: "Gold which kills you, yes. This is getting boring..." He begins typing something into the computer.
Traon yawns again and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a certain bell. "Tell me about it." he starts dinging the said bell.
Metal Man (GM): Traon... rings the annoying bell.
Jeff Maxwell: "Oh yeah? I can do this!" He turns on an alarm clock and leaves it on high, beeping.
Traon shrugs. "Kids... messiness... Noise doesn't bother me." at this time he looks around for the source of the anti-matter field. oO(May as well make use of my time somehow.)Oo.
Metal Man (GM): Jeff continues typing, as Traon notices... that door isn't actually an exit to begin with.
Traon sighs and looks at Jeff, for the first time taking in the detail of how big he is and whatnot.
Metal Man (GM): He's about the same size as Traon, if 5'9" is similar to him. He has his ray-gun, and... ...that doesn't look good.
Jeff Maxwell: "Hah! I have victory soon to be in my grasp!"
Metal Man (GM): Traon sees a hole appear in the other side of the room.
Traon looks to the hole and glares for a moment, then looks at the computer Jeff is at. oO(Well... If I can't hurt him... Best to take what he takes pride in.)Oo he stands and picks up the crowbar and approaches Jeff and the computer. Only he reconsiders smashing the computer to bits and just looks for the power supply of the computer.
Metal Man (GM): Traon sees that, for some reason, it is plugged into one of his feet.
Traon looks at his crowbar to see if it is one of them bars with a sharpened edge.
Metal Man (GM): It seems sharpened all around.
Traon smiles and then just throws the bar at the cord to cut it in half, hopefully to cut off the power to the computer. "There. No violence needed."
Metal Man (GM): He laughs.
Jeff Maxwell: "But now you don't need to hit me for me to kill you! Now, to..." ...He fumbles for the screwdriver. "Bah! I'll get the backup screwdriver!" He fumbles it out, and charges up another blast.
Metal Man (GM): Better make this turn count; that hole AND his blaster is about to attack!
Traon crosses his arms and smiles and picks up the crowbar. He steps back between both Jeff and the hole and fires up his rages. But he doesn't attack. He just seems to start dancing with his weapon, a serenade at that. "Go ahead. Let em fly."
Metal Man (GM): Reflect= Reflect, either way, he fires... No powerup, either... ...CRIT; however Traon put up the reflect stance before he even attacked. The critical attack is reflected back at him and obliterates him.
Jeff Maxwell: "What? You didn't use that until now? You ch---" *BOOOOM.*
Traon stops and looks at Jeff. "I told you. I was done fighting."
Metal Man (GM): The true warp appears out, Traon having more than earned it for preventing himself from losing at a critical moment, then being determined and constantly fighting him until he died from a reflect he never thought of.
Traon smiles and goes to the true warp to exit this blasted place. But before he does so he looks back to see if the gun Jeff was using remained intact.
Metal Man (GM): Anyway, the door opens, Traon having accomplished the challenge... however! Another level of difficulty is revealed. He gets a mere C (Dragoshi got a D) rating on his challenge.
Master Hand: "While you succeeded, it was a hair's thread, and involved extensive waiting you didn't exactly need to do... I hereby, then, grant you this ability."
Metal Man (GM): Traon glows, and then gains the ability: 'Resonance.' If he damages himself so much, it then in turn damages the enemy.
Traon bows his head slightly. "Why thank you."
Master Hand: "Now... which of all of you are ready for the next challenge?"
Blade: *The tiger speaks up.* "I am ready, give me everything you've got."
Metal Man (GM): Julian is there as Master Hand announces he's waiting for a new challenger.
Julian: *Julian, having no idea how the fuck he got here, steps forward anyway.* "The hell is goin' on..."
Master Hand: "A challenge, Julian. Are you man enough to defeat a bunch of tricks to get a new ability?"
Blade: "...I'm sorry, but a talking hand? I oughta' stop accepting those mushrooms from Mario..."
Julian: "Oh, Master Hand. Funny meetin' you here... AN' yeah, I guess."
Master Hand: "You'll have your challenge in time." He... 'nods' at Blade. "But I had something waiting for... him." He spins at Julian.
Blade: "That is alright, I am a patient creature."
Dragoshi: .oO(Oh, this I gotta see.)
Julian: "A'ight, bring it on."
Metal Man (GM): He opens a door... labeled 'Challenge of Pugilism' There's... ...a street, with buildings in the background, there.
Julian: "...This oughta be good." *Julian heads in.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian walked on in; but, strangely, nothing else followed. Master Hand frowned as the screen for Julian's trial fizzled a bit for unknown reasons. As much as a hand can frown. :p
Master Hand: "I guess we should have another challenger, while the time-space continuum continues glitching there..."
Metal Man (GM): He awaits another challenger.
Alexia: "I'll go next."
Master Hand: "You, eh? Do you accept this trial, despite its difficulty and likelihood of losing 10,000 coins?"
Alexia: "Yes, sir."
King Demon sits against a wall watching... whatever he can see...
Master Hand: "Very well, then..."
Metal Man (GM): He opens a door labeled "Land of Exploding Trials." Inside, Alexia sees... ...a path up a hill.
Alexia enters. She then looks around at the surroundings.
Metal Man (GM): A green grassy area, blue sky, simple dirt path up a hill. Nonthreatening.
Alexia: "Huh... Nice place." *starts heading up the path.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia walsk atop it, and encounters her first obstacle: The path ahead... is a minefield. There's mines aboveground, and a sign which says 'DANGER: MINES.'
Alexia: "...Figures." *hovers above ground level and starts going over the mines.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia begins hovering over them. She seems to have passed them, but whoever or whatever is ahead wants no one to enter... There's a force field in the way now. A red wall of energy.
Alexia takes a potshot at the field with her gun.
Metal Man (GM): *Ricochet.* It's not gonna go down that easily. It ripples slightly.
Alexia: "Hrm..." *tries a Mindblast.*
Metal Man (GM): *BOOF* Nope... that doesn't work either. The field ate it.
