Super Smash Quest - Story - Chapter 86: Mind-Melting Machine Melee



Date: August 24th, 26th, 27th, & 29th 2004.
Trivia: I variously GMed on a Windows 3.11 computer, considered ending SSQ after this session, and struggled with a really... er... not-so-bright would-be "Member" TheJack, all during this four day period.
Trivia 2: My 'genius' GMing involved hordes of irrelevant Locos interludes. If you're here for the actual Final Battle and not gibberish with Locos and E Li Three, CLICK HERE!
Locos Docos: "...And so, with Robotnik finally defeated, the balance of power has shifted. Metal Sonic now has control of the remaining Botniks that plague Nintendus. The Questers, seeing Robotnik caught in a vortex to another realm, believed they could breathe, but cannot realizing that Smithy now has the Master Emerald. The ultimatum: Surrender in 3 days, or be caught in eternal limbo by his doomsday device. And as for Charles L. Magellan, former Quester now turned military dictator... 189/190 of the History of War and Peace is done. That is when he'll move on to the next one."
Locos Docos has now woken up from his slumber. He stretches his arms out, lets out a yawn, and bends slightly to the left as he puts his elbow on the left armrest. He leans against the fist, pondering...
Locos Docos lets out a humongous YYYYYAAWWWWWWnnn..."Robotnik's gone, shift in power, yet without any activity, and no progress reports..." *sigh.*
Locos Docos picks up the ...*item*... and goes back to the seat and reactivate the barrier. "Hmm... Computer: Is the probe that we launched yesterday into that realm still functioning?"
Computer: "It is, but only recently, thanks to some strange device. It is reporting high levels of unstable energy, many bizarre people, and constant lightning. It also identified several Questers..."
Locos Docos: "Can you identify individuals of the humanoid figures?"
Computer: "One Hydro, what appears to be Pat, Burger, Darken, Trek, and at least 10 others."
Locos Docos: "...Hydro I can see about..."
Computer: "They live together and fight off the evil in the realm, but nothing more."
Locos Docos: "What about the bizarros?"
Computer: "There's this guy who has a constant trail of darkness, another guy with the worst hairstyle... and a clone of Tridus. There are staircases that lead into themselves."
Locos Docos: "Can you detect the traces of Robotnik, or any societies?"
Computer: "Robotnik's work is everywhere; in fact, he attached a booster device to that probe. That is why we are getting loud and clear reports. His facebase is also there... functional... If this place was opened to this world, everything as we know it would be destroyed. This was where the chaos emeralds were forged. All artifacts of raw power were made here. The lack of physics allows objects that defy physics to exist."
Locos Docos: "I don't believe this realm is where the Chaos Emeralds where existed."
Computer: "It has connections to every realm, every reality. And it has 6 dimensions within itself. It is true that the emeralds were not forged by themselves here."
Locos Docos: "Ahh, never mind. Just tell me if this place can be identified."
Computer: "It is the X-zone, land of chaos. It is also where Sonic once ventured... no... thrice... Objects from the past exist here, unbroken. It was created by a society that predates ours."
Locos Docos: "Hmmm... seems Lord Kajidoh has made a device to allow portals into the X-Zone."
Computer: "Indeed."
Locos Docos: "...This... spells trouble for some."
Computer: "He has in his hands a device made by those who made this X-zone. He procured it from a black market trader... we are unsure of who was that trader."
Locos Docos: "Last I knew, Sonic traveled in a place called 'The Void', not the X-Zone."
Computer: "He has been to them both. The void is merely an empty dimension above the X-zone."
Locos Docos: "Ixis Naugus could prove to be a powerful ally if some things come to pass... Nevertheless, our main priority is that of completing the fortress."
Computer: "It is 3/4 done. The Hyrule forces have regrouped... but Death Mountain is still under Robotnik's control. How could a robot manage an entire base, and hold off everything from SA-X2 to Ganondorf?"
Locos Docos: "Hylians can pull together under tough times. My guess is that Metal Sonic has taken over."
Computer: "It is for certain... the Questers will have to verify that later."
Locos Docos: "Computer, calculate the probability that Metal Sonic would strike against the Questers anytime soon."
Computer: "...17%."
Locos Docos: "Given an assumption that he would strike anyone, would be the probability that he would strike against Smithy?"
Computer: "Negative... he has expressed nothing against Smithy."
Locos Docos: "Finally, calculate probability that he would launch an assault on the Magellan Military. I'm concerned most about this."
Computer: "5%."
Locos Docos: "Seems he wants to keep to himself. Very well... Computer: run a level 4 diagnostics on our engine and calibrate for any anomalies within the engine core."
Computer: "Affirmative."
Locos Docos goes to complete his... book. He wonders why the cannon hasn't fired yet. "Dryer lint... caught in a cannon..." He just gives a blank stare. "A different idea... to keep them on their toes, and for us to have some entertainment, instead fire the cannon so that it just misses the HQ."
Koopa: "As you wish sir. Though I'm not sure if we're ready to take on a small army of mercenaries... I guess it won't provoke them enough yet. Ready the cannon!" *A few moments pass...* "Cannon is at 100%. We are ready to fire on your mark, Majesty."
Locos Docos: "Now then, make sure this blast looks deadly, but not kill an innocent."
Koopa: "We are aiming at 1 degree left of the headquarters. It shall only disturb them. It has been set to be unconcentrated... just to make a large explosion. Still waiting for command to open fire."
Locos Docos nods and sits up. "Begin firing sequence."
Koopa: "Affirmative."
Metal Man (GM): The front of Locos's ship lights up. It also appears out of nowhere, seeing as it was... cloaked. Suddenly, the large cannon on the front of the ship launches a HUGE green laser. It flies past the HQ a bit... hitting an area partially to its right. The explosion is like an earthquake, sending all people and objects not permanently fixed in one place onto the ground.
Locos Docos: "Reverse course 2 kilometers, Ensign. That should get their attention."
Metal Man (GM): All people inside would also see a green flash.
Koopa: "...Okay..."
Metal Man (GM): Then, the sound of engines engaging and the Doomship flying away can be heard.
Yurie: "...the heck was that??"
Metal Man (GM): The explosions unveils a stairway... then a door on the HQ... could that be the long lost entry to the shadow temple?
Gibby starts shaking and rumbling and rolling around like CRAZY when the shot is fired. He sees the green from outside, and soon gets back to his feet. "What was THAT?"
Mewtwo: "That was Locos's main cannon. He has also unveiled a door of unknown origin below the stadium. Yet it is sealed... with an ancient power. ...A people who existed before the stadium built it. ...We must strike soon, or risk a real attack from that madman..."
Yurie: "...okay. right. Let's see... evil bad guy, check. Traitor intending to obliterate us, check, mysterious backstory, check. Impending doom, check. Yep guys... looks like we're getting close to the final episode..."
Metal Man: "It isn't surprising. Just like the old days, when we ventured inside the Quester Hunter Headquarters and ousted that weirdo with the feather in his cap. Oh yeah, and Zio. Zio was much worse than these people."
Locos Docos: "Any activity by our ultimatum?"
Koopa: "No... but that glowing door is freaky."
Locos Docos: "On scanner!"
Koopa: "No... the only thing is that Smithy's doomsday machine is only 2 days away from flattening the Questers."
Locos Docos: "...Put... the door onto the scanner. Would at least do that?"
Koopa: "Sure. ...It is a seal made by the great Zio."
Yurie: "Mewtwo, question... this place wouldn't happen to have some sort of ultimate save-us-all device, would you? You know, a deus-ex-machina?"
Mewtwo: "No... you see, Wolfman did make this goop called 'Super Duper Chocolate Milk' or something..."
Yurie: "..."
Mewtwo: "But the last who tried it... died. Metal assured us it'd be bad."
Locos Docos sighs.
Yurie: "...lovely. So, we have no giant robot, no super beam cannon, no giant flying battleship..."
Mewtwo: "...Oh... right. Metal said he had some super-weapon stored in E Li Three's temple."
Locos Docos: "Power up the cannon and aim at the seal. Fire 5 seconds after it's fully charged."
Yurie: "!! Why didn't you say so in the first place!"
Mewtwo: "...Locos's cannon is aiming for us. You'll have to get it immediately."
Koopa: "Aye aye! Prepare for battle!"
Yurie: "Right. Mind turning on the loud alarms?"
Mewtwo: *sigh.* "Fine." *DANGER* *DANGER.*
Nodal wakes up.
Nodal: "Wow, that's a loud alarm."
Nodal runs to the warp room.
Koopa: "We're at 35%..."
Metal Man (GM): The warp has been set to a temple. Metal just entered it, last time Nodal checked.
Yurie smirks, picking her rapier up from beside her seat, then runs to the warp room and leaps in.
Metal Man (GM): Locos sees the smashers coming out in CACs. He's drawing heavy fire.
Locos Docos: "Keep the power flowing. I want their complete attention so we can wrap up our unfinished business."
Koopa: "Sire... we're under attack!"
Nodal gets in.
Razor is on his way there...
Metal Man (GM): *WARP.*
Locos Docos pounds on the fist. "The Questers are what I wanted!"
Metal Man (GM): The Questers have reached the temple.
Locos Docos: "Reverse course; take us back to base."
Koopa: "...The Smashers are affiliated with the Questers... yes sir!"
Locos Docos: "And hold off those pesky Smashers."
Metal Man (GM): Locos's Doomship starts flying off, pursued by CACs.
Locos Docos: "Take them out of the sky! I don't want them knowing of our location that's 4 miles southeast of their base yet!!"
