Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 75: Mental Metal Temple, Part I



Date: August 1st & 2nd, 2004.
Locos Docos tries again to research, on the master library, a book entitled "A book about curtains that appear in recurring prophetic nightmares and are shown in photos presented by orange koopas."
Metal Man (GM): Locos finds... stuff on dreams and Koopas... but nothing connected. He also finds Metal's Autobiography... but it's got some WEIRD bookmark sticking out of it. It actually is beeping.
Locos Docos: "Ahh of course! I've been doing this from the wrong end... and Metal seriously needs to get a new bookmark."
Metal Man (GM): It looks expensive.
Locos Docos looks to the auto thing for the heck out of it and opens the book.
Metal Man (GM): The book opens. The bookmark is highlighting the phrase 'House of Metal.' It looks to be compatible with the Smash Dex???
Locos Docos skims through it.
Metal Man (GM): This chapter is about some temple, built under some building, lost forever. It also tells of another one, made entirely of steel.
Locos Docos brings out Joel to translate what all of this means.
Joel: "Looks like something to do with treasure! And gold! ...And that's a weird tracking device! ...We're standing on top of one thing... and there's another thing, hidden far far away!"
Locos Docos glugs down the coke. "How far away..."
Joel: "Somewhere in Hyrule... a temple... near the Spirit Temple! ...Not the Spirit Temple, but still a lot like it. It says you need an overcomplex amount of objects to see it. And even more to open it!"
Locos Docos: "Is that where we'll find a steel plate temple?"
Joel: "Indeed... and where there's steel... there has to be gold! GOLD I TELLS YAH!"
Metal Man (GM): Anyone nearby would hear this from miles away.
Joel: "Gold... errr... well, what should we do about this gold mine?"
Locos Docos presses in the buttons to ask Joel if the curtain or big key are in there.
Joel: "Curtains? Keys? Well, there IS some sort of key... but only figuratively speaking. This bookmark keeps on yelling at me to tell you to ask Metal... why'd you want to tell such a greedy coin hoarder about a gold mine?"
Locos Docos: "Then turn it off if you're annoyed!"
Joel: "That's the problem. It can't be turned off."
Locos Docos: "Ju-just tell me this: is there a big lock on the Big Door in this stadium or something else that has it sealed?"
Joel: "There's nothing down there, except dirt."
Locos Docos: "...key-shaped but it isn't a key! of course! You report to the boss that there's a mine; I have a plan."
Joel: "Okay... I sent him the message."
Metal Man walks in. "Gold Mine? What? ...Oh... I remember kinda... I had to find something..."
Locos Docos: "I research and all I find is your autobiography."
Metal Man: "Had to be a clue... Let's see... the weird ticket... Gold Mine..."
Locos Docos: "This thing rants on about a temple near the 'Spirit Temple' in hyrule and we need objects to see it, even more to enter... I can't take much more of this ranting."
Metal Man: "Something tells me the ticket is a key to more of these items."
Yurie is in the big room, trying to decipher the 'Main Engine Hexidecimal Access.'
Metal Man: "Well... I kept this in the pocket over my heart to remember something." *He pulls out a large glob of... silly putty.* "...Only someone like me could make up such an asinine puzzle as this..." *He walks over to Yurie, motioning for Locos to follow.* "Hey Yurie... it appears we have a puzzle on our hands."
Yurie: "...hmm?"
Locos Docos follows reluctantly.
Yurie: "A puzzle?"
Metal Man: "How does an electronic bookmark, a goldmine, a glob of silly putty, and that ticket have to do with eachother?"
Yurie: "...aside from probably being involved in a Scooby Doo plot? I'm not sure..."
Locos Docos: "If you ask me, it sounds like a formula."
Yurie: "...could I see the Silly putty?"
Metal Man thunks down a huge red glob of silly putty.
Yurie hmms, then smooths it out a bit... then puts the paper she was reading onto it and smooshes it down. Then she peels it off. "Silly Putty copies marks on paper, remember?"
Locos Docos: "What does it translate into?"
Yurie reads the silly putty...
Metal Man (GM): The ticket stuff is copied onto it... SSECCA LAMICEDIXEH ENIGNE NIAM... but then there's something weird that was copied that wasn't readily visible on the paper...
Yurie blinks... then looks closer.
Ticket Imprint: 'Second Moon--Access the gate while the Moon is Risen, or not at all...'
Yurie: "...Second Moon... Access the gate while the Moon is Risen, or not at all..." *She frowns, then gets a piece of paper out and writes that down.*
Locos Docos: "Sounds like the second phase of the moon... What phase is that?"
Yurie: "Waxing Crescent..."
Locos Docos: "And it sounds like it needs to be nighttime for we to access this 'Gate'..."
Yurie: "Either that or a place with two moons... how many places have two moons... wait... show me the electronic bookmark."
Locos Docos: "Give her the bookmark!"
Metal Man: "...You also happen to hold the bookmark." *He takes it and gives it to Yurie.*
Yurie looks the bookmark over.
Metal Man (GM): It's made out of... some materials Yurie has never seen before. It's got a tiny screen that shows the location the user is currently on, and some other location far away.
Locos Docos: "You know... I forgot to mention what the curtain smells like. In my dream, it kept smelling like... oranges."
Metal Man: "...Oranges..."
Yurie: "..." *He peers into the screen.* "...hmmm..."
Locos Docos: "I know... it's complex... and illogical. Curtains that smell like oranges."
Metal Man: "...Well, that doesn't sound like a Gold Mine..."
Yurie: "Shh... a Desert..."
Locos Docos: "Spirit temple in desert... we know that..."
Yurie: "...what's the symbol of the Spirit Temple look like?"
Metal Man: "Uhhh... dunno."
Locos Docos: "Like a tear drop with a dot..." *He makes a circle on a board, something like a ";" on the inside of it on the right, then flips it on the left side so the tear is facing to the left and the dot's on top.* "Something like this..."
Yurie: "Ah... not that temple then..."