Alexia glances back at the mines, a most likely bad idea brewing. "...Yeah, that probably won't work, either."
Metal Man (GM): The mines look very sensitive. They glow eerily and have sensors everywhere atop them.
Alexia tries a Gatling on the field just for the hell of it.
Metal Man (GM): The field ripples. No effect. Of note: There ARE mines next to and behind the field.
Alexia: "...Idea!" *hovers back to the other edge of the minefields, gets back to a safe distance, and fires at one of the mines on the edge. She then ducks down, just in case.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia only blows up one mine. They're distanced rather far apart.
King Demon wonders if ducking is a good idea for LAND MINES.
Alexia: "...Rats." *continues firing at the mines, stepping forward, firing at the mines, and so on until the ones next to the field are in range.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia does so. They're now in range; and there's now many, many craters.
Alexia: "I'm probably gonna get penalized for that..." *shakes her head, takes aim at the remaining mines, and fires.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* The shield is gone.
Alexia continues forward through the new entrance.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia enters the new area, which is a sort of garden. There's plants everywhere. Trees too. No real fences... and no foes or traps, apparently.
Alexia: *Looks for exits.*
Metal Man (GM): None.
Alexia starts looking at the plants.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia sees... Sunflowers... Bomb Flowers... blue flowers... and Fire Flowers. Many choices... perhaps one or the other has something linked to it.
Alexia: "Interesting assortments..." *looks at the Bomb Flowers.*
Metal Man (GM): They're basically bombs inside plants... hm... wonder if there's anything under them...
Alexia lifts one up to look under it.
Metal Man (GM): The 'fuse' on the flower catches on fire... great... Alexia's holding a bomb, and there's nothing under the bomb flowers!
Alexia: "...GAAAH!" *flings the flower away quickly.*
Metal Man (GM): *BOOOM.*
Alexia: "...Talk about self-defense mechanisms." *goes over to the Fire Flowers. She picks one, somewhat more reluctantly.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia suddenly gains white and red clothes, and the ability to shoot fireballs! ...But there's nothing under these either. @_@
Alexia: "Great, I've already ripped up two species of flowers with no results..." *Uhhh... Blue flowers! She walks over to the blue flowers and examines them.*
Metal Man (GM): She picks the blue flowers... She finds a door, half-buried under the dirt.
Alexia starts digging out the rest of the dirt and opens the door.
Metal Man (GM): Alexia digs out the door and tug on it... there's a big padlock on it.
Alexia tosses a fireball at the padlock.
Metal Man (GM): The padlock shakes... not powerful enough.
Alexia: *Checks if it is a key padlock, a combination lock, or one of those "No-key, talk to a random townsperson first" padlocks.*
Metal Man (GM): It appears to be a magical, really-hard-to-break padlock. The door appears to be pretty wet, though. It's been covered by moist soil for a long time.
Alexia: "...Ah!" *looks back to the bomb flowers, checking if any are left.*
Metal Man (GM): Plenty left.
Alexia picks one, then quickly turns around and throws it at the door.
Metal Man (GM): *BOOOM* Door open! There's a slide down there.
Alexia: "Oh, boy!" *jumps on.*
Metal Man (GM): *Slide.* Alexia begins sliding really fast... oh crud! Fast turn! Alexia flies off the side of the slide and into the wall, and is now falling to her doom. Alexia goes colliding into the ground... hard. No insta-death. She's at the bottom, though.
Alexia: *CRASH.*
Metal Man (GM): A portcullis blocks the way ahead, though.
Alexia: "...Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow." *gets up woozily. She weakly tries pushing the portcullis up with TK.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia rips it open... but her next challenge is yet another door, only it's rigged to a bomb; and all the wires are red! Three of them. Looks like it'll explode if she opens the door.
Alexia: "..." *sweatdrop.* "Okay..." *heads forward to the door, not opening it. Checks if the wires hooked up to someplace she can reach on the door.*
Metal Man (GM): They're on the doorknob.
Alexia then looks at the bomb, being careful not to disturb it. She checks for markings on the wires, doorknob, anything.
Metal Man (GM): Nope. It's a normal doorknob otherwise.
Alexia: "Hrm... Let's see, pulling the wires at the doorknob'll trigger it, and pulling one at the bomb equals doom if I pick the wrong one... Or all three wires are decoys and the REAL detonator is elsewhere. ...Screw it, it's worth a shot."
Alexia puts one hand near the wires on the doorknob and pulls, yanking the wires out from the bomb at the same time with her TK.
Metal Man (GM): Of course, they were set to explode the minute contact was removed with the wires, severing the circuit *BOOOOM.*
Alexia: *Dead. I hate this mission.*
Metal Man (GM): Alexia has found the final part of the test, although at a high cost. Standing before her is... Ruvyn.
Alexia: "...This is gonna be painful."
Ruvyn: "I have to fight a pipsqueak? What sort of joke is this?"
Alexia: *Battle stance.*
Ruvyn: "I have killed far larger with my magic. Don't just stand there. Why are you even here?"
Alexia: "To complete this trial, Ruvyn."
Ruvyn: "I am a man of honor; but if you are without such purpose, then I shall not hesitate to destroy you."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out his sword... Cala.
Ruvyn: "Your blood shall be spread across these walls, foolish masquerade. Have at thee!!"
Alexia: *thinking.* "Why can't they ever just say sure, go ahead..."
Ruvyn: "Death shall be your true calling."
Metal Man (GM): His sword glows with flames, and he swings it at the air. It projects three waves of fire at Alexia's neck.
Alexia flings two Mindblasts directly at Ruvyn's chest.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. Speaking of opposites, Ruvyn attacks Alexia with lightning, as he holds his sword up and it fires the bolts at Alexia.
Alexia: *Splat. She Revives and heads forwards two feet, then flings a Psy Needle at Ruvyn.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Ruvyn: "Are you even trying?" He laughs haughtily and summons ice, fire, and lightning energy from his sword, all at once. Ouch!