Smithy (To Locos): "I will help you."
Metal Man (GM): Several of Smithy's invincible helicopters warp in, and the CAC's either are shot down or flee.
Smithy (To Locos): "They will not bother you again."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, the Questers see one huge cannon... literally huge-sized... behind glass.
Metal Man: "Hmmm... how did I seal this in here again?"
Yurie: "...that... is one big gun..."
Metal Man: "All those clues... but for naught against the glass..."
Locos Docos: "I thank the man that helped me. Now let's head back to base."
Nodal: "...We've always had this?"
Koopa: "Yes sir."
Metal Man: "I have. I have had a long history, as Nodal and Aribar could attest. This is but one of my ultimate items." *He pokes it with the map locater, ticket, you-name it, and the glass does not open.* "I wonder what Mecha Hexadeximal Access meant..."
Nodal: "Wanna try a glass cutter?"
Metal Man: "It's not ordinary glass, you know. See?" *Punches it, and the glass shatters.* "..."
Nodal: "...Metal you're horrible."
Deloth: "Well, that was easy."
Metal Man: "...Wait... no... that means something else..."
Metal Man (GM): A door opens to the right of the room.
Deloth walks up next to Metal.
E Li Three: "Well Well, you have broken into MY storeroom."
Yurie: "...The heck?"
Deloth: "Not another Fallen..."
E Li Three: "Now then, please step away."
Deloth takes out his katana.
E Li Three: "Fallen Quester? HAH! I am above Questers, Metal Man, all of it. Not even the Maverick Virus can compare to my wrath."
Deloth: "Egomaniac creep."
E Li Three: "Just try me."
Nodal agrees.
Metal Man (GM): This person is a guy in a black military shirt and pants, with wild black hair... and black irises...
Deloth: "Slash or dash, guys?"
Yurie: "Ahem... no. That's E-Li-Three."
E Li Three: "Now, the catch to obtaining the Deathmachine is simple. You must defeat me."
Yurie: "...Deathmachine? ...appropriate name..."
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three points to the huge cannon, which disappears.
Deloth remembers what happened the last time he chickened out.
Metal Man: "...Great... we should have looked for the last clue..."
Nodal: "Want to send me back to look for the clue?"
E Li Three: "Now, I will let any of you hit me. I will make no attempt to defend myself."
Metal Man: "Too late... eheh..."
Deloth: "What's the catch?"
E Li Three: "Just try to damage me, and you'll see. If you otherwise try the conditioned nonviolence aspect, I shall destroy you myself."
Yurie: "...He's either going to throw everything we throw at him back at us..."
E Li Three: "So there is no escape."
Metal Man (GM): He draws... a very glitchified object.
Nodal: "Oh god!"
E Li Three: "This mass of glitched blocks is invincible."
Nodal: "We need a computer programmer here, stat."
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three snaps his fingers, and it morphs into a pure black light saber. E Li Three walks towards Deloth.
Yurie: "...the Glitch I assume?"
Deloth: "Eh..."
E Li Three: "Sure, if you want to call it that."
Deloth steps away from E Li.
E Li Three: "Deloth. Attack me now, or I shall attack first."
Deloth: "I hate it when there's no choice... Fine." He runs up to E Li and slashes him in the gut with his katana.
Metal Man (GM): It goes through his gut.
E Li Three: "I am but a hologram."
Deloth: "What the heck..."
Nodal: "Yup, a programmer is what we need."
E Li Three: "Now, I shall demonstrate... on the wall over there."
Metal Man (GM): He rises up, and slashes at the wall. The ground is torn up in a wave, and the ground is torn up in a fan-shape. It is embedded into the wall, leaving nothing but dust where that ebony floor tile was. He never physically touched the wall or the floor either.
Deloth: "OH MY *beep.*"
Yurie: "...this entire area is a hologram..."
E Li Three: "Very close... but not quite. I have complete control of the ground, physical elements... But only here. That is why I am not conqueror of Nintendus."
Yurie: "Outside of this house, you're mortal."
E Li Three: "Much worse, actually. I cannot exist... except inside electronics. Or using Tridus's body. Now then, think fast, or not at all."
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three stabs the light saber into the ground, causing a shockwave.
Yurie looks around the room quickly... she acks, then leaps upwards over the shockwave.
Deloth jumps and starts flying to dodge the shockwave.
Nodal jumps up.
Razor hops quickly off the ground.
Deloth snatches Nodal by the wrist as he flies up.
E Li Three: "At least you can think with your feet."
Deloth lands and lets go of Nodal.
E Li Three: "I was afraid you were going to be like those idiots from 1000 years ago..."
Yurie: "Riddle me this E-Li-Three, did you ever exist in the first place?" *She lands beside one of the walls of the room, leaning against it.*
E Li Three: "I existed ever since Metal did. The problem? Metal exists everywhere. So, technically, I am immortal. I was created with the beginning of the universe."
Deloth: "So, you're the son of Satan."
Yurie: "...yeah, way to go Deloth..."
E Li Three: "There is no Satan, God, or any such thing... wait... except Metal Sonic. Do you question his existence?"
Razor: "Hmm... if you've existed for so long... are you really a hologram? Or perhaps you once lived?"
E Li Three: "I don't know... Good point, though."
Yurie: "Why don't we test it. Razor, resurrection."
Razor rubs his chin. "Do you think it's worth a shot?"
Nodal: "Do you have a better plan?"
E Li Three: "It's a better plan than trying to riddle me to death. For my true riddle is if there is a such thing as existence."
Razor nods and holds out one of his blades, which is slowly surrounded by a white aura. "Time to find out... Resurrection!" The light seems to flow from the blade and surround E Li Three...
Nodal: "Can't we just make him find Pi or something?"
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three is hit by the light. ...It fades. Now there's two of him.
Deloth: "Nice plan."
Nodal: "That's it lets go with the Pi plan."
Metal Man (GM): John appear in the all-black/silver/gray room with the Questers. The two holograms are menacing the Questers.
Locos Docos: "Has the base finally been constructed? I cannot wait any longer for them to come and see the "Magellan Tower."
Koopa: "Yes sir!"
Razor: "..." >.>
John: "..." He glances around at the Questers, the holograms, and his surroundings real quick, getting a bearing on his surroundings...
Deloth swallows. This is not going well.
E Li Three: "Now now, that's fun. Look at me!" *he dances with himself.*
Razor: "...well... I'm confused..."
Yurie: "...can't you just give us the Deathmachine, nicely?"
E Li Three: "No... though... that gives me a great idea."
John raises an eyebrow as he watches the... dancing holograms.
Nodal: "We promise we'll say thank you."
Yurie: "'re not going to..."
Metal Man (GM): One of them pulls out the Deathmachine and points it at Yurie.
Yurie: "...shit."
Nodal: "Hey Yurie... fly away?"
E Li Three: "Using one's words against themself is too easy."
Nodal: "Metal... please tell me you need a key to work that thing!"
Locos Docos: "Fabulous, now they can meet me at the top of the tower. warp me and my platform to the top of it."
Metal Man: "I dunno... I'm busy trying to re-establish the warp connection."
Metal Man (GM): Locos is warped to the top of his tower, with his floating chair and devices.
Deloth: "Hurry it up, Metal!"
Yurie: "'re bluffing."
John glances to Yurie. "Watch yourself..."
Yurie: "It's simple. If you fire that Deathmachine at me, you'll hit me, sure, but you'll also bust a hole in the wall big enough to push a planet throught."
Nodal: "Yurie, don't antagonize the Holograms."
E Li Three: "True."
Yurie: "You'll -also- cut a hole in the little field you exist in, destabilizing it, causing you to cease to exist."
E Li Three: "Nah. Who said this field was like water? It is an ongoing magical generation."
Yurie: "Who said it -wasn't-?"
John: "Hmm..." He starts walking toward the holograms...
Yurie: "The rules of magic are mutable and changeable. that's what separates it from the Cube system."
Metal Man (GM): E Li Three looks at John.
E Li Three: "You have come to try an attack on me, no?"
John: "No, I haven't... I'd actually prefer to converse with you..." He steps closer, right up to him if allowed... *He offers his hand for a handshake..*
E Li Three: "...Okay..."
Metal Man (GM): He extends his hand.
John goes to shake E Li's hand. "You can call me John..." He glances at the others. "Stand down for a moment, guys..."
Deloth backs away, still in battle stance.
Metal Man (GM): His hand glows kinda. It feels like a really sticky substance... then John feels a metallic hand under the hologram.
John turns to the second hologram and goes to shake his hand as well.
Metal Man (GM): ...This thing has hands that are more magical. Still solid, but made out of a different substance... wait... that's Razor's life magic in there.
Yurie: "...figures. We're so obsessed with fighting opponents that sometimes... we forget that sometimes diplomacy is better than the sword."
Deloth: "True."
E Li Three: "An important thing to know, seeing how your predecessors died fighting me..."
John nods a bit to Yurie. "Indeed..." He looks to the first E Li. "So tell me, what seems to be the conflict, here...?"
E Li Three: "They wish to acquire the great Deathmachine and related weapons. I cannot give it to them without a test... they must discover how to defeat me."
Yurie: "Right now, the stadium is a tad defenseless. Even Mewtwo's psisheild isn't going to hold forever."
John: "Mm-hmm..." He nods a bit...
Yurie: "Even now, Smithy and Locos are gathering their forces..."
Nodal: "Can you give us a hint on how to defeat you please?"
John: "You obviously cannot be beaten by force while in here..."