Locos Docos: "...What!? But Joel said that the temple was beside the Spirit Temple!!"
Yurie: "Yeah..." *She looks for any way to input stuff into it..* "Okay... we have an image of the hyrule desert... a cryptic message, a supposed hidden temple... and this weird bookmark..."
Metal Man: "And there's always the fact that this is supposed to mean something important."
Gibby, now feeling rather bored, steps out from his room, and heads to R+R. Maybe he can catch up on his reading... and by reading I mean look at the colorful pictures.
Metal Man (GM): Gibby sees everyone staring at a beeping bookmark, silly putty, and a ticket.
Yurie: "...I think we should head out to the desert... see what we can find..."
Metal Man: "You want to take my CAC? It's airconditioned..."
Gibby is of course curious, and he sneaks up behind Yurie.
Yurie: "Nah... I'll be fine. So's my MTA."
Metal Man: "Suit yourself. Might be a tad overkill."
Razor is... in the cafeteria... drinking grape juice... yum.
Yurie: "EEP!" *jumps!*
Metal Man: "...We're discovering how to make you stop saying that. ...And I won't lie to you." *Walks out of the room towards garage.*
Yurie walks off as well, also heading to the garage.
Gibby: "...HEY! Wait a minute..." *He runs towards them.* "Are you going somewhere?"
Yurie: "Yeah."
Gibby: "Can I come? I'm bored."
Metal Man: "Somewhere named Gibby island."
Yurie: "Might as well. follow us."
Razor pulls his Dex out of his suit and pushes a few buttons. Little blips pop up over a map of the HQ. "What the..."
Gibby: "WHOOT! An island all to my own... and I shall be ruler!"
Metal Man gets in his CAC.
Yurie steps out of the elevator and into the Garage, pulling out her dex and pressing the button. "MTA, Activate!"
Metal Man: "Well, you better hurry... somewhat."
Gibby: "Ahh... we're taking the MTAs I see... very well." *He takes out his dex, and flips it open.*
Metal Man: "You could ride in my CAC. It might be a little bumpy, but 'meh."
Yurie: *The bay with Yurie's name on it opens, her MTA rising out in Standby mode. The chest opens, a ramp sliding down, which che climbs into.*
Gibby closes his dex. "Works for me... I call shotgun!"
Metal Man: "You get the shotgun. Right."
Razor jumps up. "The garage? Gah... wonder where they're going..." He walks off towards the garage.
Gibby gets a running start, and leaps into the CAC.
Metal Man turns the key, starting the 700 HP engine... man is that thing loud...
Yurie: *The ramp refolds and the chest closes and seals. Yurie takes her seat as the displays light up, going through basic boot up and charge up as she slides in her Dex, Rapier and such to the appropriate slots...*
Gibby: "So... are we going to look for something?"
Metal Man: "Yeah... a gold mine... Full of lead, of course!"
Gibby: $_$ "Gold, you say?"
Razor steps on into the garage and looks up. "Hey... where are you guys running off to without me... hmm?"
Gibby: -_-; "Oh... of course... lead..."
Metal Man: "Hey Razor. We're going to a lead-mine. Yeah... lead..."
Gibby: "Why a lead mine? It seems so... boring."
Razor: "A lead mine? Sounds like fun... count me in!"
Metal Man: "I don't know... though it is made entirely of metal."
Gibby: "Huh?" *He holds his head.* "Maybe I should just wait until we get there..."
Metal Man: "Anyways... my foot just got stuck on the accelerator." *WHOOOSH.*
Razor shakes his head and walks on over to his MTA, doing the whole startup sequence and all that nice stuff. Woo... mecha-y...
Yurie: "Launching MTA..." *Her MTA lifts up into flight mode... then launches after the CAC.*
Metal Man (GM): *BUMPBUMPBUMP* The CAC is super bumpy.
Gibby starts vibrating.
Razor's MTA flaps its wings a few times to lift off the ground before boosting after the others.
Gibby: "T-t-t-his... se-e-e-e-ms... rather-r-r-r... bum-m-m-m-p-y-y-y!"
Metal Man: "Yeah... it... i-i-i-i-i-s..." Locos looks up, and realizes everyone is gone.
Locos Docos: "!?"
Yurie: "...Hey Razor, coming with us I see?"
Locos Docos: "...Where is everybody??"
Metal Man (GM): Locos sees that everyone has driven off to the place. As the others go forward, they enter a sandstorm. Visibility: 0.
Gibby: "S-s-s-andstorm!"
Metal Man: "...Good thing we're on the ground." You manage to get a radar picture... but not much else. The hidden temple is straight ahead.
Locos Docos: "...I can't believe... out of all people, they wouldn't take me!" *He huddles out of the lab area, and takes the area last known for his MTA. With a dub dub and a tip tap to his MTA, he gets a lock onto the vehicle, and launches it to follow them.*
Metal Man (GM): *15 minutes later.*
Yurie backwings and slows down slightly... th radar showing something big ahead...
Metal Man (GM): Everyone flies out of the sandstorm... only to notice all electrical devices just went kaput. The MTA's glide and then land in the sand, burying their legs.
Gibby: "Oh gr-r-reat..."
Yurie lands, bumpily, then pops open the manual release, climbing out of her MTA...
Metal Man (GM): The CAC just stops right at the boundary. There's a tiny little building here.
Gibby: "Let me out... I think I'm going to be sick."
Metal Man: "Okay." *He opens Gibby's door, and gets out.*
Yurie: "Ugh... we must be in some sort of dead zone..."
Gibby steps out, and hurls big time.
Yurie pulls out her Dex and her sword...
Metal Man (GM): The DEX is teh offline. Locos's Mech appears and lands... upside down.
Gibby walks away from the mess holding his stomach.
Locos Docos gets tossed out of it. He rolls somersaulting, and lands with sand in his face.
Yurie: "I told you to take your MTA... hey... what's that over there...?"
Metal Man (GM): The bookmark, in the DEX, still works.
