Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 471: Team Rocket's Murky Mess
Date: October 26th, 2007.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are at HQ, now with one less sniper and one less radioactive maniac prowling about. However, that leaves Team Rocket's apparent threat, as well as Bowser's base in Mute City and Ganondorf's control of Saturn Valley. Despite closer ties with The Galactic Federation, the Questers haven't managed to find Metal Man either.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi checks to see if the Dex has some sort of Notepad function...*
Metal Man (GM): It does.
Digifanatic: *looks at choices* "I'm thinking Ganondorf. We should have gotten him last time, but then we know what happened..."
Metal Man (GM): They aren't really 'choices', but rather overall mission objectives.
Panzer is just sitting by idly, half asleep in a near-by chair, still somewhat tired from the other day of fun ad adventure.
Kamui: *Hangs back and keeps quiet, his arms resting across his chest with his eyes closed as if in deep thought* "..."
Metal Man (GM): As freeing Saturn Valley from Redeads won't likely expose Ganondorf himself. Also sitting around is stuff showing Lakitu 'WANTED: 100 coins reward' and such.
Chancé: "Yes, we really should help the Saturn Vally peopl-- creatures."
Metal Man (GM): The Stadium, additionally, isn't fully rebuilt. More enemies could come around.
Valentine Kilmer: "How troublesome this is becoming."
Chancé: "Do you have an idea Val?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah... but this is not news to us. We have dealt with many scenarios on top of each other before."
Dragoshi: .oO(Okay, good. Now that I know this thing has a freaking notepad function... Which I really could've been using instead of an actual notepad, but anyway... I can now record every idiotically bad problem with this group. Well, equipment-wise, anyway.)
Kamui: "So our base is not completely fortified?"
Dragoshi: "Somewhat more than before, but not completely."
Panzer rises and stretches, popping a few joints and walks around a little. "What's the drill this time, kiddies?"
Metal Man (GM): The list of things to do is quite high, so the question is, what is most important to do today?
Digifanatic: "Getting there, though."
Valentine Kilmer: "My suggestion is to get a fully working base so it isn't defenseless for another attack."
Metal Man (GM): Screens blink by the world's condition, showing it to be decent but relatively chaotic, with all the movement of late.
Panzer: "Then get off your ass and start rebuilding, and get others to help you.
SIMBER: "The GF is currently on our side. However, we only negotiated for troops."
Panzer: "Then someone contact them and negotiate for someone to help us rebuild. Questers are useless when it comes to anything that requires thinking and proper execution, as I've seen from the last battle alone."
Valentine Kilmer: "That can be the defense while the Questers so gather more supplies."
Digifanatic: "True."
Valentine Kilmer: "So I would have to agree on Panzer's method."
Kamui looks over towards SIMBER, then looks at his own left hand cracking his knuckles silently by closing one finger, opening it up, then closing another finger. "Panzer, behave. Rude criticism is not constructive at the time being."
Dragoshi: *Busy checking out what useful functions the Dex has aside from the obvious* "But, it's true."
Chancé: "The people of Saturn Valley may be able to help us, after we sort out their problem."
Panzer looked over at Kamui. "Look kid, I'm something of a legend, don't tell me what to do, or next time, you can be my shield."
SIMBER: "I have contact now, but they remain relatively ambivalent about sending us defense supplies. Something about 'the home front.'"
Valentine Kilmer: "Now now, you two. You two can fight when the stadium is rebuilt."
SIMBER: "They request either some money or aid to their own cause."
Valentine Kilmer: "What kind of aid?"
Kamui: "Not one I've ever heard of." *He said towards Panzer, then looks over to SIMBER.*
Panzer: "Why leave to fight someone else's war when you know you might not have a home to come back to?"
Digifanatic: "Hmm... I'm willing to head over there, considering the task is right."
SIMBER: "Specifically, there are many areas in which Space Pirates have invaded their planet, Norion."
Dragoshi: "Specific areas being...?"
SIMBER: "They are requesting if we wish for defensive aid, that we flush out space pirates. Whom have equipment lesser than, but of similar type, to the phazon sniper. All of the areas are characterized by insane phazon zombies and space pirates."
Digifanatic: "Hmm... possibly a plan."
Panzer: "That should be last on the list. It would be suicide for us to go there. You have to be properly prepared for shit like that and none of you are."
Digifanatic: "Or not."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Panzer chuckles darkly. "Hell. You can't even listen to blatant orders."
SIMBER: "Indeed. Their own soldiers can't really do the job."
Chancé: "I agree with Panzer."
SIMBER: "We could also buy the supplies, but where are we going to get money from?"
Digifanatic: *sigh* "I get too ambitious..."
Panzer: "No one will help us unless we go and do something for us first, but I'm not fond of kissing ass. As for supplies, why not borrow some from the enemy?"
Valentine Kilmer: "However, if you can collect enough supplies, I can build a device to take care of the zombies."
Chancé: "I still say we help the people in S. Vally... Also Redeads are not normal Zombies.."
SIMBER: "Easily done." *Several locations of enemy bases appear* "But where? Redeads don't have supplies." *He chuckles.*
Dragoshi: "What about the castle... Would that possibly have any supplies that may be of use?" :/
Valentine Kilmer: "That they do not."
Panzer shrugs. "A better plan would be to find out how to make a suit of some kind that negates phazon technology. Going to fight the pirates would be useless, because it would be just me fighting, and if they get away, they will know how I work, and what makes me able to negate the technology, then I will also be at risk, from the way they adapt."
Valentine Kilmer: "A suit is simple to make as well."
Panzer: "Then start making one, mouth."
Valentine Kilmer: "Do you have the required supplies for one?"
Panzer: "I was never told what to have for one."
Valentine Kilmer: "You never asked."
Kamui grins chuckling at Valentine.
Chancé: "Now, now arguing will get us nowhere. SIMBER, what base would you recommend?"
Panzer: "You people think I'm a big ass closet or something. I'm just a soldier for crying out loud, God damn." She huffed, turning her head down to her right shoulder, the old, half-worn insignia of the RepliForce there, etched into her armor and painted. She stood up once more. Great. Now Kamui and Val were teaming up on her, no problem. She just laughed.
Deloth: *walking in* "What'd I miss?"
Valentine Kilmer: "I'll make a list out. You will need to collect the number of items that best fit how many you will need."
Panzer: "So you're not coming with us, mouth?"
Valentine Kilmer: "No. I trust they'll do fine under your leadership, Panzer."
Panzer chuckles once more. "My leadership? No. They don't have the discipline to listen to me."
SIMBER: "Team Rocket seemed to be working around with the sniper people... and we already discussed them having a base. Which... would have supplies."
Digifanatic: "I'd listen to her if it was necessary, and if she wants us to listen, I will."
SIMBER: "Perhaps we should check it out?"
Dragoshi: "Yea... But, what'd the base look like again? Do we have a picture of it?"
Kamui: "If it's going to move us forward, then I have no choice but to listen."
Dragoshi: *The 'Yea...' being in response to the fact the base would have supplies...*
Valentine Kilmer: "I think they're willing, Panzer. Give them a reason to as well."
Panzer looked dully at SIMBER. "I suggested 'borrowing' supplies from the enemy about twenty minutes ago."
SIMBER: "And you earlier mentioned such a base."
Chancé: "Which is why I asked what base SIMBER recommended, Panzer."
SIMBER: "The base, from my calculations, is at or near Peach's castle. Unless anyone has a better idea, I'd recommend we go there, from what all of you have said."
Panzer: "Whatever is closest. I'm getting old, bite me." She rolled her eyes. "Then where would be the most likely place for that base to be, Barrel Volcano?
Valentine Kilmer: "I highly suggest that opinion. I have a question, SIMBER."
SIMBER: "Yes?"
Valentine Kilmer: "Metal Man had a room next to his office. Is that still intact?"
SIMBER: "No. Burnt to a crisp, with most of what was left destroyed. So, are we agreed on the base idea?"
