Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 492: Droids on a Space Ship
Date: January 24th, 2008
Metal Man (GM): Questers are at HQ. Of course, that'd probably mean R&R or their rooms or such. Naturally there is a new person; Halbardeer. Metal Man would be naturally with him in Metal Man's office, even, as the other Questers aren't particularly active at the moment. Metal Man's office consists primarily of wood panel walls, large bookshelves, random old pictures of war situations, and some faded certificates. His desk is made of oak; there's a rare rug on the floor, the chairs both high-backed fancy deals. Metal Man himself sticks out the most here, being about 6'4" or 7'0" tall depending upon the random whim of his boots and armor setup. He is entirely covered in shiny chromed armor. He has a black visor and a ridiculous orange cape, and a Quester badge over his head on his chest. There are the occasional bolt/stud holding the armor together, and he breathes with an artificial quality to it. He and the room are both sort of dusty, owing to how old and how untouched most of it is. Metal Man himself because he just finished getting out the stuff to properly sign Halbardeer up. He speaks to Halbardeer.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi is in R&R, boredly examining some of the stuff he's collected over time, like that Shield Generator he stole from Trent, or that turquoise gun barrel he found a little while back...Oh, and that Star Board he took from Team Rocket's Magical Exploding Underwater Base of Doom* "...Huh. I just noticed this...But, I think I'm picking up my packrat tendencies again." >_>;;
Metal Man: "Er, uhm... anyway. You just need to sign this to join the Questers. Of course, I'm sure you're wondering what you're doing here, as most of our recruits are warped in completely at random. What's odd is how quiet it's been lately... too quiet. In my day we fought wars against insane God-like warlocks and dimension-destroying abominations."
Digifanatic: *watching television in the R&R room.*
Aribar sits in the R&R, reading some random book. Blue-eyed, brown-haired, and one-armed, this half-elf is garbed in mage-esque clothing.*
Dragoshi: *Pokes at the broken shield generator...* .oO(Wonder how much it'll cost to fix this thing...)
Digifanatic: *I'll save the physical description for when the new guy walks in--it'll be easier.*
Metal Man: "Anyway." *He hands over a quill pen to Halbardeer.* "What do you think?"
Halbardeer comes out a little over 6' himself with all of his armor, which is incredibly thick, one might wonder how anyone could move in all of it. He looks to metal man and stiffens up. "I'm not sure how well I'd fair against dimension destroying abominations. The toughest I've fought is generals of enemy kingdoms, but things have been quiet for me too. Joining this place might liven things up at least a little."
Metal Man: "Hm. Well, currently we are fighting technologists whom have some evil plan to create the next big bad, so perhaps we can have ourselves a real fight after so long. Anyway. Signing this contract indicates you won't betray us or anything nuts like that."
Deloth: *peers into Metal's office* "Hey, Metal, we got a buffer anywhere--oh, new person initiation. Hiya."
Halbardeer: "Well, if I was gonna betray you, I don't think I'd care much about a paper I signed, but sure."
Deloth: "I'll check again after you're done." *leans back out.*
Metal Man: "Heh. Heh. Heh." *He points at a picture of a pale man next to a space ship.* "You couldn't be more correct. What it's really saying is that if you betray us, we kill you. Since people like Mr. Charles up there can use the powers they gain from serving us for... great evil. And... a buffer?" *Scratches his forehead.*
Halbardeer shrugs. "Back where I come from, they do that even if you don't sign any papers." *takes the contract and marks it with his personal seal.*
Metal Man: "Heh. Well, we're technically controlled by the people of this Mushroom Kingdom. Of course, it's all symbolic, as if we wanted to do something they didn't, they'd be powerless to stop us." *He sticks the paper away* "Now, come with me, so I can get the others and begin a proper mission." *He takes out his dex, a mini-computer of sorts with a screen. Pokedex-like.* "Hm... they want to... fight Innotek Industries again? Crazy." *He opens the door out and begins walking towards R&R--which was down some steps. He motioned for Hal to follow.*
Halbardeer clunks after Metal, his armor not the most silent of wardrobes, glancing back to see if Digifanatic was still in the doorway and noticing he took off* "So how many others are there?"
SIMBER: *Appears; generic blue general-man. He appears walking alongside Metal Man, and looking at Halbardeer... he's a hologram.* "There are approximately 6 to 7 active Questers at the moment. Owing to rather peaceful times. As my count was last, the maximum ever was 20-something, across the Kuja wars."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Man reaches R&R, which is... just a rec room. He motions to SIMBER and presses a button recessed into his helmet. The comms. His speech echoes throughout HQ. (Comms) "All Questers to the R&R room. Because I'm bored of the Big Room, of course! Er... yeah. Mission thing."
Digifanatic: *Already there.*
Halbardeer looks around. "We have a big room?"
Deloth: *enters the R&R* "So do we have a buffer here anywhere?"
Dragoshi: *Already at R&R as well.*
Metal Man: "Buffer? Mack might have one. What for?"
Aribar looks up from his new book.* "Greetings, Metal, Del, and... Uhh... Armored person."
SIMBER: "The Big Room is the customary meeting room. It's just a bunch of chairs and a table. Technically called the Bigger Room now, but Metal Man calls everything by its old name."
Deloth: "There was an incident in my room involving an apple, my sword, my finger, and blood. Lots of blood."
Digifanatic: .oO(Not gonna ask.)
Deloth: "See, I was trying to get the longest unbroken peel I could when I slipped and bled all over the place."
Metal Man: "Oh. Well, Mack will clean it up."
Deloth: "I didn't, by the way. Your apples are defective."
