Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 74: Satellite of Idiocy



Date: July 31st, 2004.
Metal Man: Anyways. The group is in the main room again.
Razor glances from side to side. "Alright... who's got our key?"
Yurie: "Ugh... thank god that's over... now we just need to get into Engineering..."
Metal Man (GM): They just finished dealing with a Dark World monster, and Engineering is right ahead.
Razor turns and walks over to the Engineering door.
Gibby: "Lets hope there are no more dark world portals..."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie is holding the key card.
Yurie pulls out the Keycard.
Aribar follows.
Metal Man (GM): Razor leaps off a panel before a large spike gets his foot and zaps it.
Gibby: "...gotta watch out for them traps."
Razor jumps up and takes to the air, wings flapping. "Geez! Watch your steps folks!"
Sora: "... Electric spikes? That's overkill, isn't it?"
Aribar: "Eep!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar falls into a pit of dark liquid... quicksand!
Gibby covers his eyes. "Oh dear..."
Yurie sighs, then walks over, still carrying the keycard.
Aribar: "..."
Gibby rushes over, and attempts to grab Ari, and pull him out.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie gets over without any traps to worry about.
Yurie stops to help Gibby pull Ari out.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie pulls him out.
Gibby: "You ok, Ari?"
Metal Man (GM): He's a bit dirty, but otherwise unharmed.
Razor twists around and dives down from the air towards the door. Ari's out. Blah.
Aribar: "Uhh... Evil Traps... Yeah."
Yurie: "Just stick next to me guys..."
Metal Man (GM): The door has a little swipe device to open it.
Yurie walks over to the door and swipes the keycard.
Metal Man (GM): The door beeps, then opens.
Razor drops down in front of the door, next to Yurie. He grips his blades again and slides them from the sheathes.
Metal Man (GM): It reveals a kind of tube, with a catwalk going across it.
Yurie hums, drawing her Rapier and walking into the tube...
Metal Man (GM): On the walls are various tubes with electricity going through them. Some sort of energy cells.
Gibby follows Yurie into the tube.
Razor steps in behind Yurie, twisting from side to side, keeping a wary eye out.
Sora: "... This looks more like 'Power' than 'Engineering.'"
Aribar blinks... "Should we break or overload them?"
Metal Man (GM): Everyone's hair stands on end from static electricity.
Nick Caligo (GM): Sora's lucky. His already was.
Yurie: "Um... let's not... that might be bad..."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers reach a control panel, halfway across the path.
Gibby: So is Gibby... he has no hair.
Razor: "...static? Why the hell would robots have an area with high static electricity? Wouldn't it wipe their memory or something?"
Metal Man (GM): It's locked out, but it says that the 'Main Cannon' is charging for another blast. That explains the static.
Aribar: "I don't like this."
Gibby: "That thing must control the main cannon itself."
Razor: o.o
Metal Man (GM): It's going for... 1000%!!!!!!
Sora: "... Wow, these guys must be looking to blow themselves up or something."
Metal Man (GM): Right now it's creeping up to 100%.
Razor looks from side to side again. "We should get out of here... and find a way to shut this thing off." He turns to move towards the other end of the catwalk.
Yurie: "...We should try to shut it off..."
Metal Man (GM):Razor gets there, no harm or traps. The door is open, even.
Gibby: "If we don't, that thing could blow up an entire planet!"
Yurie follows as well, her sword out. "Like... say... Hyrule."
Gibby takes out his sword, and follows suit.
Sora: "... I think that's sort of the idea, Gibby."
Aribar follows...
Razor steps on through the next door, lifting his blades up.
Metal Man (GM): Inside this circular room is... Several robots controlling the electricity, not to mention life support, navigation... etc.
Gibby: "Oh yeah..."
Yurie: "Shh..."
Metal Man (GM): They don't seem to notice the Questers, since if they stopped, vital parts of the satellite would cease functioning.
Yurie motions for everyone to start sneaking, then sneaks towards one of the robots, her sword raised up for a Coup De Grace.
Metal Man (GM): One of them conveniently has the card to the main cannon room... but he also looks like the toughest one... not to mention that he's handling life support.
Razor glances from side to side. "Leave them for now... let's see if we can't find what we need." He looks for a specific console that would aid in shutting down the weapon.
Metal Man (GM): There's one in the center. Four robots are controlling it. It is the main power console. It looks slightly... angry, from the noises its been making.
Razor glances towards the robot with the card. "That'll do..." He moves to sneak up to it and try to make a grab for the card.
Gibby: "One of us should distract the bots while the other shuts down the console."
Metal Man (GM): Razor takes the card from it, not a single problem so far.
Sora remains at the door, waiting for the gang to get done with their sneakage.
Yurie decides to sneak back..
Metal Man (GM): Except... the door out just closed. *SLAM.*
Yurie: .oO(Crap.)
Metal Man (GM): Alarms turn on.
Gibby: "Not good."
Razor quickly pockets said card and glances about for a door into the main cannon... then stops when the door closes. .oO(Oh boy...)
Yurie growls, then COUP DE GRACES the nearest robot.
Sora: "... !!!"
Aribar: "We're doomed."
Metal Man (GM): The station starts rocking. The robot is -almost- killed.
Razor: "We've gotta keep life support running."
Metal Man (GM): It continues its duties, though... just the door slamming caused a major problem.
Gibby: "How do we do that?"
Aribar: "Who will run it?!"
Metal Man (GM): ...The space station is starting to turn upside down!
Gibby: "Uh oh."
Razor blinks a few times. "...what the..." He takes his feet from the ground, wings flapping to control himself.
Yurie: "Oh crud..."
Metal Man (GM): Then, the card robot stalks over to Razor.
Gibby: "Look out, Razor!"
Robot: "Hand me the card, or Life Support will be turned off! I can't use it without the card!"
Razor growls lightly, quickly looking around again for a door.
Metal Man (GM): The robots, strangely enough, have magnetic feet. The only door out is sealed shut.
Razor: "...this card isn't even for that console..."
Aribar: "Razor..." *Says it in an annoyed voice...*
Robot: "...Fine... guard bots, restrain him!"
Yurie: "Lovely, another fight..."
Razor propels himself towards the roof with his wings.
Gibby unsheathes his sword.
Metal Man (GM): He stalks back to the console, and three of the laser machinegun bots come out... then flop on their backs? ...Finally, the station reverts to normal, and the door opens.
Razor: "..."
Robot: *Smacks metallic forehead.*
Gibby: "...let's get out of here!"
Robot: "I told you to fix the systems, not disable robotics and door locks!"
Gibby scrambles for the door.
Razor twists around and dives towards the door. "Let's move people!"
Robot2: "What? I'm sorry, but my processor is damaged!"
Aribar blinks... And runs for the door...
Yurie: "Bingo!" ^^
Robot3: "What's that burning smell?"
Metal Man (GM): As the Questers all run out, that room EXPLODES.
Razor: "Good job Yurie..."
Yurie waves to the robos, then follows.
Metal Man (GM): ...The entire thing is exploding behind the Questers!
Razor lands on his feet and RUNS!
Yurie: "Thanks... um... guys... we should RUN FASTER NOW!!"
Metal Man (GM): ...The satellite is rocking back and forth violently.
Gibby makes a run to the cannon console.
Metal Man (GM): The cannon console reports '1000%--- all energy transferred to main cannon.' It then explodes.
Gibby: "GAH!"
Metal Man (GM): So far, so good. Everyone leaps into the now heavily damaged docking bay. The doors to Engineering and Storage seal shut. The lights flicker.
Razor glances to the exploding console as he runs by. "Just run! Come on!"
Metal Man (GM): The explosions stop.
Gibby: "This thing's gonna blow!"
Yurie: "Um... I..don't think so..."
Gibby: "...or... not..."
Razor grinds to a stop, looking around. "...apparently not..."
Aribar slows... "Why did it stop?"
Gibby coughs.
Metal Man (GM): The computer voice then shorts out.
Razor raises an eyebrow.
Gibby: "Think anyone noticed?"
Yurie: "...of COURSE they noticed Gibby... We need to get to that cannon before it fires..."