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Alexia: *Overload!* *Sandstorm a'coming.* *backs up two units, hopefully getting out of range.* "...Screw this, I give up. Take your best shot, Ruvyn."
Ruvyn: "... I will not harm an opponent who has given up. But if you concede defeat, then you may exit the challenge without further harm."
Alexia: "...Yeah. I give up. You win."
Ruvyn: "Okay." He throws his sword down, and a door out appears.
Alexia: "...Ruvyn? ...I'm sorry." *heads through the door.*
Ruvyn: *Scratches his head as he turns into a Fighting polygon once Alexia exits the room.* "I didn't know I was THAT accurate..."
Metal Man (GM): *Outside.* -10,000 coins to Alexia.
Douglas twiddles his thumbs.
Dragoshi: "..." *Blinks.* .oO(Well, that was fast.)
Blade: "Hrm..." He nods. "You gave it your best shot, Alexia, which was all you needed to do."
Douglas: "Why did you quit?"
Alexia: "I really don't want to talk about it."
Dragoshi: "...She was obviously outgunned an-...right."
Traon looks at Alexia. "Judging from how you look... You failed, right? No shame in it Alexia, it happens."
Dragoshi: "Yep..."
King Demon wishes to try his luck at this game.
Alexia takes a deep breath, then finally looks up and smiles. "Oh, well. Live and learn, right, guys?"
King Demon steps aside "Knock yourself out Blade..."
Dragoshi: *Nods.*
Traon smiles "Exactly, have a seat and take a breather why don't ya."
Alexia: "Hopefully, none of you guys'll have to face off against Ruvyn."
Douglas: "He looked nice!"
Metal Man (GM): After accidentally getting trapped in a time war's battlefield, Julian finally made it to his challenge... in the future... but also the past?!?! Julian walk in to the CORRECT destination, and see around him that it's a city. A rather seedy city, even. There's trash cans and bums everywhere. The first thing he encounters is... ??? a shop??? Yes. There's a shop off to the side.
Julian: .oO(Nothin' unusual... hey, shop. Might be a front...) *Checks that out, keeping vigilant for ambushes at all times...*
Metal Man (GM): Julian sees some guy selling all sorts of items. It's a drug store, complete with pills, ice cream, and a soda fountain. It's an older guy with white hair, he seems to be content.
Julian: *Julian heads over to the counter...* "Hey old-timer, what's the word today?"
Old Man: "Well, we've got the finest in ice cream and soda, and cheap prescription drugs as always..." He turns to the window, and peaks out some blinds. "But there's some strange people out there... and they've been roughing up all the law-abiding people here..."
Julian: "'Zat so..." *Julian leans on the counter near the old man.* "What else you know 'bout these 'strange people'? How strange we talkin'?"
Old Man: "Strange people... heh heh heh... They're lawless vandals who break things. They also like to rob people."
Julian: "Descriptions?"
Old Man: "People... wearing masks... sort of like those ninjas you see on television. And other guys who run around with brass knuckles and baggy jeans."
Julian: "Mhm... Anything else?"
Old Man: "Some of them appear to be offering deadly chemicals... don't buy them. Me? Now, I only offer legal stuff."
Julian: "Where would I find these guys? Just anywhere out there?"
Old Man: "Just up the path. They're probably punching old ladies and burning newspapers right now."
Julian: "Right. 'Fore I go... You got any Bomb-Pops? Y'know, the popsicles that are Cherry, White Lime, an' Blueberry?"
Old Man: "Sure... 150 coins, young man."
Julian: *Pays, and takes his confection.* "Thanks. Loved these things as a kid, y'know?" *Julian unwraps it, disposes of the paper, sticks the popsicle in his mouth, and heads of the store, waving thanks to the man as he leaves.*
Old Man: "Aye... that's how I stay in business. Don't get too hurt, kid." He waves back, and continues his business.
Metal Man (GM): Julian, on the other hand, sees purple and tan ninjas knocking over trash cans and beating up kids, old grannies, and policemen. There's about 5 of them.
Julian: "..." *Julian tries to get an eyeball number of the Ninja horde...*
Ninja1: "Hwa!" *Kicks a trash can into a window.*
Julian: "..." *Julian takes the popsicle out of his mouth.* "This is new." *Poping the popsicle back in his mouth, Julian approaches the scene, flexing his hands into fists as he moves closer...*
Metal Man (GM): Julian approaches the scene. A ninja stops mid-punching to see him.
Ninja: "Hwaaaaah! Yaaah!"
Metal Man (GM): They all leap to face Julian. They apparently don't like talking, as instead the lead one picks up a trash can and prepares to hurl it at Julian!
Julian: .oO(definitely new.) *Julian puts up his dukes, and prepares for battle! He checks which one has the trashcan.*
Metal Man (GM): Ninja 1.
Julian: *Julian cracks his knuckles... then dashes towards Ninja one and tries to take away that trashcan. Mug!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit! Julian steals... the trash can.
Julian: *Julian kicks Ninja1 in the ribs, steals his trash can, then tries to stuff him into it with a Grapple!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit!
Julian: *Julian stuffs Ninja 1 into the trashcan... then picks up the trashcan, spins around, and flings it into the group of Ninja 3 feet away! Eat throw power!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *Julian removes the popsicle from his mouth after the throw.* "Ninjas... Still don't get it." *Julian takes a bite out of the bomb-pop, then stuffs it back in his mouth, ready for dodging.*
Metal Man (GM): Ninja 2 hurls Ninja stars at his Ninja target, Julian... more like Ninja whiffs.
Julian: *Julian watches the ninja starts fly past him.* .oO(These can't be the real guys...)
Metal Man (GM): Ninja 2 then tries to stab Julian in the shin. Ninja 4 hurls Ninja stars at Julian. He then tosses a flaming shiruken at Julian. This Ninja hurls tons of Ninja stars. This Ninja tries two flaming Shiruken at Julian. This Ninja goes to stab Julian in the ankle. Then he throws Ninja stars. They're all in the same space as Julian.
