Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 481: Anticlimactic Mutinies
Date: December 4th, 2007.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are at HQ... things seem normal... except... There is no Deloth to be found. Anywhere. Not much seemingly is going on at the moment. However Metal Man appears to be finishing up a report of sorts. The Stadium is empty. Oak's on vacation. Christmas decorations have begun to materialize around the place.
Dragoshi: *And Dragoshi's still polishing up that Star Board.*
Feint is hanging out in the stadium stands, reading his book.
Dragoshi: "Well, this should work for now..." *Stops polishing it, and pulls out his own book, and gets back to reading it.*
Metal Man (GM): It seems vaguely informational. Metal Man walks by holding the report, sticking it up to a bulletin board.
Feint: *Closes his book and gets up, stretching* "Hmm...wonder if the higher ups have any ideas on where Deloth might be..." *Heads off to find someone who might know.*
Dragoshi: *Looks up from his book, and walks over to bulletin board, half-focused on his book, and half focused on the board, whee.*
Feint: *Comes up behind Dragoshi and looks over his shoulder* "Anything new?"
Metal Man (GM): The bulletin board. 'Unknown energy field detected in previous mission area.'
Feint: *continues reading if there is more to be read.*
Metal Man (GM): 'Investigation TBA. Shortly after Deloth vanished, a strange energy wavelength was detected from the area. Ganondorf's energy signature was detected faintly in the area. Rumors indicate also an appearance by 'BAG', some sort of robotic being.'
Metal Man (GM): It ends there, with a question mark.
Feint: "Ganondorf again? Doesn't that guy ever give up?"
Metal Man (GM): 'Questers to investigate??? Contact Metal Man's office.'
Aribar staggers out of the library and begins trudging towards the R&R... The Questers haven't seen the elf in a long time. Presumably, he's been in the library staring at all the new spellbooks that have been added to it.*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar would see the report.
Dragoshi: "Not really. Then again, at least it's not like the past, where it seemed like few people ever truly died."
Feint: "Well, thats villains for you *Smirk* Well, I'm going to go talk to metal. *Walks off towards Metal's office.*"
Aribar looks at his report, squinting...* "Energy fields... Investigation... Del... Gone... Ganondorf... Metal.." *Yawns and starts towards Metal's office.*
Metal Man (GM): The door is open. Metal's leaning back, feet on his desk.
Metal Man: "Hello. Saw the report?"
Feint: *Knocks on the frame and steps in* "Yep."
Aribar enters Metal's office.* "Morning... Saw report.."
Dragoshi: *Follows along, reading his book still* "Mhm."
Metal Man: "Well, the report is simple. Deloth vanished, then weird energy readings began. You know the area, right? It was inside a cave that this all happened. So... you guys want to check it out, or should I save Deloth myself?" *Chuckles.*
Aribar shakes his head to try and wake himself up.* "Actually, I was caught under an avalanche of books that day... Couldn't come to that mission.."
Metal Man: "Well, it was rather simple. The Questers went in to steal a ship to check out a disturbance Dr. Carrol found in another sector. What's interesting is that disturbance is now in these caves. Therefore, you only need to walk to the disturbance... if you're all awake." *Sips some coffee.*
Dragoshi: "Well, I'm awake."
Feint: "I'm in, of course."
Aribar: "I believe sleep deprivation shall increase the power of my magic by tenfold! Or cause me to utter the wrong words and cause random explosions."
Metal Man: "Very well. The warp room has the coordinates pre-programmed. All you must do is check it out... oh, and save Deloth. That would be nice." *He nods.*
Aribar salutes Metal before marching towards the Warproom.*
Feint: "We'll think about it." *nods and turns toward the warp room.*
Dragoshi: "'K." *Follows along, and puts his book away.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk to the warp room, finding a warp gate open.
Feint: *He checks what color the warp is.*
Aribar dares to enter the warp.*
Feint: *steps through the warp.*
Metal Man (GM): The warp is... blue.
Dragoshi: *Steps into the warp. :/*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers all appear in the old cave. This time, though, they see a new tunnel... and several footprints leading into it.
Seas-Metal Man (GM): Indeed, it looks like somebody was dragged this way. Plus they see an imprint of Trent's gun on the ground nearby.
Feint: *He checks if the ship is still here.*
Metal Man (GM): Yes, behind you. It's... shut up and silent at the moment.
Feint: *walks over to examine the tunnel* "Well, this is new."
Alex Fender: *warps in* "WHOO! I was on the can and then suddenly everyone's gone? What's up with this place??"
Metal Man (GM): The tunnel is long and dimly lit by newly installed lamps, but the Questers can walk down it.
Feint: *He checks if it is carved by rock or man-made.*
Alex Fender: "...what, is everyone deaf and dumb? What's going on?"
Metal Man (GM): It's carved from dirt, really.
Feint: "Trying to find Deloth, and clues to strange energy signatures coming from this area. Something called BAG was here...Ganondorf too."
