Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 477: Earth Channel 51
Date: November 16th, 2007.
Trivia: Yurie's world from the past season 2 was just SaGa Frontier.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are at HQ. It's another normal day. Indeed, Stadium repairs are complete. It is rather peaceful at the moment.
Dragoshi: *Which is giving Dragoshi time to practice his swordplay. >_>*
Digifanatic: *It's about time the guy got a little R&R... and well, he's in the R&R room.*
Metal Man (GM): R&R television would be mostly the same old thing. Except... Channel 51 is coming in.
Aribar has been using all of this downtime to research his spellcasting abilities. Now he's probably in the R&R reading a book.
Metal Man (GM): How odd. It doesn't usually come in.
Digifanatic: "Huh..."
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi finishes practicing his swordplay, and heads over to R&R to relax.*
Digifanatic: "Never paid attention to this, but still..."
Dragoshi: "Hm?"
Deloth: *Oh, well, then, walks in and takes a seat in R&R while studying one of his books.*
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man is researching something in the R&R. He's just finished reading something. He stands up.
Metal Man: "Well... that certainly explains that."
Deloth: *without looking up* "Explains what?"
Metal Man stares at the file and stashes it away.
Aribar glances up at Metal, wondering what their leader was doing.*
Digifanatic: "Yeah, what's up?"
Dragoshi: *Glances at Metal* "Yes...?"
Metal Man: "Yurie. It turns out she hailed from a realm very definitely unique from what she claimed it was."
Digifanatic: "Oh, wow. She goes back a ways."
Metal Man: "The Void's cunning with world deception never ceases to amaze me... it's almost like we were trapped in a bad story book back then."
Deloth shuts his book and looks up, finally.
Aribar: "Huh... I barely remember her."
Dragoshi: "Sheesh..."
Deloth: "So what's her real world like, anyways?"
Metal Man: "I mean. It was so convenient. An organization of 13 people named entirely to kill us, when we could barely keep from killing ourselves."
Dragoshi: "I think that's what it was, Metal."
Metal Man: "A very vast world, with many different places. Magic. Technology. Even a world for little children."
Dragoshi: "A horrible, convoluted story that never seemed to end."
Metal Man turns to Dragoshi. "Psh. Then we wouldn't be here, would we? We'd be fighting anti-Questers number 5000."
Dragoshi: "And it did. Though, it ended after everything exploded. Then reformed." :/ "Also, don't you mean 10000?"
Metal Man: "I still wonder what I missed. I was never very sensitive to the world around me. But... anyway. Time for TV." *Changes the channels very rapidly.*
Deloth: "I use my standard excuse of being dead for th--whoa, slow down."
Metal Man: "Nope nope nope nope never nada I don't speak Yoshi no no yuck, not seafood nope nope Toad Town isn't exploding? Boooring!! Nope nope no..."
Dragoshi: *Watches Metal rapidly shift channels at TEN MILLION WEEDLES AN HOUR.*
Metal Man (GM): The channels flip through completely three times. Metal is about to give up when a flash of a weird scientist passes by.
Deloth: "...Wait, what was that?"
Metal Man: "Wait a minute... that looked like an ancient Earthling!"
Dragoshi: "Wait, what the heck was that."
Metal Man flips back to the channel.
Metal Man (GM): The video on this channel is all messed up.
Digifanatic: *Is this 51?*
Metal Man (GM): It has several ghost images, and scrolls around. It is, indeed, 51.
Aribar looks towards the TV.* "Whats that?"
Deloth: "...I thought we didn't even get this channel..."
Metal Man (GM): It is partially black and white. It flickers... and has a lot of snow. A human scientist can just barely be seen, in traditional Earth scientist gear.
Dragoshi: "Yea..."
Metal Man: "We... didn't... not until now."
Digifanatic: "Shh, shh... need to hear through the static."
Deloth squints, trying to make out the figure beyond the massive amounts of snow. We need a better TV signal booster...
???: "Attention sentient beings. Attention. I need your attention. This is a message addressed to a group of unknown sentients named 'Questors.' This message will repeat in five minutes."
Metal Man (GM): He clears his throat. The static gets really bad, then it gets back to normal quality.
Dragoshi: *Attention had. :p*
Deloth: *Ditto...*
Dr. Carrol: "I am Doctor Carrol of a very esteemed institution. Normally, I would not resort to such unsafe communication, but I had no choice in this case."
Aribar mutters, "I've a bad feeling about this..."
Dr. Carrol: "I have discovered your realm and your existence. But more importantly, I have decoded the meaning of strange fluctuations in reality which appear to occur in this strange realm of yours."
Digifanatic: *quietly* "Unsafe?"
Dragoshi: "Hm."
Aribar: "Ten coins says he wants to wipe us out and preserve the integrity of reality."
Dr. Carrol: "You and your realm face a new and unknown danger, one which you may have very well caused by accident, and I only know of it by a lucky accident... if that is even correct. I cannot tell you the specifics, for fear of being intercepted. I am located in an area named 'Area 51', hence the channel I chose. If you are watching this, then I presume myself lucky--analog television broadcasts are no longer sent in this world."
Kamui: *walks in from another room, looking over to the screen* "What I miss?"
Deloth just blinks in disbelief as he watches all this...
Dr. Carrol: "My location relative to you is a couple dimensions away. I am surrounded by hostile entities. Take what force you have when you come... if you can hear this message... if anyone can. I can only hope it worked... otherwise, many people are doomed."
Digifanatic: *waits for specifics.*
Dr. Carrol: "This message will now repeat."
Aribar: "This is... Interesting."
Metal Man (GM): *Static.* *Repeat.*
Dr. Carrol: "Attention sentient beings. Attention. I need your attention. This is a message addressed to a group of unknown sentients named 'Questors.'"
Deloth: "...So much for a quiet day of studying the summoning of Ifrit."
Metal Man (GM): It continues as before.
Metal Man: "Hmm... there's a weird encoding in this video... let's see... Oaaaaak!!!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Professor Oak runs in. He looks disheveled. Again.
Deloth: "...Buy an intercom, seriously. Sheesh."
Digifanatic: .oO(No, do NOT go back home during all of this, no matter how easy it is to warp to Earth. It may not even be in your timeframe.)
Professor Oak: "You're intelligent, Metal Man, why do you always have me analyze things outside my field?"
Metal Man: "Because you speak in a way the others understand."
Professor Oak: "Oh... oh... right."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out a pokeball and chucks it to the ground. Out comes an Electrode, which Oak then has stand atop the TV. He then connects a cable to it, to his own dex.
Professor Oak: "Hmm... the Electrode detects that this signal came from..."
Metal Man (GM): He seems confused.
Deloth: "...Shouldn't you be using a less explosive Pokemon?"
Aribar: "Came from...?"
Professor Oak: "It came from Earth... but... according to this signal, it's an alternate one!"
Dragoshi: "...'K."
Professor Oak: "Sh! You might annoy the Electrode. THEN he'd explode. Now... I can set the warp device... but... I need the Questers to help me."