Julian: *Julian is minorly inconvenienced!* "Big mistake!" *Julian goes to Grapple Ninja 1, and throw him into Ninja 2. Julian then tries to do the same thing with Ninjas 3 and 4. He finishes up by using the Legendary Fist To Face Technique on Ninja 5.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Julian: *Ninjas 1 and 3 take damage, Ninjas 2 and 4 take the associated damages for having 1 & 3 thrown at them, and they ALL get knocked back...* *And Ninja 5 gets the gist of Julian's fist.*
Metal Man (GM): Ninja2 hurls more Ninja stars. Shiruken. Crit!, Ninja1 goes for the shoulder with stabs. Crit! Ninja 3 decides to throw wild kicks at Julian's head. Ninja5 throws a few Ninja stars.
Julian: *Julian finishes his Bomb-Pop, and spits out the stick.* "Now you've done it..." *Julian's going for a Foreign Object! He's got a...* *SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDGEHAMMER! Julian takes out Ol' Sledgie, gets a good feel for it.* "Oh yeah. This'll do." *Julian suddenly turns on his heels and goes to slam the sledge RIGHT in Ninja 1's face!*
Metal Man (GM): Ninja 1 is annihilated. He drops 50 coins.
Julian: *1 down, 4 to go! Julian Dexes the group so he can get an HP count...*
Metal Man (GM): DEAD/210 10/210 77/210 10/210 26/210.
Julian: *Ninja 3's gonna get it! Julian attempts to slip around him, and lock on a Sleeper Hold so he can get a free hit!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *GAK GAK GAK! Ninja 3's wide open! He is hit!* *Julian's going for another Foreign Object! This time it's a...* *Brick? That's good enough. Julian goes to slam the brick into the Dazed Ninja 3's head!* *Rollin' for Crit...* *That's not a crit D:*
Metal Man (GM): Ninja2 hurls more Ninja starts. Ninja4 goes in for some shin-stabbing. Ninja3 uses Ninja stars. This Ninja picks up a trash can and hurls it at Julian. It picks up and throws another one. ...I give up :p
Julian: *Ninja 5 can't aim! And Ninja 3 can't catch a break, as Julian pulls him in close... and tries to knee him in the junk! Dirty Attack!* *CRITICAL KNEE TO THE JUNK!*
Metal Man (GM): He gets hit all right. Yup, dead.
Julian: *Julian takes of his fedora, extends the blade along the brim by squeezing the feather in the cap, then wings it at Ninja 5 while he himself launches into the air and tries to come down on Ninja's 5 head with a devastating Axe Kick!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Julian: *Ninja 5 is shown the proper way to throw things, and then gets Julian's heel on his head.* *Julian bounces off Ninja 5's head, then grabs his fedora as it makes a return pass, posing all cool-like as he puts it back on his head.*
Metal Man (GM): Ninja2 keeps up the Ninja stars... in fact, all of them do at once!
Julian: *Julian lives!*
Metal Man (GM): HP: DEAD/210 10/210 DEAD/210 10/210 110/210.
Julian: *Julian attempts to lock Ninja 5 in a Grapple again...* *WHAT.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *Damn.* *Julian locks Ninja 5's head under his arm, loops Ninja 5's arm over his head, grabs onto his pants... and vertical suplexes the poor guy! Then Julian rolls back to his feet while on the ground, still latched onto Ninja 5, and tries to finish him off with ANOTHER suplex!* *KER-KILL.* *Julian jumps back to his feet, and tries to deck Ninja 2 with a running Big Boot to finish his turn!*
Metal Man (GM): Ninja 5 dies. Hit. They continue mindlessly hurling ninja stars at Julian.
Julian: *Julian dodges all but 3! He's amazingly still on his feet!* *Cracks his neck.* "You jus' diggin' yo grave deeper an' deeper..." *Julian's going for another Foreign Object! This time he's got a ...* *Switchblade! Julian tries to stab Ninja 2 a new hole with it.* *Julian's going for ANOTHER Foreign Object! This time he's got a...* *'Nother Switchblade! Let's stab Ninja 2 some more!* *Julian then tries to pull Ninja 2 in for one last combo...*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *Julian latches onto Ninja 2, gives him 6 quick kicks to the midsection, then pushes off him and tries to take off his head with a massive Roundhouse Kick!*
Metal Man (GM): DEAD/210 154/210 DEAD/210 10/210 DEAD/210. Mindless Ninja stars redux!
Julian: *KO!!* *But Julian's back on his feet quickly and Revives!* "Round two, bitches." *Julian rushes Ninja 2, attempting to grab him by the shoulders and hit him with a MASSIVE Headbutt. Dirty Attack!* *KRA-BOOOOOOOOOM! Ninja 2's skull is majorly fractured! Skull bits are sticking into his brain, and he is DOWN!* *Julian steps back, and starts jumping from foot to foot to keep mobile to dodge Ninja 4's oncoming ninja star assault. Just one more... Julian gives Ninja 4 a dramatic thumbs down.* "You goin' DOWN, sucka."
Ninja4: "Hwaah!" He hurls Ninja stars at Julian.
Julian: *Julian dodges all but two of those!* "You had one way outta this." *Julian rushes Ninja 4, flattens out his hand, and goes for a throat thrust. Dirty Attack!* "That wasn't it."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: *GAK GAK GAK.* *Julian again goes for the Foreign Objects! This time he's got a...* *Beer Bottle! Which is soon smashed over Ninja4's wide-open head! Rollin' for Crit...* *SMASH! SHATTER!* *Julian finishes off by going for another clinch...* *CRIIIIIITICAL!* *Julian absolutely PUMMELS Ninja4's midsection with kicks, then pushes off and tries to take off his head with a Roundhouse kick!* *POW!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Eh, what Julian did there is enough to kill Ninja 4. All the ninjas are dead.
