Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 68: Wands n' Wizards



Date: July 21st, 22nd, & 23rd, 2004.
Yurie: Aribar gains a bit of favor from the crowd.
Locos Docos becomes more loose all around such as arms dangling, hammer unsheathed, tongue out, a bit hunched over. He comes over to Arc at mid-speed, using a horizontal swing with his hammer.
Aribar is just barely hit.
Yurie (GM): *HIT!*
Aribar: "Hah! I didn't even feel a thing!"
Locos Docos: "BBRRING it ooonnn, Jenotavia Wizard!"
Aribar: "It's over!" *Fireball Barrage flies towards Locos.*
Locos Docos has been seriously seared by the cheap fireball attack. He has his eyes looking all which way, and comes in for a big ol' Warlock Punch to the Jenatavian's face.
Aribar easily dodges the attack before casting Thordain on Locos.
Locos Docos becomes shocked to the fact that he has now no health. He falls to onto his legs, then lays face down on the ground.
Aribar: "Finally." *then leaves the arena glad that he has extracted his revenge on Locos.*
Locos Docos: "..." .oO(He was ...just... a monkey...)
Metal Man (GM): Locos loses the fight... he is healed, then some time passes. Later...
Locos Docos goes for the bank. "Need a loan of 3,000."
Wario: "Alright. You want a loan? I charge 50% interest! After all, we don't... GIVE AWAY... money..."
Locos Docos: "!?"
Wario: "Precious... coins..."
Locos Docos: "Is it worth that much for an Advanced Smashdex!?"
Wario: "No, those things are pure junk."
Locos Docos: "Lemme guess... Save the coins!?"
Wario: "Just walk out, and the money and I can continue existing peacefully."
Locos Docos: "I know it's not much..."
Wario: "...Yeah! Put some in our A.1. savings account! Just gimme all your money, and we can go about your savings account..."
Locos Docos brings the 80 coins onto the counter, making the SMB sound of collecting coins when it is put on it. "Sadly, I only have 80 for now."
Wario: "...Moneymoneymoney!"
Metal Man (GM): He takes it.
Wario: "Uhhh... thank you for your sound investment."
Locos Docos: "Guard it with your life!"
Wario: "Yes... I will!"
Locos Docos gives a thumbs up and leaves.
Wario: .oO(Woohoo, free money. Now should I buy the golden statue of myself or the swimming pool first?)
Locos Docos goes to the nearest holoroom.
Metal Man (GM): Wario then walks into Aribar's room. Locos reaches the holo room.
Locos Docos: "I'll need to do the normal procedure..."
Metal Man (GM): Wario walks out of Ari's room, still looking for Aribar.
Locos Docos disables the security measure. He does the procedure as last time.
Metal Man (GM): Kajidoh appears.
Aribar is in a quiet place reading his spellbook.
Locos Docos kneels down.
Kajidoh: "Khatdo Kou Kerquirekhisime?" (What do you require this time?)
Locos Docos: "Lord Kajidoh, we have a problem. I gave the King of Evil the ultimatum like you said..."
Kajidoh: "Keis ka kool. Keight kot kaceptit" (He is a fool... he might not accept it)
Locos Docos: "However, during my encounter, he struck me with the Four Sword! He also went on to go and say that he would become stronger than you... He compared you to the strength of an Iron Knuckle."
Kajidoh: "Keis Kiluted" ("He is deluded.")
Locos Docos: "All four of them stabbed me at once... going on to say that he would sooner join the Questers than our cause." *looks up.* "I tried my best, master."
Kajidoh: "Kmmmm... Ki Kestroy Kim." ("Hmmmm... I will destroy him.")
Locos Docos: "May I suggest an alternate plan of action, milord?"
Kajidoh: "Kat Kouldat Ke?" (What could that be?)
Locos Docos: "He supposedly has the Triforce of Power... and if I can remember... The Master Sword cannot be used by evil. Suppose we put him under mind control?"
Kajidoh: "...Kaybe..." (Maybe...)
Locos Docos: "I suggest... that we mind control the Hero of Time so he can seal up Ganondorf again. That way, we have less resistance."
Kajidoh: "...Ko. Kou koat." ("Okay. You do that.")
Locos Docos: "I will need supplies to do that on my own... I will carry out with the third step and I will need a 'cube.'"
Kajidoh: "Ki Khallend Kinstruct." ("I shall send instructions soon. I must leave now.")
Locos Docos: "Sendeth me a good one with your best wishes. Good day."
Kajidoh: "Kransmissionout." (Transmission out)
Editor's Note: I will never understand for the life of me why the whole special fake language and strange names were needed. Was it really that important to keep who or what Kajidoh was secret?
Metal Man (GM): It turns off.
Locos Docos: "Good..." *twiddles his fingers.* "I'll be able to use the machine right on Ganondorf instead of controlling Link... I'll be able to exact my revenge AND get a cube!" *smiles.* "Oops... Better turn it on before anyone becomes suspicious." *turns on the security again and turns off the connections.* *leaves the holoroom.* *whistles happily by.* "Anyway, I need to continue my... research." *Arrives at the visual archives of the stadium.*
Metal Man appears. "What history can I recall for you?"
Locos Docos: "Hahahah! Ari..ari! Come here!"
Metal Man Hologram: "Hahahah. History search... Result: The laugh of Robotnik."
Metal Man (GM): It plays back Robotnik laughing.
Aribar heads towards Locos...
Locos Docos: "Hahaha!"
Aribar: "Yes?"
Locos Docos: "Hang on." *brings up Chapter 55.* "I love this beginning part!"
Metal Man Hologram: "...Seeking chapter."
Locos Docos: "Here comes my favorite part..."
Metal Man Hologram: "...Chapter 55. Power Possessed Changes."
Aribar blinks...
Locos Docos: "Okay... you're all like 'Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"
Metal Man Hologram: "...Never Mess with a Jentainian Wizard!"
Aribar: "... Stop!"
Metal Man: "Stopped."
Locos Docos: "Then the armadillo goes up to you and you're like *SQUAT*!... HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" *rewinds it to the beginning again.* "Dangit..."
Aribar: "... Hey! The same thing happened to you in the arena the other day! Hahahahahah!"
Locos Docos: "..." *hhaaahh.* "..." *points.* "You... you have a point.
Aribar: "Hah! Beaten at yer own game!"
Locos Docos: "But I like the part where the armadillo's all mad and you like let out that warcry... Oh my lord, that was freakin' hilarious!"
Metal Man Hologram looks at Locos like he's crazy. "Any... SANE... requests?"
Locos Docos: "WEllhelelehheelll... Actually I was here a couple times looking closely to the archives..."
Aribar: "...Replay my latest match against Locos... Right before I roasted him with a Fireball."
Metal Man Hologram: "...Accessing record. BBRRING it ooonnn, Jenotavia Wizard!"
Locos Docos: "..."
Metal Man (GM): *Fireball hits Locos and burns him to a crisp.*
Aribar: "Hah."
Locos Docos: "You can never let me have any fun without a comeback... Anyway, I was looking through here... And I noticed something about the old necklaces that Ganondorf and King Koopa had... While I was scouting, I was able to infiltrate Exor..."
Metal Man Hologram: "Max Ups."
Aribar: "What?! What scouting?"
Locos Docos: "...while I was away. I didn't want to come empty-handed. Anyway..."
Metal Man Hologram: "...You... have... a Max Up?"
Locos Docos: "No! I'm just saying that I've noticed something about the necklaces and Smithy... I was able to see Smithy give off a huge speech in his factory and I was hiding... I noticed that he had cube slots... The same kind we use in our armor and weapons."
Metal Man: "...This does not... bode well..."
Aribar: "How were you able to infiltrate Exor?" *He begins to look worried.*
Locos Docos: "That's not all... in a moment arc..anyway, I saw this..." *brings up faint statistics.*
Deloth walks in the room to where Locos is.
