Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 437: Ominous Ore



Date: June 14th & 15th, 2007.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man is in the Big Room. He's surveying pictures... ...Pictures of fiery death under Death Mountain.
Wolfman is waking up from his nap on the couch.
Metal Man: "You want to go WHERE?"
Dahl: *Is also in the big room.* "Ummm what is wrong with going there?"
Leo: *walks in the big room.*
Wolfman eventually gets up, and heads to the big room, upon hearing Metal's scream. *yawn.* "What's the panic... I was enjoying a recharge cycle."
Dragoshi: *Leaning 'gainst the wall.*
Alexia wanders into the Big Room. "Did I hear someone scream in utter disbelief?"
Dragoshi: "...Yea. Metal did it."
Metal Man: "Fiery... fiery death. You'd be literally going into a magma chamber... deep within Nintendus. Even gorons fear it. Kuja, in his infinite insanity, thought it'd make a good forge."
Wolfman: "Then forgive us with making a deal with the ghost devil."
Metal Man: "But Kuja could swim in magma and you can't... ...are you sure you want to go?"
Wolfman: "Why didn't you stop us though?"
Metal Man: "I can't stop what you do during a mission, that's against protocol."
Wolfman: "Perhaps there needs to be new protocol then."
Metal Man: "However, I'm only saying that you could choose another mission to get the same thing done... ...but I bet you want to do this one still."
Wolfman: "...alternative? But wouldn't the ghost know the difference?"
Dragoshi: "...Well, then what are your alternatives then."
Dahl: *just tilts her head.*
Metal Man: "This isn't exactly time to reform the protocols, Wolfman; they work pretty well. Since I have no liability on what the Questers do, when they mess up, they get hit with the penalties... not me."
Alexia: "...Metal, can we go now?"
Wolfman: .oO(...sounds like you need to have another adventure.)
Metal Man: "The ghost wanted it destroyed... destroyed is destroyed. And I know something powerful... just that it's got its own fiery maze. Just not the kind which kills you."
Dragoshi: "...Go on."
Metal Man: "Odd for you to say, Alexia." *He looks at the shirt and Wolfos hide.* "You do know that is cursed, right?"
Alexia shrugs.
Metal Man: "Anyway, the other choice is Ivan's new technology. He's been reading off of Ivo's cannon, and is building something called the atomsmasher."
Alexia: "I figure that if I screw up stuff enough, my luck'll roll over."
Dahl: *sweatdrops.*
Metal Man: "It's an industrial smasher. It just needs some ingredients... sort of the opposite of Kuja's hammer."
Dragoshi: "Said ingredients, being...?"
Metal Man: "Fight a few baddies, survive fiery death, you're done; or find a bunch of pieces and put them together, you're done. What do you pick? Oh, nothing. Depleted uranium, Magitek crystals, and of course some of that blue Atlantean mineral. A bit of a trip, but I figure it'll be good for your stamina."
Alexia: "...I think the fire maze'd be easier."
Dragoshi: "...Don't we still have some of that ore left over from that one mission on Genetia?"
Wolfman is staying quiet right now.
Metal Man: "Not enough at the moment. This thing is... huuuuge."
Dragoshi: "...Ah. 'Kay."
Metal Man: "But there's no Rathos Lell to contend with. Anyway, you guys pick. Fire or Ice."
Dragoshi: "Ice being the alternative, right?"
Wolfman looks to the other Questers... .oO(...who wants to burn, and who wants to chill?)
Alexia: "Ehhh, since you put it that way... Ice."
Metal Man: "Yeah. It's pretty cold out where the magitek crystals are... and on that moon... and probably where the uranium is too."
Dahl: "What ever Gets the job done."
Dragoshi: "Ice it is, then."
Wolfman: "I'm thankful enough that I don't need that much oxygen... if at all. I see two Ice votes. No Fire votes. And Dahl and myself are neutral."
Metal Man: "Anyone else got a choice? 'Cause it wouldn't take much to change either way, and in return for the lack of liability, you guys choose what you prefer."
Alexia: "I'm sticking with ice."
Wolfman: .oO(...I guess I have to choose to speed things up.)
Leo: "I'll go Ice then."
Wolfman: .oO(...or not.) "Three Ice Votes Metal. Open it up."
Dahl: *yawns and stretches a bit before throwing on her cloak.*
Metal Man: "Aye aye, Former Captain." *salutes and opens a blue, icy warp.*
Alexia wraps the Wolfos hide around her shirt.
Metal Man: "Oh, I almost forgot."
Wolfman: "...yes?"
Dragoshi: "Yes, Metal?"
Leo: "Hmm?"
Metal Man: "First one is depleted uranium. You'll be looking at some old Quester Hunter ruins... you see, the Space Pirates used it long ago. Your main issue is just getting to it, it's so heavily buried."
Wolfman: "Well, digging won't be too much of a problem for me."
Metal Man: "It's not dangerous anymore, so don't worry about radiation."
Dragoshi: "'Kay."
Metal Man: "They used a much safer variant before they became hooked on phazon..."
Dahl: "Phazon?"
Dragoshi: "Dangerous mutagenic material."
Metal Man: "It makes you tough, but it also makes you go crazy."
Dahl: "... oh ... that sounds familiar..."
Dragoshi: "Ah, yes. 'Phazon Madness', right?"
Wolfman: "...what's the next material again?"
Metal Man: "Old-school pirates used fission with a special type of uranium which would run out safely... ...Next one in line is Magitek Crystals."
Wolfman: .oO(...for all I know, everyone is thinking about how to get hooked on phazon right now...)
Metal Man: "You'll be prying some out of the frigid south, where a Magitek factory was long ago. No digging, but more precautions there. And some old computers."
Leo: .oO(...I'm bored...)
Dragoshi: "Same one where we fought Psychoman?"
Metal Man: "Gotta hack stuff, 'cause if you break the protections, then the entire South pole becomes magitek'd. Yeah."
Dahl: *ears twitch.* "Computers?"
Metal Man: "It's changed a bit, though. This is the Beta Site of it. You were in the Alpha one."
Wolfman turns to Dahl. "Not used to them? ...right: my intelligence chip is at it again." He shakes his cobwebs.
Alexia: "Anything else, Metal?"
Dahl: "My mother used to talk about them every now and then... she called one Seed..."
Metal Man: "Well, the third one is tame. Hop to the moon of Turion and grab everything not nailed down. Assuming nobody else is there. But it's normally abandoned."
Wolfman goes up right. "...Turion? I've had bad memories up there!"
Metal Man: "Moon of Turion. The one named 'Heaven'. Not many bad things there."
Alexia: "'K."
Leo: "Sounds like a nice place."
Wolfman: .oO(...I'm still not happy.)
Alexia heads into the warp, still wearing the hide.
Blade: "Yep... SEED was a great man... computer... thing. To think that it was daddy that populated the ENTIRE planet of Motavia." Leaning up against a console or something was a 5-foot, 6-inch tall young woman with long, pointed ears that have black tips on them. She also had a brown-furred tail and long, red hair. She was wearing a bomber-style jacket over a halter top and a pair of jeans with a large belt that had a pair of holsters holding a pair of photon pistols in them.
