Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 70: Return of the Holo Tomb



Date: July 24th & 25th, 2004.
Trivia: Locos inspired the creation of the X-zone, first mentioning it ICly in this log.
Gibby: "Speaking of shopping..." *He heads on over to G+W.*
G&W: "What do you wish to buy today?"
Gibby: "Hmm... lets see here..." *He looks around.*
Garrick: "...that's a lot of rewards."
Aribar would... Umm... Still be in the holoroom.
Locos Docos goes to a new holoroom to the regular thing.
Klumsy Koopa waves his hands, sparkles trailing behind them, and then casts his arms back... and loses balance, falling on the back of his shell. Sparks explode everywhere and Garrick finds himself back in holo room 42.
Razor is... trying to make his shiny new Power Suit more comfortable... so stuffy...
Garrick: "...that was odd..." *pulls out his Dex.* "All Questers report to Holo room... erm... 42. On the double."
Locos Docos was heading just to the one right next to it.
Metal Man: "...Whatever."
Aribar yawns... Walks into a few walls... And eventually makes his way to the holoroom...
Metal Man walks over.
Locos Docos goes to where the questy is, out of curiosity.
Metal Man: "What's the big hullabalueeeeeey?"
Razor blinks a few times. "The hell?" Little thingies start popping up on the helmet display. "How did that happen? Aw well... on my way..."
Garrick: "Remember that Klumsy fellow?"
Locos Docos: "Ohhh... do I!!"
Razor makes his way there as well...
Garrick: "Well, apparently he's here..."
Locos Docos: "!"
Aribar gets there... "What is it, Garr-- Klumsy? ... He's HERE?!"
Garrick: "Yeah... erm... is everyone here?"
Metal Man: "Eh. He never did go anywhere. More like we stopped comin' to him."
Locos Docos: "Cause we were weak."
Garrick: "Where's Yurie?"
Metal Man: "Dunno."
Locos Docos: "Come on! let's go inside!"
Metal Man shrugs and follows Locos's advice.
Yurie: "Ahem..I'm over here..."
Aribar heads inside Holoroom 42.
Garrick: "Ahh, there you are. Okay then, we're all here... computer, do... do whatever you did just now."
Razor turns towards Yurie in his helmeted shiny goodness. "Ah... well come on then..."
Locos Docos tries to go inside.
Yurie follows the others.
Razor heads on in as well.
Locos Docos looks inside. "HHeeeyy!? Where's the jerk!?!?"
Nick Caligo (GM): As the Questers step into Holo Room 4... Er... 4 2... ¬¬
Metal Man goes inside of Holo Room 42, stilll wanting to get revenge on that Bronze Challenge that whupped him...
Nick Caligo (GM): The entire place just warps around the Questers. They find themselves in a jungle for a brief moment.
Aribar blinks.
Metal Man: "Who installed a warp machine in... a holo room??"
Garrick: "Hang on, this gets a bit rough..."
Nick Caligo (GM): A penguin comes out and bows to Yurie.
Penguin: "My liege! You are the source of all Heartless!"
Razor: "..."
Locos Docos unsheathes his hammer.
Metal Man: "A black and white, flightless bird! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
Garrick: "...and very weird..."
Locos Docos: "A traitor!! YURIE!!"
Razor: "Stupid bird..."
Yurie: >.>
Locos Docos glares at Yurie.
Nick Caligo (GM): The entire forest seems drawn into the middle, being sucked up at the tops. The Questers hear someone taking a deep breath.
Aribar blinks.
Garrick: "Here it comes..."
Yurie: "...What? I have no idea what's going on..."
Metal Man: "I'll scare it away if it tries anything bad."
Locos Docos sheathes the hammer.
Nick Caligo (GM): Then, they all SHOOT outward with a giant SNEEZING noise. The Penguin is catapulted into the distance, and the Questers just pop into the cylindrical stone room that Garrick was in.
Razor: "..."
Locos Docos: "That..."
Garrick: "Alright! I brought them all back!"
Locos Docos: "Was the shhiizzz-nniigghht!"
Metal Man: "...I'm not exactly a cannon ball, despite being made of steel."
Aribar blinks and looks about.
Nick Caligo (GM): The giant Klumsy Koopa hologram greets you in the center. And there are, of course, the doors around the room, with their lettering in bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond respectively.
Locos Docos: "Hey jerk! What's new!?"
Metal Man: "...Is this what has become of the tomb? Have those clones destroyed it?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Ha haa! The ELRAPY worked!"
Aribar: "..."
Yurie: "...Is this some sort of holo-recording or something?" o.o
Garrick: "...Locos, he shot me in the nads with a green laser. I'd just shut up if I were you..."
Yurie: "...ELRAPY?"
Aribar: "KLUMSY!!" *He runs over to hug the lil' koopa.*
Locos Docos: "Bah! I've dealt with him before."
Razor: "...I've never been so confused in all my life..."
Klumsy Koopa: "Oh, um, not quite, ma'am..." Aribar flies right through the hologram. He blinks. "... One moment, Ari."
Locos Docos: "That was his way of saying hello."
Metal Man: "Green laser? Nads? ...Wait, that Pizza that I hid in my backpack must have been poisoned."
Nick Caligo (GM): The holographic Koopa seems to walk off screen for a moment.
Metal Man: "Maybe my head is on backwards."
Aribar: "Uhh..."
Klumsy Koopa opens a secret door that's painted and patterned to look like stones. He steps out, in the fles--err, shell. "Uh, that's the thing. I'm not dead."
Metal Man: "...WHAT?"
Aribar: "... Now Klumsy!" *NOW runs over to hug the not-dead koopa.*
Locos Docos drops his jaw all the way to the floor.
Garrick: "Whoa. Now THERE'S a plot twist for ya..."
Locos Docos: "Yo-yo hold up here!!"
Klumsy Koopa smiles and hugs Ari. "Aww, how ya doin', ya ol' Jentanian wizard!"
Razor: "..."
Yurie: "Wait... I'm confused... someone who was dead is not dead, but a hologram, but not a hologram and... I'm lost." -.-
Locos Docos: "First he's called a Jenotanian Wizard. Second, we all see you give your life for Alys! What the heck be happenin' here!?"
Aribar: "First off, Let me it Locos. Second, Good!" let me hurt Locos.*
Klumsy Koopa: "See, I found this thing in the afterlife... it's kind of funny lookin'..."
Aribar: *Heads over and hits Locos...*
Locos Docos defends himself by putting his left arm to Ari.
Klumsy Koopa: "This MOUSE gave it to me, look!" he stretches his arm out to the right, and a golden Keyblade materializes in his hand.
Locos Docos cupping it and charging.
Razor: "...hey... that's just like that crazy kid has..."
Garrick: "...yeah..."
Yurie: "...hey! That looks like the thing Sora has!"
Garrick: "...only... the colors are backwards..."
Aribar: "... A mouse?"
Locos Docos: "...Did Sora die!?"
Klumsy Koopa: "He said I could use it to get back here. He also said he'd just let me borrow it for a mi--" *CHING-ing-ing!!* It disappears. "Huh? Who? Sora--oh, that kid! Yeah, he helped me outta' here! The mouse said we'd both need keys to open the door or something."
Locos Docos: "I asked if he was dead, jerk."
Garrick: "..." *whistle.* "...kid has more guts that I thought."
Metal Man: "...So the kid is dead?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Nope."
Locos Docos sighs of relief.
Klumsy Koopa: "He's in the Platinum Challenge right now."
Locos Docos: "!?!?"
Klumsy Koopa: "He's not TAKING it, he's just in it."
Metal Man: "...Platinum?" Oh."
Klumsy Koopa: "He said he wanted to talk to his old friend there."
Razor: "...shiny..."
Locos Docos smiles fiendishly...
Garrick: "Wait, wait wait wait... Whoa whoa, back the train up here..."
Yurie: "Okay... I'm lost... where are we?"
Locos Docos walks up to Aribar...
Garrick: "Yeah, what she said. WHERE is this place?"
Aribar backs up from Locos.
Locos Docos: "Wanna try doing that Bronze again?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Well, right now we're... about a hundred feet under the sand in Dry Dry Desert."
Locos Docos: "See if you get stomped!?" ^_^
Klumsy Koopa: "There's a HUGE sandstorm that's just a PHD."
Metal Man: "...I was right?"
Locos Docos looks to Klumsy inquisitively.
Garrick: "Okay... and what are those?" *He points at the five doors.*
Locos Docos: "Sandstorm? PHD!?"
Metal Man: "Those five doors."
Nick Caligo (GM): "Yeah. PHD. Piled Higher and Deeper."
Locos Docos: "Ahhh! I could never understand your language."
Yurie: "Anyway Klumsy... what's with the doors?"
Klumsy Koopa: "These five doors, to you newbies, are the challenges of Klumsy Koopa's Holo Tomb!"
Garrick: "...challenges?" *He smiles slightly.* "...what KIND of challenges?"
Razor: "Do they involve shooting things?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Usually."
Aribar: "... What is in that last one... The Diamond challenge?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Oh, that one? You get to fight me."
Locos Docos: "LOL!!!"
Yurie: "...could we WAIT until this guy finishes before we start shooting our mouths off?"
Locos Docos: "Is that all!?"
Klumsy Koopa: "That mouse said I could borrow his key for that one." ^.^
Razor: "...did you just say loll? What does that mean, Locos?"
Locos Docos: "My version of how you guys call 'laughing.'"
Garrick: "You said their rewards. I take it we get them if we beat the challenges?"
Aribar: "Oookay... Let me try... Lol! Lol!... I don't get it..."
Metal Man: "You, stop that!" *He pulls off his head at Aribar.* "WOOOooooOOOOOO!"
Klumsy Koopa: "Yep. When you beat a challenge, you get a prize. The more challenging the challenge, the more cool and shiny the prize is!"
Aribar: "GAH!"
Metal Man: "Anyways..." *screws his head back on.*
Garrick: "Count me in!"
