Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 63: Machine Bustin'
Date: July 15th & 16th 2004.
Trivia: Alex Gorvan changes his name to Garrick mid-log.
Trivia 2: This is the first chapter where Metal Man is shown to be leading the Questers.
Metal Man88 (GM): Everyone's in the big room. They were alerted earlier to their next mission. Mewtwo is at the head of a long table.
Mewtwo: "Now that you are all actually here, I shall describe what you must do."
Pat: "Table. Heh."
Aribar is probably standing as far away from the others as possible.
Alex: "That would be kinda helpful..."
Mewtwo: "...To start, I have some bad news. Lots of it."
Sora: "Huh?"
Mewtwo: "Mario, toad, Peach, and Yoshi have been kidnapped."
Razor: "...again? Why am I not surprised..."
Sora: "For big heroes, these guys sure get kidnapped a lot..."
Pat: "NNOOOOOO!!!!"
Alex: "The kid has a point..."
Mewtwo: "...Well... you will have to find them. We have a large map."
Pat: "A LARGE map?"
Mewtwo: "They have been hidden somewhere in the large and desolate ruins of Toad Town."
Alex: "...don't you have any more data than that?"
Mewtwo: "No. Exor scrambles all sensors within Toad Town."
Alex: "...whatever, alright, let's go then."
Mewtwo: "Now, to help you, we have a new recruit."
Pat: "Who?"
Metal Man (GM): A door opens up, and the new recruit enters the room.
Mewtwo: "...Just so that you know, they aren't so much hostages as being simply hidden somewhere. Why I don't know. Smithy has a strange mind."
Yurie sets her hand on her rapier, then pads inside, idly twitching the toothpick in her mouth as she takes a seat at the table and leaning the chair back with a creek, her heels kicking up and resting on the table.
Razor turns his head and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm... well hello."
Yurie: "'ello to you too..."
Pat twitches. "Feet... on... table..."
Sora looks over to Yurie. "Oh, sorry. Hi!"
Alex glances to the new person, then sorta just freezes for a moment. He shrugs and turns back to Mewtwo "Any info on what we might encounter at Toad Town?"
Mewtwo: "Each one of you get three mushrooms. They heal some health. Use them wisely. The basic robotic forces of Smithy."
Pat: "Mushrooms! Yay!"
Sora: "... Mushrooms?"
Mewtwo: "...And, if you're unlucky, mutated freaks."
Razor blinks a few times. "Shrooms? Niiiice..."
Mewtwo: "Yes."
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo snaps his fingers, and three mushrooms appear in fron of each person.
Yurie: "Great... Smithy's goons again." -.-
Razor scoops up said shrooms and pockets them. Happy.
Mewtwo: "This is all we can afford for you to use."
Pat takes a mushroom.
Mewtwo: "We already had to scale back the smash dexes..."
Sora: "..." *pokes da 'shroom and puts it in one of those HUGE pockets in his cargo shorts.*
Metal Man silently pockets his.
Aribar pockets his.
Yurie gives a flick of her wrist, tossing the mushrooms up into the air and slides them into her pocket.
Mewtwo: "Now, you may walk from outside to Toad Town's ruins. They're near Exor. Good luck."
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo teleports out.
Pat: "Easy for him to say."
Metal Man pulls out his smash dex. "Now, there will be a map that tracks everyone. We can't split up into any more than three groups."
Yurie nods, then pulls out her own blue Dex.
Metal Man: "And if you spot any helicopters or tanks, RUN."
Pat: "Easy enough. "
Metal Man: "While near Exor, they are invincible. We have yet to break down their technology. Now. To Toad Town." *leads the way, exiting the big room and going out the front door to Toad Town.*
Sora: *follows Metal.*
Aribar follows last.
Pat goes after Metal.
Razor shrugs slowly and stands up. He walks over to Sora and walks alongside him, looking down for a moment.
Metal Man pulls out his pistol, and heads out towards the ruins.
Metal Man (GM): The group arrives at West Toad Town.
Yurie kicks one foot against the table, sliding her chair back, stands and follows, her skirt/trenchcoat fluttering as she walks, her Rapier resting at her hip.
Metal Man (GM): The sky is steel gray. A few colorful remains of an apartment building jut out of the burnt earth.
Pat: "The sky appears to be steel gray... I see the remains of a colorful apartment building."
Metal Man (GM): Some primitive lichens and small seedlings are growing nearby.
Aribar unsheathes his sword...
Alex walks with his hands in his jacket pockets, kicking a piece of debris from some house across the street and glancing around "...nice observation of the obvious, guy..."
Metal Man (GM): The wind blows, kicking up dust.
Alex: "Well, let's start searching..."
Metal Man (GM): The path splits into three directions: straight ahead, left, or right.
Yurie: "Cheerful place here... just like the other places I've been where this has happened."
Razor pauses, white feathery wings bursting from beneath his cloak. They flap a few times and propel him up into the air. He scans about from above.
Yurie draws her rapier with a soft *shink.*, then walks down the straight path.
Metal Man (GM): Razor spots Green Shyguys in central Toad Town.
Alex: "Beg pardon, ma'am, but I don't really think that a gigantic sword that creates a wind storm more powerful than a hurricane happens in any other spot than here."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie has just headed into central Toad town.
Pat walks right.
Metal Man (GM): 5 Green Shy Guys are there.
Alex follows the new woman, on her right.
Metal Man walks straight.