Metal Man: "I don't remember buying any, so... yeah. That would be why."
Halbardeer stands upright and slams the butt of his halberd into the ground. "General Halbardeer reporting for duty. I hope you'll make use of me"
Deloth: "Oh... then what was I peeling?"
Digifanatic: "Hope so."
Dragoshi: "...This is why you don't use a sword to peel a freaking-...I don't know. Maybe a deformed orange?"
Metal Man: "Now then. You're going to fight Innotek Industries again! ...Why are you fighting them again, right?" *Hits head* "Oh. Right. Some weird plot involving people who fought before us. Right. And... you have this request... to send the corpses of everything you kill to a crazy doctor. Is that okay with you guys?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah."
Dragoshi: "Mhm"
Deloth: "Sure."
Metal Man: "Perhaps you were peeling Wolfman's energy cells. They have a tendency to make horrible metallic shreds when peeled... but look like apples."
Aribar: "... Uh... To a crazy doctor?"
Deloth: "Oh. I hope he won't get mad."
Metal Man: "But the blinking... and the weird energy noise... and their tendency to vanish and heal your HP... Crazy doctor. Dr. Proctor. Doctor doctor doctor."
Halbardeer: "The man's a triple doctor?"
Dragoshi: "No. Metal's just weird like that sometimes."
Aribar: "I've missed our past few excursions, but... Isn't he a terrible person who should be behind bars?"
Deloth: "Healing HP... that might explain why I didn't have a sliced-up finger after I reached the core. Oh well."
Metal Man: "He's a maniac." *He shrugs* "Julian and some Questers made this deal with him to send him the corpses of dead nano-killing machines. So then, your warp is set to the ARK for... an enlightening pre-briefing by some guy named Protoman."
Halbardeer: "Well it's not like I've got any better use for the corpses of my enemies."
Metal Man: "Shrug. Any questions?"
Digifanatic: "Nah..."
Deloth: *raises his hand.*
Metal Man: "Yes?"
Deloth: "How'd the new guy get in here without being spat through some kind of dimensional anomaly?"
Aribar: "... If we didn't make a deal with this doctor do we have to send the corpses back?"
Metal Man: "Because it occurred just outside my office."
Digifanatic: "Deloth, that doesn't happen to every Quester. It never happened to me."
Metal Man: "Also... ...if you didn't make a deal with the doctor, then I wouldn't be holding a copy of the deal."
Halbardeer: "You have a very nice office by the way."
Metal Man: "Oh, yes. Thanks. I'll help you guys next mission or something. Anyway, the warp room is open, you're clear to go."
Deloth: *wanders off to the warp room.*
Dragoshi: "...'K." *Moseys on along to the warp room.*
Digifanatic: *Walks to the Warp Room.*
Halbardeer follows the group, not sure where the warp room is. "So how long have the rest of you been here?"
Aribar goes to collect his equipment, which includes a sword and a scarf, before heading to the Warp Room.*
Digifanatic: "Well, a lot of us aren't on our first tenure here."
Dragoshi: "Mhm..."
Aribar: "Aye. I've practically been here since the beginning of the Questers, but I've taken numerous breaks over the years."
Digifanatic: "See, a while back, we were in real need due to a whole bunch of crazy bad guys, but once we took care of them, many of us that are still here had a it a leave? Hiatus? Something on that line."
Halbardeer: "That's a pretty long leave"
Digifanatic: "Well, there was no need for us for a long time."
Dragoshi: *Nods.*
Digifanatic: "But a lot of us liked the old job, so why not?"
Metal Man (GM): The warp room opens, revealing a rather colorful portal to... a space station.
Deloth: "...Didn't expect that."
Aribar sighs.* "Space, fighting robots, and partial relevance to a crazed doctor. What's to like?" *Steps through.*
Deloth steps in. Now it's in space!
Halbardeer: "I wonder who's powering this warp spell..." Halbardeer mutters before stepping in
Dragoshi: *Follows along...*
Digifanatic: *let's go.*
Metal Man (GM): WARP! You appear on the main room of the ARK. Protoman is still in bad condition. Even though many parts of him have been repaired. He is surprised to see you.
Protoman: "Back... already? I thought I said to wait..."
Halbardeer: "Who's he... he doesn't look so good."
Digifanatic: "He's a friend of ours."
Aribar: "Greetings.." *The elf looks about. He's never been here before, but at least they aren't being instantly attacked... Can't be too bad.*
Metal Man (GM): Protoman, of course, is the iconic red-and-white robot that is Megaman's prototype. He looks out of place next to the 50's sci-fi ish instrumentation and glass windows showing a planet that is the ARK.
Protoman: "The Innotek Industries have rebuilt, remodeled what you broke. It will be much harder to break into now."
Deloth: "Yeah, but as long as it's still possible..."
Halbardeer: "So they've got a lot of fortifications? I don't suppose we've got any siege weapons?"
Protoman: "No. We don't. But you could get some. Of course... the Questers like to charge in head-first most of the time."
Aribar: "Where is this Innotek Industries located? A factory or warehouse? An office building or something? How have they fortified?"
Protoman: "An underground tower setup somewhere near your headquarters. It IS weak to some siege weaponry, but neither you nor I have an..." He gets an idea. "...The ARK has the Eclipse Cannon. Perhaps if you could power it up, we could blast a hole in it and you could get into the deeper levels."
Halbardeer: "If it's near the headquarters, why'd we come here?"
Protoman: "Only I know how to fight them effectively."
Halbardeer: "You mean they've got some kind of special defenses?"
