Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 71: Smithy's Psycho Dish



Date: July 25th, 26th, & 27th, 2004.
Yurie (GM): A soft beeping is heard as the Dexes activate, alerting the Questers to a message incoming.
Aribar looks it at...
Sora: "What is it?" he opens the Dex.
Razor wakes up and picks up his beeping helmet. He puts it on and latches it to the suit, and a small viewscreen pops up. "Hmm?"
Dex: 'All Questers, report to the Big Room for Mission Briefing.'
Sora scratches his head and does so.
Aribar heads to the Big Doom... Room...
Razor raises an eyebrow. "Hmm? Alrighty..." He hops to his feet and throws his cloak around his shoulders before making his way to the Big Room.
Dex: 'All Questers, report to the Big Room for Mission Briefing.'
Gibby: "Here we go again... *He walks on down to the Big Room."
Garrick heads for the Big Room as well, happy that they are finally going to be doing something.
Yurie (GM): Mewtwo floats before the big screen, his arms crossed, his tail swishing slowly. Yurie's already there, leaned back in her chair.
Razor eases down into a chair across from Yurie. He pulls the helmet off and sets it on the table. He glances to her before looking to Mewtwo. "What's this about?"
Mewtwo: "Alright gentlemen... and lady... we've finally gotten a fix on the satellite that Robotnik told us about. However, there's one small problem; we can't get to it."
Razor: "Why's that?"
Locos Docos: "Uh-huh... why?"
Mewtwo: "This will be a bit confusing to you guys, but it doesn't exactly exist in the physical sense. It's being shielded inside a defensive 'warp bubble,' which basically makes it incorporeal."
Locos Docos: "Yep... makes no sense."
Razor raises an eyebrow. "You mean... kind of like it's trapped in a partial dimension?"
Gibby: "...uh..."
Locos Docos: "Explain how we could get there..."
Gibby: "Well if we got rid of the warp bubble..."
Razor: "Something like that couldn't possibly be generated from on board the station, could it? Is that our mission?"
Mewtwo: "Precisely."
Locos Docos: "Space... how much he has advanced!"
Yurie (GM): The big screen blinks and comes to life, revealing a large metal building situated in a deep-cut mountain valley. A small river runs up to and beside it, then falls down a huge hole, which surrounds an equally gigantic satellite dish.
Razor raises an eyebrow and chuckles softly. "At least its not on the moon..."
Mewtwo: "This is what's generating the warp bubble. A base, set up in a hidden location in Mobius."
Locos Docos: "It would've been... nice."
Gibby: "Looks like a nice place."
Locos Docos: "...Since when was Mobius a part of the realm of Nintendus?"
Mewtwo: "For a while now. Now, to continue. The problem is that this place is highly protected, both with its natural defenses and a massive defense network layering the area around the base. It's fully automated."
Razor: "Is there some kind of back door?"
Garrick: "Or can we just warp inside?"
Locos Docos: "Search lights... lasers, how kit'n'kaboodle, I guess."
Gibby: "Yuck... warping..."
Mewtwo: "Yup, but even -that- is protected. And we can't warp inside it... it appears Smithy's gotten wise to our equipment. There appears to be an anti-warp system set up in it. We'll have to warp in outside the area of it. Here."
Locos Docos: "That's... marvelous. He's becoming more formidable."
Gibby: "Since when did the bad guys start becoming smart?"
Yurie (GM): The camera moves, floating now above a mountain, overlooking the base on one side and a large river on the other... The top is mostly flat, with lots of pillar-like outcroppings, and two tall search towers...
Razor smirks. "So it'll be a challenge... I like that..."
Locos Docos: "Wow. Can't believe how complicated this'll be."
Garrick: " it's just a straight up "Get inside and blow it up or power it down" mission?"
Mewtwo: "Not quite. The last thing we need is to give Smithy a reason to move on here. This is a stealth mission, mainly."
Sora: "Igh... well, I won't do too well..."
Razor: "You'll do fine... just fly about and keep out of sight... not too tough."
Gibby: "And I'm small enough to not be seen."
Locos Docos: "And I've brought me this!" *He gets out a pill that's similar to a superball.*
Mewtwo: "You should be able to sneak in, using the outcroppings for cover. head towards the river. There will be a ladder, which leads down to this path. Follow it along the side of the mountain and down to the fence, here. I'll contact you there. And one more thing... don't try using the river. There are sonar sensors in the water..."
Locos Docos swallows it whole by washing it down with his Coca-cola.
Garrick: "Jeez, Mewtwo, why don't we just go weaponless and with our heads up our butts to boot."
Gibby: "Don't give him any ideas!" *He holds his head.*
Razor: "Gibby... do you even have a butt?"
Mewtwo: "I said this was a stealth mission. I never said you couldn't get into fights. Just don't draw to much attention to yourself when you do."
Gibby: " know, I have no idea."
Razor chuckles and turns back to Mewtwo. "Don't worry about that... we'll take them down before they can sound any alarms."
Garrick: "Mewtwo, maybe you haven't noticed, but stealth really isn't our forte..."
Aribar: "How many men are at this place, anyways?"
Razor raises an eyebrow to Garrick. "I don't know about you... but I can infiltrate pretty damn well..."
Mewtwo: "You all get the three standard mushrooms. I'll also give you a minute or two to get other equipment as well."
Locos Docos: "Duuuhhhh... smoking penguin is the king of R-Kansas!!"
Razor blinks a few times. "Hey... if you guys don't think you can get down there... Garrick, Yurie, and myself should be able to get there without a problem."
Locos Docos: "I'll come!! Ohio."
Gibby: "Don't worry about me... I'll be very hush hush."
Garrick: "I'll give it a shot..."
Mewtwo: "Trust me, it'll take all of you."
Locos Docos: "And me?! Broccoli."
Razor raises an eyebrow to Locos, then turns back to Mewtwo. "I'll take your word for it... but last I checked it was easier to sneak in a few people than a small army..."
Gibby: "...Locos, shut up!"
Aribar just heads to the warp room noisily... He won't be doing the stealth part of this mission.
Garrick shrugs and heads for the warp room as well.
Locos Docos: "Gibby, do your headpolish technique!!"
Gibby: "...yyyyyeah..." *He jumps down, and heads to the warp room.*
Locos Docos tiptoes behind Gibby, hunched backwards.
Mewtwo: "You -are- a few people."
Yurie (GM): The team marches into the warp room and vanish... then reappear inside a small cavern, just outside a wide arc of outcroppings. Searchlights slide through the spaces between the outcroppings, looking around.
Gibby: "Bah... stupid warp..."
Razor creeps towards the opening of the cavern. "Let me take the front... scout ahead a bit... I can try to silence those watchtowers..."
Yurie: "Shhh... alright... this should be pretty easy... just make sure those spotlights don't see you..."
Gibby: "Too bad we don't have a sniper gun right now..."
Razor nods quickly. "Don't worry about it..." He moves to start creeping out of the cave... as soon as he's in the clear he'll take to the skies.
Gibby: "Man... I gotta get me some wings."
Aribar: "You're a kirby..."
Gibby: "So?"
Garrick: "...well... can't you puff yourself up and float?"
Aribar: "... I've seen Kirby fly before..."
Gibby: "...saaaay... you have a point."
