Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 505: Master's Identity Crisis
Date: March 7th, 2008
Metal Man (GM): The Questers are at their ye olde HQ, which has changed a bit with time. Specifically, it has been so peaceful now that it has some vines growing on parts of it, and the security has been lowered since the ye olde days. The old ruined stadium bits to the right lay low amongst the weeds that have cropped up to cover them. As the cycle has gone, the old times of Super Smash Quest have come and gone. Plaques are dedicated to the old; celebrating the accomplishments of many Questers. Although they be recently instated, they can be clearly seen in the halls;
Digifanatic takes a stroll down the hall with the plaques...which ones are the most noteworthy?
Metal Man (GM): The first among many is one showing a familiar reddish tiger reploid. One of the very first Questers; Panzer. Like all the plaques, it doesn't get long winded. Simply it mentions her title as 'Original 5 Quester' and her main position in the team as "Sniper/Berserker" and such. It also has a small description. "Panzer started out with the original Questers, and yet managed to persist long after her brethren had last left. Although she is not likely to be here as this is read, it is inevitable she shall return again, only to also vanish again. Her friends and enemy alike remember her spine-ripping antics and consumption of Schnapps."
Metal Man (GM): The next down the hallway is one of Aribar. It shows him without his arm. He is the same elf-ish look as before, though this one captures him at his stronger, sometime around Seasons 3-4. *strongest The numbering is less certain past here; still, it shows his title as 'Elite Quester' and his position as 'Mage'. Another description follows. "One of the earlier Questers, Aribar joined when the paint was still wet on the various buildings of the Stadium. Still, he managed to have his problems, and a few old Questers would remember his controversial temporary banning. However, he has continued to serve the Questers to the present day, and with his usage of various electric attacks he may yet evade his old reputation of being first to die."
Digifanatic: "Huh...I thought he left on his own terms..."
Metal Man (GM): There is yet another. It shows an image of a blue Kirby with a sword. Gibby, apparently, from the look on his face.
Digifanatic: .oO(Wow...been years since I've seen him.)
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi also takes a stroll down the area...And sees Gibby's plaque. Wonder what it has to say about the guy.*
Metal Man (GM): His title is also 'Elite Quester', which is apparently the common term for any Quester who serves long past the average term. His position was 'Fighter', and the description below gives you an idea of how he was. "First to attack, be it with guns, swords, or GERMS, er, maybe not germs, Gibby was always in the heart of the action. He fought various evils, including Zio and the mispronunciation of his name as 'Gobbu.' In fact, if he sees this plaque, he may destroy it for mentioning that. In other words, he was always a team leader, fighting for the Quester mantra and shielding the weaker members. However he had a tendency of grabbing any gold not nailed down.. still, we hope some day he may yet be uncursed from his Kirby form, wherever he is."
Aiden walks through the HQ's doors for once. He would have come in via the usual means but time knight HQ forgot to pay the temporal rift bill this month. At least thats what his two operators told him. He enters and looks around.
Digifanatic: *laughs* .oO(THEY FORGOT HIS BUTTON OBSESSION?!)
Metal Man (GM): Apparently, they did... then again, these are short plaques. Next up... well, Digi would find this one interesting. For his name and likeness are on the picture.
Digifanatic: "Huh...wonder what they have to say about me..." *reads the plaque*
Metal Man (GM): Alongside the shadow of his Earth and on the other side, some sort of Digimon, most likely the one he merged with in Season 5. Mature Digi--these pictures try best to represent the best form of whoever is on there. Another 'Elite Quester', position 'Tech Support'. Huh.
Digifanatic: .oO(Heh...Tech Support. About as close as it can get without using the word 'nerd'...)
Metal Man (GM): "One of the early Questers, Digi was not always liked. Indeed, many made fun of him, and for a time, he was banned. However, he learned from these experiences, and returned a far less annoying person--although it is subjective to whether he was annoying or not in the first place. As a Quester, he has shown himself to both be reliable and useful with anything Digimon or computer related, and often is a backup player amongst the likes of Aribar and Gibby. He continues as a Quester today, and can be seen contacting his home world often."
Chancé is snapping a bunch of pictures as he goes along.
Dragoshi: *And Dragoshi calmly walks along. Whee.*
Metal Man (GM): One would see a conspicuous absence of a plaque on one wall. A small note is taped to the blank space.
Digifanatic: .oO(Yeah...that's pretty accurate...) *Next...this one's probably Julian or Dragoshi*
Dragoshi: *Note reading start! Errr...Seriously, though. Dragoshi reads the note.*
Metal Man (GM): 'When this place's plans were made, Charles Magellean aka Locos Docos was considered a shoe in for this spot. However, due to his later murderous and heinous actions, the plaque was never made. This spot reserved for a new Hall of Fame Quester.'
Chancé: "i have read some things, but never seen the information presented this way."
Digifanatic: .oO(Oh geez...just when I thought I could have forgotten him, even though I haven't...)
Dragoshi: "Makes sense..." *After reading the note*
Metal Man (GM): The next one shows Metal Man. Makes sense, as they were about contemporary. He is shown on a background with a shining sunburst-like pattern behind him, and himself saluting, with the Stadium behind him. His title and such are different, naturally, but not by much; 'Attendance Obsessed Quester' and 'Leader/Maniac'
Digifanatic: *turns to the others* "'Maniac'? Yup!"
Dragoshi: "Ain't that the truth..."
Metal Man (GM): "There is not enough space to list how much Metal Man has done; not because of him being special, but because of all the Questers, he has been the most present. Indeed, that is the major fact of note; over time he has drastically changed in personality and attack style, while retaining the necessary adept knowledge of leadership to keep the rest together. He is known for his strange actions and phrases, and fondness of scaring people. In battle, he does not back down until destroyed--this despite his tendency to attempt to avoid death at all costs."
Chancé is just snapping pictures of everything.
Metal Man (GM): You're now getting a bit further up. A divider of sorts is here, which has a note on it.
Dragoshi: *Note reading sta-...Wait, already did that. Again, Dragoshi reads this*
Metal Man (GM): 'The first hall of fame group ends here. This is so that each generation is properly represented. However, some may be added or moved around as time goes on.'
Digifanatic: "Wait a minute..." *looks at Dragoshi* "How the HECK did you and Julian not make it?!"
Metal Man (GM): The second hall of fame group is from a longer period--reflecting, apparently, the greater continuity present in Seasons 3-6ish. And who do you see staring at you but Garrick? 'Garrick Fy'arr' 'Elite Quester' 'Mechanic/Gunman'
Dragoshi: "Because, I for one am not of the generation represented in this part of ha-...Hold that thought." *Looks at Garrick's plaque and reads it*
Digifanatic: "Well, hold that two are probably coming up." *reads Garrick's for now*
Metal Man (GM): "The Team's first resident mechanic, who helped bring the Questers into the current time period, technology-wise. He possessed the ability to fix almost anything, and as time went on, even gained the ability to create Magitek. However, he had a tendency to clash with other team members. He is known for his friendship with Nova, the AI. He also possessed a gun called the M-150, and religiously used it. He mysteriously vanished shortly after The Void's true death."
Chancé fiddles with the dex for video mode.
Metal Man (GM): There is another note on the wall. 'Yurie and Razor would be on here, had they been able to do more...' It continues on.