Panzer just laughs. "It might be better to just leave this old place alone and start on a fresh stadium with a more defensible position. I think it would take more supplies to shore up the existing shell and rebuild than it would to make a new one."
SIMBER: "Funny you say that, that's what was done with this one." *He shakes his head* "We never expected it to become a war zone."
Valentine Kilmer: "A pity. Now then I need to borrow a Dex and I'll input what's needed for the suits."
Deloth takes his Dex out and tosses it to Valentine.
Panzer sighs. "Morons. You'd think after you've had a few bases destroyed, you'd think to build it more like a fortress, not a fucking stadium."
Dragoshi: "..." *Too busy looking through his Dex to sort through what features in it are useful, and what ones are just shiny, useless stuffz. :/*
Valentine Kilmer: *She quickly shuffles out of the way and lets the dex bounce off the ground.* "Be more careful." *She kneels down and picks the Dex up, then begins to toy with it like Dragoshi.*
Chancé: "Hmmhmm... Be right back."
Deloth: "...You were supposed to catch it, not let it crash to the ground like a falling tree limb!"
SIMBER: "Since... nobody's got a better idea..." *The warp rooms turn on* "The warp is open to the Peach's Castle area."
Metal Man (GM): The kitchen is just fine.
Chancé runs quickly to the kitchen.
Deloth heads for the warp.
Panzer looks over at Val. "God. You're of no fucking use at all. Can't even catch something that weighs half a fucking pound. I don't see why they keep you around."
Kamui: *watches the others, then looks over to Panzer with furrowed eyebrows* "Lead on."
Panzer looks over at Kamui. "No, since you think you're something special, why don't you play leader, oh high and mighty one."
Valentine Kilmer: *She finishes pressing in what's needed and hands the DEX back to Deloth before he leaves.* "To teach one to handle useful items with care."
Kamui: "... Stubborn old goat." *he turns and walks off for the portal.*
Digifanatic: *warps, not saying anything before he goes in.*
Panzer crosses her arms, half-tempted to shoot Kamui, following along last into the warp.
Metal Man (GM): It is roasted quite effectively;
Deloth rolls his eyes as he takes his Dex back. She COULD have just caught it, but NOOOOO...
Valentine Kilmer: "I wish for the quester's success."
Metal Man (GM): It now cures more HP, though. Even cooked, there's not much Chancé can do with a mushroom.
Chancé: "Hmm, that idea worked..."
Chancé heads to the warp.
Dragoshi: *Moseys on along to the warp, still busy with his stuff.*
Metal Man (GM): WWWWWWARP. The Questers all appear in front of Peach's castle. Interestingly, the landscaping has changed. Quite a bit.
Panzer starts wandering away, looking for that unique sandy soil.
Dragoshi: *He checks how has said landscaping has changed.*
Metal Man (GM): It's now rather flat, with some leafless trees arranged in front, and a path which leads to a waterfall behind, and a large lake to the right. The very soil Panzer seeks can be seen in broad daylight, surrounding the lake.
Panzer starts down the path for the waterfall, ignoring the others for the moment.
Metal Man (GM): Indeed, there's more footprints. One can also walk into the castle. This area is peaceful.
Deloth: *follows the footprints... Something really doesn't feel right about this.*
Digifanatic: *also decides to check out the prints--who knows whose those are.*
Panzer looks at the footprints after a moment, kneeling to check for the depth, seeing if they're a little too deep, indicating they were made on purpose.
Kamui: *looks over towards Panzer, then Deloth. It seemed everyone was going off and doing their own thing. He follows after Dragoshi for the time being.*
Metal Man (GM): The footprints are the same 'R' ones. The others also see Panzer walking that way.
Dragoshi: *Decides to climb up one of the trees to try and get a good view of things.*
Metal Man (GM): The footprints appear to be of normal height. Sloppy, too--several people, running in a hurry. Some of them look like they were deformed by getting wet.
Panzer continues along the path, then.
Panzer gets near to the waterfall, still on the path. She figured there was a cave behind the waterfall, most likely.
Metal Man (GM): The footprints here actually walk by the waterfall and then double back to the lake. Panzer can't tell what they're like by the lake, but it seems like they walked in front of the castle first. The castle itself is strangely silent.
Panzer crosses her arms, looking down into the lake.
Deloth: "Hrm..."
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi's attempt at climbing up one of the trees to get a good overhead view of the area?*
Metal Man (GM): The prints appear to come from the lake.
Deloth looks at Panz, following her gaze down to the lake...
Deloth: "Want me to check it out, Panz?"
Kamui: *looks over towards Dragoshi* I'm checking the castle, call me on the comm if you see anything. *With that, he turns and walks off to the castle.*
Metal Man (GM): The lake is murky and very deep.
Panzer jumps into the lake, then, sinking right to the bottom without a word, looking around.
Digifanatic: "I won't argue with her..."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer would get deep into the lake... but see virtually nothing. After a certain depth, it's perfectly murky and dark.
Deloth: "...Guess not."
Metal Man (GM): Kamui would reach the door of the castle.
Panzer looks around, walking around on the bottom, watching the walls and whatnot, somewhat confused for the moment.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi discovers that the tree is beautiful.
Kamui: *looks at the door of the castle, looking it over carefully to see if there was something that it could tell him, looking for any kind of odd marks.*
Metal Man (GM): Kamuisees a normal door, worn by constant use. Panzer would walk on the bottom. Walking would disturb the sediments on the bottom, making it even harder to see. Somewhere in here, though, something glittered...
Deloth: "Well, since the lake's covered by her..."
Panzer follows the shiny thing :D
Deloth heads into the castle.
Kamui: *Brings a hand around, tapping the door at first making sure nothing happened.*
Digifanatic: "Yeah, should head back for now..."
Metal Man (GM): Kamui taps the door. The door slowly opens. A Toad Butler looks up to him.
Chancé: "Hmm..."
Toad: "Hello, sir. Have you come to see the princess?"
Deloth points a thumb over his shoulder. "Ask them. I didn't get our mission goal."
Dex: "Mission goal--find Team Rocket base."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer finds a shopping cart somebody dumped down here.
Deloth: "Ehrm... then, uh, not yet. But we might need to soon."
Panzer blinks, looks for something else to give her a clue.
Kamui: *looks down towards the toad person, blinking once* "Yes sir, um... I'm with the questers and um..." *he looks over his dex to see what he was suppose to do.*
Metal Man (GM): Panzer would see some discarded, broken goggles of some kind. They have the R insignia on them.
Deloth heads back to the waterfall, looking at it. Why did they even go over here?
Dex: "Find the Team Rocket base."
Metal Man (GM): It looks like there's a cave at the waterfall Deloth can climb into.
Panzer picks them up and looks at them, dropping them and continuing on.
Kamui: "Have you seen anything suspicious, like giant R's planted in walls or floors?"
Toad: "Ah, you want to find Team Rocket. But I haven't seen any such rockets or teams here recently."
Deloth climbs up and into the cave, shaking some of the water off of himself once he gets in.
Toad: "Perhaps milady has, but she is very busy... all the time."
Kamui: *Nods his head* "May I come in and look around?"
Metal Man (GM): Nothing much else Panzer can see down here.
Toad: "Of course, that is what the foyer is for."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth climbs up into the cave. He finds a green ! block.
Panzer turns back and picks them up, holding them up to her face.
Deloth: "...Weird." *scans it.*
Kamui: *Nods his head, blinking once. He walks inside the castle, looking around carefully in the room he just entered.*
Deloth's Dex: "This block formerly gave a hat of some kind. Now it appears to have been altered. Unknown function of the box."
Metal Man (GM): Kamui enters a wide foyer--must have been remodeled. There's portraits on the walls. Panzer can see slightly more clearly with the goggles on.
Chancé heads towards the castle. "Busy? With what?"
Panzer puts them on :D
Metal Man (GM): However, all but the upper right corner of the glass is broken. It has a weird green tint.
Kamui: "... Nice place." *he said, not really talking to anyone. He looks around for anything suspicious, in case the toad might have missed something.*
Metal Man (GM): One can, however, potentially see things they couldn't before with the goggles which do almost nothing.
