Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 83: Doomship of Wrath
Date: August 14th, 15th, and 16th 2004.
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, the doomship and Robotnik's flying head are lifting off. Aribar defeats the people on the deck. Nodal and Razor land on the deck.
Aribar: "Never mess with a Jentanian Wizard!" *He looks about for Locos.*
Nodal falls through a plothole onto the deck.
Razor carried Nodal up there...
Metal Man (GM): The ships are flying really high now. The deck doors lock.
Razor: "Dammit..."
Nodal: "Well this doesn't looks so good."
Metal Man (GM): ...Robotnik's head is leering at the Questers, too.
Aribar looks for windows and/or gun openings.
Metal Man (GM): They're on the sides, but not the top.
Locos Docos: "Get to base as fast as we can! Increase power to the main engines! By 10%."
Metal Man (GM): The Ship speeds up, and heads towards Toad Town. Deloth and Yurie are in cells.
Razor growls. "Aribar... glad you're okay... but we don't have much time..."
Metal Man (GM): They wake up, in prisons.
Deloth: "Uhhhnn..."
Yurie: "...ugh... my frikken head..."
Metal Man (GM): Their own cells, of course.
Deloth slowly stands.
Yurie slowly sits up, leaning against the wall of her cell. "...where are we?"
Locos Docos: "At current speed, when will we arrive at base?"
Metal Man (GM): Deloth and Yurie are at full health, but disarmed and locked up.
Koopa: "About 15 minutes, sir."
Deloth: "Damn... Yurie, are you there?"
Koopa: "Robotnik is escorting us as well."
Nodal tries to spot any hidden entranceways hatches or air ducts.
Locos Docos: "Good. Keep course."
Razor: "...first priority is finding Yurie and Deloth..." He moves over towards one of the doors.
Aribar follows Razor... "I just wanna cream Locos..."
Yurie: "Yeah. Look in the cell across from you..."
Deloth: "Ah."
Razor: "Our teammates come first!"
Yurie is sitting against the wall of her cell, looking mad.
Metal Man (GM): Nodal finds hidden entraces/ducts on the sides.
Aribar: "... Yes... Sorry. Still not used to working with the Questers team-mate wise."
Locos Docos: "Report to Dr. Robotnik that his further help is no longer needed."
Yurie: "...they took... my stuff..."
Koopa: "Very well."
Deloth is flicking a claw on a bar when an idea starts to form.
Nodal: "Nice work."
Metal Man (GM): He sends the message to Robotnik's head, which flies off.
Deloth: "I wonder..."
Metal Man (GM): Razor sees a door go open.
Koopa: "There's a breach from the main deck!"
Deloth starts blowing fire on the bars.
Locos Docos: "...The bounty hunters?"
Metal Man (GM): These laser bars seem to be immune to Deloth's fire.
Aribar: "Heheheh... Let's cause some chaos, Quester style!"
Razor: "Alright... let's go! MOVE!" He runs down the hall, looking for anything to signify the direction of the brig.
Metal Man (GM): That, and... Deloth only coughs up weak fire, then smoke.
Aribar dashes after Razor.
Metal Man (GM): Because Deloth and Yurie are both wearing black bracelets that restrict magic.
Nodal runs down the hall liberating all he sees.
Deloth: "They took away my flame breath... They must be mutilated."
Yurie: "Already tried that... these damn dampener bracelets are blocking out our special abilities."
Deloth roars in frustration.
Metal Man (GM): The non-imprisoned Questers go into main hall 1. They have three doors to choose from.
Aribar: "Dex, locate Yurie and Deloth."
Razor looks for a sign.
Yurie: "I want my sword back."
Dex: "...Their Dexes are being held in a separate room."
Nodal: "Guys I'd definitely advise against splitting up."
Deloth keeps roaring. "Maybe they'll hear us..."
Metal Man (GM): The stone walls seem soundproof.
Yurie has her ears covered..
Nodal: "Dex: which door to the aforementioned room?"
Yurie: "All you're doing is giving me a HEADACHE."
Deloth: "They think of everything... Sorry."
Dex: "Unknown... this place is blocking my scanners." *He slams a fist into the floor in anger.*
Metal Man (GM): There are no signs. Just three doors.
Nodal: "Darn old outdated Technology... I still have Quester 95 on this thing."
Aribar: "Wait... Did Yurie or Deloth have any magical equipment?"
Yurie grumbles, looking around her cell.
Deloth: "If I had only dodged that first cloud of junk..."
Dex: "They have also been taken and put with the Dexes."
Razor: "Dammit... we've gotta split up... it's the only way to find them in time. I'll go straight. Ari, left. Nodal, right. GO!" He bolts through the center door.
Aribar opens and dashes through the left one.
Nodal walks cautiously through the right door looking for traps.
Deloth looks around the cell for ANYTHING that might help.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar's room is empty; he can go right. Or he can continue forward.
Aribar dashes down the hallway.
Metal Man (GM): He gets to a room with a Sunglassed Koopa in it.
Deloth paces in his cell.
Aribar dashes towards the koopa while True Strike-ing his blade before unleashing a Bi-Bolt Slash upon this doomed Koopa... And scanning his health. "Draa B'luthel Zotreth!"
Metal Man (GM): HIT OF DOOM. The other one hit too. *BOOM* He's instant-killed. Trapdoor to the next level is open.
Aribar: *Jumps!*
Metal Man (GM): Aribar's paused, because he goes downwards. Now, for Razor's turn. His first room has a door that won't open on the other end. He can also go to the right or left.
Razor grunts and turns right.
Metal Man (GM): He enters a room with a Lakitu in it. The Lakitu surprise attacks Razor with a spiny. And... misses terribly.
Razor: "Outta my way... HELLFIRE!"
Metal Man (GM): *EXPLODE.* He's exploded.
Razor bolts forwards.
Locos Docos: "Are there any disturbances in the lower and/or upper decks?"
Metal Man (GM): Well, either way, this room has two treasure chests... and a mage with a lightning wand, who shoots at Razor.
Koopa: "They're going through the upper deck! One of them has reached medium deck!"
Razor rolls forwards, dodging below it before leaping up, letting out an Annihilate quadra slash in the air right in its face.
Locos Docos: "Send Squadron A through C to those said decks. I can't afford to have them reach me before we reach base."
Metal Man (GM): 1 hit. It dies. A doorway downstairs opens up.
Razor growls, quickly looting the chests before heading up. Yeah, he's in a hurry... but they're gonna pay for doing this... out of their pockets too!
Metal Man (GM): We go to Nodal, who enters the room he said he would enter... finding that someone was already there.
Nodal: "Hello, what is this? Dex, scan it."
Dex: "Razor was already here. Go forwards."
Nodal: "Ok." *He walks forwards.*
Locos Docos: "Prepare the secret weapon. Things might go from bad to worse..."
Koopa: "We could also have Robotnik get in their way. Or... Fallen Questers maybe?"
Locos Docos pounds his fist.
Metal Man (GM): The next room was also done with, and thus Nodal may proceed downstairs.
Nodal reaches the next room.
Locos Docos: "The secret weapon!!"
Koopa: "...Refresh me on what that is? Only been serving you since 3 hours ago..."
Nodal wonders what was in that room to the left.
Locos Docos whispers in secret.
Nodal goes downstairs.
Metal Man (GM): The invading Questers are on one deck... it's a mess hall... and there's lotsa enemies eating here...
Koopa: "Right! That thing!"
Aribar: .oO(Eep...)
Razor goes into sneaky mode and looks for a way to continue down.
Nodal sneaks.
Metal Man (GM): The enemies, specifically... several HUGE Koopa-like things, a few metroids... and is that Axem Green and Pink? Razor sneaks through while those huge... things... eat tons of steak.
Aribar attempts to CAREFULLY sneak past...
Metal Man (GM): Ari and Nodal get through barely. They reach an elevator.
Razor slips in, waits for the others, and once more looks for a deck directory.
Aribar heads inside and sighs when the doors close.
Nodal: "Anyone want some steak? *He walks in."
Metal Man (GM): ...Hey, look it's... Tridus? In there?
Razor: o.o
Tridus: "...What are you doing in here? I was sent to kill some intruders..."
Aribar: "Hey! Umm... Aren't you Metal's Doubler Clone?"
Nodal: "Eating some steak I stole... and saving our friends."
Tridus: "...Do not speak of him! He chained me and my dark powers for good..."
Razor: "Going down... yeah... I think we heard those intruders up on the higher deck."
Yurie: *in her cell.* "...Why do I have this sudden feeling Nodal's doing something stupid?"
Deloth: "Yeah... So do I."
Nodal: "Yeah, our friends who are held captive by the intruders."
Locos Docos: "Have you dispatched Squadrons A through C yet at the current coordinates of the intruders?"
Nodal: "On the upper deck."
Tridus: "...What?"
Razor tries to clamp his hand over Nodal's mouth before he says that. >.<
Nodal: "Those monsters."
Koopa: "Yes. Squadron A is arriving."
Tridus: "...You should come with me to the bridge."
Razor: "Nothing, nothing... we're just visiting the lower decks. We'll be fine, thanks."
Locos Docos: "Good. I don't want anymore slipups if the Squadron's aren't powerful enough."
Metal Man (GM): Tridus picks up Razor with his pinky finger by the chin...
Tridus: "You WILL come with me, or there won't be enough of you to go anywhere!"
Razor: "Hey now... what did we do wrong?"