Metal Man (GM): You see Azure. 'Azure' 'Dedicated Quester' 'Martial Artist/Mage' "Always a mysterious one, Azure came and went without warning. Indeed, we are unsure which generation to place him in the first place! However, it is well known that he was one of the cooler heads during tough times, and often smacked down enemies with his powerful attacks. He also had a set of magical items which, for some reason, kept getting destroyed and remade. He may have vanished by now, but we still hope that, somewhere, his magical items are finally safe from spontaneous morphing." Next, it shows Dragoshi. Across the wall is Julian. Huh.
Metal Man (GM): 'Dragoshi' 'Elite Quester' 'Fighter/Gunman'
Digifanatic: "See? There we go...about time."
Dragoshi: *Reads his plaque, because bread*
Metal Man (GM): "The next generation version of Gibby, Dragoshi brought the ability to destroy things and to make fun of them to the next generation, although it is possible that he and Gibby were together for some missions. In specific, he destroys his foes with gunfire and slashes, and has a tendency of coining wacky catch phrases. He is also one of the stronger Questers, and the direct rival of Julian. We have yet to figure out his life's mission, however.' Finally, Julian.
Metal Man (GM): 'Julian' 'Elite Quester' 'Fighter'
Dragoshi: *And, now Dragoshi reads his the plaque of his "rival". ...Which makes him wonder when the heck he and Julian became rivals in the first place.*
Metal Man (GM): "A fighter to the core, little is known to the average person about this person. A tough boxer with little capacity for nonsense, he has informed us all "Not to negotiate with crazies" and to destroy them. No truer words have been said, as so far almost every crazy person is just as he says. He is also known for his interest in Smash tournaments and various fighting events." The plaques have just finished been put down. Metal Man walks on down looking at them.
Digifanatic: "Well, I can't protest anything that's been said about all of us so far."
Dragoshi: "Yep."
Metal Man: "I wish there was room for more Questers, but the hallway isn't long enough to accommodate more. I hope that works for a hall of fame..."
Digifanatic: "Eh. Hopefully we can build an expansion sometime."
Dragoshi: "...Except, that I have to wonder when the heck Julian and I became direct rivals." *Tilts his head to the side, trying to remember...*
Metal Man: "About the time you became equal in power."
Chancé: "Amazing history."
Metal Man: "In time, there will be a new one for the generation of now. Of course, I must wait until that generation has ended... and we've but hardly started! Now, of course. There is a mission, for those interested. It appears... hm." He stares at an old image of Gibby, then Panzer. "..." He stares at the image of Garrick.
Dragoshi: "Also, I do remember Gibby and myself working together in some missions. Like that time he and I fought Ivo in that suit that made him go crazy fas-...Hm?"
Metal Man: "It's too bad they aren't here. This mission is big stuff."
Digifanatic: "Yeah...makes me suddenly miss them all over again."
Dragoshi: "Like, how big are we talking here, Metal?"
Metal Man: "Well..."
Metal Man presses a few buttons.
Aiden: walks into the room at this precise moment
Metal Man (GM): You see an image. It is Innotek HQ... wait, no. It's one of their bases. It is on the side of a mountain, near Saturn Valley.
Dragoshi: *Waves to Aiden* "Yo."
Metal Man (GM): It's also glowing like a disco bar gone wrong.
Dragoshi: *Then looks back at the Innotek base...*
Metal Man: "The Innotek people had a project to research something big. For that unknown man we saw in the past."
Digifanatic: "Oh, no, Saturn Valley..."
Dragoshi: "...Oh god. Don't tell me they're trying to create exploding disco bees."
Metal Man: "It appears they or something achieved it in that base... but the funny part is..."
Digifanatic: .oO(Hmm...what WOULD be Alexia's chance of making it?)
Metal Man (GM): The camera zooms in. No guards. Doors left open. Windows broken... seemingly from the inside.
Digifanatic: "This smells like a trap."
Metal Man: "The base is effectively dead."
Dragoshi: "That it does..."
Chancé: "Seems like a big welcome t-- heh."
Metal Man: "It doesn't help that it occurred near where, long ago, Smithy had a base which was taken over by Metal Sonic, and according to some people, destroyed by his superweapon. And of course in the neighborhood of Death Mountain, where Zio's true last stand occurred."
Dragoshi: "...Of course."
Metal Man: "And somewhere in the area was when we fought those 6 ghosts of past enemies... and Zylcon."
Digifanatic: "Ahhhhhhh yes."
Metal Man: "I mean, it's screaming epic chaos and trap all the same. I almost want to ignore it entirely. But... at the same time, the allure of whatever they did makes me think we should stop it, even if it does wind up like those many times. Except this time... we'll be prepared.."
Dragoshi: "Oh man, Zylcon...That was just ridiculous, right the-...How so?"
Metal Man: "Well, we know something crazy is gonna happen."
Metal Man smirks madly, taking out... explosives???
Metal Man: "So you wire it up with explosives before whoever is idiotic enough to have done something big can notice."
Digifanatic: "Oh, you've got to be..."
Metal Man: "Thus.... just as they're making their speech... you blow them to bloody bits."
Chancé: "100% tamper proof? S.I.M.B.E.R?"
Metal Man: "Then it can be the first time in history where catastrophe was averted, as opposed to created, by high explosives."
SIMBER: "I spent several nights trying to hack them. He made them hack proof."
Chancé: "Excellent."
Metal Man: "Well, yeah. They're entirely mechanical with a small electrical piece. Nothing electronic. Although once commonplace on Earth, the evil people here would never expect it. So... don't expect much fighting, of course, you might fight whomever is in charge of that place, but I don't advise it--blow it to bits, I say."
Digifanatic: "So...use our explosives in moderation, I guess?"
Metal Man: "Well, plug them in first, then detonate at will."
Dragoshi: "I'd believe so." >_>
Metal Man: "Basically, wire them in on that vulnerable outside area. We don't know what's inside. Blowing up the outside will cause the whole thing to fall down the mountain. Anyway, the warp room's ready." *Gives the pile o' explosives to Dragoshi* "Let's show those idiots what we think of their trap."
Digifanatic: "Okay..." *warps*
Dragoshi: *Nods* "Understood." *Takes the explosives then moseys on along to the warp room*
Metal Man (GM): Ok, back. Anyway, you go to the warp room. Well, Dragoshi does.
Digifanatic: *already is there*
Metal Man (GM): Then... WARP!
Metal Man (GM): The Questers appear on the mountain, right next to the base. It has signs that say 'Property of Innotek Inc--DO NOT ENTER' Yet the gate's wide open.
Aiden: "Some defense.."
Metal Man (GM): It's a flat concrete platform jutting out of the mountain and supported by steel pillars. Relatively nondescript square, blue building in the center. No men at the posts, rainbow light coming out of it, windows broken from the inside.
Digifanatic: "So, let's far away should we set the explosives?"
Julian: *And Julian drops out of a separate warp about 5 feet away from Digi and Drago, finishing lacing up his second glove. How does Julian lace up his gloves with boxing gloves on? The world may never know. Julian looks up after finishing and walks over to the others.* "Yo, SIMBER sent out an all-points bulletin over the Dex. What's up?"