Gibby: "We better check out that main cannon."
Razor shakes his head. "We've gotta take this thing out of commission. Let's go." He turns and makes a semi-winged break towards the main cannon area.
Gibby follows el Razor.
Metal Man (GM): Razor opens the door, and goes up a catwalk. The catwalk is surrounded by a glass tube, and right below is the cannon. It's looking EXTREMELY charged up.
Aribar blinks... And follows.
Gibby: "How do we get to it?"
Metal Man (GM): Up ahead are three doors. All side-by-side.
Gibby runs up to the doors.
Razor glances between the three doors. "Damn... which one..." He shakes his head and runs up to the middle one.
Metal Man (GM): BINGO.
Yurie follows Raz quickly...
Gibby follows the two.
Nick Caligo (GM): *whoosh.*
Aribar blinks and follows...
Metal Man (GM): It's the main room of the satellite.
Nick Caligo (GM): The Questers feel the wind blowing against their faces... Inside a space station?
Razor: o.o
Yurie: "...wind?"
Gibby: "How odd."
Sora: "... Something doesn't feel right."
Yurie: "...I agree..."
Aribar looks about the room.
Nick Caligo (GM): Everyone feels something cold walking through them.
Razor grits his teeth. "Right... keep a wary eye out..." He move to step slowly into the next room and shivers. "...the hell?"
Metal Man (GM): The room is rather lavishly furnished, and has controls for everything. There's a large glass wall, outside it there is the cannon, pointed at Nintendus.
Nick Caligo (GM): And then... it appears.
Gibby: "..."
Yurie: "!"
Nick Caligo (GM): One of those freaky insubstantial raincoat men fades into existence as he walks through Yurie, stopping to look out the window as he fades in.
Aribar: "Dah!!"
???: "... We've been waiting for you."
Gibby: "Who... who are you?"
Nick Caligo (GM): The Questers hear a voice from this one... it's strangely familiar.
Yurie: "GAH!!! How tha... what're you doing here??"
Razor growls and raises his weapons. "What are you doing here?"
???: "Why, I'm running this station, of course. It is my goal to destroy you; you whom I once thought of as friends..."
Razor: "Who the hell are you?"
Gibby raises his sword up. "A fallen Quester perhaps."
Nick Caligo (GM): He turns towards the Questers, pulling off his hood...
Metal Man: "I dunno..."
Nick Caligo (GM): That shoulder-length brown hair... those hard, penetrating eyes... The large black wings that suddenly burst out from behind him... the Questers stand before Ruvyn.
Yurie: "...who the..."
Metal Man: "...You!"
Gibby: "Do you know him, Metal?"
Sora: "... Wha..? You're not one of them..."
Aribar: "... Ruvyn... Long time since I last seen you."
Razor twists his blades about and shifts a foot back.
Nick Caligo (GM): Several more people, coated and cowled just like him, fade in off to the side, surrounding a bound and gagged Locos.
Unknown 1: "Heh... heh heheheheheh! We got 'im now, eh Ruv?"
Unknown 2: "We all live in a yellow submarine!"
Ruvyn: "SHUT UP!"
Locos Docos struggles around and around to no avail. "Mmmm! Mmmm mmm mmmm!"
Aribar: "... SkyHigh? Digi?"
Ruvyn: "Yes, those are they. Remove your hoods, gentlemen... (and I use the term loosely...)"
Razor narrows his eyes.
Gibby: "This isn't good..."
Nick Caligo (GM): Digi pulls off his hood, revealing his enigmatically undescribed face. ...And his strangely blond hair. Sky removes his hood as well, revealing his red Boba Fett style helmet. ... Why's he got the hood in the first place?
Locos Docos: "MMM! MMmu mmmor..."
Razor: "..."
SkyHigh: "You're gonna pay for getting rid of us for being better than you!"
Yurie: "...these guys were better than you? I doubt it..."
Gibby: "Well looks like you didn't change a bit, Sky. Still arrogant as ever."
Ruvyn: "Yes. Your jealousy of our superiority went too far, and now you will all suffer the consequences."
Razor chuckles softly. "Riiiight... come on then... if that's the way you want it."
Yurie draws her rapier and nods in agreement.
Ruvyn: "... Hmph."
Gibby gets in his battle stance.
Aribar: "Sky's an idiot, Digi was a moron, and you... Ehh, you were okay. You hated the CACs."
Nick Caligo (GM): He reaches into his raincoat and, with a loud *SHINK!* draws out a familiar obsidian black serpentine sword. That unworldly green glow could only mean that it is the Sword of Darkness, which was supposed to have been banished along with Zio.
Locos Docos: "MMMM!! MM MMe mmmk mmorm!"
Gibby: "...the sword of darkness... how did you come across it?"
Aribar: "..."
Locos Docos: "MMi mmld mm!"
Razor twirls the Lavis Blades around on his fingertips before crossing his arms in front of his chest, hands at his shoulders, triple-blades pointed down.
Ruvyn: "If you so wish to fight us... SO BE IT!" He flares out his wings and thrusts the sword into the air. Darkness seems to radiate from it slowly... its shadow grows faster and faster, until the entire room is consumed, and each Quester can't see one another anymore.
Yurie assumes her fighting stance... standing sideways, sword arm raised, free hand hovering at her chest...
Nick Caligo (GM): o/` Kingdom Hearts -- Guardando Nel Buio o/` (AKA the Final Boss music)
Yurie: "...the heck..."
Gibby brings his sword closer to his chest.
Yurie: "What's the matter... scared to fight us fairly?"
Nick Caligo (GM): The darkness clears, and the Questers are in a whole 'nother place. The ground beneath them is sunk in a little, and purple... they're in the middle of what I can only describe as a valley of emerald crystals.
Razor: "What the..."
Aribar: "What the...?"
Metal Man: "Huh?"
Gibby: "How strange."
Nick Caligo (GM): Ruvyn hovers far above the Questers as all the other known fallen Questers line the sides of this little arena, arms folded over their chests.
Nick Caligo (GM): Not just digi and sky. The Questers can see roybert and linkbot too (the latter is drooling into a puddle).
Gibby: "I think we're in trouble, guys..."
Linkbot: "It's time I showed you my NEW detective skills!"
Yurie: "...the heck? We're surrounded!"
Roybert: "I'm far better than the original Roy now... no last words for you!"
SkyHigh: "Engage attack!"
Razor: "There's more of us... not that we couldn't take them one on one anyway..."
Nick Caligo (GM): I might add that Sora's nowhere to be found.
Locos Docos: "...mmeeerrrmmm."
Digifanatic: "Woohoo! I take the lead! Take this, bat-boy!" He throws a large Yoshi egg at Razor.
Metal Man (GM): It explodes, shooting a wall of ice at Razor. Razor're frozen inside ice for... a long time. Roybert runs at Yurie.
Roybert: "I'll show you who knows how to swordfight!"
Yurie: "Bring it on then..."
Metal Man (GM): ...And he flies past Yurie, blowing up a Crystal.
Yurie gracefully parries his sword, then RIPOSTEs!
Yurie: AoO.
Metal Man (GM): Miss. SkyHigh launches a HUGE ball of darkness at Aribar.
Aribar: "Gah!"
Razor: "Too... damn... cold..."
Metal Man (GM): *BOOOM.*
Gibby: "Close one."
Linkbot: "No no no! THIS is how you do it!" He launches BOTH HIS ARMS at Gibby, who is hit twice.
Gibby: *He gets a beating... from linkbot... oy...*
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot's arms return to him.
Linkbot: "See?"
Gibby: "Grr..."
SkyHigh: "Hahahahahahaha. Just TRY to hit us!"
Metal Man (GM): SkyHigh does a little neurotic dance while waiting for his turn... wait... that's his fighting stance...
Yurie smirks, then whips her rapier downwards.
Gibby: "SOMEBODY hit him before I do."
Yurie: "Interposition!"
Razor: "Somebody... break... this... damn... ice... PLEASE..."
Yurie takes a 5' step, then smashes the ice on Razor.
Metal Man (GM): The ice breaks off.
Yurie: "Up and at 'em angel boy..."