Deloth: "Hrm." *hits the box.*
Digifanatic: *walks in and takes a look around... he checks the walls to see if anything is out of place*
Panzer tries to calibrate her visual capacity to match and/or enhance the effects of the goggles.
Metal Man (GM): Kamui discovers that somebody put computer chips in the potato chips. However, that (seemingly) isn't so dangerous, as nobody would dare touch them anyway.
Kamui: o_O *Walks over to the potato chips, looking at the computer chips* Um...
Metal Man (GM): They're on a table, alongside a questionable looking dipping sauce, and some ancient coffee.
Toad: "Yes, sir?"
Metal Man (GM): Deloth hits the box. Out comes a pair of goggles.
Kamui: *he looks over to the toad person, then points at the questionable food* "Who was eating here last?"
Metal Man (GM): They also have a respirator.
Deloth: "...Huh. Cool."
Deloth grabs them and puts them on.
Metal Man (GM): Deloth can hardly see anything with them on! Panzer succeeds.
Panzer tosses them aside, then, and continues going, seeing that way normally now.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer now see normally. By that, Panzer sees a hatch which looks to be of the underwater pressurized diving hatch kind. Meanwhile, Digi would notice smudges on the walls. And somebody grafittied one of them with a red 'R'
Panzer mentally notes the spot in relation to the lake itself, then kicks off the bottom and swims up to the surface, looking for Deloth. "Deloth?"
Digifanatic heads over to the R-smudge and feels around it to see if anything's hidden.
Deloth takes the goggles off and looks at them, puzzled. What's the point of goggles you can't see through?
Panzer sighs and uses her comlink to talk to Deloth. "Hey you, hop in the lake. I found an underwater hatch and some weird goggles that negate the murkiness."
Deloth: "...Hrm. I wonder..."
Toad: "Who? I am not sure... it's been a long time."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth suddenly trips on a rock and passes out.
Kamui: *blinks, then gets on the comm* "Hey guys, I found something strange here. It's a bunch of computer chips mixed with potato chips. Does this mean anything to someone?"
Dex: "That is the third time that has happened. Perhaps we should replace him with a robot."
Panzer gets no response and assumes he's in the castle or something, so she sinks back to the bottom and starts opening the hatch.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi, seeing as he'll just get useless results if he tries to search from his spot up in the tree, instead decides to head over to the lake, and look around there.*
Digifanatic: "Hmm..." *Still feels around... goggles? Something else?*
Kamui: "..." *points the dex at the strange food and tries to scan it.*
Dex: "Mind control chips of some sort. Unknown purpose."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer finds the handles are rusted, making it hard to open.
Chancé decides to head into the castle.
Kamui: *blinks, then looks over towards toad* "You didn't eat any of these, did you?"
Toad: "No, I did not... I hate chips."
Metal Man (GM): Inside the castle, Chancé sees chips, other Questers, and a Toad.
Digifanatic: *Keeps searching to see if something's up this time around.*
Kamui: "Probably a good think." *he makes a note of the strange chips in his dex, then takes a number of chips and places them in his inventory for later study.* "Good thing."
Chancé: "So... when was this built anyway?"
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi continues boredly looking around the general shore area of the lake, seeing as he can't think of anything at the moment. :/*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi sees even more bootprints leading into the lake. Panzer turns the hatch open. However, underneath it is something strange;
Kamui: *he looks over to the toad person* "I suggest you go and take cover somewhere, something seems to be off." *He looks around, looking for anything of interest.*
Metal Man (GM): A computer requesting some sort of card for authorization.
Dragoshi: *He looks for any strange things nearby, like partially incomplete pyramids with holes in them. <_>*
Toad: "Nothing so dangerous to threaten me, I presume." *He continues wandering around the room.*
Metal Man (GM): Only bootprints heading into the lake, Dragoshi. Digi keeps finding the R on the wall and computer chips in the potato chips.
Panzer wonders if her rifle is good enough authorization? :D She looks to see if she can find a card around here somewheres.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer... finds none nearby.
Panzer looks more ><
Digifanatic: *sighs and goes over to the potato chips and scans them, getting the same things as Kamui got, and so on.*
Kamui: *looks over towards Digifanatic* "Hey."
Digifanatic: "Hello."
Metal Man (GM): Nothing down here to find, apparently, Panzer.
Panzer grumbles and looks more carefully to see if there is a number pad on it or something, so she won't have to use a card.
Chancé asks again... "So when did you notice the strange things around the castle?"
Kamui: *looks over towards the toad, belatedly answering* "As of the moment there doesn't seem to be any threat, but if you notice anyone acting out of the norm you run back to us and tells us what you find."
Dragoshi: "Maybe..." *Dragoshi suddenly gets back, then starts running towards the castle, then jumps, double jumps, triple jumps, and tries to take flight! So he can fly up to the top of the castle and get a better bird's-eye view. That, and he has nothing better to do. :/*
Toad: "Me? Not until you got in here. And of course, sir."
Chancé: "news of the Princess?"
Metal Man (GM): Panzer finds no number pad. The hatch requires a card. And looks to be rather safe.
Toad: "She seems to be fine at the moment."
Kamui: *looks over to Digi, then scans the area around carefully, his arms crossing along his chest as he walks around in circles.*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi bumps off the side of the castle. The people inside hear a large THUNK.
Panzer sits flat on her ass and grumbles, extending a claw to dig around in the card slot.
Dex: "I can't search for you, Mr. Scan everywhere."
Digifanatic: "I couldn't find much... I was hoping that there'd be something inside these walls."
Chancé looks around to see if there are any other rooms he can explore.
Digifanatic looks for a convenient staircase and takes it into another room.
Metal Man (GM): Kamui searches and reaches the R on the wall again. Digi would see the doors to other rooms are locked. Panzer dents and damages the machine, but it appears to require more than a claw to break. Possibly multiple people hitting it.
Digifanatic: "This is odd... all of the doors are locked."
Toad: "The foyer is customarily open to visitors."
Panzer was more or less trying to fool the scanner, but meh. She stands up and shoots the damn thing.
Dragoshi: *Okay, seeing as for no reason whatsoever the rolling for the second and third jumps on that attempt to get to the top of the castle was bypassed... Dragoshi tries to climb up it if the walls aren't smooth or anything like that.*
Digifanatic looks for any local means of unlocking devices.
Toad: "The castle is not."
Chancé: "So you saw nothing odd... yet there is a big R on the wall?"
Kamui: *looks towards the R on the wall, tilting his head to the side* "... Something is off here."
Toad: "Hm?" *He looks at the R* "Never saw that before. That would be the only odd thing."
Digifanatic: "I felt around and couldn't get anything, Kamui..."
Metal Man (GM): Digi sees the doors require keys.
Kamui: "Did you try scanning?"
Digifanatic: "No... it's a Team Rocket emblem."
Chancé: "Then the microchips in the chips is not weird dear toad?"
Toad: "I already told you, I hate chips."
Kamui: *takes note in his dex of the R in the foyer, then looks over to Toad* "... Something has me a little uneasy."
Digifanatic steps back down and into the foyer area.
Dragoshi: *He checks if the outside wall of the castle climbable or not.*
Chancé: "Then you took note of the R in front of the castle also?"
Metal Man (GM): They are.
Toad: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Chancé: .oO(Hmm...)
Metal Man (GM): *Underwater BLAM* The lock is damaged. It still doesn't seem to give.
Dragoshi: *Okay... Attempting to climb up them then...*
Metal Man (GM): Gonna need some sort of keycard, they have it secured tight. Dragoshi slowly climbs up... seeing from above what he already saw before.
Kamui: *walks towards the Toad, looking towards the mushroom creature* "The red R is right there, and for all we know, you could have eaten some computer chips and you're telling us that you don't like them..." *he stops right near the toad* "Because you're being told you don't like them."
Panzer's eye twitches and she storms off, switching her vision back to normal. She keeps the parameters of the goggle config. stored in her memory before storming into the castle. "Some one find me a fucking key card."