Protoman: "The original Smash Questers, including myself, fought and died against these people for years while the other Questers, that is, you guys, won your battles."
Deloth: "Well, uh... don't take this the wrong way, but you don't exactly look like you're ready for battle."
Protoman: "They posses nano-robots with highly-powered guns, an insane AI, and a number of super-beings to fight with. That is because I nearly died, repeatedly, trying to stop them."
Aribar: "What kind of weaknesses do these things possess, if any?"
Protoman: "Few... they only respond to intense damage, and often adapt. However, you mentioned siege weapons. If you had those, you could simply blow them up and walk towards the more dangerous areas unharmed."
Halbardeer: "Well it's a basic strategy to blast heavy fortifications with siege before sending the troops in."
Protoman: "The Questers rarely use basic strategy. But now we can try using it... for once." He seems relieved.
Digifanatic: "Well, if anyone ever gets strategies, we don't mind using them..."
Protoman: "Now... let me get you some suppliers..."
Aribar: "It's mostly worked before! ... Despite bad side effects... But I digress. How portable is this Eclipse Cannon? How many shots with it will we get at our enemies?"
Metal Man (GM): He types into the 50's ish sci-fi computer.
Protoman: "One. It is portable to your realm... can fire at anything from space."
Halbardeer: "You mentioned if we can get it working, is it broken?"
Protoman: "Yes. The last firing, many years ago, broke it. Gerald Robotnik's program and all..."
Deloth: "So how do we fix it?"
Protoman: "I'm looking that up now."
Aribar: "Well, so far things are going swimmingly... Up against a major enemy power, and our only hope of evening the odds appears to be broken...":
Deloth: "Shut up, Ari. You'll jinx it."
Halbardeer: "Some really potent spells could do the trick too."
Protoman: "Hmmmm... no spells will work on this, however, you have a choice of suppliers..."
Aribar uneasily chuckles...* "I wouldn't even think of trying to fix something of this caliber with magic..:.
Halbardeer: "I meant use the spells in place of the siege, not to fix it. Magics a lot better at blowing things up than putting it back together What are these suppliers for though? New eclipse cannons?"
Aribar: "Ah, plausible then... But I don't think we know anyone with magic that powerful."
Protoman: "Hm. No, just experienced tech-users are needed to fix the cannon. You have the Cornerians... who would have a bit of trouble with it, but are easier to get to do it..."
Aribar: "Anyone else?"
Protoman: "Metal Sonic... like he'd do anything for you." *Switches page* "Hmm... Galactic Federation would do it easily."
Digifanatic: "Hmm..."
Protoman: "But they charge more."
Digifanatic: "How much more?"
Halbardeer: "I'm a bit on the broke side myself."
Protoman: "Much more. You'd, like, do one mission for the Cornerians. They might ask two and some money on the side."
Digifanatic: "Ahh."
Aribar: "Unless they want just a few coins, there is no way we could ask the Galactic Federation... Unless Metal has some treasury.."
Protoman: "Like I said... they'd consider missions done for them as 'payment.'"
Aribar: "I would say the Cornerians would be the better bet."
Halbardeer: "Well, it could be fun"
Protoman: "That's about it, unless you want to call the Carrington Institute, who would do it for free. And then try to destroy it, probably, fearing you'd test it on Earth. So, who do you choose?"
Deloth: "I'd say we get the Cornerians."
Halbardeer: "Doesn't matter to me"
Dragoshi: "I'd say the Federation...But, knowing my luck I'll prolly' be outnumbered" :/
Protoman: "Cornerians got two... and one vote for the Federation. So you'd be right."
Digifanatic: "Yeah, I think Corneria would be more manageable."
Dragoshi: "...Yea. I love it when I'm right, sometimes." *Sarcastic.*
Digifanatic: "We've already got to do this for Proctor, so the less favors we have to do, the better to manage."
Protoman: "More warping for you, then." Another portal appears; this one is to Corneria's offices.
Aribar: "Personally, I wouldn't want to be too indebted to other factions. Plus Star Fox is an organization I'm... Moderately more familiar with."
Deloth: *Portal time again... the cake is a lie.*
Dragoshi: "Whatever..." *Enters the warp.*
Aribar enters the portal, beginning to like this mission less and less.*
Digifanatic: *warpzor.*
Halbardeer follows after.
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* You appear in an office... and a Cornerian person, specifically one of the many Dog-people who manage these affairs, is already there, waiting for you.
Man: "So... you're here for something? I got an email. You need repair services, right? On a... gigantic cannon?"
Deloth: "Yep."
Man: "Okay... how will you be paying it?"
Aribar: "We'll do some work for your organizations; missions if the Star Fox team is busy or something."
Man: "The cost is roughly 2000 coins in your currency, and I know you probably don't have that on hand... I see. We are currently dealing with something you might find familiar..."
Metal Man (GM): He shows an image of robot fleets attacking the icy planet of Titania, or whatever it's supposed to be named.
Halbardeer: "Wow... those guys look pretty screwed."
Man: "Yes. Luckily... know how to fly ships, right?"
Aribar: "Ah, that place... We heard a little about it the last time we were here; a nigh-impenetrable fortress... Err... Fly ships?"
Man: "There's a mothership coordinating them. Just like the one Star Fox is fighting over Venom."
Dragoshi: "Well, I'm pretty good at flying ships..."
Man: "If you can fly through and destroy it, then we'll be in your debt... approximately the same amount you'd be to us if we repaired that cannon. Or even chase it away, since once it's far enough away we can use more... destructive weapons."
Deloth: "I'm not, unfortunately... machines are not my forte."
Halbardeer: "Ships? I'm not much of a sailor really..."
