Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 478: Revenge of the Magi



Date: November 22nd, 2007.
Trivia: This was yet another session... done on Thanksgiving of all times!
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man is looking at the finished 'Julian's Mistake Memorial Stadium', where indeed it is being polished up for use in a new tournament. However, that is not ready yet. The Questers are... wherever they usually are, as Metal Man wanders into R&R and begins inspecting the furniture.
Dragoshi: *In R&R, polishing his Star Board. ...As per usual.*
Deloth: *Still studying those books. What, you expected the Spanish Inquisition?*
Aribar is paging through his spellbooks.
Metal Man (GM): Naturally, people's dexes would beep... but why?
Digifanatic: *casually opens his Dex.*
Deloth: "...It's always something." *pulls out his Dex and flips it open.*
Dragoshi: *Stops polishing the Star Board, sighs, pulls out his Dex, and opens it* "What?"
Aribar puts down his book and takes out his Dex..
Snake: "Hello." *Clears throat* "I have discovered something... a bit of a problem... in Saturn Valley." *He points to a bomb in the distance* "It's a time bomb, and it appears set to blow the entire valley to smithereens. I can't get close enough because a number of strange creatures are around it."
Dragoshi: "...Well, that's not very good."
Snake: "It has... well, it's counting down to zero, and it's at 987... 986... 985..."
Metal Man (GM): One about a second.
Dragoshi: "Let me just warp there, and I'll help deal with the creatures, then..."
SIMBER: "Warp room is activated."
Aribar: "So we have sixteen minutes to get there, clear out the enemies, and deactivate the bomb... Goodie."
Dragoshi: "Thank you, SIMBER." *Zooms over to the Warp Room, and into the warp.*
Deloth heads for the warp room... it's ALWAYS something.
Digifanatic runs off to the warp room and, well, into the warp.
Aribar sighs, muttering how he was in the middle of a spell before rushing to the room of warp.
Alex Fender knocks on the Big(ger) Room door...
Metal Man (GM): The door falls down. It hasn't been repaired in ages. The room is empty. All the other Questers were seen running into a warp of some kind.
Alex Fender: *is standing there, fist raised, looking confused and... out of place.* "...that's quite odd... I wonder if there was a mission we needed to go on..."
Metal Man (GM): Alex's dex would still be beeping.
Alex Fender: "Oh. Hmm. I suppose that's what this is all about." *takes out his Dex, opening it gingerly.*
Snake: "The countdown continues... 984... 983... Seems like most of the Questers have gone to the warp..."
Alex Fender: "...countdown?! Oh, dear! Is there a bomb or something similar? It surely isn't a countdown to teatime! That isn't until four thirty! I must accompany them!" *runs all weird and odd like to the warp, leaping inside feetfirst.*
Metal Man (GM): WARP. The Questers would appear at the rim of Saturn Valley. Phew. No caves of death for you. Instead, they'd see the various weird pink houses of Mr. Saturns, and one gigantic bomb surrounded by... Mr. Saturns. Snake is there, too.
Snake: "See? Look at those strange monsters. I can't get anywhere near that bomb."
Aribar: "Those are the... Mr. Saturns... The inhabitants of the valley."
Alex Fender: *falls out of a portal onto his face.* "Oh, jellybeans, that smarts!"
Deloth runs over towards the bomb, hopping over any straying Mr. Saturns on the way.
Dragoshi: "...Those aren't monsters, Snake. Those are just the indigenous peoples."
Aribar nods towards Fender as he appears and watches Deloth rush towards the bomb...* "This ought to be interesting."
Snake: "Really? Well... okay."
Metal Man (GM): The group walks up to the bomb. Two Mr. Saturns block access to the bomb.
Dragoshi: *Walks over to the Saturns.*
Deloth: "Uh... excuse me, but I need to get over to this bomb."
Mr. Saturn A: "`/00 |\|00|3$! 7|-|1$ |30|\/||3 \/\/1|_|_ |~|233 |_|$ 4|_|_!!!"
Digifanatic: *walks up* "Hey, we're not trying to blow up the bomb. We're trying to prevent that from happening..."
Aribar: "How exactly were they stopping you Snake? Or were they just preventing a stealthy approach?"
Alex Fender: *slowly gets to his feet, rubbing his sore face, and sort of meanders over to the others..*
Mr. Saturn B: "010010010010000001101000011000010111010001100101001 000000111100101101111011101010111001000100000011100110 110100001101111011001010111001100101100001 000000111010001101000011001010111100100 1000000111001101101101011001010110110001 1011000010000 001100010011000010110010000101110."
Snake: "Well... they look like monsters, you know, and I didn't want to accidentally harm them if they were good."
Digifanatic: "Okay, this is beyond what I expected..." *takes out his Dex and tries to translate all of that binary...*
Dragoshi: "...How in the hell will it free you?"
Aribar: "Take no offense, Snake, but you need to research some of our commonly visited realms a bit more." *Heads over to the others.*
Deloth: "..." *tries to just push the Saturns away with his foot.*
Alex Fender: "I suppose it could free them from the binds of life..."
Dragoshi: "...Why would they want to die, though?"
Mr. Saturn A: "7|-|3 0,|_|3$73|2$ \/\/1|_|_ |\|07 |>4$$. 7|-|3 |30|\/||3 \/\/1|_|_ |~|233 |_|$ |~|20|\/| 7|-|1$---"
Metal Man (GM): *BZT* The air above them fluctuates oddly.
Alex Fender: "...hmm... that is odd."
Dragoshi: "Quite..."
Mr. Saturn A: "7|-|47 1$ |\|0|2|\/|4|_!"
Metal Man (GM): Digi's dex translates the binary.
Dragoshi: *Looks at the air.*
Metal Man (GM): Mr. Saturn B said 'I hate your shoes, they smell bad.'
Dragoshi: "Maybe if this was the era of The Void, that'd be the case."
Deloth attempts to scan the bomb above the heads of the gibberish-talking Saturns.
Digifanatic: .oO(Okay, that's irrelevant...)
Dex: "Unknown entity blocking bomb. Appears to be invisible."
Deloth: "..."
Dragoshi: "...Well, that's odd."
Aribar: "I would guess we would be dealing with some sort of invisible nemesis to the Saturn race."
Deloth: "Okay, whoever you are, show yourself." *puts his Dex away and prepares a Flame Sting, should things go sour.*
Alex Fender: "Indeed, it is quite odd... I wonder if there is a way to see this invisible being."
Mr. Saturn A: "|>4`/ |\|0 4773|\|710|\| 70 7|-|3 |-|1|)|)3|\| |\/|4|\|."
Metal Man (GM): *BZT* A man appears, and the two Saturns the group was talking to vanish.
Dragoshi: "The hell I won't!"
Alex Fender: "Oh, dear! It's like the Wizard of Oz!"
Man: "Gah! Please don't kill me! I was just hired to do this..."
Aribar takes a swift step back from the man.* "Greetings, illusionist.."
Dragoshi: "...Yea. It is like a bad Wizard of Oz reference now that you mention it, Alex."
Man: "He said he'd kill my family if I didn't!" *He looks at the bomb* "And this is made out of some highly radioactive material..."
Dragoshi: *To the man* "Okay. Who's the guy that put you up to this?"
Alex Fender: "Oh, my!"
Man: "Trent Easton... ...and some weird guy who wore old clothes."
Digifanatic: "Radioactive... odd..."
Aribar: "We're the Questers. Perhaps if you... Did you just say..."
Man: "I was just working for Area 51 on prototype cloaking technology..."
Digifanatic: "Easton..."
Metal Man (GM): The timer is now on 856.
Dragoshi: "What did the guy who wore old clothes look like, anyway?"
Digifanatic: "Huh... we were just at Area 51 ourselves."
Deloth: "Mind stepping aside so we can work on defusing this sucker?"