Dragoshi: *Looks for anything of interest on top of the castle.*
Toad: "That is quite silly. As for the R... I shall call some repairmen to deal with that."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi finds nothing. Only two footprint imprints where it is rumored Yoshi stood for 50 hours straight.
Kamui: "Rather curious that you'd want to get rid of evidence so quickly."
Panzer sees she'd being ignored and crosses her arms. "FIND ME A MOTHERFUCKING KEY CARD!"
Toad: "What is there to say about it? It is a red R. If you think there is something else to it, look for yourself."
Chancé: "What is your favorite pokemon?"
Kamui: *looks to the red R, then looks over to Panzer* "Panzer, I'm still in command I presume?"
Toad: "What's a poking... mon?"
Digifanatic: "Sorry, Panzer, I don't know where they are..."
Chancé: "Someone search around the R."
Chancé facepalms and thinks for a bit..
Digifanatic: "I tried, but I'll go for it again."
Panzer looks at Kamui. "If you want to be, I sure won't listen to your stupid ass. I've already located the entrance to the base and you're up here chatting with some little shit that has NOTHING to do with the mission."
Panzer leaves, walking back out side and searching the areas near the lake edges for a card.
Digifanatic: *heads back to that R and once again looks around, just for maybe-he-overlooked kicks?*
Metal Man (GM): No card to find at the beach, Panzer; however the R looked curious.
Digifanatic: *Doesn't seem like it.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi bumps into the R. It makes a hollow noise. Probably the potato chips.
Panzer goes back to the R and starts tapping around on it.
Dragoshi: *Looks at the footprints* "..Huh." *Checks to see if the waterfall is in his line of sight...*
Kamui: "... It was a mistake to bring her along." *He looks back towards the toad, then scratches his chin with a raised eyebrow* "Does Princess Peach eat potato chips?"
Chancé looks around for a poster?
Digifanatic: *gives Panz her chance to try.*
Metal Man (GM): Chancé trips and falls head-first into the potato chips.
Toad: "No, she does not."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer hears it make more hollow noises.
Chancé stands up and brushes himself off.
Metal Man (GM): The wall feels weak behind it.
Chancé: "Bleh."
Panzer steps back and shoots the R.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Chancé: "Well... that works. @@;"
Metal Man (GM): The hollowed out space flies open, spitting out a card which flies and hits Kamui in the face.
Panzer goes, retrieves the card and leaves, pushing Kamui over in the process.
Toad: "Hm. That would explain why the acoustics in this room were odd."
Metal Man (GM): He begins slowly cleaning up the potato chips.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi decides to jump off the castle, and use his wings to glide over to the waterfall. >_>*
Kamui: *gets a card shot in his face, then knocked over. He stands to his feet* "That is it! PANZER!" *He looked rather irritable now, walking off to find the woman.*
Chancé: *sees the card* "Is that what you were looking for?"
Digifanatic: .oO(NOT NOW!)
Panzer goes back down to the lake and jumps back into the lake, switches her vision back to goggle view and walking to the hatch, sliding the card through the slot.
Kamui: *looks down in the water* "You are not getting away from me that easily you bit-" *he jumps in the lake during talking, not finishing his sentence as he dives down after her.*
Metal Man (GM): Kamui walks off. Indeed, he would see Panzer leap into the lake. Kamui would then leap into the lake as well. Dragoshi sees Panzer and Kamui leaping into the lake. Chancé appears to be alone.
Panzer waits for the card to work.
Metal Man (GM): The Toad dusts himself off.
Toad: "Would you like a complimentary mint, sir? So sorry your friends couldn't have gotten along better."
Dragoshi: *Trying to glide over to waterfall.*
Chancé: "Thank you for your time... Sorry about the weird questions... And no thanks.."
Metal Man (GM): *CLICK* *SNAP* Nothing much to find there for Dragoshi.
Chancé: "Goodbye." *heads out*
Digifanatic: "Well, what do we do now, Chancé? I dunno if we should get into the argument between... ah, well." *heads out.*
Metal Man (GM): On the bottom, the hatch opens up fully, revealing a chamber below. Below the lake, that is. Panzer would see Kamui diving, diving, diving after her.
Panzer hops down, retrieving the card and pocketing it. She just ignored Kamui. It was a deep lake, and he had to breathe, unlike her.
Metal Man (GM): Chance is outside, with Digi.
Kamui: *swims down after Panzer, only to try and aim a kick to the back of her head.*
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi would then climb up the waterfall, for the sake of it, seeing as he might as well make some use of himself. That, and he doesn't know that Del already went up said waterfall.*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi climbs up the waterfall, knocks out some goggles, the goggles land on his head, then he falls backwards over the waterfall into a river leading to the lake. Meanwhile, the chamber both Panzer and Kamui are in is shut; the water drains.
Chancé: "Hmm, Dragoshi is flying and... falling... and... hey, what is that on his head?"
Metal Man (GM): And they're now inside the base; there's an entryway just ahead. If Kamui isn't still upset that interrogating a semi-senile butler wasn't getting anywhere.
Dragoshi: "Whoa!" *Falling backwards with new goggles. While wearing a yellow top hat on his head. Can this get any wackier? Yes, apparently. Dragoshi would then dive, to see if these goggles do something.*
Panzer turns and looks at Kamui. "Try and kick me again motherfucker. I don't care if you think you're in charge or not. You're a moron, here's a hint, to get something done you need to make progress. All I heard was you asking some little shit about some motherfucking potato chips. Yes. That's very relevant to the mission, isn't it?"
Kamui: *coughs up some water, then brings a hand around, pointing to Panzer* "You bitch, I don't care if you're president of bitch land, you go and push me again I will be sure to burn and toast you beyond repair!"
Panzer has had quite enough. She's nice and close to him, so she shoots Kamui, point blank, in the left temple.
Kamui: *ducks down from the blast.*
Metal Man (GM): Kamui is ka-blasted in the face, as Dragoshi sees that the goggles indeed, do something. Dragoshi sees an underwater hatch down there.
Metal Man (GM): Chancé would see Dragoshi go underwater.
Chancé jumps after Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *He swims on over to it.*
Panzer looks down at him. "Now. Drop it kid. Shut up, go your way and I'll go mine kid."
Chancé attempts to follow him, while holding his breath.
Metal Man (GM): Instead of dying, Kamui is temporarily KOed by crashing into the wall. Meanwhile, Chancé would have a hard time finding the hatch; he has to follow Dragoshi exactly. Dragoshi reaches the hatch.
Panzer waits for the room to open, then walks out, leaving him behind, very sick of it.
Dragoshi: *And, so the hybrid puts his hands on the hatch, and opens them up.*
Chancé tries his very hardest to follow Dragoshi.
Digifanatic sighs and goes for it... he's got to hold his breath for this one, and he doesn't have any goggles (*DRAMATIC CHORD*), but here we go... he jumps into the lake and heads for the hatch.
Metal Man (GM): A few moments later, Dragoshi opens the hatch, which remained authorized. He'd be surprised by Kamui, KO'd, inside, the others following him. Once all are inside, the hatch would close, water drain out, and the door open to reveal an under-lake catwalk with Panzer already at the door ahead. That door being double-locked by padlocks. Kamui would wake up, his head hurting.
Kamui: x.x
Panzer grumbles and she tries to pick one of the locks with a claw, digging around in it.
Dragoshi: "...Right." *Shakes his head, and carefully enters.*
Chancé: "Lead the way Dragoshi."
Metal Man (GM): It's another evil, heavy door.
Kamui: *sits up, rubbing his head growling* "Hell with this." *he stands up slowly* "I'm gonna see about getting a transfer." *He rubs were he was shot.*
Chancé: "There is no way to transfer, silly."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer seems unable to break the door. The other Questers catch up to her.
Dragoshi: "Hmm..." *Takes the goggles off, and puts them away, keeping them for later.*
Panzer grumbles and steps back, looking around to see if someone dropped a key or something.