Metal Man (GM): So far as Alex's smash dex would show, the Questers are on a mission to save Deloth as well as investigate a new energy disturbance, localized to just down that tunnel way. It couldn't be easier.
Alex Fender: "Green Face dude again? Jeez, I'm gonna pull his asshole out through his nose if I see him again."
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(This just...seems...far too easy.) *He dexes the footprints to see who they belonged to.*
Aribar belatedly looks at Alex.* "I prefer the term 'sleepy', not 'deaf and dumb'... And that sounds like an interesting and disturbing punishment."
Metal Man (GM): Suspicious military boots and Dragon-esque footprints.
Alex Fender: "...BAG? As in...poppa's got a brand new bag?"
Feint: "Indeed, a punishment fit for the most vile of creatures. Only you, Alex."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi could probably fill in the blanks.
Feint: "I don't know, I just read the bulletin board."
Alex Fender: "Good. I hate rap. It ain't music."
Feint: "Damn straight!"
Alex Fender: "Whoo! Let's go find the Delmister and get out of this weirdo place!"
Feint: "Well, enough mindless banter" *motions down the tunnel* "Shall we?"
Alex Fender: *starts running down the tunnel full steam.*
Aribar follows Feint and Fender.
Feint: "The psychos I work with..." *Looks to Aribar* "Watch him hit his head on a lamp."
Alex Fender: "FREEEEEDOOOOOM!!!"
Dragoshi: *Follows behind, though he's being a bit more careful. >_>;; 'cause he's sneaking behind. whee.*
Alex Fender: *spouts some random Scottish sounding words.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers walk down the tunnel. It becomes deeper and darker as you go, until they reach an open underground cave. The problem? It's pitch black in here.
Feint: *Starts up a blade beam and holds it up a bit, acting as a torch*
Aribar snaps his fingers and tries to conjure up some floating fiery goodness help light the way as well.*
Metal Man (GM): The blade beam lights up the place, however Feint can't move far while charging it, at least not without losing the charge.
Alex Fender: "...wait! I gots another one of those idea things!"
Feint: *Starts examining the cavern as best he can.*
Alex Fender: *pats himself over and pulls out his Zippo, if he still HAS it with the dimension change, and lights it* "Every good rocker has a lighter.."
Feint: "Thought every good fan had a lighter?"
Alex Fender: "I am a fan of rock just as I am a rocker of rock!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar's flame works just fine. Just as useful as the lighter.
Alex Fender: "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!"
Feint: "Heh, my mistake."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers see a large pit, and a narrow winding path of dirt that winds across the room. They'll have to walk single-file. They can't see much else.
Alex Fender: *pulls it out and flicks it anyway, holding it up.* "Oooo, single file. Like second grade, only without the multiplication and kickball."
Aribar peers down into the pit..
Feint: "Hmm..." *Finds a relatively big rock and tosses it over the walkway.*
Metal Man (GM): It looks to be not so deep, but the bottom appears filled with water.
Alex Fender: "DAMN, I kicked ass in kickball. I probably should have kicked the ball, but Jamey Jacobson was always bending over to tie his shoes!"
Feint: "Haha, memories. So many fights over who pitched. Good times."
Metal Man (GM): *Sploosh* Yup. Water.
Alex Fender: "Oh well. Let's get a movin'!" *starts on down the walkway.*
Aribar: "I do believe I would be traumatized if I went to your schools." *Starts heading across, keeping alert in a sleep deprived way. if they were to be ambushed, this would be the place.
Feint: *follows Alex cautiously.*
Dragoshi: *Follows behind all the others carefully. Yep.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers continue wandering through, reaching... their favorite enemy. A door.
Feint: *looks around once on the other side?* "..." *Looks for keycard slots, keyholes, chains, what have you.*
Metal Man (GM): The door is not locked, but rather it has a hand-pad on it. Hand authentification, apparently.
Alex Fender: "Didn't it let us in before? Like, with an older Quester?"
Feint: "No, that was the ship."
Alex Fender: "OOOOOOOOOOOOooooohhh.."
Dex: "This is an entirely new door."
Feint: "Whats it made out of, Dex?"
Aribar pokes the door.* "We could try the pad to see if it would still follow that principle. Or try to kill the door."
Feint: "Could also try just knocking."
Dex: "A steel of unknown strength. It appears to be of extraterrestrial origin."
Alex Fender: *is already starting to place his hand on the pad.*
Feint: *stands back and keeps his charge up, just in case.*
Dragoshi: *Is already standing back. :p*
Feint: "Go ahead and hit it."
Alex Fender: *puts his hand on the pad then..?*
Metal Man (GM): Alex puts his hand on the pad. 'Access denied.' No go.
Feint: "Whose most experienced here? Thats how it worked last time."
Alex Fender: "Uhhh...isn't it him?" *points at Ari.*
Dragoshi: "I thought it was oldest..."