Aribar walks normally towards the river...
Razor flies towards the top of one of the towers. He checks if they open, and if someone is manning them.
Garrick waits until a few people are across before going.
Yurie (GM): The search tower, the first one at least, is about 35' tall, with a big ball at the top, a large spotlight... and two very large laser battery-like things.
Razor shakes his head quickly. "Damn... if I destroy that light they'll know we're here for sure..." He flicks on his comms in the Suit. "They're completely automated... just keep out of the light, and they shouldn't even know you're here."
Yurie follows along the outcroppings.
Aribar just walks past the lights, it looks like.
Yurie (GM): Ari manages to sneak over to the 'ladder', without the help of the outcroppings.
Garrick moves along as well.
Gibby follows Yurie, hoping he don't get hit by lights.
Aribar climbs down the ladder and waits for the others.
Razor narrows his eyes. "Hmm... I'm taking the shot..." He slides his blades from their sheathes and slashes them quickly upwards, sending a pair of energy waves at the first spotlight.
Yurie (GM): *POCK!* Out goes the light!
Razor twirls the blades above his head, flipping them so that the points are thumb side. He brings them slashing across, sending out another pair of waves.
Yurie (GM): *POCK!* Out goes the other. Now everyone can make it to the ladder easy. ^^
Razor turns towards the ladder and tilts downward, wings folded back as he dives down towards the others, Lavis Blades staying out.
Yurie: "Huh... looks like Smithy didn't design these things very well. Take out the lights, then no worries." ^^
Razor: "Yeah..."
Gibby heads down the ladder. "Easy enough..."
Aribar begins to follow the river.
Razor curves into a relaxed glide, following above the others.
Yurie follows the others, climbing down the ladder to the path.
Yurie (GM): Said path is stone, about 5' wide, and hugs the wall. About 50 or 60 feet down is the raging frikken river...
Garrick heads down the ladder as well. "Well, we can't go in the river..."
Razor: "Nope, but we can go beside it, and we can go over it."
Yurie: "Besides, we're on this path... shall we keep going?"
Gibby: "Lets."
Razor looks out along the path and river ahead as he flies above the others.
Yurie (GM): As the Questers head down the path, they hear a soft clanking noise...
Aribar ignores it and continues walking normally.
Garrick grips the handle inside his buster a bit tighter as he keeps walking.
Razor is barely paying attention... he's more focused on looking than hearing...
Locos Docos: "Ahh... what a nice tune. 'Tis a windmill waltz, yes?"
Razor looks out ahead. "Hold up... its coming from farther down the path." He tries to maneuver himself in the air to get a better view.
Gibby: "That clanking noise is up the path more. Come on!"
Aribar: "... What clanking noise?"
Gibby: "Hurry!" *He starts running up the path.*
Garrick shrugs and hurries after Gibby.
Locos Docos tiptoes and hops at the same time, trying to follow the group. It seems the pill has not quite taken in full effect yet.
Aribar runs...
Yurie (GM): Two metallic turtles, each a few inches taller than Gibby, walk along the path. These are different from Metal koopas. These have shells with sharp spikes on the back, Eyes designed to look like 'shades'. One of their arms looks like a buster of some sort... The see you both... then seem to snap to attention...
Razor flies onward, keeping to the air. "Take them out before they can signal a warning!" His Lavis Blades instantly begin to gather a green energy about them.
Gibby: "Get ready for a fight, guys."
???: "Alert... biological entities detected!"
Locos Docos: "Aye... this can't be good! The Space Pirates have failed in their job!!"
Garrick powers up his buster as he drops into his usual Ali style stutter step stance.
Yurie: "Great... those things look a bit different than normal!"
Locos Docos starts spinning, and attacks the first metal koopa thing with a twirling hammer strike.
Yurie (GM): The ??? is knocked... for no damage?
Gibby: "..."
Locos Docos: "Who who." *He spins back to the group a few steps.* "No effect it had on turtle thingy."
Gibby: "Great..."
Yurie (GM): ??? 2 steps forwards, then raises its buster arm. It whirrrrs, then opens fire with five bolts of energy at Locos. Locos gets hit for Fire, Lightning, Ice, Gravity and Light damage.
Garrick: "...what in the..."
Gibby: "They're multi-colored! AHH!"
Locos Docos: "Ya-hhahhooowww!' *He bends down to one knee."
Aribar runs up to one and Bi-Bolt Slashes it.
Locos Docos: "...Half-strength after only one attack..."
Yurie (GM): It steps out of the way.
Gibby attackes the turtle that Ari missed with an upward slash.
Yurie (GM): SLASH!
Gibby: "These guys might be tougher than we thought."
Locos Docos: "...What kind of creatures are these?"
Garrick scans the blasted thing..
Dex: *DING!* "MB Troopa. HP 70. DEF 15. DR 5."
Razor: "These should go down no problem..." *He s blades are now surrounded by a green aura.*
Dex: "Known as a Metal Battle Troopa, the MB Troopa is designed to combat serious threats. It's equipped with multiple and dangerous weapon systems, and can be very dangerous when encountered in packs." *End Scan.*
Locos Docos: "Metal... battle..."
Gibby: "Dangerous in packs? I wonder what that means..."
Garrick fires off an attack at 'em then.
Yurie (GM): *BAM!*
Locos Docos: "Can we say... multiple attack?"
Yurie (GM): MBT 1 staggers back.
Yurie dashes at MB 1 and lets fly with a Power Strike. *SLAM! CRITICAL!
Locos Docos: "Bravo, milady! Grace and power will earn you victory!"
Yurie (GM): The MBT 1 grrs, then aims at her and fires what appears to be a bot of ball lightning. KERZAP!
Gibby kicks Locos. "Stop acting stupid... that's my job!"
Yurie is thrown back. She seems frozen, her jaw clenched tight.
Locos Docos kicks him back "I've taken meh pill! I can't be any other way until it's gone through me!"
Yurie: "NNGT... MMVB..." *Yurie is PARALYZED.*
Gibby: "Uh oh... not good."
Locos Docos: "We must avenge her! For honor! For donuts! FFOOORR THE SPACE PPIIRRATTES!!"
Gibby: "SHUT UP!!!"
Locos Docos: "YOU SHUT UP!!!"
Garrick: "Your BOTH going to get us caught if you don't shut up!"
Aribar: "Say another word and I Bolt you, Locos. Or stupid sentence..."
Locos Docos: "...I'll white air you back."
Gibby: "I think he's on something myself..."
Razor smirks and takes aim for MBT 2. "Time to die... Annihilate!" He flips the blades up over his head and slashes them down vertically. Two large waves of green destructive energy fly out at the MBT.
Yurie (GM): 1 hit. The MBT stands there for a moment... then seems to slide up and down on a vertical axis, one part higher than the other... then falls neatly in half.
Gibby: "That's one..."
Locos Docos charges his left arm and cups the wrist with his right hand... "WWWWWHHHHHIITTTTEEEE... AAAIIIIIRRRR!"
Garrick: "SHHHH!!!!"
Gibby: "I don't think it matters... we were probably heard from miles away."
Yurie (GM): Hit!
Aribar does a Bi-Bolt Slash... Correctly.
Yurie (GM): Miss HIT. ELEMENT HIT! Lightning damage.