Razor flaps his wings quickly to catch up to her. "Hold up kid!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie hears little high-pitched mumbling.
Aribar decides to follow Metal.
Yurie: "Shhhhh..." *tries to listen to the mumbling and understand it.*
Razor drops down to the ground beside her, wings folding up under his cloak as he lands. "It's a few Shyguys..."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie hears it... it is Oopa Loompa language! Errr... gibberish.
Yurie: "Shhh!"
Metal Man looks around.
Metal Man (GM): The sound of a piece of glass snapping is heard. Then, three green-suited Shyguys leap out to greet the group. They pull out wicked red-glowing knives. ...And they look mutated.
Alex slowly moves his hand inside his jacket and pulling out his buster, placing in on his right hand and clicking it on "Well, here's the welcoming party..."
Pat followed the main group.
Metal Man (GM): One Mutant Guy runs at Razor with his knife. And yet somehow, he misses. The other one charges full-on at Razor. ...And misses as well.
Razor leaps away and clenches his fist. "Fools..." he says quietly as laser blasts sear at the two guys.
Metal Man (GM): One hit. Mutant Guy A is hit. The guy that Razor hit emits an eerie moan.
Alex draws out his buster and points it at the Mutant thing that Razor just hit, sending off a blast to hopefully finish it off.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Pat attempts to punch Mutant1 in the face.
Metal Man (GM): Miss. It leaps above Pat's punch.
Yurie growls, then Flanks Muntant 1, then drives a thrusting strike into its back with her rapier.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie manages to hit.
Metal Man fires at Mutant A's mask.
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Aribar tries to kill Mutant C.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Sora: *Takes a whack at Shyguy A with his Kingdom Key, batting it upside the head.
Metal Man (GM): It leaps above Sora's attack. The third Shyguy tries to stab Pat. It hits.
Pat: "Oww. I hate you all."
Metal Man (GM): Pat avoids becoming poisoned.
Razor steps to the side, shifting his angle and getting in close to take Mutants B and C with his next barrage.
Metal Man (GM): Three hits. Mutant B goes to stab Razor. *UBER STAB.* Whopping damage.
Razor grunts and stumbles back as he is stabbified. "OW! That hurt!"
Metal Man (GM): Razor succeeds in avoiding becoming poisoned.
Yurie continues to use her Flanking of Mutant 1 to stabbity-stab him.
Metal Man (GM): *STABBITY.* Mutant A goes to finish Razor off.
Razor drops... with no health left... bleah.
Metal Man (GM): Unfortunately, the Questers have no reviving items. Yet.
Sora: *attacks the injured Shyguy again, trying to bash it into oblivion.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): *SMACK!* The Shyguy would be seeing stars now--literally! As the Keyblade hits, stars twinkle around the point of contact.
Metal Man (GM): It's... still...alive... It just freakily laughs at Sora.
Sora: "What ARE these things!?"
Metal Man: "...Someone needs to use the smash dex."
Alex: "...dahhh, fine." Uses his turn to scan the little creepy things.
Dex: "... DING! Mutated Shyguy. A Shy Guy, except now he has double the power, and a green cloak! Max HP: 40. A: 9/40. B: 24/40. C: 33/40." -End Dex log-
Metal Man (GM): Also, the dex now gives active health counts on the Shyguys.
Alex: "Fine, good, great, now would someone PLEASE finish these things?"
Metal Man (GM): Pat may use a mushroom to heal ALL of his damage.
Pat uses a mushroom to heal ALL his damage.
Metal Man (GM): Pat is healed. Mutant C runs at Sora. Sora SUPER SUCCEEDS and is not poisoned.
Metal Man takes a potshot at Shy A. He misses. Boo-yah. He fires at that darn Shyguy. *BAMMO.* He kills off Shy A.
Metal Man (GM): Shy A drops... A pokeball.
Alex: "...oh great, not one of THOSE again..."
Pat runs up and goes to Jumpkick Shy-B in the stomach.
Metal Man (GM): Miss. It barely avoids. Alex: Awaken!
Alex tries out his little enhancement thingy. He twitches his buster and it changes color to brown. He takes aim and blasts the third Mutant.
Metal Man (GM): ...Alex trips on his face, provoking an AOO. Shy C goes to stab him. *STAB.* He avoids being poisoned, though.
Sora: *He turns to Shyguy B, swinging his Keyblade simultaneously, trying to give it the same smashing he gave A. *...Smashes air.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Shy B accosts Yurie.
Yurie snorts, then gracefully parries the stab with her blade. "You call that an attack?" *THRUST!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Shy C tries to stab Yur. Hit.
Yurie: "Ugh!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie is poisoned.
Metal Man fires at Shy B.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Pat continues to kick into Shy-b. W00t.
Metal Man (GM): Pat hits. Sky C runs up and attacks Pat.
Pat: .oO(...I hate you.)
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Pat avoids becoming poisoned.
Alex takes a regular shot at Mutant B, hoping this time he'll hit and DO some damage!
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Shy B tries to hurt Sora.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora brings up his keyblade and smacks the blade away.
Sora: "Nice try!" *smirks and tries to lay a smack into that Shyguy one more time!*
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Yurie downs one of the mushrooms.
Metal Man (GM): Yur is healed.
Aribar studies one of the Shyguys and attempts to find a weakness in them.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar discovers that the gap in between the mask and their robe is weak.
Aribar: "It looks like there is a weak spot between their mask and robe!" *He attempts to stab the shyguy he studied.*
Metal Man (GM): ...I'll be nice and say that hit. It manages to avoid having the mask fall off.
