Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 487: Too Many Doctors, Too Few Weapons
Date: December 27th, 2007.
Trivia: No tournament in SSQ ever goes off as planned, if at all.
Metal Man (GM): HQ is normal. Of course, what is normal, now, is different than expected. With the death of the last truly chaotic foe, Ganondorf and Bowser have returned to the Stadium for good. Luigi remains in rehab, after his psychotic killing spree. The Stadium has been rebuilt fully.
Metal Man (GM): In fact, secondary facilities have been rebuilt over the old place's ruins. The Bigger Room is now mostly abandoned. Big Rooms in general having become superfluous. The warps are now Quester-accessible, allowing them to choose where to go and when without much problem.
Metal Man (GM): Snake has managed mostly to vanish. Indeed, the people who insisted he lead things when he was far superior at doing his own thing also vanished. Metal Man now sits in the slightly larger R&R, with the whole of the Stadium randomly saturated with Questers, Smashers, and the occasional visitor.
Metal Man (GM): Currently, the Stadium League is having its first day to begin assigning fights. There's signs everywhere pointing it out, be it for Quester or for Smashers. Anyone can join in, too. The Questers would be... wherever they would be right now.
Dragoshi: *As per usual, Dragoshi is in the R&R, reading his book. Yep. >_>*
Metal Man (GM): Aside from the whole Stadium thing going around, Metal Man is still looking at that dumb purple disc. Apparently, there's nothing else to do at the moment.
Panzer is in her self proclaimed bedroom armory thing, polishing up her rifle while her systems integrate the present she got. She has torn down the signs put in her room.
Chancé is returning his book to the book room.
Aribar would be in the medbay, doubled over in pain... He ate Deloth's steak and milk and now suffers from food poisoning!*
Digifanatic: *Probably hanging out in some athletic room right now for a change, trying to perfect that golf swing, tennis slice, or whatnot--at least he's not evil, like Waluigi.*
Metal Man (GM): Chancé learns a 'Confusion' Attack.
Metal Man: "Hmm... the disc indicates that if we had a dimensional theorist, we could probably decode its information... too bad we don't have one!"
Metal Man (GM): Chancé reaches the book room. SIMBER appears.
SIMBER: "Returning the book, I assume?"
Chancé: "yes, and I heard something about the first book was suppose to be free? *Hands over the book*"
Dragoshi: *Walks up to Metal, still reading his book. ...Well, half-focused on reading it, anyway.* "Quite. Then again, with our luck- Ah, nevermind."
SIMBER: "And?" *He takes the book.*
Panzer manages to finish her rifle and she goes off and down the hall, to the stadium to look around.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees fliers for the tournament everywhere.
Chancé: "I played for my first one?... In any case, do you have any books on binding spells? As in, binding a spell to a object?"
SIMBER: "Yes, I do. They are basic too." He takes out a book on 'Constrict', a tier 1 move.
Metal Man (GM): *Gets another drink.*
Panzer rips them down in annoyance.
Alex Fender: *is busy looking through that book that he checked out, holding it upside down and such to try and understand just what the hell it's telling him.*
Digifanatic: *flexes his arms a bit* "Phew...that was a good hour and a half I needed." *he would later go on to manage other things, and soon enough, appears in R&R...clean and in clean clothes!*
Metal Man (GM): Alex finds he must continue reading to actually understand it...
Digifanatic: "Well, so everything is gonna be starting soon, huh? Sounds good."
Alex Fender: *has been reading it...or trying...*
Metal Man (GM): There's a few more chapters to go before Alex can fully understand it.
Panzer climbs up to the topmost outer ring of the stadium and watches.
Chancé: "Constrict? That does not sound like a spell that binds spells to objects..."
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees, far below, people signing up for a league or something.
SIMBER: "Hm." He takes out another thing labeled 'enchant'. "This one's harder."
Panzer winds up watching through her scope. She decides to go down there.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man stares at the disk while Panzer gets to the tournament area.
Chancé: "I might not be able to use it yet, but I will take it..."
Metal Man (GM): People are walking up to a booth and signing up. SIMBER is managing it. It's some sort of fight league.
SIMBER: "That will be your free book then." He hands it to Chancé. "It'd have been more expensive anyway."
Panzer pushes passed and looks as the list. Any snipers to fight?
Chancé: "Thank you."
Digifanatic: *looks at the Smasher list and if there are any scheduled fights yet--one might know that he'd love to do a little play-by-play.*
Chancé walks into R&R and finds a nice spot to read over the book.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees that there are none here at this exact moment. She also sees see Metal Man's name on the list. He's technically a sniper. You also see one 'Joanna Dark'. That's odd. It lists her specialty as 'Shooting people with Pistols'
Panzer signs up beside the Dark chick.
Metal Man (GM): You walk into line and sign the list. SIMBER looks and writes it down himself.
Alex Fender: *shrugs, closes the book and sticks it away before heading out to the sign up booth.*
Metal Man (GM): Alex: You're next in line, since Panzer just signed up.
SIMBER: "Hm. First to confirm signing up is Panzer... and... that is you, Alex, right?"
Panzer leaves and goes to find some law to break. "Still no Mewtwo to throw me into a wall. Haha."
Chancé gets in line.
SIMBER: "Then feel free to sign here." He pushes a list to Chancé.
Chancé puts his name on the list. "Win or lose, it may be fun."
Alex Fender: *goes ahead and puts a big X next to his name.*
SIMBER: "Okay... Alex... Chancé... Panzer... anyone else in this area at the moment?"
Dragoshi: *So, anyway, Dragoshi still half-focused on his reading walks over to confirm it and stuff. yayz.*
SIMBER: "Hmm... Dragoshi... ...lazy dex message by Digifanatic... looking good so far."
Panzer sneaks into Dr. Mario's office.
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Mario is busy counting his coins...
Dr. Mario: "One coin... two-a coin... three-a coin..."
Panzer plants a small popper that is just a harmless gunshot sound and sneaks out, pulling the remote to it with her, grinning.
Alex Fender: *frowns and looks over the list of people going to fight* "Soooooo, how does this thingy work?"
Panzer sneaks back and away and pushes the button.
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Mario continues counting until a pop appears. He spins around, surprised.
Dr. Mario: "Wha-a was that?"
Metal Man (GM): He begins looking around.
Alex Fender: "Why are we fighting a bird?"
Panzer sets off the other one, only one more to go.
SIMBER: "Well, Alex, many people sign up and are assigned to divisions. Everyone fights everyone else at least one, and at the end of the league year, the highest ranked fighters battle it out in an elimination tournament."
Alex Fender: "...soooo...uhhh...okay... is going to fight Ganondorf next year?"
SIMBER: "No. The winner of the elimination round fights Ganondorf for the championship."
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Mario becomes a bit more freaked out. He begins looking on the floor.
Dr. Mario: "Was it-a some pills going bad?"
Panzer sets off the last one and grins, slipping off to the lab.
Alex Fender: " all is fighting?"
SIMBER: "Currently, several Questers, Bowser, Joanna Dark, and Metal Man. Subject to change, this is day one of signups."
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Mario watches a bowl get knocked over by the popper.
Dr. Mario: "Hmm... perhaps I need to put less gunpowder in my pills..."
Metal Man (GM): Over at the lab, Professor Oak is looking through a list of old contacts of his.
Professor Oak: "Hmmm... there has to be dimensional theorist in here somewhere..."
Panzer looks around the lab. She sees oak and pokes him in the side with a loud "GOTCHA!"
Alex Fender: "...oh."
Professor Oak: "GA-..oh. Panzer. Hello. I thought you were gone." He chuckles.
Panzer: "Why would I be? Where would I go?"
Professor Oak: "After Zero, of course."