Aribar: "Nah. I'm an unexperienced fool. I was a very early Quester, though!" *High-fives the panel.*
Panel: "Access denied."
Metal Man (GM): The door looks like it was damaged a while ago. It may not let anybody through.
Dragoshi: "'Sides, the lot of you didn't listen to the Dex, anyway. It said this panel was different from the one in the ship." :/ "Anyway, if the lot of you can get out of the way..."
Feint: "Hmm...into oblivion with the door then." *stops before firing* *No explodey?"
Aribar does so.* "It was worth a chance."
Alex Fender: *shrugs and stands back.*
Dragoshi: "No explosions. As I have a feeling this is far too easy..." *Would spew out an acidic burst (Or two) at the door. Whee.*
Feint: *relocates.*
Metal Man (GM): The door crumples. It was on its last legs anyway. This reveals... A large, open area. And Trent Easton, with an evil smirk on his face, sitting in front of a large hulk hidden in the shadows. He... says nothing at the moment, though.
Feint: "Whispers to Dragoshi* "Fire now?"
Alex Fender: "...damn, why do the same people keep showing up over and over again?!"
Dragoshi: *Whispers to Feint* "No. 'Sides, Trent's field is impenetrable at the moment..."
Trent Easton: "Ha... ha ha ha. We shall never escape one another. And now I have a deal you cannot refuse!"
Feint: "Scan the thing behind him."
Metal Man (GM): He points his gun at Deloth, whom is revealed on the floor.
Trent Easton: "Activate... THIS..." *Lights come on... showing... another ship?!?!?!* "Or the Dragon-boy gets it!"
Metal Man (GM): He is but one man. He has one gun, but if he shot, it could kill Deloth. But... isn't Deloth a Quester?
Alex Fender: "...uhhh...what's the phrase I'm looking for here..."
Dragoshi: "You know. There's a flaw in this weirdness somewhere...I mean, sure we could ignore you, and potentially kill Del, but... Can't you just use Del to activate the ship?"
Alex Fender: "SUCK MY A--Zuh?"
Trent Easton: "Don't you think I tried that?" He shakes his head. "It ignored everything he did. Well... everything I tried to make him do. He has quite the troublesome moral code."
Alex Fender: "...oh, in that case...SUCK MY ASS, SOLDIER BOY!"
Feint: "Then what makes you think we can do it?"
Dragoshi: "I see. Well, this is strange, then. Maybe he wasn't doing it the right way."
Trent Easton: "You turned on that other ship. Of COURSE you can turn this one on!" He cocks the gun. "Now... do what I say, or he bites the dust!"
Dragoshi: "Also, there's another flaw in that. Remember when you shot Alex with it?"
Alex Fender: "You shot me, but guess what?! I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!"
Trent Easton: "Oh... yes." He picks up Deloth and runs. "Thanks for telling me!"
Alex Fender: "I also love bacon."
Metal Man (GM): He vanishes into the ship.
Alex Fender: "Ohhhh, no you---DAMN IT!"
Dragoshi: *Pursues!*
Metal Man (GM): It appears Dragoshi shouldn't have told him that.
Aribar: "... Umm..."
Alex Fender: *races after him.*
Metal Man (GM): As now he is running. The Questers run into the ship. But they have no clue where he went. All the different little doors are open.
Alex Fender: "Split up?"
Metal Man (GM): Even worse, they risk activating it if you try to find out where he is any way but the manual one. The map shows three main routes: Left, right, and forwards.
Alex Fender: "Yeah, split up." *doesn't wait for an answer, and books to the left.*
Dragoshi: "I suppose..." *Heads to the right.*
Feint: "If the door is open, it must be partially activated I would think..." *Starts forwards, looking for a holo pad for the ship's AI."
Metal Man (GM): There is most definitely one. It is not activated. Dragoshi heads down the right. The ship's doors are all open. Nothing but emergency lights. Everything is dusty.
Aribar: "What if he comes back out of the ship?"
Feint: "Watch the door?"
Alex Fender: *is booking around corners, trying to look for tracks or footprints or some sign of movement through the corridors.*
Feint: "Although, I'm pretty sure he wants us to start it, so he'll want us to fumble around in here for a while..."
Metal Man (GM): Apparently, he's been in here many times, from what Alex sees. Footprints lead everywhere.
Aribar: "Just in case, I'll stay out here. If you need help or anything, give a call with the Dexes."
Dragoshi: *Starts running through doors while trying to find the great white Easton.*
Metal Man (GM): At least, of Trent Easton. Dragoshi runs... and rusn... and runs... He sees nor hears any trace of him. He simply finds room after room of abandoned shipness.
Alex Fender: *growls as he does the same as Drag, looking for something...ANYTHING...that might show his presence.*
Feint: *leans down next to the holo pad* "Hmm...Identity: Feint of the Questers, AI auxiliary power only, local tap only, do not initiate any systems but this holo pad."