Kamui: "... Who asked you." *he said as he walks off, that blast to his head not making anything better, if anything, it'd probably only make things worse.*
Chancé: "Would that keycard work?"
Panzer: "No. These are padlocks, not slots."
Panzer tries to pick the locks again.
Dragoshi: "Mind if I take a crack?"
Panzer: "Be my guest."
Panzer steps aside.
Metal Man (GM): It's a double-thick, black steel door. With a turn handle, which, seemingly, refuses to budge.
Dragoshi: "Thank you." *Dragoshi would then step up to the door, and glance at the door. He looks for what is keeping it locked.*
Digifanatic: "Well, just need to pick it some way."
Dragoshi: *He tries to pick one of them with his own claw.*
Kamui: *looks towards the locks* "... Theft, you go ahead and do it." *He turns and walks away from the group.*
Metal Man (GM): The lock confounds Dragoshi. No entry yet.
Chancé: "May... I, Have a try?"
Dragoshi: "Gah... It's been a while since I've had to try and pick locks. Also, sure. Let me just try one more time, though." *And, once more...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi finally picks the lock open. Only one more to go.
Panzer smirks. "Good one, get the other if you can. If not, I'll try."
Digifanatic: .oO(At least it's calming down a little bit...)
Dragoshi: "Okay, good. That's one down. And, now for the other... Gaw damn, it's been a while since I've done this. I should really find-." .oO(Or steal) "A lockpicking kit in the near future." *And, now for the other lock!*
Kamui: *he looks on at the group, he didn't attack Panzer again because she was the stronger one, and others were surrounding her. He rubs the place where he got shot, then leans against a wall sighing.*
Metal Man (GM): The lock finally breaks. The door opens up... ...Revealing the Rocket base. Several scientists are at work. They look at the Questers with disregard. There's boxes and boxes of materials inside this large, underground room. It appears they must coordinate something here; the boxes are mostly chemicals.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi moves to the side. >_>*
Panzer looks at the others. "I'll try to sneak around and find out what I can, you can do what you will, but I suggest grabbing needed supplies and bringing them out here."
Chancé: "Hmmhmm, nice work..."
Metal Man (GM): Of course, there's a door across this long hall, but a good question if anyone could get across.
Panzer waits until the scientists aren't looking, then slips along the wall to the inside of the opened door, looking about for traps and what-not.
Kamui: *yells in to the room* "Someone's trying to sneak in!"
Metal Man (GM): Panzer slips inside. No obvious traps, this place isn't really all that secret.
Digifanatic: .oO(OH NO HE DIDN'T!)
Panzer uses her camouflage ability.
Metal Man (GM): One of the scientists, looking disaffected, turns to look at Kamui.
Scientist: "Our experiments matter more than who sees them. If you could please shut up and let us work, then perhaps we wouldn't feel like tossing one of these--" *Holds a vial up* "at you. If you want to alert people... they're in the other room. Hmph." *He turns his back on Kamui.*
Panzer continues down the hall in the distraction, keeping out of the scientists' line of sight as much as possible.
Digifanatic sees if he can look at one of the boxes, trying to find information aside from Rocket logos.
Metal Man (GM): They don't seem to notice Panzer. Not like they care. In fact... Kamui distracted them more than he alerted them.
Kamui: *looks towards the vial, then walks on along* "Whatever, I just took a shot to my head from one of my supposed allies, I don't think anything else'd be worse."
Chancé: "Wow! That sounds interesting! It's not very often you see someone who is so dedicated in their work."
Panzer leaves the group behind and wanders around the hall, walking towards the other door, putting an ear to it.
Scientist: "If you could silence your friend here, I might tell you something."
Panzer looks up. "Got some spare rope and some tape? We don't want him."
Dragoshi: "Huhm? Oh, sure."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Panzer gets to another door. She'd listen to it... and hear muffled talking.
Panzer stops mid-sentence, listening closer to the muffled talking, waving a hand to the others to hush a minute.
Metal Man (GM): Nothing more than muffled talking. The scientist, with a Silph badge, shakes his head.
Scientist: "Those Rocket crones trapped us down here to do their bidding. They're in the other room, planning your probable demise. Some man with unusual technology failed his job. They're looking for something else."
Panzer looks back a moment, shrugging, trying to listen in again.
Kamui: *looks over to the Scientists* "What if we get you out of here?"
Scientist: "If you want to take them out, you'll need my help... but only if you can all work together, because there's no room for people who disrupt plans."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer hears a snippet.
Dragoshi: "Any examples of this unusual tech?"
Chancé: "Sounds interesting... explain?"
???: "--The man failed to kill them. Clearly, the great holder of the book needs us to try harder. Who do you have in mi--" It's muffled after that.
Kamui: "Pht, Panzer is out then."
Chancé: "Kamui, Panzer is better than you, stop acting like... well, an freaking egotistical idiot, eat your pride and work with us."
Digifanatic: *He's just waiting for Panzer.*
Chancé: "Well, not better, but more mature right now."
Panzer frowns. She walks silently back to the others, looking at the scientists. "We can work together well enough." She looks at Kamui. "I have no quarrel with you, personally. I shot you because you attacked me first. I also doubt that the other people on the team want you getting them all wasted by letting the enemy know you're here. Furthermore, I'll give you a good hint. We know where their base is, sure, here's another hint, if we can leave our tracks as minimal as possible. If we don't leave tracks, then they still think we dunno where they work from."
Dragoshi: *Ahems, then looks at the scientist* "Right. Anyway... What is this plan?"
Scientist: "We don't have much time. They're going to finish their meeting, and they always have a number of guards. They are easy to kill, but that'd alert them to your presence. All you need to do is this, for starters:" He points behind a bunch of boxes. "Hide here, they'll file out, don their aquatic gear, and vanish."
Dragoshi: "Of course, and that'd be bad..."
Scientist: "Then comes the tricky part... there's grunts up ahead. You'll have to beat them up. But first... do you understand the plan?"
Panzer: "Furthermore, that leaves us to be able to know when, where, and how they will attack us. If we barge in and make a show of ourselves, we'll be back to square one. Finding out where their new base is, because they will undoubtedly move from here, then we have to wait for us to hit them again for more clues to find them, get it? We can come back sometimes and install bugs and cameras."
Chancé: "Yes, hide and wait."
Digifanatic: "That's cool."
Kamui: *He simply ignored Panzer for now, listening to the scientist. He nods his head to the scientist, not saying a single word.*
Dragoshi: "Understood." *Dragoshi would then sneak over to the boxes, and hide behind 'em. If the scientist has nothing else to say, of course.*
Chancé would do the same as Dragoshi, with the same if nothing is left to be said.
Panzer motions to the boxes. "Start hiding, then." She noticed Kamui ignoring her, not caring. She picked a spot near the door, camouflaging herself using her armor's capabilities, behind some boxes, ear to the wall to listen in as best as possible.
Scientist: "Indeed. Go and hide, I shall see to it they don't check."
Kamui: *goes and hides behind the boxes, ducking down to where he's blocked from view.*
Digifanatic: *nods and goes for some box to hide behind. In a proper place, of course.*
Chancé hides under a box.
Metal Man (GM): Everyone is all properly hidden as the door finally opens after about... eh... 5-7 minutes. Giovanni, with a woman and a man following him, and then about 4 guards with visors and armor suits, walk out, inspecting the area as they walk.
Panzer stays hidden and still, just listening.
Kamui: *watches on from behind the boxes in which he hid behind.*
Dragoshi: *As does Drago.*
Metal Man (GM): Given a few moments, they wander off, carelessly leaving the door open behind them. A few more moments...
Scientist: "The coast is clear now."
Panzer steps out and nods, peeking out and looking both ways down the hall.
Chancé peaks out and stands up...
Chancé: "I must remember to give Snake a kick..."
Panzer: "Shh."
Chancé nods.
Kamui: *gets out from behind his box, then walks over towards the door only to stop to the side of the door.*
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi would carefully step out as well.*
Digifanatic: *slowly gets out from behind, trying not to make noise.*
Panzer once she sees that they're totally gone, she slips along the side of the wall in silence, motioning for the others to stay until she gives them a signal to follow, peeking into the other room.