Digifanatic: "Okay, Jules, wheeeee...have got to blow this place up. Used to be one of Innotek's bases and now it's deserted."
Julian: "Sounds simple enough. We got any idea where we're plantin' 'em exactly?"
Digifanatic: "Was gonna get there... The trick is not to blow it up from the outside in case they're hiding something that might make the situation worse. We just want all the stuff to crumble down the mountain. It's what Metal suggested."
Julian: "So we hit up whatever foundation support they got."
Dex: "Actually he said to blow it up from the outside so it'd fall down. Blowing it up on the inside would cause you to experience the stuff that makes things worse."
Digifanatic: "Sounds good."
Metal Man (GM): You can see the foundation. It's just down the hill, on a steep cliff... The steel columns.
Digifanatic: "And about the Dex, that is kinda what I said..."
Julian: *Snaps fingers* "Bingo." *How did Julian snap his fingers while wearing boxing gloves?* *'Cause he's that damn good.* "We knock out those steel columns over there-" *Points* "The whole places comes down."
Digifanatic: "Yup."
Metal Man (GM): To get down there, you'll have to climb a bit.
Julian: *Julian's pretty much the pinnacle of athletic fitness.*
Dragoshi: *Well, Dragoshi gives the explosives to Julian, then. >_>*
Julian: "Looks like I'm goin' in, then." *Julian takes off his boxing gloves first. There are some things even he can't do.* "Metal provide us wit' any rock-climbin' gear or anything?"
Dragoshi: "Nope. Just the explosives." e_e
Metal Man (GM): Fitness man shall plant the bombs!
Dex: "Metal for some reason never thought of that. Perhaps you could ask him for some?"
Julian: "Great idea..." *Calls up HQ on his Dex*
Dex: "Yes?"
Julian: "You think you could send us some climbin' Pitons or somethin'? Y"know, so I don't fall off the cliff wit' all these valuable explosives."
Metal Man: "Oh, yeah. Silly me."
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* A bunch of them warp in. Enough for everyone.
Digifanatic: "Oh, nice...thanks."
Metal Man (GM): Halbardeer warps in as well.
Chancé backpacks a pair for later.
Julian: "Excellent. Thanks, Mets. Julian out." *Julian closes the channel, and goes to immediately gear up*
Digifanatic: "And thanks for the extra gift..."
Halbardeer: "You sure you can carry all those explosive things by yourself? Perhaps I should take one load. You're climbing something right?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah, we are."
Dragoshi: *Also takes the gear for later. Yayz.*
Julian: "Maybe it'll be for the best if we leave the giant suit of armor off the cliff."
Digifanatic: *points to the pillars*
Halbardeer: "Giant suit of armor?"
Julian: "I'm just sayin', maybe it ain't a good idea to take the heaviest member of the team rock-climbing."
Metal Man: (Dex) "That's partially why I'm not with you, as besides drowning I have a tendency of... falling."
Halbardeer: "I wear this armor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! It's like a second skin to me! I even take it bathing! I've trained my whole life to run full tilt in this without hindrance! I can probably climb that cliff faster than the rest of you!"
Metal Man: (Dex) "Er. Metal out." *Zoop*
Dragoshi: "You even what."
Julian: "Must stink then."
Dex: "Metal doesn't take his armor off either."
Chancé drops some poperiee into the armor.
Dex: "His smell is a class 5 biohazard."
Dragoshi: "Yes, but at least Metal has a reason t-...Aside from that."
Halbardeer: "I use industrial grade soap! I don't smell!"
Julian: "How the hell do you WASH if you wear a suit of armor 24/7?"
Digifanatic: "Can we please stop the hygienic talk and get back on track?"
Dex: "It takes the most powerful technology to keep it from killing all who talk to him when he takes his helmet of--hey, wait a minute... Professor Oak put that there!"
Halbardeer: "You are under Professor Oak's control dex?"
Dex: "No, I'm reading a database he can access."
Metal Man (GM): As for climbing, it's just a bit of sideways rock climbing down to the pillars.
Julian: "Look, you stay at the top of the cliff. Away from me. Anyway, let's roll people! Those pillars ain't gonna explode themselves." *Julian starts us off climbing*
Halbardeer: "Don't worry Dex! I'll get revenge for you when we get back! No one messes with Dex and gets away with it! Give me 1 of those explosives, I'll show you I can cross without issue!"
Dragoshi: "...Seriously. Just stay here. Just in case someone tries to ambush us."
Digifanatic sees the two staying over on that side of the rocks...that should be a safe number for now--he'll follow Julian over.
Metal Man (GM): Anyway, climb checks to those climbing over.
Halbardeer: "Hmm... guarding the flank is an important task as well! Don t worry, Halbardeer is on the job!"
Metal Man (GM): You both climb on over to the pillars. Different ones, of course. They got flat places where they plug into the mountain. Dragoshi leaps off the mountain. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Dragoshi leaps back onto the mountain.
Julian: *And Julian climbs on over to a support pillar. Yep. We're gonna be planting one of those high-falutin' explosives now*
Metal Man (GM): Anyway. Julian and Digi are at pillars, so... *click* the explosive goes into place.
Digifanatic: "Julian, mind giving me one of those?" *Yeah...*
Dex: "With one explosive, there is a 10% chance of structural collapse."
Dragoshi: *Tries to climb down again...*
Halbardeer: "What are these explosives for anyway? Are we going to be blowing something up?"
Dex: "Yes."
Julian: "No prob." *Julian passes one over to Digi...*
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi falls backwards, eventually reaching a pillar. Digi gets an explosive.
Digifanatic: *sets one up at a pillar not already occupied by the one Jules planted*
Metal Man (GM): *Click*
Dragoshi: *Also sets up an explosive as well.*
Julian: *Julian climbs over to a different* pillar now that he's got one planted.
Dex: "Now 15%. More explosives needed... Now 20%."
Metal Man (GM): Julian climbs on over to another pillar.
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi also climbs over to another pillar...*
Digifanatic: "This better have remote detonation."
Dragoshi: "It prolly' does."
Metal Man (GM): Dragoshi also climbs over...
Digifanatic: *follows*
Dex: "30%..."
Metal Man (GM): Digi trips and falls a bit, landing on a remote piece of dirt and hanging on with one hand.
Dragoshi: *A cat is added. And by cat, I mean explosive. Don't know why I said cat in the first place. :/*
Julian: "Gotta get this above 75% at least if we wanna do any good..." *And Digi falls! Julian looks over his shoulder to him* "Digi, think you can pull yo'self back up?"
Digifanatic: "I should be fine..."
Dex: "35%..."
Metal Man (GM): Digi gets up to a far off pillar.
Digifanatic: "There we go." *CLICK*
Julian: "Good." *Mo' pillars, mo' climbin'*
Dragoshi: *Anyway, onto the next pillar...*
Dex: "A few more will be enough to hit the snapping point for these pillars--they are not rated to hold the weight if any more are blown up in the explosion."
Metal Man (GM): Success, Dragoshi.
Digifanatic: *Let's-a go!*
Dragoshi: *Another c-...Wait, already fired off that reference. Anyway, let's add another explosive over here...
Metal Man (GM): You both barely move to the next one. However, with all those explosives done....
Dex: "100% chance of collapse if all those explode."