Alex Fender: "Did this fellow wearing weird clothes have green skin? And orange hair?"
Dragoshi: "That we were. And a book?"
Man: "Trent Easton. The man with the golden magnum. Green Skin? No, but he had orangeish hair... and a book, yes... and he laughed a lot."
Metal Man (GM): He steps aside... far aside.
Man: "I'll be... getting out of the way then."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, Ganondorf's more like an olive drab or so to me..."
Dragoshi: "Great. It looks like I'm going to add this as another reason for me to rend Ganondorf's flesh from his skin..."
Metal Man (GM): The device continues ticking.
Dragoshi: "Once I get the opportunity, that is. Regardless. Who here knows how to defuse a bomb?"
Metal Man (GM): It has a control panel with 9 buttons, 1-9. It also has a big red button. And a keyhole.
Deloth walks over to the bomb and starts looking for a wiring panel... and since he's probably getting sleeted with gamma rays, he hurries this task a bit.
Aribar keeps an eye on the man while the others deal with the bomb...
Alex Fender: "Erm... I'm not all that well versed in bomb mechanics..."
Digifanatic: *also takes a look to see how big the bomb is*
Man: "Uhh... type 9102 and use this." *He tosses a key to Dragoshi.* "That should turn it off."
Metal Man (GM): It's now on 790...
Deloth: "I'll do it, just in case something goes wrong. Drago, the key, please."
Alex Fender: "Erm... are you quite sure that's correct, sir?"
Deloth: "After all, if I've already died and revived once, might as well."
Aribar: "I'm sure he realizes that if the bomb goes off, he'll die too."
Man: "Do you have a better idea? This thing's very dangerous!"
Dragoshi: *Catches the key, then prepares to type in the code number... 9102. Then, he inserts the key.*
Alex Fender: "I'm just... well, I hope this isn't all some big trick..."
Dragoshi: "Nah. I'll do it. 'Sides, I've taken abuse before." *Sure, why not. Not like Dragoshi's had enough stuff explode in his face, anyway. :p*
Metal Man (GM): The key is turned. It goes "Bomb deact--" But before it can finish, it hits 777. Which, apparently, was the bomb detonation time, NOT 0. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Deloth: "If you say so." *starts to get out of--crap.*
Metal Man (GM): It burns everyone. ...It isn't quite as powerful as advertised.
Alex Fender: "Oh my good gracio--*ow*"
Metal Man (GM): All it's done is burnt the group black, and it appears to have been crudely made with C4.
Aribar is blown back a good bit...
Digifanatic: *stands there... blinks twice.*
Metal Man (GM): The Man is also surprised and injured.
Digifanatic: "I thought we were gonna get killed."
Dragoshi: *Blasted back a bit* "Wow. Talk about false advertising."
Deloth casually stands up and starts pulling shrapnel out of himself.
Man: "Argh! I should have known it... Trent Easton must have known I'd try to betray him... so he set the timer to go off early anyway!"
Digifanatic: *nervously exhaling...* "Okaaaaaay..."
Deloth: "Hm. Not really much worse than that one fourth of July."
Aribar: "That was very... Painful and aggravating.* "Groans as he gets up...*
Metal Man (GM): A Mr. Saturn walks up to all of you.
Digifanatic: "Now what do we do?" *Looks around at all of the Mr. Saturns that were there--are they okay?*
Alex Fender: "Oh, hamburgers... that was quite painful. Almost as much as landing on my face..."
Mr. Saturn: "WeIrD MaN mAkE BoOm. SaYs OtHeR ThInGs... YoU iNtErEsTed?"
Aribar glances at the Saturn... While looking to see exactly how much damage was done to the village.
Dragoshi: "I suggest trying to return to your family as quickly as possible then. I pray, that you make it to them in time, before that bastardly man does anything to them."
Metal Man (GM): None. It made a little crater and burned everyone.
Digifanatic: "I am interested in knowing what else he has done around here..." .oO(As long as you don't give us coffee...)
Deloth: "Yes, we are interested, as a matter of fact."
Dragoshi: "...Also... Sure. I guess so."
Alex Fender: "Erm... I suppose so..."
Mr. Saturn: "MaN wHo SeNd BoMb sAy QuEsTeRs DuMb..."
Digifanatic: .oO(Oh no... where's Alexia when you want her and Aribar in the same scene?)
Dragoshi: "Wow. How fucking predictable!"
Mr. Saturn: "No ReAlIzE BoMb HaS No PuRpOsE."
Dragoshi: "Does everyone have to overuse that freaking cliche! Really, now. You could've freaking said this earlier."
Mr. Saturn: "So ThEy HaVe TiMe To Do OtHeR ThInG."
Dragoshi: "Where are they, anyway. And what's this other thing..."
Digifanatic: "Crap, a diversion. Do you have any idea where he went after here?"
Alex Fender: ""And..just what was this other thing?"Deloth: "...What other thing?"
Digifanatic: "Can you at least give us a direction?"
Aribar gets out his Dex and tries to see if their HQ is being attacked right now while they're gone...
Mr. Saturn: "I dOn'T kNoW wHeRe He WeNt."
Dex: "HQ is at 100%, no attacks detected."
Metal Man (GM): BOOOOOOOOOM... That was off in the distance this time. There's now a plume of smoke over Toad Town.
Alex Fender: "Oh my!"
Dragoshi: *To Dex* "Where was that explosion located?"
Dex: "Toad Town Penitentiary. Destroyed by a bomb of same spec as this."
Deloth: *staring at the cloud of smoke* "...Dammit, not Toad Town AGAIN."
Dragoshi: "...Wow. Couldn't they be more original?"
Aribar sighs.* "... There are rogue toads?"
Dex: "Hole in prison wall has allowed unidentified men to enter the jail."
Dragoshi: "Like, I don't know. Some place that isn't Toad Town."
Alex Fender: "It sounds as if he is trying to release captured criminals!"
Aribar asks his Dex to set up a warp there.
Metal Man (GM): the Mr. Saturn looks to Alex.
Dragoshi: "Really..." *Sets up a warp.*
Mr. Saturn: "YoU GeNtLeMaN. WaNt SaTuRn TeA?"
Digifanatic: "Let's get the move on... no, I'm good."
Dragoshi: "Don't. If it's anything like the coffee, nothing good'll come of it." *To Alex.*
Alex Fender: "...tea? Oh, no thank you, my good sir. It isn't teatime quite yet, and it appears I have some work to do..."
Mr. Saturn: "CuReS aLl AiLmEnTs!"
Alex Fender: "...ailments, you say? Well, perhaps a small cup before I depart..."
Metal Man (GM): He gives Alex a cup.
Digifanatic: "No, don't listen to him, Alex. You're probably going to go haywire and..."
Dragoshi: *Still setting up the warp to the Toad Town Penitentiary.*
Metal Man (GM): It looks green... and smells herbal.
Digifanatic: *weakening voice as he continues* "Rip... up... the Stadium..."
Alex Fender: "Nonsense! I never refuse a good cup of tea. And besides, it might be able to cure this oddness I've been plagued with!" *with that, he drinks it down, but in a gentlemanly way.*
Deloth looks at Digi oddly. "Uh... is there something you're not telling me about what happened in the past?"
Metal Man (GM): *Drink* It cures Alex's weird curse. It also makes him feel energized.
Alex Fender: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The warp to the jail area is open.
Alex Fender: "...*twitch*..."
Dragoshi: "Freaking finally" *Heads into the warp.*
Digifanatic: "Hmm... Deloth, do you remember Gibby?"
Deloth: "Yeah, of course. What about him?"
Digifanatic: "Well, he and Dragoshi went completely nuts off of a can of Saturn Coffee."
Mr. Saturn: "OuR GoD GiBbY... HoW wE MiSs HiM. BoInG!"