Dragoshi: "...don't tell me I'm the only one here who has piloting experience."
Man: "Well, that's the terms of the deal. Are you in, or are you out?"
Aribar: "I'm a mage, not a pilot.."
Halbardeer: "All we godda do is take care of this mothership thingy right? Couldn't we all just take one small ship and force our way onboard?
Dragoshi: "It's prolly' not that simple."
Man: "The robots are vicious killing machines. You would be outnumbered 10 to 1. But it would be possible."
Dragoshi: "...Well, I guess I could give it a shot."
Halbardeer: "10 to 1 ain't so bad, now 100 to 1..."
Dragoshi: "What kind o' ships do you have that I could use for this mission?" .oO(Please let there be an Arwing, oh please let there be an Arwing. Or at least a space plane.)
Aribar: "Uhh... So a single ship carrying all of us... Is there one with multiple guns and systems that we could manage?"
Dragoshi: .oO(...Wait. Is there even such a thing as a space plane?)
Man: "Arwings... ...uh, that's about all we have. You Questers have these things called CACs and such... ..I don't know if we have any that fit your parameters exactly, but we do have a converted cargo ship. Would that be fine with you?"
Dragoshi: .oO(...Only Arwings? ...Well, it makes sense, considering...) "Welp, that'll be even more helpful for me. I've had some experience with Arwings before..."
Halbardeer: "How many Can we fit onboard this arwing thing?"
Dragoshi: "Only 1 or 2 if I'm not mistaken. Prolly' one, though."
Deloth: "Well... wanna draw straws? Short straw's the passenger."
Halbardeer: "Aren't there 3 of us?"
Deloth: "Although first I'll need some straws."
Halbardeer: "What are these CACs?"
Man: "Convert... a... car. Based on arwings. Room for 4 instead of 2. Slower though."
Aribar: "Horrible deathtraps. Err... I mean some other vehicles that could convert into various contraptions."
Aribar whispers, "It would be horribly rude, but... Maybe we should... Go to the Galactic Federation... See what they have to offer..."
Man: "So. You want to take a ship? Or something else?"
Dragoshi: "I'll take a ship."
Halbardeer: "This mission sounds interesting, If we can get onboard this mommyship we've got the rest of the plan made"
Dragoshi: "Anyone feel like playing the passenger role?" *Looks at the other three.*
Deloth raises his hand.
Dragoshi: "...Well, if no one has any objections, then I'll have Del in the passenger seat, and myself as the pilot."
Man: "Okay then..." He opens the way to the hangar.
Halbardeer: "A shame we can't just warp onboard."
Dragoshi: *Follows along.*
Metal Man (GM): You see the arwings and the converted cargo vehicle.
Dragoshi: "Eh. It's more interesting this way." *Chuckles.* *Picks the Arwing.*
Deloth follows Drago over to the Arwing and hops in. Shotgun!
Halbardeer: "So what am I going to be doing this mission?"
Dragoshi: "...Since you don't have any piloting ability, and the passenger seat is already taken...Just watch, I guess."
Man: "Well, an Arwing fits only two people, so... either you fly alone or stay here. What do you choose?" He seems vaguely irked at the fact they just left you behind.
Dragoshi: *Starts scanning the controls and stuff, making sure it has everything a good Arwing should have: Blasters, Bombs, Boosts, and BARREL ROLLS!.*
Metal Man (GM): It has all the normal things on it.
Halbardeer: "Well... I've always wanted to try being a sailor... how hard can it be?"
Man: "We have simplified controls..." He points to an open Arwing.
Dragoshi: "Okay, good...It has all the necessary stuff..." *Waits.*
Halbardeer squeezes into the arwing.
Metal Man (GM): The hangar doors open up... time for some Arwing action! The man says one last thing before you go.
Man: "Two Arwings is the minimum amount to take it on from the outside. Are you going to attack it from the outside or inside?"
Dragoshi: "Hmm...Well, seeing as I'm the only one that has piloting experience...And, even though there's two people piloting Arwings, it could still be risky..."
Man: "Attacking it on the inside will require precise work... there's hordes of them in there."
Halbardeer: "I haven't had a good workout in a while. Hordes sounds fun"
Dragoshi: "...Yea, I'm not good at precision. I'm thinking outside..."
Man: "Whatever you say. You'll only need to get aboard then. Oh... one on and one off... that could be possible."
Metal Man (GM): The hangar opens.
Man: "Either way. Off you go!"
Metal Man (GM): Pilot (arwing/smallcraft/whatever) checks To take off, of course... Dragoshi's arwing takes off. Halbardeer presses the button and the ship crashes against a wall before taking off, losing a wingtip.
Halbardeer: "Well... I guess that works!"
Metal Man (GM): You're now flying out in space... towards the icy planet. No foes yet. However there's an asteroid field up ahead.
Dragoshi: *Sure, there might not be any foes...But-Aha! Asteroids. Knew it. <_>*
Halbardeer: "Those are some big rocks"
Dragoshi: "Yeaa...That's asteroids for ya."
Metal Man (GM): The Second chair of the Arwing can manage lasers and bombs/etc. Easier for the second chair than the main one in these models.
Halbardeer: "So... steer AWAY from the asteroids"
Dragoshi: "Pretty much, yea."
Metal Man (GM): You and Digi are awful similar... ...Anyway.
Dragoshi: "Or at least try to plast 'em apart."
Halbardeer follows Dragoshi's arwing as closely as he can... so he is probably heading in the opposite direction almost.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi crashes his way through the asteroid field. Halbadeer crashes into Dragoshi's Arwing. Don't worry, shields are ample... but it's pretty embarrassing.