Leo: *follows Alexia through.*
Dragoshi: "...What the-"
Dahl: *blinks and tilts her head.*
Wolfman: "A computer provided the entire population? But... what of the human men and women? Didn't they also help with population increase?"
Blade: "Migrated from Parma." She nods a bit. "But, all natural life on Motavia was created by SEED."
Dahl: "Aside from the Motavians themselves."
Wolfman simply nods.
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(Where the hell are these people coming from?) >_>;;
Metal Man: "Hm. I heard something about Motavia from Zio. And also this crazy man named Kairah." *Scratches his head.* "Makes no sense to me, but I guess it's just another dimension. Like Zap! Cola and the Sligs."
Blade: "Kairah, he's my brother."
Dahl: "Mother taught me quiet a bit about my home ...erm system ...just don't remember it all."
Dragoshi: "...Kairah was awesome, thou-...what."
Metal Man: "That's odd... you don't seem clinically insane to me..."
Blade: "...wait what? Oh, KAIRAH. Him, yeah, he was obsessed with blowing things up with high-calibur photon weapons. No, I thought you said 'Kraegan.'"
Metal Man: "Anyway." *Taps desk.* "Time to go, right?"
Wolfman: "Good idea."
Dahl: "Ph... photon? " *head tilt.*
Blade: "I'm gonna' have to sit this one out, gotta' get my gear in-line."
Wolfman: "Anyone want a free ride?" *someone can hop on Wolf if they want.*
Dragoshi: "...Oh. 'Kay. Anyway..." *Walks on along to the warp, motioning for the other Questers to follow.*
Wolfman: "...alright, my back will be open for later riding I suppose." *goes to warp.*
Dahl: *heads into the warp!*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers warp... ...and appear in the middle of a large field. There's a massive pile of debris. They don't seem to see anything else around here, and the debris is extremely tall.
Leo: "About time you all showed up..."
Wolfman gets a quick look at the surrounding area. "Lots of debris."
Dragoshi: "Yep..."
Dahl: "Wow..."
Alexia: "Well, looks like we might have to dig..."
Leo: "Yep."
Wolfman: "...perhaps we should find a decent digging place first? If we dig in the wrong place, we could make it harder to get what we need."
Dragoshi: "...Yea, I guess so."
Wolfman gets out his Smash Dex, and attempts to tune it to find the right digging spot.
Dahl: *heads on forward to scout the area out a bit.*
Metal Man (GM): Wolf walks for a short distance, then his foot sinks in a bit. Dahl quickly finds the same spot. It's clearly easy to dig there.
Wolfman gets a sinking feeling. "...well, this is easy."
Alexia: "Did you find something?"
Wolfman: "Easy-to-dig ground."
Dragoshi: *Walks over to the spot those two sank in.* "...Okay. Dig here..."
Wolfman quickly becomes like a more animal-like dog/wolf and starts digging ferociously.
Dragoshi: *Assists in the digging.*
Leo: *walks over to the others.* "Found a place to dig?"
Alexia runs over there and starts digging at the spot with her hands.
Dahl: "...we have any shovels or ... some mining explosives?"
Leo: "I can burn the junk."
Alexia: "But this is fun!" *keeps digging at the spot happily.*
Dragoshi: *Keeps on digging as well. >_>*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers dig a bit... then a bit more... ...*Crack.*
Leo: *starts to dig.*
Metal Man (GM): *RUMBLE.*
Wolfman stops upon the crack.
Metal Man (GM): The entire spot falls into a cave, taking everyone with them...
Dragoshi: *Same.*
Dahl: "Uh oh..."
Wolfman: .oO( did I know?)
Leo: "Oh snap.."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers can see they fell about 30 feet.
Wolfman gets damaged, and dragged down.
Metal Man (GM): They're in an old, Metroid-style base... this was apparently an old Quester Hunter facility.
Dahl: *lands safely and looks around.*
Alexia falls... and lands on all fours, unharmed! All right!
Leo: *smash.* "Damn it, my legs!!"
Metal Man (GM): The entrance, and any means back up, were destroyed long ago... but there is a door. A big, shiny metallic octagon door with a panel to the side. It's locked shut.
Alexia then picks herself up and looks around.
Wolfman shakes off his pain.
Leo: *gets back up.*
Dahl: *blinks and walks over to it and touches the panel.*
Wolfman: "...hmm. An old door."
Dragoshi: *Not particularly affected... This is just minor, yet annoying pain. >_>;;*
Metal Man (GM): It's silver. It has been long deactivated.
Dahl: "...I have an idea ... can some one crack this panel open?"
Dragoshi: *Downs two vials, throws 'em away.*
Wolfman: "I think that's what we'll have to do. However, I don't feel comfortable doing it."
Dahl: "I am going to give it a boost of power ...I hope." *...tries to open the panel.*
Dragoshi: *Tries to open-Beat me to it. >_>;;* *Assists in case of failure, then. >_>;;*
Metal Man (GM): The panel cracks open, revealing lots and lots of wires.
Dahl: "...So ...anyone know what wires are the power lines? or at least... what triggers the open feature?"
Dex: "Quester Hunter technology is thoroughly documented. Please point a dex at the wires for identification."
Dragoshi: *Points his dex at the wires.* >_>
Wolfman suddenly feels weight on his back.
Dex: "Red wire is power. Orange wire is data. Green wire is ground."
Wolfman: "...did you just hop in Traon?"
Dex: "Unknown purpose for black wire. This door is currently unpowered."
Dahl: "Okay... " *grabs the red and green.* "...Tsu!" *casts the Lightning tech~*
Traon: "Yup." *said as he sits on Wolfman's back.* "Quite comfortable as well."
Metal Man (GM): *BZAP* *Crackle.* The door lights up. It doesn't open, though. It has a blue sheen to it.
Wolfman: "The rule for riding on my back is to let me know first!"
Dragoshi: *Tidal Blasts the door.*
Dahl: "Haha!" *giggles.*
Metal Man (GM): The door opens, then promptly loses power again. The Questers now see the way into the base... ...better watch their steps.
Traon: "But where's the fun in that?" *looks at Dahl* "Your next when I unexpectedly 'drop' in." *said with a laugh as he gets off Wolf.*
Dahl: *moves up to the door and peeks in.*
Metal Man (GM): There's a wide open floor here that used to be for some sort of factory, but everything fell through the floor.
Wolfman gets a chuckle out of that.
Dragoshi: "...Hoo boy."
Metal Man (GM): The floor is filled with hordes of holes, which get worse towards the center. There's walkable paths between them about, and there's a door at the other end which probably needs to be powered as well.
Wolfman gets a quick look...
Dahl: *Looks for any rails.*
Metal Man (GM): No rails anywhere; just the walls, and the ceiling is high up and seems damaged.
Wolfman: "...alright. Anyone thinking that flying across is a trap?"