Razor shakes out of it, stumbling a bit. He turns and looks back at Yurie. "Thank you..."
Metal Man: "Alright... time to show SkyHigh something I learned from his idiocy... FLAMING UPPERCUT!"
SkyHigh: "...Fire! Yay!"
Metal Man (GM): He takes half damage.
Yurie: "Save your thanks, blast the idiots."
Razor nods. "Roger that."
SkyHigh: "Ow!"
Ari's Dex: "...DDDDD... I...NGH! ... Interference... ..."
Yurie: "Great..."
Ari's Dex: "Total HP: Around 1300... For... all..." It then stops.
Gibby: "That's a lot..."
Razor turns towards Digi. "Alright... that sucked... so I'm gonna cleave you in four! ANNIHILATE!" He twirls his blades at his sides, and they gain a green glow about them. He then jerks them up diagonally one after the other, sending two waves of emerald energy at Digi.
Digifanatic: "AHHHHHHH!!!"
Metal Man (GM): Digi is hit by both.
Aribar dashes towards SkyHigh and attempts a Bi-Bolt Slash. "Power!"
Metal Man (GM): Aribar makes some terrible misses. Digi's been pretty badly roasted by Annihilate.
Gibby opens his mouth, and shoots out a wave of fire at Linkbot.
Digifanatic: "Yy--yyyou evil man-person!"
Linkbot: "Fire! Run!"
Metal Man (GM): He's burned.
Razor: "Heh... did you like that?"
Metal Man (GM): Full damage. These idiots forgot to wear armor... except Sky.
Metal Man: "Alright! Take this!" *He swings his MASSIVE sword at SkyHigh.* (SMASH) *Hit.*
SkyHigh: "...You scratched me!"
Digifanatic: "You hurt me bad, so now I'm gonna teach you, evil thing!"
Metal Man (GM): Digi starts singing Yellow Submarine... at Razor...
Razor: "AhhH! Make it stop!"
Metal Man (GM): Razor take damage, goes Berserk, is Confused, and silenced.
Gibby: "Curse you and your knowledge of top hits of the 60s!"
Roybert: "He's weak! Finish him!" He runs at Razor.
Razor: *Barely a hit.* *He is definitely still on his feet... looking very agitated.*
SkyHigh: "...I'll get Gibby for that time he looked at me wrong!"
Gibby: "...I don't remember that."
SkyHigh: "Electric Bolt of DEATH!"
Gibby: "EEP!"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby avoids that one too.
Locos Docos shakes violently. Yelling words no one can understand since he's gagged.
Gibby moves out of the way.
Linkbot: "Let me take care of this..."
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot launches his arms at Gibby again. One hit.
Gibby ducks one, but gets hit by the other.
Metal Man (GM): It's more of an insult than a hit.
Gibby: "You are SO dead, Linkbot!"
Yurie: "Okay Digi... have a taste of this. FIREBALL BARRAGE!!"
Linkbot: "I can't believe it! I hit his armor instead of his face!"
Razor: @.@
Yurie jabs her fist rapidly at him, fireballs launching towards him.
Digifanatic: "AHHHHH!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): One hit. Yurie hits him in the butt while he runs screaming from the others.
Digifanatic: "OW! What did I do to you? Pretend it's Whose Line too much?"
Aribar continues to concentrate on SkyHigh. First he casts Mage Armor and designates Digi as his Dodge. The elf then casts True Strike on himself before using his last Heroic Surge for another Bi-Bolt Slash on Sky.
Metal Man (GM): *SLASH.* *MISS.*
SkyHigh: "Ow! You scratched my pretty armor!"
Metal Man (GM): Full damage.
Razor: *Attacks Sky!*
SkyHigh: "Digi! You said your death song would make him attack friends, not me!"
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
Gibby runs at Linkbot, and attacks him with a running stab (Smash attack).
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot is hit. And takes a good pile of damage.
Linkbot: "OWIE!"
Gibby: "That'll show ya!"
Aribar raises his sword into the air and lets the Bolts of Justice, Thordain, keeeeel these evil Fallen Questers!
Metal Man (GM): Digi fails.
Gibby: "That's one."
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot fails.
Gibby: "...and another..."
Metal Man (GM): SkyHigh evades it. Roybert evades it. Digi looks messed up...
Razor still looks rather agitated as he madly thrusts his blades at... Link!
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
Gibby continues his attacks with Linkbot, and he runs at him attempting an upward slash.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Linkbot: "Ow! My eye!"
Metal Man (GM): Fallen Questers, now.
Gibby: "Grr... why won't you die already?"
Digifanatic: "Leave me alone!" He throws a Yoshi cookie at Aribar.
Metal Man (GM): He steals some health from Aribar.
Aribar: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot then launches his arms at Yurie. Both hit.
Yurie: "OOF!"
Metal Man (GM): Roybert runs at Razor and tries to slash him. Miss. And SkyHigh charges up a HUGE attack.
Yurie: "What's the matter, scared to blast me with anything, you numskulls?"
Razor: @,@
SkyHigh: "When we're done with you, there won't be enough pieces left to put ONE of you back together!"
Yurie smirks, then reels back a fist, then thrusts it at SkyHigh, releasing another Fireball Barrage.
Metal Man (GM): All misses. He ducks and jumps over them.
Metal Man: "...Better fix up Razor."
Gibby: "Attack Sky!"
Metal Man uses Esuna on Razor, removing his Confuse status.
Yurie: "Metal, keep Esuna-ing Raz..."
Razor may not be confused... but he's still silent... and REALLY mad... and he's attacking the guy closest to him!
Metal Man (GM): Both miss. He laughs as he parries the blows.
Metal Man esunas away Razor's Berserk status.
Metal Man (GM): Digifanatic throws a Yoshi cookie at Gibby.
Gibby: "EEP!"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby is silenced.
Gibby: "..."
Razor turns and smiles to Metal. "..."
Metal Man (GM): Roybert decides to use Double-Edge Dance on Yurie, attacking her reflection field... it's a power hit. CRIT.
Yurie: *Miss-CRIT-Miss-Miss.*
Razor: O.O
Yurie is KILLED.
Gibby: "!!!!!!!"
Metal Man (GM): He chops Yurie in HALF with one slice.
Yurie: *1 Life remaining.*
Locos Docos: "!! MM MMrrMmmee!"
Razor looks to Metal, points to his mouth, and points to one of his blades.
Roybert: "Hahahah. I'm unstoppable!"
SkyHigh: "He's using a secret message! Get him!"
Locos Docos: "Mmmrr mmnnn mmmiimmiimmt."
Metal Man (GM): SkyHigh fires off a HUGE bolt at Razor. *EVADE.* Where Razor was standing is a gigantic crater.
Razor jumps up into the air and backflips.
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot then shoots his arms at Gibby again. El miss.
Gibby dodges both. "...!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie reappears on revival platform.
Yurie a flash is seen above Roybert before Yurie drops down, Dragoon style, to SMASH Roy with a downwards-thrusting rapier.
Metal Man (GM): Roy is hit. His sword is too heavy and moves too slowly.
Gibby turns to Ari, and nods to him.
Aribar looks at Gibby... An evil look in his eye... He dashes over to the puffball and charges up the Greatsword with a Bolt before scooping up the lil Kirby and TOSSING him at Roy! "Gibby... DOKEN!"
Metal Man (GM): Congrats to Yurie... she's been the FIRST PERSON TO HIT ROY.
Roybert: "...You dared to hit me?"
Yurie: "...invincible my buttocks."
Metal Man (GM): He laughs and gets an AOO on Gibby. *STAB.* Gibby flies into his sword.
Gibby: "..."
Yurie: "Yeah, I dare hit you."
Roybert: "I TRIPLE DOG DARE you!"
Yurie: "Alright then."
Aribar: "Sorry, Gibby!"
Gibby: "..." *He looks very angry.*
Razor shakes his head and pigs out on Mushrooms... since he's still silenced and all...
Aribar attempts to Sand Storm Roy.
Metal Man (GM): Roy ish hit.
Gibby starts performing THE GIBBY DANCE, DISCO STYLE! He heals some health.