Metal Man (GM): Feint activates the systems. Trent Easton is nowhere to be found. The AI appears. ...It is Selrac.
Alex Fender: "Come ON!!"
Selrac: "Hoooh! It appears you have been most helpful to me. Instead of activating this ship for that boob, you have activated it for me. I have identified Trent Easton. He is hanging on the ceiling."
Metal Man (GM): Trent falls down, pointing a gun at the holo-console.
Trent Easton: "I would have gotten away if it wasn't for you... doing exactly what I told you to do! ...Whatever. Now that this ship is activated, I do not need any of you!"
Feint: *goes to tackle Trent and yells.* "Aribar, found him!"
Metal Man (GM): His voice would be heard throughout the ship.
Dragoshi: *Runs back to the entrance, .*
Aribar answers his Dex with a, "Roger!" before rushing inside.*
Metal Man (GM): Trent sees Feint coming, so he tries to counter with a pistol whip.
Alex Fender: *starts booking it toward the AI room, following the voice sound.*
Metal Man (GM): He sends Feint flying backwards.
Trent Easton: "You can't tackle me, worm! Computer, destroy the intruders!"
Selrac: "As you wish... intruder."
Trent Easton: "Whaaat???"
Alex Fender: "BLAST HIS GUN FIRST!!"
Dragoshi: *And, a wild Dragoshi appears, zooming towards Trent like some sort of mad bullet, Dark Sword drawn, and attempts to impale him on it! ...Or at least carve his gun up. either or.*
Metal Man (GM): Trent's shield is blown to pieces by a laser shot by Selrac. The explosion is so large, Dragoshi's attack is interrupted.
Feint: *landson his back* "Uhg...*
Alex Fender: *leaps through the opposite door with Drag, shielding his eyes from the explosion, but draws his guitar with the other..*
Metal Man (GM): Trent, caught flat-footed, is hit by the explosion and the spear. Dragoshi leaps out of the way. Trent falls face-down, knocked over like a house of cards. Selrac laughs.
Dragoshi: "Hey. Got any rope?"
Feint: *Gets up and dusts himself off* "Good work Selrac, bad work me?"
Selrac: "You shall not be needing it. His shield was his only means of defense. Your spear knocked him out."
Dragoshi: "...Spear? I was using my sword as a-Oh, nevermind."
Alex Fender: *grumbles and walks forward, making to pick up that damned gun.*
Selrac: "If he should rise again, a single punch would stop him. For this."
Dragoshi: "...I'm gonna loot him, if that's okay."
Metal Man (GM): Selrac picks up the gun. Seeing Alex reach for it, he hands it to him. It has no bullets.
Dragoshi: *Starts digging through Trent's stuff. :p*
Alex Fender: "...hey, Selrac dude?"
Selrac: "The bullets for the gun are extremely expensive. He wasted them a while ago."
Feint: "I'm going to go find Del" *heads a bit further down the halway."
Alex Fender: "Yeah...uhh...why's this thing so powerful was what I was gonna ask."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi finds little of value that hasn't been torched.
Selrac: "They are filled with explosives."
Alex Fender: "Ooo. 'splosions."
Selrac: "Therefore, when they hit the opponent, they explode."
Alex Fender: "...but the gun is nothing?"
Dragoshi: *He desperately looks for anything of value, even that which has been destroyed. >_>*
Selrac: "The gun has a special barrel capable of firing the explosives."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi finds half a busted shield emitter, a broken pocket watch, burnt NSA identification of a man whose identity is hard to fake...
Aribar rushes into the room the others are in... And notices Trent knocked out on the floor.* "... It took less than a minute to get here, and you had an epic battle and took him out in that time?!"
Alex Fender: "Huh...maybe I can have someone put it into my guitar."
Selrac: "Of course... this little find has me with a new plan."
Alex Fender: "Nah, Selrac here just buttfucked him in a single shot, then Drag finished him off."
Aribar: "... That isn't very dramatic."
Metal Man (GM): The hologram morphs to show its true form.
Dragoshi: *Might as well take the emitter and the pocket watch seeing as the card's useless now.*
Metal Man (GM): ...A Venomian. Specifically, an orangutan-man in a military uniform.
Alex Fender: "...Selrac's a monkey?!"
Feint: *Still looking for Deloth.*
Dragoshi: "..." *Shrugs.*
General: "I am the last surviving general of a failed military project. Of course, my name is top secret."
Metal Man (GM): Feint finds Deloth fainted in a hallway.
Dragoshi: "Fair enough."
Alex Fender: "...are you going to kill us?"
General: "Ha ha ha ha. No. I have been told of your abilities beforehand."
Feint: *checks him for any serious injuries, shoulders him and heads back.*
Dragoshi: .oO(Now that I have this shield emitter...Well, half of it, maybe I could give it to someone for the sake of research.)
Metal Man (GM): He's just unconscious.
General: "Now... this ship... strangely... ...very strangely... why is this?"