E Li Three: "What about me? How should I know you won't destroy this place with the Deathmachine?"
Nodal: "We promise?"
John: "Good question..." He starts slowly walking around...
Nodal: "Besides to use the Deathmachine on here we'd have to be here then we and the Deathmachine would die too."
Locos Docos awaits the final showdown with the "Bounty hunters." At the top of Magellan Tower. The tower towers at an astounding 99 stories high upon a plateau. The base around it is guarded by all of the Magellan Military, equipped with launchers, tanks, and the helicopters that Smithy flew in about 20 minutes ago. There is also electrified fencing surrounding it, but a big entrance that is open at the front. "Ten floors to just dedicating the force field around the tower so it won't easily collapse." *He admires it by himself.*
Yurie: "Well... what reason would we have to use it on you?"
John walks a bit away from the E Li's, and looks at them both... He then glances at Yurie...
E Li Three: "I don't know, perhaps to steal the other weapons."
Yurie: "Ah-hah..."
Nodal: "Couldn't you just give it all to us so there would be no reason?"
Yurie: "And you think Smithy and Locos WON'T try to atomize you?"
Deloth: "Nodal, shut up."
E Li Three: "They come near here, I can kill them. The Deathmachine could destroy the Master Egg in a matter of seconds."
Yurie: "...then why not use it?"
E Li Three: "They're too far away. I can't let it leave these grounds without a special guard."
Yurie: "It's really rather simple: you destroy the bad people and save Nintendus. You get all the glory, and the people love you. You gain the people's admiration, and thus, you gain control of Nintendus."
E Li Three: "So I get to control all of Nintendus?"
Metal Man (GM): John slips out through the shadows.
E Li Three: "Okay... I'll give you it... IF I get to control all of Nintendus."
Editor's Note: This session inexplicably cuts out here. I guess they got the Deathmachine?
Locos Docos breathes a sigh through his nose. "..." *yawn.* "An occasional flicking of the cards... nothing but sitting behind this force field for no reason whatsoever... I don't get it. I'm sitting in a tower that's almost 100 stories tall that is on a secret floating land mass (given an opportunity), command three separate armies into one giant military... yet... I'm bored." *He lets out more disappointment.* "As much as I hate to admit it... I kinda miss those Questers. Without them, this current lifestyle is as boring as public television at 1 in the morning." *He flicks the ace of spades of the deck with a hard left hand so it sticks into a wall by one corner. It would stay there for several minutes before coming out.* "Now I understand why I loathe and miss them at the same time. It's because I don't have any enjoyment here... it's like... without them: life as a Magellan Military madman... is fruitless. I don't mean to harm those who are innocent bystanders; I only shot so I could get their attention. But no. They had to send the SMASHERS after me!!" *He throws a card so hard, it goes through the floor... and the floor is repaired seconds later.*
Locos Docos wipes his eye clean. "It feels like when they're around for some reason... I don't feel alone. All I have here is nothing more than emotionless machines and mindless Koopa troops. "I could crush them in an instant if I had to... Yet... something... holds me back." *He scratches his chin out of curiosity.* "Why do I feel this way... hhhmmmmmmmm... Defeating them with a good plan just seems more tasteful than just destroying them on the spot... like Smithy or Robotnik would. It's like... I remember... actually remember... being..allies?! No no no no no no!! That can't be right... they have a bounty on my head!" *He is filled with confidence again.* "My mind is made up. The final showdown will be in this room, right here. They want me dead so badly, then they have to come here personally and get the $100,000,000 the hard way! Maybe... just keep one alive." *He falls silent for 18 seconds, looks to the left and right slowly, and turns a slight pinkish-red in the cheeks.* "To keep the legacy alive!! Yea..." *blushes fully.* "...we'll say that."
Yurie sits up in bed, in the HQ, in a cold sweat...
Locos Docos looks to his dex, knowing now that after the call from the one-armed elf, he severed all connections from the Questers so he couldn't be bothered.
Yurie: "...why do I suddenly have a cold sensation going down my spine..."
Locos Docos puts it away in his pocket. He begins to meditate again.
Yurie grumbles, then climbs out of her bed, in her night-gown and heads down to the cafeteria. "...sheesh... the lights are still on. Who else would be up at this time of night..."
Metal Man (GM): There's a gathering shadow in one of the corners...
Yurie: >.> *Her hand goes for her sword... which is still in the corner...* "...baka..."
Shadow: "Hello, Yurie. I have come on behalf of my... peers."
Yurie: "Your peers. And they would be?"
Shadow: "Let's see. Ganondorf, The Heartless, Metal Sonic, Zio, the Shadow Questers, Shadow Link, a whole lot of others."
Yurie: "...lovely. and you would be? Mister Shadow?"
Shadow: "I am of no importance."
Yurie: "Right. So, what do you want."
Shadow: "Locos is a group problem to us all. He is who we need to unlock the Shadow Temple. But he is on the side of Smithy... one of the few who resist our control."
Yurie: "Ok... and lemme guess, you want him to unlock it."
Shadow: "Yes. You'd get him back as a friend, too. You see, he's insane as of the moment. He is mad with power."
Yurie: "Thank you for stating the obvious."
Shadow: "I have a solution, although abrupt, to this."
Yurie: "Uh-huh."
Shadow: "While Smithy may be difficult to defeat... Locos is not. His forcefield sends things to the X-zone, right? ...Welll..." *Creepy otherworld inhuman evil laugh.* "If you send one of our own objects from the X-zone... into that... It would disable the device, and end up trapping him, helpless."
Yurie: "..."
Shadow: "The object would also be returned... you see, that cube you guys stole from the Space Pirates is from here. Send that into his force field via a special attack."
Yurie: "...the black cube..."
Shadow: "Both of them, yes. The black one, as well as the bronze one."
Metal Man (GM): He pulls out a huge bronze cube.
Yurie: "..."
Shadow: "Metal left it on a desk."
Yurie: "And what's in it for you?"
Shadow: "The Shadow Temple is opened."
Yurie: "And you're let out."
Shadow: "...No, not me. I am not a soul, even."
Yurie: "You're a sending."
Shadow: "Yes... my peers would be most delighted, though."
Yurie: "As well as your master?"
Shadow: "I have no master. I am the source of their power... but mindless, I am what darkness happens to be."
Yurie: "..."
Shadow: "I could take over your body, any body I wanted, but there is a problem with that. Then I would link your thoughts to the dark, and we would have no secrets. That is why I have to beg for your help. Wolfman is also entrapped in the Shadow Temple. He was warped there by... himself... before he could kill anything. And I thought SIGMA was a lunatic..."
Yurie: "..."
Shadow: "Now then. Be good person and free Locos. There are many benefits to helping yourself."
Yurie: "And more benefits to helping you. By removing one threat, we let loose another."
Metal Man (GM): The Shadow displays a variety of objects, formed out of nowhere, on a floating platter.
Shadow: "I can give you anything you want..."
Yurie: " know, that offer might have worked on my father, but not on me. After all, I'm not a pirate like he is."
Shadow: "Infinite power, infinite wisdom... a pity Robotnik had to choose intelligence but forget wisdom... True. However, how much do you value your life? If you don't ally with us, we will destroy you soon enough."
Yurie: "But therein lies the crux. you can't leave the temple."
Razor had his feet kicked up and was simply relaxing in his bed... he shudders slightly... that was the same thing he'd felt... what seemed like ages ago.
Shadow: "I can't, but... HE can."
Yurie: "...he?"
Shadow: "Zio. A master of darkness, but of course, like the others, my slave. He died thinking he could control me. All that is left is the perfect vehicle for destroying this world. Mindless hatred."
Yurie: "...You're Profound Darkness..."
Shadow: "He was an incarnation of I. He died. But yes, I am just that. The darkness personified. Both slave and master to all that exists for darkness."
Locos Docos feels severe hot and chill at the same time, but it is only felt in a split second. No sweat... no shiver.
Yurie: "Are you about done?"
Shadow: "Not quite. You must agree... or I will be forced to use all of my power in this world to eliminate you. It has been a low ebb, but enough to eliminate you from existence entirely. The others will never know you're gone... or that you existed. Sure, a time of peace and happiness would follow, but your destruction would allow myself to stay intact when I regenerate. That and who said the light doesn't fight with itself? ...It appears there has been a change in plans. I will have to control Locos myself. However, I'm not done. I must leave you... a present." *More evil laughing.*
Metal Man (GM): The Shadow points at the floor, in which a black box appears.
Shadow: "That is Pandora's box. Open it at your own risk."
Metal Man (GM): He disappears. The lights flash once, but nothing else.
Yurie: "..."
Metal Man (GM): The box is solid, and it's very plain. It has a simple latch lock on it.
Yurie looks around, then pinches her arm gently, then waves a hand in front of her face...
Metal Man (GM): Like any true box, it's... very plain, though one has no clue what's inside.
Yurie: "...okay... apparently, I wasn't dreaming... and I haven't been drinking anything recently, so..."
Metal Man (GM): Dark Energy pools in front of Locos' throne.
Koopa: "Sire! There's been an influx of dark energy!"
Locos Docos: "!!! ... Is there anything you can do?"
Koopa: "No... you will have Smithy's aid in dealing with it... that's it."
Shadow: "...You cannot just avoid me, Locos."
Locos Docos sits up straight.
Shadow: "You have been using my power, and now I want a favor."
Yurie leans down and picks up the box, then shakes it...
Metal Man (GM): The box makes a rattling sound, like it's got some glass or metallic object inside.