Dragoshi: *Checks the stability of the remaining floor.*
Dahl: *Frowns.* "...I am not liking how this is looking."
Dragoshi: "...Well, I doubt it."
Wolfman: "Then I'll be the guinea pig." *takes off with his leg boosters. A semi gift from the Toad Town Taxi, they help with boosting, flying, and getting caught in traps made for those boosting and flying.*
Metal Man (GM): Flying across may be possible, but the floor is 30 feet long. Some parts of the floor are more stable than others... depends on the location. Dragoshi can't tell very well just looking at it. There's a number of holes in the center, two parts which have floor to the sides of a big hole in the center, a dangling piece to the left, and one near the wall.
Dragoshi: *Tries to carefully walk across the remnants of the floor...*
Wolfman attempts going to the dangling piece.
Traon follows one foot behind Dragoshi.
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman flies across, lands on the dangling piece, and falls through. *Yeooowm... CRASHHHHH.* He reappears back at the start.
Wolfman can't Rocket Boost after Fly Boosting...
Dragoshi: *He checks what specific pieces of the floor there are.*
Wolfman gets the Link To The Past Hole Treatment.
Metal Man (GM): Specific floor parts include the middle, sides, following a path of sorts of seemingly solid ground that snakes around the middle somewhat...
Wolfman: "...that didn't exactly work out."
Dragoshi: *He takes the snaking path...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi walks on it. Half-way through, it falls down, taking Traon with him. *SMASH* *SMASH* They're both sent to the start.
Wolfman: "...alright, I have some idea as to what's going on."
Metal Man (GM): And a massive chunk fell down with Dragoshi. The snaking path now has a massive hole in it to match the middle. Seems most of the floor is unstable.
Traon takes to the left side...
Wolfman: "I'll take right." *goes to the right side.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers both walk near the walls. The floor bends. Pieces fly off the edge. It sticks to the wall, though. They manage to get across, 3 harrowing minutes later.
Wolfman tries to maintain his balance... low center of gravity hopefully is helpful here.
Dahl: *watches and follows after Traon's path.*
Metal Man (GM): Appears the entire middle of the floor has no support. Hence, only near the walls is safe. *A few minutes later.* The Questers reach the door. It detects them, and lights up... Wonder what that means.
Wolfman: .oO(Slag it!)
Dragoshi: *Follows whoever took the proper path... Also, when Drag reaches the door... He breaths fire on it to see if that does anything.*
Dahl: *uses the walk to move over to the doors panel and pull it off.*
Traon: "I like red, but typically red lights mean trouble.."
Wolfman backs off from Dragoshi's fire.
Metal Man (GM): It opens. There is a lab of sorts, now. It's abandoned, with dead Space Pirates and computers spread about.
Dahl: "Oh... that works ..." *moves into the room... and... checks on the dead space Pirates for items!*
Wolfman moves very slowly across.
Metal Man (GM): Thick glass blocks access to the reactor room; the proper door inside is buried under a massive pile of rubbish that melted into a solid slagpile.
Dragoshi: *Would carefully walk across...*
Traon: "Dahl hold on. These pirates died somehow, and it could happen to us." *he goes in cautiously.*
Dahl: *stops and blinks and looks around.*
Metal Man (GM): They have nothing of use, having long been pickpocketed.
Traon: "Just keep an open eye out."
Metal Man (GM): Most of their equipment that remains was destroyed... so the glass remains, blocking the way ahead.
Wolfman: ", we ready to go on?"
Metal Man (GM): As does the pile of slag.
Dahl: "... huh... looks like some one looted them ...wonder who..." *follows the others.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers have nowhere -to- go, though.
Wolfman looks to the pile of slag.
Metal Man (GM): The way ahead is blocked by a pile of slag, and if one wanted to go in the caveman way, there's thick glass blocking the way.
Dahl: *walks up to the glass and blinks tapping it.*
Metal Man (GM): It feels thick... and cold.
Wolfman sees if the slag is diggable.
Metal Man (GM): Thud thud thud... The slag is extremely tough. It cannot be digged.
Wolfman: "Slag it!"
Dragoshi: *Walks up to the glass as well, puts a hand on it.* "...Huh. Cold glass."
Dahl: "I would try and melt the glass..."
Traon: "Lets poke the slag." *he draws his weapon and starts poking and stabbing at it so see what happens.*
Dragoshi: "And I could try and assist you with that... The melting thing, I mean."
Dahl: "Alright... lets aim for the same spot then ...ready?"
Dragoshi: *Nods.*
Metal Man (GM): The slag is too tough to be cut or stabbed. Traon's weapon bounces off of it.
Dahl: "...Flaeli!" *summons up her 5 fire balls and fires it at the glass.*
Metal Man (GM): The glass heats up red hot.
Dragoshi: *Breaths fire at the exact spot on the glass Dahl aimed her Flaeli at.*
Metal Man (GM): It stays red hot. However it does not melt.
Dahl: "..." *draws her sword and tries to slam it against the red hot spot.*
Wolfman wonders if the Slag is lift-able.
Metal Man (GM): It pierces 1/10th of an inch. However, the hot glass hardens mid-stroke, causing it to become stuck before it can piece further. This glass was apparently made to take heat. The jury is still out about it being hit by things.
Dahl: "..hey!" *tries to pull it out.*
Metal Man (GM): Dahl yanks it out.
Dragoshi: *Pulls out his laser scythe o' dewm and strikes the glass.*
Metal Man (GM): Laser, eh? The laser has absolutely no effect on it. Guess who they probably didn't want to be able to laser it?
Dahl: "..." *tries to charge up a heavy cleave and tries to hammer the damned glass.*
Traon: "Heads up guys." he draws out his crowbar and hurls it at the glass.
Wolfman again tries to see if the Slag is liftable... pointless as this may be.
Metal Man (GM): Traon hammers the glass. It bounces off instead of piercing it, as it did before.
Dragoshi: "...Of course." *Puts it away.*
Metal Man (GM): The crowbar's tip becomes lodged in the glass... but it doesn't do any other damage. Traon can pull it out easily. The slag is over 50 feet tall.
Dahl: "...oh Idea! ... smash it with air pressure!"
Wolfman gets a look... nevermind.
Metal Man (GM): If Wolf could lift it, it could easily fall on him and kill him.
Dragoshi: *Proceeds to breath fire on the glass... Then Ice Tornado it.*
Metal Man (GM): That simply causes it to heat up, then cool down.
Wolfman turns to the others.
Metal Man (GM): This is heat-resistant glass. Meant to be cooled down, even.
Wolfman: "...alright, what hasn't been tried yet?"
Traon isn't going to pull out the crowbar. Instead he is going to pull it left and right to try and crack the glass some more. Leverage, yay.
Metal Man (GM): The glass is instead cut by it; Traon cuts a small chunk out and takes the crowbar out.
Dahl: *tries to use Zan near the Glass to create a void of air so it will shatter in on it's self.*
Dragoshi: *Tries a little lightning on it this time with Indignation. >_>*
Metal Man (GM): The glass is unaffected by air pressure differences, as well as lightning.