Dragoshi: *Anyway, Dragoshi decides to head over to the library? Why? Because bread. No seriously. bread is indeed the reason.*
Metal Man (GM): Library. SIMBER is organizing books. It looks nice and shiny in here.
Panzer: "...You know that totally slipped my mind...I'll go do that." She leaves to go to the warp.
Dragoshi: "Hey. SIMBER. Do you have any books on the art of smacking someone around with a loaf of bread?"
Metal Man (GM): Panzer reaches the warp. Now handily configured to go wherever you wish.
SIMBER: "...No, unfortunately."
Panzer configures it for Morph Moths junk yard. "hey, anyone wanna go with meeeee?"
Dragoshi: "...Well, that's unexpected. Seriously. You'd think someone would've been ridiculous enough to write something about that down."
Chancé: "Nah. *Continues reading*"
Digifanatic: *Dexes Panz* "Thanks but no thanks."
Panzer grumbles. "Reploid haters."
Metal Man dexes back. "I could come along, I like junk... and to make weapons out of it."
Panzer: "Then come with me."
Metal Man moves to the portal slowly, flinging the disc he had in a safe. He idly presses buttons, sending another message to everyone's dexes. 'Okay, how about now that I, Metal Man am on this mission? Still not coming? Not much else going on...'
Dragoshi: *Dexes back* "Meh. I was gonna say that I was gonna be there in a sec, but...Eh. I'll still be there. Just wait a minute or two."
Digifanatic: *Dex* "Well, I admit I was expecting all of the big pre-tournament news to be coming around, but since you won't be here to announce anything while you're out with Panzer, I've got nothing interesting to lose. I'll be there."
Metal Man nods, motioning to the portal. "Wait a sec, Panzer. Looks like Dragoshi is interested... and Digi. Works every time. Of course, I won't be useful for fighting--I'm more interested in gathering some new junk."
Panzer: "Ill go scout it out, it being my realm. Watch out for live junk... or bugs.
Digifanatic: *goes to room to get the two "auxiliary" objects--golf club and keyboard--and hits the warp. *
Metal Man: "Ahhh. So Mavericks have the same taste for sentient junk as I do." *Cracks his metallic joins* "This shall be interesting."
Dragoshi: *Pretty much already has all his stuff, DETH BRED included So, he just high-tails it to wherever the others are. Yep.*
Panzer steps into the warp.
Digifanatic: "After all, in case something odd happens, this'll keep us all alert before we do any stuff at the Stadium."
Panzer: "mm... I wonder if Moth and I are still on good terms."
Chancé: "Weapons..? Hmm..." *Heads to the warp.* "I wonder if I can find the parts I want.."
Metal Man wanders into the warp. He hoists his rifle over his shoulder. "Let's get ready to rummmblleeeeee!"
Digifanatic: "What are you looking for, Chan?"
Metal Man (GM): A lawyer appears out of a portal. Metal Man shoots him in the shoulder and runs into the portal.
Chancé: "I am looking for something to make a giant comical hammer that is really light out of."
Metal Man (GM): WARPWARPWARP. Everyone appears in what appears to be an endless junk yard. Dead robot bits everywhere... rusted cars... old military weapons... cans... they've been piled around, all awaiting to be recycled. Some of it, however, has recently been revived, as the weird amalgamation robot corpses show. However, this is on the fringe, so there's no live stuff. You can see a bunch of weird flying and walking robots up closer to the main junkyard building, dead ahead. The place has changed significantly since the time of MMX2, so one should watch themselves...
Metal Man: "Hm... I should have looked here first."
Panzer sighs happily. "I miss my realm... " She wanders on along and watches carefully, looking for that classic red armor.
Metal Man begins walking a bit ahead.
Panzer: "Good luck scaling up some areas unless you're reploid."
Metal Man (GM): Walking ahead, one would see the entrance is protected by some weird flying bugs.
Chancé follows behind Metal Man keeping an eye out for brightly colored scrap metal.
Digifanatic: *maintains a cautious distance along with everyone that isn't Metal, but is behind Panzer.*
Metal Man: "The Questers have the capability to leap like they have springs in their shoes."
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi follows behind Metal* .oO(Nice place...) "Meh. I'll manage."
Metal Man: "Myself... I have a hopelessly dangerous method of getting around."
Metal Man (GM): So then, you're all right before the entrance. Three flying bug-things and some debris laying around.
Panzer: "Hah. Leap up some sheer walls then talk to me."
Metal Man: "Straight up? Might take some work." *He glances at the entrance* "Hm... I have a bad feeling about this."
Panzer: "Sometimes you can get around them. First there are floating possessed reploids in a stuck super magnet."
Metal Man (GM): The green bugs fly around, scanning the entrance for intruders.
Digifanatic: "Panzer? Maybe you should take the lead?"
Panzer tries her comm. "X, are you still in this realm?"
Digifanatic: "If you're the first one these bugs catch, they might be less inclined to ambush us. "
Metal Man (GM): Panzer hears strange static. Then she hears some psychotic laughing. Then nothing. No X, apparently.
Panzer: "Moth, that you?
Metal Man (GM): The comms continue to be static. The laughing sounded vaguely... human.
Panzer: "Okay... Cain?"
Metal Man (GM): More silence.
Metal Man: "Odd. According to the dex, they should respond. This is their time period. Yet there is nothing." *Flips through channels* "Not even any sort of general broadcast. All I can detect is disturbances inside this complex. But there's mindless robots everywhere." *He aims his rifle* "I doubt it would be hard to break in, though."
Panzer: "Not even Sigma? The hell? Hunter HQ, This is Panzer over..."
Metal Man (GM): You see the symbol of the Hunter HQ. A Reploid even answers you. Then it suddenly cuts out and that same laughing is heard.
Dex: "Contact with Quester HQ has been cut."
Metal Man: "Dang! Somebody must be jamming us. I can't even get a signal between my suit and my dex."
Panzer: "God dammit. " *runs into the place, avoiding all the familiar traps, anything new might surprise her.*
Metal Man (GM): Surprisingly, one of the piles of junk on the ground turns out to be a robot. Well, not surprising to Panzer. But it's that one really has to run around. You bounce off the big robot, which leaps up. It blocks the way. Metal aims at its head.
Panzer tries to dash under it.
Metal Man: "Here, I'll help."
Metal Man (GM): The robot gets shot in the head, allowing Panzer inside. It, however, does not die, even though the head's got a big hole in it. It's strangely silent inside. No magnets, and the floor is creaking.
Panzer aims for the bug in its chest and fires.
Metal Man (GM): It turns around and gets blasted to pieces.
Panzer: "always go for the bug in the chest."
Digifanatic: "Nice shot. Let's keep going."
Metal Man: "Good."
Panzer continues on and then pauses. She looks for the weak spot where there is a tunnel to a capsule.
Metal Man (GM): There's three green bots blocking the entrance.
Chancé pulls out a potion.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees no weak spot except for a suspicious glowing one in the middle of the floor.
Dragoshi: *Looks at the bots* "...Should I make pancakes out of them or something? Or will that not be necessary?"
Panzer steps back and fires.
Metal Man: "Well, we can't just walk in, they might dive bomb us."
Digifanatic: "Well...let's see what it takes to kill one of these first..."
Chancé: "Hmm... a subcon potion..."
Metal Man (GM): The building shakes up and the conveyor belt ahead of Panzer collapses. Somebody rigged it with explosives! However, that means the way down is clear. A single jump.
Panzer hops down.
Metal Man: "You guys can stay here if you want, I'm following." Metal runs in.
Digifanatic: *Tilts his head upon hearing that* "That might work well on one of those bots..."
Metal Man (GM): Metal runs too fast for the robots.
Chancé tosses a potion at one of the robot and runs in.