Locos Docos: "I know Lord Kajidoh still doesn't know of your presence. And what do you mean using 'your power'?"
Shadow: "He is ignorant to my existence, and uses all his power to block me from his lair. All evil is mine. I am both your slave and master."
Locos Docos: "Your riddle bothers me. What favor do I owe? And what power?"
Shadow: "All of this."
Metal Man (GM): Suddenly, everything but Locos's chair shuts down in Locos's base and Doomship. The ship is on the ground, luckily.
Locos Docos: "I'm trying to uncover as much of the Shadow Temple as I can."
Shadow: "You must unlock the Shadow Temple."
Locos Docos: "!?!?"
Shadow: "Or I unplug your devices for real."
Locos Docos: "...You know I can't be your puppet for much longer. Eventually, this withdrawal will be over and I'll be able to back to my normal self."
Shadow: "I win both ways. As a Quester, you will have to unlock the door."
Locos Docos is speaking... not Charles L. Magellan.
Shadow: "As my slave, you would be forced to unlock it."
Locos Docos pounds his fist. "ENOUGH OF YOUR TALK OF THE DARK SIDE."
Metal Man (GM): The Shadow recoils a bit.
Locos Docos: "Just tell me what happens if I refuse to be your slave."
Shadow: "Then you lose all of your dark powers."
Locos Docos: "I have only technology by my side, dark one."
Shadow: "Who said I can't turn technology on and off?"
Locos Docos: "What dark powers could you be talking about?" *He closes his eyes and opens them.* "...Touche."
Shadow: "Unless Metal Sonic is on your side... and right now he's asleep in his satellite around the Sun."
Locos Docos: "First off, Metal Sonic can sleep for all I care."
Shadow: "The powers are simple. Smithy created this using my power."
Locos Docos: "...You lie."
Shadow: "I cannot cut off any true evil one from using me... only attempt to control them. He has, so far, bested me. But like Zio, he will break eventually."
Locos Docos: "Darkness this, and evil that. ...!! You must be... of the Heartless!"
Shadow: "I am their ruler."
Locos Docos gulps nervously. "Soo... every evil that's come here recently..."
Shadow: "Most of them are my slaves."
Locos Docos: "Pawns..."
Shadow: "Those who aren't are either weak like Bowser, or dead like Zio."
Locos Docos gives the Shadow a cold stare.
Shadow: "Of course, you have those Quester protections. So if you went back to them, it'd be like same ol' same ol'."
Locos Docos: "...So! It was you that gave me that poison..."
Shadow: "Sure. Robotnik made it at my command."
Locos Docos: "...Me as your pawn as well..."
Shadow: "My servants hid it throughout the stadium."
Locos Docos: "So you studied that Lunarians have a special withdrawal problem from this specific poison... that causes them to be drunk at first, then be military dictators!! Believe me, once they defeat this withdrawal side of me, I'll tell them of your sick plan."
Shadow: "Go ahead. By then, Smithy will be dead, and I will rule again."
Locos Docos: "Wait... how is this even possible that I'm temporarily conscious?"
Shadow: "Probably my presence. It brings out weird sides of people. Except E Li Three... he tried to kill me on first sight. My right shoulder now has a nice notch in it."
Locos Docos: "...If I could move from this spot... I would strike. ...The banana man... what role does he play in this twisted game of yours? I swear, if you even so much as lay a hand on him...!"
Shadow: "He is too strong. He is on the level of my power... alone. He is from another world."
Locos Docos gives the Shadow an angry stern stare.
Shadow: "He has puzzles that would puzzle me."
Locos Docos breathes a sigh of relief.
Shadow: "Stay away from him... being an alien thing, he could destroy us all."
Locos Docos: "He ejected me because I was too annoying for even him... eventually, you'll do the same to me."
Shadow: "Perhaps... but not before I have used the secrets I learned about the Questers from you."
Locos Docos: "...But... I never said any secrets."
Shadow: "I can read the minds of followers."
Locos Docos: "Blllaassst! Yet, I am not a pawn of yours... technically."
Shadow: "Smithy's insolence, though, prevents you from doing the same like it usually goes."
Locos Docos: "Leave me be. I'd rather be restricted from my dictator side than have to converse with dark scum like you... Prince Heartless."
Shadow: "Very well... though custom dictates I give you a present."
Locos Docos: "Mmm... true... I can't look a gift horse in the mouth."
Shadow: "I give you... a perpetual motion machine."
Metal Man (GM): Such a thing appears on the floor in front of Locos.
Shadow: "It has infinite power, and if you wish to be on my side, will power everything. But once you set it in motion, you cannot escape my control until a Quester or otherwise turns it off."
Locos Docos: "Pfft... Though I thank you for the gift and must accept it, it doesn't mean I have to use it."
Shadow: "Indeed. That is up to you and your dictator side."
Locos Docos: "Now... go away from my sight... before I am further disgusted."
Shadow: "I must depart. Good luck DESTROYING the Questers."
Metal Man (GM): It disappears.
Locos Docos: "Quick! Seal it away, servant! Never tell me of what it does!!" *He feels numbness all over his body.* "...The withdrawal... is coming... back... Se..servant... please... doo..this... for ...Charles... L.Ma..g..g.ggelan..." *He collapses in his chair, and is all tuckered out.*
Koopa: "Yes?"
Locos Docos is now sound asleep.
Koopa: "...Eh. Good night, sir."
Editor's Note: ...398 lines, and all I got was a bunch of soon-disproved notions that Locos would get better and Yurie had given the world to E Li Three. What a rip!
Metal Man (GM): The Group's at HQ. The Dexes start beeping.
Deloth takes out his Dex and checks it out.
Dex: "Smithy's doomsday device is powering up."
Aribar wakes up from a trance in the corner and checks his Dex.
Dex: "There is no time to be lost. You must go to the top of Exor and destroy the controls."
Deloth: "Oh, man..."
Garrick steps out of the holo room, having been training like usual as he checks his dex. "...meh, simple enough."
Deloth unsheathes his katana.
Dex: "Proceed to the ruins of Toad Town Immediately."
Deloth: "Let's go."
Metal Man (GM): Meanwhile, Locos would be receiving multiple warnings of interdimensional activity.
Editor's Note: No! Stop involving Locos in things! He already got 398 lines, you moron!
Garrick heads for the docking bay and his MTA.
Dex: "You don't need an MTA. It's a short walk."
Koopa: "Sir! Smithy has begun to charge his device!"
Razor would make his way out of his room. "Stupid thing... I suppose it's time we ended this then..."
Deloth heads out the door and starts running towards Toad Town.
Metal Man (GM): The path is simple. Straight out the door. Deloth would notice a whole lot of weird orbs flying around Exor.
Garrick shrugs again and just walks on out then.
Deloth: "What the heck are those..."
Metal Man (GM): A HUGE beam of light is beamed up from Exor into the sky. At the bottom of Exor's tip is a pair of doors. They're open.
Aribar prepares himself... He has on a mantle, Robe of Lords, with cubes near this shoulder... Cubes for Terrorbolt. On his belt is sheathed his sword, Mage Masher. The mage attempts to adjust the bangle on his arm while heading to his MTA.
Deloth shakes his head and runs inside Exor.
Garrick: "Damn it, Deloth, get BACK here!"
Metal Man (GM): Deloth reach the inside of Exor. There's an endless factory in here, like some sort of other world. Garrick appears behind him.
Deloth: "Glad you could join me."
Metal Man (GM): There are machines aplenty, and the way to a large amount of stairs is full of random robots.
Garrick grabs Deloth by the back of his shirt. "Maybe it would be proper to WAIT for the others? Hmm?"
Deloth: "Shall we smash?"
Metal Man (GM): They're all mecha koopas.
Mechakoop: "Intruder. Attack!"
Razor heads out of the HQ, sliding out his blades. He takes wing once he gets outside, moving to meet the others.
Deloth: "When there is a doomsday device charging, you take immediate action."
Metal Man (GM): Aribar gets to his MTA.
Garrick: "Oh, shut up..." *vuuuuUUUUUUUU.*
Metal Man (GM): A row of 5 mechakoopas march towards Deloth and Garrick.
Aribar heads towards Exor in it.
MechaKoopas: "Halt. Intruders. Halt."
Deloth Shadow Warps from Garrick's grasp and gets into a battle stance.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar gets to the door with Razor. The 5 Mechakoopas don't look very tough. They're more of an obstacle.
Garrick brings up his buster, having already charged halfway and filling the rest of the charge to full. He just shakes his head and lets out a huge Fork Short at four of them, hopefully blasting them into oblivion.
Metal Man (GM): *BAM* They explode.
Deloth: "Heh."
Aribar slows down his MTA and lands on the ground before attempting walk forward, careful not to crush the others, and attempting to smash them all with one swing of his--Nevermind.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar smashes the remaining one. The way up is clear.
Deloth walks forward and through the formerly-guarded door.
Metal Man (GM): There's no door, just stairs. A large machine can be heard turning on.
Deloth walks up the stairs.
Dex: "T-minus 15 minutes until activation."
Deloth: "C'mon, there's not much time!"
Aribar attempts to walk through with his MTA... Heh.
Deloth starts running up the stairs.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar manages to get up, the stairs are huge-sized.
Razor just flies up the stairs.
Metal Man (GM): The Questers arrive at the very top.
Deloth looks around.
Metal Man (GM): The MTA can't go any further. This is the top of Exor.
Aribar: *Follows the others on foot.*
Deloth: "All too easy."
Metal Man (GM): The Questers can actually see out the eye. There's a huge throne room, and one large computer is counting down. It's... empty.