Roybert: "Ow!"
Metal Man (GM): You mess him up royally.
Yurie whips her sword back and THRUST-SMASHES Roy while he's being Sand-Stormed.
Metal Man (GM): *HIT.*
Roybert: "OW!"
Metal Man cures Razor's silence.
Digifanatic: "Leave my friend alone!" He tosses ANOTHER annoying egg at Yurie.
Metal Man (GM): A wall of ice flies at Yurie.
Razor looks very relieved. "Ah... thank you Metal... I'll repay you for the healing sometime."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie avoids. And Gibby is unsilenced.
Gibby: "...GAH! Man that wasn't fun."
Roybert: "Now, take this!"
Yurie: "I don't want this, so take it BACK!"
Metal Man (GM): Roybert runs at Aribar and slashes at him with a flaming sword. And misses.
SkyHigh: "Take this, blade-holding guy!"
Metal Man (GM): He fires a Shadow Blast at Razor.
Aribar: "Bah! What was that?"
Metal Man (GM): *AVOID.*
Razor stuttersteps and rolls to the side. "You're going down after Digi!"
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot then runs up to Ari and tries to smack him. Miss. AOO. He drops one of his arms and stoops down to pick it up.
Aribar: "..." *Attempts a Bi Bolt Slash on him.*
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
Linkbot: "Hey! You cheater!"
Aribar: "Bah! You think this is all turned based or something?"
Linkbot: "...Yeah, and it wasn't your turn!"
Yurie: "Oh boys...catch." ^^
Digifanatic: "...Don't make me sing at you!"
Yurie thrusts her hand out, peppering Digi with her fireballs.
Digifanatic: "AHHHHHHHH!"
Metal Man (GM): 2 hits. Digi EXPLODES. Or so it seems...
Digifanatic: "We all live in a Yellow... SAVE ME DREW CAREY!"
Yurie: "How about you sing for your own funeral!"
Metal Man (GM): He disappears in a huge yellow explosion.
Razor turns to Yur and grins. "Nice shooting!"
Yurie grins, striking a victory pose.
Aribar: "Don't celebrate yet... There are still more!"
Yurie: "One down, three to go."
Metal Man: "And now... for death!"
Locos Docos: "...Mmmmm... MMmmaa mmmmmght mmme mmmmmck."
Razor: "Yeah... but we nailed the most annoying one..."
Yurie: "...Gibby! Get Locos."
Metal Man runs at Linkbot, and gives him Tri-attack.
Metal Man (GM): He is blasted.
Locos Docos: "!" *He shakes his head very fiercely.*
Locos Docos: "Mmm mma mmmaapp! Mmmmm mmmaaa mmmaaaaaapp!"
Metal Man (GM): And Linkbot is frozen solid. For a while.
SkyHigh: "..." O_O
Yurie: "You were saying something about being better than us?"
Roybert: "There's more of us than you!"
Yurie: "I doubt it."
Gibby runs at Linkbot, and attacks him with a leaping downward slash.
SkyHigh: "And we're... DISCO ANGRY!"
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Linkbot can't do anything this time. SkyHigh launches a flaming punch at Yurie. *PUNCH'D.*
Yurie: "OOF!" *She is thrown back... then skids to a halt, panting.*
Gibby: "You OK, Yurie?"
Metal Man (GM): Roybert runs at Gibby with his burning sword.
Yurie: "Could... use.some... assistance... healing..."
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Gibby dodges the attack. "I got ya back!" *He walks over closer to Yurie.*
Aribar tosses a Red Potion at Yurie and then Bolts Linkbot.
Yurie is a bit better health-wise now.
Locos Docos perks his head up.
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot is hit.
Razor steps up towards Roy and Linkbot, flipping his blades point up and holding them to his left side. "Wave... SLASH!" He slashes horizontally with both blades, the first forming a line of gray energy as it slices into Linkbot and Roy, the second flying to plunge itself into Link's side. Bolts of energy would shoot from the two and at SkyHigh. *CRITICAL!*
Metal Man (GM): One crit hit, a hit, then the rest miss.
Razor: *Chain attacks to Sky and Roy.*
Metal Man (GM): Miss hit.
Yurie growls, then COUNTERS Sky's Firepunch with her own SMASH attack.
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Gibby: "These guys sure can take a lot."
SkyHigh: "And now, for another attack!" He throws a gray orb at Razor.
Metal Man (GM): Razor avoids it. Roybert then runs at Yurie with another double-edge dance.
Razor dives to the side to avoid it.
Yurie: hit miss miss Hit. *Is knocked to near death status.*
Razor smirks at Roy and flips his blades over his head. "You'll pay for that!! ANNIHILATE!" They flare with jade energy as he slashes them downwards, two waves of energy zipping the few feet towards Roy.
Metal Man (GM): 2 hits.
Razor: CRIT!
Yurie could USE A HEALING NOW.
Metal Man (GM): He takes it, but still looks like he could be hit by it again and still survive.
Roybert: "Ha ha ha! You call that an attack?"
Aribar stuffs two mushrooms in Yurie's mouth for his turn.
Locos Docos: "Mmmi mmmmulddd..."
Yurie growls and gets up...
Metal Man: "That's it, buddy. Take THIS! Solution NINE!" *Twinkling stars fly over to Roybert and damage him.*
Metal Man (GM): Roybert is moderately damaged.
Yurie: "Grrr... we need... a Team Blast..."
Gibby suddenly gets an idea. He rushes over to Locos, lifts his sword up, and strikes at the crystal holding Locos in place.
Metal Man (GM): It cracks, but doesn't release him.
Locos Docos: "Mmmmmm... MMice mmmy."
Gibby runs over to Yurie. "What's up?"
Yurie: "Team blast time... want to show them a real Gibbydoken?"
Gibby: "I dunno... I got hurt last time..."
Yurie: "You won't in this one..."
Roybert: "Uhhh... we're gonna do it too!"
Gibby: "...well alright then. Who are we gonna hit?"
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot breaks out of the ice.
Yurie: "This one is an explosion."
Gibby: "Works for me... as long as I don't explode."
Yurie: "It'll blast the bejeezus out of ALL of them."
SkyHigh: "Right... Shadow Arms of Burning Death, on our turn!"
Yurie picks up Gibby carefully. "Razor! You still got Hyper Burst?"
Razor moves back towards them.
Yurie: "Razor, Annihilate!"
Razor flicks his blades up over his head. "You got it!" They charge up nice and bright.
Yurie: "Gibby, Bowser Breath." *He raises Gibby up as a ring of fireballs appear around her hands... which are holding Gibby in a 'Hadoken' position.*
Gibby nods, gets his face nice and red.
Linkbot: "Let's fire it when they do!"
Yurie: "Heeeereeee weeeeee... GO!"
Metal Man (GM): SkyHigh and Roy nod, charging up Linkbot's arms with darkness and flames.
Locos Docos: "...mmmoo's mmmss mmmetmmer?"
Linkbot: "I'll intercept that Gibby with my arms!"
Gibby begins to glow as the fireballs converge on him... not exploding, but forming a sphere of flames. Energy drifts off from Razor's blades and forms a giant halo around the sphere... which reshapes into a giant-sized Gibby as Gibb releases Bowserbreath into the mix.
Locos Docos: "Mmmood... mmmrr mmebbvvlll."
Gibby opens his mouth at the signal, and shoots out a GIANT wave of fire.
Metal Man (GM): Linkbot's arms launch off, with a HUGE amount of energy in them. They fly towards Gibby.
Yurie: "QUESTER TEAM BLAST! GIBBEEEEEEEEE... DOKEN!!! *He SMASHES the fireball-super-Gibby towards them..."
Locos Docos watches as how this will happen...
Metal Man (GM): The arms miss Gibby. Thus, Gibby-Doken goes first... then everyone has to avoid Arm of DEATH.
Yurie (GM): The Gibbydoken zooms forwards, the halo shining brighter... right before it connects in a gigantic explosion of energy and flame. Gibby flies out of the mix, unharmed, and land beside Razor and Yurie. *annnnd POSE!*
Gibby: @_@ "WHAT A TRIP!" *He falls on his face.*
Metal Man (GM): Eh, well, it hit either way.