Tridus: "Well, let's see... why are your friends locked up here?"
Aribar: "They ate... All of Locos's chocolate."
Tridus: "...And why do I keep on hearing orders to kill intruders?"
Razor: "Eh... yeah... because Locos is allergic to chocolate... but he tries to eat it anyways..."
Tridus: "And... what are you doing in a service elevator? And the only way this elevator goes is down..."
Razor: "We're... trying to go down to the lower levels..."
Aribar: "We were captured and now we have to get chocolate for Locos using this elevator!"
Tridus: "And I'm the king of Nintendus!"
Aribar: "This is our first day so we're a little lost... "
Nodal: "Mmmph."
Aribar: "Hello, King..."
Tridus: "Now then, very nicely, come with me. Because otherwise, you'll be dead before you can touch your weapons..."
Aribar: "Or else you blast us with spells?" *He would already have his weapon out...*
Razor: "I don't want to fight... I just... want to go down..."
Metal Man (GM): Tridus sets it to go down... straight to the bridge.
Aribar: .oO(WHY did I have to use Haywire way back when?!)
Tridus: "Hmmmm... I know just what to do with you..."
Metal Man (GM): *BEEP BEEP BEEP.* The elevator stops. The door opens, to a large crowd of enemies.
Tridus: "Would this be Squad C?"
Metal Man (GM): The enemies nod.
Locos Docos sets his chair to the opposite of the only door.
Tridus: "Well... I guess you'll have to take my place in guarding these prisoners."
Metal Man (GM): Tridus walks off.
Deloth: "Something's wrong, Yurie. They should have been here by now."
Aribar: "... Uhh..."
Metal Man (GM): The leader of them, a koopa with a purple-blue shell, speaks.
Aribar: "Tridus, wait!"
Yurie: "They probably got caught." -.-
Koopa: "So... we meet again, Questers."
Razor: "Hi... do we know you?"
Aribar sighs and looks at the leader.
Koopa: "You only KILLED my brothers and sisters!"
Deloth: "Yeah, with Nodal in the group, it's a pretty safe bet."
Koopa: "Now... do you want to go the hard or the easy way?"
Aribar: "... Which is worse?"
Koopa: "The hard way."
Aribar: "... That means it is the easy way since you'd probably lie to us... But you're expecting that so it is actually the hard way... Unless... You... This is tough..."
Koopa: "It's a win-win situation. ...For me."
Deloth: "If only I had my sword, my rod, anything..."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth has a doughnut shaped rock.
Koopa: "What the heck. Let's do it the Locos way."
Metal Man (GM): They close the door of the elevator...
Razor: "You mean the way where you give us all chocolate and let us go see our friends?"
Metal Man (GM): Which starts falling down. Really fast.
Aribar: "!!!"
Razor: o.o
Koopa: "Locos, we have trapped them in an elevator!"
Razor looks up for any way out of the top of the elevator.
Aribar: "Suru Rei!" *He attempts to use Feather Fall on the entire elevator.*
Locos Docos: "Excellent. See to it that one of the guards see them die. This way, we can't just assume they're dead."
Metal Man (GM): The elevator smashes, taking away 2/3 health from everyone inside it.
Locos Docos: "And the name is Charles L. MAGELLEAN!"
Aribar: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): It's at the bottom deck now. The doors kinda open a little.
Razor: "Gah..."
Aribar has... little health left.
Metal Man (GM): ...There's a Koopa holding a weird whistle across the room.
Nodal has only a little as well.
Razor: "Ow... that hurt... wait... I've got mushrooms..."
Metal Man (GM): The Koopa draws Yurie's sword. ...And Deloth's Fire Rod...
Razor scarfs down his three mushrooms. "Oh geez... she won't be happy... and neither will he."
Aribar attempts to cast Elven Protection on Razor quickly.
Metal Man (GM): Then, he presses a button. The floor to him falls out, revealing a deadly pit.
Locos Docos: "When will be arriving at the base?"
Metal Man (GM): Anyone who falls out of that, falls to their death.
Koopa: "3 minutes!"
Locos Docos: "Good, I can't wait to rest in my own base."
Nodal eats two mushrooms.
Koopa: "And now, to exterminate you. FLAMING DEATH!"
Metal Man (GM): Three fireballs fly at Razor.
Razor: One hit...
Deloth suddenly roars very loudly for no apparent reason.
Razor growls and slashes at the air, letting out a hellfire attack!
Metal Man (GM): He explodes... dropping Yurie and Deloth's weapons to their doom.
Razor: "NO!" He tries to snatch them.
Nodal notches his arrow attempting to get his flame rod and attacks with Bandit Shot.
Metal Man (GM): Nodal steals Deloth's rod. Meanwhile, Razor goes under the shutters... and they close behind him! He gets the sword, but now he has to get back in.
Aribar: "Craaaap... We're stuck..."
Nodal: "Yeah we are."
Aribar: "Dex, scan those shutters!"
Dex: "Wooden shutters. Highly flammable."
Nodal: "Wait a sec."
Razor grips the Were Bane and pounds on the shutters. "Get out of there and open these things!"
Nodal: "Where'd that koopa enter from?"
Metal Man (GM): He entered from a staircase on the other side of the room.
Nodal: "Ari. Before you blow it up."
Aribar begins walking across. "Eh?"
Nodal: "Let's check the case."
Aribar: "... I have no fire spells, but you have that rod."
Nodal: "That way we can always blow up the floor later. Ah. Here." *He gives Ari the rod.*
Metal Man (GM): It's chilly outside!
Nodal: "I have my claw."
Aribar: "Okay..."
Nodal walks to the other side of the room.
Aribar finishes his walk across, waits for Nodal, and torches the shutters.
Metal Man (GM): Shutters go boom.
Razor shoots back up through the shutters and lands carefully on the stable deck.
Nodal: "Hey Razor. Cold?"
Koopa: "Locos! They've breached the area before the brig! Errr... Magellan!"
Razor: "A little... let's go!" He keeps a hold of Were Bane and heads for the stairs.
Nodal walks to the stairs.
Aribar: "Hey... Where is the dragon guy's katana?"
Metal Man (GM): A large iron grating closes down as the group reaches the stairs, blocking the way up the stairs.
Razor: "..."
Locos Docos: "... Send in my personal servant."
Nodal: "...I knew we should've gone to the stairs first."
Aribar: "Why do I have the feeling the floor is gonna drop out?"
Koopa: "Who's that again?"
Razor: "Shut UP! Stand back! Annihilate!" He attacks the grating.
Locos Docos slaps his face with his left hand.
Nodal: "There is no floor?"
Metal Man (GM): The grating is solid.
Locos Docos: "Just send Tridus if you can."
Koopa: "...Sure thing!"
Locos Docos: "Otherwise, let them come."
Nodal: "Hmmm were in a bad position."
Metal Man (GM): The grate then opens.
Nodal: "See, as that elevator only goes down anyways..."
Razor: "The hell? Scan these things..."
Metal Man (GM): The way to the brig is straight ahead.
Aribar uses a shroom of mush.
Razor goes up.
Nodal goes up through the stairs.
Aribar follows.
Locos Docos: "If they defeat Tridus, then transform the brig to Plan Delta X9."
Nodal checks for traps.
Metal Man (GM): The group goes up, and finds the rest of Deloth and Yur's equipment. And, next door, the cell room with them in it.
Nodal: "Oh yeah."
Yurie: "...!"
Nodal: "This isn't suspicious at all."
Razor runs into the next room. "You're alright!" He turns towards Yurie's cell.
Yurie: "Is that you Razor? About time you guys got here!"
Aribar: "'allo you guys!"
Nodal: "I mean why would they raise the grate?"
Aribar: "Nodal, you're a thief, right?"
Razor: "I've got a present for ya..." He hands her Rapier to her through the bars.
Nodal: "...I prefer the term Treasure Hunter."
Yurie takes the Were-Bane and hugs it, then transfers it to her sword hand.
Razor examines the cage to see if he can SoH it...
Aribar: "Well, 'treasure hunt' these doors open..." *His voice sounds more disgusted now...*
Nodal: "I'll do my best."
Yurie: "Um... guys... these are LASER BARS."
Nodal tries to get the lock open.
Metal Man (GM): There's a control panel. Disable. Laser bars turn off.
Deloth walks out of his cell.
Metal Man (GM): Razor opens the doors... and the way ahead. The lift room right before the bridge.
Deloth: "Kudos, people."
Yurie: "Thank god... where's our other things?"
Razor: "Glad to see you guys are alright... Deloth... think you can heal us all up? We're a bit hurt. Nodal and Aribar have the rest of your gear."
Nodal: "Ari there has your rod."
Aribar carefully hands Deloth the rod.
Deloth nods and casts Divine Cure on all three of them.
Nodal reluctantly hands over the rest. "That's some Class A stuff there."
Razor is at full health now...
Yurie takes her things and re-equips everything (Sapphire Tunic, Coin Trick, her coins, etc.)
Deloth equips himself up and arms himself with his Osafune.
Metal Man (GM): Up ahead would be the elevator. It's all on and everything. There are no traps either.
Deloth: "One question."
Nodal: "Yeah. Definitely suspicious."
Razor: "Alright... I think we've got a little visit to pay to that traitorous bastard..."
Deloth: "How are we going to rescue the shreds of sanity that Locos has left?"
Nodal: "I mean they hafta know were here... why would they just let us rescue them?"