Aribar: "Iiiiiiiii don't like this."
Metal Man (GM): The lights flicker, you hear the wind blow. The tower bends a little, then bends back.
Computer: "10 minutes until activation."
Deloth: "Well, this is not good. Oh, *bleep.*"
Metal Man (GM): It shows some sort of black-hole like structure, and is materializing it bit by bit on a screen.
Deloth: "What are we gonna do?!"
Aribar: "I could try to disable it... But it is probably too complex..."
Metal Man (GM): In the center is... headquarters...
Deloth: "HQ!!! Dangit, how do we stop this crazy thing?"
Aribar heads towards the computer...
Yurie: *SLAM!!* *She pants, slamming the doors to the throne room shut as she rushes in, her blade out...*
Garrick: "Took ya long enough."
Computer: "9 minutes until complete warp."
Yurie: "Oh shut up..."
Deloth: "No, no, no..."
Garrick: "Well, this doesn't look good, does it?"
Razor: "Aribar, hurry up and shut this thing off!"
Yurie: "Well... we still have our trump card... the Deathmachine."
Aribar: "... You trust the elf with the shiny things of destruction?!"
Deloth: "Or redirect it, just do SOMETHING!"
Computer: "8 minutes..."
Deloth: "And FAST!"
Yurie: "Yes, we do, now get ON WITH IT!!" *He opens up her Dex, tapping a few buttons.*
Dex: "Yes?"
Yurie: "Metal, how're things coming with the Deathmachine."
Metal Man: "I'm coming, I'm coming." *He walks in, hefting the huge weapon.*
Aribar attempts to disable it the ooooold fashion way. "Control, Alt, Delete!!"
Computer: "TWO MINUTES."
Yurie: " IDIOT!!"
Deloth: "ARI!"
Aribar: "... Ummm..."
Metal Man: "Hmmmm... how am I supposed to destroy a machine that isn't here..."
Yurie flails.
Metal Man: "It appears destroying this terminal would just speed up our flashy, multicolored death."
Deloth strangles Ari.
Metal Man: "However..."
Aribar: "GAAH!"
Garrick ponders, then walks straight up to the machine, looks... looks... looooooks... then pulls out the plug.
Metal Man (GM): It turns off.
Metal Man: "...Or that..."
Deloth: *sweatdrop.*
Razor: "..."
Deloth: "Offfff course..."
Metal Man (GM): Suddenly, a humming noise is heard.
Garrick: "See, if you guys would just calm down and don't rush, things would get accomplished."
Deloth: "Uh-oh."
Metal Man (GM): *ZZZZZMMMMMM* The console EXPLODES.
Razor: "..."
Deloth: "YAHH!"
Metal Man (GM): And out of it comes... Smithy.
Deloth jumps away from the console.
Aribar attempts to crawl away from Deloth and blinks at Smithy when the machine comes out...
Deloth: "Oh, just wonderful."
Smithy: "Welcome to my home. I believe you must have had fun with my... deceptive... console."
Yurie leaps away, brandishing her sword and growling.
Aribar: "Ummm... 'allo..."
Smithy: "Congratulations."
Razor: "...!"
Smithy: "You have defeated my minions. You have broken my traps."
Deloth decides to let Ari go with some minor bruises and takes out his katana.
Smithy: "You even defeated some of my enemies! You have won... a most horrible death."
Yurie: "...Metal? Blam this POS."
Aribar stands up and unsheathes his sword. The elf holds the Mage Masher in a defensive stance and begins backing up behind the others.
Garrick: "Yeah, shut him up already..."
Metal Man: "Whatever you say." *presses button.* *CLICK.* "...It's jammed!"
Garrick: *anime fall.*
Yurie: " can the most powerful cannon in the world be JAMMED?!"
Metal Man: "...I'm going to have to repair it right now... you guys hold him off!"
Smithy: "That would be my plan. I am the master of weapons... your own weapon is worthless against me!"
Deloth: "Easy for you to say!"
Garrick gets back to his senses, shakes himself off and looks back to Smithy.
Metal Man (GM): Smithy's right arm suddenly is filled with cubes.
Smithy: "I can defeat you with only ONE ARM!"
Razor smirks and lifts his blades, giving them a quick twirl. "Works for me... let's dance."
Metal Man (GM): He stands back, and his arm floats off of his body.
Yurie: "No way..."
Deloth: "Oh boy. Cubes for us to smash and steal."
Metal Man (GM): It then faces Razor, and charges. Before he can even blink, he's sent back into a wall by an invisible force.
Yurie: "...guys... if... all of those cubes are combined..."
Deloth: "I get your point."
Aribar: "... THAT IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!! Or something..." *Points to his non-existent right arm.*
Razor slams back with a sharp crack. "Gah..."
Smithy: "You can't stop me. Copyright is nothing compared to the power of WEAPONS!"
Yurie: "Want to bet?"
Metal Man (GM): It then spins, and Aribar is suddenly on fire.
Deloth casts Divine Cure on Razor.
Metal Man (GM): Razor is healed.
Yurie snaps her fingers, invoking Hastega, then reinvoking it on Razor and Garrick.
Deloth: "Stop, drop and roll!"
Metal Man (GM): Razor and Garrick are sped up.
Aribar: "GAAAH!" *Stops, drops, and rolls.*
Yurie: "Guys, get that arm!!"
Smithy: "Now then... just try to damage me! Your pathetic weapons don't stand a chance!"
Deloth growls and Shadow Warps to the arm, slashing it twice before warping back.
Metal Man (GM): *CLANG CLANG* No damage.
Deloth: "Grr..."
Metal Man (GM): It seems immune to physical attacks. For Deloth hit a shiny green barrier.
Smithy: "Ha ha ha! See?"
Deloth puts his katana away and readies his Fire Rod.
Garrick runs to the left at INSANE speed, bringing his hand up and pelting the arm with Fire Balls.
Metal Man (GM): *BAM BAM BAM.*
Smithy: "ARGH! Not that despicable MAGIC!"
Razor pushes himself up from the ground, his motions becoming quick and blurred as for him, time seems to slow down. He lunges forward and charges his blades before swiping them, releasing an INTENSE series of Apocalypse Strike attacks.
Metal Man (GM): The arm flies into the wall, pelted with attacks. Some of the cubes burst/explode.
Smithy: "That's it, I'm using all my power now!" It spins, causing chain lightning to zap everyone.
Deloth: "Pop goes the cubes!"
Yurie eeps and leaps out of the way of the lightning.
Deloth gets hit in the arm by the lightning. "Aich!"
Smithy: "Hahahahahaha... now to make this battle even more difficult!"
Garrick ducks under the shot, charging his buster.
Deloth cures himself while Smithy's talking.
Aribar eventually puts the fire out although his mantle is now singed. As soon as he gets up the elf is zapped by lightning and is barely effected at all. "Hah! You call that lightning? Try this! Nizzre' B'luthel!" A bolt of lightning appears at the tip of his sword and zigzags straight towards Smithy's arm.
Razor clenches his teeth as the shock runs through his system, causing his hair to stand on end. He snaps his limbs out suddenly to disperse the electricity, and resumes his battle position, not looking too injured from the attack.
Metal Man (GM): *BZAP* Aribar catches him off guard. *BAM* Another cube explodes.
Deloth: "Yes!"
Yurie: "Now, to follow it up with this!!"
Aribar: "Never underestimate a Jentanian Wizard!"
Smithy: "Curse you and your vile electricity!"
Deloth gets his rod ready to shoot.
Yurie swings her arms upwards, then whipping them about before slamming them downwards. Three clouds of energy form above the arm, then slam DOWNWARDS in a string of Doomsday attacks onto the arm.
Metal Man (GM): Smithy's remaining 6 cubes are blasted off. The arm spins around a little bit, then explodes.
Deloth blasts Smithy with a few fireballs for good measure.
Smithy: "Good work. But now it's time for the REAL challenge!"
Metal Man (GM): Smithy's entire body lights up. It's covered in Dark cubes.
Yurie: "Oh great..."
Razor: "..."
Deloth: "Just peachy."
Aribar: "Eeep..."
Metal Man (GM): He becomes enrobed in darkness.
Metal Man: "I've almost fixed it! Just somehow preoccupy him!"
Yurie: "... light him up!!"
Aribar raises his sword towards Metal now... A green glow heads towards him to at least protect him from this spell a little bit. "Can't let you die while you're fixing that... Eldalie Kulggen (Elven Protection)!"
Garrick runs straight at the wall, growling as his speed makes him blur slightly. He sweats from the heat of his charged buster, the cannon vibrating from the energy stored up into it. He runs straight UP the wall and flips backwards, bringing his buster to bear on the guy and unloading a massive charged shot at him. "Easy for you to say!"
Metal Man (GM): The shot hits him... then warps somewhere.
Locos Docos watches by his nanocamera technology. and gives a stern look. He cannot believe that the confrontation has finally arrived... yet is relieved to know that this war will come to an end soon.
Dex: "He has surrounded himself with a portal to the X-zone!"
Yurie: "..."
Garrick: "And what the hell is the X-zone?"
Yurie reaches into her pocket and pulls out the Mysterious Dark Cube.
Deloth: "I hate portal shields!"
Razor's blades begin to charge with energy again. " do we get through that!?!"
Yurie: "Something I'm about to break..."
Garrick: "...Yurie, don't you even think about it!"
Deloth steps away from Yurie a bit.
Aribar: "Eeeeep..."