Locos Docos: "These are very prototypical schematics of a cube that are similar to those necklaces. My hunch is that this time..." *brings up arrows that go both ways to all the kinds of known cubes and the black/white cube.* "We may be seeing a repeat of the past... Smithy might be trying to harness the power of all the cubes into a single one. Or some kind of new one... I almost got caught if I tried to get anymore info."
Aribar: "Now the part where you tell us how you INFILTRATED THE SWORD?"
Deloth: "Uh-oh."
Locos Docos: "I got into it while it was sleeping."
Metal Man Hologram: "...All records show no card-wearing Quester has ever been inside Exor. Princess Peach, Mario, and a few others, including the fallen Questers, have been in there."
Aribar: "Are you lying to us?"
Locos Docos: "This was... before... I was attacked by debris by that wall."
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man walks in the room, imitating his hologram perfectly.
Locos Docos: "When I took the vacation to my realm, I took off the card that says where a person has been."
Metal Man: "I was made by Smithy, and I didn't even see much inside there... then again, my software got erased."
Aribar: "Hi Metal... Locos, I think you better tell us what you did on yer vacation... All of it."
Locos Docos: "I still didn't wear the card when I went inside of him. All I remember is living my life everyday; buy a scone, go to school, come home, do dishes, go to sleep during a very rainy and partially thunderstormy night."
Aribar: "..." *Tries to determine if Locos is telling the truth.*
Locos Docos: "One day, dexy went off about a crisis, came back, wanted to be 'trained commando' for a day when I came back to see if I could impress you guys... Saw the thing fall, I made a house call, came back to y'all."
Aribar: "... You sure love to give details, huh?" *... Aribar says that with lots of sarcasm...*
Locos Docos: "I came back via a warp tile! ANYTHING ELSE YOUR MAJESTY!!! HHHMMMM!?!" *face glows red.*
Aribar: "Why are you so angry?"
Locos Docos: "Because you want to butt in on my PERSONAL LIFE!!!"
Metal Man: "...I told all I was one of Smithy's creations... do you see me getting mad?"
Aribar: "So going into the enemy's stronghold without telling us and getting top secret information is your personal life? I'd hate to see what you do for work..."
Locos Docos: "This is my work. Helping us. I just wanted to do this alone so no one would say I'm too insane to do it. Without telling you guys as well was also part of my reasoning."
Aribar: "What if you were spotted? I'm almost positive you were! I mean... Come on! I don't think Smithy would have his main base just completely unguarded so that any crazy guy could just waltz right in a steal valuable info!"
Locos Docos: "I specifically said 'trained commando'... Not 'insane Quester wanting to impress his friends before coming back from long vacation to get a danish.' ...It's another personality I have." *shrugs.*
Aribar: "... Since when were you a trained commando?"
Locos Docos: "Like I said, I have another personality that comes out only once a very certain opportunity."
Metal Man: "Humans are so strange..."
Locos Docos: "Aribar would argue I'm not human... that I'm Locos."
Aribar: "I'm glad I'm only half-human... You're not human... You're crazy."
Locos Docos: "Technically I'm half as well, but that's besides the point. Now I'd love to talk about this recurring dream with a ferry and an orange koopa and a coca-cola, but I need to keep it back until I confirm if it means anything."
Metal Man chuckles darkly.
Locos Docos: "Now what's on today's agenda?" ^_^? *prefers "Standing by" to "Ready. Hey! I do other stuff than just going out and 'gallomphing for Roys'!" . ...or yelling out "here comes a Roy right out of Grant's Ear!" ...* *replays Chapter 55 again.* "Hahahahahaaa! I love the beginning of this!"
Metal Man: "Never Mess with a Jentainian Wizard! ...Hmmmm... I wonder why my loud raucous yell of DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeee never caught on."
Aribar replays the fireball in Locos's match.
Locos Docos: "And here comes the close-up of the armadillo."
Aribar: "Hahahahahahaha! I love burning you to a crisp!"
Metal Man: "You two never learn... And I'm a machine!"
Locos Docos: "We love laughing at each other."
Aribar: "Bah. He is inferior to me..."
Metal Man sounds suspicious.
Aribar then walks off...
Metal Man: "Yeah... me... the machine..." *looks around.* "Now then Locos, you were in there, right?"
Locos Docos: "In where, Grant's Ear?"
Metal Man: "I have some... personal issues... with Smithy... Why Exor of course."
Locos Docos: "I now have some with Ganondorf... what's your point? Why yes I was."
Metal Man: "Well, you know, rather than have the Questers stomp in, I'll go and assassinate him myself shortly before they go to his place."
Locos Docos: "He has tighter security than here."
Metal Man: "I should know. I only was made by him."
Locos Docos: "And even tighter security than last time he was here. If you go after him, we don't mind."
Metal Man turns to reveal the other side of his wrist. It shows 'SMITHY' engraved in it. Rather crudely, at that.
Locos Docos: "However, we would mind if you did not... level..up..sufficiently!?"
Metal Man: "Not now. In order to preempt the others."
Locos Docos: "...What is that doing there?"
Metal Man: "I was made by Smithy."
Locos Docos: "You said that, but why was that encarved on yee."
Metal Man: "The fighter remote is the only reason I'm not ripping you and the others to shreds... Well, to identify me, of course."
Locos Docos: "And identified you are."
Metal Man: "All of the machine mades have it."
Locos Docos: "As one of a different. ..." *yawn.*
Deloth walks to his room and starts tinkering around with the broken Reploid's pieces.
Locos Docos: "Say, how is it that we're immune to the Slytock?"
Metal Man: "Well... you stumbled on another fact without knowing it. I was hit by Slytock. Guess why."
Locos Docos: "It was a computer virus as well!"
Metal Man: "Nope."
Locos Docos: You were infected with it at the start!
Metal Man: "Nope. One more guess before I show you."
Locos Docos: "It got to you as well because you were programmed to accept humanoid viruses?"
Metal Man: "What about this?" *calmly unscrews his right glove, revealing none other than a human hand--though obviously not huge, whatever it is that he is wearing supplies the largeness.*
Metal Man (GM): Unbenownst to Locos, however, the slightest flaw in the skin would suggest... it was not made of actual flesh.
Locos Docos: "...part... human..."
Metal Man: "All human. Wearing a suit, of course, to enhance myself to Quester levels. Smithy recruited me to bust Questers, but I'm not the kind of build to do that. So, of course, why not stick mind control and power in one suit?" *sticks the glove back on.*
Locos Docos: "I-a see..."
Deloth: *whips up a laser gun from the spare parts.*
Locos Docos: "Well, that's okay..."
Metal Man: "Well, I just want to warn yeh. I wouldn't be surprised if he caught you and decided to use you to replace me."
Locos Docos: "...Nah!"
Metal Man: "And my suit isn't any old one. In fact, it's been dormant for thousands of years... Smithy just assembled the parts and covered them in steel."
Locos Docos waves his hand.
Metal Man: "I dunno what activates it. Smithy didn't either... at least, I hope he didn't."
Locos Docos: "Don't worrry! Now ... Let's find that hidden tomb beneath the catacombs of the underground passages of the stadium!"
Metal Man: "...Hmmm... Klumsy's tomb has to be in the desert... whose tomb would that be?"
Locos Docos: "? I am making very very wild assumption."
Deloth puts his homemade laser pistol in his pack and heads to the conversation between LD and Metal.
Locos Docos: "Hey, who's that over there?" *points to Deloth.*
Deloth: "Oh, sorry." *leaves the room.*
Metal Man: "...Spying on us..."
Locos Docos: "Hmm..."
Deloth hears this remark and rolls his eyes.
Locos Docos: "Hmmm..." *attempts to research the foundation of this building.*
Metal Man (GM): Well, there's a stairway that leads to one deep chamber. Unfortunately, the door has a big lock on it.