Deloth: "Sure. How?"
Metal Man: "Why? Don't you have enough Pokemon to do it for you?"
Digifanatic: "Alright."
Professor Oak: "Pokemon lack opposable thumbs."
Aribar: "Well, that... Seems to add up with what that Dr. Carrol said." *Gets out his Dex to see if there's anything in its database about this person.*
Metal Man: "...Right."'
Dex: *Static* "No data. Unknown being."
Professor Oak: "Any way... if you really want to find out what that scientist is talking about, you'll follow me."
Metal Man (GM): He walks off, towards the warp room.
Dragoshi: *Ker-follow.*
Digifanatic: *Follows with curious interest.*
Metal Man: "Well, can't argue with him. Ol' static-face on the TV isn't telling me anything new."
Deloth runs to the warp room as well. Whee!
Digifanatic: .oO(Doesn't seem like it's my Earth, so I guess I've got nothing to search for.)
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk over. Oak types in several coordinates. They hear the room hum, apparently powering up.
Professor Oak: "Now... to get to this place... we're going to need to override ALL of the emergency overrides."
Aribar gets up and follows Deloth and the others. This will be interesting..*
Professor Oak: "It's... it's dangerously close to another dimension where I presume the X-zone went. The realm that signal came from was damaged by something big."
Aribar: "That doesn't particularly sound safe, to state the obvious..."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Professor Oak: "Yes. That's why I need you to do it, you're the only people with clearance to do it, as this is a Warp Room made for you."
Deloth: "...Isn't going into massively dangerous situations our job?"
Professor Oak: "So... let's start with part one."
Metal Man (GM): He points to a big, fancy panel with LEDs on it, and at the cover.
Professor Oak: "Somebody pry that off. The cover, that is. If you succeed, you should warp there. If you don't, you may wind up warping somewhere else entirely... or in pieces..." *Gulp.*
Digifanatic: "Okay. I'll take one end, somebody get the other."
Deloth calmly steps to the other end of the panel.
Dragoshi: *Walks to the end opposite of Digi.*
Digifanatic: "1, 2, 3. Now." *starts to lift it up.*
Dragoshi: *Does the same when Digi says 'Now'.*
Aribar: "... Please don't mess up. There only needs to be one Quester around here with amputated limbs."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers yank it off easily.
Professor Oak: "That's the easy part."
Dragoshi: "Okay. What's next, then?"
Metal Man (GM): He points to several marked little resistors with labels on the underlying circuit board.
Professor Oak: "Remove all of those... without breaking the stuff they're attached to."
Deloth: "I don't suppose you have a pair of metal clippers..."
Aribar stays back; yet another task he isn't skilled in.*
Digifanatic: "Well, I'm probably one of the better ones with computers..."
Metal Man (GM): Remove the resistors. They're round barrel things.
Dragoshi: "I'm also pretty good with them..."
Professor Oak: "Those resistors limit the power output. Normally, we don't want full power. It's dangerous, even."
Digifanatic: "Well, you want me to try?"
Dragoshi: *Nods* "While I may have some skills with computers... This is not in my field of expertise."
Digifanatic: "Alright." *closed-mouth smile.*
Dragoshi: "I'm better with hacking and repairs."
Metal Man (GM): Resistors are carefully removed. The humming becomes far higher pitched. A warp is about to appear. Oak has one more instruction.
Professor Oak: "If left unchecked, the power would create a black hole large enough to annihilate the building."
Dragoshi: "I see... Now, how do we prevent that?"
Professor Oak: "However, the emergency interrupt panel is right there." He points to another metal-covered thing. "Somebody remove that, then pull the switch inside. Quickly."
Deloth runs over to the panel and starts pulling.
Dragoshi: *Quickly pulls the switch inside it when Del pulls the panel's covering off. ...That is if Del doesn't automatically do that after such a thing happens. Or something.*
Deloth: *Yanks the switch if he succeeds.*
Metal Man (GM): Panel is ripped off. The group pulls the switch. A massive explosion occurs in the middle of the room, causing all the lights to blow simultaneously. But a portal appears that appears to show a strangely polluted and changed Earth!
Professor Oak: "There's your portal... leap in before it vanishes!"
Dragoshi: "...I guess it worked then?"
Digifanatic: *Warps in.*
Dragoshi: *zooms into the portal.*
Deloth: *Portal! Free cake and therapy after the mission!*
Aribar quickly hops inside.
Deloth runs into the portal.
Metal Man (GM): The group completes the warp... but the warp thingy made one mistake: It warped the group right in front of a major Area 51 building. The sky's blue, it's a beautiful day... have a bunch of strange men in black outfits and shock trooper helmets with automatic rifles to point at the group. However, they do not fire, because walking out of the main building, and at the head of them, is a man in a weird red coat and pants, with black hair and a small face of sorts. He has an uncharacteristically nasty scowl at all of you. The buildings being all drab and brown; it's a desert area of sorts.
Deloth: "Um... hi." *raises his hands.*
Metal Man (GM): The man leading the about 5-10 strong group of soldiers takes out a strangely gold gun and points it in the group's general direction.
???: "So these are the aliens that renegade scientist wanted to contact. Well, I can't have them running around my base. They are to be taken to the labs and dissected."
Deloth: "WHAT?!"
Digifanatic: .oO(Uh oh...)
Aribar: "I would appreciate being left intact, if it's alright with you..."
Dragoshi: "...I'm sorry. But, isn't that a little excessive?"
???: "You are aliens. You come from another dimension. By some coincidence, you know my language... but that is not important."
Deloth: "Dr. Carrol wouldn't like that..."
Digifanatic: .oO(I won't argue with the guy for now.)
Dragoshi: *Glances around.* "Nice welcome wagon, by the way."
???: "You trespassed in Area 51, and by legal rights you are my property to dissect." *chuckles* "Dr. Carrol is my personal guest, who sent unauthorized transmissions from inside my base. He has been dealt with."
Deloth: "Lies."
???: "You shall also be dealt with. Men, kill these aliens."
Metal Man (GM): He stands back and crosses his arms as ten automatic-weapons packing soldiers stand in front and get into battle formation. These men, despite their fearsome armor, are seemingly normal humans. With some shielding.
Aribar snaps his fingers, conjuring up a thin sword. This ought to be interesting...*
Metal Man (GM): These men are not exactly the best warriors the group has seen. While by the standards of this world they are fearful, by the group's they appear... inexperienced. They have force fields of a sort. They glow orange. They intermittently are visible.
Dragoshi: "...Hmph" *Backdashes a little bit, slides out an EMP grenade, then throws it at the group of soldiers, in an attempt to check to see if those fields can withstand a nice electromagnetic burst...*
???: "If you're any good at being aliens, you'll be able to survive my soldiers."
Metal Man (GM): Their shields all block the EMP. Had it hit, it could have done some serious damage.
???: "What is this... electromagnetic pulse devices? You certainly are pesky aliens."
Deloth: *flatly* "Gee, such a compliment."