Metal Man (GM): Oh, yeah. And the Questers manage to blow up Locos too.
Yurie: Full damage.
Metal Man (GM): Because... SkyHigh was just right next to him. *LOCOS EXPLODES.* All of them explode... Except for SkyHigh.
Gibby is basically out of it... he's tired.
Aribar: "... I'll give you a coin if you die! Its shiiiney!"
Razor gets hit... once...
Yurie is hit... once.
SkyHigh: "I'll nuke you for that!"
Gibby gets hit once.
Metal Man (GM): Locos reappears on revival platform.
Metal Man: "...This is it... back off. I'll kill him!"
Gibby gets back up after being damaged.
Aribar is near death.
Gibby: "Sorry about that, Locos."
SkyHigh: "What're you gonna do? Poke my eye out?"
Razor grunts lightly. "You call that a team attack? Take him down Metal."
Metal Man: "Yes... only a THOUSAND TIMES..."
Locos Docos really is just a gelatinous mess again.
Metal Man's sword of death glows... it's Tri-Attack... but much stronger. SkyHigh backs off, only to find himself nowhere to run. He finds his Max Up busted.
SkyHigh: "Uhhh... be nice... I have no family!"
Yurie (GM): A blue shining light lights up behind Metal as the screen darkens, shooting stars falling by in the background. I do believe, ladies and gents, this is a Meteor Finale!
Metal Man: "Then maybe you'll like to tell them THIS!"
Razor just kinda sneaks off in the background to cast Resurrection on Locos so he can watch.
Yurie: "Get 'em Metal! Meteor FINISHER!"
Metal Man BLURS, running towards SkyHigh. He then rapidly slashes him, an explosion and a FLASH for each hit. This continues, until it ends with a HUGE explosion, which engulfs them both. When the smoke clears, a totally blackened SkyHigh smiles, then all his teeth fall out... and then he turns into a cartoony pile of dust.
Locos Docos and his pieces come back as the blast comes into vision of him.
Razor twirls his blades and slides them back into their sheaths as he stands straight upright.
Gibby sheaths his sword, and Gibby Dances.
Yurie: *METEOR FINISHER! METAL EXPLODER.* *He poses, rocking backwards on her heels and sweeping her sword out as she bows...*
Metal Man wipes the sweat off his forehead. "I can't believe it... all of them are finally dead!"
Locos Docos coughs loudly.
Razor turns to Metal and blinks a few times. "Wait a second... where's..." He looks up into the sky.
Metal Man: "...Yeah... I sure hope this wasn't a plan to distract us and keep us stuck in here!"
Locos Docos kinda... smiles a bit... eyebrows a bit up.
Nick Caligo (GM): Ruvyn stares down at the Questers coldly. He shuts his eyes and draws out, in his other hand, a sword with a bright white blade.
Yurie: "...oh, great..."
Ruvyn: "You're all too late. Your world is doomed... any moment now, Jeff should be finished charging the cannon."
Locos Docos: "Hey hey! Don't blame this on me!"
Razor raises an eyebrow. .oO(Is it just me... or is this guy like an evil me? Look at that... long brown hair... wings... and now he has the white blade and the black blade... like me! Punk...)
Ruvyn: "You have all been delayed just long enough by our interference."
Locos Docos: "Lemme guess... to launch this satellite into the sun?"
Metal Man: "But... you sacrificed all those otherwise useful men!"
Yurie: "Actually, we kinda blew up the power room..."
Ruvyn: "Do you seriously believe that THAT is the source of the cannon's power?"
Locos Docos: "I didn't. Not after all the useful info I got from the bonehead Digi. ...before I got bound and gagged!!"
Razor blinks a few times and reaches into a small pouch at his side, pulling out the control card. "Hmmm..."
Locos Docos: " wait, it was after."
Ruvyn: "Hmph. What of those fools that you wasted your time with? They have served their purpose. They are nothing in comparison to Axel's forces!"
Metal Man: "...Axel?"
Razor: "...who?"
Locos Docos: " of the sun gods? err... I mean sun destroyers? Dangit, I keep getting confused by his speech."
Ruvyn: "And, what's more, you are without your keyblade master. Let's see if you can stop the cannon AND save your friend at the same time--while fatigued!"
Razor: "Fatigued? I barely broke a sweat."
Locos Docos unsheathes his mauler...
Nick Caligo (GM): He clashes his swords together and swipes them apart towards the Questers. "DARK EXCALIBUR! HAH!!"
Locos Docos: "Oh you will be... after I'm done with you... and Yurie... and maybe goober."
Nick Caligo (GM): The Questers are all SMACKED by an invisible wave that washes over all of them... reducing them to 1 HP.
Razor is slammed back and skids on the ground a bit. He pushes himself back up slowly. "...daaaamn..."
Locos Docos: "...! Hey! What was that for!?"
Yurie: "NNGH!"
Nick Caligo (GM): Ruvyn grins and raises the Sword of Light into the air over his head, transporting the Questers back to the ship in a flash of light. They're right back where you were... Ruvyn's nowhere in sight.
Razor: "The hell?"
Yurie: "...ow... frikken... ow..."
Metal Man (GM): The beam is almost fully charged.
Razor grunts and looks around quickly, breathing heavily. "Come on... we've got to shut this thing down... can't be too late!" He holds up the card.
Metal Man (GM): Status screens show that when it fires, if it isn't stopped, then Nintendus will explode.
Locos Docos: "But what about..."
Yurie: "Who gives a damn..."
Metal Man (GM): To the right is the door to navigation.
Locos Docos: "..."
Yurie gets to her feet slowly... then heads through the door...
Razor turns to that door. "I've got an idea!" He moves on through that door.
Metal Man (GM): Inside is Jeff Maxwell, surrounded by gadgets and spinning a sailor's wheel. *POOF* Digifanatic appears next to him.
Digifanatic: "Did you miss me?"
Locos Docos: "Yes... perhaps you can tell them what you did me?"
Jeff Maxwell: "Ah. Hello, Questers. Your planet should cease to exist shortly enough."
Digifanatic: "Sorry, but I can't tell you that..."
Razor: "You do realize... that if you destroy Nintendus... then this satellite will drift off?"
Jeff Maxwell: "Actually... This 'satellite' has all the equipment to fly as a spaceship. Once Nintendus is nice and crispy, Smitheron I shall be built. It's all good... I get to be head of the Air Force!"
Razor raises an eyebrow. "Riiight... not gonna happen pal."
Locos Docos: "...I'm all getting confused..."
Jeff Maxwell: "Oh, hello Locos."
Yurie: "I think not... um... what's that over there?" *points off to the side...*
Locos Docos raises his head "...Jeff."
Jeff Maxwell: "There's a seat reserved for you."
Locos Docos: "!"
Jeff Maxwell: "You don't have to kill yourselves like these fools will."
Locos Docos clears his throat.
Digifanatic: "Now then, all of you weaklings, out! OUT!"
Locos Docos: "I thought that Digi said to me, while he gagged me, that this satellite was... set..for a course to the sun?"
Metal Man (GM): Digifanatic picks up a broom.
Razor looks to Jeff. "You heard him... get on out of here."
Digifanatic: "I say a lot of things, silly!"
Gibby is breathing hard, and looks like he's going to faint.
Locos Docos: "And what about Robotnik?"
Jeff Maxwell: "I could kill all of you in one hit with this."
Locos Docos: "And his satellite?!"
Metal Man (GM): Jeff Maxwell pulls out a large, blue cannon.
Digifanatic: "Oh yeah... he's gonna save you. Like that will EVER happen!"
Yurie: "You'd be surprised..."
Razor: "Well... ACTUALLY..."
Yurie reaches into her pocket... and pulls out the Green Lightsaber.
Jeff Maxwell: "Copying me is so Nintendus... Smitheron I is the present now!"
Metal Man (GM): The Lightsaber crackles.
Digifanatic: "Oooh! Lightsaber! Me want!"
Razor: "...was that English?"
Metal Man (GM): He tries to Disarm Yur.
Gibby: "They're stupid, remember?"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie keeps it out of his reach.