Locos Docos: "Hmm... seems there is something hidden within the stadium after all... No records on what's beyond the door though."
Deloth: *dun dun dun.*
Locos Docos: "I was sure that there was a secret at the bottom floor of this building that led to it. Beggars are never choosers so we'll investigate another day..." *reads over chapter 55 again.* "HAHAA!"
Hologram: "Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!"
Locos Docos keeps on rewinding to the part where he yells it and the mech smashes him. "Whoooo!"
Metal Man shakes his head...
Aribar walks back into the room... And kicks Locos's shins.
Locos Docos: "!!" *plays it one more time to taunt him.*
Aribar plays their last match.
Yurie (GM): Locos would feel a tiny PINCH at the base of his skull before he's slowly lifted up out of the chair. Mewtwo appears, floating in mid air, then turns Locos around to face him.
Metal Man: "...Oops... Mewtwo. I have a... flower garden to maintain..."
Locos Docos tweaks around looking at the large boss.
Metal Man slinks away.
Mewtwo: "Please do stop that. You'll burn out the rewind function."
Locos Docos: "..." :( "..."
Metal Man (GM): .oO(Yeah... and it took me a long time to keep it from exploding when you press rewind...)
Locos Docos: "Okay :D!"
Aribar blinks and thinks of something... He looks at the hologram... "Locate here!"
Mewtwo: "And if you continue to do this, I'll see to it you spend the remainder of your life with the firm belief you're a six year old girl named Jenny."
Metal Man Hologram: "Oh no, it's Aribar. Oh noes! Locate your own head for yourself!"
Aribar: "... Damn these smart machines!"
Metal Man Hologram: "Well, I AM Metal's stored personality, I can't help but be smarter than you."
Aribar: "Divide Locos by 0!"
Metal Man Hologram: "That's infinity, fair sir."
Yurie (GM): Mewtwo then promptly sets Locos down and vanishes with a soft *vippa!*
Aribar: "... What about Me divided by 0?"
Metal Man Hologram: "That's 1. Multiplied by Infinity!"
Aribar: "... ... Don't make me get out Windows 3.1 disks..."
Metal Man Hologram: "I so love hearing myself talk..."
Locos Docos: "Hologram... Can you bring out today's plans of death and destruction?"
Metal Man Hologram: *pulls out a scroll.* "...If enough people come in, we might do something."
Locos Docos: "There's me... you... Ari, Yurie..."
Metal Man Hologram: "Now then, do you want me to tell you to 'NEVER MESS WITH A JENTANIAN WIZARD!!!!' again?"
Locos Docos: "Deloth... much as I like to hear Ari scream that again and get squashed again... Even *I* get tired of it."
Aribar: "... Replay the scene where I was Tranced and almost cut Gannon's arm off in Aribar's Oddysee... But replace Gannon with Locos..."
Metal Man Hologram: "Alright!"
Metal Man (GM): It projects Locos's arm being cut off.
Locos Docos: "!! I'll teach you..."
Metal Man Hologram: "Nothing like some wholesome destruction... oh, yeah. No one knows... nevermind. What else must I do for you noble sirs?"
Locos Docos: "Replay the battle with the Four Ganondorf but replace me being stabbed with Aribar." :D
Metal Man Hologram: "What you say?" *Picture of Aribar being stabbed.* "Ah yes... evil..."
Locos Docos: "Now... show Aribar flipping pancakes at Repli-Mewtwo."
Metal Man Hologram: "Let it be written."
Aribar: "..."
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo being hit with pancakes pops up.
Aribar: "Control-Alt-Delete!"
Metal Man Hologram: "Ohohohoho, I'm not a window!"
Locos Docos: "Actually, I refer to when Mav HQ and SSQ were merged and both had to defeat Repli-Mewtwo."
Aribar: "Alt, Eef Four!"
Locos Docos: "The one with the barrier that reflected pancakes, blasters, and even Wolfman's Wolf Crush Attack."
Metal Man Hologram: "Repli-Mewtwo... goodie... Why do you never look up Skyhigh? He's like a walking cartoon!"
Metal Man (GM): *Pictures of Skyhigh jumping in lava, being thrown through ceilings, and running from people pops up.*
Metal Man Hologram: "...I'm surprised I haven't been given a real body... you know, since I know everything. Anyways. Anything else?"
Locos Docos: "You do not know what's beyond the big door at the bottom of the building."
Aribar: "What is my name?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Of course I know! It's just... a little bit off-limits. Aribar, from Truland!"
Locos Docos: "No no! Aribar Hunter, the Jentanian Wizard, from Truland!"
Metal Man Hologram: "Those are the useless extra things. Data must be cut down to avoid confusion."
Deloth sulks back to his room to salvage more stuff from the Reploid another Questie threw at him.
Metal Man Hologram: "Heh... heh..."
Locos Docos: "Where's the key to the big room?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Right here."
Deloth walks into his room.
Locos Docos: "Where?"
Aribar: "... What is your password to alter the data of past missions?"
Deloth: "A spy..."
Metal Man Hologram: "Everywhere."
Deloth: "Sheesh."
Aribar: "... Everywhere!"
Locos Docos: "Where is the exact location of the Big Key to the Big Room at the bottom of this building that's surrounded in darkness and lit by red candles?"
Metal Man Hologram: "It's in the third land of R."
Locos Docos: "R?"
Metal Man Hologram: "Two more to go!"
Locos Docos: "Rhode Island?"
Aribar: "Two more questions to go?"
Metal Man Hologram: "One more!"
Aribar: "Will you say goodbye to me now?"
Deloth: *feels like shouting 'What is the meaning of life?'*
Metal Man Hologram: "I need another R."
Locos Docos: "Alrighty. May we have the key?"
Aribar: "...Randy?"
Locos Docos is ready on standby.
Metal Man Hologram: "Meh. Here you go."
Metal Man (GM): Holo-Metal presses a button, and a huge award lands on Locos's head.
Locos Docos falls flat. He rubs his bump while whining about his head. "What hit me...?"
Aribar looks at the award.
Metal Man (GM): It says 'World's most gullable' And has a picture of Skyhigh with a brick in his head.
Locos Docos: "What's this malarky!?"
Metal Man Hologram: "...Behind you!"
Metal Man (GM): The hologram disappears.
Locos Docos: "...I... hhaaattee... that head."
Metal Man (GM): A while later, the group decides to go on a holographic mission made by Aribar.
Aribar (GM): As the last person steps into the holoroom the door locks behind him/her and Training_Area.exe is activated... The area soon takes on a desert look with sand beneath their feet and the searing sun above their heads. The holoroom door has turned into a wooden gate behind the Questers... Large wooden walls are on both sides of them giving this huge area a shape like an oval... On the road in front of them is a human who kinda looks like a warrior because of his armor, and his shield and sword in hand. He doesn't look hostile...
Metal Man walks towards this human, sword in its rather extravagant hilt. "Hello. I am Metal Man, protector of the seventh gate." His sword-hand flexes a little, a smug look on his face. The sun glints off of his shiny forehead, and he quickly looks to the right and the left to be sure that there are no others.
???: "Welcome to the Elemental Isle's training course! In order pass through into the wastelands beyond you must complete this challenging battle course!"
Metal Man: "A training course? Sounds fun. My skills always can use some sharpening."
???: "Just follow THIS PATH!" *... Points to the one he's standing on.* "To the end of the course and get fabulous fake prizes!"
Metal Man: "...Fake... prizes? Oh well."
??: "We are not responsible for death or dismemberment. Please consult your doctor before attempting this battle course."
Aribar (GM): The warrior then 'phases out' and the road ahead the Questers is open.
Metal Man: "Well then, time to see what's on this road..." *walks down the road. He pauses for a second, and draws his sword. He looks forwards, to the sides, and even above him, waiting for the inevitable enemy encounter. He continues ahead in this manner. Then hestops a second, realizing there were supposed to be some people coming with him... he calls out behind him.* "Anyone there?"