Halbardeer takes up a defensive stance, unsure of what will come as he guards the flank of the group, not even looking at them, so devout in his duties!
Metal Man (GM): Hal: You see... not much. A tumbleweed.
Digifanatic: "Okay...that's it. We can warp, now..."
Julian: "Coo'. YO! Let's blow this joint!" *Julian climbs back to their starting point*
Dragoshi: "...Woah. That's one heck of a jump. I mean, from 35 to 100..."
Digifanatic: "Well...yeah, that first."
Metal Man (GM): Climb checks.
Halbardeer points his halberd at the tumbleweed and strikes it down. "Could be a druid's scheme!"
Digifanatic goes to head back to base now...
Digifanatic: *Meh*
Dragoshi: *Also climbs back up.*
Metal Man (GM): You get on up.
Dex: "Now you can enter the base, if you wish."
Halbardeer looks at the remains of the tumbleweed for any signs of life!
Metal Man (GM): Tumbleweed: Definitely dead.
Digifanatic: .oO(Hal, you crazy.)
Metal Man (GM): You see the others climb up, though.
Julian: "So wait, we gotta go in, too?"
Digifanatic: "I wasn't planning on it..."
Halbardeer: "The flank was most secure! Nothing even tried to get past, they must of known I was here."
Digifanatic: "After all, the Dex just said 'if you wish'..." all*
Dex: "Unless you wish to remain in the dark as to what is going on here."
Halbardeer: "What's inside that we would be interested in dex?"
Dex: "Some sort of Innotek innovation, perhaps important. Possibly reflecting why they did what they did."
Halbardeer: "Can your sensors pick up anything you recognize?"
Digifanatic: "Oh yeah, that's a good reason to head in...I'm ready to head in any time."
Dragoshi: "Mhm."
Julian: "I got nothin' else to do today."
Dex: "Large energy readings. Abnormal energy signatures. Something similar to what we experienced in the time warp."
Digifanatic: "Okay then." *walks in*
Halbardeer: "So we're gonna fight more evil blocks, gotcha."
Julian: *Onwards!*
Halbardeer waits for the others to go in before heading inside, covering the rear.
Dragoshi: *Moseying on along...*
Metal Man (GM): You walk inside. Atypical of any normal base, it's all one large room. And at the center of it, a holographic person is standing.
Dragoshi: *Ah crap. Is it Fake Nova again?*
Julian: *Hey, Hologram!*
Computer: "So we meet again, trainee Innotek people."
Metal Man (GM): It appears to be the computer from that weird Innotek base.
Dragoshi: "So we do."
Computer: "I will have to admit, you were intelligent. More so than the others. They were cowards and never managed to use their immense assets against you. But it is too late. I have determined the necessary energy for Project Eternity. Now at last, our founder's plan will be fulfilled. Of course..." The hologram looks to the ground. "You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you?"
Julian: "Can't help ya there."
Dragoshi: "Not really, no."
Computer: "But..." It looks around, distressed. "The creator told me he would be here. How could this be?"
Halbardeer: "What was his plan anyway? maybe we can help?"
Computer: "His plan..." The hologram glows. "I cannot tell you. He told me to hide everything. I simply need him to finish it, as I must give the project to him."
Halbardeer: "Who is your creator, maybe we can find him?"
Computer: "He never told me who he was... Merely wore a black robe and muttered to himself."
Halbardeer: "Than how are you to know your creator from someone else?"
Computer: "I would fight you, but I have better things to do. My power is best not wasted... here."
Digifanatic: .oO(That 'here' does not sound good.)
Halbardeer: "Where is your power best wasted?"
Digifanatic: *whispers* "He's not going to tell you that..."
Metal Man (GM): Doctor Proctor warps in, apparently, through an Innotek energy teleporter.
Dr. Proctor: "Ah, Questers. How nice of you to come."
Dragoshi: "...Oh, hey doc."
Halbardeer: "Hey! It's Docs McCorpses!"
Dragoshi: *Facepalms* "Don't mind him."
Digifanatic: .oO(Oh, not now!)
Dr. Proctor: "I was thinking I might help you here. For it appears to me, the master is... dead, you see."
Computer: "That is impossible. The Master cannot die."
Dragoshi: "Anyway, what're you doin-...Hmm?"
Dr. Proctor: "But if he is dead, then I am next to gain the project."
Digifanatic: "Uh oh...contradiction..."
Computer: "But he cannot be dead."
Halbardeer: "Why not? People die when they are killed"
Dr. Proctor: "Do as I tell you, stupid machine!!!" He smashes a fist into a computer.
Digifanatic: "Okay, is it so that the Master cannot die?"
Computer: "...I cannot harm you even to protect myself."
Metal Man (GM): The computer looks to the Questers.
Dragoshi: "...Hm?"
Computer: "It is up to you, then. Do I give the project to this man, or will you protect me? The Master cannot di--"
Dr. Proctor: *KICK* "Yes he can, idiot! Give it to me! NOW!!!"
Halbardeer: "How about you give the project to us if we help you"
Computer: "The Master said no one can have the project. But if I die, the project will be lost."
Dragoshi: "...Hmm."
Dr. Proctor: "That's a risk I'm willing to take!" He then looks to the Questers. "Tell it how hopeless it is. Innotek is worthless! Alan Shezar is nothing like the dead 'master'."
Halbardeer: "What would the project allow Proctor to do, and stop beating on the machine Dr. Proctor!"
Digifanatic: "Wait a minute. Like I was trying to ask before...what is about this Master that supposedly makes him immortal?"
Computer: "His revival machine would be completed. It requires the project to be perfect."
Halbardeer: "Revival machine? Wasn't that Kuja fellow trying to revive?"
Dr. Proctor: "Yes! I found out my final flaw. Even with my special object... I cannot revive anything beyond a zombie state without the project."
Digifanatic: "This is something else, Hal."
Computer: "The Master knows his future. He knows he cannot die."
Halbardeer: "Isn't the future uncertain?"
Dr. Proctor: "I can afford to kill this computer! I shall extract what I must from its remains--"
Digifanatic: "Hmm...Doctor, may we please see a picture of this Master?"
Computer: "The Master told me what to do. I cannot harm Dr. Proctor or give it to him unless the Master is dead."
Halbardeer: "Yeah Doc Proc, you know who this dead master guy is?"
Computer: "He also said the Questers would know. But that is up to you to say. KZHT."
Halbardeer: "You can harm doctor proctor if your master is dead?"
Dr. Proctor: "This dead man... look!" He shows a cloaked, dead man. "Dead. Natural causes. Turned to dust. He was very old, and very secretive. I'm not surprised!"
Dragoshi: "...Turning to dust is not a natural cause. ...Is it?"
Halbardeer: "Unless he's a vampire!"
Halbardeer looks around shiftily
Computer: "Not for the Master, no."
Dr. Proctor: "Hmph! Impudent people. I want my project!" *KICK KICK KICK*
Metal Man (GM): What do you do?
Halbardeer walks up to Proctor and picks him up by the back of the neck. "Yeah... I think I like the computer more than the guy who plays with corpses... even if the computer may of been the one caused us a lot of trouble in the past."
Digifanatic: *muttering* "I hate these tough calls."