Metal Man (GM): The three green bots continue following. The robot is blown apart, and Chancé gets in.
Dragoshi: "I'll take that as a 'yes', th-" *Woah, loud explosion!* "...then." *He Gravity Wells the other two robots. :/*
Metal Man (GM): Two green bots remaining. The two robots explode, making the way in clear.
Dragoshi: *Moseys on along.*
Digifanatic: "I had a feeling they wouldn't take much." *keeps going.*
Panzer looks around once landing.
Metal Man (GM): The way ahead is blocked by two tough looking freakazoid robots with miner helmets, fish wheel thingies, and a pickaxe. There's also a working magnet thingy ahead. Metal leaps down, catching up to Panzer.
Panzer fires at them a few times to knock off their armor and a third to kill them?
Metal Man (GM): The junkyard building looks to have been modified, there's un-junk like pieces about and weird fixes.
Chancé follows metal.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man also shoots at them. Big chunks of armor fly off. One of them flies at Panzer, Metal, and Chancé. Metal dodges. Darkdata takes damage. Panzer is hit. Metal spins his rifle and shoots back at it. *BLAM* One of them blows up, another one remains, damaged though.
Chancé: "... This potion is useless right now." :/
Digifanatic: *Seen as how it looks like Metal and Panz are in a tight situation, might as well try to help them out...he leaps down...*
Metal Man (GM): Digi leaps down, and sees the damaged weirdobot in the way.
Panzer fires again, 3 shots at the bot.
Digifanatic: *Hyper Beam Matrix!* *Yeah that should do the trick.*
Dragoshi: *Would also jump down, seeing the damaged weirdobot* "...Okay. What the fuck." *Sighs, and pulls out his K7, and blasts it's face off. ...If Digi doesn't overkill it, that is.*
Metal Man (GM): The remaining robot is blown up, revealing... ...another pit downwards to leap. Although it gets trickier down there. Metal kicks some debris around and leaps down. "This place is a mess."
Digifanatic: *He just jumps down without much sweat.*
Panzer follows, sliding down the wall.
Digifanatic: *He's there.*
Metal Man (GM): This area's peaceful. A slight walk... ...then a gigantic sheer wall you need to leap up to continue. It's like you're walking into a building that was hidden underneath that other one you went through.
Metal Man: "Hm... the Star Board is hardly capable of a leap this high."
Panzer: "I can carry you all up. Hang onto me if you want."
Chancé drinks his Essence of Roc's Feather then jumps unto Panzer's back.
Dragoshi: *Continues following the others along, and looks at it, and speaks after Metal mentions the Star Board.* "...That reminds me. I need to get the power source for mine. Regardless. *He'd then look around for ladders or similar.*
Digifanatic: "Alright. If it takes multiple trips I'll wait, but if not, I'll get on now."
Metal Man: "I shall fly!" *He shoots at the ground* "Wait... I'm too heavy for that. Hmmm..."
Panzer: "Here. Hold my rifle Digi." She hands it to him and starts scaling the wall after grabbing Metal.
Metal Man looks for a sharp object.
Digifanatic: *takes her rifle.*
Metal Man finds a half-broken pickaxe. This will be tricky.
Metal Man: "I shall climb like a mountain maniac."
Metal Man attempts to climb the sheer cliff face.
Metal Man is oblivious to being grabbed. Succeeds mostly in thrashing about, then realizing he was grabbed. "Huh."
Panzer: "Be still. Reploids can carry quite a lot..I'll come back for Drag.
Metal Man (GM): The closest thing to what Dragoshi is looking for is a dilapidated fire truck, but it's in a billion pieces. Plus it seems Metal and Panzer got up to the top with magic... oh, right, Panzer is a reploid. Wall climbing is easy for her. Metal stands atop the wall and puts his hands to his hips. "I'm sure I could have done it." *He looks to the pickaxe part, which crumbles* "...Or perhaps I would have comically fallen off of it."
Panzer sets Metal, Chance and Digi down. Leaps back down and waits for drag to climb on.
Chancé: "That was interesting."
Dragoshi: *...Well, to hell with this, then. I'll just try to jump, double jump, wall jump, and, well. It's gonna be a fuckload of jumping. Let's keep it at that.*
Digifanatic: *holds his position safely at the top for now.*
Panzer huffs and snags Drag... or not. "Get on my back moron.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi attempts to leap up. It's... extremely tall. He's only 1/3 up it with those. Any higher and he might fall. There IS another way up, but he can't jump it entirely.
Panzer: "Come on you."
Panzer grumbles and just climbs past, snatching him if possible.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer leaps into the wall instead of onto it, bouncing off it for 10 damage. Better try again. Must have been something slippery.
Dragoshi: "..." *Lands on Panzer.*
Panzer hisses and picks a better spot and climbs up again to grab him.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi lands on Panzer's shoulder. Panzer climbs to the top. Everybody's up now. The next obstacle is a giant room with a magnet sucking jump up and into it... and a tube with a bug inside it.
Panzer sets him down. And fires at the bug. "Get it before it possesses a robot!"
Metal Man (GM): You blow up the bug. Then you see the silhouette of a madman who chucks something weird on the ground.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi once again readies the K7, and f-...Nevermind, then.*
Metal Man (GM): This doesn't behave like the bug.
Panzer continues past it. Yay?
Metal Man (GM): The weird man vanishes and a new-style machine made of pure garbage appears. It's so tall it blocks the way and has its head by the ceiling.
Dragoshi: *Though, Drago keeps his weapon ready...Which was a damn good idea, 'cause he opens fire on the literal garbage machine.*
Metal Man (GM): It says nothing as it tries to smack Panzer with a large, reploid-shaped fist.
Panzer: "Well this is new. ."
Metal Man (GM): It has the aim of the headlights of a smashed car-bot. It smacks Panzer aside, then some bits are shot off of it by Dragoshi. Metal Man shoots at it.
Chancé: "Well, it can't hurt to drop a Tetris block into the garbage.."
Digifanatic: "Heh..."
Metal Man (GM): It falls back a bit and exposes some weird glowy bits. Metal blasts them to bits dealing some heavy damage. It's still standing though.
Panzer: "Oww. Fucker. Why me?" She shoots at its chest.
Metal Man (GM): It is then hit by a tetris block. It dodges Panzer's shot and swipes at everybody with an exploding (!?) fist. Metal leaps out of the way.
Dragoshi: *If the glowy bits are still exposed, Dragoshi spews acid at them. For great justice.*
Metal Man (GM): Panzer takes damage from the explosion. Darkdata is able to dodge, barely. *Blam* Hit, Dragoshi.
Panzer gets out of its range and fires again.
Metal Man (GM): It dodges... and then explodes into bits, overloading. It leaves behind what looks like the barrel (but nothing else) of a turquoise gun.
Chancé: "Hmm, no need to get that potion.."
Metal Man (GM): And of course, it leaves the way ahead open.
Panzer continues past once the splody is gone.
Digifanatic: *moving on.*
Dragoshi: *Looked at the barrel, wondering what kind of gun it'd be compatible with.*
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man walks ahead.
Dragoshi: *Looks.
Chancé follows behind Digi.
Metal Man (GM): It isn't compatible with any of your guns, Dragoshi. It must have more parts laying around somewhere. Maybe not even here.
Dragoshi: "Hmm...Might as well." *Takes it, 'cause he's a lolpackrat, and moves along.*
Metal Man (GM): The next room features two tiers, and floating bug-bots and other robots everywhere. It's not even really worth it to kill them all. A new passage around it has appeared, though... ...a large, solid metallic door welded to the floor just before that mess.
Digifanatic looks for any switches near the door, or other (un)locking mechanisms.