Yurie: "They're waiting for us."
Deloth: "I mean, how did Locos make himself think he was Charlie Horse?" *He says this with a tinge of sarcasm.*
Aribar: "He's as bad as Orlando Florida... Umm... Someone from my time, that is."
Metal Man catches up yet again. "Hey!"
Yurie: "...where have you been!?"
Deloth: "Metal, glad you could make it."
Metal Man: "I kinda got lost back there with the explosions."
Aribar: "We ran into your nice clone..."
Metal Man: "You did? Well... that's odd... He said he was the knight of darkness to me."
Deloth: "No, that's bad."
Metal Man: "You know, and he even carries some big sword of darkness... Oh, yeah. He has a doubler. If he touches that, something bad will happen. Maybe just an explosion, but for all I know it might summon Zio."
Aribar: "Well... I guess we should prepare for Locos..."
Nodal: "Oh god Zio."
Metal Man: "Now, of course, if you can survive him, Locos might be easy. ...Or he might steal his sword and make your life horrible."
Aribar: "... Piffle!" *The semi-transparent aura around him disappears...* "There goes my Mage Armor..."
Nodal walks Straight ahead to elevator.
Razor slides out his blades with a *shink.* and heads into the elevator.
Metal Man (GM): ...The ground rumbles... *BOOOOM.*
Deloth stumbles back a bit.
Razor: "...the hell?"
Deloth: "What was THAT?"
Metal Man (GM): From right in front of Nodal and the elevator, Tridus smashes through the ground. Then he points his glowing sword at the elevator, and totals it.
Aribar: "Eep..."
Deloth: "Oh, man..."
Nodal: "So glad I didn't get in."
Yurie: "GAH!"
Tridus: "It is about time I destroyed you all."
Razor: " why did you go and do that?"
Aribar: "Metal, Tridus. Tridus, Metal... You two go kill each other now."
Metal Man: "...This isn't like some bad movie."
Tridus: "What? I'm not going to hurt him. Yet."
Nodal: !_!
Yurie: "Everyone, hit him with everything you got!"
Locos Docos: "...Change the bridge to Plan Delta X9... I have this foreboding feeling they're coming..."
Koopa: "...What's that again?"
Yurie growls, then scans Tridus, first and foremost.
Dex: "Tridus, Knight of Darkness. HP: 500. STR: 30. DEX: 18. CON: 23. INT: 25. WIS: 14. CHA: 10. Defense: 24. Desc: Metal's evil Doubler clone. Yes, Doublers and Transformers tend to summon evil people. In fact, it is a proven fact almost all said summoned people are evil. Please upgrade DEX vocabulary."
Locos Docos: "The one where the room drastically changes. Now do it while the bounty hunters are occupied!"
Koopa: "Uhhh... right... I'll wing it!"
Tridus: "...What is that?"
Deloth: "Not again."
Metal Man (GM): The room suddenly starts morphing and stuff.
Razor: "Gah!"
Aribar: "... Eeeeeep."
Yurie: "The heck??"
Koopa: "...Whhooops!"
Metal Man (GM): The Bridge starts rumbling, and the room below stays the same.
Locos Docos: "...Just try it again. K."
Koopa: "What exactly do you want in this room change?"
Tridus: "Now then, just try to hit me!"
Locos Docos hands it a specifications chart.
Aribar: "I could if I had Magic Missile!"
Koopa: "...That's good."
Yurie then casts Interposition.
Razor grips his blades, which burn with black flames. "You're in our way, Tridus. I'm going to remove you. Eat HELLFIRE!" He slices up and then down, unleashing four large black fireballs from his first two slashes.
Metal Man (GM): He's hit 4 times.
Tridus: "Grrrr... that's it! do that again and I summon him at you!"
Deloth: "Him?"
Tridus: "Ugh... I'll show you!"
Metal Man (GM): Tridus pulls out his blade, which starts glowing again.
Metal Man (GM): A wave of ice flies at Razor.
Yurie: .oO(Thank god I have my Reflect up...)
Locos Docos: "As one final backup plan... send a random Machine Made to help Tridus."
Metal Man (GM): Razor avoids the damage, but is frozen for... a while.
Yurie: "Deloth! Thaw Razor out!"
Locos Docos: "Koopa! I said send the strongest Machine Made we have to help Tridus IMMEDIATELY!"
Editor's Note: Yeah, way to try and godmod, Locos. Magically summoning horribly strong robots one after the other is entirely fair and sensible given this whole doomship popped out of thin air to begin with. :p
Tridus: "If you thaw him, you will surely die."
Koopa: "Yes! YES! I'm trying!"
Deloth: "Worthy sacrifice."
Locos Docos: "Try your hardest then."
Koopa: "Perfect... Machine Made Axem Black! He'll arrive soon enough."
Locos Docos: "After that, it doesn't matter what you do now."
Deloth turns towards Razor and takes out his Fire Rod, shooting fireballs at the ice until it melts.
Locos Docos: "You may leave, or fight the Questers. It doesn't matter."
Metal Man (GM): Razor's melted, but also takes damage from the fireballs. Deloth unthaws Razor, not looking any different.
Nodal: "You have nice equipment... I want it." *He fires off a Bandit shot.*
Yurie: "...Gentlemen... I believe it's time... for a Team Blast..."
Metal Man (GM): Nodal hits this time.
Aribar: "Alright!" *Prepares Thordain for the TB.*
Metal Man (GM): However, he doesn't get anything off of Tridus.
Razor grunts as he is thawed. "Damn that was cold..." He lowers his stance and charges his blades again.
Yurie: "Ari, blast him! We'll worry about the TB in a minute!"
Aribar: "Okay!" *He True Strikes his sword before Bi-Bolt Slashing Tridus.*
Metal Man (GM): One hit.
Locos Docos: " Axem Black before I suicide us all!"
Editor's Note: Geez. I would have just let him kill himself if he tried this these days.
Aribar: "... Piffle."
Koopa: "He's coming! Just wait a sec."
Locos Docos: "Speaking of which, when do we reach our destination?"
Koopa: "...I totally forgot about that! ...We're landing outside Exor..."
Yurie: "GUYS! NOW!"
Locos Docos: "...The orders were to go to our base, not Smithy's."
Yurie raises her hands and charges a Doomsday.
Locos Docos: "Set a course to these coordinates..."
Koopa: "Oh. Well, okay..."
Aribar does the same... With Wood Blast Barrage this time!
Nodal nocks an arrow.
Locos Docos: "Slow the main power engines so we reach there within 10 minutes."
Koopa: "They seem to be overwhelming everything we send at them. This looks like we need Robotnik."
Locos Docos: "We don't need Robotnik!"
Koopa: "...Without him... we're doomed..."
Razor lowers his stance, his blades flaring with black flames. "I'm ready..." He prepares to assault Tridus with a second Hellfire alongside Yurie and Ari.
Yurie holds up her hands, red, gold, black and white energy crackling above her as she charges. "READY!"
Nodal puts his sharpest arrow in his bow.
Tridus: "Ha ha ha ha... it's about time I showed off my own powers!"
Aribar extends his sword at Tridus... Four orbs of arcane, yet... Woody... Energy form at the tip. "Lorulm Vir'ednith Mzil!"
Tridus: "...It's too late! Gah!"
Yurie: "NOW!!! TEAM BLAST!!!!!" *He the world goes dark as Aribar releases his attack, causing giant trees to sprout, fall, and cover Tridus. Simultaneously Yurie and Razor release their OWN attacks, the giant pillar of flames igniting the wood ablaze, followed by a string of deadly explosions culminating in a pillar of flame, light, heat, darkness, smoke and death.*
Metal Man (GM): Tridus is healed by darkness and death, but hurt by the other part.
Yurie: TEAMBLAST *Wood Blast + Hellfire + Doomsday = GRAND BONFIRE!*
Locos Docos: "I'm taking matters into my own hands."
Deloth: "Alright! Good hit!"
Koopa: "...You'll have to do that... Tridus is almost dead!"
Nodal: *momentarily blinded.* "" *back to normal.*
Tridus: "...You... worthless... I'll stop you if I have to kill and revive myself!"
Aribar: "Hah!"
Locos Docos types in several encryptions to accelerate Axem Black's speed by at least 75%.
Deloth: "Man... that's like a hit from an A-bomb..."
Metal Man (GM): Axem Black then suddenly appears... machine made.
Deloth: "Oh, boy. New punching bag."
Axem Black: "...HypercaffieneattackkillkillkillDESTROYDESTROY."
Metal Man (GM): It then FLIES at Razor with the axe it has.
Nodal: "LOOK OUT!"
Aribar: "Dex, What is Tridus's remaining health?"
Dex: "30."
Deloth: *blink.* "Wow..."
Razor: *HIT dodgedodge.*
Tridus: "...The darkness... I summon you..."
Razor: "Gah!"
Metal Man (GM): Tridus glows, then hails down dark orbs at everyone.
Yurie: "GAAAH!"
Metal Man (GM): The one at Yurie bounces off and heals Tridus. Razor and Nodal avoid.
Aribar is alive and kickin'... But with little health left.
Yurie only took a little damage... "Ohhh no you don't... DELOTH! NODAL! GIBBY! KILL!"
Gibby: "Meanie head..."
Yurie: "GAH!!"
Deloth casts Divine Cure on himself.
Nodal: "Nice Axe." *shoots a bandit shot at Black Axem.*
Metal Man (GM): It appears Nodal hit, but it turns out he only hit the after-image it made from dodging.