Metal Man goes nuts and autofires Shy B. He misses spectactularly.
Alex goes to blast the Shy B as well, hoping to do better than Metal.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Sora: "Here!" Sora tosses one of his mushrooms to Razor before attempting murder on Shy B.
Metal Man (GM): Razor is revived.
Nick Caligo (GM): *CRITICAL HIT.*
Metal Man (GM): SUPAR HIT. *DEATH.*
Nick Caligo (GM): *CLEAVE.*
Metal Man (GM): Sora murders the little evil guy. He drops... A Pick Me Up.
Nick Caligo (GM): As Sora WHACKS the Shyguy off into the horizon, causing it to *POOF!* in the distance, he snags the item with one hand and follows through on his slash with the other, attacking Shy C.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Metal Man: "Should I capture this last one with this piece of crud?" *spins a pokeball.*
Nick Caligo (GM): "What IS that?"
Alex: "Yeah, sure, I just want this stupid fight to be over with."
Metal Man: "A pokeball. It captures monsters."
Nick Caligo (GM): "Yeah, use it!"
Metal Man: "...Okay." *throws the thing.*
Metal Man (GM): *CAPTURED.* And the Shy Guy drops... A Poison Mushroom.
Alex looks around for a stick.
Pat: "I believe I level up. Right."
Alex keeps looking for that stick.
Razor is EXTREMELY pissed now...
Alex expands his search to look for something that can be swung.
Metal Man (GM): The group has just finished slowly killing the dastardly Shyguys.
Razor: "Bastards..."
Metal Man: "Ugh. Well, at least there's something good here."
Metal Man (GM): There's a ruined building right nearby. The Questers swear they can hear someone calling for help.
Metal Man: "...Well, should we check this out?"
Aribar stays where he is, looking at the others to see what they will do.
Metal Man (GM): All around, there's rubble, too.
Gibby decides to check out the building.
Razor does look around in the rubble.
Metal Man (GM): Gibby hears someone crying out for help atop the tower.
Aribar follows Gibby.
Metal Man (GM): Lucky Razor! He finds a random item.
Sora: *flies upward... wait, he's FLYING? How's the kid doing that? He looks around the area for SOMETHING.*
Metal Man (GM): ...Razor found a Starman.
Gibby raises his eyes.
Metal Man also follows Gibby.
Gibby: "Somebody's in trouble!"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby hears that whatever it is is at the top of a lot of steps.
Gibby starts climbing those steps.
Metal Man (GM): Sora hears the person crying for help.
Razor takes said Starman and pockets before taking to the skies alongside Sora.
Sora: "... Huh?" *he looks around, trying to find where it's coming from.*
Metal Man (GM): It's at the top of the ruined tower the others went inside.
Razor looks towards Sora. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
Nick Caligo (GM): He flies up top and lands inside.
Razor darts in on wing, moving behind Sora.
Metal Man (GM): Gibby and Metal get up the steps. Sora sees a few steps, down to a door. That is where the noise is coming from.
Gibby: "We have to hurry."
Sora: *Floats his way down to the door and presses an ear to it, listening...
Metal Man (GM): Sora hears half mumbling.
Nick Caligo (GM): "...Huh?"
Razor lands with Sora before his wings fold up behind his back. He pads softly beside him, following suit.
???: "...Hel... p... let ... out! ...stuk..."
Metal Man (GM): Ari gets up the stairs. All who are on the stairs can open the door to the next room. Razor hear the following.
???: "Let me go! This is my house!"
Gibby opens the door, and enters into the next room.
???2: "Master Smithy... wants you."
Aribar follows Gibby...
Razor looks towards Sora. "Let's crash this party, eh?"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby walks in on some large machine dangling a Toad by its leg.
Gibby: "HEY! What's going on here?" *unsheathes his sword.*
Toad: "...You came to rescue me?"
???: "This is none of your business."
Sora: "Right." *Whips his keyblade from nowhere and tries to bash the door down.*
Gibby: "Oh it's definitely my business alright. Now drop the Toad!"
Metal Man (GM): The door FLIES off.
???: "...Not more of you!"
Gibby: "...heh, just in time guys."
Razor steps in, gloved hand coming up and quickly training on the machine. "Think we'd miss this party? Drop the Toad, and we'll finish you off quickly."
Metal Man (GM): It's a seven foot tall robot. Those who played SMRPG would know it as Machine Made Yaridovich.
Sora: "... Woah..."
???: "I think I'll just KILL all of you."
Razor: "Oh come on... it's not THAT big..."
Metal Man (GM): It throws the Toad out a window like a toy, then gets into battle stance.
Gibby: "Try us, you bucket of bolts!"
Sora: "Yeah, this guy's pretty small, but MAN is he ugl--WOAH!"
Metal Man: "I'll destroy him quick! TRI-ATTACK!" *glows yellow, red, then blue. His right hand glows these colors once more. Then, his gun charges up, and he pulls the trigger, unleashing a large beam of fire, ice, and electricity.*
Gibby: "Ooooh... pretty..."
Metal Man (GM): Yaridovich gets hit... and frozen, too!
Gibby runs towards the machine, leaps at it, and slashes downward with his sword hoping to chop him into ice cubes.
Metal Man (GM): Well, either way, it misses.
Gibby leaps back to the group.
Aribar thrusts his sword into the air as a bolt of lightning crackles towards Yardy. "Bolt!"