Metal Man (GM): Digi finds none. This place already looks like it was put together with duct tape. Unlikely anything has any mode except 'Endless, uncontrolled operation.'
Panzer blinks and starts sniping a bot near them.
Metal Man (GM): It blows up. One of... about twenty plus.
Metal Man kicks the door. "Hm... it's on there pretty good."
Metal Man (GM): There's some magnets nearby... they've been short-circuited, and the shorts are exposed near a frenzy of robot activity.
Digifanatic: "Maybe it just takes some force..."
Panzer tries to shoot some key pieces of debris to smash several at once without making the ceiling collapse.
Digifanatic walks up to the door and sees if a pair of Fire Punches will start taking it down...
Metal Man (GM): A bunch are blown away. Clearing the way to the switch... 50%, that is, just ahead of it a few more robots are still in the way. Digi: Roll it... up to three. First punch hits solidly. Second hurts.
Digifanatic: *shakes his hand* "No biggie."
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi decides to try and help Panz by doing the same via the use of his trust assault rifle. Wouldn't want a ceiling collapse, now would we?*
Digifanatic: *steps to the side and lets Chancé go.*
Panzer tries to wipe out the rest with more debris. "I can't believe this is my future when my core finally stops working.."
Chancé tosses at the robot closet to Digi to slow it down.
Metal Man (GM): The robots are blasted away between Panzer and the door is melted, then busted into bits.
Digifanatic: "I knew it'd just take a bit of heat."
Metal Man (GM): The factory seems to show a lack of anyone maintaining it... even as far as simple upgrades.
Panzer takes the path where the bots were and continues on.
Metal Man (GM): The way ahead past the robot area is completely buried, for example, and it looks like somebody blew it up on purpose.
Digifanatic: *Through the ex-door.*
Chancé follows after everyone.
Metal Man (GM): The door leads down and around that area.
Panzer follows the others through the melted door.
Metal Man (GM): The door and path are simple, easy, and lead straight into the main chamber of the place.
Digifanatic: *To the main chamber.*
Metal Man (GM): Here, you see that Morph Moth's power core has gone out, and he's on the floor, deactivated. Somebody blew a hole in the wall behind him, too.
Panzer walks through. "Moth! Come out!" *Frowns.* "Maybe I can take him back and fix him."
Metal Man: "Wow. This world is quite a wasteland. Only that illusion of a Neo-Earth could be worse."
???: "Oh, I'm afraid he'll be just fine..."
Dragoshi: *Walks up to the corpse of Morph Moth, and checks to see if he can even be salvaged in the first place.*
Chancé: "Great, it's the disembodied voice again.."
Metal Man (GM): A man walks out, about 5 feet 4, black hair, weird round sunglasses, and white gloves. Black lab coat. He gives a strange sneer on his face.
Dragoshi: *But stops at the mysterious voice* "...Ergh."
Panzer looks around. "show yourself."
???: "It is my mission to revive that which is dead, you see. I came here looking for somebody to help. Look! A prime subject."
Panzer: "God. Don't tell me. Cain's alter-ego?"
???: "Cain who?" He shakes his head. "I'm sorry I jammed your communications. You'll be able to use them again... once I finish using the source of your communication difficulties."
Metal Man (GM): He wheels out a weird magnet apparatus, made out of junk.
???: "My former employer fired me, so... I had to improvise."
Panzer: "The hell? State your name."
???: "Don't worry, I'm an experienced reploid repairman. I'm just not from this woooorld!" He does a weird eyebrow motion. Reminds you of Dr. Wily.
Dr. Proctor: "I'm Doctor Proctor, the world-renowned repairman, reviver of dead bodies, and otherwise handy person. Here, watch this." Dr. Proctor attaches two electrodes to Morph Moth's broken core.
Dragoshi: "..." .oO(...Doctor...what.)
Panzer rolls her eyes and levels her rifle with his head.
Chancé: "Proctor? Pro-ct-er? proooootecter...? Mrm..."
Panzer: "Stop."
Dr. Proctor: "One switch here... one there..."
Metal Man (GM): He pulls a switch. An ungodly hum and blinding flash occurs. Magnetic energy flies around everywhere. Sparks... lightning... geeez, he didn't exactly research this one.
Dragoshi: *Smacks self in the head so he doesn't snicker at the doc's ridiculous name. .*
Digifanatic: .oO(Ohhhhhhhh man.)
Metal Man: "Argh!!! It's like listening to Celine Dion!!!"
Dragoshi: "...What."
Panzer shudders a little. "Woozy..."
Metal Man (GM): The flash and sparks finish. The doctor seems unbothered.
Dr. Proctor: "There. All done."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out the equipment and walks away.
Dr. Proctor: "I must go now, sorry."
Panzer shoots at him.
Metal Man (GM): Morph Moth stands up, as if completely unharmed and normal. You shoot Dr. Proctor in the shoulder.
Dragoshi: *Doesn't know if he should be bothered or not. Seriously.* "...right. Well. ...huh." *Just readies the loaf of bread this time. Better now, than never.*
Dr. Proctor: "Ow! ...I'll pretend that didn't happen."
Metal Man (GM): He runs away.
Chancé: "..."
Morph Moth: "What? Huh? ...How could I be alive? My... core... was... ..gone."
Panzer: "Moth?" She goes to him to help him up. "It's Panzer.."
Chancé: "Wily Complex?"
Metal Man (GM): He stares. His energy is not only at 100%, but seemingly his systems are repaired!
Dragoshi: "Damned if I know."
Morph Moth: "Hmm... I'll remember that name once I'm done reactivating these systems... ...what was that man doing here?"
Panzer sighs. "I don't know yet. Seen Zero?"
Morph Moth: "...! Yes... that was it. Zero came here. He had something wrong with him. ..."
Metal Man (GM): He looks rather bothered.
Morph Moth: "That man... he said something about a Doctor..."
Panzer: "He did? Explain."
Morph Moth: "He had been injured in a battle, but this doctor revived him instead of people who actually knew what they were doing."
Panzer: "Maybe he's just another human with a God complex."
Morph Moth: "He said it had damaged his programming, and that he could not control his body for long. Then he reached for me... and I wound up with no energy. I managed to seal him in that room behind me, though. ...Maybe it's too dangerous for you to look. Any robots I sent in there died, and it's been..." He looks shocked again. "...Years!!!"
Panzer: "Perhaps a new type of virus. I think that room was blasted down."
Chancé: "So... Zero got his code damaged turning him into a energy vampire?"
Morph Moth: "I don't know. My memory is full of holes. That... excuse for a doctor... probably only revived me to test something."
Chancé: "Dr. Procttttoooorrr? I have to stop doing that..."
Panzer shrugs. "Metal, see if he has info on him."
Metal Man: "I'm getting a strange energy reading up ahead. Doctor Proctor hasn't gone anywhere."
Panzer motions for everyone to stay back and she peeks in the room.
Metal Man shows his dex, indicating a jamming signal in the next room.
Dragoshi: *Still trying to resist snickering when the doctor's silly name is mentioned* "...Hm." *Stays back, bread still at the ready.*
Digifanatic walks back and holds the position with the others.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees the pieces of Zero, pieced together and hooked up to the machine. Dr. Proctor stares at it.
Panzer: "Maybe I'll be OK. I still use old fission reactor, not the newer fusion energy Zero and Moth use."
Dr. Proctor: "Step one on my way to true knowledge of life and death... reviving you for the third time!" *BZZZZTTTT!!!!!*
Panzer shoots the machine.
Dr. Proctor: "Yes... it is working... it is AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" *BZZTZTBZTBZBT.*
Panzer: "Move and die. Explain yourself human."
Dr. Proctor: "I don't need to explain, I was attempting to revive Zero. Again. He... didn't work right the first two times."