Locos Docos would speak if he wasn't under oath by Yurie. "Please... hush" is what she told him. He was actually ahead of Metal about five minutes. He's covered by someone standing and Metal is currently standing on him.
Metal Man: "Hmmmmm. Hello, anyone there?"
Locos Docos: "Mmmmm mmmmmm..."
Metal Man: "...Huh?" *He steps back a little.*
Locos Docos: "Mmim mmwwnnn memeerre."
Metal Man: "Who said that? In... here?"
Aribar (GM): Metal thinks he sees a hammer in the sand... And a hand gripping it...
Metal Man looks at the hammer. "...!!!" He goes to dig it and the hand out.
Locos Docos: "Mmmii mmill mmmiill mmuu..."
Aribar (GM): Why, it is Locos!
Metal Man: "Hello Locos. I did not expect you to be buried under my feet. Shall you follow me on the path to fake prizes?"
Locos Docos comes out with sand all over him, and the classic coming out of his ears. He spits it out as well.
Aribar (GM): Locos is unburied... Just as three charming fellows with Mirror Shields and shortswords walk over towards him and Metal...
Metal Man: "Halt! Who goes there!"
Locos Docos: "I was relaxing down there, thank you!"
Metal Man points his sword at the middle one.
Aribar (GM): ... Three clones...
Bandit 1: "Haha! We are traveling bandits!"
Locos Docos: "Haha! I do not care."
Bandit 2: "... Hoho!... What? You don't care?"
Metal Man: "Does that mean we should rob you?"
Locos Docos: "That..." *unsheathes his hammer again.* "...I *do* care about."
Bandit 3: "Quite the opposite! We need YOUR money for better lines!"
Metal Man: "But my lines are written by Shakespeare? Anyways, would a rose smell any better by a different name?"
Aribar (GM): They ready to attack!
Locos Docos: "It is now... hammer time!"
Metal Man: "Or is it?"
Locos Docos smacks Metal on the head real hard. "Yes it is, now shut up."
Yurie seems to... just appear in a small, dramatic-looking dust-devil.
Metal Man: "Meh."
Yurie: "You guys can't stay out of trouble without me, can you?" *rushes Bandit #1 and Power Strikes him.*
Bandit 1: "HahaAAAAA!" *Hit.*
Garrick just sorta walks on up from behind the others "Oh, hey everyone... look, bad guys. Good, I really need this right now..."
Aribar (GM): Bandit 1 almost looks down for the count...
Garrick draws out the newly enhanced X-Buster, training on the guy Yur just ker-blasted and firing off a shot.
Aribar (GM): The bandit is just bare;y hit.
Bandit 1: "GAK!"
Aribar (GM): And... Dies... "I shall avenge my fallen brother!" Cries the second one as it tried to stab Garrick with it's shortsword. Bandit number three tries to do the same thing to Yurie. And misses...
Yurie gracefully parries the swing.
Locos Docos: "Hah! You missed me as well!" *does somewhat of circling around and around and around, tell he gets dizzy and attempts to kinda smack the second bandit horizontally with his hammer.*
Aribar (GM): It easily dodges.
Metal Man: "This shall be easy. Watch and learn."
Yurie: " time Locos, don't run around it until you're dizzy." -.-
Locos Docos: "Moo!"
Metal Man spins his sword, then charges at Bandit two, ready to impale him. "SHIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" He bounces off the bandit's shield. "Darn! I'll have my revenge next time!"
Aribar (GM): The bandit pulls up his Mirror Shield JUST in time.
Metal Man: "And now, for the real thing!" He charges at Bandit 2 again, ready to teach him the power of Keyah-Shah.
Locos Docos feels neglected and a tear runs down his left cheek.
Aribar (GM): And another block!
Yurie easily slides around Bandit two, flanking him and letting fly with a Power Strike.
Aribar (GM): POW! He also almost looks like he's down for the count. Bandit three decides to attempt to jab the new fighter, Garrick... Attack of Opportunity!
Locos Docos: "..."
Garrick ducks low under the jab and brings his buster up, sending a POINT BLANK ATTACK at the bandit.
Aribar (GM): Both of them don't look like they can take another hit... Bandit two attacks Locos... Miss...
Garrick turns and blasts Bandit 2 with his still special Flashbolt attack.
Aribar (GM): I'd say he's a goner...
Locos Docos attacks with his hammer not giving a care on what he's using to do it with. He may soon regret his carelessness.
Aribar (GM): ... ... ... Locos kills the sand.
Metal Man: "...Now that's how you do it! Just like me! What say we join forces?"
Locos Docos: "I haven't a long range cube attack, but any other way shall be fine with me."
Yurie lays into Bandit 3 with another Power Attack.
Metal Man: "You go low, I go high!"
Aribar (GM): Super Overk--- Nevermind.
Metal Man spins his sword, and runs at the Bandit's head.
Locos Docos aims a low running at same speed.
Aribar (GM): ... Metal hits! Metal kills! Victory music plays from... Somewhere...
Metal Man: "That'll show you for avoiding all of my super accurate attacks... Off to go see the wizard!" *He continues ahead, ready to stab the next thing that pops up.*
Aribar (GM): They're all on the ground...
Garrick continues, just because he's like that.
Locos Docos goes continuing down the lane of happiness and despair.
Aribar (GM): ... It gets darker and darker as the Questers continue ahead... Even though the sun is still high in the sky.
Metal Man: "Wow. Are my eyes broken already?"
Aribar (GM): Yurie and Locos see the blurs of two human-like running towards the side of the party... They appear to be attempting to flank... They also see what they think is a weird horse coming straight towards them.
Locos Docos: "That's a weird pony."
Metal Man: "Pony? Where?"
Locos Docos points ahead. He can't attack long range.
Metal Man: "...I see nothing but your finger!"
Yurie: "Over there... and I don't think that's a pony... Lets light them up... SANDBOLT!"
Garrick also looks, then cocks an eyebrow. "...okay then..." He brings his buster back and begins to charge, his buster humming with power.
Yurie taps her rapier's tip against the ground, a rumble heard as the spell shoots up from underneath the 'Pony'
Aribar (GM): Half damage. It doesn't even seem to be phased...
Garrick: "Somebody also want to worry about the two people on our right?"
Metal Man: "What people?"
Aribar (GM): In that split second where the area was lit up by the bolt the Questers see the horse is actually a lizard! The other two human-like creatures also appear to have ebony skin...
Metal Man: "Ahhh! Monsters!"
Locos Docos: "Orcs!"
Aribar (GM): They get close enough so that everyone can see them... Questers Vs. two Drow and a Lizard Rider!
Garrick: "Dog meat."
Aribar (GM): Locos stumbles around in the dark.
Garrick continues to charge his buster, that second level of charge coming into effect. The buster vibrates even more as the small green balls of energy turn into large white balls instead.
Aribar (GM): Drow two rushes forward and attempts to stab Metal with his wicked looking dagger.
Metal Man is hit. "Ow!" He takes a pathetic amount of damage from it. "...I'll show you something that hurts much worse!" *stabs back at the Drow, summoning lightning, fire, and ice combined! The attack flies at the Drow.*
Metal Man (GM): Ouch.
Aribar (GM): ... Oookaaay... He is BLASTED to smithereens... The Lizard Rider attempts to get revenge and stabbinate Yurie.
Yurie eeps and rolls out of the way of the stab.
Metal Man: "...Wow. Now if only I had this while Ganenod was stabbing everyone to death."
Aribar (GM): Drow one foolishly stabinates Metal...
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Metal Man manages to avoid being hit. "You're lucky. If you had hit me, you would have been turned into a large crater... like your friend."
Yurie growls, then spins around, letting the Lizard rider have it right in the back with a FIREBALL BARRAGE.