Locos Docos: " you offer... keys?"
Yurie: "Right... and if we lose?"
Locos Docos: "Probably be laughed at."
Metal Man: "I wanna do that Bronze challenge again..."
Razor: "Hey... I'm in... shooting things and getting shiny objects..."
Klumsy Koopa: "You lose a life and are ejected VIOLENTLY from the challenge, and then I dump corn meal on you."
Garrick: "Well, can I give it a shot?"
Aribar: "You mean... A REAL life?!"
Metal Man: "Mmmmm... Corn Meal..."
Locos Docos: "So you're still technically dead?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Yeah, a REAL life."
Metal Man: "...Well, that's a bit high, but I have many to spare. Seeing as, just like the old days, I am nigh-destroyable."
Locos Docos: "Whatchu talking about? You're as vulnerable as ever."
Garrick is already moving toward the Bronze door.
Klumsy Koopa: "But, here's the big catch! I can only allow three of you at a time into one of these places."
Aribar: "..."
Klumsy Koopa: "For the gold, platinum, and diamond challenges, though? That's a one man job."
Yurie: "Ah..."
Garrick: "Are you all going to stand there, or are you going to follow me in? Come on, I want to give these a shot!"
Razor cracks his knuckles. "You can't think of heading off without me, eh?"
Yurie: "I doubt it."
Locos Docos: "Klumsy, after this whole chattering session, I need to talk to you... about ...something."
Klumsy Koopa: "No thanks, Locos."
Metal Man gets in line behind Garrick.
Locos Docos shakes his head.
Klumsy Koopa: "Sorry, but you seem a little more... evil... than you used to be."
Garrick: "Metal, Razor, and me? Okay, us there then."
Locos Docos: "No I mean... about something... else."
Garrick cracks open the Bronze door and peers inside.
Razor glances back to the others. "Feels weird heading off without them. Don't worry... we'll be back before you could toss Metal's head down the laundry chute..."
Yurie: "Bleh. Have fun you guys."
Metal Man: "It better not be my real head, you know. It takes a lot of work to prevent Helmet Hair."
Razor blinks a few times. He would, of course, like to work with Yurie and the others... but a rule is a rule...
Nick Caligo (GM): The gang find themselves in a wide but squat square room, in what looks like a temple. Hieroglyphics line the walls.
Garrick: "...huh..."
Metal Man: "Don't touch anything."
Razor: "Hmmm... fancy..."
Garrick: "You're the expert on this guy, Metal. We're referring to you, here." *He starts walking..*
Metal Man: "Yeah... well, if his thing could kill me once, it'd probably kill you 10 times over."
Razor: "...nice..."
Metal Man: "...I don't like the sound of that."
Garrick: "Let's get to work, shall we gentlemen?"
Nick Caligo (GM): There's three octorocks, an Iron Nut, a triad of FlyGoombas (Goombas with wings), two Red-Shelled Koopas, and a Lakitu in this room.
Razor: "A good opportunity to test my new abilities..."
Garrick activates his buster, looking for a target...
Nick Caligo (GM): o/` Gohdan o/`
Razor turns towards the Iron Nut. He holds his hands out, and his claws begin to gather raw destructive energies, gaining a green crackling energy about them. "Time to die... Annihilate!" He clenches his fists, spitting out a series of six massive green laser blasts.
Nick Caligo (GM): One hit.
Metal Man: "Just like the old days."
Nick Caligo (GM): The Iron Nut staggers back and shakes its armored head, glaring at Razor. It charges at him with its massive sword and makes a tremendous pair of horizontal swipes.
Razor: One hit, of course.
Razor grunts and stumbles a bit from the slash. "Oh that's it... you're going down..."
Garrick: "If you can survive... this is a hell of a lot of enemies..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Two of the three octorocks aim for Razor, positioning themselves to the far right and left of the Nut. They both spit rocks at him.
Metal Man: "Yeah... I remember saying that before a Nidoking tore me into small pieces..."
Razor crouches down, ducking right underneath the two rocks.
Nick Caligo (GM): The other Octorock aims for Garrick and FIRES!!
Garrick rolls to the side, dodging the attack. "Metal, is it just these ten we have to deal with?"
Metal Man: "...Hahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHA. No... this is the first of possible hundreds."
Nick Caligo (GM): Two of the red koopas, noticing Garrick's dodge, tuck into their shells and start spinning, WHIRLING themselves at Garrick. They home in on him.
Garrick: "...I'll take that as a 'no'..." *He is still able to get away from them, though just BARELY.* "Yeow!"
Nick Caligo (GM): They crack against a wall behind him and pop back onto their feet. Their buddy attacks Metal in the same way.
Metal Man BARELY manages to deflect them with his Plasma shield. "These guys keep on getting faster..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Two Flygoombas attack Metal from above, flanking him.
Metal Man deflects those as well, although they're right on the edge of hitting him, if they were a bit faster...
Nick Caligo (GM): The last Flygoomba attacks Razor from the side. Flanking again!
Razor: *DODGE.*
Nick Caligo (GM): The Lakitu chuckles devilishly, and pulls a Bob-Omb out of its wacky cloud. He LOBS it at the Questers.
Razor: *Evasion.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal takes the full blast of it.
Metal Man takes plenty of damage, though still not dead... far from it, kinda. "...Ouch. Been a while since something hit me like that... except for those towers that shot lasers."
Garrick brings up his buster to bear on the... the Nut and two of the Octorocks, and fires off his new HYDRO DRAIN.
Nick Caligo (GM): Garrick can get the Nut, but he can't get EITHER of the octorocks lined up. Like I said, they're on far sides of the room. *HIT!*
Metal Man: "I'll blow that worthless Lakitu into tiny cloud pieces!"
Garrick: "...well, that did basically nothing..."
Nick Caligo (GM): That Iron Nut's armor is thick and powerful.
Metal Man: "I'll show you, worthless clod deviant!" *He points his sword at the Lakitu, and fires off a Tri-attack.*
Nick Caligo (GM): *FROSTEH!!* The Lakitu and his cloud drop to the ground, frozen in a solid block of ice.
Razor glares at a Koopa. "I'm taking you out NOW! See your doom!" As he holds one hand out, an orb of black energy shoots out to engulf the Koopa.
Nick Caligo (GM): Le Koopa esh DEAD.
Metal Man: "And now, to add more pain to injury! DIE LAKITU!!!!"
Nick Caligo (GM): The starman doesn't function here. It stays in Razor's hand and blinks a little, as though it were a car ATTEMPTING to start, but failing miserably. Apparently, invulnerability effects do nothing here. Razor keeps the Starman, but cannot use it within these challenges.
Razor: "... Well what the shit..."
Garrick: "...well, that's just greaaaaat."
Metal Man runs up to the frozen Lakitu and slams it with his sword, giving it a Dark Blade.
Nick Caligo (GM): Lakitu can't dodge that. *FAILURE.* He's caught in the blast of eeeeevil. A goomba is also hit. It POOFS out of existence. Some health healed to all of the Questers.
Metal Man: "That's a relief."
Nick Caligo (GM): I forgot; you heal some health for each monster killed. The Iron Nut turns to Metal now, giving a low growl and CHARGING at him, trying to impale him through the back. Flanking.
Metal Man (GM): Lets see... Hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): *STAB!!*
Metal Man: "OW! You could at least stop trying to stab me to death." *He is near death.*
Nick Caligo (GM): The two octorocks follow suit, firing rocks at Metal. Not flanking.
Metal Man deflects the rocks with his shield.
Nick Caligo (GM): *pang! pang!* The other Octorock aims at Razor. *SHOOT!*
Razor isn't able to react in time, and gets a good ping in the helmet.
Nick Caligo (GM): The Red Koopas start spinning and FLY at Razor in a most unnervingly violent manner.
Razor jumps into the air, wings unfurling behind him to carry him over them.
Nick Caligo (GM): Garrick is accosted by two Flygoombas.
Garrick is ker-smashed by the two of them...
Nick Caligo (GM): The Lakitu is -FRRROSTEH!-
Garrick just stands there, arching an eyebrow. "...right."
Metal Man: "...Next time I go in here, I'm wearing Iron Knuckle armor."
Garrick blasts one of the Flygoombas.
Metal Man: "...Then it'd be just my luck that the arena would flood or we'd fight some mage. Or a laser-shooting superman."
Nick Caligo (GM): *POW!* The Flygoomba is subject to STRUCKAGE! Only , but 'meh.
Metal Man: "Kill the Lakitu! It's frozen solid! Maybe kick it at something!"
Garrick: "Kick it... sounds good..."
Metal Man: "...Maybe at the Koopa?"
Garrick brings back a foot and KICKS the frozen Lakitu at the Koopa.
Nick Caligo (GM): *Ssslliiiiiiiiide.* *KAPLOOK!!* *KAPLOOK.*
Metal Man: "Take that, flying evil thing! ...Oh no... they're doing that thing! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
Nick Caligo (GM): BOTH Koopas take damage and they're turned upside down. The Lakitu hits a wall. He takes more damage as the ice shatters.
Garrick: "...well, that went strangely well."
Nick Caligo (GM): The Iron Nut glares at Garrick this time and charges at him. *whiff!* He misses like a bull attacking a bullfighter.
Garrick: "TORRO!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Those two octorocks fire on Garrick. *DOUBLEFLANK.*
Garrick: "...oh, damn..." *SMACK SMACK*
Garrick gets dropped down to near death. "...dahhhhhh... that smarts... not as much as a green laser to the nads, but it still smarts..."
Nick Caligo (GM): The last of the three octorocks fires upon Metal, gathering energy at its mouth and unleashing a flaming blue blast. *FLWHOOO!!* it shoots right past him.
Metal Man blinks as the blast flies RIGHT over his head.
Nick Caligo (GM): The two Flygoombas converge upon him.
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
Metal Man takes somedamage, placing him squarely at 0 health. But he can continue acting anyway, and has all three mushrooms.