Razor: "Finish Tridus!"
Gibby starts performing the traditional Gibby Dance on himself to heal some health.
Deloth: "Take out Tridus first, then go for Black."
Razor: "It's time you were wiped out, Tridus! Die! Annihilate!" His blades spark green as he darts up into his face, backflipping twice to deliver the two pairs of attacks to him. CRIT!
Metal Man (GM): 3 hits.
Deloth: "Tridus go boom."
Aribar: "Whew..."
Metal Man (GM): He poofs out and disappears into black clouds of dust. His transformer teleports after him.
Deloth: "Now for Black Axem."
Gibby: "YAY!!!"
Locos Docos: "...Koopa, give me the whistle..."
Deloth scans Black Axem.
Dex: "Black Axem. Now 75% faster! -End of Desc.-"
Deloth: "Reeeal helpful."
Locos Docos: "You've been very loyal to me... but now it's time for you to show me it one final time... Give me the whistle... and evacuate the doomship."
Koopa: "Aye aye!"
Metal Man (GM): He gives Locos the whistle. Alarms go on throughout the ship.
Locos Docos takes it into his pocket.
Yurie: "...oh, great..."
Deloth: "WHAT THE..."
Aribar: "Piffle..."
Nodal: "Oh Jeez."
Deloth chops a hole in the floor.
Razor: "Oh damn!"
Metal Man (GM): The Black Axem shrugs, puts on a parachute, and jumps out a hole in the floor.
Nodal: "As if the unhelpful Dex wasn't enough."
Locos Docos voice goes over the enter comm..."
Deloth: "Time to learn skydiving, team!"
Locos Docos: "Only Guardians are to remain to guard against the bounty hunters!"
Gibby: "Umm... do I have to?"
Yurie: "Not quite yet."
Aribar: "We can't jump!"
Razor: "Hold up guys."
Yurie: "I'm still going after Locos."
Locos Docos: "...Cancel red alert..."
Nodal: "Yeah... about the lack of wings."
Locos Docos: "Everyone except me and the bounty hunters are to evacuate the doomship!"
Razor: "One last order of business... Locos."
Nodal: "Good good."
Deloth: "Ah, of course."
Yurie: "I want his head on a platter and his privates in a jar..."
Aribar: "Okay... Deloth, heal us up."
Locos Docos (GM): The door opens slowly vertically.
Nodal: "Do you want Red Axem's Head as well?"
Deloth casts Divine Cure on everyone.
Yurie: "No thanks..."
Nodal: "Just Askin'."
Yurie looks at the door...
Locos Docos: "Come, you rigged pests... if you dare to capture me!"
Aribar tops off his health with a shroom as well.
Razor steps up beside Yurie. "Let's do this."
Nodal laughs. "Haha... he said capture."
Aribar: "Okay... No mercy. We KILL him."
Nodal followed Razor.
Deloth heads through the door.
Metal Man (GM): Locos' belt beeps.
Yurie smirks faintly, then runs through the door.
Aribar follows...
Locos Docos: "...?"
Razor darts on in as well.
Gibby reluctantly follows the others.
Belt: "If you want, I can warp you out of here immediately. Anywhere. Only once."
Locos Docos: "No... I must handle these pesky hunters once and for all. Over and out."
Belt: "Very well."
Locos Docos: "Come in... come in!"
Metal Man walks in.
Deloth: "Hello, Charlie."
Yurie rushes in as well.
Deloth cracks his knuckles.
Aribar: "'Allo, Locos..."
Nodal walks in unhurriedly.
Razor steps in, flipping his blades a few times.
Locos Docos (GM): The door shuts behind the Questers very quickly.
Nodal: "Hey Locos, no time no see."
Gibby unsheathes his sword.
Metal Man: "Hello again. How's it been, flying first class on a doomship?"
Nodal nocks an arrow and licks the tip.
Deloth wields his katana.
Locos Docos (GM): Inside, there are many gadgets, and Locos slowly comes in from the shadows with his chair... and a generator behind him as well.
Locos Docos: "I must say, it's been quite an honor. Though... I can't seem to understand two things..."
Deloth: "I think Yurie wants to speak with you and then rip you apart."
Locos Docos: "SILENCE! I will speak first!"
Aribar: "... Pah! What is with you badguys and your beginning speeches?!"
Nodal: "Nice chair... It'd sell pretty good."
Locos Docos has many chains, levers, and other doo-hikkies beside him.
Deloth looks towards the generator and starts to have an idea.
Locos Docos pulls a chain and presses a button. They all put electroshocks in the Questers' mouths to silence them. It has all silenced them for a moment.
Deloth glares icily at Locos.
Gibby: "...!"
Locos Docos: "Now as I was saying... I can't understand two things... One... is why my army wanted to go Exor, instead of my own base. Another is why you bounty hunters continue to pursue me."
Razor: "...!" He gets it now!
Locos Docos pulls another chain to heal the Questers to 4/5 their health and remove all status effects.
Aribar: "Who... Are you?"
Locos Docos: "I told you... I am Charles L. Magellan... And I want two things..."
Aribar: "Locos never existed?"
Razor: "...I think I get it now..."
Deloth: *silently whispering to the others.*
Locos Docos: "All I want is you bounty hunters to never bother me again..."
Deloth: "Distract him."
Locos Docos: "And give me that death 'coffee' of Professor Oak's!"
Deloth: "I'm going for that generator."
Yurie glances at Razor.
Razor: "You're one of us, Locos! We just came to bring you home. That 'coffee' messed with your head!"
Locos Docos: "...I'd advise not coming near me... I AM NOT LOCOS!!!"
Metal Man: "...Maybe you should try your healing machine on yourself?"
Locos Docos: "Go ahead... try a team blast..."
Razor: "That's the coffee talking..."
Metal Man: "And you better not be Lumis Dongthar..."
Aribar: "...This guy is a traitor to our cause."
Gibby: "I knew it would happen to him one of these days..."
Locos Docos: "Or just a regular special attack."
Aribar: "..." *Walks over to Locos and attempts to slash him...*
Deloth suddenly jumps and disappears.
Razor: "Maybe an Esuna would help him...!"
Metal Man: "Something is wrong here... obviously we could kill him without much problem, judging that even a super-powered clone of me managed to be killed by us... Unless... he has SA-X2 hiding somewhere?"
Gibby: "Just what we need..."
Locos Docos (GM): As Aribar approaches Locos, a force field begins to activate, repelling all physical attacks.
Deloth reappears next to the generator and stabs it over and over again.
Locos Docos (GM): It's dome shaped.
Aribar: "Okay..."
Metal Man: "...So he's a cheater now?"
Locos Docos is surrounded by the dome and the generator is protected by the dome as well.
Metal Man: "Well... that's great..."
Razor: "Nodal... try it now."
Nodal: "Well he can't attack us either."
Locos Docos: "Why don't you try a magic?"
Metal Man: "Now then, just try yer cure machine on yourself?"
Aribar: "I think I will..." *He searches for a plug and/or a switch to the generator.*
Deloth starts randomly pushing buttons and pulling chains. "Ari, help me!"
Metal Man: "Hmmm... I know what will solve it all. ...JUMANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Gibby: "..."
Locos Docos: "...What the hell was that about?"
Aribar: "How, Deloth?"
Gibby kicks Metal in the shin.
Yurie just stands there, a big '_' on her face.
Deloth turns around and Esunas Locos. "Look for the power switch!"
Yurie: '_'0
Deloth: "Or a parachute!"
Metal Man: "...Uhhhh... I thought you were possessed by a board game?"
Locos Docos (GM): As Deloth tries to cast the magic, a portal proportional to the magic opens, becomes swirling, and observes it, then closes it.
Gibby: "Ugh..."
Metal Man: "Oh, yeah, and I think your friend Robotnik can make more of that gunk for you..."
Deloth: "No..."
Aribar cast no magic...
Metal Man: "...It's Mega Mack."
Locos Docos: "Yes! I am protected by a force field by physicals..."
Metal Man: "It's fitting that you're possessed by something he made..."
Yurie: " guys..."
Deloth growls in fury.
Locos Docos: "And all magic attacks are absorbed into the X-Zone!"
Aribar: "What, Yurie?"
Locos Docos: "Now this ends here!" *He takes out a whistle.*
Gibby: "All this proves is how much of a coward you are!"
Razor: "Please... just do this one thing, and we'll leave you alone forever!"
Metal Man: "...Hmmmmm... what's that?"
Locos Docos: "I will allow the Razor to speak."
Deloth glances around for something that might help.
Locos Docos: "What do you want?"
Razor: "Use that curing machine on yourself. Prove to us that we aren't telling the truth."
Locos Docos pulls the curing machine of the chain. He is more prepped up and ready to blow it now.
Metal Man (GM): Deloth doesn't seem to find anything to shut down Locos' machine.
Locos Docos: "See? Not affected!"
Deloth: "Way to go, Razor."
Metal Man: "...Looks like I'm gonna have to try something."
Locos Docos now blows on the SMB3 whistle that has a skull on it and it does the same sound as warping.
Metal Man: "...Now if only I wasn't 5 minutes too laaaaaaa..."
Locos Docos: "Behold! The destruction of you damn bounty hunters!"
Razor: "I'm not a bounty hunter! I'm a mercenary!"
Metal Man: "I'm confused..."
Nodal: "Treasure Hunter."