Wolfman: "Traon, need me to try something?"
Dahl: *sweatdrops... and looks for a control panel.*
Wolfman only has claws, a rocket boost, and... wait. "Guys, step back. I mean that."
Dragoshi: *Zooms back.*
Traon: "What kind of glass is this... Can't be Plexiglas.." he steps back.
Metal Man (GM): There's many, many control panels. They look like they were overloaded. They sorta blew up.
Dahl: "...Hmmm."
Wolfman is expected this glass to hold onto anything stuck in it... including his own claws. He thus sticks his claws into the glass, and then lets loose a howl... time for Wolfkahouha energy action!
Metal Man (GM): Wolf's claws cut the glass; the energy does nothing. Of course, Wolf has only pressed them onto the glass, so it made depressions into it.
Wolfman: "...well, that was a waste."
Dahl: "Hmmm..." *presses her sword against the glass.*
Wolfman: "Anyone want me to continue clawing?"
Metal Man (GM): Wolf stabbed the glass, hence there's claw marks on it. The sword blade cuts into the glass... and soon pierces through it.
Dahl: *keeps pushing.*
Dragoshi: *Helps by using his own sword.*
Wolfman does a similar thing with his two claws.
Metal Man (GM): Dahl pushes it up to the hilt. Okay, Dahl made a slit in it. Dragoshi also makes a slit. Wolfman's claws go in up to the fingertips.
Dahl: *and tries to slowly cut a door shaped entrance.* :P
Dragoshi: *Does the same.* :p
Wolfman: "...alright, I'm not helping." *backs away.*
Traon looks around the room for any air ducts or anything out of the ordinary.
Dragoshi: .oO(This reminds me of that one time on Genetia...)
Metal Man (GM): The two both cut two entrances. One can walk right in.
Dragoshi: *Does so.*
Traon shrugs off his search and follows behind.
Wolfman takes the entrance made by Dahl.
Dahl: "...huh ... that was simple... however..." *cuts her self a piece of the glass, nice and round like small too...*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers now at the reactor core, which was formerly shielded by that evil glass.
Dahl: *So if she can cut a piece of the glass for herself she will follow after the group after Item spacing it :P*
Metal Man (GM): Problem: The reactor core has a thick metal shield on it. Dahl also has a glass knife from that.
Wolfman gets a look... and tries to at least see if the reactor core is stable.
Dragoshi: *Cuts himself a glass letter opener/dagger to replace the one he lost a long while ago before truly continuing on. >_>*
Metal Man (GM): Forget stable; it's been dead for ages... nothing to worry about in there.
Wolfman: "Alright, we've got a metal shield. How do we take this one out? I'm not using another Wolfkahouha that fast. I only have 3 uses of that left before I have to recharge."
Dragoshi: "...'Kay."
Wolfman tries to think of a solution... unfortunately, a bad intelligence chip could mean a not-so-good idea...
Dragoshi: *Checks to see if the metal's heat resistant by breathing fire on it.* >_>
Dahl: "Hmmmm."
Metal Man (GM): It disintegrates. The shield.
Dahl: "Huh ..."
Wolfman gets a quick look...
Metal Man (GM): Within, the Questers see depleted rods of uranium. They're now simply very heavy hunks of metal.
Wolfman: "...okay, how can a metal shield not handle fire?"
Dahl: *taps the metal.* "..."
Dragoshi: "...It was a really old metal shield."
Dahl: "really old and used metal..."
Traon: "Maybe it was a tin metal shield."
Wolfman: "Fair enough." *waits to see if the uranium is booby trapped by Dahl's touching of it.*
Metal Man (GM): It's not booby trapped... For when it was in operation and radioactive, it'd have simply killed everyone once they broke the glass.
Dex: "Part one complete."
Wolfman grabs other uranium rods.
Metal Man (GM): The uranium glows white as it is warped out.
Wolfman: *...or not.*
Dragoshi: *Does the same.* *...yea. Or not.*
Metal Man (GM): A portal appears to the next destination.
Dragoshi: "Okay, that's the uranium rods. Now for the Magitek crystals, right?"
Wolfman: "That sounds right. Let's go."
Dahl: *pulls out her dex.* "... you might wanna warp out some of the glass too... it might be useful for something..."
Wolfman takes the new portal.
Dragoshi: "Yea... Considering."
Metal Man: (Dex) "The problem is that it's extremely weak to cutting. Hence if you hit anything sharp with it it'll just crumble."
Dahl: "that is way you layer it over metal."
Dragoshi: "Yeaa..."
Dahl: why.*
Metal Man: (Dex) "I suspect a radiation leak killed the Space Pirates in there..."
Dragoshi: "I'd suspect the same... But, anyway..." *Walks along to the warp.*
Metal Man (GM): A warp out appears. Er. Did appear... so the Questers warp.
Traon el warpos.
Dahl: *follows.* *ding.*
Dragoshi: *Bees.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers appear within the arctic, at the door to an old Kuja facility... the door is wide open.
Dragoshi: *Enters through the door...*
Wolfman also goes into the door.
Metal Man (GM): They walk right inside. However, somebody has gotten here first.
Dahl: *follows.*
Metal Man (GM): The door inside is open, the computers already dealt with. A trail of snowy footsteps lead deeper within.
Wolfman: "...this seems too easy. Did someone beat us to it?"
Dragoshi: "...That's 'cause we've been here before."
Wolfman: "That's not what I mean. I was expecting that we'd have to do hacking. But we can already go in farther."
Dragoshi: *Continues on...*
Wolfman: .oO(...why do I have a feeling we're going to run into Archel again?)
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk inside, rather deep inside, indeed.
Wolfman follows Dragoshi again.
Metal Man (GM): Straight to the Magitek heart of this area.
Wolfman points out the heart with his front right claw.
Metal Man (GM): Yet all of the Magitek has been... taken.
Wolfman: "See what I mean?"
Dragoshi: "...Wiggeh."
Wolfman: "There is none left!"
Dragoshi: "I clearly remember there being a decent amount of Magitek here... Though, I hope whoever managed to steal this is immune to radiation poisoning or something." >_>;;
Wolfman attempts to tune his Dex into some sort of Magitek radar or something.
Metal Man (GM): No luck. However, the Questers don't really need it this time. For right ahead they see somebody walk away... ...and then stop upon hearing the Questers.
Wolfman quickly attempts to scan the person via dex.
Metal Man (GM): It's an armored suit. A bulkier version of any Kuja armor the Questers have seen.
Dex: "Quest Hunter style armor. High Magitek field."
Dahl: *blinks.* "Umm ...hello."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): It turns around, facing the Questers. The visor is fogged over. It speaks metallicly.
???: "You want the Magitek? Too bad. It belongs to Dr. Archellago."
Wolfman: .oO(...GAH!)
Dragoshi: "...Of course."
???: "He originally helped design it, and then several people stole its design. Kuja's success... was due to him."
Wolfman: "Where is the proof?"