Julian: *Julian LITERALLY takes off Ninja4's head with that last kick! Julian fist-pumps in victory!* "Booyah!"
Metal Man (GM): The street is clear, but Julian sees more fighting up ahead; and it only seems to get uglier out there. The Ninjas dead, that leaves us with an empty street that seems to lead on up to an even seedier area.
Julian: *Julian goes to scope out that area, not engaging in combat yet...*
Metal Man (GM): The area is filled with rubbish, shantytowns, and even worse, hot-dog vendors so afraid of being robbed, they have shotguns. Several groups of people with guns wander around, occasionally shooting at one another. There's a single shiny building past it all.
Julian: *Goes to get a hot-dog. He's kinda hungry...*
Metal Man (GM): The shifty hotdog man lowers his guard as he sees Julian. He has a grungy mustache.
???: "Hey... you want a hot-dog?"
Julian: "How much?" *Julian leans on the cart, looking around at the rest of the place as he talks to Hot-Dog Man.*
???: "About... 150 coins."
Metal Man (GM): Julian sees this area was formerly rich, but a bunch of bums moved in. Then... the gangs. The only thing worse than them are the well-dressed criminals. They walk right through gunbattles and everyone seems to lower their guns to let them through.
Julian: "Deal. Everything on it." *Julian forks over the 150 coins... again, and waits for his hot-dog.* "By the way, I was wonderin' if you could tell me why everyone's carryin' guns an' shootin' each other. It just don't seem right to me, y'know?"
???: "The gang wars never end here. I think they all want to control this area--it's lucrative business, selling illegal substances and enforcing contracts. Only the occasional maniac with fists seems to calm them down."
Julian: "Hmmm... What's that big shining building over there?" *points.*
???: "Oh! That. Well, that's the only place they don't touch. If you can get there untouched... there's this crazy man in there who knows a combat technique that even the rich guys fear. It's so shiny because nobody who's graffittoed it has lived to tell the tale."'
Julian: *Graffittoed... that's a new one.* "I see... So where these gang leaders usually hang out? I wanna talk to one'a them."
???: "Ah. Over there." He points to a bullet-hole-riddled house. "He seems to control his underlings there. Er. One of them does. The others come there to shoot at him."
Julian: "You know where the others hang out?"
???: "A circle over there." *He points to... a fighting ring?* "They settle their more civil disputes over there."
Julian: "Got ya... what city am I in, anyway?"
???: "This? Ehhh... Oceanfront."
Metal Man (GM): Julain get his hotdog. The pallette swap ninjas are dead. This leaves the tower ahead. Look at me, I'm a rhyming piece of lead.
Julian: *Julian was going to talk with the gang-leaders... but if we have to move ahead that's cool... he had plans, though.* ._. *So yeah, leaving the gang leaders to their own devices because this trial needs to end, Julian heads for the Tower.*
Metal Man (GM): The shiny doors open. A single man stands by an elevator. The corridor is lit up by a pale orange light. He's some sort of elevator operator. He looks rather old, and pale. He wears a red suit.
Julian: "...Yo." *Julian offers a simple handwave to the man.* "You know who lives here?"
Elevator Man: "Of course I do, sir. He has been waiting to see you."
Metal Man (GM): He opens the elevator.
Elevator Man: "You should know him, of course. Although, he is rather difficult to battle... if you wish not to risk it, you could get off with a half-reward."
Julian: "...Thanks." .oO(Don't suppose you're gonna tell me his name.) *steps into the elevator.* "Who is he?"
Elevator Man: "It's customary to tip, sir... just a couple digits." He sets the elevator to go upwards.
Julian: *Tosses the Elevator Man a bag of 100 coins before he goes up.* "Of course."
Elevator Man: "Well. You've been fighting him on and off." *Click, the elevator passes another floor.* "But you haven't fought him as he is."
Julian: .oO(Don't like the sound of that...) "So what you're sayin' is I'm not gonna know who I'm fightin' 'till I get to him."
Elevator Man: "Oh, no." *DING* Another level passes. "He's been around for a long time..."
Julian: "And I haven't met him as he truly is, so any guess I make is gonna be wrong."
Elevator Man: "Now..." *DING* "I can tell you. It is the obvious. Who else is your true rival but Metal Man himself?"
Julian: "...Great."
Metal Man (GM): *DING* The door opens, and Julian sees a desk.
Julian: *Steps out, shaking his head.*
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man sits, his feet on the desk.
Metal Man: "Of course, I know what you're gonna say. 'You used the hologram system to give yourself extra powers just to win.'"
Julian: "No, I was just gonna say that you don't know when to give up. I thought we agreed to no more Metal vs. Julian fights after the last one."
Metal Man: "Well, for truth, those types of fights are gone. Relying on purely modern Quester moves, you'd always beat me. Because I have hardly any experience in whatever you guys are currently using. But..." *takes out his old axe and chops the desk clean in half, and then puts a hole into the floor it falls into.* "...I've been training as a fighter long before you even joined us."
Julian: *Julian crosses his arms as Metal talks, watching and waiting...* "Yeah, we all heard that story before, Metal. 'Bout how you were the only survivor of your unit when the Solarian Device went off an' all that."
Metal Man: "What? No. I came to the Questers pretty weak, actually. Truth is, the Metal Men died because they were cripples in fancy suits. I lived because of a chance happening. It was my work here which gave me strength. But... enough talk." *He gets into a battle stance.* "Are you ready for battle?"
Julian: "Metal, no offense, but you were active during Amateur Hour. When the biggest threat you had was Smithy. When I came on the scene? That's when business picked up. We had Kuja, Turion, Kales, Kuja AGAIN, rebuilding Nintendus, Ivo, Phantom Lords, Rathos, Trevor, The IIF, Shadow, That planet we just left, AND NOW this planet. You fought for Nintendus. I fought for the whole goddamned MULTIVERSE." *gets into stance.* "Yo' field experience don't compare to mine."