Aribar blinks, having dazed off a bit thinking of something... He looks at Fender..* "Wait... Did he... Just.."
Digifanatic: "Like, disco dancing all around the old HQ..."
Alex Fender: "...HOT DIGGITY DAMN! I feel like I can kick the ass of a ten thousand pound gorilla with a gigantic silver mallet on her 'lady time of the month'! Let's go kick some prisoner ass, bitches! WHOOOOYAKA!"
Aribar leaps into the warp for safety!
Alex Fender: *leaps head first into the warp.* "GREAT GOOGLY ZOOGLY MOOGLY POOGLY!! That tea puts hair on your chest and junk in your trunk! I'm ready to take this job and shove it! UP SOMEBODY'S ASS!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers emerge from the warp, in front of the jail. A massive hole is in one of the walls. Almost immediately, four jail-garbed Koopa Troopas emerge and begin walking towards the Questers. They also make getting further in difficult...
Alex Fender: "Ohhhh, yeah! Let the asskickery commence!"
Metal Man (GM): The jail alarms are goin' off and there's smoke everywhere.
Deloth: *Battle pose, of course. Let's rock!*
Aribar: "If you don't want to get hurt, you'll head back inside. We're the Questers."
Metal Man (GM): This is a quick-battle style, so you get to just throw one attack at a time at them. They advance; you guys can attack.
Koopa1: "No way, man! We've been in this joint for a long time! We're gonna rock you!"
Koopa2: "Just because we burned some Toads doesn't mean we're evil!"
Digifanatic: "Uh, if there wasn't a good motive behind it, yes, you are evil."
Aribar: "Ever heard of Mario? We're as strong as him and we outnumber you."
Alex Fender: "Less talky! More skull cave inny!"
Digifanatic: "Or at least a criminal, and that you are."
Digifanatic decides to stomp on one of the Koopa's shells.
Dragoshi: "..." *Just zooms over to one of the Koopas, and tries to hurt him by rolling into him. What the hell is this, Crime City?*
Alex Fender: *immediately heads after another Koopa, smashing his fist into his face with a Head On Collision.*
Aribar sighs and watches as the Koopas don't stop... He just rams into one with a Thunderstruck!*
Metal Man (GM): Koopa 1 is hit by Dragoshi and hit by Digi. Alex hits Koopa 2. Then Aribar fails.
Deloth runs over to Koopa 2 and attempts to Bomb Kick him in the jaw. Whee!
Metal Man (GM): Koopa 2 is dead. Koopa 1 apparently only takes minor damage. Koopas 1, 3, and 4 attack Alex with their shell attack.
Dragoshi: *Yep. Minor damage by being rolled into and stomped on. :p*
Digifanatic keeps going for Koopa 1 by striking it in the chest with a Fire Punch.
Alex Fender: *gets smacked one, gritting his teeth but smiling all the time. Pfft. Didn't feel nothing.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi hits. It's still standing, barely.
Aribar calls down Hail upon the entire area.
Alex Fender: *immediately moves on to the next Koopa, letting out a massive scream in his direction and sending out a ball of sound to nail him* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" *devil horns!*
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then casts Gravity Well upon the Koopas, attempting to crush them like delicious, fluffy, waffles.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar hits all three of them. Then Alex hits his...
Deloth: *attempts to finish off Koopa 1 with a Fire Twist.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth misses. Dragoshi hits one Koopa. Koopa 1 and 3 are dead. Only Koopa 4 remains. Koopa 4 gets a crack at Dragoshi with a shell toss. Hit.
Digifanatic takes a look at the last Koopa, he pulls out a golf club and rams it into the Koopa's head with smashing flair.
Dragoshi: *Ow. kinda sorta. Regardless, Dragoshi slides out his Dark sword and attempts to carve up the Koopa... if Digi doesn't kill it.*
Alex Fender: *just aims a normal sized kick at it.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, Digi. Hit, Dragoshi. Hit, Alex. Koopa 4 is KO'd. But the fighting has only begun. As another explosion is heard and Four Hammer Brothers come out to replace them! And they get to attack now, due to their timing... Hammer Bro 1 chucks a hammer at Dragoshi. Ow. Hammer Bro 2 chucks a hammer at Alex.
Dragoshi: *Slightly more painful... But, eh.*
Aribar: "Arg... Where's Mario? Or the Toad Town police? We need to get in there..."
Metal Man (GM): Hammer Bro 3 chucks a hammer at Digi. Hammer Bro 4 chucks a hammer at Ari.
Digifanatic: *sidesteps the hammer.*
Aribar swings his hand towards the hammer and conjures some wind to blow it aside.*
Metal Man (GM): Alex dodges. And a neat dodge it is, as it sets off the double-exclamation marks!! Meanwhile Aribar dodges the hammer thrown at him.
Alex Fender: *leaps to the side in a perfect little cartwheel* "YOU CAN'T HIT JACK!!"
Hammer Brother4: "I hate people named Jack, they always say that..."
Dragoshi: "It's a figure of speech, you idiot."
Hammer Brother3: "Get out of the way! We must join lord Bowser!"
Digifanatic takes no chances in this opening group of Hammer Brothers, so he starts out conservatively with a Fire Punch, followed by an Icy Kick, just to see how quickly it takes for them to dodge...
Alex Fender: *lands in a crouch, springing forward in a powerful sort of springing charge, sending his fist crushing into Hammer Brother 2's face.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit so far.
Aribar rips through Hammer Bro 3 with a Storm of Blades!
Metal Man (GM): Hammer Brother 2 dies. Hit, Aribar.
Digifanatic: "Doesn't look like the Koopas can hold out much better than we can."
Dragoshi: "Whatever..." *Dragoshi also zooms over to the first HB, and attempts to carve into him with a 1-2 cut from his Dark Sword!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Hit.
Deloth aims another Bomb Kick at HB1.
Metal Man (GM): Four Hammer Brothers. Well, three, now. Hit, Deloth.
Kamui: *walks in, from behind the group, keeping to the back trying to see if he could stay hidden behind Dragoshi.*
Metal Man (GM): Kamui could do that... not that these guys are very tough. HB1 is alive... barely.
Kamui: *brings his hands around, making a rapid number of hand signs. He then steps out from behind Dragoshi and attacks HB1.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss. HB1 throws a hammer at Deloth. HB2 throws a hammer at Aribar. HB4 throws a hammer at Dragoshi.
Aribar takes a step to the left of the hammer.
Metal Man (GM): Deloth moves to safety. Dragoshi is hit.
Kamui: *forms another ice shard in his hand which he launches at HB1 again.*
Deloth tries to fry HB2 with a Fire Twist!
Digifanatic thinks about items, but this battle shouldn't take much longer...
Metal Man (GM): Kamui hits.
Digifanatic then decides to direct a Hyper Beam Matrix at HB4, for that matter...
Metal Man (GM): Deloth hits... HB3. Digi hits HB4.
Aribar rushes up to the fourth hammer Brother and unleashes an electrically charged flying kick on it!
Metal Man (GM): Hit, Aribar. HB1 is dead. HB4 is critical.
Alex Fender: *leaps over to HB4, his fists flying in a flurry as he sends a pair of Riot Riot Riots at him!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi eats a Mushroom, then proceeds to attack HB2 by crashing down upon him with an Aerodrill!*
Digifanatic waits for those two to clear the scene and Fire Punches HB3 only if it's necessary.
Metal Man (GM): HB4 is dead. Dragoshi misses. Digi hits. The Ailing HB3 hurls a hammer at Alex. It misses.
Alex Fender: *duck* "Pfft. Are you guys blind or something?"
Hammer Brother3: *Has two black eyes.*
Deloth: *One more Bomb Kick at HB3...*
Digifanatic: "I don't know, but I want to get this guy outta here and move on!" *takes a leap and shoots a leg straight downward at the HB's head--aerial Smash-esque.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Digifanatic: *Or not!* *Yeah, not.*
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* That's all of them. The group can now go further into the jail.