Metal Man (GM): The other room was a sort of negotiation room. It seems empty, besides a note... somebody used to illustrate a situation.
Panzer looks around for any cameras or anything.
Dragoshi: *Nods, then follows Panzer along...*
Metal Man (GM): More specifically, Panzer can see that an unknown man with a book hired Giovanni. But Giovanni has failed so far to deliver on his promise. No cameras--they're rather dumb with that. The Scientist is following. The door ahead is closed.
Digifanatic: *has moved along.*
Scientist: "Once you open that door, you'll encounter the grunts. I'll show you the final thing to do, once you get through them."
Dragoshi: *He looks to see how is it closed.*
Panzer slips into the room, takes a snap of the illustration and any other important things lying around, not touching anything as she continued to the other door.
Panzer puts an ear to said door.
Kamui: *Looks towards the scientist, then speaks up* "Hey, before we continue, can I ask you something?"
Chancé: "I understand. Also, after we beat up the grunts, will you escape with us?"
Metal Man (GM): Sounds of some sort of power plant running, and people patrolling.
Scientist: "Yes, as will the other scientists."
Panzer turns and looks at the people talking. .oO(De-dee-dee... The game is called silence people, keep motherfucking talking.) She shakes her head and tries to time her opening of the door with when the footsteps sound to be walking away, so she might be able to pop in when they have their backs turned.
Panzer also motioned to the others to STFU.
Chancé: "Ah, that is good then.."
Chancé zips his lips..
Kamui: *simply ignores Panzer still, seeing he got no response from the scientist seemed to be a blow to his self-esteem as he hangs his head* "Whatever..."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer pops the door a little. She sees two guards walking back and forth. The Scientist appears to have not noticed Kamui's first question. He was distracted.
Panzer looks at Kamui, motioned to him to come here.
Dragoshi: *Stays silent, and out of sight. Because being smart.*
Kamui: *looks over to Panzer finally, then walks over and gives her a "what?" look.*
Panzer points to the door, motioning for him to go in when both have their back turned, wanting him to sneak up on them since he wanted to be a hero so bad.
Kamui: *blinks, then nods his head as he looks inside the room.*
Panzer gives him a push to help him know when to move inside. Once in, she'd shut the door and hold it closed.
Chancé facepalms..
Metal Man (GM): They're walking away at the moment... Kamui unseen at the moment. There's little side things on the walls to hide behind. One could get a good shot in from this angle, too.
Dragoshi: *Apathetic expression.*
Kamui: *brings his hands around, focusing his chakra. As soon as he created a number of ice shards, he fires them at the guards from behind.*
Digifanatic: .oO(Why can't they wait until after?) *heads to a hiding spot and takes a look.*
Panzer silently wishes him the best, but was just tired of him being a risk to the rest of the team, leaving him more or less trapped in there with the guards.
Chancé rolls his eyes mouthing to Panzer "Maybe we should help?"
Panzer shakes her head, mouthing him an answer. "No. He wanted to be such a hero, so let's let him be the hero without any distraction."
Chancé mouths "Don't you think you should be setting a good example for him?"
Panzer looked at him dully, once more mouthing an answer. "I tried. He still chooses to put the team at risk. There is a quote I know that goes like this: 'The goods of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.' What we need is to not get caught right now, and he risks us getting caught because he wants to be a smartass."
Metal Man (GM): Both spin around to try to dodge... One hit by Kamui.
Chancé mouths we have to beat up the guards anyway... meh.
Metal Man (GM): They turn around and face Kamui, and reach for their oh-so-shiny pistols. They both fire at Kamui.
Panzer just gives a shrug. She again mouths to him. "I'm not the leader, do as you will. I'm just trying to be of some tactical mind." She creeps away from the door, letting him go in if he wants.
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
Kamui: *charges at one guard, bringing his hand around he uses his impulse control technique on one guard.*
Metal Man (GM): The grunt leaps out of the way. They fire again.
Chancé: "Do you think we should move ahead and help Dragoshi?"
Dragoshi: *Bluntly* "...No."
Metal Man (GM): Hit, and miss.
Chancé: "But what about the Oath? " ... pledge to serve the Questers, Never to betray the Questers, or the way of good, as long as I am a Quester" I admit Kamui is... a bit annoying, however he does have a chance to learn... Though... hmm... he did..."
Chancé looks unsure..
Kamui: *brings his hands around to form another amount of ices hards, then fires them at Grunt #1.*
Dragoshi: "This really doesn't qualify as betrayal, I think. ...Let me check." *And, Dragoshi in sheer apathy, pulls out his Dex, and opens it up, checking to see if that's the case. Oh. And, he has it set to text-only mode.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Dex: "A direct attack, continued anger, and/or hatred against fellow Questers with no reason behind it is considered betrayal, to an extent."
Chancé: "Hmm... Then maybe it is for the best.."
Chancé lean against a wall, still unsure..
Metal Man (GM): They both fire at Kamui yet again... Miss, hit.
Kamui: *stumbles back, coughing a bit* "Ok, this is getting annoying." *he brings his hands around, doing a different set of handsigns. He then spits out a number of fireballs, both aimed at the guards.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. He falls backwards and hits himself on a pipe. The other guy reloads and shoots at Kamui again anyway. That one misses.
Kamui: *brings his hands around again, then fires off another two fireball attacks at the enemy.*
Metal Man (GM): He misses.
Kamui: "Damn it, why won't you die!" *He says in a quiet voice, before he brings his hands around and fires off another 2 fire attacks at the guards.*
Guard: "Because Team Rocket never surrenders, idiot!"
Metal Man (GM): Kamu hit hims. They fire back, again. It becomes obvious to the outside observers Kamui cannot magically win this battle.
Chancé: "Anyone getting bored waiting?"
Kamui: "... Guys, I can't do this ON MY OWN!" *brings his hands around and fires off another two fireballs again at the guards.*
Chancé nudges Panzer over and yells though the door. "Have you learned your lesson?
Metal Man (GM): Hit, miss. One guard down... but the other one's still healthy. Ugh. He opens fire back at Kamui; Kamui would hear what Chancé said.
Kamui: "There wasn't a lesson for me to learn in the first damn place! I was tired of everyone going off and doing something while I did nothing!"
Chancé: "The lesson was to calm down and not randomly attack fellow team mates and other things. You should of realized that and not acted like a jerk, even if Panzer can be a bit tough. She is really doing this for your own good... .oO(I think...)
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Chancé: "... I think I friendship speeched him to death."
Kamui: "Fine, I'll die fighting these damn things without your help, you freakin' yapper!"
Chancé: "Or not."
Kamui: *brings his hands and fires off another pair of fireblasts at the remaining opponent.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Panzer lets them yell back and forth, calmly sitting aside. "He wanted to be a hero, I let him be a hero, he doesn't like it, like I knew he wouldn't, and he might even listen. I have reasons for what I do.
Metal Man (GM): The Rocket is heavily wounded, he shoots at Kamui again.
Chancé: "It sounds like to me he is winning..." .oO(Oh the ego..)
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Kamui: *brings his hand around, pointing it at the guard calmly* "Sit." *He would simply say, firing off another two fireballs.*
Panzer once more shrugs. "I'll go see if they're coming back yet." She gets up and walks to the door that was left open, looking down the hall.
Metal Man (GM): Nope, nobody coming yet. Hit.
Panzer walks back to the others and sits. "I moved so you could help him, if you want. It's your call."
Metal Man (GM): The guard shoots back at Kamui.
Chancé: "Eh, I gave him a chance to apologize... he never took it.."
Dragoshi: "I'll consider helping. I mean, I could crush them into pancakes, but... Nah." :/ "That'd leave too much of a trail. I think."
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Panzer chuckles. "Very well. I suppose he won't be smart enough to dispose of the bodies, either. I'll have to throw them off the catwalk or something."