Metal Man: "And had I not commanded the Questers then, we'd all be dead." *He smiles oddly.*
Metal Man (GM): Background music:
Julian: "I want a pay raise too. 10k a mission don't cut it anymore." *Julian rushes Metal to start off, trying to lock him in a Grapple!*
Metal Man (GM): Julian hits him.
Julian: *Julian locks one arm around Metal's head, then sweeps his legs out from under him and drives him to the ground with an STO! Julian springs back to his feet after the move.* "I can't be waiting to finish 4-5 missions to buy a Phoenix Down, y'know?" *Julian then goes for a weapon...* *Beer Bottle!* "Price of explosives went up too." *Swing...*
Metal Man (GM): Miss! It smashes off his armor.
Julian: *And a miss!* "50k for a brick of C4!" *Julian goes to finish off with a plain old Haymaker to Metal's noggin.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Hit.
Metal Man: "..."
Metal Man pulls his fist, his armor gleaming. He yells and hurls his fist forward at Julian, creating a giant flash in the process. Some sort of small, localized explosion at his fist, too. Having only been knocked back 1 foot from that punch, he is free to also take out his silver, ex-Soviet TT33 pistol. He fires sixteen shots at Julian, reloading in-between. Their explosions ring through the office, and the bullets would keep on going and damage the wall behind Julian if he missed. Afterwards, he would point both arms straight forwards, and concentrate, causing red energy to form... ...and then be fired in two vertical, lightspeed lasers at both of Julian's shoulders.
Julian: .oO(An' he's used the powers of the hologram room to make himself more powerful than me. Big surprise...) *Julian struggles to his feet, making a quick glance around the room for something that could help him... C'mon, every other trial had a stupid gimmick for its boss fight..."
Metal Man (GM): The wall behind Julian has several holes in it. There's a hole in the floor behind Metal. The building is rather tall and both combatants are high up. There's an elevator behind Julian. So: Big hole behind Metal, and Julian is lined up to push him in.
Julian *Julian cracks his neck as he gets back up.* "So that's how you wanna play, Metal? Compensate for your bruised ego by gettin' me in an arena where you can make yo'self as powerful as you wanna be an' bring ALL yo' toys to the battle. News flash Metal, this ain't an obsession for anyone but YOU. You ain't nothin' but a broken down old man desperately tryin' to show that exactly what he ain't." *All of a sudden Julian's right up in Metal's face with a HAYMAKER.* *POW.* "I mean, I respect you an' all, how you been here since the Kuja days, but you best stick to flyin' a desk. 'Cause I'd hate to do this again. Again." *Another Haymaker!* *POW! And that should knock him into hole territory... But Julian goes to grab at his collar or collar-analogue before he can fall in!* *NOPE.* *So much for a dramatic finisher.*
Metal Man falls at the pit. "Ingenius. If you are to beat me, you shall have to learn from me; watch and learn." *crashes into the desk and takes damage from the fall. He then gets up, and...
Metal Man (GM): The building was built sturdy, although he also dented that floor. Metal Man stares up at Julian.
Metal Man: "Now, as I was saying... I..." *He grabbed for a gun on his back, taking out the shiny and old DVD launcher. A fresh copy of Gigli in it, he chuckles as he spins up the DVD to arm-chopping speeds and rapidly fires it and five others (it has an automatic feeding mechanism) directly at Julian's feet from below. Hm... that's quite some range.*
Metal Man (GM): They're incredibly sharp.
Metal Man then puts it away, takes out the Star Board, and flies directly at Julian. He flies up and out of the hole using that time, and then focuses his final attack as a flaming one; for he lights his right fist on fire and flies directly at Julian, intending to smash him quite far...*
Metal Man (GM): *...But it does not knock Julian so far; instead, on hit, it engulfs him in flames .* Metal Man is right in Julian's spot, thanks to the Star Board.
Metal Man: "...Do not use the same tactics the Questers of today use, and you're gonna have to overcome them if you wanna beat this challenge."
Julian: *Checks the condition of the desk.*
Metal Man (GM): The desk is in about four pieces; two from the chop, two more from alternatively falling and being fallen on.
Julian: *Julian sizes up the room... and goes to Haymaker AGAIN in the head, trying to knock him to the SIDE of the hole, not into it.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. He is at the edge now.
Julian: *Julian presses the advantage, trying to push Metal further with another Haymaker...*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. He now floats over the pit.
Metal Man: "I see you have something up your sleeve..." *He looks at his own sleeve.* "Hmm... I haven't changed the time on my wrist-watch in ages..."
Julian: *Julian keeps on the drive, jumping over the pit and trying to knock Metal back to the ground with a falling Haymaker, trying to push him into the pit!*
Metal Man (GM): He hits the glass and breaks it, looking behind him. He takes more damage from giant pieces of plate glass.
Metal Man: "Yikes, that was close."
Julian: *Julian then tries to finish it up by charging Metal and pushing him out of the window with a final charging Haymaker!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Julian hits Metal... ...he's still floating on his Star Board. There's another building just 10 feet away from Metal's current position.
Metal Man: "I'm going to make those ninjas look like goombas." *takes out a vaguely radioactive substance and drinks it.*
Metal Man (GM): *Power up noise.* Metal begins glowing in a rainbowy sense. It also damages him.
Metal Man: "Ow... stupid side-effects..."
Metal Man (GM): Then, for a few moments, he stands perfectly still...
Julian: .oO(Here it comes...)
Metal Man (GM): He then flies at Julian, blurring crazily as he flings punches at Julian like a whirling blender. He totally annihilates the remaining bits of window as he spins his way in. *BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM*
Julian: *KO!!*
Metal Man (GM): Once the destruction is over, he is now standing nearby.
Julian: *Julian however gets right back up... and tries to take that Star Board away from Metal! Mug!*
Metal Man (GM): With the power of the radioactive beverage, he evades!
Metal Man: "Not so tough now, huh? Ow! Ow! Stupid radioactive side-effects!"