Metal Man (GM): Well, he can't dodge. Hit.
Razor plants his feet and holds his arm straight out. His glove lets out a hum as a bit of energy gathers in his palm. "Let's finish this... Hyper Burst!" He squeezes his hand into a fist, sending a few... larger... laser blasts at him.
Metal Man (GM): Only 1 hit.
Razor: Eh... one hit at least...
Metal Man (GM): He's still alive.
Razor: "Finish him off..."
Sora: *takes his Keyblade in one hand and points its tip at the frozen fiend.* "Fire!" *A small fireball blasts from his Keyblade's end.*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): *KAPOW!!* The small fireball explodes on contact.
Metal Man (GM): Well, congratulations. The Questers almost killed a powerful monster in one round. Yardy breaks out of the ice, now mad as hell.
Metal Man goes to finish him off. "Eat this!" *throws a large electronic object at Yardy.*
Metal Man (GM): ...Even if I attempted to miss him, it'd hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): XD.
Metal Man (GM): The attack, equipped with maximize, turns Yaridovich into machine-made Tuna.
Razor lowers his hand and moves over to the robot's remains. He gives the head a swift kick and looks over its remains.
Gibby: "Well that was simple enough."
Metal Man (GM): XD.
Nick Caligo (GM): ROTFLMAO.
Metal Man (GM): Sora gets a Pokeball.
Metal Man: "...Another one of those lousy things? Sheesh..."
Sora: "... One of these things." He snatches it from by his foot and pockets it.
Gibby starts shaking.
Nick Caligo (GM): "Whah!!"
Gibby: "Wha... what's that?"
Metal Man (GM): ...Sounds like a troop ship... *SMASH.*
Razor: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The top of the tower is blasted off, over everyone's heads.
Aribar blinks and attempts to stay upright during the smash...
Gibby: "Woah!"
Metal Man: "Gah!"
Nick Caligo (GM): "Ah!" He shields his head.
Metal Man (GM): ...Yep. It's one of those. There's a loudspeaker on it, too.
Aribar: "... Piffle..."
Loudspeaker: "It's the Questers! GET THEM!"
Gibby: "Uh oh..."
Razor: "Oh... damn..."
Metal Man (GM): The thing opens, and 5 robotic people jump out. They all have axes.
Gibby grips his sword tightly. "Here we go again..."
Nick Caligo (GM): "... What?"
Razor shakes his head slowly and lifts his gloved hand.
Axem Red: "You destroyed the guard below us. Thus, you must be destroyed."
Metal Man (GM): The ship flies off.
Axem Green: "Yeah!... Right."
Aribar backs up a bit.
Axem Black: "Enough chatter. Surrender and die, or resist and die!"
Gibby: " that was stupid."
Sora: *grips his Keyblade in two hands as he prepares to fight...* "I think YOU'RE the ones who'll be destroyed!"
Razor raises an eyebrow. "Yeah... what he said."
Axem Yellow: "Not with our new upgrades!"
Sora: "Shut up and fight already!"
Metal Man (GM): Axem Black decides to attack Sora, slicing at him twice. 1 hit, 1 miss.
Metal Man tries to hit Axem Black with his good ole' Tri-attack.
Metal Man (GM): *HIT.* *FREEZE.*
Sora: "Is that the best you've got?"
Nick Caligo (GM): XD.
Axem Pink: "Oh no! You froze Black!"
Gibby leaps towards Axem yellow, and slashes upward at his head.
Axem Red: "Shut up and KILL THEM!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Axem Yellow decides to get revenge on Gibby. Miss.
Gibby easily moves aside. "HA! ya missed!"
Razor takes careful aim, lock splicing between Pink and Green. "Prepare to die... Hyper Burst!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora trains his sights on the center of the group of Axems--Yellow, Pink, Green, and Red--and a fireball forms at the end of his Keyblade, launching directly at Pink.
Metal Man (GM): Pink is hit.
Axem Pink: "AHHHHHHHHH!"
Nick Caligo (GM): *BOOM!* A ten foot radius explosion engulfs her and whoever's in the blast.
Metal Man (GM): Black is hit. And defrosted.
Gibby: "GAH!"
Metal Man (GM): Green is also hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): They're all hit.
Metal Man (GM): Razor turns the wall behind the Axems into dust.
Razor: "...I've really got to get the aiming on this thing checked out..."
Gibby: "...yeah..."
Sora: "Ha! Take that!"
Axem Pink: "Gah! Healing Wave!"
Metal Man (GM): All of the Axems are engulfed in a wave of energy, all are healed slightly. Axem Green runs at Sora, his blade glowing red. Miss.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora parries the attack with his Keyblade.
Aribar dashes towards Axem Pink and attempts to stop her healing career here with a sword stab.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Axem Pink: "...Ow... that tickled!"
Axem Red: "I'll take care of this! VIGOR UP!" Red glows, his axe is now more powerful. He then runs at Sora, seemingly twice as fast as before--IF BEFORE WASN'T FAST ENOUGH.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Sora: "Ungh!!"
Razor moves to the side, growling as he lets off another Hyper Burst at the two going after Sora... Red and Green.
Metal Man (GM): Lesseee... 2 hits on Red. 2 hits on Green.
Sora: "Thanks!"
Razor: "No problem."
Aribar raises his sword into the air again and summons down Bolt on Miss Healing's (Pink) head.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Axem Pink: "Watch where you're shooting that! You messed up my makeup!"