Digifanatic: *runs in.*
Metal Man (GM): They also left behind... one mushroom between all of them.
Deloth picks up the mushroom and heads in.
Dragoshi: *Takes th-Was gonna take it, but whatever. Dragoshi then moves along.*
Panzer poofs there.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are currently handling a prison break. Panzer and the Questers are inside the jail, having handled the first wave of inmates. This large cell block is empty. However, a door ahead slams shut; the maximum security wing. That must be where the person who set the bomb went; It's a giant cast-iron door with a vault lock on it, and no one has the combination for this side.
Alex Fender: "Oh snap! They just closed that damn door on us!"
Deloth: "...We need explosives."
Panzer waddles along, looking around here and there. She looks back at the others, then Digi. "Give me the parameters of the mission."
Alex Fender: *skids to a halt, glaring at the door.*
Aribar: "This is rather... An..noy... ing... Wait, that was stupid. They've just sealed this side in. Let's just head to the entrance!"
Alex Fender: "...huh."
Dragoshi: "Hm?"
Metal Man (GM): The group can walk around, outside, and to the entrance.
Alex Fender: "Master of The One Handed Clap is right!"
Digifanatic: "Ah, alright Panz. Snake found a bomb out in Saturn Valley. We went there and tried to stop it from blowing up, but it did. However, it was ultra-weak and the worst we got were a few burns. Anyways, a Mr. Saturn says Ganondorf did it, and I guess there was another bomb out here, so we warped in."
Panzer looks around the area briefly, wondering. "Who's the main bad guy in this one, or is there one? Or are you just bored and messing with prisoners?" She spoke as she looked around for tale-tale signs of any particular recorded baddies that she knew of, checking anything identified against previously snagged info from SIMBER or her Hunter files.
Digifanatic: "It's been Ganondorf for a while now."
Kamui: "Yeah, where've you been?"
Metal Man (GM): All Panzer would see are fragments of a bomb that seems to have been made by humans--C4 bits thrown around.
Alex Fender: "Mr. Green Face is going down, this time! I'm going to punt his head in for making me a gentleman and a pansy ass!"
Digifanatic: "He seems--well, he is the common antagonist in most of what's been going on."
Deloth walks over to that big iron door. "Anybody got a cutting torch?"
Alex Fender: *races toward the main entrance of the building...*
Kamui: "I have my fireball attack, but I dun' know how well that'll work."
Metal Man (GM): The entrance is unlocked.
Deloth: "Hmm... I doubt a Flame Sting is near hot enough to cut into this door."
Aribar starts towards the entrance with Fender.
Dragoshi: *Also moseys on along to the entrance* "And, I don't know if my acid would be any good..."
Kamui: *turns and heads after the others.*
Panzer wanders around the bomb, carefully, towards the vault door. She kneels and puts an ear to it, listening to the gears to click just right to get the combination as she turns the knob with the numbers on it.
Digifanatic: "The acid might be a good idea."
Metal Man (GM): Inside the entranceway is a tossed over table, and a door into the jail proper. There's an additional walkway back into the room you went to. However, the high security area is secured by another door here.
Kamui: *looks at the table to try and see what the material it is made of.*
Digifanatic: *enters.*
Alex Fender: *growls and slams his feet into the sealed door with a big ol' kick.*
Metal Man (GM): Panzer cannot tell the combination... not obvious enough. The table... is made of wood.
Deloth tries cutting into the door with a Sting anyways... couldn't hurt, right?
Aribar tries to pry the door to the jail proper open and peer into the room beyond...
Panzer growls and sees she's the only one there. She growls and beats her head against it a little in anger, the crazy sort of titanium on crack it's made from might be enough to bash it in over a slow, gradual amount of time if it's just a steel door. XD.
Digifanatic wonders if any Hyper Beams might do the trick... or if there is some crazy resonant frequency he can find on his instrument that might cause the iron to buckle... well, let's go with the former.
Metal Man (GM): Deloth fails. Alex only dents the door some.
Alex Fender: "Daaaahahahah!"
Digifanatic: *Never really left the scene--is still actually with Panzer.*
Alex Fender: "Damn, asshole door!"
Digifanatic: *Hypar Beam'd.*
Deloth: "...You kicked a foot-thick chunk of metal, Alex. What'd you EXPECT?"
Alex Fender: *shrugs* "Something more than that."
Metal Man (GM): Kamui is standing, watching Panzer and Digi bang on a sealed door.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi motions for the others to back away as he shoots acidic bursts at the edges of the door Alex hit, trying to make it fall over.*
Kamui: *blinks, then looks around for any kind of switch or button.*
Alex Fender: *looks about for a computer in the main opening room or something.*
Metal Man (GM): Ironically, both doors open quickly. The sealed doors open, a long narrow hallway is revealed to all people facing sealed doors.
Deloth: *In in in!*
Digifanatic: *runs in and checks out the hallways to see if they can confront anyone.*
Alex Fender: "...I'm stronger than I am! Which is damn ass strong!" *races in after the others.*
Kamui: *looks over to the others, then shrugs his shoulders* Ok, so brute force worked this time. *he walks over towards the doors, looking inside the hall way.*
Panzer was about to bash it again when it opened. She lifts a brow, tapping the side of her head to switch her vision over, to infra-red, looking for traps and that sort, if none, she'd switch to normal vision and check that way.
Dragoshi: *Walks in as well, though stays behind, letting the others activate any unsightly traps. Or tarps. Either or.*
Metal Man (GM): Panzer would notice a large energy signature behind a door at the end of the 'high security' hall. Indeed, all there is at the end of this hallway is one door. It has a sign. 'DANGER: DO NOT OPEN. EVER!'
Digifanatic: "Well, unless the guy can teleport, he had to open the door... But don't rely on that logic to find out where he is."
Panzer lifts a brow, shrugging. Suited her. She wasn't stupid. She called the others. "Hey you people, find anything?"
Alex Fender: "Whooooaaaaa hold up." *skids to a halt right next to the door in question.*
Digifanatic: "I'd like to see if we can come up with a more intelligent way to find out."
Metal Man (GM): This hallway is very old. It looks full of cobwebs.
Deloth: "...Well, rules were made to be broken."
Deloth reaches for the doorknob.
Alex Fender: "No, hold up!"
Metal Man (GM): The doors were apparently sealed for a very long time.
Aribar just follows Fender..
Digifanatic looks to see if there's a window into the door, either from the wall or the door.
Alex Fender: "Don't you guys get it or something? This could be what Green Face WANTS us to do."
Panzer gets no answer and huffs, not looking happy. "Okay retards. This is what we see, If you see the same, don't do anything."
Alex Fender: "Breaks out the main prisoners, makes it look like he's ran through here, makes us open the door so on... I mean... wait..." *!*
Deloth: "Yeah, or we could be wasting time while he does some unspeakable ritual on the other side of that door." *reaches for the doorknob again...*
Alex Fender: "...I just had one of those idoodoes things!"
Dragoshi: "Ideas?"
Alex Fender: "Yeah that!"
Dragoshi: "Do tell."
Panzer inspects the hall, looking for tracks through the dust and all.
Dragoshi: *Looks up to see if there's any holes in the ceiling... Or anything obvious that would make for alternate path around the high security place.*
Metal Man (GM): Well, yes, I spent quite a while talking about it being old. There are tracks. Bootprints which lead to the door up ahead. There's a hand-shaped print on the doorknob, too. No hole in the ceiling. The dust is brushed around the door, as if it's been moved.
Deloth: "Can I open the door now?"
Kamui: *looks to the door knob, placing his hand on it lightly.*
Alex Fender: "...okay, let's kick it in."
Deloth reaches over and turns the doorknob O NOES.