Aribar (GM): The Lizard Rider doesn't look like it is phased much...
Locos Docos attempts to smack the lizard off of his low pony thing.
Aribar (GM): The lizard attacks to make Locos pay for that attack.
Metal Man (GM): That was a crit.
Aribar (GM): ... Miss.
Locos Docos jumps off of the horse.
Yurie growls, chasing after Mr. Lizard rider and leaping, let fly with a Power Strike and hits.
Garrick brings his buster to aim at the lizard rider thing. He closes one eye and stares down the barrel of his gun, then hits the button...
Aribar (GM): The lizard rider is yet again being picked on! Hit. *Blink.* ... Super-Duper-Omega-Gravy-Overkill.
Garrick: " just gets better and better..."
Aribar (GM): Only a drow remains.
Metal Man: "And now... Take this!" *Runs up to the Drow, and Gerudo Knuckles it--with his sword!*
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Aribar (GM): Ah... He has -ONE- fragment of health left...
Locos Docos: "Alright... it's just you and the drow... make me happy."
Metal Man: "And now, for the grand finale!" *His sword glows, and he shoots the three elements of Tri-Attack into the Drow.*
Aribar (GM): Well... Even WITH a critical dodge he's screwed... He dies.
Metal Man (GM): *BURNING DEATH.*
Locos Docos: " should've missed."
Metal Man: "Well, that was moderately challenging."
Locos Docos: "Nrrrr..."
Metal Man: "Well... onward down the path."
Aribar (GM): With all the enemies dead, the darkness dissapates.
Garrick: "Okay, I got a question..."
Metal Man: "Yes?"
Locos Docos: "At this rate, I'll never get to use my special technique..." <_> "..."
Garrick: "Why did it suddenly get dark when those things attacked?"
Locos Docos: "They were evil things."
Metal Man: "They had dimmer switches?"
Locos Docos: "Now let's get moving before that elephant behind us gets us trampled..." *points to behind the trail.* "That one... that was ...just ...there?"
Metal Man: "Uhhh... alright." *goes straight ahead.*
Locos Docos: "I am waiting for my special to actually hit someone."
Metal Man: "Ah."
Locos Docos: "Problem is, I either react too slow or just enemies are too fast."
Aribar (GM): As the Questers continue down the path...
Locos Docos continues down the path singing Penguins on Ice song.
Aribar (GM): What Locos sees: AHH! The elephant's body has died and its four feet are ready to attack! What everyone else sees: Four towers about 5 feet in height with rotating guns on top...
Locos Docos: "AA! We's all gonna die!" *hangs on to Met's arm.* "WE'S ALL GONNA DIIIEEE!"
Metal Man: "...Yes... we are..."
Yurie: "Oh shut up..."
Metal Man: "Now then, who wants to attract the attention of those pointy towers?"
Locos Docos: "I vote Hydro."
Garrick: "Who?"
Metal Man: "Ordyh?"
Locos Docos: "This will be piece of pie."
Yurie: "You mean cake."
Metal Man: "As it is flying in the air?"
Garrick takes a pot shot at one of the pointy towery things.
Locos Docos: "No... cake is too sugary."
Aribar (GM): Hit!
Yurie: "SANDBOLT!" *tap, FWOOM!!*
Locos Docos: "Yes! Crush the elephant's leg!"
Aribar (GM): Auto-hit! Elemental Weakness!
Locos Docos: "Amazing!! I didn't know that the environment that the elephant lived in was also its most dangerous obstacle!"
Garrick: "Locos?"
Aribar (GM): *BZZT!* It is about half-way gone.
Yurie: "Hit with electricity guys."
Metal Man: "Take this, demon towers!" *Tosses a large radio at the one Yurie hit.*
Locos Docos: "But I can't hit the elephant with electricity. I don't have any."
Garrick: "Locos, shut up."
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Locos Docos: "Never!"
Aribar (GM): In fact, it is just melted metal now.
Metal Man: "Hahah! In your face, worthless elephant foot! I mean... tower!"
Locos Docos decides to smack the bottom foot of what everyone is attacking and whack it with the hammer.
Aribar (GM): Hit. All Locos did was scratch the paintjob...
Metal Man: "Good work, Locos!"
Locos Docos: "...No... All I did was just make the elephant change color."
Yurie: "Thordain it..."
Aribar (GM): Security 2 fires at Locos, Sec 3 at Metal, Sec 4 at Yurie. These are autofire shots.
Metal Man is completely missed.
Aribar (GM): ... I think all are misses...
Yurie gracefully dances out of the way of the shots.
Metal Man hits the dirt, and the shots miss him... this also causes him to take a while before he can attack again.
Locos Docos avoids the three stomps of the elephant's feet.
Garrick: "...Yurie, let's double shock it."
Yurie: "No, let's save the combo." *SANBOLTS #2.*
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Locos Docos: "What's a combo?"
Garrick: "Whatever you say." *ZAPS #3.*
Aribar (GM): Numbah two is BLASTED! Not dead yet, though.
Locos Docos decides to ... "?...Weird... the elephant's... ...Like all..normal..despite no fourth leg." *decides to smack it on the upper side of the leg that they attacked.*
Aribar (GM): Locos... Actually... -MISSES- the Security!
Metal Man: "And now, to finish off numbah two! TRI-ATTACK!" *He rains down the beam of explosion death on numbah two.*
Locos Docos: "Dang it!"
Aribar (GM): It is dead.
Locos Docos: "The thing... dodged my attack!"
Aribar (GM): Both 3 and 4 aim at Metal! Two crits!
Metal Man: "Never mess with a maniac!" *Is shot twice.* *However, he isn't defeated.* "Hahahahahaha! Nice try!"
Yurie smirks, then SANDBOLTS #3.
Aribar (GM): It go BOOM! Only one Security left.
Garrick sends off another Zap attack at #4.
Locos Docos tries to attack the upper third leg of the elephant.
Aribar (GM): At least Locos hit it. He deals a TON of damage... To the paintjob.
Locos Docos: "..." *walks away to the group.* "I freakin' hate desert pachyderms."
Metal Man eats a Mushroom, then goes to stab a tower with his sword. "CHAAAARGE!" *HIT.*
Aribar (GM): It go BOOM!
Metal Man slices the tower in half. He then eats his other mushroom, bringing his health up.
Aribar (GM): The 'elephant feet' are now gone... After the Questers walk ahead for a while they come to a fork in the road... Left or right?
Metal Man: "To the left! Onward!" *heads left.*
Yurie: "Are you sure?" *looks around.
Aribar (GM): Yurie can easily see what appears to be a deep chasm that crosses both paths... To the right there is a bridge with what Yurie thinks are two huge stones before it. Now... Metal is going left.
Locos Docos wants a metal shi... companion to help him so he follows the boss.
Yurie shakes her head, then heads Right.
Aribar (GM): Pause on Yurie's doom. Focusing on Metal and Locos's doom.
Metal Man: "...Now this is going to become a bad buddy film... Do you want to be Bad Cop, or Good Cop?"
Aribar (GM): Metal and Locos don't have to follow the road far to come up to the chasm Yurie saw. It looks like they MAY be able to jump it...
Metal Man: "I don't like the looks of this chasm. Can you fly?"
Locos Docos: "Pshaw!"
Aribar (GM): It would be about a 6 foot jump.
Locos Docos: "I can jump real good... but can't fly."
Metal Man: "Okay... I'll jump first."
Locos Docos: "I will."
Metal Man runs at the chasm, then jumps across.
Locos Docos: "Ammmaaatteeeuurrr...!!"
Aribar (GM): For a person made of metal, Metal Man sure does jump good!
Metal Man: "Hmmmm. My jump-boots work quite well."
Locos Docos runs across.
Aribar (GM): ... RUNS?
Locos Docos: "I am Lunarian!! Watch me JJUUMMP!"
Aribar (GM): ... Unfortunately, Locos makes it across.