Metal Man (GM): He looks at it, showing an image of a machine on the ship.
Dragoshi: "And, I presume that they're inferior to that of your kind's? 'Cause, really, if it goes like that, then may I have permission to smack my head into the w-...huh?"
Alex Fender: "Why is what who huh?"
General: "This ship is fully stocked and equipped with everything I wanted to complete my mission for Andross."
Alex Fender: "Who's Andross?"
General: "But I had no men sequester these supplies. I barely managed to upload my consciousness onto my own ship, which as you saw, was heavily damaged..."
Dragoshi: "Yep..."
General: "Glorious leader Andross. He promised us Venomians the power of the galaxy, and, having discovered it, sent all his forces to take it... but they lacked the fuel and supplies."
Alex Fender: "Isn't that know...dumb?"
General: "By the time we found out, it was too late to turn back. We became lost and crashed. My ship's crew only lasted long enough to build a device to record my conscious. Then I planned to put the fleet back together to finish my mission. Now, years later..."
Alex Fender: "...hey... erm... what WAS your mission?"
General: "You have come, and unwittingly handed me the technology to complete this mission... as well as a ship with the power to complete it! To control the universe for Commander Andross, of course!" He makes a salute.
Alex Fender: "...uhhh...but...why?"
General: "So, then..." He laughs. "I believe I shall get started." The ship rumbles. Taking off, apparently. "The Venomians have always lived in fear of Star Fox and his outlaws. With the universe's power, no one shall stop us."
Feint: *puts Del down by the wall* "Power is everything, it dictates who rules. Thats the way the universe is."
General: "But... one thing confuses me... why everything I needed was put here."
Dragoshi: "Yes, but the people who rule it can be such idiots sometimes."
Aribar: "You... Wish to take over all of everything with just this single ship?"
Feint: *kicks Trent's body* "This idiot probably stole your ideas and reloaded." *to Dragoshi* "Thats leadership for you."
General: "Single ship... hahahaha..."
Alex Fender: "..."
Feint: "No, plan last time was to take the other ship, locate the rest of the armada, and continue from there...correct?"
Metal Man (GM): The systems come back on... more of them... .all over the ship. It shows hundreds of hundreds of ships.
Alex Fender: *coughs and taps Dragoshi on the shoulder* "Erm...isn't him taking over the universe...a bad thing?"
General: "This technology, single-handedly given to me, shall allow me to revive all the ships."
Dragoshi: "Of course it is."
Feint: "Matter of opinion I think..."
Alex Fender: "'t we need to do something? All heroic and Questerish?"
Feint: *To Selrac* "What does this Andross fellow want the universe for?"
General: "To rule all people with unmatched technological might, of course."
Feint: "Rule them how?"
General: "And you better get with the program, 'cause he's all-powerful. As his loyal servants, of course. All who question him will be killed."
Feint: "Well of course."
Alex Fender: "Wait, hold on..." *pulls out his Dex, checking something.*
Dragoshi: "Ahem..."
Metal Man (GM): The ship's above the planet surface now. Alex gets plenty of signal. The hologram is busy reactivating things.
Dragoshi: "You do know I could make this a lose-lose situation for all of us, right?"
Alex Fender: "Erm...Metal?"
Metal Man: (Dex) "Yes?"
Aribar: "Umm... How long has it been since you got lost and crashed?"
General: "It is probably about ten years. While, according to this information somebody put in here for no reason, you were busy fighting a 'The Void.'"
Alex Fender: "...we... uh... we're kinda... like... up in space... with some Venom hologram dude... and he's all... making tons of ships come with him... and... erm... he's wanting to take over the universe."
Metal Man: (Dex) "Then could you please stop him?"
Aribar: "How do you know this Andross person is still in power?"
Alex Fender: ""
Metal Man: (Dex) "I can't kill him from behind my desk in another realm, can I? Find some way!"
Alex Fender: "...uhhh... yeah."
Dragoshi: "Seriously. I'm not joking about the lose-lose situation thing."
General: "If he is not, then I can succeed him. It is no problem."
Alex Fender: *closes his Dex* "Hey, erm... computer general monkey guy?"
Metal Man (GM): The General ignores Dragoshi. The ship is at a standstill at the moment, apparently it'll take a little bit to repower.
General: "I am a bit busy. These weapons were calibrated all wrong."
Alex Fender: "You've been all shooty shooty, bangy bangy for us, and that's cool, but you can't take over the universe. It'd be bad for everyone. So...stop."
General: "There's nothing you can do to stop me, so your opinion is noted, but ignored." He turns to the side, speaking to an invisible wall. "Ship 203-Alpha, this is... Ship... 52... Zeta? What an odd name. Anyway. Yeah. You wake up right now and join the fleet, and activate the other ships. I will be beaming power to you... now."
Dragoshi: .oO(To be blunt or to let Alex go on for another second...) "...Oh, for christ's sakes! Stop, or you'll get a friggin' EMP to the...well, everything! And then it won't end well for any of us!"