Locos Docos (GM): There are several warps coming in of light.
Gibby: "Aren't we all?"
Deloth backs up and digs his claws into a wall.
Metal Man: "Hey... Nojiri... try your moon pearl! ...That and I wonder what would happen if we went Dark World on him..."
Nodal: "Want a double moon pearl?"
Locos Docos (GM): What appears are the fallen Questers, Ruvyn, Digifanatic, Roybert, Skyhigh, and Jeff Maxwell... but machines.
Metal Man: "...What? This can't be!"
Deloth: "You've got to be kidding me!"
Nodal uses the moon pearl.
Locos Docos: "My secret weapons!"
Nodal: "Oh come on."
Deloth takes his claws from the wall.
Yurie: "Um... guys? We're screwed."
Aribar: "This is getting tiring..."
Locos Docos: "Machine Made Fallen Questers!"
Metal Man: "...Well, you certainly have done a lot in your free time."
Locos Docos: "Why thank you..."
Deloth: "Anyone for bailing?"
Yurie: "Aye!"
Aribar: "May I ask HOW?"
Metal Man: "Why did you wait until we thought we had you cornered to do this?"
Nodal: "Anyone for blowing up the floor and flying away?"
Deloth: "I."
Aribar: "Only two of us can fly!!"
Locos Docos: "For I try to run away, you would only chase me!"
Yurie pulls out her Dex...
Nodal: "Yeah well Del is gonna help me again... right Del?"
Deloth: "Perhaps."
Gibby: "And Razor shall help me, right Raz?"
Aribar sighs...
Deloth: "Yurie, can you get a scan?"
Yurie: "..." *scans.*
Locos Docos: "Oh yes..the dexes..."
Yurie: "...guys... we're out of signal for our MTAs... we're SOL."
Locos Docos: "You try to cheat... yet I've countered it!"
Nodal: "You dare to call us cheaters after your shields?"
Fallen Questers: "Prepare to attack!"
Deloth: "Eep."
Ruvyn: "Formation!"
Locos Docos: "How else to protect myself? I am vulnerable to your powerful attacks!"
Metal Man (GM): They fall into a line, and draw their weapons.
Ruvyn: "Hut! Attack mode!"
Locos Docos: "Now... Bounty hunters... prepare for the Dark Realm!"
Gibby: "This is bad..."
Locos Docos pulls more levers, chains, and buttons.
Yurie: "...crud..."
Locos Docos: "Mecha Pack! Attack!"
Ruvyn: "Chaaaaarge!"
Nodal: "Yeah..."
Deloth: "Anyone got a lightning spell or a REALLY big magnet?"
Aribar: "Lightning."
Yurie: "Razor, can we just... you know... ATOMIZE THESE GUYS?"
Metal Man (GM):'s_Theme.mid.
Razor steps forward, glaring at the approaching Fallen Questers. His eyes lock on Ruvyn. "Alright... let's get this started! HELLFIRE!" Black flames, slash slash, boom boom boom boom boom boom and all that nice stuff.
Locos Docos: "Bounty Hunters! Surrender now and I will let you live!"
Ruvyn: "What a fool."
Razor: CRIT.
Garrick: "Damn it, Locos, would you get your head straight!?"
Metal Man (GM): Only... 1... hit...
Garrick: "All these guys are old Questers?"
Gibby: "Sure are..."
Yurie: "Nope... copies..."
Garrick: "How did you LIVE with these people?!"
Gibby: "Copies OF old Questers..."
Digifanatic: "You leave him alone!" He throws a Yoshi Cookie right at Razor.
Garrick: "Old or new Questers, copies or not, they'll still explode really nice..."
Metal Man (GM): Hit.
Locos Docos: "I will not allow you bounty hunters to get in the way of my creation of my base!"
Gibby: "...I'm starting to not like those cookies."
Locos Docos: "That's right, puff! And after my partners destroy you with pain and treats, I will soon have my base operational, this doomship as my battleship, and soon be re-allied with the Questers!"
Metal Man (GM): Ruvyn then spins his sword, and runs at Garrick.
Gibby: "Blah blah blah blah... all you ever do is talk."
Metal Man (GM): *SLAM.*
Garrick: "DAH! Son of a... he's fast..."
Locos Docos: "You bounty hunters have no honor. However, I will serve the Questers with fashion and valor!"
Garrick gets nicked on the side of the cheek, then gives Ruvyn a look.
Jeff Maxwell: "Ultimate buster attack, engage!" He fires at Yurie, full power.
Garrick: "...alright, your first."
Metal Man (GM): Damage to Yurie and Jeff Maxwell. Roybert then runs at Gibby with his sword. Pretty much another hit... these things are FAST...
Gibby: *EL STAB.*
Yurie: "AHHH!!"
Gibby: "That... kinda hurts... no wait... that REALLY hurts..."
Metal Man (GM): Skyhigh throws an orb at Yurie. Yur avoids it, luckily.
Yurie dives out of the way, coming to her feet.
Locos Docos: "Plan Alpha 9!"
Ruvyn: "You are but imitations of our power!"
Locos Docos activates this plan by pulling a gear to his left backwards and another on his right frontwards. The resulting combination fires a laser at Garrick's mind to see if he becomes confused.
Metal Man (GM): *CONFUZATION.*
Digifanatic: "Good work, Magellan!"
Locos Docos shifts the gears back into position.
Garrick: "...w... wait... what?"
Yurie: "Someone HIT Garrick. *He walks over to Garrick and SMACKS him upside the head."
Garrick looks around, his eyes a little glazed over as he looks between--OW!!
Locos Docos: "...#*#*! I didn't plan on that to happen."
Ruvyn: "We will cover you, lord."
Garrick: "...ohhhh, your REALLY making me mad, but now's not the time to blast you into next week. Questers! DOUBLETIME!!"
Locos Docos: "No need for that! I am protected by all types of attacks, remember?"
Digifanatic: "Right..."
Garrick throws his hands to his sides and everyone in HIS PARTY gains another turn. He makes sure this DOESN'T include Locos.
Metal Man (GM): It succeeds, since Locos's barriers actually eat the booster before it could help him.
Garrick takes his second turn to charge his buster halfway.
Yurie: "Alright gentlemen, it's time for atomization."
Gibby gives himself a Gibby Dance to recover some health. He then decides to help Yurie, and gives HER a Gibby Dance too... this guy ain't a knight, he's a party animal!!!
Metal Man (GM): *BOOOM.*
Garrick: "...what the..."
Metal Man flies out from beneath the floor, his sword blazing in fire. He takes Digi by surprise, giving him a taste of "FLAMING UPPERCUT!"
Locos Docos: "!!"
Yurie: "YAY!"
Metal Man (GM): Digi -barely- fails. *BOOM.* Digi takes a bunch of damage.
Garrick: "Just HAD to make an entrance, didn't you Metal!?"
Gibby: "Nice..."
Digi: "...Why you little..."
Yurie: "Hey, don't complain! We need all the help we can get!"
Metal Man then turns to Jeff Maxwell, and unleashes a Tri-Attack into his face.
Locos Docos takes this time to pull a chain that's nearly out of his reach three times to close the breakage.
Garrick: "Damn right, we do."
Locos Docos: "Now that was unexpected."
Metal Man (GM): He fails as well. ...And is frozen. For a very long time!
Yurie: "Yes!"
Garrick: "Jeez..."
Locos Docos: "Metal Man of the Questers!? ...Wha..what are you doing here!? We had an alliance! How dare you help these bounty hunters!!"
Gibby: "Oh how the tides turn, Locos."
Metal Man: "These idiots demean us both."
Metal Man: "As if you couldn't have used the REAL ones..."
Gibby: "Whatever you say, Locos."
Metal Man: "However... if you call them off, why can't we ally and kill Smithy together? Otherwise... Digi's head makes a good paperweight."
Locos Docos: "No. You call off your goon squad first. They made the attack on me, so they must show appeasement first."
Metal Man: "...Well, unfortunately, I'm gonna just have to destroy those monsters first then."
Locos Docos: "So BE it!! You would sooner betray us!?"
Metal Man: "Nah. Just clean up this trash you summoned."
Locos Docos: "... No..."
Yurie: "Yep."
Locos Docos: "Then... that means... YOU ARE THE QUESTERS!!?!"
Metal Man: "...Yes."
Razor: "..."
Yurie: "Yes, we, ARE!"
Gibby: "DUH!"
Locos Docos leans foward and pounds both of his fists.
Garrick: "Jeez, are you THAT slow?"
Locos Docos leans back just as quick.
Gibby: "Urge... to kill... rising!"
Metal Man: "How else could I have flown out from under the floor, burn Digi, then freeze Jeff Maxwell solid?"
Locos Docos: "Bounty hunters or otherwise, You WILL PAY FOR BETRAYAL!!!"
Garrick: "Oh shut UP already!"
Razor: "News flash... you betrayed US."
Metal Man: "Riiiight... get those robots, we'll fix Locos up later."
Locos Docos: "Mecha Pack! Show no mercy to this... traitor and his bounty bugs!"
Ruvyn: "Prepare for next battle plan!"
Gibby taps his sword on the ground, and creates a fiery sword of goodness. He runs over to Roybert, shouts out "FIREBRAND!" and gives him not one, but TWO slashes with the sword, since he has that two attack thingy.
Metal Man (GM): Dual misses. Roybert blurs around them.
Gibby: "How can they BE that fast?"