Metal Man: "Blow apart one of them bad guys."
Nick Caligo (GM): The Lakitu and the two Koopas are rather stunned at the moment.
Metal Man: "Like... that Lakitu... before he blows us to smithereens again."
Razor takes careful aim with his claws at the Lakitu, seeing as how Metal can heal himself. "Why one, when I can blast several!" He clenches his fists, and blasts streak out from his fists, and then scatter after hitting the Lakitu, moving to hit the two koopas and an octorok as well.
Nick Caligo (GM): *HithithithithitCRIT!!*
Razor: o.o
Metal Man watches the Lakitu get blasted into tiny tiny pieces... or at least he hopes.
Nick Caligo (GM): The critical shot hits it square in the chest and then splits into another shot, launching itself at... the two koopas and an octorok. Razor hit the Octorock and deals damage to it.
Metal Man eats a mushroom, then goes to disarm Mr. Angry Iron Nut. "There is only ONE man of steel!"
Nick Caligo (GM): *CLANG!* *SHINK!!* The sword flies from its grip and lands off to the side, point down. He looks ROYALLY pissed.
Metal Man: "Now, you will melt into a puddle! ...Why aren't you melting? ...Last time I freebase video games and think it's real life!"
Nick Caligo (GM): The Iron Nut tries to grab Metal. *AoO for Metal!*
Metal Man tries to stab its chest in.
Nick Caligo (GM): Miss. Metal scratches his armor, but nothing else. Metal is Grabbed! The Iron Nut THROWS him at Razor.
Metal Man: "Let go of me! I smell bad! ...AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
Razor: *Kasplook.*
Nick Caligo (GM): *THACK!!*
Metal Man: "...Great... so much for eating that mushroom..."
Razor: "Ow... did anyone ever tell you that you're heavy?"
Nick Caligo (GM): The twin Octorocks fire their rocks at Metal.
Metal Man (GM): Two hits.
Metal Man is teh overkilled.
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal: *DEATH.* Looks like his revenge'll need to wait, unless someone has a green mushroom. The other Octorock fires at Razor.
Razor slides out of the way of the rock. "Metal! Damn..."
Nick Caligo (GM): The koopas get to their feet, Lakitu starts flying again. The flygoombas attack Aribar simultaneously. ... ... *SMACK.*
Aribar: "GAH!"
Razor growls and turns to the Lakitu. "Out of the sky, now!" He lets loose with an Annihilate attack.
Nick Caligo (GM): All but two of those hit shots. One critical. OWCH. The Lakitu is VERY dead. *OVERKILL.* A few of the shots go through him and eliminate one of the red koopas. An Iron Nut without a sword, a pair of FlyGoombas, a Red Koopa, and three Octorocks remain.
Aribar aims his Thordain, with Shockwave range, in the middle of the Octorocks to attempt to kill them all. He also designates his Dodge bonus to the Red Koopa at this time.
Nick Caligo (GM): ... Some health healed to both Aribar and Razor and Metal. Metal is no longer dead; he's KO'd. Even with his class feature. His body reappears.
Metal Man is now unconscious, but not dead. He has two mushrooms, if anyone wants to use those.
Nick Caligo (GM): Two failures and a miraculous success. Aribar hits with that success.
Metal Man does a lot while KO'd... uhhhh... a lot of nothing!
Nick Caligo (GM): The Iron Nut grabs its sword. The Flygoombas continue to pelt Aribar. *smack.*
Aribar: "Yer getting weaker..." *Three damage!*
Nick Caligo (GM): The Red Koopa shoots himself at Aribar. *KAPLOOK!*
Aribar: "GAH!"
Nick Caligo (GM): The octorocks ALL fire at Razor.
Razor: *DodgedodgeTHUNK.*
Razor: "That hurt!" *He shoves a shroom into Metal's mouth before casting |)00|\/| upon ze Koopa.*
Metal Man is now barely alive.
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal rises again.
Metal Man: "...What happened... did a Benedict Arnold hit me? ...It's that stupid Lakitu... DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Er."
Nick Caligo (GM): Ah. The koopa DIES.
Metal Man turns to the Darknut, and lets fly with Tri-Attack. "NOW you must melt!"
Nick Caligo (GM): All gain some more health. *FROSTY.* *FULLDAMAGE.*
Metal Man: "He's frozen! Beat him down!"
Aribar first attempts to use his Advanced Smash Dex to do a wide-area HP scan of all enemies before casting Thordain on the Octorocks. He is going to Heroic Surge to attack again but he wants to see if his Thordain kills the Octies or not.
Razor: "I'll shred him... take out the others!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Two of the octorocks fail. The other succeeds. One of them POOFS into death. More health to all.
Aribar Heroic Surges to cast ANOTHER Thordain--And Master it!
Nick Caligo (GM): Octorock HP: 13 and 14. *Success, FAILURE.* 10 and 2 HP now.
Aribar: "So close!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Iron Nut: 86 HP. Flygoombas: 15 and 20 HP.
Metal Man: "So far away! Let's concentrate on the nut!"
Razor: "Worry about the others, I'll handle the nutjob..." *He holds his hands straight out at the Iron Nut.* "Time for you to join your friends. Annihilate!" His hands charge with raw destructive force before massive waves of energy fly out to tear apart the hunk of metal.
Nick Caligo (GM): Miss, hit, miss, miss, hit, CRITICAL HIT.
Razor: ...DEATH.
Nick Caligo (GM): Yep. The Iron Nut's armor flies apart, and the jackalman beneath it dies. The twin Octorocks fire upon Razor. Oh, more healed health to all.
Razor hops out of the way to dodge the rocks.
Nick Caligo (GM): The Flygoombas both attack... of course... ARIBAR again! *smack.*
Aribar: "Hah! You call THAT an attack?" *attempts to blast the two octorocks with his cone-shaped Sand Blast...*
Nick Caligo (GM): BOTH Octorocks are caught in the d00m. Both Octorocks just DIE. Only the Flygoombae are left.
Aribar: "Hah!"
Metal Man: "I'll kill you all! RADIO DEATH!"
Nick Caligo (GM): *DOUBLEFAILURE.* *POWPOW.* Both of the Goombas are destroyed.
Metal Man: "...Do I get extra experience for that?"
Nick Caligo (GM): Everyone's HP is restored.
Klumsy's voice: "Well done!"
Aribar: "Gah... Metal... You nearly killed me!"
Nick Caligo (GM): A door opens at the opposite end of the room that the Questers came in from.
Razor takes a long deep breath. "That was crazy..."
Nick Caligo (GM): There's a flight of stairs.
Metal Man: "Sorry. My radios are badly made."
Aribar: "... This is probably the first room out of fifteen..." *Heads to the door.*
Metal Man follows.
Razor heads slowly up.
Nick Caligo (GM): ... They lead down. Sorry. The stairs go down deeper and deeper into this complex, and finally lead you into a long room of grey stone... it's a church, complete with stained glass windows. At the end is a kneeling figure.
Metal Man: "...This looks bad..."
Nick Caligo (GM): He's not a particularly well dressed fellow. He leans a little on his weapon--a swallow, a dual edged polearm.
Razor: "..."
Aribar blinks...
Nick Caligo (GM): His jeans are tight and worn, holes developed in his knees. His green vest is worn over a white shirt, and his wrists are adourned with frilly looking cuffs.
Metal Man: "...Well, at least it isn't Zio... or does that mean it's worse?"
Aribar: "H-hello?"
Editor's Note: The session split about here, and there was a side thing going on during the first part; before the big boss battle, I present... what the other Questers were doing during the first half of the holo tomb battles!
Klumsy Koopa "Well, they oughta' have some fun in there, heh heh heh..."
Locos Docos: "I will allow this two to speak first. Yur, Metal? Anything to speak about? I guess not..." o_O *He approaches Klumsy.*
Klumsy Koopa: "Yeah, Locos?"
Locos Docos: "Klumsy, I'm sure you are aware of the current events outside this tomb, yes? Smithy and all, yes?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Yeah... I remember that guy..."
Yurie: "...exactly how did you know my name?"
Klumsy Koopa: "... ? .. I've never SAID your name, miss."
Yurie: "...just exactly -who- are you?"
Locos Docos waits for her to speak.
Klumsy Koopa: "Klumsy K. Koopa the third, ma'am!" *He tries to bow all dignified-like, but falls on his face at her feet.*
Locos Docos kinda chuckles.
Yurie: "...oooookay..."
Klumsy Koopa coughs and jumps to his feet.
Locos Docos: "Now about Smithy... He's back, new army... crashed into mushroom kingdom castle. No star pieces."
Klumsy Koopa: "Yes, I know."
Locos Docos: "... Klumsy, I trust only three people with this information... Wolfman/VG, Mewtwo, and you." *He whispers in a bit voice.* "Wolf is gone, and I've already told Mewtwo." *pause.* "...I am secretly collaborating with Smithy to better spy on his plans."
Yurie: "Now what could be so secret to be hidden from me like that..." -.-
Locos Docos: "Yes... as hard as it is to believe, Sir Klumsy, I am keeping this extremely secret so the others don't get suspicious of my 'actions.'"
Klumsy Koopa: "It's best they don't know. Make it public and Smithy'll find out."
Locos Docos: "I know. Like I said, I only trust you three with it. I plan to strike him down during a showdown with him personally with the whole group."
Klumsy Koopa: "Your secret's safe with me. He smiles, winks, and gives the "Okay" sign with his hand. *with me."
Locos Docos: "Thank you... but something else bothers me."
Yurie snorts, then reaches into her jacket and pulls out a silk fan. A soft SHIIIIP is heard as she snaps it open, fluttering it slghtly.
Locos Docos: "While you were dead, did you or someone else send prophetic messages on a subconsious level? I've received them."
Klumsy Koopa: "Nope. Wasn't me."
Locos Docos: "Then why were you involved... Perhaps she...! So... the first part is done... I'm not good with signs in dreams where there are carved things on it... but it went something like this. 'Past and future, dead and alive, would meet each other. Old friends reunite.'"