Dr. Proctor: "It does not matter whom you favor. You yourself know that people who turn to dust are dead. Very dead. I even have some dust!" He throws it in Hal's face. "Does that not smell organic to you?"
Halbardeer blinks, glad his helmet stopped most of it. coughing once. "It smells like dust. Isn't all dust organic?"
Dex: "The analysis shows the dust to be of human in origin... though it is definitely odd."
Computer: "Now. You decide. IS the master dead or not?"
Halbardeer: "Wow! Dex, your seer powers are awesome. Do you recognize the human it used to be?"
Dex: "It is unknown DNA, but it indicates a lot of energy... unsure."
Digifanatic: "I've got a feeling about that, man..."
Halbardeer: "Do you know of anyone who had unknown DNA and lots of energy? And what is this project proctor?"
Dr. Proctor: "I will tell you what it is... if you give it to me. Think, what does an otherwise perfect revival machine lack?"
Halbardeer: "Someone to revive?"
Dr. Proctor: "No, no. It can only revive people in a zombie-like state. You know what that means?"
Metal Man (GM): He holds his hands out towards the computer.
Dr. Proctor: "We are one statement away from overcoming death! I can even revive the Master with it!"
Halbardeer: "It's not a perfect revival machine?"
Digifanatic: "It can't restore their intelligence exactly as it was before they died?"
Dr. Proctor: "No, no. It is... it is... the energy needed to reverse a catastrophic event, even death!"
Halbardeer: "Uh huh, so this project is just a revival machine, not some thing you can use to take over the universe and what not than? Computer, do you want to give the project to this doctor?"
Dr. Proctor: "Like... like I'd want to do that." He laughs. "I only wish for my machine..."
Computer: "Only if the Master is dead may I do so. Is the master dead?"
Halbardeer: "Does this look like it used to be your master?" Halbardeer asks, wiping some of the dust from his helmet and throwing it towards the computer
Dragoshi: "Hmm..."
Computer: "The dust cannot be determined. It is your choice."
Dr. Proctor: "I will get my project, no matter what. Give it, please."
Halbardeer calls up Metal on the Dex. "Hey metal boss man! We've got a situation down here."
Julian: "Hol' up."
Dragoshi: "Yes, Julian?"
Julian: "So Proctor wants to get his hands on this 'project' so he can perfect his revival machine. Problem is, he can't get it unless this 'Master' guy is dead. I got this right so far?"
Digifanatic: "Yeah. And the computer claims the Master is immortal."
Computer: "Indeed."
Julian: "Now, Doc Proctor's tellin' us this dust is the remains of said Master. But I gotta know: Do you have any proof? Burden of proof lies wit' whoever's tryin' to prove somethin', an' right now that's you."
Halbardeer waits. "Can you get in touch with him Dex?"
Dex: "Julian said 'hol up, I wasn't about to interrupt him mid-speech."
Julian: "An' right now I'm waitin' for Doctor Proctor's response. Do you have any proof?"
Halbardeer: "Ahh, I didn't know you were polite Dex! That's rare for a seer, I'll keep that in mind in the future."
Dr. Proctor: "My proof is simple. Once I have the project I will revive this dust, and we shall see who is right. Me."
Halbardeer: "And... what's this guy going to do when he gets revived? Dex says he's really powerful."
Julian: "Ah ah ah, now there's where we got a problem. You got proof, but you can't get it until we hand over the project wit'out you providing proof."
Dr. Proctor: "He was trying to do something quite great, perhaps he'll help you all."
Halbardeer: "Okay Dex, patch Metal through. I think we should let him decide. I don't know which of these guys to trust."
Digifanatic: "Or annihilate us."
Dr. Proctor: "Yes. However, I think it is worth the risk. After all, if you were dead, I'd do the same for you."
Metal Man: (Dex) "Huh? Whazzup?"
Julian: "What's the most you ever lost on a coin flip, Doc?" *Julian fishes a coin out of his pocket.*
Halbardeer: "Doctor Proctor says the computer here is his, and he wants us to tell it that it's previous master is dead so he becomes the new master."
Metal Man: (Dex) "I see."
Dragoshi: "But...The computer says that the Master is immortal and he couldn't have died..." *Looks at the computer* "If I'm not mistaken, right?"
Halbardeer: "What do you think we should do? Or do you need more information on the situation. Proctor says he has the ashes of the dead guy, dex says it was definitely human, but it's got unknown DNA and a lot of latent energy."
Julian: *Waits for Dr. Proctor's response >_>*
Digifanatic: "Unless he's cutting off the statement by saying he's immortal because of Proctor's machine... In that case, then we're fighting both Proctor and the computer."
Dr. Proctor: "Well, not much, really. Why do you ask?"
Computer: "The Master is immortal. But if he should leave this realm, the Questers would know."
Metal Man: (Dex) "I'm... unsure. I don't usually make decisions for the Questers, otherwise I'd be in there doing it for you."
Halbardeer: "Doctor Proctor, what is the master's name?"
Metal Man: (Dex) "It's a bit risky for me to pick either choice, really."
Dr. Proctor: "He would never tell any of us that, sadly."
Dragoshi: "Of course..."
Halbardeer: "So he's a mysterious dude? The only mysterious dude we know is still alive! We got his transmitter thanks to slushy though. Hmm... if they're one in the same, it might explain why he can't tell us who he is."
Julian: "Seeing as how none of us can come to a conclusion on whether we should let you have it or not, I think we should let this go down to a coin flip. Either fortune wants you to have this or not."
Halbardeer: "Has this proctor guy ever done anything to earn our distrust in the past Metal Man?"
Dragoshi: "Personally, I'm thinking we shouldn't let have him have it...'Sides, the prospect of a machine that can overcome death..."
Julian: *Julian flips the coin, snatches it out of midair, and slams it into the middle of his palm, covering it without anyone seeing the result.* "Call it."
Dragoshi: "It just...doesn't sit right with m-..."
Dr. Proctor: "Tails."
Julian: *Julian removes the hand covering the face of the coin...* "Tails. Congrats." *pockets the coin*
Computer: "So... is the master dead?"
Halbardeer puts down Proctor. "This is Dr. Proctor right Dex?"
Dragoshi: "Personally, I still think we shouldn't let him have it. Mainly because of the fact that a machine that can overcome death is bound to invite several million cans of worms to open up."
Halbardeer: "Don't we questers come back from the dead all the time?"
Julian: "The coin says give it to him. 'Sides, we got an iron-clad contract with the guy, he can't use it for evil anyway."
Halbardeer: "I still don't trust contracts... they're just on paper after all. Not like a geass. Now that I could depend on."
Dragoshi: "I know that, Julian. but, I'm moreso worried about anyone that gets any bright ideas if they catch wind about this..."
Julian: "If they do, he tells us, we kick their ass."
Dragoshi: "...Even that of Kuja's ghost?" :/
Metal Man (GM): The machine hands the man a glowing sphere.
Julian: "Done it before."
Dr. Proctor: "Yes! My project is complete! Now, I shall revive the Master, just for you."
Dragoshi: "...I just hope that we made the right decision."
Halbardeer takes up a defensive stance.
Julian: "Can't pin this one on me if it goes bad. Blame the coin."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out his machine and gets out the dust. Just then, Trevor warps in, flanked by... robotic toughies.