Yurie pulls out the it still working? "...huh..."
Metal Man (GM): And out of the DEX, too.
Yurie picks it up and looks at the little view screen in it.
Metal Man (GM): The little thing is what the bookmark is beeping at.
Gibby: "What's that beeping thingy?"
Locos Docos appears shortly to the voices. "Hello!? Who's there... I can't see."
Gibby turns his head, and sees Locos. "Hey Locos! I didn't know you were joining us."
Metal Man: "Hi Locos. Welcome to some shrine thingy we just found."
Locos Docos dusts himself off. "Well I should be the one coming. I'm the one getting all these strange crap things during my sleep!"
Yurie: "...everyone got their weaponry and such?"
Metal Man: "Sure, but there's nothing alive for miles... I'm not even sure if cubes work out here..."
Gibby pulls out his great sword from his back.
Locos Docos shakes his head after a 5 second pause.
Gibby: "I'm all set..."
Locos Docos: "...I don't have my basher with me."
Metal Man walks up to the shrine. "You mind giving me that ticket?"
Metal Man (GM): Note that the sun is right above.
Yurie: "..." *walks up as well, looking the Shrine over...
Gibby: "So... this shrine's taking us to the mine, correct?"
Locos Docos walks up to the shrine following Metal.
Metal Man (GM): It's the same color and type of metal as Metal's suit. "I think so."
Gibby walks up to it, and gives it a good look over.
Metal Man (GM): It's shiny.
Gibby: "There's something familiar about this shrine..."
Metal Man (GM): And there's a door sitting right there, shut.
Gibby scratches his head.
Metal Man (GM): And a slot next to it, for that ticket.
Yurie: "..." *He hands it over, looking for any inscriptions...*
Gibby shrugs. "Must be just me..."
Metal Man (GM): Runes of all kinds over it.
Yurie: "Huh... Locos... think you can decipher these?"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie gets bits and pieces through mere comparison with runes she knows about... Locos also gets it as this: 'Moon the silvery card shine forever second third moon open door sacred death forbidden extraneous forever.'
Yurie: "Wait, wait Metal... "Moon the silvery card shine forever second third moon open door sacred death forbidden extraneous forever.
Gibby: "So... we put the ticket in the slot?"
Locos Docos: "I suppose."
Razor is there... somewhere... blah.
Metal Man (GM): Locos gets something only slightly better. 'The silvery moon card shines forever and the second moon opens the door sacred death is forbidden forever.'
Yurie: "...what does it Say Locos."
Locos Docos: "It kinda makes better sense to me..."
Yurie: "What does it -say- though."
Metal Man: "Let's insert the card into the slot."
Yurie: "Not -yet-."
Locos Docos: "The ...silvery moon card shines forever and the second moon opens the door... 'Sacred death is forbidden forever.'"
Yurie: "...Second Moon -- Access the gate while the moon is risen, or not at all." *He frowns, trying to make sense of it.*
Locos Docos: "Do we have to wait... and go back to HQ until it happens?"
Razor: "I'm so confused..."
Gibby: "I still say put the ticket in the slot..."
Yurie: "No, not yet.
Deloth warps in with the others.
Yurie: "...Gibby, if weird old ruins mention ANYTHING that resembles 'DEATH', then you should be very, very VERY careful."
Gibby: "You're just being a worry wort is all..."
Razor: "Quiet you..."
Deloth: "No, I agree with Yurie."
Yurie: "I'd rather be alive and worrying than dead and stupid."
Locos Docos: "Check the ticket with the moon."
Yurie: "I agree... let's try opening this thing when the moon's risen..."
Gibby: "...meh."
Yurie has Power Strike, Fireball Barrage, Interposition and Doomsday equipped.
Razor: Annihilate, Wave Slash, Resurrection, and Obliterate.
Deloth has Phasebolt, Water Jet, and Cleansing Fire.
Metal Man (GM): Solution 9, Flaming Uppercut, Radio BOOOM, Tri-Attaack.
Yurie: "Let's all just get comfy and wait until nightfall... and I'll take that..." *She snatches the ticket, then heads back to her MTA.*
Razor follows after Yurie... no, not to her MTA though... >.> <.<
Gibby decides to go and build some sand castles...
Metal Man (GM): Long Story short, everyone fools around until the moon is up.
Locos Docos: "Don't we have like a time distorter... sfkl;safjsafkl;"
Metal Man (GM): Gibby has a sand CITY.
Gibby: "MWA HA HA! I WILL BE RULER OF THE SAND PEOPLE!" *He chops a sand building in half.* "FEAR ME!"
Deloth: "Wow, what a beautiful moon..."
Locos Docos drinks the last of his drinks.
Metal Man: "Should we do it now?"
Razor is sitting on top of his MTA, looking out across the sands.
Locos Docos: "Aye... 'tis beautiful, as well as the temple."
Deloth gets up from where he was sitting, and brushes the sand off his legs.
Yurie: "Very..."
Deloth slowly takes out his katana.
Yurie stands as well from the place beside her MTA, then inspects the temple...
Deloth: "Let's try the ticket."
Gibby sits on his sand throne. "As your ruler, I command you to all bow before me every 2 hours!"
Razor stands up slowly and hops from the mecha, gliding easily down to meet with the others.
Metal Man (GM): The temple reflects the silvery moonlight.
Deloth kicks Gibby.
Gibby kicks a sand person. "That's rig-OW!" He falls off his "Throne."
Metal Man (GM): The runes are glowing brightly.
Locos Docos: "Is it the full moon or the Waxing Crescent?"
Yurie holds the ticket up...
Deloth walks towards the temple.
Metal Man (GM): The moon is somewhere in between those two.
Gibby gets up, brushes the sand from his face, and heads over to the temple.
Yurie: "... let me try something... SSECCA LAMICESAXEH ENIGNE NAIM!"
Locos Docos: "How about just putting the ticket in?"
Gibby: "...Gesundheit!"