Kamui: *brings his hands around, and fires off another two fireballs at the guard.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Dragoshi: "...Well, I haven't eaten in a while..."
Panzer lifts a brow, removing her helmet and giving her fur a good scratch, putting her helmet back on. "Then eat them. I could care less."
Metal Man (GM): He dies from the millionth fireball to the face. No enemies left in the way, for now.
Dragoshi: "'Kay. I'll do so off to the side, so that way no one has to witness the horror of a messy eater." >_>
Kamui: *stands there, breathing heavily. He brings his hand down, looking tired but angry.*
Dragoshi: "Or, I could take them with me, then snack on them. Either or. Or, maybe I could throw them into an incinerator... So many possibilities." >_>
Panzer hears no more fighting, walks into the room with Kamui. "I'm impressed." That was all she said, looking at the bodies. She picked one up, leaving the other for Drag. She turned and walked back to the catwalk and tossed the body over.
Digifanatic: "Heh, well, do what you need to, but let's do this part first."
Metal Man (GM): The Scientist walks up.
Scientist: "That took unusually long... up ahead is the supply room. They have a special warp device in there."
Chancé: "Hmm?"
Scientist: "There's enough supplies to build this base out quite a ways in there... it'll be pretty useless when we're done with them." He chuckles. "All we need to do is activate that weird device the man with the book and the other man who had a rifle walked in and gave us."
Panzer walks back to the others, then kneels and removes her glove, using the fur on her hands/paws to sop up any blood, putting her glove back on, cleaning up any other signs of battle so it would look more like the guards just left or something.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi picks up the other corpse, walks off to the side, starts snacking for a few moments, then walks back to the catwalk, and unceremoniously throws the partially devoured corpse offa the catwalk. >_>*
Kamui: "Yeah, sorry, I don't have the fire power like the rest of my team." *He said towards the scientist.*
Chancé looks at Dragoshi in disgust. "You don't know where that's been!?"
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then licks the blood off his mouth, then looks at Chance, and hisses* "And, I don't really care."
Panzer starts walking towards the door to the other room, putting an ear to it.
Metal Man (GM): The corpses are both well done, cooked to perfection.
Digifanatic: .oO(Typical.)
Metal Man (GM): As Kamui spent what had to have been an hour cooking them with fireballs. Panzer hears only water dripping.
Panzer lifts a brow.
Panzer opens the door and peeks in.
Kamui: *looks to the scientist* "Hey, you." *he whispers over.*
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees a pile of boxes, surrounding a warp device with a computer on it.
Scientist: "Yes?"
Panzer looks in for any traps.
Metal Man (GM): No traps. No traps. No nothing!
Panzer walks in and motions the others to follow.
Digifanatic: *heads over.*
Kamui: *walks over, showing the computer chips he ground earlier* "You have any ideas what these are? I found them near some castle."
Chancé follows slowly.
Metal Man (GM): Inside the room... hm. Something is very odd... the supplies. Some of them are vaguely Stadium-like in design.
Scientist: "Before we leave..." He glances around. "You are Questers, I do believe?"
Digifanatic: "Correct."
Kamui: *nods his head.*
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Panzer lifts a brow. "I guess they stole some of the rubble... Hmm." She cants her head. "Or they could have been here for them to pose as a repair company, repair our base with things rigged to explode or something." She inspects them closely.
Scientist: "...Both of the people who hired Team Rocket mentioned you. Most specifically, they told me not to open this box."
Chancé: "Yes. Why?"
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees they're old tech. Probably taken out BEFORE the building blew up.
Dragoshi: "Why's that?"
Metal Man (GM): The scientist opens a box.
Scientist: "I... don't know."
Metal Man (GM): A metallic body clanks to the ground.
Dragoshi: "I see..."
Metal Man (GM): ...An android, definitely... purple felt hat... Gnarled hands. Several holes in him.
Dragoshi: *...Looks at the android* "...Is that why?"
Metal Man (GM): The box was labeled 'DO NOT OPEN, EVER'
Scientist: "I guess. I knew that was in there before."
Dragoshi: *Scans the android.*
Panzer blinks, far away from the scientist. "Hmm. Curious. So they've been here longer than we thought." She looks to the warp device, and any computer that went with it, inspecting the controls.
Dex: "Yellow radish actualizes greenly!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): The warp device is fairly similar to the HQ one.
Dragoshi: "...What the hell."
Metal Man (GM): The only problem is it's been thoroughly reconfigured.
Panzer checks the last destination laid in.
Metal Man (GM): The last destination was... O_o 'The End of the World'
Chancé: "This android should be repaired when we get back to base.."
Metal Man (GM): 'Final Destination--The Void Version'
Panzer blinks. "A time machine?"
Dragoshi: "Either E Li Three has androids for relatives, or this... Wha..."
Metal Man (GM): This was the old warp machine, its last destination took the Questers against The Void himself.
Panzer hmms. "That would explain the correspondence with the older gear, if it is a time machine."
Scientist: "They told me the mystery sniper knew a lot about the Questers. He had defected a while before they vanished."
Dragoshi: "Mystery sniper..." *Eyes widen.*
Scientist: "He had some sort of mad vendetta..."
Dragoshi: "Metal!?"
Panzer dinks with the machine.
Scientist: "Who? This man said his name was Phantom."
Dragoshi: "...Oh. Phew."
Digifanatic: "Ah yeah..."
Metal Man (GM): Success... but that means it'll take Panzer a few moments. She works, successfully, as they talk, to hack it into usable shape.
Scientist: "The robot here was found buried under the old Quester HQ."
Kamui: *walks over to Panzer* "... What are you doing?"
Dragoshi: "I see..."
Chancé: "Hmm... yes, SIMBER should definitely take a look at it.."
Scientist: "The world-changing had ruined his house, he said. He then proceeded to attack 'Phantom', whom sealed him in this box."
Panzer speaks while fucking with the machine, eyes narrowed. "Phantom. I remember that creep. He hated me because they let me have my guns, and not him..."
Scientist: "And now you see him... but he is broken like that warp machine."
Kamui: *Raises a hand and waves* "Panzer's got it."
Scientist: *Kicks the body* "Powered by ancient technology, he hardly had the battery power to bump around for a day after he was transferred here by the man with the book. Oh? Good."
Panzer: "Put it back in the box and seal it up." She looks back at Kamui. "Not now." She muttered, messing with the machine more, it seeming more familiar to her, like the one from her hay day.
Scientist: "Up to you; this stuff seems to be yours."
Metal Man (GM): The warp machine slowly turns on.
Chancé: "Shove it all though the portal."
Panzer growls. "Nothing wrong with being powered by ancient technology."
Scientist: "Yes, but this ancient technology..."
Kamui: *walks out over to the scientist* "You didn't answer my question."
Dragoshi: *Sits next to the damaged 'droid, then glances at it...* "What about it?"
Scientist: "Let's just say, he's related to the very pipes of Mario World. Oh? Ask again."
Panzer: "I'm still powered just fine."
Chancé: "Humans are old in design. Heh."
Scientist: "His battery was literally thousands of years old. The radioactivity inside it seems to have ended."
Kamui: *He brings a hand around, showing the computer chips he found earlier* "Do you know if these were targeted for anyone?"
Scientist: "..." *Looks* "Oh yes. Those..."
Panzer chuckles. "All radioactivity ends, I'm getting near my own date. One of these days I'll have to construct a new core for myself."
Scientist: "They were found in another box. Giovanni slipped them into Peach's castle for a laugh. Peach proceeded to have hideous mind-melting nightmares ever since."
Chancé picks up the damaged android and places it in the box to bring to HQ.
Dragoshi: "...We should prolly' tell 'em to throw away those chips, then."
Chancé: "... we may need to tell her that."
Scientist: "Her butler, hating chips, continued to not notice. Giovanni likes to gloat about that one."
Kamui: "..." *throws the chips against a wall* -_-
Metal Man (GM): The warp is all ready. Panzer can turn it on... any location is possible.
Chancé: "Who showed Team Rocket guns anyway?"
Scientist: "The mystery sniper, and the man with the book."