Yurie steps out of the way and activates it.
Metal Man (GM): It... sparks... doesn't work right.
Jeff Maxwell: "You call that a lightsaber?"
Razor: "Oh yeah... good point Gibby... hmmm... curious... how the hell they can actually run this thing..."
Yurie: "Of course..."
Metal Man (GM): Jeff Maxwell laughs and presses a button on his buster. A HUGE green laser sword projects from it.
Jeff Maxwell: "Now drop the toy, and you can watch Nintendus explode."
Metal Man (GM): The controls are just sitting right out there...
Yurie: "...sure... Digi... go fetch!" *chucks the lightsaber at Jeff.
Gibby runs over to the controls, and fiddles with them.
Razor shakes his head slowly, facepalming before bolting to take the controls and turn the satellite away from Nintendus.
Jeff Maxwell: "Hey! Stop that!"
Metal Man (GM): The Lightsaber, Gibby, and Razor hit the controls. OVERLOAD. OVERLOAD. EXPLOSION IMMINNENNNNT. The saber bounces off Jeff Maxwell's head.
Razor: "Well... ummm... that... worked... RUN AWAY!"
Gibby: "!!!!!" *He runs for it!*
Jeff Maxwell: "And watch Nintendus and US explode?"
Razor turns around and RUNS out of the room.
Yurie: "Fraid not!"
Jeff Maxwell: "Nononono. Now you're going to fight us!"
Digifanatic: "Digi wants your BLOOD!"
Locos Docos: "Digi! Quick! Tell me who Robotnik is really sided with!"
Digifanatic: "You!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie and Gibby run away. Razor trips on an inanimate carbon ro----then gets up and flees. Digi trips. Now... the only question is... where is Sora?
Yurie: "We need to get back to the MTA's."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers get to the docking place.
Gibby: "I'm looking for Sora!" *He heads back wondering where on EARTH that kid could be.*
Metal Man (GM): Gibby sees Digi with the lightsaber, blocking the way back. And he's not happy.
Locos Docos: "No! Let me find him!"
Gibby: "Out of the way, Digi!"
Razor looks to the others.
Digifanatic: "I'll slice you into tiny s'more pieces!"
Gibby unsheathes his sword.
Locos Docos: "...Maybe not."
Metal Man (GM): Digi is blocking the way.
Gibby: "Try it."
Yurie: "Out of the way! Or you'll get a Gibbydoken to the face!"
Metal Man (GM): Digi runs at Gibby. ...He runs right past him.
Digifanatic: "YAHHHHHHHH!!!!"
Yurie: "...idiot..."
Gibby shrugs, and runs forward.
Locos Docos: "Indeed."
Yurie resumes running.
Metal Man (GM): There is a room on the other side... but now Jeff Maxwell takes aim and fires a huge laser blast at everyone.
Locos Docos: "...why me..."
Metal Man (GM): The blast barely misses most everybody...
Locos Docos: "Ahh... yeah... where are ye?"
Metal Man (GM): Everyone runs past Jeff Maxwell's blast of death into a room, where Sora is tied to a large control panel.
Gibby: "There he is. Sora, are you ok?"
Razor flips his blades out and quickly cuts him free.
Yurie: "Oh for crying out loud..."
Metal Man (GM): He's unconscious... but now Digi's in the way.
Yurie turns, then growls.
Digifanatic: "You can't escape me! I'm like a bad movie!"
Gibby: "Hurry! Grab him, and lets go!"
Metal Man (GM): He runs at Yurie. Digi falls on his face.
Locos Docos: "A bad movie? Most definitely."
Digifanatic: "Oh no! My shoes were untied!"
Yurie: "Sure you are. FIREBALL BARRAGE! *He releases a string of fireballs on the idiot, then runs past him.*
Razor hefts Sora up over his shoulder and turns to run out the room, making sure to stomp on Digi's smoking body on the way out of the room.
Metal Man (GM): He takes it... Buuuuuut he's got plenty of health to soak it up.
Gibby runs over Digi, and follows the others.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers reach the docking bay. ...But Jeff Maxwell has stolen Sora's MTA!
Locos Docos follows as well.
Yurie: "Everyone! To your MTA's!"
Gibby: "We got him. Now lets get out of here."
Jeff Maxwell: "HAHAHAHAHA! No escape for you!"
Gibby: " crap!"
Yurie climbs into hers and activates it, the Ramp sliding back and the chest plates closing.
Metal Man (GM): A HUGE explosion is heard nearby.
Razor quickly bolts towards his MTA, taking Sora in with him.
Locos Docos climbs into his.
Metal Man (GM): Digi chases after the Questers.
Digifanatic: "Hey! You can't run from me!"
Gibby enters inside his, and the door closes.
Digifanatic: "Wait... I have the perfect idea!" He runs off.
Metal Man takes Sora inside his CAC. "Is that everyone?"
Yurie: "LETS GO!"
Gibby: "I think so..." *He presses the button for FLIGHT MODE.*
Metal Man (GM): Everyone takes off. They leave the satellite as... only a part of it explodes? The beam cannon is still there.
Yurie: "...oh great..."
Gibby: "...HEY! Why didn't the rest go boom?"
Digifanatic: "Ha ha ha! I have the cannon of death in my power!"
Locos Docos: "...I'm getting sick of this satellite."
Metal Man (GM): ...Then, if it wasn't bad enough... Team Star Wolf is in range again!
Gibby: "...HIM? With a death cannon?"
Razor: "Oh damn... an idiot with a big gun..."
Wolf: "Hey! I'm not done with you!"
Gibby nods, and flies off in a random direction.
Locos Docos: "Ohhh look..."
Gibby: "Back for more, I see?"
Pigma: "I must avenge my lost money!"
Locos Docos: "It's Captain N and the butterball patrol."
Yurie: "Not these guys again... we have enough problems as we... wait..."
Jeff Maxwell: "These MTAs are pieces of junk... but I'll slice you good!"
Yurie tries to comm the satellite.
Digifanatic: "Shields online! Beam Cannon charging!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie gets contact.
Gibby: "We gotta stop that cannon!"
Locos Docos: "Let's see... a three way threat..."
Metal Man (GM): Digi is blasting Yellow Submarine in the satellite.
Yurie: "Hey! Digi! Starwolf said you were a fat, slobbering idiot. You going to let him just say stuff like that? Go ahead, shoot him first!"
Digifanatic: "He did? I'll kill him after I kill you!"
Metal Man (GM): The cannon locks onto Yurie.
Yurie: "...shit..."
Gibby rushes to push Yurie aside.
Metal Man (GM): Digi's voice kinda becomes weird.
Digifanatic: "...This is Matek... it's time for you to die!"
Yurie: .oO(Even at 1000 percent power, that cannon can probably only fire once...)
Metal Man (GM): The cannon begins to go into firing mode.
Locos Docos: "...Who... is... Matek?"
Digifanatic: "I am from the Dark World... Yurie gave me a new host!"
Yurie whirls her MTA... and boosts RIGHT towards Starwolf.
Star Wolf: "You want to die? Okay!" He fires at you.
Gibby: "This is messed up... seriously."
Yurie's MTA flashes between and around the shots.
Metal Man (GM): The beam fires... Star Wolf FLIES THE HECK AWAY from the beam, as does Yurie. The shield satellites up ahead are blown to pieces.
Yurie: "Bingo!"
Razor: "...he wasted the shot..."
Digifanatic: "To the contrary! That was 100%!"
Locos Docos: "Now all we need are Star Fox's team to come here."
Digifanatic: "NOW time to fire off the 1000%!"
Metal Man (GM): Everyone's gonna have to destroy the cannon in 10 rounds.
Gibby: "Grr..."
Metal Man (GM): The MTAs have full health.
Yurie: "Dex system. analyze!"
Razor turns towards the satellite. "Let's take this thing down!"
Gibby: "You read my mind."
Locos Docos: "There... is... no way we can take that out in time..."
Gibby: "Don't talk like that, Locos. We can do it!"
Dex: "...Scanning..."
Locos Docos: "A threat back there, a Jeffy to the side, and this..."