Metal Man: "Easy... they're being partially powered by that Emerald... it has to be!"
Yurie: "Emerald?"
Metal Man: "...Unfortunately, that's on Robotnik's base..."
Yurie: "True..."
Metal Man: "You know... huge green gem that Robotnik was attacking us with."
Locos Docos: "I AM NOT ALLIED WITH ROBOTNIK." *He pulls a chain that's within reach a couple times..*
Yurie: "Loooooooocooooooooooooooooooos!!!!" ^.^
Gibby: "It figures."
Locos Docos: "Machine Upgrades!!"
Metal Man (GM): *BZZZT* *FLASHFLASHFLASH* New pieces and stuff appear on the Machine Made's armor.
Razor: "The source of their power can't be TOO far away..."
Locos Docos (GM): Drills and lasers and metal parts make a cloud of metal dust that surrounds the FQs for a few seconds. They now have more armor.
Garrick quickly glances around the room for some sort of receiver or something.
Locos Docos: "This will even the score, you Metal person with lots of armor!!"
Gibby: "Aw crap... as if it wasn't tougher earlier!"
Yurie growls, then brings her hands downwards, bringing down a PAIR of Doomsdays at the frozen Jeff Maxwell.
Razor glares at the frozen Jeff. "Oh right... I remember you... you're the smarter one... kinda. Eat this!" He swipes madly at the air, letting out a twin Hellfire assault at Jeff.
Locos Docos: "I still can't believe that these bounty hunters are actually Questers. It disappoints me."
Gibby: "Aw shut up, you two timer!"
Locos Docos: "..." *twitch.*
Yurie: "Razor, I think it's time..."
Metal Man (GM): Jeff explodes ungloriously. Ice chunks and gears everywhere.
Yurie whips her sword around, then rocks back on her heels as she bows, sweeping her blade to the side.
Gibby: "Well... that'll do it."
Locos Docos: "Maxwell..."
Yurie: "...for a victory pose."
Ruvyn: "Do not worry! We can form Zeta formation!"
Gibby: "Don't celebrate, Yur!"
Razor nods to Yurie. "Nice one." He twirls his blades about a few times, crossing them in front of him.
Gibby: "Stop that! We're still fighting!"
Garrick: "What he said! We've still got a bunch more to deal with!"
Razor: "One down, five to go."
Locos Docos: "And don't forget! I'm also a target."
Yurie: "Garrick, go ahead and blast away." ^^
Garrick takes his first turn and charges his weapon to full capacity...
Gibby: "Don't kill Locos! I shall get that privilege..." *He laughs evily.*
Yurie: "Oh no, he's mine..."
Gibby: "Too late! Already called it!"
Garrick: "Okay... here goes nothing... FULLY CHARGED FORK SHOT!!"
Metal Man (GM): Only hit on Roybert. he others leap over it.
Locos Docos: "Fallen Ones. It's either Anti-Quester Team Blast Time or Zeta Formation."
Ruvyn: "I have an idea! Let's do both!"
Yurie: "And us without our Team Blast..."
Gibby: "BAD IDEA!"
Metal Man (GM): Roybert is hit... and survives.
Garrick: "...Metal! I'm open for suggestions!"
Locos Docos: "That idea is twisted, cruel and beyond sadistic!"
Razor: "Try your Hellfire next time Garrick!"
Gibby grumbles.
Fallen Questers: "Zeta Attack Blast!"
Locos Docos: "I like it... make it so."
Gibby: "I WILL kill you, Locos!"
Metal Man (GM): They start floating, and they disassembled into their base parts... then morph into one HUGE knight-like thing.
Locos Docos: "...Puff, you are really starting to get on my last nerves."
Metal Man (GM): It has a 20 foot sword... hey, that's equilibrium! *BZZZZZZZT* It charges up, blitzing with electricity.
Gibby: "Likewise..."
Locos Docos: "Fallen Zeters! Strike with your Omni Blast Strike!"
Zeter: "Full attack power! FALLEN QUESTER BLAST!" *ZOOOOOOM.*
Locos Docos: "Show them no mercy, in the name of Lord Charles!"
Metal Man (GM): It slashes at the group, everyone.
Gibby: "Lord Pain-In-The-Ass is more like it..."
Yurie: "Uh oh..."
Gibby: "GAH!"
Yurie leaps upwards.
Metal Man and Razor and Yurie and Gibby leap above the sword...
Gibby: "Close one..."
Razor: "Whoa..."
Metal Man (GM): *BOOOM* Garrick is clearly chopped in half, then blasted into tiny bits.
Locos Docos breathes veerryy deeply.
Yurie: " know guys... they goofed... now instead of several small targets, we have one BIG target."
Garrick: "DAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" *sizzle.*
Razor: O.o
Locos Docos smiles with a cocky attitude.
Metal Man (GM): This attack drains the robot a bit, buy Garrick loses a life.
Gibby: "Easier to hit... I like it."
Razor: "DAAAMN!"
Locos Docos: "Fallen Zesters. Take this time to go into defense mode."
Gibby: "Poor Garrick..."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick's body was literally ANNIHILATED. Mostly because he was the only one hit.
Gibby: "Guys, remember that old saying, the bigger they are, the HARDER they fall?"
Yurie: "Someone scan this thing!"
Metal Man: "Bah... another burning death attack for you, big tall and rusty!" *FLAMING UPPERCUT.*
Metal Man (GM): It stands there as it takes damage again and again.
Locos Docos: "Don't think this robot can be tripped! This repaired floor is impenetrable!"
Yurie draws her Dex and scans the robot.
Dex: "ZETA Anti-Quester Mecha. It's a cross between MTA and Fallen Quester and something Robotnik made up. It can destroy normal Questers with 1-2 hits, but it is slow as can be.
Yurie: "Could you tell me how many health it has already?"
Dex: "HP: 884. This thing is easy to hit, hopefully enough so that you can kill it." ~End of Desc.~
Locos Docos: "It appears we are at a stalemate."
Yurie: "Shouldn't last to long then... Razor! Gibby! Aribar! Everyone! Begin ALPHA ATTACK PATTERN!"
Locos Docos: "We can call it a draw now and go our separate ways."
Gibby: "...What attack pattern was that again?"
Razor leans over towards Aribar. "Uhh... what's an alpha attack pattern?"
Zeta: "Correct sir."
Gibby is confused.
Aribar wakes up from... A nap... Yeah... Lets go with that...
Zeta: "Shall we eject them?"
Yurie: "Atomize Locos Painfully, Happily and Absolutely!"
Locos Docos: "..." *blushes with a straight face.*
Aribar: "Uhh... What?" *Yawn.*
Gibby: "Works for me... I suggest a Gibby-Doken!"
Locos Docos: "...Actually--" *clears throat.*
Yurie: "Unfortunately, we already used the team blast."
Locos Docos: "Certain circumstances have disabled the... ejecting functions."
Gibby: "Aww..."
Zeta: "...We could turn off that Dex jammer too."
Yurie: "But, no matter... begin the devastation." ^^
Metal Man (GM): Garrick reappears.
Locos Docos: "Steady the plan."
Zeta: "Destroy the Questers--confirm?"
Locos Docos: "Affirmative."
Garrick glances up at the huge robot thing. He spreads his feet slightly and readies himself.
Zeta: "Kill. Crush. Anti-Quester."
Aribar remembers the fight and jumps up...
Yurie: "Right... let the atomization begin..."
Garrick: "...okay, I have an idea..."
Metal Man (GM): ZETA is blocking the way to Locos completely.
Locos Docos: "Zeta! Move aside. I need no protection!"
Razor smirks. "Riiight... hmm... which to use first... Annihilate or Hellfire. I know! I'll use BOTH! DIE!" He unleashes first an Annihilate assault, followed by the four dark fireballs of a Hellfire.
Locos Docos: "From your body, anyways."
Yurie: "Razor, Hellfire! Ari, Thordain! Gibby, Blast it with Swordbrand, lightning style!, Garrik, BLAST him!"
Metal Man (GM): 6 hits.
Garrick slowly begins to walk forward, toward the robot...
ZETA: "...Garrick is in range for annihilation again. Prepare servos!"
Locos Docos: "To think, I actually thought of allying with these barbaric brutes, Zeter!"
Zeta: "Yes, they are such fools!"
Locos Docos: "No. I was the fool. To think I was so easily tricked."
Yurie whips both of her hands down, letting fly with another Double Doomsday attack on the robot.
Metal Man (GM): It is hit.
Yurie: *And another one.*
Metal Man (GM): And another hit.
Gibby taps his sword on the ground again, and this time creates a sword of lightning. He leaps at the Zeta, and slashes at it with "ICEBRAND!" twice.
Metal Man (GM): 1 hit.
Aribar dashes at the Zetabot and (stupidly) Bi-Bolt Slashes it.
Metal Man (GM): One hit for Aribar. Then one other hit.
Yurie: "Garrick! Blast that thing already!"
Razor: "Use Hellfire!"
ZETA: "I will destroy you all in no time!"
Garrick: "I've gotta a better idea..." *He glows slightly blue as his buster begins to charge, small blue balls appearing around his buster. He picks up speed, going into a full own sprint, the Pegasus Boots on his feet propelling him at insane speed. He becomes a blur as his second turn kicks in, and his body turns from blue glow to white glow as the charge goes full. He speeds at the robot, leaping into the air and growling as his right foot SLAMS into the robot. The charge from his buster shoots through his body and into his single foot, sending the entire charge into the robot and hopefully tearing it a new one.*
Yurie: "...please don't tell me he's going to..."