Razor: "..."
Yurie: "...was worth a try..." >.>
Metal Man (GM): The sound echoes and does nothing but sound ridiculous.
Yurie: " disappointing..." v.v
Deloth: "Oh, brother."
Gibby: -_-; "Oh yeah... SOOO disappointing..."
Razor: "...hehe... yeah... ummm... isn't there somewhere to PUT the ticket?"
Metal Man points at le slot.
Gibby: "Yeah... the slot."
Locos Docos: "The slot for it. Now put it in Yurie!!"
Yurie: "Oh well... let's try it..."
Deloth stands besides Yurie.
Metal Man (GM): The runes shine in le moonlight.
Deloth: "Well put it in."
Yurie slides the ticket in, bending to peer pressure. "Alright..sheesh..."
Metal Man (GM): It is sucked in. The temple rumbles, and the runes flicker with green, red, and blue lights.
Deloth: "Whoa..."
Yurie: "Um... guys?"
Locos Docos crosses his arms.
Metal Man (GM): The door flashes the colors of the rainbow, then flickers as well.
Razor: "..."
Yurie steps back...
Deloth walks in front of the door.
Gibby: "YES! Time to party!"
Metal Man (GM): The many small plates that consist of the door disappear.
Yurie: "...huh... it opened..."
Metal Man (GM): A large slab sinks into the ground.
Deloth walks inside the temple.
Metal Man (GM): Deloth hits his head on the slab before it sinks down.
Yurie: "Deloth, wait up!"
Gibby: "Ouch..."
Deloth: "Oww..." *He shakes his head and walks inside.*
Gibby walks inside knowing he's too small to be hit.
Yurie: "...yeah..."
Metal Man walks inside.
Yurie walks in as well, her hand on her sword.
Metal Man (GM): Inside, is like the inside of a great mansion. Everything is made out of metal.
Locos Docos: "I can feel a slight sinus in my head... we must be getting closer!"
Deloth draws his katana.
Locos Docos goes inside.
Razor walks on inside. "This is weird..." His hands fall to the hilts of his blades.
Gibby: "I knew it! This is great... food, colorful lights, big mansion... it's a party!"
Deloth: "Gibby, be quiet."
Metal Man (GM): When the Questers look behind, they can tell the entrance is gone.
Gibby: "You people don't appreciate a good time, you know that?"
Locos Docos: "...A metal temple..."
Deloth: "Well, no turning back now."
Locos Docos: "You think Smithy has something to do with this?"
Yurie: "...greeeeeeat... I doubt it..." *He inspects the surroundings.*
Gibby: "I wonder where the hors d'oeuvres are..."
Yurie: "Gibby, shut UP."
Deloth: "Gibby, I said shut your yap."
Razor resists ze urge to step on Gibby as he slides his blades out and wanders a bit.
Gibby: "Jeez... you guys are all about business... have fun for once in your life."
Deloth: "GIBBY!"
Gibby: "DELOTH!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers hear a sharp rasping noise, and a hologram of a nameless figure appears.
Locos Docos: "!?!" *He breathes out in gasp.*
???: "Welcome to the house of Metal. What are thou and thou company doing here?"
Deloth whips around to face the figure.
Razor: "..."
Yurie: "Um... we're... explorers." ^.^
Deloth: "Right, what she said..."
Gibby: "We... came... to have a good time?"
Razor nods. "Yeah... we're looking for lead."
Yurie: "We really didn't mean to intrude..."
???: "The house is closed to explorers... the last ones had to be killed. They almost discovered... IT..."
Yurie: "...oh... um... who's the master of this place?"
Deloth: "...Eep..."
Gibby: "What's it?"
Yurie: "...IT?"
Locos Docos: "...The curtain?"
???: "He stands amongst you."
Deloth: "You're kidding."
Metal Man: "...This better not be a self-puzzle..."
Yurie: "...him?" *points at Metal.*
Gibby: "...must be me..."
Deloth faces the group.
Gibby: "...or him."
Razor looks back to Metal. "Hmmm... it IS the house of Metal..."
Locos Docos: "House of Metal. Has to be metal."
Metal Man: "Apparently I built this place to hide yet more clues."
Gibby: "You did a good job... I'm impressed."
Deloth turns back to the figure.
???: "He built this place to hold the instruments of the prophecy."
Deloth: "Prophecy..."
Yurie: "Prophecy?"
Gibby: "Instruments? We got a band too? Awesome!"
Razor: "GIBBY!"
Deloth stomps Gibby's foot.
Gibby: -_-; "I wish people wouldn't yell like that..."
???: "Sorry... I don't give such info to outsiders."
Gibby: "OW! Grr..."
Razor: -.-#
???: "Not even Metal is allowed to know... not yet..."
Yurie: "Um... Your master is right there..." *points at Metal.*
Razor: "Why not?"
Deloth: "Er, may we look around?"
???: "Have you heard of the Holo Tomb?"
Deloth: "Holo tomb!"
???: "Well... this place is a tomb to forbidden secrets!"
Locos Docos: "Guys, don't speak out at once! One at a time."
Razor: "Well if they're forbidden secrets, why do you keep them around?"
???: "In case of... doomsday..."
Deloth: "Do we have permission to look around?"
???: "Look around? Heavens no!"
Razor: "Hate to break it to ya... but there's a lot of that kind of stuff going on..."
???: "You might bring about the apocalypse!"
Deloth: "Oh."
Locos Docos: "Guys, let me speak."
Yurie: "Um... yeah..."
???: "Fair Locos... you have found us..."
Gibby: "You know Locos?"
Locos Docos: "..."
???: "But your goal is far away and does not bother us. I know all that Metal knows, and more."
Deloth: "Really?"
???: "Secrets he lost from the remote, and others he had to store here."
Locos Docos: "We come to seek something; nothing more. Do you have it?!"
???: "The remote is at the stadium, safe and guarded. It is not lost."
Gibby: "Remote?"