Yurie: "We're the Questers, we can do anything!"
Locos Docos: "Except destroy Smithy this very moment."
Gibby: "Well... when the times comes, we will." *time.
Dex: "...DING! SmithySat. HP: 200. Desc: Smithy's Satellite... or what's left of it. It has plenty of shots left; the only way to stop it is to destroy the cannon. The bridge itself is enchanted: There is no way to destroy it from the outside. Destroy the cannon, and the satellite becomes useless."
Locos Docos: "What's gonna happen if we don't destroy it in time!?"
Razor: "Don't worry, we can handle it!"
Gibby: "Nintendus... is DOOMED!"
Jeff Maxwell: "Yeah, but we'll destroy you first!"
Gibby: "That too..."
Wolf: "And us too!"
Razor: "Now hold on... you can't ALL destroy us... ONE of you is going to get the glory..."
Smithy: "There is no escape. Every direction leads to your destruction!"
Gibby: "You guys will be destroyed WITH us if that Cannon goes off."
Smithy: "They all serve ME! And I command them to destroy you!"
Razor: "...and you guys listen... to a walking, talking toaster..."
Gibby: "TOLD ya they were stupid."
Digifanatic: "It beats a walking, talking raincoat!"
Locos Docos: "...As stupid as it is, Digi has a point. Now let's direct our assault on that cannon!"
Razor: "Hell... GANONDORF would be better than this hunk of junk... let's show him why!"
Jeff Maxwell: "You fool! He serves the Heartless! You should know!"
Digifanatic: "And they are those floating raincoat people!"
Razor: "...ah who cares... you'll all lose anyway."
Jeff Maxwell: "If I go down, I'm taking this MTA and all of you with me!"
Metal Man: "I have to bail, guys. Don't worry, if the worst happens, I'll fix it!" *His CAC flies to Nintendus and disappears.*
Razor: "..."
Locos Docos: "...Well..."
Gibby: "Gee, thanks."
Locos Docos: "...hmmm..."
Yurie: "Hush guys... concentrate on the objective!"
Locos Docos: "Jeff! After Metal!"
Jeff Maxwell: "What she said!"
Locos Docos: "...Is was worth a shot." *He charges up White air with a ridiculous combination thanks to the MTA and fires it at the satellite.*
Metal Man (GM): It hits, as the satellite is immobile.
Digifanatic: "It's getting COOL down here!"
Yurie boosts towards the satellite, releasing a string of fireballs from her Fireball Barrage.
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
Digifanatic: "Ahhh! Mode two!"
Yurie: "Razor! Annihilate it!"
Metal Man (GM): The satellite opens up, revealing blasters, lasers, and... now it moves.
Razor boosts straight towards the satellite, wings angling gracefully in space. His blades, held behind him, blitz with jade energy. As he approaches it he grinds to a halt, backflipping and sending a pair of large waves into its hull... and quite possibly through it.
Yurie: "YES!"
Gibby: "Nice."
Locos Docos: "Now all we need is to do our best to evade the onslaught once it comes our way, then we'll defeat this monstorsity in no time!"
Yurie: *SHINK!*
Digifanatic: "...Oh no! It can't be!"
Metal Man (GM): The cannon EXPLODES.
Gibby: "...well that was... easy?"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie's health is halved, as is Gibby's; Locos avoids.
Razor raises his arms up and quickly shifts into reverse.
Gibby: "Owie."
Digifanatic: "Force field on!"
Yurie: "Nngh... dang it, that hurt..."
Metal Man (GM): The force field satellites turn on... the hole is filled with debris from the cannon.
Yurie: "At least Nintendus is safe now..."
Razor: "Right..."
Jeff Maxwell: "You'll DIE for that!"
Digifanatic: "Epsilon Laser field! Attack!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie is attacked by several lasers.
Locos Docos: "Ummm... since we destroyed the cannon... is now a good time to jet away?"
Yurie bobs and weaves through the laser barrage...
Gibby puts a mushroom into his mecha.
Locos Docos: "Guys! Should we jet or not!?"
Gibby flies towards Jeff, raises his sword up, and attempts to hit him with a downward slash.
Metal Man (GM): Hit. Gibby deals a small amount of damage to the MTA... which seems eerily stronger than when Sora used it.
Yurie: "Um... I think we should jet, now..."
Gibby: "They'll probably chase us anyway."
Dex: "The only way to escape is to destroy the debris in the shield area or destroy shield satellites."
Razor: "We at least shouldn't leave the MTA in their hands."
Yurie: ...System, scan Sora's MTA."
Dex: "...DING. Sora/Jeff Maxwell's MTA. HP: 491/500. Desc: A hijacked MTA. Has some of the powers of Sora, but mostly of Jeff Maxwell. Highly deadly. It is unsure how anyone could take it back without defeating or destroying it." -Desc end-
Locos Docos: "I'd rath..."
Yurie: "I'm really beginning to hate this mission... System, contact Quester HQ!"
Mewtwo: "What is it?"
Locos Docos: "There ain't no way in heck we can do this ourselves... without suicidal thoughts."
Mewtwo: "All those explosions have everyone worried... Hyrule field has been leveled!"
Razor: "We decimated the main cannon on the satellite..."
Yurie: "Mewtwo, we need assistance... Jeff Maxwell's hijacked Sora's MTA. We've taken out the Beam Cannon, but now we're under attack."
Mewtwo: "But those MTAs were, more or less, all of the ones we had... And the CACs were scrapped to help make them!"
Yurie: "Then send the Star Fox guys up here to at least keep Starwolf off out back!!"
Mewtwo: "...Of course. But they will have to blast through that force field... as will you. Perhaps you should deal with that field while you wait?"
Yurie: "Right."
Mewtwo: "They should arrive in... fifteen minutes time."
Yurie: "Thanks. Yurie out."
Metal Man (GM): Jeff Maxwell's MTA charges up a beam and fires it at Gibby.
Locos Docos: "So what's the plan? Any backup!?"
Gibby: "GAH!"
Metal Man (GM): *BAMMO.* The mecha shorts, dealing damage to itself. It also deals damage to Gibby.
Yurie: "Yup... we just need to clear out a hole in the forcefield... then we'll get help from Starfox."
Gibby is all messed up.
Razor looks at the forcefield.
Metal Man (GM): Team Star Wolf have charged up their lasers.
Yurie: "Razor, Gibby, do whatever you can to punch a hole in the forcefield. Locos, with me."
Gibby: "I would, but I'm hurt. I gotta heal."
Locos Docos: "To hit what?"
Jeff Maxwell: "You'll never escape from us!"
Yurie: "White Air the Starwolves while I take on Sora's MTA..."
Gibby makes his mecha perform a robotic Gibby Dance for another bit of health recovery to himself.
Digifanatic: "...I feel so useless..."
Yurie slots in a mushroom, then activates Interposition. The pauldrons on her machine glow, then create a glowing aura about her...
Yurie: "Come on Jeff, You and me, right now... Hit me with that big beam of yours..."
Razor looks towards the debris. "There's our weak point!" He holds his blades out to the side before sending another Annihilate attack at the debris.
Jeff Maxwell: "This will be so easy, I should steal your MTA when I'm done!"
Metal Man (GM): Debris cannot dodge. The cannon bits explode. The shield shuts down from the shockwave. It all crumbles and burns up in the atmosphere.
Yurie: "Alright!"
Gibby: "Now we wait for Fox and his gang."
Digifanatic: "The shield!!!!... kill them now!"
Yurie blinks, seeing four little pinpoints of light fly up... along with one BIG pinpoint of light.
Locos Docos makes his MTA put his right foot out and cups it with his left elbow. He curses of how ridiculous it's acting, but charges it up very quickly and yells out "WWHHHHHIIIITTTEEE AAIIIIRRR!" He then fires the White Air at the Star Wolf team, hoping to hit any or more than one of them.
Razor twists back around. "Quiet, or I'll use it on you next!"
Yurie: "...Hot damn! They brought Great Fox too!"
Jeff Maxwell: "Destroy Yurie! She's the ringleader!"
Razor glances towards Yurie and then to Jeff. "Oh no you don't..."