Dragoshi: *Stays off to the side, because of not wanting to die from whatever's behind mysterious door.*
Metal Man (GM): An entire hand imprint. The door opens.
Aribar: "I'm not sure this is a good idea..."
Metal Man (GM): It reveals... the sole occupant of the high security wing. And a man, obviously a soldier of some sort, has gotten in here.
Kamui: *looks towards the soldier, eyes all o_o.*
Metal Man (GM): The one that said 'DO NOT OPEN EVER' He's undoing a number of high-security things keeping whoever it is in that giant sphere floating above the room imprisoned.
Man: "You're too late! The bomb worked exactly as planned!"
Metal Man (GM): Panzer is with the group, too.
Deloth runs forwards and aims a tackle at the guy's legs.
Metal Man (GM): A different man.
Panzer lifts her rifle, wasting no time in drawing down a bead on him. "Stop what you're doing or I blow your head off."
Metal Man (GM): An Area 51-soldier esque man.
Panzer: "You know military protocol, I am within my rights."
Alex Fender: *moves with Del and aims a big ol' kick to the head with Deloth's tackle.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth is in the way of Panzer's shot as he tries to tackle the man.
Kamui: "I'd listen to her, I can vouch how painful it is."
Metal Man (GM): Then Alex gets in the way.
Man: "How am I to stop if I'm under attack?" He takes out a grenade and chucks it at the two attackers.
Alex Fender: "Fuck you, robot lady! I'mma do my job!"
Metal Man (GM): The large explosion takes out the machine which he was working on as he's tackled and kicked.
Man: "Well, you just failed it!"
Aribar stands back away from the whole commotion.* "Bother it... all... That's probably not good."
Metal Man (GM): Alarms go off. The doors back out seal themselves. The giant sphere cracks.
Aribar looks up at the sphere containing something that's probably very deadly.
Panzer sighed. "Thanks, guys. You just ASSISTED him."
Dragoshi: "No. More like he just accelerated his own plans." :/
Alex Fender: "...quick! Anybody got any super glue??"
Deloth: "Well, how the heck was I supposed to know?!"
Panzer turns and starts walking off, leaving them to clean up their mess. She walks outside.
Metal Man (GM): The door outside is locked. Automatic security precautions.
Kamui: *looks at the sphere* "This is probably gonna be bad."
Panzer: "Here's a hint, look and think first, jackasses." She grumbles and looks around for a window.
Dragoshi: *Decides to leave the others to muck in their own idiotic mess, too.*
Metal Man (GM): The sphere explodes suddenly.
Dragoshi: *Assists Panzer.*
Kamui: *turns and runs after Panzer.*
Metal Man (GM): The group sees several extremely heavily barred windows. They hardly let in light.
Digifanatic: "Oh man..."
Metal Man (GM): Out of the sphere pops out... ...a Koopa riding some sort of broomstick.
Deloth: "..."
Alex Fender: "...that... is the big high security guy?"
Aribar readies himself for anything this Koopa might do...
Kamek: "YESSSSS!!! I am freeee!!!! It's only been too long!"
Alex Fender: "A turtle witch thingy?"
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Metal Man (GM): It is Kamek.
Deloth sighs and stands up.
Metal Man (GM): He was last seen ages ago, imprisoned for trying to sabotage Baby Mario's birth through a very confusing scheme.
Panzer turns and points at them. "No. Don't you dare run. You made this mess. I tried to use reason and good method, just like I always do. You've seen the wonderful results and lack of death it produces. This is your fucking fault. You get back and clean it up or I will have no quarrel at all shooting you myself."
Metal Man (GM): He is also known as the only competent Koopa in the whole bunch.
Deloth: "Panz, shut the hell up already."
Metal Man (GM): That's why he was trapped in here for so long. He speaks in a chicken-esque voice.
Panzer aims for Deloth's head and fires a round.
Aribar: "A Magikoopa..."
Alex Fender: "Whoa! What a twist!"
Kamui: *looks at Panzer* "I hope this isn't at me because I had nothing to do with the sphere."
Kamek: "Now, if you'll excuse me..."
Metal Man (GM): He looks around.
Dragoshi: "Same."
Deloth: *Ow. Bullet forcibly inserted into brain.*
Kamek: "...Who decided to let me free, but lock all the doors out? Bah!"
Aribar: "Apologies, but you were locked in here for a reason... You're going to have to remain in here."
Alex Fender: "...I still don't see why a turtle on a broom is such a big deal."
Dragoshi: *Points at the soldier* "That'd be his fault."
Kamek: "I'm going to bust out of here and leave you weird people to your mistakes!"
Alex Fender: "And why robo-bitch is shooting people."
Panzer looks at Alex. "You want a round too?"
Metal Man (GM): He powers up his wand. A poof of smoke flies off of it as he aims it at a heavily reinforced wall.
Kamui: *looks at Kamek* "You, be quiet!"
Kamek: "Take this, wall which has held me for over twenty years!"
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Aribar tries to leap up to the Koopa and use his Storm of Blades to destroy his broom!
Metal Man (GM): The wall is hit by a charged blast.
Alex Fender: *eyes Panzer* "...I know. Cause she's a bitch. THAT'S why she did it. Oh well. Stop the turtle? ...Right, stop the turtle."
Deloth puts a hand over the bullet hole to stop the bleeding, using the other hand to toss a Flame Sting at Kamek.
Metal Man (GM): He vanishes. You don't even know where he went.
Alex Fender: *leaps up to take a swing... and gets nothing but air!*
Aribar: "Blast!" *Twists about while falling to the ground, expecting a geometric blast of magic from any direction..
Kamui: *looks towards Kamek, bringing a hand around he forms another ice shard and fires it at the wand in Kamek's hand.*
Metal Man (GM): Kamek is nowhere to be found. He used his powerful magic to hide. The Man gets up, brushing himself off.
Man: *Takes out a radio* "Kamek is loose. Send a demo team now."
Panzer walks to him and grabs him by the collar, lifting him to her face. "Name, Rank, and serial number, NOW!"
Man: "Questers are infighting. Gack!"
Metal Man (GM): He looks to Panzer.
Deloth: "Pardon me for a bit. I think that bullet might have grazed something vital..."
Kamui: *looks towards Panzer and the man, blinking a few times.*
Dragoshi: "God dammit people... The infighting was supposed to stop at Charles..." *Shakes his head in disgust.*
Deloth calmly sits down, still holding a hand over the bullet hole.
Digifanatic: "Yeah..."
Man: "I'm a Private of the United States Area 51 reserve, sent by Trent Easton to free a political prisoner."
Aribar keeps alert, hoping that the Magikoopa hasn't escaped yet. He holds out his hand and charges up some ice-blue energy in it, readying a new spell...
Alex Fender: "Hey, I was TRYING to stop Mr. Soldier and then Turtle on a Broom dude."
Man: "He is already mostly free, and a demolition team is going to blow up whatever remains between him and the outside."
Digifanatic offers Deloth a Mushroom... "Want it?"
Alex Fender: "You don't see me shooting people in the forehead because I'm a bitch."
Panzer: "Political prisoner? Bullshit. There are always bigger, better, more logical reasons to lock something like -that- away."
Man: "I would have stopped, but at the time it appeared my life was forfeit, Questers leaping at me and all. Well, he did nearly destroy the only person capable of defeating Bowser for keeps." *He shrugs* "But that was then and this is now."
Deloth: *looking up at the mushroom* "No, no, I think I might need something a little more intensive this time..."
Digifanatic: "Ah..." *pockets the Shroom.*
Dragoshi: *Just leans against the wall, and looks around, just in case he sees something out of place in the room. Whee.*
Panzer seems to be having some sort of (to the questers) an unidentified lapse in judgment. She turned him around, dug her clawed hands into his back and grabs his spine, ripping it out. Spine rip! (^.^)
Alex Fender: "...whoa."