Locos Docos: "The remote we don't seek." *He shows the figure Joel.* "I came here to shut this contraption up."
???: "We deal in secrets such as those. Joel is our agent. He is a part of me."
Locos Docos: "I'd be glad to give him to you, if I knew your location. He kept ranting on about a 'gold mine' being here."
Deloth: "Gold mine?"
Gibby: $_$ "Gooooold mine..."
Razor: "I thought you said it was a lead mine... dammit I wanted lead, not gold!"
???: "..."
Locos Docos: "So what you say? We come in, find a curtain that smells like oranges or a key-shaped devil thing, then we'll come right out the way we came in."
???: "There is no gold. Onnly... the test."
Yurie: "...Test?"
Gibby: #_# "NO GOLD? GAH!"
Razor: "What test?"
Locos Docos: "Same question."
Gibby: "I hate tests..."
Deloth: "I kinda like tests."
Gibby: "...nerd..."
Deloth stomps Gibby again.
Gibby: "OWIE!"
Deloth: "I heard that."
???: "There is another condition."
Yurie: "...what?"
???: "You must give us one item of value."
Deloth: "And that would be..." *He looks at his inventory.*
Gibby: "Umm..."
Razor: "Would a Starman do?"
???: "Your reward will be in proportion to what you give, if you succeed at the test."
Yurie: "...ooookay..."
???: "If you fail, that item is lost forever."
Gibby looks in his inventory.
Deloth gives the figure a Mug cube.
Gibby: "AH! Here we go..."
Yurie: "...I'm... staying out of this one guys."
Gibby takes out a mushroom, and gives it to the weird figure guy.
Razor looks to Yurie. "I'll spot you..."
Gibby: "I don't really need it anyway..."
???: "If you stay out, then you may watch, and even occasionally help those taking the test."
Locos Docos: "I have little to give except what I show..."
Yurie: "No, seriously, I'm staying out."
???: "You wager no item of any value?"
Gibby: "Aww come on, Yur. It'll be like a game."
Razor blinks a few times. "Why?"
Gibby: "And I looooove games."
???: "You can do what you wish."
Locos Docos bows and displays to the figure 6 mushrooms, two wilt shrooms, a Smoke Bomb, Joel, his Mauler, and the 2 cubes inside of it. "Other than these, all I have is my life."
???: "If you do not wish to wager an item and still enter the challenge, you may."
Yurie: "...what happens if we do?"
Razor shakes his head and hands him a Starman, then. He really would spot Yurie, but oh well.
???: "That is based on your motive."
Locos Docos: "I like that."
Yurie: "...alright... I'll enter. Here you go..." *He unslots a Maximize cube and hands it over.*
Locos Docos: "I wish to wager this." *He presents his Mauler.*
???: "A great wager."
Locos Docos: "Should I remove the cubes from inside of it? Or keep them there?"
???: "Very well. If you wish to keep the cubes, yes."
Locos Docos: "I wish to keep the cubes in; I can always work for it again."
???: "This test is of knowledge and experience, rather than of fear, stupidity, or strength."
Gibby: "Uh oh..."
Deloth: "That sounds like my kind of contest..."
Razor gives him a Power Shot cube as well.
Deloth: *thinks back to Heat Hallucinations.*
Gibby: "Deloth, lets help each other out in this, ok?"
Deloth: "Agreed, Gibby."
Locos Docos: "Besides, it is better to know what combo I had in that Mauler."
Gibby: "Excellent..."
Yurie: "Alright then..."
???: "Is everyone ready?"
Gibby: "Yups..."
Yurie: "Sure."
Deloth: "I'm ready."
Locos Docos breathes in deeply.
Razor nods. "Bring it on..."
Metal Man (GM): ??? opens a portal.
Locos Docos: "Yes."
???: "Enter the portal."
Deloth puts his katana back in its sheath.
Gibby runs into the portal.
Yurie nods and enters.
Deloth walks into the portal.
Razor turns and silently heads on through.
Locos Docos nods as well and walks to the portal, then enters it.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers appear in a gray room.
Gibby: "...what's this place?"
Deloth: "Good luck, everybody."
Metal Man (GM): There is a huge sack of money, unguarded, in the center of the room. There's an exit on the other end.
Gibby: "Hey... I like this game already!"
Locos Docos: "Be quiet Gibby."
Yurie: "..."
Deloth heads towards the exit.
Gibby: "What? You don't like money?"
Locos Docos: "The rules will soon be explained... I hope."
Deloth: "I already have enough."
Metal Man (GM): The money is sitting there, unguarded. Anyone could just take it.
Razor shakes his head slowly, moving around the bag towards the exit.
Deloth: I know.
Gibby: "Get the money, Deloth! We'll be rich!"
Yurie snorts, then heads towards the exit as well.
Locos Docos: "Ahh... I see."
???: "Come on... free money!"
Yurie: "I can work for my own money."
???: "You will be countlessly rich!"
Deloth: "I don't want it."
Yurie: "So?"
Gibby has a hard time not grabbing the money.
Deloth keeps walking to the exit.
Locos Docos: "The test of greed... that was a nice try!"
Razor shakes his head. "Same here... I've got better things to do..." He moves to open the door.
Gibby: "Guy... somebody grab me before I grab it!" $_$ "Money money money money..."
Deloth grabs Gibby's arm.
Locos Docos walks around, grabs the Goober and heads for the exit.
???: "Very well... but the money will be gone then..."
Metal Man (GM): *FFLASH* Next room.
Yurie: "Like I said, so?"
Gibby weeps. "All that money..."
Metal Man (GM): This one has an extensive lava pit blocking the exit. There's a bunch of rings on chains suspended over the pit.
Deloth can just fly over, but...
Razor raises an eyebrow. "Locos... use your white air..."
Yurie: "...lemme guess... we have to climb over..."
Deloth: "I don't think it's that easy."
Locos Docos: "That maybe what he expects us to do, Yurie..."
Deloth: "I wonder if I should just fly over..."