Locos Docos gets out a paddleball.
ZETA: "What kind of joke is this?"
Metal Man (GM): Garrick... misses... the 20 foot tall robot...
Locos Docos: "...69... 70... 71..."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick hit the shield.
Yurie: "...a feint??" o.O
Locos Docos: "...99... 100..."
Metal Man (GM): *SMASH* The shield crumples, reducing the robot's defense... The Robot's eyes go blood red.
Gibby: "Huzzah!"
Garrick backflips out of the way, showing off some unseen Martial Arts skills.
Razor: "Run Garrick! Use your scrawny little legs and run!"
Locos Docos: "Did I mention that once it gets enraged, there's no way to stop it?"
Yurie: "There is one way..."
Locos Docos: "...111... 112..."
Metal Man (GM): It swings at Garrick three times.
Yurie: "Blow it into teeny tiny itty bitty metal pieces."
Metal Man (GM): Good thing: Garrick avoids death. Bad Thing: It just cut that part of the ship off!
Razor: o.O
Yurie: "Oro?" o.o
Garrick: "Somebody want to BLOW UP THE HUGE ROBOT NOW?!?!?!?"
Zeta: "Sire, I have cut the bottom rear of the ship off!"
Gibby: "No, we WANT it to kill us..."
Locos Docos: "...You can't. This is the frickin' middle of the doomship."
Yurie: "...Um... was... that intentional?"
Razor: "..."
Locos Docos: "No..."
Razor: "Nice shot bozo..."
Aribar blinks...
Locos Docos: "That's what we call... an accident."
Gibby: "A bad one at that."
Locos Docos: "Indeed."
Metal Man (GM): The part of the doomship that was cut off is falling off slowly, while the ship itself is nearing some construction area.
Zeta: "What should we do? Let them escape?"
Deloth: "Well, this is a fine mess."
Locos Docos: "Well thanks to your clumsiness, they have a choice."
Zeta: "I guess so."
Aribar: "Lets just kill this guy already!"
Locos Docos: "To call it quits and leave us. Or foolishly try to get to me!"
Yurie: "Yeah... but why don't we get over to the other side before we FALL!!"
Razor nods. "Right... let's go! This isn't over so easily now..."
Locos Docos: "Next time do be careful."
Metal Man (GM): One can jump back onto the ship where Locos and Zeta is, however it's cramped.
Razor: "Let's go!"
Yurie: "Indeed."
Aribar dashes forward and leaps over to the other side.
Yurie dashes over to the edge and LEAPS.
Deloth runs and jumps across, using his wings for extra distance if needed.
Razor does the whole... flying... thing...^_^
Deloth: "Man, I am going to BEHEAD Locos..."
Zeta: "Unless I behead you first!"
Metal Man leaps onto the platform.
Razor crouches down on the platform. "Hey Zeta! Open WIDE! Twin HELLFIRE!" He slashes up, down, left, right, leaving waves and flames in his slicing wake.
Locos Docos: "Is there any way of reconnecting this part with the rest of the doomship!?"
ZETA: "No."
Razor: CRIT. And CRIT.
Locos Docos just shakes his head and turns his chair backwards.
Razor: 11 hits.
Metal Man (GM): The robot staggers, as Razor's attacks mercilessly break piece after piece of it. It is now on its last legs.
Locos Docos: "What the!?"
Deloth: "Should be easy to polish off."
Locos Docos turns his chair back.
Gibby taps his sword on the floor, and lightning sparks appear all over it. He then leaps at Zeta, and slashes at it with "THUNDERBRAND!"
Zeta: "Not even your... best..." *cough.* "...attack could... defeat me..."
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Gibby growls, and attempts another slash at it.
Metal Man (GM): Miss.
Locos Docos: "...This is... I feel disgusted."
Deloth: "Finish him, Yurie."
Yurie smirks, looking up at Zeta before leaping upwards and letting fly with a string of rapid-fire slashes. 2 Slice and Dices.
ZETA: "Don't worry. Even if I fail... you can summon others!"
Locos Docos just shakes his head slowly.
Metal Man (GM): All hit.
Yurie: One is a crit.
Deloth preps his wings and begins charging.
Aribar casts True Strike on his sword before launching his final Bi-Bolt slash on Zeta and Masters it! He then copies the combo and does another True Strike + Bi-Bolt Slash.
Metal Man (GM): 3 hits.
Deloth: "Good move, Ari."
Metal Man (GM): *DEATH.* It starts exploding...
Garrick: "...something tells me we should move..."
Locos Docos: "...Ohhhh no."
Aribar: "Ummm... Eep."
Zeta: "...Main power servo offline... error... matrix enungaged..."
Gibby starts to BOOK it.
Metal Man (GM): It steps forwards, then both it and Equilibrium fall off of the doomship. To its... doom...
Razor: |)00|\/|
Locos Docos: "... Welll..." *He scratches his head, being somewhat bewildered.*
Yurie: "Well, now what smarty pants?"
Aribar: "Heheheh..."
Locos Docos: "I didn't expect this."
Razor folds his arms across his chest.
Aribar looks around for a switch or something to turn off the Force Field.
Deloth smirks a bit.
Locos Docos pulls the emergency chain on his right.
Metal Man (GM): Locos's field is... well, unturnoffable. Except by Locos.
Deloth: "Uh-oh."
Locos Docos: "Hopefully this'll repair that Zeta's damage."
Razor: "'s not even on the ship anymore..."
Locos Docos: "Look, I designed this thing inch by inch. I ain't gonna lose it because of that moron's mistake!!"
Yurie: "Sure you did."
Metal Man (GM): *BLIP* Well, it did fix ZETA... but the problem is that it can't fly.
Razor: "Mmmhmm..."
Locos Docos: "..." *groan*
Metal Man (GM): Though it HAS landed and IS now chopping up Hyrule bit by bit, as Locos' sensors show.
Garrick: "That's it, who wants me to unload on this shield? I bet I can make it go down..."
Belt: "It's now or never!"
Locos Docos: "Do your best... eh?"
Belt: "Teleport back to HQ! Leave these fools to die!"
Yurie: "Break it Garrick!"
Garrick charges his buster as fast as he can. *vuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.*
Deloth: "If I could just Shadow Warp inside the force field..."
Belt: "Smithy says you've been his best soldier yet... he won't let you be killed!"
Deloth: "Good sweet Mike..."
Belt: "Oh, yeah, and you're right about to land at your base. Perhaps all of your minions could attack them now?"
Aribar: "..."
Deloth: "Ohhhh no."
Garrick: "...ummmmm... someone want to get us a warp outta here?"
Locos Docos: "Hang on, hang on."
Garrick points his buster straight at the force field.
Razor: "Hey... where's that donut-like rock?"
Belt: "And then there's Robotnik... ROBOTNIK I TELL YOU!"
Deloth: "Blow the dang thing open already!"
Locos Docos: "Hang on Questers."
Garrick: "It might reflect!"
Razor: "Hold on... let's listen."
Computer: "Power sources are at 50%, and holding."
Razor: "What is it?"
Locos Docos: "!"
Aribar: "Just shoot the damned traitor's shield!"
Locos Docos: "Yes yes! Contact Robotnik and send in a couple dozen of strong flying robots and have them repair this part back to the doomship!"
Belt: "Affirmative!"
Locos Docos: "Guys, this will take a few minutes."
Razor: "I thought you said you weren't allied with Robotnik..."
Computer: "Robotnik's Ship is approaching."
Locos Docos: "I was overzealous."
Deloth: "Just kill him already."
Locos Docos: "Well... being overzealous."
Garrick glances between the Questers and the force field in front of Locos. ", we gotta get outta here! We need to get back to the stadium! We can't handle a whole bunch of Robotnik's ships, not after that battle."
Robotnik (PA): "Well, well, I guess you need some help killing those Questers? I'll be glad to help!"
Razor: "Okay... where's that damn rock already..."
Deloth: "Okay, I say now we run."
Locos Docos: "Do you have the Roboticizer warmed up?"
Metal Man (GM): The rock is sitting on the ground.
Razor reaches down, picks up the rock, and chucks it towards Locos's head.
Robotnik(PA): "Yes... and a surprise for Razor!"
Garrick holds the charge as best he can while flipping out his Dex. "Mewtwo!"
Metal Man (GM): *BOUNCE* It bounces off of the forcefield.
Locos Docos: "Repair the ship first, then we'll deal with this."
Razor: "Damn... guess it was worth a shot..."
Deloth: "Guys, we need to beat it..."
Dex: "MTA signal is available: you may be able to flee now."
Garrick: "Call it then!"
Deloth: "MTA? Yay!"
Metal Man (GM): *RING* *MTA approaching.*
Garrick: "ETA?!"
Locos Docos: "Oh heck no you don't, bounty hunters!"
Razor: "Sounds like a plan to me..." He calls for his as well.
Metal Man (GM): *ETA: 2 minutes.*
Deloth: "But we gotta survive until it GETS here."
Garrick: "Everyone, book it now."
Deloth calls his as well.
Locos Docos pulls a chain that's at his side, a gear backwards...
Deloth: "Run!"
Yurie flips open her dex and calls her MTA as well.
Belt: "...We could let them go, kill them later?"
Garrick: "I'll handle this last bit, just get OUTTA here!"