Smithy: "Break a cube? Only an idiot who used a cube while being attacked would let that happen! I am indestructible!"
Yurie whips the cube upwards into the air, sheathes her sword and draws the scabbard and blade off of her belt, spins, then SLAPS the cube right at Smithy.
Deloth: "Yurie, no!"
Razor: o.O
Metal Man (GM): There is a dark laugh from a corner of the room.
Deloth: "Too late."
Metal Man (GM): The cube hits the darkness, turns while, and then releases a WAVE of energy that knocks everyone over.
Yurie: "Gahhhhhh!!!" *He is thrown backwards, rolling slightly and landing against the wall.*
Garrick: "Whooooaaa!"
Deloth gets slammed and falls to the floor, twitching a bit. "Uhhhh..."
Metal Man (GM): The darkness around Smithy dissipates... leaving Smithy on the floor, stripped to the frame and a few bits of his original form.
Aribar: "Gak!"
Razor drops to a knee and slides back. "Whoa..."
Deloth slowly gets up, hoping there wasn't a side effect.
Smithy: "...No... it can't be... you are using the dark lord's powers!"
Deloth: "What a bang..."
Smithy: "...You've doomed us all to the slagheap!"
Aribar is on the floor with @_@ eyes... Still awake but just dazed.
Razor: "...say what?"
Garrick growls as he gets to his feet too "Oh, shut UP!" *vuuuuUUUUUUUUU BAM!*
Metal Man: "Speaking of that... your warranty just expired!" *Opens fire on Smithy with the Deathmachine.*
Metal Man (GM): A HUGE blue laser hits and eradicates both Smithy and a large side of the tower.
Razor: O.o
Deloth staggers a bit. "C'mon Ari... get up..." *He pulls Ari to his feet slowly.*
Locos Docos: "...Nooo. It... it can't be."
Garrick: "...Metal, what the hell just happened?"
Locos Docos: "...He was quickly."
Metal Man: "I just finished him."
Aribar accepts Deloth's help and attempts to pick up his sword before looking at Metal. "... W-w-what WAS that?"
Metal Man: "...There's a bit of a problem, though."
Deloth: "And... uhhn... Yurie almost finished us..."
Garrick: "And that is?"
Deloth leans against a wall while listening to Metal.
Aribar: "... Eh?"
Metal Man: "Smithy's AI has infected his doomsday device."
Razor: "..."
Metal Man: "It is set to warp everything into the X-zone, rather than just us and all of his enemies."
Garrick: "...and that means..."
Locos Docos: "HAHAHAHAAAAA! So he has the last laugh after all. That good ol' kaji... doh?"
Deloth: "So, we're all gonna die."
Aribar: "... Isn't his doomsday device Exor basically?"
Metal Man: "Well, his device is located inside this place. A few floors down."
Razor: "...then I say we nuke this place before that can happen!"
Metal Man: "We have no time. We just have to go down one story and attack the machine. It should be easy..."
Garrick: "Pfft, yeah right. Come on."
Aribar: "Okay... But I'm being in the back of the group!"
Deloth nods and starts walking down the stairs weakly.
Garrick heads out toward the machines.
Metal Man: "The Deathmachine doesn't have enough power right now to destroy Exor or the machine."
Razor: " should be, chances are it won't be. Let's go!" He flies on down.
Metal Man follows.
Metal Man (GM): The group reaches a large, perfectly spherical room.
Deloth reeeeally hopes being battered is the only thing that happened from Yurie's little cube stunt...
Metal Man (GM): In the center is a large, silver orb. It has electricity conducting from it to the walls.
Razor: "Is that it?"
Deloth: "Looks easy enough, but with Smithy, you never know."
Metal Man: "Yes. It's only starting. If it was ready, this entire room would be full of electricity."
Deloth casts DC on himself.
Aribar: "Hrm..."
Locos Docos: "...I hope for all our sakes they do this successfully. Who knows what can happen when an X-Zone sending portal touches a barrier that sends things to the X-Zone..."
Razor: "Well... then shall I blow it to bits?" His blades are holding a charge of energy.
Metal Man: "There lies the problem."
Aribar: "Uuuh... I guess so..." *Casts another Elven Protection on himself.*
Metal Man: "That orb is a portal to the X-zone. So, just like Smithy, it would eat the energy."
Razor: "..."
Garrick: "...anybody have another Darkness cube?"
Deloth: "So how do we blow it up?"
Metal Man pulls out a large, bronze cube. "It should be as easy as tossing this into it..."
Deloth: "Ooh, whuzzat cube?"
Metal Man: "A larger version of the cube Yurie used."
Aribar: "... Uhhhh..."
Deloth: "So we get another blast to the gut?"
Metal Man throws it at the machine. It is eaten. The machine shoots out sparks... and the room shakes... but it's still going. "...This can't be!"
Razor: "...uhoh..."
Metal Man: "What has stopped the disabling effect? It's actually become stronger!"
Deloth: "Smithy's AI?"
Aribar: "... Should I be saying, 'Piffle' now? ..." *Walks over and smacks Metal.*
Razor: "...I'd be saying a lot more than Piffle..."
Metal Man (GM): The orb grows larger. There's a face in it.
Deloth: "Would now be a good time to run?"
???: "You cannot dare destroy Exor this way. It is too glorious to be destroyed so easily!"
Garrick: "...uh... actually... we do?"
???: "You have doomed us all."
Deloth switches back to his katana.
Aribar: "... Goodie... Who are you?"
Deloth: "Blame Yurie."
???: "If this is destroyed, the dark ones will escape. Do not question me, for I am both Metal Sonic and Smithy."
Aribar: "Dark ones? Ooooh... Piffle."
Locos Docos: "...This new one lies. I can just feel it in my epologimus."
???: "This machine will destroy the world if it is allowed to run. But if you destroy it, the dark ones will escape. You have no choice... ha ha ha ha ha ha..."
Deloth: "So what are we supposed to do?"
???: "Good bye, fools. For your actions, we are all destroyed."
Aribar blinks...
Metal Man (GM): The orb goes back to normal, and continues growing. There's a machine... and then there's the dexes.
Aribar: "... Should I Haywire it?"
Metal Man: "Go ahead."
Deloth: "No, don't."
Razor: "..."
Metal Man (GM): It's problem solving time.
Deloth scans the orb with his Dex.
Dex: "Portal to the X-Zone. It does what it says. It is going to go critical in a matter of minutes."
Aribar: "Maybe we have to do something in the X-Zone?"
Garrick: "...Metal, you said there's a portal to the X-Zone, what IS the X-Zone? Null space?"
Yurie: "Nothingness."
Deloth is quite frantic.
Yurie: "...Dex, how do we deactivate the portal?"
Garrick: "The ideal solution would be to send the entire place into the X-Zone, but seeing as how we can't do that..."
Dex: "You must either clog it or cause it to hit another portal..."
Yurie: "Clog it with WHAT?"
Aribar: "... Didn't Locos have an X-Zone portal?"
Dex: "But a machine is blocking such methods. The machine is within the X-Zone now."
Yurie: "...Razor, Ari, take care of the machine..."
Dex: "Those who enter that zone never return."
Razor: "..."
Aribar: "What are you talking about, Yurie?"
Locos Docos: "...Then there's no hope. Smithy has indeed destroyed us all."
Garrick: ", your saying that there's a machine in the X-Zone right now, blocking the way to clog the orb?"
Dex: "Yes... it is widening the portal."
Deloth: "Anything else we can do?"
Yurie: "..."
Garrick: "Can you tell us what this machine is?"
Dex: "That machine is responsible... It's powered by the Master Emerald. Robotnik's machine."
Yurie: "...I'm assuming we can't hit the machine from outside the portal..."
Dex: "The accuracy would be too low to hit it in time."
Garrick: "...and what if we hit it from INSIDE the portal?"
Deloth: "What if we can smash the Emerald?"
Yurie: "...sorry guys... but I'm afraid this is goodbye..."
Razor: "...!"
Yurie sheathes her sword, then crouches and DASHES towards the portal, before leaping through.
Dex: "You would be trapped inside the portal."
Aribar: "... Eh? You're going in the--Wait!!"
Deloth: "We must go..."
Razor: "No!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie hits the portal. She disappears. Yurie appears in some sort of chaotic world. There's a machine holding the master Emerald.
Garrick: "...we've got to get outta here. Yurie knows what she's doing."
Metal Man (GM): ...She can see the shadows of those on the other side here.
Yurie floats down and lands on... something...
Razor stands there, shaking his head slowly.
Metal Man (GM): There's also see something weird... Locos's portal.
Deloth: "We can't leave Yurie behind in the X-Zone!"
Yurie: "... alright then..." *He draws her sword, advancing towards the machine.*
Metal Man (GM): Time and space are broken here.
Deloth: "You guys go. I'm portal-hopping."
Razor: "...Deloth."
Aribar: "But... I don't want to never see this world again!"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie can feel the ground from the light world.
Razor: "Stay here."
Deloth: "I said go."
Metal Man (GM): Yurie gets to the Emerald. It's conducting electricity.
Yurie: "Guys, don't get all martyrish on me. You get out of the blast zone."
Metal Man (GM): ...There's the ghostly form of Metal Sonic on it.
Yurie smirks faintly at the ghostly image.
Razor: "No... nobody's going through that portal... get the hell out of here Deloth, or I'll drag you out."
Metal Man (GM): Those outside hear an inverse version of Yurie's voice from the portal.
Garrick: "Deloth, you've been a crappy smasher from the start of all this. You're not going in there. Yur can handle this."