Gibby: "I wouldn't risk it."
Locos Docos charges up White Air with his left arm extended and right hand cupping his wrist. "WWWWWWHHIIIIITTEEEE... AIIIIIRRRRRR!!" He fires it at the lava.
Deloth steps away from Locos.
Metal Man (GM): Locos' hand is frozen solid... nothing comes out.
Gibby: "!"
Locos Docos: "!!" *He is getting chills..*
Deloth is thankful he's fire immune.
Yurie: "...ew... I guess we have to swing over..."
Razor: o.o
Yurie walks over to one of the rings, then tugs on it...
Locos Docos: "I-i-i-i-mm-m-m-m cc-c-c-c-c-ooolllldd BBBBRRRRRR!!"
Razor: "It would be safer if Deloth and I carried you all..."
???: "But how will Locos get across with only one working hand?"
Gibby: "Deloth, carry Locos."
Deloth grabs Locos by his good hand. "Hang on, buddy."
Gibby: "Razor, could you carry me? I can't reach the rings."
Yurie: "Deloth, Razor, carry Locos..."
Locos Docos: "Thhhhankk yyoouuuu..."
Razor nods and plucks up Gibby and moves to flap on over.
Deloth runs and starts flying over the pit. "Hang on, Locos!"
Metal Man (GM): Deloth and Razor start flying over the pit. There's a bit of stone halfway across.
Yurie reaches down and, promptly, stuffs Gibby into her pack, then grabs a hold of one of the rings, takes a few steps backwards, then SWINGS...
Locos Docos: "Hhhooowww... t-t-t-ired are you gg-g-g-guuyyyss!?"
Deloth keeps flying towards the other side.
Yurie continues swinging, grabbing rings as she goes, switching from one hand to the other.
Razor shakes his head. "I don't like the look of that..." He'd push on ahead as well... he's flown farther distances than this...
Deloth keeps flying.
Metal Man (GM): Yurie suddenly feels really tired...
Locos Docos: "YURIE! I hope you have enough... en-ene-endurance!!"
Yurie: "...ugh... this... is... bloody..."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie passes out for a moment and falls off.
Razor: O.o!
Razor: "Yurie!"
Deloth: "YURIE!"
Locos Docos: "!!!"
Yurie misses a ring and falls.
Razor dives down to catch her.
Locos Docos begins to cry.
Deloth sets Locos on the rock and dives for Yurie.
Metal Man (GM): The rock starts sinking with Locos on it.
Locos Docos: "Y--yy-y-y-ooouuuu cc--c-c-caannn dooo... iiiieeee!!?"
Deloth: "Aw, man... Razor, get Yurie." *He grabs Locos.*
Metal Man (GM): Razor misses Yurie, who hits the lava and then suddenly appears at the far end.
???: "Yurie has taken one strike."
Yurie: o.O.
???: "She has two more left."
Razor: "Dammit!"
Deloth keeps flying Locos towards the opposite side.
???: "At the last, she will have lost her item."
Razor swoops back up towards the end.
Yurie: "Guys! I'm over here!"
Metal Man (GM): The others make it to the end.
Locos Docos: "I thank you..."
Metal Man (GM): *FLASH* The Questers are now in the next room.
Deloth: *wheezing.* "No... problem..."
Metal Man (GM): A pathetic little Goomba is in the middle, then there's the exit.
Yurie: "?"
Metal Man (GM): The Goomba starts advancing towards the group.
Deloth: "Squish it!"
Locos Docos: "No wait! Avoid it!"
Yurie shakes her head, then just... steps around it and resumes walking.
Razor shakes his head. "We don't need to squish it... just ignore it..."
Locos Docos: "Avoid it at all costs!"
Deloth uses the last of his flight energy to get to the exit.
Locos Docos runs as best as he can to avoid it.
Razor just calmly walks past. "Poor little mushroom..."
Metal Man (GM): *FLASH* The questers are at the next part. However, something is different.
???: "You have passed part 1, 2, and 3. The easy tests."
Deloth: "Easy?"
???: "Now, for the normal tests."
Deloth recuperates his stamina a bit.
Locos Docos: "Ahh... this is where the real action picks up."
Yurie: "Normal?"
Metal Man (GM): *FLASH* The Questers appear in a Church.
Yurie blinks, rubbing her eyes some...
Deloth: "Holy ground..."
Metal Man (GM): It has stained glass windows, and a lot of church music. Three priests approach the Questers.
Razor falls silent, removing his helmet.
Deloth: "Hello."
Priest1: "Hello, oh unconverted... we need your help!"
Locos Docos puts his hands together, and bows about midway.
Yurie: "Um... sure? What's the problem?"
Razor: "How can we help?"
Priest2: "We have found a vase."
Priest3: "A ROUND vase!"
Priest1: "And... welll... We can't reach in to get some junk in the bottom!"
Deloth: "May I see this vase?"
Priest2: "Here. Can you help us?"
Metal Man (GM): Priest 3 hands Deloth the vase.
Razor: "Let me guess... you don't want to damage it?"
Deloth holds it to the others to look at.
Yurie: "...What's the junk at the bottom?"
Priest1: "Of course not, then we couldn't fill it with water."
Locos Docos: "Hmmm..."
Priest2: "Some rocks... dirt..."
Deloth looks inside the vase.
Metal Man (GM): Deloth sees darkness.
Locos Docos stands on his guard.
Yurie: "...why not just pour water in and wash it out?"
Razor raises an eyebrow. "That's weird..."
Priest3: "It doesn't let us!"
Yurie: " doesn't... let you..."
Deloth: "This vase is alive?"
Priest1: "It's... enchanted!"
Deloth: "Ah."
Yurie: "Enchanted to do... what?"
Priest2: "And our arms... are too short."
Locos Docos: "Then there might not be a bottom."
Priest1: "We have no clue."
Yurie: "...we -could- just turn it upside down..."
Priest 3: "But the stuff won't come out!"
Yurie: "...okay..."