Metal Man (GM): He takes more damage from his drink. He cracks his fingers, and then flies at Julian, spinning his Star-board at him like a whirling dervish. His defense is a bit high, however the drink he used has some nasty side effects, which will come into effect soon.
Julian: *Okay, let's try stealing the Star Board again...*
Metal Man (GM): Julian goes to steal the Star Board... but suddenly, Metal Man stopped moving, and time began to fluctuate wildly.
Julian: "NOW what?"
Metal Man (GM): Time had deviated such that Julian's timeline had been slowed down--and suddenly he was propelled into the future to straighten out this bend in time! *WHOOSH* Meanwhile, outside his challenge... no time had passed at all. They were still talking about Alexia's challenge, and Ruvyn, even!
Blade limbers up and stretches out, tightening down loose plates on his armor and finally stepping forward. "I am ready, great psychedelic talking hand." .oO(I *seriously.* need to stop accepting those mushrooms from Mario...)
Douglas: "And everyone else says Chivalry is dead. I wish I could meet him again."
Alexia: "Good luck, Blade!"
Valkryie: "...hmmm."
Douglas sticks his nose into the Tome of Wind again... metaphorically speaking.
Blade: *He waves to Alexia.* (draconic) "Thank you, I'll do my best."
King Demon: "Good luck, kick ass."
Traon: "I dunno. I'd like to try my luck against Ruvyn." he shrugs.
King Demon sits back down along a wall and sighs, waiting for his turn to act.
Master Hand: "Do you, Blade, accept this challenge despite the likely chance of you losing 10,000 coins?"
Blade: "I'll be poor either way, so I do accept."
Metal Man (GM): Master Hand goes to a door and opens it... 'The Delicious Trial'
Blade: "The... delicious trial... Either it'll be very good for me, or I'll get fat..." He chuckles softly, and enters the door.
Metal Man (GM): Blade enter it, and find himself at a rather large convention hall... with tables filled with cakes.
Blade: "That would be a lot of cake." He nods softly, and looks around, getting a feel for the surroundings.
Metal Man (GM): Blade sees various people, who don't seem to notice him, milling about. There's a golden cake with a big key on it, but it's surrounded by... men in black suits.
Blade: .oO(If I could only transform...) *He sighs a bit, and starts to make his way over to the cake with the key.*
Metal Man (GM): The men in suits surround the cake. For some reason, they are busy ensuring it doesn't melt.
Blade: *He stops halfway, and looks at the cakes, trying to determine if there may be anything funky with them.*
Metal Man (GM): Blade detects none are funky... except the one protected by men in black.
Blade: *He shrugs, takes a slice of cake and casually chews on it as he continues to go up to the cake with the key. He remains silent, however.*
Metal Man (GM): The men in black see Blade and look at him. One adjusts his glasses.
Blade: "Excuse me, may I ask what this cake is for? And what all of these cakes are for?"
Agent: "The cake is special. Do not touch... the cake."
Agent2: "We guard the cake for the boss. And this is a cake show."
Agent: "Don't have a cake for the boss? Get lost."
Blade: "I must say, it *is* exquisite..." He finishes off his piece, then tilts his head. "Hmmm... before I present mine, who is your boss?"
Agent: "Nobody who doesn't know the boss gets to know his name."
Agent2: "The boss is specific about that."
Blade: "Ahh, you just said I *do* get to know his name." He smiles.
Agent: "????"
Agent2: "Hey... that is right, technically."
Agent: "The Boss ain't gonna be happy about this..."
Agent2: "His name is... uh... hm... what was his name again?"
Agent: "You forgot again? You're a bigger idiot than I am! His name is..." He takes out a piece of paper. "Yes. That's it. Linkbot."
Agent2: "Linkbot? I thought it was LinkX?"
Agent3: "Nah, it's definitely Devo."
Blade: "Linkbot? I may... right..."
Agent: "Maybe it's Zipzop."
Agent2: "Kopaka! That's it!"
Blade: "Kopaka? I see." He nods, and looks around for doors now.
Metal Man (GM): Blade sees one... but it's blocked by more men in suits.
Blade: .oO(Damn...) He looks at the men in suits, then whips out his dex to see how powerful they are against him.
Dex: "...DING! The target's suit blocks dex infrared scanners. Please try again later."
Blade: "Oh, sure, thanks..." He puts it away, and decides to sit down, waiting for this so-called cake show to start.
Metal Man (GM): Time passes; the cakes are already there, so it appears all it is really missing is this 'Boss.'
Blade: *As time passes, he grows more impatient. Eventually, he starts lightly banging on the table.* "Where's my burrito? Where's my burrito? ...Wait, wrong chant..." *He also takes this time to dex the weird key-cake.*
Dex: "...DING! 21,000 calories. Colored with powdered gold. A key must be inside."
Blade: "Powdered gold? That'd make someone higher than a kite! ...I'm getting impatient. When the hell is this cake show supposed to start?"
Metal Man (GM): Finally, 'The Boss' walks out... a sprawling man with chains and dark skin... and a crazy hair-style too.
Blade: "...Who the hell is that?"
???: "I pity da foo' that forget my name!"
Metal Man (GM): He punches out one of the agents and then looks at the cakes.
???: "These are some pretty tall cakes, but where is the one with the assault rifles? I gotta have a weapon if I'm supposed to be challenged by somebody!" He shoves an agent to the side and reaches inside a cake, pulling out a pistol. "Hm. Maybe these are the right cakes... or maybe some foo' forgot who I am!!" *He smashes the cake on Agent 2.*
Metal Man (GM): He then takes out a key from the golden cake, and stares at it for a moment... ...then clips it to some of his golden chains.
Blade: .oO(Is this the person I'm supposed to fight?) *He stands up, now a bit wary, and it looks like he's on a hair-trigger to draw his sword.*
???: "I like to find some gold occasionally, but this ain't a good rifle for fighting!" He shoves it over and knocks over the table and then walks over to an odd, tall cake on another table.
Blade: "Why can't you fight with your fists?" He speaks up now, a bit closer to Mr. T.