Kamui: "o_o PANZER!"
Metal Man (GM): He is killed. However, his time spent talking with you was on purpose.
Deloth: "..."
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM.*
Aribar casts down his Hail down upon the area near the hole in the wall, trying not to hit any allies if they're over there... hopefully, if Kamek is still there, he'll be ripped up.
Metal Man (GM): ...Another bomb just went off, cracking the wall to the left.
Deloth: *takes out his Dex* "Metal, we seem to have a psychotic Quester on the loose here..."
Dragoshi: *Sees Panzer do that, then under his breath* "...Fucking awesome."
Metal Man (GM): Kamek appears, visibly disturbed by the spine ripping and ice. He sees Deloth take out the dex.
Digifanatic: *muttering* "He better had been talking about Ganondorf in terms of beating Bowser."
Kamek: "NO! You cannot get me re-arrested!"
Metal Man (GM): He fires a ray of geometry at Deloth.
Alex Fender: "...TURTLE ON A BROOM DUDE!" *makes a running leap at him.*
Deloth: "Plus, Kamek's loo--OH CRAP!"
Kamui: *looks to Kamek* "If anything, you're gonna DIE when we catch you. o_o."
Aribar: "Get Kamek! We can not let him escape!"
Kamek: "You people are not as good at Yoshi at fighting me. So you can't catch me!"
Alex Fender: *makes to get on top of his broom so he can yank it out of his grasp.*
Metal Man (GM): Only a glancing hit.
Panzer drops the body and the spine, crosses her arms and watches, eyes turned from usual green to purple.
Metal Man (GM): It knocks the dex out of Deloth's hand though.
Deloth: "OW! That's where that bullet hole was, jerk!"
Metal Man (GM): Kamek allows Alex to grab him...
Digifanatic recovers Deloth's Dex...
Metal Man (GM): ...As he falls backwards towards the cracked wall.
Kamek: "I needed a little extra momentum..."
Dragoshi: *Pipes in to interrupt for a second* "Well... I'm half of one... But, for what it's worth, I doubt that matters. Regardless."
Alex Fender: "...well, shit."
Digifanatic: *gives the Dex back to Deloth if it's safe.*
Deloth flings a Flame Sting at Kamek's broom as he flies away... hopefully, SOMETHING'll hit.
Kamek: "You can take my wand, but it is bonded with my soul. It won't make any difference if you steal it. Ha ha ha."
Panzer smirks, taking out her rifle and lifting it, drawing down a bead on Kamek, taking her nice, careful time and all.
Alex Fender: "I ain't going for you wand, turtle dude! I want your broom!"
Metal Man (GM): Deloth hits Panzer with it instead. With a horribly aimed flame sting.
Dragoshi: *Suddenly pulls his cloak over himself to make it appear to look like as if he's cowering... When in actuality, he's trying to call Metal to get Yoshi here on the double what with Kamek and whatnot.*
Alex Fender: *makes to kick the turtle into the oncoming assault of attacks while yanking the broom away from him.*
Aribar rushes towards Kamek, hoping they can do something right for once...
Metal Man (GM): The missed fire sting goes out the window. Er. Into a window, not out it.
Panzer huffs and shrugs it off, retaking her aim and firing a round to displace Kamek's head, being hit with friendly fire adding to the effects of the Maverick virus, making her friends and foes cross into the same category.
Metal Man (GM): Kamek is at a high disadvantage due to falling with a guy standing atop him.
Alex Fender: *WAS trying to yank the broom out from under him...*
Metal Man (GM): He is hit pretty hard. However, his choice to be near the wall when it happened aids him in crashing right through the wall.
Kamui: *brings his hands around, forming another ice shard he launches it at Kamek with the flick of his wrist.*
Deloth goes back to his Dex, now that he apparently has no freaking chance of hitting anything.
Metal Man (GM): He does his little vanish trick just as Alex grabs at his broom.
Alex Fender: "OHSHI--" *grabs at air* "Oh, come on!!"
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi's still trying to Dex Mettaur to get that thar Yoshi here on the double.*
Metal Man (GM): He then reappears, outside. He laughs.
Digifanatic: "Well, you have the broom--OH, COME ON!"
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi is not fast enough.
Panzer lowers the rifle and dashes up and out the hole in the wall and out of the building if it goes outside.
Aribar tries unleashing some more Hail at the Koopa!*
Deloth: *Dexing* "Anyways... Metal, Panzer's being somewhat crazy. As in spine-ripping, shooting-me-in-the-head crazy. ...By the way, could you send a bandage with Yoshi? Thanks."
Alex Fender: *leaps out next to Panzer, making another flying leap toward Kamek to grab that broom from him.*
Metal Man: (Dex) "What? Yoshi's eating people's spines and shooting Kamek at pirates? I can't keep track of all these conversations!"
Deloth closes his Dex and promptly passes out onto the floor.
Metal Man (GM): Kamek waves his wand, making himself a force field.
Kamek: "If you want to fight me, then it's a fight you get... just stop trying to steal my stuff, it won't do you any good!"
Aribar: "... Break his broom and wand then!"
Alex Fender: "Then stop running away like a yellow bellied--..oh... yellow... shell... right... ...erm... stop running like a coward!"
Panzer stands outside and shoots at Kamek from behind. :>
Kamek: "Now... I need something... oh... yes."
Metal Man (GM): The dead man appears outside.
Dragoshi: *Is Dexing Metal. Sheesh.*
Kamek: "I'll send Baby Mario to Bowser's... erk... he isn't a baby anymore, is he?"
Digifanatic: *Heads out.*
Kamek: "Uhhh... ...I'll zap you with this display of magic!"
Metal Man (GM): He flies around once, then twice... ...The man is healed. ...Then he grows ten times in size.
Alex Fender: *makes a--... well... that's... that's just fricken weird."
Dragoshi: *Still busy with his Dexing attempt...*
Aribar: "Curses, curses, curses!"
Man: "...I guess I'll be destroying you, then."
Kamek: "Curses make the world go 'round!" *Sees the dex* "Bah!" *ZAP.*
Metal Man (GM): All the dexes cut out.
Kamek: "Stop playing with... uhh... whatever those are... we didn't have those back then!"
Panzer blinks. Shrugs. She looks at the Questers the same way she looked at Kamek, taking up a bead on Alex, not firing yet.
Aribar: *Idea.* "Soldier, a hundred gold coins say you'll fight for us.."
Digifanatic: .oO(He what?!)
Man: "Yeah, right. You'd let that terminator model C kill me then. I'm going to crush you into tiny pieces!"
Alex Fender: "...DUDE! AR-NULD IS HERE?!?!"
Kamek: "Yes! Do that!"
Aribar pulls out a bag of 92 coins, hoping his bribe will work... And... It looks like it failed. He sighs and puts away his cash.
Metal Man (GM): Well, he'd see Dragoshi paying attention to it.
Alex Fender: "CAN HE *clap* PUMP ME UP?!"
Kamui: *points at Kamek* "You shut up!"
Kamek: "Ah... nuld?"
Metal Man (GM): BATTLE. The giant man is much slower than a normal man. He has the luck of several, though.
Giant: "I'll crush you, little people!"
Metal Man (GM): He grabs the prison and rips a giant chunk off of it. Then he drops it at all of you.
Alex Fender: "I'll stab at your big toe, big people!"
Digifanatic: *Yikes.* *PRISON'D.*
Dragoshi: *Fucking argh.*
Digifanatic hopes that the Giant Army Guy can't dodge for beans... so he takes a chance and fires off a Hyper Beam Matrix to the midsection.
Deloth: *Still unconscious, so hit.*
Metal Man (GM): Digi protects himself with a hyper beam matrix. No damage to him. Nor to the giant.
Alex Fender: *takes in a big breath, wishing for the umpteenth time he had his axe, and lets out a big SCREAMING blast of sound* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"
Aribar belatedly tries to dodge.