Sora takes a hack at Axem Red, trying to give him a taste of revenge. "Yah!!"
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Axem Green: "That's it. You called that an attack?"
Metal Man (GM): Axem Green glows, then fires a HUGE bolt of lightning at Sora. Sora takes half damage. Axem Pink attempts to fully heal herself. And fails.
Axem Pink: "...Bah!"
Metal Man (GM): Axem Yellow just leaps up, trying to body-slam Gibby. Miss.
Gibby moves out of the way just in time.
Metal Man (GM): Axem Yellow is point-blank range.
Gibby retaliates by stabbing the yellow Axem in the chest.
Metal Man (GM): *STAB.* *CRIT.*
Metal Man (GM): Axem Black pulls out a bomb.
Axem Black: "Nobody messes with us! Take this!"
Metal Man (GM): He throws it at Razor.
Gibby: "Look out!"
Metal Man (GM): It unleashes a wave of fire at the people near him... which would be Aribar.
Razor ducks down as the bomb flies over his head.
Metal Man (GM): *BOM.* Damage to Aribar. Red just runs at Sora and attacks with his blade.
Aribar: "Ow!" *Ari is low on health.*
Metal Man (GM): Sora is Ko'd.
Metal Man fires his ever popular Tri-attack at Axem red.
Metal Man (GM): Red takes damage... And is frozen.
Aribar: "Sora!" *He attempts to heal Sora with a Mushroom.*
Metal Man (GM): Sora is now at low HP instead of KO'd.
Aribar then Bolts Pinky.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Of doom.
Aribar: "Hah!"
Axem Black: "You think you're so tough? Take this!"
Metal Man (GM): Black tries to slash Ari twice. One hit.
Aribar: "Gah!" *He's down to almost no health now...*
Sora: "Thanks, Ari!"
Aribar attempts a quick nod towards Sora between the attacks.
Razor steps over to Aribar and stuffs a Mushroom in his mouth before sliding in to blast Red and Pink to hell and back.
Aribar: "Mrph!" (Translation: Thanks!)
Metal Man (GM): Red is hit once. Pink is hit once.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora attempts revenge on Axem Red again, swinging at his big tin head with his Keyblade.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Axem Red is still frozen.
Sora: *makes an EXTREME EFFORT, adding to this damage.*
Metal Man adds insult to injury by treating Red to some more Tri-attack.
Metal Man (GM): Axem Pink tries to heal Red. Succeed/Crit. Axem Red is healed a ton.
Garrick spends his turn, if he is allowed one this round, charging up his buster.
Metal Man (GM): Axem Yellow runs at Sora with his axe. He trips on his face. AOO.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora IMMEDIATELY turns to strike Yellow. *SMACK!!*
Metal Man (GM): He's hit. Axem Green hurls a huge fireball at Aribar.
Aribar attempts to roll behind Pinkie.
Metal Man (GM): This intense battle is tearing the building apart.
Aribar is exactly at no health.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar: *KO'D.*
Gibby: "NOO!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Gorvan is now called Garrick. (Editor's notice: that was rather abrupt.)
Razor moves in to Ari and stuffs another Mushroom in his mouth. "You owe me for this," he says before lifting his glove and letting off another Hyper Burst for Pink and Red.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar is now at semi-low health. Pink is hit twice. Red is hit all the time.
Aribar manages to choke it down and says, "Thanks again..."
Metal Man (GM): Pink is REALLY low health now.
Garrick: "Gibby, take out Pink! I'll take Yellow..."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick and Gibby's turns.
Gibby: "Right..." *runs towards Pink, and goes for a slash at its chest.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Garrick charges as close as he can to chunky butt Yellow and brings his buster up into his face, firing his charged blast right between his eyes.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick destroys an entire wall. *BOOOOOOOOM.*
Garrick: "God, you're fast for a fat guy!"
Metal Man (GM): The ship from above falls in on everybody.
Metal Man: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar, Gibby, and Razor avoid it, while Axem Pink and Green are hit.
Gibby: "Nice..."
Metal Man (GM): So are Sorta, Pat, and Metal.
Razor dives to the side, wings bursting out as he flaps out of the way.
Metal Man (GM): Garrick is not damaged.
Sora: "AUGH!"
Metal Man: "Ouch!"
Gibby: "Sora!"
Aribar jumps back just as Pinkie is deaderized. (Hopefully)
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora is knocked out with no health, with X's for eyes and stars around his head.
Metal Man (GM): Pinky is crushed. Completely.
Razor: "Dammit!"
Pinky: "...My Make-up's running!" *EXPLODES.*
Metal Man (GM): If anyone bothers to pick it up, Pink dropped an able juice. 4 Axems are still alive. Sora is unconscious.
Metal Man: "..." *blasts Red again.* *shrugs and throws a mushroom at Sora before attacking again.*
Metal Man (GM): Sora is now at semi-low HP again.
Nick Caligo (GM): "Thanks, Metal!"
Metal Man: "You're welcome."
Metal Man (GM): Red is hit. Yurie runs into the attack zone.
Yurie: "If it isn't the Axem Rangers... I thought you punks would be here..."
Axem Black: "I'll tear you to pieces!"
Yurie lands beside the others, her sword drawn. she looks a bit... displeased. "Shaddup." She charges Black, then DRIVES her sword towards its snout.
Metal Man (GM): Black is hit. Axem Black throws a bomb at Yurie's head. *BLAMMO.*
Nick Caligo (GM): o.o
Pat: "..."