???: "This suit is 110% of that of a Kuja Supersoldier's. Loaded with the remaining magitek here, it is capable of feats you have only feared in your nightmares."
Dahl: *tries to sneak around the tin ca-- I mean power armor.*
???: "Proof... shall simply be your corpses, if you insist upon taking the Magitek."
Wolfman: "Answer my question. Where is the proof that Archel designed it?" *is trying to keep his attention while Dahl does her thing... apparently.*
???: "You don't think very well, do you?"
Metal Man (GM): He simply aims at Wolfman's head.
Wolfman: "I've had issues with it before."
???: "Let me fix that."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Wolfman: "Not many can actually fix... oh crap."
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman is blasted 50 feet into the air by a massive red laser. It rains flaming debris.
Wolfman: *BOOM Boom boom boom boom...*
Dragoshi: *Checks for anything over the guy's head.*
???: "Dr. Archellago knows well the power of Magitek. Do not attempt to stop me."
Metal Man (GM): Nothing over his head but a few catwalks. Dahl easily sneaks behind him, as he walks towards the Questers.
Dragoshi: *Checks if he could make the catwalks land on the man.*
Metal Man (GM): CLANG CLANG CLANG. Dragoshi could easily do so.
Dragoshi: *Does so then. <_>!*
Metal Man (GM): *Snap.* *Blam.* They fall on the armor.
Dahl: *Moves ahead to try and get some of the Magitek~*
Metal Man (GM): Which continues walking as if nothing hit it. The Magitek is inside the armor. One would have to compromise it first.
Dragoshi: "And typicality strikes again!"
???: "No. I am not typical. I am beyond all of you."
Dragoshi: *Eyeroll. Checks to see if the crystal makes any strange reactions...*
Metal Man (GM): He's within 5 feet. He continues walking.
Dragoshi: "That's what they all say."
Metal Man (GM): No strange reactions.
???: "I outlived all of those people."
Metal Man (GM): He stops, facing Dragoshi.
Dahl: *tries to see if she can see any hoses on the back of this guy ...*
Dragoshi: "..." *Moves outta the way...*
Metal Man (GM): He continues walking, slowly. Dahl sees no exposed hoses. It's entirely metallic though...
???: "Now, if you excuse me... there are new experiments to be done."
Wolfman warps in... in his way.
Dragoshi: *Slowly enough for Dragoshi to... Wait. Entirely metallic? He wonders if the metal conducts electricity very well...*
Metal Man (GM): It's now making for the exit... slooowly... sees Wolfman. Dragoshi can't tell, as it stares down at Wolfman.
Wolfman: "I'm not that easy to destroy you know."
Dragoshi: *...Let's test this, then. INDIGNATION!*
???: "You are a flimsy piece of tin foil."
Dahl: "...Time to heat things up then... TSU!" *lightnings the bastard.
Wolfman: "Now, is there some sort of peace agreement we can make?"
Dragoshi: "...That shut ya the hell up." *Cricks his neck, chuckling dryly.*
Dahl: "Shut it!" *Tsu's him again.*
Wolfman unleashes a Wolfkahouha at close range on this guy... it should definitely do some damage.
Metal Man (GM): Big pieces fly off the armor, revealing crystals of magitek all over it. They glow, creating a field which prevents further electrical death. However, it has lost its capability to evade all damage and kill people instantly. The armor floats up and floats backwards, facing the Questers.
Dragoshi: *Pulls out his machinegun.*
???: "You refuse to let me advance science? Very well... I shall try out some experiments... as to the lethality of Magitek Radiation on living beings! Ha ha ha haaaaa!"
Metal Man (GM): The armor rips off its mask and drops it below. The face of Dr. Archellago is seen again!
Dragoshi: *First and foremost, Dragoshi walks 1 unit forward. Then, he...* *Aims his machinegun at Archel, then fires off a massive array of laser blasts at the guy, which form into a dog. >_>*
Metal Man (GM): It hits the force field.
Dr. Archellago: "Curse you, using that genocidal scientist's weaponry... I should have known for you to be Gerald sympathizers..."
Dragoshi: "...We're not." >_>;; "The guy just makes great stuff." :p
Dr. Archellago: "You cannot deny the obvious!"
Dragoshi: "Enough witless banter, though."
Dr. Archellago: "It is you who have no wit; I have the cards stacked in my favor!"
Wolfman: "Well why not fight fair then?"
Dr. Archellago: "Since when was 3 on 1 fair?"
Dragoshi: "..." *Chuckles, then almost turns it into full-blown laughter.*
Wolfman: "You have an attack that can instantly destroy me."
Dahl: "... get him down ...I can't him him while he is up there ..."
Dragoshi: "Me? No wit. My, your sense of humor is rather impressive. ...Just jump up?"
Dr. Archellago: "And yours... doesn't even register in the nano-scale."
Wolfman: *to Dahl.* "If you need extra height, I can help with that. Get on me, and I can give you a sort of air boost."
Dragoshi: "...Who said I was being funny?"
Dahl: "... that will work..." *gets on Wolf then!*
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman is technically 1 foot tall and now Dahl is standing atop him...
Dr. Archellago: "It is simply ironic you claim to have humor, my primitive, un-evolved foe."
Wolfman moves one foot towards Archel, then jumps up as high as possible. Upon reaching the peak height, he "front flips" Dahl towards Archel, and then prepares his own Rocket Boost attack.
Dragoshi: "...Does anyone ever use that word correctly anymore?"
Dr. Archellago: "Gah! I'm under attack by circus performers!"
Dragoshi: "That was only one time dammit! ONE TIME!"
Dahl: *tries to spinning slash him!*
Metal Man (GM): CRIT!
Wolfman then immediately launches his Rocket Boost: due to the Fire Fox-like delay, it will hit AFTER Dahl gets in her attack.
Dragoshi: *Claps slowly as he sees that.*
Metal Man (GM): Dahl slashes him so hard it goes through the field and knocks off a few crystals. The others blink rapidly. Then Wolfman bumps into him. Due to crit, Dahl lands perfectly.
Wolfman also has a smooth landing. "Hope you enjoyed the show!"
Dahl: *lands with a light skid and florishes the sword.* "Heh heh..."
Metal Man (GM): He surveys the damage... and claps, speaking dryly.
Dr. Archellago: "Well done... well done..." *He powers up.* "...For people who are about to die! You, sir, claim to have humor? I shall show you true laughter... the laugh of the grim reaper!"
Metal Man (GM): He glows and then flies at Dragoshi, doing two quick punches and then a headbash... CRIT hit miss.
Dragoshi: *Crit, hit, Phail.*
Metal Man (GM): He then flings a backhand at Dragoshi. *SMACK* Stun. He finishes off by flying up into the air, glowing, and then with his shield glowing violently yellow and electrified, he tries to crash into everybody at once!
Dragoshi: *And el Drago kickasso dances out of the way!*
Metal Man (GM): He comes to a stop, hovering 2 feet off the ground.
Wolfman: *And el Wolfo dances INTO the way.*
Dr. Archellago: "Never mess with a P.H.D.!"