Klumsy Koopa: "And what's the next part?"
Locos Docos: "...I don't know. I haven't been able to remember that much yet. Though each night I get the same recurring dream... Like ...there's a Shadow Temple beneath the stadium! but much darker and sinister. Literally darker. And... at the end you held up to photos... One a big key with supposedly blood on it... and a curtain. That's when I would wake up, all sweating, and severe rain and thunderstorms being outside. It's a tomb and shadow temple at the same time. Maybe... hers."
Klumsy Koopa: "... You mean...?"
Locos Docos nods. "I'm not sure, but it's like an intuition."
Klumsy Koopa: "... Hers..." he shudders "... No, that can't be right."
Locos Docos: "If it isn't you, then it has to be her. Who else is close to the Questers? Or rather close as in 'criticizing and kicking their butts' close?"
Klumsy Koopa: "... You might be right... but it wouldn't be so... dark!"
Locos Docos: "I think somehow that time has... done something whacked. Something is very evil about it... I just don't know what history is down there. In Hyrule it was: 'Shadow Temple, here lies the greed and bloody history of Hyrule.' There were many similarities between the ST in Hyrule, and beyond the Big Door at the bottom of the building. I'd say the normal enemies are, at least, as strong as Bob: The lord of electric death..."
Klumsy Koopa: "Ha ha ha, that's funny, Locos. Bob, Lord of Electric Death... I should use that one!"
Locos Docos: "It was a 'Robotnik hologram gone corrupted by a virus of uber-stupidity by my allies' is what Donez told me."
Klumsy Koopa: ".... Oh..."
Locos Docos: "I'd say you'd like that one too. Si?"
Klumsy Koopa: "... Well... that mouse DID tell me somethin' about a door beneath the stadium."
Locos Docos: "Never heard of a mouse in meh dreams. Must be an informant. anyway, you can go on to whatever; I'm glad that you're back and alll... but you're still a big ol' nerd meanie in my eyes." ^_^
Locos Docos: "...What was that? what was that??"
Nick Caligo (GM): Locos finds himself LAZED IN THE CROTCH by DA POWA OF DA SCHWARTZ!! He would be in EXCRUCIATING PAIN right now.
Locos Docos: "If that was pain, I've already felt it. Not like a kick to the... *PANG!" *He falls over to the ground.* *frozen in suspended hurtation.*
Klumsy Koopa grins and lets up on the ray. "That's better."
Locos Docos foot twitches about 17 seconds after he let's up. He begins to get up, and shakes his head and goes "BRRRRBBBBBRRBRBLURLBURLUR! Now that's a wake-up call!"
Klumsy Koopa: "I'm a geek, not a nerd. There's a BIG DIFFERENCE!"
Locos Docos dusts his left arm off and gets up, like nothing happened. "Right! Of course! Geeks have glasses."
Klumsy Koopa: "Yes!"
Locos Docos: "Nerds have jumbo goggles! ...Like you." ^_^
Yurie: "You don't learn fast, do you?"
Locos Docos: "Nope! And darn proud of it!"
Yurie: *THWAP!* *He whacks Locos atop the head with her fan.* -.-
Locos Docos grows a large bump, @_@ for eyes, and tears gushing out like waterfalls.
Klumsy Koopa: "So! Who's the pretty girl?"
Locos Docos: "She's the one with an attitude against me." :( "...Her name is Yurie... Yurie... something. By the way, Klumsy... do you give out keys as a prize?"
Yurie: "Yurie Ginsei..."
Locos Docos: "That's a nice last name there."
Yurie folds up her fan and slides it back into her jacket.
Locos Docos: "She's a sailor."
Klumsy Koopa: "No, I don't, I'm afraid... Yurie Ginsei... what a beautiful name..." *hearts appear in his eyes.*
Locos Docos: "No offense, but don't ask for advice from me about her..."
Yurie: "...?"
Locos Docos: "I hardly know anything and she likes beating me up for things I do accidentally."
Yurie: "The only accidental thing about you, Locos, is your lack of accidentalness."
Locos Docos: "Hey! I hit that button on accident. Besides, it helped, didn't it?"
Klumsy Koopa is clinging to Yurie's leg, sorta' nuzzling it.
Yurie: "..." V.V
Locos Docos tries to hold it back.
Yurie: "Um... I appreciate the affection... but... could you let go of my leg? My foot's falling asleep." -.-
Locos Docos snorts.
Klumsy Koopa releases le appendage and falls on his back. "!!!" he tucks into his shell.
Locos Docos is still holding it back, and rolls the shell over.
Yurie: "I'm probably the only female on this team." -.-
Locos Docos: "At least you know you have one fan now."
Yurie uprights Klumsy. -.-
Klumsy Koopa pops out of his shell. "Thanks."
Locos Docos: "I guess we'll have to start calling him Bashful Koopa from now on." *He shrugs.* "...or something along those lines.
Yurie: "Oh hush Locos."
Klumsy Koopa: "..." *blush.*
Locos Docos has a sweatdrop. "See what I mean?"
Yurie: "So... are you going to end up coming back to the Stadium or what?"
Locos Docos: "Ya, Blushy. You returning or no?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Um... maybe."
Locos Docos: "Mr. Koopa does belong in an unusual predicament. He's technically dead, but he's in the living realm."
Klumsy Koopa: "... Uh, no, I'm not dead."
Locos Docos: "...So you were floating around in the X-Zone until you could come back? It's also known as limbo."
Klumsy Koopa: "Nah... the place I was in was all dark and creepy. Snow covered paths looming over endless pits of darkness, that sorta' thing."
Locos Docos: "So in other words, you were lost in your own closet again. That would explain why you were gone for so long."
Klumsy Koopa: "... My closet is NOT a realm of evil!!"
Locos Docos: "Well you seem to panic a lot when you're stuck on your back and in a dark place."
Klumsy Koopa: "You would too!"
Locos Docos: "So you were tipped on your back and stuck in a dark place or did you really sacrifice your own life, was in a realm of evil for quite a while and then a mouse gave you a key to allow you back to this world?"
Klumsy Koopa: "The latter."
Locos Docos: "..." o_O "...I'm gonna research on this. This is absolutely illogical. Show me the exit and I shall return tomorrow with better understanding!"
Yurie: "Of course..."
Locos Docos: "...Yurie, I suggest you come back with me as well. No telling what this one has in store for you. Unless you want to risk having your other leg being worshiped..."
Yurie: "He'd be wise not to impugn on a lady's honor... especially when said lady has a sword."
Locos Docos: "Touche."
Klumsy Koopa: "Gah-hulh!!" He adjusts his collar nervously.
Locos Docos: "Your words be wise as well as varied; very well. I would still be wary of the venerating koopa that's here though."
Klumsy Koopa: "I'm a pretty potent fighter!"
Locos Docos: "I said venerate, not ventilate." *He tips his hammer in respect and puts it back.* "Bon voyage. ...say, how do you leave this tomb anyway?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Oh. I just activate the ELRAPY."
Locos Docos: "Right right... the extremely low random applying probability thing. Shoot the bad boy up so I can leave."
Klumsy Koopa: "I've gotta wait for the guys to finish the challenge..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal SHOOTS out of the doors, one life lower. Corn meal falls on his head.
Metal Man: "...Last time I trust a sword."
Locos Docos: "Did you know that Klumsy is a cultist?"
Metal Man: "You may have won this time, but the next time I'll steal your Trix! And then I'll run away singing the pokemon theme!"
Klumsy Koopa: "... Cultist!?"
Metal Man: "...Klumsy is a what what?"
Klumsy Koopa: "The heck are you talking about?"
Locos Docos: "OH! I'm sorry... I thought you thought Yurie was a religion, not a person."
Metal Man: "What about Yurie? ...Bah. If that thing defeated me, those two--minus Aribar--are good as super-dead!"
Klumsy Koopa: Metal's sucked back in rapidly.
Locos Docos: "..." O_O; "I hate to see what you do on a bad day. ...Say, isn't that Sora guy back yet?? Shouldn't take this long to explore a challenge which one didn't take."
Klumsy Koopa: "Nope. He's not exploring it, he's talking to his friend. I think he said his name was... uh... Supersloth?"
Locos Docos: "Since when was this place a social bar? No idea. Now you said you're the challenge in the Diamond chamber, yes?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Yep."
Locos Docos bursts out laughing.
Klumsy Koopa: "..." -,- *He holds up the ring again.*
Locos Docos slaps his knees and is rolling on the floor with tears in his eyes.
Yurie: "Supersloth?"
Locos Docos gets the hiccups from laughing so dang hard.
Klumsy Koopa: "Well... it coulda' been Savior loft... or Segamoth..."
Locos Docos: "No serio--" *hic.* "--us ly..." *hic.* "..."
Klumsy Koopa: "He's the guy at the end of the challenge..." *BWEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem!!* *Again Locos finds GREAT PAIN.*
Locos Docos: "What's the" *hic.* "challenge--" *He falls over again in suspended paination.*
Klumsy Koopa: "I, Locos, am seriously the challenge! If you think THIS hurts, you should see what I do in THERE with that friggin' key! You wouldn't last two seconds against me... understand?"
Locos Docos foot twitches 17 seconds later after the shock, and gets up 5 after that with the whole shaking head and going "BRRRRBBBBBRRBRBLURLBURLUR!" thing. "Sooooo... If Yurie challenged the diamond thing, you would fight her?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Yep."
Locos Docos smiles smugly. "What'd she have to do? Defeat you... or just make you go in your shell again?" ^_^
Klumsy Koopa: "..."
Yurie: "..."
Locos Docos: "...I feel a tremendous beatdown within the next 8 seconds."
Klumsy Koopa whips his arm out to the side. That huge golden key materializes in his hand. He LEAPS into the air and hangs in slow motion before swinging it down on his head, actually chopping through him and into the ground. Locos would feel somehow... less... confident at this point... seeing as he is still standing there, painless, but now missing one of his lives.