Panzer: "I can fix him. You turned him into a monster. Step back."
Dragoshi: "And you'd assume that he'd work right hte third?" *the.
Dr. Proctor: "Ok---" *WHACK.* He's kicked aside from Zero, who now has red eyes.
Dragoshi: "You ni-..."
Zero: "Energy... detected. I must have this... energy. All energy is mine!!!"
Chancé: "Third time's the charm has lost all meaning... and yup Energy Vampire."
Metal Man (GM): He smashes the machine to bits. Dr. Proctor shakes his head and presses a button on his belt and vanishes.
Panzer growls and aims her rifle and shoots for Zero's helmet crystal to shut him off, while blocking her own.
Dragoshi: "Oh, well this is just freaking wonderful." *Gets into stance, DETH BRED at the ready.*
Metal Man (GM): You blast it off. He acts like you did nothing.
Zero: "I am immortal now. You cannot kill me! But I can make you just like me... and thanks to this new machine... I can do the same to organic beings! The power... I cannot resist it..." He runs towards you.
Panzer backs off. Fuck... "He's crazy now... " She hops into the hole... weak to the temptation of power she steadies her rifle for his head.
Chancé: "Look! Behind you, it's Megaman!"
Dragoshi: *Still standing strong, bread at the ready and all that crap.*
Panzer: "Stop Zero. I don't want to kill a fellow hunter... X will kill me."
Zero: "I can see the power everywhere... the power of Megaman is not behind me!"
Metal Man (GM): He stops... only to activate his beam saber.
Panzer growls and looks for a saber around ber, firing a shot at him.
Zero: "I don't need to talk to you! You are mine to destroy! Ahahahahahaaaa!" He ceases talking and lunges for Panzer, starting a battle.
Chancé: "Zero, what is 9 divided by 0?"
Metal Man (GM): Evil Zero is currently heading for Panzer. Apparently, easier energy for him to steal than, say, from humans.
Dragoshi: *So, anyway. Now that the fight has officially started and whatnot, Dragoshi suddenly zooms over to EVAL ZERO, ONO, and decides to try and wail on him with the DETH BREAD. Yea. Only in SSQ will you see Yoshi/Dragon hybrids try and smack Reploids with a sourdough/french bread abominations.*
Metal Man (GM): He dodges the bread once, then is hit. Metal Man adjusts his rifle and fires. Zero is hit in the shoulder.
Metal Man: "I never thought I'd be doing that."
Dragoshi: "Doing what? Shooting people with rifles?"
Metal Man: "Shooting Zero in the shoulder with a rifle Santa Claus gave me. An evil Zero, even."
Chancé attempts his newly learned confusion spell...
Chancé: "And once more!"
Metal Man (GM): Zero manages to shield his eyes from the ray of confusion. He is blinded by it here, however.
Panzer: "Go for the core guys."
Digifanatic thinks about it for a second...since Zero is a reploid, he's got to have some sort of notable computerized/digital components to him...he uses his Dex (with new attachment) to see if he'd get any information regarding Evil Zero anyone else wouldn't be able to get, along with any info he'd normally get.
Valentine Kilmer: "I look away from one moment and you Questers are already getting into trouble." *Appears next to Metal Man.*
Dragoshi: "...Oh. Yea. Well. Only in a group as fucking crazy as the Questers, will you see stuff like that happen, Metal."
Metal Man (GM): Digi's dex scans Zero.
Dex: "...Zero appears to have had his energy protocols reversed. If you could get in close he would probably not be so... erratic. That is all the special information that can be found."
Valentine Kilmer: "Good idea. You can run in and try to which them. I'll submit a distraction."
Digifanatic decides to go up close then...another Fire Punch.
Metal Man (GM): Zero short-circuits some and is hit.
Valentine Kilmer: *She stand up on her platform and steadies her rifle against her shoulder, looking through it's scope to give Zero two shots right after another.*
Metal Man (GM): He is hit both times. Oddly, this reveals how extensive Proctor's work on him was. He must have been blown to pieces when he was found. This makes him far tougher than usual, too.
Zero: "You can't beat me with a firing squad... I'm the best Hunter there is."
Valentine Kilmer: "I'll use a window next time."
Panzer sighs. "I should think I know how to take reploids down. I was in his unit in the hunters."
Chancé: "If you are the best hunter, you must be the best at math, what is pi equal to?"
Zero: "Your funeral, idiot." He leaps up and slashes at Chancé for that.
Metal Man (GM): His blade is blood red and it moves really fast.
Panzer: "You can't stop reploids like that."
Metal Man (GM): *SLASH*. That was one of his confused attacks... he deals some damage and heals himself. Now for the next one...
Valentine Kilmer: "If I do remember correctly, you are the same construct as Zero is. Do you have any insight, Panzer?"
Metal Man (GM): He lunges at Digifanatic.
Chancé: "Useful spell. Phew."
Digifanatic: *tries to jump out of the way...*
Metal Man (GM): Digi leaps out of the way. Zero wildly slashes at Panzer.
Panzer: "I'm older than Zero. Best I can say is to destroy the core in his chest."
Metal Man (GM): He slashes Panzer... it's extra-effective! He regains some energy. He finally leaps at... Himself.
Dragoshi: "...What." *Watches as Zero hits himself.*
Metal Man (GM): He hits himself in the face and deals damage to himself, healing some of it back. He is no longer confused.
Zero: "What the... ...You won't do that again." He returns to battle stance, holding his saber defensively now.
Panzer grumbles and touches her scorched and scarred armor. She grumbles even more. "Metal, what would happen if I infected him with the maverick virus? Would it lessen his power a little?
Dex: "Diagnostics show that he is healing the damage dealt to him and regaining power as he goes along."
Metal Man: "He might become more feral and violent. So, not exactly. I doubt a feral reploid would attack smart like that, though."
Panzer: "So, should I?"
Valentine Kilmer: "This will be a problem is not dealt quickly."
Digifanatic: "Yeah...just try to attack in close range, preferably with physical stuff. Like Panzer said, get the chest."
Panzer: "Need an answer..."
Metal Man: "Should you? Not until other options are ruled out."
Panzer: "'Kay."
Dragoshi: "..." *And, what does Dragoshi try to do to Zero now that his defenses are severely lowered and whatnot? Simple. He tries to grab 'im!*
Zero: "I'll... I'll use your energy to heal myself. You can... can... can... ..." He trails off, apparently malfunctioning. He counter-attacks with his sword.
Valentine Kilmer: "I however need that window I mention. I need someone to distract him so I can reverse these protocols themselves. Like what Dragoshi is doing."
Metal Man (GM): He stabs Dragoshi in the face.
Panzer darts at Zero and tries to get around him and grab him from behind to hold him close and immobilize him by digging her claws into his unarmored arms.
Metal Man (GM): He heals himself... odd. The damage to his systems is vanishing. He attempts to block Panzer but is hit.
Dragoshi: "I've felt worse." *Dragoshi continues trying to distract Zero and stuff, so he goes to smack him around with the bread again.*
Metal Man (GM): He ties with Dragoshi, pushing his attack away even though Panzer's claws are stuck into him.
Zero: "You can't... ... stopstopstopstopstop!"
Panzer holds onto him. She weighs more.
Metal Man (GM): He's been overusing all his systems, he can hardly move anyway.
Valentine Kilmer: "Good. Everyone hold him down."
Metal Man: "Hm." Metal Man decides to simply try to hold him in place as well.
Metal Man (GM): He parries Metal away.
Metal Man: "What kind of arm is that? He can't stop slashing!"
Chancé undoing his pendent from around his neck opens the top spilling out glowing droplets sending it towards Panzer. "May the tears of light shine!" .oO(I hate having to say that)
Panzer: "Shoot him!"