Metal Man (GM): Kamui's Ice shard hits the giant. Kamui is not damaged by the prison bits either.
Alex Fender: *gets smushed.*
Panzer darts to the woodline and uses her camouflage ability, setting up in a tree and all that. XD She'd weaved through still partially unblocked doorways. She takes careful aim at the giant, 'charging' for now.
Aribar is beat up pretty badly, but the elf isn't going down without a fight if he can help it! He rushes towards the giant, the wind whirling about and pushing him towards his foe. Calling forth his arcane talents, Aribar morphs the wind into whirling vorpal blades. As the elf rushes by the giant, every sword whips about to cut the back of his foe's legs. Hopefully that will hinder the titan's maneuverability.*
Alex Fender: *makes to leap clear of the building, racing to the right and around the other side of the giant, taking in a deep breath and letting loose a big ol' Click Click Boom... man, it just doesn't feel right screaming. He ain't no bloody singer!* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" *devil horns!*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: An amazing hit. Seasnain: Failure. Yeouch.
Deloth: *Sorry, can't hear you, I have a bullet lodged in my brain.*
Dragoshi: "Hmm... What to do, what to do... Oh! I know..." *And, so, what does Dragoshi do? He charges up a Gravity Well.*
Panzer fires a nice, charged round right into the ear to fuck up his brain, letting the round bounce around and scramble a bit, hopefully. At any rate, if it doesn't hit that well, it'll still be a headshot of some kind.
Metal Man (GM): He's taking severe damage now. The giant doesn't seem in good shape anymore.
Kamui: *brings his hands together, making a number of rapid hand signs. He then brings his hand around and fires off a fireball (Jutsu) at the giant.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit. A lot of hitting, indeed. He takes even more damage.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi, after charging, finally unleashes that Gravity Well upon the giant, in an attempt to make him come crashing down like several sandbags on a stage floor. ...Or spotlights. Or both. Whatever.*
Metal Man (GM): He's hit, quite a bit. He falls over, and explodes. Nothing remains of the giant.
Alex Fender: "WHOA! Kick ass!"
Kamek: "Awww! I was just warming up my magic too!"
Dragoshi: "...I was expecting him to come crashing down, but not explode."
Kamek: "Magic is unstable... this is an old wand." He shakes some dust off of it. "Now, what did you weird people want?"
Panzer fires at Kamek's head from behind.
Alex Fender: "...uh... we want you to... not... be evil and all that?"
Kamek: "Then..."
Alex Fender: "And maybe you could help us with that book thingy!"
Aribar: "We want you to head back into your cell and stay there!"
Metal Man (GM): He gets hit in the shoulder by the bullet.
Panzer grumbles.
Kamek: "Ow! That's it... I've had enough of your tricks!"
Dragoshi: "God dammit, Panzer."
Alex Fender: "...that wasn't us!"
Metal Man (GM): He switches hands and makes a spell motion.
Kamek: "Abra-ca-vanishula!"
Panzer blinks. WTF?
Metal Man (GM): He vanishes.
Alex Fender: "I will personally do what you--FUCKING HELL!"
Metal Man (GM): It then rains a strange energy on the forest nearby.
Dragoshi: "...Yea. Well, there goes a chance of him helping us."
Panzer blinks and switches to infrared.
Dragoshi: "Nice one, there."
Metal Man (GM): ...Which then bursts into fire.
Kamui: *turns towards Panzer* "..."
Metal Man (GM): Which... inconveniently... blots out the IR before Panzer can get a lock.
Dragoshi: "...Oh, great. And, now we have a burning forest. Freaking argh."
Metal Man (GM): Kamek's voice echoes as he flies off.
Panzer growls and hops from the tree, sliding down the tree and darting out of the woods.
Kamek: "Not like I was going to help you anyway, but now I'm really mad!" *POOF.*
Aribar: "Can we do no right?"
Metal Man (GM): The rest of the prison collapses on itself, having been weakened too many times.
Alex Fender: This wouldn't have happened if I had my ax..."
Dragoshi: "...I believe we can, but some people just fuck up that opportunity" *Sighs, then heads on over to the forest.*
Aribar sighs and follows Dragoshi. The elf tries to use his magic over weather to conjure up some rain...
Digifanatic: *Heads for the trees.*
Kamui: *takes his dex out and checks it.*
Metal Man (GM): The dexes are back on.
Alex Fender: *grumbles and follows, his hands shoved in his pockets.*
Metal Man (GM): The fires are slowly put out.
Panzer slings her rifle and puts it on her shoulder, still looking iffy to be trusted, if at all, scanning the area and seeming to ignore them, using IR.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer would see he's long gone. The last trace on him showed him flying away almost like a plane.
Kamui: *looks towards Panzer, then walks over her bringing a hand to her shoulder* "Hey..." *He speaks in a calm tone over to her.*
Metal Man: (Dex) "Well, I think I figured it out... however, you'll have to chase Kamek later. First... ...I detected a lot of Maverick Virus in the air. Uh... point a dex at her."
Digifanatic decides to do that, hoping she won't act crazy on him...
Kamui: *Points his dex at Panzer.*
Alex Fender: *leans against the tree when they get to Panzer, glaring at her and flexing his right hand.
Panzer growls and pauses, looking at the hand on her shoulder, then Kamui... She doesn't look too happy, shrugging her shoulder out from under his grasp.
Kamui: *removes his hand from Panzer, mainly keep and eye on his dex.*
Panzer looks at the dex and goes to snatch it from him. "Do not scan me."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer grabs the dex... but that's actually the best thing that could happen.
Digifanatic: *shuts his off.*
Metal Man (GM): Some weird program of Dr. Light's is beamed into Panzer's systems, erasing the Maverick Virus for the time being.
Kamui: "... May I have my dex back please?"
Digifanatic: "Phew..."
Panzer growls and her system, archaic as is tries to reject it, but is overpowered, processors not being able to move that fast. She lets it drop and shakes ehr head, eyes green again. "That was weird. I wasn't scheduled for another flare up of the Virus for about a year... Hmm."
Kamui: "... Panzer?"
Alex Fender: "Fricken bitch ass computer virus cost us some serious magic to help us... ...meh...'least I'm not a pansy anymore..." *picks his dex up, keeping an eye on Panzer as he slowly stands up.*
Metal Man: (Dex) "Anyway... I'm fairly sure you wouldn't have easily been able to prevent him from escaping, so don't feel too down."
Digifanatic: "Eh, minor relief."
Metal Man: (Dex) "A warp back is open. Just be happy none of you got cursed by Kamek--he's nasty with those."
Digifanatic: "Oh..."
Kamui: *looks to the dex* "Should we report back?"
Digifanatic: "Nothing else to do, really."
Panzer looks at Alex. "Shut the hell up. I don't have to be infected to get pissed off enough to shoot you... Kamui, I'm fine. I have a weird sort of Virus strain that runs somewhat abberrant in my system, no permanent cure. It flares and takes over every few years... Though I've got it timed to a science. For some reason it came way too early."
Alex Fender: "Hey, bite me, robot lady."
Kamui: *Nods his head, then looks to Alex* "Don't egg her on."
Digifanatic stands in between Alex and Panzer, planning on doing so while they take the warp back.
Dragoshi: "Well... That's strange. Regardless." *Exits into the warp.*
Alex Fender: "Pfft."
Panzer pulls her lips back, exposing a menacing-looking lion-like maw, teeth and all. "Come here."
Kamui: *sighs, shaking his head as he heads off to the exit warp.*
Panzer also leaves.
Alex Fender: *pushes against Digi, his hands clenching* "Pfft..."
Aribar trudges into the warp...
Alex Fender: *shoves the younger kid to the side and moves into the warp.*
Digifanatic will keep his distance between those two, then.