Locos Docos puts down his arm.
Razor charges his blades with energy again. "Join your friend!" He flips them point to pinky side of his hands and slashes them upward, once more sending off a pair of energy waves. CRIT!
Yurie (GM): *Miss CRITICAL!* It follows the example of its friend and dies.
Locos Docos: "That was... cheaptacular."
Gibby: -_-; "Well I guess we know who's going to be doing all the killing."
Garrick: "Let's just keep moving..."
Locos Docos: "Unless we face enemies with death immunity or healing properties."
Yurie: "NNG!!"
Garrick: " are we going to cure Yurie?"
Yurie grrs, throwing off the effects of the paralysis.
Aribar continues walking forward...
Yurie: "...I'm... fine... ugh..that was not pleasant at all."
Garrick: "Didn't look pleasant either..."
Razor flips his blades down and slides them into their sheaths before landing on the path with the others. "You gonna be alright?"
Garrick: "...come on, we got to keep moving."
Locos Docos sheathes his hammer. "Yes, let's follow smoke coming from her."
Garrick keeps walking forward, keeping his buster up and ready for another attack.
Gibby heads onward.
Yurie shrugs and follows.
Locos Docos follows group via a waltz.
Yurie (GM): The group finally makes it to dry land. Ahead of them is a very tall chain-link fence... a large box sets beside the river, which passes through the fence and into the hole. dear lord, the dish is MUCH bigger than the picture showed...
Locos Docos: "I can't get that windmill theme outta my head..."
Yurie (GM): It's almost 3/4 the size of the stadium!
Locos Docos: "Let's do this."
Razor whistles. "Not too bad..."
Aribar walks over to the fence and gets ready to jump over it...
Yurie (GM): The fence is about 10 feet tall...
Locos Docos: "Careful!"
Gibby: "I bet it gets GREAT connection..."
Locos Docos: "...Aribar! Get off the fence! ...something came off of it."
Aribar: "Why? Just because it is electrical?"
Locos Docos: "...You could say that."
Aribar attempts to double jump over it... If that fails at least he has a head start climbing-wise.
Yurie (GM): Aribar lands... right... on it... *ZAPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Gibby: "...ouch."
Yurie (GM): Ari is thrown OFF the fence by the charge and dies.
Locos Docos: "...And I thought I had it bad."
Yurie (GM): Ari is revived...
Locos Docos: "?" *He looks to the box.*
Razor blinks a few times. "Eh? Why don't I just carry you all over?"
Gibby: "So how do we not get Zappoed? Carry ME over, Razor."
Locos Docos checks the box of largeness.
Razor reaches down, scoops up the puffball, and easily flaps up over the fence to deposit him on the other side.
Yurie (GM): Inside is... a breaker system... one could probably disarm it, but it'd be a heck of a mess...
Garrick: "Easy, we just shoot it."
Gibby: "Thank you!"
Locos Docos: "There's something strange about this box!" *He decides to stand on it.*
Garrick: "...Locos, get off the box."
Locos Docos notices... a switch? "I see a lever here!" *He attempts to do something here.*
Yurie (GM): Inside the fence is... odd. starting about 10 feet away from the fence are odd, hexagonal-shaped pylons. Little red pinpoints of light are seen along the sides. And they seem to be scattered haphazardly throughout the intervening space... *!* The Questers hear a soft vrrrrrrrrrm as the fence turns off.
Gibby: "Hmm..."
Locos Docos: "I hit something!"
Garrick: "...huh." *He makes to climb over the fence now.*
Razor blinks a few times. "I don't like the looks of those... be careful..."
Yurie (GM): The Questers make it over easy. *beep beep!* It's the Questers' dexes.
Locos Docos: "?" *He brings it to his ear.*
Garrick pulls out his Dex "What's the story, Mewtwo?"
Razor watches a little screen pop up on his visor. "What's up?"
Gibby flips open his dex.
Mewtwo: "Hey guys, I see you've made it past the fence... don't get cocky. you see those pylon things? They're seccurity sensors with invisible lasers. Break one, and all hell will break loose."
Gibby: "Well how are we supposed to see the lasers?"
Razor raises an eyebrow. "You hold totally still for now..."
Mewtwo: "No need. there's a break in the grid near water leading into the hole. Be careful though..."
Razor: "I've got an easy solution..."
Gibby: "What? Fly us over to the hole?"
Locos Docos: "Nah, that'd fatigue the pancake too quickly."
Razor shakes his head. "No... simple... Sandstorm!"
Mewtwo: "Sorry, but that's even worse. The hole has got more lasers than this! besides, you'll need to deactivate the security systems to even enter it."
Razor: "If I use Sandstorm, then we can see all the lasers to avoid them."
Locos Docos: "But what if the storm sets them off?"
Razor: "These things shouldn't be able to detect a bit of dust... otherwise they'd constantly be going off."
Mewtwo: "I doubt it. The lasers seem designed to trigger only if organic matter touches it."
Garrick: "Do it then, Razor."
Razor nods. "Alright then... Sandstorm!" He twirls his blades around quickly towards the ground, kicking up dust and wind everywhere.
Yurie (GM): The dust flies up... revealing th lasers... all of the lasers. Dear lord, the lasers are EVERYWHERE! They're like solid walls of light beams... except for a thin bit along the waters edge...
Garrick: "...well, there you go..." *He heads for the thing along the water's edge.*
Razor blinks a few times. "Okay guys... be careful..." He heads along behind Garrick.
Gibby follows Razor.
Locos Docos goes following Garrick with a waltz.
Yurie (GM): The Questers make it past the lasers... of course, the back entrance is ALSO blocked by lasers... of course, there's another box set against the wall.
Garrick: "Think you can do the same thing on that one, Locos?"
Locos Docos: "Aye." *He heads for it.*
Yurie (GM): This box is bigger...
Locos Docos: "Ha ha!" *He shall disable this with ease by figuring out the button pattern and switch throwing.*
Yurie (GM): The box opens with a click... inside is a set of 3 wires... one red, one blue, one yellow...
Gibby: "Cut the blue wire... it's ALWAYS the blue wire!"
Yurie (GM): ...Locos doesn't know which one to cut.
Garrick: "...Locos, cut the yellow wire."
Gibby: "Nah, it's the blue!"
Garrick: "Gibby, shut up. Locos, cut the yellow wire."
Gibby: "HEY! I watch the movies! It's ALWAYS blue."
Garrick: "Gibby, shut UP!"
Gibby: "You can't silence me!"
Yurie: *bonk.* *She thumps Gibby on the noggin.*
Garrick: "Cut the yellow wire, Locos, trust me."
Gibby: "OW! Fine... cut the yellow one... see if I care..."
Locos Docos: "So what should I do?"
Garrick: "Cut. The yellow. Wire."
Gibby mumbles to himself.
Locos Docos: "I know what to do!"
Garrick: "I was a special ops commander for four years before coming here, Locos. I know these things. Cut the yellow wire."
Gibby: *mockingly.* "I was a special ops commander... blah blah blah!"
Garrick just pushes Locos aside and cuts the yellow wire.
Locos Docos: "Huh...!?"
Yurie (GM): *click!* VWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemm...* *He the lasers turn off...*
Garrick: "See? You need to stop being such a damned idiot and listen to me..."