Garrick: "..."
Pat: "NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Sora: *brings that blade of his up and shoots another FIRE shot at Axem Black!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aribar tosses his remaining two Mushrooms towards Pat and Yurie. "Use these!"
Yurie: *chomp.*
Metal Man (GM): Yur and Pat get some health back.
Pat grabs the mushroom.
Yurie catches said Mushroom with her teeth and swallows.
Pat eatses the mushroom.
Nick Caligo (GM): "Have a taste of your own medicine!"
Metal Man (GM): Axem Yellow tries to body slam Sora. ...AOO on him again.
Axem Yellow: "I tripped on my foot! ARGH!"
Nick Caligo (GM): *SLASH!!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Sora: "Take this!" *CHOP!*
Metal Man (GM): Yellow is slashed up.
Pat makes use of his super Firecuberized Smashes Gauntlets, into Green's face.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Axem Green responds by hurling a fireball at Pat. Pat only takes a little damage. Red FINALLY defrosts. Axem Red runs at Garrick, his Vigor up having worn off. hit. Hit.
Garrick goes skidding backwards from the hit, growling as he jerks forward and buries his buster in Red's gut, just like Bowser, and blasting him with a normal shot.
Metal Man (GM): Miss. Axem Black goes in to slash Razor twice. One hit.
Razor grunts and stumbles back. "That's it... you're dead." He holds out his hand, his glove glowing slightly as he fires through Black and into Green as well.
Metal Man (GM): Green is hit twice. Black is hit once.
Green: "I have a headache! AHHHHHH!!!" *EXPLODE.*
Axem Red: "...Uhhhh... regroup!"
Axem Black: "Yes Sir!"
Axem Yellow: "...Yes Sir!"
Sora: "Cowards!"
Aribar: "Watch them form Axem Rainbow or something..."
Axem Black: "Let's show them what we REALLY have!"
Axem Yellow: "...No! Let's fly away!"
Axem Red: "...I have a bold idea. Let's do BOTH!"
Metal Man (GM): The Axems run into the ship, which is surrounded by a force-field. A magnet picks up the remains of Pink and Green.
Yurie watches the gigantic axe-shaped thing pick up the remains of the soldiers, then twirls her rapier on her finger and sheathes it.
Metal Man (GM): The ship then opens up. The loudspeaker turns on.
Loudspeaker: "BREAKER BEAM!"
Gibby: "Eh?"
Pat wonders if that is painful.
Garrick: "...MOVE!"
Metal Man (GM): It then fires a large multicolored ray at the entire group.
Pat: "..." *is dead.*
Metal Man (GM): Ari takes some damage.
Gibby dies.
Garrick dies as well.
Pat tries to withstand the attack, but is banged to the ground and dies.
Yurie: "Missed me." ^^
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora's Pick-me-up saves the day. He's regenerated to full health upon blast.
Sora: "Here!" He throws Ari a Mushroom. "Pat!" and does the same for Pat.
Metal Man manages to not be ko'd.
Pat uses his remaining strength to reach for the shroom. He pulls it down to him and begins nibbling it.
Metal Man (GM): Pat gains some health back.
Aribar: "Thanks!"
Pat coughs, getting up. "Thanks, man."
Yurie frowns, then tosses a mushroom at Gibby.
Metal Man (GM): Anyone awake will see the axe ship fly into the large sword and disappear.
Gibby awakens. "Yay! I'm alive!"
Metal Man (GM): Razor avoids being lasered. Exor is smashed into Mushroom Kingdom Castle.
Garrick is still KO'ED.
Yurie glares at the giant sword, then shakes her head. She then tosses another Mush at Garrick.
Aribar blinks and looks about... He sees the Able Juice and gets it if no one else does.
Razor blinks...
Metal Man (GM): Aribar has obtained: Able Juice!
Garrick hops to his feet at semi-low HP.
Metal Man: "...Ugh."
Garrick: "...well, that sucked. Alright, what now?"
Metal Man (GM): The dexes start beeping.
Razor pulls out his dex and flips it on. "?"
Aribar: "That battle... Was just a LITTLE too tough..."
Metal Man (GM): On the Dex, is a picture of Smithy.
Smithy: "Ha ha ha! You fools!"
Aribar opens his dex as well.
Smithy: "You walked straight into my trap!"
Pat looks at Ari's Dex.
Razor: "..."
Gibby gulps.
Yurie: *flips open Dex.* "..."
Smithy: "Mario and Peach and Toad and even Yoshi were not even gone... they had been on unannounced vacation! Now, you may have defeated my Axem Rangers... but..."
Smithy: "There is something else you should worry about..."
Metal Man (GM): Those invincible tanks and helicopters are coming in, from all sides!
Smithy: "Now then. Surrender, or die!"
Aribar: "... ..."
Sora: "... Oh crap..."
Yurie: " about we run!"
Razor blinks a few times. "Now... who votes we run?"
Smithy: "I doubt you can survive those tanks!"
Aribar: "You and Sora may be able to escape..."
Metal Man (GM): BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. The building behind the Questers explodes. It doesn't pose a threat. But it completely explodes.
Yurie: ! o.o. "...eep."
Sora: "... I for one think we should, ah, make a hasty retreat!!"
Smithy: "One move, and the land you're on will cease to exist!"
Yurie: "Yes... run very fast. ..."
Pat: "I am inclined to agree."
Razor looks from side to side. "Err..."