Dragoshi: "...It's been a while since I've last used one of these. No problem. I still have more where that came from." *Chuckles, then slides out another EMP and tosses it at the soldiers again, determined to at least see something of actually effectiveness happen.*
Metal Man (GM): One hit. The person's shield throws sparks, as its usefulness is halved.
Soldier: "Gah! They got me!"
Dragoshi: "Hm. It seems your shields are somewhat weak to EMPs. I'll keep that in mind." *Smirks, and waits.*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 1 is weak. His shield generator is acting erratically and throwing sparks.
Soldier: "Blasted technology... why does it have to break when I'm fighting aliens?"
Dragoshi: "Because you're pathetic."
Deloth: "Okay, I think I can skip my weaker attacks... eat this!" *dashes at Soldier #1 and blasts him with a Fire Twist!
Digifanatic suddenly realizes... he's the only human Quester there right now!
Metal Man (GM): He rolls out of the way. And stands up, to the side; out of the way.
???: "Ha ha. Your lack of tactics is amusing."
Deloth does a backstep towards him, Fire Twisting again as he does so!
Dragoshi: "And your lack of shutting up is also amusing."
Soldier: "Argh!!!"
Deloth: "Now THAT'S amusing."
Dragoshi: *Chuckles.*
???: "Saying your last words already? How sad. Men, shoot up the alien who dared to insult me."
Soldiers: "Yes sir!"
Metal Man (GM): They aim their automatic rifles at Dragoshi's head. Soldiers 4,9, 1, and 5 open fire simultaneously on Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Dances around the first one, and... Well, fuck. He gets shot by the second barrage, dances around the third with grace, and gets shot up some more on the fourth* "I've taken far worse than that."
Metal Man (GM): Soldier3 fires at Dragoshi.
Aribar whirls his sword about while raising it higher and higher. A chilly wind begins to pick up and a trail of frost is left behind by Aribar's blade. He ends the somantic spell component by thrusting the sword skyward. Numerous flashes of light appear in the sky causing hail to rain down on the largest concentration of soldiers.* "Freeze!"
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi fires a burst of acid at the barrage of bullets!*
Metal Man (GM): The soldier's bullets are melted and he is hit by the burst of acid, which hits his shield. Meanwhile, Aribar causes it to... hail normally. The un-damaging kind.
???: "Weather controlling aliens? Now I have seen everything."
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi would then slide out a normal grenade, and chuck it at the same group of soldiers that he attempted EMPing, in an attempt to off Soldier 1 and damage two others.*
Metal Man (GM): It hits the latter two. Soldier1, having learned to avoid grenades, evades like a madman.
Soldier: "You won't kill me!"
Dragoshi: *Sways back and forth slightly, waiting for the next barrage of bullets.*
Soldier: "I'm taking damage! Get them!"
Metal Man (GM): Soldier6 fires at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi tries to sidestep the bullets!*
Metal Man (GM): *Blam*
Dragoshi: *Takes s'more damage. Though, he's still going strong.*
Digifanatic really assesses the situation right now... perfect opportunity to launch a standard grenade into their faces.
Metal Man (GM): Soldier2, 8, and 7 fire at Dragoshi. Dragoshi is threatening the low-shield ones, so... Digi blows away Soldier1, killing him, and blows up Soldier2's shield.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi once again tries to evade the bullet barrage!*
Soldier: "Argh!" *Falls over a ways away, blackened.*
Digifanatic wisely cuts his turn off for here, saving some reflexes in case he might get slammed.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi is hit by all three barrages.
Dragoshi: *Still alive. Ha.*
???: "I don't care if some of you appear to be human; you're probably out to help those scum at that institute..."
Metal Man (GM): Soldier10 fires at Dragoshi.
???: "I've defeated stronger aliens than you..."
Dragoshi: *Jumps over the bullets, then slides out another grenade, and tosses it at Soldiers 2-4! Ono! Maybe Ono. Who knows?*
Metal Man (GM): They leap out of the way, having seen many grenades... Indeed, they all roll, leap, or jump away from the grenade.
Soldier: "Sir, the aliens are more durable than normal humans!"
???: "I'll call for reinforcements... after you've shown me they are truly that tough by dying against them first."
Soldier: "Roger..."
Dragoshi: "...Okay, this is getting fucking stupid."
Metal Man (GM): A distance away, the soldiers stand between him and you. He doesn't seem particularly concerned about his safety for some reason. Indeed. Especially a man who simply marched up to you with a bunch of soldiers and expected you to die.
Aribar: "You would rather die against us then just let us come in peace? Think for yourselves!"
???: "It's no use telling them what to think. Anyone who turns on me will die instantly."
Dragoshi: *Just eats two Mushrooms, recovering HP.* "I think that'd be better for them."
???: "You're getting on my nerves, elf-alien."
Metal Man (GM): Soldier4 shoots at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Sidestep.*
Aribar: "Half-elf!"
???: "Whatever you call yourself, freak."
Dragoshi: "Pot calling the kettle black, ne?"
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 9, and 5 shoot at Dragoshi.
Deloth: "Hey, I'm a halfa too, and proud of it!"
???: "Why isn't the alien who insulted me dead yet? You're ticking me off with your slowness, men!"
Dragoshi: "And you're ticking me off with your dumbassery!"
Digifanatic just runs up and Fire Punches Soldier3 in the head twice.
???: "You're not worth even one of my bullets, alien."
Metal Man (GM): He blocks one with a parry, then gets punched.
Aribar leaves the immediate fighting to his friends and dashes towards the commander. Electricity arcs about the elf's body and then he rockets past the soldiers, attempting to hit at least one of them. When he reaches the commander he tries to bat away his gun.*
Metal Man (GM): The commander stands there, not even blinking. His extremely powerful force field deflects it.
???: "You want a piece of this?"
Metal Man (GM): He takes out a Golden gun. It's... a freaking huge magnum.
???: "No alien hits me and lives!"
Aribar: "Ah... Technically, I missed."
Dragoshi: .oO(But he failed to even break through your forcefield, 'tard)
Metal Man (GM): Soldier3 and 6 and 8 and 2 and 7 all fire at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: "..."
Metal Man (GM): That, plus two glitches in which Dragoshi slips over and hits his head twice, plus more from that final shot. Soldier10 is reloading for this moment.
Deloth aims a Bomb Kick at Soldier 2's chin!
Metal Man (GM): His luck is still good, but without a shield he's hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi uses that on himself, because what the fuck.*
Metal Man (GM): The shield that is summoned by Dragoshi mimics the ones these guys have. 50 HP shield.
Deloth backflips to his feet and grins. "Nice!"
Metal Man (GM): Which Soldier10 promptly shoots at...
Dragoshi: *Lets the shield take the damage.*
???: "Now the aliens have a shield? This is getting ridiculous."
Dragoshi: *Just uses another mushroom and calls it a turn. :/*
Aribar: "Then order a cease fire!"
Dragoshi: "...Oh god..."
Deloth: "...Oh, NO..." *facepalms.*
???: "Hmm... more aliens." *cocks the gun* "I shall enjoy this."