Wolfman: "Did you steal that PHD?"
Dragoshi: "..." *Walks 2 feet forward, jumps 4 feet up, and Tidal Blast Barrages the EVAL Doctor!*
Dr. Archellago: "Do you think an uneducated man would invent Magitek?"
Wolfman: "I don't think you actually invented it."
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
Dr. Archellago: "Clearly, you need to be reminded of my knowledge..."
Wolfman: "Then isn't your attempting to destroy me defeating the purpose of you reminding me of this knowledge?"
Dr. Archellago: "No; my superior intellect shall overcome your pathetic, Dr. Wily-inspired tin-can brain!"
Metal Man (GM): He laughs again.
Wolfman: "I am NOT related to Slash Man!"
Metal Man (GM): The barrier... does not break.
Dr. Archellago: "Even with a field-piercing gun, you cannot stop me!"
Julian: *Just then, a warp portal opens up, and Julian walks out! How about that. He's rubbing the back of his neck, head down, and offers a half-hearted wave to the rest of the Questers.* "Yo. Sorry I'm late, guys, but therapy ran long. So Metal's tellin' me that we-" *Looks up, Sees the good doctor.* "..." *e_e. Dex.*
Dr. Archellago: "Your pathetic machines shall never categorize me!"
Dragoshi: "Eh, no prob Julian."
Metal Man (GM): He vanishes the second Julian points the dex at him.
Dex: "...No Target found."
Dragoshi: "...That's going to be annoying."
Metal Man (GM): He reappears once the time the dex takes to give up passes.
Wolfman: .oO( did he do that?)
Julian: "..." *Julian calmly flips the Dex closed, places it back in his pocket... then runs at Doc Archie, jumps up as his Rocket Boots kick in to give him aerial attackage, and gives a mighty roar as he goes to punch his face in. Or at least his barrier. Haymaker!*
Metal Man (GM): Julian hits the barrier. *Punch.*
Julian: "You son of a bitch!" *Punch!* "Not only do yo-" *Swing...*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: "Lie to my FACE about what you do-" *Swing...*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Julian: "But you sell me material-" *Swing...*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. His shielded armor protects him; he bounces between Julian and the wall, but he himself feels none of it.
Julian: "WITH A GODDAMN GHOST IN IT!" *Boot to the head!*
Dr. Archellago: "Is that all you can do, puny man?"
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Wolfman sees that Archel has a point... he's not doing that much.
Julian: *And.* *Hey guys, he's at a wall!*
Metal Man (GM): Having bounced off the wall repeatedly, he remains where he is... actually a bit away from the wall. Julian hit him so hard he bounced off of the wall.
Dahl jumps up and Upper Slashes him with the sword and when she starts to fall she will try and Spinning slash him.*
Metal Man (GM): Had one of those missed, he'd have gone flying. Hit. Miss.
Dahl: *and she spins~ and misses.*
Wolfman attempts to apply what he learned from the previous location: run, jump, and "latch" on with his claws. Time to see if he can grab on.
Metal Man (GM): Hit; however, Wolf merely leaps on, damages Archel, and bounces off. The shield cannot be latched onto.
Dr. Archellago: "Did you really expect that to work?"
Wolfman: "Not really. However, it always helps to confirm."
Dr. Archellago: "Your fists... your claws... they are all so pathetic... I shall blind you all with SCIENCE!"
Metal Man (GM): His shield flashes suddenly!
Julian: *fuck.*
Dragoshi: *fails.*
Metal Man (GM): He laughs evilly. Everybody is blinded.
Julian: *FUCK.*
Dr. Archellago: "Now... I shall rip you to shreds!"
Metal Man (GM): He flies, head-first, at Julian. *BONK.*
Julian: *BONK.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian is smashed into the ground. Then Archel powers up... ...and fires a beam of Magitek radiation at Julian.
Julian: *Yes, because Headbutt = Shutoff of Rocket Boots and 3 foot-deep crater.* *Also fuck you.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian's HP is halved; his damage and to-hits are halved; his items stop working; it'll take him twice as much to revive; he loses 1/4 of his current HP every round. These effects vanish if he dies and once he revives from that. (Editor's note: So, basically, he's screwed over every way imaginable. What a jerk.)
Dr. Archellago: "You think you're so great? You challenged the wrong man."
Metal Man (GM): He backhands Julian. Stun. Also, Magitek Radiation is contagious. With Dr. Archellago standing next to Julian, close-range attacks are ill-advised. It can poison Wolfman like anyone else, as it corrupts and damages everything it touches. Dr. Archellago is only safe because of his shield. Which has taken a horrendous beating.
Dragoshi: *Not gonna risk healing the doc... So, he Tidal Blast Barrages the doc!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit miss hit. Hit hit crit miss hit hit. He gets pummeled.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi fires off an Ice Tornado shot at the doc!*
Metal Man (GM): It's fluctuating, and several of his crystals have died. Hit. But it continues glowing blue. How annoying. He's on the ground. His shield's looking bad, though.
Julian: *Fuck off >:O*
Dahl: *saves her turn.*
Wolfman attempts to try something else crazy. He runs to the nearest wall, and jump towards it. Mimicking Mario, he hopes to bounce off it, getting extra air towards Archel. At that time, he takes pot shots at Archel with his Forehead Buster attack: 2 shots should do.
Metal Man (GM): Miss, hit.
Wolfman hopes to land safely for this stunt.
Metal Man (GM): He floats up and away from Julian (possibly realizing the danger of it himself), then he aims at Dragoshi and fires two ABSURDLY LARGE LASERS.
Dragoshi: *Stayin' alive...:p*
Dr. Archellago: "In just three rounds, I can finish this battle and claim victory!"
Wolfman: "Why 3?"
Metal Man (GM): Blindness only lasts a round.
Dragoshi: *'Kay. Drag then throws one of his Trimates to Julian >_>*
Metal Man (GM): It hits Julian. It becomes radioactive. Julian is healed. ...Julian is radioactive as if he had received phazon!
Dragoshi: "...What the heck?" o_o;;
Julian: *...What?*
Metal Man (GM): 2x accuracy, 2x damage; however, Julian takes 50 damage per turn.
Julian: *Oh no, 50 damage >:O*
Metal Man (GM): Trimate is pure energy; it was then corrupted by the Magitek radiation, making it... Phazon.
Dr. Archellago: "You fools! That will permanently damage his DNA!"
Dragoshi: *Blinks then facepalms wondering what new monster he Anyway, el Drago kickasso shoots that EVAL Doctor with an Ice Tornado shot. >_>*
Wolfman: "And I thought you wanted to experiment on us with Magitek!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit. It's still up, yes. But it's just about to die.
Dragoshi: *Tidal Blast Barrage!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit hit hit hit. The shield takes a huge amount of damage. It's nearly dead...
Dr. Archellago: "Hmph! You have proven nothing! Take this magitek! I need only what I have now..."
Metal Man (GM): He hurls a huge bunch of crystals to the ground and flies through the roof, vanishing.