Dragoshi: "I suppose s-...Oh, hey, Trevor."
Halbardeer guards Proctor now.
Julian: *Whatthefu-*
Trevor: "Ahem... the shiny belongs to me, Dr. Proctor. I must use it to kill Charles Magellean in the past."
Dr. Proctor: "I must revive the Master."
Halbardeer: "Who's this guy?"
Trevor: "After Charles is killed forever."
Dr. Proctor: "No. Now!"
Computer: "I shall rule in this case."
Julian: "Some AI we beat up. How he's still here I dunno."
Metal Man (GM): The Computer hologram holds out a hand to Trevor.
Computer: "The Master prohibits you take the project."
Dragoshi: "Backups, Julian. Either that or something else. Not too sure about i-...Hm?"
Julian: "Well that's that, then."
Trevor: "What do you mean? If he's dead, then I can do whatever I want."
Computer: "No, you--"
Halbardeer: "Dr. Proctor is the master now I guess."
Dragoshi: "...Wait, you brought it with you?"
Metal Man (GM): ...Nothing happens. The dust... was nobody. ....But something else does happen.
Julian: *shields eyes*
Dragoshi: *Covers his eyes, because HOLY SHIT*
Halbardeer: "You didn't assume that's what it was when he pulled it out of his pack?"
Metal Man (GM): A man materializes in the middle of the scene.
Halbardeer is glad he's got his back to Proctor.
Metal Man (GM): Most definitely.... the Master.
The Master: "I see you have been loyal to me, Proctor, Questers.... ....Computer...."
Metal Man (GM): The Computer cringes and bows to him.
Dragoshi: "...So we have, it seems."
The Master: "But not you, Trevor."
Dragoshi: "I guess...We did make the right choice?"
Trevor: "Pft. I serve no one. I must kill Charles Magellean!!!"
Halbardeer: "I have no idea what's going on, so I'm just gonna stand here till one of you tells me I should do something else."
Dex: "...'The Master' has returned, apparently the man who leads Innotek.'"
Julian: "Who knows. All I know is somebody gonna get their ass kicked."
The Master: "I made this scenario to test if you were the real Questers, and if Dr. Proctor was still on my side."
Halbardeer: "So yeah! Master guy! I hear this Innotek place you run is bad news! Why is that?"
The Master: "I couldn't have known after so long..."
Dragoshi: "And, what conclusion have you come to?"
The Master: "In my absence, a corrupt person twisted the true name of my company, even in the past..."
Metal Man (GM): He rips off his shroud. It is most obviously Ivan Robotnik... and... 'Ivantech'????
Julian: *Hell yes* "Ivan! How long has it been..."
Ivan Robotnik: "Forever."
Dragoshi: "...I kne-...No, wait."
Julian: "Good enough."
Dragoshi: "I didn't. Though, I had a feeling."
Trevor: "This changes nothing. If anything, it makes it more important that I kill Char--"
Ivan Robotnik: "Silence. We cannot alter time like The Void. If you wish to do so..." He turns around. "Then you challenge all of us to battle."
Trevor: "Buh... buh... why aren't you crazy and evil like Charles? It was much easier against someone like him!"
Dragoshi: "..." *Just stays silent and readies the...DETH BRED this time.*
Halbardeer focus on Trevor now. "I think this guy seems to be the only opposition left."
Julian: *Julian laces up the Golden Gloves again* "If it's a fight, it's a fight."
Digifanatic: "Looks so to me."
Dragoshi: "Yep... Though, I still have to wonder about that freaky jerk in the white trench..."
Julian: "Gonna kick yo' ass all over again, Trevor. Volume TWO."
Halbardeer: "So this Ivan guy is immortal?"
Ivan Robotnik: "No. That was to test you."
Trevor: "Well, I know an unwinnable fight when I see one."
Metal Man (GM): He takes out his lightsaber.
Trevor: "I'll kill you all! Ahhhhhh!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He runs at you like a friggin' madman.
Halbardeer: "Why don't you go kill this Charles guy on your own."
Halbardeer chain dashes toward him, not letting him get close to Proctor or Ivan.
Julian: "Wreck 'em!" *Charge into opposition, freeze frame while the battle system loads*
Dragoshi: *Also charges in, Death Bread at the ready.*
Metal Man (GM): Trevor continues his running, screaming, general carrying on attack, all the way over to Halbardeer. He makes a mighty slash.
Halbardeer: 15 damage
Metal Man (GM): He is knocked back by it, and gets really angry. Then he throws the lightsaber up into the air and holds out his hand, firing a beam of white energy at Halbardeer. *BLAM* 50 damage. He then floats up.
Trevor: "Charles Magellean must die! Arghhhh!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He holds his hands up. Meteorites warp in. ... Then he repeats it three more times. MULTI METEO The entire arena is attacked by hordes of meteorites.
Dragoshi: *Takes 25 damage*
Digifanatic: *Takes 25 then...*
Julian: *25 damages! Oh noes!*
Metal Man (GM): Trevor then lands and puts up a barrier.
Trevor: "You must... kill... Charles.. Magellean!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): His soldiers surround him and then fire at all of you. Their aim is pathetic but annoying. Threatens... nobody.
Julian: "Already did! Got his head on my wall!"
Dragoshi: "Someone Dex his goons first." *Just stands there...The shots pretty much missing him completely*
Julian: *Julian gon' HIT 'EM WIT DA LEFT*
Digifanatic might as well go for one of the soldiers, so he Fire Punches one and connects it into an Icy Kick. Standard fare.
Metal Man (GM): Trevor picks up his men... and goes to block your attacks with them.
Metal Man (GM): He succeeds in it, naturally. But he dodges the kick entirely. And that right punch too.
Dragoshi: *And, Dragoshi decides to spit acid in the faces of Trevor's goons...About three times should be enough. >_>*
Digifanatic will go ahead and shove a golf club into Trevor's gut *Smash*!
Ivan Robotnik: "Now. Computer, backup procedure!"
Computer: "Initiated."
Ivan Robotnik: "I shall help protect the Questers."
Digifanatic: *Waiting for a defense roll*
Metal Man (GM): Hit, hit, miss Digi: Miss
Digifanatic: *Figures*
Metal Man (GM): Trevor is using his soldiers as shields. They take about 30 damage from all those attacks that hit them...
Dragoshi: *Dexes the Soldiers, wondering how durable they are...*
Dex: "...DING! Soldiers: HP: 69/300 An unknown shield prevents further data being read."
Aiden returned to the group to battle. But nobody seemed to notice him.
Trevor: "Thought I would ignore your dex powers? Think again!"
Halbardeer: "He's protected from dex! The fiend!"
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi then goes to try and smash one of the soldiers up with his DETH BREAD*
Metal Man (GM): The soldiers... they have bad defense for sure. Hit.
Trevor: "You think you've got me? Think again! And again! And again!"
Metal Man (GM): He splits into three, and then all three of them use that same laser attack... at all of you.
Dragoshi: *Breaktapdances around it*
Digifanatic: *10s full of 4s!*
Metal Man (GM): Man, this guy doesn't let up, does he? He then raises his sword above his head... and telekinetically levitates it at Julian. Repeatedly. Like a buzzsaw.
Trevor: "I'll slash you all to pieces!"