Gibby: "...maybe it WAS the yellow wire in the movies..."
Garrick moves to walk inside.
Locos Docos: "This is the last time I listen to arguing peers."
Mewtwo: "Good going guys... alright, here's your objectives..."
Gibby: "More stuff..."
Yurie (GM): A little list pops up on the Questers' screens...
Locos Docos checks the dex of his.
Gibby takes a look see.
Garrick looks.
Dex: 'Obj 1: Deactivate the security systems to gain access to the satellite. Obj 2: Deactivate the Anti-Warp system so that you can escape. Obj 3: Deactivate the Warp Shield dish at its source.'
Locos Docos: "What are the descriptions of these objectives?" *He tries to check.*
Dex: 'Secondary Obj: Retrieve Any information stored in the mainframes.'
Razor raises an eyebrow. "This should be simple enough..."
Yurie (GM): The door opens into a grey-metal hallway... which heads forwards, then turns slightly to the left.
Gibby heads inside, and follows the hallway.
Garrick walks in as well.
Locos Docos walks in. "So then..."
Razor turns to enter the base as well.
Locos Docos: "Is this Goomba, Hammer Brother, King Koopa, or Locos Quester level?"
Garrick: "Locos, please, PLEASE be quiet."
Mewtwo: "Alright... the Control room is dead ahead. take no turns. The Anti-Warp controls are right next to the Control Room, and the archives are left at the first intersection."
Locos Docos: "Just tell me what difficulty it is, dammit!"
Gibby: "I'll check out the archives."
Razor nods. "I'll go with Gibby."
Mewtwo: "It shouldn't be to hard. Just turn off anything and everything."
Gibby heads down to the intersection, and takes a left to the archives.
Mewtwo: "Just make sure not to trip any alarms."
Locos Docos does a polka following Gibby.
Garrick moves toward the Anti-Warp control room.
Yurie: "No you don't Locos... you're going with me to the control room."
Razor turns left as well. SOMEONE needs to watch over the little puffball.
Yurie (GM): Gibby/Razor is Group 1, Garrick is 2, and me and Locos is 3.
Locos Docos: "Fine."
Yurie (GM): *Group 1.* *The two Questers make their way down the hall and turn left... approaching a large, grated, portcullis like door.*
Gibby: "So... we're basically supposed to get ALL information on anything?"
Razor raises an eyebrow, checking to see how it would be opened. "I'd assume so."
Yurie (GM): There's a crank beside the door...
Razor blinks a few times before trying the crank.
Yurie (GM): *grrrrrrank grrrrrrank grrrrrank! The grate raises up, allowing the two Questers into the room.
Gibby steps right inside.
Razor reaches down, sliding out his Lavis Blades before stepping inside as well.
Gibby notices Razor's blades, and rolls his eyes. "Please... this is just an archive room. I doubt we'll have to fight anything at all."
Yurie (GM): Inside are several, rectangular prism-shaped mainframe systems. There's a lot of disk-shaped boards inside them... one could probably slide them out.
Gibby soon finds himself out of breath.
Yurie (GM): *Group 2: Garrick, Sora and Deloth.*
Garrick was a-heading to the anti-warp room.
Yurie (GM): The three of them make their way down the hall with Yurie and Locos. They soon approach a pair of doors. One ahead of them reads Control, and one on the right reads A-W Control.
Garrick heads into the right room then.
Deloth: "Eeny meeny minie mo..." *He heads into the left room.* *Heads forward.*
Yurie (GM): Inside the AW room is a large half-circle of controls, set before a largish screen with lots of numbers, etc.
Garrick: "...jeez, that's a lot of buttons..."
Yurie (GM): The control consoles are mainly covered in switches and buttons, all of them light with green lights.
Garrick: "...uhhhhhhhhh... ummmmmmmmmm..." *He looks for a big off switch or something to that effect.*
Yurie (GM): Garrick figures out that, usually, green lights mean things are on..
Garrick looks to the closest big green light and presses the button right next to it..
Yurie (GM): The light goes off... and there's more lights where that came from.
Sora: "... Hmm..." *looks around at the control panels and stuff as well.*
Garrick: "...well, I guess we just turn off all the little green lights..." *He hits another button next to a green light.*
Sora: "Seems easy enough." Sora starts hitting the buttons next to all the green lights.
Garrick: "Yeah, well, usually easy things get us into a whole lot of trouble." *press press press.*
Yurie (GM): The red lights start going off, one by one, as Sora and Garrick press buttons. *Group 3.*
Locos Docos: "Well then... I suppose we should do something?"
Yurie: "Okay... here we go..." *opens the doors to the control room and walks in, looking around.
Yurie (GM): It's similar to the AW room, except more stuff...
Locos Docos: "...What do you see?"
Yurie: "Yeah... press anything that looks like it's on... no one's around though... must be fully automated..."
Locos Docos guards the rear, looking behind them often.
Yurie: "...shut the door already Locos and help me with this stuff..."
Locos Docos: "!" *He shuts the door, surprised at being yelled at for a sec. He gets out the handkerchief, and dabs his forehead again.* "Just tell me where to start..."He puts it away in his pocket.
Yurie hmms, then begins flipping switches. The readouts on the screen start dropping... except one, which reads *Primary Core System.*
Locos Docos: "Hmm... don't press one that says 'do not push.'"
Yurie: "Try to find something that shuts off the primary core... I've already cut the security systems..."
Yurie (GM): Locos determines that there ISN'T anything that leads to the Primary Core System... seems the Questers will have to shut it down from the source... the dish itself.
Locos Docos: "By careful analysis... there ain't anything in here that shutdown the core. We may have to go the source of it."
Yurie: "And the source... is the dish... Well, since I turned off the security systems, we should be able to enter the dish... Let's get the others and get this over with... this is too easy."
Yurie (GM): *Group 2.* After several minutes of pushing EVERY FRIKKEN BUTTON ON EVERY CONSOLE, this group finally shuts everything off...
Garrick pulls out his Dex, trying to call Mewtwo.
Mewtwo: *click.* "Roger... what's up Garrick."
Garrick: "We've hit all the buttons in this stupid Anti-Warp room. How's it look from your neck of the woods?"
Mewtwo: "All green. the Anti-Warp field is gone... now turn off that dish already..."
Yurie (GM): The doors open behind Garrick and Sora.
Garrick: "Right. Garrick out." *He pockets the Dex and turns to the doors..*
Sora looks back. "Huh?"
Yurie peers in. "You guys done?"
Garrick: "All finished here."
Yurie: "Great,, because we need to get to that dish... we can't shut it off from the control room."
Sora: "Right."
Garrick: "Well, simple enough. Let's grab Razor and Gibby and get up there."
Yurie: "Right..." *She heads down the hall to Records.*
Garrick follows.
Yurie (GM): *Group 1.*
Razor has since begun pilfering the various disks and such in the archive room.
Gibby starts searching through all the books and notes and what-not that's all around the place. "This'll take FOREVER at the rate we're going."
Yurie (GM): There aren't any books... just lots and lots of disks... most of them unlabeled and very expensive looking... *crrranka-crrrrranka-crrrrrranka!* The portcullis slowly rises upwards.
Razor: "Just pocket these, and take good care of them..." He trails off and twists about, hands dropping to his blades.