Locos Docos spends his final moments reading the third part of the first 1/8th of History of War and Peace: Vol II.
Metal Man: "Yes... we must flee. The MTA's are at the top of the tower." *He leads the way.*
Aribar: "... " *The elf sheaths his sword and exits to room. . He begins down the steps towards his MTA.*
Deloth shakes his head.
Metal Man: "We'll have to deal with freeing Yurie later."
Deloth: "Yur, I'm sorry..."
Metal Man: "It isn't impossible... but it would also release bad people."
Garrick: "Nothing we can't handle. Let's go."
Deloth starts walking with the others.
Yurie: "Alright then... if you insist on trying to stop me, I'll show you what I've been holding back for all this time..."
Garrick heads along as well.
Yurie draws her sword, sweeping it up into salute...
Metal Sonic: "Do you realize what you have done?"
Yurie: "..."
Metal Sonic: "We have finally won!"
Razor stays back for a moment. "We'll get you out of there, Yurie... no matter what it takes..." He draws in a deep breath and closes his eyes before flying away to catch up with the others.
Metal Sonic: "They will stupidly free you. Then, the others who can't go between zones like me will be free. The world... will be consumed by chaos!"
Yurie: "Yeah yeah. Not if I no longer exist. I'm going down, and I'm taking you and this machine with me."
Deloth blasts off in his MTA sadly.
Metal Sonic: "Alas... access to death here is also cut off. It is limbo. You will never age."
Yurie: "Who said anything about dying?"
Metal Sonic: "...?"
Deloth: "Yur, we WILL get you out, no matter what it takes, even if I have to go in..."
Yurie smiles slightly more, then begins to glow slightly.
Aribar heads into his own MTA once reaching the bottom. He rubs a tear from his cheek while heading back to the stadium...
Metal Sonic: "Bring it on."
Metal Man (GM): His body reveals his core, which begins charging a huge amount of energy. As the others leave Exor, they see the towering sword begins to collapse on itself.
Razor stands at the top for a bit, eyes closed. His long brown hair flies up a bit in the wind as he clenches his fists. He seems to be muttering something quietly before he turns, gets in his MTA, and flies off.
Yurie: "In the name of Heaven, I invoke my soul. In the name of Earth, I invoke my Body. I dedicate both to those powers which has made me, and shall receive me when I pass on..." *Her body glows brighter as her sword shatters, the blade glittering about her.*
Metal Sonic: "I summon the powers of the Underworld, Machines, Technology, and the Emeralds to eliminate these cursed organic beings from the face of the X-Zone and all other zones. In the name of death, I summon the ultimate energy to grant the time required to complete my existence."
Metal Man (GM): Exor disappears into the portal.
Yurie: "I call now the blade which can slay all, be they God, Devil, Man or machine. I call forth all of the world to bear witness to this sacrifice!"
Metal Man (GM): The portal has stopped still.
Yurie grits her teeth, light shining brightly as she raises both hands above her head, a beam of light streaking downwards from nothingness, becoming a gigantic, diamond-shaped blade.
Metal Man (GM): The ruins of the destroyed part of Toad Town fly up and are sucked into it. The overcast clouds around Toad Town is also sucked in.
Deloth turns around and notices that the portal has stopped moving.
Aribar turns on his MTA's thrusters to attempt to escape the pull of the portal.
Metal Man (GM): Aribar escapes the pull... barely.
Yurie brings the blade back... then downwards, slashing down vertically at the machine... and the emerald.
Metal Man (GM): The blade hits a solid barrier of blue. The two opposites clash, making a loud CRACK noise. This is heard throughout Nintendus. Then... the blue barrier cracks and falls away like glass.
Deloth: "Aichh! What was that?"
Locos Docos: "Oooowww... that hurt the ears."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic's shadow disappears, and the emerald explodes.
Yurie grits her teeth, the blade spray gold and blue lightning about her as she brings the sword downwards.
Razor: "...she did it..."
Metal Man (GM): The portal has now gone completely unstable.
Yurie: *Master Meteor Finale: Legacy of Excalibur.*
Deloth: "What the..."
Metal Man (GM): A white FLASH can now be seen. Locos's X-Zone field ceases to operate.
Yurie: "..."
Deloth covers his eyes.
Locos Docos glances from time to time.
Razor shields his eyes... his MTA doing the same.
Locos Docos: "...What!?"
Metal Man (GM): Yurie and the remains of the emerald appears on the ground. ...Metal Sonic still there, looking at her.
Aribar rerouts all power to his thrusters and doesn't even glance back... He just keeps flying away from it.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic starts clapping.
Locos Docos angerily growls.
Yurie lands with a thud, unconscious, her hair fluttering about her... both of her hands are still glowing..
Metal Sonic: "Good work. You've just temporarily completely sealed the X-zone."
Deloth turns around again and gasps.
Metal Sonic: "You've freed yourself and the emerald in the process."
Locos Docos throws down his book. He closely observes the cameras.
Deloth: "Guys, Yurie's out!"
Metal Sonic: "It has been in vain... for I still exist. And what I represent... will consume this planet."
Metal Man (GM): He starts walking towards HQ.
Metal Sonic: "I shall destroy everything myself!"
Locos Docos: "!?"
Yurie: "..."
Deloth blasts backwards in full reverse to get Yurie.
Yurie one eye slowly opens... the other doesn't though...
Metal Man (GM): His right hand crackles with electricity.
Locos Docos: "...METAL SONIC's BEEN AWAKENED!?!?"
Yurie: ""
Metal Man (GM): He laughs, then makes a hideous screech, and all glass windows within 1 miles EXPLODE.
Yurie slowly stumbles to her feet... then gets knocked down.
Locos Docos pounds his fist very hard.
Yurie: "Nnngh..."
Metal Sonic: "Worthless mortals. I shall rule Nintendus with my iron fist, after blasting it to smithereens."
Deloth lands and runs over to Yurie.
Yurie: "No... you... won't..."
Metal Sonic: "Unlike humans, I have no mercy. I have no greed. I have no foolish feelings of right and wrong."
Razor blinks a few times. His MTA tilts forward and down, and he dives straight down in the direction of Metal Sonic and Yurie.
Yurie slowly climbs back to her feet...
Metal Sonic: "I am perfect."
Metal Man (GM): He continues towards headquarters. Mewtwo appears in his path.
Locos Docos: "And unlike others, I just want to be left alone."
Deloth Cures Yurie.
Metal Sonic: "Get out of the way. Before I destroy you."
Aribar looks back and sees the other MTAs heading towards Yurie... He begins back that way as well.
Mewtwo: "You cannot truly believe you are unstoppable. I shall destroy you myself!"
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo fires a hail of Shadow Balls into Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic is blasted into bits.
Yurie: "..."
Metal Man (GM): ...The bits melt into silver and reform into Metal Sonic.
Deloth: "Are you okay? We heard the blast..."
Yurie: "...It's... not over..yet..." *He looks down at the ground, one eye tightly closed.* "... I sealed the rift... but I conjured forth something even worse..."
Metal Sonic: "...Get out of my way, inferior being."
Yurie: "..."
Razor drops down to the ground behind Mewtwo, the cockpit of his MTA opening up. He drops out of it and pulls out his blades.
Metal Man (GM): He picks up Mewtwo and tosses him into the ground like a ragdoll.
Mewtwo: "URGH!"
Yurie looks down at the shards, then reaches down, the shards floating up slowly.
Metal Sonic: "What do you want?"
Metal Man (GM): He points at Razor.
Deloth looks at the shards starting to float and backs away from Yurie a bit.
Yurie: "...guys... take the shards... they still have the power of the Master Emerald... they should have enough power... to destroy him."
Locos Docos: "What a performance."
Metal Sonic: "I'm not going to stop just because you have a few pathetic pointy weapons. Magic is futile to stop me. And unless you summon Sonic, you are truly doomed. Even then... I could defeat him."
Razor: "...perhaps it is..." He lets out a soft chuckle.
Deloth walks forward and takes one of the shards.
Aribar stops in front of Metal Sonic and gets out of his MTA. "Goodie... A metallic fiend..."
Metal Sonic: "You defy logic. You must be destroyed."
Razor slowly raises an eyebrow.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic goes towards Razor, and begins charging up energy.
Metal Sonic: "Any... last words?"
Aribar attempts to stop Metal Sonic with... A Haywire.
Metal Man (GM): The haywire hits Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: "What is this? Some more of that magic your friend was trying on me?"
Deloth looks at the shard and wields it.
Metal Man (GM): His hand explodes.
Metal Sonic: "Your carnival tricks are useless... against me."
Deloth: "Emerald, give me power..."
Metal Man (GM): He shoots a few sparks, wincing slightly. Deloth is filled with energy. Metal Sonic spins around towards Deloth.
Aribar: "Oh? So you want a taste of my ultimate arcane spell?"
Metal Sonic: "Halt!"
Deloth: "Hiya, tin man."
Metal Sonic: "You don't know what you're doing!"
Razor flaps his wings a few times and pushes off the ground.
Metal Sonic: "Don't force me to replicate... Drop that shard."
Deloth: "Never."
Metal Man (GM): He seems obsessed with the emerald.
Metal Sonic: "If you think you're so powerful, just try to hit me."
Razor: "Oh? I thought you said that magic couldn't affect you, hmm?"
Metal Sonic: "I am powered by the emeralds. They are the magic that makes me immune to all other magic."
Deloth: "If you want it so bad, come and get it."
Metal Sonic: "Only an experienced wielder could damage me with it, fool."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic walks towards Deloth.