Metal Man (GM): Ivan leaps out of the way just in time.
Dr. Proctor: "Enough! I will not let you kill them, you stupid hologram!"
Dragoshi: "Thanks doc..." *Stopped dancing by now. <_* *<_>
Metal Man (GM): Julian leaps out of the way. An increasingly angry Trevor picks up a bunch of his soldiers at once with telepathy and hurls them all at Ivan.
Ivan Robotnik: "Argh!" *SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK*
Dragoshi: *Winces*
Metal Man (GM): Ivan punches his way out, as the soldiers regroup and then open fire at Dragoshi with withering concentrated fire. 35 damage, -1 to defense. Too bad they're a little late...
Dragoshi: *Grabs his arm, wincing a bit...And, then he quickly regains his composure, glaring* *Still in pain, though. e_e*
Julian: *Iiiit's showtime! Julian lets fly with a furious flurry of jabs at Trevor, trying to throw him off guard with his constand need to block!*
Metal Man (GM): Trevor laughs and holds up his hands. Hit hit hit hit... but they all hit his guarding soldiers.
Trevor: "Your filthy hands shall not touch me!"
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Proctor turns his machine on all of you. You recover 35 HP each. Ivan Robotnik takes out a gatling gun made of blue material.
Dragoshi: *The damage Dragoshi took from those stormtrooper bots is now nullified. Yayz*
Ivan Robotnik: "You want to fight a Robotnik? So be it!"
Metal Man (GM): *BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM* Trevor winces as the explosive laser fire blows away a bunch of his minions.
Dragoshi: "...Nice gun."
Trevor: "You play a dirty card, old man, but I will kill you like the rest!"
Halbardeer stares at Trevor. "I'm starting to really hate people who shoot giant beams of light at me you know that?" And than charges forward with a halbard storm, attempting to knock his soldiers out of the way and attack him directly, while clearing a path for his allies.
Digifanatic is not sure what'll happen to him next turn, but he decides to rip open a can of Double Icy Kick, one off of each foot, and both, hopefully, right into Trevor.
Julian: "People never get tired of sayin' that." *Julian cocks back his right fist.* "Try this on fo' size." *Julian then throws all of his weight forward into a single punch, trying to connect with devestating concussive force! CANON BLOOOOW!*
Metal Man (GM): Trevor dodges the second one. The other nails another faceless slave to him.
Dragoshi: *Smirks as he then charges forward, attempting to cave the soldiers heads in with his DETH BRED*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit Hit Miss. Yeah, all hit, Gujin. The soldiers are weak. But Trevor does not care.
Trevor: "You think I'm done? Never! I have the power!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): A bunch of flashy symbols appear. Suddenly you see... ancient runes???
Dragoshi: "...Oh, shit."
Trevor: "I managed to steal this from Kuja and make it better! FLARE STARAJA!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Not one, not two, but three Flare Stars blast the entire arena.
Julian: *Oh fuck me and a half.*
Halbardeer lines up with them. "Halbardeers Special technique! Don't fail me now! REVERSAL!"
Metal Man (GM): Threatens all. 75 damage if hit. Per hit.
Aiden is beaten down by the attack. Poor Aiden... he only showed up to be KO'd.
Dragoshi: *...Fucking argh*
Metal Man (GM): Ivan is blasted by all three.
Julian: *KO!!*
Digifanatic: *Has lost a life...he's down to one*
Dragoshi: *Down to one life*
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Proctor doesn't even have a chance against it, he is knocked out cold. Trevor then falls to the ground, smoking.
Trevor: "Kill... Charles... Mag....ellean..."
Metal Man (GM): His Soldiers, weakened as they are, stand guard around him.
Julian: *One life to live!*
Halbardeer explodes.
Ivan Robotnik: "Stand firm... he is more powerful than your average foe, but he has senselessly wasted his own men."
Aiden revives this turn.
Metal Man (GM): Dr. Proctor glows and is revived at low HP by his own machine. He sees the general devastation, and again heals everyone for 35 HP.
Dr. Proctor: "Ugh. I can't take another one of those."
Digifanatic revives and is a bit annoyed. Let's at least go for a few quicker hits on Trevor: a normal punch and a Fire Punch one-two, just to keep himself in check...
Metal Man (GM): Yes. Miss, hit.
Ivan Robotnik: "Allow me to remove the soldiers."
Metal Man (GM): BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM--the soldiers are killed. Dr Proctor heals you all for 35 HP again.
Halbardeer pops back into conciousness and stares down Trevor, raising his staff over his head and starting a slow rising sound. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
Dragoshi: *Is revived, as he warps back into the fight* "Son of a-" *Does a strange hiss/snarl miss* "I am going to fucking kill you for that." *Lets out a loud roar, as he then spews out a furious barrage of acid at Trevor.*
Digifanatic gets into a crouching position and holds it for a considerable amount of's something he's rarely done...
Digifanatic: *Charge...*
Julian: *Round 3! Fight! Julian gets back into business quick, moving in on Trevor and aiming to knock him senseless with a series of lunging uppercuts! Gazelle Punch trio!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit hit hit, Gujin. Miss miss hit, Dragoshi. He is now dodging without the soldiers. Which is more frantic. He was using them as a shield and they had to slow down to properly protect him. This netted them death at the hands of Ivan Robotnik.
Aiden lets out two rapid slashes and then does one powerful slash for a windcutter on him.
Metal Man (GM): Hit, miss. Miss. Dr Proctor heals everyone for... 35 more HP, still useless right now though :p Ivan is looking much healthier though...
Dragoshi: *Dragoshi Dexes Trevor...*
Halbardeer continues his hum. "aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA!" And than launches forward at Trevor. "This is divine punishment!" And than brings the halberd back up for 2 followup blows.
Dex: "BZHZKTH. Attempt blocked. Counter-attack also blocked. HP is in the mid-triple digits."
Metal Man (GM): He dodges.
Metal Man (GM): He dodges again.
Dragoshi: *And, speaking of health, Dragoshi decides to continue trying to be hazardous to Trevor's by spewing MOAR ACID on him.*
Metal Man (GM): He dodges... again. And again. And again.
Trevor: "Unlike the other idiots, I actually measured the parameters for this battle."
Metal Man (GM): He is a bit strange...
Trevor: "You can't beat me, not even with Ivan Robotnik! I am too strong!"
Digifanatic then launches a hopefully vicious upward flipkick on Trevor before he can attack...sometimes, you just have to go for it.
Digifanatic: *DEAR GOD*
Metal Man (GM): He manages to block even that.
Dragoshi: "...SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" *Charges towards Trevor, with a nasty flare of malic in his eyes, and attempts to cave Trevor's holographic skull in with the DETH BRED with two furious downward smashes*
Dr. Proctor: "Hm. It appears he may be right. Although there must be something you can do..."
Dragoshi: *one furious downward smash* *Smirks in satisfaction as Trevor is hit hard with the bread* "...I would suggest something, but sadly, it isn't possible due to Trevor's ability to jam our Dexes..."
Trevor: "Hm." He looks at your side carefully. "What if...."
Metal Man (GM): He looks at his glowing hand.
Trevor: "Of course! If the project was so powerful, you'd have overcome me!"
Halbardeer: "I'd suggest something, but this Trevor bloke can fly! Who the hell is he anyway? He's the strongest opponent we've faced yet."