Halbardeer: "Wow... looks like my arwing is faster than yours."
Metal Man (GM): You're now bouncing through the asteroid field, crashing into things and generally having a bumpy ride. You see a weird set of portals to your left.
Dragoshi: "God damn, I've rusted...Then again, it's been, like, five years, so eh." *Ignores the portals*
Metal Man (GM): Halbadeer's Arwing is leaning to the left. He will fly into the portals if he does not avert his course.
Halbardeer: "What are those weird portals"
Metal Man (GM): The dex speaks... Metal Man somehow gave one to you when you weren't looking.
Dex: "Those portals go through an unknown dimension. They are often helpful shortcuts. Filled with deadly hazards."
Halbardeer: "Deadlier than giant rocks?"
Dex: "Imagine gigantic sentient space rocks flying at you. Some of them even shoot lasers."
Dragoshi: *And, with that, maybe it's best that Dragoshi didn't take the shortcut considering all of his rustedness.*
Halbardeer sees Dragoshi turn away so tries to follow.
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi sees the other Arwing vanish into the portal.
Metal Man (GM): Halbardeer crashes into the portal. With his controls offline, his ship basically pinballs around inside the shortcut at high speeds. It's like a non-interactive rollercoaster scare ride of doom. Dragoshi slowly flies through space for a little while, when the wingless, smoldering, cracked arwing with Halbardeer inside limps out of another portal.
Halbardeer: "Maybe being a sailor isn't the best choice of profession after all!"
Metal Man (GM): Controls are restored-- but those shields are pretty much destroyed.
Dragoshi: "..." *Sighs.*
Metal Man (GM): You're now on your way to the ship... there's several little 'fighter' units protecting it. You can approach it from the inside, or outside.
Metal Man (GM): Also, Aribar is the second seat of Halbardeer's arwing...
Dragoshi: *Outside. After all, there's two Arwings, so yea...*
Halbardeer: "Wanna switch places Aribar?"
Aribar: "Hate... Flying.."
Dragoshi: "...Hey, Del. Think I should just bite the bullet on this and try to attack from inside?"
Aribar: "Heh... You've just as much experience as me..."
Deloth: "Whatever you think is best. I trust your skills and your itchy trigger finger."
Dragoshi: *How many bombs does this thing have, anyway?*
Halbardeer: "I don't suppose we could get onboard under the guise of a special delivery do you?"
Dragoshi: "I doubt it. ...In any case, I'm gonna try to tear into this thing from the inside."
Dex: "The outside route involves flying through guard robots and attacking the area nearest to the core; the inside route involves fighting your way to the controls."
Aribar: "Fighting with Arwings or on foot?"
Dex: "On foot. Too small inside otherwise."
Dragoshi: "...Yea, I like the idea of the inside route a lot more."
Dex: "Unless you're insane and want to crash through things in an Arwing."
Halbardeer: "Inside route sounds like the idea. Haven't we already crashed through things in the arwing?"
Dragoshi: "...We could use the new guy's Arwing. I mean, it's pretty much beaten up, anyway. To crash through things, I mean"
Aribar: "As long as we don't blow up.."
Dex: "An approachable hangar has been identified. All you must to is fly to it fast. Activate boosters."
Halbardeer: "Boosters, is that this button?"
Aribar ... Partially against his better judgment, tries to blast a hole into the hanger with the bombs.*
Metal Man (GM): Halbardeer's ship catches on fire, spins around shooting lasers in all directions. As Dragoshi's lands a bit roughly, Halbardeer's flies in, crashes into several ships, lasers them, and then breaks apart. But you're landed!!! >.> The hangar is clear due to the destruction Halbardeer's ship did.
Halbardeer: "We made it! Maybe I'm a better pilot than I thought!"
Deloth: *gets out* "No. You're not."
Dragoshi: *Gets out* "Yeaa...And, I'm still a bit rusty."
Aribar crawls out of the burning wreckage.* "I... Hate vehicles.."
Halbardeer: "So, are we all going to charge the control room, or is someone going to stay here and secure our escape route?"
Aribar: "... Well... Uhh... Only two people can escape right now in any case."
Halbardeer looks around at the other ships in the hanger to see if any of them work.
Deloth: "You do realize that they're probably NOT going to be happy about this..."
Halbardeer: "It would be awkward if they were"
Dragoshi: "...Who? The guys that control this ship or the guys we got the Arwings from?" >_>;;
Deloth: "The guys we got the ships from. I mean, this thing's nothing more than a smoldering heap now."
Halbardeer: "They didn't say we had to bring it back! Maybe we can steal a ship from this hanger"
Aribar: "No use crying over crashed Arwings... In any case, I think we should just try to get this mess of a mission over with as fast as possible... Especially while we're not being swarmed by enemies."
Halbardeer: "So everyone for the control room?"
Aribar: "I am."
Deloth: "Sure."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Metal Man (GM): The door to the place ahead opens up. Out comes five robots intent on killing you all. They're about 5 feet tall, shiny, metallic, have twin-arm blasters Look sorta dumb
Halbardeer charges forward, regardless of what the others plan on doing. "If you're going, go!"
Dragoshi: *Shrugs, and readies his assault rifle...*
Aribar: "In hindsight, EMP Grenades would have been helpful.." *Goes to enter the fray.*
Dragoshi: "...Hmm." *And, so, Dragoshi starts strafing the enemy ROBOTS and attempts to shoot 'em up and stuff.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Deloth starts charging up a Wing Slam...