Yurie: "Woah! Hey there Razor, it's just us..."
Gibby grabs a bunch of disks, and shoves them in... his... err... mouth!
Razor relaxes and shakes his head beneath the helmet slowly. "Just being cautious..."
Sora: "Having any luck?"
Gibby walks over to the other, his cheeks now very puffy due to the disks crammed in his mouth.
Yurie: "...Gibby... don't you have an inventory or something?"
Gibby: "Mmmph mmm mmphmmmph!"
Yurie (GM): Gibby retrieves S-Disk 1-4.
Gibby scratches his head thinking. He then shrugs.
Razor shakes his head, retrieving any stray disks before moving towards the others. "What now?"
Locos Docos finally realizes that he's with the other crew members after following Yurie blindly and comes back from his daydream-like trance.
Sora: "Mewtwo said we need to take out a satellite dish."
Razor nods and turns to Gibby. "Shouldn't be a problem... let's go..."
Gibby nods, and swallows. "LETS DO IT! ...uh oh..."
Locos Docos: "Aye... lest we meet a 9 ft tall robot full of machineguns, missiles, and a double mortar cannon."
Yurie: "Well, lets go then..."
Razor turns towards Gibby. "...what did yo-DID YOU JUST SWALLOW THE DISKS!?!"
Yurie: "...??"
Gibby: "WELL... yeah."
Yurie turrrrrns slowly.
Gibby: "BUT! I think I can get them out... later..."
Deloth: "Ewwwwww..."
Locos Docos turns to Razor "HEY THAR! DON'T YELL, THE ENEMIES WILL HEAR US!"
Yurie: "Both of you... hush."
Razor: " better be able to... let's go..." He turns and makes his way towards the door, sliding out his blades. "Then let them come."
Gibby holds his stomach. "Ugh... indigestion..."
Yurie: "Guys... can we just... resume walking like normal people?"
Locos Docos: "I can try."
Gibby: "...but we're not normal people."
Sora: "Yeah... I think we'd better take care of this."
Yurie nods, then resumes walking.
Gibby walks with the other, holding his stomach from time to time.
Locos Docos: "Yes... before the person breathing down my neck gets any angrier." *He follows group of at least 4 others.*
Deloth walks with others too.
Garrick walks onward as well, staying quiet and shaking his head from time to time.
Razor holds his blades at his sides, the points behind him. He walks towards the front, metal covered wings flexing slightly.
Yurie (GM): The group follows the hallway down to a fork in the road. The left fork leads to a ramp upwards and another turn, while the right leads off towards the front of the building, away from the dish.
Gibby: "Great... another fork in the road."
Deloth: "I'll go left."
Garrick takes the left fork, thinking that's the best way..
Deloth walks left.
Yurie heads left as well, motioning for the others to follow.
Gibby: "Well... if you can't beat them..." *He heads left.*
Razor: "We want to head towards the dish... and right... heads away... so it seems like left is the way to go... but... hmm..."
Locos Docos: "Like grandpappy Organ grinder says to me, 'Walk the path less walked... and you'll find greater danger.'"
Deloth: "I think at least one person should go right."
Locos Docos: "Very well... you'll only probably find boring stuff that way anyway."
Gibby: "Well then you go left, Deloth."
Locos Docos goes right, knowing what grandpappy said will be true.
Gibby: "Go with the crazy guy." *..err... right.*
Deloth shrugs and goes with Locos.
Razor: "I should go right if anyone... oh well... good luck scaling the cliffs."
Gibby: "...well... we won't see those two ever again... aw well... let's go!"
Locos Docos: "No one must follow me! I must follow this path of shame... alone."
Razor shrugs and heads left.
Deloth goes with Locos anyway.
Gibby would shrug... if he had shoulders...
Locos Docos: "...Half-dragon... you shame yourself by walking with the shamed. Bravery... yet folly."
Deloth: "No wonder you went Loco." *He keeps walking down the path.*
Yurie (GM): The group manages to make it up the long ramp, which leads to a security door. It hisses open, revealing a long, grated walkway over the grounds of the base to the satellite dish... the Dish's pillar is about 50 yards wide, and flanked by four other pillars which lead up to the dish itself. Another security door is set in the main pillar, waiting to be opened.
Razor glances to the others quickly before advancing cautiously towards the main pillar.
Locos Docos tiptoes backwards with the group.
Gibby follows Razor to the pillar.
Metal Man runs up to the others from behind, huffing and puffing. Not exactly running, in his Iron Knuckle armor... but still.
Yurie (GM): Metal's feet clang on the grating as the Questers approach the door... which automatically opens for them.
Yurie: "...this is to easy..."
Sora approaches the pillar with Razor. "... Hey guys... didn't this seem a little too ease..."
Metal Man: "..." *huff.* *puff.* "Armor... heavy... slow... movement..."
Gibby: "We're just good like that."
Yurie: "Oh hush..."
Locos Docos: "Yay!"
Razor chuckles at Metal, then turns towards Gibby. "No... a base this large, with only a couple crappy towers and idiot Troopas defending it? There's something wrong here."
Yurie steps into the main pillar looking around. The cylindrical room is smooth. In the center of the room is a smooth, cylindrical pillar made of some odd substance. Inside are nine, glowing white globes...
Gibby: "Nah..."
Yurie: " controls or anything..."
Metal Man: "Should we reduce it into tiny pieces?"
Locos Docos: "We should probably smack something out of the ordinary."
Metal Man draws his HUUUGE Mythril Buster Sword.
Yurie: "Probably... come on..." *He waves the others in...*
Razor shakes his head and grips his blades, stepping on in beside Yurie.
Metal Man follows.
Sora heads in, Keyblade already at the ready.
Garrick walks in as well, buster humming to life and ready to go..
Gibby goes in.
Yurie looks around...
Yurie (GM): As everyone walks into the room, the doors slide closed...
Locos Docos: "!?"
Metal Man: "Like I'd want to go back to that mess behind us?"
Garrick: "...ya see, I KNEW that was going to happen..."
???: "Intruders!"
Razor twists back around. "Uh oh..." He turns back to face forward, scanning about for the source of the voice.
Locos Docos: "!?"!
Yurie (GM): The room brightens as beams of light slide down over the door, blocking the exit... the voice sounds like it came from... everywhere.
Metal Man: "Don't mind us... we're tourists... With butterfingers?"
???: "Negative. Biological entities detected."
Sora: "Uh oh..."
Locos Docos: "True. we are bio-mechas..."
Garrick: "Well, duh. We ARE people... though I don't normally consider Metal a people, no offense, Metal."
Metal Man rests on his overly heavy sword.
Yurie (GM): The nine orbs seem to glow brightly as black circles form on the sides... the things in the pillar look like nine... eyes.
Metal Man: "Don't make me take my false head off and throw it at you."
Yurie: "Um... this... wasn't... in the plan, was it?"
Garrick: "Well, I DID say no offense... No, it wasn't."
Locos Docos: "Oh no!"
Garrick: "But, that indeed is how the way things go with us. Locos, calm down..."
Locos Docos is shocked.
Gibby: "..."
Locos Docos: "It's... that thing from the Death Egg!"
Razor lowers his stance, twirling his Lavis Blades quickly before angling them along his forearms. "Show yourself."