Metal Man: "...That gap wasn't too bad... I wonder what's next."
Aribar (GM): And pause on Metal and Locos' unsuccessful doom. Unpause on Yurie's doom.
Yurie makes her way down the path towards the bridge...
Aribar (GM): As Yurie walks towards the bridge, she sees those stones taking more of a shape... They look kinda like neat, yet ugly, gargoyles... With a hammers at least TWICE the size of Locos's.
Yurie: "..."
Aribar (GM): As far as Yurie knows, they're just normal statues...
Yurie shakes her head... then tries to run past them at full blast!
Aribar (GM): Yurie manages to get past without suffering any damage... And the gargoyles just SMASHED each other on the head with their hammers...
Yurie lands on the bridge, then looks at the two gargoyles and resumes running.
Aribar (GM): The gargoyles slooooowly follow Yurie...
Yurie: "Come on boys! Don't lag behind!" *continues running at full speed.*
Aribar (GM): They're following at about a third of Yurie's speed. Yurie EASILY outdistances them. Unpause on Metal and Locos... Both of the groups eventually meet up at another three-way path. This time it appears that the only way to go is forward.
Locos Docos: "Let's go right! What ya say??"
Yurie skids to a halt, then turns back towards the bridge.
Aribar (GM): They're juuust getting off of it now.
Locos Docos: "...Friends of yours?"
Metal Man: "Okay... forward."
Yurie: "Fireball Barrage!" *throws the blast at them before they reach the end, trying to send them down the ravine.*
Metal Man watches as el Bridge crumbles.
Aribar (GM): It catches on fire...
Yurie: "Well, you know how I attract fans." ^.^
Aribar (GM): The ropes burn and the bridge is 'dead'... The gargoyles spread their wings... And fall because they're too heavy.
Yurie: "Of course, I believe in burning my bridges behind me."
Metal Man: "Who needs bridges anyway?" *heads forward, waiting for either a prize booth... or d00m.*
Locos Docos: "Those who need crossing long gaps that they can't jump."
Aribar (GM): The Questers all continue down the path... they eventually see a tiny golden rod with a ruby top sticking out of the path...
Metal Man: "...Pretty." *races to grab it.*
Locos Docos: "Attack it. It's an enemy."
Metal Man (GM): *MATRIX.*
Aribar (GM): Metal manages to jump back just in time as a mini-sand twister appears about the rod... And it's owner!
Metal Man: "...That was close."
Locos Docos: "I knew you were careless!"
Aribar (GM): About a two-foot high hovering Sand Mage... It looks kind of like the Wizard heartless in Kingdom Hearts only with red robes and a hat.
Yurie: "...the heck is this?"
Metal Man: "Who cares? It must burn."
Aribar (GM): *BOSS* Sand Mage x 1!
Locos Docos: "Do not hit it with it's natural environment!" *attacks it with a hammer swing.*
Aribar (GM): Hit!
Yurie: "Metal, scan it!"
Metal Man: "You scan it. I don't have the fancy dex."
Aribar (GM): The crystal on it's rod glows and summons a HUGE WAVE of white fire on the Questers
Yurie leaps clear of the fire.
Locos Docos leaps...
Aribar (GM): Locos: Full damage. Yurie: No damage. Metal: Full damage.
Metal Man laughs as the fire deals no damage to him.
Yurie: *SCAN!*
Dex: *DING!* "Sand Mage. HP: 93/100. Special attacks include White Fire, a wave of flames, Spirit, an Insta-Death spells, and Star Storm, an attack from the heavens. Ice may be it's weakness." -End Description-
Locos Docos: "Unfortunately, I have no such thing."
Yurie: "Well, lets see how you like a bit of black magic!" *thrusts a hand out.* "PLAGUE!"
Locos Docos: "Now that's what I call a save."
Aribar (GM): It isn't effected by Yurie's spell.
Metal Man: "Ice, Eh? TRI-ATTACK!"
Metal Man (GM): It half-hits.
Locos Docos: "HO-LY CA-RAP!"
Metal Man: "And now, for another spell! GERUDO BLADE!"
Metal Man (GM): Half-hit again.
Yurie rushes the Mage, then lets it have it with a Power Strike.
Aribar (GM): The dex says 55 HP left. Everything grows dark...
Metal Man: "Oh no! The darkness again!"
Aribar (GM): This targets... Yurie. Everything around her grows black as astral energy in the shape of stars zoom past her, some possibly hitting. Half damage.
Locos Docos: "I'd like to see you... attack me with that rod, Mr. Mage. Smacky!" *makes himself dizzy again and tries to hit the mage of sandiness.*
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Locos Docos: "..." :P *taunts the mage.*
Yurie strikes with ANOTHER power Strike.
Aribar (GM): Hit! It looks mad...
Dex: "25 HP left. Warning! Spirit Attack being used!"
Locos Docos taunts the mage again and leaps attack him again.
Aribar (GM): A triple-helix of energy comes out of it's wand... And heads back towards the Mage... It doesn't appear to be effected, though. Hit.
Metal Man: "And now, for... RADIO BOOOOOOM!" *throws an electrified laser at the mage.*
Aribar (GM): *BOOM!* Do-do-doooo! You are a winner!
Locos Docos: "*SOB*"
Yurie: >.> "...what's the matter with you?"
Locos Docos: "I'll never try it ...oh why did I try such a ridiculous combo!?"
Aribar (GM): It leaves behind that little staff... All of the Questers sense a GREAT evil within it... Of course, the exit is right ahead...
Locos Docos: "...*sniff*" *becomes a bit happier suddenly.*
Metal Man kicks the staff.
Aribar (GM): It goes flying...
Metal Man chases it.
Locos Docos: "I liked that staff!"
Yurie: "...what'd you do tha... oh for the love of heaven..."
Aribar (GM): It is in front of the Exit Door...
Metal Man pokes it.
Locos Docos: "I sensed the spirit of the elephant within that..."
Yurie shakes her head, then heads toward the exit. "Fine, whatever... just don't complain to me when the thing summons some big evil monster or something."
Aribar (GM): Metal's zapped with dark lightning...
Locos Docos goes to pound on the staff with his hammer.
Metal Man: "Ow." *eats a mushroom.* What's inside that thing?"
Locos Docos: "The spirit of an evil entity!" *pounds on it.*
Aribar (GM): The ??? warrior from the beginning appears again.
???: "Oh? Well... Want me to pick it up and show you?"
Metal Man: "I want this staff... if it wouldn't keep on zapping me. Yeah."
Yurie: "That... would be a bad idea." -.-
Locos Docos: "Yes! Show us who is in there! I need the friskiness!"
Aribar (GM): "... Are you sure?"
Yurie: "Am I the only non-crazy one here? No!"
Metal Man: "Yes!"
Yurie: "NO!"
Locos Docos: "YES!"
Metal Man: "But I wanna get that wand! You could always leave and let us deal with it."
???: "... Give it to me! I can expel the dark forces within it..."
Yurie throws her hands up into the air and growls aggravatedly. "You're both stupid, you know that??"
Metal Man: "Go and expel the dark forces, then."
Locos Docos: "Yes, and if you don't like where this is going..." *makes a shooing expression at Yurie.* "You may leave. Now expel those forces!"
Aribar (GM): ??? goes to pick up the wand... The door to the Holoroom starts to close at this time.
Yurie: "...heck with this!" *dives THROUGH the holoroom door.*
Aribar (GM): The door closes just as Yurie dives through...
Yurie skids to a halt outside, then frowns.
Metal Man: "We'll get the experience, that's for sure."
Yurie: "...why'd the door shut?"
Aribar (GM): ??? grabs the wand... And then levitates into the air...
???: "Fools! I have tricked you into this trap... This artifact is the Wand of Wonder! Only energized with my dark energies... I am Orlando Florida!"