Aribar rushes towards the first robot, the wind picking up as the half-elf gains speed. He then commands the gust to transform into series of blades and unleashes a barrage of magic-assisted sword slices on the robot!*
Metal Man (GM): Three robots hit. Aribar base hits Robot 1. Robots getting damaged pretty nicely so far...
Halbardeer draws the ax from his waist, twirling it above his head before hurling into the ground in front of himself and then pulling on it to send himself flying forward into the leader of the robots before curling up with his halberd and then hitting a group of them with a sweeping motion before they can scatter.
Metal Man (GM): Robots 1, 2, and 3 shoot at Deloth. Two hits, VS. Deloth takes only 15 damage. Robot4 and robot5 shoot at Dragoshi.
Deloth: *Ow, kinda.*
Dragoshi: *Gets pegged twice. Though, he's still kickin'. Like a skeleton. ...Get it? 'Cause the-Oh, screw it.*
Metal Man (GM): You hit three targets... robot 1 is obliterated.
Deloth: *Wing Smash to robot 2!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Robots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 shoot lasers at Dragoshi. Miss miss miss miss miss.
Dragoshi: *Dances around all those shots.*
Dragoshi: *After his little dance, he delivers retribution upon the ROBOTS with another Rifle Strafe.*
Metal Man (GM): Robot1's dead. Hit! Hit! Super Hit! Two left. Both fire at Dragoshi again. Hit, hit. Julian shows up out of shin air. Odd. Shin air? What's that?
Julian: *Suddenly, JULIAN! OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE! He goes to land two devastating hooks on Robot 4, giving him a once-over with the Golden Gloves!*
Metal Man (GM): Robot 4 doesn't stand a chance in heck!
Halbardeer raises his halberd above his head and than slams it down repeatedly on robot 5.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, miss. Robot5 is critical now. Robot5 shoots desperately at Halbardeer. The shots miss.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi, instead of Rifle Strafing...Which is pointless as there's only 1 ROBOT, left, so he just blasts it into the scrap heap with two Assault Rifle shots.*
Julian: *Julian wipes the robot gunk off his gloves* "Sorry I'm late...who's the new guy?"
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit. Battle over. All robots defeated.
Dragoshi: *Reloads his assault rifle as the last ROBOT is destroyed.*
Metal Man (GM): The way ahead is clear. There's some sort of large hallway. This must be navigation, as there's maps everywhere.
Halbardeer stands the halberd down on the ground and takes a deep breath before looking back. "We going to head for the controls or wait for the next batch to show up?"
Metal Man (GM): The maps show the entire Lylat system.
Julian: "Anyone?"
Metal Man (GM): They also show Innotek Industries HQ.
Dex: "The new person is named... Halbardeer."
Metal Man (GM): They have controls, too. Maybe you could use them.
Halbardeer: "I'm general Halberdeer. Who might you be?"
Dragoshi: *Records the map of Innotek HQ into his Dex for later use. And the Lylat system too, just in case.*
Metal Man (GM): There's two doors ahead, but they're locked. The left one says 'Engineering' The right one says 'Weapons'
Julian: "Yo, I'm Julian. Basically, all you gotta know is that if you don't start nothin' wit' me, I won't start nothin' wit' you. Some people didn' respect that, an' they aint' exactly wit' us anymore, y'know?"
Halbardeer: "Weapons sounds useful."
Dragoshi: "That they do. Also, I saved the maps to my Dex. They'll prolly' be useful."
Metal Man (GM): You have two locked doors, a choice of either, to deal with.
Halbardeer tries to push the door open with brute force.
Dragoshi: "..." *Looks at the doors* "Now, onto our next subject..." *How are these doors locked?*
Metal Man (GM): Big ol' bulkheads. Weird scanning thing. Additionally, giant dent in the Weapons door. It shoots sparks. You did some decent damage, just not enough to break it.
Julian: "Allow me." *CANNON-BLOW on the Weapons bulkhead.*
Halbardeer steps out of the way before he does this.
Metal Man (GM): Another, mildly larger dent.
Halbardeer: "The doors on this mothership are pretty tough"
Dex: "They appear to have been made by people who have experienced many break-ins."
Dragoshi: *Tries to crush the Weapons bulkhead with a Gravity Well, which he hasn't used in a while...*
Metal Man (GM): The weakened door is crushed to bits. Two machine-gun-wielding robots attack!!!
Julian: *Oh snap!*
Dragoshi: *Odamn.*
Metal Man (GM): MGBot1 sprays machinegun fire at Julian. MGBot2 fires at Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Peppered with bullets.*
Metal Man (GM): That would be... 5 damage to Julian, 15 to Dragoshi.
Dragoshi: *Stayin' alive and stuff.*
Dragoshi: *In any case...Dragoshi decides to spew some acid at MGBot1, then charge up a Gravity Well.*
Halbardeer notes they ignored him and walks up to the first one, delivering a quick series of halberd blows.
Metal Man (GM): Hit Hit Hit Miss.
Julian: "Shouldn'ta done that..." *Julian backs up a bit, crouches, and then lunges towards MGBot1 3 times, each time trying to connect with a powerful low-hanging hook! It's the dreaded Gazelle Punch Trio!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit, Julian.
Dragoshi: *And, then, it happens! Dragoshi unleashes the well of gravitational fury upon the ROBOTS. Ono!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss Hit.
Halbardeer winds up and unleashes a halberd storm on both of the bots followed by a powerful halberd smash on mgbot1.
Metal Man (GM): Both bots hit. Second attack misses. MGBot1 and 2 double up their firing sprees. MGBot1 attacks Dragoshi with two firing attacks. MGBot2 attacks Halbardeer twice. Lessee...20 and miss to Dragoshi; 25 and 15 to Halbardeer.