Wolfman: "..."
Dahl: "...awww I was going to sap his power too..." *pouts cutely.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian is now all hyper, surrounded by Magitek crystals... ...and nothing to hit with it.
Julian: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Wolfman: "..."
Wolfman backs away... slowly.
Dragoshi: *Does the same...*
Dex: "Magitek crystals successfully obtained... several high-quality ones."
Dahl: *blinks and head tilts.*
Dragoshi: "How high-quality?"
Dex: "It appears Dr. Archellago chose to give them up rather than die, for they are the highest quality ever seen."
Dragoshi: "...Wow. They'll be rather useful, then..."
Julian: *Julian gets up from where he was lying, stares at the hole in the roof.* "...I'm gonna choke that sonuvabitch." *Julian goes to gather up those crystals... It seems that therapy is very nice.*
Wolfman: *facefaults.*
Dex: "Also, Julian will require some... healing... reverse the effects of the radioactive Phazon... otherwise he will soon crave radioactive materials."
Dragoshi: "...Yea..."
Wolfman: .oO(...okay, where is the Julian we know and love, attempting to destroy any and all in his way?)
Metal Man (GM): The crystals are gathered: One warp appears, back to HQ, for the crystals; another to the Blue Moon.
Dragoshi: "...Anyway, all that remains are those Atlantean ores, right?"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers still need the minerals, but they shouldn't be hard to get.
Julian: *Julian deposits those crystals into their warp.* "So where we goin' next?"
Wolfman: "Yes. The moon of Turion, Heaven."
Dahl: "...hmmmm."
Julian: "We got a bad history with moons. 2-1 we find some whacked-out alien up there declarin' himself the King of the Universe."
Dragoshi: "What was the 1?"
Wolfman: "Dahl, care to explore a moon on a different universe?"
Dahl: *taps her chin.* "I am actually thinking about going back to the old base for a moment ..."
Julian: "Odds? You ever hear of statistics when you was dimension-hoppin', Drag?" *Heads into the warp TO DA MOON.*
Dragoshi: "...Good point." *Facepalms.* *Heads into the moon warp as well.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP.*
Dahl: "...But ...It's not going anywhere ...I hope." *heads in!*
Wolfman takes moon warp.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* The Questers are on the moon. True to form, there's plenty of Atlantean minerals laying here... The only obstacle is mining them, as they're stuck on the ground, in giant boulders, and in the sides of mountains.
Wolfman: "...more digging?"
Dragoshi: "...Apparently so."
Wolfman attempts to do digging then.
Julian: *Checks how badly they are stuck in the ground.*
Dahl: *walks over and hmmms... and tries to 'power torch' (Flaeli) some off the boulder.*
Metal Man (GM): Not very badly. It'd just take some digging...
Dragoshi: *Attempts to assist Wolfman.*
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Dahl melts the weaker surrounding minerals and reveals a big chunk of ore.
Dahl: "...whoa ... Hey guys check this out..." *keeps at it, melting the weaker stuff away.*
Julian: *Julian'll be taking that Ore.* "Got it. How much'd Metal say we needed?"
Metal Man (GM): Wolfman digs out some stuff. Dragoshi assists. The Questers have two now.
Dex: "Three should do."
Dragoshi: *Looks for nearby boulders.*
Metal Man (GM): Plenty nearby. This place is basically made of it.
Julian: *Julian'll aim to Haymaker one of those boulders to see if he can knock the Ore loose. If he kills the ore... hey, another bolder.*
Wolfman will then dig another boulder.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi proceeds to Ice Tornado one of the boulders, possibly freezing it. And when it's frozen, he would then flipkick it.*
Metal Man (GM): *Dig/Melt/Whatever.* The Questers get another ore. And now they have all that they need; the warp home appears.
Dragoshi: *Decides to dig up one last extra ore, just in case...*
Julian: *Julian picks up that chunk of ore he knocked loose.* "An' that makes 3..." *sees Drago and Wolf.* "An' 4 & 5. Better to have more than less."
Dragoshi: *Nods.* "That it is."
Wolfman: "...I'm surprised none of us have died by being on this moon. Must have an atmosphere available for breathing for most of you."
Dragoshi: "Well, this place is called Heaven."
Dex: "This moon is 'heaven', with oxygen, constant 70 degrees with a small breeze."
Julian: "We didn't die on Nintendus' moons either. Clean this place up an' you could have a nice lil' resort..."
Dragoshi: "Mhm..."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers look around; It's miles and miles of shiny blue rock.
Wolfman: "Let's worry about that idea later."
Metal Man (GM): Some parts contain ore; some are sandy.
Dahl: *mrrs.*
Metal Man (GM): It's a little lonely, but it isn't deadly... although one would need food to live here.
Wolfman doesn't need food at least.
Julian: *Files that idea away in a part of his mind...* "So we got everythin'?"
Dragoshi: "...Yea. That, and and the ores would be very useful for stuff... So, I-Yea. We've acquired the depleted uranium, the Magitek, and now the ores..."
Metal Man (GM): The warp home awaits.
Dragoshi: "I believe there's nothing else."
Wolfman: "...I still wonder if there is a trick, but oh well."
Wolfman takes the warp.
Dragoshi: *WARP... ENTERU.*
Julian: "Then let's book." *Julian heads into the warp, carrying two chunks of ore.*
Metal Man (GM): Mission Complete.
Dahl: *goes to find a nice place to sit and look over that knife she has now.* "..."
Julian: *Julian drops the Ore off where it's supposed to be... then heads for his room/office, presumably to talk to his agent about the cost of running a resort on a small moon.*
Dragoshi: *Does the same with the ores he's collected, then find somewhere to sit to reflect on past stuff.*
Wolfman: *drops all off, goes back to couch, SLEEP.*
Dragoshi: .oO(Hmmm... What was that sword Void had, anyway? ...Should I tell this to someone? ...Hrm, decisions, decisions. Also, how the heck will I know when the 'Final Day' is, anyway?)
Dahl: *mrrs and yawns.* "...I am going to have to go back and get more of this..."
Dragoshi: "...Why's that?"
Julian: *Julian walks past Dragoshi on the way to the kitchen to presumably make himself something to eat.* "Yo, Drago, catch." *Julian reaches into one of the front pockets on his vest, pulls out one of his Trimates, and wings it over to Dragoshi. Note that this doesn't mean Julian is USING it on Dragoshi.* *Fanfare.*
Dragoshi: *Catches it.* "Thanks, Julian." *Pockets it.* "...Hmm." *Decides to head over to Metal's office to talk to him about the strange thing that happened when the man-eating couch, well... ate him. >_>*
Metal Man sits in his chair as the door opens. "Hmmm... must find some new cases for my war trophies."
Dragoshi: *Walks in, and looks at Metal.* "Hey, boss... Mind if I share with you information of something... strange that happened a couple of days ago?"
Metal Man: "Of course."
Dragoshi: "Okay, then. So, after my crystal disappeared from my inventory and you and Wolfman left the room, the crystal reappeared... On one of the couches. I walked over to it, took the crystal, and the couch ate me."