Metal Man (GM): Only Leon avoids it. They're each lightly battered. All four of Team Star Wolf unleash charged lasers at Yurie.
Locos Docos: "...I'm sorry I had to do that."
Yurie: "Oh GREAT!"
Metal Man (GM): Jeff Maxwell fires his beam cannon. And Digi fires lasers.
Yurie loop dee-loops and evades EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE BLASTS. ...except one. Which was the second Digi laser.
Gibby: "Jeez... she's like a blur!"
Razor smirks. "Only one hit... nice moves Yur. Now... care to help me shut up el Jefe here?"
Metal Man (GM): ROB comes on comms. The charged beams shot at Yur fly into Star Wolf, who disappears again.
ROB 64: "We will arrive shortly. It is suggested you flee... The satellite is too powerful."
Razor shakes his head. "We need to make sure Jeff doesn't escape with that technology... I'm staying here."
Gibby: "I shall stay!"
Locos Docos: "Forget this! I need to go while the getting's... no wait... there it goes... my final sanity nerve..."
Yurie: "I'm staying as well. You think I'm going to just run away now? You guys keep Starwolf off our backs, we'll take care of that MTA."
Jeff Maxwell: "Alright Digi! I'll destroy the Great Fox! You handle those fighters!"
Razor: "Oh no you won't!"
Digifanatic: "Okay..."
Yurie: "Oh no you don't Jeff, YOU have to deal with US!"
Locos Docos: "...Can't tell what's friend and foe now..."
Jeff Maxwell: "Right... then I could just flee, and if you kill me this is busted anyways... Leaving those freaks to kill each other!"
Locos Docos: "Better that the pickle remains in the jar, than risk it dropping on the floor."
Metal Man (GM): Team Star Wolf and Star Fox start fighting, thusly they do not need to take turns.
Fox: "Where's Star Wolf?"
Andrew: "He got killed. I'm in charge now!"
Leon: "You lie! He escaped!"
Pigma: "No... he killed Digi and escaped!"
Digifanatic: "I'm RIGHT HERE..."
Locos Docos: "!!"
Falco: "Let's just blast them!"
Locos Docos points to outside to the middle of nowhere. "A mushroom pizza!!"
Slippy: "Oh no, I can't get this guy off of my tail!"
Gibby: "WHERE?" *He flies towards it.*
Locos Docos: "Right outside the force field... right..there!"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby starts reentering. No turning back now...
Gibby: "...hey... I don't see any pizza!"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby disappears into Nintendus.
Razor turns towards Locos. "What the hell did you do that for?"
Digifanatic: "Thanks Locos!"
Yurie: "Razor! Lets take care of this guy FAST."
Jeff Maxwell: "You can't kill all of me fast enough!"
Razor nods. "Roger that... Locos, you'll have to answer for that when we get back." He turns towards Jeff. "Wanna bet? ANNIHILATE!" He boosts forwards and slashes in open space, the green waves zipping towards Jeff.
Metal Man (GM): No hits.
Locos Docos: "Nooo... the way I see it, that makes me and Gibby even."
Metal Man (GM): Digi just shoots at the Great Fox.
Locos Docos: "Only you and Yurie left."
Metal Man (GM): BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM. Four lasers rock the Great Fox.
ROB 64: "We are taking heavy damage. Systems are losing power."
Locos Docos and the MTA ties its middle thumb and left finger together and targets Jeff the MTA with a white air. it charges, he yells it, it fires.
Metal Man (GM): He's hit.
Yurie growls, then peppers Jeff's mecha with her Fireball Barrage. CRIT!
Metal Man (GM): Only the crit hits.
Jeff Maxwell: "GAH! Control systems damaged... It's time this bird flew the coop!"
Razor: "NO!"
Jeff Maxwell: "Bon voyage!"
Metal Man (GM): He suddenly warps away, leaving only a cloud of space dust where he was last. The Great Fox blasts Digi, and the satellite flies out of control...
Razor growls and swipes at the nothingness. "DAMMIT!"
Locos Docos: "...Great... that means he has the technology..."
Digifanatic: "Systems down! Only enough left... goodbye!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers him warp out of the satellite just before it crashes into a moon. Team Star Wolf flies away, with only two members alive.
Yurie: "Alright!"
Fox: "Well... thank you, for saving Nintendus!"
Yurie: "No problem. All MTAs and Ships, return to HQ." *Her MTA switches to Flightmode and zooms off.*
Locos Docos does the same... but does it in reverse to play it safe.
Razor arches his wings behind him and blasts off alongside Yurie.
Metal Man (GM): Everyone gets back to HQ. Oak is looking a bit annoyed.
Oak: "Well... that freak just ran off with our newest technology... and he used something else high tech to escape!"
Locos Docos gets out of the MTA. He feels cramped, fatigued, and agitated.
Gibby sees Locos arriving, and leaps on his head. He continues to pound on his head over and over again. "YOU TRICKED ME!!!"
Locos Docos steps on Gibby's foot. "I was trying to trick the enemy!"
Gibby: "GAH!" *He holds his foot.* "Yeah, well could you WARN me next time?"
Locos Docos: "...Next time, use common sense."
Gibby: "That's it!"
Locos Docos: "Why would there be a pizza flying in the middle of space, anyway!"
Yurie: "Both of you, knock it off."
Mewtwo: "Anyway, here are the rewards."
Gibby runs at Locos, and gives him a MEGA KICK in the shin. He misses, and trips.
Metal Man (GM): Locos Docos receives a special move: YOSHI COOKIE.
Gibby: "REWARDS!"
Locos Docos: "!!"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby Receives: Double Edge Dance. Crosscut + Crosscut + Crosscut + Power Hit.
Locos Docos: "Oi!" ^_^! "Thank you!!"
Gibby: "YIPPEE!"
Locos Docos feels perked up.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie Receives... DOOMSDAY Fire + Lightning + Light + Darkness + Maximize + Airstrike.
Gibby: !
Metal Man (GM): Razor Receives... YELLOW SUBMARINE: Confuse + Berserk + Sonar + Sonar + Sonar + Silence.
Metal Man (GM): Sora Receives... Chaos Bolt: Lightning + Lightning + Ultima + Power Hit.
Locos Docos: "There's are very nice moves, Mewtwo."
Gibby: "Indeed."
Yurie: "Very..."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar Receives... Lightning Beam: Lightning + Lightning + Lightning + Maximize + Explode. And I receive... YELLOW SUBMARINE: Confuse + Berserk + Sonar + Sonar + Sonar + Silence.
Metal Man (GM): And, everyone gets 4,500 coins for braving... lots of death. And coincidentally saving the world. ;)
Gibby can't WAIT to go shopping...
Locos Docos: "...I'm slooowly..collapsing from all these coins..."
Gibby: "I'll hold 'em for ya!"
Locos Docos: "NO! ...I mean... I'll handle them."
Gibby: "Awww..."
Locos Docos: "Fifteen-thousandand seven hundred coins in my bag, Fifteen-thousandand seven hundred coins in my bag...!"
Yurie hums..
Locos Docos: "If one of those coins is to be counterfeit... you know the rest..."
Gibby: "Can I borrow... oh say... seven thousand? I'll pay ya back!"
Locos Docos: "I'll need..."
Yurie: o/` Two-One-Seven-Five-Seven, Two-One-Seven-Five-Seven, Twenty One Thousand Seven Hundred fifty seven. o/` ^.^
Gibby walks over to Yurie. "Yurie... buddy... pal..."
Locos Docos: "Refuse him!"
Gibby: "ACK! Don't listen to him! He's dilusional!"
Yurie: "What do you need it for?" -.-
Gibby: "...two words... Phazon... Suit! I'll GLADLY pay you back over time."
Locos Docos: "...maybe."
Yurie: "...not right yet, because I need to buy things too." ^^
Gibby: "Well... can you keep at least seven thousand? That gives you fourteen thousand coins worth of stuff!"
Locos Docos: "I could probably give some... but I need to consult something first..."
Yurie 's gonna buy a Ribbon and...
Gibby trips. Ow.
Razor would... be making his way to G&W's shop, blades sheathed, helmet at his side.