Halbardeer grunts as the fire hits him.
Dragoshi: *And, Drago's still going strong...Somewhat.*
Julian: *Julian hops in close to MGBot1 and tries to finish it off with a flurry of quick jabs! Normal Attack GO!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit miss. MGBot1 dies. He leaves behind his machinegun!
Dragoshi: *Doesn't pick up the machinegun, but he instead attempts to strangle MGBot2 with his tail...*
Julian: *Julian, having no desire to use a machine gun, gets right back into the action and goes to knock off MGbot2's block with a CANNoN BLOWWWWWWWWWW!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit Hit. MGBot2's nearly dead.
Halbardeer gives mg2 a flurry of normal attacks.
Metal Man (GM): Hit Hit Hit Miss Miss.. That's enough to kill it... not counting crashing grip. MGBot2's blown to bits by a simultaneous collision of attacks. He does not drop his machinegun.
Julian: *Obligatory after-battle victory taunt!* "Yeah! That's how it'd one!"
Metal Man (GM): There is now one machinegun on the floor. You also see the weapons systems, all are exposed for you to potentially hijack.
Dragoshi: *Takes the machinegun that was dropped if nobody's interested.*
Halbardeer looks at the machine gun on the ground. "An interesting weapon, but I think I'll stick to my halberd" He then looks in the "weapons room". "Hmm... looks like they're all outta weapons."
Dragoshi: "...Anyone think that I should try and hack into the weapons system?"
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi has gained Innotek Droid Machinegun.
Julian: "It ain't where they store weapons, it's where they control '' be my guest."
Metal Man (GM): There's another door ahead, it's "Route to Bridge" It's locked like the other ones, only person-sized instead of nice and wide. One would wonder where the hordes went.
Halbardeer: "The bridge! That's where the captain should be."
Dragoshi: *In any case, let's get to hacking them thar weapons systems.*
Metal Man (GM): The alarms go off. Weapon systems controls deactivated to prevent hacking. So much for that... at least you weren't harmed. Oddly, no robots come to attack you.
Dragoshi: "...Well, nothing good, or nothing bad. Suspicious."
Julian: *Nothin' ventured, nothin' gained. To the bridge!*
Dragoshi: *Shrugs, and follows.*
Halbardeer chaindashes the door attempting to plow through it with his bulk.
Metal Man (GM): Door is locked... *HULK SMASH.* The door is annihilated. Just a few steps up to the control chair, which has a high back.
Dragoshi: "...Well, I guess Halbardeer's our designated battering ram or something." o_O
Metal Man (GM): The control room is a wide-open room, but only one chair in it... and a big glass dome above.
Halbardeer walks up to the chair and spins it around.
Dragoshi: *Does not like the look of that dome.*
Julian: *Julian lets the guinea pig do all the work.*
Metal Man (GM): The chair turns around, revealing that it is, in fact, inhabited. A robotic captain, with stereotypical clothes (although built into him.)
Julian: "Big surprise."
Captain: "So... the Questers have come all the way out here to attack us. Very well... It is too late to reverse what we have done to the surface. All our more valuable robots were sent there. My data has been backed up... With that said..." He stands up and holds up his hands, making an unholy growling/shrieking noise* "YOU SHALL NOT HAVE THIS SHIP!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He fires lightning out of his hands everywhere, disabling the entire control room.
Halbardeer: "Pretty please?"
Julian: "We wanted it in the first place?"
Halbardeer: "We could probably sell it"
Captain: "Ha ha ha... you don't even know why you'd want this ship? Then all is still going according to plan. But first... allow me to give you a taste of your future!"
Julian: "Look pal, I just got here. Can't help it if I don't know what'd goin' on."
Halbardeer smacks him before he can finish his monologue.
Captain: "All the better! You should know NOTHING!"
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK.*
Captain: "Hmph."
Dragoshi: "...THANK YOU, Hal." .oO(Like I really needed to listen to this rambling retard)
Captain: "You shall pay for hitting me, insolent idiot!"
Metal Man (GM): He holds out his hand at Halbardeer.
Captain: "Have some LIGHTNING!!!"
Metal Man (GM): *BZZBZABRSQWBT* 60 damage!!!
Captain: *turns to Dragoshi* "And how about... you TOO!!!"
Metal Man (GM): 60 damage to Dragoshi! That said... he must recharge.
Julian: *A punch...TO YOUR FACE! Cannon Blow!*
Halbardeer backs up and takes a defensive stance. "Just let me catch my breath."
Dragoshi: "...Are you even trying?" *He says this as he uses a Heart Container, fully healing himself.*
Metal Man (GM): He is punched. In the face!
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi would then proceed to spit acid at the Robot's face twice. Whee.*
Metal Man (GM): He leaps out of the way!
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi continues his tenderizer plot with another Acidic burst, then follows up with a pair of normals. Huh...*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, miss, miss.
Julian: *Oh look. A PUNCH TO YOUR FACE.*
Dragoshi: "...Okay, enough messing around, here." *Suddenly, Dragoshi busts out his Assault Rifle and then starts opening FIRAR on the guy and stuff.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit Hit Miss.
Captain: "And now... die!" He opens two portals, one for each arm. He launches those robots you saw earlier... as kamikaze missiles... at Julian, to start. And for some reason, no accuracy reduction!
Julian: *Commence Explosion Dodging!* *2 Legit 2 B Hit.*
Metal Man (GM): He then quits while he is ahead, and continues to power up for... more lightning, perhaps? Halbardeer gets close for a chain of normal attacks. One hit, base hit.