Metal Man: "Okay. You're the boss."
Metal Man (GM): He's shot and then Panzer is protected by a barrier.
Panzer: "See if Moth will help. Tell him Zero is subdued."
Metal Man (GM): He cannot defend. You grab him.
Valentine Kilmer: "Good. Now hold him and I'll take it from there."
Panzer: "MMMOOOOTTTHHHH! Get -in- here!"
Metal Man (GM): Morph Moth walks on in.
Digifanatic keeps a hold of him with one hand, and then with the other, takes out his golf club and goes for the standard battering-ram shove to the chest, just to damage Zero a bit further.
Morph Moth: "H-have you stopped him yet? He can drain all of your energy in one go if he wants!"
Panzer: "Turn him off. I can't from here."
Zero: "Nnrg... you..." He moves around some. Morph Moth wanders in and tries to turn him off during Panzer's turn.
Panzer: "He can't. I'm still standing aren't I?"
Metal Man (GM): Zero's attempt to block being deactivated fails. He is deactivated.
Morph Moth: "...Hm. You are all much stronger than I expected. Zero can usually kill entire groups of people."
Panzer lets go and lays him down. "Finally... ruined my armor."
Dragoshi: "Meh. Well, we've dealt with a lot of crazy stuff."
Dex: "He is regenerating. If nothing is done, he will turn himself back on and continue as if nothing hit him."
Valentine Kilmer: "The questers aren't smart, but I'll admit they're good for shields."
Chancé: "And did a lot of crazy stuff... Bread.."
Panzer: "Dammit."
Chancé: "Just fix him Val..."
Metal Man: "That sounds like some bad mojo. Is there any way to fix him? Digi, you saw something funky, right?"
Morph Moth: "If I knew what caused it, it wouldn't be such an issue."
Dragoshi: "Well, it's effective bread, Chance."
Panzer sits on him and starts prying at his armor to tear his core out.
Digifanatic: "Well, my module thing says his energy systems... protocols... whatever were reversed."
Metal Man (GM): You touch his core. Just a momentary touch drains a bunch of energy. It's almost like a black hole.
Valentine Kilmer: "I'll find out... When his friend over there is finished tearing him apart I suppose."
Digifanatic: "It's how I found out that close-range maneuvers were going to work well for this fight."
Metal Man (GM): His core's acting like a black hole, and it ate some of Panzer's energy on the touch.
Panzer aims her rifle at it and shoots.
Metal Man (GM): *BLAM* is damaged, but then it begins repairing itself.
Valentine Kilmer: "Gah! Get her off of him!"
Panzer picks up Zeros saber and slashes.
Dex: "No amount of damage will keep him dead in his current state. Scan indicates he has repeatedly put himself back together after--."
Metal Man (GM): *SLASH.*
Panzer: "Slashy Slashy Slashy."
Metal Man (GM): The two draining things hit one another. The saber explodes, and the core changes to a normal color.
Dragoshi: "...Well, that works."
Metal Man (GM): Zero bolts up, half his body screwed up, but not evil.
Chancé: "Panzer: 1 Valentine: 0."
Panzer rubs her hand and is tossed off by Zero.
Panzer: "Oww... you're welcome."
Dragoshi: *Boredly twirling around the bread at this point.*
Valentine Kilmer: "Hardly."
Zero: "What the... ..." He looks at his hands. "...I can't believe it, that dream was real. It was horrible... a strange man resurrected me, and then I went insane."
Chancé: "His name was proott-- someone else say it..."
Panzer sits up and rises, worn out and low on energy by now.
Zero: "Many reploids died as I thirsted for their energy. I nearly killed all of you, but you had far more people than a usual hunter team. No amount of slashing could kill all of you."
Dragoshi: "Dr. Proctor was the name."
Valentine Kilmer: "Panzer is a Quester indeed. Though I could have repaired more of his body..." *She begins to examine Zero.*
Chancé tosses Panzer 2 mushrooms.
Zero: "At least, not while in a dream state." He gets up. "...Panzer is here? That would explain what strange humans and other beings are doing here... What were you here for?"
Dragoshi: *Mumbling to himself* "...Which makes me wonder what kind of parent would be horrible enough to give him the name Proctor. ...Unless, that's like a last name or something, then it's not that bad." >_>;;
Chancé: "Panzer wanted to see you."
Panzer: "No. I can't use shrooms. No worries. We were here for you, Zero."
Valentine Kilmer: "I'm paid to be here."
Zero: "Hm. Figures. I can take care of myself, you know." He blatantly doesn't mention the fact there's giant holes in him, as well as some of the Questers.
Chancé: "Valentine really likes us all, she just will not admit it."
Panzer turns to the others. "Sorry I drug you all into this. ...But I do owe my commander quite a lot."
Chancé: "She used a vacuum cleaner on the ghosts that visited her at Christmas.."
Dragoshi: "Eh. No prob."
Chancé: "It's Okay Panzer."
Valentine Kilmer: "I'm sure you can, Zero. But what I want is information."
Zero: "I should really report back to headquarters. All my subtanks are gone, probably stolen, and the important device I was carrying was stolen! I need to find whoever stole it and kill them. Repeatedly."
Dragoshi: *Cricks neck, and stretches a little bit* "Important device?"
Valentine Kilmer: "What do you last remember?"
Zero: "It's not just any item... it could ruin the world. And others, if you happen to come from them."
Chancé: "Was it Prooocc-- *slaps self* I wonder?"
Dragoshi: "...Why must there always be items of that fucking caliber?"
Valentine Kilmer: "How about a bit more in detail?"
Zero: "Some Sigma followers found a strange item which was capable of great evil. I killed them and took it, but then a strange man, unrelated to the one who revived me, surprised me with some weaponry beyond our technology here."
Panzer sighs. She still looks depressed. "Get going commander. Let me know how the HQ is."
Dragoshi: "Why." *Walks up to a wall, and smashes his head into it repeatedly while saying 'Why.'*
Valentine Kilmer: "Strange man?"
Zero: "I slashed him repeatedly, he managed a lucky shot. When I woke up, the man you speak of was over me, having put me back together from a collection of parts. He didn't know what he was doing and wound up reversing several key circuits..."
Valentine Kilmer: "Dragoshi. Save it for when we're done. I'll need that thick skull of yours until then."
Panzer walks over to Moth. "thanks Moth."
Chancé: "Dragoshi: Mad scientists get bored with their toys and toss them away. :/ Stupid dumpster divers.."
Dragoshi: *Ignoring Val at the moment. Because seriously, this is fucking old, and the repeated headwall must be done.*
Zero: "Of course, I'm only telling you this because you saved me. You seem interested in the item. Perhaps I'll talk to you later. I must first speak with the others at headquarters."
Metal Man (GM): He abruptly beams out of the area.
Dragoshi: *Stops momentarily* "...It's still freaking old, Chance." *Goes back to headwalling.* *And, yes. While saying 'Why'.*
Digifanatic: "Geez...another thing that could ruin our tournament."
Morph Moth: "You're welcome..." He looks behind him, at the half-sunken junk complex. "I'm going to be very busy cleaning up this mess."
Metal Man: "Oh, don't worry. The tournament's an ongoing thing anyway."
Valentine Kilmer: "Hmm. Technology more advance? Who do we know beyond that, Metal Man?"
Metal Man: "This sounds like something fun to do in-between rounds."
Panzer grumbles. "That wasn't worth hardly anything."
Chancé: "If you see P-- again, just lock him in a jar with air holes?"
Metal Man: "Uhh... I really don't know. That sounds like The Void's stuff."
Morph Moth: "I will capture him if I see him. But he did revive me." He shrugs.
Chancé: "Hence the air holes."