Dragoshi: "Hell if I know." :/
Scientist: "'Phantom' especially."
Chancé: "Hmmhmm."
Scientist: "He had an overflowing of guns. The man with the book told him we needed them."
Panzer turns back to the group, smiling. "Well, thank old technology, mm? Start grabbing supplies and loading them into the warp. I'll set the coordinates."
Kamui: "Why the hell do I have to be the walking punchline." *He walks over towards the warp.*
Scientist: "I shall help..." Some other scientists come in. "As shall they. We are but civilians, targeted too often by Giovanni. Silph co. was intended for peace..."
Digifanatic: *starts taking stuff over to the warp--not much else to do.*
Panzer looks at the scientist. "Know anymore about that renegade sniper?"
Panzer input the coordinates to the current stadium's storage area.
Scientist: "Talked a lot. Seemed unnerved that things were as they were. He acted rather lonely. Seemed doubtful of the existence of the Questers, speaking instead of some 'old days' in which he had free run of the world."
Panzer: "Hmm. I dunno who you're talking about. At least they don't remember me." She rolls her eyes.
Chancé: "Anyway, your help is welcome indeed."
Dragoshi: "Quite."
Metal Man (GM): You nearly complete your transfer of stuff... when something comes up. Well. Two things. One is a box containing things taken from Metal's stash-- ...Complete with tupperware containers of Phazon. Leaking ones. Plastered with caution stickers.
Panzer grumbles. "Wow. Smooth dumbasses. I said supplies for the base. Not junk... Motherfuckers. Check boxes, good God."
Metal Man (GM): Secondarily, is a full box of the armor Giovanni used to control Mewtwo. It somehow wound up in here. Also, countless boxes filled with stale peanuts were put through the warp.
Panzer blinks, looking at the armor "I remember having to help in that."
Panzer stops them. "Look into the boxes and take rebuilding supplies only.
Metal Man (GM): Because it looks rather menacing.
Dragoshi: *Checks to see if there's anything useful among the boxes. Like... Not, stale peanuts.*
Metal Man (GM): And it clatters noisily when moved.
Digifanatic: "Ah..." *checks his stuff as well.*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi sees between them some old turrets and repair robots.
Panzer pushes the box aside, far aside, grumbling. It was almost as heavy as her own armor. It might even fit her XD.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man's stuff is surprisingly bare; 'Nodal Owes me 100 coins' stamped with 'PAID.'
Dragoshi: *carries the turrets and repair bots in the warp. Along with the more useful parts of Mettaur's stuff.*
Metal Man (GM): The two leaking phazon containers... highly dangerous...
Dragoshi: *No. not taking the Phazon.*
Metal Man (GM): And most importantly... one of the Star Boards.
Panzer grabs all the containers, pushes him back, and heads to the catwalk again.
Kamui: "I need to get out before I get radiated." *He walks in to the warp.*
Metal Man (GM): It's old and ancient.
Dragoshi: *Takes that.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* Kamui goes to HQ.
Chancé tosses the android into the warp.
Metal Man (GM): The Star board's sorta cracked up. Then, the 'DO NOT OPEN' android is sent to HQ. The remaining containers are mostly chemicals, and one final one. A safe. No, three safes.
Panzer throws the leaky containers over the side of the catwalk and walks back, stopping them again.
Metal Man (GM): One inside the other. It's nearly too heavy to push into the warp. The safe with two safes inside it glows ominously.
Scientist: "That was found post-fire. So ominous, not even the book-holder dared open it."
Panzer: "Look. Look, look! Stop transporting junk... Where is Kamui?" She sees him on the screen and growls. "Fucking idiot. Take only shit for repair, like those robots and the turrets."
Scientist: "Seems like there'll be a surplus of stale peanuts and old wigs at your HQ."
Dragoshi: "Might as well keep the starboard... And, then. Dragoshi notices the safe.* "...I guess we should leave that behind..." *Dragoshi then carries s'more turrets and repair bots into the warp.*
Scientist: "And somebody put that robot in there, too."
Digifanatic: "Drag already did, Panz."
Panzer walks over to the safe in a safe thing and tries to push it aside. Her armor, weight about a ton, should be enough to shove it out of the way of everything by putting weight on it.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer pushes it aside. It rumbles a bit inside. She would remember Alys using something like this in the ancient past.
Panzer hated Alys with a burning sort of passion, not giving a good God damn about it.
Panzer huffs and walks back. "Keep putting stuff in. I dunno how long the warp will last. Repair stuff only, not memories from the past."
Metal Man (GM): The important part being, it likely would contain something evil. More boxes unveiled; useless holo-room pieces.
Dragoshi: *He looks for any more boxes with repair bots and turrets in them.*
Digifanatic: *keeps looking through to see what's there.*
Metal Man (GM): ...A box full of CAC components, woefully outdated.
Panzer looks at the scientist. "Any other tips?"
Metal Man (GM): An old holo cylinder. Found in Wolfman's office. Labeled 'Broken, do not touch."
Panzer waits at the computer.
Scientist: "Don't touch that." He points at the Mewtwo armor.
Dragoshi: "'Kay..." *And, Dragoshi continues searching for boxes that have anything useful in them.*
Scientist: "Giovanni and the guy with the book, they did something to it."
Panzer: "I know that. I had to help get it off Mewtwo..."
Scientist: "Also... this base. Needs to be destroyed."
Panzer: "That's why I hauled it to the corner and shut it."
Scientist: "Unless you like people invading your base. This warp is what they use to enter here."
Panzer: "I can stay here and set some charges, no problem."
Scientist: "Hm... then we should have no problem. I think that's everything."
Panzer: "Have any chemicals that will mix into something explosive?"
Scientist: "Tons of them."
Dragoshi: *Okay. So, he checks that there is no more stuff of importance and or use to put into the warp.*
Scientist: "The lab behind us would practically blow up the entire base if you knocked over a table and some boxes."
Metal Man (GM): Nothing else important, seemingly.
Panzer: "Show me to them. The rest of you, get back to base and keep me updated on progress, and have SIMBER contact me over the cl."
Dragoshi: "Understood." *Dragoshi would then enter the warp back into the base.*
Digifanatic: *warps out.*
Metal Man (GM): The Scientist walks back towards the lab. The other scientists walk into the warp.
Chancé enters the warp running off the the laboratories to use the washroom.
Panzer follows the scientist once everyone else is gone.
Scientist: "The other scientists will have to stay at your HQ for a while--they can help build things. Now... for this lab. This table here." He shakes a wobbly table full of containers. "These are our chemicals." He shakes another table. "And inside this one are the volatile ones." He takes out a giant flask. "This is full of a chemical which explodes when it touches some of the ones in both of those tables... instantly, so you may want to knock it over and run rather than smashing it. The explosion will make the lab's ruins toxic, unusable, and underwater. Yet, because it is sealed so thoroughly, no damage will result to the lake above--as long as that hatch up there remains shut."
Panzer grumbles a little, feeling very archaic compared to the rest of the technology around, even the old stuff. She was even more outdated than most of it, all but the battery. "Alright, get back and warp out of here, you have about 15 seconds, then you'd better be gone."
Scientist: "Very well." *He runs off.*
Panzer goes along the catwalk and makes sure the hatch is secured.
Metal Man (GM): It is. Panzer might want to ensure nobody can open it. As while it'd kill the erstwhile opener, it'd also make Peach's castle a Superfund cleanup zone.
Panzer takes her weapon out and shoots it at the edges a few times, effectively welding it shut :O
Metal Man (GM): It is now stuck shut.
Panzer walks back, makes sure the warp is still open, eying Mewtwo's armor a moment, then walking back to the lab, setting the tables up next to each other and picking up the flask, sighing, getting ready to beat feet.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer does so. No problem so far.
Panzer kicks the tables over and chucks the flask, then runs like hell for the warp.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer runs out. *KBLAMMMMOOOO* That base is history... and HQ should be safe for now. With all the Questers and their supplies at HQ, it's for sure a... Mission Complete.