Yurie: O.o
Nick Caligo (GM): The life force could be seen draining out of Locos.
Locos Docos sees it going out of him.
Yurie: "That... didn't... look pleasant..."
Locos Docos: "Wow. You really have changed. That was so weak, I couldn't even feel it. And yet I don't feel as confident and smug. ...I must research on this as well."
Klumsy Koopa: "I just took one of your lives."
Locos Docos shakes his head. "Actually that's what we call 'hammu-subarus'. If translated into this tongue, it wouldn't even sound logical."
Klumsy Koopa: "... Ah."
Locos Docos: "I'll just not be as careless with it next time. But tell me, on this world where does this ...'lost life force' go?"
Yurie: "Away, obviously."
Locos Docos: ¬_¬ "..."
Klumsy Koopa: "Yeah, pretty much."
Locos Docos: "I know that, but where specifically?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Uh... the air. It just kinda'... dissolves."
Locos Docos: "... Lunarian 'hammu-subarus' just doesn't 'dissolve' in the air. Since I'm half, though, the consequences won't be as harsh. I'm not familiar with Earth's rules, but generally the thing will come to the person who caused the lost life force, make 'em feel dizzy, insides go into outwards, then finally give that thing a big ol' dose of literal spine-twisting and nauseating blackish gunk will come out of your ears."
Klumsy Koopa blinks.
Locos Docos: "We don't like losing it as much as you do... it's just that we have more consequences than other races."
Klumsy Koopa: "... Well, that doesn't seem to be happening right now... so, going to say anything which ISN'T stupid lie, or am I going to have to take ANOTHER of your lives?"
Locos Docos: "Ayyee... not now..."
Klumsy Koopa sighs.
Locos Docos: "But you'll start to feel it in a couple days... pending on the atmospheric conditions."
Yurie: " done BSing Locos?"
Locos Docos doesn't react for a couple of minutes since he was deep in thought. "Yes. Now can we go home? My feet are falling asleep for getting blasted and they've been in there far longer than I thought."
Metal Man (GM): However, it is not to be, as a pile of old Smash dexes suddenly SMASHES down onto Locos, knocking him out and forcing the others to drag him back to HQ instead.
Editor's Note: Resuming main session...
Nick Caligo (GM): His blonde hair is long, but smooth looking. He stands, turning to you, looking upon the Questers with blue eyes and a roguish smile. BOSS: ZIDANE. *CHINK!* Zidane smirks, whirling his swallow into a combat stance.
Garrick: "...wait, hold on... who are you again?"
Nick Caligo (GM): Zidane answers Garrick's question (he hasn't said a WORD yet) with a triad of slashes. He immediately goes to CUT HIM UP.
Garrick: "YEOW!" *He triple dodges, but that second one comes close..* "Alright, fine!" Garrick brings his buster in close for a POINT BLANK ATTACK and fires off a FLASHBOLT at 'em.
Nick Caligo (GM): *Hit!* Zidane is unaffected by confusion, but takes damage. Razor shall not be using Annihilate... so he uses the next best thing!
Razor: "Hyper burst!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit, hit, CRITICAL HIT.
Zidane: "Ungh!!" He grunts in pain from that last volley.
Garrick: "Somebody scan 'em..."
Metal Man: "Take this! TRI-ATTACK!" His sword glows all three colors, yellow red and blue, then unleash a tribeam into Zidane.
Nick Caligo (GM): He evades Metal's attack entirely, ducking and rolling to the side.
Garrick: "Jeez, he's fast... Keep him busy..."
Razor: "He's quick..."
Metal Man: "...Well, he only moves faster than most of my attacks."
Garrick: "I just need a bit of time..."
Razor ducks slightly before charging at him. "Warlock Punch!" His claws glow with purple energy before he lashes out.
Nick Caligo (GM): Zidane parries both attacks. *CHING! CLANG!!*
Razor: "Gah..."
Nick Caligo (GM): The dark energy of Razor's first attack disperses uselessly. He looks... angry.
Garrick: "...that wasn't smart, Raze..."
Razor: "...well... that was incredibly useless..."
Metal Man: "..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Purple bolts of lightning surround him before surging forth at Razor, their tips searing his body as he's assaulted by a barrage of explosions.
Zidane: "Free Energy!!"
Garrick: "...holy..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Success. Razor takes half damage. Zidane has stopped glowing.
Razor stumbles away. "Ow!"
Garrick is moving slowly to the right, Zidane's left. His buster begins to glow with charge...
Metal Man twirls his sword, goes to Zidane, and swings at him.
Metal Man (GM): *CRIT.*
Nick Caligo (GM): *CRITICAL HIT.*
Zidane: "AHH!!" His purple lightning crackles madly.
Nick Caligo (GM): Zidane is on one knee. The lightning suddenly flares up as he's engulfed in a bright white glow. He stands up, transformed. His clothing is ripped and torn, his midrift is exposed, his hair has gone blackish-purple, and he looks goddamn pissed off. *TRANCE.*
Razor: "...not... good..."
Metal Man: "I've seen many a trance in my day..."
Razor: "I wish I could still rage like I used to... did something a lot like that."
Nick Caligo (GM): He runs at Razor and continues his assault, slashing him up with three attacks. With each attack, lightning bolts lash out at Metal and Garrick, too.
Metal Man deflects it all... at least, everything coming for him.
Razor: *DodgeSMACKDodge.*
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal takes two hits, Razor takes one. Garrick took all three hits.
Garrick gets hammered, but he isn't down yet.
Metal Man takes a glancing blow.
Garrick takes this turn to REcharge his buster up one level...
Nick Caligo (GM): I'm surprised nobody Dexes him.
Razor uses the Suit's scanners... he plugged the Dex into the suit... because it's cool that way... to scan Zidane...
Dex: *DING!* "Zidane. Current HP: 261. Defense: 20. Attack Bonus: +9/+9/+4. Reflex: +10. (EVASION) Fortitude: +6. Will: +7. Notes: Zidane, known for saving Gaia from certain destruction, plays the part of a guest boss in the Holo Tomb, along with Kuja, Cloud Strife, and Sephiroth."
Razor: "What? Awww... damn..." *He lifts his gloves to let off a normal attack then--*
Dex: "Hold on! His most noteworthy ability is Trance, which activates when he takes extremely heavy damage in only a single hit. This ability makes him go from an evasive, dextrous fighter with bothersome abilities to a destructive force that can wipe out a whole group. This is his one trump card; as long as he doesn't trance, he's easily dealt with. Should it activate, it will last two to four rounds. *done.* Razor: Partial action time."
Razor decides, rather... to munch a shroom. Yum.
Metal Man goes to slash Zidane yet again.
Nick Caligo (GM): -miss- o/` PS1--Lassic o/`
Razor jams his gloves right into Zidane's face. They glow golden. "Get out of my face, shrimp." He squeezes his hands tight, and they erupt in bursts of energy. per hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): Razor gets a total of two hits. He ducks the first few, leaps over the next couple, takes one, falls past another, and then takes the last one and skids over the ground. Zidane throws his hand up, and from behind Razor a stream of supernatural fire scoops down to fry him. Failure. Razor gets burned.
Garrick starts moving toward Zidane on his first turn of the round, charging his buster to full power. He uses his only HEROIC SURGE to have another turn as he FLANKS Zidane on the right and brings his buster up to the side of his face in a POINT BLANK ATTACK. All in all, this is a FLANKING POINT BLANK FULLY CHARGED SHOT OF |)00/\/\.
Razor gets frieded pretty well. Crispy... but not quite dead yet.
Nick Caligo (GM): Hit!
Garrick: .oO(Suck on this, homeboy...)
Razor: "Nice shot."
Nick Caligo (GM): The purple lightning surrounding Zidane intensifies GREATLY.
Metal Man: "Woah."
Garrick: "..." *pant.* "...I need a 'shroom... badly..."
Razor: "Oh... great..."
Nick Caligo (GM): His Trance shall remain permanent through the fight.
Metal Man pulls out a radio, and throws it at Zidane. "Godspeed, little radio!"
Metal Man (GM): Supa Fail.
Nick Caligo (GM): Failure indeed. Zidane gets blasted. Then Zidane opens up by whirling around at Garrick and thrusting his blade through his stomach.
Garrick: "He's gotta be on his last legs..." *He is able to get outta the way just in the nick of time.*
Nick Caligo (GM): As he misses the one with the ungodly agility, his lightning crackles at Garrick the way it did Razor. Garrick's insides start cooking and explosions burn his flesh. Failure. Garrick gets ker-SMASHED into the wall, sliding down it.
Razor takes his final two Shrooms, seeing as how nothing can be done for Garrick now, and munches on them.
Metal Man sends off another Tri-laser in Zidane's direction. TRI ATTACK NUMBER 9999999999999999!
Metal Man (GM): *SUPA-FAIL.*
Nick Caligo (GM): CRITICAL SUCCESS. He evades the attack easily.
Garrick wonders if anyone has a 1-Up mushroom...
Nick Caligo (GM): He lashes at Metal with the Scoop Art attack he used on Razor. Failure. Metal is hit.
Razor NOW can flank Zidane... and he does so... and lets loose with another Hyper Burst...
Nick Caligo (GM): Razor gets a single hit.
Metal Man eats a mushroom, then stabs Zidane with the sword.
Nick Caligo (GM): *HIT!* His armor seems reduced... He takes more damage this time.
Garrick just sits by the wall and bleeds. He uses his turn to bleed on the wall, doing 30 points of stain damage to the wall.
Nick Caligo (GM): lol. Zidane performs that three hit combo of DOOM on Metal.
Metal Man laughs and deflects it all like it's 1999.
Nick Caligo (GM): Lightning zaps at Razor for each hit.
Razor: One hit...
Razor steps in closer and continues his Hyper assault from the side.
Nick Caligo (GM): Not a single hit, but a few come close. The shots fly around Zidane like a storm of energy.