Alex Fender: *comes SCREAMING toward the battlefield, his forest green scooter roaring as he speeds toward the group, his goggles over his eyes, still guitarless, but he's warming up his good punching arm.*
Aribar: .oO(Ooh. Now this guy will get annoyed.)
Digifanatic: .oO(Now it looks like we'll have some fun.)
Dragoshi: .oO(Wait! That means the fire'll be redirected at someone else! Phew.)
Alex Fender: *LEAPS from his scooter, clearing the Questers, the soldiers, streaming right toward the commander guy* "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUNCH TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!!!!!!!!" *WHAM.*
???: "Your sound projection weapon doesn't even register on my force field. Pathetic."
Metal Man (GM): Alex Fender bounces off of the force field.
???: "Ha ha."
Alex Fender: *leaps backward, skidding on his feet, waggling his fist in the air* "Owowoowowowowowowowowowwy zowy!"
???: "Did you really think I wouldn't upgrade my shield with inertial dampeners?"
Deloth: *under his breath* "Moron..."
???: "I'm not like these grunts here. I kill people like you for breakfast, and then shoot real spies for lunch."
Digifanatic starts by giving Dragoshi a Mushroom... and well, bides his time offensively, simply Icy Kicking Soldier 3. Weak but quick, which is what he's looking for at this point.
Aribar: "... We're not spies at all!"
???: "Correct. You are aliens. Which must be dissected."
Dragoshi: "Yep. That we aren't."
Alex Fender: "The joke is on you, question mark man! I eat Kellogg's cornflakes for breakfast, then cram large amounts of WHOOPASS into your gullet for lunch, and wash it all down with a little more WHOOPASS for dinner! As you can see, I love giving out a steady diet of WHOOPASS!"
Digifanatic: *Now he gives Dragoshi the Mushroom and Icy Kicks S3.*
???: "You aliens have a very poorly structured language."
Deloth: "Just him."
Metal Man (GM): Icy miss.
Dragoshi: "Very much so."
Alex Fender: "Eat my shorts, dick snipper!"
???: "I think I'll just shoot them off along with your mouth."
Metal Man (GM): Soldier4 shoots at Dragoshi. ??? has not issued an order to attack Alex. Yet.
Dragoshi: .oO(He shoots his own mouth off. You'd only be making it worse. >_>)
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 4's luck has failed.
Dragoshi: *The bullets plink off the barrier, not even damaging it at all.*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier9 and 5 shoot at Dragoshi. Hit, hit. Those guys are really persistent.
Dragoshi: *Barrier takes damage... And, it's down to almost 0.*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier3 fires at Dragoshi...
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi responds to that with a burst of acid. Whee.*
Metal Man (GM): *Blam*
Dragoshi: *Barrier down! Barrier down!*
???: "Well, at least that pathetic barrier is gone."
Metal Man (GM): Only two of the soldiers are dead, the rest having managed to continually evade dedicated assaults. Mostly soldier 3. 'Cuz the other two sorta died horribly from grenades and lasers.
Dragoshi: "Eh." *He would then proceed to throw another EMP at the soldiers, then end his actions there. Whee.*
Aribar looks about for something that could give them a bit of an edge in this fight... Nearby stockpiles of explosives, equipment the weather mage could channel electricity from, or something...*
Metal Man (GM): #3's shield dies. #4 and #5's are halved. Aribar sees mostly giant boxes laying around. And a watchtower nearby.
Aribar tries a probably futile attack on ???.. Another Storm of Blades.
Metal Man (GM): He laughs as it bounces off of his force field.
???: "I'll show you how to fight!" He aims at Alex with his golden magnum. "Die, screaming banshee!"
Aribar: "Blast... That shield won't protect you forever."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* Alex Fender is knocked down to near death and thrown to the side. He holsters his magnum and stands back off to the side. It's like being hit by a fragmentation grenade that explodes inside of him for Alex.
Alex Fender: "HOLYFU--" *BLAM* *...thud.*
???: "Anyone else that wants to try their luck, go ahead... but I do not need to waste my ammunition on fools."
Metal Man (GM): Soldiers 6, 8, and 7 fire at Dragoshi still.
Aribar: "Oh piffle..." .oO(Great... So we fight until we die... How can we end this...)
Metal Man (GM): Only one's got good aim today. Hit, miss, hit. These guys are tough. Just wait a bit more...
Digifanatic changes things up a bit. Looking straight at Soldier3, hoping to come closer to finishing him off, he flips his Digivice out of his pocket and HE'S A-FIRIN' HIS HYPER BEAMS!
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 3 is MELTED.
Dragoshi: " A little excessive there, huh, Digi?" >_>;;
Digifanatic: "I was just hoping to hit."
Soldier: "Aaarghhh!!!" *Melt.*
Dragoshi: "...But still, man."
Digifanatic: "Well, you take what you can get."
Metal Man (GM): Soldier10 fires at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Sidestep.*
Metal Man (GM): He left a broken shield device and a broken gun behind.
Aribar: "I suggest a tactical retreat to that guard tower... Cover and possibly some weaponry!"
Alex Fender: *twitches.*
Deloth: *plans to grab those after the battle... for now, how far away is that tower?*
Dragoshi: *Fires acid at Soldier 4's bullet barrage seeing as he's gonna attack me on the same turn, I bet.*
???: "There is no escape inside Area 51."
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 4 shoots at Dragoshi. His luck and Dragoshi's clash.
Deloth dashes for the guard tower... please let there be something there.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi looks sort of like swiss cheese at the moment. One can climb up and attack with ranged attacks from the guard tower. And get cover, so the guard's machinegun shots are less accurate...
Dragoshi: *Follows Del, because yes.*
Metal Man (GM): Not much else though.
Deloth climbs up, up, and in.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi follows as well, because dammit, I'm the one that's being assailed.*
Deloth flings two Flame Stings at Soldier 4 before stepping in front of Dragoshi, hopefully providing a little more cover for him.
Metal Man (GM): The second misses, but the first hits dead-on.
Dragoshi: "Thanks, Del." *Decides to do prepare. Just prepare...*
Alex Fender: *is... slowly... sorta getting to his feet.*
???: "I'm going to sue the person who guaranteed this to be a lethal round... it doesn't kill aliens like it should."
Metal Man (GM): The soldiers fire at Dragoshi, despite lowered accuracy.
Alex Fender: "Did anyone get the name of that insanely expensive truck... with fire... and bullets... more like one bullet..."
Metal Man (GM): It appears they drank Unicorn blood before firing. @_@. Both shots are headed at Deloth's face. He cannot dodge if he is to protect Dragoshi.
Deloth stands there and takes it. Owie!
Alex Fender: "I can taste my blood... it's not very good... must mean I'm not a vampire..."
???: "Stupid aliens! Stop acting like civilized beings! Then I'll have to explain you were infected with a space virus..."
Deloth: "Freakin' soldiers..." *bites his lip as he squeezes out one of the bullets from his face.*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 4 and 5's shields are freaky sparkin', half-functional. The other 5 have full shields.