Metal Man (GM): He takes out one big freakin' gun from there and looks at Blade.
???: "'Cause I don't want to get my hands dirty fighting some sorta foo' without fighting skills! Of course, if you like flying into walls... I can throw you helluva far..."
Metal Man (GM): He loads the rifle and aims it at Blade, the remaining agents fleeing.
???: "Some crazy hand trapped me in this maze, and now you're gonna answer for me, foo'!"
Blade: "And what if I tell you that I'm quite decent with my sword?" He smiles, and slowly draws his sword.
Mr. T: "I'm Mr. T, and I've been trapped in here for over five years without contact to the outside world!"
Blade: "My name's Blade Skydancer, and I've been sent here by Master Hand to complete some unknown objective. It's a shame he didn't tell me what it was before sending me here."
Mr. T: "What's that Master Hand foo' want me to be trapped in here for? I gotta live too, and I'm gonna shoot and kill until I'm free from this place, sucka!"
Metal Man (GM): Mr. T shoots at a wall. Blade sees it ripple some.
Mr. T: "For some reason, a bunch of suckas like you keep on crashing my cake parties. And I hate cake! I pity da foo who eat cake!"
Blade falls into his battle stance, getting ready for a helluva fight.
Mr. T: "All my buddies can't seem to bust me out, either. Murdock hurled a big stick of T-N-T at dis place, and it still didn't explode! You wanna challenge? I'mma take you down, sucka! I'mma run you down!"
Metal Man (GM): He makes a gesture of some kind. Blade soon realizes why he shot that wall.
Blade: "...?"
Metal Man (GM): The A-team van flies out of a portal and careens at Blade!!! *SMASH* It vanishes through another portal. He then runs at Blade, apparently to get closer... and then he attempts to grab Blade! He grabs Blade and chucks him helluva far. Mr. T gets ready to be attacked; something about him seems vaguely Quester-like.
Mr. T: "Man, if only that foo' hadn't have broken my dex. I coulda found out your weakness and destroyed you in one hit, sucka!"
Metal Man (GM): There's many pieces of cake on the floor, that has been run over, punched, and kicked.
Blade picks up and hucks 4 pieces of cake at Mr. T.
Mr. T: "What? How dare you toss cake at me, foo'? I'm gonna crush you, sucka!" He angrily brushes it off his right hand.
Blade: "Cake must be his weakness... perhaps..."
Metal Man (GM): Mr. T is angry, although that cake did slow him down a bit.
Mr. T: "I'mma punch your face in!" He runs at Blade and tries to punch him in the face.
Metal Man (GM): *PUNCH*
Blade: .oO(Damn he's strong!)
Metal Man (GM): He then picks up the remains of a table and tries to smash it over Blade's head. *SMASH*
Blade then tries to assault Mr. T with four swings of his most accurate attack, the quick slice -- while running the blade through the cake.
Metal Man (GM): Double-damage with each hit! Mr. T becomes angrier, especially at the cake.
Mr. T: "You're gonna hit me with cake, sucka? That's it, you're gonna be decorating the ceiling!"
Blade: .oO(Yes! Better! I need to lure him towards the wall of cakes. But he's got a gun...)
Metal Man (GM): He runs at Blade again, trying to do a different grab... He grabs Blade and chucks him into the ceiling, and now Blade is stuck there... He then aims the machinegun at Blade.
Mr. T: "This is what the machinegun is for, foo'!"
Blade: "Aww, damn it..."
Metal Man (GM): It's powerful enough to blow up a variety of ceiling tiles and leave a hole in the ceiling.
Blade is overkilled, and revives slowly.
Metal Man (GM): Mr. T doesn't do anything on his turn--he's too busy taking cake out of his wounds.
Blade gets closer to the wall of cake nearby and defends.
Metal Man (GM): Mr. T doesn't seem to think of where Blade is; he runs at Blade as usual. He punches Blade. Then he punches at Blade two more times. Ouch... a crit. He's pretty close to those cakes.
Blade rolls around Mr. T and then spends the rest of the turn furiously swiping at him, repeating the overhead slash three times.
Metal Man (GM): Miss hit hit. The Cake wall falls on Mr. T, getting in his eyes and on his fists. He takes damage from it falling on him. He didn't actually move anywhere, however the cakes were knocked over in the process. He gets up.
Mr. T: "..."
Metal Man (GM): He readies the machinegun, and opens fire, full-blast.
Blade laughs softly, coating his blade with more cake as he does a slash and starts off Soul Breaker.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Blade: "Face my wrath! SOUL BREAKER!"
Metal Man (GM): Mr. T rubs his eyes a little, and then attempts... to send the Van at Blade again! *SMASH* Blade is revived after the untimely death.
Blade coats his blade with cake once more, grumbling a bit as he unleashes a slash, a swipe and finally going into Graceful Blade.
Metal Man (GM): Crit! Mr. T reloads his machinegun, and blindly shoots at Blade.
Blade: *He growls loudly, shaking off the barrage of machinegun hits as he continues with the cake-coated blade and performing a pair of slices and finishing off with a lightning blade.*
Metal Man (GM): Mr. T shakes his head, and then takes out some sort of communicator.
Mr. T: "Mardock, this sucka thinks they can hurl cake at me! Blow them up!"
Metal Man (GM): Blade hears some garbly response. More imporantly, a stick of dynamite flying at Blade from above. *BOOOM* Mr. T sits there...
Blade kicks off this turn with an uncharged swipe, and continuing through with starting the Soul Breaker.
Metal Man (GM): Mr. T goes for 4 punches this time; he's looking a little tired. The arena is now an empty room full of busted cakes, a tiled ceiling with a single hole in it, and Mr. T.
Blade: "Mr. T, I apologize but I see a way out of here! The ceiling!"
Metal Man (GM): Then suddenly, the delayed damage comes to effect Blade, and before he can say 'Sucka!', he appears back out in the main room, -10,000 coins!