Aribar (GM): ... His voice has changed to a high-pitched voice, like you'd expect some stupid evil villan's lackey to have...
Metal Man: "Alright! We meet again!"
Locos Docos: "NOOOO!!"
Metal Man: "Now I sentence you to death by sword!"
Locos Docos: "I've been there before!! I don't wanna go again!" *quickly eats one of his mushrooms.*
Orlando Florida: "I shall give you one advantage..." Both of the Questers are at full health...
Aribar (GM): *Ooze plays!* Gigas Match: Orlando Florida
Locos Docos: "Thine attacks of magical power shant not affect us!...much."
Metal Man: "First, I will teach you the power of Tri-Attack!" *TRI ATTACK.*
Locos Docos taunts Orlando. "You mages are all alike; hiding at long range... cheap spells... and not even an attack up close to your opponent!"
Metal Man (GM): Half damage.
Orlando Florida: "You dare taunt me? Hah! I'll show you true power!"
Locos Docos: "Then bring it on right up to my face!"
Locos Docos attacks with a big ol' hammer swing to the face, backing up his words. He scurries back to Metal.
Orlando Florida: "Hah!" Orlando first raises the wand into the air and is surrounded in a mystic glow before going over to Locos... And attempting to hit him with the silly little wand...
Locos Docos' attack was blocked by a magical shield or something. "OOhhhh! You are very sneaky!!"
Aribar (GM): Although the actual HIT deals no damage... The bolt of darkness caused by striking Locos does!
Locos Docos: "Acting like he's gonna hit me with a spell... then uses ultra fast speed to hit me." *is hurt badly.* "I... HATE... MAGES."
Metal Man: "Don't worry... I'll teach him the joy of... GERUDO STABBAGE!"
Locos Docos: "Metal here is your equal, sir." *tries his attack again.*
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Locos Docos scurries halfway back to Metal again.
Orlando Florida: "Hahahah! You cannot hurt me like that!" *pulls the same attack as the Sand Mage.* "White Fire!"
Locos Docos taunts. "Ahhhmooo moo moo moo moo moooooo."
Aribar (GM): Metal takes half damage, Locos full.
Metal Man: "Nice try!"
Orlando Florida: "You're as annoying as that elf boy!"
Locos Docos: "Who do you refer?"
Metal Man: "And now, for a huge radio! Take this!" *throws his radio at Orlando.*
Locos Docos: "..."
Orlando Florida: "I mean that Aribar you twi--Gah!"
Aribar (GM): He... Isn't even phased by it...
Orlando Florida: "Hah!"
Locos Docos goes to dex Orlando Florida.
Dex: *DING!* "Orlando Florida."
Locos Docos: "Let's see what we're up against."
Dex: "HP: 470/500. Orlando Florida is a traitor to the civilians of Whaller. He is virtually immune to all spells."
Metal Man: "Hmmmm... that's a lot of health, even for me."
Dex: "This mage knows many devastating attacks such as White Air and Zap."
Locos Docos: "For us... I'm down to 1."
Dex: "Beware Mega Magic!"
Locos Docos: "...?" *smiles.*
Dex: "For information on his weapon, scan it." -End Description-
Metal Man: "...That's it! We have to disarm him!"
Locos Docos taunts Orlando. "Come on, big boy! Let's see you use that 'Moolah Magic' spell of yours!"
Orlando Florida: "Do you -really- want to see it in action?"
Locos Docos: "...Ni!"
Metal Man: "Not exactly."
Orlando Florida: "... I'll show you a little demonstration..."
Orlando Florida begins glowing... 3 TURNS 'TIL MEGA MAGIC.
Locos Docos: "He's just a big ol' clown with a stick as a weapon."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth appears.
Deloth: *wields his katana.*
Metal Man: "You want some good old fashioned stabbing? TAKE THIS!" *He goes to disarm Orlando.*
Aribar: "Hey! I thought you guys could use some help, and the rookie needs some experience."
Metal Man (GM): *DISARM.*
Aribar (GM): The weapon flies off a bit...
Locos Docos: "Boo... I don't like the new ones..."
Orlando Florida: "Gaah!" *All stats reduced by 5.*
Locos Docos glares at Deloth... "...They get up in ranks too fast."
Metal Man: "Who cares? We have this hugely powerful mage to deal with."
Locos Docos goes to shmack Orlando again.
Deloth: "You got a problem with a half-dragon helpin' you out?"
Aribar (GM): Miss.
Locos Docos scurries back. He shakes his head. Then he drops mouth in kinda awe... though not really impressed. "...! And here I thought I was looking at a vulture."
Deloth strikes with his katana.
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Deloth: *glances at Locos.*
Locos Docos: "...Got a problem with a silly guy with a hammer that is often sheathed?"
Deloth: "I'll ignore that comment for now."
Locos Docos: "Alright... we'll ignore the talk."
Orlando Florida barley retains the charge of the Megamagic... He fires it at 2/3 Strength away from the battle... "THIS IS MY POWER!"
Aribar (GM): Orlando Florida fires it at the Holoroom door... It flies open with Yurie standing there, waiting to join the battle.
Metal Man: "Ahhhhh... good for you."
Yurie: "You guys haven't killed him yet? Sheesh..." *walks inside, her rapier out.*
Locos Docos: "...I don't think so... We barely even touched him by the dex."
Yurie: "I need the practice anyway..." *SCAN!*
Metal Man: "Not even my sword of power can slay that thing at such a speed."
Dex: "Current HP: 462/500."
Locos Docos: "Madam, I've already scanned the beast!"
Yurie snorts then rushes the mage and leaps at him, driving a Power Strike into him.
Locos Docos: "You people are often oblivious; not even asking questions before firing off your weapons."
Yurie: *CRITICAL!*
Orlando Florida: "GAH!"
Locos Docos moves out of the way in case he could get hit.
Metal Man: "And now... I shall hit you some more!" *He charges at Orlando, trying to stab him.*
Aribar (GM):Hit!
Locos Docos: "Immune to spells my eye!" *goes to smack him again. ...Just blunts.*
Orlando Florida: Miss.
Deloth runs in for another slash.
Orlando Florida: Miss.
Yurie: "...who's the amateur?"
Orlando Florida rushes over and dives to get the Wand of Wonder... His stats are now back to normal.
Locos Docos sheathes his hammer.
Yurie whips her Dex out and Scans... the Wand.
Dex: *DING!* "Wand of Wonder. HP: 50/50. Hardness: 10."
Locos Docos puts up his fists. "Alright, ya bloomin' holo-gran. Yea don't like hammers, so I'll give you a good ol' fashion whompin' by me fists instead!"
Dex: "An artifact tainted by the darkness of Orlando's heart. Disarming it from him will severely weaken him (-5 in all stats), while destroying it will severely damage his very life force."
Yurie: "...heh..."
Dex: -End Description-
Yurie rushes Orlando and strikes his hand, trying to disarm him of his wand.
Locos Docos: "I still say we attack the source of our problems."
Metal Man: "Darn... I wanted to integrate it into my armor... either way... I'll be taking that wand."
Yurie: *DISARM!*
Aribar (GM): He's yet again disarmed!
Yurie: "What'd you guys do without me..."
Metal Man: "Now then... eat this, Wand!" *summons up a Tri-Attack on the wand.*
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Metal Man: "Smashy Smashy!"
Aribar (GM): Locos screams about an elephant.
Yurie: "New guy! Smash that Wand!"
Deloth dashes up and strikes the wand.
Orlando Florida: Hit.
Metal Man: "I have a great idea! I'll stick it in my cannon and shoot it at Orlando!"
Yurie: "No."
Deloth: "Meh."
Aribar (GM): Metal remembers when he picked it up before... Zappy Zappy...
Orlando Florida targets Yurie with... "Water Blast!!"
Metal Man: "...We just need to avoid death from the prophet while smashing his wand."
Yurie gracefully rolls out of the way.