Aribar: "Speak for yourself! You call yourself civilized, yet you attacked us without provocation."
Dragoshi: "He does have a point there. And don't throw that alien bullshit at us. It's quite old."
Alex Fender: "Hey, I'm an alien..."
Dragoshi: "...Aside from Alex."
Alex Fender: "I've got gold eyes and everything... whoa... spinny..."
Dragoshi: "'Cause he really is one." >_>;;
???: "Superior life forms don't need reasons for attacking people!"
Dragoshi: "Superior!?"
Alex Fender: "This wouldn't be happening if I had my bloody ax..."
Dragoshi: "I hate idiots who spout that kind of stupidity!"
Deloth: "Superior? Hey, buddy, who's kicking your soldier's asses right now?"
???: "I am. This is what they get for not preventing Dr. Carrol."
Dragoshi: "You're far from it! And I hope it stays that way."
???: "You're killing them left or right. The ones which survive will know never to fail me again."
Alex Fender: *leaps at soldier 4, on the verge of dying a horrible death, and starts swinging his fists and feet like MAD with a pair of Riot Riot Riots!*
Deloth: "What a nutlog..."
Metal Man (GM): Alex punches him in the face. Then he trips on a weird box, which begins floating. It must be a hover box. His shield's in trouble, but not dead yet.
Aribar dashes up after Del while tossing a Mushroom to Fender and summons more (hopefully deadly hail) upon the battlefield.*
Metal Man (GM): Three people are injured in the resulting storm.
???: "I knew I should have killed the one which controlled weather..."
Aribar: "Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"
Metal Man (GM): Soldier8, 7, and 6 fire in Dragoshi's direction.
Alex Fender: "Oof!" *falls on his face..and is healed! Yay!*
???: "Whatever you say." *Continues to supervise them shooting at Dragoshi.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth gets hit once.
Dragoshi: "Pitiful."
Deloth: "Damn guns..."
Dragoshi: "Quite..."
Metal Man (GM): Naturally, Soldier10 fires at Deloth. Er. Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *tries to blast that with acid...*
Metal Man (GM): Instead they both collide mid-air and cancel out.
Dragoshi: "Well, that works." *Hands Deloth a mushroom, and starts charging up a Gravity Well.*
Digifanatic decides to keep Soldiers 4 and 5 exposed as he launches a regular grenade into their path. If nothing else, it's a distraction.
Deloth: "Thanks."
Metal Man (GM): 6 dodges. 4 dies. 5's shield is blown up.
Dragoshi: "No prob."
Soldier: "Noooooo!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): In fact, he didn't even have a defense. Ultra death for him.
Deloth: "...Dayumn."
Metal Man (GM): These guys may not die easily, but they have a flair for dying spectacularly.
Deloth: *Well, considering that he can't get in melee range without opening Drago to bullets, and his ranged attack is like flinging freaking TOOTHPICKS... just braces himself for another hit.*
Aribar looks about for something in the guard tower to throw then...*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 9, and 5, shoot at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: "Now! Prepare to be crushed underfoot! GRAVITY WELL!!" *Suddenly, Dragoshi creates a black dome surging with purple electricity, in an attempt to hit 3 of the soldiers on the field below*
Metal Man (GM): The well blocks 9 and 5s bullets, additionally hitting 5. Hitting 6 as well, and also 7. Soldier 5 is crushed into nothingness. Aribar finds... an old grenade. Soldier 6 looks iffy.
Aribar: *Takes the grenade and throws it!*
Metal Man (GM): He's the only one standing that's taken damage; 7-10 look good still. He is the all powerful ruler of Cheesetopia. All hail lord Alex, king of Havarti cheese!
Alex Fender: *bounds over to him, leaping over two Soldier's and making to crack Soldier 7 in the face with one big ass--WHOA, GRENADE!*
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Aribar throws a grenade with the aim of superman.
Aribar: *Throws it at the soldiers, if there's any... Vagueness...*
Metal Man (GM): Three soldiers are engulfed in fiery doom... None dead yet, but it's some pretty fancy damage.
Alex Fender: *Ah, well, during the explosion, Alex makes to try and slam his fist into his face... c'mon, hit for once...*
Metal Man (GM): *Punch.*
Alex Fender: "HEAD ON COLLISION, BABY! WHO--ow..." *grits his teeth as a bit of blood runs down his arm... his badge pricked him... but that punch HURT.*
???: "These soldiers are a disgrace. They can't even kill one alien. I'm going to be ordering replacements after this."
Metal Man (GM): The soldier is exploded. Soldier 9 and 7 and 8 all fire at Dragoshi/Deloth. Their luck is out on break. All miss Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: "Hmph."
Metal Man (GM): Digi, Deloth, Soldier10 who fires at Dragoshi/Deloth.
Digifanatic decides to take Soldier10 on with a 1-2 of Icy Kick and Fire Punch.
Metal Man (GM): You attack... from behind. Hit and hit.
Deloth: *glances around for anything else that might be up here...*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth discovers an old Domino's pizza box.
Deloth: *Er... one more time...*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth finds an old handgun. No bullets. Bent out of shape.
Deloth: *Never mind... Defending again.*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier9 fires at Dragoshi/Deloth.
Dragoshi: *Usual acidic burst...*
Aribar fires some more hail down upon the soldiers.*
Dragoshi: *Charges up another Gravity well.*
Metal Man (GM): Acidic burst hits... As does Aribar's hail. Soldiers 7,8, and 9 have damaged ones, 10 is undamaged.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then once again unleashes a Gravity Well upon another three soldiers. Namely 7-9.*
Metal Man (GM): 7 dies.
Alex Fender: *is all OVER 8* "POW CHICKA POW WOW!* *WHAM.*
Metal Man (GM): Other two are damaged some. Then Alex misses.
Digifanatic notes how low those shields are... but he holds his calm... he gives Soldier 10 a pair of Fire Punches.
Alex Fender: *whiff* "Stop being a master of getting out of my way!"
Metal Man (GM): Soldier10 easily rebuffs Digi's attacks.
Digifanatic: "Oh well..." *shrugs it off.*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier8 fires at Dragoshi. Hit... damages Deloth. Soldier10 opens fire at Dragoshi. He continues to be a threat.
Dragoshi: *Takes the hit for Del this time. Huh.*
Deloth: *Searches one more time...*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth finds a piece of paper with what Alex Fender said typed on it. A useless fragment of a bigger piece of paper that is gone. Deloth vanishes inexplicably.
Aribar gives his remaining two Mushrooms to Dragoshi...
Metal Man (GM): Soldier9 fires at Dragoshi. Only three left.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi throws another EMP at them, in an attempt to end 8 and 9's shield and weaken 10's.*
Digifanatic: .oO(Ooooh, the boss is in trouuuuuubllllllllllle...)
Metal Man (GM): 8's shield is down. 9's is nearly gone. 10 takes significant damage.
Digifanatic is now seemingly set on finishing this battle off. Maybe a Hyper Beam Matrix to Soldier 8 will accelerate this a bit!
Metal Man (GM): He is blown up.