Belt: "I mean, it did cost 1 million coins... That is, the damage they did."
Belt: "Smithy only wants to save you because he thinks you would make a good advisor."
Locos Docos: "This laser will stun all of you and transfer silence to you until this matter is done with, ya loudmouths."
Aribar tries to cast Mage Hand on one of the chains. He attempts to pull any chain downward with this 5-lbs telekinesis spell.
Metal Man (GM): Locos goes to silence and stun everyone--until Aribar rips the chain out of the socket entirely, putting it out of commission.
Deloth: "All of us can't exactly BLOODY FLY, you know."
Metal Man (GM): The MTAs arrive.
Yurie: *lots of curse words.* "FIRE ALREADY!!!!"
Deloth jumps into his MTA.
Garrick: "It's ABOUT time! FLASHBOLT!!!"
Razor takes a couple steps back and leaps in reverse into the waiting cockpit of his MTA.
Locos Docos: "This is beyond stupid now."
Aribar reluctantly leaps to his MTA and gets in...
Garrick fires off a fully charged flashbolt to blind the crap out of Locos.
Metal Man (GM): It is eaten by Locos's force field.
Computer: "Power recharged to 100%."
Deloth: "We can't leave Garrick!"
Garrick turns on his heel and makes for his MTA, leaping inside.
Yurie growls, then leaps out as well, her MTA swooping by and catching her in the cockpit.
Metal Man gets in his CAC and flies off.
Deloth activates the MTA's jets and flies away.
Locos Docos: "Just leave for now. We'll get this done with tomorrow after repairs are done."
Deloth: "Another time, Locos."
Locos Docos: "Another time, worthy adversary."
Yurie: "Tsiphone, get us OUT OF HERE!"
Razor swoops down and lifts up his MTA's large blades. He stabs upwards, seeing if he can pierce the ship's armor or not...
Locos Docos: "I'll stay in the same place for you guys!!"
Aribar hrms and gets one idea with his MTA...
Metal Man (GM): Razor's idea would be like destroying the titanic with a toothpick.
Locos Docos: "I'll even allow you to 'warp' here."
Yurie kicks Tsiphone's boosters into high gear, streamers of blue and white light trailing behind her.
Aribar attempts to use his MTA's superior strength to somehow punch a hole under the spot Locos was...
Deloth has the MTA flap its wings to increase speed.
Garrick zooms outta there as well, moving like greased lightning back toward Hyrule.
Metal Man (GM): Long story short, everyone gets back, sans Locos, who is reinforced by Robotnik.
Garrick: "FORGET Locos already!!! We gotta stop ZETA."
Deloth: "We gotta form a plan of action."
Aribar: "How will we kill Locos with that field around him?"
Aribar ignores the fact that he must... Speak... With Oak and decides to head to Q&W's shop to start this thing aaaaall over again by selling a cube... Power Hit, to be exact.
Deloth: "NO! Ari, just... don't."
G&W: "...What... where's my money from that last cube you sold?"
Razor is finally gonna drop Wave Slash... shame all of those 8 uses will go to waste... unless he could train someone who could actually do GOOD DAMAGE with it... and they can continue to learn that move with those uses...
Deloth decides to blow his cash on accessories. GREEN RING!
Aribar attempts to fix that broken claw he scavenged.
Deloth: *He buys and uses a 1-UP mushroom.*
Deloth then purchases a ????? Raccoon Leaf, not bad.
Razor just goes to the Cafeteria and begins to chug an entire carton of orange juice...
Metal Man (GM): There's bananas in it!
Aribar goes to G&W's to... Barter some more.
Metal Man (GM): In the orange juice... and the fridge...
Aribar: "G&W, I have a deal for you..."
Razor: "...what... the crap..."
Deloth followed Razor to get a swig of cola. "NIGHTMARE FRUIT!" *He slams the fridge shut.*
Razor shakes his head and just heads to his room instead...
Garrick goes a shoppin'.
G&W: "Yes?"
Aribar: "How about I sell you this broken claw for a deal... Two-thousand coins!"
Garrick buys THREE 1-up Mushrooms, eating them all.
Aribar: "A completly fixed one would probably run far over five grand."
G&W: "I'll give you 5 coins for that hunk of junk."
Metal Man (GM): Garrick gets mushroom indigestion. @_@
Garrick: "Well, it's the price to pay for a full three lives again."
Deloth walks over to G&W's. "Hey, how much would you give for this Fire Rod?" *He shows it to G&W.*
GW: "...5 coins."
Deloth: "Oh."
Yurie hums, walking out of her room with her new purchases...
Deloth buys a Rune Armlet and leaves.
G&W: "I have to pay off that debt Aribar got me into..."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Oak is wandering around with his... huge... bazooka...
Deloth pops the cubes out of his old shield, sells the shield for 5 coins, and leaves G&W's.
Metal Man (GM): I guess that money went to a good cause... kinda.
Yurie is now sporting what appears to be a wide silver band around her left wrist. Wound through her hair and trailing down the side of her ear is a blue ribbon...
Metal Man (GM): Aribar see Oak wandering around with something obviously made from the money off of yer old cube.
Deloth: "Lookin' good, Yurie."
Yurie: "Thanks. Cost a pretty penny." ^^
Deloth has a faintly glowing armlet on and a green ring on his left finger. "I love these shopping sprees."
Metal Man (GM): Oak walks to Yurie.
Deloth: "Er, nice... cannon."
Oak: "Hey, why do you need that when you have a weapon that can destroy buildings?"
Yurie: "Hey, Oak... could you take a look at something for me?"
Oak: "What's that?"
Yurie pulls out the eerie black cube..
Oak: "It can't be better than my Trillion... woah... Sure. Just hand it to me."
Yurie: "Lets get to your lab first..."
Deloth: "Eeugh, I get the willies every time I look at that thing."
Oak: .oO(I smell another trillion!)
Deloth: "Mind if I come with you?"
Oak: "I don't mind."
Metal Man (GM): Oak walks to the lab, which now looks like some lab from a PS game.
Deloth walks into the lab. "Wow, what a place."
Yurie follows him inside, then hands over the cube.
Metal Man (GM): Everything is ultra-ultra high-tech... there's even Robotnik stuff and stuff that the Questers thought Smithy only had!
Yurie: "Apparently, this is a 'Heartless' cube."
Oak: "Aribar... donated a trillion coins, you see. I'll check that right now."
Metal Man (GM): He turns on a machine.
Oak: "Just stick the cube in that slot."
Metal Man (GM): He points to a slot in a large computer.
Yurie nods, then sticks said cube into said slot.
Metal Man (GM): *BZZZZZZZZZZZT* The machine shocks it several times, then gives a printout.
Machine: '--=HEARTLESS CUBE=-- -Rarity: Legendary- -Type: Element- -Description: A cube created to spawn heartless. Thousands of them. It was made by E Gadd like the others. However, only one of these exists.- -It must be handled with the upmost care, or else it will possess the owner.- -End Statistics-'
Deloth: "My question is, where did Eggman get this thing in the first place? And why the heck would E. Gadd make a cube like this?"
Oak: "Well... I'm sure he was paid a lot. I could take it back to him and get a LOT of money, though."
Yurie: "Eh... no..." *He pulls the cube out.*
Deloth: "Don't even THINK about it."
Oak: "Or you could try it yourself and doom Nintendus. Your choice."
Yurie: "How about this: we destroy the cube."
Metal Man (GM): He shrugs like this is a matter of wheat or sourdough bread on a sandwich.
Deloth: "OR, we could just lock it away forever."
Yurie: " my, aren't we blase about it..."
Deloth: "Destroying it would probably be bad."
Oak: "Destroying it would prevent all sorts of evil, but no one would want that..."
Yurie: "...say -what-?"
Deloth: "Oak, have you been on some new allergy medicine?"
Yurie: "Look Oak... how do we destroy a cube."
Deloth: "Or are you just drunk?"
Oak: "With this handy-dandy cube compactor!"
Yurie: "I mean totally."
Metal Man (GM): Oak points to another machine that looks exactly like the one you stuck the cube in.
Oak: "Sure, you just send the compacted cube into the magma of Death Mountain. Just too bad it's controlled by Eggman..."
Deloth: "Why can't we just take it to Death Mountain in the MTA and then chuck it in?"
Oak: "I dunno... that huge Robotnik base..."
Yurie: "Are you sure this compactor thing will destroy it completely?"
Oak: "No, only enough to make it vulnerable to magma."
Deloth: "Then I fire blast it?"
Yurie: "...why don't you just use that huge deathmachine on it?"
Oak: "No, that'd activate it and kill us all. That's not magma. You need magma. Not lava."
Yurie: "...there's no difference." -.-
Oak: "Magma is inside the mountain, lava has been exposed to outside air. Magma is generally deep underground."
Yurie: "...isn't there ANOTHER volcano somewhere?"
Deloth: "Wait a minute. Underground?"
Oak: "Sorry, none that have the ideal situations. That volcano is not only magma-filled, but also holy."
Yurie: "Why can't we just shoot it into the sun or something." -.-
Deloth: "DEATH Mountain is holy?"
Yurie: "...considering it's the site of the Fire temple?"
Deloth: "Oh, yeah. That. So, how would we get to the magma if it's underground and exposing it to the air would make it lava? Dive in?" *He rolls his eyes a bit.*
Yurie: "...well..."
Deloth: "You got an answer, Yurie?"