Metal Man (GM): A power beam is shot from the ship. It flies through an odd wormhole... made by... obviously Quester technology.
General: "I don't really see how that is going to stop me." He continues at his work.
Metal Man (GM): Of course, the control panel is right there.
Aribar: "..." *Walks up to the hologram and begins pressing random buttons. His life is probably forfeit now, but it might actually slow down the General.*
Metal Man (GM): Unlocked and everything.
Dragoshi: "It'll short you out entirely, then put this thing on meltdown."
Alex Fender: "You made me do this!"
Metal Man (GM): Beep. Invalid command. Buzz. Aribar has access, but it's obviously been made not to take invalid commands.
Alex Fender: *slides over to the control panel and makes to shut the whole thing down. Like, total power stop.*
Metal Man (GM): He'll need to do the control-alt delete thing in whatever way this is made to understand.
General: "You can't stop me. I've never lost."
Metal Man (GM): Alex types in a command code. It zaps him.
Alex Fender: "OW! FUCK!" *grits his teeth and tries again.*
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi sighs and tries to do the ctrl-alt-del thing that's needed to be done.*
Metal Man (GM): It just buzzes. Aribar didn't put a valid combination. Alex gets the combination. The hologram is dead. Er. Turned off.
General: "Noooo!!! My climactic near-success is anti-climatically deleted!" *Pft.*
Aribar blinks...* "Did we... Just win?"
Metal Man (GM): You now have control of the ship... but there is only one problem.
Dragoshi: "Want me to hack into it so I can learn the hologram's true name or somesu-What is it with the doggy and the cake?!"
Metal Man (GM): His beacon got out. Other ships are rallying. Luckily, they are dumb. The Questers could probably take them out, one by one, with this ship.
Alex Fender: *does some weird pelvic thrust sorta thingy.*
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi gets around to doing the whole taking them out one by one thing. :/*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi moves to do so. It is then that his favorite arch-enemy appears, behind him. Ganondorf. Oddly, he has no violent pose. He looks... worried.
Alex Fender: "...GRAHA!!"
Metal Man (GM): His left hand is shorting. Very erratically.
Alex Fender: "Stop it with the randomly appearing, Green Face Man!"
Ganondorf: "Questers... do not use the ship to destroy the other ships. It is a plot... by this."
Metal Man (GM): He holds up the book... the Dark Prognosticus?
Dragoshi: "...What?" *Stops for a second, and looks at Ganondorf...Who's hand is shorting out.*
Metal Man (GM): But why would he fight against a book which made him unstoppable?
Dragoshi: "...Okay. Wait a gaw damn second."
Alex Fender: "Bullshit! You turned me into some poofter ass British man with that thing!"
Dragoshi: "Why are you opposing the very thing that fave you power?"
Ganondorf: "Destroy the control panel and let this ship be destroyed. It is the only hope to save your reality."
Aribar glances at Ganondorf and gives him a quizzical look..*
Ganondorf: "I... cannot mention it, otherwise I would be unable to say any more to you."
Alex Fender: "And, why... OH WHY... should we trust you?"
Aribar: "Do you realize how... Insane your request is?"
Dragoshi: "...I swear to god, if you're lying, I'm going to see what Gerudo entrails taste like after this whole thing ends."
Feint: "You want us to believe you... *smirk*... I suggest you show us just what pain that book is inflicting on you."
Aribar: "Not that I see why we need to take out these ships anyways..."
Ganondorf: *Smiles, smugly* "Because if you don't, it won't be me who will be relocating to a new galaxy."
Alex Fender: "... ...can I bean you in the head? Let me bean you in the head once and I'll smash it."
Ganondorf: "Go ahead. Destroy those ships."
Dragoshi: "I suppose you do have a point..." *Readies the Dark Sword, and prepares to cleave the control panel in half* "Any last words, anyone?"
Aribar: "... Why... Exactly are they endangering reality? Missed it in my sleep-deprived state."
Alex Fender: "Rub a dub dub, get in the tub?"
Ganondorf: "This ship was planted to control you. While I would love to see you controlled... it is obvious the book sees you as more powerful than me."
Alex Fender: "...oh, screw it."
Ganondorf: "It wants to use you as its next holders, just as it short-changed the Dark Master to get in my hands."
Alex Fender: *grips his guitar in it's first real smash and strikes the panel.*
Ganondorf: "Of course... if you attacked me... then you would be attacking its energies anyway... either way you look at it, the only situation in which I lose is the one in which you lose."
Feint: *wants to get his hands on this Dark Prognosticus.*
Metal Man (GM): The panel is smashed in two. Ganondorf's hand is shocked in the most painful fashion. The book looms large over him, trying to kill him with its energies. The book... SPEAKS...
Book: "You cannot defy my prophecies. The world of the intergalactics is doomed to die, and so are you!"