Soldier : "Gaaaahhhh!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Two soldiers left.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then fires two acidic bursts at Soldier 9!*
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
Digifanatic: *breathes on his Digivice as if it were a smoking gun.*
Metal Man (GM): That first hit took out his shield.
Digifanatic: *Then he pockets it.*
Metal Man (GM): Two hits. He has but little energy now. Soldier10 shoots at Dragoshi, still.
Aribar: *Does the only thing he can do... Hail at 9 and 10.*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier 9 dies.
Alex Fender: "Time for little more fist to face action!" *WHAMITH!*
Metal Man (GM): Soldier10 stands alone.
Soldier: "You can't win!"
Metal Man (GM): *SOCK.*
Dragoshi: "We already have, at this point. Your death shall be the clincher to it."
Alex Fender: "Guess what!? I could give less of a crap! Now roll over and die in a ditch with a large amount of fecal matter!"
Metal Man (GM): The shieldless soldier continues to stand.
Dragoshi: *And, so, the unholy serpent descends from his perch of the watch tower, to descend upon thine unwitting soldier numbered 10, Dark Sword drawn out, and he carves into him with it...*
Metal Man (GM): He is slashed in two.
???: "Hmph. That was just round 1. Now for round 2!"
Dragoshi: *Twirls his sword around, and sheaths it.*
Digifanatic: *deep exhale.*
Alex Fender: "Ohhhhh yeaaaahh--crap..."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers hear flying things approaching.
Dragoshi: *cricks neck.*
Metal Man (GM): Their dexes beep.
Alex Fender: "MY PANTS ARE A BOMB!"
Digifanatic: *opens it.*
Dragoshi: *Slides out his Dex* "This is Dragoshi Leucrocuta Helldusk, slayer of overzealous people. Who's calling?"
???: "The interceptors can take out any ship anyone uses... so they should be able to take you out too."
Alex Fender: "MY JUNK IS GOING TO EXPLODE IN A FIREY MESS!!! AHHHHH!!!!!" *runs about like a loon.*
Dr. Carrol: "Get out of there! Run to the right, I know a way to my lab!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Glances at Alex with a 'what' expression* "Understood." *Gets the hell out. By running out to the right.*
Dr. Carrol: "The interceptors have automatic laser machineguns which can turn anything into a pile of meat confetti in mere moments."
Digifanatic follows said instructions.
???: "What? No! Come back here! You need to die!"
Aribar: "... Excuse me, good doctor, but I blame you for this entire mess!" *Waits for the right moment to jump down from the tower and dash to the lab.*
Alex Fender: "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" *screams and flails, yet, he flails to the right.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARPWARP.*
Dragoshi: "There's always tomorrow, fatty!" *fatty!
Metal Man (GM): The group run out... and thus, out of sight or earshot of what happens next. Ganondorf and the Dark Master appear. They must have gotten Carrol's message too.
???: "Who the devil are you? Get out of my way! I was nearly done with a... purely peaceful operation."
Dark Master: "You cannot possibly stop u--"
???: "Oh yes I can."
Metal Man (GM): He points his golden gun at both of them.
???: "Back off, before I kill you both."
Metal Man (GM): The air sentries arrive; two of them hovering about 20 feet above. Weird little mechanical things. Ganondorf wisely backs off. The Dark Master does not.
Dark Master: "Nonsense! Dark Prognosticus, mind control this man!"
Metal Man (GM): *ZAP* The... mind control bounces off of the guy's shield.
???: "Ha ha ha... you are so dead."
Dark Master: "You cannot kill me. I am the unstoppable Dark Master! I know everything! You're--" *BLAM.*
Metal Man (GM): He's shot. It goes right through his shield and knocks him over like a cheap newspaper. And, unlike Alex, he doesn't even get up. He drops the book, as ??? brings in more guards.
???: "Now, as for you, strangely deformed circus cl--" He looks where Ganondorf was. He's gone. "...This is just NOT my day."
Metal Man (GM): He walks off, guards dragging the Dark Master away. Meanwhile... The Questers have arrived deep underground by climbing through a number of ventilation ducts.
Alex Fender: *is humming the Mission Impossible theme.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers would find a final ventilation duct which would lead into the room Dr. Carrol repeatedly told them about while they crawled there. It's loose.
Dragoshi: *Push.*
Metal Man (GM): It falls down, revealing a science room, a scientist (The scientist, in fact) and a lot of high-tech equipment.
Aribar follows after the others, trying to think of just what they've gotten themselves into.
Digifanatic: *follows out.*
Dragoshi: *Enter room...*
Alex Fender: *LEAPS into the room, perching like Spider Man on the nearest perchable object.*
Dragoshi: *Leans against the wall. Whee.*
Dr. Carrol: "So, you encountered Trent Easton... and survived? What good luck you have. Most of the time they wind up in body bags, or worse."
Alex Fender: "Was that the weenie's name? Hide Behind A Shield and Use a Phallic Like Gun Because My Weenie Is Too Small weenie?"
Dr. Carrol: "Yes. Most definitely. He takes out his incompetence on everyone else."
Alex Fender: *grins at Drag* "Bet he needs tweezers to pee."
Dragoshi: "...Heh."
Dr. Carrol: "Now... for why I asked you to be here."
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Carrol shows an image of Earth.
Dragoshi: "Then, do tell."
Digifanatic: .oO(I so want him to stop the jokes until we get back to HQ... but I so want to hear what he's got to say!)
Dr. Carrol: "In a previous world, I was a machine. I worked peacefully on projects at a place named Carrington Institute. One of those was investigating an ancient warp device. A Cetan Megawarp, they called it. I was lucky my backup still functioned after what those thugs did to my personality..."
Alex Fender: "It Megawarps Cetans? ...what is a Cetan? And why would you need to warp it?"
Dr. Carrol: "Not exactly, it was found INSIDE a Cetan, you see."
Alex Fender: "Let alone MEGAwarp it."
Dr. Carrol: "It's a warping device capable of bending dimensions. Naturally I was assigned to find out its capabilities."
Aribar: "That sounds moderately dangerous and familiar..."
Dr. Carrol: "In the process of reverse-engineering it... I activated it in an odd way."
Dragoshi: "Howso?"
Dr. Carrol: "It destroyed a Megawarp in the past. That was... very weird."
Dragoshi: "That does sound weird."
Alex Fender: "Weird is good. Weird does shit you don't expect."
Dr. Carrol: "It got worse, though... a star agent, the one who destroyed the great evil of this realm, went into that broken warp... ...and was never seen again."
Dragoshi: "Yikes..."
Digifanatic: "Oh man."
Dr. Carrol: "The resulting time change made me human, sent me into this Area 51, and apparently saved Trent Easton's life. Though, thankfully, the Cetan ship was still disabled, by a virus this me created. Datadyne and the aliens they were with are strangely absent at the moment, leaving our President to try to get Trent Easton off of this area. However, as this Easton saved the president's life by accident, nobody will believe him that Trent planned to clone and replace him once... It's a mess... but I found something useful... your realm."