Locos Docos: "Then perhaps it is best that it be left alone."
Yurie thinks.
Priest2: "See, this is safe."
Metal Man (GM): Priest2 sticks his hand into it. Then his entire arm. No ill effects. He then pulls it out.
Yurie: "...huh..."
Razor blinks a few times. "Gibby... maybe you could suck all of the stuff out of it?"
Deloth: "Anybody got an idea?"
Priest1: "Just pull it out with your longer arms!"
Yurie: "So... who's going to try?"
Deloth: *whispering.* "I don't think that's a good idea... Hm."
Locos Docos: "We'll be cautious about this..." *He hovers his arm over the opening.*
Yurie: "...well, it's not like there's any harm in it..."
Locos Docos: "Coommmee onnn ouuutt... It won't bite."
Deloth: "If it's enchanted... Who knows what it can do."
Metal Man (GM): Locos sticks his arm in it. ...the vase is stuck to his arm!
Deloth: "Like that."
Metal Man (GM): It kinda sucked onto his arm.
Yurie: "...okay... um... this... is a bit different."
Locos Docos: "...Why am I not surprised."
Deloth turns to the priests.
Locos Docos: "Priests, what we have here is a vacuumish vase."
Deloth: "Do you have anything we can use to get this vase off my friend here?"
Locos Docos: "Okay, I'll just put poke around ..."
Yurie: "Locos... could you pull it off now?"
Metal Man (GM): Locos gets a hold of the stuff in the bottom.
Locos Docos: "...Now what was it that I'm trying to get out of this? You weren't really specific on it."
Priest1: "A hunk of wood."
Locos Docos: "Is it to keep something from coming out of here?"
Gibby thinks...
Priest2: "No."
Locos Docos: "All right then. On the count of three, I'll hold it and we yank me own arm out of it."
Yurie: "Right." ^^
Metal Man (GM): They nod and hold onto the vase.
Yurie grabs the vase.
Locos Docos: "Get a firm grip on it. ...1... 2...3!"
Metal Man (GM): *YANK.*
Locos Docos pulls.
Deloth pulls the vase with his wings.
Yurie: *YANK!*
Metal Man (GM): The vase is pulled off, and Locos pulls out the piece of wood...
Locos Docos: "...There, that wasn't too bad."
Metal Man (GM): *SHOOP* An orb of darkness lands on the floor and sits there.
Deloth backs off.
Priest1: "...What? How did that get there?"
Yurie blinks.
Priest2: "...It's just a piece of dust, see?"
Locos Docos: "...Hmmm..."
Yurie: "Um... I wouldn't touch it..."
Razor: "That doesn't look like dust to me..."
Priest3: "...You must listen to one of us."
Priest1: "Destroy it immediately!"
Priest2: "Leave it alone!"
Priest3: "Poke it!"
Locos Docos gives the Priest2 the hunk of wood.
Priest2: "Thanks."
Yurie: "Woah, woah, woah, hold on!"
Gibby: "Well... it's an orb of darkness... and darkness is bad... so we should destroy it... correct?"
Priest1: "YES!"
Deloth: "Who should we listen to..."
Locos Docos: "Actually here's my theory... Orb of darkness, once destroyed, will send the darkness to us."
Gibby: "Like a gas?"
Locos Docos: "Ergo, we keep it sealed and it'll pose no threat."
Priest3: "Poke it!"
Locos Docos: "Yepers!"
Deloth: "I agree with Locos."
Locos Docos: "Just put the vase on top of it..."
Metal Man (GM): Locos suddenly disappears.
Yurie: "Let's not... besides, Darkness by itself isn't bad. EVIL, however..."
???: "Locos has made his choice."
Gibby: "Well... I suppose... HEY!"
???: "You will not know if it is right until after you have chosen."
Gibby: "Aw crap..."
Razor: "Locos... that almost made sense... this should simply be sealed away elsewhere."
Deloth quickly covers his mouth. "Locos!" *He wonders if he still has his 'Dex.*
Metal Man (GM): Deloth has the Dex.
Yurie: "Let's just leave it sealed up... not like it's hurting anyone."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie disappears.
Yurie: *vip!*
Gibby gulps...
Priest1: "It will destroy us all! They have doomed us all! You are our last hope..."
Metal Man (GM): The orb glows.
Deloth backs away some more. "Gibby! Stay on guard!"
Gibby nods. "What are you going to choose, Deloth?"
Deloth: "I don't know yet..." *He fingers his Smash Dex.*
Gibby: "Well I dunno about you, but all I did was bet a mushroom... I'm going to leave it."
Metal Man (GM): Gibby disappears.
Yurie (GM): *vip!*
Dex: "They have doomed us all. DESTROY THE ORB."
Priest3: "Or at least poke it!"
Deloth unsheathes his katana. "The orb glowing... Questers disappearing... It might be a connection..." *He scans a priest.*
Dex: "Priest number one. He wants you to destroy the orb."
Deloth: "Helpful." *He spins his katana and slices the orb in half.*
Metal Man (GM): *VOOSH.*
Deloth: "THIS is my choice!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers reappear in a reverse-colored room.
???: "I'll review the results."
Gibby: "Woah... crazy..."
???: "In the world where Deloth destroyed the orb..."
Metal Man (GM): It shows Priest1 becoming Ganondorf.
Deloth: "Uh-oh..."
???: "The world was doomed."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth loses one strike.
???: "The rest left it alone, and it poofed out of existence. Those who poked it would have been twisted by Ganondorf."
Yurie: " we did make the right choice..."
Gibby: "Still liking these tests, Deloth?"
???: "Not bad."
Gibby smirks.
Locos Docos: "My momma always told me 'If you don't know what does, then don't touch it'!"
Deloth: "I won't give up yet."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers appear in yet another room. There are three doors.
Gibby: "Oh great... more choices."
Metal Man (GM): Number one is normal as can be. Number two is on fire and has skulls on it.