Metal Man runs at Zidane, going to stab him YET AGAIN.
Nick Caligo (GM): *STAB!!*
Garrick wonders in his brain if Klumsy is watching this...
Metal Man: "I'll destroy you like that large Armadillo destroyed Aribar! Yahhhhhh! TRI-ATTACK!"
Nick Caligo (GM): .. *failure.* He's not frozen, though. He's immune to that status effect, too. Zidane's HP: 66. Zidane counters Metal by continuing his swallow assault.
Razor: Two hits to me.
Metal Man once again teaches Zidane's swallow the power of plasma shield.
Nick Caligo (GM): *CHOONK* *CHOONK* *CHOONK.*
Garrick wonders in the afterlife where the crap the sound effect Choonk came from.
Nick Caligo (GM): Three hits. Zidane blitzes with energy and staggers back to the organ at the end of the church. He throws his arm out to the side and the power of Trance disperses. He returns to normal and stands up, looking VERY tired, but still in battle stance. He looks to Metal, gritting his teeth in anger, and motions for him to come at him a la karate movies.
Razor: "You're done... it's over. Finish it Metal."
Metal Man doesn't even need to see that and runs at him with a furious face.
Nick Caligo (GM): Zidane dashes at Metal as well, and makes a SWING as he passes by.
Metal Man moves to avoid... it slices him a little in the knee, but he goes to counter, flipping and while flipping going to slash Zidane's back.
Nick Caligo (GM): Metal's unexpected move catches Zidane in the knee and cuts him down from behind. He falls on his face and tumbles across the floor.
Metal Man slowly walks towards him, sword at the ready.
Nick Caligo (GM): His body shines brightly and disappears as his life force departs in a wave of golden light. Streamers of said light trail into Garrick, Razor, and Metal. All of them are brought to full health. Garrick's still a life low, though.
Garrick gets to his feet, groaning slightly.
Razor watches as Zidane tumbles towards him, arms folded across his chest. He blinks a few times as he disappears. "Hmm."
Garrick: "...son of a... damn that hurt..."
Metal Man points his blade into the sky."Alright... in your face, Bronze challenge!"
Razor looks towards Garrick. "You going to be alright?"
Garrick: "Yeah, just stiff... literally there for a bit. Alright, where's the blasted Koopa..."
Metal Man sheathes his sword.
Garrick makes back toward the door back out into the main area.
Nick Caligo (GM): Garrick's performance was least most desirable. He left in the middle last night, and you triggered a permanent trance on Zidane. However, he did significantly reduce the battle's time, and sacrificed himself to do so. He recieves Free Energy.
Nick Caligo (GM): For taking Garrick's place, Aribar receive a special bonus attack: "What's That!?" I won't even bother going over Razor's performance. 'twas good, but no better than Garrick's. Free Energy is his. I liked Metal's performance best. He even did the way-cool finisher scene thing at the end. He receives the attack Solution 9.
Deloth: *claps.* *stands and leaves.*
Aribar is probably in the lobby now configuring his sword with Lightning+Power Hit+Crosscut for Bi-Bolt Slash...
Nick Caligo (GM): All return to the lobby of the Holo Tomb.
Metal Man: "...Well, that was energizing."
Garrick walks outside, looking mildly agitated.
Klumsy Koopa: "Hope you all liked it! Oh, I forgot about the prize..."
Nick Caligo (GM): *BWEEEEEeeeeEEEE!!*
Razor takes a deep breath. "Don't feel like doing that again any time soon... oh yeah... prize."
Garrick: "I want to take on the next one, to be honest."
Aribar: "... Mistah Klumsy, are we allowed to solo-ly take the Bronze Challenge?"
Garrick: "Or take it again. I feel like I did jack squat..."
Metal Man: "I'd LOVE to see you just try the deathly silver challenge."
Razor: "Garrick... this was the BRONZE Challenge... and it was that hard..."
Metal Man: "This is the first time anyone has defeated the Bronze challenge."
Klumsy Koopa: "Ha ha, I dunno, are you up to it, Ari?"
Razor: "I'm not going to be taking the next one for a while."
Metal Man: "And even then, it took THREE of us."
Aribar: "... Maybe after this..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Everyone--including Aribar--becomes slightly stronger. For those who beat the challenge. Aribar receives MAGE MASHER. It's a shortsword which deals electrical damage and boosts spell power. Garrick recieves Z-BUSTER! It can be charged and has a high likelihood of getting critical hits.
Garrick: "...whoa..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Razor recieve LAVIS BLADES; a pair of daggers that look sorta' like... that. They have 3 cube slots and a decent crit range, and are small.
Aribar transfers the Bi Bolt Slash cubes into his Mage Masher and thanks Klumsy...
Nick Caligo (GM): I award Metal with a MYTHRIL BUSTER SWORD.
Garrick: *whistle.*
Razor: Heh.
Nick Caligo (GM): It acts as a large weapon for purposes of wielding, but has all the advantages of a normal buster sword. *FF VICTORY THEME.*
Garrick looks down at his new slick Z-Buster, then up at Klumsy. "...alright, I've got a question. on earth did you get fighters like that one guy in there?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Well... I had this dream... I saw Keith Richards... and he said... if you build it, they will come..."
Garrick: "...uh... huh..."
Aribar: "... Oookay..."
Klumsy Koopa: "So I built it... and then I saw Zidane in there... and he asks me... 'Is this Heaven'? Well, I say, 'I guess so...; and you know what he says? 'Jeez, this place blows! Mind if I bring a few friends'?"
Garrick: "And so come the bosses of the other three challenges."
Klumsy Koopa: "Yep. They're tough ones, too... 'specially that one guy Sora was talking to."
Garrick remembers from the Dex entry, he points to the silver, gold, and platinum doors in turn "Kuja... Cloud... and Sephiroth... right?"
Klumsy Koopa: "Yep. They're NUTS, too..."
Garrick: "...why did you make this place?"
Klumsy Koopa: "... Um... 'cause Keith Richards told me to!"
Garrick: "...right. Is Sora around?"
Aribar: "Klumsy... Whenever you have some free time later I want to take the Bronze challenge... Alone if possible."
Klumsy Koopa: "... Ooooo... taking the Bronze and Silver challenges alone yields an even BIGGER reward. But they're really REALLY tough without some friends."
Garrick: "If Sora is still talking to that Sephiroth fellow, I'd like to go speak with them..."
Aribar: "I know I can take on the Bronze challenge... Silver, though..."
Klumsy Koopa: "Sephiroth? ... No, he HATES Sephiroth... OH! He must be in the Gold Challenge with Cloud!"
Garrick: "May I go speak with them then?"
Nick Caligo (GM): The gold doors open for Garrick.
Garrick: "Right, thanks."
Metal Man: "Yeah... we should deal with that satellite sometime soon too."
Garrick walks on in to the gold doors.
Locos Docos is busy as ever doing research while the 5 guys are partying at Klumsy's.
Razor blinks a few times. "Eh? Hey, where are you running off to? Gah... oh well..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora is speaking with Cloud. Off to the side is some other guy... he looks kinda' funny, like Sora. 'cept his clothes are white and his hair is blond. His eyes are a much lighter shade of blue.
Garrick walks up to them, his eyes a bit hard as he takes in the figures of all three of them. He stops "...Sora."
Sora: "Any word on the Heartless? I hear there have been a few spotted he--..." they all look to him.
Garrick gives Sora a hard look, the new Z-buster shinning on his right hand "...I need to ask you a few questions."
Sora: "... What about?"
Aribar: "Klumsy, I would like to reserve an Alone Silver Challenge for tomorrow or later, if possible..."
Garrick: "About you. And about what the crap is going on."
Nick Caligo (GM): The two guys with Sora are kinda' creepy... but the one that REALLY scares Garrick right now is the kid in white.
Garrick: "You know something, I know you do."
Sora: "Um... okay... would you mind telling me what you want to know??"
Garrick: "What are these Heartless things?"
Razor walks over towards Aribar. "Why do you want to do it alone?"
Sora: "They're... well... The Heartless."
Garrick: "That doesn't answer my question."
Cloud: "They are those who have lost their light..."
Aribar: "I think I will be able to handle it alone."
Garrick looks to Cloud, arching an eyebrow.
Aribar: "Especially with this!" *Raises his Mage Masher.*
Garrick: "Those who have lost their light, huh?"
Nick Caligo (GM): ... For some reason, the fact that Cloud can even speak scares Garrick... he reminds Garrick of a gargoyle, standing there with that cape wrapped around his face like a scarf.
Razor flips his blades around a few times. "Aww... come on. I want to give these a try..."
Locos Docos checks security for any phenomenon.
Cloud: "They steal the hearts of others, and cast them into darkness... making them into their own..."
Garrick: "...and they are here? On Nintendus?"
Sora: "You've seen them here!?"
Garrick: "Yes, at least, I think I have. Jet black colored... little sigil on the chest? Some are like little bug things, others have clanky helments?"
Sora: "... Oh no!! They're here! We've gotta act fast... before they find the Keyhole!"
Garrick: "That was the strange magic source mission... with that hooded guy..." *He strains to remember, like the memory was pushed far back into his head.*
Nick Caligo (GM): The blonde kid raises an eyebrow. He, too, speaks, with a smooth sort of voice. Almost comforting... but Garrick finds it absolutely EERIE still... WHY does that kid scare him so much?
Sora: "What was his voice like?"
Metal Man: "Where did Garrick go running off to?"
Razor turns towards Metal. "He wanted to go talk to Sora..."
Metal Man: "I was too busy staring at this huge hunk of mysterious material. Sora? Ah. I must talk to him."
Garrick: " it was all around me... like it reverberated. And it was in my head long afterwards... but then he disappeared, and it was like he was never there to begin with... he said something about... not opposing Smithy... that we would die if we tried... and then we heard the voice of Digifanatic..."
Sora: "... Who??"