Alex Fender: "Deep."
Dragoshi: *Nods.*
Aribar: "Well, we... Do deal with dimensional problems as a specialty, I suppose."
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Dr. Carrol: "I was forced to work for Trent Easton, and naturally I discovered The Void. As you call him."
Alex Fender: "We can do anything!"
Dr. Carrol: "As well as you."
Digifanatic: "When did you discover The Void?"
Dr. Carrol: "I discovered The Void worked just the same as the Cetan Megawarp being destroyed... that is, the same sort of time disruption."
Dragoshi: "The Void... How?"
Alex Fender: "Save the universe, give a donkey a hernia, teach monkeys to type Good Will Hunting, put the whole world in his hands... ANYTHING."
Dr. Carrol: "The good thing was it prevented your realm from being destroyed by him; but just like this realm, new enemies have been released without him keeping them down."
Digifanatic: "Can you give us a time frame of how long ago that was?"
Dr. Carrol: "Just recently." He nods. "I contact you because of... this man."
Metal Man (GM): He shows an image of Ganondorf.
Alex Fender: "Ugly Green Skin Guy!"
Dragoshi: "Okay. How is Ganondorf involved?"
Dr. Carrol: "I contacted him first, by accident. He mentioned an interdimensional transmitter he bought due to a mistake you made."
Alex Fender: "How I wish I had a guitar to slam in his face..."
Digifanatic: .oO(Well, hold up, maybe he discovered the Void from five, six years ago...)
Dr. Carrol: "He then mentioned this thing."
Metal Man (GM): He shows an image of the Dark Prognosticus.
Dr. Carrol: "This thing is of the save wavelength as The Void. Well... a part of it."
Alex Fender: "...what's that?" *headtilt.*
Dr. Carrol: "It is extremely dangerous, a book with the ability to destroy the future."
Aribar: "That's not good... Who is that?"
Dr. Carrol: "Dark Prognosticus is a book, I assure you..."
Alex Fender: "...books are dumb."
Digifanatic: "Destroying the future... I know this is going to be a completely silly question, but how can you destroy things that haven't existed yet?"
Dragoshi: "Only if you don't know how to use them." :/ "Simple."
Dr. Carrol: "It prevents pre-existing objects from having one by utterly erasing them."
Digifanatic: "Ah."
Dragoshi: "...I was gonna say 'predicting it' so you can stop it from happening if you don't like it, but. That also works."
Dr. Carrol: "This object could be used to reverse my Megawarp mistake... but more importantly, I determined this Void had been holding the villains back in your realm by his insanity alone. This means..."
Metal Man (GM): The door behind you is busted open.
Dragoshi: *Glares at the doorbuster.*
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf walks in... holding two dead guards and tossing them aside with disgust.
Digifanatic: .oO(Well, it's one of two gu--yeah.)
Dragoshi: "...Oh, what the hell."
Aribar: "Oh pi... ffle." *Looks at Ganondorf...*
Alex Fender: "Oh, monkey testicles."
Ganondorf: "At last, I have found you." He chuckles. "It was difficult killing all those shielded fools."
Alex Fender: "Everything was going just great. But nooooooooo... you had to be a dick again, didn't you? DAMN YOU, GREEN FACED MAN! DAMN YOU AND YOUR DICKISH WAYS!!"
Dragoshi: *Facepalm.*
Ganondorf: "Complain all you want. This... Trent Easton... just destroyed my last chain."
Dragoshi: "Your... last chain?"
Ganondorf: "For years, I have been held back by insane fools, clutching powerful objects which compelled me to not use my full brain. Now the one who held me in place is dead... and I have... his book!"
Dragoshi: "I see..."
Metal Man (GM): He holds up... the Dark Prognosticus.
Dragoshi: "And, what are you going to do with it?"
Alex Fender: "Ten bucks says you can't read!"
Digifanatic: *holds back his laughter.*
Dragoshi: "...I'm expecting you to cough up ten coins, then." *He sticks his tongue out, then goes back to seriousness.* "Anyway."
Ganondorf: "No, no... I have personally read from it while walking here."
Aribar frowns and wonders exactly how bad this is...*
Ganondorf: "The fool was using mind control... a pathetic power. I have a new page in this book... and it says... ...That with a few commands, I can annihilate all of you for all eternity."
Dragoshi: "And, I presume you are going to do such a thing?" :/
Alex Fender: "It's obvious, isn't it?"
Digifanatic: "Wait, does this mean you created a new page and it automatically adds it to its canon?"
Alex Fender: "He's going to use it to be a bigger dick. A green dick, mind you."
Ganondorf: "It is a most fitting end for such unbearably persistent idiots. For you to be erased instantly." He holds up the book. "Dark Prognosticus, activate! Annihilate them! ...And the scientist too."
Metal Man (GM): The book glows. ...It creates an exact opposite of every person there. An English Gentlemen stands opposite Alex Fender. A football jock stands opposite Digi.
Dragoshi: "...I think you messed up, Ganondorf."
Alex Fender: "Whoa!"
Dragoshi: "Oh so badly."
Metal Man (GM): And a very angry woman with a frying pan appears opposite Dragoshi.
Aribar frowns, wondering what exactly Ganondorf has done...*
Dragoshi: .oO(Wow. That is totally unexpected. Even for me)
Metal Man (GM): An orc appears opposite Aribar.
Orc: "Me see elf. Me eat for breakfast."
Metal Man (GM): Sounds like Bonecrusher.
Woman: "I'mma smash you to bits, you apathetic jerk!!!"
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(Why am I reminded of Bonecrusher from that orc's vocabulary all of a sudden?)
Aribar chuckles.* "Oh, I do believe your spell has erred, Ganondorf."
Englishman: "I do say, it is time for teatime. Teatime of oblivion. Do you wish to share a cup, my dear rock and roll friend?"
Dragoshi: "Let's see if you'll even manage to do such a thing in the first place." *Draws out the Dark Sword.*
Football Jock: "Gah! It's a nerd! Die nerd! You suck! You... like... love gadgets and hate people!"
Digifanatic: "Hate people? You have the wrong guy."
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf stands aside as the opposite phantasms go to fight you. They're all black-and-white ish.
Alex Fender: "...I hate this guy!"
Dragoshi: "...This is... Well. Err. Wow. I can't even begin to say how weird this is." *Blinks.*
Aribar smirks as he goes to face off against the orc. The elf does feel as if he should be more concerned, but he's in the mood for underestimating yet another warrior...*
Metal Man (GM): The Jock appears to be waiting carefully on whatever Digi does.
Digifanatic has no idea how in the world he is going to fight against his counterpart, but for kicks (no pun intended), here comes a gold club from outta nowhere as he attempts to thrust it into the Jock's head. *
Metal Man (GM): Digi smashes himself right into the Jock's... punch attack. *PUNCH*
Digifanatic: *takes it calmly so far.*
Alex Fender: "C'mon, gentleman dude! I'mma introduce you to my ax--..DAMMIT!...Fist! My fist! Ka-pow!"