Trevor: "I don't need your lousy engineering to destroy Charles Magellean. What I need... is something you do not have."
Halbardeer: "That's what I told you in the first place! You don't need anything to destroy this charles magellean guy! You can do that on your own right now!"
Trevor: "Of course, I think I shall take this building with me. Your project and dead bodies shall be useful as target practice."
Aiden tries again... -.-
Metal Man (GM): It isn't his turn yet, however, soooo... Miss miss hit.
Ivan Robotnik: "Questers. Only you know how to stop him now. I have been gone too long to see the true treachery of Trevor."
Dragoshi: "...Maybe if..." *It may be futile, but...Dragoshi tries calling a warp out and attempts his plan...*
Ivan Robotnik: "He must not have the project. It is not his to take."
Halbardeer: "I don't even know who he is!"
Dex: "A warp out is available." *KZHT* "But our warps can't send entire buildings."
Dragoshi: "Who said I wanted the building?"
Ivan Robotnik: "The project cannot be warped! We simply must keep him from taking the building at all costs."
Dragoshi: "...Well, dammit. You should've mentioned that in the first place."
Julian: "Jus' get us outta here! We can't take this guy out." *Wink wink nudge nudge we have a detonator*
Trevor: "Wait a minute... Questers don't talk like that unless they have a plan!" He points at you. "Tell me what you're up to and I won't kill all of you."
Halbardeer: "What if we blow the project up!"
Dragoshi: "Hm. Think of it this way. Either you leave, or we all lose."
Trevor: "Blow up the project?" He laughs. "I don't actually need it."
Digifanatic: "I bet you didn't."
Julian: "So why the hell do you WANT it?"
Digifanatic: *quietly* "Probably so that we couldn't get it."
Trevor: "To show that I am stronger than all of you combined!"
Digifanatic: *q* "And that."
Dragoshi: "That's dumb. Why waste your time with that?"
Trevor: "I will show you... in due time."
Julian: "When you could be killing Charles, a much more worthwhile job."
Trevor: "Oh, I will... but first. My exit from this act."
Metal Man (GM): The entire building begins shaking. He's trying to warp it with him. What do you do?
Dragoshi: "...I suggest you stop doing that."
Trevor: "Never!" *CRACK*... the outside's all warp-like now.
Dragoshi: "Or this building will be blasted to hell and back."
Trevor: "I do not believe you. You are a dumb Quester!"
Julian: "Final warning, Trevor."
Trevor: "Do your worst!"
Halbardeer: "You haven't proven your stronger than us all yet Trevor! If you do this, you'll be running away!"
Trevor: "Okay."
Dragoshi: "For someone as intelligent as you are..."
Metal Man (GM): He stops warping the building.
Julian: "If you say so." *The warp to HQ is open, right?*
Trevor: "I'll kill you."
Dragoshi: "You'r-...Nevermind."
Metal Man (GM): He fires at Hal with more lasers.
Dragoshi: "I'll save my peace for later."
Digifanatic: .oO(Nice one, Hal...)
Metal Man (GM): All at Hal, 50 damage a pop.
Trevor: "You challenge me? You die!"
Metal Man (GM): The first one is reversed, but not the other ones... roll for those.
Halbardeer: *Sent the first one back to him for 50 damage, and took 100 himself*
Metal Man (GM): He grimaces and then shrugs.
Trevor: "I've had enough of this stupid building anyway. I'll get all my things done at once!"
Metal Man (GM): *SNAP* He snaps a support--
Trevor: "Wait a minute... why is...??"
Dragoshi: "...You dumbfuck"
Julian: "Aw hell na-" *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*
Metal Man (GM): You all reappear in... ...what appears to be an identical Innotek base. Charred completely black, but alive.
Dragoshi: "...Okay, what just happened."
Digifanatic: "Well, he warped the building, alright..."
Halbardeer: "We went for tacos!"
Julian: "...I'd like to know too."
Ivan Robotnik: "Your Dex warped us all. I just set it to here so I could tell you before you went home."
Digifanatic: "Or at least it seemed like he warped the building!"
Dragoshi: "...I see."
Ivan Robotnik: "It appears Trevor warped himself to a time when everyone was exploding."
Julian: "That works."
Ivan Robotnik: "He is probably alive, but probably not so much--" He holds the machine of Proctor's--"As he would have been otherwise."
Dragoshi: "Well, sucks to be Trevor." *Holds down a couple snrks*
Ivan Robotnik: "Of course... your time distortion led us to right now, for had you not caused that, I would still be hiding."
Dragoshi: "Yep..."
Halbardeer: "I'm sooo lost. Can I get it in simple form?"
Ivan Robotnik: "We warped here moments before the explosion was able to kill us all. Of course, it was at considerable cost... the project was destroyed. And so was the AI."
Halbardeer: "Didn't that AI try to kill us? Or was that another AI?"
Digifanatic: "Seemed like it."
Dragoshi: "Different one, I think."
Halbardeer: "It certainly was talking about fighting us if it didn't have to conserve its energy."
Ivan Robotnik: "Two AI. One was my computer. The other was Trevor. My computer died. Trevor did not."
Halbardeer: Wait, Trevor is a computer?
Ivan Robotnik: "A highly intelligent hologram. With... a solidity generator. Used to be a dime a dozen thing. My computer was the same type, so it is no wonder."
Halbardeer: "Hmm... so without that solidity generator, he's a lot less... solid?"
Digifanatic: "Sounds so."
Ivan Robotnik: "Yes, but you have to get through the part which is capable of slicing you in two to harm that. I apologize for the confusion. There shall not be so much now that that happened."
Dragoshi: "Oh! Right. I almost forgot." *Shows Ivan the turquoise gun barrel.* "Any idea on what this thing belongs to?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Only one foe remains--Alan Shezar. He made Ivantech into Innotek."
Halbardeer: "So what was this project thing anyway?"
Ivan Robotnik: "...That is a barrel to a gun I make. I can show you later, maybe even... sell one? Oh, very simple. a 99% Godliness device. All the powers of a God with none of the responsibility."
Digifanatic: "Heh."
Halbardeer: "Uh... isn't that a bad thing?"
Ivan Robotnik: "I planned to use it myself, but then I saw what madness ensued over it."
Dragoshi: "...Huh."
Ivan Robotnik: "Imagine if it had been used for more than healing?"
Dragoshi: "So, maybe it was for the better that it was destroyed, considering said madness."
Ivan Robotnik: "We could have accidentally destroyed the universe."
Halbardeer: "How would something like that even work?"
Ivan Robotnik: "Now, I shall brief you more later--but know this. Should you wish to settle things with Trevor, he is most likely at his headquarters. All in good time, Halbardeer..." Creepy, he knows your name.
Metal Man (GM): A warp to HQ appears.
Digifanatic: *warps*
Dragoshi: "Well, I'll ask more about the gun later. Thanks, Ivan."
Julian: *Julian is out*
Halbardeer: "Whatever, I'm heading back to base, I'd get a lot more use out of a polearm that's easier to swing than my halberd than a gun thingy though."
Dragoshi: *Stretches a bit, then goes into the warp*
Halbardeer heads through the portal.
And so that mission finished. Little did the Questers know their time with this world was short...