Yurie: "...Oi vey, this warping is starting to hurt my head..."
Metal Man (GM): Number 3... isn't even there, it's just a doorway.
Deloth: "Another one in three chance..."
Razor: "..."
Gibby: "Hmmm... well the way I see it... door 1 is hiding something... door 2 is just evil... and the doorway shows no danger..."
Locos Docos: "..." He is in deep thinking.
Yurie: "...Mysterious voice... going to tell us anything?"
Deloth looks and sees if he can see beyond the doorway.
???: "Pick one, simply enough."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth cannot see anything beyond the doorway.
Locos Docos: "This is the test of luck and intuition."
Razor: "Hmmm..."
Deloth: "There's an answer somewhere, we have to find it."
Yurie thinks...
Gibby: "Well I got nothing to lose... wish me luck, everyone!" *He heads into doorway 3.*
Deloth: "The obvious way is not always the answer..."
Razor nods. "Yeah..."
Yurie: "...appearances are deceiving as well..."
Locos Docos: "Hmmm... This is true."
Yurie walks up to Door 2 and opens it.
Locos Docos: "Good bye Yurie."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie disappears into door 2, a large puff of flames in her wake as the door SLAMS shut behind her.
Razor follows Yurie. "The hardest path is often the most rewarding."
Deloth: "Flames..."
Metal Man (GM): It then opens for Razor, showing a land of fire and destruction. He disappears into it.
Deloth: *swallows.* "I now hate tests."
Locos Docos: "One, two, or three. Two leads to the land of HFIL, and three leads to eternal darkness, and one may contain a trap. Though risky... I shall take the path of normal." *He opens the door of numbah one and enters it.*
Metal Man (GM): Locos disappears down a wooden pathway. This leaves Deloth. Again.
Deloth: *starts speaking as he opens door 1* "If I'm wrong, forgive me, Questers."
???: "And now, for the results."
Locos Docos nods his head.
Deloth: *gulps.*
???: "Locos and Deloth traveled down Doorway number one... resulting in a pitfall to their deaths. Minus one chance to each of them. Yurie and Razor faced their fears, and thus, went through without a problem."
Yurie: ^.^
Razor: Woohoo!
???: "Gibby walked straight into a black hole. Minus one chance to him."
Locos Docos: "My original intuition was indeed correct."
Gibby: "BAH!"
Yurie: *Laughs.*
Razor: *Also laughs.*
Deloth: *sighs.*
Metal Man (GM): *WARP* The Questers appear in another room.
Deloth: "One chance left..."
Yurie: @.@
Gibby: "Stupid doors..."
Metal Man (GM): There's sand and pebbles on the floor... and a HUGE monster. An Iron Knuckle.
Gibby: "EEP!"
Metal Man (GM): There is no exit.
Deloth: "Whoa, big guy!"
Yurie: "...this is a joke, right?"
Razor blinks a few times. "Whoa..."
Yurie: "What're we supposed to do?"
Metal Man (GM): It walks towards the Questers, eyes burning with the fires of hell.
Deloth: "Survive, probably." *He dashes to the left.*
Locos Docos: "Test giver, is this the final test?"
???: "No... three more after this."
Gibby: "Ugh..."
Yurie: "..." *looks down at the floor, then at the Knuckle, then at the floor... then picks up a handful of sand and pebbles and THROWS it at the thing.
Gibby: "This must be a logic thing..."
Locos Docos: "As I thought... per difficulty lies three."
Gibby: "YUR! What are you doing??"
Metal Man (GM): They bounce off its head.
Yurie: "Was worth a try."
Gibby: "Make it mad why don't ya?"
Metal Man (GM): It walks to Yurie, opening its mouth and shooting flames.
Razor: "Look around for a soft spot in the sand!"
Yurie: "GAH!"
Gibby: "A soft spot?"
Deloth runs to the back of the Iron Knuckle.
Yurie just stands there...
Metal Man (GM): It turns to face Deloth, mouth open and about to shoot fire.
Yurie: "...I disbelieve!"
Locos Docos yells to the Iron Knuckle from a distance "Sir Iron Knuckle, what do you have against us!? We have nothing against you!"
Gibby looks around for a soft spot in the sand like Razor said.
Metal Man (GM): Gibby finds more rocks, no soft spot.
Gibby: "Hmmm..."
Metal Man (GM): The Iron Knuckle turns to Yurie, and is about to hit her with its wrench.
Razor scoops his hand into the sand and throws it up into its eyes.
Metal Man (GM): It turns to Razor, angry.
Deloth kicks the IK.
Yurie: "...come on then... hit me. I'm not scared of you."
Metal Man (GM): It turns around and chops off Deloth's head.
Gibby: "EEP!"
Metal Man (GM): *Deloth loses all his chances. GAME OVER for him.* Deloth go POOF.
Deloth appears in the spectator stands.
Razor shakes his head slowly and backs away from it. "I'm awfully sorry. May we please continue, sir Knuckle?"
Yurie: "..." O.O
Metal Man (GM): It roars and rears up to attack Razor.
Yurie: "Okay then, I DON'T Disbelieve!"
Metal Man (GM): The mouth is open again.
Gibby: "There HAS to be a connection here..."
Locos Docos walks around in the arena, hoping to find something of interest.
Gibby takes out his dex, and scans the IK.
???: "Yes... thanks to Deloth, you didn't lose a chance trying to make it disappear."
Yurie picks up some pebbles and throws some into the mouth.
Metal Man (GM): It gags, and falls over, dead.
Yurie: "..." o.O
Gibby: "..."
Metal Man (GM): It then explodes.
Gibby covers his eyes.
Locos Docos: "...hahahahahah!"
Yurie: "...I'll be darned..."
Gibby: "How... odd..."
Locos Docos: "That was amazing!"
Razor: "..."
???: "The strongest monster often has the most pathetic weakness."
Yurie: "I was right." ^^
Gibby: "As usual..."
Razor: "...bah... knew I should've gone for the mouth..."