MEtal Sonic: "I shall pry it from your cold, dead hands."
Metal Man (GM): He reaches Deloth, and reaches, although slowly, for the Emerald.
Razor smirks. "Destroy it..."
Deloth jumps behind Metal Sonic and hits him with a slash from his katana.
Locos Docos: "...And here... is where it gets rrrreeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyy llllllllllllooooonnnnng."
Metal Man (GM): Deloth slices him in two. He melts back together, and smirks.
Metal Sonic: "You need decades of knowledge to hurt me at all. Only I know that you are not experienced enough with the emerald to harm me."
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic is hit in the back of the head with something.
Deloth: "Guys, grab those shards."
Aribar holds the Mage Masher into the air and begins concentrating all of his arcane energies into the blade... The sky would begin to cloud up as electricity lances about--mainly at his own sword. The wizard shoots the energy into the sky where two pure-white beams of electrical energy are shot at Metal Sonic and are soon followed by a crack of thunder. "Yah ghil ussta ul'nusst! Untaramar-B'luthel! (Terrorbolt)"
Metal Sonic: "...Who did that?"
Razor raises an eyebrow before letting out a quick laugh.
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic turns around, and is blasted down by the lightning. He reforms... although kinda slowly.
Metal Sonic: "Do not test my limits!"
Metal Man (GM): He floats off the ground. Oak then... nonchalantly walks out with a bazooka.
Oak: "Hello, Aribar. You said I owed you a trillion coins? Why not just use this?"
Metal Man (GM): Oak gives Aribar... PSEUDO CUBE BAZOOKA.
Metal Sonic: "What perversion of technology is that? Surrender it now, before I destroy you!"
Aribar kneels down to the ground with his energy obviously sapped by that devastating spell... The elf is panting heavily as he looks up at Oak. "... I guess you're repay me with that... Sure..."
Metal Sonic: "You can't expect such levels of physics to work with magic!"
Razor: "Obviously he can... care to test your theory?"
Metal Man (GM): Metal Sonic starts running towards Aribar... kinda flying like a Jet engine.
Oak: "Shoot him now!"
Metal Man (GM): All Aribar has to do is press the large red button.
Aribar drops his sword and attempts to even -lift- the bazooka... He sees Metal Sonic coming at him and recklessly attempts to aim and fire it before his life is ended by that metallic god.
Razor: "Blast him, Ari!"
Metal Man (GM): *SHOO.* It fires a small orb of energy.
Deloth: *thinking.* "He's right. I'm not experienced enough to use the power. But I have to do something!"
Metal Man (GM): It lands in Metal Sonic's Jet-engine gut. Metal Sonic stops.
Metal Sonic: "...You call that a shot?"
Aribar: .oO(Damn that Oak... That thing is puny! ... Huh?)
Metal Man (GM): Then, he suddenly explodes. And is VAPORIZED.
Deloth: "Well, that worked nicely."
Oak: "Er-hem... it's a little slow on the reaction time."
Deloth hangs on to the shard, just in case.
Aribar blinks... And then blinks again. "... The apocalypse is here... One of Oak's inventions actually WORKED!"
Metal Man (GM): The sky is clear blue, and Toad Town seems to have been restored by the emerald.
Metal Man: "I can't believe it... the Deathmachine is obsolete!"
Razor: " damn!" He twirls his blades and sheaths them before dropping down to the ground.
Aribar blinks... And just passes out from all of these events...
Deloth walks over to the others. "Nice job."
Metal Man: "Well... I guess that's it..."
Deloth: "What about this?" *He holds up the emerald shard.*
Metal Man: "We need to put the emerald back together."
Razor: "...anyone have some duct tape?"
Metal Man: "Yeah..."
Deloth: "Or Krazy Glue?"
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo gets up.
Mewtwo: "I can't believe it... I missed it all."
Locos Docos is just ...speechless.
Mewtwo: "Wait... I forgot."
Metal Man (GM): Mewtwo pulls out a tape from nowhere.
Deloth: "What's that?"
Mewtwo: "Good thing they're still being filmed. Well, you know, your dexes filmed it all."
Razor: "...heh..."
Deloth: "You're right. This should make for some good footage."
Metal Man (GM): Toad comes over, with a bunch of other Toads.
Locos Docos: "...The Day Nintendus Revived."
Toad: "Toad Town has finally been fixed up. We can't think of how to thank you any other way than..."
Metal Man (GM): They point to the mountains, which have the faces of the Questers stuck in it.
Deloth: "Wow..."
Toad: "That. Mount Questmore."
Razor: o.O
Locos Docos begins to feel... sadness.
Metal Man (GM): Locos's face is also up there, even...
Toad: "Ehhh, we put the faces up before Locos went... Locos."
Locos Docos: "...My... ally... friends..." *He has a tear roll down his face...* "...I was... a Quester?...No ... a lie. The bounty hunters..."
Metal Man (GM): The maidens come out.
Locos Docos: "...First Julian..."
Zelda: "It appears you have saved the world yet again. Hyrule has been saved."
Deloth bows to the maidens.
Locos Docos: "...Then they got rid of my mentor... Lord Kajidoh..."
Zelda: "All of the monsters were sealed into the Dark World."
Razor slowly nods, his wings folding up nicely behind him.
Locos Docos: "...and even Metal Sonic... didn't even last 5 minutes..."
Metal Man (GM): Bowser and Mario come out.
Bowser: "Well, you know, I really should get back to what I do best..."
Metal Man (GM): Bowser snatches Zelda and runs off, Mario in pursuit.
Yurie: "..."
Deloth sighs.
Toad: *facepalm.*
Deloth: "Some things never change."
Razor: "...ooookay... guess it's life back to normal, eh?"
Locos Docos begins to mourn the losses of his comrades... for a while.
Deloth: "Not really."
Yurie sighs, laying there quietly, one eye still closed tight..
Dracula: "Someone built a casino over my house! What fiends!"
Deloth: "How are you doing, Yurie?"
Locos Docos: "...wait..."
Metal Man sighs and gets out the Star Board. He takes off after Bowser and Mario.
Locos Docos checks in for his servants.
Yurie: "Just... let me rest... I'm really, really tired..."
Locos Docos: "...Koopa? Are you still here?"
Razor smiles. "You've earned it."
Yurie: "...I need a vacation..."
Deloth puts the shard in his pack.
Locos Docos: "My machine mades are limited... and with Smithy gone, the Koopas are sure to have snapped out of his mind control..."
Koopa: "Not so, sir! I'd never desert you."
Aribar wakes up from his faint... And is probably deserted. "... Well... Maybe now I can get to work finding a way to go back home..." He starts towards the stadium's library now.
Koopa: "Machines are ill-fit to rule the world!"
Locos Docos: "...Koopa??"
Koopa: "You've been the first person who actually seemed to care..."
Locos Docos looks with a half-open mouth and looks at him, bewildered.
Deloth jumps and starts flying for HQ. It's been a long day...
Locos Docos: "But... you're no longer controlled."
Koopa: "Bowser was an idiot, Smithy was emotionless, and Metal Sonic was evil."
Locos Docos: "...Wait..."
Koopa: "Yeah... that's a little thing about it. Us high-ranking officers have our real minds."
Metal Man (GM): Locos notices the effects of Mega Mack start to wear off.
Locos Docos checks the various researchables like he did on Robotnik; to see various machine... factories... uhh... huh? "...I'm feeling woozy..."
Metal Man (GM): Smithy's machines went kaboom, but Locos has enough to fend for himself.
Koopa: "Oh... I should add that a lot of so-called 'evil' things have been disappearing... Though... I'm not sure if you're evil..."
Locos Docos: "...My feelings of wanting to be a military dictator is... wearing off. ...The withdrawal is gone."
Koopa: "We could always do good things?"
Locos Docos falls asleep for about 10 seconds, and reawakens. He looks lazily-eyed. "...Where the hell am I?"
Koopa: "Your personal doomship. Smithy and Metal Sonic are dead. And your army is waiting for your orders."
Locos Docos: "...uuuuuuhhhh... and who are you?"
Koopa: "I just like to be called Koopa."
Locos Docos: "...and why am I Here?"
Koopa: "You were under some sort of drugs."
Locos Docos: "...Uhh... worse."
Koopa: "We could always take you home."
Locos Docos: "Lunarian blood plus Earthly poison = military dictator ego trip. ...Ahhh what the hell."
Koopa: "...Good thing Robotnik and his Mega Mack were sent to the X Zone."
Locos Docos: "...and of Smithy?"
Koopa: "Smithy was killed."
Locos Docos: "...!" *He face lights up.* "WWWOOOO-HHHOOOO!!"
Koopa: "Oh... you also uncovered the entrance to the Shadow Temple while on that... trip..."
Locos Docos: "..." *He gets a severe chill down his spine.* "Uhh... so... Smithy's gone, Robotnik is in X-Zone for some reason... And the Heartless?"
Koopa: "Oh, yeah. Ganondorf and the Heartless... have disappeared."
Locos Docos: "...well... To say the truth, I was a secretly a spy for the Questers as acting like a spy for Smithy. I'm glad everything is back to normal."
Koopa: "I see."
Locos Docos gets his leg up on the seat. "Soooo... how much of an army do I have?"
Koopa: "1000 Eggrobos, near-infinite machine mades, a 20 foot tall robot... And a small quadrant of koopas."
Locos Docos: "...i thought you said the machine mades went kablooey. what happened?"
Koopa: "You have machines of your own in this doomship. They make machine-mades."