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi's response to seeing this. LET'S VOMIT ACID AT THE BOOK OF +10 INFERNAL PROPHECIES!!!* "Oh, Shut up!"
Ganondorf: "But you forget... I am the only man to survive being on The Void's death list... and therefore, you are no better to stop me."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi's acid catches it by surprise. It is interrupted momentarily. Ganondorf laughs evilly, his own magic overwhelming it now.
Ganondorf: "Yes! The book's power is weak! It is now MY slave!"
Dragoshi: "No."
Metal Man (GM): The Triforce of Power consumes the book into a crystal prison.
Aribar watches the battle between book and warlock, wondering which one would be the better winner.*
Metal Man (GM): It then floats into Ganondorf's hands.
Dragoshi: "It's gonna fucking die."
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf moves his arm in the way. His arm is charred to the bone. He then gestures to the book... and his arm is healed.
Aribar: "So for the moment the power of the book is yours."
Ganondorf: "What I said was true all along... but I forgot to mention that if the book was damaged, it would be possible for me to control it... and thus, gain its own power for myself. Of course... without you controlling this ship... let me see..."
Metal Man (GM): He opens it, and reads.
Dragoshi: *Tries to repair the control panel while he's reading.*
Ganondorf: 'The Questers, controlling the one ship, would fatally drive it into a mass of other Venomian warships, which would then all collide together and create an explosion which would level their planet, and... inexorably... the ships too. All of their energies released by their deaths, the True Master of All would swoop down and become all powerful."
Metal Man (GM): He shuts the book.
Ganondorf: "But now the panel is broken, and the book is under my power."
Dragoshi: "...So, what happens now, then?"
Ganondorf: "Therefore... I shall demonstrate the mighty power of this book... for I shall repay you for your help."
Dragoshi: "...'Kay."
Metal Man (GM): The radar suddenly beeps. Ganondorf holds the book aloft.
Aribar tenses, wondering what's going on... Why would Ganondorf...*
Ganondorf: "Dark Prognosticus... I command YOU this time... to destroy the very ships you tried to summon to help a man who none of us wish to see made all-powerful."
Metal Man (GM): It glows... ...and all the other ships on the radar vanish, as if erased from history.
Ganondorf: "The ships have been destroyed by the book's almighty power. Now there remains one final step..."
Metal Man (GM): They vanished, as if completely annihilated.
Dragoshi: "Who is this man you're talking about? ...Or, is that for us to find out ourselves?"
Ganondorf: "I don't know. The book only mentioned him as a man. I hope he is not as poorly contrived as that one they called 'The Man' in The Void's worthless universe."
Feint: "I think he means this...Andross character."
Ganondorf: "But now, I must use the power of this book to rule the multiverse... and kill Link once and for all. No offense, you've all been helpful... but you are not quite intelligent enough to be associated with me. However..."
Dragoshi: "...However?"
Metal Man (GM): He stares at you with his evil face, glowing with power.
Aribar: "You shall spare our pitiful lives?"
Ganondorf: "I challenge you to attempt to stop me, the King of Kings, the most successful villain ever witnessed since the foolish mockery of one The Void presented vanished. I have, all this time, led all of you in circles, knowing not to control you, not to either try to stop you... but rather, to fight the other evils, and make them my slaves. For your efforts I shall give you... seven days... one for each sage I shall destroy in times coming. I bid you... to the Twilight."
Metal Man (GM): He vanishes. Trent, however, is left behind. He failed him, big time. The ship begins shaking and violently exploding.
Dragoshi: "...Sure, why not. Not like I've been blatantly hit in the face with enough explosions in my lifetime. Let's add several fucking more of them, then, huh?" *Dragoshi pulls out his Dex, which he then sets to show a montage of stuff exploding in Dragoshi's face...Which Ganondorf doesn't get to see. Oh well.*
Metal Man (GM): Apparently, he set that to explode, too. You get an urgent dex from Metal.
Aribar: "I believe we should have let the book win... Oh, look, exploding ship... Which we're in."
Metal Man: (Dex) "Good work on those ships, but it looks like the one you're on is exploding too!"
Feint: "I'd say lets get out of here before we're all exploded..."
Metal Man: (Dex) "Get out of there! Quickly! There's an escape pod below you!"
Dragoshi: "Thank you for stating the stupidly obvious." *Grabs Trent's KO'd body, carries it, and starts running to the escape pod.*
Feint: *shoulders Trent and Deloth and heads for the escape pod.*
Metal Man (GM): There's a ladder to the side... an emergency one. It has a clearly listed exit sign.
Dragoshi: "On the explosion thing, I mean." *Quickly goes down the ladder.*
Aribar slides down the ladder and follows the others to the pod.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers begin climbing down. They hear Ganondorf's laugh. The floor they arrive on bursts into flames. The one door they need to take is buried in rubble, as the entire ship rumbles.