Garrick: "...we need a warp outta"
Metal Man: "...Great idea!" *flips open his Dex.* "Mewtwo, we need a warp now!"
Mewtwo: "...It'll take at least a minute..."
Metal Man: "...Just do it now!"
Pat uses Ultravision to see tanks.
Mewtwo: "...It'll warp you somewhere random!"
Razor: "DON'T CARE!"
Mewtwo: "Alright..."
Garrick: "Anywhere is better than here! Warp us!"
Metal Man (GM): ~WARRRRRP~
Pat: "If they're invisible."
Metal Man (GM): Everyone is warped into a dead forest. ...Up ahead, is a weird castle.
Sora: "...!? Where are we?"
Pat: "We seem to be in a Dead Forest. I see a weird castle up ahead."
Mewtwo: "...You're... transmission... breaking... *BZZZT*"
Aribar blinks and looks about them.
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo's image dissappears. It's also night time here.
Razor taps his dex a few times. "Grr..."
Garrick: "...Great... just great..."
Yurie: "...Great... we must be in some kind of dead zone..."
Sora: "...Great... in the middle of nowhere in front of a strange castle... AGAIN..."
Metal Man (GM): It starts raining.
Metal Man: "...It's always nice to know that nature hates us too. So, should we chance it on the castle?"
Razor shrugs and starts to move towards the castle. "Well... I suppose we should go this way..."
Sora: "Do we have a real choice?"
Metal Man: "Okay."
Garrick: "No, we don't. Come on..."
Metal Man heads towards the castle.
Garrick starts walking..
Sora: *Starts walking towards le castle.*
Pat flies above to look at the scenery.
Metal Man (GM): The castle is made of ancient materials.
Yurie ughs, then follows, pulling her jacket over her hair >.<
Aribar takes up the rear and follows the others. He makes sure to look behind them often.
Metal Man (GM): Pat sees desolation everywhere. And... it's cold and windy. There's a stone bridge across a chasm to the castle.
Pat flies down. "I see desolation... everywhere. It's cold and windy."
Metal Man (GM): It looks pretty well messed up.
Sora: "Thank you for overstating the obvious."
Metal Man (GM): The castle is about five stories tall.
Yurie: "And rainy too." -.-
Metal Man (GM): It's medieval, and full of windows... but they have glass. It's completely dark.
Razor looks back to Sora. "Let's scout this place out..." His wings emerge from his cloak and he takes to the air, flying towards the castle.
Metal Man (GM): Some clouds circle around the tallest tower.
Aribar: "Who wants to bet Dracula lives here?"
Yurie: "...guys... doesn't this seem a bit to much like the cliche horror movie?"
Pat: "Well, that case, we should be able to anticipate exactly what happens."
Sora: "Whatever! Let's get inside, THEN worry about what's going to jump out at us!"
Metal Man (GM): *SMACK.* Razor flies into an invisible wall.
Yurie nods, rushing across the stone bridge to the keep's doors.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie get to the door. It's unlocked. A huge, red door.
Yurie: "...a big red door."
Razor falls a short ways before catching himself. "Ugh... ow my nose..."
Yurie grunts, then PUSHES on the door, trying to open it up.
Metal Man (GM): The area the Questers were standing in is now flooded. The door creaks open.
Garrick follows Yurie, pushing on the door as well and moving inside.
Sora helps Yur push.
Metal Man (GM): Inside, is... it's fully lit!
Aribar follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): The windows are black. The floor is checkerboard marble. It's a wide, open space.
Yurie: "...alright... then..."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers hear... machinery...
Pat flies across the bridge and follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): The castle has hallways that go left, right, or forward.
Yurie walks further inside, her rapier drawn...
Razor drops down and moves to follow the others, rubbing his nose.
Metal Man (GM): The noise is behind the door straight ahead.
Yurie: "...guys..let's stick together."
Metal Man: "Yeah."
Aribar keeps his sword out. "I think we should have waited for Mewtwo..."
Sora: follows Yur, Keyblade drawn.
Metal Man (GM): The door is unlocked, up ahead.
Pat clenches fists and follows.
Metal Man (GM): ...The Questers see a mirror image of themselves.
Yurie: "...okay, we either go through one of the two doors on the side of the room, or through the door to cheeck the funny noises."
Metal Man (GM): Walking straight towards them.
Yurie: "...shiny frikken floor..."
Razor just follows the others silently.
Yurie: "...shiny walls too..."
Metal Man (GM): ...And the others also appear in the reflection.
Metal Man: "...What is this?"
Yurie frowns, looking at the reflection... then keeps walking.
Pat: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie hits the door. You sees herself in the door.
Yurie: "..." *Frowns, then opens the door.*
Metal Man (GM): Yurie ducks under as a red punching glove almost hits her. Inside this room is a large factory.
Yurie: "...someone has a sense of humor..."
Metal Man (GM): An empty one.
Yurie opens the door fully, then peers inside...
Metal Man (GM): ...And it's not creating anything, only moving.
Razor steps in, looking about. "...weird..."
Metal Man (GM): There's a large control panel.
Sora: "... Where ARE we?"
Yurie: "Shhh..."
Metal Man: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The panel has three buttons. 'Idle' 'Online' 'Offline' It's in 'Idle' mode.
Yurie makes a motion to be quiet, then slides into the room and looks around, then walks over to the panel. "..."
Pat walks in and whispers. "I think we oughta put it offline."
Yurie: "No... if there's someone else here, then they'll notice."