Garrick: "Digifanatic, one of the fallen Questers."
BHK: "... Hm..."
Garrick: "Something is going on, and I want to know what!"
Nick Caligo (GM): The BHK looks to Sora. Sora looks back. They both nod, as if reading one another's minds.
BHK: "We'll sort this out. Just try not to get involved with those hooded guys any more, alright? They're REALLY bad news!"
Garrick: "Sorry, guy, no can do."
Sora: "They control the Heartless like chess pieces."
Garrick: "I'm a Quester, I protect Nintendus. If these hooded guys are after it, then it's our job to stop them."
Metal Man: "Golden door... yeah... I think that's it..." *He enters that door, lugging the huge sword behind him."
Nick Caligo (GM): Cloud looks to Metal, who enters with a very similar weapon to his own. "... I see I've made a fashion trend."
Razor turns and follows behind Metal.
Sora: "The thing is... I'm not so sure you guys can handle them."
Metal Man: "Yeah. I guess so."
Garrick: "And you can?"
Metal Man: "Handle what?"
Garrick: "That hooded guy..."
BHK: "Yes. We can."
Garrick: "Don't get cocky."
Razor flips the blades up so they can rest on the cloaked shoulders of the Power Suit. An eyebrow raises from behind the visor before the helmet slides back. "Hmm..."
Garrick: "If your going after these things, we are to."
Metal Man: "Now hold on there. We need to blow up Smithy. Not a bunch of silly... flying... raincoats!"
Sora: "... Alright, but don't do anything without us along with you, alright?"
Garrick: "...whatever."
Metal Man: "Do you know anything that makes those weirdoes run away?"
Garrick: "I see no reason why I should wait for a pair of kids to come with us before we take on some great evil. If I see something bad happening, I'm going to stop it."
Razor: "They know more about these than we do."
Metal Man: "...Just as we know how to bust Bowser, they know how to bust flying raincoats."
Garrick: "Yeah, and if I have a question, I'll refer to them, but when it comes to down and out fighting, they can get out of my way."
BHK: "Alright... but when you get yourself killed, you're going to regret it. You fought Zidane just now, right?"
Garrick: "Yes, we did."
Metal Man: "Yeah... cheery and tough fellow."
Razor nods.
BHK: "Well his moves are NOTHING next to what those guys in the raincoats do."
Metal Man: "Okay then... I have a plan for when we meet them and you guys aren't around."
Garrick: "Who ARE the guys in the raincoats?"
Metal Man: "Garrick distracts them while we run?"
Garrick: "Oh, shut up Metal..."
Sora: "They're..."
BHK: "Nobody. Ansem called them the Non-Existant Ones in his report on the Heartless."
Garrick: "...huh..."
Metal Man: "...So then... they must know everything that nobody knows?"
Garrick: "...did that make any sense?"
BHK: "Seems like it."
Metal Man: "Like... how many bites to eat through a Ford Explorer?"
Nick Caligo (GM): ... Wait wait, who IS this kid!?
Garrick: "...who are you, then?"
Razor blinks a few times, looking at the bunch here. Wierdos with oversized weapons, most of them...
Metal Man fits right in. XD
Jake: "My name's Jake."
Garrick: "...Jake... right. Well, I'm assuming your going to make some sort of move."
Metal Man: "And I'm Metal Man. Metal, for short. One of the oldest Questers around."
Jake: "Not yet. I've got a lot more stuff to do."
Garrick looks to Sora. "What about you?"
Sora: "The last time I tried that, Jake had to bail me out."
Razor raises an eyebrow, looking back to Jake. "You had to bail HIM out? Must be a decent fighter then. I'm gonna trust you know what you're doing on this... I don't know about these two though..."
Metal Man (GM): *Garrick suddenly is KO'd by a giant doughnut.*
Sora: "So, that it?"
Metal Man: "Yeah."
Razor looks to Sora. "You gonna be coming back with us?"
Sora: "Yeah."
Metal Man: "Good, then at least someone with a sound head can tell us what to do next time headless hoodie men attack. Speaking of headless..." *Pulls off his helmet and feigns being headless.*
Razor nods. "Right..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora and co. chuckle. Then we move out from this scene, to the Questers resting at the Stadium.
Metal Man plans out all sorts of moves... Flaming Uppercut... Electric Death... Freezing Breath... Elbow of Death... and finally, Ultimate Grab.
Razor spends this week's salary getting cubes... a Final Attack and two Life cubes... He dashes through the obstacle course, wings jutting straight out from the back of his Power Suit. The helmet is on, and the cloak is off. In his hands, held point away from his thumbs, are a pair of large dagger-like blades, actuall more like a trio of blades on each, jutting straight out with a faint glow to them. He darts nimbly past numerous traps before slicing through a pair of targets in a roll. He leaps to his feet and presses ahead.
Razor comes to a high wall in the course, and rather than slow his pace to enter flight, his hands holding the blades come up, jamming the blades into the wall. He boosts upwards with his feet, using the blades as a flipping point to leap over the wall. His hands refresh their grip on the hilts before they come out of reach, and he is able to land easily on the ground on the other side. Down at the other end of a long pathway are several moving targets. He breaks into a run again. He narrows his eyes, taking careful gauge of the targets. His arms flash up from his sides again, blades a blur as they slash at the air numerous times. He never breaks from his run. Waves of energy fly from the purple weapons, slamming into and chopping apart the targets in the distance.
Garrick watches Razor run through the course from the viewing area, his arms crossed. He's thinking deeply about this whole situation that just came about. "...I just don't get it..."
Razor grinds to a stop as he slashes through a door and slides into a small room. Several wire frames await him inside. A smirk crosses his face beneath the helmet as a bead of sweat runs down his forehead.
Razor lowers his stance, hands gripping blades, point downwards, as they lift into a fighting position. The frames charge him all at once, and he leaps into the fray. His right hand comes across to slash one in the face as he whirls about, left blade coming to find itself buried in the frame's gut. A single kick sends it sprawling into two others. Razor twists about and ducks just in time to watch a foot fly over his head. H. -Continued..- ead. He jerks upwards, blades coming up towards its leg to throw it backwards and off balance. A quick twirl of his weapons, and waves of energy slam into the frame, knocking it back into the wall.
Garrick continues to sit with his arms crossed in the viewing room, pondering over all the crap that just happened with Sora and what nought.
Razor walks out of the doors to the simulation obstacle course he had set up in the arena and back into the main hallways. He draws a deep breath and sheathes his blades at his sides before his armored hands come up to pull off his helmet. His long brown hair is drenched in sweat... some plastered to his forehead.
Razor slowly makes his way to the R&R room... and his armored form heads straight to the bar. His plated wings fold straight behind him, a cloak once more having been pulled around his shoulders. The helmet of his suit is placed on the bar, and his sheathed weapons hang at his sides.
Aribar is in the R&R... Fighting an invisible enemy in one of the less populated corners of the room.
Locos Docos has been there... wasting away at the computer that sat in the northeast corner of the room, near the entrance/exit of the room for quite some time. At his right is his favorite drink: 24 oz. of Coca-Cola. He continues to attempt to research the phenomonons that happened yesterday.
Nick Caligo (GM): WOAH!! CRAP! Lookit tha size of Locos's post!
Locos Docos picks up his drink, and swirls it a bit with his left hand. He stares at the screen, takes a sip, and puts it back down on the coaster to the right.
Nick Caligo (GM): He's being... gasp! Descriptive! Everyone, give Locos a round of applause! .. No, I'm serious. He does a nice job, too.
Locos Docos: (Why thank you.)
Razor takes a nice long breath as he leans back on the stool. After relaxing for a short time, he stands up again and walks back into the kitchen... there's gotta be one around there somewhere. The sounds of a frier can be heard, and the smell of fried foods can be detected coming from the kitchen.
Locos Docos takes out the hankerchief from his backpocket on his left. He dabs his forehead a couple times, feeling mild sweat on it and removing it. He personally feels irritable when he feels even the slightest sweat. After the dabbing, he gets up enough only to put it away back in his pocket, sits back down, and continues his research.
Aribar sits down next to the corner of the R&R and carves his name in the wall... .oO(No one will ever know...)
Razor steps back out of the kitchen and walks back to the bar. His hands have been bared, and he holds a plate... with several eggrolls on it. A pile, actually. He dumps some soy sauce on them and rubs his hands together, licking his lips.
Locos Docos shrugs.
Nick Caligo (GM): Locos can't find any info on how Klumsy migh've returned, and he doesn't detect any readouts on the area beneath the Stadium.
Locos Docos pounds his fist beside the keyboard again.
Nick Caligo (GM): He does find on the map that there's a sort of dead end at the bottom, though...
Locos Docos: "I hate this limited... info?"
Razor lifts an eggroll from the plate. He lifts it up and chomps down on it, tearing off about half of it. "Mmmmmm..." He munches happily on his stack of eggrolls.
Nick Caligo (GM): Below the warehouse and Oak's Lab there are a few levels that seem rather... useless. They almost seem to be laid out like a maze.
Locos Docos: "...These may provide clues as to how to get beyond the door, the two essential items, or whatever."
Nick Caligo (GM): At the lowest level, there's a dead end, with a door marker. The map ends there.
Locos Docos: "...So that's where it is. When I have the courage and the lack of Coca-Cola, I'll convince one of the mea... allies to come with me and explore." *He gives up on research on the whole thing for now. He turns off the hologram of Metal, grabs his CC, and chugs it down seven to eight gulps while going to the couch, sit on it, and wait for who knows what to happen.*
Razor just keeps on eating his eggrolls... suprisingly clean too. One eggroll... two... three... four... gone like that. Quick and clean... that's how he taught himself to eat. Unfortunately, he's hardly quiet.
Garrick: "...jeez, you must be hungry."
Razor glances up to Garrick. He finishes swallowing his fifth eggroll. "I get hungry a lot... I think its some kind of flaw in my design..."
Garrick: "Since when do you have a design?"