Dragoshi: "And your a-...Fist. Fist. right."
Alex Fender: *leaps at him, his hands and feet flying as he unloads a pair of Riot Riot Riots!*
Gentleman: "Yes... jolly good show." *Sip* "Punch me all you like, I shall make you look bad."
Metal Man (GM): The Gentleman attempts to parry with a teapot.
Dragoshi: "...That's not a very effective tactical maneuver."
Metal Man (GM): His head flies off from the kick. Then the Teapot full of insanity splashes Alex.
Dragoshi: "...what."
Alex Fender: *...twitch.*
Metal Man (GM): Alex now is cursed to behave like a gentleman. Meanwhile, the Gentleman is dead.
Alex Fender: "...what... happened...?"
Dragoshi: "I... don't... knoooooooooooow."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, the crazy woman watches Dragoshi carefully, apparently willing to parry anything he sends apathetically with something over-emotionally.
Alex Fender: "...I don't quite understand what has occurred, but I suddenly feel more... proper..."
Dragoshi: *Blinks, then pulls out the Dark Sword, then stretches a little bit, his bones popping* "Aaahhh... MUCH better." *He zooms forward, then strikes the woman with an upward slash from his Dark Sword.*
Metal Man (GM): Her frying pan makes a poor sword substitute, and her anger blunts her aim. She disintegrates. Erm, anyway, though Seasnain hasn't changed his, it's Aribar and the Orc now.
Dragoshi: *Twirls his sword around, then slides it away* "Hmph."
Aribar decides to go in and end this quickly. He murmurs a quick charm against weapons before dashing in, the wind picking up as the elf rushes towards the orc. The wind soon becomes blades that trail behind the elf, and when he is just about to reach his opposite all the blades whip about to strike the foe. Aribar expends more wizardly energy to keep the wind shaped and commands them to unleash an endless onslaught onto the or.
Metal Man (GM): The Orc attempts to stab the storm to pieces. Instead, he is annihilated. Then what's left over... Knocks out the Jock, takes out an evil Scientist, and keeps on going to smack Ganondorf in the face.
Ganondorf: "What? No! Defeated by Aribar???? Impossible!!!"
Alex Fender: *is looking mighty confused.*
Digifanatic: .oO(Dang... I was almost curious to see how he would have reacted to my keytar.)
Metal Man (GM): Yes. The opposite of Dr. Carrol. Who appeared long enough to get headshot.
Dragoshi: "That was just sad, Ganondorf."
Ganondorf: "The book must take a while... or perhaps I diluted it too much..."
Dragoshi: "Or perhaps it's sign telling you that you should give up."
Ganondorf: "Bah... I'll do one this time. One big one. Dark Book! WORK THIS TIME!"
Metal Man (GM): He powers it up. Indeed... something stronger appears.
Alex Fender: "...I do not understand. What has happened?"
Metal Man (GM): ...Ganondorf's opposite... Shadow Aribar.
Shadow Aribar: "Heheheheheee! I've cheated death yet again!"
Ganondorf: "...Wait a minute... it's designed to destroy everything, not just heroes..."
Aribar looks to the warlock... He would make a snide remark, but knows just how powerful the Gerudo can be... Then he looks at his shadowy double..*
Ganondorf: "..."
Dragoshi: "..."
Aribar: "..."
Dragoshi: *Ala Milk-Chan* "You dumbass!"
Alex Fender: "...what?"
Shadow Aribar: "Now... what to do... hmmmm..."
Metal Man (GM): He sizes up the Questers.
Shadow Aribar: "Yes. I shall take you out for keeps... but first..."
Metal Man (GM): He looks to Ganondorf.
Shadow Aribar: "TERRORBOLT!!!"
Metal Man (GM): *BZZZAAMMM.* Ganondorf is zapped. He flees before any more inverse-Aribar magic zaps him.
Dragoshi: "...I say we take his lead."
Dr. Carrol: "The opposites are intended to kill by collision--I believe Ganondorf didn't know what he was doing when he did that... do you want to fight that thing?"
Shadow Aribar: "Psh, I'll slap you around a bit, then I think I'll destroy this funky looking base with my pinky finger."
Dragoshi: "Hahaaaa... No. We're not in the best condition to do so at the moment..."
Aribar: "Fight a competent version of myself?" *The elf chuckles a little nervously at his joke* "Unless that spell has a set duration, we'd have to face this shadow at some future point.."
Dr. Carrol: "The question is whether you wish to fight him now or--" *BOOOM* "later... I know a way out of here."
Shadow Aribar: "Make up your mind, silly fools! I didn't wait five years for Ganondorf to make a collosal mistake to hear you monologue!"
Dragoshi: "Do tell."
Dr. Carrol: "Up the vents and out the way you came."
Digifanatic: "Any chance these helicopters or whatnot can do anything against this guy... if they haven't been blown up yet? I doubt it, but hey you never know?"
Dr. Carrol: "Technically you wouldn't want to be in the same place with this guy and helicopters."
Alex Fender: "I am so very confused. Could anyone please tell me what is happening?"
Digifanatic: "Oh, I'm well aware, Doctor.
Aribar: "Mmm... Would you mind waiting until we're at our strongest before fighting us?"
Shadow Aribar: "Okay. Only if I get to smash things here."
Dr. Carrol: "Fine with me, I've had enough of this place." *He climbs into the vent and goes to flee.*
Digifanatic: *follows the good Doc.*
Dragoshi: "...'K. You go do that." *Follows them.*
Aribar: "Most definitely! ... Especially if you go after someone with a golden gun..." *The elf follows the others and wonders how badly reality here is screwed up.*
Metal Man (GM): As the group flees... Aribar gets the answer to his question, though he knows it not. Ganondorf is walking out, grumbling. Then Trent and his men are in the way of the exit. They point their guns at him.
Trent Easton: "Not so fast, jerk. You let those fools, and the scientist, and some other things get away. I'm not going to stand for that. ."
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf puts his hands up... with the Prognosticus.
Ganondorf: "Very well... I will just have to kill you with this then... my pitiful mistake spared those fools... but I won't fail this time."
Trent Easton: "How interesting. I want something destroyed myself. Perhaps we could use this to our advantage."
Ganondorf: "Hmph... you're more competent than Bowser, but your wild gun-waving isn't going to scare Questers."
Trent Easton: "I'll give you a real army if you could just help me destroy a... certain something..."
Ganondorf: "What do you mean?"
Trent Easton: "I overhead everything in that lab. I also know you have an army of absolutely pathetic monsters. I have men. With guns. Perhaps you'd be more successful..."
Ganondorf: "Yes... I see. Let us go, then."
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf walks out. The soldiers follow him... as does Trent Easton, walking alongside him.
Trent Easton: "Then we shall kill those annoying aliens together!"
Metal Man (GM): Mission Complete. Questers arrive at HQ.
Digifanatic: "Well, that was nothing more than business as usual." *is just standing still in an open room, looking around* "I hope this place will stay like this for a little while longer than the last version."
(We never did find out what happened to Shadow Aribar! @_@)