Razor: "Right... we should try and find out what it does though..."
Metal Man (GM): It's silent, aside from the machinery.
Yurie looks at the machinery, trying to figure out its purpose.
Metal Man (GM): It's like that machinery you see in a car factory. Except it is the 'Yardiovich-tron 500.'
Sora: "This place gives me the creeps..."
Razor: o.o
Pat: "Yardiovich... sounds farmiliar. "
Razor: "...we should... disable this thing..."
Yurie: " guys? I think we're in one of Smithy's factories."
Yurie presses the Idle button.
Pat: "Then once again, I recommend shutting it down."
Metal Man (GM): It's already idle. The button beeps. Nothing changes.
Yurie then presses Offline.
Aribar: "We should destroy this place at once."
Yurie: "Right..."
Metal Man (GM): The lights turn red for a few minutes. The conveyor belt shuts down.
Pat: "How do we go about destroying this place?"
Yurie: "Someone bar the door... everyone else... let's begin demolition."
Razor holds out his gloved hand. "We should make sure it can't be turned on again..."
Pat runs back to the door and shuts it.
Metal Man (GM): The door shuts.
Yurie: "..." <.< "Good... now, lets start breakin... wait..." *Hmmms.*
Aribar: "Maybe one of us should stand guard at this door?"
Metal Man: "Hmmmm."
Yurie: "Yeah." we can use this to our advantage... lets try stealing some of these components."
Pat stands himself in front of the door. "I'll do it."
Sora: "Nahh..." *The boy scratches the back of his neck.* "We should just wreck it. Besides, how would any of us know what to take?"
Razor nods quickly. "Yeah... should be able to get a nice price for some of this stuff... and HQ needs the revenue..."
Metal Man (GM): It's mostly a bunch of junk.
Aribar: "Too bad none of us use spears." *He says while attempting to get down to the floor and the the production lines.*
Yurie: "Everyone fan out... Take anything that looks interesting or intriguing, and smash the rest."
Metal Man (GM): In fact... someone musta stole all the good parts, from the way it looks.
Razor grunts and searches anyway.
Yurie searches as well.
Metal Man (GM): Razor find a large book. Labeled 'Production of Robots.'
Aribar looks about.
Sora flies up towards the ceiling and grins, peppering the machinery with fireballs.
Metal Man (GM): Yur finds the main computer. Sora blows up the junk machinery.
Razor takes said book.
Yurie: "...B-E-A-Utifullll! Hey guys! I found a computer!"
Razor: "This could be good..." *He walks over to Yurie.* "That should be useful too..."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar also finds the computer. And some disks.
Aribar looks at the disks.
Yurie: "Any of you guys skilled with these things?"
Metal Man: "Well... it looks easy enough."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar sees that they are the schematics for various robots.
Razor shakes his head and opens up the book, looking through the pages.
Yurie: "Aribar, start up this computer and see what you can find... I'll keep searching."
Metal Man (GM): Razor looks through, seeing pictures of Phantom, Yardiovich... and some weird ones. Yurie find a handy-dandy self-destruct switch.
Yurie: "..."
Aribar goes to Yurie while remembering where that stuff was. He attempts to start the computer.
Yurie: "Ahem... gentlemen? May I have your attention? Please do not press this button yet." -.-
Metal Man (GM): The computer boots up. It requests a disk.
Aribar just walks away... He knows it is probably used for making robots...
Yurie: "Doing so will trigger the self destruct mechanism of this castle, and will probably bring forth large robot snifits with big heavy objects to come kill us."
Aribar just walks away towards the disks and brings a pile back. He attempts to see if he can bring up the schematics and nothing else.
Metal Man (GM): Schematics pop up. ...It's Phantom... II????
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Yurie resumes searching.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie cleaned the place out.
Razor flips through the book, looking for something on the Phantom II.
Aribar takes the disk out for Phantom II. "Destroy this Phantom II disk?"
Yurie: "...Ok... everyone, grab the disks and the book Raz has... and lets keep looking. No... keep it... we..."
Aribar looks through more schematics.
Yurie: "We'll analyze it further when we get back tot he Stadium."
Razor nods and looks up. "Maybe if we get higher up we can get in contact with Mewtwo again."
Yurie: "True... everyone gather stuff up."
Sora: *is still blasting equipment with Fire.
Pat continues to watch the door. He decides to move to the side of it, rather than in front of it, so he doesn't get hit if it opens.
Yurie: "...Sora! Enough with the fireball barrage!"
Razor moves slowly over to the door and yanks it open.
Sora: "Huh?" *BOOM!!*
Pat: "Eh?"
Yurie: "I think we've demolished most of it!"
Mewtwo: "...I got... *BZZZT* the warp again..."
Yurie then heads over to the disk pile and picks up as many as possible... "?"
Mewtwo: "We ccan... check that place out again... later... I'll bring all of the stuff in."
Yurie flicks open her Dex. "...Right... can you open the Pipe right here?"
Razor nods quickly as he opens his Dex up.
Mewtwo: "Pipes? Nah. Warp."
Metal Man (GM): ~WARP~
Pat: "Whee!"
Metal Man (GM): Everyone, and all of the materials, appear in the warp room. Even the ruins of the machines.
Yurie lands in a crouch, then dusts off her skirt and looks around.
Pat: "Ok. Metal, can you draw up... Nevermind."
Sora: *halts his keyblade in mid swing, having nearly blasted the Big Rom's screen.* "Woah! ... You could warn me before you do that."