Aribar (GM): Yurie avoids an eruption of water under jer feet.
Yurie rushes the Wand, then jumps up and drives a POWER STRIKE into it. Hit.
Metal Man: "Okay... take this!" *runs up to Orlando and tries to stab him good.* "CHARRRRGE.!"
Aribar (GM): Ouch... hit. Locos is still screaming like an idiot...
Deloth keeps aiming for the wand.
Metal Man: "Deloth! Kick the wand far away from Orlando!"
Orlando Florida: "You cannot defeat me!" *He rushes over to grab the wand.*
Metal Man: "But I can Tri-Attack you into the stone age!"
Yurie grabs ahold of the wand and STOMPS on the raisd part, trying to snap it in half.
Aribar (GM): *Blink...* Yurie fails to grab it from Orlando and break it.
Metal Man: "Watch this!" *does another Tri-Attack, but... this time it's after the wand. Thus, the explosion hits the Wand and Orlando.*
Aribar (GM): Orlando takes no damage, the wand takes some.
Dex: "Wand of Wonder: 14 HP left."
Yurie (GM): Locos leaps forwards, a cloud of black energy springing from his fist.
Locos Docos charges up his big ol' left arm and tries this technique near the wand to break/disarm it.
Aribar (GM): Hardness softens the damage to nothing.
Yurie: "Whatever your name is, DISARM HIM!"
Deloth attempts a disarm of the wand.
Aribar (GM): I'd say Deloth wins...
Metal Man (GM): *Wand go flying!*
Aribar (GM): Orlando is YET AGAIN disarmed... This time he repays Deloth by ZAPing him!
Yurie: "Metal, keep hammering at the Wand, I'm going to try something..."
Aribar (GM): Full damage!
Deloth: "Aich!"
Yurie points a finger at Orlando. "A Pox on your houses! PLAGUE!!"
Aribar (GM): Orlando Florida barely resists the effects.
Yurie: "Metal! The Wand! Hit the wand with everything you got!"
Metal Man: "Okay... Tri-Attack number 21, coming up!"
Aribar (GM): KABOOM!
Yurie: "YES!"
Deloth: "Alright Metal!"
Aribar (GM): It creates... a -MASSIVE- explosion...
Orlando Florida: "GAAH!"
Metal Man: "...I wanted to keep the wand..."
Locos Docos: "Moooo!!!..."
Metal Man: "And where's the fake prize?"
Yurie: "The thing's infested with evil, idiot."
Aribar (GM): Although the explosion passes through everyone, it only effects Orlando...
Locos Docos: "Without that thing, you... is... a sitting duck."
Yurie: "Prepare to be Triumphed upon."
Locos Docos: "You mean smited!"
Aribar (GM): ... He loses a bunch of health from the lack of the wand...
Locos Docos does a drunken master impression, takes about three minutes to get to Orlando, and smacks him again with a ...Warlock punch.
Aribar (GM): That Wand of Wonder is still there... It appears that the evil is now banished from it... Now it looks like an emerald is on it, and the gold is now silver.
Deloth: "Dibs!"
Metal Man: "Ooh! No, that's mine!"
Aribar (GM): Hit.
Deloth shoves Metal and gets the wand.
Metal Man grabs the other end. "Mine!"
Aribar (GM): ...
Deloth hits Metal with a small flame. "LET GO!"
Metal Man: "It's mine! I blasted it!"
Deloth: "Fine, I'll buy it off you later."
Yurie: "...ahem..."
Metal Man: "Okay then. You attack the enemy, then we later argue."
Deloth dashes in and slashes Orlando.
Aribar (GM): Hit!
Locos Docos: "That was his life source right? So... why isn't he dead yet?"
Metal Man: "Because... we haven't beaten him unconsious fast enough."
Locos Docos: "Good point."
Aribar (GM): Orlando Florida is weakened some morebecause the wand is gone.
Locos Docos: "Ahh of course..."
Orlando Florida: "I... Will show you... All... TRUE POWER!"
Deloth: "In your DREAMS!"
Locos Docos: "With each passing minute, he loses health because his power is waning."
Metal Man wonders what the wand does other than server as a way to poke people.
Orlando Florida begins to levitate into the air... He is bleeding heavily now... A magical glow surrounds him...
Dex: "Warning! Mega Magic attack being charged!"
Deloth: "STILL?"
Yurie: "Shall we now hurry up and KILL this sucker?"
Orlando Florida: "If I go to hell I'm taking you all with me!!"
Yurie dashes, then leaps up, letting him have it with a POWER STRIKE.
Metal Man: "Sure. Just hit him with all you've got!"
Aribar (GM): CRIT!
Metal Man (GM): *CRIT.*
Locos Docos unsheathes his hammer.
Metal Man: "Ummm... Wand of death! Attack him with Tri-Attack!"
Metal Man (GM): He's barely hit.
Metal Man: "Hmmm... this wand is extremely powerful. I will have to auction it off for mega bucks."
Deloth: "Remember, I called dibs."
Yurie: "Oh hush already and attack." -.-
Locos Docos uses his hammer again.
Deloth stabs at Orlando's heart.
Aribar (GM): Deloth does hit him, but not in the heart.
Orlando Florida: "Gah..."
Yurie: "Alright Orlando, lets finish this and finish this beautifully..."
Orlando Florida continues charging Mega Magic. "You... All... Will never... Defeat me!"
Deloth: "Egomaniac."
Locos Docos: "Never utter that line, sir Orlando. It is in violation of the rules of 'Things I'd do If I were an evil overlord.'"
Yurie flicks her rapier downwards, her theme playing as she draws out a single coin from her pocket. She flips it into the air, then swats it with the flat of the blade towards Orlando, her rapier spinning on one finger before she tosses it into the air like a baton, then catches it by the handle and javelin-throws it at Orlando. White light trails from the tip of the blade as it peirces the coin, then straight through Orlando's. *METEOR FINISHER!!!* Heart!*
Aribar (GM): *AUTOCRIT!* Orlando falls to the ground, lifeless. The simulation ends...
Locos Docos: "HUUURRAAHH!!"
Aribar: "Congradulations, you guys! Especially you, Yurie!"
Metal Man: "...Whew."
Locos Docos: "Yes!"
Aribar: "Now... Now to reward you with some melee moves!"
Yurie walks over, then pulls he rapier out of the ground, the coin fading with the simulation.
Metal Man: "Woohoo!"
Locos Docos: "Now the simulation ends, the wand disappears... and the mage goes away."
Aribar (GM): ... Oh please note that the Wand... Is still there.
Metal Man has the Wand. Woohoo.
Locos Docos: "WTF."
Garrick, who went out for a coke, walks back into the holoroom "...awwww, did I miss the rest of it?"
Metal Man: "This wand is mine! All mine! Ehehehehehe!"
Locos Docos: "That ain't possible."
Aribar (GM): "Metal man, you did a great job during this mission. I shall reward you with the Wand of Wonder."
Metal Man: "Wow. Thank you."
Locos Docos goes on ranting in his mind.
Aribar: "Lets see... Locos was with us the whole mission. He deserves one of Orlando's better moves, White Air." (Ice+Ice+Energy Cone)
Locos Docos: "Whoa... ...An ice move..."
Aribar: "Deloth, you helped near the end. I reward you with another one of Orlando's moves, Water Blast." (Water+Explosion)
Deloth: "Awesome."
Locos Docos cringes as he hears that move.
Deloth: "Of course, I'll probably need to train, seeing I'm a half fire dragon."
Aribar: "Yurie, I shall give you a Starstorm. It is a truly powerful move." (Ultima+Debarrier+Damage x 1.5) "Let's see... Is Garrick here?"
Garrick holds up his coke. "Yeah, but I shouldn't get anything. I was barely here for any of it."
Aribar: "True, but you did help... I give you Fireshot." (Fire+Powerhit)