Metal Man: "More time screwiness? I wonder what else was broken. Er... go on."
Dahl: *Mrrs.*
Dragoshi: "At which point I ended up in a rather... decayed castle. Music was playing, though it sounded like the player of said music was messing up, and even dropping his hand. I then walked up the stairs and saw various pictures..."
Metal Man: "Mmmhmmm..."
Dragoshi: "Pictures of that of a weird Charles-looking man who had... 13 men chained in said castle, oh and some of Kuja and his empire. Heck, I think I also saw a burnt-out silhouette and a picture of Gerald as well. But, anyway, once I went up the steps, there was a door hanging on one hinge, and from behind said door was the one playing that music. So, I opened the door, and came across..."
Metal Man: "This sounds somewhat familiar, I've been tracking everything. Though the castle isn't quite as important as whatever this appears to lead up to."
Dragoshi: "The Void, who had strange white patches on his being and was playing horribly, then stopped . He said he had summoned me. Also, he was leaning on a strange pearly white sword, as his eyes barely even pierced the air to see me. He then said that the crystal was a key to salvation and time was altered. The alteration was good, but said something about it being 'no longer as nothing' and that it is restored to proper power, making it a useful tool again. He returned the crystal to me, and said that 'the man with the blue gun' had nothing to do with it, and his actions had damaged reality, thus made the crystal not exist."
Dragoshi: "He then told me to keep the crystal and use it on the 'final day' or all else should be lost. Oh, and to ally with the blue gun man and his symbol too. He then said the Destroyer is not what I think it is nor what I'd expect, for he is not that which seems easily correct. He then told me that 'The final day is only the beginning. It is the first day that you must fear.'"
Dragoshi: "And after that, he told me the Destroyer is what he is, and he couldn't tell me his name or place. And, before I could do or say anything else, he held up his sword, and played some sort of strange melody with it, which caused me to vanish and get sent back to here."
Metal Man: "Ah, so The Void was speaking gibberish again." *He shrugs.* "It's just good he didn't harm you."
Dragoshi: "...Yea. It's strange, though... But, anyway. Do you know of anyone that has a symbol and a blue gun? 'Cause, I have a bad feeling about this..." *Sigh.*
Metal Man: "Considering he was once a part of me, I'm sure he was just sowing confusion. He's too weak to harm anybody really, anyway."
Dragoshi: "...Right. Got any idea one what the sword might be, though?"
Metal Man: "Unsure, exactly. Too many to keep track of."
Dragoshi: "Too many pearly white swords? ...Huh. ...I guess that's all I have to mention for now. I'll tell you more if I get anymore information related to such matters..." *Bows, then would proceed to exit the room.*
Metal Man (GM): Dahl Mallos is at HQ, with everything as normal. Metal Man sits at his desk in the Big Room.
Wolfman is in R&R if required.
Dahl: *Looking over that shard of glass as she walks into the big room.* "Hmmm. Hey Metal? ..."
Metal Man: "Yes?"
Dahl: "I was wondering... If you could open a portal to that old base we where at last time ? ...I have something I need to get from there " ^^
Metal Man: "Oh. Yes." *shrugs and flips a switch; a warp appears.*
Dahl: "Is there anything you wanted from there? This may take me some time."
Metal Man: "No, not really."
Wolfman eventually gets into the Big Room. "Evening Metal, Dahl." He notices a warp open. "...mission again?"
Dahl: "Evening... and no not really ... more of a personal errand."
Wolfman: "Want some company? There is nothing good on the television. Just more of Worlds Funniest Thwomp Smashings."
Dahl: "Umm sure." ^^
Dragoshi: *Walks on in and notices the warp.* "...Huh."
Traon is now there. Only this time he doesn't come in on Wolf's back. This time he appears to be sitting on Dahl's shoulders.
Wolfman gets a look at who else joined. Dragoshi, Alexia, and... "...Traon? What are you doing on her?"
Dragoshi: "...How the flux did you get there?"
Traon: "Hey, I told you next time I come in unexpectedly, its going to be on her. I never go back on my word. Dragoshi, your next."
Dahl: "... Umm." ^^; "Soo ...I am going now." ^^; *heads to the warp.* "If you're coming let's go~" *giggles.*
Wolfman simply follows Dahl.
Metal Man (GM): Dahl is warped out.
Alexia: "Hrm... I guess I should give this back to Julian soon."
Alexia heads into the warp.
Traon follows as well.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers all appear at the abandoned lab, next to the giant glass wall. Several chunks were taken out of it earlier, however more can be easily obtained.
Wolfman: "I remember this room. This was the glass room... the glass I couldn't penetrate. ...are we picking up more of this?"
Dahl: "...great!" *pulls out the Dex.* "Nice aim with the warp Metal!" *She giggles and starts to cut rather large pieces out of it.* "Yes~."
Alexia: "For what?"
Wolfman finds a set of glass that he can easily carry, and attempts to pick it up.
Dragoshi: *Assists with the cutting.*
Dahl: "For some projects I have in mind." ^^ "Like some weapon coating... making some stuff... armor."
Wolfman: "Free materials, in other words."
Metal Man (GM): Within a few moments, Dahl gains quite a bit of glass pieces. However;
Dex: "These pieces have limited use; in practice, the material is likely to break repeatedly over time. Use carefully, lest you use it all up extremely quickly."
Dahl: "I know I was going to use it to coat weapons really... Thus not using to much at once." ^^
Wolfman: "Do we have enough?"
Dahl: "More then enough to coat every one's weapon once I think." ^^ *grabs some and heads into the warp.*
Wolfman: "Be careful: I use "twin" claws!" *follows Dahl out.*
Alexia: "...Huh. That was fast." *heads back into the warp as well.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers return to HQ, and notice something important about the glass.
Dragoshi: "Eh." *Heads back to the warp...*
Metal Man (GM): It's not actually pure glass. There's a material between two outer pieces of glass, with another clear material in the center. It's layered, so melting it would create something else unlikely to work the same as this fusion.
Alexia: "Hey, Metal, is there a clear night sky out tonight?"
Metal Man: "No."
Dahl: *blinks.* "...huh ... I will have to run some tests on this stuff..."
Alexia: "Aww... I wanted to go out and watch the stars. Oh, well."
Wolfman turns over his pieces to Dahl.
Alexia heads out of Metal's office and goes to Julian's room.
Dahl: *she smiles and carries the pieces off the be studied.*
Alexia: "Hey, Julian, can I come in?"
Julian: *Knock first.*
Alexia: "...Oh, wait." *knock knock.*
Julian: "It's open."
Alexia opens the door and hands the Wolfos hide to Julian. "Here ya go."
Julian: *Julian would be at his desk, drawing something... Julian gestures with a free hand.* "Jus' throw it somewhere over there."
Alexia: "...Okay. Thanks for letting me use it."
Alexia tosses it onto the floor, shuts the door, and heads back to her room.
Julian: "No problem." *Is currently focused on drawing.*