Metal Man: "Well, that looks like a wrap, Panzer. Shall we return to our headquarters? Oh yeah, this."
Dragoshi: *Finally stops headwalling* "Okay, I'm done with that."
Metal Man picks up the broken device bits.
Panzer: "I'm getting too old for this crap. Can't even find something worthwhile to do. Maybe I should retire here, since I'll be tossed out anyway.
Metal Man: "We're going to research this."
Valentine Kilmer: "I'm going to resume gathering parts for my next device as well."
Panzer: "Go back if you want. I'll be along soon."
Metal Man: "Too old? Most of my Quester buddies are dead or missing in action."
Dragoshi: *Pulls out the Teal barrel thing he found from the destroyed robot and looks at Morph Moth* "Hey. Do you have any idea what this belongs to? 'Cause, well...I don't."
Chancé: "No you will not Panzer. Now turn that colon open bracket into a colon close bracket!"
Valentine Kilmer: "Panzer."
Metal Man: "I would be retiring myself, if it wasn't for jerks like Ganon-dork and Crazy Luigi and... this Dr. Proctor guy."
Panzer: "Yeah. I guess. I'm going to grab a few out dated parts and some old armor to fix myself with, if thats ok with you Moth?"
Valentine Kilmer: "I'm thinking of staying behind as well for the time being. I could easily gather information and parts."
Dragoshi: "Yeaa...Staying behind sounds good." .oO(I mean, it's pretty peaceful here...Well, after all the stuff that happened, it should be. Meh.)
Morph Moth: "Of course... you saved me, indirectly at least."
Valentine Kilmer: "Where is this HQ Zero mentioned?"
Metal Man: "I dunno. I heard of it once though."
Panzer: "All right. Thanks. Call me on my comm if you need me from now on. Hear anything else from other ex mavericks? I'll take you to the HQ."
Morph Moth: "It appears there are several, things are seemingly peaceful. They thought I was dead due to what happened with Zero..."
Valentine Kilmer: "Very well."
Metal Man: "I shall return... I must help prepare for the first round of the big league thingy. Catch you guys on the flip side." *He tosses out a warp and leaps into it.*
Dragoshi: "Huh. Interesting." *Continues looking at the blue barrel thingy he picked up a little bit back in the place* "Still need to figure out what the heck this thing belongs to, though."
Digifanatic: "So...guess we should just look around now."
*Some time Later*
Digifanatic: *Decided to stay.*
Panzer: "Teleport to (random coordinates here). 3ll meet you there." *zip!*
Metal Man (GM): You're all at the empty Junkyard area. You have those coordinates. If you wish to follow Panzer, the dex is waiting for you to input the coordinates so it can warp you.
Digifanatic: *warps.*
Panzer looks around at the base. "hmm..."
MCV_Driver: *Val goes with Panzer since she requested it.*
Metal Man (GM): Okay, that's enough to continue. Mav Hunter Base. All is well. X is there, and so is Zero. They've been talking.
X: "Everything became peaceful once all of the remaining Mavericks were killed. Unfortunately, not much remains of this world. This is due to the ravages of war and how evil fighting is. I managed to convince many people to put down their weapons."
Panzer doesn't look happy. "X... Erm. Good to...See you?"
Valentine Kilmer: "So this is..."
Zero: "Great, just great. So while I was crazy, you went around making all kinds of people vulnerable to a return of Sigma."
X: "But how could Sigma return? Every square inch of him has been destroyed... over and over again."
Panzer: "No more virus?
X: "Oh... you." X crosses his arm. "I thought the Repliforce people were all dead by now. Or at least they'd come crawling back by now... if they survived."
X: "The usage of weapons of war is not something to be revelled in. For--" He is smacked by Zero.
Zero: "Can it, we know what you're all about."
Valentine Kilmer: "Nothing ever changes when it involves questers."
X: "Hmph. You've never done that before. You must have possible infections in your systems."
Zero: "I only got shot up and infected by a weird virus. Clearly I should be grateful that you spent your time creating victims for my possessed self."
Panzer snarled. "I'm sorry I got sucked away. Good grief. Pussy. X, I'm not crawling back. You didn't even care enough to save Zero!"
Valentine Kilmer: "When you two are done. I require an audience with Zero."
Panzer laughs. "They never stop fighting."
X: "Zero was acting just like a Maverick. He probably was doing it on purpose."
Valentine Kilmer: "Rivals I take it?"
Zero: "Yes. I shamble around and steal the energy of good guys all the time."
Digifanatic continues to be quiet for now...
Panzer: "No. He was screwed up. Died twice. You didn't even care."
X: "Well you looked like you did it on purpose, and I'd already thrown away my best weapons, as is usual procedure after Sigma dies. If I hadn't stayed here, I'd be dead and then you'd only have a bunch of dusty halls to come back to. My success has led to the place being virtually abandoned."
Valentine Kilmer: "...Excuse me, X, was it?"
Panzer: "X, you're the biggest moron I know. I don't detect any virus around except for me."
Zero: "That's terrible. We'll have to bring everybody back. We can't leave the world open for Sigma or those who sympathize with him."
Panzer blinks. Starts wandering out of the room casually. Slip of the tongue.
X: "I was so sure... fine. I'll get all I know back here. What did you come here for anyway?"
Zero: "I happen to be missing 3/4th of my original body, that freak could very well make a clone of me. Too bad nobody has any weapons to, you know, stop him."
X: *Rolls his eyes.*
Panzer: "We could. Or you can be Questers..."
Zero: "Any way..." He turns to Panzer, stopping her from leaving the room entirely. "It looks like X has put pacifism in the way of practical matters. Perhaps you and these strange people you're with could help us a little."
Digifanatic: "Well...we've stopped more insane and apocalyptic beings before."
Zero: "X and I can get the group together. You... you can chase this Dr. Proctor. Once the group is together, we can find him and pry some answers out of him. He stole this." He shows a... very simple energy tank.
Panzer: "Shouldn't be hard. I shot him in the shoulder. you want a tank from him?.." She bursts out laughing.
Zero: "Ha ha." He shakes his head. "It's an energy tank, but it was changed to contain pure evil. I believe it has the essence of Sigma himself inside it. The man said he could use it to reverse death. It was the usage of it for that which made me crazy... ..but not Maverick."
Valentine Kilmer: "I have an idea towards that. Working with Dr. Robotnik, seeing thing like that is nothing new."
Zero: "Hm, you do? Tell me. If we can figure it out, he can probably be stopped, and whoever originally had it won't be a big threat."
X: "Yes. We must show the futility of evil and war."
Zero: "Hmph." He seems annoyed at X even talking.
Panzer: "Well. That's not that bad. There is more evil out there." She grins.
Valentine Kilmer: "Which one do you want? The logical one or the far out but more possible? Well. Doesn't matter. You want both."
Zero: "Both? Well, yes."
Panzer goes to the central computer and scans for that Proctor guy.
Zero: "This thing's slippery... tricky... I'm not used to foes who work like that. Sigma always does the same thing. Eight Mavericks, big castle, perhaps something weird to distract people, but he never does weird stuff."
Metal Man (GM): The central computer shows data on him. Apparently he's been wandering around for a long time.
Valentine Kilmer: "Start with simple things, your energy is used to regenerate powered area and circuits, correct?"
Metal Man (GM): It shows that he frequents junk yards, graveyards, and anything else with dead stuff.
Zero: "Yes."
Panzer: "Zero, who else would have stuff he needs? Magna Centipede maybe?"
Valentine Kilmer: "Now imagine if you will a type of programming or virus that can easily be fitting into an energy cell. Sounds impossible, right?"
Panzer also tries to see who his former employer was.