???:: "Intruders shall be punished for attempting to destroy us. We shall destroy you. We, Ninestein."
Gibby takes out his sword.
Garrick goes ahead and scans 'em.
Dex: *DING!* "-BOSS- Ninestein. HP 700. DEF 0. DR 10. The core of the Warp-Shield dish, Ninestein is a powerful cybernetic weapon capable of controlling energy. Just because it's immobile doesn't mean it's helpless. It can produce defense bits to help defend it." *End file.*
Garrick goes ahead and shoots the stupid thing.
Sora flies up to the machine and unleashes Ars Arcanum, cutting and smashing it repeatedly.
Locos Docos is daydreaming this turn...
Ninestein Glows as a basketball-sized silver sphere floats down and begins to orbit the main pillar. That odd voice speaks again. "Interposition." *A loud SHMMMMMMMMMMM is heard as a thin forcefield forms along the pillar.*
Garrick: "Blast the sphere..."
Sora recoils, flying backwards after attempting to make a sixth hit on the force field and tumbling through the air before righting himself and looking up at the bit. *CHING!* "Uaah!!"
Ninestein is now under the effects of REFLECT.
Metal Man: "...That's just great... now how am I supposed to hit him? Wait... I don't have to worry about that, with my armor. Hehehehehe."
Yurie growls, then rushes Ninestein and strikes.
Razor narrows his eyes. He drops down, his left blade charging with dark energy. "Let's see you stop this... Warlock Punch!" He charges in, leaping into the air and spinning. The right blade slices across it before he whirls about, jamming the energized left blade into its structure.
Nick Caligo (GM): o/` Gohdan o/`
Metal Man: "Eat this!" *He runs up to the pillar, using his strength, and plunges his blade into the pillar, giving it the damage of a Gerudo Knuckle.*
Yurie (GM): The pillar cracks slightly...
Garrick: "...I'm not liking where this is going..."
Yurie (GM): *Another sphere floats down and orbits with its brother... before its eyes focus on the group.*
Ninestein: "Phonomizer!"
Metal Man moves EXTREMELY smoothly.
Razor dives and rolls nimbly out of the way.
Yurie (GM): Metal and Gibby gets hit for half, Razor avoids it all, and Yurie, Garrick and Sora get hit for everything.
Gibby: "GAH!"
Garrick: "DAHH!"
Metal Man: "Blah."
Sora: "Ahh!!" He clasps his head in agony as the sonic explosion hits him.
Metal Man: "I mean... NEWT! ...That's it, you're going upside down!"
Garrick: "...dahhh... MAN that smarts..."
Razor: "Take out those Bits to make it vulnerable!"
Yurie: "Nnnngh! My ears are bleeding..." *She growls and eats a mushroom... then drives her rapier in again.*
Metal Man: "I'll teach that worthless thing to mess with me! Only I damage my own hearing!"
Sora spirals up towards the bit, unclipping his Kingdom Key keychain and clipping to it a new chain, with an uncut crystal on the end. His Keyblade morphs, gaining a little length and turning into a long, stylized crystal key with sweeping designs along its "Blade." Its core has a bright, bright blue core. He faces the bit, ready to attack next round.
Garrick quickly downs a shroom on his own accord, then falls back behind some of the others and begins to charge his buster up, small balls of plasma collecting in the cannon..
Ninestein: "Energy detected..." *He one of the bits stops, then opens up a small hole and fires a bright green laser at Garrick.*
Garrick: "You're damn right, energy detected. And I'm going to make you eat it..."
Yurie (GM): Garrick step out of the beam's path.
Razor flips the blade in his left hand up and lifts it past his right shoulder as he pushes to his feet. His right arm angles back a bit, and the blades charge with emerald energy. "Annihilate!" He slashes across with his left hand, then upwards with his right, sending a pair of energy waves at a bit.
Yurie (GM): *BmmmmmMMMMMMMMMM!* The thing is neatly sliced into quarters.
Metal Man points his buster sword at the bits, and the three runes appear on his MASSIVE buster sword. "You shall taste fire, ice, and lightning! Prepare to be abolished! TRI-ATTACK!" The sword glows, and fires a lanky beam at the bits. The beam spins and twirls, bits of ice and fire occasionally falling off of it. It goes to impact the bits, ready to make a nice loud KA-PANG! noise. The beam explodes shortly before going to hit the bits, or whatever is left of them.
Nick Caligo (GM): o.o. Very nice, Metal. Auron would be proud. ^^
Yurie (GM): The little bit swoops out of the way..and it's immune to flesh-damaging after-effects. It's a bloody machine! The bit drops, neatly frozen.
Metal Man: "Well, that may have not hit in the way I wanted it to, but now we can kick the bit around like a soccer ball."
Gibby attacks the frozen bit with an upward slash attack.
Yurie (GM): *SLICE!* *SHATTER.* *Dead.*
Garrick stays low and hard to hit, his buster humming as it reaches a full charge. The piece of machinery vibrates on his hand slightly as he slowly moves to a better firing position. "Keep 'em busy, guys..."
Razor steps up to the pillar. His right blade charges with the dark energy this time as he twirls the blades in his hands before thrusting them both into it.
Yurie (GM): 2 hits. Another bit floats down... One eye turns to Garrick, then crackles with light and energy...
Sora: "I'll take care of that bit!"
Ninestein: "Phasebolt."
Garrick: "...crap."
Yurie (GM): A purplish-black beam of energy streaks out at Garrick, who BARELY dodges out of the way.
Garrick: "YEOW, that was a close one..."
Metal Man reaches into his shoulder pack, fiddles around in it. A few zany sounding objects are knocked around. Then, Metal pulls out a good old silver transistor radio... with huge electrodes and EXPLODE written on it. He tosses it high into the air, and then goes to drop kick it right into the pillar, but so that the explosion also effects the bit that dropped down. *ZOOOOOOM* The radio flies at the pillar, and then explodes upon hitting the reflect shield on it. *BOOOOOOOOM* Little lightning bolts, pieces of radio, and lots of tiny bits of metal fly everywhere, along with a loud explosion, and fire. A few seconds later, all that is left is some smoke and debris... and maybe a black mark on the pillar where it hit.
Yurie (GM): *hit.*
Metal Man (GM): *BOOOOOOOOOM.*
Sora rushes upward and then looks down upon the bit. "Take this!!" He then falls towards it, his Crystal Key raised over his head, gathering bright blue energy until he SLAMS the bit towards the ground with a CHARGE attack! *CRITICAL HIT.*
Yurie (GM): *WHAM!* Ded.
Nick Caligo (GM): The bit flies into the ground and shatters in a frosty explosion. Sora spins and pumps his arm. "YES!"
Yurie growls, rushing the pillar and lets fly with another Power Strike.
Gibby attacks the pillar with another slashy slash.
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Garrick is finally able to get a clear shot at the pillar after dodging so many of those stupid sphere attacks. His jacket ripples with the movement as he brings his buster up and takes aim at the pillar, aiming down his arm with his left eye shut. A small bead of sweat goes down the side of his face as he smirks, then hits the button on the inside of the buster. He growls slightly as he skids back from the sheer force of the blast. The massive shot of plasma shoots out of the cannon on his arm and rockets straight at the pillar, crashing hopefully into it with an almighty "BAM!!!!!!"