Julian: *Julian decides to double the ante with TWO COUNT'EM TWO Punches TO The Face! Golden Gloves are GO!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, miss.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi helps Halbardeer by giving him a Heart Container, so he can live a bit longer and stuff. Dragoshi then spews out some acid at the EVAL ROBOT, and then blasts him with the assault rifle.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss, miss.
Halbardeer takes a defensive stance, so he can live a bit longer.
Metal Man (GM): The Capn' decides kamikaze robots are cool but they suck at accuracy, so he shoots lightning in Julian's face.
Julian: *Well shit.*
Metal Man (GM): 60, 50 damage
Julian: *Luckily, Julian is a goddamn TANK. Still hurt though. Julian doesn't appreciate being blasted in the face with lighting. Response: TRIPLE GAZELLE PUNCH.*
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi starts off his turn by trying to flipkick the robot in the head with a 1-2 combo, and then ends the combo with an attempted tailsmack.*
Metal Man (GM): Halbardeer once again raises his halberd above his head and proceeds to slam it downwards three times on the captain's head. Hit miss hit.
Dragoshi: *In any case, Dragoshi decides to open fire on the Captain with some assault rifle blasts. Because yes.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, this guy has no luck. Hit. Psycho Robot Captain decides he wants to blow everyone up. He takes out a giant bomb and hurls it at all of you! Threatens all; 40 damage if hit.
Dragoshi: *Is blasted by the mighty bomb.*
Metal Man (GM): Julian dodges, rest burninated.
Julian: *Julian dodges away from the explosion and attacks with a vengeance, aiming to unload two heavy hooks on PSC's head! Golden Gloves are GO!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit.
Julian: *POOM! POOM!*
Metal Man (GM): He's nearly done for.
Halbardeer keeps up the beatdown with another three halberd smashes, not letting up on the attack.
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit miss. PRC's luck sucks..
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi, continues his Assault Rifle fury.*
Metal Man (GM): He's deaaad. He falls backwards and explodes, cursing your name. He says one last thing.
Dragoshi: *reloads...*
Captain: "You're not going to just escape! Self destruct!!!"
Metal Man (GM): The ship shakes as he blows apart.
Computer: "Self destruct timer initialized. 3 minutes until total destruction."
Dragoshi: "...Oh, fuck you." *Runs over to the controls and tries to stop the self destruct thinger*
Halbardeer: "I don't suppose you could... Un initialize"
Metal Man (GM): He blew up all the controls... twice over.
Dragoshi: "...Of all the bullshit..." *Curses as he walks off.*
Julian: "Let's jus' get outta here." *Call in a warp.*
Metal Man (GM): The way to the hangar is clear.
Dex: "Too far out for a warp."
Julian: *To the hangar, then.*
Halbardeer: "Maybe they want the arwing back."
Metal Man (GM): You run to the hangar...
Dragoshi: *Hangar indeed.*
Halbardeer: "I'm not driving this time"
Metal Man (GM): ...*BOOM* A big piece of of debris crushes your arwing.
Dragoshi: "...Of all the..."
Metal Man (GM): All that's left... a prototype-looking squarish ship with twin lasers.
Julian: "...Huh." *To the other ship!*
Metal Man (GM): You'll need to hack into it before time's up.
Dragoshi: *To the other ship, then...And, Dragoshi gets to hackin'*
Metal Man (GM): The door opens. The ship's now rapidly collapsing around you. It's depressurizing, too. You all leap in.
Halbardeer gets into the flying square.
Dragoshi: *Enters, and takes the pilot's seat, and tries to get the hell out of here. After everyone enters, of course.*
Julian: *Julian's piloting prowess mysteriously disappeared in the past 5 years, so he'll be taking a passenger seat.*
Metal Man (GM): The ship careens out and is damaged repeatedly... ..but you're free. You can now pilot back to Corneria.
Dragoshi: *Whoops, but yea. Piloting back to Corneria...*
Metal Man (GM): You reach the asteroid field. Piloting check. This ship is... very fast. It flies through smoothly. You return to the hangar. The Man is waiting for you. He has an astonished look on his face when he sees you come in with that ship.
Man: "You... stole one of their prototype ships???"
Halbardeer gets out of the ship.
Halbardeer: "Yeah, sorry about the arwings, this was the best we could do to replace them"
Dragoshi: *Exits the ship* "Yep. That should more than make up for the Arwings, right?"
Man: "...I guess that makes up for the Arwing destruction..."
Julian: "I guess." *Gets out.*
Man: "...And then some, really. As it's... ..superior to anything we've ever had."
Dragoshi: "Yea. That, and we destroyed their base..."
Halbardeer: "It got a bit banged up on the way here"
Man: "A little damaged though... yes. I got the confirmation. Unfortunately, there's still hordes of robots on the surface..."
Dragoshi: "Sadly, I was hoping to acquire it for more peaceful purposes. Oh well, at least I got their maps."
Man: "But... you fulfilled the contract."
Dragoshi: *Nods.*
Man: "Our men will begin fixing your mega cannon, and by the time you've recovered from this you'll be open to fire it... ...feel free to come again if you want to help us. We can do more for you than just that... if you keep stealing their stuff. Oh, and... here's your pay."
Dragoshi: "Thanks."
Julian: *Ca-ching.*
Metal Man (GM): The warp back home appears. Next mission: Get into position to fire the cannon at Innotek Industries! (Hopefully)
Dragoshi: *Wheeee.*
Julian: *Into the warp! I have no idea what's going on!*
Metal Man (GM): Mission Complete.