Aribar finishes writing his name about ten times on the wall before getting up and, whistling 'innocently', walks off...
Locos Docos adds his two cents... "About the time when he was initiated here."
Razor raises an eyebrow to Locos before turning back to Garrick. "I wasn't born... I was created. I'm an experiment that went far beyond the hopes and dreams of the ones who created me."
Locos Docos: "So you exceeded someone's expectations?"
Garrick: "...o... kay..."
Locos Docos: "...what about yours?"
Garrick pops a can of coke, taking a sip.
Locos Docos: "I was able to remember even more this time." *He takes another chug.*
Razor blinks a few times at Locos. "What's that?"
Locos Docos: "The prophetic nightmare."
Razor: "Prophetic Nightmares? I've had a few of those myself... suck, don't they?"
Locos Docos: "Yes."
Razor: "Well... listen to them... they'll get clearer as time passes."
Locos Docos: "Especially since this one has been recurring for the past three months."
Garrick: "I haven't been with you guys a year, and I'm already getting used to all the crap..."
Locos Docos: "And each time I wake up, I wake up sweating, and it's severely raining and thunderstorming outside."
Razor chuckles softly. "Yeah..."
Garrick leans back in his chair "There's something that puzzles me, though... puzzles me... I sound like a stupid monk or something..."
Razor: "Hehe... what would that be?"
Garrick: "The Questers have been around for quite some time, right?"
Razor: "Yep..."
Gibby suddenly appears behind Garrick's chair from out of nowhere, climb up behind the chair, and gets REAL close to his face. "SURE HAVE!"
Garrick: "...Gibby?"
Gibby: "The one and only!"
Razor: "..."
Gibby falls off the chair, and lands on his head. @_@ "Ouchies..."
Garrick: "...anyway, what I want to know is that do all the old Questers die? Or do any of them quit?"
Gibby raises his hand. "I died!"
Garrick: "I mean, it seems like everyone has been doing this for a while, all the old Questers I mean. And all the really old Questers are Dead."
Locos Docos: "Or absent."
Gibby: "I was dead, and then brought back to life, and it was cool."
Locos Docos: "With time disruption around you, yes???"
Gibby: "Yeah... those were the good days..."
Locos Docos: "And I still need vengenance for sacrificing me. And I finally have it!"
Gibby: " can you need what you already have?"
Locos Docos snickers maniacally.
Gibby gets up.
Garrick: "The marshmallow knight makes a good point, Locos."
Locos Docos shows him what he 'borrowed' from a guy in town...
Gibby: "I do?"
Aribar walks over to Garrick... "What is this you are talking about?"
Gibby: "HI ARI!" *He leaps on Ari's head.* "How's it going?"
Aribar: "Hi... Gib--GAH!"
Locos Docos: "You see... he killed me so we could just solve a puzzle."
Aribar is unbalanced and falls onto Locos... If he is there.
Gibby: "AHHH!!!"
Locos Docos: "But with this stuff... I will finally be able to get rid of that har..."
Gibby falls off, and lands on his head... again...
Locos Docos: "Blah."
Razor turns back around and quickly finishes off his last few eggrolls.
Garrick looks over to Aribar "I just want to know if this is a life job, this Quester gig. All the old Questers are either dead, evil, or still on the Questers."
Locos Docos falls down and gets up "As I was saying..."
Gibby: @_@ "I REALLY gott a stop doing that."
Gibby: "Umm... I don't THINK it is... AHHH!! POLISH! GET AWAY!!!" *He hides behind Razor.*
Locos Docos laughs manically.
Aribar: "... Well... I dunno..."
Gibby: "I just stayed because nobody else will hire a fluffy knight..."
Aribar: "I've been here for two years because of my damn brother, Zeni..."
Locos Docos: "FEEL MY WRATH, KIRBY!"
Gibby: "EEP!"
Locos Docos opens the jar.
Gibby runs away from Locos.
Locos Docos: "Now come 'ere!" *He runs after Gibby.*
Gibby: -_-; "GET AWAY!"
Locos Docos: "Nevah!"
Gibby: "Ari, kick Locos!"
Aribar: "It isn't a life long job. . But... Well, I have seen some come and go before..." *He looks at Gibby. "... I need your permission to kick him?"
Gibby: "...yes?"
Razor: "..."
Locos Docos still chases after Gibbster.
Gibby: "EEP!" *He is running in circles around the room.*
Aribar: "... I have something better..." *Bolts Locos.*
Gibby: "WHOOT! GO ARI! GO ARI! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!" *He does a little Gibby jig.*
Locos Docos gets shocked as the polisher drops.
Aribar: "... Bolt!... Bolt!... Bolt!... Thordain!" *Alternates attacks between Gibby and Locos.*
Garrick looks at Razor " you get this?"
Locos Docos evades the first and dodges the second.
Gibby: #_# "OWIES! OUCH! EEP! THE PAIN! OW!" *He gets turned into a roasted Kirby... twitching from time to time.*
Locos Docos grabs the polisher and closes it up.
Razor shakes his head slowly. "No... I don't."
Locos Docos: "Luckily, none slipped out."
Garrick: "Good, I'm not the only one..."
Gibby slowly gets up, and rubs his head. "Boy... that was quite a shock." *BAD PUN ALERT! DANGER DANGER!*
Garrick: "Stop making stupid jokes, Gibby."
Locos Docos opens it again...
Aribar: "... Fireball!" *Fireballs Gibby.*
Gibby: "But it's what makes me who I am... that's like telling me not to exist---AH!!!"
Locos Docos: "Everyone, take some... and let Gibby season start again."
Gibby gets turned to a crisp.
Aribar: "... True Strike!" *Makes Gibby's next attack almost undodgable.*
Gibby attacks Locos with a stab to the back.
Locos Docos puts the jar can closed right after he gets stabbed.
Gibby: "MWA HA HA HA!"
Locos Docos puts it in his pocket andd... "!! YYYYYEEEOOOOWWW!"
Gibby laughs to himself. "HA HA HA! I love it!"
Locos Docos goes back to normal. He turns to face the fluffball again.
Garrick: "Locos..."
Locos Docos: "Nooowww... where were we?"
Gibby: "...umm... no hard feelings?"
Locos Docos: "?..."
Gibby: -_-;
Garrick: "Just calm down..."
Gibby: "Calm down? That's like telling a fish to breath!"
Garrick: "Gibby? "
Gibby: "Why must you call my name out in question all the time."
Aribar: "... True Strike!" *Casts it on Locos.*
Garrick: "Your making this worse for yourself, you know that?"
Gibby: "Oh yeah... I know... I make a hobby out of it."
Aribar: "Locos! Strike now!"
Garrick: "Oh well, suit yourself then..."
Locos Docos is shocked... falls on his knees then collapses. Not just regular head polish... ULTIMATE HEAD POLISH.
Aribar: "Gibby? Gibby. Gibby! Gibby?! Gibby!! Gibby... Gibbo..."
Gibby: "My name is NOT Gibbo... that's my uncle!"
Aribar: "Gibbert..."
Garrick: "You have a uncle named Gibbo?"
Locos Docos gets back up slowly.
Gibby: "Yeah... what of it?"
Locos Docos: "...It sounds silly." *He is back up again.*
Gibby: "And I suppose 'Locos Docos' is a perfectly NORMAL name."
Garrick: "...Gibby, Gibby, bo Bibby, banana fanna fo, Fibby, fee fi fo Mibby... Gibby..."
Gibby: "Grr..." *attacks Garrick with a slash attack.*
Locos Docos: "'Locos' is my nick name."
Nick Caligo (GM): ... KK... heh. I remember when I had that name.
Garrick dodges with his ungodly AC.
Locos Docos: "I will never reveal my true name."
Gibby: "BAH!"
Garrick: "Got to be faster than that, Gibbster."
Gibby: "And that's a stupid nick name, anyway. Oh yeah? I'll show you fast!"
Locos Docos gets out the polish again. "That a fact?"
Gibby zooms up to Garrick, and tries stabbing him.
Razor hides from the insanity in his room...
Garrick dodges with that ungodly AC again, hopping easily over the marshmallow man. "Stop while your ahead, Gib-o-ramma."
Gibby: "That's not fair! You're moving... stop moving!"
Aribar: "... What about Aribar? How is that name?"
Gibby shoots a wave of fire at Garrick.
Locos Docos puts it away.
Garrick can't dodge magic, no matter what he does, so he's toasted. "..." *cough.* "..."
Gibby: "MWA HA HA HA! ...uhh... pass?"
Garrick sloooooowly looks at Gibby... his buster hums to life.
Locos Docos: "That's it... where's Yurie?"
Garrick: "You've gone and done it now, Gibman."
Locos Docos: "Surely she's back here by now!"
Gibby: " know... I just remembered... I have to go... THIS way... FAR away from you..." *He quickly side steps away.*
Razor just kicks back and falls asleep. Why? Nothing better to do...
Garrick: "...hmpf." *He sits back down and goes back to his coke.*
Gibby walks up to Garrick again. "By the way, are you gonna finish that coke?"
Garrick: "Yes, yes I am."
Gibby: "Drat... can I have one?"
Garrick: "There's cokes in the frige, get one for yourself."
Gibby: "YAY!" *He heads into the fridge.*
Garrick closes the door on him.
Gibby: "Umm... guys? I think I'm stuck in here... guys? GUYS? HELP! HELP M--oooo... is that chicken? Yummy."
Garrick: "You smell that? That smell? That smelly smell that smells... smelly? That's the sweet, sweet smell of revenge."
Gibby: "And ANCHOVIES too!"
Locos Docos: "All right everyone, let's find the nearest boss. Surely they have something we can do."
Garrick: "Well, I do hope you enjoy your chicken and little tinny fishes as I chuck the fridge with you in it off the stadium roof."
Gibby (GM): The sound of gobbling and munching and slurping can be heard in the fridge.
Aribar walks over to the fridge, picks Gibby up, and holds him upside down.