Aribar: "... Why are we doing this?" *Tries to get a warp with the dex.*
Alex Fender: *races after the others!*
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf's laugh is heard again. The dex says 'Warp blocked by an unknown force.'
Alex Fender: "THIS IS NOT COOL!"
Feint: "Acid the rocks?"
Metal Man: (Dex) "Yeah, I tried to get you a warp, but Ganondorf's powers have become much stronger!"
Dragoshi: "That was a little predictable there." *Spews acid at the rocks, not really caring.*
Metal Man: (Dex) "He nearly blew up the warp room with some weird magic!"
Metal Man (GM): The rocks melt, leaving the door. It's a space ship door; two sliding doors, to be exact. They're stuck shut. It's getting hot and explody in here.
Alex Fender: "Back up!"
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi melts those doors down too. Sheesh.*
Alex Fender: "Or not!"
Aribar: "I both feel sorry and thank your throat, Dragoshi."
Feint: "Yeah, thats what I was thinking."
Metal Man (GM): They don't melt away so easily, there's a framework on them stronger than Dragoshi's acid.
Alex Fender: "Alright, NOW back away!"
Metal Man (GM): Of course, what is acid proof might be weak to something else...
Feint: *backs off.*
Dragoshi: *Also backs away.*
Alex Fender: *slings his guitar into playing position, hoping something that is NOT GSPB made can pull this off* "Alright! Here goes something!" *starts slamming the intro chords to his staple blaster song* "CLICK CLICK, BOOM!"
Metal Man (GM): The framework falls apart, as it picks up the vibrations rather effectively. The Questers see the way into the hangar. It'd have been a nice place, except Ganondorf decided the ships would look better... on fire. Well, yes, the framework is destroyed by a cannonball of sound.
Aribar: "WHY did we listen to Ganondorf?!"
Metal Man (GM): The way out is blocked again, this time by melted space ships.
Alex Fender: "WHOO! Still got it!"
Metal Man (GM): Ganondorf laughs evilly again.
Dragoshi: "This is getting stupid. Oh, wait. It's past stupid. It's NINE-TASTIC!."
Alex Fender: "I might be able to..." *races forward, putting his fingers to his lips and whistling rather loudly...*
Feint: *looking for a way around the melted space ships.*
Metal Man (GM): A scooter zooms in. Only for it to also be set on fire. Not damaged, but useless for riding.
Aribar watches Alex... Do something."
Metal Man (GM): It's surreal. Ganondorf's a nasty jerk. The melted space ships... perhaps the Questers could climb over them... but not while they're on fire!
Alex Fender: "YOU DICK!"
Aribar: "Interesting, but lets try this." *Casts Hail on all the flaming space spam.*
Alex Fender: *grahs and pulls his guitar again, sweeping into a more fluid series of chords, aiming a wave of sheer sound with Aribar's spell* o/`Ohhh, it's floodin' down in Texas! ALLLLL of the telephone lines are down!o/`
Metal Man (GM): The space spam is made cold. It can be crossed now.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi crosses. Freaking argh.*
Feint: *jumps onto the crap, looking for the intact escape pod.*
Metal Man (GM): The Questers now reach the escape pod. Ganondorf decides to set it on fire too. Better put that out.
Aribar takes a leisurely walk through the exploding ship.* "We could make a killing in vacation postcards."
Dragoshi: "...Wow, that was totally unexpected." *Sarcastic.*
Feint: *tests out his reciprocation on the fire, seeing if it'll suck it up.*
Alex Fender: *growls and aims another Texas Flood at it* o/`Ohhhhh, I've been trying to callll my babahhhh...LOOOORD, I can't get a single sound..o/`
Metal Man (GM): It eventually goes out. Now for the trickiest part. Somebody has to pilot it.
Aribar: "Not it!" *Takes a not at the driver's seat.*
Alex Fender: "Whoo! Head on home, baby!" *motions to the scooter, which beeps and zooms back off. then leaps into the pod.*
Dragoshi: *Leaps into the pilot's seat, waiting for everyone else to get in.*
Feint: *gets in.*
Alex Fender: *would like to note that they also have Del with them.*
Feint: *buckles del into a seat.*
Metal Man (GM): It takes off... after bouncing off a wall and hitting some fire. A warp appears once it clears the ship. Ganondorf's evil laugh echoes as the ship you were on explodes into a million tiny pieces.
Dragoshi: *Through the warp we goooooo...*
Feint: "We're gonna bust up HQ."
Dragoshi: "Not like it's been busted up before." :/ "'Sides. We have repair bots, if I'm not mistaken."
Metal Man (GM): It crashes into HQ. Luckily, no severe damage. Along the way, the Questers find themselves wondering what just happened... unfortunately, they won't find out exactly until the next mission or two... Mission complete.
Alex Fender: "...WHOO!! SPRING BREAKS 08, BITCHES!"
Dragoshi: *In any case, Dragoshi mutters as he gets out, pulls out his book, and gets to reading.*