Digifanatic: *warps.*
Metal Man (GM): Mission complete.
Alex Fender: *goes and gets Deloth...*
Digifanatic: *looks for Deloth after warping back* "Anyways, enough of this... going back to what I said about Gibby and Dragoshi... And that coffee. There was a third Quester that tried that stuff... you might be interested in hearing this."
Deloth: "Oh, really? ...Hang on a second."
Digifanatic: "No problem. Oh, it wasn't me. I honestly never drank that."
Deloth: "Oh, okay. Continue."
Digifanatic: "Yeah... you'd be interested in knowing this because she knew you. You knew someone named Alexia before your first time as a Quester, right?"
Deloth: "Yeah, of course. Why?"
Digifanatic: "Eh, turned out that she got involved in the business here and she just happened to join in the chaos that was Questers going bonkers on coffee, that's all." *whispers* "She even had a crush on Aribar, if I remember correctly. Not sure how well you'd believe it, but that was the word."
Deloth: *coolly* "I could see that happening, actually."
Digifanatic: *normal volume* "Oddly enough, she came not too long after that tower fell on you. She went back to her old business after we took care of the Void, and who knows what she's doing well. Obviously, Ari rejected any romantic interests." doing now.*
Deloth: "I could see that happening, too. How'd she do while she was here?"
Digifanatic: "Not too bad. She had one odd episode that piqued my curiosity for a long while, that I never really got to know about well."
Deloth: "Name it."
Digifanatic: "It was during a tournament. She was in a fight against another Quester, and, well, she started acting odd."
Deloth: "More than usually so?"
Digifanatic: "Something... I'd say possessing her. I didn't have the greatest glance at the time, but that's basicially how most of us interpreted it."
Deloth: "Er, uh... wow. Any specifics?"
Digifanatic: "I'm trying to think... It's been a while, so my memory's a bit fuzzy... Okay. She seemed to be recalling some... I'm not sure if was a prophecy or like the possessing being just announcing something to the public, but it's like she was some figure destined to do something for the good of her peers. And I remember a mission or two where her appearance seemed to be affected by this... her veins were an odd color."
Deloth: "That's... awfully specific for fuzzy memory."
Digifanatic: "Well, it took me some time to get it back. I had to think about it for a bit and make sure I had it right. If you know something about her and perhaps even yourself that I don't, I at least want to make sure I have the right information to lead you to the proper ideas."
Deloth: "Hrm... I can't really recall anything like that. Sorry."
Digifanatic: "Have you ever had any episodes like that, even before you were one of us?"
Deloth: "Nope, not even at my drunkest. All I have from that is a tattoo."
Digifanatic: "Oh."
Deloth: "Yeahhh... luckily, the scales cover it up."
Digifanatic: "Ahhh..."
Deloth: "So do you remember anything about these fun-sounding little episodes? Er, anything more specific?"
Digifanatic: "The coffee or the other bit?"
Deloth: "Both."
Digifanatic: "Cause if it was the coffee, I wasn't there for most of that. I saw it began and then I left the scene until it was over with--everything I told you earlier was from times I talked to others about it. Now, as for that possession thing... hang on, I think there was some odd name to go along with it, maybe you're familiar... Unfortunately, this is one detail I forget. It started with a Z. Like Zyl or Zan-something."
Deloth: "Z... Z... no, doesn't really ring many bells. ...Zyl or Zan? Those aren't names, those are prescriptions."
Digifanatic: "Heh... it started with something like that. That wasn't the full name."
Deloth: "I'll give it some thought."
Digifanatic: "No matter what, one must have a really strange feeling when they learn that their identity has been branded with prophecy decades, if not centuries before they were born."
Deloth: "...Now you're REALLY confusing me. What prophecy?"
Digifanatic: "I'm not quite sure. Like I said, it was someone saying something like Alexia would help her people or her home. This is where I'm starting to lose my grasp. I have the general idea but I can't come up with any specifics... hang on. Maybe the library or some archive section in here has something."
Deloth: "...Worth a look, I guess. Thanks."
Digifanatic: "Wanna check it out now?"
Deloth: "Sure." *heads for the library.* "By the way, I've got a whopper of a headache. Got an aspirin?"
Digifanatic: "Oh, geez, I knew Dragoshi used to be infamous for his aspirins... But I'm not sure if I do. Not on me, at least."
Digifanatic starts walking to the library, hoping there's some detailed database of past Questers in there...
Digifanatic: *We'll assume they did because Metal's probably UAFK.* "Okay... *reading article, muttering various lines, and then snaps his fingers* Zelkairia, that was the name of that being that got into her mind. Is that familiar to you?"
Deloth: "...Nope, sorry."
Digifanatic: "Alright. No problem."
Deloth: "Sounds like two names collided into each other at eighty miles per hour."
Digifanatic: "Yeah. She never really went into detail. Which I could understand. I doubt she brought herself to it, like you said, two names colliding. I mean, just that you two knew each other--even though it's been years since either of you saw each other--so maybe things happened."
Deloth: "...Wait..."
Digifanatic: "I can."
Deloth: "Two names colliding..." *starts pacing back and forth.*
Dragoshi: "Hm?"
Deloth: "Hmm... I think I have it."
Digifanatic: *turns* "Oh, hey. You were watching that when that happened, right? Alexia going nuts from that possession?"
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Deloth: "I think the name... was it Zelkfa?"
Dragoshi: "First round of the Swordmaster Tournament, correct?"
Digifanatic: *thinks* "You... yeah, I think you're right, Dragoshi."
Dragoshi: "'Cause, I remember that mainly due to the fact I pegged Julian in the head with not one, but two friggin' tarantulas. In a row."
Digifanatic: "Oh geez..."
Dragoshi: "And, then there was the time when he was too paralyzed to avoid that fake Void's Armageddon."
Deloth: *interrupting* "Did she say anything about Zelkfa?"
Digifanatic: "Oh, I forget the exact words..."
Dragoshi: "And I also remember when Metal Sonic crushed Ju-...I think. Not that I can remember with my shoddy memory, but whatever."
Deloth: "YES!"
Digifanatic: *mumbles to Dragoshi* "Metal may have beaten me good, but I remember that for something even more... when I decided on my second job..." *grins.*
Deloth jumps up in triumph, accidentally trips, smashes his head against a bookcase, and crashes to the floor, stone cold. Again.
Digifanatic: "Oh man..."
Dragoshi: *mumbles to Digi* "heh..." *Then sees Del smash his head against a bookcase.* "...Fucking hell."
Digifanatic: "Well, it's a start. I mean, it's strange how little scenes just cue up the most curious of flashbacks..."
Dragoshi: "Yea..."
Digifanatic: "Zelkfa doesn't sound right... unless it was a third being, or Alexia was lying when she said 'Zelkairia'."
Dragoshi: "Maybe there was more than one?" :/
Digifanatic: "Like I said, third. But everything seems innocent at first when you think about things, but you probably know that I get concerned rather easily. I just hope the same never happens to Deloth."
Dragoshi: "It's prolly' the whole 'third being' thing."
Digifanatic: "I wonder how he'd react when I told him about the other Alex... Better... I wonder how Ari would react, cause I don't think he was there..." *This is before Deloth regains consciousness.*
Dragoshi: "Dunno." :/
Digifanatic: "Nah, he wasn't there, cause he woulda freaked when he heard the name."
Dragoshi: "Heh..."
Digifanatic: "I would remember that. Well, let's carry Deloth back to his room and let him rest on his bed... Maybe he's just tired."
Dragoshi: "'K."
Digifanatic: *holds Deloth up by his feet, waiting for Dragoshi to get the other end.*
Dragoshi: *Gets said other end, and starts carrying 'im. Whee.*
Digifanatic: *And hence the two would carry Deloth back into his room, ending tonight's downtime-o-rama 2008.*