Yurie (GM): *HIT.* The pillar crackles.
Garrick: "Damn, this thing is thicker than Metal's head!"
Ninestein: "Warning: Elevated Threat level active."
Yurie: "...I think you made it angry."
Razor spins about to avoid getting blasted himself. His blades become blurs in his whirling death as he steps in again, right blade still enveloped in that dark energy. After hitting, he would flip back, lifting his hands up into defensive positions.
Garrick: "Elevated Threat? Is that all we are?"
Yurie (GM): 2 hits.
Ninestein's glow turns a faint purplish color as its eyes spin to Garrick. "Phasebolt!"
Garrick: "Not again..."
Yurie (GM): Another black and purple beam shoots out.
Ninestein: "Graviton."
Garrick leaps to the side, the blast hitting the ground where his feat used to be..
Yurie (GM): A second crackle is heard as a huge sphere of black lightning tries to envelop Garrick. HIT. Garrick is now SLOWED.
Garrick: "...whhhhhhhooooooooaaaaaa... Iiiiiiiiiiiiii caaaaaaan't mooooooooove faaaaaaaaast... heeeeeeeeellllppppp..."
Yurie (GM): And, finally, another bit floats out... this one a darker color...
Sora swoops towards the pillar and crashes his Keyblade's jagged tip straight into one of its eyes, power flowing through his attack as he puts forth an extreme effort to damage the monstrous tower, while he rips the weapon outward on hit.
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Yurie continues to lay in with her Power Strikes.
Metal Man decides to go for a normal attack this time. He twirls his Mythril Buster sword, the light coming from the ceiling or wherever glinting off of it. Then he gets into running stance, his various joints creaking into action. He begins moving, a mass of various types of metal clanking towards the pillar, his great greenish sword jutting straight in front of him. Eventually, he reaches the pillar, and the sword plunges through the field surrounding the great object. Then, it goes in, making a great cracking noise as Mythril scrapes against what appears to be ivory. It goes in so far, then he takes it out, bits of the pillar coming out with it. He slowly backs up, and rejoins the group, in defensive position as usual. His joints clank into position, and he points his Plasma shield, shining in all its electric glory, towards the bits and pillar, expectant of some sort of attack to come soon, especially with Elevated threat level and every.
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Razor smirks from behind his visor as he grips his blades tightly. They crackle with destructive energy, which blitzes around the purple blades before his arms shoot upwards, the Lavis Blades forming a green cross pattern in the air, which streaks out at the black bit.
Yurie (GM): The Black bit zooms out of the way... seems this new bit is a bit faster than normal.
Razor: "Damn..."
Dex: 'Ninestein HP: 400.'
Razor: "Really wishing I had a nice Debarrier cube right about now..."
Garrick makes to charge his buster again, sloooooowly moving back to the right... "...whaaaaaat stoooooops thhhhheeee sllllooooowwwwneeeessss?"
Yurie (GM): The Ninestein turns to the group, letting fly with another Phonomizer, threatening everyone except Garrick. Razor and Yurie dive away, as does Sora and Metal...
Razor slides to the opposite side of it, able to avoid the audio assault.
Yurie (GM): The other eyes turn to Garrick, then 'blinks.' A bolt of lightning cracking down form the ceiling.
Ninstein: "Terravolt."
Sora rises out of the way, Keyblade raised and ready to do its duty!
Garrick goes flying suddenly, skidding along the ground and stopping several feet from where he once was.
Yurie (GM): KO'd.
Yurie runs over to Garrick and feeds him a mushroom. He's still slowed, however.
Garrick growls and gets back to his feet, although very slowly still...
Sora whips his Keyblade upward. "Garrick!!" A green light bursts from the weapon's tip. Garrick is engulfed in the same green light as the status effect's grip leaves him. Garrick has been Esuna'd.
Yurie (GM): ...did I forget to mention there's another bit now?
Razor glares gripping his blades tightly as he steps back. "Come on you stupid machine... why don't you try attacking a more elusive target?"
Garrick lets out a small sigh of relief as he starts moving normally. "Thanks, Sora! I owe you one!"
Ninestein: "Negative."
Metal Man eyes this other bit. Not keen on having such a thing attacking him, he decides to test out his newest attack. He leaps up at it, wand first. His Wand of Wonder catches on fire, almost a whistling sound as he flies straight up at it. Then, the wand and its wielder move to intercept the dark bit, tiny little embers spraying everywhere. "I'm not gonna let you get away from me like that other bit did! FLAMING UPPERCUT!!!" He braces for the impending hit.
Razor chuckles softly. "A decision you may regret... let's trash this thing."
Yurie (GM): The bit is shattered.
Metal Man lands, and puts the fancy wand away. He also bows. "Man... this pillar may be tough, but all of these bits are a joke."
Yurie (GM): A new bit floats down as the eyes turn towards Metal, firing off a pair of Terravolts at him.
Garrick: "Take it from the opposite side, Razor! You know which attack I'm talking about..."
Metal Man's eyes widen a little bit, then he goes to evade the electricity, running away from it all. He runs REALLLY fast.
Yurie (GM): Metal BARELY dodges both. The bit, however, fires a purple beam of light at Metal... a Phase bolt!
Razor smirks and flips his visor back. "Oh yeah... getting ready." He flips his blades up and points them at the tower. They begin to charge with energy.
Metal Man manages to avoid that too. "Ha-ha, I'm the gingerbread man!"
Ninestein: "Stay still foolish metal thing."
Razor: "I think you already are..."
Sora gulps down a mushroom, regenerating his wounds, and then begins to gather fire at the tip of his Keyblade, positioning his floating body in the "Wing Zero Custom Crotchshot" pose. "Fire!" The ball of fire shoots at the bit from above.
Yurie (GM): *boom!* A bit goes down.
Nick Caligo (GM): The bit is enveloped in a blazing orb of flame, and falls to the ground in a charred wreck.
Metal Man gets out his sword again. Feeling hungry, he quickly gobbles up a smiling mushroom. After wiping the crumbs off of his face, he shrugs and runs at the pillar. "DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" He reaches the pillar, and gives it a good old fashioned country-style slashing. After making his mark, a |, he backs off, and gets into defensive position with the rest of the group. He looks rather smug by now, despite almost being destroyed by several beams.
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Razor: *Delaying so that he can fire at the same time as Garrick... just because it's cooler that way.*
Metal Man: "If that reflect comes down, you'll be exploded in less than 60 seconds."
Ninestein: "Negative."
Razor lowers his stance a little, the energy gathering at the points of the blades. "Now Garrick... FREE ENERGY!" The energy streaks at the tower, slamming into it with numerous explosions at the same time as it is assaulted from the opposite side by Garrick.
Garrick moves around to the opposite side of the pillar and brings his hands up, one hand resting on the back of the other, palms flat toward the large rod of destruction (no jokes...). He lets out a small grunt of effort as his hands spark up with purple lightning. He lets out a roar as he fires off the attack along with Razor, the lightning crackling up toward the pillar and shocking it time and time again. "Alright... FREE ENERGY!"
Yurie (GM): 1 half hit, 1 full hit.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora starts off the round by flying up to the top of the tower and SLICING downward, from its top to its bottom, putting extra power into the attack.