Metal Man (GM): His former employer. "Never referenced by name. He mentioned that he knew computers very well and that to him, Reploids were dumb and primitive."
Zero: "Actually, we've had that happen once before."
Valentine Kilmer: "So have I back on my world. It was a virus that caught everyone by surprise. And it was done but the energy cells we used for our prosthetic bodies."
Panzer: "Hmm." She scans for traces of his DNA that are the freshest.
Metal Man (GM): The freshest ones are the ones on Zero that, unsurprisingly, Zero brought in with him.
Valentine Kilmer: "It slowly destroyed the programing in a two month time. Soon causing a cyber brain to malfunction."
Panzer scans for something a little sooner, trying to see where he lives.
Valentine Kilmer: "However, it would seem you were reprogrammed, Zero."
Zero: "Yes... I was. My programming was damaged, after all."
Valentine Kilmer: "Very difficult but can still be done."
Digifanatic: "Probably influenced by Dr. Proctor."
Panzer: "Go get LS to fix it."
Zero: "So this program is like that virus which went around with a sort of will on its own... ...I'll probably go get repaired now."
Valentine Kilmer: "Hold on.."
Zero: "Hm?"
Valentine Kilmer: "I need more information on that strange man you saw."
Zero: "Which one?" He's seen two.
Valentine Kilmer: "I gave you both, so you return the favor."
Zero: "The first one had dark clothes and spoke in a quiet voice... ...he also hid his identity well. Dr. Proctor simply announced his name and how he was going to fix me. You may have seen him... he's a weird medium stature man running around reviving reploids... incorrectly."
Panzer uses her ignored status to sneak to the armory.
Valentine Kilmer: "Maybe. I'll ask around about the second. I think the first one is the most important."
Panzer goes inside to look around.
Digifanatic: "Same here... The mystery guy definitely intrigues me."
Metal Man (GM): X has removed all of the weapons. There's a note. 'The evil weapons of war have been removed to ensure future peace. -X'
Panzer rolls her eyes and leaves in search of other hunters.
Valentine Kilmer: "Go get yourself repaired, Zero. And thank you. X. Your turn."
Zero: "Any time." He waves and walks off. X is busy fighting with the communications.
Metal Man (GM): Panzer sees... almost none. More notes by X.
Valentine Kilmer: "X..."
Metal Man (GM): 'The Hunters are currently assigned to protect their homes, with no actual thread of late. -X'
X: "What do you need? I'm too busy trying to remember how to contact the old hunters."
Panzer rips them all to shreds.
Valentine Kilmer: "It isn't written somewhere?"
Panzer grumbles and goes back to the control center and gets back on the computer.
X: "It's on the machine, but I stopped using that when I realized that it was using precious resources. Resources we generally get by, guess what? Fighting. But Dr. Light and I both know fighting is wrong."
Panzer: "God X you're such an idiot. Sending them all away."
Valentine Kilmer: "No matter. I need one of your energy tanks and the one that infected Zero."
Panzer: "We have Light at the base. He's a freak.
X: "Dr. Light is not a freak. If all robots had the safeguards I did, there wouldn't have been a war..."
Panzer: "It's boring without war."
Dex: "Because they would be too busy disarming themselves, even though they come with guns by default."
X: "Hm... that's odd... a sentient machine that is not a reploid..."
Valentine Kilmer: "If there wasn't fighting I'd be out of a job. Anyways, about my request."
Metal Man (GM): He stares at the smash dex.
Valentine Kilmer: "...Panzer. Throw something at him."
Panzer: "I'd be hopeless without war. Stupid humans have none now, though."
Metal Man (GM): He looks at Panzer.
X: "I can't really help you, any way. I stayed in here so the evil people couldn't trick me into becoming a tool of war."
Panzer: "To get his attention, insult humans, Val."
Valentine Kilmer: "I was a part of a counter-terrorist group myself."
Panzer: "You and that stupid human creator. You're just as bad as them."
Valentine Kilmer: "However, most humans in my world only have their brain to realize what human qualities they have left. Though their was one man in our sector that had his full human form."
X: "But I haven't gone Maverick, therefore, I am not as problematic as other reploids can be, when Maverick." *He contacts some more hunters.*
Panzer: "You can't go Maverick. Light sealed you up so long you're just as harmless as he is."
X: "That's what I mean. Everyone else can go Maverick, but I shall be here to save the war mongers from their evil. I have, however, followed Zero's instructions... the Hunters will be together to confront this maniac you keep speaking of."
Panzer: "Okay... Can I raise a Maverick army?"
Valentine Kilmer: "No one has explained a Maverick yet."
X: "No. Mavericks are bad people who need to be cured. Cured of their evil war-like ways." Man, this guy must suck to live with.
Valentine Kilmer: "If they're like Panzer, I think it's a good idea, so long as you're not int he same group with them."
Panzer smirks and vents some purple mist. Harmless to non-reploids and X.
X: "The only reason you're not dead is because you inexplicably aided Zero instead of making him Maverick. And that weird man and his friends who seem immune to Maverick stuff. Possibly because they are even worse than Mavericks, I'll have to review our data on them."
Panzer: "I miss Mavericks. Cool people."
X: "Let's see... they kill people with high powered rifles... ..kill robots... kill stuff... ...and most of them are human, which makes them odd."
Valentine Kilmer: "Sounds like the Questers as well."
X: "Most humans just die or flee. What are they made out of, Steel?"
Valentine Kilmer: "That isn't the case."
Panzer: "Maybe it's a human style virus. Maybe they're androids?"
Valentine Kilmer: "I think I figured something out involving Zero. Besides him needing a haircut."
X: "That he's almost as bad as a Maverick at times, but has the sense not to sink to their level?"
Digifanatic: "Heh... move on."
Valentine Kilmer: "Yes. I think I know what the energy tank was indeed trying to do. I'll keep it to myself until I know fully. I'm going to go fetch Zero's infected energy tank."
Panzer hums. She taps away on the computer, putting out a special code for emergencies.
X: "But the... weird guy has it? Hm." The warp back to HQ is open.
Panzer: "There. No more worries. You work too slow."
Valentine Kilmer: *She hovers off to grab Zero's tank and one of X's unused ones while stealing some parts for herself before hovering towards the warp.*
Panzer grins. "You suck at this X. I might can get some ex Mavericks to help you if you want."
Metal Man (GM): You take what you can, however Zero's tank was a hologram of the one that was stolen from him. You do sneak one of X's unused ones and some junk, though.
X: "I'll think about it. For now, I'm busy trying to get past the busy signal on some of these lines."
Valentine Kilmer: "Strange... Panzer. We must be off."
Panzer: "I issued the emergency signal you forgot about. It bypasses all other signals."
Digifanatic: "Alright. Please keep in touch, though, X."
X: "... I see."
Digifanatic: "It helps to have both sides of this in good communication."
X: "I'll try. Perhaps you want to talk to Panzer instead. She seems busy using old communication frequencies for no reason."
Panzer: "It might help to bring me up to speed then."
Valentine Kilmer: "Grow up, you two." *She hovers into the portal.*
Digifanatic: "True, but if what she's doing only works in one direction, someone's going to get left out when all is said and done."
Panzer: "Fucking hippie. Taking all the weapons you'll obviously be needing again."
Digifanatic: "And considering what we just might have to be dealing with in the future, definitely a good idea to be able to trade words."
Panzer: "I can set up a program on both computers to relay signals to both realms."
Digifanatic: "Please go ahead. I can help if you deem it necessary."
X: "Bring you up to speed? This will... take a while." X begins getting documents for that. It'll probably take a while, indeed.
Panzer: "Like a central hub that auto transmits when you try to talk to the other side."
Panzer started tapping away at the computer to set it up and synchronize it.
And it ends here... ...but we never return to this, sadly.