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Yurie lets fly with another strike.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora grins as he lands, having left a huge gash and a trail of frost.
Metal Man twirls his sword, which then is consumed in dark energy. He smirks a demonic smile, then trots up to the huge pillar. He quickly slashes a \ into it, then retreats back to the group. There, he sheathes his sword, and waits for the next chance to attack eagerly.
Yurie (GM): Another Bit floats down and begin to orbit again. The two bits focus on Sora and open fire with two Phasebolts.
Sora keeps grinning, hopping one and backflipping over the second. "Hah--Ha ha!"
Garrick takes his turn to charge up another shot from his buster...
Razor lifts both blades over his head, and they once more begin to blitz with emerald energy. It arcs between them for a moment. "Annihilate!" He performs a downward cross slash, a pair of green waves zipping at the new Bit.
Yurie (GM): It's not done yet... this time it lets fly with a Phonomizer, threatening Garrick and Sora. *slice!* Garrick is HIT, while Sora gets half damage.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora shoots backward, shaken up severely from the sonic waves, but not too badly hurt.
Yurie (GM): It then turns to Razor and fires a Graviton at him. HIT. and SLOW. Garrick is DEAD.
Razor roars in anger. "That's... right... you stupid... machine. Bring... it... on. Kill me... if you dare..."
Yurie (GM): Hit.
Ninestein: *Beeep! Beep! *The lights now turn red.*
Metal Man: "That's it... let's blow those bits into bits."
Ninestein: "Entering Full Attack Mode. You organic beings have aggravated the wrong machine system."
Razor: "That's right... BRING... IT... ON!"
Yurie (GM): Oh dear, the Questers must have really ticked it off... two more bits float down this time... the bits begin to rotate faster now... it looks like it's charging up something.
Ninestein: "Activating Special attack... Reflect Field down."
Sora: "The shield's down! Get ready, guys!"
Yurie (GM): Bits are no longer targetable.
Metal Man: "Alright! Time to blow it into tiny bits! You go high, I go low, then before we attack we forget this plan and do whatever the heck we want."
Razor doesn't move at all, but still sees his opportunity. His blades shine with the raw energy around them before he slashes upwards, the two waves streaking out at the tower.
Sora soars around the machine, sweeping in at it as he gains a bright orange glow. The room goes dark as he spends an action point to energize his attack's final damage dice. "Taaaake THIS! HA! HA! HO! HA! FINIS!!" He lays into it with Ars Arcanum, repeatedly and chaotically striking that tower with everything he's got.
Dex: 'Ninestein HP: 160.'
Yurie rushes in, driving a Power Strike.
Razor: "I warned ya... but you didn't believe me... you just didn't believe me... and now look at you..."
Sora breathes heavily, sweat running down his forehead. He's made a large hole in its plating.
Metal Man glows, and then goes to hit the pillar with yet another Tri-Attack.
Yurie (GM): The spinning bits become a circle of light as it begins to flare with white and red light.
Yurie (GM): A great wave of black and red energy sweeps through the room. In one single instant... the entire party simply... vanishes. The Questers all instantly reappear... sans one life.
Sora: "... Whah...?" Sora looks around. "... What just happened??"
Metal Man: "You call that an ultimate attack? I call that an ultimate joke!"
Garrick just sorta lies on the ground, looking pretty dead... again...
Nick Caligo (GM): Razor doesn't warp. A shield of golden energy surrounds him.
Razor: "Did you like that...? Have another!" He flips his blades straight up and slashes down again, sending another pair of energy waves crisscrossing the pillar.
Garrick hops off the platform, looking MIGHTY pissed like. He starts walking at the damned thing, charging his buster as he goes "...I've been dropped to one life. I'm been shot, blasted, shoved, slowed, and totally messed up this entire fight. I. Am. PISSED!!" And with that, he shoves his buster POINT BLANK at the pillar and lets off a half way charged point blank FIRESHOT.
Metal Man runs up to the pillar, all the while laughing insanely. He goes up against the pillar, and flies up, flames of destruction flying everywhere. The wand, strangely enough, is the weapon of choice in this attack. He quickly makes a huge vertical burn in the pillar with this attack, then flips at the end of the attack, and lands on his feet. He wonders if the whole thing is gonna explode after this attack of flaming death.*
Yurie (GM): The pillar crackles... it looks like it's teetering on the edge of self-destruction.
Razor: "Finish it!"
Yurie (GM): *Boss is now REELING.*
Garrick: "Yurie, FINISH the stupid thing!"
Yurie: "I think I'll let Sora have this one."
Garrick: "Fine then. Keyblade whatever guy, KILL it already!"
Sora grits his teeth and narrows his eyes, that orange-red glow surrounding him again. He spirals upward, whirling his Keyblade in a helicoptering spiral before finally falling straight down... "HAAAAAAAAA!!" swinging his Keyblade through its middle, by where the bits float. As he makes contact with the mechanical monstrosity, a blazing torrent of fire erupts, blasting the pillar clean in half. It buckles and falls over, the upper half crashing into the ground below, the debris flying past the other Questers. He floats there, huffing and puffing, nearly out of breath.
Garrick: "THANK you..."
Nick Caligo (GM): *METEOR FINISHER.*
Razor twirls his blades, flipping them to opposite sides of his body and sheathing them easily as the fanfare undoubtedly plays.
Yurie (GM): The pillar crackles... then shatters, beams of light streaking every which way.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora shields his eyes with his arm and himself with his Keyblade.
Yurie (GM): The camera zooms out... as the satellite dish crumbles inwards... and vanishes... along with the base and a good amount of the surrounding area... vanished. A flash of light is seen as everyone lands, ungracefully, in the warp room...
Garrick: "...DAHHH, Sora! That's my ANKLE!"
Metal Man: "Good thing this huge flesh colored rock broke my fall..."
Yurie: "Ow...'re... crushing... me..."
Sora:: "Oof!" he lands on the bottom of a dogpile, one eye shut. He groans indignantly and pushes himself up, getting out from under it.
Metal Man: "...It's moving! AHHHHHH!!!"
Razor just falls on his face and flops to the ground. "Ugh..."
Yurie (GM): Mission END.
Sora: *He turns around, dusting himself off.* "How'd I do, guys?"
Metal Man gets up. TEEEEEH.
Garrick: "You landed on my ANKLE, that's what you did!"
Yurie (GM): Metal receives Vulcan 5 (Fire + Ice + Lightning + Gravity + Light).
Gibby does a Gibby dance.
Yurie (GM): Sora receives Phasebolt (Gravity + Energy Ray + Power Shot).
Nick Caligo (GM): w00t.
Yurie (GM): Razor receives Graviton (Gravity + Gravity + Slow). Yurie receives Interposition (Protect + Shield).
Razor: "Eh..."
Yurie (GM): Locos receieves Phonomizer (Sonic + Sonic + Sonic + Explode). Aribar receives Stunbolt (Lightning + Paralyze + Power Shot). Deloth receives Phasebolt as well.
Deloth: "Whoo."
Razor: "Wow... my move... will probably never get used." >.<
Sora: "Really? Can I trade with you?"
Razor: "Sure!"
Sora trades with Razor!
Sora: "AAAAAAAH!!!"

